Arsenal Fans Should Count Their Blessings

The season so far? Quite good – could do better

Arsenal Fans Should Count Their Blessings

Alexis – No Suarez he

When your club has lost only once in seven Premier League games (in arguably their most difficult fixture of the 38) and looking good for Champions League progress, it seems churlish to complain, but I’m going to anyway – just a little bit.

If I were to ask you whether you can put your hand on your heart and say you think The Gunners will win:
A. The Premier League or
B. The Champions League
- what would your answer be, honestly?

I think we all know the answer to that question and that’s the reason for disappointment here. The Gunners have got off to an undeniably solid start to the season, but we want more. The same goes for all the other big five or six clubs in England, of course, and we all need to be realistic. But it would be nice to get the feeling before the start of the season that we’re in with a realistic chance of landing either of the big two heavyweight silverware competitions that Gunners want, but we also know it won’t happen barring a miracle.

Perhaps a few of our most optimistic fans thought that the signing of Alexis Sánchez would make the crucial difference we all crave. And it’s fair to say he’s got off to a pretty solid start. But it’s also fair to say that he’s not quite a Luis Suarez or, more disappointingly, a Diego Costa.

The truth is that Arsenal don’t truly have the kind of player that can turn a game on his own by an individual piece of brilliance or by sheer dogged determination. And sadly, the player on our books that comes closest to being that sort of player, Olivier Giroud, will be out until the New Year, in all probability. That effectively rules out a realistic bid for the Premier League, though hopefully not the Champions League.

But even with a refreshed and rejuvenated Giroud back in the front line in 2015, the truth is Arsenal would do extremely well and confound all expectations to get beyond the Champions League semi-final stage – if that far. And in the Premier League – it really is difficult to see anyone breaking into the top two; Chelsea and Manchester City already seem to have those positions effectively sewn up – notwithstanding Southampton’s unexpected position in third place at the time of writing.

In fact, as things stand, Chelsea are as short as 4/7 with major bookies including Betway, 32Red and others. Man City, meanwhile, look a slightly more appealing 11/4 with 32Red, whilst The Gunners are third favourites – but way out at 12-1. So if you’re feeling optimistic – have a go at 32Red slot games first and you’ll get a big bonus, which is interesting as the same site also runs a sports book (unlike most online casinos). So it’s a good idea to take advantage of the bigger bonuses on the online gaming side, then transfer any cash you have left to the sports book.

Either way, it’s probably a moot point to be fair – as the hope of winning either major trophy looks a little forlorn.

So what should Arsene Wenger and the Arsenal board do to change things?

Well firstly – we should count our blessings. In this era of enormously rich owners and the never ending big spending the truth is that the Gunners are doing pretty well to compete at the highest level. Things will change and when the money tide ebbs, it will be the Gunners and Manchester United who are left standing – long after the receding tide has left the Chelseas and Manchester Cities of this world badly exposed to the realities of finance.

It’s far wiser to stay up in third or fourth whilst balancing the books than it is to roll the dice and fail – even narrowly.

So perhaps our classic school report status of “quite good – could do better” neatly fits the bill? This isn’t what impatient fans want to hear, but the Board has to run a club for the long term with more than a weather eye on the future. And unless some Russian or Middle-eastern multi-billionaire is going to make the Gunners’ Board an offer they can’t refuse – then we are where we are and that’s the most sensible place to be. The fact that we play some of the most beautiful football, at times, on the planet is all down to one man’s philosophy – and we shouldn’t forget that.

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  1. Anti-Wenger

    Oct 13, 2014, 14:19 #59159

    Success is about achieving your potential and knowing you've done your best and right now we're doing neither. Don't even bring in the financial argument, we were only 6 points away from top spot last season and with better game management or a little bit of ruthless ambition(by going out in January and spending 10m quid on Loic Remy or someone else to assist Giroud and cover for Walcott), we could have won the title. But the board and Wenger have actually succeeded in deceiving people like you that we cannot compete with the moneybags and success should not be measured in trophy terms, so as long and the club is making a profit, then we're doing well. One day that argument will expire (and we'll look for another excuse), as we've outspent Chelsea in the last two windows,yet without actually improving.

  2. Westlower

    Oct 13, 2014, 9:42 #59118

    JJ must be gagging for his numbers fix, so here's today's offering. Research in the Racing Post has found that the team which scores the first goal is statistically 77% likely to win the game. What follows is the possession of the ball tends to drop off when leading as the other side steps up it's efforts to get back into the game.


    Oct 13, 2014, 8:06 #59116

    It's just come to my notice that jjetplane sneaked into the cleaning equipment cupboard when the society's evening fragmented. He apparently reappeared long after all had gone and managed a private viewing of that Candice Bergen classic, 'Soldier Blue'. He admitted the recent 'western' theme had switched him onto it. He did admit when he saw it first time around he was so 'high' he thought it was something to do with wind turbines, as in, 'Sold yer blew'. Oh well, apart from scrawling on the wall something unintelligible to all but himself, in very thick cleaning fluid-'I wouldn't be where you are, if I was I wouldn't be here looking at you, Pliny the elder, and my bike's got a puncture, so ring my bell as it's seconds, or fourths out, and that's over and out, Roger!' This seemingly was a notated response to the 1st Duke of Marlborough, who resides inside his head, in one of the back rooms. He refers to him as 'Old Churchill the Git', and sometimes 'Roger'. Anyway after his medication he was put quietly to bed, and will be fine this morning-whatever 'fine' is to jjetplane.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 12, 2014, 22:20 #59115

    BADARSE, I like it, and I'm sure Helen can make good use of the Duracell now that Bard is getting his strength back.

  5. Hiccup

    Oct 12, 2014, 21:23 #59114

    Welcome back Jeff. See you're back in the full swing of things. Could have done with you on here the other day when there was an uprising that needed quelling. Baddie, I would never trip GBP up now I know he's a rugger player!

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 12, 2014, 20:26 #59112

    BADARSE, i'm sure it is, and certainly don't want him to go, just to show us what we know he can do in his proper/favourite position and not become another statistic in OGL's failed pursuit of creating the prem league's Harlem globetrotters. And anyway we're going to need him to come back in two or three months and be our saviour as the fortieth coming of Diaby has failed to materialise.

  7. GBP

    Oct 12, 2014, 20:26 #59111

    Badarse - Love it fella! Not so far from the truth about us daft lot on here, though im sure we d have a love in if ever we met!

