Eighteen years and counting

So it’s true Arsenal don’t like it wet and windy?

Eighteen years and counting

Global warming… that explains Arsenal’s slide then!

Holding my pint of Timothy Taylor’s Landlord (no cold, fizzy, tasteless lager for me!), I found a vacant table. Real ale to drink, and an unsullied issue 245 of The Gooner to read whilst doing so. Bliss. Turning first to page 3, as one does, the left-hand article was titled: The Bloke Down The Pub Told Me. Only then did I notice my two nearest neighbours, who were all smiles. “Eighteen years and counting”, said one (let’s call him Dixon), as they raised their glasses (both half-full, I noticed). ‘Fellow Gooners’, I thought, ‘And not only that, fellow Arsene Knows Bests’. Like myself, they weren’t wearing any merchandise, official or otherwise. Plainclothes Gooners, moreover. “Sorry to interrupt”, I said, “But I’m also an Arsenal and Arsene fan. To think that he was Mr Who? when he arrived eighteen years ago!”.

“We aren’t football fans”, said the second (let’s call him Winterburn, though, looking down, I noticed that he did have a right foot), “We’re global warming sceptics. We’re just celebrating a little-known fact: “The Pause” – by which I mean the pause in 20th century global warming – has now lasted eighteen years. You probably haven’t heard the news; after all, George Clooney’s recent nuptials were far more newsworthy”. I didn’t much like Winterburn’s sarcasm but let it pass.

“Oh! But surely 97% of scientists cannot be wrong?”, I attempted. “Listen mate”, said Dixon, we’ve a friend who supports your boys and he posed a ridiculous theory just to emphasise that correlation does not equal causation. Apparently Arsenal won some trophy in 1998?”

“Two! The Premier League and FA Cup “Double””, I asserted. “Whatever”, Dixon continued, “1998 was the recent peak year so beloved of “global warmers” – or at least it was at the time. And didn’t you do rather well in 2004? That was also a very warm year, at least by the standards of the last 150 years or so.”

“2004”, I said, reminiscing and supping. “We won the League without losing a game! No team, before or since, has achieved that other than Preston North End in the league’s inaugural year, 1888-89!”

“Calm down, calm down!”, said Winterburn, in his non-Scouse accent.

“But it gets better”, continued Dixon. “Our Arsenal mate says that your heyday was the 1930s …”

“It most certainly was. Seven major trophies in nine years – twelve if you include the Charity Shield (which I don’t, incidentally)”, I interrupted. “But what of it?”

“Well, the 30s was an extremely warm decade. Some people believe that 1934 was even hotter than 1998!”

“We won the old Division 1 that year, but where’s all this leading?”

“Everywhere and nowhere, baby”, said Dixon. Winterburn guffawed.

“Don’t you see?”, Dixon continued, “When it’s unusually warm, your football team has won trophies. Now, ask yourself this: do Arsenal play better when it’s warm – our mate says many fans think so – or does the temperature increase when Arsenal play better? Or is it all just a coincidence?”

Talk about the pub bore or, rather, bores, dear reader. Before I could excuse myself, the blokes down the pub also told me that there is a correlation between temperatures and carbon dioxide levels. Temperature rises (and falls) lead the rises (and falls) of CO2 levels, though, not the other way around. What’s more, the lead time may be between 600 and 800 years, or so they reckoned. Dixon and Winterburn, I concluded, had had one over the Arteta (= Podolski, geddit?).

If the above were true, I’m sure our many and varied organs of truth would have informed us that temperatures are the same level now as when Bruce Rioch was sacked. I’m just repeating what those two blokes down the pub told me. Please don't shoot the messenger, I'm just repeating...

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  1. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2014, 10:43 #59414

    @Jim, That must be why your brother got his nickname of titty titty, bang bang!

  2. Jim

    Oct 15, 2014, 23:36 #59397

    Because Mesut has such huge eyes it enables him to pick out killer passes no one else can see,however all the women he looks at seem so much more voluptuous to him and his eyes make their breasts look four times their real size.I am not kidding on this either as my brother has the same condition.

  3. jjetplane

    Oct 15, 2014, 22:40 #59391

    Highest priced Hoes in football. Just gets better at the Emirates (see Holloway harems/flop houses). You could not make that up.


    Oct 15, 2014, 22:38 #59389

    Spaced, we find our own truths, always remember that buddy. Good old Arsenal.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 15, 2014, 22:22 #59387

    Ozil out, we'll send big Helen round to him, she'll put manners on him when she's finished he'll not even think of a shag for six months.


    Oct 15, 2014, 21:38 #59385

    What on earth is going on here? I leave you alone for a couple of hours and it all descends. It's that bloke jeff wright. He returns and causes upheaval. What is all this about sh*gging, adultery, red hot pokers up distant orifices, hell and high water, and of course, as expected just below jeff is the church. I might have known they'd be mixed up in it. Come back and control your oiks Bard, they are being led astray by that lothario jeff.

  7. danny

    Oct 15, 2014, 21:23 #59384

    Maybe the premier leauge should move to Oz but then again winning would become boring

  8. jeff wright

    Oct 15, 2014, 21:03 #59383

    Nothing to do with morality Jimmy it's about players having their minds on the job ( football) and not shagging tarts in their hotel rooms on pre-match nights, like the randy cretin Oliver was doing last term. Even you should be able to work that out.

