Hector's House

In praise of Bellerin

Hector's House

“You’ll never beat Des Walker”, used to be sung with gusto by Nottingham Forest fans in homage to their defender hero. It may not be too long before we are all singing, “You’ll never beat Hector Bellerin”. Hector’s House record (geddit?) shaved 0.03 seconds off Theo’s 40 metres sprint time from a standing start. Perhaps, one day, and with the benefit of hindsight, we will look back more fondly on the game in which Hector made his Premier League debut than we can in the immediate aftermath. As soon as an attacker has a sniff (geddit?) of the ball, Hector’s hectoring them, invariably winning the duel. But it’s not just his defending that is a joy. I used to enjoy watching him steaming down the wing at Underhill, the then home of the current Conference Premier League leaders, for our various reserve teams, though didn’t realise he was quite that fast, just as Arsene didn’t realise that Danny Welbeck was quite as “electric” as he is. (Hmmmm. I’m not sure that fills me with confidence, Revered Leader.) Mathieu Debuchy may have his work cut out regaining the position that Bellerin must want to make home.

You probably won’t thank me for stating this, but Arsene is building a team full of young, highly-skilled speedsters for tomorrow. Bellerin and Gibbs the full-backs, The Ox, Gnabry, Theo, Alexis and Welbeck filling various attacking positions. Oh, and Calum Chambers is no slouch. Yes, folks, Arsene is building for the future. For a net outlay of £1m – if the respective reports are accurate – he’s replaced one versatile central defender with a better one who is nine years younger. Selling a centre-back, in his late-20s, who was no longer a first-team regular, and had just one year remaining on his contract, for £15m was a fantastic bit of business. Arsene has previous. Five years ago he sold Kolo Toure to Manchester City.

Back to Theo and Gnabry. Those of you who know your Ormonde-Ottewills from your Maitland-Niles’ may have been at Meadow Park last Friday week for the visit of Blackburn Rovers U21s. Both returnees were substituted, as was captain-for-the-game Abou Diaby, who lasted until the 67th minute, one minute longer than against Southampton in September. Progress from Abou’s latest injury would appear to be frustratingly slow.

When will all the touchy-feely nonsense before kick-off be either scraped or done properly? Before the game(smanship) begins, players are supposed to show ‘respect’ for each other, and the officials, by what passes for handshakes. If ‘respect’ is so important, why, under the present rules, aren’t substitutes made to do same? How can a sub be allowed to enter the fray before shaking at least fifteen hands? And please don’t say that, with seven named substitutes per side, this would take too long and / or look ridiculous. Some teams – not Arsenal, of course – have multiple mascots whose tiny mitts must also be shaken (a money-spinning, cynical move in which we (mercifully) have yet to indulge, though that may change if Stan’s love of Pounds Sterling – no relation to Raheem – outweighs his supposed ‘respect’ for our club’s “traditions” and “values”).

To end, an open letter to Wembley Stadium following England’s 5-0 thrashing of footballing giants San Marino on 9th October.

Dear Sir

Belated congratulations on finally listening to my advice – and others’ – to show the team line-ups during games, as you did for the recent visit of San Marino. I do hope this will be kept up and is not an aberration.

I did laugh when, at 3-0, The Ox was attributed with a goal, and the scoreboard showed 4-0 for quite some time, even though it was obvious that the referee had disallowed the “goal”. The mirth continued as England’s fifth was attributed to Rooney, despite the most blatant of deflections on a shot that was going nowhere near the target. After these two displays of incompetence, I hope I can be forgiven for not giving the authorities the benefit of the doubt when the Man of the Match award was about to be announced, only to be followed by … nothing. P***-ups and breweries, I thought. Only later did I discover that England fans had voted for Joe Hart, who hadn’t had a save to make. I’m guessing that Wembley realised that they could not announce such and so pulled it. Just how stupid are the English public?!


Ian Tanner

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    Oct 31, 2014, 11:45 #60392

    This guy is a typical Wenger player over the last 10 years. Decent on the bell , but no physical presence what so ever and basically a lightweight. From Lauren, cole, Dixon, winterburn, to lightweights like this guy. I don't care how fast he is. Can he defend??? Is he physically strong enough???

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 30, 2014, 12:53 #60354

    The ox, wally, Wilshire, etc all looked good, so do our next batch that's until wenger gets at them.