  8. Bard

    Oct 12, 2014, 20:19 #59110

    Baddie is that an online book or a post? Loved it which ever way. I take great exception to your suggestion about tap dancing. Im a gymnast equally adept at going down the middle or occasionally coming from behind


    Oct 12, 2014, 19:26 #59109

    It is with much disappointment that I have to report a situation of mayhem, which took place at yesterday's film society evening, during a showing of, 'The Good Ship Lollipop.' Shirley Temple had no sooner got into her coy routine of tap-dancing to the film's title song, when AMG began flicking popcorn at the projectionist. Then maguiresbridge and Kilkenny cat began to argue over who's turn it was to pay for the ice creams. A wellie flying towards the screen signified that maguiresbridge had lost one, and lay giggling in the aisle as his feet were tickled by Kilkenny cat. Suddenly a bundle developed with half a dozen piling on top and maguiresbridge screaming with laughter as many hands joined in. Suddenly a high-pitched yelp told us that Helen had found Bard, rather 'cheekily', in amongst the writhing human heap. GBP ran heroically forward, torch at the ready, equipped with Duracell batteries-powering both him and the torch. Hiccup, that dangerous character-even more so in the dark-stuck out a foot and tripped the erstwhile GBP. Ploughing head first into the mob on the floor he quickly became part of the wriggling mass. MARCUS meanwhile had seized the initiative, climbed onto the stage, and was screaming at the audience at a level of 90 decibels that this wouldn't have occurred had Wenger left after the FA Cup triumph. A choc ice promptly hit him on the head. Our little flaxen-haired protégée on screen aboard the ship, was tapping away to her hearts content, when a cry of, 'Man overboard!', saw jeff wright tumble into the orchestra pit. He reappeared moments later, back to the audience, playing a strangulated version of, 'It's Only Make Believe', on the organ, as it rose out of the pit. All at once, a barrage of peanut brittle pelted him, and one apple scored a direct hit, knocking his pork pie hat off his head. He was cursing, and singing all at once, quite amusing which encouraged many to find other items to hurl at him. Some at the back had began howling at the illuminated 'WC' sign. Then the fire extinguisher went off, showering all in the front row in foam. westlower, trying to clamber over a row of seats, became distracted, straddled them, and began an imaginary gallop to the line. He did things like this quite often, Gooner Ron who knew this quickly stepped forward and led him away by his reins, for a quick rub down. I tried very hard to regain some form of good behaviour from the scoundrels, but as no one ever took any notice of me anyway I decided to join the throng. I had only gone a few feet when I fell over Hi Berry, crawling around in the dark crushing spilt popcorn into the carpet, and chuckling to himself as he did. As I rolled around on the floor I noticed a cross-legged DJ with an upturned fire bucket, making sand castles. I also saw a grumbling DWT heading towards him-I knew he was about to tread on the sand pies. After about ten minutes of this fiasco, the attention deficit disorders kicked in amongst the group. maguiresbridge sat counting his toes, lost count, started again, then lost interest and began yawning. Kilkenny cat was already curled up in a foetus position sucking either his own, or perhaps Helen's claw like thumb. Bard was at the back of the hall, quietly trying to copy Shirley's tap-dancing, and I have since learned he wants to perform this act at the Xmas Panto. JAMIE, had gone into meltdown, and tears were rolling down his cheeks as he fell apart with laughter. Ozzie was doing a hand stand against the wall, having convinced a wide-eyed David that this is how they watched films down under. GBP, making a passable impression of Benny Hill's, 'Fred Scuttle'-with his commissionaire's hat on sideways, pebble glasses hanging off, with an inane grin on his face, was saluting all and sundry, congratulating himself on a job well done. Why Have We Only Got 6 Defenders, was sulking in the corner, but he was doing that before the fracas began, he was upset because he thought the film was to do with the sequel to 'Titanic'-he really likes Leonardo Di Caprio. Then someone turned up the lights, and the group, in an embarrassed silence began shuffling towards the exit. Next month's screening-westlower's choice of-'The Three Stooges Go To The Racetrack.', has been suspended until further notice.


    Oct 12, 2014, 18:47 #59107

    Now look ozil wants to leave and who can blame him?? I always felt he made the wrong decision coming to a club run by a relic dictator. To add insult to injury the fool is playing him on the wings Loool, for Wilshere loooool. If that is not insulting what is??? I bet if ozil goes to bayern Munich he will flourish under a great manager. Wenger is a clown and is being shown up over the last 10 years. Look akbs do you honestly believe Wenger can win the pl again?? And please answer with concrete evidence as to why you think he can??? No Bluff and guff please

  11. GBP

    Oct 12, 2014, 18:18 #59106

    All agreed there Jeff re Mourinho. More or less all would have liked to seen him 'decked'. It ll happen one day im sure. You might have missed his incident with Villa. He tried to shake Lambert and Keanes hand as he walked off with 5 mins left of the game. It looked for a second that Roy Keane was going to explode had JM hung about long enough. JM must have a death wish at times!

  12. jjetplane

    Oct 12, 2014, 18:09 #59105

    Is anybody really that bothered if Mesut went back to Germany and he will having failed to impact both here and in Spain. It remains now also for Ramsay to be set up for his move to possibly Real to team up with his chimp chum. If then we find JW (who would have thought) has become the new Alonso and let's say Draxler comes as Mesut goes for a lie down elsewhere, and (not finished) Wenger is made ambassador along with Becksy (if he can fit it in) to promote a new galaxial super league involving games with other forms of life (other than Spuds) annnnnnd new young coach arrives and tells the BFG to sling his hook .... exhausted mate.

  13. jeff wright

    Oct 12, 2014, 18:07 #59104

    Badarse time is on my side I'm watching young Jack and co playing away to Estonia at the mo .The boy looks better suited to his deeper England role than he does passing the ball around sideways in Arsene's magic-roundabout. GBP, I would luv to have been able to praise Arsene for finally twatting that Portugeezer twat ( honest !) but alas it was not to be. Never mind Arsene will get another go later at him ,will things be any different though is a matter for conjecture .


    Oct 12, 2014, 17:36 #59103

    maguiresbridge, at the moment Ozil isn't going anywhere, and may not go even if you really want him to. It's media speculation, fuelled by a sprinkling of wishful thinking, a dash of malevolence, and a soupcon of circumstance. Get back to polishing those wellington boots. Those with 'Wellington was a doughnut.', are quite nice.

  15. GBP

    Oct 12, 2014, 17:32 #59102

    Jeffrey - good to hear from you. Hope the hol brings you back in good spirits ..........ooh. Just read your post. Oh well, it was just a fleeting thought! Good to have you back.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 12, 2014, 17:18 #59101

    So our record buy Ozil could be on his way? surprise surprise I wonder why, so wenger has ruined another one, at least he has the sense to get out before it's to late and he's completely finished.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 12, 2014, 17:03 #59100

    Bard, you must have and shown great spirit and mental strength, you couldn't lend it to OGL and the team? not for the next run of games because they won't need it but for the big games?


    Oct 12, 2014, 17:02 #59099

    Hello jeff wright, we have all missed you-a bit like a headache going, but missed you all the same. 'Dreamland', 'couldn't make it up'-all there, but no yawning? Are you on old Tenerife time? Hiccup, I have the distinct and troubling belief your loony, joking persona, is only a wafer away from the crazy, nutter persona-red nose or red card dilemma. Good luck with the bet, I don't even know who England are playing, bet it's some foreign side. Bard you are a rascal!

  19. Bard

    Oct 12, 2014, 16:40 #59098

    MG; Im not one to sing my own praises but I was sensational yesterday. I was all action, remember Beckham against Greece all those years ago? Well he would have come a distant second on yesterdays performance. I struggled to find my right position but versatility is my thing and I have the pace to get behind the best defences. I think I may have a little niggle 'you know where' and may not be able to play again this season. Meanwhile Jeff not getting too excited or much bothered by the up and coming games. Untd will be another real test to look forward to.

