The 2014/15 Season in context

It’s a little early to give up on Arsenal’s title chances, however slim

The 2014/15 Season in context

Will he prove the doubters wrong?

Hope everyone had a good summer. Here’s my first post this season, and I would like to use it as a bit of a ‘taking stock’ exercise, without necessarily trying to do any ‘summing up’ as the season has barely started, and surely, it is way too early to begin pre-judging the manager, team or even our opposition.

Last season began with a home defeat v Villa, and the knives were getting sharpened. We went on a rampage, beating the smaller teams in the league (a scheme that would have been good enough to win the title, if we had carried it through) and getting totally annihilated by our supposed title rivals. This season, we have started off by dropping points and struggling against the smaller teams; one can only hope that conversely, we then do better against the bigger teams and avoid those disgraceful maulings of last season.

There has been a whole lot of noise about the last minute purchase of Danny Welbeck, which I find a little odd. I’m sure that left to Wenger, he would have bought no one on Transfer Deadline Day, as he continued to tell everyone that we already have enough to do well this season. 10 years ago, we would all have believed him, as we knew what he was capable of. But after eight years of winning nothing, and especially, winning something last year after he managed to buy some players, you would have thought that simple logic was enough to make Wenger think differently this summer.

All that said, we were welcoming Mikael Silvestre in from Man Utd not too long ago, while selling our best players to Man Utd and Citeh; so, perhaps, for once, taking a fairly decent player off Utd is not such a bad thing. I for one, think Welbeck will do very well at Arsenal (and so would have the likes of Arshavin) if played in the correct position. We have players who can help him shine, and even with his low goal-scoring record at Man Utd, his average is still probably better than some of the alternatives we currently have. So, GOOD BUY!

To put this season in context: the pundits ended last season stating that Arsenal only needed two or three more players to be back challenging for the title, and after the Community Shield win against Citeh, Arsenal’s name seemed to return to the fray, when pundits spoke of title challengers in the Premiership. It has only taken three matches and the couple of struggles against Besiktas for everyone to get back to saying Arsenal are only good value for a top four finish (as if that isn’t already a given! Who else has done that for 17 consecutive seasons?).

Taking a realistic view of the team we have, and our defensive lapses, it would be extremely difficult to see how Arsenal would win the league this season, without even looking at the start made by the likes of Chelsea. As we all know ours is a long old season and the last few years with Citeh winning on the final day and Liverpool throwing it away last season goes to show that there is always a chance for a consistent team. The old, win one and lose one (to get the necessary kicking up the backside) with three points in the bag being better than drawing two and ending up with just two points seems quite appropriate for us right now, but I’m not sure anyone here would have been happy to see us lose to Leicester!

We have to hope Welbeck clicks into gear right away and proves the doubters wrong. Another trophy this season (either of the domestic cups) plus top four finish would be acceptable in my book. I will be at the E******s for the big match on 13 September; Come on you Gunners!!!!

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 10, 2014, 19:44 #57058

    BADSRSE, It's a place for BBQ's alright, along with the best boating and fishing in Europe, we could all chip in and hire a boat or borrow one a lot of friends have them(no licence required)and stop of at one of the numerous deserted islands and light the coals, get pissed, streak, skinny dip (it's all been done)or what ever takes your fancy and we'll never be seen or heard. Westie you'll never get tired fishing over here, but if your like myself and have given up the above shenanigans and don't trust BADARSES cooking you could head to Down Royal which is only an hour up the road or the many local point to points that are even accessible by boat( no helicopter needed)and you can pick us up later, that's if there's any of us there, having fallen out and beaten the crap out of each other and thrown each other into Lough Erne and drowned.

  2. Westlower

    Sep 10, 2014, 17:09 #57047

    Just been announced that Sami Khedira has had surgery on his troublesome knee. Maybe this was the reason he never left RM?

  3. GBP

    Sep 10, 2014, 16:58 #57044

    Westie - ha. In all fairness you would make OG look all rigored up! Lets be honest here!Fetch your boots chappie!

