Derby Day Disappointment

Online Ed: Just a point at home to an unadventurous Spurs side

Derby Day Disappointment

In mitigation for Arsene Wenger, his entire midfield had to be substituted over the course of yesterday’s derby, and it really is head scratching time with regards to why the injuries keep coming. The appointment of Shad Forsythe in the summer seemed to be a nod towards rectifying this, but the injuries to Arteta and Ramsey look particularly alarming. Like it or not, both are key players not easily replaced from the current options. Flamini, in contrast to this fixture a year ago, came on and did not galvanise the team. How long before we see Francis Coquelin in there? It’s not the stuff of champions, but most realistic fans can see that the side is not playing as well as it did last season, and next weekend’s trip to Stamford Bridge is going to be a hide behind the sofa job for those unwilling to lay out close to £60 to watch the Gunners lose their first league game for a while.

My understanding of the starting line-up against Villa last weekend was that Alexis was in the team an hour before kick off, and then, presumably withdrawn because of a fear he might aggravate a tweak he felt. Or maybe it was my imagination when I heard the team announced on the radio at 2pm. Whatever the truth, the Chilean played on Tuesday against Southampton, but was on the bench against Spurs, although Wilshere had began the League Cup game and started yesterday. It is of course good for the manager to have options, but given Alexis’ fairly good scoring run, it was quite a surprise he did not start this match. Perhaps the manager is protecting him for fear of post World Cup burnout, who knows? Might Arsenal have created better opportunities with the number 17 on the field instead of Wilshere? As it was, the Gunners were largely restricted to efforts from distance for the first 45 minutes.

Tottenham were understandably unambitious for the most part. No surprise given their recent run of results, especially managed by an organizer like Pocchetino. They allowed less space behind their defence than Villa did last weekend, and the home side were largely frustrated. They spent the first half banging on the door, but a really gilt-edged chance did not come. Hugo Lloris was not going to be beaten by the type of efforts Arsenal mustered.

Ozil was on the left side of attack position at kick off, but spent most of the game drifting around the territory he would have been in were he playing in the hole, Wilshere often out on the left side. But it was a very fluid system. Fortunately, Spurs’ tactics meant that their right back Naughton did not push up too far too often, so the defensive frailty that occurs with all this floating around was not exposed. One suspects Branislav Ivanovic might make hay next weekend though, especially if Kieran Gibbs pushes high up the field as he is evidently instructed to.

When Spurs’ goal did come it was down to defensive carelessness. Mertesacker played the ball to Flamini who was too ponderous dealing with it, and a goal resulted. It was poor play from Arsenal. Too often, goals against have resulted from possession lost cheaply. So it was yesterday. The obsession with keeping the ball, even in the most dangerous areas, can be like Russian roulette, especially if the opponents are up the field in numbers. The idea of a quick break is laudable, but Flamini isn’t the man to set one up with a searching pass. After largely dominating, it was a cheap goal to concede.

Predictably, the Gunners rallied. Alexis came on for Wilshere and initially added something to the attacking play, and eventually pressure told with Oxlade-Chamberlain’s thumped strike into the top of the net (although briefly, one feared he might have skied it). The momentum was with Arsenal and there only looked like one winner, but the visitors cleverly disrupted the flow of events with some timewasting injuries, and the Gunners never really got close again.

Tottenham played with the quality of a lot of teams that visit Arsenal. Not impressive in terms of possession or territory, but an ambition fulfilled in getting something. There is work to do there, but on yesterday’s evidence, it does appear that Pocchetino is capable of building a solid foundation. They frustrated their opponents fairly well.

As for Arsenal, avoidable errors led to the concession of a goal, and they were only good enough to score once against a defensive opponent. Granted, there were good efforts by Mertesacker and an excellent chance for Ozil, but they needed to do better against Lloris in terms of finishing.

Wenger’s team are not playing as well as they were a year ago, in spite of the additions of some decent signings. Granted, they are still unbeaten after six matches, but few would predict that run will last past next Sunday. Two wins and four draws is good enough for fourth place, and in truth that does look to be the limit of what this side are going to be capable of. I think Van Gaal will turn United’s form around enough to gain third place, so it is a battle with Liverpool for fourth, based on the evidence of the season so far. Whether the World Cup is the reason the Gunners look less effective is one for debate, although Chelsea had enough of their men in Brazil and do not seem to have been aversely affected.

The injuries to Arteta and Ramsey will presumably discount them from the visit to the Bridge, and Wilshere is presumably a doubt. Step up Abou Diaby? Things aren’t looking good.

A couple of off-field matters that need raising. The police operation before and after the game to control the Spurs fans seemed to have been done differently this year, and led to a lot of problems in Drayton Park. What happened to the idea of (especially post game) shepherding them up Aubert Park? Pre-match, some thought needs to be given to taking the large group of them the police allowed to build up by a different route to the stadium, perhaps down Highbury Hill. The operation was far from successful, as there was some fighting after the game, and it was touch and go before.

Now, Stan Kroenke’s withdrawal of £3million from the club last season for “strategic and advisory services”. Let’s get this clear. The only reason Kroenke has not taken dividends out of the club is because he needs Alisher Usmanov’s ok to do so. So he is going to start drip-feeding profit in any way he thinks he can get away with. The man did not buy the shares he has in Arsenal because he gives a damn about football. He bought it as a business investment and that is how he will treat it. Hence the unnecessary raise in ticket prices last summer (and expect a similar one next year). Kroenke actually wanted to make bigger increases but was talked out of it by his fellow directors. That the club have so much money in the bank indicates that prices did not go up because they needed to, but because the club knew that there was extra money enough fans would be prepared to pay.

Unfortunately, for a good number of season ticket holders, Arsenal matches are like an addictive drug. They will pay whatever they are asked. Until enough of us ditch the habit and refuse to pay the prices, they will continue to rise. Are you going to give up your season ticket? Some have, whilst some simply rent theirs out waiting for the return of better days (although the prices won’t be coming down as long as they continue to buy them).

Sadly, football supporters are an apathetic bunch for the most part, and the supporters organisations at Arsenal have had difficulty organising direct meaningful action, either through an unwillingness to do so, or a lack of a genuine strategy in terms of what supporters can meaningfully do to protest, such as boycotting a particular match or chanting in unison throughout the stadium. I think the only likely source of genuine organised protest is likely to come from the BSM in tandem with the Arsenal Supporters Trust, the two most disaffected organisations. The club have withdrawn their supports for the Trust’s fanshare movement, which will mean it has to fold. That is a clear indication that Stan Kroenke wants to cut out other shareholders rather than encourage fan ownership. AISA do not want to rock the boat and are reluctant to criticize the club whilst REDaction’s agenda is getting behind the team in the stadium rather than creating a poisonous atmosphere, which is probably what needs to happen, although they are sympathetic to moves that will keep prices at an affordable level. Let’s see what the supporters groups can come up with in terms of a strategy to influence the club not to raise prices again for 2015/16.

Onto more trivial matters, and I am awaiting the names of winners of Layth Yousif’s book on Arsène Wenger’s Fifty Defining Fixtures. I will update this paragraph by the end of the day to announce them. (Mike – if you’re reading this, send them over!)

Next up, my co-author Alex Fynn has asked me to plug a talk he is giving tomorrow evening starting 6pm at Birkbeck College on Arsenal, the Premier League, and the Phenomenon of the Big Club. Although organised for students of the university’s Sport Business Centre courses, the talk is free and open to members of the public. Alex will doubtless be selling copies of the book we have co-written at the conclusion of the talk (see ‘Further Reading’ below) and I am going to try and get along so we can both sign copies. Details of the location are on the Birkbeck website – there is a link to a map and you want the building labelled number 1 on that – the main Birkbeck building entered via Torrington Square. It’s in lecture theatre B20 within. Just ask the security guy on the door if you are having trouble finding it. Plug over, maybe see some of you there.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

The new issue of The Gooner will be on sale outside the stadium for Wednesday’s game v Galatasaray. It can be bought online here.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 01, 2014, 17:01 #58299

    jj 61560, glad you decided to stay did you consult the family? yes in it to win it and then reckons we're not even in the top four favourites, just goes to show how deluded he's become, but wait until 10pm tonight and we will and be favourites to, you couldn't make it up.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 01, 2014, 16:43 #58294

    BADARSE, I see your sabbatical didn't last long, your back to your long winded silly posts trying to fool those that know better, no need to explain yourself routers can give trouble all the time maybe even again this Sunday or Monday and anybody can run out of 50p's for the electricity meter. All the huffing over then? no more tantrums? and you've gotton your toys back from all the bad boys? (jw still has your beach ball though but i'm sure he'll return it soon), but keep them safe because they might want to play with them again maybe even this weekend especially if your messiah is his usual self and gives us nothing else to do. The chickens are all cleared out now I had plenty of help over the weekend and we had great crack doing it, it's a pity you weren't here to help as you seem to have a thing for them.

  3. JAMIE

    Oct 01, 2014, 12:38 #58265

    That Baddie post reminded me of the film'One flew over the moanies nest'

  4. jjetplane

    Oct 01, 2014, 12:11 #58262

    Have not even looked at the next article but am really enjoying Gooner online sending out a message to those with no ambition for the club that the time is up for this 2 decade old circus. Time to move on. BADDIE less is more re 'the creative writing' preoccupation you appear to have (see Hiccup for economy and thrust) but you have reawakened a John Woo movie for me (Hard Boiled) which I must dig out for reevaluation. Good old Arsene yawn and Gibbs reckons the team are in the CL to win it. That you cannot make up ...

  5. Bard

    Oct 01, 2014, 9:01 #58241

    Lee afc, Was that serious or a wind up. I would imagine that there are a whole host of managers out there who might be able to put some steel organisation and competitive grit into a club whos wage bill is bigger than Chelseas and who have money to burn. Your post suggests that Wenger is producing miracles that no other manager is capable of. This is complete rubbish mate. He has spent a fortune in the last window and the team are playing worse than last year ! How about Ancelloti, Martinez, Kllopp, Pep, Loew for starters, get my drift. We are not Crystal Palace but financially in the top ten clubs in the world, we need a bit of ambition not least from the fans.


    Oct 01, 2014, 8:26 #58240

    GBP, I liked that post, ta lee afc, one chorus of, 'We shall overcome...', ha ha. Clive Anderson versus the BeeGees, great television 24601, and they proved him right by storming out of the studio, but couldn't quite take their microphones off in a flurry, ha ha. Vintage stuff.


