One Man Show

Online Ed: Alexis drags Gunners to victory against stubborn Burnley

One Man Show

It was turgid fare for much of yesterday’s victory against Burnley. With the visitors offering very little by way of attacking play, the onus was on Arsenal to score the first goal. We’ve seen many matches of this nature over the years as the pace in Arsenal’s game has gradually eroded since the days of Thierry Henry. Ten years ago, visitors of the quality of Burnley would be dispatched in the first 20 minutes, before a slippers on, pass the game out 70 minutes would ensue.

Now, it is the other way round. 70 minutes of training ground possession with little meaningful penetration, followed by 20 in which the game is finally won. Arsenal did fathom a few meaningful attempts before scoring – with the amount of possession and territorial dominance, that is a given. Anyone who only saw the Match of the Day highlights will wonder what I am talking about, but higlights did not give the flavor of the game in between the chances. At the stadium, the crowd became frustrated at what seemed a lackadaisical display. Is it significant that only recent arrivals Alexis, Welbeck and Chambers seemed to display most of the energy amongst the home side? It’s almost as if the spirit of players is sucked out of others the longer they play under Wenger.

There was pace in the side – the aforementioned Alexis and Welbeck, alongside the Ox. But a 4-4-2 formation in which Arteta and Flamini were the central midfield lacked drive. Flamini did try to get forward but with little tangible effect. Cazorla had a poor game and the Ox seems to have lost something we saw in the younger version that excited fans in his first few months in the first team. Quite why, against Burnley at home, such a defensive midfield was required is one only the manager can answer. The visitors had yet to register a win in their opening nine league fixtures. They did eventually fashion a couple of dangerous breaks, let down by the final pass, but for the most part, were content to put up the barricades and hope for a point. The onus was on Wenger’s team to put that gameplan to bed sharpish, but their lack of ability to convert the chances they did fathom made for a long afternoon.

The bench featured Lukas Podolski, who has contributed well when called upon as a substitute so far this season. There was an argument to shake things up a little and play him in this game, in place of Cazorla, whose form has been disappointing recently. Overall, new boys apart, I sensed a lack of motivation amongst the players. Just an impression, but the hunger to win the match only really took hold after Arteta was replaced by Aaron Ramsey. One wonders if the players, knowing the title is a long ask against a Chelsea side improved significantly since last season, are as bored as the crowd by the perennial challenge for a top four place. Last season’s league campaign, even if it ended in failure, was far more interesting for the first two thirds of the season because Arsenal were credibly competing for something above the norm.

Still, a win’s a win, even if it was almost a one-man affair with Alexis saving the day once again. And despite not playing well, Arsenal have won their last three matches. They are now fourth, although the nine point gap to Chelsea looks like a chasm. The visit of Manchester United in three weeks is a game that should tell us whether or not there is justification for optimism, and it is certainly important that Laurent Koscielny is back for that one. Two more winnable games before then. However, performance-wise, the Gunners need to up their game, and stop making such hard work of overcoming relegation candidates.

If all the players matched the desire and work rate of Alexis, I think we’d see a different Arsenal. However, one man cannot carry a team, even if at the moment, it looks like that is exactly what is happening.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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  1. Gaz

    Nov 05, 2014, 7:24 #60631

    @Ron: Sadly for a lot of fans results like last night just make them dig their heels in even more...

  2. jjetplane

    Nov 05, 2014, 0:10 #60626

    BADDIE the theme in a great deal of your posts is to talk third person which tends to the pathological over evaluation of said individual. It kind of explains your support of wonderfully titled Arsene Bonaparte. It also perhaps explains why you find it all such a persecution. The simple fact is Wenger is a spent force and should not be let near any football facilities until he has done some homework. Better still - he could set up a hedge fund in south of France where he can play with numbers all day and destroy even more careers. I will leave WESTiE syndrome for another day.

  3. Hi Berry

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:27 #60607

    'They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow' Oh damn, is it 6 o'clock already? Bill, turn that alarm off.

  4. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:11 #60601

    Westie - after that, are you still in need of more persuading or are the blinkers remaining firmly strapped on?

  5. Steve H

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:02 #60598

    what a joke how did we throw that away - please leave mr wenger asap

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 21:58 #60596

    Bard, you were saying earlier about keeping the deluded in check I guess it's come a lot earlier than expected, it's of to warmington and sea again then, who do you think your kidding all you moonies if you think your messiah's not. done.

  7. maguiresbridge

    Nov 04, 2014, 21:43 #60593

    andy 1886, with an extra couple of million every time, but don't even dream that mate let alone type it.

  8. andy1886

    Nov 04, 2014, 20:25 #60590

    Westie, I'd take Ancelloti for two or three years and see how Clement develops, it could be a goer assuming Carlo stays another season or two at Madrid. Ultimately we're at the mercy of our BoD for the next appointment and I wouldn't be surprised if they just keep begging AW to stay 'a little longer' every time his contract winds down.

  9. Westlower

    Nov 04, 2014, 18:13 #60589

    Just a reminder that it was Bergkamp, not Wenger, who missed the penalty chance to kill off Manure at the end of normal time. It was Vieira, not Wenger, who lost the ball that resulted in Manures winning goal at Villa Park in 99. It wasn't Wenger but Rooney who dived to get an unjust penalty at OT to beat the 49's.


    Nov 04, 2014, 18:06 #60588

    Thanks Ron, you have given me a specific. I too am acutely aware of the power of the controllers, the puppet masters, and I see them everywhere, grubby mitts despoiling, fingers in all pies. They are in the White House, the Kremlin, and Number 10, so why not the Arsenal? It sickens me to the core. You know I am opposed to Sky and their ilk, the clowns dressed up as pundits towing the party line, clots like Merson, and complete idiots like Savage. It is truly demoralising at times, but it is our Arsenal, beneath and beyond. The game changes, those bringing in live TV, money, competition, all have altered beyond anyone's imagination, and I have news for the faint hearts, it hasn't stopped yet. In fact the merry go round is speeding up if anything. Meanwhile, back here in my own little corner of what's left of what once was, I am hoping for a victory, group qualification, more dosh, and aspirations of what may yet come. Good old Arsenal.

  11. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 17:52 #60587

    Badarse - Record players are fashionable mate, even Iggy Pop says so and hes bought one as well as supporting the concept of free music. Vinyl rules once more! Wengers biggest open wound mate is his seamless alignment with the Board. By anybody's standards its unhealthy and isn't doing the Club any favours as it tries to bat off the critics. Its become a very unfeeling and remote Club and fans aren't having it as they once did. Thats healthy in my view.

  12. Westlower

    Nov 04, 2014, 17:40 #60586

    @Andy1886, I just mentioned Paul Clement off the back of reading a story he's being lined up to take over from Wenger in the summer of 2016. Maybe journalistic poppycock but researching his career he has managerial potential. He's from a footballing family & has coached under Hiddink & Ancelotti at CFC. He also had a spell coaching at PSG before rejoining Ancelotti at Real Madrdid. Not the career path of your average English coach. What if the Clement & Ancelotti duo take over from Wenger before Clement takes over at the helm a couple of years later?


    Nov 04, 2014, 17:38 #60585

    Sorry Ron, that doesn't wash. Two inanimate individuals stand together, one begins criticising the man, the other defends. Never an intention of attack, always defence, and sometimes when the defence is called upon regularly the mask slips a little and irritation takes over. I haven't witnessed much in AW's character to form a valid opinion of what he is like as a man, though I have an idea, and much goes in his a man that is. Criticise his coaching techniques, and his general approach and you would get approving nods from me, but I have been critical of GG, et al. If you have a footballing brain you will always see something that another misses, and have your own take on things, that is natural. Yet if you genuinely haven't seen personal attacks on him, all based on supposition then I think we have been reading different posts. Anyway chum, as I have always maintained, the point of view may not be one I share one hundred per cent, and too difficult to quantify on every occasion, but as long as the respect is constant it is fine by me. I go a bit silly sometimes when I feel the topic is too oft repeated, something has to be offered to bump the stylus out of the groove. Ah, record players, wireless, wind up watches, ha ha, the years are advancing too damned quickly fella.