  4. Westlower

    Sep 10, 2014, 16:31 #57041

    @Maguiresbridge, Thanks to you everybody who uses this site is becoming familiar with Maguiresbridge. Intrigued to find out more I googled Maguiresbridge to find that it's a small village not unlike where I live in Cambridgeshire. Being a fisherman I would quite happily spend a few hours casting my line in the River Colebrooke. Only obvious drawback is the absence of a greyhound track - you've got the edge there Kilkenny cat. Dunmore & Derry being favourites of mine back in my youth. Some very fast dogs came out of Dunmore to land some hefty gambles in England back in the 70's. Speaking of fast, Chuba Akpom has broken the 10 metre sprint record at London Colney. Yet another speedy Arsenal forward coming through the ranks. Alongside Theo, Welbeck & Alexis they'll make Giroud look as though he's got riga mortice. I googled 'riga mortice' to check if I spelt it right and it came up with 'riga mortice, is it possible for a man to stay erect after he dies?' What sort of world are we living in? Sex after death looks a possibilty? Die with a smile!


    Sep 10, 2014, 13:55 #57006

    I know where maguiresbridge is, it's quite nice, and a place to have virtual BBQ's, trust me. As a chap with a pint or so of Irish blood in my veins I can have a say. 'Danny Boy', takes me back. In the early to mid-fifties in poor and destitute London, that was a nailed on song. The adults would go to pubs naturally, though my two parents hardly drank throughout their lives, but the action was when someone had a 'ding dong', at their house or flat. I remember some of those as a child. They were fantastically vibrant occasions to little me. Many Irish people lived in SE London where I spent some early informative years, some were our friends. At every gathering an Irish lad late on in the evening would, after a few promptings stand up, but only just. Accompaniment would come from a straight back piano standing against the wall. The room was a fog of tobacco smoke, brown beer bottles everywhere, cackling from some women, laughter, paste or Spam sandwiches, the occasional rough and tumble, or confrontation, took place, but a great event. The chap, perhaps hitching his braces straight, a piece of white shirt hanging from the waistband of his grey baggy trousers, his vest visible at the neck, dabbing at a sweat-soaked forehead with a white hankie would prepare. It was an interesting observation that this particular song called for a ritual. The chap would drain his glass, sometimes I no doubt sat with mouth agape as this huge slug of dark liquid just disappeared into this small man. Then he would begin to sing. This may have been my first recognition of goose bumps. No one spoke, they just listened. When the lad finished many women had tears in their eyes. Most men wanted to clap the chap on the back, and a beer was quickly poured for him, which he invariably downed again. Some ritual! I knew I had witnessed something good, good for people, irrespective of the standard of the voice, it somehow made me feel good. It still does.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 10, 2014, 13:39 #57004

    Kilkenny cat, i'm one of those alright, but don't confuse even more.


    Sep 10, 2014, 13:31 #57002

    Well Bard I have been out and about but saw your post. I don't think you are a particularly unkind man, but your post was just a snide, character assassination job. Not meant to be amusing or light, just to try to poke with a sharp stick. Based on a few daft posts you manage to derive the essence of who I am, or what I am as a person. That is incredible. You did temper your diatribe by saying it only creates an impression, rather than I am, 'dishonest and unknowing.' Have you ever considered applying for a job in the thought police? Become a hanging judge? Seriously, that attack was unprovoked unless you were stirred into action by my teasing comment about the butterflies wings. Come on fella, that is kindergarten stuff. I haven't resorted to a personal attack on yourself, that would be far too cowardly. Though your post tacitly speaks volumes of your outlook. I would prefer to think that despite your opinion of me being quite low, you didn't realise how wicked that spiteful and unwarranted post was. No personal attacks please. Just be guided by the confines of, 'would he be offended by this'. No nastiness directed back at you, please note. As for my humour, sometimes a little acerbic perhaps, but blame John Lennon for that.

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 10, 2014, 13:15 #57001

    Westlower, i like your style, something is certainly rubbing off on you and it's not just everything OGL does or says, and it's not GBP's map reading skills, but it's good to see it's a sense of humour.