    Oct 01, 2014, 8:13 #58239

    Good morning my little Scrabbled eggs-traditional scrambled eggs but ribbons of the egg rearranged to spell out on the plate, 'Arsene knows best'. We join them at brekkie time; Bard has scraped his together and is in the process of making what he thinks is the Eiffel Tower, but is increasingly resembling the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Across the table Cornish grabs at his to copy Bard, but his rendition looks much like a melted snowman. Hiccup is guffawing, he likes to rearrange his letters into rude words and has spelt out 'bum' across his plate-he is very pleased with his mornings work. The sound of a second splat comes from the kitchen, accompanied by strangulated berating of said egg, it of course the eggs fault, jeff wright has dropped another egg. maguiresbridge is closely studying the eggs texture, chickens and eggs play an ever-increasing role in his life of late, much sniffing, and poking with fingers fills his breakfast time. Across the table sits DWT, gloomily regarding his plate. Just then mayhem begins, someone has left the door ajar and AMG has run out to bark at the dustmen. jjetplane meanwhile is taking delight in rolling his hard-boiled egg around in his bowl, he would never join in with the rest if there is an alternative-such a free spirit. Around and around the egg rolls, he is becoming sedated by the whirring noise the egg makes. DWT's face begins to contort-he is trying to smile and it shows as a fiendishly applied grimace. His hands are pulling the egg around his plate and it pleases him. He shows a thumbs-up gesture to Bard, who looks disapprovingly at the thread of hanging egg, stuck to the thumbnail. Then Hiccup, intent on poking some egg remnants up a nostril, sneezes. The egg flies across the table, peppering his chums. They all stop what they are doing and look around. Bard is the first to grin, jjetplane bursts out laughing, DWT bites his nose in an attempt to ape his pals. Raucous laughter ensues as AMG, back at the table throws the first piece of egg, the usual egg fight begins as jeff wright runs in from the kitchen and trips over maguiresbridge's hula hoop. Egg goes everywhere, accompanied by squeals and giggles. Then the orderlies rush in, restraints in hand. maguiresbridge quickly begins shoving slices of toast into his wellington boots. The cackling group are slowly but urgently led away. They are locked in their rooms once more, where they grab for their computers and begin typing out a post to their favourite football website, another day at the Online Gooner Nursing Home is underway.

  8. Mathew

    Oct 01, 2014, 6:03 #58238

    Where is Campbell, hibernating ?

  9. Ozzie

    Oct 01, 2014, 4:18 #58237

    Kroenke..Gazidis..Wenger..Usmanov..oh why cant the English?

  10. jjetplane

    Oct 01, 2014, 0:33 #58236

    Wrong GBP in that WESTIE way. The moanie valium eaters (better than smarties) do not want a spend spend club particularly when it's spend spend spend in deepest Colorado. Better to just get in someone who likes football enough to bash a few heads together and say 'head out of your arse' or on your way to QPR. This should been done seasons ago and so we would not be putting up with this drama of keeping the seat warm. Or the horror of putting the club back 5 years if YGL throws his croissant at the tea lady. I would say if he left next monday we would progress 5 years in a day with the relief. HICCUP I am a very bad listener unless it's nice dub step, punk mayhem or some serious rap (even at my age) as I like interrupting and generally being a cheeky blokie. I am sure they would find solace in a yearly subscription of Wengertower (love that). Anyway, that's my last post as I am disgusted with myself for trading my soul to the devil. Help us in our pain. Teach us patience dear old man. May we see the error of our ways ..... Yawn ....

  11. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 30, 2014, 23:34 #58234

    Lee. I'm sticking my neck out here, but what about Bruce Rioch?

  12. Lee afc

    Sep 30, 2014, 22:52 #58233

    Badarse....don't give in to the so called future of the afc, the boys and girls who call for change but are reluctant to name Mr wengers predecessor. talk is cheap and once in a while it is so, so so easy to knock the Arsenal. I know which corner I'm standing in....have faith badarse..

  13. GBP

    Sep 30, 2014, 22:29 #58232

    On reflection maybe we do need to re adjust our views somewhat Badarse. Tactically out witted, subs used too late to be of any effect, physically lacking, no pace and little power in the midfield, no real quality in chance taking up front, too much 'tippy tappy' and too little penetration, defence heavy legged and slow, ball watching when faster cleverer opponents break at them, defenders going missing leading to conceding, two or three players looking like they don't want to be there, the opposing young and hungry thrusting Coach looking fired up and off his seat at all times, the Coach clearly lacking passion and hunger, balls by passing the full backs, desperate and urgent need for mega millions to be spent especially to replace a dud centre back, atmosphere in the stands poor due to no passion on the pitch, a million miles away from winning the CL, cant build a team to compete in the CL and in the PL looking light years behind Chelsea and Mourinho, (who is a real Coach and who wont accept slackers), the Board does need to spend more and spend big and then spend big again. Its clear to anybody apart from the feint hearted who prolong the mediocre dull football played that the Coach does need to be ousted and replaced. Yes, im convinced. City do need to get shot of Pellegrini now!


    Sep 30, 2014, 20:25 #58231

    Where to begin? Cornish you do snipe. You seem not to offer your views and opinions as that would be opening yourself up to opposition. Is that true, or am I misreading things? It seems so, if wrong apologies to you, but show a more conciliatory side sometimes, please. The two posts deleted were of a genre, rather typical. I didn't take offence, I never expect understanding or consideration where it isn't likely to be forthcoming. So I hope that reassures. Hiccup, you are one funny guy. Sometimes I am in stitches. No toys, so no hurling, though sometime in the future I shall be sitting in a pram again no doubt, such is the ageing process. Things are lost in these posts. Here is a quick resume. I had little to say and was quite busy so didn't make the time. I was aware the other two Amigos hadn't posted, I thought that was quite amusing. Possibly they felt in a similar vein. As time ticked on it was very much like the analogy I gave, all your posse the same side of the tennis net hitting the balls into a chain link fence. It was hilarious at two levels. The main humour came from you guys, very funny. The second and more subtle humour was knowing you were all a little lost. There you were with a pile of snowballs melting in your hands, and no little old men shuffling to the shops on the other side of the street to serve as target practise. maguiresbridge? Well let's leave him to clear out the chickens, shall we? Bard, you are a little deep sometimes. Do you really mean what you say about being upset with the Dark Moony stuff? I am intrigued and genuinely wouldn't want to offend. Just an aside, I have only ever heard right wing critics refer dismissively to 'pc'. If you mean over emphasising things which can be managed without a nuts and bolts approach who wouldn't agree? If that is the case, we all agree, then ask why is there a law for this or that. Someone voted for the people who implement them, someone sees them through parliament, someone enforces them. Is this one of those conspiracies you reject, or do you secretly welcome. Just a thought, call it what you may, without pc kids would still be going up chimneys, better that only Father Xmas comes down them, eh? I am very pleased to see my two Amigos posting again, I can learn much from them, you lot too. Take heed, their voices will grow quiet soon, as will mine. Contrary to popular views I wasn't fired up with anger at all. I am not remotely like that. I can lose it quickly, but regain it twice as fast. Sometimes like recently I wondered what the point was in posting. A bit cheesed off with the negativity, but wounded by the digs directed at westlower and GBP, more than anything done or said to me. I am fine, I just felt it a bit unfair on others and found myself mentally sighing, and that can give you a stiff neck.No meltdown at all; and Bard, the last time I tried to get over myself I fell out of bed. DJ really enjoyed your posts and GBP's replies. JAMIE, everything is OK buddy. I have a big bag of sherbet Lemons, and some Cough Candy to share, plus I've got my shoe box full of marbles to play with. Be out to play after tea!

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 30, 2014, 20:11 #58230

    Hiccup, it's been an emotional thirty hours plus, but great crack, can you imagine what it would have been like if we'd have stuffed the spuds four, five, nil? there wouldn't have been as many going AWOL and no doubt when we beat the turks tomorrow night, everything will be rosy in the garden again, for a while anyway. Certainly an Agony aunt was needed and jj might have been the man but I think would have found it hard to laugh and listen at the same time. It was very unfortunate that the most obvious person for the job was indeed in need of one himself.

  16. Hiccup

    Sep 30, 2014, 19:36 #58229

    It's been a long emotional day. MG, joking aside, I've taken on board their advice and booked in to an anger management course. Sorry if my wild temper and throwing of virtual plates is upsetting anyone. Treading on eggshells here, but maybe this place needs an Agony Aunt? Seems to be a lot of pent up angst on here today. This needs channeling so we don't have a recurrence of today's traumas. I reckon jj would be good at this as he seems a good listener and and has spoken many a wise word.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 30, 2014, 19:13 #58228

    Bard, it's just as well i'm not a scots man who lives in France i'd take offence also and I don't think i'd ever toss the caber again.

  18. Bard

    Sep 30, 2014, 19:09 #58227

    Nice theory GBP but why give him another three years. Surely if that were the case he could have had terrific send off at the end of last season. Also who are these mighty football men on the board willing and able to make that kind of decision. He will stay as long as the money keeps rolling in irrespective of results. The ending of dynasties is nearly always a bloody affair and I dont see this one ending any differently. Its my view that the fans will end it for him sooner rather than later if he cannot turn this little situation around by Christmas

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 30, 2014, 18:55 #58226

    Hiccup, yes he must run a drama class as well a real all rounder, I suppose that class is on hold like all the others until he gathers up his toys that those big bad bullies from the Online gooner had so much fun playing with.

  20. DJ

    Sep 30, 2014, 17:05 #58225

    GBP: Again a well reasoned reply and I do really, with my sensible head on, agree with the Fabregas decision just wish he hadn’t gone to Chelsea. What I think is Wenger’s biggest weakness, some may say strength, is his loyalty to certain players. As you mention a brute of central midfielder is what this squad has been crying out for yet a succession of players have been persevered with and for whatever reason, age, injury, ability they haven’t cut the mustard. I sincerely hope you’re right and Arsene is getting ready to relinquish control and hand over the reigns to a new man so he can have the decent send off he deserves. I have a feeling though he might find letting go harder than you think!

  21. JAMIE

    Sep 30, 2014, 17:03 #58224

    I'd hate it if they banned name calling altogether as it would take a lot of humour out of our English way of life.I've never been one for bad language yet calling people comical names to do with their race,sexual orientation,size,distinguishing features etc I've never had a problem with as long as it's done without any malice.