  9. jjetplane

    Oct 15, 2014, 20:39 #59382

    RADFORDKENNEDY wonderful shout and way too hot for even a slight retort from the worshippers of 'Maureen's beeeatch' Nice one JW and you are up and running at them. WeSTIE you old rat you! let's have some numbers for this new invincible run we are about to embark. I built meself a raft and I am following the lousy HMS ARSEne to the ends of the world ... and Colorado! **** all that Leicester crap!

  10. Jim

    Oct 15, 2014, 19:47 #59380

    I was reading the other day a book written by a monk in the fifteenth century called Normondo,that hell is different for adulterers.Apparently instead of being burned all day you get burned all day while having red hot pokers rammed up your jacksey.I hope you're listening to this Ozil, Giroud and even dear old Arsene.

  11. Wenger is insane

    Oct 15, 2014, 18:55 #59379

    Wenger said Ozil was injured in first half but played him anyway in the second against Chelsea. This man is insane. How can the board allow this mad man to run the club.

  12. jeff wright

    Oct 15, 2014, 18:26 #59377

    Yep,and Arsene bottled out of selling Oliver after his embarrassing disgraceful pre-match night antics in hotel rooms with girls. You couldn't make it up.

  13. Trent

    Oct 15, 2014, 18:15 #59376

    Jeff Wright - Arsene would be the biggest hypocrite if he got rid of Ozil for that. Arsene himself is a adulterer. If he had to get rid of Ozil for that he himself would have to resign. Do you think Wenger will resign or be a hypocrite?

  14. jeff wright

    Oct 15, 2014, 17:04 #59372

    The sex mad Turkish playboy was always going to be a waste of space. Perez did not speak with forked tongue when he revealed why he sold him.

  15. Ozil out

    Oct 15, 2014, 16:53 #59371

    All the reports why Ozil was sold was because he partied all the time in madrid and was "obsessed with women" have turned out to be true. Ozil has cheated on his gf and she broke up with him. One of Ozils mates showed texts of Ozil saying after a hangover you know how drunk I get. He also revealed Ozil had shagged his ex. Also Ozil was slapped by anothet lass as he was direspectful to her but that didnt matter as the lass shagged him while at Vegas where he was partying after WC. And now Ozil is recouvering from injury at Vegas. Arsene really needs to get rid of him. What a unproffesional fellow.


    Oct 15, 2014, 16:48 #59369

    Was someone talking to me?

  17. Hiccup

    Oct 15, 2014, 16:38 #59368

    So the bbc have rehashed old news. Every man and his dog knows arsenal charge the most. Well not quite every man. There's usually some clown that comes on disputing the figures, and that we're actually cheaper to watch than Plymouth Argyle if you include the free credit for the Emirates Cup game etc. Over to the clown...

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 15, 2014, 16:35 #59367

    BADARSE, only kidding also mate, but i'm sure a few of us would hate to be held responsible for arsene not getting his gong.

  19. Will

    Oct 15, 2014, 16:20 #59365

    Wenger is robbing us - Strootman wasnt even selected to the Dutch squad and Fergie got rid of Pogba. Do you really think they are better than out lads? Im so glad you are not our manager.

  20. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 15, 2014, 15:02 #59362

    OZZIE. You seem to have joined me in the Personae Non Gratae Club, or The BADARSE Sin Bin. Our crime: being 'nasty'. (Actually being honest, not disingenuous)You have my full support and sympathy.

  21. David

    Oct 15, 2014, 14:42 #59361

    As James put it some time ago: 'If I hadn't seen such riches, I could live with being poor.'

  22. Finsbury Boy

    Oct 15, 2014, 14:11 #59360

    Diaby on £60 k a week. not bad pay for laying on a treatment table. We should have got shot of him years ago. Could get a damn good holding midfielder for those wages.


    Oct 15, 2014, 13:58 #59359

    maguiresbridge, if you started being nasty, I'd cut you off too, but you have more class than that. True it's all second class but...ha ha, only kidding chum. Relax on the blame issue with AW, remember, nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about, it's all Strawbery Fields Forever.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 15, 2014, 13:50 #59358

    BADARSE, and if he doesn't receive his knighthood who's fault will that be, who will be to blame? no usual greeting for your mate Athoz i see.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 15, 2014, 13:39 #59357

    RK, excellent post, post of the day so far, Bard i'm surprised others haven't pulled him up on it, i wonder why.


    Oct 15, 2014, 13:38 #59356

    Have a nice break Bard, missing you already. Keep safe.

  27. jeff wright

    Oct 15, 2014, 13:20 #59355

    MG, yes the grovelling apology was made in French je suis desole Jose ...sob sob ... This really is too much and to make matters worse the little Portugeezer suggested that Wenger should apologize in French ,because he speaks it, to him last week in an interview( in English) you couldn't make it up ! So having ended up as Sir Ferguson's bitch Arsene has now become Mourinho's one .

  28. Robert Exley

    Oct 15, 2014, 13:18 #59354

    As Harold Wilson once said: 'I'm an optimist, but an optimist who always carries a raincoat'

  29. Bard

    Oct 15, 2014, 13:10 #59353

    Westie; Im truly gutted that Jeff beat me, I must moan harder. It would be a good idea to f off abroad when we go on a winning run but then I might never go away at all if we continue to play the way we are. RadfordK, good wishes on your recovery mate, Im not one for having anything stuck up me despite what Pete Pan suggests. I think the term for having it both ways is ' being roasted', so you've been well and truly done mate all in the name of medical science. You couldn't make it up. Its only a weekend break so I will be back on Monday hopefully full loaded and ready for war.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:58 #59352

    jw Oh yes the grovelling apology it was kept very quiet wasn't it? pity to have let it slip through without a mention, was it in French so no one over here could understand it?I wonder has Maureen apologised for his Specialist in Failure jibe yet.

