A Defining Fixture

Book Extract recalling the 2004 title winning game at the Lane

A Defining Fixture

Those were the days

An extract from Gooner contributor Layth Yousif’s book, ‘Arsene Wenger: Fifty Defining Fixtures’, linked to a competition to win one of three copies.

Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal (A) 25th April 2004

With Newcastle United beating Chelsea's ahead of kick-off it meant Arsenal would start the match nine points ahead of The Blues. It also ensured that Arsene Wenger’s side required a single point to capture the League Title for the 13th time. The fact that they could do this at the home of their bitter North London rivals – for potentially the second time, after achieving the same feat during the club’s march to the double in 1971 - only heightened the sense of expectation, and tension, in N17. The momentous 90 minutes which followed was to prove a memorable and defining afternoon for the club on the day they became Champions of England. A day which would be remembered for as long as Arsenal Football Club existed as the best team in England proved beyond all doubt that North London was most definitely red.

Tottenham Hotspur: Keller, Kelly, Gardner, King, Taricco, Davies, Redknapp, Brown, Jackson, Keane. Kanoute. Substitutes: Defoe for Jackson, Poyet for Kelly, Bunjevevic for Taricco. Not used: Hirschfield, Ricketts
Arsenal: Lehmann, Lauren, Toure, Campbell, Cole, Parlour, Vieira, Gilberto, Pires, Bergkamp, Henry. Substitutes: Edu for Parlour, Reyes for Henry. Not used: Stack, Keown, Clichy
Referee: Mark Halsey
Att: 36,097

With Newcastle’s result filtering through just before kick off Arsenal were determined to do all they could to win the title at White Hart Lane. The opening exchanges confirmed they were deadly serious in their pursuit of their ambitions. With less than 180 seconds gone, Thierry Henry collected the ball just outside his own box, before commencing an all-encompassing passage of play which culminated in Vieira scoring past Keller via a Bergkamp cross. Just to prove the sweeping nature of the move, from Henry gathering the ball to Vieira scoring was timed at an incredible 11 seconds.

1-0 to the Arsenal became 2-0 with ten minutes still to play before half time. Bergkamp, again revelling in his role as tormentor in chief of Spurs fed a Vieira charge through the Spurs defensive lines as if they were invisible. He then played the ball back to Pires who had ghosted into the box to allow him to sidefoot home. At 2-0 up with the title in sight the 3,000 Gooners in the ground including the author started taunting the home fans by reminding them vociferously that it was 43 years and counting since they last won in the league – in black and white to boot.

It was understandable with the title seemingly won Arsenal’s intensity dropped slightly, allowing Jamie Redknapp to fire home on 62 minutes with a low drive from outside the area that Lehmann, who was having one of his more truculent and fractious games perhaps should have done better to stop. It was also understandable that Spurs would then target him in their attempt to level the scores. Which is what occurred in the 90th minute when, Keane, unobserved by any of the officials raked his studs down Lehmann’s leg whilst engaged in an unseemly jostling match awaiting an injury time corner. After booking both Keane and Lehman, referee Mark Halsey had no option but to point to the penalty spot. Keane then netted to ensure the final score would be 2-2.

But what was not understandable was the Lilywhites over-the-top celebrations which prompted one writer present to note with a frown: “From White Hart Lane’s celebrations you would have thought Tottenham had just secured the title themselves.” These were the words of Times Matt Dickinson, with a Sahara dry wit. What was also incredible was the Argentine defender Taricco - who prior to the equaliser had suffered a torrid chasing from the Arsenal forward line – but was now indelibly involved in his team’s celebrations, actually managed to pull his hamstring in his fervent merriment. A clearly incensed Henry, to his eternal credit – despite being warned by the authorities beforehand – at the final whistle gathered his troops together and took them to the now celebrating corner where the Arsenal fans were congregated. Henry showing leadership skills that proved you didn’t have to be captain to be a leader of men then told his men to celebrate long and hard on the White Hart Lane turf.

