Of Yellow Cards and the Arsenal Directors

Some amusing (and other) musings

Of Yellow Cards and the Arsenal Directors

Josh Kroenke: The search for a fresh face on the board was exhaustive

Injuries, particularly to Arsenal players, are no laughing matter. I did chuckle, though, in March ahead of our hosting Swansea City. Arsenal.com’s build-up included an article that listed the injured players. From memory, Arsenal had eight. The Swans’ sole absentee was … Kyle Bartley. And we all know where he started his career, don’t we!

Not all bookings are for a single transgression. Many are given – and often mis-understood by the footballing public – for the accumulation of niggling offences; the referee simply thinks, “an egg” - un oeuf (geddit?). Quite how James Milner escaped censure at THOF last month could rank with the great unsolved mysteries such as who shot JFK and the identity of Jack the Ripper. Milner made four “tackles” – for want of a better word – each one meriting a yellow card in its own right. Yet the statistics show that he was as clean as a baby’s bottom straight after bath-time. Commentating for Arsenal TV, the normally undemonstrative Adrian Clarke was utterly bemused. Match officials can be “rested” – a euphemism that actors of the non-footballing variety use when unemployed – for making blatant errors of judgement. Like Milner, Mark Clattenburg should have been brought to book.

I do not blame officialdom for getting wrong the Eden Hazard / Calum Chambers yellow card / free-kick, though. Hazard’s ability to put at speed his right leg across Chambers’ path, inducing the “foul” that earned Chambers his fifth yellow card from five Premier League starts – Dear Norris, is this a record? - was the work of a cheat extraordinaire. Hazard’s countryman Hercule Poirot would’ve needed video evidence to unravel that tangling of legs. The technology exists and is now (belatedly) employed for goal-line incidents. Why not use also retrospectively to award Hazard the yellow card he deserves for his cynicism and to rescind Chambers’?

Thursday was the AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Arsenal Holdings PLC. The bumpf accompanying the Statement of Accounts and Annual Report 2013/14 included this gem under Shareholder Questions. “At our previous AGMs, we have asked shareholders to put forward written questions. … to ensure that the Directors were able to respond to questions across the widest possible range of subjects in the time available.” (my emphasis) The offending phrase was repeated during the meeting by Sir Chips Keswick, our new Chairman and a man with more than a smidgeon of Peter Hill-Wood, his predecessor, about him. My day-job involves attending AGMs not infrequently and all-too-frequently the reading of company Annual Reports. I cannot remember reading or hearing of a time limit, albeit unspecified, being mentioned before. An AGM is a bit like coitus; it takes as long as it takes.

Josh Kroenke was formally elected to the Board. Before the vote, one shareholder asked what were young Josh’s qualifications for the post. This reminded me of a cartoon where a pompous elderly interviewer asks, “Well, my boy! And what makes you think that you deserve the job?”, to which the youthful interviewee replies, “Nepotism, Uncle!”.

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    Oct 19, 2014, 9:04 #59631

    Good morning my little grumbling grumps. I just got out of central command, using the password which I accidentally discovered stuck to the bottom of the cornflakes box. Ironically it was 'Open Sesame'-so on that subject do I strike your name from the Virtual Xmas Panto, KC? Pity as I had you down as the rear end of the horse, true it's a difficult position to fill, especially as westlower gallops across the stage in scene fourteen, ah well, let me know if you change your mind, I do remember you enjoying the troupe hug after last year's performance, shame to miss out on a tiny piece of shared love. Hiccup, love your humour, how you can stay so happily positive when your team rescues the game in the dying moments, after confronting an anti-football afternoon is a tribute to your stoic resolve.

  2. Hiccup

    Oct 19, 2014, 8:26 #59630

    Unfortunately, no spokesperson from AKB Central Office is available, as the AKB manifesto is currently being rewritten to include draws against Hull and Leicester as miracles in these times of recession. They have asked the wob's to put forward written questions, and will get back after consulting the new guidelines. Thanks for your patience.