  14. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 17:24 #60584

    Hi Badarse - Of course its all opinion. I don't see much assassination of Wengers character though even by the most blinkered anti Arsene posts. I think a youre a bit too sensitive to the views on Wenger. To assassinate character has nothing to do with football, but an opinion of on whats argued as a less than agreeable performance as a Coach has.An opinion of a Club who place riches and personal gratification by cash paid to them above sporting achievement doe and will attract negative views. Rightly so. Yes, finances are a factor and are rightly considered as the life blood of the Clubs existence. The view is though that Arsenal do not maximise the good management by conveying the fruits of it onto the pitch.The day football fans views have to comply with the rules of evidence in Islington County Court is the day when the fans and Arsenal might as well all wrap up and go home. Thats an outlandish expectation even by your standards.To quote Jeff ' you cdt make it up'. Defend the regime and Wenger by all means but dont pretend that 'agendas' apply. Wenger being sacked doesn't affect anybody's life on here and nor does Arsenal going broke if it happened. Dont forget either that if agendas do apply to those posts you disagree with, they also apply to your own position. You seemingly like to dress your views up though as some how morally superior. Most fans just want Arsenal and Wenger to stop the bull---t and manage the Club in a way that genuinely challenges the top Clubs instead of pretending to do it while hiding their real agenda from the fans. Its Arsenal who harbour the agendas, nobody else as i see it. Good to see you back causing trouble you grouchy old rascal!


    Nov 04, 2014, 17:18 #60583

    Ha ha. Well done DJ. Give the lads a shout for me. I used to say to a buddy after a number of our crew moved away, or disappeared off the radar, 'A cheer for absent friends.' My buddy now does it for me-I for him, as he does for his late father, a lifelong Gooner and ST holder. It's a nice enough idea I suppose, isn't it? Enjoy chum; I was at Highbury in April 1970-went to the first leg in Belgium too-and it remains the single biggest buzz of my Arsenal life, though many other moments touched the hem of that night. I have craved 4-4-2 for so long, with two fast wide men. Despite our frailties which have been talked to death, we are beginning to get personnel that 'perhaps' could do the job. Have a good game Gooner. I shall be almost a hundred miles away at a relatives with the AFC family in tow. Have made a big Ruby to transport there to eat shortly, then to have a couple of hours misbehaving as the young BADARSE used to-shall never grow up when it comes to Arsenal, ha ha. Let's do this thing!

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 17:05 #60582

    e, more like diet fanta now, or cremola foam.

  17. DJ

    Nov 04, 2014, 17:05 #60581

    Badarse: I get your point but, tonight for example, I will be going hoping Arsenal playing an attacking 4 – 4 – 2 system with two genuine wide men and we produce a performance of class and style. I will not be transfixed by the attendance and praying we sell enough hot dogs so Stan and his cohorts will be satisfied!

  18. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 17:02 #60580

    Its all relative Westie. Stronger now than ever? The Club would have said that in 1935, 1953, 1971, 1989, 1998 and so on and so forth.Future success assured? Says who?. Sport is not always about futures, its about now.Living life is about now. Wenger and the Club have peddled that old chestnut for 10 years and sold it as a given. Some of you have bought it hook line and sinker. I'm sure Billy Wright peddled it in 1962 but where did it get him? The reality is that the longer this Club bluffs and bull****es along asking fans to pay top prices for an imaginary trophy, i d say the future you celebrate is far from assured and its a team that's of no great strength really. Its declined in strength for 10 years.Irrespective of the money position i like others maintain that a different coach who s not wedded to the Clubs economics and his own 'philosophy' could have done better this past decade. Hes past it. End of. Its only the Board who wont see it and only because it suits them not to do so.


    Nov 04, 2014, 16:51 #60579

    No DJ, you are mistaken my friend. I know the object, albeit a spurious one, is to talk football, but that is a rarity. The theme on this site is to character assassinate the manager of Arsenal FC, and to vilify him in any way an individual's imagination can conjure. Loosely linking facts, football cliches, and playing to the recognised gallery, is not valid. It is nothing but an opinion, and from a person shaping the argument to suit their agenda.Many are applauded for insightful posts, as if their claims are right on the money, when in fact they are interpretations of circumstances, which cannot hold sway in a court of law. Those make up the meat of the posts on here. Surely the challenge offered by statistics or a positive approach towards the vital requirement of financial qualifications,is much more fundamental to the future prosperity/stability/success, of AFC, than the cryptic, and tangled opinion of 'Mister Angry of Somewhere'. Wouldn't you agree?

  20. andy1886

    Nov 04, 2014, 16:45 #60577

    Westie: "The clubs too big for Martinez but Real Madrid assistant manager Paul Clement looks to be a fair shout." Why do you think that? What has Clement achieved to suggest that he is superior to Martinez? How many number twos (if you excuse the term) have failed to make the step up? I'm not suggesting Martinez at all but I can't think why Clement would be ready for Arsenal just yet. Let him prove himself and maybe he could be in contention for the job after Wenger's replacement.

  21. DJ

    Nov 04, 2014, 16:33 #60576

    That 4th place is our goal and the 50 million that goes with it is proof that Wenger is now more interested in finances than football. How else could you explain our superb balance sheet yet our lack of clean sheets? This is meant to be a football site arguing about who should play where and what tactics we should employ. It now resembles a city financiers board meeting with the ‘forget the results look at the dividend attitude!’

  22. JAMIE

    Nov 04, 2014, 16:26 #60575


  23. e

    Nov 04, 2014, 15:46 #60574

    How is 'future success assured'? The model in place may keep delivering 4th, if that's your idea of 'success' but it's so often such a close run thing I cannot see that it's assured. We currently don't have an owner interested in or a manager capable of more. We can all agree on some of the reasons for lack of success - oligarch clubs - but there are many other reasons that some still choose to ignore. Wenger once had an inside track on European players and was ahead of the game on diet etc. He no longer is, and the 'just go out and play and forget the opposition' that worked with the great players we once had is not suitable for the less great we now have and the football world we're now in (though it will win you a couple more than you lose and draw over a season, and therefore put you in contention for 4th). Some will keep closing their eyes to this though. And I cannot see how a bit more CL cash will mean the 'final pieces of the jigsaw' will be put in place. It's not a lack of cash forcing Wenger go into a season with 6 defenders and 14 midfielders. Just reads like a bigging up of 4th cos that's all realistically possible this season, to me. Classic spin.

  24. jjetplane

    Nov 04, 2014, 15:02 #60573

    You said it mate in your last sentence - wide-eyed and trophyless/I've gone and done it again ....

  25. Westlower

    Nov 04, 2014, 14:47 #60570

    @JJ In the 50+ years I've supported Arsenal we are stronger now as a club than we've ever been. Consistently towards the top of the table with future success assured. I understand short term frustration and we all know the reasons why but some still choose to ignore it. I wouldn't swap this club for any other in PL. The world of football has changed radically in the past 20 years and unless the finances are well managed there is no future. It isn't a tory or socialist world, money is a tool that has to be prudently managed & is a skill not to be underestimated. There's probably more doped Gooners than racehorses!

  26. jjetplane

    Nov 04, 2014, 13:49 #60566

    Ha ha WESTIE your last two posts are worthy of the Tory spin you profess to. Nothing but the money matters to you but as you say you spend your time drifting through a world of doped up nags (I'll get on to the horses another time) so why would something like a game of football get in the way. You talk of disgruntled supporters as though they were some odious minority but I prefer RON's take that bubbling beneath the surface at a Emirates (sic) is more than a few moaners. If there ever was a moaner on here - you pick up honours. 50m and Arsenal will be there - bull****! ROY don't know about trolls on here but there are certainly a few paid up members for the puppet regime masquerading as Arsenal FC talking about 'the vileness' .... Ho ho ho.

  27. jeff wright

    Nov 04, 2014, 13:36 #60564

    I had to smile at Wenger's comments that not winning the group produces 'a fear guilt of guilt ' in our players and this explains the annual KO against the first top side we meet in the next round. Apprantely the knowledge that they were not good enough to win the group reduces our players to gibbering mental wrecks lacking in self belief. Jesus wept! Wenger gets paid 8m a year to come up with this clap-trap! You couldn't make it up............ Alexis,Lee kfc, TH14 ,Denis, and whoever... why don't you just call yourself EGOTRIP and be done with it...? .....regarding your question there are plenty of managers out there better qualified to manage AFC than I am and ones in my view who could do a better job than the one that we have at the moment.