  20. jeff wright

    Oct 12, 2014, 16:22 #59097

    MG , deja vu past seasons really just the usual ' let's all get behind the team ' that is really AKB-esque for let's carry on regardless supporting Arsene come what may, because the world as we know it will end if he leaves. I guess you are right Bard a couple of weeks away from the deluded AKB on here requires a mental readjustment. At least Lee KFC will not be popping up to tell us what a uber fan he is because he always chicken's out after a defeat - only appearing when we beat some rubbish side such as Hull . Everything will look better after next weekend ,in fact the only dark cloud in the sky looming toward us at home is United, who despite being rubbish, are somehow ahead of us in the league ! Whereas this time last season they were below us .Is this really progress by Arsene ? Something is not adding up here .You couldn't make it up.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 12, 2014, 16:15 #59095

    Bard, more like Jol? that's even worse, but when your only getting up now you must have enjoyed yourself, are you walking like John Wayne?

  22. Bard

    Oct 12, 2014, 15:57 #59094

    Ive only just got up, must have slept 12 hours or more !!!! Good to see you're back Jeff, Ive missed you're Victor Meldewlike posts. Jeff you need to get up to speed. We have grieved and spat venomously over the Chelsea result over a week ago. We've been trying to keep ourselves together during the inter lull mainly with humour and old movies. Westie may have a point we couldn't do any worse. MG I thought Hosse was a much underrated figure? As for any resemblance to Helen you are completely mistaken. Think Martin Jol after a heavy defeat and you might be closer. Rumours that Ozil might be off in January Bayern, he's thrown his toys out of the pram because he's not being played in the hole. I personally love to watch him but it might be good business if it means we can strengthen elsewhere, he just doesn't seem to have the physical presence to make a fist of it in the PL

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 12, 2014, 15:49 #59093

    jw, welcome back how's the tan? yes it's been brushed under the carpet by some already, (even the old fraud himself with his we move on now comment, where to?) hell even the next day along with everything else (but not by all it won't) but with our next batch of fixtures everything will be rosy in the garden again until the next time.

  24. jeff wright

    Oct 12, 2014, 15:25 #59092

    Reading some of the comments on here one would be led to believe that we beat Chelsea rather than lost 2-0 without having had one single shot on goal ! Jesus wept you couldn't make it up. I watched the game in an Irish bar in Los Cristianos , Tenerife, last Sunday same time there now as in the UK , tbh I was more optimistic than hopeful that Wenger could turn around his embarrassing results against the mouthy Portugeezer who really is our clown's nemesis. GG would have sorted him out by now, but Inspector Clueless just keeps on walking into the same old ambush that Mourinho sets for him every time . It was obvious after 10 minutes that we were going to get turned over again with Danny Boy doing his headless chicken routine that United supporters were only too familiar with and Sanchez failing to make any impact, other than on the Chelsea GK's head. Not much good that did though because Jose had Chec to send on and it was just normal service resumed with the Chelsea defence easily coping with the over passing plan that Wenger had coached our players into using on the training ground .That handbags by Wenger with Mourinho was ****ing embarrassing but provided more of a impact on Mourinho that Wenger's outdated predictable tactics on the field of play did . Did my eyes deceive me or was that the useless Costa who ran onto a clever over the top of our defence pass from Fabregas to slot in the Chelsea second goal? Now it seems to me that it's fairly obvious to anyone who knows anything about football that Costa DOES BETTER PLAYING IN A TEAM THAT DOESN'T EMPLOY TIKA - TAKA , such as Athletico and Chelsea , than h does playing for Spain that does use the slo-mo well sussed out bore fest tick-tock - it's hardly rocket science to work that out . Never mind though Arsene knows best and he will keep on playing his inferior version of it until the cows come home, even though the real deal is now a busted flush,rather like Wenger himself is. Anyone who thinks that we are going to win the Prem or European Cup playing this type of football under Wenger really is living in Dreamland . No wonder the Chelsea supporters sing we love you Arsene Wenger ! Why wouldn't they >?

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 12, 2014, 14:31 #59090

    BADARSE, and I still put them on the wrong feet.

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 12, 2014, 14:15 #59089

    UK Gold 3.00pm OGL's (and his fans)favourite Film, Carry On Regardless, repeated again an hour later on plus.

  27. Hiccup

    Oct 12, 2014, 13:40 #59088

    In an attempt to shut Baddie up and his gloating that we will never hear the end of with the San Marino result, I have 3 single bets on today's game. To win 3-0 at 13/2. Welbeck first scorer 3/1 and Rooney last scorer 5/2. I'm sure Westie will take great delight in telling me that I could have got better odds at Newmarket. Was tempted to go with 32 red slot, but even though the odds are half what you can get at the high street bookies, the bonus of a free Mars Bar didn't quite swing it.

  28. GBP

    Oct 12, 2014, 13:12 #59087

    Hiccup 62387 . Like it, like it a lot. Ive played some rugby and to be honest there are unwritten rules in it that where players will tolerate and accept certain levels of violent recrimination like the one youve mentioned and similarly the breaches of rules in ordinary play have wide limits. I think if this wasnt the case in rugby every game would be a war with just the ref left on the pitch by half time! The balancing feature of it all is that the players (by and large) are intelligent enough to know and respect the tolerances and to mainly keep within the boundaries of it. These poncy footballers are in the main too thick to 'self regulate' as the rugby lads do and are into underhanded spite and girlish 'handbags' in the main and i reckon most would run a mile from a genuine tough situation where the fists flew, not that there are any hard players now. The two games are planets apart arent they, both in terms of who plays it and attitudes to the rough stuff. They condemn him but at Least Joey Barton a few weeks back admitted he wouldn't even like to go on the field to play rugby in response to being asked what he thought of his chances of coping with it were, if he did.

  29. GBP

    Oct 12, 2014, 13:00 #59086

    Hi Hiccup - and i bet your taking it intravenously and gorging on it you devil ha ! Friend on mine put the theory to me last night that this convenient Ozil injury isnt much of one really, but that the Club are in the throes of selling him on in January to try and get Draxler and whoever the buyer is, just wants him kept fresh and out of the firing line? It don't sit squarely with the supposed rejection of a Munich bid in the Summer nor the non return of Fabregas does it, but not a far flung theory i thought? We can only ponder and guess these things but what do you reckon in today s game?

  30. Hiccup

    Oct 12, 2014, 12:38 #59085

    jj, I'd love to watch some of these box sets but I just don't have time. I have sky sports news on 24 hours a day, drip feeding me with their anti wenger agenda. ONLY JOKING GBP!


    Oct 12, 2014, 12:33 #59084

    As I have said before if Wenger wins the pl or cl in the next three years I will never post on here again. I will also never post on here if giroud scores 25 goals in the pl let alone 30 goals . I keep to my promises

  32. jjetplane

    Oct 12, 2014, 12:15 #59083

    Superb HICCUP I go with the times and TVs are so last century except a big one for movies and box sets and the idea of sitting down watching television is something I finished about the same time I stopped going to see the Arse for real. Think I have watched MOTD twice in that time on a saturday night though catch up with snippets during week. Presently watching Friday Night Lights (76 episodes) which is soft Texan fundamentalism with a strange ball and a bit of hip hop rural style. wESTIE good post re the Joimans and da Poles. Quite what it has to do with Le Ostrich I am not sure. ps As Terry Eagleton once said: 'Forward to Antiquity'. My local team have imploded and so now the fun begins. Cannot wait for the next home game. Jumpers and Goalposts.

