Giroud: Is he worth it?

Good business by Arsenal to tie down the striker until 2018?

Giroud: Is he worth it?

Should not be Arsenal’s number 1 striker

Given his persona as Arsenal’s ‘pretty boy’ we can all imagine Olivier Giroud uttering that infamous line as he puts pen to paper on his bumper new contract: “Because I’m worth it”. However, despite Arsene’s firm belief that he is a key man for the Gunners, who are currently lagging in the football betting odds for another much-desired league title, is the Frenchman really worth £80,000-per-week? Even in this age of mind-boggling numbers, is anyone really worth that much money?

Unless you are reading this on your yacht or in your penthouse apartment in Mayfair, you are probably another hard-working Arsenal fan who has to save to go and watch his side. Now imagine that you are earning, before tax, £4.16million-a-year for potentially the next four years. That is the reality that Giroud has woken up to recently.

By Premier League standards it is not an obscene amount of money, although that line in itself opens up a whole other debate I don’t have the word count for today. With Danny Welbeck earning £115,000-per-week, Giroud is not even the highest earner at the Grove. And he has a long way to go before he can match Radamel Falcao, who is on £265k-a-week at Manchester United reportedly.

Before Arsene’s bum had even left his chair at his news conference when the extension was announced, The Metro published a ‘six amazing strikers Arsenal could sign who earn less than Giroud’ piece, eager to put the boot in it would seem. They suggest Arsenal should sign Carlos Tevez from Juventus, who earns £79k-a-week, or Gonzalo Higuain, who they claim is on £62k-a-week plus bonuses.

What the Metro has overlooked in their haste to slam Giroud is that these players would nearly all command transfer fees in excess of the £16million Arsenal paid for Welbeck, who despite constant criticism is one of the best young players in the EPL. With Arsenal in desperate need of three or four new defensive-minded players, the last thing fans should want to see is a big outlay on another striker.

In Giroud Arsenal have a striker who, despite all his faults, has a decent goal record of one goal every 2.5 games. That strike rate should probably be higher given the chances he has missed but it is still a good return for a player who cost around £9.6million when he joined from Montpellier.

The problem for Giroud is that for a long time he has been Arsenal’s main striker and has therefore been compared to the likes of Robin van Persie and Thierry Henry. The Frenchman should not be Arsenal’s No.1 striker. Rather, he should be the one who comes off the bench and bullies tired defenders in the latter stages of matches.

That is how he should be deployed once he is fully fit again, with Welbeck starting and Giroud coming on as and when he is needed.

The contract he is on might be daylight robbery to some fans but as a component of the Arsenal team Giroud works, unlike Lukas Podolski. While the German sticks out like a sore thumb, Giroud knows his role and fulfils it well. He will never be a goal-scoring machine like RVP or Henry but he can’t help that. Just like he can’t help the fact he is “gorgeous” or that his agent has hammered out an excellent deal for him.

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    Oct 18, 2014, 14:12 #59588

    Arsenal will never challenge for any majors honours with giroud as the main striker nor welbeck!!!!

  2. GBP

    Oct 18, 2014, 10:28 #59574

    Carry on wondering ozzie. Youre not the first settler to be a bit dim. Most were. stick to cricket down there. seems like it needs some new support and impetus doesnt it? Ill carry on fishing too. Beats football hands down chap.

  3. Ozzie

    Oct 17, 2014, 22:47 #59561

    GBP by the time I'd finished reading your great spiel I was left wondering why you are on here? What have you got left to defend? Perhaps you should remain fishing and blowing your trumpet to the birds. Take badarse along for company; who knows, you may do a Freud-Jung and drive each other nuts.

  4. jjetplane

    Oct 17, 2014, 18:01 #59546

    GBP You too mate. Near to a dear friend from Yeovil (a lovely yo yo of a club) who follows England across the globe. It is true that the skill level right down to the lower tiers is a different planet from the past's purely traditional pub team. We are talking athletes who happen to be working lads too. It is a real buzz and now I look forward to the FA Vase and a dream trip to Wembley one day. We hit the semis last year and got promoted so a very buzzy time. Contrast with sitting at Wembley with me ragged Arsenal flag as Overmars and Anelka served it up on a plate. Now that was a season.

  5. GBP

    Oct 17, 2014, 17:16 #59543

    jj - Ill only get as far as Taunton. Yes, we all have a rant at times. 'Why have we' has just picked me up on one and hes right (note this 'why have we'! ha). I see where you are now with yr teams. Good for you. Despite what i reckon on all things Arsenal, the detractors inc yself of course make many valid points about the ills and wrongs at Arsenal and football at large.Ill maybe never reach the point of resting all of those ills on one man though. Id never be a regular at Arsenal again for many of the reasons spouted on here at times. The root of the arguments on here is that none of us can safely and unequivocally distinguish between Wengers role and methods and the Clubs i think. It might sound daft and maybe getting older affects it, but we were talking Terry Neill on here the other day. I can honestly say, i enjoyed seeing his teams more than this one of AWs. Not near to titles under him but the day out, even if there was only 24000 v a game v Coventry for eg was fun, it was earthy and a bit wild wasnt it. Todays game so lacks substance both on and off the pitch for me now. On Non league though, it staggers me that more players don't make it through to the top. It cant all be blamed on foreigner imports can it? Do you reckon PL and CP Clubs have stopped looking? I see some good players at my 4-5 non league games per year. I must see more and will do. Mate is always at Kidderminster H as i told you and often asks me to go. I usually select the better games that i can get to like this Eastleigh one coming up. Have a good week end buddy - and you 'Why have we'lad.