  22. GBP

    Sep 30, 2014, 16:34 #58223

    Hi DJ - Yes, i don't disagree entirely. I think age has crept up on AW a little. His flame doesn't flicker as it once did for sure.Much was said about Fabregas, but for me, he was the wrong player to buy at the right time. Its a great point that you make in that he would have been a filip for the fans, but a colder, heavier duty CM man has been needed for years. I think Cesc would have added to the inherent problem we have i.e.. too many players of the same type and nature seeking too few places. Wenger's created that problem too. Cesc was a good lad in his time, but his time had gone. I think Wenger read it right to be honest. I honestly feel that AW knows his tenure is reaching its end or at least the beginning of the end and i believe the Board do too. None of us can be sure who fits the bill to come in but im banking Arsenal have their eyes on who they want. Im not sure any worthwhile and attainable replacement has been possible in the last few years. Essentially im of the opinion that AW knows he's 'keeping a seat warm'. I think he known it ever since the ground shift in reality. Hes made errors in recent years, which Coach wdt have done, but the man sold off his own ambition to oversee this transition from medium sized competitor Club to big corporate monolith Club. The fact that hes never once expressed any dissatisfaction with his bosses tells us that. The big challenges are to come and will do so. We all need to patient a while longer, that's all. Right or wrong that's my take on things in N7. Arsenal cant really reveal what's going on as its effect upon the team cant be risked if AW was perceived as a dead man walking.

  23. Bard

    Sep 30, 2014, 16:25 #58222

    Westie; Le Tossers !!! That is so offensive I almost quit the site and wrote a long note to the Ed. I have never heard such rude comments hurled at such a thoroughly likeable bunch as the Dark Mooches. Besides whats wrong with 'tossing' in moderation? If your hurting because Baddie jumped ship I am there for you. Actually I thought it was a very funny post mate.

  24. DJ

    Sep 30, 2014, 16:17 #58221

    GBP: You argue the case for the status quo eloquently and well. Why I disagree is I think Wenger has lost the hunger and desire to compete at the very top level. While it may be a losing battle to compete with the big guns in Europe, Man City and Chelsea domestically we seem to be waving the white flag before the battle has even begun. How else could you explain our lack of resources at centre half and central midfield? I agree with not spending silly money which the club could not afford but there surely must some ambition shown? Fabregas is good example, many supporters made valid financial and football reasons why he shouldn’t have been resigned but we had just won the cup and imagine the boost it would have given the fan base had we resigned our best player over the last decade. Instead a big pin was stuck in our helium balloon of joy as he signed for our nastiest competitors! That’s why without the vitriol I believe a change may be beneficial for the club a younger manager may inject some much needed passion, as you argue he may not but it may be worth a try?

  25. Red Member

    Sep 30, 2014, 16:12 #58220

    of course a new manager "might" not be any good either, BUT it has reached the stage where surely that gamble is worth taking. we are "achieving Champions League fotball" for what exactly?? We have a manager currently incapable of assembling a team that is able to compete in it

  26. Hiccup

    Sep 30, 2014, 16:11 #58219

    Look, badarse has been a bit if a drama queen today, but he's had these meltdowns in the past and will be back again. I just hope he consulted his family before making this decision and that they are standing by him, just like my family have got me through the dark days when I've been called a spud on here.

  27. GBP

    Sep 30, 2014, 16:03 #58218

    Red Member - Each to their own. 'Might' is a mightily overused word indeed in my experience. Never assume that you understand others fears either (your ref 'scared') unless you know them. Many of us have encountered and overcome fears that hopefully you ll never have to face young chap. A funny old game like football doesn't bring any, that's for sure.

  28. Man United Killer

    Sep 30, 2014, 15:47 #58217

    Wenger and Gazidis in conversation Gazidis: The fans are not happy.I really dont care but the disquietude is growing. Wenger: The have lofty expectations.Even you and I know we wont win anything besides the Carling or maybe the FA cup-if we dont meet stiff opposition. Gazidis: Yeah they are real dreamers.They believe you when you say we are competing for the league and UCL. Wenger: Of course they do.I have been doing this for a while.It's time for another press conference.Watch me take them for another spin.

  29. Red Member

    Sep 30, 2014, 15:42 #58216

    GBP - you are talking absolute rubbish. if Wenger had been sacked 2 years ago then a new hungrier manager might have this group of players challenging for the league. instead scared people like yourself are happy for the same misakes to be made season after season.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 30, 2014, 15:26 #58215

    Cornish, afraid i missed those, was to busy cleaning out the chicken s**t from my house especially our living room and kitchen. But double Dutch is still alive and well along with gobbledygook and fluent Martian more often than not all rolled into one.

  31. GBP

    Sep 30, 2014, 15:25 #58214

    Hi David - i think they do share the fans wishes for success. Its in the definition of it where they differ from the fans. I also think that in the right conditions ie total loss of the dressing room or results collapse consistently AW would resign or at least offer to do so. What he knows is that hes fulfilling the Boards immediate ambition. You shdt assume that you know the longer term one though. Many of us who back Wenger, accept hes not the man for the future but that hes the right man for the present and the stability that he brings is correct for the Clubs development now. Him leaving or being dismissed would in our view set us back 5 years and thus the travails of the years post ground shift would have been wasted. To understand Arsenal, fans have to be more circumspect and try and understand the Club in a more commercial sense and not just as fans do. The shouts for rolling heads on this site are premature and nonsensical with all due respect, as are the assumptions that those of us who back Wenger are in some way his apostles. Its daft talk. At this stage in Arsenals development, the 'remedies' that many of you suggest aren't remedies, they're recipes for failure.

  32. jjetplane

    Sep 30, 2014, 14:59 #58213

    Poor old WESTIe that is one paper bag you got yourself stuck in. Still trying to work out in what sense you support Arsenal as opposed to your undying love for Stan's Hot Guns! Service is resumed. AKB control have steadied ship - a few orbits and we should be at The World's End .... Costa is pretty **** ain't he! oh dear! play the Ox in the middle and let Calum watch the Adam's videos for revision.

  33. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 30, 2014, 14:49 #58212

    Some of you may (or may not) be wondering what provoked the unusually sarcastic opening sentence in post 61490 from BADARSE. Late last night I submitted two posts. Both of one sentence. Both in Dutch. 'You couldn't make it up!' and 'Is that your masterpiece Jamie spoke of?' Both aimed at BADARSE obviously, but neither offensive nor sniping. More a test of our resident cunning linguist. These posts have been deleted, but not before the early bird had read them. It seems that the use of Dutch is unacceptable, whereas the use of Double Dutch is not. BADARSE AS for the rest of post 61490. I'm sorry if this offends you, but it reminded me of Captain Queeg's last monologue.

  34. Red Member

    Sep 30, 2014, 14:30 #58211

    David puts across the best message submitted on here all year.

  35. Westlower

    Sep 30, 2014, 14:17 #58210

    'DJ, I don't doubt for one moment doubt that the Dark Moanies want AFC to succeed but the issue for me is the manner of their support. How cowardly is it to detach yourself from the team when things are not going well. What use are they if they decline to support the club during the tough times. Some of them are in dire need of anger management. Just read the predictable comments should we lose at the Bridge. Who remembers the famous Gooner, Clive Anderson, interviewing the Bee Gee's when he described them as 'Le Tossers', well that's how I see the Dark Moanies.

  36. David

    Sep 30, 2014, 13:38 #58209

    AW is the wrong focus for the debate. Very hard to explain the attachment that the AKBs have in purely rational terms - some sort of neurotic Freudian compulsion, perhaps? - but it's not really the problem. The men who hire and fire are responsible for the ambition of the club. 20 years ago the ambition was to compete, challenge and win; now it is to sustain a high profile and turn a good profit. If they really wanted success, AW would not have had his contact renewed. No doubt AW needs to go, but expecting him to resign is unrealistic. He's the most successful manager in the club's history and he knows it. The board doesn't share the urgency for success felt by the majority of fans.

  37. CT Gooner

    Sep 30, 2014, 13:28 #58208

    I find it funny how these arguments go. It actually feels like most agree, Wenger has lost his magic, yet where the disagreement occurs is what to do about it. Many of us ("Dark Moanies" as the Arsene supporters on here call us) believe we should have replaced the manager with someone eager to succeed on the field, others argue stay the course. Unfortunately the board have divided us by having no ambition beyond making money, and sadly that's coming out of the supporters pockets...

  38. jjetplane

    Sep 30, 2014, 13:07 #58207

    Now we have the domestic issues out of the way can we get back to business. 1 Any news on Diaby 2 Is Stan really getting a franchise with the Glazers & 3 Anybody got any valium? ps Godspeed JW ....

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 30, 2014, 13:06 #58206

    Bard, feeble indeed and with some following every post as well, hence his usual long winded gobbledygook, but it's good to see he still has friends at AKB central command as they had a whip round for him to have his electricity turned back on.

  40. Westlower

    Sep 30, 2014, 13:02 #58205

    @Hiccup, You're a greedy bookie as you came up with an overround market of 146%. Try reducing Jamie to 4/6 and you'll be somewhere near an acceptable book of 125%. What price the number of Arsenal supporters on this site?

  41. Bard

    Sep 30, 2014, 12:53 #58204

    Baddie; Sorry you get so upset mate. The hope and wish for fairness and Pc speak is laudable but not for me. Its not newsnight. i would have thought you would have developed a thicker skin following Arsenal for all these years. I have never ever taken offence at anything written by fellow gooners and Ive had plenty of abuse. All this Dark Moonie s*** is thoroughly upsetting and causes great pain to those closest to me. I find the belittling of my carefully constructed arguments which are always right, demeaning. Get over yourself Baddie. Its a footy site.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 30, 2014, 12:45 #58203

    jj, it looks like you won the sweep on who would break cover first.

  43. Hiccup

    Sep 30, 2014, 12:41 #58202

    Latest odds from Stan James as the campaign for the new virtual AKB leader starts: Jamie 2/9; Westlower 6/5; Pete 5/1; julesd 33/1. Let's hope for a good clean contest, and hope the wib wobbling is kept to a minimum.