  33. Hiccup

    Oct 12, 2014, 12:13 #59082

    Don't know if anyone caught yesterday's rugby on the main news? Football could learn from this sport. Someone got sent off for knocking ten bells out of an opponent. However, listening to the punditry, when he knocked the guy off his feet with his first punch, this was deemed acceptable? Apparently it was deemed as retaliation, so he was entitled to do it and would have only been sin binned for it? A far cry from 'if he felt contact he was entitled to go down'. It was the second punch when he belted him while he was unconscious that has caused uproar. This taking the law in to your own hands would reduce the amount of cheating that goes on in football. If Drogba or Rooney take a dive to try and win a penalty, then while they're laid on the floor, whoever they dived over should be allowed to take a good kick at them. This will stamp diving out of the game with immediate effect. Obviously if the player continues to punch and kick out at Rooney, a yellow card should be issued.


    Oct 12, 2014, 10:30 #59081

    I remember you talking of your trip to Tucson and the old west-magical, so too your choice of actor, James Woods, a talented man, think he also directs(?), such intensity he brings to his roles. I think he might shake a few of us up if he posted on here. Hi again, Hiccup. The BBC is like the Arsenal to me, full of wrinkles, warts, bumps and all, but none anything like it, anywhere on this globe of ours. Easy with the licence fee, just write into our new 'Bill of Rights', which is heralded, and only a thousand years too late, an index-linked, inflation-proof, subscription from central government. 'Fees', carries with it a volatile introduction. We never consider anything the government spends money on, as a 'fee', which we are paying for. Our 'fees' for the new Iraq war will be quite costly, no doubt we'll have black scarf movements in the streets-or not.

  35. Hiccup

    Oct 12, 2014, 10:12 #59080

    Baddie, even classics like Points Of View that are still going strong have been ruined. All the complaints are done on video now. I prefer the old style complaints on a postcard. "Why, oh why, oh why , is our licence fee going up every year, just to watch repeats of the same old, same old thing? And why won't Auntie Beeb provide another CB channel for the Arsenal fans?"

  36. Westlower

    Oct 12, 2014, 10:10 #59079

    @Badarse, Always enjoy films featuring James Woods, especially 'Once Upon A Time In America' & his classic line from Cops.' Villian: "you won't shoot me, you're a cop." James Woods: "yes you're right I am a cop, but I don't give a f**k" and promptly shot him. Many years ago we got to visit the movie set at Old Tuscon where the westerns were made, also got to Tombstone. Should be a lively shareholders meeting at the Emirates this week with unhappy Gooners firing from the hip.


    Oct 12, 2014, 9:19 #59078

    If football could speak: 'I've heard how some people have said that I've changed. That I'm not what I was. How it really is a shame. The thoughts in their heads, manifest on their brows, like bad scars from ill-feelings they themselves arouse. It's funny how people just won't accept change, as if nature itself-they'd prefer re-arranged. So hard to move on, when you're down in a hole, where there's so little chance to experience the soul.' (Apologies to GH and thanks for his words in, 'The Light that has Lighted the World.'


    Oct 12, 2014, 8:40 #59077

    So just us three bed-wetters posting. It means Bard will soon be contributing-trouble is, the rogue is always wetting someone else's bed! 24601, 'He's bl**ding snuffed it!', was my inspiration for 'What has Wenger ever done for us?' skit. As you say, if only he could get a decent keeper for us. Hiccup, TV is so dire nowadays. Glossy, marketed drivel is usually the order of the day, with some diamonds sprinkled in. The imagination, humour, acting skill and overall ability is still present, in fact even more finely honed and polished than it's earlier counterparts, so too music, yet the puppet masters pulling the strings have taken over and want/need a quick financial return-it governs all. They are businesses, not artistic expressions anymore. People don't change, inherently full of the same human characteristics, it's the goalposts that have moved. Rewarding in the wrong areas, redirecting, and channelling talent to satisfy the 'suits'. So too football. Oh susej, my head aches, time to go and look at my 1970 World Cup ESSO coins, and stroke my calming 'tiger tail'-I've got a tiger in my tank, have you? Red kettle going on for my second cuppa Rosie. Listening to George and Extra Texture. Oh welcome Mike Collins-what a great name-despite the teasing it does show the enormous pressures these young men-all of them-are under. I think most need a psychotherapist, actually, come to think of it, so do we on this site.

  39. Mike Collins

    Oct 12, 2014, 8:36 #59076

    The biggest news in recent days has been the announcement Mesut Ozil's "knee injury" and disappearance from the squad for three months. His anguished expression when jeered at Stamford Bridge for miscontrolling a simple pass to him said more to me about another sort of injury than a physical one. Still, I'm sure the psychotherapists... sorry, physiotherapists, will get him sorted and we'll see a new and determined player back for 2015, committed to fighting for the Arsenal cause. Yep, I'm sure of that.


    Oct 12, 2014, 8:06 #59075

    Good morning my little sleepy heads. Why did I type Ben Stiller? I truly have difficulty watching this chap on the screen, despite his professionalism. The actor I was thinking of was Ben Miller, of Armstrong and Miller fame. The film was OK. A little off-the wall of an 'Outnumbered' genre, with a dash of poignancy. Liking the actors and writers involved helped, so us three enjoyed it-and the Ruby! Who can remember, 'Out of Town'? What odd fare to dish up to TV viewers, but it seemed so normal in those days. A chap telling you how to make a fishing hook float, or how to cover and strengthen a prayer book. No wonder we grew into weird adults misdirecting the kids that followed, at least we all know how to pack away and store our wellies, mind you maguiresbridge could have helped us with that-he has a pair for every occasion, and has a contraption like the Dutch have at rail stations for their bikes. Racks of them, pull a lever and they elevate for a new set of racks for another row. They are a real sense of joy for the chap, many adorned with patterns, pictures and slogans. Some are quite rude, but each pair carry a 'left' and 'right' painted on them.

  41. Hiccup

    Oct 12, 2014, 8:00 #59074

    Guys, a bit off topic to The Little House On The Prairie, but the fact that we only have two centre backs seems to be getting brushed under the carpet. All this reminiscing is fine, but you need to get with the times. Just like the old Arsenal stars and the way the game was played and the atmosphere it's all changed for the better. Could Bonanza live with Strictly Come Dancing? Not a chance. In this day and age could Please Sir stand up to Celebrity Big Brother? No way. TV's moved on. We've got colour and now HD. Prime time TV is all about big money for reality and celebrity entertainment. ITV even has its own new channel it's been plugging for this garbage. I've learnt to accept the new modern TV era. It's for the better. I suggest you do the same. Now let me go and download that new X Factor app...

  42. Westlower

    Oct 12, 2014, 7:48 #59073

    @Bard, I'd take a greyhound physio over a human equivalent every day of the week. The owner of this years Greyhound Derby is one such man. Their skill is priceless. Watched the Poland v Germany game. What a thunderous strike by Podolski that almost shattered the crossbar. Germany can't blame Ozil or BFG for this defeat. Szczesny was outstanding. Why doesn't Wenger pull his finger out and buy such a promising GK for Arsenal. What has Wenger ever done for AFC?

  43. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 11, 2014, 23:00 #59072

    MG. Don't give Bard any ideas!

  44. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 11, 2014, 22:35 #59071

    Cornish, muffin, was that the mule in clints two mules for sister sarah?

