
One writer is beyond belief at the lack of investment at the back


Flamini – Past it

Ed’s note – This piece was received between the Man City and Dortmund games, but slipped through the net. I doubt the author has changed his view on defensive matters, so we are running it now.

So, the season has started, a few games are out of the way and the transfer window is closed till Jan 1st. How has Arsenal's first few games been? Much like the unveiling of iPhone 6 - underwhelming. Why so? Because the same mistakes are committed over and over again, year after year. To name one, once again v Manchester City zonal marking from a corner led to an easy goal. Dimichelis was completely unmarked as if this was a pub side game. He, in fact, had enough time to bring the ball down, run out for a drink, come back and bang it in. I simply cannot believe that Steve Bould stands for this kind of nonsense. He never would have in his playing days, and he and Big Tone would have screamed a cannonball sized hole in the ear drums of other players had this comical defending happened a couple of times. So, one wonders why he stands for this now? Perhaps there's a good reason we don't know about? £1 million a year salary would certainly make a lot of people lose their spine, I imagine.

Let's pick another mistake. Flamini is no DM. There's a reason why he couldn't cut it even in the much slower paced Italian league. Milan may be foolish at times, but they're no mugs. They saw Flamini daily and in him all they saw was an oft injured, off the pace, wrong side of 30 player. But ol' Uncle Arsene never sees such things, especially if the player happens to belong to his motherland. He wouldn't bring Cesc back, but he certainly can bring Flamini back. Against City, an arthritic tortoise would have been quicker than Flamoney was. Arsenal play a high defensive line, have error prone defenders (Monreal is no defender and we are one injury away from having him play CB. Gibbs is a shade better but that's poor consolation) and an error prone defensive strategy (zonal marking). If anyone needs a protective DM, it's goddamn us. Yet, an entire summer was blown away without being able to find one. Which is quite surprising, as Wenger's boasted in the past that his team "look at every player in the world and work 24 hours a day 365 days a year".

Funnily enough, Man Citeh's team work less and are able to find Fernandinho. Wenger even had time to host a charity game but no time to go after a proper DM. I refuse to believe that even he's this blind to not see Arteta and Flamini for what they are - past their sell by date. Then again, Wenger spent five years convincing us that Almunia was a good goalie and he spent four years eulogizing Alex Song as a DM. Incidentally, where is Song these days? A good player cannot just finish off with one wrong move, surely? Barca have been unable to offload him and there's a reason for it - At Arsenal, every one of his frequent mistakes was forgiven by Wenger and Wenger'ites, and he was made out to be a DM which he clearly was not. At Barca, he was found out pretty quickly and the rest is history. Now he’s been parked at West Ham for a season. Good players will always come good one time or another - see Cesc at Cheatski.

Since I'm being indulgent, let's pick another one of those chronic mistakes - Defensive manpower. Wenger gets rid of Sagna, which is fine and good since we don't want players against their wishes especially if they are pushing 30, but replaces him with a player of a similar age and part of the worst defence in the Premier League last season. He doesn't even test Dortmund's resolve to keep Hummels. He just goes straight out and buys a kid. He sells Vermaelen (see Sagna) and loans out Jenkinson, both of which are decent moves as Jenkinson, I'm afraid, will probably not cut it at this level. Then he sits and twiddles his thumb. Steps out to meet the Pope, spends his time on the beaches in Brazil playing footy on the sand. Etc. Does nothing to sign a defender. Zilch. Result? We have two recognized CB's, a downgrade at RB (who's now injured) and a kid for a backup and two below average LB's. Oh and no DM. And with this, Wenger expects to mount a title challenge and European battle.

I cannot believe grown men pay up to see this charlatan's arrogant mistakes season after goddamn season without booing the stadium down. The buck begins and ends with one man - Wenger. Why do we Gooners continue to take his nonsense season after season? Oh wait, next year will be better, right? Surely Wenger will not repeat the same mistakes next season, right? Most definitely he'll complete the transfer business early next season, next season...

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  1. David

    Sep 29, 2014, 16:33 #58181

    Not keen on the anti Wenger feeling -it's become a bit too ranty. No question that Wenger should go, and should've gone two years ago. But the people responsible for hiring and firing deserve the blame for that, not AW. Top 4, CL money, reasonably high profile - to satisfy these crteria, it is not necessary to win the PL. Even GBP admitted that AW lost his magic hat some time ago. Maybe SADARSE Will see that light too.

  2. CT Gooner

    Sep 29, 2014, 14:09 #58174

    Can we please stop referring to the "money we don't have", as the last financial statement shows this to be utter pi$h. We have 170 mil in the bank, an extra defender and defensive midfielder would have cost less than 50mil including wages!

