Can Danny Welbeck be a 25 goal a season man?

Here’s hoping…

Can Danny Welbeck be a 25 goal a season man?

Yesterday, there was an article on the site raising the question of whether or not the Arsenal management is really trying to win. Indeed, the listless and uninspired second half of the 2013-14 campaign did resemble the work of a club that's accepted a position just below the top. As a result, there are plenty of supporters fearing more of the same this time around. Naturally the summer signing of Alexis Sanchez was a step in the right direction. Also, coupled with a stronger year from Mesut Ozil and a healthy (we can hope, can't we?) year for Aaron Ramsey, things ought to be looking up. But truthfully, it's the more recent acquisition of Danny Welbeck that is most encouraging.

The Welbeck signing is meaningful not just because it puts another top-notch player in a Gunners uniform, but because it specifically addresses one of last spring's chief concerns: The team depended far too much on Olivier Giroud. If Arsenal get what they want out of Welbeck, despite not having addressed a lack of depth on the defence, the attack could be significantly better prepared to keep up with the Chelseas and Man Citys of the world. So now the question becomes: Can Welbeck become a 25-goal a season player for Arsenal?

If we were to ask his now former manager Louis Van Gaal (who's hardly been at Man U long enough to have made a proper judgment of his own), the answer would appear to be a fairly emphatic "no." Quoted in an article for BBC Sport, his outlook on selling Welbeck to Arsenal was puzzling, to say the least. Van Gaal stated that Welbeck's goal-scoring ability—29 goals in 142 appearances for Man U, though it's worth noting many of these appearances were as a substitute and/or playing wing positions—wasn't up to the standard of more experienced players like Wayne Rooney and Robin Van Persie. Van Gaal also stated that it's his mission at Old Trafford to promote young, local talent, which does make one wonder why Welbeck, who is just 23 years old, was let go in favour of Radamel Falcao. Of course, Falcao is the better talent at this stage, but Van Gaal's actions seem to directly contradict his stated philosophy.

Looking at Welbeck's goal-scoring rate is an interesting place to start, however, for Arsenal supporters looking to approve of the acquisition. And in particular, it's Welbeck's numbers for the English national team that offer some genuine encouragement. Recently, Betfair's EPL news section took a close look at Welbeck, specifically in the context of his time with England. And interestingly enough, the article showed that Welbeck actually has a better goal scoring rate than Daniel Sturridge or Rickier Lambert. Welbeck has scored in 36% of his national team appearances, which isn't half bad even if it's not up to the Rooney standard for international play.

Whether or not this sort of goal-scoring percentage ultimately translates to a 25-goal EPL campaign is difficult to say. Translated directly, the percentage falls short even of Giroud's 44% scoring rate last season (16 goals in 36 appearances, per the EPL site). But Welbeck will undoubtedly have more opportunity for the Gunners than anywhere he's played in the past, be it at Man U or for the national team. Also, we must remind ourselves, he's still only 23, with room to improve. And the latest example of his potential—a two-goal effort in England's victory over Switzerland—showed fine form heading into the season, and this weekend's Arsenal debut against Man City.

All things considered, expecting 25 goals from Welbeck seems optimistic, at least at this stage. If he remains with the club and reaches his potential, he could well become a 25-goal player and the true striker supporters have been waiting for. But in this first year, it seems more realistic to hope for something in the 15-20 goal range and an attack that's generally more well-rounded than last season. Additionally, it'd be wonderful to get 25 goals out of Welbeck, but this may still be a strong development. Decreased reliance on Giroud and a committee of talented attackers should make the attack more dynamic and more dangerous than it was in 2013-14.

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  1. Terry

    Sep 14, 2014, 13:44 #57245

    Sours like Finsbury joe,DW,Bard and jeff wright have no business commenting on Arsenal forums.

  2. jeff wright

    Sep 14, 2014, 11:54 #57239

    Similar game yesterday to last season's one both ended in a draw in which we dropped 2 points and City gained one toward their title win. It is still a case now of a draw being 2 points dropped by the home side when a game ends in a draw . If City beat us at Poundlands then City will have taken 4 points from us. That is the classic way to win titles you win at home and get at least a point away. At the moment Mourinho is ignoring this principle by winning home and away but it is unlikely that Chelsea will be able to maintain that ratio of success .Wenger is struggling as many of us predicted that he would do after seeing the opening fixtures compared with last term's ones over the same period.The problem is the tougher run of games only began yesterday and already it is deja vu last season against a top side. Initially most folk would have had Leicester and Villa down as being easier games away than say Chelsea,but Leicester proved to be anything but easy and Villa are not sticking to the script either. What is this nonsense with Senderos being made MOTM at Anfield,according to one report he was solid as a rock in defence! Shame he never put in a show like that there for us . Nothing less than 3 points will suffice at Villa because despite what his supporters claim Wenger is already under pressure you can only push the boat out so far with this 'it was entertaining and inspiring' boll*cks .The lone Ranger is out riding across the prairie on his white stallion with his faithful servant Tonto alongside when suddenly Tonto leaps from his pony and throws himself to the ground sniffing at the grass . What do you smell Tonto ? Asks the Lone Ranger. Tonto looks up and replies in his Hollywood American Indian accent , Kemo Sebe me smell bullsh*t!............ There is more than a whiff of it floating about on here as well.