  45. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 11, 2014, 22:09 #59070

    Bard, westerns seem to be in at the moment so I hope Helen doesn't look like big hosse from bonanza, anyway I preferred the high chaparral.

  46. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 11, 2014, 20:04 #59068

    JJ. Hope Scrumpy Jack had nothing to do with the frequent appearance of a fresh Number 2.

  47. DJ

    Oct 11, 2014, 19:57 #59067

    Baddie: Don't diss Escape To Victory based on a true story played by Michael Caine the only POW to actually gain weight. Who can forget 'oi Pele are you going eat those sandwiches?' Can't believe he didn't win a Chelsea midfield player for his efforts!

  48. jjetplane

    Oct 11, 2014, 19:01 #59066

    BARD that Prisoner beach (dem bones) at Portmeirion I know very well having spent time in the vicinity (information - you won't get it!) with a wild dog named Scrumpy Jack and some 'travellin' folk (ha ha). Bit of a Wenger script re the numbers. Arshavin (see Ozil) very unhappy with theirs under him. 'Who is the real no 10 - your number 11' ... '

  49. Shu

    Oct 11, 2014, 18:24 #59065

    I have read part of this ,when was the last time we only won 2 out of the first 7 . Why do some people think ffp will work and that the owners of chelski and citeh will one day leave , if they do there will be a buyer .


    Oct 11, 2014, 17:42 #59064

    Bard, loved it, remember less is more, (have to use that one on dear old DWT, ha ha). You are becoming a rogue, young fella. I always want more, so whenever..? DWT, 'Fisher King' a superb film. Jeff Bridges a top favourite of mine and Robin was the man, wish I'd been around to try to talk him out of his depression-the way I talked you down from the ledge-only 3 weeks to the BBQ, buddy. A good footie film isn't possible pal, remember that inane war film with that clown Stallone?

  51. Bard

    Oct 11, 2014, 17:18 #59063

    dear all; I have just arrived home a bit worse for wear after a difficult but ultimately rewarding afternoon with the delightful Helen. I have the lowdown on the Arsenal medical and rehabilitation unit ( unkindly called Portmerion after the place where the 60s cult show the Prisoner was filmed. If you remember It was a place that once there you couldn't get out). Apparently its a mixture of the modern and the archaic. Theres a bit of voodoo on tuesdays and bingo on Weds. Its run by a bloke called Barney who's is renowned for fixing greyhounds but who knows nothing about footballers. Arsene loves him because he very cheap and versatile. He can take the dogs for a walk as well as keep the place spotless. Barney feels he is not working in the right areas but Wenger says he has a lot of staff who can do the same thing so someone gets the short straw and cited dear old Ash who used to down tools on a Saturday afternoon when asked to play out wide. I was intending to write a lengthy Badarse type piece but Helen was dare I say it was full of beans and I need a little lie down. Till later...

  52. DW Thomas

    Oct 11, 2014, 17:16 #59062

    On a rare positive not Baddie, if you enjoy film, check out anything Kurosawa. Ikiru is my favorite a depressing and uplifting film all at once. Red Beard another. He is know more for his Samuria/war flicks, but his quiet human ones are better for me. Same with Robin Williams. Just added Fisher King to my library, an often forgotten little gem. My dream is they make a movie about something Arsenal, say a Herbert Chapman biopic. Or one about the Invincibles. Been a while, if ever, that a good football movie has been released.


    Oct 11, 2014, 16:57 #59061

    Truce DWT, you are fine by me chum, not ready to join your revolution though, that's all. radfordkennedy, Blue was High Chaparral. Loved Alias Smith and Jones. Whatever happened there. Smith was very handsome-could have doubled for a young Paul Newman, and Jones wasn't a bad looking lad either. Both good TV actors, then Jones committed suicide. Then the other fella just drifted off the radar. Amusing that the same themes are repeated, but we would always fall for it, still do, hang on, I'm making out a case for DWT, ha ha. Listening to the Boss and rocking at the computer. Ruby tonight, then off to see the new Andy Hamilton film. Billy Connolly and Ben Stiller-good actors, good guys.

  54. radfordkennedy

    Oct 11, 2014, 16:47 #59060

    afternoon all,I was a alias smith and jones man myself,although I did like that show with the two characters Blue and Manolito,was that Bonanza or High Chapparali cant remember?....anyway I seem to remember that blue was shot in a bar room fight every week and manolito fell in love every week and you instantly knew whoever he fell for would die in a stampede or of some terrible fever they always did,his luck was poxed that boy

  55. DW Thomas

    Oct 11, 2014, 16:35 #59059

    It is becoming clear to me that you fellas don't ever seem to take the time read a post in full. Weak argument? Decision after bad decision has led this club to stagnation and contentment with falling short. How anyone can disagree with that is beyond my understanding. I get you can accept 4th place and be happy with that as a fan, but that seems so depressing to me. Your pre planned responses remind me of those in government media pressers when the spokesperson tries to defend an inept decision by spin and roundabout answering. The strength of the argument that Wenger's time is up has been substantiated time and again with posters again and again. I admit its all a bit boring now. But to say the argument is weak or looking at one example of many pieces of evidence that show a pattern of bad decisions is ridiculing seems way off the mark. I've never claimed to be a overly positive person. But my attention to detail in life allows me to see the recognize its positives. With the club I see a lot of good. But it is weakened in its impact by all the bad. Maybe that's just pro sports on general today. Yet, if we claim that our club is so great, so much better than others, why is it money still rules over it? Just saying that's the way of the world isn't good enough.


    Oct 11, 2014, 16:05 #59058

    Michael Holliday, the English version of a 'Bing Crosby' style-and a good one too. Think he got mixed up with the Krays, and was a fragile creature. A shame, I liked his voice. Nicholas Parsons still a star on, 'Just a Minute'. Muffin never did it for me. But loved Small Time on the children's slot. Bert Weedon and his guitar, Pussy Cat Willum, Fred Barker, and the very beautiful Muriel Young. She was always sat at the desk talking with the glove puppets. She had a permanent smile on her face and it intrigued me, the small child, of what was going on under the desk with the puppeteers. As a child my Dad got me a set of gun holsters from a big toy show at Olympia, it came with two silver 'peacemakers'. I spent ages trying to master a quick-draw followed by rolling the pistols. Only ever achieved a marginal success, but I thought I was a 'fast gun'-now I am just an 'Old Gun'.


    Oct 11, 2014, 15:51 #59057

    DWT the decision was at the centre of my post. I was neither supporting or defending it, though I may have got rid of him, had I been the manager. You try, try again, come at it a different way but finally determine the position is untenable. Bertie Mee allowed McLintock to leave, Charlie George left. It is football life. To focus on any snapshot in time and hold it up to redicule is not worthwhile, certainly not positive, and never strengthens a weak argument.

  58. DW Thomas

    Oct 11, 2014, 15:42 #59056

    Baddie, such a sensitive soul you are! I myself have made plenty of boneheaded decisions, that's being human. But when it comes to running a football club, that was a bad one. A good coach convinces his non starters of their importance in the team. Had Diarra stayed he could have made a big difference and not just that season. It is the many decisions like these that have cost the club dearly over the years. And we keep repeating them. Like Vermaelen. We are now again in an injury crisis. What will it take for the club to wake up? It doesn't help end the slumber when Wenger apologists accept is all rosy!

