Excuse Me! No!

Taking pictures and filming at Arsenal is against the rules…

Excuse Me! No!

Beautiful irony on Tuesday evening. As mentioned in yesterday’s piece on the Capital One Cup game against Southampton, myself and my son were guests of Huawei, Arsenal’s mobile phone manufacturing partners. Part of the agreement was that we’d make a movie and take some pictures to showcase their flagship handset the Ascend P7 Arsenal Edition. I handed this particular task over to my 12-year-old son as he enjoys the wonders of technology, and frankly, picks this stuff up a bit quicker than his old man. There will be some more films over the course of the next month or so. He’s under orders to try and make them interesting! His first effort is on this very page, or can be viewed on youtube here. He had a 30 minute crash course in iMovie to edit the footage, so forgive him if he is a little way short of Steven Spielberg just at the moment.

Anyway, promotion of the handset aside, the most amusing moment was when we were watching the game and he was filming a bit of the action. Now technically, filming and the taking of photos is against the rules of admission at Arsenal. But come on, how many people take a snap or shoot a bit of the action with their phones or digital cameras? And here we were taking footage on behalf of a company that are doubtless paying Arsenal a significant sum of money to increase Huawei’s brand awareness in the country and take on the bigger players in the android market. But no. At one point out races a female steward in her late 50s, evidently enjoying the power, who shouts from the aisle, pointing at my boy in the midst of filming – “Excuse Me! No!”

I had to inwardly chuckle. There were people all around us filming and taking pics at various points in the game, so this is obviously hardly a strict policy. Perhaps she was impressed by the image on the handset’s screen or something, which was admittedly very sharp. However, my thought on this rule is what exactly Arsenal think someone is going to do with footage or photos taken on a mobile phone? You can watch the whole game shot professionally by the club themselves for nothing online simply by giving Arsenal your email address less than 24 hours after its been played. So is someone going to make a fortune selling their mobile phone captured footage illegally online? Will they be selling DVDs of their footage in the pub? I mean, seriously?

If someone comes in with a 12 inch telephoto lens that can take photos to match the quality of those used by the press snappers behind the goal, then fair enough. There is the potential for abuse there by selling images without having paid the appropriate licensing fees. But a smartphone? Come on Arsenal, get real. Time for someone upstairs to have a quiet word with stadium management or whoever oversees the stewards, and give those in dayglo with the power trips one less reason to get excited. I am sure Huawei would concur…

Before the weekend, we’ll set up a gallery page to put up the photos taken before and during the game on Tuesday with the Ascend P7 so you can all see what a nice piece of kit it is. I’ll do a link to it in tomorrow’s piece on the site.

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  1. Stuart

    Sep 27, 2014, 9:27 #58039

    I'd rather the club put the same time and effort into finding a decent defender.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 26, 2014, 18:08 #58006

    WeAreBuilding, you'll not need the well known latex product when you buy the phone, i hear it's got a great vibrating mode.

  3. jjetplane

    Sep 26, 2014, 14:24 #57992

    We are building mguire G magnificent posts and I reckon somewhere down the line Arsenal will be playing their games in China hoping for 4th spot in the superuniversalbonobollockleague which funny enough OGL was once involved with in it's infancy. The circle will be completed. The Chinese are coming!

  4. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Sep 26, 2014, 12:44 #57983

    All these complaints from people, try watching Youtube. Anyway don't that Huawei looks great. Gonna go and buy one tomorrow after I've put on my Nike trainers, RayBans and Paul Smith shirt, after which I'll stop off in Starbucks and watch some more ads on YouTube. Everything is awesome, just like they said in The Lego Movie (oops another corporate tie-in there). Then go home, put me Calvins on and give Mrs WABATTD pleasure which will feature a well-known brand of latex product. But not before the NLD at 17.30 hours though.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 26, 2014, 12:25 #57981

    I think the point of making the movie was to promote and show the quality of the phone, not to advocate filming in the ground.