  3. chris dee

    Oct 30, 2014, 11:30 #60349

    A word of warning,I watched Bellerin as a youngster when Arsenal used to use Barnet's Underhill ground. He is a typical post 2005 Arsenal defender,fast,great going forward by highly suspect defensively.If he is coached to defend as well as attack he will be special.But we all know that that ain't gonna happen.We haven't had a good defensive fullback since Ashley Cole, with a bit of good coaching Bellerin might,just might become one,but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  4. Ron

    Oct 30, 2014, 11:06 #60347

    Westie - interesting stuff that mate. I do enjoy a day at Chester or Cheltenham and get to Haydock some years with a few friends who are well into it. We do the odd coach day out job. Good fun. The pasties at Haydock are delectable!!!

  5. Westlower

    Oct 30, 2014, 8:58 #60341

    @Ron You need to spend the day with me for an update on where racing is today. The landscape changed when the Arabs sought to put down roots in English racing. The effect is that racing has been sanatised to the 'nth degree. There are many stories of fiddles when the old landed gentry ran the show but thankfully that has been consigned to the history books. The only outfit big enough to take on the Arabs is Coolmore, owned by John Magnier, the one time owner of MU. You are correct in saying the big money is owning the stallions at stud. To that end there is no point in cheating anymore because certainly at the top of the tree every horse is trying for its life. Arab's don't bet & the drug issue stories that get broadcast to the wider public relate to injured or sick horses being treated with medication to speed up the healing process. Horse racing is at least as honest as any other sport that I've experienced. Sadly, whenever man & money get together, someone, somewhere will be bending the rules. Sir Alex was a master at it, intimidating the match officials for years. His best weapon. No time now, but later I'll post you the analogy between up and coming footballers & young horses, especially from an injury perspective.

  6. Westlower

    Oct 30, 2014, 8:35 #60340

    @Cornish, Mike Riley's comments were tucked away in one of the match day reports about 3 weeks ago, wish I'd cut it out and kept it now. The thrust of his thoughts was a directive to the refs to try and keep the game flowing. Less blowing up for petty stuff, play the advantage rule more & generally speed the game up and make it more entertaining. In general a good idea, but in practice it leads to interpretation issues with the refs, lack of consistency, favourtism at OT for instance, etc . The petty fouler's, shirt tuggers, ankle tappers will get away with more. CFC are masters at these tactics. Sadly the English refs interpret the rules differently to their European counterparts which is unhelpful when our clubs are playing in Euro competitions. My conclusion, rightly or wrongly is that the new directive is the brainchild of the paymasters of the PL, SKY & BT. TWAS EVER THUS. @Bard, Do you like my Willy? Shakespeare of course!

  7. radfordkennedy

    Oct 30, 2014, 7:53 #60339

    Matthew...I agree with you mate,for me defence is everything,get that right and the rest will fall into place.For a club that forged a reputation in being hard to beat,certainly since the day that Howe came in and Sexton left,after all the 1-0 to the Arsenal was born long before stroller took up the cudgels.Im well aware there's a shortage of top class CB's,but for me and it's always been my opinion of Wenger he could do worse than having a defensive coach,I'd take a lot more 1-0's than 5-3's anyday.It was a couple of years before I first went in 68' but from what I've read from Ron, Westie and SkG and Badarse and all the other vets,watching Arsenal in the mid 60's is not too dis-similar from today totally nerve shredding

  8. Mathew

    Oct 30, 2014, 7:25 #60338

    Thanks Ian for some positive vibes and a refreshing look about a future Arsenal. He had to be fast forwarded to the first team because of our injury plagues. He looks to be a fine prospect but physical attributes can be a concern. Considering his pace, Wenger might move him as a winger soon (as if we don't have enough...lol). I find him still raw for CL matches where experience and competitive exposure is a must. Moreover, our rest of the team are often engaged in a supporting role to the defense due to their naivety. I believe if we have a stronger defense, our attackers will be well positioned and nullify the counter in the nip itself.

  9. radfordkennedy

    Oct 30, 2014, 5:51 #60337

    A few weeks back I saw the u21 game v Villa and I thought the centre half for us that night a lad called O'connor was mustard,at one stage I thought the villa forward was going to burst into tears he was getting so frustrated.Our boy had that wonderful knack of just nicking it of the end of your toe,and standing up without fouling,I hope the lad gets his chance

  10. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 30, 2014, 0:21 #60336

    Westie. Where did you read Mike Riley's latest directive?