  59. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 11, 2014, 15:30 #59055

    In Four Feather Falls, Tex Tucker's singing voice was Michael Holliday (sadly committed suicide 1961) The non-singing voice was Nicholas Parsons! No Buntline Special for me. Had an Apache Colt bought from a toy shop in Broadstairs. No mention of Muffin The Mule yet. Perhaps better not to.


    Oct 11, 2014, 14:52 #59054

    jj the first of the G&S Anderson animations was great and my favourite, (continuing a theme), 'Four Feather Falls', with Tex Tucker, a double six-gun toting do-gooder, who held his hands up and his gun holsters swivelled and fired. Remember? I have the theme tune running, (or limping), through my head, hang on I'll sing it for you, 'Four Feather Falls, Four Feather Falls, there's always magic in the air...', remember? Here's a puzzle for you, I knew a Cyberman. DWT Diarra insisted on leaving. He was an ace player but impatient, wanted to be guaranteed number one, we don't do that at the Arsenal, 'no one man bigger', and all that. Shame he went though. I think Arsene gave him a welcoming cup of tea and he decided he wanted coffee-another boneheaded decision perhaps? Insults come so easily, don't they?

  61. jjetplane

    Oct 11, 2014, 14:31 #59053

    Mr Grimsdallllle! John Steed with Emma Peel in The Winged Avenger which get's me to Burke's Law, to Red Darleks, Man from U>N>C>L>E> badges/membership, Mr Tracy, Mr MaGoo, 55 days to Peking, Golfinger, Monkey Boots and Tony Adams scoring the fourth against the Toffees. Hey BADARSE the Kids are Alright (movie/single) love Japanese animation - Just watched Howl's Moving Castle (see Wenger's disappearing wingers) which is nearly as good as The Jungle Book. Great oldie to sum up the last decade under 'Captain Black' - In Search of the Castaways. Stingray, tin baths and brand new Levis .... Come on you Schoolboys ....

  62. DW Thomas

    Oct 11, 2014, 13:26 #59052

    Sad we are on track for another season of non competition. Injuries are already killing our season. In 2008 I believe we had 11 draws and threw away the title. We tied Birmingham twice, tied Unitrd with a Gallas own goal, tied Liverpool twice, and other draws at home cost us the title. Since then Wenger has failed to really compete, a lack of transfers at key times. Diarra also went to Portsmouth, another boneheaded decision. Over the years history has repeated because of a lack of foresight and hindsight. This season will be no different!

  63. GBP

    Oct 11, 2014, 12:19 #59051

    Dartford G - its very easy to pick faults in the side of 2001-2004. The Hansen led punditry seized on the failure to win 'back to back' titles as they used to term it but the reality was the team was at its peak by 2003. It was a short lived but glorious period for Arsenal and in my view even by the 2004 title, the team was in steady but noticeable decline. It wasnt a surprise to me really that we didnt win a CL or a successive title. Like many things that touch upon a moment of near perfection, its gone in a second and to me the invincibles team was an eg. It doesnt mean that the very arguable case that it was maybe the best team we ve ever seen on these shores is in any way diluted. Such is punditry and particularly such as it was 10 years ago, i venture thta had we have claimed a CL or a back to back, the Utd adoration crew on your screens then would have found another 'test' or another 'failure' and all because that team was from N5 and not Salford. the Utd media hysteria peaked at the same time as did the invincibles.


    Oct 11, 2014, 12:08 #59050

    Dartford gooner, no blind faith from me buddy. Assessed and evaluated judgement, despite conceding the facts you speak of, I have a different conclusion for those facts. Oh, and nothing happened to 78/79/80, that was a record, along with Blackburn Rovers', Old Etonians, WBA, and Wanderers, (those four clubs achieved the distinction when it was a very small competition. We were the first in the modern game to achieve three, as you pointed ,in 78/79/80. MU equalled the feat in 94/5/6. However in repeating the process in 01/02/03 we set two records-as a club achieving three consecutive finals, therefore equalling the existing record, and that being a record in itself, but a second and unique record of being the only club in FA Cup history to do the feat twice. What Arsene Wenger failed to do is clear, but again the reasons are open to debate.

  65. GBP

    Oct 11, 2014, 12:04 #59049

    Ha ha . Badarse - yes. i had a Buntline as well. Black with like a bone type handle. It was a really slim pistol wasnt it compared to some. Mind you, my Winchester rifle was the thing for me. It used to shoot red bullets. Dad used to used to let me fire at his back side but drew the line at firing a few off at unwary Sisters!! happy days despite Ure Brown Mc Culluogh Mac Gill and Mc Kechnie and Co at the week ends Wall to wall westerns made up for everything!! Where have the years gone mate.

  66. Dartford gooner

    Oct 11, 2014, 11:06 #59048

    Badarse, 3 cup finals on the trot a record, what happened in 78/79/80? How many European trophies in the 17 years of trying. Never retained the title with some of the best players ever seen in this country. When was the last time we produced a striker from within. The man did great but all good things come to an end. Listen to what ex-players say about his coaching and tactics or rather lack of them . The club needs new blood and ideas, Arsene deserves respect but blind faith will not help him or our club. Alex if you are waiting for Man-City to run out of money you will have a long wait, they say there is another 100 years of oil left in the desert.


    Oct 11, 2014, 11:02 #59047

    Bob, we probably agree on many things, including assessments of players et al. However, my post was satirical, and there is an unwritten rule, no matter, good, bad, or indifferent, you never explain or excuse it. It is humour which you either do, or don't take to. See you at the Ponderosa GBP-with my Buntline Special, (had one as a kid). Hi radfordkennedy, Charlie's school did well by them. Most of the kids kind of missed the concept. A few thought it was a lot of graves and talking. Kids, eh?

  68. Bard

    Oct 11, 2014, 10:24 #59045

    Morning guys, I know I said I wouldn't but Helen kept pestering me and I gave in eventually. We're meeting at an old wobs pub in Finsbury Park called the Bump and Grind. Will keep you all up to date. I'll try and find out the latest from the medical dept, She did her shift there yesterday. She did tell me that some of the players like Abou, and Rambo have moved in and built there own one bedroom suites there, you couldn't make it up.

  69. radfordkennedy

    Oct 11, 2014, 10:11 #59044

    JJetplane...did you know that the Flinstones were banned in Dubai because no-one understands it,but those in Abu Dhabi do!!!!sorry mate ill get my coat......BADARSE...morning mate very impressed your Grandsons school organised a trip to Ypres and the Somme

  70. Bob

    Oct 11, 2014, 10:11 #59043

    Badarse, on the basis of your logic the invincibles would still be out their strutting their stuff on the pitch. Wenger did great things in his early years, and no-one is attempting to suggest otherwise. But the game changed dramatically and he was unable to adapt the methods which made him so successful in those increasingly dim and distant days. The last part of your argument is frankly daft. We have five players in a second rate England team (the weakest in living memory), some of whom are not usually first choice, beating fifth rate opposition.

  71. GBP

    Oct 11, 2014, 10:05 #59042

    Morning lads. I'm truly outraged. Nobody has mentioned Bonanza. Ben Hoss Adam and Little Joe!. What about Wyatt Earp? ha. Great stuff guys.


