Last Gasp-enal

Online Ed: Arsenal leave it late in Brussels

Last Gasp-enal

Arsene Wenger said in the build up to this game that Arsenal’s results have not matched their performances this season. If you believe that, then it was a case of the trend continuing with a fortunate away win v Anderlecht last night.

Time for a carbon dated, but oh so relevant gag from Doktor Schneide… “Belgian police are currently looking for 22 volunteers to take part in a Crimewatch reconstruction”.

And indeed, it was daylight robbery, but looked at in isolation, who’s complaining? Manchester United stunk the place out and won a particular European game in May 1999 and it is celebrated as one of the club’s most glorious moments. Results matter more than performances.

Arsene Wenger would have approved of Anderlecht’s very young side and their style of football. Their game as a whole reminded me of Arsenal between 2007-08 and 2010-11. Young side, establish winning position, lose it through an inability to kill off a game and inexperience. Few could argue they should have sewn the match up once Arsenal started taking chances and left gaps at the back. But the Gunners rode their luck, and enjoyed the spaces that appeared at the other end as the home side tired. Finally, some decent combination play led to the two late goals, and credit to the players for the composure shown at those key moments, especially the two goalscorers and Alexis Sanchez.

Anderlecht were a side with nothing to lose, fully cognizant that only a win in this game would realistically give them a chance of progressing from the group. They more than matched Arsenal and nullified their threat for most of the game. They deserved a win, but ended up with a lesson.

That Arsenal struggled to break down such a team raises valid questions, and it was suggested on Twitter after the game that Arsenal play badly when Jack Wilshere starts matches. I’d have to take a closer look at which games he has played in to concur, but it was an interesting observation which may have a grain of truth. However, few in an Arsenal shirt played that well in Brussels. In attack, they lacked sharpness, quickness of thought and precision at the vital moments in first half and for much of the second. Attacks were thwarted too often by interceptions, loss of possession where players were too ponderous and too much running into tackles.

Arsene Wenger reminded us at last week’s AGM that the team had kept 17 clean sheets last season in the Premier League. There is unlikely to be such a boast at the 2015 event. And the reason is obvious. At times, the team are a shambles at the back and it is difficult to see any quick solutions. The January transfer window looks a long way off and what’s the betting that even then, the manager dilly dallies until 31st January to save a month’s wages and try to haggle a few hundred grand off the fee?

Fair play to Arsenal for rallying and rescuing the game, but this was Anderlecht. One win at home in the Champions League in the last eleven years and defeats in their last five home CL fixtures. Better sides would have taken the Gunners apart based on this performance.

A win’s a win, but there is still a lot of work to do. Interesting to read a William Gallas interview from the Observer in 2007 in the week he has announced his retirement from the game. 'I don't like zonal (marking). Maybe it's a good system when you have the right players. When Arsenal had a lot of tall, strong players a few years ago - Sol Campbell, Martin Keown, Patrick Vieira - it can work. But this season (2006-07) is different. We don't have a lot of tall, strong players. Zonal is difficult for us. If you mark one v one that means that is your man and when your man scores it is your fault. It is your responsibility to mark him. With zonal when you concede a goal everyone looks at everybody else. The problem is we concede too many goals like that so we have to change.’

Granted, Anderlecht’s goal did not come from a set piece, but quite a few have this season. Some things never change? Arsenal’s general defensive game was questionable in Brussels, but at the key moments, their superior finishing got them out of jail. A win in the return fixture in a fortnight will see them through to the last 16, but they will need to beat Dortmund and win the group to give themselves any chance of getting further than that.

As a sidenote, I was interviewed for a Russian Arsenal podcast on Tuesday this week. For those that wish to hear it, the link is here. You can also download it from that page.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

The current issue of The Gooner will be on sale outside the stadium at next weekend’s away match at Sunderland. It can be bought online here. There will be a new issue on sale at the home match v Burnley.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 25, 2014, 20:46 #60131

    Hiccup, yes their keepers excellent coaching under OGL certainly paid off in the end.

  2. Hiccup

    Oct 25, 2014, 19:03 #60121

    mg, you couldn't make it up! Haven't seen the interviews, but I hope Poyet was pinned up against the wall and grilled in to a submission. Ten goals in two games has to be sackable? Where on earth did they find that keeper from? Havent seen anything so comical from their last two games since arsenal had a spate of employing clowns in goal.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 25, 2014, 18:25 #60116

    Hiccup, I kid you not the first person I thought of when you asked the question was Andi Peters, and I don't know if it's been shown in England but on BBC 2 NI tonight at 8.30pm Dads Army, again I kid you not.

  4. jjetplane

    Oct 25, 2014, 18:04 #60114

    Fried or Boiled?

  5. Hiccup

    Oct 25, 2014, 17:13 #60111

    mg, not sure which film will be showing tonight? The Return of the AKB or The AKB Strikes Back? Substitute my popcorn for scrambled eggs.

  6. Hiccup

    Oct 25, 2014, 17:01 #60109

    "Arsene, Andi Peters from Children's BBC. Great result today. If you could be a chocolate bar, what would you be, and why?"

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 25, 2014, 17:00 #60108

    jj, yes I think there's no doubt what so ever (as if there ever was)who has the best sense of humour. We await the counter attack from Captain Mainwaring an co for what it's going to be worth.

  8. jjetplane

    Oct 25, 2014, 13:03 #60102

    Very funny posts from those lively WOBS. Why the AkBs cannot be funny I don't know. One look at the touchline on a rainy northern afternoon with a million Macams lullabying OGL is enough to get anyone smiling. Who's on egg face watch by the way? Such fun now the akBs have gone off with Diaby. IF we win today we can celebrate as only WOBs can. Great hatrick from Gibbs up front and Danny did well in front of the back two and a bit and when Poyet chucked OGL's water bottle back at him - well - we woz rolling in the aisles. Happy days for both us, our parrots, and our missing 'legs.' BARD that was ****ing ace mate!

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 25, 2014, 12:40 #60101

    Mertesacker is telling us he's relieved to come through the dangerous period injury wise after the world cup (whatever that is) i wonder who told him that.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 25, 2014, 12:21 #60100

    DWT, god one, someone's had to take over from BADARSE in his absence.

  11. Bard

    Oct 25, 2014, 12:02 #60098

    Ahoy shipmates, what news from the good ship Arsenal as we slowly make our way to Sunderland docks. Its been a difficult week. We were very nearly over run by a bunch of piratical Belgian teenagers but thankfully our German Poldarkski finished them off. In truth its been a terrible odyssey. We have had a massive hole below decks since Aug and have been shipping water at an alarming rate. We have a 19yo and a cook bailing out the water 24/7. The ship is so unbalanced that it sails at a 45 degree angle and explains why we have lost half the crew overboard ( although the Capt thinks its because the stars are aligned to the south). Last night a huge liner moored up beside us. I couldn't see much because of the mist but I saw an American flag and a hairpiece on a washing line. I also saw Ivan the Terrible ( named not because he is a warrior but because he is a terrible liar) ferrying large sacks of gold and silver to the liner. I overheard the conversation "What news for the Capt Commander?'. "Tell him to plunder the peasants Ivan". "what about the project for world domination?". "Ivan I am here to disprove the theory that you can't fool all of the people all of the time". Ivan relayed this to Capt Arsene who was perched in the crows nest looking wistfully out to sea. "Ivan I think I have spotted a beach where I can play beach football". "But great Capt what are the tactics for todays battle?". "Tell them to draw lots as to who plays where and then play without a handbrake". Ivan looked bewildered but did as he was told. "One more thing Ivan I want to recruit 2 more midgets when the campaign takes a break in january. I love the film Snow White and the seven dwarves. We only have 5 and I want 2 more". Ivan was left wondering whether the once heat Capt had truly lost his marbles.