  9. Nas

    Sep 10, 2014, 12:57 #57000

    The gripe is not that our team is hopeless or that welbeck isn't a decent striker. The problem is that with a couple more signings we will be real title contenders. Wenger always does just enough business to ensure that we can qualify for the champions league without having enough realistic hope of winning the league. For the past decade we have started every season being 'just one or two players shy of being title contenders'. I'd rather have a real go at the title and fall short than shoot myself in the foot before the season starts.

  10. Peter Wain

    Sep 10, 2014, 12:55 #56999

    We have no realistic chance of the championship due to a lack of holding midfield and defenders.

  11. Pete

    Sep 10, 2014, 12:50 #56998

    Stop all this tit for tatting and people getting offended at silly comments, you're acting like a room full of woopsies and school girls.If you're going to offend do it properly not half hearted.

  12. Tony Evans

    Sep 10, 2014, 12:33 #56997

    Good to hear from you Canada. As you say it is far too early to talk about titles, but if pushed I would say our lack of defensive cover and a decent holding player will scupper us. I am certain Welbeck was not even on OGLs radar but who cares as I think we have got a decent player (and from Man U ha ha) who should do well for us. Top concern for me is that the clueless one will continue with his pet project - Sanogoal - and play Welbeck out wide. Hope not as I think, played centrally, he could be a revelation. OK he is no Henry but we all have to get used to the fact that it is very much after the Lord Mayors Show as far as Wenger is concerned.

  13. jeff wright

    Sep 10, 2014, 11:59 #56996

    MG, the AKB's do not like having facts put forth that they can't dispute and always turn to abuse when faced with realty. Sad really but that's the way that playground bullies act.

  14. GBP

    Sep 10, 2014, 11:30 #56995

    Good old Maguiresbridge. Keep trying chap. But much harder! If it helps, you perhaps need to try dropping a few of your 'Messiahs' and the 'OGLs' and not frame your barbs in quite such an idolatry fashion.You might score a few points then. You're right though. Not a clue what Maguiresbridge is. Thought it was your surmame. No fear though, Westie s checked it out you might have noticed and he seems spot on with his Ordnance survey and planetary work.

  15. kilkenny cat

    Sep 10, 2014, 10:49 #56994

    Stand your ground Maguiresbridge. Like a true Fermanagh man.

  16. Westlower

    Sep 10, 2014, 10:42 #56993

    As Arsenal will provide the nucleus of the England team for many years to come is it logical that Roy Hodgson is the man to replace AW? I would imagine Roy & his assistants will be keenly watching every Arsenal game from here onwards.

  17. Why have we only got 6 defenders (and maybe one OAP)?

    Sep 10, 2014, 9:02 #56992

    maguiresbridge- I did wonder why BADARSE didn't go into his usual full politically correct overdrive mode and defend your honour re the Irish barbs from his pupil GBP in the same way he defended the non-existent Germans and Argentinians on here from jeff wright's non-existent slurs. C'est la vie I guess, as the cheese-eating surrender monkeys say.

  18. Westlower

    Sep 10, 2014, 8:18 #56991

    @Maguiresbridge, I need your help as I've been out and bought the Atlas of the Moon & I can't find Maguiresbridge anywhere. All I have discovered is that Maguiresbridge is twinned with Moansville. I found some craters near Moansville & a disbanded Guinness factory but no Maguiresbridge. I haven't wasted my time looking at the atlas pages for the light side of the moon as I know from your comments that you don't live there. Maybe your neighbour Hiccup can tell me where you can be found. What are the odds on me not being able to find where you both live? The informative hourly odds update will be due in a few minutes so maybe I'll be wiser then? If not the charming Jeff Wright will know, as there's nothing Jeff doesn't know about. There's no moon flys on Jeff?