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 13:36 #60563

    Bard, but not without the odd insult as usual, but as usual a defeat will see to that, and any worse it'll be off to warmington on sea again.

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 13:17 #60560

    jw 63866, my god you nearly gave me a heart attack there, I thought you were going to say i'll wait and judge him in May. And there's still some happy to do it, unbelievable, you couldn't make it up.

  30. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 04, 2014, 13:11 #60559

    So the future post-Wenger... is more Wenger. And 4th is a bigger trophy than ever. Some fans just want to live in the Oracle's Cave forever.

  31. jeff wright

    Nov 04, 2014, 12:19 #60556

    Dear Jamie that was ,a good attempt at trying to divert attention away from the obvious problems that you have defending Wenger's inept record against Mourinho , by portraying Arsene's detractors as being oafish chavs obssessed with the 'special one'. The reality is that Chelsea supporters love Wenger and want him to stay with us they even sing a song about this ( and why not>?) The reality is dear Jamie that it is only genuine Arsenal supporters that are trying to get shut of him so as to bring to an end the never ending nightmare of his now increasingly depressing tenure. We did meet once by chance at a game, but as I recall it you were with your care worker who was standing having a pint outside the Herbert Chapman in Holloway Rd, you were misbehaving spitting mouthfuls of Tango you were sipping from a can through a straw at passers by while shouting abuse calling them Chelsea scum ! The care-worker cried out : Stop it Jamie otherwise I will to give you some medication to calm you He then explained to you that we were playing Everton and not Chelsea . It was all really rather embarrassing so just as well you have got better now!


    Nov 04, 2014, 11:37 #60555

    DWT, you can put me down, scandalise my name, but please leave Kermit out of it, he is my favourite character. He became so, when I realised jeff wright thought he was related to Arsene Wenger. I worked with Kermit many years ago, and in truth have been inseperable ever since, though I have had to ban him from our OnlineGooner Virtual Book Club-all he ever says is, 'Read it!'

  33. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 11:31 #60554

    Westie - ive no real issue with him staying as a director mate. I dont think he would tread on a new Coach's toes too much i have to say. Many disagree though. I think these Clubs with stadia projects on going, through that alone is already impacting on their prospects.Spurs are reaching for some thing that is nt in their best interests i reckon. I detest the Club so im biased but to me, Tottenham accepting themselves as being a plucky albeit smaller competitor to the big boys is better for them long term.A stadium shift could finish them as the Club is ran today. Its shaky and flimsy there.Hopefully it does finish them!

  34. Westlower

    Nov 04, 2014, 11:04 #60553

    @Ron, The board will be stronger with Wenger on board. I'll be amazed if he walks away from the club when he steps aside from the managers role. The summer of 2016 seems to be the most likely moment of change. Be very interesting to see who is appointed as the next manager. The clubs too big for Martinez but Real Madrid assistant manager Paul Clement looks to be a fair shout. One things for sure he wont be English. 4th spot may not be a trophy but it's crucial for the future of AFC. Liverpool & Sours will be killed off, maybe terminally. They've been left behind with increasing their crowd capacities & they've realised it too late. In years to come history will show it was the smartest move ever by AFC & the board to build the Emirates when they did. Wenger worked the oracle & kept the club afloat during some scary moments. Yes we suffered from lack of trophies but we've got one solid foundation in place for future success. AFC are ahead of the game, providing we finish top 4 this season.

  35. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 10:29 #60551

    Good points Westie. Agree on the Board, they have no reason to bail out due to the money theyre making but theyre so inextricably linked with Wenger in my view that the two are as one effectively. Cant be good for the team as i see it. Hopefully with a new Coach there will be clear lines between him and the Board as there should be. In fairness to Wenger he had to be a man to steer the ship post ground move in ways that the Board could live with, but he s gone beyond the call of duty a long time since. Im not sure he knows what he is tbh, coach or director? Whatever it is, its unhealthy as i see it. I do appreciate all of the money arguments on the 4th place etc but for me it holds no sporting credibility and nor will it ever give me any satisfaction or pride as a supporter of the Club. Its a ready made built in excuse for not raising our bar on the pitch, though laudable as a financial business excercise i admit. Im not sure the youngsters of today will choose to folllow Arsenal though based on the Clubs ability maximise cash opportunities. A football Club needs to see achievement on the pitch and the board room to build a real and enduring 'sustainable model'

  36. sagooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 10:08 #60550

    Carzola has been poor since last the end of last season bar the FA CUP goal.Cant score and cant take a corner.Agree that the rest of the guys look as if they lost faith in Wenger ball at this moment.Its annoying how often Wenger always uses the word "Believe" at the start of his sentences in press conferences.I dont believe anymore.

  37. Bard

    Nov 04, 2014, 9:02 #60549

    Thats was a hilarious post Jamie, you need to stop twatting rival fans and do more posting. Jeff in fine form Im glad to see, the deluded are gaining momentum and need keeping in check. Good to see Westie trumpeting the beloved 4th place is a trophy argument or was that atrophy, I cant remember.

  38. Westlower

    Nov 04, 2014, 8:35 #60548

    @Ron This is probably the most defining season in the recent history of AFC. A top 4 finish this time around will gift a £50m pot for doing so. We keep being told top 4 isn't a trophy but for this season it's more important than a tin pot. That's why Man U, Liverpool & Sours are sh**ing themselves on missing out. Man U will continue to throw money at the problem as the stock market will not tolerate an 'also ran' Man U. It'll rock their very foundations should they miss out on top 4 again. Liverpool & Sours could be doomed to a history of best of the rest should they miss out. They'll find it harder to attract quality players. As for the future of AFC, the bonus of a £50m lump should enable the club to buy the missing parts of the puzzle. Medium term we'll have a new manager, but the board will be here for the long haul I'm sure. What reason do they have to bail out?


    Nov 04, 2014, 8:24 #60547

    Morning radfordkennedy, I knew your rhetorical question wasn't a direct comparison, but with these posts it's so difficult to explain exactly what we are getting at, isn't it? If only it was like a chat over a pint, then we would garner more respect for each other I'm sure, form friendships and go on, or drift away through incompatibility. Just a little bit of nostalgia now for those long in the tooth. I listened to 'The Navy Lark' the other day. A radio comedy programme from my past. Wasn't my top favourite, but helped me form in some way an approach to life. It was first aired in May 1959, little BADARSE was 11 years old. The old greybeard BADARSE variety still laughed at the same jokes, and connected with the humour. It was wonderful. "ZOOM!", 'What was that?', 'Your life mate.', 'Do I get another?', 'No, sorry. That's it.' Amusing JAMIE. You think they appeared odd? You should have seen us all arriving in our wheelchairs and Zimmer frames-we looked hilarious, especially GBP giving westlower a piggy back up the steps, with his constant commentary in his strained Peter O'Sullevan voice. Scary!