  12. Mattyb

    Oct 25, 2014, 11:26 #60096

    Disappointing and pretty poor. I couldn't quite believe they were so poor - the defence is shockingly bad. Monreal? Give us a break. He was trying to play left back when they scored and Merts was missing in the middle. And then to add insult to injury when they bring on Podolski to score - demonstrating what they are missing upfront. He plays for the Germany team yet he's a largely unused sub or left winger! Christ. It's taken this time to come down and be able to write. Depressing.

  13. Hiccup

    Oct 25, 2014, 8:50 #60094

    Morning Bard. I think this codswallop of wenger leaving in the summer needs more explaining. We have already qualified for the last 16 of the CL. That's 50% of the tracker completed. We will finish top 4, albeit 20 points behind Chelsea, again pulling no trees up. So if this type of groundhog season has been talked up as 'performing miracles' for the last ten years, on what basis should the club want wenger to leave now? This has been success we're told, but when has success ever been labelled stagnant?Unless of course we want to start rewriting history and admit the last ten years haven't been miraculous or successful? Can't have it both ways.

  14. Bard

    Oct 25, 2014, 8:30 #60093

    Very funny posts Hiccup and DW. Humour is the only thing keeping me from Arsenal induced misery. Confirmations of Kos's lengthy absence coming through. I notice the club are keeping stun on this. I wonder why.

  15. Hiccup

    Oct 25, 2014, 8:17 #60092

    Anyone know who the BBC ares sending up to Sunderland to do the post match interviews? I do hope it's not that bloody awful woman from last week that didn't listen well. Let's hope it's a nice kids TV presenter and with easy pre submitted questions like "what's your favourite colour Arsene?"

  16. DW Thomas

    Oct 24, 2014, 23:46 #60090

    NEWS FLASH! AKBs just spotted wearing leaf and grass camouflage outfits waiting to pounce on Bigfoot should he appear. Their Unicorns are saddled, spears in hands! Lieutenant Westie, General GBP, Colonel Badarse, and Private Jamie. The platoon is worried though. Last time they spotted old Biggie, Jamie speared his own foot, Baddie was thrown from his horse, and Westie kept mumbling, "the odds are bad, the odds are bad!" All the while General GBP scratched his head and cried as old Biggie ran by the hapless bunch stealing their Arsene Knows banners which were later found deep in the forest covered in yeti droppings!

  17. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 24, 2014, 23:26 #60088

    Not sure if you want to put yourself into debt to fund Stan's corporate rip off? Guilt Trips still available on HMS Arsene, plenty of seats on the West Lower deck.

  18. jjetplane

    Oct 24, 2014, 21:17 #60084

    WeSTIe I know you have been left in charge of AkB central but maybe you should stagger the shifts with JAMIE which might help with your anal retentiveness. Sodom all hey! Here's to a big win tomorrow and more pain for Poyet ....... Then again - too much birthday cake makes a team slow up and pass sideways which may hinder undoubted progress if reports that Poyet has had his team in lockdown with no energy drinks or xboxes to be seen for a week. Still, this is where Mert's knowingness will shine through while our very own Dalai Lama (with hot water bottle under the coat) will communicate with the unknown universe and bring about a late equaliser ....

  19. Westlower

    Oct 24, 2014, 20:36 #60083

    Very impressed with your songwriting talents Maguiresbridge. You're clever enough to be a bookies clerk. @JJ What's the latest news in the Rodent Gazette? Plenty of second life boats from HMS Arsenal in the ads section? Only used once by men suffering a mid life crisis after losing their bottle up the arse.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2014, 19:57 #60082

    jj, they don't seem to have much to say lately so I just thought i'd help them out.

  21. Bard

    Oct 24, 2014, 19:41 #60080

    Listening to the radio I heard that Kos may be out for weeks with tendenitis ( not sure if thats true). Serious stuff if you remember Owen Hargreaves's career. The thought that Nacho will be our other CB for the near foreseeable future doesn't bear thinking about. Him and Per are useless together. Not looking good. I wonder if Wenger can move Wally into the back 4 when he returns or maybe Danny can do a shift. Wenger leaving in the summer is codswallop, what sane man walks away from a £8m pa job where there are nil expectations. He may have lost his edge but he's not stupid.

  22. jjetplane

    Oct 24, 2014, 19:34 #60079

    That'll smoke 'em out MG!

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2014, 19:30 #60078

    Who do you think you are kidding you dark moonies if you think old arsene's done, we are the boys who still believe in our messiah so you just carry on having fun, we are the boys who'll still be supporting dear old arsene even if relegation comes. So you just carry on teasing and laughing and having lots of fun because it doesn't matter to us how many times we're stuffed arsene's still our number one. So who do you think you're kidding you dark moonies if you think old arsenes done, our great leader will be back he told us at his birthday party as we patted him on the back, because he we know he always has his way, so you just keep on laughing at us, teasing having fun at our expense our messiah will be back he's far being spent. So who do you think you kidding you dark moonies if you think old arsenes done.

  24. jjetplane

    Oct 24, 2014, 18:47 #60076

    Very descriptive MG! Also looking forward to the end of season DVD entitled Band of Brothers with Pod (in Italy) and Gibbs (on his way to Citeh) celebrating That win in errr Belgium that most of team are still talking about. Rumours (mind) that there is some as yet unreleased footage entitled Diaby - a true fighter. Better get these out for xmas now the panto has been shelved due to an absence of script. Happy days and watch out for the gulls lads!

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2014, 18:22 #60074

    Reports are coming in of funny looking blokes in tin hats appearing out of a bunker in margate fixing bayonets, getting ready to practise manoeuvres on the beach, locals thought they were the cast of the new Dads Army movie especially as some old boy(insert name)was driving an old butchers van shouting they don't like it up em they don't like it up em you know. It was only realised who they really were by the insignia on their arm bands, it wasn't LDV for Local Defence volunteers, it was AKB's on the arm bands.

  26. Hiccup

    Oct 24, 2014, 16:41 #60072

    Nothing gets past you jj. This wenger will leave in the summer is just a substitute for wait and judge him in May crap we've had to endure for years. Just another stalling tactic from the bunkers at AKB HQ from those yet to flee.

  27. Finsbury Boy

    Oct 24, 2014, 15:48 #60070

    Perfectly true Ron all the players seem to love him. Unfortunately his biggest strength I.e. Loyalty to his players is also his biggest weakness.No other manager would have shown such tolerance and loyalty to such as Almunia, Fabianski,Denilson,Diaby,Bendner etc and it has cost the club dearly.

  28. jjetplane

    Oct 24, 2014, 15:17 #60066

    Was saying that back at the Chelski game RON. Mertesacker post match was just smilingly going 'these things happen' and not a trace of unhappiness at bring taught another lesson again. They really are too pally and no wonder BFG (streak of ... ) cannot stop smiling as he is on the team sheet come what may - was soon found out at the WC and told to water carry and earn a place. Giroud was also kicked off the team once his rank self loving appeared at the world cup. Now Wenger bigs him up as though it will be like having an Henry in his prime once he is up and 'running' again. He is almost as if Wenger is even tired of himself. The psychology through the club is we cannot compete but we can have comfortable lives within the conceit. Well dressed but ultimately poor theatre. EXETERGOONER interesting to see where the AKB spin goes from here. All the way offshore .....

  29. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 24, 2014, 14:13 #60064

    "WESTIE believes if he gets people thinking Wenger is officially off (GBP did lots of that) we will let him off the hook." Ha ha! Think you might be on to something, JJ. It's like a last, desperate throw of the dice to stem the tide of criticism they find so personally upsetting (yet can't stop reading). Daft excuses about refs, fixture lists and 'bad luck' haven't worked, nor has attempted conflation of Arsene and Arsenal, so might as well give "He's off soon so get behind him for the final lap" a spin.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2014, 14:12 #60063

    Ron, I certainly do, and as well as the many other reasons another one why he needs replacing ASP.