As he said afterwards in a thinly veiled nod at Taricco’s ridiculous behaviour:” When you see behaviour like that it is impossible for us not to celebrate in response.” Ray Parlour in an interview with the author for The Gooner concurred, adding:” We just thought how can you not celebrate winning the league at White Hart Lane? We certainly made sure we celebrated after. I knew how big the rivalry was between the two teams growing up as a young Arsenal player, and we knew how special a triumph like that was for the fans as well – so we certainly made sure we enjoyed winning the league at White Hart Lane!”

As the final whistle was blown indicating Arsenal had become Champions of England at White Hart Lane, Arsene Wenger, the arch perfectionist that he is actually slapped his thigh in frustration of Lehmann’s actions which denied a win. There are no records of how many times a manager of a title winning side has carried out such an action immediately after winning the league - but it gave a tremendous insight as to how much of an obsessive purist Wenger was and is. As he said afterwards: “That tarnished it a bit at first. It has become a game to wind him up” Yet it did not take long for such a minor quibble to give way to the hugely fulfilling realisation that his team were now Champions. He said with feeling:” I don’t want to diminish my other two championships but this is special.”

Tottenham fans, mirroring their team’s embarrassing over the top celebrations at achieving a draw against the Champions at the final whistle, claimed that they had restored a semblance of pride. It was utter and arrant nonsense: Arsenal had won the league at White Hart Lane for the second time in the history of the North London derby – that was all which ultimately mattered. And it was Arsenal celebrations at the end of game that proved that emphatic fact. For the thirteenth time in the club’s extensive and distinguished history Arsenal Football Club were Champions of England.

Wenger told the BBC afterwards: "The overall achievement of the club has been tremendous. The championship is where you see how good a team is. All the players have had a remarkable attitude and all my staff have been fantastic. We've been remarkably consistent, haven't lost a game and we have played stylish football. We have entertained people who just love football." Wenger himself joined in the vigorous revelries with the players afterwards, and in a shot which encapsulated that era at Arsenal is pictured with his hands in the air in triumph in front of the celebrating Gooners. In the background is a flag raised proudly by the fans. It read simply: “Arsene Knows.” He certainly did. Yet when asked whether his team would be celebrating the title that night, a deadly serious Wenger added: “No champagne just water.”

It was unsure whether one of his stalwarts heeded his advice. In an interview with author for The Gooner years later, Ray Parlour when questioned as to how he celebrated that night recalled with a smile: “What did I do that night? I don’t know! I think I went out and celebrated for about three days afterwards!” Yet despite well-deserved celebrations Parlour and his teammates knew that their manager’s goal was now to achieve what was previously thought impossible: to remain unbeaten throughout a 38 match league campaign – an accomplishment which would turn an extraordinary season into an immortal one. One which would see them labelled for all eternity as The Invincibles.


To win one of three copies of Layth’s book, answer the following question:
In this month’s Gooner podcast, which player for the Spurs side of that day is singled out for attention?

a) Robbie Keane
b) Jamie Redknapp
c) Mauricio Taricco

Email your answer to [email protected], remembering to include your postal address in the entry. Get your answer in by the end of Friday next week (26th September) and we will announce the winners in the editorial on the Spurs game that weekend.

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  1. Ev

    Sep 23, 2014, 9:51 #57795

    There is a similar book to avoid called Thierry Henry: Fifty Defining Fixtures. It is written by Paul Joseph. Paul Joseph posts as Monty91 on AWIMB where he has left comments wishing cancer upon Gooner Editor Kevin Whitcher.

  2. Rocky RIP

    Sep 22, 2014, 20:44 #57780

    That lot have officially the most vile, bitter and angry fans in football. Anyone who has been to the cesspit as an away fan will have witnessed their cowardly bullying of innocent people with no interest in fighting. They are renowned for only being interested when the numbers are on their side and melt when met with genuine resistance. I worked with a Spurs fan (not Finsbury Joe) who claimed on the Monday after that game that their fans weren't bothered about our league title victory. 'We really didn't care' he said. I was there that day, dodging the vermin as we made our way back to the Arsenal area and its more salubrious atmosphere. Trust me: they cared. Massively. Which made it all the more sweeter.