  3. Comparing apples

    Sep 14, 2014, 10:16 #57230

    Mathew- We didn't get hammered last year, we drew 1-1. If we concede less than 6 when we go to their place then you can and I'm sure will call that inspiring.


    Sep 14, 2014, 9:25 #57222

    A good report from Kevin, thanks. Really liked your summing up Mathew.

  5. Mathew

    Sep 14, 2014, 9:09 #57219

    I would call it as an inspiring game, considering the hammering we got last year. Agreed that we defended poorly towards the end, but kudos to the team to have a lead from a goal down. Per can't move, Debuchy was sparse, Kos has been kept busy by Aguero and Dzeko and Monreal is our weak spot. I love the Chilean, his work rate, ability to force a card on the opposition, tracking back, to score from those angles, all are a treat to watch. Flamini should've stopped the equalizer but a great effort from Demechelis, I have to admit that. Danny, has the power, stamina, and he can run (unlike OG). Social media has been on fire about his goalscoring abilities since LVG talked up his reason to sell, sure he had a point to prove.The effort was imaginative and would have looked brilliant had it gone inside the post. Ozil should be rested for BVB and Santi/Rosicky should replace him. Def. Midfield is a crisis and Flamini is a card away. I think Chesney should be rested too, David Ospina should get a chance, will help his confidence and Chesney's too. Ramsey still out of places, JW seems to be fighting for his place, atleast he wasnt falling down easily. It was our game to win, lots of positives, hopefully they will be all charged up against BVB.COYG


    Sep 14, 2014, 7:42 #57218

    Those last three posts are of a genre. FJ is a recognised Sour, and therefore an anti-Arsenal poster, what of the other two? If it looks like a Spud, smells like a Spud, and tastes like a Spud, then there is a good chance it is a Spud...well a Sour anyway.

  7. DW Thomas

    Sep 14, 2014, 1:10 #57217

    Supporting Wenger in all he does is supporting a failed regime. He won't win the PL again unless he changes. Since that aint happening, no title! Pogba is the real deal and would be team changing addition. Strong, skillful, tough. Alongside Jack and Sanchez he would thrive. But we never buy top class unless its for a bargain price. Cheapness has let other great players go to our rivals. I don't claim to speak for others, but for me, he just refuses to do what it takes, what the club say they're capable of doing. That doesn't make sense if winning is the main goal.

  8. Finsbury Joe

    Sep 14, 2014, 0:05 #57216

    I give him five goals this season......tops. A very poor signing by Ivan. Should leave signing dross to OGL


    Sep 13, 2014, 22:45 #57215

    Not blinkered David, I'd defend you if you too were slighted unfairly. Your take on things isn't correct, which isn't so bad, we all err, however you seem to take delight in those circumstances as if every little event justifies your stance on Arsene Wenger being wrong and David being right. I don't see it quite like that, but you know that, does that make me the enemy? There seems such poison in this band of happy campers, certainly that has an effect on me, it isn't a good thing, trust me. One more thing, if I did decide the manager should go I would distance myself from the pack, of which you seem to be squarely entrenched. Think on chum.

  10. David

    Sep 13, 2014, 22:21 #57214

    BadArse - That is absurd. IG bypassed AW and AW didn't like it. AW was airing dirty linen, and at the same time undermining the confidence of his new signing. As far as an agenda to vilify AW - nope. I think he's lost his mojo - somewhere between 2004 and 2009. He used to produce teams that could outclass the best - if not in Europe - certainly in this country, and played with a breathtaking hubris. What I don't understand about you is why AW commands your blinkered, unwavering affection - even though the decline in his abilities is so palpably clear. There's a phrase for that: pig-headedness.

  11. kilkenny cat

    Sep 13, 2014, 22:20 #57213

    The guinness is different back home no doubt about that. I love the stuff,too much in fact. Usually this lot and that clown of a manager drive me to drink. Today we played ok. Wilshere probably had his best game in an Arsenal shirt and Sanchez is just world class. Take note Ozil. World class players can also have a great work rate. The reason we didn,t win was the lack of a Vieira type in midfield. What we have been missing since... oh yes Vieira. Ogl cant see it and till he does we wont compete at the highest level. Spend the money on Pogba. He ticks all the boxes.