  31. Ron

    Oct 24, 2014, 13:57 #60062

    MG - Never sure about'losing the dressing room'at Arsenal. I know what you mean but ive thought for 5 or 6 years that its not so much lost, more the opposite in that the players are too comfortable in it with Wenger. I think they play for him to a point but never do the final gut bursting yard when its needed. Hes too much paternal, they know there is never a sanction for a slip shod heartless performance. Even now Mertersacker saying his motivation isnt right. Staggering mate. To feel able and confident enough to tell the press that tells me hes got no fear of Wenger at all. Too close to the coach by far. Can you imagine if a Chelsea or Utd player admitted he wasnt motivated? Probably be sold off! AW has been there so long hes now just like a piece of furniture, its hard to imagine hes anything left to say and the players know it.It happens with all long term bosses. They become sort of friends and the familiarity breeds contempt. Do you know what i mean.

  32. jjetplane

    Oct 24, 2014, 13:51 #60061

    Nice to hear you again RON and could not be happier since WESTiE jumped in that dingy only to find Wenger was still on land with his 'hammock' wrapped around himself. Bouldie can do nothing with him but am ever impressed with WESTIE's spin that Wenger is officially off in the summer (AKB central) and Ancellotti or some other old fart is coming in to keep us firmly where Stan wants us - as a de luxe feeder service for the discerning better off clubs who want to top up the narrow gaps that appear each transfer period. Could Mesut be reunited with Maureen, Ramsay with Bale leaving Alexis to team up with Aguero leaving Stan the opportunity to kick start a wal mart type production of Skunk man. WESTIE believes if he gets people thinking Wenger is officially off (GBP did lots of that) we will let him off the hook. No can do. I have great memories of the Merse going on one of those crazy (maybe) lager-driven runs that often ended up with the ball in the net. We loved Merse and he loved us. Now about JAMIE ....... Having a rip roaring time following two local teams now - the derbies should be fun! Who needs the CL when you've got CF (County Football). Mind you - did enjoy watching Messi and Neymar enjoying themselves the other night. Wonder when Gibbs will follow Clichy, Sagna out the full back door? To top it all Sagna even rates dem Spuds. Make that up! Very funny stuff BARD!

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2014, 13:41 #60060

    Duke of Wellington, their regrouping at the sea front on Warmington on sea, beside the penny arcade where Captain Mainwaring (insert name) is briefing them on a counter attack which is scheduled for 1700hrs tomorrow after an easy defeat of that mighty army from sunderland who were completely disgraced in their last battle themselves and took heavy casualties. Expect medals and honors to bestowed all round with the highest honor going to old bumbling Cpl Jones.

  34. KC

    Oct 24, 2014, 13:13 #60058

    @ Jamie, How can you as an Arsenal supporter not be alarmed at the direction of the club. An owner whose target is fourth, a manager that has overseen an unbalanced squad that is looking worse as a team even though we have better offensive individuals. A team playing so poorly this season we are looking like an average premiership team. A team treading water at the very best. A real supporter would be angry, a real supporter would demand answers, only supporters of other teams would just sit there and defend the direction out of pure joy and happiness. How can you not understand what you are watching anyone with an ounce of football knowledge can see the same weaknesses that have held us back for several years. Then to conclude you use the same pathetic, childish comment of going to the lane if you don't like it.

  35. AMG

    Oct 24, 2014, 13:09 #60057

    Bard, the shocking part of that headline is that BADARSE and GBP are different people.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2014, 13:02 #60056

    Ron, good to hear from you again and good post for your first one back, yes the players look like their just going through the motions at times (more often than not) the players bound to see and feel what the fans can see, a hint of OGL losing the dressing room? or maybe he has already.

  37. maguiresbridgr gooner

    Oct 24, 2014, 12:35 #60053

    C G O, good one, but that wouldn't stop him, he'll be shuffling about on his walking frame in his eighty's at some lique 2 outfit in france still spouting his failed philosophies.

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2014, 12:16 #60051

    Tommy, that's Frank out of a job then, or maybe if he hasn't broken the AKB's 11th Commandment it might save him.

  39. radfordkennedy

    Oct 24, 2014, 11:18 #60049

    Morning Westie...yes mate I heard those rumours regarding Ancelotti,I feel I'm in a minority here but although I will welcome change when it comes,I don't particularly want Afc to get involved in the managerial merry-go-round involving the usual suspects every 3-4 years,I'd prefer someone younger who intends to stay around and be allowed time and money for the major overhaul that's needed

  40. Gaz

    Oct 24, 2014, 11:09 #60048

    Ah, bless, its the old 'go and support spurs' jibe. It's a sweet old retort isn't it?...

  41. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Oct 24, 2014, 9:38 #60044

    Paul Merson should be put out to grass on some cable TV channel, for argument's sake let's call it "Football Gold", where he, Redknapp Sr, Phil Thompson, Graeme Souness et al can have all day to muse on how things weren't like that in the good old days. It'd be the TV equivalent of a reality show set in an old people's home, with endless reruns of Ronnie Radford's goal against Newcastle and KK/Billy Bremner getting sent off in the Charity Shield. To keep some tired ex-PL players in clover, (Owen, Redknapp Jr, Savage etc) another station called "PL Gold" could do much the same thing, but using only the period 1992-2007. Then we can go back to just watching football instead of the endless analysis of it.

  42. Westlower

    Oct 24, 2014, 9:29 #60043

    @R/K Rumours abound, but the most credible seems to be that Carlo Ancelotti is the boards preferred choice to be next manager. It certainly won't happen until this season is over. Whoever it is let's hope he has more joy/luck on the long term injuries front. I can't remember a worse period for players being unavailable for such protracted time periods. The defence is running on empty at present. We need Kos back at CB before the Mancs visit on Nov 22nd as their forward line could have a field day.

  43. Alsace

    Oct 24, 2014, 9:04 #60042

    Someone has suggested exiling Wenger to St Helena. No good I'm afraid. They are putting in an airport there and the flights will all be to London. Wenger's Prison will have to be guarded. Devils's Island in French Guiana will have to be re opened.

  44. JAMIE

    Oct 24, 2014, 8:33 #60041

    Look at all the wob's creeping round Ron,just making sure he's still on their side.Three from the other side would be too much for them.Maybe you should all offski to the lane just 21,000 there last night looks like they could do with your support.

  45. Tony Evans

    Oct 24, 2014, 8:32 #60040

    Ron - good to see a post from you. Nothing has changed has it, except for Wenger's acolytes clutching at even thinner straws to defend the indefensible. It can't go on like this much longer surely when seasoned supporters can't even celebrate a last minute win because it only serves to mask the awful truth that we are miles away (especially defensively) from truly competing at the very top of the game.

  46. Westlower

    Oct 24, 2014, 8:27 #60039

    @Andy186, I fell asleep just reading the names of the players you mentioned. I agree Merse was unfit but I relate that to his lazy brain. The most I ever saw him animated was during a pre-match warm up at Highbury, the PA announcer gave out the result of a horse race, probably prearranged with Merse. Paul obviously had backed the winner as he jumped in the air as though he's just scored in the cup final & done a jig across the pitch with a big grin on his face. He was always a source of amusement in the warm up as he did as little as possible, idle bugger. As soon as the game started GG's first words were always "Merse, Merse, Merse" in an attempt to get him involved in the game. I wasn't surprised that he was the first big name shown the door at the end of Wengers first season. For all that, Paul scored some great goals in his time at Arsenal & was always a fans favourite. If he possessed a tad of self discipline he could have been so much better.

  47. Motty's Mothballed Sheekskin

    Oct 24, 2014, 8:24 #60038

    Jason B: Which would you rather prefer - an Arsenal that seriously competes for honours, or an Arsenal that simply makes up the numbers?