    Sep 26, 2014, 10:55 #57977


  7. Pete

    Sep 26, 2014, 10:21 #57976

    I often video part of the games,sometimes I will use the shoulder of a steward to get a better picture,they all know me and are all quite obliging...

  8. D. Arkmoonie-Cashman

    Sep 26, 2014, 8:52 #57974

    Wow! Looking forward to using my new Apple Intel® Core™ i5 processor with its amazing hi-res 27” screen, I now jump out of my Silentnight Microcoil3 Ortho King Mattress®, gulp down my Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes™ (they’re Grr-r-eat!) and rattle off my latest missive to the Online Gooner (sponsored by China’s new ZTZ-99 modern battle tank)... er...where was I...?

  9. Jay

    Sep 26, 2014, 8:27 #57973

    Agree Hornsey B, In Holland the PSV fans are sticking up protest banners inside their ground saying "no ****** wifi support your team instead" and here the gooner arsenals most popular fanzine is weeping about the injustice of not being able to use your camera phone in the ground!!!! dear lord. Everything is for sale, even personal opinion here folks

  10. Hornsey Bill

    Sep 26, 2014, 7:40 #57971

    I don't have a problem with the fanzine making money from advertising. I don't have a problem with Kevin personally profiting from it either (he does after all put a lot of work into it) what I DO have a problem with is people filming on their damned mobile phones!!! I see it more and more these days and not just at the football! Not only do I find it irritating, but it spoils the occasion of live event. At one game last season a woman in front of me filmed over half the game on her phone (she was Chinese come to think of it!) What's the point?! Just watch the bloody game and support your team!! The stewards need to be more strict in my view. It helps to further sanitise the game and must be stopped. It ruins atmosphere which is pretty poor as it is. Imagine if everyone filmed the match, what sort of event would it be them. No sorry Kev you get no sympathy from me. I usually agree with everything you say but on this one you're wrong mate

  11. Hiccup

    Sep 26, 2014, 6:28 #57970

    mg, from what it sounds like on here, Kevin is different to Arsenal. Arsenal went with nice Mr Kroenke's cash. Kevin has opted to take the dirty money of the Russian, Uzbek, Ukrainian or wherever he was from. These funds will now help Online Gooner to compete on a level footing with the mighty arseblog.

  12. DW Thomas

    Sep 26, 2014, 3:38 #57969

    F..king funny one Hiccup! Here's hoping for a win this weekend. Good for Kevin if he makes a little $$ off a corporate sponsors back. We could all use a little more. What's worse is the total greed fueled world of pro sports. Money rules all. My big problem is why take out $3m from the club when you already got billions? That reinforces the penny pinching attitude we know the club has. Every time I see the badge I am now hearing...cha ching! Shame. Sport used to be so much more.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 25, 2014, 23:21 #57967

    Hiccup, good one. You know what to do now Kev, when all this advertising /sponsorship dough comes through don't reinvest it in the online gooner, withdraw it all and pocket it, buy yourself a new apartment at Hghbury square, a couple of new quads for your son, give yourself all your employees at gooner towers a raise even the useless ones that might become great employees in three years time, even the ones that have been on the sick for five years and contribute nothing, and when the online gooner and fanzine starts to go down hill and starts being humiliated and made a laughing stock by other fanzines and blog sites even second rate ones, and when the loyal fans of the site and fanzine who aren't happy with you and the way your doing things start protesting and posting to spend some f*****g money on proper software and not second rate parts so the online gooner can be the best again you can ignore them as your ego won't allow you to listen to anybody. You can then tell all those fans who aren't happy and think your past it and who just want the site to be successful again you've been an editor for thirty years and have managed 2,000 articles and written hundreds of posts to shut the f**k up i know best just as our beloved site is humiliated by one in Germany.

  14. Unchives

    Sep 25, 2014, 22:38 #57966

    @ Jay - Spot on, and their intentions are blatantly obvious to anyone, unless the club were in on it, otherwise would Arsenal accept this kind of uncontrolled commercialism.