  19. Mathew

    Sep 10, 2014, 5:14 #56990

    Good article CanadaGooner, but looks like you too are resigned for a 4th place this year. I am not sure the hunger for winning the title does exist, atleast the Board doesn't have it for sure. Jeff had a valid comment, points are what it takes by the end of the day. Chelsea are off to a flying start, City have shown solidity as well, hopefully the new signings will rub off their charisma on our team too. I still presume goals are what we need, meagre 1-0 wins aren't going to win us the title (slightly contradictory to my previous point) as we need teams to be scared to play against Arsenal. Everton were never a good opposition against us, although they play really good football, but now they too can win or draw against us. Bottom-line is we aren't reading the oppositions well, inept tactics, players in wrong positions etc are pulling us back. Above all, when we fail to recruit required (and proven) players, we expose our U-21s for the sake of completing a team. Money has changed the PL in last 10 years, whether its good or bad for the game, but Wenger seems to be still digging for diamonds. COYG

  20. DW Thomas

    Sep 10, 2014, 0:36 #56989

    I am picturing GBP, Baddie, Jamie, and Westie all sporting a single horn coming from the forehead chanting, "ooh wenga wenga wenga!" They dine on Bigfoot beef, drink Loch Ness wine, dance like happy Gremlins, and tell tall tales of their time with the Mothman! Just like those mythical beasts they babble and blubber about the greatest mythical beast hunter of all time. And like Ahab to his white whale, Arsa Wenga will not stop until his 4th place cup his found. Through unforgiving jungles, scorching deserts, and across soul searching seas...he looks for the cup, never satisfied always alert. On white unicorns the 4 horsemen, Wenger's first mates, Westie, Baddie, Jamie, GBPdee, ride to his aid! No Mourinho with snake swirling locks or Martinez with 7 heads full of razor teeth can stop their quest! Ballyhoo they cry! Armored with youth, a new Wellbeck, a German trio, Wil, some French kisses, and a Sanogo, he will fight the good fight! He needs no approval from the masses for he knows his way is the right way! It has always worked! 4th! We have won! ...oh wait a second...

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 09, 2014, 23:43 #56988

    jw, a nod of approval, funny how arsene's little lap dog GBP is ignoring these posts, I suppose their just eating him up too much. He doesn't like the name Danny boy does he? (he's certainly listening to something) now maybe if it had been arsene's boy it would have been different he'd have loved it,or maybe it's an Irish thing, i doubt if he ever heard of maguiresbridge until he came on here and read it been discussed by some of us, and then went out and bought an atlas (he's an expert at geography now) abusive? to some maybe it's what usually happens when an AKB becomes rattled with nothing left to say but not me I've got a sense of humour, anyway he should check if his great great granda ever had an Irish setter then he'd be Irish himself.

  22. Bard

    Sep 09, 2014, 22:16 #56985

    Baddie; I feel your pain. you try so hard to rise above the maelstrom and maintain an equilibrium but you can't resist dipping into the s**t. Try as you might you are fundamentally for hanging and executions metaphorically speaking. In the end Baddie you have to be true to yourself wherever that takes you. Thats why I love Pete or Jamie/ Jeff W. They make no apologies for their views. You're so obviously trying to sit between two camps, being funny and above it all. But in the end all it does is create the impression that you are dishonest and unknowing. I can see why Wenger appeals to you so much.


    Sep 09, 2014, 21:03 #56984

    Thanks CanadaGooner, nice to hear from you again, and, dare I say it, a slightly more positive and upbeat CanadaGooner, more so than the sombre lad who used to post on here. It would be nice to have you back, but I am sure if you did you would soon find yourself sitting cross-legged in a group with Dark Moanies-and let's be honest there is only so much enjoyment to be gained from pulling the wings off butterflies.

  24. CT Gooner

    Sep 09, 2014, 20:34 #56983

    Pete & GBP: Your name isn't Arsene Wenger, so please don't feel you have to defend every decision he makes. I get you don't like him bad mouthed, but pick your battles. I think Jeff was really asking "why hasn't AW talked about the signing of Wellbeck, or about how well he'll fit into the system?" You guys see the glass half full, great, me though, I just hope I'm not seeing another Arshavin/Ozil type experiment....

  25. BiggoonerDave

    Sep 09, 2014, 20:02 #56982

    I,m splitting hairs,but why is the Wellsmter wearing a NIke kit!!!!!!!! He will be a success,at least put him in Puma !!!!!

  26. Bard

    Sep 09, 2014, 19:23 #56981

    Pete,Jamie or whoever, youre back with more penetrating insights. Ive missed them. This site needs your kind of reflective thinking. Theres too much tolerance of opposing views. Im with you. Anyone not getting right behind the lads needs to f... off down the Lane.

