The Backlash Against Le Boss

Some fans are revolting…

The Backlash Against Le Boss

Luis Gustavo – Were wages the problem?

It’s the 10th August 2014 and Arsène Wenger’s popularity at Arsenal is at a near ten year high, certainly the highest it has been since the move to the E******s Stadium. Just months after delivering his first piece of silverware in eight seasons, the FA Cup after victory over Hull in May, Arsène’s side have comfortably dispatched the reigning English champions Manchester City 3-0 in the Community Shield final at Wembley. In the midst of this has been a summer of positive action, with Arsenal moving quickly to replace the departing Bacary Sagna and Lukas Fabianski with quality upgrades as well as the now almost compulsory annual luxury buys, this summer’s offerings being Alexis Sanchez and Calum Chambers. Wenger is making the right noises about the need for a physical presence in the midfield, whilst promising fans he will replace skipper Thomas Vermaelen when his move to Barcelona is confirmed.

Yet fast forward just over a month to the defeat against Borussia Dortmund on the 16th September and Twitter is exploding with furious fans ready to turn on the manager. The calls for ‘Wenger Out’ have not been more prevalent in over twelve months, since before the arrival of Mesut Özil last September. So how has it all turned so sour for Le Boss? A friend who supports Charlton Athletic described it as “outrageously ungrateful” that a club who remain unbeaten in the league and have just suffered their first defeat of the season, against a team of Dortmund’s quality, have the cheek to feel hard done by. Yet there is something more than simple disaffection at the first defeat of the season brewing in N5. It was not the loss nor the 2-0 score line against one of Europe’s better sides that most hurts but the manner of that performance. On paper a 2-0 away defeat to the 2013 Champions League runners up does not seem enough to justify this level of backlash against the manager, but the fact is that the result could have been so much worse.

It could so easily have been yet another dismal away day humiliation and that this did not surprise even the staunchest of Arsenal fans starkly reveals the lack of confidence in this team. Manchester City games aside, the performances this season have been woeful. For far too long there have been too many players in the squad not contributing enough to justify their place in an Arsenal starting XI. The embarrassment for most is the realisation that this is the best the club has to offer. Where once we had Tony Adams and Patrick Vieira now it’s Per Mertesacker and Mikel Arteta. How can Wenger think this is good enough? The man who built the Invincibles cannot look at this squad and seriously believe it is capable of reaching the heights expected at Arsenal. His negligence in his failure to address the many weaknesses in the squad is what most hurts the North London faithful. So much has been made of the need for a powerhouse in central midfield and genuine cover at the back, yet Wenger continues to take chances with his ‘make do and mend’ approach. His outright refusal to spend big on desperately needed players is so frustrating when it is clear the money is available to spend. This feeling is compounded by Wenger’s indecision in the transfer window as moves stutter over a player’s asking price, as with Julian Draxler in January when the boss refused to pay an extra £4m, or over their wage demands, notably Luis Gustavo and Sami Khedira, as if it is his own money he is spending. Until this mentality is changed Arsenal will always be two or three players away from having a complete starting XI.

His smug grin in his post-match interview strikes deep at what most riles fans with regards to Wenger: his seeming acceptance of mediocrity. Paying the highest season ticket prices in the country, and therefore likely the world, fans demand the best football. The nine year trophy drought was accepted under the special conditions of the stadium move but now there is no excuse for the total lack of focus and determination shown in the transfer market. Wenger may be happy with fourth place and one FA Cup win every eight years, but fans want to see Champions League quarter and semi-finals against the best Europe has to offer and a title challenge that lasts beyond the first injury crisis of spring. At the very least a team we can be proud of, signings that get you excited to go to the E******s every other weekend and players actually doing their job in the team. The policy of cutting corners, filling round holes with square pegs, playing a £42.5m world class number 10 on the left of a four man midfield to shield the ageing and increasingly immobile selection of holding midfielders available at the club smacks of desperation after yet another transfer window was allowed to slam shut without this obvious inadequacy being rectified. The pain of this is made so much worse when Chelsea move so decisively in the market to bring in exactly what they need for a similar outlay. The less said about Cesc Fàbregas here the better.

So when Arsenal offer a season ticket in the same price bracket as Charlton, Arsenal fans will be happy to accept the same old story of ambitionless underachievement and abject failure whilst being left behind by the teams we once called our rivals.

Ed’s note – To finish off our promotion of the Ascend P7 Arsenal Edition handset – which I know has gone down very well with a number of our readers(!), a gallery of photos taken with the handset at the game v Southampton on Tuesday evening has been posted here.

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  1. Terry

    Oct 01, 2014, 0:16 #58235

    Superb piece Alex, reflecting what virtually all Arsenal fans feel is wrong with our club.

  2. Ozzie

    Sep 28, 2014, 7:14 #58086

    I reckon there's a Ventriloquist and his doll on here. Two different monikers - same voice.

  3. DW Thomas

    Sep 27, 2014, 19:35 #58082

    Feel like that was your best post yet GBP. Although today's 4th tie was a result of two,things I think, both down to AW. Sanchez changed the game--where was he before 55-60 minutes? Arteta had his best game for ages, then injured is replaced by Flamini who has not been up to it for some time. His costly error cost the win. Where was our tough DM we've needed for so long? These are simple problems that Wenger bungles and has now again for years. We dominated but could not score. Lots of positives, but now potentially 3 starting MFs out? Choices like these are why we will never get back to the top under Wenger.