    Oct 11, 2014, 5:42 #59038

    'So, what has Wenger, ever done for us?'-'Er, he won the Double in '98.'-'Yes he did that, but what else has Wenger ever done for us?'-'Did it again in '02, that's a 'Double' of 'Doubles', isn't it?'-'Yes, yes, we know about the 'Doubles', but what else has he done for us?'-'Well, he got us to three consecutive FA Cup Finals, that's a record.'-'But apart from that, what has he ever done?'-'Oh, I know. He went on a 49 game unbeaten run, still a record.'-'Yes he did, but whatever else has he done for us?'-'Made us Invincible?'-'But what else has he done?'-'Well he did say he could do that the season before he did it, and people laughed.'-'We all know about being Invincible, but what else has Wenger ever done?'-'Um, in that period he went two entire consecutive seasons unbeaten away from Home.'-'True, but what else has he done?'-'17 consecutive CL qualifications?'-'Yes, that's obvious, but what else has Wenger ever done for us?'-'Never finished outside the top four in 18 seasons?'-'Yes, yes, we know that, but what else?'-'Got us to ten cup finals?'-'Yes but what else has he done?'-'Oversaw the move to a new state of the art stadium, which has won countless design awards, oh, and it's next door to Highbury.'-'True he did that, but what else?'-'Um, with one purchase and transfer of Anelka made £21mil and built the best training ground in the country?'-'Yes, yes, we know all that, but what else?'-'Won eight trophies?'-'Of course he did, but what else has Wenger ever done for us?'-'Got us a reputation of playing some of the best football on the planet, and consistently?'-'Oh god we know all about that, but what else?'-'Er, well he did say he would create a basis for a future England side.'-'And?'-'Well, we had 5 Arsenal men playing at once in the recent international, which we won, and an Arsenal man scored and another was MotM.'-'Anything else?'-'Well in the previous international England won 2-0 and an Arsenal man got both.'-'Alright, alright. But what else has Wenger ever done for us?'-'Invented the viaduct?'-'A-ha, no he didn't! See, as I said, what has Wenger ever done for us?'


    Oct 11, 2014, 5:03 #59037

    We're up late/early CG. Richard Boone and Chuck Connors! 'Hey, Ceesco!' Gunsmoke and Chester, 'MR. Dillon!' Loved Maverick. James Garner and latterly, Roger Moore, brought a film star sense to a TV character, the first alternative heroes? Bronco Laine? Cheyenne Bodie. William Boyd. Saturday morning flicks saw, Roy Rogers, Gene Autrey, and Buck Jones. Innocent, and exciting days. Thanks for the memories. Jinksy, 'I hate those meeces to pieces!'

  74. A (Western) Cornish Gooner

    Oct 11, 2014, 1:22 #59036

    Paladin:Richard Boone. Chuck Connors in Branded. Cheyenne, Bronco, The Cisco Kid, Range Rider, Hopalong Cassidy, Gunsmoke, Maverick, The Lone Ranger, Davy Crockett. All from our once innocent days of 'Cowboys and Indibums'.

  75. Jim

    Oct 10, 2014, 22:54 #59033

    Would anybody rather have Jose San Mourinho as a boss.Couldn't stand his cheesy futba.


    Oct 10, 2014, 22:26 #59032

    Hi Berry, yeah, good old Ef junior. I remember him and the name, wow, memories. jj, had forgotten Branded completely, and you mentioned it and it came back in a rush. Chuck ??, cavalry, stripped of his rank, cowboy series. I loved Barney Rubble's voice too. Crazy. Yogi was my all-time favourite cool dude bear.. Liked Augie Doggie, and Doggie Daddy, ha ha. Just typing this seems so weird. MR. Jinks was the best ever feline, though TC ran him close. What happened there, all those great and interesting characters are gone, and we serve the kids up dubbed Japanese tosh, Ben 10, and his German cousin Ben Nein. I'm out of here. Charlie did well, a cracking left foot volley into the corner of the net from outside the area. Small goal, lot of skill to keep the ball down.

  77. jjetplane

    Oct 10, 2014, 20:55 #59031

    WillllllMaHhhhhhh Yabba dabba do!

  78. Hi Berry

    Oct 10, 2014, 20:25 #59030

    Ah Badarse...77 Sunset Strip a memory dredged uo from my boyhood with the unlikely but unforgettably named Efrem Zimbalist Jnr.


    Oct 10, 2014, 19:03 #59028

    Hi 24601, Charlie's 'record' forecast blows mine out of the water. When we began playing Barnet, (not Boreham Wood-ha ha), we played this guessing game for the cake and he hadn't a clue. He just knew Arsenal was the greatest. Anyway after the close season absence we played the first friendly, and us two had made our guesses and then asked the little chap, he was perhaps 5, 6, or 7? No, quite young. Well he straight off the bat said 10-1. We laughed and tried to get a more realistic score out of him but he wouldn't waver. We said OK to it finally. You know what's coming, we won 10-1! I am so impressed with the retelling I shall award him another cake, especially as it's the weekend. Off to footie training at 7.30, first training since his injury. He picked up a groin strain a week after the season ended, and was back for three weeks and tore an ankle tendon. You can see he is an Arsenal fan with that injury record. He opted for the red kit after all and he shall wear it for the first time in a proper training session. I'm excited by that, ha ha. He has just returned from Ypres and the Somme on a school trip and was genuinely mystified that we suggested he didn't wear the shirt there, and could not understand that some might take offence. Innocence.

  80. Westlower

    Oct 10, 2014, 18:31 #59026

    @Badarse, Quit while you're in front as it's downhill all the way from your lofty perch (he's bl**ding snuffed it). My advice is to retire at the top of your form, wearing a smug grin. You can dine out (well cake in your case) on that correct forecast for years.

  81. jjetplane

    Oct 10, 2014, 17:58 #59025

    Nice one/s You forgot Branded (AW on a sheep's arse!). Your gold star is in the post with your San Marino post card. Too easy the bet on the Ox (common knowledge) WESTIE which may turn if Arsene thinks 'Ox - you are my new Arshavin'. Run geezer ****ing run!


    Oct 10, 2014, 17:52 #59022

    Woe, woe, and thrice woe, Lurkio. jj Desmond Carrington, Carole Brown, 'Emergency Ward 10'. How about, 'Have Gun Will Travel', Paladin, (forget actor's name),'Wagon Train'-Seth Adams and Flint McCullough, (Ward Bond and Robert Horton), 'Rawhide' Gil Favour and Rowdy Yates, (Eric Fleming and Clint Eastwood), on a roll, '77 Sunset Strip/ Kookie, Ed Byrnes Jnr. Now sing 'Rawhide' theme with me fells, ha ha. Bored? Fight it! 24601, what about my guess at 5-0 and a Gunner to score, good eh?

  83. jjetplane

    Oct 10, 2014, 17:35 #59020

    Not a helpful post from me and no disrespect to Alex but we really have ground to a standstill. Reckon Ox and some of the lads probably enjoy getting away from the non interactive culture at the Gulag. I guess when they face opposition for real they are still seeing cones until those cones come for their pretty little ankles. Then it's back on Ward 10 (old soap) and everybody talking about Mesut in the 'games room'. 'Someone should just try chatting to him - he looks so sad with those big eyes. Abou - tell him one of your jokes or you and Ollie do that dance .... yeah, the one on the table ... And there we are. Bang on the nail BARD the damage a week away from the PL can do 'to one's posting obligations.'