  27. GBP

    Sep 09, 2014, 19:23 #56980

    Not abusive at all Jeff. Just a tiny touch irritated by being classed as a clothhead (along with the few others of my view) on here merely for seeing no case for wanting our Coach sacked. so when the need arises to push back the ridicule i hope you dont mind it being reciprocated with interest. And no, cant find a word from Wenger on Wellbeck, but then the fact we ve signed him does for me. Wenger needn't say a word for me.

  28. Pete

    Sep 09, 2014, 18:51 #56979

    Why don't any of you 'dark moonies'say anything different it's the same tired old clap trap every time.Last season began with a home defeat v Villa(yup)There has been a whole lot of noise about the last minute purchase of Danny Welbeck(yup)taking a fairly decent player off Utd is not such a bad thing.(yup) I for one, think Welbeck will do very well at Arsenal (I bet you like the rest, have only had this view from last night)We have to hope Welbeck clicks into gear right away and proves the doubters wrong.(which gear would that be reverse) plus top four finish would be acceptable in my book.(That won't go down well with your pals)

  29. Hiccup

    Sep 09, 2014, 18:44 #56978

    I'm waiting for the latest odds to be published on here before I give up on our chances of winning the league. They're usually posted every hour, but looks like there could be an industrial dispute holding things up. Last time I looked, the odds were bleak, so not looking good. I say let Liverpool have another good crack at it again and we can take solace in 4th.

  30. I Wish I Could Be Sid James Everyday

    Sep 09, 2014, 18:16 #56977

    @Pete, how on earth does one identify a "WOB"? Bumper sticker? Badge? Printed through a limited edition stick of rock, perhaps? I find it difficult because I can't comprehend that any common sense exists in an internal conflict characterised by polarised acronyms, but there you go. At least they're snappier these days - BBVPOWBDTNB (Bring Back Vlad Petrovic Or We Burn Down The North Bank) wasn't ever likely to catch on.

  31. Pete

    Sep 09, 2014, 17:55 #56975

    You quote//I’m not sure anyone here would have been happy to see us lose to Leicester!//There's many on here who wouldn't have been happy if we'd have beaten Leicester.They're called Wob's and a lot of them have been reversing down my road this morning.

  32. jeff wright

    Sep 09, 2014, 17:50 #56974

    GBP, tbh you yourself seem to be more abusive toward others than I am on here. My comments about Wenger's ones after he had signed Sanago can easily be googled and my interpretation of them was that he appeared to patting himself on the back after having got Sanago on a free . Have you any links to ones made by him about signing Welbeck ?

  33. GBP

    Sep 09, 2014, 16:32 #56973

    Jeff - Would you care to produce to us the quotes that Wenger made re Sanogo last year demonstrating his view of himself that he d been so 'clever'. I d be very interested to see them please. Can i just say that your apparent hatred of the man really does seem to be eating you up. Never mind though eh, you have your little nodding dog Maguiresbridge aping your words now even. 'Danny boy' indeed. Hes a clever little minah bird is Maguiresbridge isnt he? You're his new hero. He used to follow 'Ron' around like an obedient Irish Setter.

  34. jeff wright

    Sep 09, 2014, 16:01 #56972

    Hi Canada , I agree it's too early yet to write off our chances of Arsene finishing ahead of Jose ,there is a first time for everything! Regarding our start to the season compared to last year well we had 6 poinst on the board after 3 played ,this time it's 5,that's Wenger progress at work! One win and two draws are worse than one defeat and two wins. It's only points that count. After 4 games last term we had 9 points on the board ,even if we beat City,no certainty that, we will still be a point down and we have some tricky away games to come ,whereas last season we had an unusual run of easier fixtures, with 7 consecutive games against opponents who were outside the top 4 in the previous season. The good run we had against these sides,that prompted the 'we are going to win the title' claims was ended with a 1-0 defeat away to United,in a game that we were assured we would win by Wenger and co. So I think that caution is best advised this season , and while I am pleased about Welbeck having been signed,I'm stil not convinced that Wenger has it in him to take advantage of this stroke of good fortune. If he is jumping with joy about Danny boy then he is staying remarkably quiet about it. This is in contrast to when he signed Sanago last summer and went into one about how clever he had been doing that.