  3. Ozzie

    Oct 19, 2014, 4:48 #59629

    Cheers Cornish, myself love Strauss' Four Last Songs sung by Jessye Norman, strong voice. Will investigate your other recommendations - no end of possibilities that take one back into one's soul.... speaking of which Arse...no, I'll leave it to all the experts on here... Afraid we are slowly creeping towards a 'mid table outfit' and why not? Every dog has it's day. Top shelf wine, there, not that I drink it in pints! :) Try a 'Blue Pyrenees' produced in my local area - good drop and easier on the pocket.

  4. Nutty's Right Peg

    Oct 19, 2014, 0:50 #59628

    KC hits the nail on the head.....scramble for 4th cash in the bank...CL trophy ? More chance of seeing the Pope's bolloxs !! Still....nice goal by Cesc at Palace....Arsene Knows...my Arse...nal !!

  5. Stan

    Oct 19, 2014, 0:02 #59627

    But Alisher, I've always backed the manager financially, and as Ivan said, Wenger will stay as long as the fans want him to stay. And the majority of fans do and always will want him to stay, no matter what the results and performances on the pitch. As long as Wenger is in that technical area every week waving his arms around, pointlessly moaning to the 4th official and not changing anything tactically ever, life is good. Because we won stuff a decade ago and he's a very nice man. They're the ones that REALLY give him the power.

  6. I Wish I Could Be Sid James Everyday

    Oct 18, 2014, 23:48 #59626

    The Arsenal's second best player today was Carl Jenkinson. His run and cross for the Iron's second goal was impeccable.

  7. Alisher Usmanov

    Oct 18, 2014, 23:41 #59625

    Do you really think Kroenke would ever sack Wenger unless something bizzare happened?, not much point calling for Wenger's head while the Kroenke clan are around, time to start boycotting games, taking banners saying yanks out etc but Arsenal fans are too soft and will accept mid table while being ripped off, the previous shareholders who sold to Kroenke and all scum - parasites just like the Kroenke's. Dein was right all along about Kroenke.


    Oct 18, 2014, 23:12 #59624

    If anyone wants to see why I think Wenger should go, go watch the bbc post match interview with Jacqui Oatley. Wenger looked like a old senile man. He was getting aggressive and soooo defensive as he clearly did not like the questioning. It was comical to watch. The question that really got him was the one about "who is to blame for only two wins in 8 games" he's face was a picture Loool. I was actually laughing. The man is an embarrassment and should just walk. It's not working. We can't even beat hull at home wow. I honestly don't see us getting top 4 this season. I feel for players like Sanchez. Why did you come to arsenal smh

  9. KC

    Oct 18, 2014, 20:51 #59623

    I hate fuc***** pantos.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 20:31 #59622

    DWT, others would have no problem doing it (although they don't get the chance very often) and there's a lot of us that have been right for a long time. Anyway i'm away out to a function and i'm going to get pissed, I've stopped letting this old has been, excuse for a manager, spoil my weekends a long long time ago.

  11. jjetplane

    Oct 18, 2014, 20:23 #59621

    No panto then.

  12. KC

    Oct 18, 2014, 20:21 #59620

    Back from the game and so depressingly flat, the performances are destroying my interest. There is something very wrong at Arsenal, the team play as if its a training session, back heels, flicks when losing! we do not impose ourselves when the opposition have the ball, we are shocking when we do not have it, no tackles, no energy, no pressing. Their second goal was a move without opposition. My guess is that there is no discipline no one demanding more, the Ox today was nothing short of a disgrace he played as if he had been out all night drinking, so much for English players wanted.In the second half he hid! I am not angry just very flat, the realisation that even with better players Wenger's football is flawed, pass, pass, pass no end product and then caught on the counter. In the second half their keeper hardly had a shot to save until the last 5, what's the point of top four to enter a cup we cant win but feeds our greedy board, ticket exchange is looking a very good option, how any Arsenal fan can be happy at the clubs direction under these greedy bastards is beyond me. Where I sit there is a growing realisation change is required even by long standing Wenger supporters, a new owner and manager required if we are to ever compete with the best.