  15. Jay

    Sep 25, 2014, 22:22 #57965

    Unchives, I don't doubt that a steward has done this as I've sat in the likely parts of the ground before and they have a smaller area to command and are typically more jobs worth it's just that it's a non issue being used to hide a blatant promotion. If it wasn't this issue it would be something else. The title of the article "excuse me no"! Sounds a lot better than "please buy this phone you mugs" It's underhand advertising. Rather than paying the gooner an actual fee huawei have played the oldest trick in the book and given them some comps in exchange for covert promotion worth a lot more and compromising their integrity. Surely their intentions were obvious How about running a competition for its readers ? Or just admitting it's an advert ? Anything is better than thinking the fanbase are gullible retards

  16. Goonerbadger

    Sep 25, 2014, 22:22 #57964

    Disappointing to hear that Arsenal are as small minded as other clubs. A few months ago my son played for peterborough under 8's against sp*rs under 8's at the lilly****es training ground. On walking up to the building I took a photo of the outside on my phone only to have a jobsworth security woman shout at me to stop then demand I delete all photos off my phone, needless to say I didn't and if I hadn't had both my children with me, the conversation would have been much more colourful than it was. For the time we were there I witnessed a lot more of that behaviour from security staff. I did however manage to get a photo inside reception of their giant tv screen showing that the forces of darkness were losing to Hull! Ha

  17. Unchives

    Sep 25, 2014, 22:02 #57963

    AFC Ground Regulation 12 2014/15. Mobile telephones and other mobile devices are permitted within the Ground PROVIDED THAT (a) They are used for personal and private use only (which, for the avoidance of doubt and by way of example only, shall not include the capturing, logging, recording, transmitting, playing, Issuing, showing, or any other communication of any Material for any commercial purposes); and (b) no Material that is captured by a mobile telephone or other mobile device may be Published or otherwise made available to any third parties including, without limitation, via Social networking sites. Whether Commercial purposes means greasing your own palms I don't know. Where are all the real journalists gone?

  18. Mike Francis

    Sep 25, 2014, 21:08 #57961

    Hi Reboot. With regards the electronic edition, can you drop me an email to the Admin address on our contacts page and let me know what problems you had so that we can follow up with Exact Editions. We've not heard of anyone else experiencing issues so obviously want to try to address them if we can. Appreciate the feedback. Cheers.

  19. jjetplane

    Sep 25, 2014, 20:48 #57960

    Years ago we all use to get on the piss together in the supporter's club .....Proper stewards then. She probably was forced into that or she would get the old tin tack. Speaking of tippy tappy .......

  20. Matthew Bazell

    Sep 25, 2014, 19:43 #57958

    Fans today are too soft. Years ago fans would simply tell the stewards to **** off and that was the end of the matter.

  21. Jay

    Sep 25, 2014, 19:24 #57957

    Reboot, the Ascend arsenal P7 arsenal edition doesn't have those problems. Please buy it, if you don't your not a proper arsenal fan :-)

  22. reboot

    Sep 25, 2014, 19:20 #57956

    Kevin, slightly off topic, but can you not put the electronic edition of the fanzine on a platform other than exact editions? I had nothing but trouble using it and so did not continue the subscription. I used it on a Google nexus 7 and would have expected the app to work well but it didnt. Zinio is a much better platform, far more user friendly.

  23. Hiccup

    Sep 25, 2014, 18:22 #57954

    In this evil filthy world of capitalist profiteering, sponsorship is the way forward. The dark moonies will want any funds putting back to strengthen the site, whereas the tooth fairies will be quite happy for Kevin to pocket all he can. Even some regulars on here are looking for sponsorship for their posts. 'Imodium is the proud sponsor of this JAMIE article."

  24. Jay

    Sep 25, 2014, 18:21 #57953

    I've never had an issue with anything written previously and I love the gooner (Steve Ashford should get his own tv show I reckon) and the football related comments are the ones you should ignore but where it's covert promotion then it's disappointing. You posed the question if I refused to watch a channel other than bbc and the answer is yes I do watch other channels and the adverts aren't an issue but if the news at ten starts trying to covertly sell Sony TVs I will take issue with it.