  3. Rocky RIP

    Sep 22, 2014, 20:25 #57779

    @ Martyn - I can only assume you are joking. Clinching the league title at WHL, for the second time in our history, under their bitter noses, in their back yard, wasn't good enough for you?! ... Staggering attitude.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 21, 2014, 12:35 #57692

    Bard, i'd imagine his right hand got a seeing to though, reboot, their true personality always comes out in the end, jw, late night peter, good one.

  5. jeff wright

    Sep 21, 2014, 9:53 #57675

    You have to laugh the AB's predictably are back shouting and abusing with late night Peter . Peter is celebrating like it was 1999 after at last Arsene won a game that he was odds on to win anyway. I can't comment on the game because I never watched it and have only seen the goals and the fortunate Vila miss on the corner when the game was 0-0 . Bould must be pulling his hair out when he sees Per and Koss keep getting skinned on set pieces and corners. Now if we had beat City and got a point at Dortmund I could see some merit in getting excited,but as it it just looks like more AKB outpourings of relief .We are still points down on last season same games played ,so best not get too carried away with have heard ducks fart before.You couldn't make it up.

  6. Bard

    Sep 21, 2014, 9:02 #57671

    Good old Pete, still banging on about bedwetting. You will have to enlighten me about the obsession in one of your more thoughtful posts. Great result and pleased Welbeck and Ozil played well. I have posted several times that we need to reserve judgment until we have played some of the big teams. So far we have a point from City, and a thrashing from BD. We play Chelsea and the Spuds in the next couple of weeks with CL between. Lets see where we are after that. Beating Villa is a good start but its hardly conclusive proof that we are going to be contenders this season.

  7. Hiccup

    Sep 21, 2014, 7:45 #57670

    Have to admit, I didn't expect that. After a CL game in midweek, being stitched up with a fixture at the fortress Villa Park, and then when I saw a referee had been appointed I couldn't see anything other than defeat. But now wiping egg from my face, Arsene has proved the doubters wrong. His first real test of the season against the power house of Birmingham's finest has left us all thankful we have 3 more years of wenger.

  8. Melvyn

    Sep 21, 2014, 0:17 #57669

    @Martyn Did you slink away from White Hart Lane, depressed because we only won the league there with a draw?

  9. Pete

    Sep 21, 2014, 0:13 #57668

    Just accept it wob's you know jack s-h-i-t about football.Genuine gooners like myself and GPB will always run rings round you losers.If Arsenal had lost today you glory hunters would have been out in your droves being critical.Unlucky that's what I say a damp night awaits for you fainthearts,surprised your missuses are prepared to put up with your constant bedwetting.Poor old king AAA jeff wright seems absolutely gutted that we won.Wenger proves once again what a different class he is to all the other pond life managers and when Citeh beat the chav sh-i-te tomorrow we'll be the only unbeaten team.You couldn't make it up.

  10. 3 more years of this sh!te

    Sep 20, 2014, 21:13 #57667

    GBP- Quite the attention-seeker, aren't you? How old are you again? Glad your bullies are back on their nice, comfy flat track anyway.

  11. reboot

    Sep 20, 2014, 21:12 #57666

    Your'e very Jekyll and Hyde arent you GBP, reasonable and polite at times and then abusive as per this post. A good win yes and good to see Ozil playing in his favored position and nice to see Welbeck get off the mark ( plus a great assist ). Also nice of Villa to stand off and let us play our game. Thankfully they didn't watch the Dortmund game to see how to unsettle The Arsenal

  12. GBP

    Sep 20, 2014, 20:50 #57665

    A good day in the Midands. Just thought i d drop by to see if there are enough wallpaper scrapers and face gel to go round here on planet valium? The egg on your grim, contorted faces must be fairly deeply etched, you miserable bunch of saddo's. COYG!

  13. Pete

    Sep 20, 2014, 13:13 #57664

    The spuds have never won the title as a London club.Both their titles were won when they were in Middlesex a few years before it became part of London.Both their title victories were pumped up by the media in the same way Liverpool are hyped up nowadays in reality they were probably the poorest team ever to be crowned champions and their style of play was very similar to that of Stoke City are nowadays with Dave Donkey Mackay(voted their greatest ever player0 their own version of Shawcross if you google image his name he can usually be seen throttling an opponent.