  3. Pete

    Sep 29, 2014, 14:06 #58172

    Jeremy.No hard feelings mate.I do wish you could make some of the wob's start supporting City as they certainly don't support the Gunners.Ijb Not everybody agree's with your licentious way of thinking I'm with the City owners on that one.

  4. chris dee

    Sep 29, 2014, 10:35 #58160

    Truly awful organisation of the squad by Arsene. If Mertersacker and Koscielny get injured against Galatasary (with our injury record that could be a 50/50 chance) who will he play at centre back against Diego Costa?Rookie Chambers and Monreal?I am already sick in the stomach thinking about the Chelsea game.Mourinho likes nothing better than thrashing Arsenal and embarrasing Arsene like he did last year.And Arsene can do nothing about it except send out the team to play 'our game'which is fine if you have Messi,Neynar,Suarez,Pique etc but we are are just a tad short of that. Even Wednesdays game is gonna be a nail biter. Last season Arsene got out of jail with the F A Cup win,but this season if no trophy is won then it should be Ariverderci for him much as I like the guy. I have been a supporter for many many years and I still despair that we have never won the Champions League and unfortunately this season will be no different.

  5. Roy

    Sep 29, 2014, 7:17 #58154

    Blimey, I'm glad you got that off your chest ! Bit harsh on Debuchy though mate, he looked well up for the fight before he got injured.

  6. Ozzie

    Sep 29, 2014, 6:40 #58152

    Matt, if that is what you're after go read the bible :)

  7. Matt

    Sep 29, 2014, 5:42 #58151

    Everything you want in an article - passion, eloquence, and a complete lack of rationality

  8. ljb

    Sep 29, 2014, 2:50 #58150

    Yeah Jeremy and your owners run a state where homosexuality is illegal,women have no rights and it has a history of human rights abuses.But hey,they have provided a few jobs in Manchester so who cares ?

  9. N4

    Sep 28, 2014, 16:38 #58126

    100% agree with you!


    Sep 28, 2014, 14:05 #58118

    Great article agree with it 100%. The money is there the man I blame is Wenger. He has way to much control and power away this club. You would think he owns the club. I don't even blame Gazidis anymore as the money is there. We released our account statements recently and it showers we have £170 million in reserves. Yet one fool still refuses to spend and thinks flamini and arteta our good enough. The man is a laughing stick now

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 12:14 #58103

    Hiccup, comedy gold indeed, jw would have loved it, you couldn't make it up.

  12. Arsenal Fan

    Sep 28, 2014, 5:38 #58085

    Flamini is becoming more of a liability. Stupidly gave away the ball that led to the first spuds' goal. Now they are off celebrating like they won the game. This is what Wenger gets for buying cheap or for free on a position that badly needs a proper DM. Wenger knew we need a quality DM but he stalled. Now he's trying to convert Diaby into one like he forgot the guy gets injured after playing a few games like he always does.

  13. Ozzie

    Sep 28, 2014, 2:43 #58084

    ....What was that about the cannon firing blanks? Pffff!

  14. Rocky RIP

    Sep 27, 2014, 22:34 #58083

    @ Jeremy Poynton - Vieira, Petit and co were not 'a fortune'. Vieira - £3.5m; Petit - £2.5m; Anelka - £0.5m; Ljungberg - £3m etc, etc. When Arsenal beat Inter Milan 5-1 in 2003 the entire team cost less than Inter's goal-keeper.

  15. AMG

    Sep 27, 2014, 16:45 #58077

    More desperate, rancorous drivel from Mr Pompous. Jeremy is a credit to his club, as are many City fans. City and Arsenal are at opposite ends of the ambition spectrum. City spend way beyond their means to win trophies and make their fans proud. Arsenal spend the bare minimum to ensure the money keeps rolling in for the shareholders - A happy medium would be nice.

  16. jjetplane

    Sep 27, 2014, 15:54 #58073

    Got a funny feeling GBP that nice City bloke was talking about the likes of you when he had a swipe at Arsenal. I have always liked City and Chelski are alright too. Both those clubs went for the league cup last week so no 'we're above that ****' nonsense there and I understand what he says about City doing stuff in Manchester whereas Stan's puppets are busy turning Holloway into something resembling Dubai on one of GB's valium pills. WESTIE you're losing your touch mate STATS my man STATS will stop the moanies (na na na na nah) Not a bad old article. All the right (back) buttons pushed, AKBs reeling on the ropes as only they can (think Dortmund). On more ominous front - PL getting back to drudgery and predict much grid lock around 4th Grail over the winter ..... Gotta give it to Kevin nice couple of articles Now we just await BADDIE'S article ....