  6. jjetplane

    Oct 17, 2014, 15:28 #59534

    GBP saw a cup game couple of months back where we played Hastings Utd. They play a league above us and had a player in the team who is like the 'Beckham' of county league football. Name is Taser Hassam and it was amazing watch a guy at this level give it the full prima donna and back it with some great football. Scruff of the neck stuff and he put me in mind of Henry! - tall, athletic with lots of attitude. Like you say. If you don't like it just up and leave. I did but having watched Arsenal in the skin from the 60s until 2004 (a lot of games) a site like this is good for everyone to have a shout or two. You have a good shout yourself so are not much different than the rest of us. certainly with the money polluted game we have now there is real convergence of thoughts on here. Closer than some of us think. Now worried about the whereabouts of JAMIE and PETE Hope they didn't meet one WOB too many. Bleeders are everywhere. If you are going SW - spent a good time watching Exeter 2006-9 and have a fascination with Bournemouth. As for the Saints - who could not love 'em.

  7. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Oct 17, 2014, 15:25 #59533

    GBP- Considering you're an AKB, and therefore on the winning side, you seem far more angry than me most of the time (a 'cdt give two f--ks about you', a 'p-----g up wind in a gale with their mouths open' and two 'ffs' in the last post alone, a bitter rant about modern football!). Feel free to ignore me any time you like, my friend.

  8. GBP

    Oct 17, 2014, 14:46 #59529

    JJ - Thanks mate. I do like the Cong stuff that i have watched. Some good players in it isnt there. Not going to Hull game now. Off to the SW tonight now. Agree on Wenger leaving. I ve often said hes going in a year to 18 months i think. They're already in anticipated transition from him i think but obviously they wont say as much.

  9. GBP

    Oct 17, 2014, 14:30 #59526

    Why have we - no im just on a web site offering an opinion that doesnt matter, nobody who counts is listening. The diff between us is that im not full of bile about stuff and people at Arsenal who i dont know,cant change,dont want to know and who cdt give two f--ks about you, me or my next door neighbours cat in any event. AFC is a business first and foremost as are all Clubs now. They ll run it like a business and want to make it pay. Thats what they should do and theyve done it very well in a recession whatever and no matter how much you groan. If you feel so bad about it, why not give up some thing that causes you pain? If you're suffering at matches (if you go to any) why go? Save yr money. Take the Wife on holiday with the cash instead. Go fishing as i do, its far more rewarding than modern football and doesn't cost that much. Buy a musical instrument and learn to play it on Saturdays. I can vouch for that being great. Whatever you're doing at Arsenal, treat them like you would a supermarket. If you feel the product is poor, dont buy it.Its really that simple. They want your money. End of. Thats what business do. The days of the local industrialist/ retailer owning Clubs and listening to fans went years ago.Those fans at that metting firing off questions about no defenders may as well have been p-----g up wind in a gale with their mouths open such was the futility of it. Why they expected all revealing all informing answers is anybodys guess. Get into the real World ffs man. Football Clubs have no loyalty to you. Us older fans no longer have the misplaced loyalty to them that we used to stupidly give them years ago. Its changed. The games changed and its now a commodity that you take and leave as and when it suits. A Coach that you dont like running the circus? If thats important to you moaners its a bit sad and if its all youve got to worry about youre really lucky. COYG - FFS, give these grunters some thing to smile about!

  10. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 17, 2014, 14:19 #59524

    There's none so deaf as those who will not listen.

  11. jjetplane

    Oct 17, 2014, 14:17 #59523

    GBP I was talking Eastbourne Town/City and when watching at such a level the Conference main league is Big Football. Fun how are perceptions are reshaped as we readapt and so I read (back to the Arse) that ye old Guardian talking of 100m still stuffed into le mattress at Wenger's attic in Totter(idge) having paid for Mesut's Vegas rave but seriously I believe present press talks see Arsene looking tired and confused (age group) and the board slipping the odd dig there if you are sharp enough to read it. WESTIE you do a fine job for Arsene FC but I imagine he would wish you would take your numbers and place them ...... He will be walking sooner than later I just hope his apologies to the fans are as wholesome as his pay off will surely be. Back to Eastleigh GBP they are top of the tree in my world - did watch some conference when Borough (Eastbourne) were up there. They have dropped down and a ticket there is 12 notes. I shall stick to the 6 quid leagues which brings me back to when we paid 5p to get into the Schoolboys and 12half p into the north bank. Gotta find out what the price of a hot dog behind the north bank was. Practically a family club then though there was a ruck or two at least every match. When we were tiny skins we used to love counting how many got thrown out of the north bank and walked around the pitch. Seem to remember West Ham getting a very high score. Saying all that Arsenal really need to move on in a football sense. Wenger is on a tired backfoot and is now admitting he has got it wrong particularly with defence numbers. I look forward to you singing on saturday '.... he's got no hair/we don't care/Stevie Stevie Bould' as he's gets changed once the the back four has degraded to just the three.

  12. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Oct 17, 2014, 13:57 #59521

    GBP- You obviously are!

  13. GBP

    Oct 17, 2014, 13:42 #59520

    Why have we - not swerved anything chap. Whats to swerve? All yr comments are subservient to yr agenda, hence anything you ask is tainted. Dont flatter yself fella, you're hardly Rumpole of the Bailey asking your questions are you! If Keswick said what you say he said, he must have thought his use of words was not quite courteous enough and thus asked AW who seems to have no issue with it, hence its end of story. Yr so desperate for the smallest of fragments to prop up the inane notion that Wenger gets the bullet, its laughable , why not have a day off. Nobody's listening.