  44. DJ

    Sep 30, 2014, 12:36 #58201

    Just a point, I enjoy coming on this site and reading the various conflicting comments so it is with great sadness that some posters have taken offence. Without going all Henry Kissinger I think all the Dark Moonies or is it Moanies on here would loved to be proved wrong and teased mercilessly if Arsenal come good and challenge for the major honours. We are all Gooners under the skin aren’t we???


    Sep 30, 2014, 12:17 #58200

    There he is the matelot-man! Hi radfordkennedy, those tears were the wonderful ones, so a thank you to you fella. December the 7th it is buddy. Good old Arsenal.

  46. radfordkennedy

    Sep 30, 2014, 11:55 #58199

    Badarse... Sorry I caused you some upset,I was just raising my hat to your late father,I admire greatly those who fought fascism. And I will raise a glass on December 7th the day in 1938 when the British Battalion of the International Brigade came home,2,500 went and around 520 came back,of which thank God your father was one....Good old Arsenal


    Sep 30, 2014, 11:39 #58198

    Credit where it's due, that was a nice post jjetplane. Just as we are putting records straight, mine keep toppling over-slippery black vinyl, eh? I seriously want no one to step into a Spielberg film set, or even discover there are no such things as poltergeists-though one of maguiresbridge's chickens is a bit like a poultrygoose. I do see many things through a dark glass-you are quite perceptive jj, but I also see many other things through the most amazingly pure, and cleanly cut, Waterford crystal. A book title in this somewhere, 'The man on the cycle, with the fox in the night time.' Stay cool buddy.


    Sep 30, 2014, 11:19 #58197

    Bard I echo westlower's two points regarding yourself. In the recent past you laid a false claim at my door in a casual manner saying that 'I appeared to be', intimating I wasn't but was kind of knocking on the door of being so. What you accused me of, or suggested I had failings of was irrelevant, but it was a character defamation. I can disagree with your view without rolling out my personal view of any character flaws I may have thought I'd identified in you-or more specifically your post, which is often not fairly attributed to a poster. Yet you do it. In responding to my post you could have said, 'load of bull', 'not legitimate', or some other way to register a protest. What did you manage to slip in? The word disingenuous. Do you clearly understand the meanings of this word? Not very nice, are they? So why? I mentioned fleetingly, just a point to register a position, no more, I cannot be disingenuous in that action. It is impossible and ungrammatical. Oh yes, and an unnecessary slur. Again the question is why? I haven't, nor will I do the same to you, it isn't that nice. Banter and teasing I agree with you is part and parcel of sport, nay beyond that it is part of everyday life, possibly the funniest strand of English humour-which is second to none, possibly the only thing we lead the world in. It's what I do with jeff wright for instance, sometimes an edge, but a good natured one, I enjoy his posts, it was myself who first began the band wagon promoting his cult status-yet this chap called me a liar. Without proof or any recognisable reason, and refused to retract. Sometimes I think the convenience of overlooking some digs are because the person offering them sings from the same song sheet. Anyway, despite this seeming diatribe, it carries no malice. I just wanted to set the record straight.

  49. jjetplane

    Sep 30, 2014, 11:18 #58196

    Horses for courses WESTIE Me (I) thinking HICCUP, BARD, JW, McGUiRE, DW, CoRNISH, AMG would be a great laugh at any table and fail to see the fuss over a few perfectly funny ripostes. It is all very well defending the House of Wenger (a defense I still don't buy into) but then I left big religion behind sometime after the first holy communion which felt pretty virtual to me. Anyway, it's just a forum for gooners to have a bit of fun and sorry BADDIE you see it 'through a glass darkly'. You have forever been asking all and sundry 'to step into the light' and my little riposte to that is check out Spielberg's poltergeist where the southern psychic exclaims 'don't go into the light'. I work some evenings and nothing better than a midnight cycle with an eye on the foxes and that amazing scent of night. See whats happening here. Homaging you old pal but we all know best stick to the script and keep the revealings to a minimum unless it's the whereabouts of Abou the Spaceman. Bet he would find the attention amusing if he's got a funny bone (!) and might kick him on to make an appearance. My own tiny play on all things Arsenal would be a couple of seasons of total commitment from the players and a coach and if I saw PL runners up at the expense of C or M and a couple of semi finals in the CL I would step into 'the light' gladly. For a club of the almost oppressive size of Arsenal none of that should be difficult. While it does continue may the voices have fun in the dark. It's what evening games are made for. This one's an early kick off.

  50. Bard

    Sep 30, 2014, 9:51 #58195

    Westie; taking the p***, sarcasm, banter whatever you call it has always been part and parcel of supporting and playing sport. This site is no different. If posters can't take it then don't dish it out. To my mind its all good fun and certainly from my point of view there is no malice or spite intended.

  51. Westlower

    Sep 30, 2014, 8:32 #58194

    @Bard, I always rated you better than the average poster, sadly my judgement has let me down again. Still, you remain a diamond compared to the bitter sarcasm of losing punter & ex Arsenal supporter Hiccup.

  52. Bard

    Sep 30, 2014, 7:48 #58193

    There are some sensitive souls on here. Baddie has sadly thrown his toys out of the pram. Quite why is anyones guess. That no one posted how upset we should have been that we suffered a couple of muscle twangs strikes me as disingenuous. The post Spud comments have been very funny by and large and certainly not abusive. As an intelligent man I would suggest that defending a sinking ship might have proved a bit to challenging in the long run as GBPs angry post suggests. No doubt he and others will be back once the good ship Wenger rights itself for a few games. Jamie you could soon be last man standing.


    Sep 30, 2014, 7:32 #58192

    Unusual for you to post in a sniping manner Cornish Gooner. I have to be honest posters I may not post again, I may not have posted yesterday, but found an idle moment and saw others post. My reasons for this thought process is fairly innocuous but of some worth. I see individuals receive comments through the whole gamut; ranging from mild to severe. For the crime of supporting/loving/defending Arsenal Football Club, and our staff. Insane! jjetplane, a self-confessed individual who's love and respect has evaporated over the years for the club. I can both understand and respect that, yet as he dances to the same tune as most other critics is applauded if not lauded for his 'tearing down' and unsupportive views. Unsupportive, there is a clue in the word. Others who add not an iota of contribution, but sit in the bushes and occasionally lob a rock at those they perceive to be an enemy-for holding a slightly different view. Troubled minds or what? Then the insults, some are hugely amusing and really tickle me, most are not, many overstep the line. GBP surrounded, ganged up on and unmercilessly character-assassinated, not unusual I have experienced it, as has westlower. Cowardly gentlemen. This website is a salve for troubled individuals, perhaps most/many/some have slight disorders of the brain, manifesting in a need or desire to keep repeating the same line, it is not so uncommon before anyone gets ruffled feathers. I am disappointed on occasions, but no longer dismayed, by the attitude of so called 'fans'. Taking delight almost, and insulting an Arsenal player breaking a leg! We had two serious injuries on Saturday-not career threatening but perhaps a month or two's rehabilitation required and not a consolatory word for either, astonishing! Cheap and unpleasant jibes, OGL, carthorse, as I said, unpleasant. The commentator talked of Gibbsy's twin playing in the Conference for Aldershot. I would be so happy, overjoyed probably if my grandson aspired to that level, I was quite a reasonable player and know what each step-up level demands from a player. Anyway, we have his more successful twin playing for us, and England, quite the step up, that I mentioned, yet he is quite casually written off. Not good enough. Let me tell you, for the level of support and attitude you bring to my club he is plenty good enough, in fact too good for many of you. You think buying a ticket, or switching on the TV means you can dish out the negatives like there is no tomorrow. Well there is the freedom to do that but not something I really want to be around too often. When I began posting I was amazed at the narrow script offered by the other posts. I soon picked up a certain respect from some, and a negative reaction from those who possibly felt threatened by my presence. The latter, in a case or two were downright insulting and could not, probably would not, take those liberties were they face to face with the person, certainly not in such a rude fashion. Beyond the worthiness of the post, that attitude spoke volumes of the weak-minded poster. I tried to repair what I felt was amiss with this site. That isn't meant to sound grandiose, but my family knew of my intentions from the beginning. I gently teased, tugged or pushed on occasions to restrict or limit the insulting attacks, the veiled homophobia, sexism and even racism. My 'sanctimonious' label was being earned, but all benefitted by those actions, because many digs drew an apology or acceptance from the offending individual, from both sides of that imaginary line-the for and against AW. I pursued questions of music, a great love of mine, and got great responses. Some came forward admitting their musicianship. At this juncture I should excuse, but I make no apology for, the use of 'I', (even received criticism for that, despite it being used in a 'reported speech' post-just sniping). I need to lay out the facts, that's why it's used. I went into the realms of 'la-la' land after discussing comedy and humour-other real interests of mine, I mean who doesn't want to smile and laugh? Strike that last question, it might blow a circuit in some. I began the 'Virtuals'. To date a cooking, sewing, film club, the theatre, a choral society, DIY club, (cries of, 'my Mum made me a homosexual', and a response from the gallery of, 'will she make me one?'). a book club,( some good came from this as I read a great book and am on the case for a second-thanks gentlemen, you know who you are), BBQ's, Halloween and Xmas parties/pantos, even a 'Table-Top Dancing' club. 'Politics debating forum', even a travelling circus, with an avalanche of auditions from prospective clowns coming from this site. Imagined scenarios just to raise a smile were tossed in. A quest was organised whereby the 'Questers' discovered the Holy Grail beneath the turf at Goodison Park, battles were fought on the road with trumpets and merriment abounding. We've discussed old games naturally, but travel and life's experiences were offered up, that was truly wonderful, and a special 'thanks' to radfordkennedy who doesn't know it but made me cry when we discussed the Spanish Civil War. Silly characters were paraded on for anyone's enjoyment, no doubt a few read and had varying degrees of amusement drawn from them-some have said so, some not so much, but those who actively opposed again sold themselves. Dark Moanies? Blue Meanies? No more to write just now, possibly just no more. Good old Arsenal.