  4. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 17:34 #58081

    DW - For what its worth im right with you on your point of pushing for the title as the expense of the CL. Ive never had any time for it ever since it was changed to allow runners up and the also rans beneath into it. Should be for champs and champs only in my view. Money rules though for UEFA. I dont back the status quo at all. Ive said many times, i accept that the Club is on a 'slower burn' to reach where we all want to be. Im not anti replacing Arsene Wenger either bud. I want to see it done seamlessly though, not by use of an axe. I also think the Club have that in mind as we speak, so does AW. The reality is that us lot browbeat each other but we re not so far apart really. Its the method and the means where we all differ isnt it. The richer Clubs can sack and be damned as they have the means and capital to feed any new incumbent in the same way as a predecessor. A sacking at Arsenal creates a greater rupture in my view so it needs managing. Thats me DW. I like to see a stable Club and by and large Arsenal have always been just that. Out of respect to AW in particular, out of all of our coaches down the decades i feel that now is the time for evolution and not revolution. Im convinced that we shall reach that potential that you desire. Knee jerk management now will set us back 5 years i feel and then the struggle post ground shift will have been for nothing.

  5. DW Thomas

    Sep 27, 2014, 17:16 #58080

    GBP where we mostly differ from you and the Unicorns is we want more, expect more, and for us winning should be the goal, not useless stats and pointless qualifications to competitions we can't win. I would actually prefer we go all out to win the league and being out of the CL would help that. To win, you need a winning attitude and sustained mental and physical effort. Our leader doesn't have that anymore. He consistently makes excuses. And even those are always the same. I agree the club is great, but I see potential to be dominant, even better than before. Why is it you think the status quo is enough? Why do you lap up all the bs from the club? I will enjoy a win today as much as any fan, maybe more even. Remember that we all want positive things for the club, even if that might be polar opposites in how we do it.

  6. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 17:11 #58079

    Badarse - with you all the way buddy both on JL and the rest of what you say. Be good to hear what you think once you've read it.COYG


    Sep 27, 2014, 16:46 #58078

    Enough Cornish Gooner, enough!

  8. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 27, 2014, 16:31 #58076

    First point BADARSE is that I think you've missed it! Second point BADARSE is that you've repeated it in your response. My point, which appears to have gone completely over your head, was why spend 150? words drawing a parallel in analogical fashion and answering a previous post, modestly described as 'quite efficiently' and then state that you were bored witless discussing the same topic relentlessly. I understood your analogy the first time, but you then had to go over the same ground again in your response. Maybe my first post should have just said either put up or shut up.

  9. Hiccup

    Sep 27, 2014, 16:24 #58075

    "First point Cornish Gooner, you have no need to paraphrase or repeat sections of a previous post." Second point badarse, there probably is a point in paraphrasing, as with a lengthy volume of waffle, it would be difficult to pinpoint which element someone is referring to. Funny for someone that desists from continuously covering over old ground, you consistently bark the same cr@p every day?


    Sep 27, 2014, 16:02 #58074

    First point Cornish Gooner, you have no need to paraphrase and repeat sections of a previous post, a simple question would suffice, like what is your point? or, what do you mean? I was drawing a parallel in analogical fashion, and answering a prior post, all in one go. Quite efficient I thought. My obvious position is I don't feel any compunction to list pros and cons of one Arsene Wenger. I have constantly insisted I am for him, whether that makes me wrong or right, it's academic. I share similar frustrations to many, but not in the broad attack variety. Not much more to discuss on that subject, is there? If I meet a chap on a regular train journey and he begins criticising the manager I may explain my views, both in agreement and disagreement. If the following day he begins once more with a similar tack, I may desist from this conversation, (analogical again). One phrase springs to mind, much loved by some on this website, it would just be 'Groundhog Day'. I just refuse to go there.

  11. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 27, 2014, 15:49 #58072

    BADARSE. 'This is an AFC discussional website it's true, but that does not signify a need or desire to keep discussing the same topic relentlessly, or any thread linked to the same agenda.' Agreed. Now, what was the majority of your post about, starting from 'You know my brother in law...


    Sep 27, 2014, 15:38 #58071

    Afternoon GBP, made lots of dough at the coffee morning, the lady traditionally has her one on the Saturday and my wife is a stalwart in helping, I am merely the greasy rag to her engineering. Charities are not my cuppa, but lend myself to the task at hand and used my best 'Del Boy' approach to swell the coffers. Have always believed the murder of John Lennon to be a conspiratorial, cloaked affair by the government. They hounded him throughout his attempt for a 'Green Card', and never relinquished their hatred for his achieving it, and the thorn in their side that he always was, in his endeavours and protests. Shall obtain and read buddy. You know my brother in law is quite a good guy. He kind of fits the bill, and does brother in law stuff quite well, I have no real complaints. If someone told me he doesn't wash up particularly well, is not always punctual, changes his mind like a weather vane, and doesn't always get his round in, I might agree, but with some reservations, and qualifications. Why should I not react if the person then began insulting him, and stretching reality to a point of obsessive peculiarity. Then given a showdown occurring, and us reaching an impasse, why would I want to list all the benefits and qualities of my brother in law to anyone, especially an individual who clearly doesn't regard him as a decent chap. This is how I feel about Arsene Wenger, and his critics. You cannot change people who are locked into a mind set, and those with entrenched views, so why bother. This is an AFC discussional website it's true, but that does not signify a need or desire to keep discussing the same topic relentlessly, or any thread linked to the same agenda. I am bored witless by, 'sack AW, and for good measure let's insult him whilst we are at it, because he cannot respond'. Roll on the Virtual BBQ.