  31. GBP

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:46 #59351

    JJ - £13 ive been told today. Reduced for FAC! Just shows that the FAC has been downgraded even by Conference teams. Sign of the times. I know nothing of Eastleigh. Must be a new Conference team are they? PS Guy on the radio ironically has just said that non lge teams are in some cases charging the same for tickets as Real and Barca. He mentions Lincoln, Bristol R as charging 18.00 quid for lge games.Last Vase Final i went too was Tamworth v Sudbury T. Wembley draw and TFC won the replay at Peterboro 3-1. Packed ground. Good night. 1989 or 1990 time.

  32. Westlower

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:45 #59350

    @Bard, Do you always leave the country when the Arse are about to kick off on a long winning run? Dark Moanies will do anything to avoid good news. Please don't get yourself arrested as we can't afford to bail you out...

  33. GBP

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:36 #59348

    True Jeff - The atmospheres a bit better but still insipid isnt it. Any regular knows they've not been filling that ground up for some years. I think they gauge it though on seats sold as opposed to bodies on seats on the day, hence the oft trotted out 59006 most home games. Such is the nature of the newbie fan, they can afford seats and then hardly go!

  34. jjetplane

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:33 #59347

    GBP Conference 2nd tier is about 11/12 quid a go so that sounds reasonable. Sounds like FA Cup heaven. Think I'm gonna cry! ha ha. Funny enough going to watch Town this saturday instead of United is a buzz as I have not even been to Town's place. They're a bit more monied than United but tickets for both are 6 quid and a prog 50p. Coffee 80p & chips a quid. Chatted with one of the United players last night having just gone out of A cup (lots of them big one being the Vase) against Chichester. Going through a tough time with United on the rise. Like football never went away.

  35. radfordkennedy

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:32 #59346

    Badarse... An attempt at a bit of lighthearted banter earlier,before anyone tells me to eff off down the lane I must stress that I'm recovering from mind blowing drugs administered to me yesterday at Enfield Chase hospital whilst having a camera stuffed down my throat and up my Arsenal at the same time,a mixture of pethidine and gunpowder I think it's making my brain have some very odd thoughts,Bard...have a great time in mallorca a good time to go as all the Stella artists commandos have gone home


    Oct 15, 2014, 12:32 #59345

    I liked that post no.62643, very amusing, and apt 24601.

  37. AMG

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:26 #59344

    Some good stuff on the BBC website about ticket prices. Arsenal have the highest ticket prices in the prem, but crucially are also the most expensive per goal scored - All pretty much what you would expect, but damning all the same.

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:24 #59343

    Good results last night for the home nations maybe there's a chance of an Irish man playing for Arsenal after all, even a Jock, maybe if the old man who lives in a shoe was told they had a French grannie there'd be more chance.

  39. jeff wright

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:24 #59342

    GBP, the club or shareholders chose to go down that road that you describe regarding the glory hunting newbies ,after the move to the shiny new corporate stadium. You can't imagine any of those Emirate experiencing wallies standing on the North Bank on a wintry Saturday afternoon years ago. Of course with the highest ticket prices in Europe being sold at The Emirates the regime at AFC had to attract those that could afford to pay for them. I heard the news today oh boy 170,000 empty seats last season in The Emirates .... but Ivan sold them all . It's all looking deja vu seasons past for Ivan's state of the nation address at the AGM .... the club is in a healthy financial position with cash reserves of 178m ... the squad is strong and Arsene was able to avoid spending the 60m that he had available ... the 3m made from the 3 % ticket price rise was paid to Stan for his financial advice to the club ... yawn ... you couldn't make it up.

  40. Wenger OBE KOG

    Oct 15, 2014, 12:19 #59340

    So our season tickets are 10 times those of Bayern & Barca. Don't those idiots realize its because our football is 10 times better. No one passes the ball sideways across the back 4 in slow motion better than our defenders. And if you are a classy club you keep the prices high to keep the riff raff away. One more example of the media/football authorities conspiracy to do down our great club. No wonder we cant win important trophies anymore


    Oct 15, 2014, 12:13 #59339

    Ahoy radfordkennedy, a delightful post, very clever and very amusing, and a valid point of view, to boot. Ah, to boot, that is the question, whether 'tis nobler on the feet, or a corny walk, either way my mind springs, er, recoils from jeff wright. So good to have you back and in full flow jeff, like a good old lavatory cistern, and I am not yanking your chain. Bard, oh Bard, so well described by GBP, the disguised rant, with frippery. You didn't realise you were a 'frippist' did you, you old Frip you? 'Mummy Bard, Goldibox has been sleeping in my bed, eaten my porridge and broken my chair again!'-'No Baby Bard, it's another of your illusions again, it's all in your mind, like that thing you have with Arsene Wenger, he didn't steal a chicken, it couldn't physically lay golden eggs, and there certainly isn't a giant beanstalk in our garden-and put the cold compress back on your forehead lad! There is no one named Mouldypox, she is not a strawberry blonde who creeps into your bed at night, nor does she stay for breakfast denying you of your oats. Something deeply psychological is going on here, my son. Son with little fluffy ears, a wet black nose, and no opposable thumbs, who's friends are all called Teddy. Whilst I am at it, who is Hunky Helen? As for the chair, it is a fear of being unseated methinks. You are regarded amongst the Dark Moanies, and rightly so, let that be enough. Now, put your socks on, honey away, and get ready for Sunday School.'