    Sep 29, 2014, 19:21 #58191

    'BADARSE, canst Ik given mijn viewpointy?' 'If you like RUFARSE, but be warned they'll try to hunt you down like a pack of jackels.' 'Oh, Oranjebloom, they findle mijn natural liken mijn head hairs, all ist blond bier en shampoolen, becaost Ik em worth it. Der gamen wast uninspiringen, ein team tryen to play the futtball, ein team nee. Ein team losingt dree players aber Jackley staydt op der pitchel. Choppen en changlin. Timen wastrel, aber der whistle blower diddle. Frustrata en counter plays, mais der udder team hopeloss en der banjo mannen mit der barn door wast doing der usually. Nee goot balloon op der keepit thrown outer. BFG given nee goot Passover at der Flaminal en der lastest too slowdown. Simples, der saying. Den der udder team upside der tempo en gotten well deserven goal en should had ein udder-diddle the chicken crossen der road, nee, diddle the balloon crossing der lining? Callum big player to come op. Oxo muy power en strongen like der jenever. Wodensday en itsa Turkish Delightful? Der enden'

  55. Hiccup

    Sep 29, 2014, 19:15 #58190

    Oh dear! No sooner do they reunite and GBP is doing a Nik Bentdner and refusing to play for the AKB's ever again unless he gets to play a free role. It's only September and they're already in turmoil! Retreat! Everyone retreat again!

  56. Hiccup

    Sep 29, 2014, 19:04 #58189

    The anticipation had built. The AKB's had funds to rebuild. Rumours were abound that they would spend big and reinforce. Dead wood like Jamie would be moved on. Dross like Westie would be sent on loan to KPMG to learn to count. Liability GBP would be moved away from the front line and used as 4th choice. Expectations were high that the skipper Badarse would be sold as per the annual tradition of moving the captain on. The AKB fan base prayed that they would sign the right team to go back in to battle and spread the word with. But once again, just as in years gone by, the same hopeless personnel take to the field. The same drivel is spouted. The same mindless Wibble wobble. The same garbage. Just like the hero they worship, it ends up as one big flat dull anti climax. Even I'd got my hopes up of something special. What a big disappointment.


    Sep 29, 2014, 18:58 #58188

    Bard, I would be honoured to be there. Just a point, we got together, had a word with Arsene, which turned into a good laugh-he let me stroke his money- and decided to effectively, 'down tools', we kind of reasoned that without us returning the ball all the Dark ones would be lost. We saw you all on the same side of the net, hitting balls into the linked fence, then arguing amongst yourselves as to who would go and pick them up, until you showed your fangs that is. I thought Hiccup looked quite sweet in his tennis shorts, but maguiresbridge constantly yelling, 'The ball is out!' embarrassed him a little. Oh, and the burgers were also nice.

  58. GBP

    Sep 29, 2014, 18:57 #58187

    Hi Bard - 'analysis'? Are you kidding? The game? You know only too well that you're not remotely interested in whatever we think of that. You're too wrapped in your own cocoons of negativity to be bothered. What you've seen on here by our absence is probably the boredom of the agenda that you and others set each day. Its a two fold shriek 1. Lets sack the Coach and 2. Lets shout for spending oodles of dosh. Cant speak for others but for me, its done, its finished its dreary. So are you guys.

  59. Bard

    Sep 29, 2014, 18:44 #58186

    Dear me thats a feeble set of ripostes. You guys go missing for two days, a bit like the Arsenal midfield and then post comments in reply to our analysis. Come on guys do better, how did you see the game. Westie dont bother I couldnt read another of those we woz robbed posts that youre partial to. Incidentally Arsene has contacted me with a view to helping out apparently my unblemished fitness record over the last 5 years caught his attention in an earlier post. He asked me how cheap I was and I said unbelievably so we did the deal or nearly. I said I played midfield and was only a shade slower than Arteta although much older and a lot fitter than Kallstrom when he first arrived. He was suitably impressed and said you can play right back then. Baddie i am happy to host the BBQ but you lot probably wont turn up !

  60. Westlower

    Sep 29, 2014, 17:54 #58185

    @Hiccup, Commiserations on losing your virtual £20 bet. Didn't your parents/teachers/holy man/social worker/pub landlord, Barney Curley, tell you gambling is a mugs game? Perhaps you should have asked Arsene, as he knows everything worth knowing!


    Sep 29, 2014, 17:19 #58184

    So we went to the game. What a day, GBP in his dinner jacket with the Arsenal cumberband and rotating Stan Kroenke dickie bow tie complementing the outfit. westlower opened a book on GBP getting egg on his face, and took everyone to the cleaner's-he knew he never did that-that is jeff wright's forte. As we sat in the Hope café awaiting our Full Monty's, JAMIE was perusing the menu hoping for inspiration for the Virtual BBQ. Incidentally, we have had to change the venue this year as maguiresbridge has taken to keeping chickens which in itself is fine but as he has named them after the entire Sours squad we were a little fearful that none might ever get to cross the road again-also his cover could be blown! I did query the considered hygiene problem of keeping them in the house, but he insisted that the chickens would just have to put up with the mess. This year it's all around Bard's. As the date had to be moved we decided to have a moonlit BBQ along with the annual Virtual Halloween Bash. Be prepared to take wicket and stumps as many bats, and batty ones, will be present; the Dark Lord Moany is likely to be out for blood, he always spoils himself and last year Alsace couldn't sit down for a week due to his random biting-do not under any circumstances let him anywhere near your fingernails. JAMIE came up with a special sausage for the dark. Once cooked, you bend them in half and they begin to glow, then you can twirl them around your head, if you see AMG with one, please take it off him; his mother doesn't want him playing with anything like that since the court case. Just a point, DWT is desperate to prove a success with the rope skipping contest on the trampoline. He devised this event, but we all know it's doomed to failure and shall end in tears-even his successes he devalues and moans about, so be prepared for 'the rope is too long', 'my legs are too short', or any other connected whinging. I ask everyone present to give him a 'gee'-we don't want a repeat of him threatening to jump off the window sill again. I talked him down last year, but am inclined to give him a push this year after all this talk of unicorns and tooth fairies-incidentally in France a mouse takes the teeth but 'the mice', doesn't quite work as well, with or without a horn in the middle of it's forehead. Anyway a 'fun' time is planned with a few new acts, jjetplane will be playing the spoons-we tried to get him to play the knives but he wouldn't have it! Hiccup and jeff wright will be performing a ventriloquist act, unfortunately we are not allowing Hiccup to sit on Jeff's knees as he misbehaved at the last 'run through' session, and is now attending the local medical centre for electric shock treatment. Anyway we enjoyed the game together and noted many positives. The stewards jackets are very well-fitted, the ball boys returned the ball faster, and Arsene has got his zip repaired, aah, perfection.

  62. DJ

    Sep 29, 2014, 17:09 #58183

    If, as seems likely as it has been a few seasons now, we are going to continue playing with one up front I think we need to play two fast attacking wide men not shoehorn a central midfield in just because we a surplus of them. Tottenham were there for the taking this weekend but we were too ponderous in our build up as both Jack, Mesut and latterly Santi kept drifting inwards when we were crying out for width. Perhaps the return of Theo and the injuries to Aaron and Jack will see this happen.

  63. GBP

    Sep 29, 2014, 16:54 #58182

    Westie - Ahh. Leave them alone Westie. They're having fun bless them. Its the first time most of them have smiled for years! Look at this idiot 'Hiccup' making hay. One wonders what happened at the week end that was supposed to so upset or embarrass us, or worse to make them feel so seemingly elated? It cant all be put down to them lacking a few vital brain cells .....can it?

  64. JAMIE

    Sep 29, 2014, 16:02 #58180

    I wonder where that Wob has gone I did love it so. and looked after it like a son. And it went wherever I did go. Is it in the cupboard? Wouldn't you like to know. It was a lovely little wob. And it went wherever I did go. Where can the wob be? It is a most elusive wob. And it went wherever I did go Oh wobby, wobby, wobby,wob. wob,wob,wob,wobby oh! Oh wobby,wobby,wobby wob. That went wherever I did go.

  65. Hiccup

    Sep 29, 2014, 15:59 #58179

    Bollox! I had £20 on GBP at 13/8 to be the first to crawl back here with his tail between his legs!

  66. Westlower

    Sep 29, 2014, 15:58 #58178

    I've learned so much from my mistakes I'm thinking of making a few more! There's quite a few Dark Moanies farting under water since Saturdays draw. Must be the rainy season, quack, quack, fart, fart, excuse me! @Red Member, No need to protest, as the Magnum Mints have been reasonably priced to suit every pocket. I have been reliably informed the first 10 Dark Moanies get a BOGOF.

  67. Red Member

    Sep 29, 2014, 15:22 #58177

    when are the protests going to start?

  68. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 29, 2014, 15:17 #58176

    JAMIE. I prefer the Magnum mint, if that's ok.

  69. JAMIE

    Sep 29, 2014, 15:01 #58175

    You Wob's are like little children waiting for your Akb masters to come and pat you on the head and tell you all is well.There's never any knee-jerking with us you should all know that by now.Yes we have been watching you from a distance weighing up the situation,BADARSE has prepared his Magnum opus,be patient little dark moonies and be still.

  70. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2014, 14:08 #58173

    If it's sausages you want then look no further than our WC winners! Pod can do the cooking while the BFG hands out the beers. That just leaves the shy one with the big bank account to get up on THAT table and show us a few moves. He will have to borrow the host's clogs 'cause you can't do a lot in a pair of curly slippers. Mind you, if he starts whirling there will be a few dizzy souls, leaving us very short for the panto season. Look out! Chelski are behind you! where?! Too Late! ......

  71. DJ

    Sep 29, 2014, 13:27 #58171

    Over at the virtual BBQ the have run out of sausages! Don’t worry says GPB ‘we have hundreds of rolls if we split them in half we can roll them up and use them as sausage substitutes.’ ‘Brilliant’ said Bad Arse ‘and don’t forget we have all those chipolatas in the fridge that will one day mature into sausages!’ ‘ It was odds of 33/1’ chips in Westlower’ that those virtual BBQs at Chelsea and Man City would buy up all the sausages before we could get some in the bargain basement just before they ran out of date!’ Still they all agreed it was the best run BBQ they had ever been to.

  72. Hiccup

    Sep 29, 2014, 13:26 #58170

    JJ. I'd rather save myself for the panto. Far more lucrative than a barbecue. The panto season starts at Xmas but runs through January. If the AKB's can just get to the new year they'll reinforce in the transfer window. Hence the panto is still provisionally on. Anyway, the AKB annual Party Conference opens next week in Lapland, and they're on a rigorous recruitment drive. The leadership is also up for grabs, and one of the Chuckle Brothers is favourite according to today's Racing Post.