  13. jjetplane

    Sep 27, 2014, 15:06 #58069

    BARD Would be fun to see one of the stooges pen an article in defense of the great yawn himself. Remember living next door to Highbury in the 60s, bunking in for reserve matches, hanging about in the flats clock end side but what do I know abaht ****ing Arsenal ha ha On a nuvver note GBP Birmingham nicking a goal in the cup Furnell falling into the net with the ball remember and can still see the brummies totally owning the north bank that day. I was in the schoolboys but the year escapes. Memories fuzzy of those days but made North bank debut (like being in a forest!) against mancee Utd who were all cliched beards greasy smelly ****s from my little mod viewpoint. Oh the days indeed. Ha ha Loved Sgt Peppers but never liked Lennon - more of a Brian Wilson fan inbetween the motown and tighten up vols. Just picked up Jon King's Skinheads which is a right royal laugh (all very shed-like) and makes a break form my usual diet of pretentious existential suprematism (with cheese). DW - excellent stuff as always. Word to some of you lads - horseriding and valium are a bad recipe - anyone know when JW gets back? No jokes - Diaby - is he alright alright alright alright alright .....

  14. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 14:24 #58065

    Bard - I don't need to put up an article defending the Club and the boss.3 Titles, 2 doubles, 4 FACs, CL every year for 17 years, a CL Final runner up and 2 CC Final runners up, a top class well managed, solvent and stable Club, a recognized top class Coach at our helm, thought highly of by everybody in the football fraternity states the case for. Pick the bones out of that and stop bottling it. Its your case to slake the Club off instead of setting up a sensible argument to justify your untenable and barmy positions, not ours to argue in favour of what anybody with half a brain can see is obvious. Carry on head banging that wall by all means, but please dont expect the few rational minds on here to lend credence to you and indulge you in your folly.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 27, 2014, 13:10 #58060

    Cornish, yes he was the original alright but he was out of the spotlight for a while due to ill health, but was very quickly replaced by a younger version, who as we speak are chuckling around Scotland enjoying the golf.

  16. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 27, 2014, 12:52 #58058

    MG. Isn't that now The Chuckle Brother?

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 27, 2014, 12:05 #58055

    DW, there's a couple of them over here as well, up at Stormont, they're called the chuckle brothers

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 27, 2014, 11:47 #58052

    AMG, do they ever. BADARSE 61311, there you go talking about willies again.

  19. Bard

    Sep 27, 2014, 11:33 #58049

    I have no problem with others holding different views. What I would like to read though is something more coherent than insults, quasi philosophical rants and drivel disguised as arguments for the status quo. Heres a challenge, why dont one of you write a proper defence and post in online. Im sure Kev and co would be more than happy to put it out. I suspect part of the reason for the paucity of Wenger supporting posts is the difficulty of defending the indefensible. Better to just shout abuse.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 27, 2014, 11:32 #58048

    jj, cheers, but as you know yourself mate you really don't have to up your game too much just stay in second gear by telling the truth and it's enough and does the job. Yes jw is due back anytime well tanned and rested and ready to go, then we can all head on holidays ourselves and leave him to clear up what's left of the tumbleweeds while they chant the eleventh commandment.

  21. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 10:37 #58043

    Morning Badarse - Knowing youre a Lennon fan i recommend that book to you, though its ambit extends beyond Lennon but in doing so puts the Lennon murder into context with the others. It was only about £10 when i bought it a year or so ago. Just googled Amazon. Its about £4 now. An excellent read and opens you up to the mafia/FBI tried and trusted manufacture of the fall guy of which Chapman is cited to be, the patsy. Nothing in his life suggested any link with JL or that he was a fan,nor tendency or desire to injure let alone kill JL. JL s card was marked by the darker forces many years before i believe, though he hadnt been politically active or vociferous even for 5 years at the time of his demise in 1980. He just lived in an era of ultra american rabid paranoia of communism and his end was mapped out. Chapman fitted into the recipe suggests Strongman.

  22. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 10:17 #58042

    Jamie - doubting Thomas and the rest of his crew wouldn't have hacked those days. I'm sure of it. Reading his depressing utterances these days strongly suggests that he would have been a head in the oven candidate in those days.

  23. JAMIE

    Sep 27, 2014, 9:08 #58038

    I often wonder how the dark moanies would have coped back in the seventies,76-77 we went 11 games in the league without winning and eight of those were defeats all with a new manager as well..