  42. Ozzie

    Oct 15, 2014, 11:30 #59338

    Doesn't sound good, radfordkennedy, maybe time to ship out all incumbents. A new model is the order of the day.

  43. GBP

    Oct 15, 2014, 11:29 #59337

    Good lad Bard. Keep em coming. Buddy, you're indeed the undisputed master of the disguised rant dressed up as a coherent argument though and you know it. Tee shirt proudly worn (put in on at the weekend!) book written and the DVD in your pocket. Enjoy Mallorca buddy.

  44. DJ

    Oct 15, 2014, 11:27 #59336

    Bard: Have a nice break in Mallorca, I’ll miss your amusing posts, who are you going with Tom Daley or Dale Winton?

  45. jeff wright

    Oct 15, 2014, 11:27 #59335

    Westie, that French institution, with the self appointed important alleged international name ,that cobbled together the stats to claim that Wenger was the coach of the decade was good for a laugh,but no one takes their views seriously.

  46. Bard

    Oct 15, 2014, 11:22 #59334

    Jim what a post. I got to the bit about unnatural lust and keeled over with excitement, my mind went into overdrive. I didn't realise wanting to win trophies was unnaturally lustful. And then the power trip. The dark Moonies are reponsible for modern footballs woes. I own up to shouting a bit of abuse at the Untd game where we got beaten 8-2 but I had never thought it was my fault. It gives a new meaning to the phrase I kicked every ball. Maybe I did and I just didn't notice. Jim next game I will give it everything 120% and report back to you. I have noticed a tightening of my hamstring on Saturdays so maybe I'm running too much and didn't realise.

  47. Westlower

    Oct 15, 2014, 11:22 #59333

    World Moanarse of the Decade (any decade) - Jeff Wright. Best support act of the Decade - Maguiresbridge. Biggest Cry Baby of the Decade - DW Thomas. Stand up and take a bow, you deserve it for your perseverance + a custard pie or two... @R/K, Best nautical post of the week, very clever. You forgot to mention JJ jumping ship, "RAT OVERBOARD"

  48. GBP

    Oct 15, 2014, 11:18 #59332

    Much truth in that Jim. They deny the influence of the TV that makes them like it, but its the cash influx, foreign crooks buying up the Clubs and TV that's created the newbie type fans. There are a large amount but there are many older fans though who aren't as tainted and who do want change for valid and genuine reasons, so they cant all be tarred with the same brush. Theyre easily identifiable. Arsenal had a massive growth in supporters Club memberships and new SCs in fact between 2006 and 2008. Its declined enormously since then and some of the new Clubs barely function so im told now. Tells its own story. They were beguiled by the shiny new ground. Harder times and the need for real support was too much for a lot of them. Id lay odds on that some of them reside on here nowadays and haven't been to a match for years. Its good that they're being slowly filtered away.Good riddance to the lot of them.

  49. Bard

    Oct 15, 2014, 11:09 #59331

    GBP: really sorry for my selective quote, I missed the difference between off the shoulder and not quite being there, or is there a difference?. For obvious reasons off the shoulder reasonates with me more. Bottom line they are both rubbish because we aren't just off the shoulder nor not quite there. We are miles behind. Sometimes your posts remind me off Alf Garnett, splenetic rants dressed up as arguments. Peter Pan homophobic insults are pretty uncool even on a site like this. Have you been been in a coma this last 30 years. By the way we have moved to a new ground called the Emirates. I'm sure you'll find you're way on Saturday. I won't be there this week but sunning myself in Mallorca taking a much needed break from the potting and kettling on this site.

  50. Jim

    Oct 15, 2014, 10:40 #59330

    The soul may have gone out of the game in recent years,but that is mainly down to the so called glory hunter or dark moonie as he known on here who became involved in football over the past fifteen years.They are forever shouting for clubs to spend money in order to quench their unnatural lust for success at all costs.The Dark moonie fan is always first to give up his ST and his support yet always the first to moan about ticket prices and lack of spending.They seem to me to be a bunch of hypocrites who have lost their enjoyment for the game and just want to go about sabotaging the enjoyment of others with their fantasies and made up nonsense about genuine fans,Wenger and the club.

  51. radfordkennedy

    Oct 15, 2014, 10:08 #59329

    Westie...You mentioned HMS Arsenal I'm afraid I have to inform you she has been withdrawn from active service due to the following...In recent years her once solid defences of British design were replaced with inferior defence systems of a Franco/German type which have proved to be to slow to react to attack especially from an ariel bombardment.At Mid-ships her once powerful system of a Franco/Senegalese design that was able to switch from defence to attack quickly has as well been replaced by a smaller lightweight version which can perform well but is prone to breaking down and can be out of action for months.The forward guns are fast and powerful but are often let down by the Turkish designed ammunition feeder,this has been known to stop working completely when up against strong opposition.Sadly and most embarrassing of all when the man at the helm has called for procedure alpha whereby all hands are to parade on deck,nearly half are in the sick bay.After high ranking talks it's been decided that the ageing French guidance systems need replacing,and in all probability these will be of a German or Spanish design.When the major overhaul has taken place it's expected that 'the Arsenal' will once again sit high in the water a shining example of how a modern ship should be run,and will once again destroy all who cross her bow...

  52. GBP

    Oct 15, 2014, 8:32 #59328

    JJ - oddly enough bud. 25th Oct. im off up to see Kidderminster v Eastleigh in FAC, so should be a good aft out. About 16 quid a ticket so im told. About the right price for a footie match!