  12. jeff wright

    Sep 13, 2014, 21:40 #57212

    If only Mike, I predicted a draw ,it was hardly rocket-science.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 13, 2014, 21:33 #57211

    Just caught up and some good posts (you know who you are)as i'm heading out for a pint i will save my take on the game till tomorrow, but one thing we've found out tonight is what the wengerites can buy their messiah for Christmas it might stop him Yawning, an Alarm Clock.

  14. Bard

    Sep 13, 2014, 21:33 #57210

    Trying to get a collected perspective. In the heat of battle 2-1 up with 7 minutes to go you would expect a professional outfit to kill the game. Easy equalising goal, a very familiar experience under the present regime but we weren't thrashed, so the more optimistic could see it as a move forward. The Debuchy injury looked serious. Chambers in at full back and no cover for CB !!!! Really unlucky .. er but somehow so Arsenal . Looking forward to the spin.


    Sep 13, 2014, 21:20 #57209

    Evening maguiresbridge, I hope you had a good day buddy. Haven't been to your neck of the woods, but from what I have seen the whole island is a beautiful place. Guinness? Everyone says it is different over there, it isn't. Not if you use my taste buds as guides-it tastes great everywhere, but no better there. In fact I never finished my first pint of it in Dublin. It was a family/friends bash, and I only knew a handful of people who all knew each other. I just found myself peripheral in the pub, then we went upstairs for a meal and it was a long table, I don't like them. I sat between two people I didn't know, with a twit opposite, my Guinness stayed in the glass. Not a great memory. I wish you'd been there, ha ha.

  16. Mike

    Sep 13, 2014, 21:20 #57208

    I think Jeff is making it up!

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 13, 2014, 21:09 #57207

    AMG, 60458, apologies for only getting back to you now I've just arrived home from the big smoke and North London via Belfast international and am only getting caught up. Great to hear you've been over here and experienced the hospitality we may even have staggered past each other in some of the pubs in Enniskillen. I've had a few on Lusty Beg as well, although I've drove past it many a time I've never been in Belleek Pottery not my thing either, you could be in worse places than on lough erne fishing and it's not something I do that often. I suppose when your brought up beside it you don't appreciate it as much as the visitor. As for the Guinness I've heard many a time it tastes different over here, personally I wouldn't know as I hate the stuff give me Harp, Carlsbreg, Magners, or Cobra anyday.


    Sep 13, 2014, 19:38 #57206

    DWT, but they are the sands of time, not sand in an egg-timer. Anyway, it's nice and cosy down here in the sand, all together with our buckets and spades, candy floss, ice cream and toffee apples. Not to mention the sticks of rock.-'BADARSE, I said not to mention the sticks of rock!' Can I mention the jellied eels, GBP?'-'Yes, but don't mention the other seafood.'-'Do you mean the whelks, mussels, cockles and winkles, GBP?'-'Please westlower, you know they go to pieces when you mention the winkles.' Anyone for the Big Dipper?

  19. DW Thomas

    Sep 13, 2014, 19:29 #57205

    Baddie and all the Bigfoot Believers, Cesc had another good game and is feeding an inform very good striker. But, hey wait, Wenger knew what he was doing when he passes on Cesc, he had Ozil...oh yeah, whoops! And why buy Hazard when we could get Gervinho...and Loic Remy scored one too. But, then again what do I know...haven't worked a day in football. Yet you lot still believe in your Emporer when the evidence continues to pile up! Heads in the sand again.


    Sep 13, 2014, 19:08 #57204

    They came, they saw, they had conkers. The Dark Moanies were on their way, not to the Grove but to the 'Conker Bashing Open Day'. It was held in Littlehampton, they liked that.They were elated because their Dark Lord would meet them in the public phone box outside the venue. They lurched along, that motley crew, happy in their disquieting morose way. They were unique in that they were fans who wanted their team to win to give them a higher status, lose to prove their constant moaning of the club's direction was valid, and had no comprehension of what to do when the team drew, like today. Meeting their leader they followed him single file into the centre, snuffling as they went. They decided to go straight to their seats in the gods-no messiahs up there, just gods. Unfortunately the lift they travelled in suddenly stopped between floors. They were stuck! They looked to their leader, who looked behind him, no one there, so he looked straight back at them. They were a miserable bunch, and sought reassurance, none was forthcoming-only Arsene supporters were fourth coming. After twenty minutes they were bickering, one insisted that with twenty minutes on the clock they should win-life didn't work that way. One insisted the lift was the wrong shape, the lights were too bright and there wasn't any point in continuing as it was a despicable plot against him personally, and his cohorts collectively, and put it down to unicorns. One actually began a senseless tirade against the organisers downstairs, the conker players-especially the foreign ones, the judges who always helped the conker bashers he didn't like, and especially the coach, as it didn't have a loo on board and having a weak bladder caused him to vilify the coach he travelled with. He really, really hated this coach, well they all did, that perhaps was their psychosis at play. Anyway, after another ten minutes they were arguing, ten later and they'd begun to bump, barge and push each other. The name-calling was next. The Dark Lord Moany realised that within minutes it would end in mayhem. First the biting then the tears. Luckily, just then the lift began to move.

