Arsène & Arsenal

Book review

Arsène & Arsenal

Whether we like it or not football today is a business first and foremost, and how well the business is run reflects on the club’s sporting achievements. Few understand the business of football better than Alex Fynn and his latest book: Arsene & Arsenal, the sequel to Arsenal: The Making of a Modern Superclub further examines all aspects of the club offering clear and critical insights as it charts the team’s quest for glory in the 2013/14 season.

The huge volume of information available about Arsenal makes it far easier to be informed about the club, but also more difficult to produce material which stands out amid the 24/7 coverage the club receives. This book stands apart in this regard as it examines the key areas where the club has underperformed: transfer policy, injury record and youth academy. It also offers sensible strategies on how they can be improved. Some of the criticisms echo the voices of many other commentators of the club, but Fynn and co-author Kevin Whitcher quantify and qualify in a way that leaves the reader in no doubt about what can and should be done in the quest for success.

There is praise, and rightly so as the season ended a nine-year trophy drought, for the areas the club have improved – greater value for the brand and use of social media – and a sense of hope that recent changes made in sponsorship deals, youth set up and sports science will push the club further in the right direction.

The book focuses most on Arsene Wenger himself but saves its heaviest criticism for Liam Brady, Arsenal’s former Head of the Youth set up. For a club with a reputation for giving youth a chance, the fact remains that very few of the youthful faces that represent the club actually came through the academy.

The book is rightly respectful of Wenger’s achievements but also questions his ability to adapt as football has changed. The manager’s tactics, substitutions and training methods all come under scrutiny. Fynn and Whitcher repeatedly make the point that Wenger’s greatest successes at Arsenal came when former Vice-Chairman David Dein was at the club, concluding that Dein’s absence has left the club without a figure capable of pushing Wenger ‘when needed’. The book cites the missed opportunity to make signings in the January transfer window, when a genuine chance to win the Premier League beckoned, as an instance when Dein’s influence would have come into play.

The loudest message delivered to the Arsenal board and manager echoes that of the fans who plead for them to ‘spend some f***ing money’ and dismisses the misconception that achieving fourth place in the league replicates winning a trophy. The reality suggests that the board appear more than happy just to be making a profit and will continue to reward the manager handsomely for achieving just that.

The book signs off with a dig at Tottenham and their approach to the transfer market, demonstrating the reality that merely spending money doesn’t guarantee success and neatly encapsulating one of football’s biggest conundrums: which player is really worth the money spent on them?

I suspect that most people’s lists will be very short, and by comparison the few pounds needed to buy this book appear very good value indeed.

Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories can be bought online direct from the publishers here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99. It is also available in bookstores and from other online retailers, such as Amazon. There is a kindle version of the book available too.

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  1. Ozzie

    Sep 18, 2014, 6:42 #57547

    Maguiresbridge gooner, thanks for the welcome, am quite familiar with the dark side - as well as the bright - I oscillate between the two as the mood swings - it's hard to nail down a swinger; ask my pal Baddie, he'll tell you.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 17, 2014, 13:48 #57498

    Ozzie, welcome to the dark side mate, (don't tell BADARSE though goodness knows what way he'll take it, he might be a bit delicate this morning) better late than never, some of just realised it before others a long time before.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 17, 2014, 13:37 #57497

    reboot, he musn't spend to long on tactics then (obviously), as he always wears the same suit and tie.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 17, 2014, 13:25 #57496

    Hiccup 60706, and don't forget the referees have their weekly meeting tomorrow morning to discuss and agree on how to stitch us up also.

  5. jjetplane

    Sep 17, 2014, 11:20 #57476

    The penny is finally dropping and the postings are now reaching the same conclusion. There are some very good players there and some pretty duff ones (Arteta, Per) and looking at the SPIRIT of Sanchez going into deflation after the Citeh collapse you fear for the future of some of these players under the present manager. Ozil is not that bad a player and now even Ramsay has hit a directionless period. Think Back to the WC and the work ethic of Chile. If we had a manager who believed in that kind of grafting, the flair players would have a field day. Witness Hazard at the weekend when he has someone like Matic watching his back all game. On the Fabregas front (who is looking ever the more complete player, I imagine Wenger steered clear because NO WAY would Fabregas have returned. No Brainer. Villa are waiting and it is time Mr Arrogance jogged off in his 8m suit. Morning.