  24. Westlower

    Sep 27, 2014, 9:05 #58037

    @6 defenders, The definition of 'knee-jerk' according to the dictionary is: tending to respond in a predictable and often unthinking way to a situation. I'm looking forward to an exciting day being first at Newmarket races before leaving early to watch the NLD. Good day to be a winner!!!


    Sep 27, 2014, 7:25 #58036

    Good morning my little pomegranates-sweet and succulent enough, but pithy and too irritating to eat. DWT, you have been around long enough to know you mustn't mess with alter-egos, Butch and the Kid belong to westlower and myself, you could be done for copyright infringement. I prefer to think of us three as the Three Amigos. Riding on horses, GBP and I back to front, and westlower in the clubs 'silks'. Interested in that book GBP, thanks for tracking it down C/G. One point DWT, please leave the religion where it belongs, on the battlefields of the middle east; all this talk of gods and ceiling wax gives me a headache. You have one aspect about right though, the happiness. I do imagine the four you mentioned the Three Amigos and JAMIE all smiling, having a laugh, chilling out, eating a Full Monty at the Hope café before the game, and looking forward to the game. I will write an account of the day we went to a game together. Watch this space. Off to help at a MacDonald's coffee morning, think it's MacDonald's, they are kind and caring, aren't they? 'Burn them all down!' Quiet, great uncle BADARSE.

  26. Jar

    Sep 27, 2014, 1:17 #58035

    Jeez, I'm with you Westlower. Stop living in the past fellow Gooners. We will NEVER experience a team like the Invincibles. Get a grip! Citeh, Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool and (to an extent, although maybe I'm being too generous) The Spuds are in the mix year in, year out! And I personally don't wanna buy the league as City and Chels have done. We should help nurture our home talent and not just hire an entourage of European and South American mercenaries to do a job. We lose one CL game everyone goes into meltdown, we lose one Mickey mouse game everyone calls for Wenger's head. And lets face it, hypothetically, if we went onto to win said Mickey Mouse cup noone would care less about it anyway...

  27. DW Thomas

    Sep 27, 2014, 0:38 #58034

    I am picturing GBP and Baddie slapping each other on the backs chuckling their heads off as most chuckleheads do. You two are a match made in heaven aren't you? Picture them, laying on clouds, heads in the sky, dreaming of the next little quip or literary reference to promote their hero and leader Monsieur I Make Z Superstarz! The Odd Couple, butch and Sundance, Starsky and Hutch. Baddie and GBP. Superstars in their own right. Men of knowledge and sound judgement. Backbone and decency. How we all wish to be like you. Or to stand near your auras. Too bad in reality this article is spot f...king on! Inspector Clueless was once a good manager. But his failure to build a complete team coupled with the club's continuous and open taking of the fans as mugs keeps an ongoing perpetual cycle of mediocrity in full flow. Take just $1m of Kroenkes dividends and we could,have bought Schwarzer all those years back. Maybe he would not have had all those blunders Almunia had. Speculation on these things I know is fruitless. But the continued support of a failed system that should be trying to win trophies but only wants profits seems imbecilic to me and most on here I think. But don't listen to a thing we have to say Baddie, GBP, Westie or Jamie. Just stay true to your mantra of jam tomorrow, be glad for 4th place, and Wenger is God. Most of us are just tired of it.

  28. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 0:32 #58033

    CG - Life, Times and Assassination - Lennon. Thats the title. If not read, give it a go. Compelling stuff.

  29. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 0:16 #58032

    CG - Phil Strongman. You got him pal. Thank you, Really good read.

  30. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 26, 2014, 23:26 #58031

    GBP. Fenton Bresler? Phil Strongman?

  31. GBP

    Sep 26, 2014, 23:19 #58030

    Loved that last post Badarse. Beautiful. Ha ha. You loon!Meant in the nicest possible way my friend. PS I think the 1st motd was v Liverpool though. 3-1 loss in 1964 away. Recall seeing Ian Ure and felt a trifle queezy watching him trying hopelessly to cope with Roger Hunt.I thought id got over IU years ago, but clearly the horrific scars are still there!!I only know this as it came up on that 50 years thing MOTD did a few weeks back.


    Sep 26, 2014, 22:59 #58029

    GBP, like in most things Arsenal were the 'trailblazers', the pioneers. The first radio report of a game was at Highbury with us, first radio Cup Final was us, first televised Cup Final was us, and first MotD was us, against Everton. Those sleeves do it every time. It used to be a registered trademark. I remember leafing through playing kit brochures and there would be a blue body with yellow sleeves and underneath it would say, 'Arsenal style'. Yes I enjoy my grandchildren. Here's one for you chum, My eldest is Charlie, as westlower and his wife julesd, knows. My next in line is Finn, and the youngest is Ashton. In reverse order they spell AFC. The story with Ashton is that the name Ashley was earmarked, but Cole went to CFC, (those CFC's are destroying the ozone layer), and my daughter said, 'I can't do that to Dad.', so she switched to Ashton. Life is beautiful, but daft.