  53. Westlower

    Oct 15, 2014, 8:24 #59327

    @Jeff, You asked if AW being World Coach of the Decade was true? He was voted just that in Jan 2011 by the International Federation of Football History & Statistics. Results from each year were aggregated with Wenger first, Fergie was runner up & Maureen 3rd. You mentioned you are a bad loser. Being a punter how do you cope with your losing bets?

  54. Ozzie

    Oct 15, 2014, 7:11 #59326

    What chance Arsene being knighted? How about ignited - and sent to the small pond? I hear many a frog a'croaking with anticipation; or is that expectation?

  55. Arsene knows

    Oct 15, 2014, 7:04 #59325

    That because Pogba Strootman are rubbish. Jacky boy and all the other lads are quality and deserve it. You think you know better than Arsene clown. You'd rather have rubbish like Strootman and Pogba instead of Jacky, Abou, Mikel and Mathieu. You Anti Arsenal fans are so stupid. Watch football and get some football knowledge. Better off stop hating Arsenal

  56. DW Thomas

    Oct 15, 2014, 4:37 #59323

    We should snap Pogba up, soon. He will be the next great MF!

  57. Wenger is robbing us

    Oct 15, 2014, 4:22 #59322

    Do you know his mates Wilshere is on 90k/w Arteta 80k/w Flamini and Diaby 60k/w. Thats robbery. Do you also know Strootman is on 25k/w and Pogba 23k/w. Lol Wenger and his mates are robbing us of. How are the AKBs going to defend this one?

  58. DW Thomas

    Oct 15, 2014, 1:25 #59321

    Once again the king of the snake oil salesmen speaks bollocks. Competing? Not a chance, not true trophy challenges. All this arguing over who is right, who is wrong on here doesn't amount to a hill of s..t. Nothing will improve under Wenger. If you don't mind you praise what he has done for the club. I even can concede that. But, there's no chance we win the PL or CL again under him if he never changes. And all the signs point to that. No DM brought in. Clueless tactics. No defensive replacement of our captain. Cavalier and undiscilplined players. No mettle or grit. Sue we get an occasional good game, but rarely. What do other teams do that win? That's what we should be studying. And I ain't talking about just spending money. Although sitting on Smaug's treasure while we need much more strengthening seems daft to me. Any man paid millions to win and fails going on 10 years seems unheard of to me in sports. What person would keep his job being paid to win yet not for that long? And it's not like he's done all he can. In fact there's a rather long lst of his incompetence in many areas. I can remember not long ago facing Rory Delap and Stoke and worrying before, during, and after the game that we couldn't beat a simple team like them. But no, the club wants us to believe we are just off the shoulder of the best! Stranger than fiction.

  59. jjetplane

    Oct 15, 2014, 0:04 #59320

    Writing is on the wall and the frantic scribbles from AKB central are a joy to read into. He could go the way of Sir Gawain (bit tough on the Green Knight) and be knighted for his serial failing. Wenger would never have slapped Maureen in the way that Fabregas would never have come back to Arsenal. He sees the spoilt shambles which make the chavs relatively respectable as a football outfit as he looks at the prof trying to get it on. Sad but laughable. Too much dollar potential sloshing around Holloway to have what is now simply an old man at the helm. Think Maureen feels a bit uncomfortable about the prof's demise that has superseded old Fergie's pitying comments about Wenger. None of this helped by the pathological aloofness. What such a character could possibly have to do with Arsenal is beyond football thoughts but very much in a cold, financial slipstream. Ugly people make clubs look ugly. After all that claptrap I don't mind saying so meself GBP lovely stuff on Tamworth and I bet you wish you were having more of it.

  60. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 23:04 #59317

    Thanks Jeff - faith re kindled in you mate. Agree with you. Wish he d have just floored the toerag and took the ban, though shouldn't be so nasty really should we i suppose. We ll win some bigger games i reckon. Hope so anyway. COYG.

  61. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2014, 22:35 #59315

    GBP, no I don't go for the I wish we lost school of though if it means we see the back of Arsene . I hate losing at anything and was most vexed when again Wenger came up short against shorty at the bridge of sighs. I would rather we had WON! One of my problems with Wenger is that he DOES KEEP LOSING IN BIG GAMES! Actually I suspect that his erratic stressed out behaviour on TV in big games when things are going awary again is annoying the yankee doodles ,especially Silent Stan , who abors any show of emotion by his employers that is embarrassing to the image that he likes his clubs to portray . Sponsors and all that don't like it either - and money talks non>? Anymore of that nonsense from the commander of the British Empire and he is likely to be court- martialed by Stan .

  62. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2014, 22:23 #59314

    Wenger World Coach of the Decade 2001-10. Is that true >??You couldn't make t up. That honor was bestowed on him by some French institution,they also made Le Emperor Napoleon the military leader of the decade 1802-12. Ce'est la vie!

  63. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 22:20 #59313

    Jeffrey - please tell me that you dont wish for defeats like this lot who've admitted they do bud? Always like yr posts as you know even though theyre way off beam ha. I dont want to have to bracket you with those losers with that view on the Club though ie hoping to lose matches? Im guessing you dont and never would sign up to that creed do you?

  64. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2014, 22:12 #59312

    I was only jesting some do take things Arsene rather seriously... apart from Arsene being a commander of a non-existent Brit Empire of course ... you have to laugh ... Blimey, Arsene has more medals than Napoleon ! No husband of the decade in there though Westie, or European Cup winner one either. Ouch! I suspect old Arsene would trade those mere baubles for one of those After all he is a football manager and not a French Field-marshal.Next question please.