  6. AMG

    Sep 17, 2014, 9:02 #57449

    This was a Dortmund side that have been struggling in the league the last couple of years, were thrashed by Liverpool earlier this year and had half of their first team out injured. The omens are not good!

  7. Bard

    Sep 17, 2014, 8:27 #57444

    Some good posts on here this morning. I don't think its all doom and gloom. I have written before that if we get thrashed like that at home the atmosphere in the E******S will turn nasty and I believe Wenger will resign. After a game like last night he must be having doubts about whether he has the wherewithal to turn things around. This was a stronger side at least on paper than last season but it was sadly an all too familiar performance. Worst case scenario is that he will stay till the end of the season. There is no way he will see out his 3 years.

  8. Martyn

    Sep 17, 2014, 8:07 #57443

    I'm convinced that the players would raise their level of performance under a new manager. It's not the players that are at fault. Lack of tactics, failure to strengthen in key areas and an overriding feeling that the players simply don't know what they are suppose to do. All this when so much optimism was raised when we signed Alexis. We are just one more injured defender short of disaster and it seems the players are looking increasingly uncomfortable with each other. I expected us to lose against Dortmund but not in such a manner. Will Wenger learn, I doubt it. How refreshing to see the enthusiasm and passion of Klopp. That's what we are missing as fans and I'm sure the players themselves would relish it too.

  9. John F

    Sep 17, 2014, 7:58 #57442

    Can we have a yes/no vote on Wenger.

  10. Bard

    Sep 17, 2014, 7:58 #57441

    That was a thrashing , good and proper. They should have scored 6 or 7 comfortably. What that result nailed was all the rubbish that only teams with money can compete. BD have had to sell their best players, they had half a team out injured and they still walloped us. We looked clueless and gutless once again. Roll on Chelsea.

  11. Peter Wain

    Sep 17, 2014, 7:37 #57440

    An awful performance right through the team. The midgets in midfield were totally overrun by Dortmund reserve players and quite why we did not buy Fabregas and two holding midfield players is beyond me. Arteta as captain is a joke not good enough by a long way to be in the team and certainly not fit enough. Ramsey and Ozil were both poor. We have won only two games this season. One because a referee did not know the laws of the game and failed to award at least one penalty and the other in the 93rd minute against a team of 10 who will be lucky to finish out of the bottom three. As for Wenger when will he ever learn He makes the same mistakes time and time again. Why are our fullbacks in the opponents half when their is no cover at the back. Against Man City we paid because the left back was no where to be seen and what was Gibbs doing for their first goal last night. Wenger just does not get it and until we sack him this situation will only get worst. Make the most of the Champions league I cannot see us in it next year.

  12. Hiccup

    Sep 17, 2014, 6:31 #57439

    Media lockdown at central AKB HQ. Errol Flynn, Jessie J and Carol Vorderman all awaiting instruction and guidance from Father Ted.

  13. Hiccup

    Sep 17, 2014, 6:21 #57438

    Just been chatting to a bloke walking his dog, and he reckons Arsenal will reach the CL final.

  14. Mathew

    Sep 17, 2014, 5:23 #57437

    I've got no clue what we were playing for yesterday, does anyone here have ? I am of the understanding that offense is our best defense but a solid back four and midfield is required to do so. Wenger surely will have lots of questions to answer, hate his excuses and rhymes though. I feel Arsenal is quietly moving towards the mid-table in Premier League and that will call the curtains to our CL hopes too. Teams have becomes stronger this year and we don't carry a stronghold anymore. It required a good 5 years for Liverpool to bounce back (aka Suarez), scared to even think about my beloved team. Is it true that we can sign some free agents as backup to defense, i would say anything is better than Flamini or a U-21 doing those roles in a CL match. Reboot, what assurances do you have that Wenger will leave after 3 years ? I am of the opinion that we should start looking for a replacement for Wenger this year itself, although terminating his contract looks least possible as he had the books balanced for all these years.