  40. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 7:48 #60546

    Hi Westie - its always good reminiscing back to the late 60s and 70s. I love to do it with others who cut their teeth in that period. You do need some perspective though. Back then a game v Burnley was different, it was a team of Waldron, Thomas,Blacklaw, Elder and Co. Good players, internationals some of them. A good side but struggling in a league where all teams could beat each other and all teams had at least 1 or 2 players who could turn another team inside out. I lived in Warwick at the time of our double season and in addition to getting to Highbury when my meager apprentice wage would get me back to London on the train, i used to go to WBA with mates some times and it was often the case that Astle Clarke and Brown would terrorize other teams. Recall well a 6-3 thrashing they handed out to Utd. Yr right to say no games are 'easy', but many are routine in that p--s poor PL provided the team in the top 5 or 6 is functioning more or less correctly. Sat v Burnley was one of them. Theyre a team of Champ'p and League 1 standard players. Money has removed genuine competitiveness from that league. My mate paid his 26 quid (about £16.00 too much in my view for a game v them but thats another matter) went v burnley last Saturday and likened them to Derby back in 07. Useless whipping boys. I recall even Diaby scored a goal in a romp v Derby back then!Impression i had was that the crowd were all restive until the Arse scored and there were rumblings everywhere against Wenger. Its a powder keg there and even Arsenals long standing fans (lets face it, we ve never been very demonstrative)are close to a really negative reaction once the wheels really come off and the 4th place crusade appears rocky. That game on Sat was a typical game before a euro tie ie they took it easy v a team of stiffs and thought turning up was enough to make the other team fold. Theyve been doing it for years. Its a con and a rip off but its what Arsenal and Wenger stand for. Still arrogant, but nothing to justify it. Its maybe why Mourinho and Fergie and Co love to stuff them. The Clubs boring, set in its easy ways and some what stale and however much you defend Wenger and hark back to yesteryear , it wont wont change things. A new broom and new ideas and new impetus plus some hungry players will. Board and Wenger out for me and the sooner the better. Maybe then, the hairs raising on the nape of the neck before a game as it did back in 1971 might happen again. Im not holding my breath though. The theatre goers are just too comfy in their slippers and smoking jackets as they ease back into those Emirates experience seats to want to re ignite the place as a football Club again. Lots of our away fan contingent never visit the place. I can tell you that with certainty, thats how bad and sad it is.

  41. radfordkennedy

    Nov 04, 2014, 6:20 #60545

    Jamie..Badarse..thanks for the reply gentleman,the point i was trying to make albeit badly,was the stark contrast between the Arsenal defence of today and those weve all grown up watching,to the point where i always feel today that we're gonna need 2 or 3 goals to win rather than go one nil up and kill the game,and thats where i drew the comparison of the Baker Eastham days,not because of win/loss ratios but simply because one goal isnt enough to bring down the other team anymore.Do you think this team could achieve a result like forest away in the cup in 79' or Copenhagen?,im sure Kos is a very nice man loves his Mum and pays his taxes,but i always feel theres a ricket in him any minute......Jamie no i dont like Pussers and hadnt been on the rum,respect to you though fella for being in the Andrew..oh and i was a Button Boy up in the crows nest!!!

  42. Denis

    Nov 04, 2014, 6:09 #60544

    Jeff Wright - Give him one more window to convince with his purchases. Whilst we are not competitive in Europe, in the Premier League we are mathematically still in it, even if it's never been a convincing title challenge. At the moment Wenger has not done badly enough to say get rid.

  43. Alexis

    Nov 04, 2014, 5:54 #60543

    jeff wright - I think you should replace Wenger as Arsenal manager. You're obviously more knowledgeable and more qualified.

  44. DW Thomas

    Nov 04, 2014, 0:40 #60542

    Jamie. Pretty funny I must say! I picture an egor-looking man furiously typing to respond to our posts. "Master, we will get them!" Like Renfield in Dracula, you follow the Master Puppeteer as you are his best muppet. How are Miss Piggie and Kermit? Now, lets look at facts. Continuous mismanagement and poor or non existent tactics have seen our rivals out play us, and win way more than us! Excuses for the Chief in Charge of Greed can only be repeated so often before they lose any meaning or power they ever had. His time has been up, probably since the 8-2 thrashing. And more embarrassment has come. Yet, he is still excused. We never beat the best anymore, a requirement to be the best! Yet, his lackeys will stick up for him till he retires or moves on. Yet he hangs on comrfortable in his job. Paid millions for failing. Taking a great club to where? 4th. Ooooohhhh YyyeaaaHhh!

  45. JAMIE

    Nov 03, 2014, 23:53 #60541

    I did see jeff wright at a game once,medium height slight pot belly,comb over hair do,jam jar glasses,sandwich box and what appeared to be string holding up his trousers.He had a young lad with him called MARCUS who he kept on a lead and who seemed to just snarl at everybody.He was flanked by a couple of companions one a Welsh dwarf with red hair bucked teeth and a Freddy Mercury moustache who he called DW a large rotund fellow who was constantly eating ,burping,farting and grappling with his groin who he called 'wild Bill Hiccup'and trailing behind a baby faced casanova of a man who was talking to two girls one of which was sporting a beard.I think the man was Bard.They disappeared into the armoury yet soon came out and I noticed they were grumbling about the price of shirts.jeff Wright appeared to be holding a blue shirt which I suppose must have been our third kit.We were playing Chelsea that day and the Chelsea bus had just arrived and first off was the manager Jose Mourinho,suddenly jeff and his pals launched themselves towards the somewhat alarmed portugese tactical genius dropping his sandwich box and proceeded to kiss his feet,that was the first and last time I saw jeff and his companions.

  46. jeff wright

    Nov 03, 2014, 23:19 #60540

    Peter pan why don't you grow up and act your age...I would like nothing better than to see us whip Mourinho and to put the chavs back in t their place... instead of us having morons like you dreaming up excuses as to why we can't beat Jose and his crew with Commander Wenger in charge . We have had just about every excuse under the sun put forth to try and explain away this anomaly on Wenger's part ,when other managers have beaten the self styled 'special one', who have had less resources than our bloke has had to do it with. So if you can't come up with anything better than branding me a tattooed chav,what a cheek! I don't have any tatooes and I am no Chelsea supporter either. So my advice Peter pan to you squire is that you just do what Roger Daltrey suggested years ago and f...f ... fade away... or if you like just **** off !


    Nov 03, 2014, 21:05 #60539

    Hi 24601, yes sir, there is nothing like a hungry fighter, and boy were we famished. The longest drought awaiting a trophy. I think that we began that tortuous journey, then travelled through the most magnificent scenery en route to now. The journey was the eternal disappointments from seasons past, the scenery was Arsenal Football Club and everything connected with it. Hearing the word spoken still has an effect. The road we set out on, the red and white brick road, welcomed a couple of little scruffy kids. I always had grazed, scabbed knees from climbing, or raking through the bombed debris', but usually from taking a tumble playing footie in the streets. I usually played with the bigger boys, and got bounced a lot. I grew into a young Beatle fan, a mod, and was still evolving into a man before silverware came our way. 22 and 23 we were young dudes by the time it arrived, but boy did it taste sweet? I was nestling under the leaves in Yogi and Boo Boo's cave, keeping out of sight of the Ranger when the Anderlecht trip stories raged on here. I flew to Brussels with a small contingent of AFC fans in April 1970, we were doing a Doctor Livingstone back then, such was the rarity of flights-and to a football match? Do me a favour! I was behind the goal where they scored recently, and watched afar as big Ray climbed to head us towards another Arsenal remarkable come back, 0-3 down, 4-3 winners, and our first trophy. I reckon there is a little bit of BADARSE and westlower ingrained in that first cup of ours. Arsenal to the end, eh chap? Been a long old hike, but travelled it with many people I've been proud to know, yourself included.

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 03, 2014, 21:04 #60538

    Bard, and it wouldn't take much tuition all they'd have to do is learn the eleventh commandant (in any language) with their right hand in the air and their left placed on a photo of their messiah, and learn to type f**k of down the lane.

  49. Peter pan

    Nov 03, 2014, 21:00 #60537

    I would love to see Jeff at any home game this season, but I doubt they would let him in with a blue shirt on and his Kerry Dixon tattoo.

  50. jjetplane

    Nov 03, 2014, 20:54 #60536

    Funny enough WeSTIE first time I went to White City was to see the Kinks in 1973! Quite forgotten what an amazing line up (Canned Heat, Edgar Winter Band) was there. Couple years later used to go to bet on the dogs with some dodgy west London mates and then we would hit the west end soul clubs like Countdown and Colombos and when it was right broke Whiskey a Go Go. Simpson was incredible so all in all a lovely post!