  73. Unchives

    Sep 29, 2014, 13:09 #58169

    OMG - The worst Spurs team ive seen for a long time, not that it is a bad thing, however it is the same mistakes for Arsenal,a slip-up just in front of our defence, no penetration in attack & an injury build-up like an A&E unit. The only positive thing from the negative is that hopefully we will go to the Bridge with a more stable defensive mind-set because of the injuries, I would take a point now.

  74. jjetplane

    Sep 29, 2014, 13:03 #58168

    HICCUP perfect BBQ weather too and with little wind the table should stand firm in case no one feels like dancing on it. I can understand us going out of the BBQ this early due to the thin squad but if we pull the PANTO too what is left to play for. ..... there's a bad moon on the rise .... there's a kind of hush ..... the hits just keep coming and not a clog in sight! DO I hear a Grrrrrr ..... CoRNISH you are one funny dude and good comedy always was a dark act. ps re the 'squad' the defense has gone from thin to paper light and now the midfield is shredding No 10s for fun. Could this mean that Arsene is to remould Danny Boy as a DM. You read it here first.

  75. reboot

    Sep 29, 2014, 12:45 #58167

    your'e a cruel bunch of b'stards but I do like to see the p taken out of the pompous AKBs

  76. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 29, 2014, 12:37 #58166

    We've all heard of managers locking the door of the dressing room and holding the players back after a game, but the chief AKB over at AKB central command is taking it to a new level.

  77. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 29, 2014, 12:27 #58165

    Peter Wain, excellent point ref the keeper, it's been on going for years, flappy was the biggest culprit running around like a blue arsed fly trying to get rid of it as if it was a lump of hot coal even when we were leading.

  78. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 29, 2014, 12:14 #58164

    Hiccup, by the looks of things definitely cancelled.

  79. Rocky RIP

    Sep 29, 2014, 12:13 #58163

    @ DW Thomas - not re-signing Cesc is the least of our squad concerns. We have an imbalance in the squad whereby we are overloaded with players who want to play centrally, but are forced out wide against their wishes. Would Cesc not just shove these players even further down the pecking order? Meanwhile we are inexplicably and inexcusably bereft of cover at the back and have been screaming out for a big, defensive midfield enforcer for years. Of course Cesc would improve our squad, he's superb, but the bloke went on strike to force his way out of our club, so I can see why he isn't welcomed back with open arms. There is plenty of cover in the attacking midfield areas, yet a paucity in defence. Ridiculous really given our injury record and the money in the bank.

  80. Peter Wain

    Sep 29, 2014, 12:10 #58162

    the goal keeper was at fault with the goal for throwing it out too quickly . He oftens does this and never seems to learn. As for the game apart from Wiltshire where is the creativity in midfield? Welbeck was also very disappointing. A thumping defeat at Stamford Bridge would appear to be in the offing as the squad is wafer thin and replacements hardly championship quality. The management never learn to invest in the first team squad. As for the yank taking money out of Arsenal nothing surprising in that expect a lot more over the years.

  81. DJ

    Sep 29, 2014, 11:35 #58161

    If as expected we get heavily beaten at Stamford Bridge on Sunday then it must be time for the club/manager/accountants/Owner to be held responsible. Now the American has shown his hand and is only using the club as a cash cow (I know we knew that anyway) surely some direct action/protest would be acceptable. It is OK for Kronke to line his pockets if the club was in rude health on the pitch but we are so short in key defensive areas it is almost laughable. As for Arsene he reminds me of my favourite Bond, Roger Moore who went on too long. In his final outing Roger ended up in sack with Grace Jones and look frightened out of his life! A lesson for our manager bow out gracefully not gracejonesfully!!!

  82. Bard

    Sep 29, 2014, 9:44 #58159

    Wednesday becomes a really important game in terms of morale as I dont see us remotely getting anything from the Chelsea game except a good spanking. Whats depressing is that despite considerable investment by Arsenals standard we are playing so poorly. Apart from a breathtaking 10mins against Villa it been distinctly average stuff. You have to wonder how committed the players really are. The way they strolled around in the first half of the spuds game was worrying.

  83. Ozzie

    Sep 29, 2014, 9:01 #58158

    Hiccup, let me know when you find out and I'll bring some kangaroo steaks - that should get them jumping out of their holes, what?

  84. Tony Evans

    Sep 29, 2014, 8:41 #58157

    Same old, same old for me. Largely dominated the game but with little real penetration; picked up yet more injuries and gave a cheap goal away. Usual day at the office then for Wenger!

  85. Bard

    Sep 29, 2014, 8:33 #58156

    Brilliant Hiccup. Monday morning and the silence is deafening !!!!

  86. Roy

    Sep 29, 2014, 7:57 #58155

    As KC puts it, a lack of steel and pace in front of the back four - I couldn't have put it better myself. We also really need to hope that nothing happens to Chambers. This guy maybe raw, and although far from the finished article, he is young, hungry,with bags of enthusiasm and will only improve. He is also versatile and if this kid joins Debuchy in the treatment room, it could well give us a major problem. Not looking forward to Sunday.

  87. Hiccup

    Sep 29, 2014, 6:46 #58153

    Anyone know if the virtual BBQ is still on for next weekend?

  88. DW Thomas

    Sep 28, 2014, 22:58 #58149

    While we're at it let's get a monkey named Chim-Chim for good luck. Sit him next to OGL. Coq and Campbell good cover?? Santi maybe, the rest are decent at best with Rosicky my pick but he didn't play too well midweek did he? But hey, let's draw the next 20, then we'd still be unbeaten! Invincibles Mark 2.

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 22:30 #58148

    Bard, a witch doctor is not a bad idea it's certainly worth a try, it can't be any worse than we've already got (no doubt all interviewed by OGL) he'd have to be a cheap one though that can work to a budget and do what he's told, and if it worked expect others to take the praise, and if it didn't it would always be someone/something else to blame.

  90. Jude J.

    Sep 28, 2014, 21:35 #58147

    The manager mentioned that his friend, Aaron, would be getting back to basics, but that didn’t seem to be the case prior to him doing his hamstring. He was back to his poor form of 2012. It brings me no pleasure to see the treatment tables filling up, but it appears the manager was prepared to give his friend the chance to play his way into form. An enforced absence through injury or suspension is apparently the only thing that will keep Arsene’s friend out of the team. If that’s the case, I’m not bothered if it means seeing more of Santi or Tomas.

  91. Bard

    Sep 28, 2014, 21:13 #58146

    MG, more seriously we seem not to have made much progress solving the never ending injury crisis as you rightly point out. Having exhausted all the medical options I tentatively offer the following either we employ a witch doctor or we start putting players in their proper positions rather than buying a job lot and making do. As a long time fan I am willing to sacrifice myself for the cause. I can play anywhere, Im cheap relatively and am bullet proof. I havent pulled a hamstring or a muscle for 20 years or more. Sorry guys couldnt resist the last bit.

  92. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 21:11 #58145

    Guys, we need to put this result into perspective. We are still undefeated in the league. We are still in three competitions. We are a financially well run club with £170m in the bank. But more importantly, an octopus in Germany named Westunterrang has predicted that we’ll do the treble and become the new ‘Invincibles’.

  93. GoonerRon

    Sep 28, 2014, 21:03 #58144

    @ Bard - when we upped the tempo we scored and had we have kept better concentration in that defensive situation they wouldn't have scored. In the context of this game they are quite salient points I'd say. @ DW Thomas - we lose those players and can bring in three from Cazorla, Flamini, Podolski, Rosicky, Campbell and Coquelin. Wouldn't you call that 'good cover'?

  94. DW Thomas

    Sep 28, 2014, 20:55 #58143

    It's those good character comments that just leave me shaking my head. Get back into it? We bossed most the game but couldn't score. And why did we Improve second half? Because OGLs brain switched on and some injuries meant we had to bring on Santi and Sanchez. Alexis should have started anyway! Good cover??? Ramsey, Jack, and Arteta all probably out. But, nooooo we didn't need Cesc. He would have added very little to our deep deep squad. Some fans would forgo a period of dominance to maintain Wenger in his job and keep our 4th place run going. What utter b...ocks!

  95. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 20:41 #58142

    Hiccup, had a couple of funny looking dudes around our park also (these AKB's get around don't they nearly as much as their messiah during a world cup) they arrived on a horse and cart, not sure if giroud was pulling the cart but nobody answered their doors we all thought they were Jehovah's witnesses.

  96. Bard

    Sep 28, 2014, 20:35 #58141

    GoonerRon, good post mate. I had completely overestimated the scale of our problems. All we need to do as you suggest is up the tempo a touch and all will be well. And theres me thinking we had a crap defence and a squad short of quality players. It reminds me of the story of the bloke who jumps out the plane without his parachute and thinks **** if I had only worn my blue jacket things would be ok.

  97. Pete Mountford

    Sep 28, 2014, 20:28 #58140

    This routing the spuds down Highbury hill (and before that through Highbury fields for those that go to H&I)) is something the police started before the cup game last jan (I was still living on Highbury hill at the time, obviously there was a lot more of them then, and it got a bit hairy around the Drayton pub as they all come down Martineau rd en masse

  98. jjetplane

    Sep 28, 2014, 20:27 #58139

    MG Love the ball room dancing and cannot get away from the image of Arteta and Flamini in drag. Be nice if someone waltzed into the penalty area and tried to get on the end of something other than Jack's slippered feet. Might help if he wore boots. Nice to see ya/To see ya nice. Does this mean the Carry On team are yak yak old hat. Could combine the two in a Kenneth Wenger ooooh Matron stylee. You really could not make this up! Postcard would not go amiss JW?

  99. Hiccup

    Sep 28, 2014, 20:16 #58138

    Cheers Bard. Yes all is well. Just had GBP and Jamie knocking on my door. They've come straight from their AKB's Witnesses seminar dressed in smart suits with some Wengertower magazines. They're on a recruitment drive as numbers are dwindling. In the flesh they are very convincing. GBP kept contradicting himself which was a good selling point, and then Jamie added a few Wibble wobbles. They've really upped their game and got some new conspiracy theories up their sleeves. Hilarious times ahead.

  100. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 20:09 #58137

    Bard, some very funny posts indeed your last one being up there with the best, do you think we should send out a search party lads? or get in touch with missing persons?