  84. Westlower

    Oct 10, 2014, 17:22 #59019

    Our winning run starts here, 40+ points before New Year game. Those of you you've lost the faith can get 2/1 AFC not finishing in top 4. Otherwise we are 4/9 to finish top 4, 23/20 top 3, 5/1 top 2, 20/1 to win it. Best value bet is the Ox to be PFA Young Player of the year at 25/1, Sterling is 7/4 fav.

  85. Hiccup

    Oct 10, 2014, 16:53 #59017

    Alex, I'm waiting to see what odds Westie can offer before I start throwing my money about. I reckon he can get 14/1 at Newmarket with the option to cash out at Christmas. By the way, what does 'rolling the dice' mean exactly? Strengthening or providing back up for positions where we are weak or depthless? Lets just go through the motions then and fulfil our fixtures, and we finish where we finish. You spend a whole paragraph plugging an online bookie you have shares in trying to tempt fans to bet on arsenal. No wonder you're happy for arsenal to keep money in the bank and stagnate. You must be raking it in with mugs betting on arsenal.

  86. Lord Froth

    Oct 10, 2014, 16:29 #59015

    JJetplane - It's boring because the same topics keep coming up year after year and so we end up discussing the same things over and over. Couldn't defend properly 2 years ago. Check. Couldn't defend properly last year. Check. Can't defend properly this year. Check. Injuries every season. Check. Small lightweight players getting brushed off the ball easily. Check. Won't shoot unless it's the perfect chance. Check. Tactically exposed every big game. Check.

  87. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 10, 2014, 16:17 #59014

    jj, it already is, they don't like it up em Mr Mainwaring they don't like it up im.

  88. Lord Froth

    Oct 10, 2014, 16:15 #59013

    I have to disagree that we play beautiful football to be honest. We do sporadically but it's becoming less and less frequent. I've actually found it very tedious these last few seasons. It's been commented on a lot that we're shot shy and it's very frustrating. We have midfielders in the mould of Ramsey and Wilshere that like to get forward and if the midfielders and striker (singular!) were instructed to shoot more and the team instructed to take turns to run into the box then it tends to make things happen. Just look at how many deflections Old Fatty Lampard used to score and remember the wonderful sight of Freddie's red hair bursting into the box to slot it home? (ooh, matron!)

  89. Bard

    Oct 10, 2014, 15:36 #59010

    Alex all credit for writing something but honestly Im with jjetplane, the subject has been done to death. Whether you think its a good bad or indifferent start is hardly the point. Arsenal weren't ever trying to win anything as you argue steady as she goes is the mantra. What is worth writing about is that while we are in this limbo we aren't even playing decent football.

  90. GBP

    Oct 10, 2014, 15:31 #59009

    Some good points Alex but Arsenal havent had a good start, theyve stuttered and limped and been lucky to be honest and im a lets back Arsene poster! Agree on Chelsea and Man City. These places are nailed on barring an 8 month flu epidemic in each camp. I dont know whether the finance issue will go full circle, but i do think that both of those Clubs will have changes there eventually and they ll both slip back to no mans land where theyve cohabited for decades. Arsenal are going to wait till that materializes unless we re bought out as you say but United wont, not with their commercial clout.

  91. DJ

    Oct 10, 2014, 15:04 #59008

    Jim: Wasn’t Costa sent off for throwing paella at Fabregas last night? These foreign referees’ let them get away with murder!

  92. Jim

    Oct 10, 2014, 14:49 #59007

    Fabregas was rubbish for Spain.The spanish fans were throwing paella at him and Costa last night.

  93. DJ

    Oct 10, 2014, 14:27 #59005

    Comparing Toby Jones to Arthur Lowe is like expecting Mesut Ozil to be Cesc Fabregas!

  94. In my heart

    Oct 10, 2014, 13:59 #59004

    You happy with 2 league wins out of 7!! I'm not


    Oct 10, 2014, 13:45 #59003

    I'm never attending another game until we either win the title or champions league.

  96. jjetplane

    Oct 10, 2014, 13:33 #59002

    This site is becoming as numblingly boring as it's subject matter. This cut and splice morality tale for six formers is par excellence for that course. 'One man's philosophy...' indeed. Anyone know when Dad's Army is coming out?

  97. AMG

    Oct 10, 2014, 13:27 #59001

    I pretty much disagree with everything you say. Solid start? Which team have you been watching? We've been poor, and seem to be losing first 11 players at a rate of more than 1 per game. As for being unbeaten by all but Chelsea, who cares?! A win and a loss is better than 2 draws, you can go a season unbeaten and still get relegated, solid start my foot! If you find 'tippy tappy no shooty' to be some of the best football in the world, then you really have got Wenger on the brain. Also, Welbeck is twice the striker Giroud is? Olivier getting injured (as nice a guy as he is) may turn out to be one of the most fortunate passages of this season, forcing the board to go out there and bring in a striker with pace and power. You are a little bit deluded mate, but thanks for writing.

  98. Bob

    Oct 10, 2014, 13:26 #59000

    What a load of claptrap. You are Uriah Heep from Dickens and I 'umbly claim my £5. Please go away and leave those of us with ambition for the club and fire in our belly to challenge the complacent attitudes which have left us to believe we can't possibly aspire to be the best in the country, and we should be grateful to be ripped off by the highest ticket prices in Europe for the privilege of watching a team bump along below the summit.

  99. Daniel

    Oct 10, 2014, 13:01 #58998

    We should be very worried about our crippling injury crisis & our headstrong manager who believes he is Professor know all.

  100. Jim

    Oct 10, 2014, 12:58 #58997

    Diego Costa couldn't do anything last night and was booed by the travelling fans along with Silva,Fabregas and Iniesta as Spain were humbled by the mighty Slovakia.Sanchez is miles ahead of any of those players and was the only one who shone at the WC.Some Arsenal fans seem to be clairvoyant the way they claim to predict the future.

  101. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 10, 2014, 12:48 #58996

    Reading the headline I was expecting a rant about counting our blessing for wenger thankfully it wasn't. We have optimistic fans alright probably the most optimistic in the prem, even when there's a rumour of a signing, then if it happens it sky rockets completely. This is it, it's going to be different this season, this is our year, only for the same old same old. And low and behold here we go again, but some have known and realised that for a long time, thankfully others have and are waking up to it.

  102. blair207

    Oct 10, 2014, 12:46 #58995

    Arsenal are actually 4th favourites with the bookies at about 20/1. The real question is. Can they make 4th?

  103. jon

    Oct 10, 2014, 12:45 #58994

    You mention about Chelsea loanees and wage bills in general. Here is something that will no doubt cause a few gulps. Wages paid to every player be they on loan or part of the clubs squad/ academy is paid and accounted for by the owning club. Sums paid in respect of the loan fees paid in respect of players out on loan are shown in transfer income. Now reflect on the fact that it is being widely reported that Arsenals 2014/15 wage bill will exceed Chelsea’s and I suspect when details of Chelsea’s 2013/14 income is published it will be I excess of the £300 million shown in Arsenals latest accounts

  104. Tom

    Oct 10, 2014, 11:50 #58991

    so after just 8 games Chelsea and Man city have booked 1st and 2nd place, what have you been smoking, Chelsea are playing well yes but after 8 games you make such a prediction????