  51. jeff wright

    Nov 03, 2014, 20:50 #60535

    You will have to do better than those efforts Baddie and Westie,I post realistic assessments of our prospects, and not OTT optimistic waffle. Now in my view again this season, from what I can discern, that means the usual 4th place trophy come May with the title already gone up in smoke and our slim Champions League hopes are floating in the dark night sky like a Chinese Lantern that will quickly run out of hot air and crash back down to earth .Pressure Westie often makes games that appear easy on paper harder than what is expected when they are played on grass. It's not just a case of the underdog over-performing either but also that the favourites under-perform - so a levelling out is produced where by the superior talents of the better side is not brought into play. If confidence is high though in the better team then the players will win the game easily .I give you Ronny and co v Rodgers bottlers tomorrow night in the Bernabeu,no place for the faint hearted to go needing a miracle.I can't see this mismatch being a tight run affair . On the other hand our manager and players ,plus the audience, will be getting nervous if the game drags on and we don't score by missing chances,groans and moans will erupt among the theatre goers ,Wenger will be sitting crouched face pale and tense in his chair with his sleeping bag on ,hopefully he will have got the zip fixed shaking his head and muttering, sacre bleu ze's fools do not ,listen to me! Anyway we will certainly have to do better than on Saturday regarding our finishing - if we are going to score an early goal . I'm feeling confident though despite us being a one man show and witj no defense or proper GK and I am going for us to win 2-0 nil -I can't see us being as bad has we were in the away game playing at home and with the away result taking some of the pressure off . As I have said before though,I will judge Wenger on how he gets on in the big games to come and he has a few of these to face over the next few weeks - some of the others also at one time looked easier then what they do now.

  52. Westlower

    Nov 03, 2014, 20:35 #60534

    @Badarse, AFC wouldn't have attracted 60,000 crowds back in the 60's but it was a good grounding for us teenagers. Next to nil expectations but boy was it worth the wait by 1970. The signing of Frank McLintock was the catalyst for better times plus the emergence of Billy Wright's youngsters. Good article about Peter Simpson in the latest Gooner. If only those pair of CB's were around today we'd win everything? So glad I lived through those times. Highbury in the afternoon & White City dogs in the evening. As good as it gets!

  53. Hiccup

    Nov 03, 2014, 20:24 #60533

    Evening bard. The AKB's come and go as many times as Diaby returns to and from injury. The only thing we drive away is our top players, which has been well documented on here. When Sanchez leaves next year we will be blamed for that, and then the AKB's will slag him off and say he never helped us win owt anyway, just like they did with cesc and RVP. So, so predictable.

  54. Hiccup

    Nov 03, 2014, 20:07 #60531

    Evening Baddie. Good to have you back. How's band rehearsals going? Tell you what, you need to get your lead guitarist GBP back. Axl without Slash just ain't the same. You two fed off each other. Miss his long guitar solos, which were far better than Jamie's drum solos that is just a droning noise.

  55. Bard

    Nov 03, 2014, 19:59 #60530

    Hiccup, youve got to stop taking the p.... You will be accused of upsetting the sensitive souls on here. Baddie is already contemplating another exit and Jamie has gone awol again. This cant go on !!! We have so many posters missing we may need to import a couple of out of contract foreigners before too long. I know one who cant speak or write English but would be available around March with the right tuition. Alternatively we can hang on till Jan and hope our depleted group of posters manage to keep us in the game. We can then try and sign a few disgruntled Spuds or Mancs in the Jan window. All they need to be able to do is string an argument together. If they can do that they will be a massive improvement on current crop of disciples.

  56. Westlower

    Nov 03, 2014, 19:55 #60529

    It's only Burnley? I recall those words on the evening of April 20th 1971. Second from last home game of the season and it's a must win as we're nip & tuck with Leeds for the title. Burnley in the relegation zone would be a walkover predicted the 'experts.' It was still 0-0 going into the closing stages when Arsenal were awarded a hotly disputed penalty. Charlie George put as all out of our misery, 1-0. We went on to be Champions & Burnley were relegated having only won 7 games from 42 finishing with 27 points, but they put up stern resistance on that edgy night at Highbury. We trooped off home to change our soiled pants, reflecting that there is no such thing as an easy game!


    Nov 03, 2014, 19:45 #60528

    Hiccup, please tell me you are as funny in real life as the character portrayed on this site is. You are the Hancock of the OnlineGooner my friend, I love it, all completely barmy, but I love it all the same. jeff, you are drifting somewhere way off buddy, leaving the stratosphere, encased in your space bubble, naked with 'Richard Branson' stamped on your bum, screaming at the world, and thankfully, as we all know, no one can hear you scream in space. Where's Prof. Brian Cox when you need him?

  58. Hiccup

    Nov 03, 2014, 19:34 #60527

    So was Villa v Spurs a relegation battle? If it was, then looks like United, Everton and Liverpool are in a relegation scrap too since Spurs are level or above them. Great news if so. Leaves the path open for fourth place. Really need Simon Rose's 10 game matrix to answer this one.

  59. jeff wright

    Nov 03, 2014, 19:07 #60526

    Is the man Wenger ! Tbh he looks suicidal at times with all that stressed out hand wringing and Basil Fawlty type crouching on his haunches when things are going awry on field - tbh I do worry about his state of mind with him not handling stress very well . Fortunately there is always a Burnley to help him out . I can see more strife ahead though - right up to JAN 17 ... I hope Arsene is stocked up on his happy pills because I suspect that he is going to need them.

  60. Westlower

    Nov 03, 2014, 18:48 #60525

    I have this image of Jeff running towards a distressed man, who is contemplating jumping off the edge of a cliff. As Jeff get's nearer to the man, he shouts at the top of his voice, "JUMP"

  61. jeff wright

    Nov 03, 2014, 18:35 #60524

    There is only plan Sanchez being used Westie ! And he is not a plan but a player on top of his game, a'la Suarez at Liverpool last season,carrying an ordinary side and an inept clueless manager on his back. Rodgers is being exposed as being out of his depth ,poor signings,poor tactics,poor substitutions and running out of excuses. All sounds rather familiar really and as I have pointed out before Rodgers, like Moyes at United last season, could rescue Wenger from finishing out of the top 4. Or 3rd or 4th in reality, with United looking likely to be in the shake-up with us and Liverpool for those big bucks places. Wenger ,sits , in Rodgers case he stands ,he's 40 years younger than the man from Alsace, watching all their training ground coaching coming to nothing frustration by inept finishing in front of goal. Both sides are dodgy in defence and struggle to score goals against the best teams . The difference between the two managers is that Wenger has Sanchez and Rodgers has lost Suarez. If Suarez was still at Liverpool results would most likely be much better than what they have been.This Sanchez factor doesn't kick in though against Chelsea and City,they have more than one top player in their sides .Wenger will be praying that Sanchez maintains his current form all season,that is a tough call though considering that it is his first one in the Prem - and the tough run of games and fixture congestion over Xmas still to come. All deja Vu RVP when he was the last top striker that we had - and in the end everything went through him. I agree with what others have said though there is no title challenge going on and Wenger is being disingenuous again in trying ,along with the usual suspects ,Ramsey and co, that there is or will be. As for the Champs League,well us avoiding ending up in the Ropey Cup and qualifying for the first KO round in the CL is enough for now to be going on with. Anderlecht are quick on the counter so there could be a few nervy moments to come against them, but it looks likely that we will beat the modest Belgian side again and the home game against Dortmund and the Turks away look more of a test .

  62. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 03, 2014, 17:38 #60523

    Highbury Boy, good point lets hope they follow Sanchez's lead instead of always talking a good game.

  63. Westlower

    Nov 03, 2014, 16:50 #60522

    Nothing much has been made of all three goals came from crosses. Maybe we are shifting away from passing our way through the congested middle & we do have a Plan B? @Highbury Boy, Point taken about the projected number of draws but I was highlighting that having only lost one game is not as bad as some are painting the picture. Off course it was a relegation battle at Villa Park, pre-game Villa were 2 points above the drop zone & the Sours 3 points. I bet Daniel was sweating buckets at 0-1 before the ref helped out and reduced Villa to 10 men.

  64. Bard

    Nov 03, 2014, 16:31 #60521

    Highbury Boy, good post. I cant get my head around all this being on course, it implies somehow we are still in contention. In the mathematical sense we are but to believe we might win the prem is deluded thinking, we have only beaten Burnley at home. If we beat several of the top sides I might change my mind but until then all I see is a battle for 4th. Incidentally this is the poorest prem I have seen for years. That a side can play as badly as Arsenal are and still be 4th beggars belief.