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 17, 2014, 13:25 #59519

    Exeter Gunner, good post, it was even suggested on here once that the old frauds power stretches so far that he has to be consulted and has a say on the restaurants menu on match days, not so far fetched after all, it would explain the upset stomachs and diarrhoea.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 17, 2014, 12:53 #59513

    CT Gooner, and even more stupid money to a below average manager.

  16. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Oct 17, 2014, 10:39 #59503

    Westlower- So NOW you're willing to believe press reports of our transfer kitty!! Why not for the last 8 years? Hilarious!

  17. radfordkennedy

    Oct 17, 2014, 10:26 #59502

    Morning all...comments made by Gazidis regarding not wishing to publicise too much our cash reserves,may well interest the Stasi trained interrogators at the tax office.And if we don't have the readies did Stan really need what amounts to beer money paid to him at this point,someone's telling porkies...wasn't it Churchill who said "That the truth is so precious it must be shrouded in a bodyguard of lies"

  18. jeff wright

    Oct 17, 2014, 10:22 #59501

    In the real world Wenger claimed that he would not sell Tommy Vermin without replacing him...but he did ... he also once claimed that he would not sell Fabregas...saying that big clubs don't sell their best players .... but he did ... in the real world Wenger actually sells more of his best players than any other top club manager does ... and to rivals such as Chelsea , City and United... you couldn't make it up.

  19. Westlower

    Oct 17, 2014, 10:13 #59500

    @Jim, To put a bit of meat on the bones of the mythical cash mountain of £173m. The vast majority has been spent on £53m for new players in the summer & £46m on previous transfers. Add in the stadium debt repayments, investments in the training centres, day to day running costs + wages & there ain't much left. It is reported there will be a transfer kitty of £20m made available in the Jan transfer window for a new CB.

  20. Baddy

    Oct 17, 2014, 9:26 #59498

    Oh, Athoz, tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's a Montague? It is nor hand nor foot. Nor arm nor two-face, nor any other part belonging to a man. Oh, be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet as thee, oh Ozzie xx

  21. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Oct 17, 2014, 8:57 #59496

    GBP- I'll assume you agree with the meat of my post as you gave it a swerve, but "Arsène, I have embarrassed you. Do you wish to say anything else?” doesn't sound like an agreed answer to me.

  22. Jim

    Oct 17, 2014, 8:35 #59495

    Seems like another massive porky from the AAA concerning all this money we are supposed to have.I think they have been listening to talk sport and actually believing what that fool Durham says.He's the tosser who brought about all this Wenger bashing,he's now trying to to change history spud style this week by slagging of the invincibles and bigging up these boring Chelsea teams.

  23. TheRealWorld

    Oct 17, 2014, 8:24 #59494

    Out here in The Real World his salary is actually a bargain. The top 10 strikers goal scorers in the league last year are (1)Suarez: 200k (2)Sturridge: 140k (3)Toure: 200k (4)Rooney: 300k (5)Aguero: 200k (6)Giroud: 80k (7)Wilfried Bony: 90k (8)Dzeko: 150k (9)Lukaku: 120k (10)Hazard: 185k ... So if you're asking if he should be in the Arsenal team at all, that's a differnet question. But if you're asking if he's good value for money then there's only one answer : Yes. As for the people imagining that Ozil is going anywhere, please people ... let's get back to The Real World. Arsene said last year that Ozil was gonna be the best player in the league this season, and he passed up the chance to bring back his prodigal son Cesc because Ozil was in the team... do you really think (in The Real World now, people) that he's gonna admit defeat and let him go? Have any of you heard of a player called Abou Diaby? Has anyone here watched a certain player with squad number 52? ... he was only around for EIGHT years with us, so I'll forgive you if you missed him. I hope i don't across as being a t0ss3r, but I'm just living here in The Real World and this is what I see.


    Oct 17, 2014, 8:19 #59493

    goddie2011, mmm, 2011, is that when you began supporting that red and white team on the telly? Well done, you are clearly quite hot on nationalities-tomorrow we shall try flags of the world. Oh just a point, Henry, Petit, Vieira, Pires were all French, but a bit before your time I guess. Who has taught you such drivel? CT Gooner, it is difficult to make sense of most statements nowadays. People are always on their guard-perhaps the litigation mentality of the USA has spawned this type of ambiguity, though most who control jealously protect info-so I shouldn't fret about it. Take a bigger view. A group, any group so let's say friends, are trying to decide on an adventure for the weekend. Generally they may have quite a few ideas but one is settled on, usually by the alpha male/s in the group, and the rest just go along with it. It happens in boardrooms too. GBP, as a continuation of my above point, anything is possible with Ozil. One thing is certain AW will decide what the game plan will be, unless pressure is brought to bare, as he too has to listen to alternative suggestions.

  25. Westlower

    Oct 17, 2014, 8:18 #59492

    Is it the Emirates jinx or pitch that causes so many injuries at AFC. Surely no other club suffers the quantity of long term injuries that Arsenal do? We have a complete team missing tomorrow: Ospina, Debuchy, Koscielny, Chambers (suspended), Diaby, Ramsey, Ozil, Gnabry, Walcott, Sanogo, Giroud. I'm assuming Arteta & Rosicky will be available. Even if we kept TV he would have been unavailable due to his injury issues. It cannot all be down to bad luck or can it?

  26. GBP

    Oct 17, 2014, 8:11 #59491

    Why have we - Ha. Yes, this power trip such as Baddie and me are on keeping Wenger in situ is a great buzz. Click our fingers and hes gone! You talk daft. Dafter than the media headlines over a bit of an innocuous quote from one Director who had in all probability expected the question and agreed his answer with Wenger already.