  13. Mike Bassett

    Oct 18, 2014, 20:20 #59619

    I could manage these players better than the French economist

  14. DW Thomas

    Oct 18, 2014, 19:43 #59618

    Hate to toot my own horn, but I got that right didn't I? What will the muppets say today about that result? Wenger's post match comments sound like a senile old man who hasn't got a clue! What is going on at this club is insanity! Blaming refs and the usual excuses. Jack jogged back on that 2nd half goal, didn't bother to defend the cross, and Mertesacker looked as if he was hobbled before his jump. Embarrassing. Then look at Cesc the maestro at Chelsea, playing brilliantly! What idiots this club employs! But, hey, still on that great run, non?

  15. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 19:35 #59617

    MG. I think that was the sound of his router blowing up.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 19:32 #59616

    Hiccup, one made a very very very brief appearance (it must be a record) at 5.54pm, by the sounds of it he was being chased by a tiger and just made it through the front door before it pounced.

  17. Hiccup

    Oct 18, 2014, 19:23 #59615

    Won't see the AKB's for a while. They'll be out partying hard after that great result. It's up there with that fantastic achievement at Leicester for me. Remember how with hindsight the draw up there was heralded as a good point after they beat Utd.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 19:18 #59614

    Sunderland fans we know how you feel.

  19. jeff wright

    Oct 18, 2014, 19:15 #59613

    MG, I keep seeing this we haven't been beaten but somehow I suspect that Mourinho would dispute it. Best forget the League Cup one and Dortmund and I doubt that Anderlecht will be trembling with trepidation at facing our garden gnomes . 5 draws equates to 10 points dropped not exactly the sort of form to justify Wenger's boast that we will cut down Chelsea's lead . He never mentioned City's one !

  20. Cockney Gooner in NY

    Oct 18, 2014, 19:10 #59612

    @ Hiccup. Hi mate great respect for your humour in reply. Hats off! I'm The Arsenal till I die ..... And it 's killing me!

  21. jjetplane

    Oct 18, 2014, 19:02 #59610

    There is not a chance that Arsenal will make 4th. Think West Ham and The Saints and a resurgent Everton along with the Mancs and Liverpool still to turn a corner will see to that. Even the spuds may eventually prove an obstacle. Saying all that I agree with HICCup and let's get behind this team that is Arsene's team and let's make Chips eat French fries (doh). Loads of easy games coming up now and with January signings I forsee the tall ostrich (see little sparrow) going out on a high by owning tenth spot with the most injured players, the most biased referees and the nastiest of supporters (you know who you are!) ever! That would be kind of invincible. There maybe a small degree of belligerence in this post but come on - did you hear him post-match. No mention of spirit or mental strength. It's all a like Gibbons and the burning of Rome. Least the pies got saved!

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 19:00 #59609

    Hiccup, jw, don't forget we haven't been beaten, you couldn't make it up.

  23. Hiccup

    Oct 18, 2014, 18:53 #59608

    @ cockney Gooner in NY. Hi mate. Nowt I can do about what my parents called me.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 18:46 #59607

    Hiccup, nice one, who do you think will be first? by the way what's the lotto numbers for tonight.

  25. jeff wright

    Oct 18, 2014, 18:44 #59606

    Hull lose both first and second GK's , before and during the game, the second one suffers an injury to his arm but carries on - we are then gifted a goal start by Hull - a fit GK would have got down and stopped Sanchez's shot . Their Centre Back Dawson plays with an injury and has to eventually go off and after that the Hull defence looked about as resilient as the Italian Army at El Alamein - and still we could not beat old Brucies team of journeymen. Not that all of this is of any interest to Chelsea and City of course - they have their own private war to fight out - we are already once again weighing up our 4th spot chances and trying to avoid ending up in the Ropey Cup in Europe. Wenger gets paid 8m a year for his piss-poor management and the clown Ivan says that he will be difficult to replace . You couldn't make it up.