  15. DW Thomas

    Sep 17, 2014, 3:36 #57436

    Terrible performance. A swarm of yellow and black vs. our wannabees! Ramsey was poor again. Wellbeck offered little. Arteta can't be a starter. How do you play Ozil on Bellerin's side? Our donkey of a manager got it all totally wrong. Sczez actually played ok. Our defense was woeful. Arsenal were out for a light jog. What an embarrassing night!

  16. DW Thomas

    Sep 17, 2014, 2:33 #57435

    First lap complete in the bog of failure. We must see some change. Without it, all is stagnant. History is repeating itself! No learning from mistakes. No humble acceptance he has made mistakes. Sure, below par players like Ramsey and Ozil should shoulder some responsibility and be benched. Where is Rosicky? Diaby? The season is already seeing big signs of future failure. What will it take for change?

  17. Danny

    Sep 17, 2014, 2:31 #57434

    keeping telling you , wenger is the problem. needs to go ozil is a lazy turk and always will be. you can play him in goal and he will never leave the box. useless!

  18. Anti-Wenger

    Sep 17, 2014, 0:48 #57433

    Some of us have been saying this for a while. Does Dortmund have a better squad than Arsenal? For crying out loud, iArsenal has better players in most positions than Dortmund. ozil,Ramsey,Alexis, KOlscieny, Wiltshire, will all make it into their 1st 11. The problem has never been about the players, it's the manager. The players are good enough to be challenging for titles. Even if Arsenal buys a Messi, the team will still fall short. Look at what he has turned Ozil into, from one of the world's best no 10 to a total waste of space. He has become so clueless he can't even see that having Ozil on the pitch weakens his team, as long as he's being played wide.(play him in the middle or just drop him)

  19. Ozzie

    Sep 17, 2014, 0:31 #57432

    Must admit, some of you fellas are winning me over. Thought for years AW was past his use-by; no longer need convincing now. There's only so long you can back a loser with the loyalty theme. Some players have a "peak' year and they are suddenly wanted by everyone. Fortunately my interest doesn't lay with the CL but with football though draws against mediocre teams hardly inspires one.

  20. Guy in Jersey

    Sep 17, 2014, 0:22 #57431

    Is there a chapter in this book about Wenger's tactical know-how? If not, there should be. It should be one page long, and that page should be blank. P.S. Pete (post 60681), what is a "true Arsenal fan"? Is it only someone who agrees with you?

  21. jjetplane

    Sep 16, 2014, 23:57 #57430

    Happy Days

  22. Man United Killer

    Sep 16, 2014, 23:52 #57429

    Reboot, Ah. Let's raise one to hope. It was strange watching the game because Klopp took less than 6 years to play the game the way Wenger has been trying to play in 18 years and he still can't get it right. Beautiful and effective football.

  23. reboot

    Sep 16, 2014, 23:41 #57428

    Cannot be sure MUK, but I live in hope. The alternative is too depressing.

  24. Man United Killer

    Sep 16, 2014, 23:31 #57427

    Reboot what makes you so sure he won't get another 3 years or even move upstairs and continue to influence decisions?

  25. reboot

    Sep 16, 2014, 23:21 #57426

    He must spend more time choosing what suit and tie to wear to the game than he does on tactics. Designer suit,shirt and tie, but no design to how the team plays.Let's look on the bright side, less than. 3 years to go now.

  26. kilkenny cat

    Sep 16, 2014, 22:48 #57425

    Like the Merse said,this happens 3 or 4 times a year,and it will happen again and again until clueless goes. I hate to agree with Sounness too,but he was right. We had no midfield at all. Dont think there is anything to say that hasn,t been said a hundred times before. Totally bored of these non performances.

  27. jeff wright

    Sep 16, 2014, 22:46 #57424

    All we need now is Badarse to come up with some rambling unintelligible nonsense with regurgitated Beatles lyrics adding to the impression that it was posted by someone hallucinating on an illegal substance. Westie an give us the latest bookies odds on when Ozil will crack a smile. GBP can point out how Wenger's forward thinking is worth paying him 8m a year wages and Jamie can again explain why we have a defence second to none . You couldnt make it up

  28. AMG

    Sep 16, 2014, 22:42 #57423

    I bought the stadium excuse until we should have won the title in 2008, then I bought the bad luck and bias refereeing argument until 2011, then we sold Fabregas and Nasri, lost 8-2 to ManUre and panic bought some of the worst players who have ever represented this club (now we have 1 as captain). Ever since I have been firmly #WengerOut - If you haven't worked it out for yourself yet, quite frankly you're a bit dim.