  27. goddie2011

    Oct 17, 2014, 7:14 #59490

    because he is french

  28. CT Gooner

    Oct 17, 2014, 2:07 #59489

    Don't know what to make of the chairmanship comments, I wonder if he was involved with the welbeck deal?? I think several board members don't see eye to eye with Wenger these days, but kronke loves the accountant. Bottom line is we need to play faster more dynamic football, just like what Wenger used to serve up in spades! Unfortunately he's not capable of it anymore. As for the defense arguement, I thought Wenger said he would not let TV leave and not replace him??? Sorry, but just another Wenger lie.

  29. Edmund

    Oct 17, 2014, 1:34 #59488

    Giroud is a good player and keeping him is the right move. If only we could have kept Fabregas and RVP as well. I hope Podolski finds a way to slot into the team better. He is a first class finisher but needs to get himself into the box and be on the receiving end of chances.

  30. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Oct 16, 2014, 23:32 #59486

    GBP- The question was about cash sitting in the bank while our defence is desperately thin. Only the other day you were still doubting that Wenger had money to spend but he does doesn't he, that much was clear from the answer and from Wenger's comments earlier in the meeting. Nobody thinks that we have any more than even a quarter of our cash balance available to buy players but what we do have is plenty enough to shore up defensive positions, which makes it all the more frustrating that our manager couldn't manage to find suitable additions during the Summer but now promises to add to the squad during the month that he always tells us is so difficult to buy in by which time the league leaders will be out of sight, although I'm hoping we'd have been able to sneak past West Ham by then. No-one is talking in hindsight, we were all saying this at the time but what happened was a dereliction of duty to add to all the others over recent years (3 windows to buy a half decent striker, anyone?) and thanks to Wenger's disciples we have 3 more years of this nonsense to look forward to, so cheers for that.

  31. GBP

    Oct 16, 2014, 22:10 #59484

    Why have we - A Board member stating the Coach 'calls the shots about football'? If the Coach 'has a plan we follow it'? if you find some thing out of kilter with how it should be, you're on a different plane to me. Nothing sinister or unhealthy about it unless those who look for a malfunction have an agenda, which of course you do. Coaches resign and fail throughout Clubs as a result of not having what Wenger has and such Clubs have no stability and little success as a result. Doubtless, 'What of Chelsea'?, you might cry. Its irrelevant. Such an owner can sack and hire the best at leisure and money isnt a factor. The best will rush there and on the dotted line they sign, knowing a short unsuccessful tenure offers a rich send off. However, such failure of the few is rare, even for the worst of the best due to one thing, unlimited cash. If you cant see what Keswick means, its because you dont want too. His comments dont support your views, they fly in the face of them so why shout on here that hes some how driven a nail in Wengers credibility? Like the arguments (im being kind affording the stuff i read on here from many of you as 'arguments' note - theyre aimless rants really)) to sack him you've no basis to say and do it.

  32. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Oct 16, 2014, 21:31 #59483

    GBP- Well I reckon the clue is in the question.....and I'll leave you that to ponder on. Although I suspect you understand much more than you're letting on but you've dug your trench, bought your tin hat and you're not going anywhere.

  33. GBP

    Oct 16, 2014, 20:45 #59479

    jj - when you spoke of 'Town' and 'Utd', which clubs did you mean? ( we spoke non league the other day and then you buggered off ha ha)PS Kidderminster Harriers tickets v Eastleigh £13.00 by the way. FAC reduced. Ive since learned Eastleigh are new to the Conference, but you maybe knew that already?

  34. jjetplane

    Oct 16, 2014, 20:40 #59477

    Yes - try a new tact. The anecdotes are groaning of their own accord without even reading them. Thanks anyway. Now about Mesut the Misunderstood ...... according to Wenger the Vacant ......

  35. GBP

    Oct 16, 2014, 20:35 #59476

    Mike - yr point re Mr Ozil isnt a bad one to make. It was the same point a bloke put to me the other night.We ll see. Such is the dark World of football and the relationships between its Clubs and rotten institutions i wouldn't be at all surprised either if his sale and move was being put into moth balls as required by Seller and buyer and with the right palms greased at the Ger FA to oil its way along in the way that you suggest.


    Oct 16, 2014, 20:22 #59475

    OK, time to join the fray-where's the Bentos? (Be quiet jj!). Knee injuries! Firstly, Ozil is injured, and secondly a three months return is perhaps premature. Wow, really? Yup. I completely ruptured my anterior cruciate ligament, slightly different to a tear, or a stretch/strain. As it snapped it was like being shot through the knee-intense searing pain, of the white-hot variety. Having been carried off, I began to feel OK, the body was working it's natural magic. Fluid was moving to the damaged joint to act as a kind of splint, and the pain had long settled into a dull ache. I got to my feet, gingerly walked the line for a moment, then signalled to go back on. Then played the last few minutes with my foot and lower leg hanging off. Not quite as dramatic as that of course, but my point is with some injuries you take your guidance from the individual concerned. He felt a slight twinge, but was able to continue. The bodies natural pain killers, the endorphins, had kicked in. It would have been quite uncomfortable for him but he obviously tried to play through the pain. Anything else?

  37. Mike Collins

    Oct 16, 2014, 20:02 #59472

    Westlower - you speak with commendable caution re my Ozil theory. But why was this "knee injury" - which we now belatedly learn from AW sounded like a shotgun being discharged - not reported immediately after the Chelsea match if it is so severe? And why did it have to take German medical staff to detect and diagnose it? Are their Premier League peers so unobservant and incompetent? If Ozil plays for Arsenal again I will happily pay for your drinks in any Islington pub on a Gooners' night out. Like you probably, I'm Arsenal through and through and have supported the club for three times longer than AW has been the manager. I don't like the way it's gone in recent years and this seeming massive lie on behalf of a foreign player whom some people allege is a feckless drunk irks me. Has our club really sunk so low? Is this really Arsenal?