  48. radfordkennedy

    Oct 24, 2014, 6:46 #60037

    Ron..great to hear from you mate,did you manage to master "bad moon rising", far as the game goes I can't remember a time apart from the very end of berties time where the dressing room seem so far removed from the coaches,they seem to be playing like a team of strangers akin to the old metropolitan league some years ago which was basically a trialing league,there is something fundementaly wrong here and I'm coming round to westies belief that it could well be curtains for Aw in the summer,we cannot go on huffing and puffing our way between windows hoping for a miracle cure to our short comings.

  49. andy1886

    Oct 24, 2014, 4:58 #60036

    Westie, Merse wasn't 'lazy' just totally unfit! Still an Arsenal legend to me (even if he was a Chavs fan) although if you preferred a midfield of Selley, Hillier, Jensen and Morrow, the grafters, then that's your prerogative (personally I'd rather boil my own head).

  50. theopants superstar

    Oct 23, 2014, 23:27 #60035

    Repetitive: How disrespectful! You obviously know nothing about the man to come out with rubbish like that! Probably a young fan that only began following Arsenal in the Wenger and doesn't realise that Arsenal FC was around and successful long before the current manager took over. Given his service and whole-hearted effort when wearing the club's badge Frank Mclintock is more entitled then most to give his opinion on Arsenal. Along with many of the critics (like Wrighty and Robson) he is more knowledgeable about the game and certainly cares more about Arsenal and how we are doing then any of the AKB (or those ex-players that are frightened of losing their AFC perks) seem to be.

  51. Jason B

    Oct 23, 2014, 23:24 #60034

    What would you rather have? Lucky Arsenal or unlucky Arsenal?

  52. Gaz

    Oct 23, 2014, 22:19 #60033

    Never thought it would come to this but I couldn't muster up the energy for any kind of celebration last night. The 'performance' (we'll call it that for now) was simply so ****ing awful that a jammy win can't ever placate the feelings of utter despair I had for well over eighty minutes! Let's be blunt-this win will take us absolutely nowhere. Hell we would have qualified even if we'd lost! Most of us know the script by now even if there's still a few not willing to accept they've read the book six or seven times. As others have said the sad fact is AW is going nowhere and we've a crappy board quite happy to accept the way things are for at least another two years... Oh, good to see you back Ron...

  53. Highbury Boy

    Oct 23, 2014, 21:52 #60032

    More stories being floated/planted in the media (including the Daily Telegraph on the net) about the "need" to keep Wenger on but move him upstairs to Director of Football perhaps as early as this summer. It would be a way of him saving face and the club not having to pay £16m plus compensation. Guess Gazidis would be happy with this arrangement.

  54. Bard

    Oct 23, 2014, 21:27 #60031

    Attention fellow gooners I have important news. Baddie and GBH were spotted on Margate beach this afternoon. Allegedly they had built a Wengerlike sand statue and were, I was reliably informed, in the praying position. They could be heard chanting pro Wenger incantations interspersed with wailings against the ever expanding influence of the all powerful Dark Moanies. There are unconfirmed reports that Baddie was invoking an ancient form of witchcraft to shore up Arsenals creaking defence, this involved him sticking his head in the sand and blowing bubbles out of his backside. I am no gossipmonger but I did hear that they received a missive from the great man himself. Apparently he thinks they are onto something and wants them to build a sandpit in his garden so he try it himself. You couldnt make it up.

  55. Beggars Belief

    Oct 23, 2014, 21:10 #60030

    For the first time in 40 years I couldn't celebrate the win. Wenger, please go, you are killing the club that I love.

  56. Westlower

    Oct 23, 2014, 20:50 #60029

    @Ron Good to know that you're still alive & kicking. Hope you've mastered that guitar or have you smashed it on the floor in the manner of Pete Townsend? You haven't missed much, just the usual suspects moaning about Wenger on a daily basis. I wish they'd do something positive to back up their views instead of just whining. Personally I think a new manager will be appointed in the summer unless we have a spectacular second half of season. Just a matter of time before the major clubs form a Euro/World competition & take the TV companies with them. I'm far from blooded Ron, in fact I think I've just started my second childhood. 'Take em on' is my motto, OAP'S rule OK! JJ's teaching me how a rat does a doggy paddle for when I jump ship.

  57. Hiccup

    Oct 23, 2014, 20:50 #60028

    Blair, most definitely. Two places up for grabs. Maybe United might come good leaving one place. Don't fancy Liverpool. Who else does that leave? I honestly think half the problem with the AKB's is when fans have said for the last 5 years we won't make top 4, and then we do, they look at this as proving the doubters wrong, and then deem it as success. We make 4th this May, and the egg omelettes will be flying again.

  58. blair207

    Oct 23, 2014, 20:30 #60027

    Hiccup. Your an optimist. Do you think we are a shoe in for CL qualification this season? I don't.

  59. MB Gooner

    Oct 23, 2014, 20:23 #60026

    Hi all. We can be wenger in or out as much as we like, we only have ourselves as fans to blame for this shambles that is AFC. We are too soft as fans to protest properly. I would say at leat 80% of arsenal fans now want Wenger to go. He should have been made aware in no uncertain terms to leave at the end of last season. There can't be protest at the soulless bowl because there are too many tourists than die hard gooners, there should be protests at away games with banners and the like, just be careful not to get a smack from an AKB ha ha. In all seriousness people this circus would not be allowed to carry on at any other so called top European club. It's a shame for Wenger because he could have walked away on a high, I can only see this ending in a very sour way. Here's hoping we don't get an 8-0 reverse againts the 8-0 boys this weekend although it would speed up his exit. Wouldn't bet against it the way we are defending.

  60. N4

    Oct 23, 2014, 20:14 #60025

    DJ - I think he was the only person that gave more of a sh1t yesterday! ...and AW said his tactics, lol lol!

  61. Hiccup

    Oct 23, 2014, 20:06 #60024

    Seven Kings - the battle between sky and bt is going to be more interesting than our battle for 4th. Sky's gimmick of its new European football channel whilst trying to get subscribers to sign up for 2 years with its sports with free broadband thrown in, knowing full well they won't have CL. BT yet to announce how much it will cost next season. Sky News won't even mention the CL when it's on bt, as the headlines will be the darts that's live from Ireland. The upside of it all is that Arsenal will get to that £1 billion in the bank goal quicker, as bt are putting in double what sky are.

  62. Ron

    Oct 23, 2014, 19:52 #60023

    How goes it JJ? The old discussion still going round like a creaky old carousel i see. Bard and a few of my old fav s still firing off broadsides and a few new names here. Good to see that. Dead on there Hiccup though i personally dumped Sky 3 or 4 seasons back i still flagellate myself for giving Murdoch money for 10 years though. As for BT, 2 words - Michael and Owen. His lip spittling creep riddled 'views'and his voice renders BT a no go area for me plus the 2001 Cup Final fluke still rankles. I reckon this euro farce is headed for some dreadful giant euro tourny of sorts and wenger will be held up as forging our gate way to whatever then passes as high seedings for it. Like you ive wished for the whole edifice to collapse for years. Its coming as well i hope. Where is Badarse? Is he on the after dinner circuit now for retired philosophers or have one of you blighters given him a giant hump again? Westie - Not one to dodge the bullets under heavy fire still here blade unsheathed but blood spattered flying the flag for the dapper dreamers and their brethren the happy fantasists. Good on yer mate but you must be so tired!! As for us, this Arsenal team can not be sure of beating ANY team now as i see them this season. What a shadow we are of even the accepted weaker teams weve had in decades gone by. Still a gap of sorts between the old established top 4 or 5 and the rest but that gaps closer now it seems. Such as Arsenal and Liverpool can now feel the hot breath of them usually well at their rear on the napes of their emaciated necks. Them being in contention for the glorious 4th rests on manure remaining in no mans land and how long will that be for? Its not looking good at all. Our savoiur for years has been the decline in standards of the premier league but perhaps the bells tolling. Not before time. The Club needs a shock to put it out of its moribund misery (on the pitch at least) and be allowed to start again surely.