  33. GBP

    Sep 26, 2014, 22:40 #58028

    Yes.Pompous. Gotta love em. Baddie, that feeling you get is so true. Still get it now you know when you see old newspaper pics of the teams from that age. Its the white sleeves that does it ive always thought. Unique. Like everything 'the Arsenal'. You can recall the early MOTD s on BBC 2 im sure, but maybe not the very early ones? It was a central region and North coverage as i recall before the SE got it?Recall being allowed to stay up to see a 4-3 cup win over Bolton. Magical. So the heroes really did exist!!Some Armstrong trickery in black and white. Recall we never went much further in the Cup after it though. I think Bham beat us the round after. Dredging my memory here. 65/6 ish?


    Sep 26, 2014, 22:19 #58027

    Yes GBP, Gunner Be Pompous, ha ha-that suggests quite a few barbs took bite, my friend. Yes those days were bleak in many respects, but without a comparison they seemed magical. Nothing written about Arsenal anywhere, no footie mags, a veritable desert. I got a footie annual at Xmas, read it, reread it, stored it under the bed, then took it out another day and reread it. When I scan read a newspaper report and the word Arsenal leapt out at me, something physical occurred. Just a little tingle. Incredible. I feel so fortunate that I discovered the Arsenal and became a young Gunner. This season I enter my 60th as an Arsenal fan. A little boy, a youth, young man, on and on, and now a granddad, but just below the surface lurks that same little boy, he won't go away, ha ha. Ooo, to be a Gooner. Where's that table top Rocky RIP?

  35. GBP

    Sep 26, 2014, 22:14 #58026

    AMG - Mere random observations on your own and your thought less crews ill considered musings, that's all. Didn't take much effort at all as you all offer yourselves up like drunken stooges. One clearly landed in your back yard though chap it seems!


    Sep 26, 2014, 22:06 #58025

    Cornish Gooner, those who understood? or those who understood! John Hinckley Jnr, was also in possession of a copy-the attempted assassin of Reagan. I think you may be straying into 'Raskolnikov' territory. We all tread our own pathways to the grave, some just go headlong and head down, some look around and question, 'Why?', no answers are forthcoming though, so questioning is needless and useless. We hold audience with ourselves, as actor, playwright and critic-or should. We make what we will of all around, sometimes we need a bit of guidance, and some offerings help. Ultimately it is a puzzle, and we are the missing piece. Very often a statement is just another conundrum, as in Chapman's. A thinly veiled attempt at immortality, 'The man who killed Lennon.' To stand on the shoulders of great men is one thing, to dance on their graves quite another.

  37. AMG

    Sep 26, 2014, 22:03 #58024

    Bit of a desperate attack on everyone there Gunner be Pompous, not sure any of your points landed though. Must try harder.

  38. GBP

    Sep 26, 2014, 21:53 #58023

    Hi CG - Big topic mate and not for here, but fairly recently read a book on the modern history of American patsy's, deemed suitable and ripe for the rap of such killings as King, Lennon, the Kennedys etc. British author whose name im so irritated to not be able to recall right now.The patterns were incredible. Chapman. JL s killer? I certainly wouldn't assume that as gospel now anymore than i do LHO seeing ofF JFK. The way in which the patsy is groomed and then hung out is truly genius. Im guessing Badarse is more deeply read on this stuff than me though. Just thought id mention it as you referred to Chapman.

  39. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 26, 2014, 21:38 #58022

    BADARSE 'Holden did an enormous service to those who read and recognised the truth in his words'. Maybe, maybe not. Following Mark David Chapman's shooting of John Lennon, Chapman was arrested with a copy of the book that he had purchased that day, inside which he had written, "To Holden Caulfield, From Holden Caulfield, This is my statement".

  40. GBP

    Sep 26, 2014, 21:27 #58021

    Enjoy your grandkids Badarse.I can see that you do. Can see you fawning over the nippers now. Good on yer. Its a pleasure id like but its unlikely. Youre right about there being no gear. I had gone to live in Warwick as a kid and to be an Arsenal fan attracted derision, but i wore my scarf with pride i knew what the Club was and understood its class. My Dad made sure of it even in those many dead years leading to 1970. The older games teachers in school did too, still waxing onm like my Dad about Bastin Hulme Drake Kelsey and Co even then while we plumbed the depths of despair. I d love some of these lads on here to be transported back and made to try a few seasons of real mediocrity and genuine papering over cracks and to see a few fully paid up 'bad' players in the glorious red shirt with white sleeves. You and me both know they d all change their tune dont we. I find it sad that Arsene Wenger has become a victim of his own legacy and even more disappointing to read the insulting garbage these lads routinely trot out. I wonder to what depths they would go to if they ever experienced a few good hammerings from Spurs each season and the odd Posh 2 Gunners 1 FAC day. We just had to hide for a few days and grin and bear it didn't we!!Happy days.


    Sep 26, 2014, 21:22 #58020

    Liked that JAMIE, it kind of encapsulates the moment.


    Sep 26, 2014, 21:09 #58019

    Cornish Gooner, there is a fine line between madness and sanity-and the line shifts from time to time. We all are neither mad or sane, but a little of each. Then who is to judge but a one who is also a little mad and sane. We need to be aware of this and to regulate ourselves whenever we can. It is too easy standing beside the pond and tossing in stones and watching the ripples, exclaiming that there are wavelets. It is better to roll up those trouser legs and wade in and become a part of the paddling throng, then exclamations become a little weightier and a little more vivid. Holden did an enormous service to those who read and recognised the truth in his words. It was enough.