  38. GBP

    Oct 16, 2014, 19:49 #59471

    Whay have we .... what was his meaning then? Grace us with your insightful intellect?

  39. 42m down the drain

    Oct 16, 2014, 19:22 #59469

    The chat protocol of Ozil is interesting. Ozil tells that he is one night at half past twelve hanging around somewhere in London, the next night he is out partying and drinking so much that he is still knocked out half of the next day - and that in mid April in the most important weeks of a footballing season. 42m down the drain. Well done Arsene you mug.

  40. Stevo433

    Oct 16, 2014, 19:21 #59468

    Think Mike Collins has it about right, thought exactly the same when I read about his "injury" recently. I know the "injury" was diagnosed by the German FA, but you can bet your life that they are in league with Bayern. He'll be gone in January injury free after a nice little three months off. I'm only surprised he never went in August as he only used Arsenal to jog along before the world cup, and he was never going to put up with a ridiculous manager after playing at a proper football club where was unfortunate enough to become surplus.

  41. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Oct 16, 2014, 18:30 #59467

    GBP- 'Creaming your pants'?? Wow I've not heard that one since I was doing my CSE in Burger-Flipping! Hope you haven't slipped into schoolboy alter ego mode once again, you'll be calling me a div in a minute! Sir Chips was clearly making a point, and it seems that only you and Westlower fail to understand that the 'old guy nearly 80' wasn't referring to tactics.

  42. jeff wright

    Oct 16, 2014, 18:08 #59466

    Exeter, I believe that only Stan can stand up to the megalomaniac ways of Wenger when desperation calls for it,other than this hge leaves it up to Arsene to make the calls. The late signings of Ozil and the recent Welbeck late show , with the great leader away stooging about in Italy, were examples of this . These signings resulted over concerns about Wenger's lack of action regarding signing new players that could have impaced ,and still might do so, on our top 4 place and the big money that this earns Stan. Stan knows nothing about football but can spot a possible financial problem looming toward him like the iceberg out in the ocean that sank the Titanic. Wenger these days bears a resemblance in his steering of the good ship AFC to the captain of that doomed liner.

  43. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2014, 18:00 #59465

    JJ I'm in the Uppers for the Burnley game on Nov 1st. Can't drive a tank but I can drive you up the wall. Go nimble on a piece of cheese for your supper & be a good little raty.

  44. Hiccup

    Oct 16, 2014, 17:41 #59463

    Sally, I would say he's worth it. Chamack was on not much less so for the improvement in quality, we have to pay more. Its the going rate arsenal pay for strikers these days with the increased cost of living and what not. Arsenal will pay at least this salary to whoever fills the role. Whether it be bendtner, chamack, gervinho or a traffic cone, whatever dross wenger thinks can do the job, they get the kings shilling.

  45. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 16, 2014, 17:38 #59462

    One of the main planks of the Wenger defence for a long time has been, "he's not as all powerful as everyone thinks he is". Now the chairman has explicitly stated his power at AFC goes way beyond the remit of what one might expect of a normal football team manager - which would be to pick the team, manage the squad, the tactics, tell the board which players he'd like them to go for (and not get involved in transfer fees and wages). You can't have it both ways - trying to say he's not that powerful so don't hold him accountable, whilst also saying it's right he has the power that Keswick has said he has - over the club, not just the team, to clarify. Make your mind up time.

  46. jjetplane

    Oct 16, 2014, 17:21 #59461

    62766 Last sentence JEFF quite magnificent and does anyone know when WESTLoWER is moving into the uppers? He's earned it for his work against the forces of darkness. WESTIE do you have another uniform when you are doing the superhero bit or do you just borrow BADDIE's breeches? questions questions .... Cue side-splitting post!

  47. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2014, 17:10 #59459

    6 Defenders, What do you believe the role of the Arsenal manager is if it's not to manage the team & everything connected to it? He's not a board member, well not yet anyway.

  48. jeff wright

    Oct 16, 2014, 17:09 #59458

    Melvin or Lee KFC ,TH14 AFC Dopey and the Ducks or whatever you want to call yourself,I speak the truth .Wenger used to play 4-4-2 and copied his current tippy tappy from watching Barcelona who have played tika taka since before you were born That obviously being about 12 years ago. Now why don't you go and see if mummy wants any errands doing.

  49. jjetplane

    Oct 16, 2014, 17:06 #59457

    WESTIE what's the uniform you wear on bunker duties. Can you drive a tank! are you the one who blew a hole in the bank for Clint (Stan) and the boys? So many questions and not enough honest players. What happens when they finally get to the Colney (sic) and bring the players out into the light. Who are the real moonies now? We know that answer. Holloway Laundry Facilities (HLF) indeed. It really is getting deeper and darker. Smell that grass people! It's from Colorado!

  50. GBP

    Oct 16, 2014, 16:50 #59456

    Why have we ... a little quote from an old guy nearly 80 has you creaming your pants? You need to get out more chap! An Employer doesn't spend Wenger's salary each year and then do the job themselves. Its not known how many Clubs owners or boardrooms buy players over their Coach's head or dictate his style of management. Arsenals Board never have and i doubt ever will. Arsenals history has clearly escaped you. Enjoy yr little climax of euphoria though as it clearly makes you happy.