  21. DW Thomas

    Sep 13, 2014, 18:25 #57202

    I think we can all agree,unicorn hunters or us so called dark moonies, 26 out of 90 points over the past 5 years vs the top 4 teams is failure. And this game exemplifies that. Wenger's brain comes from a place of arrogance, I truly believe that. Ozil is becoming the new Arshavin. Played out of position and doesn't seemed bothered. What's the point on having him when he is so ineffective? Sanchez is the polar opposite. Works, attacks, has guts and grit. He and Jack were great, always involved, ever present. If Wenger wants to emulate Barca, how does he put up with lazy players, no matter how talented? Look at Costa, best signing so far this year. 7 goals in 4 games? If only we had bought someone similar. But, no, we get Wellbeck. A decent player, but not that top striker our midfield and style of play demands. I just don't get it. It's unbelievable when you stop and think about it. And that is why Wenger's time is up. He won't change. He wants all the credit so why buy ready made players that will win despite poor defending and bad tactics? I feel bad for Wellbeck as by all accounts he is a worker and team player. But he really should have scored today. It changes the whole game. At least Wilshere got his deserved goal from a terrific display! So,Westie et al continue to support your HERO, but be prepared to accept more results like these. First test: failed.

  22. jeff wright

    Sep 13, 2014, 18:00 #57201

    DWT,Wenger is an enigma I gave up donkeys years ago trying to fathom out why he does or does not do things. At 2-1 up and with 10mins to play we should have shut up shop and just hoofed the ball into the crowd rather than try fancy Dan playing out of defence. But not Wenger that's too simplistic for him though. I don't rate Per he had a poor world cup where he was exposed again as not being top class against top players and Low had to drop him,it's no surprise to see that he has not retired from International football,as with JT at Chelsea a case of having been shoved rather than jumped. Albeit different reasons involved.

  23. DW Thomas

    Sep 13, 2014, 17:26 #57200

    JW, per was poor,as well. He looks so out of his depth against the likes of Aguero and Silva! Wenger has no depth in the team and now the injuries are starting. We could be third with 8 points but instead are at 6 points already 6 behind Chelsea. Wellbeck did well I thought, but Aguero would have scored his chance off the post! That's the difference a class A player makes! For,the worst thing this season is Rosicky has played none while Ozil does nothing for,the team. Mesut needs a kick up the arse, but that's not Wenger's method. He coddles his,players and another reason why Jack has not progressed fully. Ramsey and Jack should not play side by side. Last season is looking like a fluke for Rambo. He had no WC but looks off the pace. Plus, wasn't he injured for Wales? Again where is Rosicky or the Ox? Why not start them? Jenkinson gone, no right back of good quality. Sad to see Sagna on the bench. How I wish he stayed. Although Debuchey had a great game especially going forward. There has been one constant holding the team back in decisions and performance--the manager. City was not that good today, we dominates for large periods. Jack has earned a starting spot over all our other mfs. Now we need to figure out who to pair him with. Arteta looks a better option than Flamini, but it is hard for Mathieu to come in and then. He looked good last year when he played for a sustained period. Both he and Arteta are just not good enough though.

  24. jeff wright

    Sep 13, 2014, 17:15 #57199

    Badarse,more nonsense from you ,it's a results game not a stage play ,if you like watching the inept ability to defend properly that adds the excitement that you like so much then bully for you. Wengr will need to step things up a bit if he wants 4th place this season and sod the entertainment ,6 points from 12 is not top 4 form and those 4 games included Palace and Leicester .Everton away was not a bad point considering that we were 2 goals down at one time however we we were also a goal down against Palace at home and Leicester away and a goal down today against City. Obviously this shows that the tactics Wenger is using are not working,but hey what's new then ! I expected City actually to egualize when we were 2-1 up after all defending is not something that Arsene fusses too much over and to win today we would have had to score 3 goals and that is playing at home !! Stoke beat City by defending in depth and hitting on the break they didnt leave themselves exposed at the back like we did all through the game even at thend City were finding gaps in our defence and coudl have scored more goals. Wenger is in danger of it all ending in tears for him this season he looks flaky and old fr his age .Ozil would obviously rather be elsewhere but Wenger has not got the bottle to drop him .

  25. Man United Killer

    Sep 13, 2014, 17:13 #57198

    DWT comment of the day@your post # 60479 "..he is clearly holding the team back." Let those who have eyes see!