  43. jjetplane

    Sep 26, 2014, 21:09 #58018

    You said it CORNISH some people just spout the text without remotely understanding it. Somehow, we all know who needs the valium now. You could not make this up ..... All hail the dark moonies ha ha


    Sep 26, 2014, 20:59 #58017

    You know GBP, when I was a tiddler there wasn't much in the way of Arsenal 'gear'-whatever there was, I consumed and draped all over myself. My first shirt-a rarity in '56 became my 'all weekend long', shirt, and also PJ's. I was besotted by all things AFC, and still am, but it will probably begin to wane when I grow up. This week my three little grandchildren got their kits. The eldest finally went for the red, and the other two, ages eight and nine, (similar sizes), have got a red and a yellow between them, they shall alternate-cost effective if nothing else. When they wore them I was enraptured, (hope that doesn't sound too strong, but I was). They looked so handsome-almost regal, there's that, 'The Arsenal Way', again, (probably just in my mind, but a good feeling anyway). They will be wearing them tomorrow. This strange life, stranger times, this Arsenal.

  45. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 26, 2014, 20:49 #58016

    Holden often behaves like a prophet or a saint, pointing out the phoniness and wickedness in the world around him. Is Holden as perfect as he wants to be? Are there instances where he is phony and full of hypocrisy? What do these moments reveal about his character and his psychological problems?

  46. JAMIE

    Sep 26, 2014, 20:47 #58015

    Oh why did you have to start the the giant despair's off again.They were happy there in their contented swampy little pits when all of a sudden,bing! you woke them up and like battery controlled robots they immediately return to type.Jibba jabba,whinge,moan-drip drip dr.......


    Sep 26, 2014, 20:46 #58014

    Well, well GBP. Some post! Dare I even suggest, 'Post of the Month'? Am right alongside you buddy, right alongside.

  48. GBP

    Sep 26, 2014, 20:39 #58013

    Bard - under pressure? from who? This old vinyl disc of yours must be worn out?. Ozzie - so you were advocating Bale for AFC at 17 years old were you? Yes, right ok, i believe you! Reboot - CL is all Club s aim. Wenger does it every year. Where have you been for the last 18 years? AMG - deduce the patters eh? Have you been on the Jack D? Utter piffle. Anti Wenger - Liverpool and Utd. Defensive fortresses both. Yes, id noticed the quality of their signings! JJ - Since 98? Same doubts in 2002, 2004 and 2005 and 2014 i suppose? Maguire - mediocrity every year eh? Have you mentioned it to the other 16 teams underneath us or is this pearl of wisdom kept jealously to y self? Hiccup - Theyre your best considered 'thoughts'are they? Good grief, i d hate to see your worst. Yanto - 'i just want him gone' The power of your intellect must make you a leader of men. These pilgrims here with you are aching for your guidance. You're truly wasted on here! BADARSE - Which one of this merry bunch shall we elect as the new head coach fella? Jeffs not here but to quote him, you really couldn't make up these nuggets of wisdom uttered by this clown fest on here.


    Sep 26, 2014, 20:14 #58012

    It's funny. All you have to do is say something nobody understands and they'll do practically anything you want them to. 'Er growin' in b'tween the loafers, an' don' look et it afore 'ee get the bedclothes over yee.'...Didn't work Holden. That's because they're all phonies!


    Sep 26, 2014, 19:58 #58011

    Respect AMG.

  51. AMG

    Sep 26, 2014, 19:55 #58010

    A sensible contribution as ever BADARSE. Great book though!


    Sep 26, 2014, 19:39 #58009

    Anyway, I keep picturing all these little posters playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little posters, and nobody's around-nobody big, I mean-except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff-I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.

  53. Hiccup

    Sep 26, 2014, 19:11 #58008

    Why only 6 defenders: so true. You find that wenger is as good as his last game if he won it, but if trounced, we're all sent in to their time travel capsules back to 2014.

  54. Yanto The Gooner

    Sep 26, 2014, 18:43 #58007

    I just want him gone. He was revolutionary when he arrived - and he has given me and my fellow Gooners some of the happiest (Footballing/Arsenal) times of my life, but, I just wish he would bow out gracefully - before all the credit and warm affection he built up during his early tenure turns to loathing. I think the problem is not just Arsene Wenger, but the way the club is owned and run - As long as Mr Wiggy is getting his nice little dividends every year - regardless of our inability to win silverware - he cares not an iota about the fans - those who have followed and supported the club since childhood. The excuse of us not having the funds to buy the players we need to win the prem can no longer be used, and yet wenger instead of going out there and the required £20 - £30 million to get the DMF we so deperately need - as well as a CB to cover TV5's departure - Chambers has shown great potential - But he is a youngster - and if wenger over plays him - he will get over-tired and and up getting a long term injury. Arsene!! PLEASE JUST GO! "NOW".......yes, I know and you know it ain't gonna happen - Come 2017 and he'll still be using the lame excuses "A leetle bit jaded" - " short on feetness" - "or any of the other thousands he comes up week in, week out with rather than telling the truth and admitting he has got it WRONG!!! - Just like now - we are down to bare bones in the defence and we're still in September. We ahve Arteta whose legs are gone - We have flamini - ho has about as much knowledge of reading the game as a Sunday pub player - He runs around a lot , yes, he shouts and pints a great deal - But he is always giving away unnecessary fouls for no reason - and picking up cards for fouls that were unnecessary. We are already out of the League Cup - can we win the FA Cup again!? odds are against us - There is NO WAY we can win the Prem or the CL - so to a greater exyent our season is already over...WHY? because Wenger is no longer Good Enough. WENGER OUT! PLEASE!