  25. Website Editor

    Sep 25, 2014, 17:57 #57952

    @Jay - The fanzine as such has no one opinion as such, it is a platform for contributors' opinions. My editorials and articles are a personal view, and palm greasing by sponsors is not going to change my views on the football side of things. Note that in this article, I have been critical of the club (rules) whilst still plugging the phone. If you don't like the article, fine. I've been writing for so long and had so much flak without plugging stuff that I was hardly expecting different from the reaction received when I did.

  26. JAMIE

    Sep 25, 2014, 17:03 #57950

    A women in her late 50's on some sort of power trip. I would be more surprised if you'd found one who wasn't.

  27. Jay

    Sep 25, 2014, 16:31 #57948

    No problem in promotion of a book about my beloved arsenal especially if it's a good one which it is, it's the hypocritical nature of questioning arsenals commercial activities whilst accepting benefits for the promotion of questionable sponsors. I guess it's a sign of the times and that anything good that was started probably as a labour of love gets changed into a means of personal gain, moving forward the challenge for the reader will be to differentiate what the fanzines actual opinion is to what is being driven by a commercial or personal agenda. Progress maybe but just sad. Good luck flogging that crap phone btw and please forgive me for hitting dislike on the you tube clip because this is a steaming pile of Hotspur

  28. Unchives

    Sep 25, 2014, 16:26 #57947

    @ Website editor - I have no objection to independent advertising, however using the word Prostitute signifies being paid for doing something "immoral", Can Trying to hide advertising behind an article like this be considered Immoral?

  29. Unchives

    Sep 25, 2014, 16:14 #57945

    @Johnnyhawleyloovinggooner - Read Jays comments regarding why the story has been posted. Cameras are allowed at Arsenal, however they must not be professional cameras (DSLRs). Most people use mobile phones or small compact cameras, you can see the flashes go off all the time. The article above is pure advertising with a poor attempt to disguise the fact. Read jays responses.

  30. Website Editor

    Sep 25, 2014, 16:06 #57944

    Long have I maintained that if the a certain airline would pay me a fraction of what they do to Arsenal, then i wouldn't use the asterisks in the E******s Stadium. Principles, me? I have never, ever claimed those. If you want to pin them on me, that's your choice. We are all prostitutes at work, and sadly, I can't afford to spend the time I do on the Gooner or this website and treat it as a hobby. We've carried advertising on the website for years. It's sadly the world we live in. Check out the Guardian website sometime and watch a video there. The alternative is to go down the route of the Times and put stuff behind a paywall. Do you refuse to watch programmes on any channel except the BBC? As for the book - it is co-authored. Not solely my own opinion but a compromise between two minds.

  31. jjetplane

    Sep 25, 2014, 16:04 #57943

    Maybe he plays in a parallel universe (Diaby quantum factor)(DQF) and us misguided darksiders are so blind (wish Plato would stop shouting at me!) that we cannot see the goodness that is all around if only .... if only. Do get little flashes sometimes but then it goes dark again. Think it is called night time. Sweet Dreams Abou. Just saw an image of him. I am haunted by something too great. Must lie down ... Looks good the P7 (ahhh product placement) but just got a knocked down samsung - you could not make it up.

  32. Bard

    Sep 25, 2014, 15:43 #57941

    jjetplane; I have had my wrist slapped by Westie on the topic of Diaby. Apparently he\\'s been a shoe in for the DM role since the beginning of the season. His injury record is but a blip on his playing radar. We can expect him to drive us on to CL and PL success any moment now. Pigs flying comes to mind but I could be wrong.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 25, 2014, 14:14 #57936

    jj, he's back on board the star ship enterprise getting the once over from Dr McCoy with the cigarette lighter out of the dash board of the bridge. I'm sure we'll hear the full diagnosis when he gives his report to Captain Kirk.