  26. DW Thomas

    Sep 13, 2014, 17:03 #57197

    Baddie, GBP's delusions have become contagious. You've caught the bug! Wenger was off on the final transfer day, how ridiculous is that? He should have been at HQ ready to make a deal or pounce. His story sounds like a bunch of b...ocks! Now for the game. Where has Aaron Ramsey gone? He was very poor. Ozil was non existent and can't be bothered. I like his passing and style but he does so little defensively. Our defense was very poor. Chambers is still way too raw to start. Flamini left Aguero on the goal. Now the positives. Sanchez is brilliant! Works hard, great skill, very enjoyable to watch. And Jack! MOM! This is what he can do! If Ramsey had been replaced with Rosicky, he would have done even better! Ramsey crowds his space and no one goes forward save Rosicky like Jack. Wenger again clueless on the subs and tactics on defensive corners. We are giving points away because of his poor management. City was not that good. But, Fernandinho was immense for the . Sure, they fouled to stop our momentum, but had Wellbeck scored early the game was ours for sure. Not buying another defender and that ever missing DM is going to kill our season. Make no mistake. How on earth did we not sub till Debuchey then Wellbeck went down? Arsene has lost it. He needs to coach more and complain to the 4 th official less...he is clearly holding the team back. Sort out the defense, get a DM and we could surely fly!

  27. Martyn

    Sep 13, 2014, 16:34 #57196

    Seem to remember Man City lost to Stoke at home two weeks ago. Let's not get too carried away, it's early days and we are unbeaten. It was a better performance today and it was good to see Jack having a better game. Alexis is a bundle of energy and a real contrast to Ozil who, once again, was disappointing. Couldn't help thinking how sad it is to see Sagna in semi retirement on the bench. Is the money worth it Bacary?


    Sep 13, 2014, 16:33 #57195

    Did I watch the game jeff? Did you read my post? Oh yes you did, but did you understand it? So Clattenburg is inept, Arsene Wenger is, anyone else? Listen chum, that was an exciting game, and as stated could have gone either way. That 'handball' decision was difficult for any ref to see and it wasn't as blatant as you suggest, that side of the pitch, moving in that direction I suggest is just the blind spot that a ref wants assistance from the lino. I thought he had quite a good game, so that's both teams and the ref, you think all three were rubbish, fair enough, I didn't. Anyway at 2-1 with around 10 to play, we here were riding on a 2-1 cake celebration, so 2-2 wasn't too far away was it? Swans to lose and we are down to three unbeaten, AV take a tumble later and it's two.

  29. Man United Killer

    Sep 13, 2014, 16:27 #57194

    Bardarse I suppose you are over the moon with the two points we lost.Bottom line we have failed our first big test-again.I apologize for not accepting failure and two points lost at home..especially granted that we surely wont get a point away at Citeh.What happened to beat your rivals at home and strive for at least a point away.

  30. jeff wright

    Sep 13, 2014, 16:11 #57193

    Badarse you are turning into Fred! City got their equalizer 7 minutes from time and 20 as you claimed,also Clatternburg gave some crucial calls in our favour not least on on the Jack penalty call that City claimed ,did you actually watch the game?

  31. AMG

    Sep 13, 2014, 16:00 #57192

    The mark of a title winner is to beat your rivals and home and avoid defeat away, we avoid defeat at home and lose away - Same old story, Wenger will never learn from his mistakes. Thought Welbeck had a real galvanising effect on the team and it was definitely our best performance of the season so far offensively. Jack Wilshere with a MOTM performance, Ozil looking as lost as ever, defensively naïve, down to 4 fit defenders, how long before it all goes awry? All because AW wouldn't sign a f'ing defender! On the plus side, Bellerin should get some more time on the pitch. On to the next and let's hope Arteta doesn't get a look in.


    Sep 13, 2014, 15:32 #57191

    Ha ha, when you are a goal up and there is 20 minutes to go you should win. What sort of insight is that? How about if there is 25 to go?, 30? Oh hang on at 30 we were losing. Excuse me whilst I compute what we should have done then, be back to you later when I have an answer. As for you jeff, the ref tried to help us win? That is a crazy observation; also you deduced that neither manager could win it, er, that's why it was a draw!

  33. Man United Killer

    Sep 13, 2014, 15:26 #57190

    We still can't beat our rivals-even at home...When title contenders are up by 2-1 at home with 20 minutes to go, they should go on to win it.That is the mark of a winner!

  34. jeff wright

    Sep 13, 2014, 15:25 #57189

    All very predictable Ozil again showed why Ancelotti and Senor Perez stiched Wenger and Stan up with him. Danny is not a 25 goal a season striker if he were then he would still be at United. Jack and Sanchez were our best players . Wenger ,oh dear me, 10 minutes to go we have dragged ourselves back from a goal down to lead 2-1 and the clown is still using the same game plan of let's see who can score the most goals' . He never learns does he? The depressing thing is that he will carry on doing this home and away all season . Jose and Drogba must be licking their lips in anticipation of us coming to play them . A bad result today for us you have to win games like that at home to teams that you are supposedly competing with. ,t 2-1 we had them on the ropes ,but Inspector Clueless couldn't win the game when it was being handed to him on a plate by the inept clown Clattenburg with his decisions. He was a big danger to Pell than Wenger was !