  65. Highbury Boy

    Nov 03, 2014, 15:18 #60520

    As always an accurate report Kevin. Perhaps in defence of Wenger he played both Flamini and Arteta because it seems Ramsey had been sick in the week and of course Wilshere was unfit. I must say that the first half got me thinking back to the mid 70s when often it was just Brady and 10 others. Brady was then the player head and shoulders above the others in terms of class,technique,confidence and goals to rescue the side. It explains a lot that Westlower has only just made his first visit this season to the Emirates. You see much more in terms of running off the ball etc than you do in seeing edited highlights. Also the post 63764 about Spurs in a relegation battle is a bit premature when next Sunday after our difficult match at Swansea and their home game v Stoke we could be level on points. Finally in the same post Westlower you point out that with one loss after 10 games we are on target to lose 4 games over the season "which will put us in contention". But for what? 8th place? Because that's what it will be if you also take into account our 5 draws so far which by the same reckoning will give us 20 over the season. I know your support for the manager is admirable but you do seem to take some of your arguments a bit far! Finishing on a positive note I do hope some of the players who have come out in admiration of Sanchez' work rate match their words with deeds on the pitch. Many of our players have the skills but lack his desire.

  66. jeff wright

    Nov 03, 2014, 15:01 #60519

    Typical Wenger guff this we need to sign a CB , the clown admitting that we he should have signed one before the season began, and that he made a boo boo in not signing one, would have been more honest . However, admitting to making costly mistakes is not what Wenger does. Regarding the DM that you correctly point out that we need , the truth is that he again took a punt on Daiby ,he made a brief comeback pre-season, and Wenger's comments regarding this are easy to google, he has done this time after time,and wasted millions on Abu ,and the likes of Arteta ands Flim Flam , that could have been used to better purpose.You couldn't make it up. Please give us a rest from your incessant sanctimonious support for Wenger,we don't need your advice on what we should post about him.

  67. Denis

    Nov 03, 2014, 14:30 #60518

    Jeff Wright - He openly admitted we should have got another CB and promise to rectify it in Jan. He also admit that we need a player like Vieira, Petit. We still do not have the DM yet, because Wenger wants to sign the player he wants, not the player the fan want – DM is such important position nowadays (not just a shield in front of the back 4, but also link defence and attack) we cannot just sign anybody – average like Tiote, Wanyama won’t make us the world beater or genuine title challenger . After Sanchez and Ozil deal, we should at least give him benefit of doubt that our next star player will be a DM. Give him a break

  68. Ron

    Nov 03, 2014, 14:26 #60517

    The carousel continues to rattle creak around. The facts are that we are not going to get close to winning the title under AW this Season short of a long term disease ravaging The Bridge or the Etihad. Neither can this team win the CL. My opinions are that the Club wont win either under Mr Wenger ever again and that the new Coach issue should have been addressed and settled intermediately after the 8-2 slaughter at OT 3 plus years back.

  69. CT Gooner

    Nov 03, 2014, 14:04 #60516

    If we had players worthy of wearing the shirt, we wouldn't need to worry about the ref. Instead, the most expensive ticket in England gets you Flamini and Arteta! We deserve better, and we're paying for better, but instead we get a **** sandwich and told by AKBs to eat it up. I won't eat it and just wish they wouldn't either...

  70. Ray

    Nov 03, 2014, 14:04 #60515

    Westlower, JAMIE... I think it's pointless arguing with the weirdos. They don't seem to be genuine Arsenal fans - like you say they praise every other club (particularly the money clubs) and disparage everything Arsenal. I'm guessing they're bitter, twisted spuds. I know dozens of gooners and none of them spew this kind of garbage even when we do awful things. Plenty of Wenger critics but none like these obvious pseuds.

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 03, 2014, 13:55 #60514

    westie, it's been said before when the new manager comes in (the sooner the better)he will be given time unless he's a complete imbecile before any body will be calling for his head, I doubt though he'll be given nine or ten years(by anyone) to try and get it right like the current one.

  72. jeff wright

    Nov 03, 2014, 13:27 #60513

    GR with all of the fabrications and fale claims being made on here by AKB's such as dear Jamie ,note how he only appears AFTER we win ,this thankfully reduces his appearances somewhat down to us not winning that often ! My fabrication of the two off-side goals was A WIND-UP in response to Westies fabrications regarding refs decisions that go against us. I could have just used the Jack handball v City to compare with the Hazard pen incident, that sparked Westies latest outburst of his outraged, Peter from Seven Oaks, type rant. Jack's handball one was obviously a penalty but was not given . Westie sees refs conspiring against us when in reality we also get some calls in our favour . There was of course claims that our two goals against City should have been ruled out due to fouls in the build ups to them that the ref ignored,we suffered from this ourselves with Hull's first goal against us when Flim Flam was swatted aside with a cuff around his thick ear. Arry disputed the penalty claim on the grounds that it was a fair challenge by his player on Hazard,the replays say otherwise. I was just having a bit of fun regarding our two goals against City being off-side to counter act the equally wrong claims that Westie keeps regurgitating to try and prove that Wenger is a victim of misfortune ;rather than his own mismanagement. I will stick to posting the facts in future though ,I doubt however that this will be reciprocated by the AKB's and expect more nonsense and claims of corruption by other clubs ,refs,the government and Uncle Tom Cobblers to keep being used to cover for Arsene's lack of tactical nous,penny-pinching policies and his arrogance ,not least by dear Jamie,he thinks that no one on earth can replace Wenger,so then Jamie when he goes does this mean that Armageddon will fall upon us ! You really could not make it up.

  73. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 03, 2014, 13:05 #60512

    If you think some of us are doom mongers, then visit the BBC sport website with their biased undisguised hatred for all things AFC. Richard Winton after the win at Sunderland; "visitors far from convincing; had to win to avoid their lowest ever points total after nine games; horrible error gifted Arsenal the opening goal"; then vs Burnley, James Gheerbrant "scoreline was harsh on Burnley; Gunners been behind at home four times this season; struggled to fashion clear cut chances"; both games were won, without conceding a goal. Man Utd blag a point against Chelsea and huff and puff yesterday, yet are somehow showered with praise.

  74. andy1886

    Nov 03, 2014, 12:44 #60511

    Westie, no insult intended, I'm merely contrasting my experience which was very different to yours. I saw that it was your first game of the season, it was mine too. It's a shame that it was spoiled for you, hopefully you'll get a seat in a more friendly area next time just like I did. You wouldn't catch me doing anything less than support the team during the game but that doesn't stop me making observations afterwards as to where we could improve in my opinion, as well as commenting on what I think went well (I like the move to two strikers for example and thought Welbeck also worked very hard and was unlucky not to get a goal). If we can be a bit more aggressive in the middle of the park then I think we'll improve another 20%. The United game will certainly give us a clearer picture of what the season is likely to hold for us.

  75. Westlower

    Nov 03, 2014, 12:30 #60510

    Andy1886, Please don't insult me with was I at the right match on Saturday, I had you down as better than that. I was in the North Stand (I refuse to call it North Bank) & it was a small group of very vociferous WOB's giving it large. 'Wenger Out' is the default chant if we're not winning & apparently even when we are. If they behave like that when we win I wouldn't care to be near them on a bad day? Match day spoilers is the kindest description I can think of. Praise to the steward for telling them to tone down their crude abuse. Their actions simply harden the resolve in support of Wenger. It's self defeating bad mouthing AFC at the Emirates. Other supporters near us found their abuse nauseating & uncalled for. We've got an injury list as long as your arm but we're not in the relegation zone or likely to be. I bet Dortmund supporters haven't turned on Klopp despite being 2nd bottom?

  76. JAMIE

    Nov 03, 2014, 11:54 #60509

    Being an ex matelot like myself I reckon old Radfordkennedy had been supping on the Rum when he compared us to the mid-sixties Arsenal sides.I bet he was a pompey rating too and liked to drink in the mucky duck and mighty fine and bop away in Joanne's.Brings back memories from the eighties,yet I reckon old Radford was probably before my time,my guess he was a stoker.