  101. GoonerRon

    Sep 28, 2014, 19:58 #58136

    Some sterling effort at humour, keep trying fellas. You're a bit like a group of schoolboys who've had one too many blue smarties and are trying to pick a fight with the boys who you think are weaker. Charming. Anyway, back to the game - good character to get back into it but would prefer not to have to come from behind so often. Injuries not ideal but at least we've got good cover in that area. Just need to up the tempo a notch in the attacking third and stay switched on better in defensive positions.

  102. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 19:50 #58135

    OGL brought in Shad Forsythe? it might as well have been Bruce Forsythe for all the good it seems to have done, maybe it was and brucie has introduced ball room dancing to the regime and has all the team strutting their stuff around the gym instead of proper training it might explain a lot.

  103. Bard

    Sep 28, 2014, 19:01 #58134

    Hiccup, I had a text from Baddie they are in their prayer session, where apparently they are played loop tapes of Gazidis and Wenger celebrating the Arsenal model and they cant leave until they have memorized it. It should have ended at 6pm but such is their memory they couldnt recite it perfectly hence the delay in posting. Baddie gave them a lecture and they couldnt understand what he was on about, Westie gave them the odds on Sanogo becoming the new Anelka. It was supposed to have been a straightforward indoctrination session but the powers that be hadnt reckoned on having the deal with such a deluded group.

  104. Hiccup

    Sep 28, 2014, 18:16 #58133

    Come on guys, it's been 24 hours now. Starting to worry about you now. Don't go doing anything stupid. It's just a game. Just give us a quick 'wobbie' or 'moanie' to let us know you're okay.

  105. N4

    Sep 28, 2014, 18:10 #58132

    Bard nice one :). However, I'd like to mention that I think Chezney needs to downgraded! Is it only me that have noticed that he's been rubbish of late! 2 similar goals in 2 or 3 games has taken goal from the same angle! He's definitely nowhere near Lloris!

  106. Hi Berry

    Sep 28, 2014, 17:46 #58131

    Barney Ronay in The Guardian: 'But there is a fair case there can be no accurate assessment of their form when every player in this Arsenal team is being asked to compensate for the failings in other areas, the kind of imbalance that would throw most players. It has been said at least once that it is impossible for Philip Lahm to have a bad game; but then, he’s never played central midfield alongside a half-speed Arteta.'... If they (Arsenal) dominated possession here, it was never an easy dominance, marked always by the need to compensate with the ball for deficiencies in muscle and mobility. Little wonder – and here Wilshere, constantly stretched, springs to mind – some things get broken along the way..' Nail on the head and rocket science spring to mind.

  107. Bard

    Sep 28, 2014, 17:36 #58130

    some very funny posts to enliven the gloom guys. N4 I feel the same way.A masterclass from Cesc will be very difficult to deal with. Incidentally the AKBs are on an awayday at a truth and reconciliation camp thats why they are not posting. I have heard that Flamini slipped on a very wet part of the pitch which was overwatered by a groundsman who had an uncle who was a spud. You couldnt make it up. Hats off to Pete who is the only poster with the balls to go at it.

  108. N4

    Sep 28, 2014, 17:18 #58129

    I will not be watching the game Chelsea v Arsenal not because I know we will lose but because I cannot watche Cesc in a different shirt!!! Are the AKBs here to be entertained or entertaining us!!! They really struggle to give good points other than their love for Arsène!!! Find a new site AKBs

  109. jjetplane

    Sep 28, 2014, 17:17 #58128

    Ground control to AKB/Commencing countdown engines on/check ignition/and may our god's love be with you .....

  110. DW Thomas

    Sep 28, 2014, 17:05 #58127

    I know where everyone is. AKBs that is. Bigfoot was captured last night. He was seen galloping across a field upon his unicorn steed on his way to meet his best mate the Loch Ness monster for a pint. He was captured by the AKB police, riding without his license. Or maybe it's BBQ day at Baddies. I forget what my "panto" was, can anyone remind me? On a serious note, to make excuses for losing 2 points is another Wenger symptom of this clubs losing mentality sickness. No matter what does happen we know what won't this season. That's a change in thinking, tactics, etc. Rumor that Schneiderlin might be being looked at. Too little too late if its even true at all. phn24Z

  111. Hiccup

    Sep 28, 2014, 16:27 #58125

    One two three testing... One two three testing. Anyone copy? FFP! Splutter... Imagine all the people... Perspective please... Wibble wobble... My router can't cope with this overload of sh!t splurge!! Great one jj!

  112. Tactics are not mints Wenger

    Sep 28, 2014, 16:02 #58124

    This was a poor Spuds side no Bale Modric or Van Der Vart but they were everything Wenger teams hate they were organised with a game plan.Unfortunately our manager doesnt do tactics.Were the **** is the plan B when things are going wrong.Until Wenger goes this agony will continue.A £32m player on the bench for the 2nd week running beggars belief.And to think Wenger thinks the answer to our DM problem is Diaby.Roll on 2017

  113. jjetplane

    Sep 28, 2014, 15:56 #58123

    Eerie absence of the moanie/moonie, bleating, wobbie, knee jerky phrasing we have come to know and love. The thought that there really is nothing to say anymore at AKB central control is truly a historical moment, but wait - do I see dust building up in the distance, the sound of galloping horses, trumpets. No, all is quiet except the beeping of scanners at the soft trauma museum/clinic. Sleep on. Think of the children we have to visit before xmas. Think of the selfies, the PR. Diaby smiling through the ...... Connection lost I repeat Connection failure ..... beep beep beep .....

  114. DW Thomas

    Sep 28, 2014, 15:24 #58122

    Some observations. Arteta had his best game in awhile, looked strong and not ponderously slow. Then the injury changed things. Ramsey average again, something must be up with him as he should be our best player by amount of rest he had unless he over trained preseason. Sanchez should,have started, he has energy and grit, a will to win. Ozil and Santi were getting in his and each others way. Flamini has most whatever mojo he had last year. The astonishing ignoring basically of fans to Kroenke's "dividends" boggles my mind. We should be furious. And at OGL for again getting things wrong in a key game we should have won. Tottenham had great counter chances all ending with poor final balls. We need a DM, period. There is no doubt in my mind it would have saved us 4 or more points this season. It is inexcusable to charge for caviar yet we get sausages. And then we're told each year by Wenger and his Unicorn Lackeys that we should be happy we get this tantalizing football and CL each year. And injuries? Someone mentioned Coquelin as a DM? That has to have been a joke. We need proven class players. Some positives. Chambers looked solid and had a great shot just over the bar. Ozil I thought looked full of energy but his options are few. Kos had another good game, he just needs a quicker partner. Santi was at least trying to make things work. But again, we should be scoring goals as an offensive team. Why does it take blunders and goals bt the oppo to,get us to play better? We won't win many games that way.

  115. Hiccup

    Sep 28, 2014, 14:33 #58121

    mg, I'm looking forward to reading some perspective from them. Get away from all of this realism. Stuff like we had 70 per cent possession and were the bookies favourites to win, so by rights should be given the 3 points.


    Sep 28, 2014, 14:15 #58120

    Let this sink on folks. Flamini got out muscled by Ericsson Loool. The guy is not good enough and I'm sure I remember a few deluded Wenger fan boyz saying he should start every game Loool. He is just as bad as arteta and both our mid table fodder. Why in the hell does Wenger not learn?! He plays ozil on the wing again to accommodate Wilshere looool. I'm sorry but I fear we will get battered against Chelsea next week. They out going to let us have the ball and hit us on the counter and they will be more clinical 100%. Wenger never learns again letting your fullbacks especially Gibbs bomb forward forgetting what will happen if you lose the ball?? You will be hit on the counter and Tottenham were poor as they had at least 4 chances to punish us on the counter. Chelsea won't be us wasteful as them. Wenger has lost the plot

  117. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 14:13 #58119

    Hiccup, yes it shouldn't be too long, maybe some of them are working on their article lets hope they use their own monikers.

  118. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 14:02 #58117

    Bard, yes it's a scandal isn't it? but you forgot to include the referees.

  119. Hiccup

    Sep 28, 2014, 13:55 #58116

    Looks like the internet's down at AKB HQ again. You'd think they'd switch broadband supplier with all these issues. The 24 hours is nearly up though, so they should start filtering through soon.

  120. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 13:50 #58115

    jj, maybe it's all to do with Acid rain after all everything else has been blamed. Sky must be fed up with his constant moaning and excuses as well cutting him off in mid sentence and moving to something else.

  121. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 13:49 #58114

    On the pitch, the unbalanced team lies in the fact that Wenger thinks Ramsey is Frank Lampard when he is actually Bryan Robson. He is not a No. 10 as he is a driving player not a subtle creative player. If Ramsey played deeper Ozil can then play in his natural position. Maybe he has to alternate Jack and Aaron every other game. The alternative is to play them both and leave Arteta and Flamini out as both are clearly behind the pace now. Would that be too open? Off the pitch if there is no protest now will Kroenke take more each year until he gets over the 10 mill. mark. Is he just testing the water?

  122. Bard

    Sep 28, 2014, 13:35 #58113

    Pete; I agree we need to step up the intensity. it was all to ponderous until we went one down. As soon as we upped the pace they struggled to live with us. Looks like we have a conspiracy brewing over the Mertersacker header. I do love a conspiracy, Westie where are you when we need you ? Personally I think the last 10 years have been one long conspiracy against us organised by the FA and Sky. Any takers ?

  123. jjetplane

    Sep 28, 2014, 13:32 #58112

    Now we have the spuds building from the back and really being untroubled at the emirates 'where the dining experience is out of this world'. Wenger on a post moan about time wasting which would be an idea to pinch for future reference. Call that a ****ing derby! There is no defence and the soft army of no 10s are being asked to patch up all over the field when it might make a lot of sense to alternate Sanchez, Ozil, Ramsay, Wiltshire and the other clones and get a bit of muscle. Good thing the spuds are at the building stage because next season if Arsenal remain in Arteta/Flamini mode we will lose against them. Reckon the Dortmund game will come to be seen as the watershed of OGL's antic-tactic philosophy game. He cuts an increasingly unattractive presence in front of the media and unlike his big hero Fergie, he has not the game plan to make up for his increasing siege-like petulance. You would think a club like Arsenal would have arrested this sooner than later but to give that man decades of control is disturbing and ultimately wasteful. I am hoping for a draw at the bridge if tactically we can sit back for once and accept we are no greater a shake than say Sunderland when we visit Chelski. Ronay puts it well in the Observer of why so many injuries are suffered by so many lightweight players being asked to do things on the pitch which always happen at a stretch. Wenger is lost in some mothball memory of total football in a Dutch fashion. Seemed OK for a while when we had DB10 and Overmars (remember how he was protected?) but to rely on two average players such as Arteta and Flamini and now also asking Ramsay to step back so Jack can have all the fun .... I'm getting lost here just thinking about acid patterns which are are OGL's tactical lay-out. Maybe he should ask Stan what do the yanks mean when they shout defense defense when all Wenger can do is cause offence but off and on the field. Eighty-five squid! That's over a dozen games from where I watch football. Think of the dining, wi-fi, human-free experience. **** that! Nice article as always. At least Kevin is on a roll and efforts are well appreciated. Well done gooner!