    Sep 13, 2014, 15:00 #57188

    An exciting and high intensity game. Could have gone either way, but both sides have to accept the draw. Debuchy looks like a real big injury, an ankle ligament, an ankle bone break? Let's hope the scan shows it not to be so dramatic, but it looked bad. Jack played well, as did our two main forwards in Alexis and Danny. Kosh was on the ball throughout I thought, though that last minute mix up nearly cost us. Sir Chesney played well and ironically was at fault for their goal which he took off the head of the Flaminal. Still in there slugging and unbeaten. Lots to be positive about, but that's not what we do on here, so bring it on people.

  36. John

    Sep 13, 2014, 14:55 #57187

    One word answer - NO

  37. jeff wright

    Sep 13, 2014, 11:21 #57186

    There are more holes in Wenger's revisionist claims on how he came to sign Welbeck than there are in a block of Sepp Blatter Swiz cheese. But hey Westie as they say in Bollywood why let a stale Nan bread spoil a good curry. The moral of this story is that Wenger on 8M a year wages should be u with the birds anyway on SKY sports deadline day ,the early ones catchee the wormies non ? And not lying in bed snoring blissfully away oblivious to the events that more hard working and determined managers such as Von Gaal were already on the job doing their duty that way he wouldn't need divine intervention to help him out,and I'm not talking Jack the lad here whispering sweet nothings in Danny boys ear at the England camp! Blimey did he really have to twist Danny's arem to get him to choose us over ,er,the spuds!*!! Jesus with a crutch ,you couldn't make it up.


    Sep 13, 2014, 10:33 #57185

    David I agree with the assessment of pig-headedness etc, but redirect it at yourself. It is clear you have an agenda-vilify Arsene Wenger, such a low targeted achievement level, but it seems to suit you, so if you are happy with it then so be it. Arsene has explained that the Welbeck deal was a non-starter ubless MU secured Falcao. He was up extremely early to fly to Rome for an earlier arranged commitment. As he was up extraordinarily early he was stunned to find that Falcao was a MU player, thus releasing Welbeck. He was immediately on the case, firing up Ivan Gazidis to get the deal done, and it was! The point he made, which was clearly misrepresented, and oh so eagerly misunderstood by the misinformed was that had he not been flying to Rome, he would not have been awake so early, would not have seen Welbeck had suddenly become available, would not have informed Ivan, and AFC would have been one Danny Welbeck light. Keep up the good work, continue with your narrow perspective you are in good company, well not that good, but you have others who share a narrow bigoted view that you do.

  39. Westlower

    Sep 13, 2014, 8:43 #57183

    @DWT You are incorrect in assuming some us regard Wenger as a God/Hero/Untouchable. We prefer to support & respect the Arsenal manager (whoever he maybe), rather than join the continual whinging, niggling, belittling & undermining as posted by his many critics. Imagine if nobody defended the Arsenal manager?

  40. Hiccup

    Sep 13, 2014, 6:34 #57182

    GBP still still got his gear firmly stuck in reverse. If you can't sort your gearbox out at least take your foot off the throttle. So we've gone from the high fiveing of Welbeck as being a tremendous signing, to now being a £16m gamble on an unproven player. Basically another 180 degree turn in your thought process to justify wenger's admittance that he only wanted him on loan. The amount of 180 degree turns you're doing just lately must be making you dizzy? No wonder you're coming out with such incoherent drivel.

  41. DW Thomas

    Sep 13, 2014, 1:04 #57181

    GBP, every time I read your posts I promise myself not to EVER again. You spout out the same old lines in defense of your hero, a manager I might add. That in itself is just off. I think subconsciously I keep hoping you say something new and insightful. But, no, the same mantra over and over, Wenger does no wrong, will bring us back to glory, blah, blah,blah. As soon as Wellbeck starts scoring and winning games "you lot", to use your phrase, will start claiming Wenger was a genius and he has a crystal ball when it comes to players. Lets see how the City game goes and if he can sustain a title tilt past March. We need at least a sustained challenge till the end to say we've improved. Now, watch you spin that sentence for your own benefit and come back with your never changing line, "you lot only want titles!"

  42. GBP

    Sep 13, 2014, 0:06 #57180

    Lots of revisionary thinking on here about Wellbeck. Be honest for once. Looking at his goals ratio with Utd, anybody with sense would have wanted him on loan and maybe to sign him afterwards. Hes a possible good signing and isnt beyond that yet. Hes hardly advertised himself at Utd as a compelling and obvious solution to anybody's goal drought has he. You lot would latch onto anything if it helped you get another angle to chaste Wenger. Agree though with the view that Wenger should have kept stum on what he really wanted. Hes always been naive with his openess towards the press.