  65. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 22:06 #59310

    Baddie - keep right on. I was You tubing old NLDs last night. Bloody brilliant. Theres still nothing like seeing that lily white net bulge esp at WHL. Too see a despondent spud defenders face is manna from heaven still! Im betting these moanies dont really get it you know. Theyre missing out on so much even from today's sanitized game arent they. Imagine hoping to lose a NLD? I just cant get that at all? Can you? Yet here they are admitting they do.


    Oct 14, 2014, 21:50 #59309

    Evening you twp GBP and 24601. Thanks for the support GBP, it does count, but yes more than equal to someone who wants to focus on personalities rather than discussion, especially on this site, with so many flawed characters, ha ha. Never realised Arsene had so many honours buddy, remarkable, but also a remarkable man. Just watched the Cup Final again, a bit speeded up, but slowed for all the important bits. What a child I am, but I ain't gunner change, so there!

  67. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 21:48 #59308

    Jeffrey - 'Wife cheaters' not knighted eh Jeff? Thats quite a brave belief even for you buddy. That water in Tenerife has got you hallucinating more than usual or did you go into space orbit really and came back with a whole new perspective on life on earth? They say thats what happens to those whove looked down on earth from afar you know. Cmon fess up, youve been back to that black hole where all the moanies were born and raised havent you? Will you ever win awards and honours like Wenger has or dont you know which ones hes already got? You dont know do you? If you do i suppose theyre all won by default, nepotism and favour are they?

  68. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2014, 21:37 #59307

    @Jeff, Just to jog your hazy memory of Wengers honours: Legion d'Honneur (France's highest decoration); Officer of the British Empire; French Manager of the Year; J League Manager of the Year; Onze d'Or Coach of the Year x4; PL Manager of the Season x3; LMA Manager of the Year x2; BBC Sports Personality of the Year Coach Award x2; Freedom of Islington; FWA Tribute Award; English Football Hall of Fame; PL Manager of the Month x13; World Coach of the Decade 2001-10. Show us your honours Jeff?

  69. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 21:36 #59306

    MG - Aww c'mon Fido, cheer up. Teasing you fella. Walkies! Baddie - good point buddy. He ll be before HMTQ soon enough wont he. Rightly so. I see you've been under the cosh a bit of late, mainly from that aussie mongrel who decided he d become a WOB after all? ( hes like the rest of them settlers. Got the hump of all humps as result of them being garbage at every sport there is nowadays - save for necking that p--s water beer they pass off as a drink down there) Keep a stiff jaw buddy and march onwards as you did do. I saw you were coping OK under fire. Ha. COYG

  70. Roy

    Oct 14, 2014, 21:35 #59305

    Quite right Jeff. OGL should have laid him out with no hint of an apology in sight, and took whatever punishment came his way. Now that WOULD have been worth a 3 year contract !!

  71. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2014, 21:18 #59303

    Caught with their pants around their ankles philandering hypocritical wife cheats are not knighted by her Maj Baddie. Arsene fell off his moral pedestal long ago . He did as I recall though receive some sort of honorary gong , a commander of the non-existent Brit empire or such like nonsense years back .Wenger riding through Paris in a open limo with the crowds cheering him looks only a pipe dream now ,the Froggie public have tired of seeing him offering up excuses for the failures of les bleus on their widescreen TV sets .They snigger away at comments from deluded Arsene such as ,we showed great speeeerit and controlled the game , but lacked sharpness in the final third... after yet another collapse .All deja vu to us this so some of us know how the French must feel! The final straw though that broke the camels back was that grovelling apology to Mourinho last week on French telly, doesn't the old fool realize that his prissy shove on the mouthy ones puffed out chest is the only good thing that he has ever done against him !!!! You couldn't make it up.


    Oct 14, 2014, 20:17 #59301

    GBP, evening chum. I have said this often over recent years, and now seems like a good time to bring it up again. What chance Arsene Wenger being knighted in the New Year's Honours List? Now I think it's long overdue, but think of the ruffled feathers and howling at the moon it would bring. It's the devil in me, ha ha.

  73. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 14, 2014, 20:15 #59300

    jj, maybe a dark moonie in there too, it would make a change from nodding dogs, Bard it's takes blow in's a while to realise their still not somewhere else and acclimatise.

  74. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 20:07 #59299

    Bard - IG also says ' we re not there yet' vis the top euro teams. Nothing like a bit of selective reading though to flame the WOBS ardour on here is there. Laughable. You and your band of ill informed hoodies on here ought to read that article on the SKY and the BBC site and then absorb and then learn. Arsene - a 'giant' indeed. Never a truer word Mr G. He missed a trick though when he didn't suffix his testimony of AW with 'Kiss my arse you sorry and sad little WOBs! COYG!!


    Oct 14, 2014, 19:41 #59296

    Did someone mention the kettle going on, and biscuits?

  76. Bard

    Oct 14, 2014, 19:17 #59292

    Peter Pan: I realize there are some dim wits posting on this site but your post takes the biscuit, it was a joke mate, did you not wonder about the F off to upton park remark. You need to get up to speed , having a sense of humour is a prerequisite for being on this site or haven't you noticed. You strike me a someone who thought Forrest Gump really was the dogs.