  17. reboot

    Sep 27, 2014, 15:24 #58070

    GBP are you a politician? You spout your bias and ideas as facts just like the slimest of that foul breed

  18. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 27, 2014, 14:57 #58068

    GBP. Have to take issue with your 'this rabble' post i'm afraid. Firstly, as Hiccup suggests, Pete is not a Dark Moanie, but one of the Chuckle Brothers. Secondly, you say 'the majority want to see Arsenal spending money they dont have'. You know this is not true. People want us to spend some of the £170 million that we DO have. Finally you say 'the majority started following football in the SKY era, but worst of all, the majority cant hack a defeat or two'. Well, I'm the same age as Jeremy,63. I started watching Arsenal in the early sixties, so I've obviously seen some bad results, not too many 8-2 or 6-0 thrashings though, until recently, but I'm still a Gooner. Please don't slag everybody off, as being part of a 'rabble' just because our views differ.

  19. Hiccup

    Sep 27, 2014, 14:50 #58067

    The only guys that bleat on about City and Chelsea are you tooth fairies. Any criticism of wenger, and the dirty oil clubs as you call them are thrown in as an automatic self defense mechanism. What they have to do with wenger's lack of defensive cover and playing players out of position I do not know. So if it makes you feel better, feel free to slag these clubs off for wenger's shortcomings. But as the City fan said, and who you agreed with, it's utter bollox.

  20. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 14:34 #58066

    Hiccup -I'm pretty sure from that, that you lack an understanding of the word 'contradiction' chum. Probably partly explains the destructive, puerile dross that you spout every day. Take a pill.

  21. Hiccup

    Sep 27, 2014, 14:23 #58064

    Comedy gold! AKB no 1 slags off City. One City fan tells the AKB he's talking nonsense. AKB no 2 agrees with City fan and then makes out this nonsense comes from the anti wenger rabble? Top, top contradicting there GBP. Keep up the good work.

  22. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 14:05 #58063

    Well said Jeremy. Dont get too steamed up over this rabble on here though. The majority think the Club spends 4p and a bag of sweets every year, the majority are riddled with envy of City and Chelsea and the bottom line is that the majority want to see Arsenal spending money they dont have and the majority started following football in the SKY era, but worst of all, the majority cant hack a defeat or two. If you swapped City's post war modern history with Arsenals most of these pilgrims would be Man Utd supporters bellyaching about the Glazers. Thats not a drain you can hear by the way Jeremy, its this lot groaning!They do it every day without fail. Theres a theory banded about on here that quite a few are Tottenham or Chelsea fans, yet only one, 'Finsbury Joe' has the balls to admit it. Even Joe has more humour than this lot.

  23. Jeremy Poynton

    Sep 27, 2014, 13:32 #58061

    Pete 10:40am 27th Sep 2014 Unfortunately City lost their soul ================================================== Nonsense. Utter nonsense and prejudice. Did you lose your soul when Wenger spent what was then a fortune - over £50 million - to buy Vieira, Petit and co.? Indeed, our owners have been very conscious of the history of the club, and its place in Manchester - so much so that the investment ADUG have made towards regenerating East Manchester is providing jobs and houses for local people. Also, their money means that our most expensive season ticket is CHEAPER than yours. Let me tell you a story. I'm 63 and have supported City since the 1950s, through six relegations. At college, very few of us were into football. Had one Gunner mate. Meeting up years later, I found that three of my contemporaries, now high flyers, QCs and so on, have season tickets at the Emirates. It's where they go to network and eat blinis. And what was that promise of £10 tickets at the Emirates when you moved? Arsenal are just a money making machine for your owners, one of whom, Usmanov, has a very nasty history. Look in the mirror. It's not City who have lost their soul. This is still, for all the money, the club I started supported so many years ago. Your statement is lazy and simply down to prejudice.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 27, 2014, 12:52 #58059

    Somak, beyond belief? you mean your actually surprised? a hell of a lot aren't/weren't, maybe you used to be one of those who thought every season the old fraud was going to change and do things differently but thankfully have seen the light. No we'll always be short and stuck with mediocrity mate as long as this old fraud hangs around pushing his failed philosophies on us and everybody else even Bouldy, your right never in a million years would Bouldy, TA, or MK (my God can you imagine the screams of Keown) stand or have stood for that nonsense but the former is now, and you ask why, well there could be a couple of reasons for that and it doesn't take a genius to work out the most likely one. Another good article Somak.