  43. DW Thomas

    Sep 12, 2014, 23:34 #57179

    Can't wait to see Welllbeck mix it up with Ozil, Wilshere, et al. He could be a great signing! Must wait and see though. Would love to see Diaby get back too. He deserves a fit season and could really add to our squad as his passing and strength are top notch when he is on. Wenger's comments on buying Wellbeck are more evidence of his narcissism and arrogance. He really is so full of himself. It doesn't help when you have drooling followers who support whatever you do and excuse your embarrassing cockups which no sane person would ever do. Still tomorow's game is a big chance for Monsieur Knowz-Eet-All to prove his doubters wrong. 10 years since our last PL win. The boys should be up for it!!!

  44. AMG

    Sep 12, 2014, 23:34 #57178

    I truly hope he can become a 25 goal man. I see him as being in much the same mould as Sturridge, if a bit more gangly. He's been at a great club, but played out of position and dismissed because of the wealth of attacking options available to the respective managers. I can't wait to see his pace and power running in behind the defence, it's something we've not had since Adebayor was shipped off in exchange for 'dirty oil money', dirty to spend, clean to receive... hmmmm. MG, I must say, I never clocked that you were a Fermanagh man! What a beautiful place; many a family holiday in Fermanagh on Loch Erne and the fine fishing alluded to previously. The pottery of Belleek, bit dull for a lad but the memory stuck. The best pint of Guinness I've ever had on Lust Beg - You're a lucky man to live in a place like that.

  45. David

    Sep 12, 2014, 22:40 #57177

    The signing of Welbeck has been eclipsed by a gargantuan act of pig-headed stupidity by Wenger, in telling the world that he wouldn't have signed him if he had been in the country on deadline day. It's hard to think of something more numb-skullish and undermining.

  46. Man United Killer

    Sep 12, 2014, 21:28 #57176

    I doubt but hope floats

  47. Bard

    Sep 12, 2014, 21:17 #57175

    Tony enjoyed your post hugely. Wenger and the Pope has some wonderful possiblities. 2 Gods in their repsective fields. The Pope wins it because he has more money at his disposal ! It also gives the AKBs the wonderful argument that although we never win anything we are closer to Godas opposed to the other clubs who are in effect heathens. Thats an unbeatable argument. There is some serious rubbish being posted about Welbeck, Who cares how we got him. For me hes a really exciting signing. Hes young fast and scores goals, whats not to like about him. Hes a class above Giroud. I get it hes not Messi, Falcao or Ronaldo but we have never signed those kind of players and probably never will. Its a good punt and might turn out to be a really good one. If he scores a bucketful it might just offset the fact that we are short at the back, who knows.

  48. GBP

    Sep 12, 2014, 18:31 #57174

    Good lad Jeffrey - i do agree with you on the likely score though Jeff. 1-1?

  49. Highbury Boy

    Sep 12, 2014, 17:51 #57173

    Yes he can be a 25 goal a season man but I will be just as happy if he doesn't score so many but holds up the ball to give chances to others to score. His pace and control looks superior to Giroud and Sanogo so he looks a good acquisition. Van Gaal's criticism is in response to former Manu staff coming out against dispensing with players who have come up through the youth system. Don't think Welbeck has anything to prove.

  50. jeff wright

    Sep 12, 2014, 17:49 #57172

    I always think that due to Arsene's self admitted lack of the use of tactics and, with him obviously not having any nous regarding them anyway , that it helps if his opponent on the opposition bench is also a bit lacking in these skills. Thanks for the good wishes though GBP and I will do my darnedest to do that. Cheers.

  51. GBP

    Sep 12, 2014, 17:24 #57171

    Jeffs not convinced by Pellegrinis 'tactics and substitutions' either. Yawn! Really couldn't make this up. Jeff, do you get on to your Grannie about her tactics and substitutions? Same old record, same old b******s. I d love to see you run a football team! Have a good week end Jeff and smile for the Wife ffs!

  52. jeff wright

    Sep 12, 2014, 17:06 #57170

    Option to buy Westie surely means that Kim Sung,whoops! I mean Arsene needed convincing about Danny.But as I said he was cautious about signing Suarez and did not want to pay more than he with his fantastic foresight saw him being worth . The Welbeck signing had more than a touch of the farces about it after Arsene's comments about him being well stocked up with strikers and there was no need to sign players in a panic after a poor result . Of course not as though anyone would do such a thing! Then we had the comic relief day type antics of AFC PR with the announcement that Danny was not having a med and no offer had been made for him being cheered by lee KFC and the other rent a mob outside the Stadium . So all in all just another case of Carry On Arsene ! You couldn't make it up.

  53. Westlower

    Sep 12, 2014, 16:26 #57168

    Comparisons with RVP at age 23: RVP 41 club goals, 2 International goals. DW 37 club goals, 10 International goals. @Jeff, You mischievously forgot to mention that the preference was a loan deal for a year WITH the option to buy. Either way it's a good deal.