  63. BringBackDene

    Oct 23, 2014, 19:21 #60022

    Many premiership teams would give all to have many if not all of our players, so why is it we are not producing results. Could it be that we are playing without confidence, and that is down to the manager, that's why we pay him £7M a year. NO BRAINER...!!!

  64. jjetplane

    Oct 23, 2014, 19:16 #60021

    Oh what a wobbly war Duke! All that remains on the virtual battlefield are a couple of spent routers amd a mobile in selfie mode. Bit of an anti-climax to report Sar!. The tikka tikka tape is up but the forgotten AKB (statue) is claiming it for last night's heroics on the mainland but not quite the Rhineland or that pesky foreign Iberian peninsula. A beacon has been lit near the Stadium of Light where battles must be won for it is the birthday week for the great Lord himself. The egg is coming off I believe Sar!.

  65. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 23, 2014, 19:13 #60020

    Nice post Ron - Hiccup : I would just love it, really love it if Sky pulled out of football - what a glorious shambles would follow!

  66. Mark Mywords

    Oct 23, 2014, 19:11 #60019

    10 years ago tomorrow was the last time Arsenal were the best team in the country.10 long painful years.Will we ever be the best again in our lifetime?I seriously doubt it unless we have an owner like Abramovich whats that you say we have a man who is nearly twice as rich as Roman who owns nearly a third of the shares but we wont let him put a penny in the club!!.But hey ho we have the biggest profits in the world and thats what football is all about isnt it Stan and Ivan?

  67. Duke of Wellingtons Ghost

    Oct 23, 2014, 18:55 #60018

    I say, what a splendid battle the WOBs have fought against the AKBs. A constant barrage along the front, pinning down the AKBs so that only the odd head appears above the parapet and then the denouement - The heavy artillery of Ron reappears having been kept in reserve over the brow of the hill, and finishes them off. All we need now is to capture that pesky Frenchman and exile him to a remote island in the South Atlantic.

  68. ianmac

    Oct 23, 2014, 18:42 #60017

    Wake up Arsene last nights game was a disgrace,you know it, the players know it, the fans know it and the media definitely know it. Stop this rubbish talk of 'we never gave up' and 'we scored 2 good goals.' This was against a ver poor side look at their CL record. Now sort this mess out and if you can't then walk away and let someone else takeover who can before we are in real crisis.

  69. Hiccup

    Oct 23, 2014, 18:33 #60015

    Good post Ron. As Platini tries to get more of the minnow champions from Latvia and Cyprus to start in the group stages, the thrashings become greater and the procession up to December becomes more tedious. It's becoming another tier of the Europa League. Will be interesting to see what happens next season when BT will start charging for its sport as it will have the CL. Will Sky reduce its subscription fees as it won't have any CL? Doubt it. But its PL football will be more of a draw than CL. I'm hoping it all blows up in BT's and Sky's faces. I can see fans turning off if two high subscriptions are needed to capture all the footy.

  70. jjetplane

    Oct 23, 2014, 17:52 #60014

    Hello RON! as you can see same old - no defence on the pitch and now only WESTIE manning AKB central while the rest has stated are now extras for the new Dad's Army movie. As you succintly say the CL is a runaround for the big boys (about 4 clubs) until they have their big showtime matches. May see a final with a 6-4 scoreline and no one will bat an eyelid. If Barca get amongst it they will be underdogs. With the currency of BS carried around by Arsenal they will never be underdogs just spoilt puppies. Might change when they meet the wounded animal called Poyet. Cheers mate.

  71. Bard

    Oct 23, 2014, 17:51 #60013

    Hi Ron good to hear from you mate. hope you're well. The good fight still being fought. I would suggest that things Arsenal have gotten worse since you took a sabbatical.

  72. Finsbury Boy

    Oct 23, 2014, 17:45 #60012

    Unbelievable result last night. Awful performance but a win. How many times have Arsenal not killed games off and lost in similar circumstances. Just don't understand the team selection last night. Surely it must be better to select players in their correct positions i.e. Bellerin at right back and Chambers at centre half.I have heard of twin cntre backs and twin strikers but TWIN LEFT BACKS?? At times Monreal was playing more of a left back than Gibbs which is why they scored in the end.Gibbs nowhere Monreal at left back, Mertsacker covering him leaving Flamini in the centre competing the header. Wenger is obsessed with playing men out of position. I agree with the points made about Wilshire. I thas become apparent that he and Ramsay just dont gel and we always seem to improve when Wilshire is subbed. What Rosiscky has done to be constantly left out I dont know, even at his age he has been our best midfielder in many games in the last two seasons. For years when England had a half decent team we ignored English players now we are rated 20th in the world, our team is full of em. Just about sums up the current squad.

  73. Ron

    Oct 23, 2014, 17:39 #60011

    Two Europa Cup teams that was last night playing Europa Cup football in the CHs league (what a misnomer that is!)? A tedious match that for those two Clubs leads to nowhere. The eventual destiny for Anderlecht though isnt shameful. It is for us. On a grander level, it seems to me that UEFA need to reappraise their precious competition. The thrashings of the lesser Clubs are getting bigger and occurring more often, the group outcomes more predictable than ever. The obsession with that competition is all overblown and the fans are seeing through it now a bit i believe. Looking at that charade last night, the players look like they don't care about it too much deep down either. Saw the other thread of 1970 events. More atmosphere and passion in the photo than there is in matters Arsenal today. Never went to that game. Damned Cousin went with Unc and he never knew the difference between a football from a frisby. Not seen him for 30 years thankfully but i would not be surprised at all if he sired one or two of todays 'Emirates experience' regulars! Hi guys. Just popped head around the door.

  74. Hiccup

    Oct 23, 2014, 17:18 #60010

    Anyone know what's happening to the offices at AKB HQ now there's only a couple of squatters left in there? JJ, they've started filming a new Dads Army film this week. I heard some of the missing AKB's are on the film set as extras, and the writers are using some of their melodramatic material, uplifted straight from the online Gooner. Should be hilarious.

  75. jjetplane

    Oct 23, 2014, 16:46 #60009

    Ha ha WESTIE you should hear what Merson thinks of you! Crying at a football match! ha ha wrong bet was it!

  76. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 23, 2014, 16:43 #60008

    Westflower : You are missing my point - Frank would not have missed that final, injured or not, the team needs a proper captain and I know what a proper captain looks like and there is not one at the Emir*tes. Sanchez runs his b*llocks off because no one on the pitch, or off the pitch tells him were he should play or how he should play. What is wrong with you people - we were awful, end of story!

  77. PerryG

    Oct 23, 2014, 16:29 #60007

    When is this crap going to end? We play one way and one way only. Only for Anderlecht tiring and losing their shape we'd be facing a battle for the annual last 16 mauling. As long as fans keep filling the emirates then its a vindication that all is ok, the board don't see the football side as money is all that matters. One thing for sure is Wenger wont leave his lucrative contract and wont be sacked so the frustration will continue

  78. jeff wright

    Oct 23, 2014, 16:11 #60006

    Sounds more like you this parroting the AKB party line. You couldn't make it up.

  79. Repetitive

    Oct 23, 2014, 15:43 #60005

    Frank Mclintock's always moaning even when we were winning titles.Just says what the media tell him.