  77. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 03, 2014, 11:49 #60508

    Westlower, why are you arguing against points never made and beliefs never espoused? Who on here has been suggesting managers should be sacked after 10 games? Could it be you do this because you can't argue against the points that actually are made? Jamie, I've heard Gazidis reads the fan sites. Hopefully he'll have the CCTV trained on you and your brother's section next match. Badarse, how does it follow that AFC's historical periods of mediocrity mean we should be grateful for what we have now? Presumably attempts were made to do something about those - why do you believe nothing should be done about the present situation?

  78. Steve A

    Nov 03, 2014, 11:38 #60507

    WestLower Name a big club in Europe who would have put up with a manager who went 9 years without a trophy and 10 without a title win.Real Madrid and Chelsea have even sacked managers who actually won the CL.The smell of apathy amongst the manager board and sadly most of all the fans is crippling the club.Mourinho would have Arsenal as champions within 2 years. no 4th is a trophy for him.But we wouldnt want a winner like him would we?

  79. andy1886

    Nov 03, 2014, 11:22 #60506

    Westie, I'd give any new manager three or four seasons barring a complete disaster. Odd that you think Arsenal fans are so fickle, I doubt you'd find any other supporters as tolerant amongst the bigger clubs. Are you sure that you were at the right match on Saturday? I was in the upper West opposite the penalty area we were attacking in the first half and I can tell you I didn't hear a single anti-Wenger chant, no abuse, some frustration yes but nothing more than that. From the posts today it seems the only abuse is coming from pro-Wenger campers. Sad to see that Jamie and his brother seem to think it's acceptable to assault fellow fans because they have different views, hopefully the club will take action if that's what they really do and then the seats can go to decent human being who know how to behave themselves.


    Nov 03, 2014, 11:22 #60505

    Think I returned to this site too soon. radfordkennedy, hi mate. Just wanted to add something to a rhetorical observation you posted during my hibernation, had to leave the cave as Yogi and Boo Boo need the space. You casually mentioned older heads may be able to compare the current side and it's recent seasons' performances, and the mid-sixties. Now I like a stat, probably as much as westie, and really enjoy putting my own interpretations on them, so here is something for you. Season ending '60:W15-L18. '61:W15-L16. '62:W16-L15. '63:W18-L14. '64:W17-L14. '65:W17-L18. '66:W12-L17. '67:W16-L12.'68:W17-L15. '69:W22-L8. '70:W12-L12. Not quite certain where 'mid-sixties' began or ended, so have given eleven seasons encompassing a whole decade. Draw your own conclusions, buddy. My view, my memory? Nothing like now, at all. Week in, week out, we never knew if we would win or lose. Consistency was spelt with a 'K' at Highbury. The frustrations were only marginally better than the mid-to late '50's for me personally. It took the development of the side growing towards the '71 Double squad to find some stability, and a sense of belief. Today, we are on cloud nine, (thanks George), by comparison. Sorry your trip to the Grove was marred a little 24601. Some Mothers do have 'em.

  81. Ken

    Nov 03, 2014, 11:18 #60504

    Westlower- Well seeing as most of us gave Wenger at least 6 years without a trophy before we started moaning about anything, I reckon Klopp would be happy with that. Yourself?

  82. Westlower

    Nov 03, 2014, 11:06 #60503

    The usual suspects are fiercely defending any criticism of any outside club or manager while continuing to rubbish most things AFC. How many of you committed winners would tolerate a 70% losing rate over the first 10 games if Klopp was the Arsenal manager. If you stayed true to your beliefs, you'd be shouting for him to be sacked by now. How will you change your spots when we appoint a new manager? Personally, I'd be very happy to have Klopp as our new manager but I'd be prepared to give him all the time he needs to establish his own team with his own ideas. Yourselves?

  83. JAMIE

    Nov 03, 2014, 10:42 #60502

    Westie,Just reading through the posts sorry you had to put up with a lot of those wob gits on your Emirates visit,we got rid of the last one in our section last year.My brother grabs them when we score pulling on their hooters and ears.They soon get the message and bugger off.

  84. Mike Collins

    Nov 03, 2014, 10:34 #60501

    I'm going with the Positive Posse this time because enough whinging has been done recently. Kev missed the enormous subtleties and disguised potency of Real Burnley's play - unlike him - and how excellently we battled to break them down. Cazorla and Arteta had superlative games and I for one relish Santi's gleaming gnashers when he smiles after poleaxing someone in Row Y with a trademark "ferocious shot", though the smile is waning a tad these days. I also agree with the correspondent who wants Mesut Ozil back pronto. Our German chum definitely has a "knee injury" because a newspaper printed a picture of him with a great big strap around said joint, so that proves it (or something) conclusively. I'm in no doubt he'll be back soon enough showing the same diehard passion for the Arsenal cause in evidence earlier this season and we'll be thrashing Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern Munich and... ("Attention all staff, attention all staff; patient Collins is loose in the sanatorium grounds. Take the tranquilliser gun and bring him back to the Secure Facility immediately.")

  85. divingrooney

    Nov 03, 2014, 10:31 #60500

    I guess no one listens to Wenger these days. He has stated the reason we are not winning at home is because we always concede the first goal. Hence, he selected a defensive team to ensure that it remained 0-0. Like you, he also knows that we can win the game in 15 min. But unlike you, he has seen his team give away stupid goals due to gung ho attitude. So, stop your blind accusations, and start supporting the team, you moron.

  86. andy1886

    Nov 03, 2014, 10:20 #60499

    Irony: "Martinez-Hardly pulling up trees at Everton,fills his lack of knowledge with waffle." Pot. Kettle. Black.

  87. andy1886

    Nov 03, 2014, 10:08 #60498

    Good to see Jamie ranting blindly on asking us to name a potential new manager while completely ignoring my comment on the subject because it doesn't suit his agenda. So Jamie, would you have answered "Arsene Wenger" when asked who could have replaced Rioch? Of course not, so your question is pointless.

  88. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 03, 2014, 9:52 #60497

    I note that Westlower and now Jamie have been highlighting Herr Klopp's terrible start to the season, presumably inviting us to compare it to M. Wenger's indifferent start and conclude M. Wenger is the better manager. So what conclusion should we draw from comparing the respective records of the two men over the past few seasons? And who should we conclude won the tactical battle of wits in their head to head earlier this season?

  89. Bard

    Nov 03, 2014, 9:25 #60496

    Well Jamie thats that then mate, all dissed and rubbished. The conclusion is that no one will ever replace Wenger !! Have never thought overly much about the others but there you go. In 3 years time Arsenal might well be managerless as according to you no one is good enough to take over. Unless of course you can answer youre own question?

  90. JAMIE

    Nov 03, 2014, 9:04 #60495

    Bard,Ancelloti-hardly youthful ex Chelsea too,Guadiola-I thought you lot hated tika taka. Simeone-One season wonder,looks like a Stoke or West Ham style manager.Martinez-Hardly pulling up trees at Everton,fills his lack of knowledge with waffle.Koeman-Flavour of the month,watch him gradually turn into Martin Jol.What about the wobs previous favourites Moyes,Lambert,Poccatino,Rodgers,Van Gaal and even Redknapp.

  91. GoonerRon

    Nov 03, 2014, 8:50 #60494

    @ Jeff - people on here have different views and all opinions are valid whether they are in favour change or not. To admit you fabricated two refereeing decisions that went for us to 'stir up a reaction' just shows the childish depths you are willing to go to. Hopefully Augustus and I calling you on it will mean we won't get anymore nonsensical crap from you to support your arguments.

  92. Bard

    Nov 03, 2014, 7:58 #60493

    Jamie, youre becoming very bold mate. Is this a permanent state of affairs or only if you are surrounded by your cohorts ? In answer to your question in no particular order, Pep, Ancellotti, Klopp, Simeone, Martinez, Koeman.I think any of them could do a better job with the resources Wenger has at his disposal.

  93. JAMIE

    Nov 03, 2014, 7:13 #60492

    The Queen of Tarts DW Thomas spouting his usual guff,accuses me of blindly following Wenger notice how I give reasons and facts while he just spouts cliche's like most of his mates.Care to name any of these young managers with their fresh ideas or are you just going to stick to blowing hot air.