  54. jeff wright

    Sep 12, 2014, 16:05 #57167

    I doubt that Danny boy will score 25 goals in the Prem ,and tbh I can see it being a struggle for anyone else to do so. Wenger's only wanting DW on loan for a season says that he was not thinking that he is a prolific goal scorer that he had to have. But then again this is Wenger we are talking about and he turned down the chance to sign Suarez last season by refusing to pay the 50m that Liverpool wanted after they laughed off his 42 million and one pound and not a sou more. Well he did sign Sanago on a free and look how many goals he has scored !It's this sort of forward thinking to which GBP refers in his defence of Wenger's thinking. The old boys thinking looked more than a tad like him not knowing his right from his left again when he had to try thinking on his feet at Leicester when things did not go to plan. However, I'm not entirely convinced by Pellegrini when it comes to tactics and substitutions so with home advantage and the Welbeck factor - plus Ozil must surely have recovered by now from his World Cup heroics . After all other German players have retuned earlier than him at other clubs and have shown no signs of stress - so time for little Ozil to start earning his pay and showing that he is worth 42m,no doubt though if he has another stinky poo then we will be told to wait awhile because yawn he will eventually come good. Welbeck though with points to prove has a great chance to ram Von Gaals derogatory comments about him back down his throat ,although I suspect that the Dutchman will be very happy if Danny does help to take points off United's current nemesis the noisy neighbours. All in all an intriguing game to look forward to ,but with all the pressure on both managers and players ,plus the dreaded 12-45 KO , it looks like a draw is the most likely outcome ,a result that will not be a good one for either side.

  55. CB

    Sep 12, 2014, 15:50 #57166

    He had a better goals per minute (ignoring penalties) record last season than RVP, Falcao, Remy, Giroud. 8 goals in 13 games playing number 9. Had better goals per game than Thierry at the same stage of his career. . Let's hope he takes off at Arsenal, like Thierry.

  56. Born Gooner

    Sep 12, 2014, 15:46 #57165

    I haven't been this excited about a new signing since the last time I was this excited about a new signing...

  57. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 12, 2014, 15:39 #57164

    And plenty resigned to it too, but no matter it's still a success to some. LVG has also been reported in some papers this morning as saying we're (man yoo) well shot of him he's just not good enough. But hopefully he'll be proved wrong and he'll be good for us(if he's allowed to be or given the opportunity to be )and score plenty of goals and bring real success, i'm not sure if twenty five is realistic maybe a bit optimistic at this stage alright but we'll see, and yes he could be just what we've been waiting for, god knows we've been waiting long enough after been saddled with donkeys and cart horses in the past so i think it's fair to say it's been a while since fans have been so optimistic about a striker. Yes hopefully Danny boy is what we've been waiting for and he shows the mancs what their missing, although if we were to listen to, or believe some idiots they'd tell you there's fans who cant wait and would love to see him fail.

  58. Tony Evans

    Sep 12, 2014, 15:33 #57163

    After Wenger's audience with The Pope (or should that be the other way round - if you look at some of the blind worship on this site) hopefully we will have God on our side and the answer will be yes he can! By the way does anyone know what has happened to Ron, who was definitely not one of the blind worship brigade and always had something sensible to say.

  59. Born Gooner

    Sep 12, 2014, 15:11 #57162

    Welbeck could be a great signing, I really hope so. It's a shame he scores two goals for England and later the same week gets a (needless) dissing from van Gaal, and as for Arsene's comments yesterday... very strange.

  60. Bard

    Sep 12, 2014, 15:03 #57161

    Good post Jim. I'm pleased we have Welbeck. There's a touch of the Henry's about him and if he turns out to be half as good as the great man that will do me. He's still young and so there's room for improvement. Much depends on where Wenger plays him. We haven't had any real pace up front for a while and Im sure he will score goals maybe not 25 but his presence will create space for others. Its a cracking deal in my book. I can't quite get my head around Wengers comments that he would have got him on loan. If he scores loads the price goes up if you want to buy him. Maybe something got lost in translation.

  61. GBP

    Sep 12, 2014, 14:49 #57160

    Wellbecks scoring ability is an unknown quantity isnt it in that hes not been used as an out and out striker. The issue is will AW continue to use him in a wide role? I hope not as the purpose of his signing would be defeated. DW also has to have time to settle to new team mates and system of play.25 goals ?Unlikely this Season i guess but maybe 12 to 15? He has to adapt to playing CF week in week out and there will be games where Giroud is preferred of course. AW sets our team up so to maximise scoring through the team too. The emphasis isnt so much on one forward producing the goods.Van Gaal has it seems taken a dislike to DW and its coloured his comments. Im not sure his own strikers are going to set the World alight esp Rooney who in my view is well past his best and the seemingly crocked Van Persie. Good luck Danny anyway.

  62. DJ

    Sep 12, 2014, 14:31 #57158

    To answer the question, barring injuries I am very confident DW will score 25 goals this season counting all four competitions mind you.