  55. Hiccup

    Sep 26, 2014, 17:59 #58005

    Bard, although the club made out we had to sell after the ground move, I've always thought the sheer level of negligence to the squad was not necessary and totally unacceptable. There was no need to strip back as we did and pack the team with the levels of garbage that we did. The club fed us bull all along with that. Anyhow, as you say, the fans went along with this line and now we're "out of the woods" phase 2 of 'con the fans' is well and truly up and running with this can't compete with oil money. And they will get away with it. They've pulled it off for the last ten years, and they can easily do it for another ten years. Just look at some of the brain dead drivel written on here by the tooth fairies. They swallow all the club says. And when they start to doubt the clubs ambition and wenger's capacity to deliver, their gold fish brains decide to give it another 12 months on a repetitive loop to infinity and beyond. And if it's all about finishing top 4, and we fail to do that, I can seriously see the club still spinning some yarn over these blinkered sheep that will always give them a further 12 months grace. I seriously don't see no end to this nonsense in the near future.

  56. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Sep 26, 2014, 17:58 #58004

    Westlower- Can you please define a 'knee-jerker'? Because as far as I am aware the opinions of most WOBs have been formed and defined over numerous seasons of unnecessary failure, whereas it seems as far as certain AKBs are concerned Wenger's credit clock reverts to zero after every game in which we manage to avoid a good thrashing. Be interested to know your thoughts.

  57. jjetplane

    Sep 26, 2014, 17:45 #58003

    Quip of the day MGUIRE 'name that phone' ... Makes me laugh when posters say how dare you/we talk about OGL like that. Meanwhile, everybody in football is because they feel it needs to be said. The big fakers all shine through in the end. Excellent posts there MG - you are upping your game and the usual attackers are lost for words. By the time JW gets back the first thing he will see is the tumbleweed blowing through the site.

  58. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 26, 2014, 17:37 #58002

    Tony Evans, good post, a good quote from the excellent Steven Howard in the Sun today, if the back four or five (and you could add a few more to that)hadn't been bequeathed to wenger would he have won as much.

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 26, 2014, 17:18 #58001

    The photos look good Kev, what you say the name of the phone was again.

  60. jjetplane

    Sep 26, 2014, 16:01 #58000

    Excellent article and well presented. AMG on the ball re OGL who I have had my doubts about since er 98! He has never competed with any consistency in Europe and only now mentions Europe in the sense he has reached corporate targets for another season 'and in a bullish market blah blah ...' we cannot find the players because .... OGL does not actually know what he wants in football terms. His field of play is economics and in some ways he is wasted at the penny pinching Emirates (see Stan) but eventually he will move into a boardroom space and will be much more content and perhaps even the petulance he expresses because of his footballing shortcomings will vanish under the oceans of moving money. Still trying to work out How WESTIE thinks himself a better supporter than the rest on here. Baffling. Well done Alex Jackson - a proper look at an improper situation. Know a few Charlton lads and their views are 'who are ya' .... Charlton have a deeper sense of football than the current Holloway/Shanghai set-up ....

  61. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 26, 2014, 15:59 #57999

    Many fans have already turned Alex, some still doing so, eventually waking up to what others have realised and known for a long time. I wouldn't have said it was on a high at all, as good as a trophy after nine years of failure was, and has been against the mighty hull, it doesn't/didn't make up for the latter and everything that wend with it (and indeed is still happening Dortmund a good example)and make everything alright(although some think it does) far from it. Of course the old fraud knows this team isn't good enough but his ego wont allow him to do anything about it he'd rather muddle along with mediocrity, trying to prove everybody wrong with his philosophises and pet projects (diaby being the latest one) and as long as this old past it manager is allowed to continue nothings going to change we'll still have mediocrity, the same old tired old interviews that you know what he's going to say before he does (just like on the pitch) the smug grins and sly smirks after papering over the cracks with defeats against the power houses of villa, palace, etc, and the excuses after defeat against the decent teams and big boys. Good article Alex.

  62. GBP

    Sep 26, 2014, 15:54 #57998

    All your article displays is a recognition that social media gives those with the biggest mouths and the smallest brains a vehicle with which to abuse. Your imaginary fan rebellion is a figment of your own florid imagination. Its good that life gives you some pleasures such as posting your article but the source of them are really dubious. Nobody sensible is taking heed of your beloved Twitter terrorists than God!

  63. Tony Evans

    Sep 26, 2014, 15:21 #57996

    AMG - The lack of money argument has been completely blown out of the water hasn't it, especially now it has been reported that our wage bill is higher than Chelsea. I never bought into that excuse anyway, as since the break up of 'The Invincibles' my beef has always been more about the lack of defensive cohesion, coupled with gung ho attacking leaving us wide open at the back. Wenger quite obviously sees the defensive side of the game as something of an irritation, something he does not want to dwell on for very long and by God it shows time and time again.