  34. Johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Sep 25, 2014, 14:08 #57935

    so arsenal are down to stopping 12 year olds playing with toys. I accept the club have to protect pirate editions but this is plane silly. A future season ticket holder being treated like this is mad.to be honest if it was my son I may not of come back again. Has big AL's gang made any comment on this alleged £3m Stan has supposed to been paid ?

  35. jjetplane

    Sep 25, 2014, 13:43 #57934

    Prawn sandwich anybody? Kev Kroenke - just kidding mate! Chinese Gooners giving it big! As laughable as when I used to watch the Kansas Royals going through the motions. Any news on Diaby?

  36. Jay

    Sep 25, 2014, 13:21 #57933

    I see the irony in writing a book about a guy you want sacked but that is down to individual preference, just don't read it. However the article on this page is disgusting propaganda ! Firstly the purpose in promoting the phone is deliberately hidden and written behind the tet a tet with the steward otherwise all this would be is an advert. Secondly, the notion that the steward is damaging little old huaweis brand and it's unjust, boo hoo.This is huawei were talking about who are owned by the Chinese government and army apparently/allegedly. Thirdly, the fact that the fanzine isn't endorsing that anyone who films at the ground with an ipad or phone instead of getting behind the team is a massive see you next tuesday and probably has never kissed a girl.

  37. Unchives

    Sep 25, 2014, 13:05 #57930

    @Jay - I agree the original book was great, however to bolt on several chapters over the period of failure and trying to make new money from old rope is not acceptable. With the rest of what you have written I take on board and have to agree with you.

  38. Jay

    Sep 25, 2014, 12:56 #57929

    Unchives, I have no problem in promoting a book relating to arsenal. It's what the fanzines about and the book is great. The company the gooner is promoting here has allegedly developed technology for the taleban and has been raised as a security concern by GCHQ in the past. So in exchange for a free mobile phone, use of a corporate box and some food and drink probably the gooner has turned into a mouthpiece for an extremely dubious company. I would suggest they do some research but it seems naive and makes anything they say in future with regards to commercial activities or how arsenal spends its money hypocritical on the basis they have agreed to act as a mouthpiece in exchange for these gifts( I could understand it if they were getting paid cold hard cash! )

  39. Unchives

    Sep 25, 2014, 12:38 #57927

    @Jay - Absolutely agree with you. It defeats the object of impartiality if you are accepting gifts in any shape or form or indeed helping the club flog even more hardware for profit, when in the same breath, blame the club for not spending the profits they have already made, on players. I had a go last week @ Kevin for flogging his book about Wenger, when clearly he wants him sacked....even vultures wait till your dead before picking you off. Shame on you Kevin....respect is out of the window mate!

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 25, 2014, 12:34 #57926

    Late fifty's enjoying the power, no doubt thighs to match, you sure it wasn't Bard's Helen from the other night. Good piece of work young Frank some of the interviewees said it all. Has the beer in Club level got any better?

  41. reboot

    Sep 25, 2014, 11:37 #57922

    oh my. First Arseblog, now the online gooner going all commercial.

  42. Jay

    Sep 25, 2014, 11:24 #57920

    So the gooner is now a promotional tool for arsenals sponsors ? I thought the idea of a fanzine is that it's impartial and can say the things the club can't ? How can anyone now take anything seriously you say on the clubs commercial activities knowing it's probably be driving by bribes/gifts from the clubs sponsors Can you see the irony in refusing to refer to the ground as the emirates whilst promoting some pile of crap phone the club want to flog. All hail Pravda mark 2

  43. GBP

    Sep 25, 2014, 8:32 #57913

    That incident sums up modern football in a nutshell Kev doesn't it. It certainly sums up why a good many long standing supporters no longer go there much. The Club is welcome to it to be brutally honest. Im told the same applies at Man Utd, so no doubt it applies at many other grounds. It wouldn't be so bad if the product on the pitch was particularly impressive but lets all be honest here ........! I suppose its just brought football into line with the Cinema and theatre though Arsenal would say.