  14. Paul The Ped

    Sep 20, 2014, 12:37 #57663

    Actually the Totts have won 2 league titles 51 and 61 and we have won 2 titles at their lowlife place : in 71 with a 1-0 win, and in 2004 with a 2-2 draw.

  15. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Sep 20, 2014, 12:00 #57662

    The furore about the penalty wouldn't matter if Bobby P had put that chance in with 10 mins left instead of hitting the bar, but's that no criticism. I had to LOL at the picture with the banner Arsene Knows.......I feel an extra couple of lines would be added on to it by now. Anyway, happy days and don't ever forget to remind the Spuds that we've won the league more time at WHL than they have, and I can't see that ever changing

  16. jjetplane

    Sep 20, 2014, 11:58 #57661

    Nice ones MG, Bard, Hiccup - think after the capitulation on Tuesday we are really heading into 'last days' scenario. I find it really sad but I am angry that Arsenal have decide over practically twenty year period that thousand/million pound penny pinching as performing by the ultimate non-football football manager. I go back to that day when Adams with his arms held high put that ball away against Everton. I drunkenly watched from the east stand and could not help thinking this was a team effort/concept which in a sense was managerless. The players were big enough to do it on their own. Witness Anelka that day on the pitch looking up to Adams with a bright, excited look. Wenger appeared out of place in the pitch environment. Too studious, too within himself. This kind of academic concentration has made some good money for a few prople but the SOFT downward projection since that Everton win to last tuesday makes disturbing reading if you are 'just' a football fan who wants to watch a football team. Presently, we have reneged on that concept and ended up with corporate virtualism. Give the punters enough quazi-football distractions and they won't even smell the turf anymore. Penny for Bouldie's thoughts as he was the one who supplied that pass to Adams. Arsenal's finest moment in the modern era. Can we just have some more. Football, that is.

  17. Angry & Frustrated

    Sep 20, 2014, 10:16 #57659

    When you get to the childish name calling stage Pete, you are just displaying to all that you know you have lost the argument. Grow up and stop behaving like a spoilt brat throwing his toys out of the pram! I actually enjoy debate, but when it gets to the name calling stage my estimation of you simply goes downhill. As Bard just stated, the timing of your post might indicate alcohol may have something to do with it (despite your denial), and hence I hope in the cold light of day you might want to reflect on that childish tantrum name calling post? If not, then that speaks volumes about you as a person!

  18. Pete

    Sep 20, 2014, 9:27 #57658

    Bard-My body is my temple I don't drink or chase after women I've had the same one for 18 years.I go to bed late and rise early to go for a run and work out to keep my body in perfect condition so I can throw opposing fans and wobs about when it takes my fancy.

  19. Bard

    Sep 20, 2014, 9:08 #57657

    Pete; the time of your post 1.56am suggests Friday evening was a bit of a blank on the girl front !!!. All this stuff about bedwetting and sexual frustration looks like you need dear old Dr Sigmund to sort out your confusions.

  20. Edmund

    Sep 20, 2014, 5:59 #57655

    Those were great days. I had hoped the visit to Japan would help Wenger rediscover his mojo. An FA cup and a Charity Shield should be the start of better things to come. But his mistake in not taking Cesc back is already defining the season.

  21. Pete

    Sep 20, 2014, 1:56 #57654

    It's a shame nominal Arsenal followers not fans,like Toby Evans,angry and sexually frustrated,maguirestamfordbridge,hiccup hotspur and the chav Bard never can ever find anything positive to say about Arsenal.

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 19, 2014, 22:22 #57651

    Hiccup, so much for comradeship, and yes they'll suddenly have got their voice and the use of their fingers back tomorrow evening, with brushes dripping in paste going hell for leather papering over the cracks.

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 19, 2014, 21:08 #57649

    jj, it's called the star ship enterprise and the transporter room is at London Colney, arsene gets on the radio every now and again and gives the order, beam them up Diaby who is at the controls circling, and anxious to get going so he can show off his new skill as a pilot, after visiting spocks house for a beer, and taking out a couple of Klingons he drops them back as confused as ever.