    Oct 14, 2014, 18:19 #59290

    P: Why that worried look Dud?-D: Well Pete, I don't understand something.-P: Forgive me my little friend, but you don't understand anything.-D: Thanks Pete. See I got to thinking, there are all these peoples...-P: People Dud, it's plural.-D: Thanks Pete. See these peoples say some are Arsene FC, and that's not possible, he's a man.-P: Yes Dud, and an intellectual man who is a part of the intelligentsia.-D: Does that mean he is clever Pete?-P: Decidedly so young Dud, he would do well on the Krypton Factor.-D: What where Superman came from?-P: No Dudley, he came from Alsace in France.-D: No, he definitely isn't French Pete, I know he works with Lois Lane in the USA.-P: Oh dear Dud this is all too much for you. You need to go down the Lane and offer your views.-D: What are the views like there then Pete?-P: Rubbish, but I do secretly support them, but you would never know.-D: What like those on the OnlineGooner, Pete?-P: Just like them Dud, I see you have learnt something today my funny, little man. Now together...-D: Together, together...-P: Goodbyeee...-P&D: Goodbyeee, we're leaving you, goodbyeee...


    Oct 14, 2014, 17:57 #59289

    Good evening Jim, couple of nice things you said in my defence, thank you buddy. DWT and maguiresbridge are overseas, jj in Eastbourne, Bard in east Kent near me. That has narrowed it down perhaps. Praise indeed 24601, both may have the future at AFC that we all want for them-well, most of us anyway.

  79. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2014, 17:46 #59288

    Hey Jimmy I'll see now ! Pleased to say though that I am not a neighbor of yours all that day dreaming that you do about Arsene winning titles and Euro Cups while you constantly rant at non-believers, in your own inimitable way, calling yourself this that or the other like some schizophrenic freak - show would would have me sending for the men in white coats to take you away son! You couldn't make it up.

  80. Hiccup

    Oct 14, 2014, 17:41 #59286

    Hey Bard. Pot, kettle. Never mind health warnings for the AKB's, I reckon there should be village idiot warnings for Peter Pan and his like.

  81. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2014, 17:29 #59285

    How about some praise for young Gunners Chuba Akpom & Isaac Hayden. Chuba, celebrating his 19th birthday, scored two late goals to enable England U20's beat Holland 3-2. AFC's reserve centre back Isaac Hayden captained England.

  82. peter pan

    Oct 14, 2014, 17:22 #59284

    Hey BARD. POT,KETTLE and BLACK spring to mind. Why can you criticise somebody for ''making fun of Arsenal legends'' in a humorous post, when you seen quite akin to be feeding the anti Wenger fire every day for quite a while. In 10 years or so once the dust has settled on his reign, will you ever class the man as someone who did great things for The Arsenal???

  83. Jim

    Oct 14, 2014, 16:55 #59281

    My neighbour's a strange fellow a ginger whinger Welsh dwarf of a man who supports the Gunners when they're doing well and when they're not he drips about them and goes back to egg throwing.He tells me he posts a lot of anti Wenger/Arsenal stuff on the online Gooner but wont tell me his name.I think he's either:maguirebridge gooner/Bard/Red member/finsbury joe/jjetplane AMG,DW Thomas or jeff wright as he once told me he commented on an article and they were the negative posters for it.I was told by an ex girlfriend of his he also has twelve toes,the mystery continues.

  84. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 16:43 #59280

    jj - good stuff mate. Love the FAC for the small teams. Always have. Nothing like a non league ground packed full when a big team visits. Yes, the fun of yonks ago at Highbury has gone for good. Do you at all recall Tamworth FC playing Hartlepool, Bourenmeouth and Stoke about 8-10 years back. TFC lost in the end on their patch to Stoke on pens after drawing at Stoke.About 6000 i recall in the little ground and the atmosphere put PL clubs fans to shame. No joking. Pulis was the coach then for Stoke in his 1st stint and they were in the Championship(might have been Div 1) and the Stoke fans detested him HA . He was sacked soon after and went back and did well as you know. My sisters are in that Area and my best man from years back lives in Lichfield Staffs. We all went to see the 3 ties. Best days out for footie ive had in 15 years JJ. Absolutely.

  85. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2014, 16:19 #59278

    GBP good stuff there and it is interesting seeing a couple of teams from the 9th tier are still in the FA Cup. My team are away for a couple of weeks so off to watch Eastbourne Town (as a United fan) for a couple of homies. Love listening to the banter as I have said and people do take a right royal interest in their club. Big clubs to me are watching the Brightons, Exeters of this world. Gotta say I do not miss the other stuff and you and I know the old days were a pile of fun from the 60s to Adams in his pomp. Remember some right dark ones too. WESTIE you are a top blokie i remember as a kid getting a fat zero for maths. Nothing personal you old rat!

  86. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2014, 15:56 #59276

    In response to IG's comment that it'll be difficult to replace Wenger, the bookies have shortened their 'Next Manager To Leave' odds to 66/1 from 80/1, some as short as 50/1. Don't get too carried though as luvable 'arry is 4/7 fav. Saying that I've just had £5 at 66/1, just in case we get stuffed by Hull. Do you like my vermin like thinking JJ? I'm sure Maguiresbridge will love my negative biased bet.

  87. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 15:46 #59274

    jj - i certainly agree the soul and fabric of top level football has gone. The lower and non league stuff still has an earthy honesty about it.Seen a few Cheltenham Town and Kidderminster Harriers games in the last few years as a mate of mine is a big CT fan and his bro is a Kidderminster fan. Its good football. Another mate watches Rushden. Seen them a couple of times. PL football isnt what its cracked up to be JJ wherever we stand on things.Very few barnstorming games occur.