  80. DJ

    Oct 23, 2014, 15:31 #60004

    I know this may sound idiotic but anyone else think Alexis tried to do much on his own last night? While his work ethic is to be applauded he seems to have become exasperated by his team mates already and was trying to do too much on his own. Also with Ozil missing Santi should play in the number ten position or be dropped as he is completely wasted on the wing and disrupts the shape of the team as well.

  81. Charlie George Orwell

    Oct 23, 2014, 15:31 #60003

    Bloody Tories - lifting retirement age to 67!

  82. jeff wright

    Oct 23, 2014, 15:16 #60002

    Tommy , I heard that Frank interview on Talk Sport this morning and he was also saying, as many have for years now, that something is obviously wrong regarding all the injuries that we have every season. He was suggesting that the training regime must be a part of the problem. It will never get sorted out by Wenger though ,he says that it's all down to bad luck! A lot of the problems are muscular so it looks like fitness must be a part of the problem along with all the twisting and turning that is done by our players when trying to play the way that Wenger demands . We don't do many long passes ,mostly 12-15 yard ones or less ,the slow sideways build ups allow the oppo to cut out our final ball,as we saw at the Bridge when we failed to muster one shot on goal. Not many against Hull or last night either .We can expect the same again on Saturday . Poyet ,unlike with Southampton,who are still an unknown force in the Prem with their new manager and numerous new signings and tactics, knows how Wenger will set out his stall , because he never changes anything from one game to the next. Ramsey has reverted back to what he was prior to his brief early doors form in a run of easy fixtures last term and Jack is never going to last the season,he already looks shot and foul tempered now. We wait with bated breath for the return of Diaby !

  83. Bard

    Oct 23, 2014, 14:46 #60001

    Westie; thank goodness we/they are only half-baked. Uncritical joy over last nights win is evidence of fully baked and fried thinking. I for one am delighted with the result but as Exeter says look at the bigger picture. We were appalling and whats Merse got to do with anything.

  84. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 23, 2014, 14:34 #60000

    Two words for you, Westlower: bigger picture. Nothing more 'half-baked' than treating each result, each injury, in isolation. Merse was bang on last night.

  85. Westlower

    Oct 23, 2014, 14:28 #59999

    Arsenal win a ECL game away from home and the Gooners are beside themselves with grief. What a half baked set of supporters you truly are. You've been brainwashed by the Merson's of this world, whose judgement & mood fluctuates between the extremes. Failed punter, piss poor pundit.One of the laziest players ever to pull on an Arsenal shirt.

  86. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 23, 2014, 13:45 #59998

    maguiresbridge, I find it bizarre that some Arsenal supporters are more interested in creating excuses for Wenger than looking honestly at what's going on. Maybe the concern is the betting odds wouldn't be as good under a different manager?

  87. Spaced

    Oct 23, 2014, 13:42 #59997

    Missed the match last night, but am not surprised by the comments about Wiltshire. I'm not much of a fan of his, he looks good on the ball, but is not very productive. Walcott on the other hand, I find to be the opposite, doesn't look that good on the ball but the lad is very productive. Looking forward to his return. Speaking of product, if we can win games whilst we are not playing well... I'll take it. Onwards and upwards.

  88. jjetplane

    Oct 23, 2014, 13:40 #59996

    Giroud is the new Radford and Ozil the new Samuels. Oh how the tears mix with all the egg ..... BARD see Jamie has giving up on bedwetting and moved onto something else ......

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 23, 2014, 13:34 #59995

    Exeter Gunner, good point and well said, but you'll find it's not the performance of the players that try to be justified and accepted, and excuses made for, its OGL, blindness and denial excellent descriptions.

  90. Bard

    Oct 23, 2014, 13:34 #59994

    The relief at the result last night can't cover up the fact that we are playing crap football. Last night wasn't a one off, we haven't been playing well all season. We have had a couple of purple patches but thats it. We know we have defensive worries but the midfield is a mess and we aren't creating chances something we have always been able to rely on. This doesn't look like a side that will run into form on the contrary it looks like a side that doesn't know what it should be doing. Of course we have injury worries but thats an excuse we weren't any different when we didnt have the injuries. We could have been beaten by 3 or 4 goals last night easily. My concern is that we look so vulnerable and disorganised that the wheels could come off any time.

  91. Mathew

    Oct 23, 2014, 13:19 #59992

    Gone are the days where we have someone to lead this team on the field, meagre shouting by Per and Flamini isn't enough. And those aren't justified by their performances on field too. A strong Viera type leader who can lead on-off the field. I think this reason is affecting the team confidence as well, with a similar defense we managed to get 11-12 clean sheets last year, whereas even after having all 11 players in the box, we still can't defend. Arsene has players, but playing them out of position is hitting us on the deck. Ozil under Mourinho was splendid, whereas at Arsenal his position is still not confirmed. I suspect, if Cesc was back in our squad, Arsene might have played him also out of position. I am not supporting Mourinho, but have to admit that he knows how to get the best out players. Agreed that, tactics and oppositions do play a part in player positions, but having it wrong year after year is absurd. Arsenal should treat the win against Anderlecht as a positive sign and spring board to the next few fixtures.

  92. Tony Evans

    Oct 23, 2014, 13:04 #59991

    Oh dear oh dear it just doesn't get any better does it? Its reached a new low for me when I can't even get excited about a last minute comeback. Here we go again heading for second place and then the usual KO against the first quality team we face in the last 16. I hate feeling like this but until the club address the glaring defensive issues Wenger has lumbered us with we will be cannon fodder against the big boys, and it is completely pointless getting carried away by results like last night.

  93. Bard

    Oct 23, 2014, 12:47 #59990

    Westie; which was the season we didnt have major injury issues ?

  94. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 23, 2014, 12:45 #59989

    Daylight robbery alright Kev and even our players knew it shaking their heads and looking as shell shocked as the Anderlecht lads as they left the pitch. It was the usual tippy tappy tricks and flicks and not much else still lacking in most departments(although great spirit was mentioned, funnily enough no mention on mental strength) against a very average side indeed (but we're good at beating those, well apart from hull) with a couple of good goals to complete the robbery. So onwards and upwards the printing press at London colney coming to OGL's rescue yet again with another get out of jail card he's going to need a few more when he comes up against better opposition. I'd like to think the printing press can be switched off now (as ink's expensive) because surely he'll not need another one for this Saturday against the 8-0 men even though we've shipped eight ourselves, or maybe he'll just wear a mask.

  95. Westlower

    Oct 23, 2014, 12:41 #59988

    @Seven Kings, You are proving my point that if Frank was out injured that fateful night we probably wouldn't have won the Fairs Cup. There are some on this site who are blissfully ignorant of the effect injuries to key players can have on a team. I first saw Frank play when he was at Leicester. A magnificent player and his influence on AFC was as great as anybody you care to mention.

  96. Graham Simons

    Oct 23, 2014, 12:37 #59987

    Flamini once again played a role in the goal we conceded. It's not as if he ever scores to cancel out the sheer amount of goals we are letting in down to him. It seems every week he is the common denominator. Every man and his dog knew we needed a defensive midfielder at the start of the season but did Wenger do anything about it? never mind the fact he let Vermaelen go without replacing him. If you're not going to spend the money, you have to work with what you've got. Flamini's done, Coquelin is still the right side of 25 so could make that position his own IF Bould is allowed to go all George Graham on him and the back four.

  97. Ozzie

    Oct 23, 2014, 12:30 #59986

    Turning the clock to the PRESENT: Positive Chumpions League result. To the future: One step closer to the sharks mouth and another excuse from the chump.