  26. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 18, 2014, 18:44 #59605

    Exactly, Hiccup. Still on track for 4th. Nobody - I mean nobody - foresaw when we went into the season with 6 defenders that we'd end up fielding a makeshift defence. Well, when I say 'nobody'....

  27. Cockney Gooner in NY

    Oct 18, 2014, 18:39 #59604

    @ hiccup. With respect did you choose your name deliberately? "Man Utd and Liverpool didn't win" ......they play tomorrow and Monday.

  28. Hiccup

    Oct 18, 2014, 18:17 #59603

    No jerking of the knee in these quarters. Good result. Would have took a point before kick off with our injuries against a team in the top half of the league. The easy run of fixtures starts from now. Results went in our favour today. Man Utd and Liverpool didn't win and Spurs lost which is the be all and end all. Don't worry about West Ham, they won't be able to sustain their form. Wenger will boost the defence in January and we should grab 4th which will be amazing. And let's not forget about Sunderland. They lost today which just leaves us and City with only one league defeat this season. Lots to be positive about.

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 18:04 #59602

    kilkenny, you can be sure they will, and he'll not be the only one with ready made excuses either.


    Oct 18, 2014, 17:54 #59601


  31. jjetplane

    Oct 18, 2014, 17:47 #59600

    Mid table fodder - Arsenal are so achingly retro man. Kinda cool in a cult fashion. You feel. First time at Eastb Town and the game is played flanked by the South Downs on one side and the chimes of the town hall clock on the other. strolled to a 5-0 win and for the second half listened in on two of the players sitting behind me talking shop. Am I missing something!? Time for a trip to Southampton methinks - already team of the season.

  32. kilkenny cat

    Oct 18, 2014, 17:35 #59598

    Was this one of those winable run of matches that the akbs kept telling us about? When will they realise that this is an average team. By team i mean the collective not the indivduals. But im sure ogl will have his ready made excuses as usuual,and you can all nod and agree like robots.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 17:21 #59597

    Smithy, tell us something we don't know mate.

  34. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 17:07 #59595

    Ozzie. Thanks for your post 62821. I had a couple of pints on you last night. Strong stuff that Koonunga Hill Shiraz! Been chilling in the sin bin today listening to Marietta's Lied ‘Glück das mir verblieb’ or loosely translated ’Once a Gooner always a Gooner’. Similarities with Korngold’s ’Die tote Stadt’ and being a Gooner from Highbury days. Time to move on and leave behind our "Temple of Memories", sadly. I would also recommend Jessye Norman – Strauss/Wagner Vier Letzte Lieder/Wesendonck Lieder - Fünf Gedichte. Soothing after a bad (could have been worse), result!

  35. Smithy

    Oct 18, 2014, 17:02 #59594

    Rudderless and leaderless said the reporter - fairly accurate I'd say!!

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 15:03 #59592

    Daddys boy is now on the board, what company's does he own that will be invoicing us for services rendered. Yes it would be good to have someone young on there if he was Arsenal through and through and knew the traditions and what was best for club, not from a business point of view. But if he wasn't daddys boy would he even be any where near the board in the first place?

  37. Rocky RIP

    Oct 18, 2014, 14:51 #59591

    @ Westlower - debatable penalty? That's being kind. There was about half a foot between Campbell's leg and diving Rooney. Riley was an utter disgrace that game. Man U got away with hell. PS. Lamela - £30 million, no goals for Tottenham? Little to no mention from the media. Whereas Ozil.

  38. jeff wright

    Oct 18, 2014, 14:49 #59590

    What changed for Chambers is the pressure of playing for a top 4 side against that of being at a club where ambitions,if playing for 4th place can be called ambition, is less. Also Wenger's high-line tactics and team selections leave our defenders more exposed than Southampton's ones were used to being.I doubt that Wenger will be paying much attention to young Josh's comments and let's be realistic about him ,he is only on the board down to Daddy.