  29. Hiccup

    Sep 16, 2014, 22:18 #57422

    Jesus! Just realised the FA have stitched us up again. Another difficult fixture following a CL game. Last time Leicester, this time the mighty Villa. I bet they've given Chelsea a nice doddle of a game to come back to. No way we can compete with all this corruption in the game!

  30. jeff wright

    Sep 16, 2014, 22:05 #57421

    That's due Hiccup to all of those rangy athletes that we have like Ozil and Ramsey. If there is one thing that is undeniable about Wenger though it is that he is a gambler and takes chances in many aspects of his management by relying on luck to get him by rather than with careful back up planning or even by using tactics suited to the opposition that we are playing. Tonight was yet again another example of this .. Wenger just did not have a clue what to do to try and turn things around he just left it as it was and made his normal preplanned substitutions that only made things worse. No sign of the new alleged character that some claim to have spotted in the draw at home to City we had players tonight bottling it all over the gaff .Wenger though instead of trying to rouse these cowards was as per usual ranting inanly at the hapless 4th official. I have no idea why Wengerwas moaning because the ref had rightly spotted the German player diving to try and con him into giving a penalty and had booked him ,this when the game was at 0-0 . Just how it was that score only the good lord knows because by rights we should have been 2 or 3 goals down . How many times have we heard Wenger claim that signing experienced players would stunt the progress of his protegees ,indeed left to Wenger we would have relied on Sanago up front until Giroud returned .He is actually out injured again along with Giroud - so a narrow escape for Wenger there with the late signing of Welbeck. Danny boy is an improvement on Sanago, anyone would be , however he had three chances tonight and missed them all United didnt sell him just to recoup some money but because he missedtoo many chances .Wenger's biggest gamble though was to stay on instead of leaving at the end of last season on a sort of a high, after the fortuitous FAC win had saved him from leaving in disgrace, this was after he had made a mess of the Prem title challenge . Plus the disgraceful heavy defeats away with the 6-0 one at Chelsea on Wenger's big day leaving him humiliated. If that gamble on staying will pay-off only time will tell - however Wenger already looks like a shipwrecked sailor floating on a raft with sharks circling around it scenting blood.

  31. Hiccup

    Sep 16, 2014, 21:57 #57420

    Someone just told me he'd been talking to a man in a pub, who reckons Arsenal will get to the CL final.

  32. Man United Killer

    Sep 16, 2014, 21:57 #57419

    Totally outclassed and outmuscled!Dortmund looked fitter,hungier,more confident,more purposeful in attack and possession and their manager knew what he was doing.

  33. Roy

    Sep 16, 2014, 21:55 #57418

    Final whistle was a merciful release. Yet another victory for mismanagement. Some of those umpteen misplaced passes actually looked intentional !! A word for Jack though, at least he gave it a go again.

  34. AMG

    Sep 16, 2014, 21:53 #57417

    What I wouldn't give to see Klopp manage Arsenal.

  35. GBP

    Sep 16, 2014, 21:49 #57416

    Ahh, thanks '3 more years'. BD were lucky weren't they. We wuz robbed! COYG

  36. KC

    Sep 16, 2014, 21:48 #57415

    Pathetic utter crap. Our manager has no clue how to set up a team for difficult away games. What has been learnt from last season nothing. Same game plan no matter who we play no discipline, no protection to the back four, BFG, MIckel not good enough. We could have conceded seven or eight. Sadly under Wenger we will never be good enough defensively or have the required attitude and discipline to win the major competitions. People say we react on a whim but how many away games do fans need to see against the good teams and how many goals do we need to concede before they face the facts it's not an accident it's down to the team set up shape attitude and an inability to play a football match when we do not have the ball. No one to win it no pace deep in midfield a centre half who is five yards to slow and a lack of responsibility all round. That all comes back to the manager.

  37. 3 more years of this sh!te

    Sep 16, 2014, 21:42 #57414

    GBP/Westlower/BADARSE- Cheers guys. Stand up and take a bow, you've certainly played your part.