  51. Melvin

    Oct 16, 2014, 16:46 #59455

    Jeff Wright - Stop lying Arsene has been managing far longer than Guardiola. How dare you accuse our legend of stealing from Pep. You are disgrace.

  52. jeff wright

    Oct 16, 2014, 16:40 #59454

    Is anyone bothered about Pep ,other than you ?

  53. jeff wright

    Oct 16, 2014, 16:28 #59453

    Luke ,according to the natural laws of the universe only Wenger's way of playing football is the real one and every other is anti-football. Of course the fact that Wenger nicked his tippy tappy version of tika-taka from Pep's Barcelona anyway ,thus the Barca Lite jibes , is conveniently forgotten . In AKB land Wenger invented football as we know it .This is despite him having all of the tactical nous of an house-brick. Wenger is so predictable in how he sets out to play that he has the worst stats against other top 4 sides of any manager over the past 5 seasons. Interesting comments from a Black Scarf spokesman regarding Stan and the suits at AFC who have priced thousands of ordinary Arsenal supporters out of attending games . Stan is an American owner with no idea about football let alone the English game. A stadium full of tourists and day trippers spending money in the club shop is what Stan wants but it's a dangerous game . When the bubble bursts , and it will, then the day trippers don't show up anymore and you have sacrificed your local loyal support, what then?

  54. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2014, 16:23 #59452

    @Mike Collins, Great conspiracy theory re Ozil's 'non existent' injury. It was the German medical team who diagnosed the injury, later confirmed back in London as a partial tear of a knee ligament. Not as sexy as your version but the truth rarely is.

  55. TJ

    Oct 16, 2014, 16:19 #59451

    All this stuff about Guardiola shows what a fraud Wenger is. He knows nothing about football. Wenger doesn't this kind of tactical analysis. That's why we have get trashed by any decent side.

  56. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Oct 16, 2014, 16:18 #59450

    Confirmed Wenger runs Arsenal...- A wonderful quote, and surely a gift that will keep on giving. It's clear that the board feel just as let down by Wenger as many fans do since he signed his new megabucks contract, and they're fed up of taking the rap for him. And of course, the quote leaves AKBs with barely a little toe to stand on.

  57. Luke

    Oct 16, 2014, 16:06 #59448

    Jeff Wright - It seems like their master OGL AKB\'s are clueless about the tactical side of the game. No wonder they defend him after all his tactical mishaps that leads to thrashings. I love how they interpret Guardiola training his team with the knowledge of the opposition team is anti football.

  58. Zebra

    Oct 16, 2014, 15:55 #59447

    jetplane - More like Ozil will be partying getting hammered all the time.

  59. Mike Collins

    Oct 16, 2014, 15:51 #59446

    Post No. 62757 - Ozil is NOT injured. Instead of chuntering on about the merits or otherwise of a third-rate French striker who will be quickly forgotten after he leaves, Gooners should be discussing one of the most breathtakingly dishonest Arsenal stunts of all time. Ozil will stay out of the limelight (in a football sense at least) until January, when we've all dismissed him from our minds, and then he'll be sold. He will never play for Arsenal again. That's bad enough given what we paid for him but this fabricated injury story is worse. What has it come to?

  60. jeff wright

    Oct 16, 2014, 15:45 #59445

    Pep Guardiola used Anti Football against us. Now who would have thought that . You couldn't make it up.

  61. Wenger injured Ozil

    Oct 16, 2014, 15:37 #59444

    ‘He had a little problem just before he went out at half-time. He had a little pain with his knee, he felt a crack. ‘I said to our physio to keep an eye on him and if there was anything wrong with him, tell me because when you’re 1-0 down, you want to keep your offensive players on the pitch. ‘It was just after making a pass with the outside of his foot that he injured his leg so it’s very hard to believe that you can damage your ligament with just making a simple pass and it’s very difficult to take that he will be out for a while.’‘I am not a great believer in coincidences but this time it really is coincidence." Wenger should be sacked for this alone ‘I am deeply shocked. He wasn’t involved in a collision with anybody.’

  62. jjetplane

    Oct 16, 2014, 15:35 #59443

    Hopefully it's a PR build-up in order to knock him down real quick if there is no points amassing from now until xmas. Love this pressure. Just waiting for the prolonged whistles. Giroud will be playing for QPR soon enough and good to see Ozil is to have a well deserved rest having changed the fortunes of this great club. So show in Ramsay til xmas and then he will be ready to break down again. Other reports say Diaby .... stutter .... over and out!

  63. Confirmed Wenger runs Arsenal. Its was all his fault all along.

    Oct 16, 2014, 15:22 #59442

    At today’s Arsenal AGM, Keswick was asked: “Were funds available to the manager to strengthen the defence. If there were, why was nothing done about it?” Keswick replied: “It’s not my place to double-guess Arsene’s intentions. We back Arsene when he has a plan. We stay quiet when he doesn’t.” He added: “Don’t doubt who calls the shots at Arsenal Football Club. It’s not the board, it’s not the fans, it’s Mr Arsene Wenger.” So, there you have it. Is anyone else astounded by the admission by Keswick that if Arsene has a plan they back him and if not they keep quiet? I mean I know Wenger had all the control but to actually openly admit it is really something else. I don’t think even Ferguson had that much power and he delivered 13 League titles!

  64. CT Gooner

    Oct 16, 2014, 15:17 #59440

    No he shouldn't be getting that money. This is what's wrong at arsenal, we pay stupid money to average players. We'd be competitive if we put our money in the correct places. If Giroud felt a better deal was waiting for him at another club, go, instead we're paying 4 mill a year for him to warm a bench.