  24. Bard

    Sep 19, 2014, 20:08 #57645

    jjetplane; great post mate, really laughed, cheered me up. It does seem as though the boss is getting stressed and so would I in his position. Villa, the Spuds and Chelsea coming up plus Southampton in Carling. Still we can be assured that we have a strong squad to see us through so Ive been told. I did hear that Kallstrom is available on loan for 2 books of green shield stamps and an Oyster card but the Boss is playing hardball and staying firm on the Oyster card. The other option thats being mooted is getting Terry Butcher as cover complete with bloodied head bandage circa 1980. As Jeff rightly says its going to be a long old season.

  25. Hiccup

    Sep 19, 2014, 19:32 #57643

    Don't worry jeff, a win tomorrow and this place will be back to normal. GBP's mates will be back, standing shoulder to shoulder as they claim, although they have left him out to dry over the last couple of days.

  26. jeff wright

    Sep 19, 2014, 18:22 #57640

    Hiccup it does seem that there is one rule on here for some and a different one for others. Although there is more than a tad of making it up as they react to events by GBP and others . The problem is GBP and the rest forget what they have posted themselves when lecturing those that they see as being bed-wetters ,dark moonies etc... Also this bullshine about Arsene has never had money to spend is still trotted out even after all the evidence and statements from Edelman,back in 2007,Diamond Danny in 2008,Ivan 20013 ,says otherwise. Wenger already looks under pressure and has been ranting at the 4th officials in games again. Some of his comments are delusional and it can only be the 28m wages that he negotiated for himself that has kept him in harness . A big game v the Villains in a city that has not always been a happy hunting ground for him is not what the doctor ordered though . He could really have done with the spuds up next at home. A win over them always cheers everyone up! Tbh from what I have seen of them I would fancy us more against them at home than Villa away at the present. Under pressure Wenger needs a win big time and he can't afford a bad result in the Villa game after the recent poor ones . It looks like it's going to be a long old season.

  27. GBP

    Sep 19, 2014, 17:49 #57639

    Sarcasm - The theorists can differ but its generally thought as the last resort of the imaginatively bankrupt. That would catch you Hiccup. Don't give up the day job either. Your day as a comic just ended. Have a great week end though. Try and smile though I'm guessing that's a forlorn sentiment in your case. Here's an uber bye to you all. COYG.

  28. Hiccup

    Sep 19, 2014, 17:35 #57638

    Jeff, I'm just glad you never made reference to the Invincibles as keystone cops, as there'd be a lynch mob on here after you again. But seems like you can hold that opinion without any comeback if you put a disclaimer in that the sun shines out of wenger's arse. JJ, you'll also find that being a World Cup winner, it can take months to remember how to dress yourself again. Now that shin pad episode was keystone cops.

  29. Peter Wain

    Sep 19, 2014, 17:26 #57637

    no way it was a penalty it was 6 of one 6 of the other. The scum deserved nothing from this game.

  30. jjetplane

    Sep 19, 2014, 16:51 #57636

    Just heard 'the horses mouth' explaining to the uneducated that it can take months for a 'WC winner' to get back to fitness. Quite where this lands Podolski is as mystifying as what common parlance now refers to as The Diaby Strain. Is there a Bermuda type triangle in the Holloway area where players like Ramsay, Ozil, etc just disappear into only to appear again in a Puma shirt looking bemused by the whole experience. This is more Twilight Zone than Carry on. Yes - Aston Villa is in the middle of England. Pay attention!

  31. jeff wright

    Sep 19, 2014, 15:58 #57634

    Oh dear is this really uber fan GBP that I see moaning and posting negative things ..! the invincibles were not always that great according to him ... why sometimes they actually failed to win ...!*!! oh well as the actress said to the just bishop you can't satisfy some folk... GBP though supports Arsene against those who abuse him even though he doesn't really think that he is what he was ... then again if GBP was not happy with Arsene going unbeaten for a season then obviously he is hard to please... oh yes our teams in the 70s were not always that great but that was the same at other clubs such as spuds and united those pair were even relegated ! It's a fact though that we have won as many league titles at the lane as what the spuds have. You couldn't make it up.