  98. jjetplane

    Oct 23, 2014, 12:11 #59985

    KEVIN cannot deal with that comparison because the Mancs one was far worst and they still live off it. By the time Poyet meets us on Saturday, Pod will be back on the bench leaving Sanchez prey to his first injury through overkeeness while all about are taking virtual selfies (notice how Ramsay and Wilshere now pose for pics mid match) but that may leave a spot for Sanogo who is just raring to prove a point. Would mention the defence but as we do not have one I'll leave that to the tea lady and WESTIE. Heart goes out to the Anderlecht fans who deserved a win and would have it if the manager hadn't tinkered and disrupted the set-up. Arsenal - luckier than Liverpool and probably on course to meet either RM, BM or Barca and hopefully not that nasty Mourinho bloke who likes his box all to himself (matron). Don't know about the rest of you WOBS but everytime I wash the egg off more appears. Again, happy birthday to a man with a truly great vision. (That would be a castle in the south of France where the people are mentally strong and have a good spirit ...) Going to see Dorking in action on Saturday. Proper football.

  99. Highbury Boy

    Oct 23, 2014, 12:02 #59984

    Westie:You write "We won"t always be short of injured players …….". So true. If we continue to borrow/buy players like Kallstrom and Ospina who are already injured,sign injury prone players like Sanogo and continue for years to keep Diaby on the books we will never be short of injured players. The ref couldn't be blamed for last night's performance so now it's the injuries. Strange that when the long term injured like the Ox and Ramsey come back they are not as good as they seemed when they were injured. Perhaps the weakness in defence has something to do with going into the season with just 6 defenders including Kos who was known to be carrying an injury. And of course tactics and lack of leadership.

  100. jeff wright

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:48 #59983

    The problem with the injuries ( when don't we have them?) is that when Wenger does have a full deck to deal from the performances are just as likely to be the same as last night. It's not just about players,we had better players out on Saturday than Hull and better ones last night than Anderlecht. Before the game pundits like Merson on Sky,he is not one of Wenger's biggest fans, were talking us up claiming that Anderlecht, who were easily beaten at home by Dortmund, would not be good enough to beat us, it was a case of boys against men blah,blah,blah. In the end of course this proved to be true,but there are far better sides out there than the Belgian outfit and after 18 years Wenger is no nearer to winning his holy grail than he was at the start of his crusade in Europe. In fact he is further way from doing it than he ever was. Not much of an advert for his management this ,considering that he has stated many times that winning the European Cup is his main ambition. So what about Sunderland then? They will be brooding after their humiliation at Southampton and out to prove a point in front o their own supporters . Will we need Plod to come on and score a winner or an equalizer ,we shouldn't need to do so ,but hey this is Arsene Wenger land we are in and everything here is not what it seems. According to birthday boy Arsene we showed great speeeerit again last night when played off the park by a team that has not won a game in Europe since before Stella Artois was invented in 1897 - but it was written in the stars that lethargic plump Plod wheeled on late against a tiring side - like an anti-siege cannon -would blast in the winner in injury time. You couldn't make it up.

  101. Bard

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:46 #59982

    It was a good result but a terrible performance against a very average side. I thought Sanchez was excellent and Campbell looked useful. I am a big fan of Chambers, his cross for the first goal was a peach. What concerned me was how little we created with allegedly a world class midfield !! However the win doesn't make much difference really. Even if we qualify you wouldn't expect us to go much further with a performance like that.

  102. JAMIE

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:45 #59981

    Sanchez is the latest idol for the discontented ones to bow down to.Just hope they don't do to him like they did to others before him like Van persestrings constanly sticking their tongues up his arse and telling him he's too good for us so when he leaves they have more ammunition to attack Wenger.They tried it with Ozil when he first arrived and who can't forget their big love in with Jack Wilshire.Luckily most of the players just ignore their bulls-h-it.


    Oct 23, 2014, 11:41 #59980

    If anyone wants any prove that Wenger should go, they watch the last two matches, boy oh boy had he been lucky. Twice now he had been bailed out. We should have lost against Hull but we got lucky and boy did we get lucky last night again. The man must slit of luck on he's side. Paul Merson said what every arsenal fan, well the ones who our not up Wengers ass have been saying for years. Who honestly believes we will win the pl or cl under this man again??? Why oh why did he not go out and buy a cdm and cb??? It's these weird decisions that have made Wenger a laughing stock. Merson said all top clubs would wenger lool. Well not the ones who want to win the cl. He would get sacked within a year at a club like Barcelona or Real Madrid. I would take klopp or simone now !!!

  104. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:41 #59979

    Westflower : Frank would have played on one leg to win the Fairs Cup - we won the Fairs Cup because of Frank! He was worth two players and the major point with the "granite" Scotsman - he was a leader, a proper captain. This current team are leaderless and rudderless, we need a captain who will stand up to Wenger when he persists in this "eye of a neddle" style of football. Trying to pass ball through a mass of legs looks good when it works but it took an old fashion right wing cross to set up a goal that had no right to be scored in such a dreadful match.

  105. Westlower

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:38 #59978

    @10 YEARS, Your overreaction at expecting odds of 1000/1 is way out. Five bookies offer 20/1 Arsenal winning the ECL, the rest go 25/1. Man City are generally 25/1, with some 28/1, Liverpool are 50/1. Arsenal are 3/1 to progress furthest of all the English clubs in ECL. AFC are 1/3 to beat Anderlecht at the Emirates on Nov 4th. The world doesn't stand still & we won't always be as short of injured players as we are at present. By the time the knockout stages start the outlook maybe more upbeat.

  106. Hazard

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:35 #59977

    Hghbury Boy - Thats exacty why Sanchez will leave next year. Can you image how embarrassing it will be for us to buy a player 40m and he wants out next year.

  107. Hghbury Boy

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:22 #59976

    I just feel sorry for Sanchez.

  108. JAMIE

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:18 #59975

    Erm-The Manure treble winners were nothing special at all,they only finished a point ahead of us in the Premiership had all the luck in the world against us in the FA cup and were far inferior to us as a team.We tonked them 3-0 in the charity shield and 3-0 at Highbury in league and drew 1-1 at OT.They also fluked the champions league final against superior opposition.They were an uglier version of the current Chelsea team lots of play acting diving surrounding refs and kicking the opposition.We should have won the double that year but it wasn't to be.I hated them winning the treble that year yet I thought the Invincible season was better and more unique,my dad always hated them more than the spuds yet I think the rivalry we had in the 90's and early 00's was the best you could get..

  109. Guy in Jersey

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:14 #59974

    Charles (post no. 63280), I had to smile at your comment. Putting a defender on to protect a lead, inviting pressure, and conceding a goal. Now, which manager does that remind me of?

  110. Roy

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:12 #59973

    Never have I been so demoralised after a win. A criminal lack of leadership on and off the pitch. Even if we had a full strength squad to choose from, we are going nowhere like this. No one is going to be scared of us in the last 16 and unless the glaring deficiencies are addressed and certain figureheads learn to take some responsibility, this season is dead in the water. What on earth must Sanchez be privately thinking ?

  111. Westlower

    Oct 23, 2014, 11:11 #59972

    Turning back the clock to 69/70 and one of our greatest achievements in coming from 1-3 down to defeat Anderlecht 3-0 at Highbury consider this. If last nights injuries had occurred that night, our team would have been without Bob Wilson (Szczesny), Geoff Barnet (Ospina), Peter Storey (Debuchy), Frank McLintock (Koscielny), Jon Sammels (Ozil), George Armstrong (Walcott) & John Radford (Giroud). What would the result have been on that glorious night given these key players were missing?

  112. Miles F

    Oct 23, 2014, 10:56 #59971

    Spot on Paulo 75. This team has many very talented individuals but they have no idea whatsoever about playing as a team. No organisation, no tactics. A team that is much less than the sum of its parts, the opposite of real teams like Bayern, Germany. And who is responsible for selecting, organising and coaching them?