  64. Anti-Wenger

    Sep 26, 2014, 14:33 #57994

    Wenger said they did everything they could to buy a defender but it was quite difficult. Well, how come L/POOL, Chelsea,Manc and a host of other top clubs around Europe bought the defenders they needed, and Arsenal found it very difficult. Are we shopping in a different market? Even Barca did(with our help). I guess what he meant was getting the defenders at his own valuation, since he will always refuse to pay the going rate in the market. Now we're one injury away from seeing Monreal/Flamini at CB. It all still points to the same thing, he's way past his prime.The best he can do for us, is to keep pushing into the top 4. ManU may have issues now, but you know they'll keeping buying(both players and coaches) until they get it right. Chelsea and ManC will not relent on their ambitions, they'll always have squads filled with world class palyers and whenever a gap appears, they'll go out and fill it straight away. I think L'pool will get better. So, the competition will only get tougher, if he hasn't been able to cope for nearly a decade now, i don't know what we're expecting to chnage to make us win the league again under Wenger

  65. AMG

    Sep 26, 2014, 14:32 #57993

    You've summed it up pretty well. This could have been written any of the last 6 or 7 seasons, only difference is now that the 'cannot compete financially' argument is now more redundant than it ever was. You've focussed purely on Wenger's lack of transfer activity to address the key areas of weakness, but the truth is more basic than that - If he cannot get the best out of the players he has available to him, then adding new ones will be of no long term benefit. Never mind his complete lack of tactical awareness! Astonishing for someone who claims to watch as much football as he does. Football is a game AND a science - You need to have the analytical skills to deduce the patterns that lead to success, but also the gamesmanship and devilment to outfox your opposition on the day.

  66. Bard

    Sep 26, 2014, 14:00 #57990

    Alex, a good article. You clearly outline why there is such unrest and I broadly agree with all your arguments. What I think we are seeing is an unravelling of the relationship between the club and the fans. We made a deal with the club when we moved that we would support the limited ambition and the sale of our best players. They have reneged on the deal now we have our finances are under control. The argument is made that we dont cant spend like City or Chelsea so thats why we are in the position that we are. This is rubbish, another lie. We cant pay 80m but we can buy a defender for a lot less and perhaps more for a DM, but no as you say we muddle through, square pegs in round holes. We can assess where we are after this next week matches, but it doesnt look good. You bet Wenger is under pressure.

  67. Westlower

    Sep 26, 2014, 14:00 #57989

    @Alex, Your unbiased mate who supports Charlton has it right. So many knee-jerkers among our support following a defeat.

  68. reboot

    Sep 26, 2014, 13:52 #57988

    Comment from le boss as reported on F365 today "I'm more proud to achieve our targets every year which is to be in the Champions League." Nothing about a target of winning it or anything else. Says it all.

  69. Ozzie

    Sep 26, 2014, 13:26 #57987

    Take Suarez as an example: His supreme magic was so obvious long before AW bid for him. Surely upping the offer greatly would have landed him and even allowing that he may not stay long - there would have even been a PROFIT in any sale, not to mention a probable title. Not getting him to the club was the work of a loser. Now take Bale - another who was readily available but what happens? Wenger watches him go to Spurs and not just that but suffers the ignominy of watching him help defeat Arsenal and Spurs net 100 mil into the bargain. Loser!

  70. divingrooney

    Sep 26, 2014, 13:21 #57986

    His smug grin in his post-match interview strikes deep at what most riles fans with regards to Wenger ------------- Getting personal, eh... Online fans hate Wenger and love Mourinho. If you ask real stadium going fans, the truth will emerge. Wenger does not decide ticket prices, or gives 3mn allowances to Kroenke. He is just an employee and not the messiah of Arsenal. He spent money for the first time last season, and won 1 trophy. That is the only truth, rest is conjecture of your vivid imagination.

  71. Tony Evans

    Sep 26, 2014, 13:20 #57985

    Alex - every word you say strikes a cord with me. Wenger always leaves the squad short on quality, especially at the back; and is also reluctant to build a rock solid defensive platform with tactics to match where necessary. The result of this is that we are good enough to beat most teams, but never good enough against the best who have the ability to put our mediocre defending to the sword. Therefore 4th place is attainable and a domestic cup is always a possibility, but nothing better is remotely likely and so it goes on year after year. That is where the frustration lies with Wenger - we are good but with better tactics defensively, one or two defensive squad additions, and better defending in general we could really compete at the very top. The recurring theme obviously is better DEFENDING - we can all see that so why can't he?

  72. Matthew Bazell

    Sep 26, 2014, 12:49 #57984

    Good article. I'm so far removed from modern football that I can now take the whole thing with a pinch of salt. But if I put myself in the shoes of a season ticket holder I would be splitting blood at the situation. The club has 180 million in the bank and Wenger and the board are in a perfect position to take the club to serious contenders for the CL. Yet, their major concern is doing enough to get in the top 4, with an outside chance of winning the title. It's simple - spend the money or put down prices. Wenger is indited because he supports the 'model'. As for Charlton - well we aint Charlton!