  38. Mathew

    Sep 16, 2014, 21:38 #57413

    It could have been worst than this, glad that the match ended....deep sigh

  39. DW

    Sep 16, 2014, 21:03 #57412

    @johnny lynch. Busted flush =good description. Hard to think of a more enviable proposition than the manager of the side currently taking Arsenal apart. Please AW, see the light.

  40. patrick

    Sep 16, 2014, 20:57 #57411

    after sitting on the fence, I have well and truly fallen onto one side. he has to be moving on now. there are some good players in this squad, but there are no tactics, game plan, strategy or structure to the team against top sides. its been years of this now. there is no prospect of arsenal winning the league or European cup because of this. all the excuses of money or others having an unfair advantage are frankly embarrassing. not as embarrassing as seeing our manager constantly moaning at fourth officials every game though- truly pathetic. what a lovely victim mentality this sends out. tactics and game plans. is this too much to expect from a manager?

  41. Bard

    Sep 16, 2014, 19:11 #57410

    Pete,I think it looks like it will be right up my street. Mind you you cant believe bedwetters or take any notice of their opinions. I often prefer the more detailed analyses provided by you and Jamie. I wonder how many of the posters have even read the book. Well done Kev am looking foreward to getting a copy.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 16, 2014, 18:53 #57408

    fozzy's mate, interesting that, there was a time TKOS was popping up everywhere and couldn't be shut up with fans lapping up everything he had to say. Maybe the DDT has promoted him and he spends his time keeping an eye on OGL and he's busiest at transfer times.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 16, 2014, 17:48 #57407

    reboot, it's a pity the the club haven't been as quick to see that and put it into practise in other areas.


    Sep 16, 2014, 16:05 #57404

    Red and White dreams Athoz. Kilkenny cat, good lad. I do think that the nature of an individual comes into play, but we are all 'children of our time'. I sit currently having organised my two grandsons into reading and working on their 'times' tables. When I was eight I changed schools. I had an interview with the Head with my Mum present. He asked what I was like on my tables, (now I would say I perform a mean virtual dance on them with Rocky RIP), back then I truthfully answered 'Alright.' He then asked which were my weakest. Like a mug I said, 'My 'eight' and 'nine' times'. I knew instinctively that I'd mugged myself off. He asked that I recited them, one after the other. Anyway I rattled through them both, with just a few faltering steps. He then welcomed me to the school. By contrast my grandchildren of eight and nine are almost clueless. So where did that all go awry? Brady was as he was. I think we take our personalities with us wherever we go, if I worked as a shelf stacker or a Formula One driver I'd want to do my best. Brady was destined to be one of the all-time greats, born with the skill, but developed through hard work and remarkable application

  45. kilkenny cat

    Sep 16, 2014, 15:22 #57403

    Badarse. Agree no one is beyond critisism and if its valid fair enough. Was said with a small bit of tongue in cheek,but Brady will always be the greatest in my eyes. Maybe some of the players are more to blame for not having the right attitude.

  46. Ozzie

    Sep 16, 2014, 15:07 #57402

    And a very sweet picture you painted Baddie. Do you remember sitting on someone's bubble gum? How good it was to give up the fags - 20 years now for me. Still enough breath to give off a long AUMMMMMMM. On that note...I'd better get to sleep less that dreaded male nurse come with his syringe :) (Hooray! I can read the letters/numbers this time)


    Sep 16, 2014, 14:35 #57401

    Kurt apologies buddy, I thought the lettering to link into the book etc was a 'plug', please accept my humblest of apologies. Misinterpreting though wasn't shameful, more like plain stupid.

  48. reboot

    Sep 16, 2014, 14:24 #57400

    I don't agree that Brady is the heaviest criticized in the book. Yes his tenure as head of youth development hasn't been a great success but the chapter on this highlights various reasons why, not all of them under Brady's control. But of course being in charge, the buck stops with him and hence the new appointment.

  49. Kurt

    Sep 16, 2014, 14:19 #57398

    @BADARSE Shame on you for missing out on the point of exposing the name of the book and the nature of the author. 'Promotion' of a book by a writer who posts cancer-vitriolic posts? Do you think that is good publicity?