  88. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2014, 15:43 #59273

    I think WESTIE is a nice name for a rat so don't knock it! Howabout instead of WEStIE you could post as WILLARD who like yourself had a clear affinity with rats. Looks like Arsene may not last the season as it would appear some interested bodies want change now. WOBS in the Boardroom. Sounds like a spoof but what do we know .... Happy sailing.

  89. Unchives

    Oct 14, 2014, 15:27 #59271

    @ Bard - The quote is in the 8 minute video as per my link. What is more interesting is that they are preparing for Wenger's replacement as a priority, I think it may be sooner then we think and I don't think the videos timing is coincidental as Gazidis already mentioned at a Q&A that he reads the blogs, im sure that he knows, another poor season is not acceptable.

  90. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2014, 15:18 #59269

    Hull - stop sniggering. This is a big club with a top manager. I shall be at a 9th tier game (all the rage) on saturday on my trusty bike. Hull and Larkin - what a mix. Reference Back poem a favourite of mine. Last verse does it, so watch out for 'defences' switching off. Did not ever give up on Arsenal but simply gave up the ST's as I was moving elsewhere and have never regretted the decision but as Johnny Rotten said something along the lines of a 'good club in Raddies's day but now a pit of immorality'. My day will cost me a tenner and just like the old days I will work in the morning. Talking of poems: 'Tiger Tiger ...' it's 'the fearful symmetry ..' that gets me. Bit like Larkin's 'long perspectives'. All good clean fun hey. Have a nice time mate.

  91. Westlower

    Oct 14, 2014, 15:12 #59267

    @JJ How ironic your reference to 'little rats in a cage' when you were the first rat, probably King Rat, to jump ship when you perceived HMS Arsenal to be sinking. We've survived without your conditional support! Thanks for your incisive views though, we are truly blessed to share your wonk eyed opinions.

  92. Bard

    Oct 14, 2014, 14:48 #59265

    Unchives; Just read a quote from Ivan the Terrible saying we are 'just off the shoulder of europe's best teams'. Its an interesting physiological conundrum this off the shoulder business. When we played BD ( not one of europes best) I wouldn't have described it as 'off the shoulder' more 'not in the same ball park' if you will excuse the mixed metaphors. Interesting timing, presumably the Boss needs a little TLC.

  93. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 14, 2014, 14:46 #59264

    All they needed was arsene fc badges. Eighteen years, nine of them in the ice age, roll on Twenty when the sun bursts through again.

  94. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 14:42 #59263

    jj - im happy as ever bud. Keep sniggering if youre one of them. It might make you smile even? Or maybe not! Your post is a post of a man rattled i venture JJ. COYG. Best Club in the land and heading nicely in the right direction and a nice cheap ticket for Hull at home. Whats not to be happy about?

  95. jeff wright

    Oct 14, 2014, 14:41 #59262

    This blokes in a pub chatting inanely reminds me of Alias Smith and Jones ,how would those pair have seen Arsene's current situation ... S. It's been a game of two halves for him . J. Who? S. Wenger . Oh him,yeah at Highbury he was over the moon winning things but done nothing at the new gaff to shout about and looks as sick as a parrot now . S. He did win the FA Cup last season . J. True ... but Harry won it as well recently at Portsmouth and he is no genius and that geezer Martini he even won it as well with Wigan. J. His name is Martinez,not Martini . S. Right then he acts like he's had a few of 'em though babbling away on Match of the Day with big ears and co . J. A bit iffy that FA Cup of Wenger's though coming after nine seasons without a trophy and what not. S. Moving to the new stadium was to blame for that . J. Was it? Not Wenger's silly youth policies and tactics then? S. (Gives a sly smile and a wink )Hey , why let the truth stand in the way of a good story ?!

  96. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2014, 14:36 #59261

    Ha ha GBP like WeSTIE et al you may think you are Arsenal but there are many voices on here who cannot stop sniggering at your posts. Stick with your little Arsene narrative all you want. Most posters on here only read you lot for the laugh. Keep posting Rugby man. Keep supporting the Unreal Arsenal. Above all - cheer up MATE.

  97. GBP

    Oct 14, 2014, 14:17 #59258

    JJ - Or how about one about the uber fan who admits he gave up on Arsenal in 2005 and yet still has the brass neck to come on here moaning and groaning and bellyaching like a constipated geriatric on speed?

  98. jjetplane

    Oct 14, 2014, 13:31 #59250

    Uncannily like a BADDIE 'comic script' post though not quite as long. Thinking of winds now. BBC are presently looking for new writers. You never know. How about one with Santos and Sanogo at Nandos ......

  99. Spaced

    Oct 14, 2014, 12:45 #59246

    Thanks Ian. Entertaining and rather nice to read something other than Arsenal-bashing.

  100. AMG

    Oct 14, 2014, 12:42 #59245

    Pub bores should be kept to the pub, but I like your style.

  101. BADARSE

    Oct 14, 2014, 11:44 #59240

    Well done Ian Tanner, I enjoyed that. You get the BADARSE seal of approval, and as it must be a semi-aquatic one, at least it can then be worn in the bath. Rubber Duck?

  102. Red Member

    Oct 14, 2014, 11:36 #59238

    oh dear.

  103. Bard

    Oct 14, 2014, 10:55 #59235

    Ian, good on you for having a crack mate. Personally I love a pub bore especially on a Sat. If I may make a suggestion, You have been reading too many of Baddies posts. He has the monopoly on meaningless and obscure posts. see last 500 posts. you will have to up your game to match him. A further thought, making fun of Arsenal legends is a post too far mate. Unacceptable for true gooners. You need to F off back to Upton Park.

  104. GG89

    Oct 14, 2014, 10:44 #59233