    Oct 16, 2014, 14:31 #59436

    Dorry bor de delay GBP, but was in de hairdresser's and de stylist banged me on de nose.

  66. GBP

    Oct 16, 2014, 14:17 #59434

    Baddie yr good self and i were raised on Wee Geordie and both seen the great wingers at other Clubs. Wagstaffe at Wolves. Morrissey at Everton. Thompson at Liverpool. Clarke at WBA. Gray at Leeds, Callagahn at Liverpool. Hinton at Derby plus many others. Ramsey seen them off and footballs been the worse for it ever since in my view together with tactical minefield where tactical and 'technical' football (whatever it means) have sucked the lifeblood from the game and the exitemt too. Nothing beats a winger leaving a full back on his arse and a cross being thundered home by a center forward even today in my view. Its took gutsy forwards to do it though. Todays poncy types are too worried about their hair being ruffled and a bang on the nose or the head is unthinkable.

  67. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 16, 2014, 14:03 #59433

    Jim, it's the tongue that does it, always stuck out (just like a horse) it's a pity it's every time he misses.


    Oct 16, 2014, 13:42 #59432

    Hi GBP. Am in accord. Have always liked the proven success of very skilful wide men. This was my main gripe against Theo, that despite his speed, he didn't have a fast enough football brain. He looked as though he was turning that corner when he was injured. I hope so and we shall see the new Walcott very soon. I remember Joe Haverty, Johnny McCloud, then the great Geordie Armstrong-really loved that little chap. Then Brian Marwood, Eddie McGoldrick?? Only kidding, ha ha. then Overmaars, and our bumper crop of effective wide men who were not necessarily wingers in the accepted sense. Wiltord, Freddie, Robert, Titi. We need a pacey wide man who can deliver a cross, it's fundamental but seemingly a rarity. Let's hope Theo pulls up a few trees, the lad deserves it after that horrendous injury. He could help to make Olly a good career. A very good post jeff wright, now put the Brussel Sprouts back in the saucepan.

  69. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 16, 2014, 13:40 #59431

    And we're all aware of OGL's firm belief when it comes to players, somebody should wake up to him (maybe they already have)some certainly are worth that money if you have ambition and want success but not this one, but OGL always has been a great one for persevering (just like his fans)the defence a good example, and it's more likely there'll be a big outlay on a striker or a winger than it.

  70. jeff wright

    Oct 16, 2014, 13:28 #59429

    The answer is non. Now it's obvious,well to some of us it is , that since the departures of Henry ,apart from one season with the usually crocked RVP on fire,albeit to put himself in the shop-window to broker a move elsewhere to a club that shared his ambitions, that we have required a top striker. Big clubs have top strikers and Giroud would not get into any other top clubs first eleven. Welbeck has to prove that United were wrong to sell him ,only time will tell on that. He is however an improvement on Sanago but if that is the criteria that we now use to judge our strikers by then it says everything about the state of affairs at AFC now days. Chelsea paid the butchers bill for not having a top striker last season and it was City and Liverpool who in the death fought it out the for the title. Both sides had the best stikers and both teams scored 100 + goals - with us netting just 60+. Our lowest amount for 4 years. Anyone who thinks that we were close to winning the league is living in Dreamland . Will things be any different this season ? It looks likely that they will be at Chelsea who are now scoring the sort of goals that were missing last season - whereas at Liverpool on the other hand the goals are now hard to come by with Suarez gone and Sturidge out injured.Things might improve if Sturridge comes back in good form and if Rodgers can induce mad Mario to score on the field instead of just off it. As for us I can't see any discernible improvement in our strikers goal scoring at all , a few quickish mazey runs from Danny Boy that catch the eye does not change this, and we are obviously doing less well overall than we were at this time last season. It's still early days of course but even so it will need a quantum leap of faith for any sane person to tip us to finish top of the heap a number one come May in the Prem. United have improved their strike force by investing a large sum of cash in doing so. Gaal is going for goals to turn things around and unlike Wenger , who also does this,the Dutchie looks to have the greater firepower. There is not much in it regarding defenders and gung-ho tactics so luck and whatever will also play a part in who comes out on top between monsieur Wenger and Herr Gaal. The return of Oliver, with his staring eyes and rather too tight shorts and bulging musclebound biceps , could cause Wenger more problems than it solves, with it looking unlikely that the randy slow stiff Frenchman will work well in tandem with the more athletic and spring-heeled Danny Boy.

  71. GBP

    Oct 16, 2014, 13:20 #59428

    Baddie - OG needs a proper winger or a full back who can cross properly to max his best attributes. The WOBs are right when they say Wenger accumulates wide players in ridiculous numbers yet not one them can cross a football. Any inclination they might have is subordinate to the pass pass mentality which excludes getting behind a defence and crossing for such as OG. They're right when they say he wouldn't get a game at City Utd or Chelsea either aren't they.

  72. divingrooney

    Oct 16, 2014, 13:12 #59426

    Gonzalo Higuain is on 62k week + bonus. What is the bonus? 5 million pounds for keeping that above relegation? Else, he should sack his agent and get mental treatment for signing such a moronic contract. He is being stiffed big time. Anyone in EPL would happily give him 120k a week + bonuses.

  73. kilkenny cat

    Oct 16, 2014, 13:04 #59425

    I,ll be kind and call him average. Would he even make the bench of any of our rivals? I doubt it. Not a big game player. Only scores cheap goals against weak opposition. We have to buy a world class forward along with holding mid and at least 1 centre half before we can compete at the top level.