  50. Pete

    Sep 16, 2014, 14:07 #57397

    I found this book to be a very informative read,one true Arsenal fans will enjoy.There's also enough negativity for the bed wetting Wob fraternity to find some enjoyment too.So Bard,maguirestamfordbridge,DWT,jeff Wright in his own eyes, should also enjoy it.


    Sep 16, 2014, 14:04 #57396

    Come on unchives lighten up, profitable means? I am a supporter of Arsene Wenger, as I am with all AFC men, but writing a book is surely fine, isn't it? Publicise it too, because we are after all Arsenal fans, reading these posts-well with a few exceptions no doubt, though the jury is out on a few others. I acknowledge that the author and myself see the tenure of the manager with different eyes, but he displays a level of consideration which should be best copied by all who share his views, rather than the jackal-type behaviour we are usually treated to on this site. @Ah, kilkenny cat, there was me thinking you'd moved in the right direction then you say that. Brady was a great player, never my favourite of favourites, but amongst the most skilful without a doubt, but not criticise him? Listen I am ready to criticise anyone, and everyone needs it, myself included. Whether it be constructive or just observational criticism it carries a point of view, yours to agree or disagree with, but never to stop up your ears. @ Kurt if true, then shame on the author, and shame on you in promoting his book. @ Athoz I'm game, haven't smoked for over forty years so have plenty of air in my lungs, albeit hot air, mostly. Do you remember the goalies were sharp-edged two-dimensional cut-outs of men. It was easy to cut your finger on their edges. They hung suspended from the crossbar on some, or a wire band ran through them from post to post, then they put them on little plinths that you just stood in the goalmouth. It was a big treat to have them in a little compendium of games which were received at Xmas. A lot of time was spent bending down to pick up the ball as it rolled or was blown off the table, disappearing under chairs and sofas. That brought with it the bumped heads in retrieving it, often I'd find missing Matchbox cars or a lead soldier which I'd nearly sucked all the paint off. Invariably one of us would tread or kneel on the ball and that was it, game over! No chance of buying a replacement ball. Red-faced kids with ballooning cheeks, and a constant stream of dribble coming out of the end of the blower. Anyway, it's only words, and words are all I have, to take your love away. That plaintive singing may not work with you Athoz, but I know it does with people like MARCUS and jeff wright, down boys!

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 16, 2014, 13:59 #57395

    New Arsenal publications and players biographies are nearly always fathers day or birthday presents, not long to wait now.

  53. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Sep 16, 2014, 13:58 #57394

    right it is now Bradys fault the petro clubs and the glaizers turned up

  54. Website Editor

    Sep 16, 2014, 13:25 #57391

    @Kurt - Send me an email - use the editorial address through the contact link at the bottom of this page. I can't post my email address here as the system doesn't allow it. It's the gooner.ed one. Just have a question about what you posted as the author of this book has emailed me in the past and there is no sign of any vitriol in his communications.

  55. DJ

    Sep 16, 2014, 13:22 #57390

    The trouble with lauding David Dein as some sort of saviour is he’s a shady businessman to say the least who made millions out of Arsenal boosting his profile while he was at it. For all his carefree, attacking football off the pitch Arsene has become more and more cautious off the pitch (with good reason some may say) where we have reached the point that good financial results supersede trophies.

  56. unchives

    Sep 16, 2014, 13:19 #57388

    A few things to cover, firstly David Dein totally supports Arsene Wenger, even now, they are neighbours after all.I'm sure Mr Dein has already voiced his opinions and offered advice to Arsene Wenger. Secondly, I purchased the original book "Arsenal - The making of a super club" which captured the success of the club under Wenger. I don't think we want to read about our failures bolted on as several further chapters to the original book, but more importantly the co-author Mr Kevin Whitcher,also editor of this site has a clear agenda of getting rid of the said Manager, I do not think it is appropriate that he is still making money off Wenger's name through this book, particularly asking for new money for old rope.I have my own opinions on Arsene tactical management skills, however he has given more to the club then taken away. Please don't use this site for your own profitable means, thank-you.