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 09, 2014, 15:24 #56970

    Canada, good to hear from you again, it's never to early to judge OGL mate, after all it's not to hard to do, we know what's coming he can be read like a book, we could even judge him on next season as we know what it'll/he'll be like. Yes Danny Boy is certainly better than nobody and not as bad as OGL has often lumbered us with, which makes you wonder had he anything to do with it at all. Not exactly world class but a good buy indeed,(he can't be any worse than we already have) which the majority on here agree with, and have stated although some seem to have missed. Hopefully he does click into gear right away it'll make a change from having to wait a year or two for him to find his feet and acclimatise, or come good.

  36. AMG

    Sep 09, 2014, 14:47 #56968

    Can't fault anything you've written Canada, although I'm not as happy with the 4th place model. How long will the best players hang around at a club who are happy to take 4th season on season - Not very long I suspect. Incremental improvements are all well and good, but top players don't buy into the jam tomorrow argument, when they've been fed it for the last 9 years. As fans we have our whole lives to support Arsenal, the players have just a few years to grab the honours they will dine off for the rest of their lives. How long does it take Wenger to replace our top players? I'm still waiting for adequate replacements for Vieira, RVP and Fabregas.

  37. Thank you very much for Danny Welbeck

    Sep 09, 2014, 14:14 #56964

    Thank you very much, thank you very, very much (to the tune of the Cadbury's Roses 'thank you very much' adverts.)

  38. TT

    Sep 09, 2014, 14:06 #56963

    Welbecks a good signing, we all saw what he can do in an England shirt last night. Pace to burn, work rate and contrary to belief he can finish. Now its all about consistency. 23 with a big point to prove and at Arsenal I firmly believe he will get his chance to play right through the middle. Lets hope he can quikcly build a relationship with the likes of Ozil, Ramsey, Sanchez and Cazorla and hit the ground running. But first and foremost the team have to start playing better, its been a pretty average start to the season so far and improvement is an absolute necessity ahead of City this weekend.

  39. allybear

    Sep 09, 2014, 14:04 #56962

    Welcome back CG&an enjoyable article. Thought Welbeck was good last night&I think he is a very good signing.Agree with KC re defence&midfield&hope there are no more embarrassing thrashings. What happens on the field is the managers fault as he picks the team.

  40. Bard

    Sep 09, 2014, 13:56 #56961

    Good to read you're still alive Canada. Don't disagree with most of what you've written and I am happy enough with the signing of Welbeck. I think he will do well. However you're central premise that Arsenal have any intention of trying to win the PL is wrong. It's steady as she goes, keep us on board, keeping the lie that we're a top club and busting a gut to win, keep raising the prices. What matters above all else is Arsenal PLC not Arsenal the football club.

  41. KC

    Sep 09, 2014, 13:45 #56959

    Good read - We will need to be better going forward but the defence, ball winning midfielder will stop us competing for the top spot. Just hope our passing game improves at a higher tempo so we can at least finish 3rd abnd that will be a good season league wise. Just sad our manager has left us short in key areas.

  42. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Sep 09, 2014, 13:23 #56958

    After three games, you can say for sure it's a little too early to write off the team. Yes, Chelsea put 6 past Everton, but everyone else (us included) seem to be scoring goals against them so far. But, two not-so-easy away games straight after CL qualification have been negotiated. We should have a more realistic sign of things to come around 2.40 on Saturday.

  43. CT Gooner

    Sep 09, 2014, 13:21 #56957

    I agree with what you say, but again it feels like we've not closed the gap on the opposition. Making small incremental progress to a better side is good, but our competition isn't standing still. My wish was for us to do better with the resources available to the club, instead we got just about the bare bones of what we needed....

  44. GBP

    Sep 09, 2014, 13:19 #56956

    Optimistic and realistic. Nice posting. CG - His scoring record at Utd is a little misleading i think. Hes only really been used as a wide player. For Eng hes more central and has scored 10 in 29 games. Very good lad i think and a smashing attitude it seems to his profession.