  25. Hiccup

    Sep 27, 2014, 12:45 #58057

    Mike, today's Racing Post has a statistic that 99 per cent of refereeing decisions have gone against Arsenal this season. This statistic backs up the common feeling by many on here that poor refereeing is the cause of every poor Arsenal result.

  26. Ozzie

    Sep 27, 2014, 12:07 #58056

    Spoken like a true Swami, Somak. Incidentally, the Songster is currently blowing bubbles - along with a couple of other Wengerites who seemed to have pounced on you rather sharpish what? Stick to your guns cos the cannon is firing blanks

  27. CITYBOY1000

    Sep 27, 2014, 12:00 #58054

    Good article. I've wondered for how long the Gooners' patience will last. It seems like Wenger made his name by building a fantastic team built around strength and muscularity in midfield (Viera)and the inherited strength at the back (Adams, Winterburn, Keown etc). He has now seemingly forgotten all of that. He seems to build his teams from the tika-taka midfield philosophy. It doesn't work like that. You need muscle and fire in defensive midfield and the back 4. Players not afraid to put their bodies on the line and to get stuck-in with the challenges. This builds a platform from which the tika-taka midfield boys can build upon going forward. Wenger has put the cart before the horse. Worryingly, he doesn't seem to have realised a fundamental flaw which everyone else looking on can see. Good luck to him though - from a City fan !

  28. Mike

    Sep 27, 2014, 11:56 #58053

    Against City you were lucky to score two goals from blatant fouls and then didn't concede an obvious penalty. Flatten burg smiled on you and you should be grateful for your undeserved point.

  29. Hiccup

    Sep 27, 2014, 11:46 #58051

    Somak, I think your last paragraph is at least 3 years out of date. We used to think surely he'll rectify our shortcomings in the next transfer windows, but now we realise he won't. What his supporters now do, is acknowledge nothing will be done, but wait and see how things pan out. This forever judging him in May paralysis that we are stuck with. So it doesn't really matter what happens on the pitch at any point in time, because it's always where we'll be in 12 months time. I see the tooth fairy believers are out in force criticising your article. It amazes me how they manage to read the OLG with their heads stuck in the sand? They obviously disagree that almunia was poor. They clearly think we have enough depth in defence. Maybe they live in hope that you will see the errors in your way and will not repeat the same mistakes in your next article. Please address your errors and admit wenger is faultless and then everyone will be happy.

  30. Bard

    Sep 27, 2014, 11:45 #58050

    Somak, I used to think that our transfer policy was chaotic but I feel that wrongly demeans Wenger and his team. If you turn it completely around it all makes perfect sense. If you constantly go into a season 2 or 3 short it gives you two ready made excuses. Firstly you lower expectations, no one seriously believes we can win anything other than the FAC with this squad and neither does Wenger. Secondly going into a campaign 2 or 3 short means you can always play the if only card ie just think what we might have achieved if we had had a couple of players. It keeps us fans in constant hope. Somak dont for one minute believe Wenger is clueless. he knows exactly what he is doing. By keeping expectations low and hopes high, they can keep pushing the prices up.

  31. GBP

    Sep 27, 2014, 11:06 #58047

    Yet more ill informed garbage of the usual diet dished up.The childish, silly little names (cheatski, flamoney) inserted to try and give it some credibility together with all of the other diversionary references. You failed. Badly.

  32. Pete

    Sep 27, 2014, 10:40 #58046

    Unfortunately City lost their soul when the money men came in, used to like them before that.Unlike the chavs who I've always loathed though I love bumping into their fans on matchday's and watching them melt.

  33. Finsbury Joe

    Sep 27, 2014, 10:38 #58045

    Why does wenger need more defenders in his 2 7 1 formation?

  34. Westlower

    Sep 27, 2014, 10:37 #58044

    @Somak Wenger didn't get rid of Sagna. Sagna decided to move on despite Wenger asking him to stay. Debuchy is better than your judgement of him. You contradict yourselve by condemning Wenger for buying a 29 year old & a 19 year old. Your reference to the Pope & beaches in Brazil is a nonsense as it didn't prevent any transfers from taking place, check when our new players were signed? Classic Dark Moanie sentiments!

  35. Jeremy Poynton

    Sep 27, 2014, 9:44 #58041

    Oh! I see he's telling Spurs what they must do now. Scheesh. Diversionary tactic, I guess?

  36. Jeremy Poynton

    Sep 27, 2014, 9:34 #58040

    Maybe if Wenger spent more time thinking about the shortfalls of his squad as opposed to whatever Manchester City are now up to that vexes him so much, things at the Emirates would be better. This City fan, who used to rate Wenger highly, is sick to death of his running commentary on my club.