  124. Hiccup

    Sep 28, 2014, 13:25 #58111

    I'm not allowed to watch Sky anymore, as apparently it's brainwashed me in to what I am. However, I'm all up for blaming Sky if there's a good conspiracy theory going for yesterday's performance. It's original and Westie will be p!ssed off he didn't dream that one up. Count me in!

  125. Mac no 9

    Sep 28, 2014, 13:11 #58110

    Not that i have an agenda with one of our players, but FYI during this season for league and cup, Jack Wilshere played 668 minutes. During this period: Goals for 5, goals against 10. If the games had been just those periods we would have had W1 D4 L3. We have played 232 minutes without JW. Goals for 8, goals against 1 leading to W4 D1. Of course stats can be misleading, but surely some food for thought for OGL.

  126. Peter

    Sep 28, 2014, 12:54 #58109

    I can't believe this big cover up by Sky with Mertesacker having a goal wrongly ruled out.If the ball hadn't crossed the line which it did by around 2 inches,why stop the replay after the initial save by Lloris and not show the ball go over the line after that. Sky were covering up for the goal line technology which I've heard was either faulty or not switched on.Not the last we've heard of this story.

  127. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 12:46 #58108

    Hiccup 61399, and his fans as well, AMG, yes he's better off out of it, he's had a lucky escape.

  128. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 12:28 #58107

    au revoir wenger, no need to mate he's already been in his pocket for years.

  129. Matt

    Sep 28, 2014, 12:23 #58106

    I didn't think Sanchez added much when he came on - mainly stopped Wilshire injuring himself or getting a red card. I thought our main problem was that we generally didn't put enough people in the box - we had 37 crosses, quite a few made from good pieces of build-up play, but too often Danny Boy was part of the build-up play, and not in the box on the end of it. No surprise that our goal came when we had two players in the box waiting for the cross.

  130. AMG

    Sep 28, 2014, 12:17 #58105

    Fabregas is bossing every game for Chelsea. We have Ramsey out, Arteta out, Flamini a liability - Anyone want to say we shouldn't have bought him now? I'm pleased for him, he deserves to win the title after all those years of his life Wenger wasted as a pretender.

  131. Hiccup

    Sep 28, 2014, 12:15 #58104

    Peter, we moved from a 40k to a 60k capacity 'to compete at the top level.' A 90k capacity would just mean £400k in the bank instead of £173k. It would be done to increase revenues, not for the benefit of the fans so prices would not come down. We've already had ten years of stadium debt holding us back. If it meant expanding again, at least it would give wenger a further ten years of excuses.

  132. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 28, 2014, 11:33 #58102

    Disappointment Kev? are we not used to it by now? it's what we have come to expect under this old man. But this was the spuds, our noisy neighbours our whipping boys if you like who we're always laughing at and who we always love sending back down the lane with their tails between their legs. But we can't even do that now, have we really got that bad under mr bumble. Another two points dropped but no doubt OGL,s fans will see it and be celebrating it as a good point from a hard fixture, is this really the height of our ambition and how far we've fallen.

  133. Peter

    Sep 28, 2014, 11:31 #58101

    Not brilliant yet spuds time wasting and boring tactics didn't help, we do need to be more aggressive against these negative teams demand the ball quicker get in the faces of the opposition when they time waste and generally badger the ref more and have balls ready to be thrown in as soon as they go out of play,like they do in internationals.Spurs must have wasted 20 minutes just strolling around delaying kicks and throw ins and laying on the pitch.As far as ticket prices are concerned the club has lowered them this season quite a bit.The most expensive ticket going down from £129 to £95,what Arsenal need is a bigger capacity about the size of Wembley I can't believe the ground cannot be made bigger which would allow ticket prices to be reduced and allow for more genuine fans to see the games,just reducing ticket prices and keeping the same capacity is no help to club or fans,Liverpool and Spurs when they increase their capacities will have exactly what is right for their fanbases.City had 32,000 the other night yet are expanding their ground to 62,000 hoping they will fill it for the big games.If we are going to compete at the top level and satisfy all our fans as far as prices and getting into the Emirates we need to expand to 90,000.

  134. Bard

    Sep 28, 2014, 11:27 #58100

    A poor quality game. We were sluggish and gave away possession to easily. We were sloppy all over the place. The goal was amateurish defending to say the least. I do like Chambers he looks a real find and I thought Ozil ran miles for the cause. As you say the injury situation looks no nearer to being resolved. Looks like we will go into an important week with our paper thin squad stretched to limit for the umpteenth year running. How about this for an early season punt at the Arsenal spin. Scenario 1 we get top 4 finish, 'a magnificent achievement given the injuries', prices go up. Scenario 2, we fail to make top 4, 'no need to panic its the first time in 17 years', prices go up.

  135. Ozzie

    Sep 28, 2014, 10:54 #58099

    There seems to be an awful lot of fans in the e..... stadium who have resigned themselves to mediocrity the way they roll up week after week for more of the same. "roll up, roll up, three throws for threepence." Ah, there are none so blind.....

  136. Hiccup

    Sep 28, 2014, 10:28 #58098

    All a bit negative Kevin. It may be 'just' a point, but it's a point that keeps us on schedule and our equaliser basically took 2 points off one of our rivals. The scouse derby ended in a draw which was a favourable result. Ok, I know the scouse derby has nothing to do with the way arsenal performed, but it's the kind of bollox I've learnt that needs to be thrown in. Basically, Wenger is on schedule to bring home the bacon again. You need to curb any ambition you have. We all know it's not going to change, so accept it, and learn to get the buzz and thrill of finishing 4th like others can. As for the price hikes. If forking out a fortune to watch this rudderless cash building operation is a drug to you, the club have you over a barrel. Hence you really do need to start enjoying mediocrity which might soften the blow of price hikes helping kroenke and wenger fleece the fans.

  137. Danny Carter

    Sep 28, 2014, 10:24 #58097

    Don't know what all the fuss is about. 85 quid to watch us draw to a team beat by west brom is a treat. The bloke sitting next to me was sticking up for wenger, no idea what he was on!

  138. Hi Berry

    Sep 28, 2014, 10:07 #58096

    Ozil looked much more comfortable in his 'drifting' role. Sadly it looks as if 'seat of the pants' defending is still order of the day judging by the number of times Spurs hit us on the break in the first half and if that continues next week I fear another thumping is on the cards. Have to disagree with the author's view on Sanchez...looked very much off the pace when he came on. A Barcelona supporting Spanish colleague of mine thinks we have been stitched up a treat.

  139. KC

    Sep 28, 2014, 10:06 #58095

    The positive's were the Ox and Chambers and I thought Ozil was looking hungry and busy, Welbeck was poor though.

  140. au revoir wenger

    Sep 28, 2014, 10:03 #58094

    if Mourinho beats Wenger next week as he surely will he should be allowed to put him on his keyring

  141. jamie

    Sep 28, 2014, 9:51 #58093

    Nice read Kev, you mentioned Coqelain, why not give the guy a run in the team? Defensive midfield is his best position, he's young, quick, decent on the ball and likes getting stuck in. Flamini is past it, a typical Wenger cheapskate job. There's nothing to lose from giving Le Coq a go. Won't happen though.

  142. Lord Froth

    Sep 28, 2014, 9:49 #58092

    A disappointing result for sure but I think we'll get something against Chelsea next week.

  143. TJ

    Sep 28, 2014, 9:34 #58091

    Well it might be the same old pattern: against our big 'rivals' it's generally a loss or hopefully draw at home and a decisive defeat on the road. I don't think Wenger was unlucky- Ramsey hasn't showed form yet this season, Wilshere was muted and Arteta was not tested. Flamini getting out-muscled for the goal said it all- can you imagine that happening to Fernandinho, Matic or Tiote? Realistically, we stand no chance of winning the Champions League, the league is not possible given Chelsea and City's superior squads... So we're only really in for the FA Cup, but I bet we'll play reserves or just get knocked out by the first good team we play. City and Chelsea have plugged all the gaps in their squads now and United are doing the same; they'll all need a year to gel but their in the ascendency for sure. Meanwhile Arsenal who are outspending Chelsea in terms of wages are battling for fourth with a mountain of cash sitting in the bank, with the players looking unmotivated and the football recklessly open. Another off-field matter worth discussing is how City, Spurs, Liverpool and now possibly Chelsea are expanding their stadiums close to ours. Although some won't be as valuable given the club level, price rises will continue to transpire.

  144. KC

    Sep 28, 2014, 9:25 #58090

    Good read, the so obvious lack of steel and pace in front of the back four is again a major negative against Wengers poor transfer dealings. Agreed we are not playing well but there is hope that going forward it will come good but we are so open on the counter its difficult to accept our manager sits there and does not seem to see it. Next weekend is scary I have no confidence at all and fear a drubbing, we need a base to play from not a soft centre.

  145. Smithy

    Sep 28, 2014, 9:23 #58089

    I liked what I saw from the Ox but am frustrated that the same problems happen again and again. We continually have soft tissue injuries down to a lack of strengthening and conditioning- this has been happening for years . And the lack of a defensive midfielder loses us point after point. Same old ...

  146. dazzy90

    Sep 28, 2014, 9:17 #58088

    No leadership on or off the pitch. Clueless manager without any tactics. Too many players in the comfort zone. We'll be exposed for what we are at the scumbags place Sunday. Against a manager who knows how to win and fire up his players. Wenger never beaten that ar5ehole in over 20 attempts. Disgraceful. Embarrassing.

  147. Ozzie

    Sep 28, 2014, 9:04 #58087

    The Gunners have run out of ammunition - help!