  32. Tony Evans

    Sep 19, 2014, 14:03 #57630

    GBP - You are right football is a completely different beast now, and I doubt if we will ever recapture the affinity we had with the players in times gone by. Even in the dark days of the mid 70s and early to mid 80s when we were awful there was still something about Highbury - a certain magic which just isn't there anymore at the new place. Also we related to the players more and, as you say, forgave them for being ****e! Not anymore - not on the massive wages they are on, and the huge ego's they have. It doesn't help that Wenger does my head in too, and it will be interesting for me personally to see if I can recapture the old feelings I had for Arsenal when he finally leaves - because at the moment it is only the fact that the club is in my blood that I have any interest at all.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 19, 2014, 13:44 #57629

    Nice memories Layth, those days are long gone never to return, well not for a while anyway.

  34. GBP

    Sep 19, 2014, 13:33 #57628

    Same as you Tony. Wherever we/i/you are on things Wenger/AFC, football Club supporting wont ever be as it was will it. There was an affinity with players and fans then and even when the team wasnt so hot, because we had affinity we forgave them for the bad days didnt we. None of that now and all this filthy rotten money in it makes fans angry and feel short changed. I can understand that and feel it myself at times, but its just football in the end so it washes past me quickly.It never used to do years back. I dont feel very close to this team and havent for quite some years(age?) Its such a different game now isnt it. On that other on going thread of Kevin Whichers re Wengers tactics, the most committed AW backer cant argue he/she has ever seen much evidence of him stymieing opponents with his tactics. This is where the conflict is. A team needs 3/4 great players to allow a coach to disregard another teams tactics. He had it with the invincible s didn't he.The seat of the pants football was great, even on days when they were awful! None of these now have that ingredient and tbh Tony there arent the quality players about now that were there even 10 years back? PS Much of my backing of Arsene is just pitted for the sake of it against the vitriolic and over the top abusers of him on here ( many are well off beam with it in my view) Ive no probs with the those who just criticise fairly. Theres much to criticise after all but just one vowel in his favour said on here attracts a deluge of bricks and bottles!! I dpo wonder how many on here ever lived through the real s--te times and teams of the mid 70s and early 80s?

  35. Martyn

    Sep 19, 2014, 13:30 #57627

    I remember never celebrating the title in 2004 because we threw away a two goal lead and only drew with the enemy. It was rather hollow.

  36. Tony Evans

    Sep 19, 2014, 13:01 #57623

    GBP - Indeed they did, but they were few and far between and nothing like the horror shows we have had to endure in more recent times - 8-2, 6-0, 6-3, 5-1 etc etc. Good to remember those happier times though - what fun we have had at the Lane! Ray Kennedy 1971 title clincher; the 1978 5-0 win with Brady's fantastic swerving shot; Rocky's late winner in the League Cup in 1987; and then winning the title again in 2004. Thank God I chose Arsenal to support back in 1970 and not that other lot!

  37. DJ

    Sep 19, 2014, 10:16 #57619

    Just a minor point on that game. I thought it was never a penalty in a million years and Halsey only gave it to placate the Tottenham crowd and it worked. How many other penalties have you seen given for that?

  38. GBP

    Sep 19, 2014, 10:09 #57618

    Tony - Yes, but the invincible s had days and periods in games where they looked like the keystone cops too.Memories cloud reality a little bit. Quite a few games we would come away thinking we were lucky to hold on for draws or wins. Great days though as you say and those last few mins at the Lane that day were seemingly endless!!

  39. Angry & Frustrated

    Sep 19, 2014, 10:08 #57617

    Just a distant memory now. Who would have thought then that Wenger would morph into the person he is today? I certainly didn't, as the joys of those days have now been replaced by the idealistic tippy tappy weak spine teams with no leaders of the last few years. Sad when only nostalgia remains, with currently little to look forward to, other than the day of Wenger's P45!

  40. Tony Evans

    Sep 19, 2014, 8:51 #57615

    Great memories. Wenger should take a long hard look at that team, which might make him remember that balance is the key: pace, power and solid no nonsense defending all thrown in to the mix to create a special team. We have pace a plenty but as for the other two - I wish.