  57. Roy

    Sep 16, 2014, 13:14 #57387

    Wenger on Bellerin : "He isn't fazed by pressure - he lacks a bit of experience as a defender but he's very dangerous going forward." Great, exactly what we need ! Mind you, if he does play tonight and he's as quick as he's reputed to be, maybe he'll have no problem getting back ! One things for sure, if we leave as much room behind the full backs as we did against Citeh, we will be in trouble. Granted that shouldn't happen as much tonight as this is an entirely different situation, but, like many others, I'm no longer convinced by this managers tactical nous. I saw Dortmunds game at the weekend, and while I think they can be got at, Ramos looks very hungry after filling Lewandowski's boots and Grosskreutz will be a definite threat to our problem right back position. We have been warned. As for the book, I fear it will tell me nothing new, but I'll give it a look anyway.

  58. Ozzie

    Sep 16, 2014, 13:13 #57386

    Did anyone hear Alex Song sing? "Nearly reach the sky - then like my dreams - they fade & die - I'm forever blowing bubbles.." lol lipop, lollipop, ooh la a lollipop...As for the book: Words, words, and more f**cking words! Anyone for blow football?


    Sep 16, 2014, 13:03 #57385

    David I never suggested that you called me anything buddy. We are as we are, slowly changing and adapting as we age. We had a little discourse nothing more. Incidentally, nothing like this hurts at all with myself, and no offence is ever taken. I know people are fallible and clumsy with words and many other things, I know because I am a person, and recognise all my own idiosyncrasies in others. No apology ever necessary Young Gun, so I shall return that compliment, sorry I bumped you a little, peace is good to wish on each other-and there is always enough of that to go around. Good old Arsenal.

  60. kilkenny cat

    Sep 16, 2014, 13:00 #57384

    Any book that critisises Liam Brady will not be in my collection. For me the greatest ever Arsenal player,the greatest Irish player and a legend for club and country

  61. fozzy's mate

    Sep 16, 2014, 12:52 #57383

    No doubt an interesting read. My current question is where is Ivan? From being everywhere with his political spin and double speak he is now Mr invisible.

  62. David

    Sep 16, 2014, 11:53 #57381

    BADARSE - never called you anything, merely that your argument represents something. There's a difference. Not clunky at all. Peace out. Sorry if it hurt you and caused offence.

  63. west london

    Sep 16, 2014, 11:46 #57379

    How can you blame Liam Brady for the lack of chances for the youngsters? This author has no idea what went on.

  64. Rocky RIP

    Sep 16, 2014, 11:42 #57378

    On this day in 1996, Patrick Vieira made his Arsenal debut.


    Sep 16, 2014, 11:38 #57377

    David, what are you on? Surely it can't just be rancour, can it? If it is, then why? Is it because I tread a different pathway to oblivion, from you? I wish you no ill, can you say the same? Anyway if you construct an unwieldy and awkward analogy to denigrate a man, a man that you have never met, what chance has anyone, least of all a person who doesn't see reality through your eyes? You need to display more humility, more sensitivity and above all, more understanding. If you are lost I shall be your guide, when tired lean on me at anytime, if you are weary I shall carry you. Does that make you feel happier that I am not an enemy, or annoys you more that I am as I am? Peace buddy.

  66. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Sep 16, 2014, 11:33 #57376

    another day, another Alex Fynn book on Arsenal, ho hum.

  67. Kurt

    Sep 16, 2014, 11:25 #57375

    There is a book called Thierry Henry 50 Fixtures by Paul Joseph. Paul Joseph can be found on AWIMB as Monty91. He wishes cancer on people including Kev Whitcher and the Highbury Spy

  68. Johnny Lynch

    Sep 16, 2014, 11:19 #57374

    Another book about the busted flush . Blinding

  69. David

    Sep 16, 2014, 10:13 #57371

    @jeff wright – have every sympathy for your views. BADARSE in the whole debate about AWs future, represents the bloke who drives at 40 in a 60 zone. Why? Because 40 is plenty fast enough thank you very much. The powers that be are the powers that be for a reason, and they know best. As the cars pile up bumper to bumper behind him, this self-appointed Guardian of Sensible Driving reasons that, if you want to get there sooner, you should get up earlier. He even puts this message up on his digital display unit on the back of his car. Not worth engaging with in sensible argument.