  39. Westlower

    Oct 18, 2014, 13:40 #59585

    The PL football world changed at OT when Man U were allowed free reign to muscle us out of our stride to end the 49 game unbeaten run. Rooney's dive for a debatable penalty was clearly not justified & spoke volumes of the refs agenda. The match officials had sold their souls to stop a Frenchman from continually showing up the traditional English pub team style of play. It has continued unabashed ever since!

  40. Vintage Gooner

    Oct 18, 2014, 13:14 #59584

    I am not sure the issue with Chambers is inexperience. After all last year he was younger and initially much less experienced but managed to play nearly 30 games without a single yellow card. What can have changed in the Summer? On inexperience at least the emergence of Josh Kroenke on the Board means that there is one person under the age of 50 which itself is a blessing. Given the Board's problems with age, ethnicity and gender we should be grateful for his presence. And finally it is almost the only indication of any commitment to the club by our majority shareholder (owner) and is very welcome in this context too, I for one hope Josh will take time and trouble to make the positive contribution we need from him.

  41. Hiccup

    Oct 18, 2014, 12:32 #59583

    Still blaming the ref for the Chelsea loss I see. Riley said the number of free kicks given has fallen. He puts this down to the players and managers. He never said he lets fouls go unpunished. The number of corners given in a season has fallen for the last ten seasons too. Let's blame the refs for this too with their anti football agendas trying to cull goalscoring.

  42. jeff wright

    Oct 18, 2014, 12:05 #59581

    Just as well the match officials used to enforce the letter of the law in the old days regarding tackles and shirt pulling! Tbh though most of the fouls that refs blow up for are innocuous ones, my main gripe is that they tend to be too lenient with leg breaking type tackles and that this is a throw back to the old days of 'it's a man's game' . If the shirt pulling rule was properly enforced on corners then no side, including us, would finish the match with eleven players on the field . Young Chamber's needs to learn to be more careful as well regarding bringing down players who have skipped past him he's been collecting yellow cards like a shopaholic at Sainsbury's does Nectar points. That's the problem with over playing inexperienced kids in Prem games , this being something that monsieur Wenger , due to his own policies, always ends up having to do, season after season.... he never learns does he > ?


    Oct 18, 2014, 11:43 #59580

    Was going to comment on the on the previous article about the wonderful posts by Rocky RIP. Arsenal etched into his heart? Yeah all the way through to his backbone, and he has plenty of that. He always gives me a lift; my how you can still learn and become reinvigorated by the young. Well it shall have to wait because I flicked on here and read your post 24601. What a damning indictment by that clown Riley. What idiocy! Is this a directive, given by half-wits? It is beyond the pale. I read Rocky RIP, get elated, read westlower's report and become deflated. Guys this does nothing for my undiagnosed bipolarism. Lunacy reigns!

  44. Westlower

    Oct 18, 2014, 11:21 #59578

    Explanation from Mike Riley in today's Racing Post why less free kicks are given for fouls. "The gradual decline in free kicks has made the game more fast-flowing, more exciting & more entertaining." The average number of free kicks given has dropped by a 1/5th (20%) in the past decade. Explains why Oscar & co were allowed to get away with ankle tapping, shirt tugging, body checking & tripping immune from punishment. Anti football is alive and well in the PL & condoned by the match officials.

  45. Ozzie

    Oct 18, 2014, 11:19 #59577

    Cornish, if you're rather bored in the sin bin have a listen to this on youtube: Renee Fleming Marietta's Lied.

  46. Rocky RIP

    Oct 18, 2014, 9:08 #59567

    Josh Kroenke - Arsenal just get more 'Arsenal' by the day. Boy, what that man doesn't know about our club, its history, traditions, heritage and values.


    Oct 18, 2014, 8:03 #59564

    Liked that, a good read, thank you Ian. The fortifications surrounding AFC are so, so powerful. I want to tear down the walls, as a natural inclination, but that would signal the age of terror. It has to be demolished brick by brick. In the meantime, good old Arsenal.