  11. QuartzGooner

    Oct 29, 2014, 23:48 #60334

    From what little I have seen of Bellerin, and it is just a handful of games, he looks good for his age. So too does Isaac Hayden. I still think we need an experienced defensive midfielder and centre back added in January though. Arteta and Flamini are not what they were, and Koscielny is now an ongoing worry because of his ongoing ankle problem. As for speed, good to have in fast players, and Akpom in turn took the short sprint record off Bellerin.

  12. Ron

    Oct 29, 2014, 23:31 #60333

    Hi Westie - yes. see yr point made mate. Agree there arent any decent refs and havent been for years. No Jack Taylors or Clive Thomas s is there. Theyre all intimiadted by rich mardy arsed players and bullying coaches anyway as i see it. You know your racing but isnt that a brave statemnt ie more honest than football? You might have a point i dont know. I do think there are bent games in football though. Ive thought it for years. Utd 2 Goons 0. Game 50 to name but one as you mention it. I still think we could have fielded 20 players and still lost 2-0! Ive always thought racing is just about the owners carving up who wins and who s turn it is on any given meeting? Lets face it, the money ultimately is in the stud values when the horse is finished? Youre going to shout at me now arsent you ha. Go ahead mate. Im only suggesting my take on it, i know nothing of the 'sport of kings' - perhaps the corruption in racing is exemplified in that name!!

  13. Pete the Wob Humbler

    Oct 29, 2014, 22:42 #60332

    Any AMG's who are thinking of giving it large anywhere in my vicinity on Saturday had better think again.I will not tolerate any negativity or constant hawking aimed at our players.Anybody shouting obscenities will have their snouts or ears tugged as a warning and if same persons refuse to stop they will be frog marched in a head lock towards the nearest exit.I hope I have made myself clear.On a lighter note enjoy the game and lets hope for a positive result.

  14. GG89

    Oct 29, 2014, 22:06 #60331

    Well, the team can finish fourth playing more quickly.

  15. Hiccup

    Oct 29, 2014, 18:39 #60328

    Yes mg, the younger we sell the greater the fee and future add ons. Westie, referees have not been given any directive to turn a blind eye to fouls? Maybe to play more advantage which means less free kicks given. You really need to move on from that defeat at OT and the conspiracy theories. The Rooney dive looked like a penalty in real time as did Clichy's trip at Brum. It's just good cheating. But it happens everywhere, not just arsenal.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 29, 2014, 18:10 #60327

    Hiccup, and the most important thing, the projected profit they'll bring.

  17. Hiccup

    Oct 29, 2014, 17:43 #60326

    So we are exiting transition phase number 7, and jumping straight in to transition phase number 8, subsection 1. This sounds similar to Phase number 3 (more commonly known as Project Youth) but with added pace. I do love a good transitional period. It'd be nice to know the projected length of time this one will last ( literally tomorrow?) before we can move on to the next one.

  18. jeff wright

    Oct 29, 2014, 16:13 #60324

    Wenger building a team of speedy youngsters for the future, you couldn't make it up.

  19. AMG

    Oct 29, 2014, 14:40 #60322

    Thanks Ian, it's true that there is some talent there. Bellerin is one I've had my eye on for a while, his raw pace is no secret to armchair football managers like myself. Much of the talent you mention has been cherry picked from the superb Southampton academy (Bellerin from Barca, Gnabry from Stuttgart, Welbeck from Manure), which suggests something isn't quite right with ours. Sorry to pull you up on a technicality, Chambers really is a slouch, which is why he will never be a success at full-back and why (in addition to his height) he has been moved into the centre, where I believe he will become a great. I can't get excited about Gibbs, who is probably 3 years behind where he should be in terms of development, could have been a great player, but just far too injury prone, same goes for Wally. The problem with having so much faith in youth, is that Wenger over stresses their still-developing bodies at a time so crucial for their technical development - Years spent on the treatment table has ruined many a promising talent at Arsenal.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 29, 2014, 14:23 #60321

    So the pensioner is building a team of highly skilled speedsters for tomorrow (if only they could stay fit) hasn't he been trying to do that for years, maybe he intends to stop playing tippy tappy now. As long as he's not part of the future it might come to fruition.