  74. jjetplane

    Oct 16, 2014, 12:31 #59423

    Looks like a two bob porn boy who is getting too old for it. As for Giroud .... arguably the most boring 'front man' Arsenal have ever had and more mismanagement of finances by an accountant posing as a football manager. nothing will ever be run while contracts are handed out to players who would have to compete harder to get into the Hull starting eleven. as for Welbeck - he's alright actually. Sorta five bob. Still - Hummels is coming so that should hopefully put the BFG back on water duties. Assuming the accountant is told to walk and take Ollie with him.


    Oct 16, 2014, 12:13 #59421

    Interesting discussion regarding Olly. He has undoubted skill, I still refer to his run on the right flank towards the Clock End in an evening game. The ball dropped over his left shoulder as he ran, he brought the ball down perfectly on his chest-still running, knocked a ball down to Aaron and it led to a goal. Remarkable level of skill. He has a lack of pace which alongside foils to his shortcomings, become no shortcomings at all. As Radfordkennedy suggests with a fast strike partner he may become a different player. He certainly has the qualities westlower lists, holds play up well, brings our fast surging midfield men into the game, and has a shot on him. His heading ability is paramount, and vital to us with such a dearth of tall men who are also good in the air. The bonus is his defensive work. I really like him, and contrary to one view-'a poor first touch', I think he has quite a good one, possibly only 8 out of 10, but good all the same.

  76. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Oct 16, 2014, 12:04 #59420

    Giroud wouldn't get a look in at any other top team. He sums up modern Arsenal quite well - looks good but all too often he fails to deliver!

  77. radfordkennedy

    Oct 16, 2014, 11:38 #59419

    Westie.... Thanks mate appreciate that,I too considered giroud to be as well as not instead of,as a stand alone striker he's often isolated,and finds himself winning a header and knocking it on to no-one in particular,it would be interesting to see him as a front pair with someone with pace next to him in a toshack/keegan type scenario.but he does give us that something different as a sub though if we need to mix it a little.I would just say though that if I was a coach I'd spend the training session screaming at him whatever you decide to do in the box effing mean it,get to that cross at the back stick or header at the front

  78. GBP

    Oct 16, 2014, 11:24 #59417

    Westie - Yes, OG could play with DW off him and it would then be DWs role to drop further back to pick up balls from the mid-fielders when needed. Doing that role has hindered OG as he s designed for playing in and around the box only, not for getting the ball deep and creating some thing from that part of the pitch. Trouble is neither DW or OG are ever going to be heavy scorers and i camt see Walcott ever staying fit for long enough to become one either. In my view, Walcott is a player we should have cashed in on before now and the money being put towards a durable striker. Liverpool for eg would have paid anything for Walcott a while back. They might still? Hes just not robust enough for football at the top level.

  79. Mike Collins

    Oct 16, 2014, 11:22 #59416

    However it pans out for Danny it won't be anything to do with German superstar Herr Ozil and his "knee injury" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean, guvnor?). Get better soon Mesut so we can watch you gracing the Emirates pitch again in the New Year, setting up Danny for bags of goals and so on. Hah!

  80. Westlower

    Oct 16, 2014, 11:09 #59415

    I envisage Giroud & Welbeck playing together rather than one or other. Giroud could play higher up the pitch with Welbeck & Walcott running beyond him from the flanks. Ramsey & JW running through from midfield have greatly benefited from Giroud's physical presence in and around the box. Giroud is as good as any striker in PL at winning headers & holding the ball for others to join in. His first touch in the box is very good, setting up chances for team mates. Probably clears as many crosses from opponents corners as our centre backs do. I'd sooner keep him than get rid. TV companies have created a fantasy world for star footballers to live in & the consequence of that is players can demand & receive vastly inflated wages. @R/K Best wishes matey, glad to hear you're on the mend.

  81. GBP

    Oct 16, 2014, 10:43 #59413

    OG is unfairly hammered i think. Hes a decent and solid player. Not brilliant admitted but he has presence and disrupts defenders. Hes a better scorer of goals than is DW in my view. I can see why Fergie saw Wellbecks best role out wide to be honest. Hes not a finisher. OG needs a fast and nippy striker to play off him, a Robbie Fowler type. Hard to find though. Defoe would have been a good buy 2 or 3 years back when he was unhappy at Spurs and had we have bought him he could still be doing a job.

  82. Jim

    Oct 16, 2014, 10:38 #59412

    Giroud seems very popular with the ladies and dare I say the gays,yet I want to see him more popular with the Arsenal fans.Should be interesting to see how he fits in when fit again.He can be our official plan B that some fans love to hark on about.

  83. Allan

    Oct 16, 2014, 8:35 #59410

    By the end of the season, Giroud will score more goals then welbeck. Welbeck is all about hard work with little or no end results! You will see by the end of this season. what has he done for man u? besites running and more running? Makes soccer look so hard!

  84. TJ

    Oct 16, 2014, 8:33 #59409

    Nowadays your lone striker needs to have everything- if Welbeck can improve his finishing and first touch we have a pretty much 'complete' striker. Giroud is chronically slow and scores about 80% of his goals from crosses, mainly against weak opposition. He's a good second choice and hopefully he doesn't mind playing second fiddle to Welbeck as the latter has far more potential.


    Oct 16, 2014, 8:30 #59408

    That was a good article, with a very balanced approach, thank you Sally. Ironic that it follows the previous one regarding exploited workers earning less than the requisite wage. Still as I previously insisted, it is the governments responsibility to protect the weak of any kind in our society, which they consistently fail to do-in a free market, capitalist system little 'bubbles' exist, whereby individuals command perhaps obscene amounts. Football is a classic example.