  113. Exeter Gunner

    Oct 23, 2014, 10:55 #59970

    How many are aware that Anderlecht's budget is lower than most League 1 sides, and they're injury ravaged themselves? That wasn't 'winning ugly' - that term denotes a team who fought despite not finding their form. The team last night didn't fight. Why are such performances acceptable to some fans, that they need to try and justify and make excuses for them? Unconditional support isn't 'optimistic', it's blindness and denial when it comes to AFC right now.

  114. AugustusCaesar

    Oct 23, 2014, 10:55 #59969

    I'm pretty sure we adopted zonal marking at the beginning of the 2011-12 season so I honestly don't know what William Gallas is on about. I also think we improved our defending at set pieces after we altered our system. I hope the stats bear that out because it's one area where things have improved. There's probably been a natural levelling off just recently after an initial spike of improvement. Gallas was an erratic player anyway and one I never really trusted. He was quick but rarely commanding and almost as panicky and error strewn as the likes of Cygan, Senderos and a latter day Kolo Toure. I've seen the editor praise him on here before and I don't really know why. A seemingly divisive presence and an average performer for the club.

  115. Erm

    Oct 23, 2014, 10:50 #59968

    Kevin the comparison to the ManYoo treble side winning the CL is plain bizarre. People laid that team because a. They won a Treble b. They won a FINAL against the mighty Bayern! You're comparing Arsenal scraping a jammy win against a rubbish Belgian team that haven't win more than 2 CL games in 10 years? Are you actually serious?! Scary. Awful performance from an awful team. Alexis Sanchez will do what Nasri, RVP and Cesc did and leave to go and win trophies under a proper manager.

  116. Paulo75

    Oct 23, 2014, 10:38 #59967

    Aside from the obvious concerns over defensive shortcomings the lack of leadership and character in the team is alarming. No one even seemed willing to take the mantle and "encourage" the performance to be lifted throughout. Over nine years have passed and we still havent replaced Vieira.

  117. declan burke

    Oct 23, 2014, 10:09 #59965

    The sad fact of the matter these days is that life around Arsenal is based on hopes for the next transfer window and excuses from Injuries We are going nowhere unless and until Wenger and the board realise that his tenure is well and truly up.

  118. reboot

    Oct 23, 2014, 10:06 #59964

    Nothing funny or strange about criticizing a very wealthy club renowned for suffering above average injury rates but still goes into a season with a seriously under strength defense. The person responsible for that situation deserves all the criticism he gets

  119. Unchives

    Oct 23, 2014, 10:04 #59963

    Obviously the defence will be disjointed, its makeshift. This is entirely the managers fault for not strengthening in defence. We will qualify in at least second spot, hopefully everyone is fit in February. Maybe they should use Diaby as spare parts....umm maybe not!

  120. Red Member

    Oct 23, 2014, 10:03 #59962

    great win. I am enjoying the Champions League campaign this year.

  121. Westlower

    Oct 23, 2014, 9:54 #59961

    It's funny how Arsenal get critised for never winning ugly but get slaughtered when they do. Until we get something approaching a full strength defence we remain vulnerable. How many teams played in ECL last night minus their first choice GK, RB & CB? Credit Anderlecht for their spirited performance & 50 continuous years in European competitions. They are at least on a par with the Sours.

  122. Charles

    Oct 23, 2014, 9:43 #59960

    A substitution changed the game last night. With his side 1-0 up and totally dominating proceedings the Anderlecht manager decided to put an extra defender on, 3 minutes later it was 2-1 to us. A total joke of a performance from the Arsenal but the punchline of 3 points made me laugh.

  123. chris dee

    Oct 23, 2014, 9:16 #59959

    Good win. But we are not stupid, we are not fooled.We were average at best.No other teams gonna be disappointed meeting us in the last 16. Arsene will never lead us to another Premiership title never mind the Champions League.First and foremost we do not have a defence, we have a group of players running around like children in the playground.We could have Beckenbaur,Bobby Moore or Maldini at their best but Arsene's 'coaching' in the last 8 years would reduce them to nervous wrecks.

  124. Hi Berry

    Oct 23, 2014, 9:15 #59958

    Gazidis thinks we are 'off the shoulder' of Europe's elite. While Real, Barca and Bayern were taking apart decent teams we struggled badly against modest opposition. I thought he was talking in footballing terms but obviously the analogy alluded to our finances, silly me.

  125. AMG

    Oct 23, 2014, 9:09 #59957

    Terrible performance, but at least they got the result. I'm concerned by the form of Wilshere and Cazorla, both look lost and in real need of some leadership. The latter actually looks poor in all aspects of his game, if anyone can give me a good reason why he takes all of our set pieces, I will take my hat off to that man. Alexis is the only decent candidate for set pieces, he's only taken a handful, but has already equalled Orville's goal tally and I daresay got close on assists. What has Rosicky done to sit on the bench while Cazorla ruins every move with his wayward passing and lack of pace? I'm sure Jack will come good, but at the moment everything is just 'nearly'. He's 95% a great player, unfortunately that remaining 5% means his passes get intercepted and defenders get a foot on the ball - Leadership needed!

  126. declan burke

    Oct 23, 2014, 8:57 #59956

    How long more can this characterless, leaderless, Gutless, pathetic Arsenal set up continue ? This is TORTURE.

  127. TJ

    Oct 23, 2014, 8:53 #59955

    Another awful performance- this is against a Championship (ie the second division) standard team and we are struggling. I really think the team is rotting and a couple of well-worked goals against a weak team won't change that. The only positive was that we saw again was that Podolski could be a great forward in a 4-4-2; he has a better goals/minutes ratio than solskjaer and Michael Owen in the EPL, and that's from the wing! Him up front with Welbeck would be interesting to see, but this is a mere side note in what appears to be a team in serious decline with no solutions in sight.

  128. SilverGooner

    Oct 23, 2014, 8:48 #59954

    Yes, we got three points but this was a truly shocking performance. With the exception of Alexis who worked his socks off (again!), everyone else had a poor game. Some more so than others. But most worrying of all is that Wenger seems unable to do anything about it. What exactly are we paying him £7 million a year for? Make no mistake, we will not get away with a performance like that again.

  129. Westlower

    Oct 23, 2014, 8:43 #59953

    A poor to average performance but given the circumstance a great result. AFC are now 1/20 to qualify for the knockout stage. So what you may say, but it may encourage the club to loosen the purse strings and buy the necessary DM & CB in January. Rightly or wrongly, I felt the team were inhibited by having to protect the 3rd choice GK, particularly with Kos missing. We also badly miss Giroud's physical presence. Having spent the day in Newmarket with friends whose horse won impressively I returned home to surprisingly find the bookies had lengthened Arsenal's odds to 21/20 to win the game. I thought it was stealing money at such good odds so I availed myself to a 'free' handout. Still feeling confident at half time the odds at 5/4 hadn't increased enough to justify a further bet so I rested on my laurels. Horror of horrors in the 77th minute we fall behind, we're now 12/1 shots. Bet, bet, bet my brain screamed, so I went in again. Come the 87th minute and I watched as our odds increased to 40/1, then finally 125/1. I decide to press up my bet but as I started tapping the keyboards Gibbs scored, denying me the chance of a mega payday. Then it's double joy as Podolski secures the win & previous win bet's landed. The up side of always remaining optimistic is moments like this. Even a poor politicians bitch can have his day in the sun. We may not have played well but Man City & Liverpool would swap places with us right now as their qualification remains in doubt.

  130. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Oct 23, 2014, 8:30 #59952

    Wilshire was awful last night. How many times did he give the ball away. I said to Mrs WABATTD with 60 minutes gone we could win this game, but could also just as easily lose 1-0. Once again lots of possession and nothing to show for it, and it takes going a goal down to change anything. Amazingly, a win in the return home leg and we're through the group.

  131. Alsace Lorraine

    Oct 23, 2014, 8:21 #59951

    There are some stern thumpings to come as the basic mistakes just keep on coming. But in a consequence free environment, what does that matter?