  21. Westlower

    Oct 29, 2014, 12:45 #60317

    @Ron, I'm just highlighting the directive currently given to refs that allows for more fouls to go unpunished. I always felt the sentiment of the UK game changed when the 49's were beaten at OT. All manner of things were going on with the blessing of the officials. Wenger can easily be accused of being naive relying on the officials to protect his players but it simply doesn't happen. the irony is the amount of red cards accumulated in Wengers reign - pussycats v tigers. Maureen is up to scratch with what a team can get away with. The application of the rules change significantly in Europe. Just a simple thing like extra time on top of the extra time doesn't happen in European competitions. Arsene is longing for the day when he's allowed to challenge two referring decisions. I'll maintain my belief that Horse racing is more honest than football.

  22. Ron

    Oct 29, 2014, 12:03 #60316

    Westie - you cant keep blaming the refs and screaming boo hoo hoo he kicked me. The right type of players in a team with young players act as a deterrent and if the deterrent fails, direct action always succeeds, even in today's sanitized game. Arsenal have been soft touches for years now and wilt in the face of the slightest physical threat. Todays game barely contains any of yr so called hairy arsed types anyway. Tackling has been driven from the game by TV, refs and whinging moaners like Wenger. Its high time they toughened up by recruiting the needed players to act as insurance men v any tasty tacklers such as there are. The injury numbers would soon fall. Wengers 'philosophy' is not likely to do this though. Hes doing a disservice to these kids he picks.

  23. Red Member

    Oct 29, 2014, 11:35 #60314

    how about the here and now at Arsenal? Bellerin is a prospect but only that - he is not good enough for the first team at the moment unless you are happy to settle for the Europa League next season

  24. Tony Evans

    Oct 29, 2014, 11:21 #60313

    Ian - I think we have all had more than enough of potential but thanks for posting something positive and I hope you are proved right about Bellerin.

  25. Ron

    Oct 29, 2014, 10:43 #60310

    Its always great to see young bucks coming through, but to be frank the recipe of 'youth for the future' has long worn thin. Good coaches bring youth into a strong side where they can be insulated and protected while learning the ropes and developing game nous. At Arsenal they are put into the team and expected to cope and be the fulcrum of the team in many instances. Its not good enough, its unfair on the young players and it doesn't work.The 'team of speedsters' notion might impress some. For me it smacks of more lightweights being asked to play positions and fulfil roles where heavyweights are needed. Its about saving money though. We all know that. The young players are being groomed only for future sales not future trophies.

  26. Westlower

    Oct 29, 2014, 10:26 #60307

    While agreeing with you Ian that it's exciting to have these super speedy youngsters emerging the concern is are they going to be robust enough for the rigors of PL football. Mike Riley's latest directive that free kicks shouldn't be awarded for every foul gives licence to the hairy arsed brigade to chop these fast youngsters down in full flight. Apparently the motive behind the directive is to speed the game up further and make it more entertaining. Can only be the TV companies behind such logic. Maybe the current maximum squad size will have to increased to compensate for ever lengthening injury lists. Turn back the clock 43 years and Arsenal went through their double winning season with virtually the same players being used for every game. Emphasis must have been given to stamina training, with stories that players were made to run up the Highbury terraces. Simply wouldn't happen these days. How are the match officials ever going to keep up with players who can run faster than the preceding crop. Mike Riley will have to employ ex-Olympic class runners as match officials.

  27. Pete the Wob Humbler

    Oct 29, 2014, 9:25 #60305

    Nice article Ian, though I think Debuchy will take some displacing.Wenger looks like he's building another exciting team for the future and it's always great to see the kids coming through...Arsenal has never been just about short term glory.

  28. Bard

    Oct 29, 2014, 9:21 #60304

    Thanks for that Ian. Interesting points about yet another youth project. I like all the players you mention but as of yet none of them has really stepped up.. Bellerin may in a few years, Gnarby undecided suffering from the Arsenal disease always injured, Gibbs Im afraid is too fragile and not in the class of a Cole or Sansom, the Ox is still patchy may develop but he suffers from being played in the wrong position, now where have we heard that before. So yes could be interesting but none of them will be especially influencial under the current regime and it remains to be seen what the new manager makes of them. The analysis of the genius of his defensive transfer negotiations is plain wrong Im afraid. Thought you slightly lost youre way in the seonc half of the post it drifted off onto another topic altogether. Understandable in the the light of the state of the club.