  94. Au Revoir Wenger

    Nov 03, 2014, 7:06 #60491

    If you want to finish 4th Wenger is the best man for the job.But isnt football about winning trophies? Look how many managers Real Madrid Bayern Barca and Chelsea have had in the last 10 years and judge what them clubs have won compared to 4th place Wenger.Its criminal how Wenger didnt build on the Invincible side.Chelsea will walk the league this season because they bought two world class players in the positions that needed strengthening we on the other hand needed a top class DM(Arteta dont make me laugh)and a quailty CB we signed neither so we are fighting for 4th again.Its call rank bad management.Its really sad that some fans are happy with that.Mediocrity

  95. Mathew

    Nov 03, 2014, 5:25 #60490

    @maguiresbridge gooner....People when they become old are compared to kids, as they become adamant and foolish.

  96. DW Thomas

    Nov 03, 2014, 1:07 #60489

    The king muppet himself Jamie, like most AKBs who blindly suckle Wenger's teat, continues to spout inaccurate sh..e about OGL. We have had no one with Sanchez's work ethic in a long time. Without him we would have somebody else fill in, but who do we currently have that is near as good as him right now? NOBODY! Even Ramsey last year at his peak wasn't this good. Problem is instead of installing this in his teams, Wenger instills his ego and we often walk on the pitch thinking the game is already won without the effort. It worked with the Invincibles as they backed it up with attitude and effort. When Arsene said a few years back that his current team was better than the Invincibles, I think that might have been the sign he had lost it. What did that team achieve? Not even an FA cup. I don't despise Wenger at all. He did some great things. But there are plenty of other coaches who can do a good job, with fresh ideas. He repeats over and over and over again the same mistakes that lead to failure. He is blind to the deficits of the team. Until that changes, we will never win the PL or CL. No matter how much his defenders spout about this or that ad nauseum, it won't change. I will still enjoy watching players like Sanchez in our shirt. It's just too bad his teammates can't follow his lead. Their spoiled butts might actually win something if they did!

  97. JAMIE

    Nov 03, 2014, 0:10 #60488

    When people say'Where would a team be without a certain player?they show their stupidity and lack of general reasoning.If Sanchez wasn't an Arsenal player odds are we'd still be around the same position as others would take up the mantle and who knows who would have been signed in his place.Did Arsenal go backwards or score less when Vanpersestrings left? NO.Why do the moanies continue to spout utter bo.llo.cks to say Arsenal would be mid-table shows a complete lack of any football knowledge and confirms the wobs reputation as being clueless oafs walking about all day putting their foot in their mouths erecting straw men and generally speaking out of their arses. Wenger must despair at some of the brain dead fools who pass themselves of as Arsenal fans these days.

  98. andy1886

    Nov 02, 2014, 23:57 #60487

    Jamie, whether you're Arsene In or Arsene Out man facts are that he's going to be here for the next two and a half or so seasons. Moving on to your main point I'm afraid it really doesn't hold water. Put it like this, if in 1995 someone had asked "Who would you replace Rioch with then, give me a name" how many do you think would have said "Arsene Wenger"? Probably none outside David Dein. You can tell me you would have or did but I'm not buying that and I doubt anyone else would either. That turned out okay didn't it, at least for the first decade depending on your point of view.

  99. andy1886

    Nov 02, 2014, 23:45 #60486

    Westie, you really do set yourself up sometimes. For example you think that the following means that Klopp isn't suitable to be a future Arsenal manager: "Borussia Dortmund; P10; W2; D1; L7; F11; A17; PTS 7. Bundesliga position; 17th of the 18 teams. " In that case you really have to ask wtf we were doing appointing Arsene in 1996, because by the same criteria he would have been disbarred by you from becoming our manager. Specifically when Arsene left Monaco on September 17th 1994 the team's record was P9, W2, D2, L5 and Monaco were in 17th place. Now you can argue that after the same number of games Arsene had scored a whole one point more but that really doesn't wash. I'm not calling for Klopp, and I haven't seen anyone else on here doing that either recently, but you can't apply that reasoning to him and conveniently ignore the fact that Arsene Wenger was in a very similar position two years prior to joining Arsenal.

  100. JAMIE

    Nov 02, 2014, 23:40 #60485

    Can any of the half wit Wobs still put forward any names who they would like to see take over as the Arsenal manager.I wonder if they still want Klopp whose Dortmund team currently sits 2nd from bottom in the Bundesliga or the tactical geniuses called Moyes or Rodgers who were once so popular with these turnip heads.Most I have met are just result watchers and have little or no knowledge of the game or players abilities.

  101. Ron

    Nov 02, 2014, 23:29 #60484

    Credit to Sanchez for his one man team act. Lord knows where this Arsenal team would be without him. 11th?12th?

  102. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 02, 2014, 22:16 #60483

    jj, Hiccup, a couple of great posts cracked me up, sending out the love, reminded me of a star trek episode where a couple of telepathic baldies were chewing the fat, maybe on this occasion discussing substitutions. And the come back tour dates reminds me of Dallas, and JR and Sue Ellen, when ever she hit the bottle she always came back, just like the AKB's (no matter how they're made fun off) when results make OGL good they do the same.

  103. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 02, 2014, 21:48 #60482

    Badarse, you have managed to marry reductive assertion with lurid babbling. A rare feat, well done.

  104. jeff wright

    Nov 02, 2014, 21:06 #60481

    Er,Denis, or Lee KFC... TH14... NOW COME ON GIVE IT A REST PLEASE ...! when Arsene stops keep getting caned by top sides, including Mourinho's one... and starts to beat them again instead of just rubbish sides then I will praise him ... however he needs to tighten up defensively in my view to do that ... and him starting the season with a injured CB and the BGF not match fit and past it anyway does not,in my view, meet that criteria and was on HIS part a dereliction of duty ... Wenger gets paid 8m a year to get these simple things right... so that is one reason why I criticize him .. when he starts managing the club properly... instead of acting like an accountant obsessed with making dosh for Stan ... then I will give him some praise ... if you are happy with him predictably beating Burnley and losing to Chelsea... then that is your prerogative... don't try and pretend though that this makes you some sort of uber fan.. because it just makes you look dumb.

  105. Westlower

    Nov 02, 2014, 21:01 #60480

    Borussia Dortmund; P10; W2; D1; L7; F11; A17; PTS 7. Bundesliga position; 17th of the 18 teams. Herr Klopp knows all the answers or so some people believe? Dynamic young coach, aka Rodgers & Martinez, who really knows how to motivate his team, well every now & again anyway!

  106. DW Thomas

    Nov 02, 2014, 21:00 #60479

    If our goal is greed and 4th, Wenger is the man. If however, you want more, we should be vocal about our clubs lack of ambition. Merely being in a game or tournament doesn't mean you are competing to win it. Mistakes happen, sure. But, when one man systematically denies obvious facts to most of us, for years, and then further grows the pile of bs by selling our best players and replacing them with lightweight substandard ones, we should all be up in arms! Chambers played well yesterday, Gibbs wasn't bad either. Even Nacho, whom I always rated did pretty wellBut, we won't win the league with those guys if we don't put out better players versus the big boys. Against better teams, even Everton or Southhampton, wecanbe found lacking, often. That shouldn't be at a club as big as ours. The inability last year, in 2011, and2008 to win the league due to insuffucient backup and injuries repeats each season in some form. Wenger cannot turn turds into diamonds, yet each year he relies on a handful of nice lightweight players to combat teams full of better players like Sanchez or Cesc. In fact, the recent record shows he regresses players like Arshavin, Jack, and Ozil by overplaying and playing them out of position. But he knows best. That's why he wins...oops, wait when did we last win the league? You can't say you'd take 2nd place for the next 20 years and say that's ambitious. The club rely on many fans to be mugs and lap it up. Cause hey, we're the Arsenal!

  107. Bard

    Nov 02, 2014, 20:58 #60478

    My my how low have Arsenals aspirations become. A welcome but routine beating of the prems worst team has brought all the rabbits put of their holes, furiously waving their paper swords. Even towel thrower Jamie is back with incisive words of wisdom. Still a couple of defeats will see more dummy spitting from our disciples. Team selections suggests to me that he is hanging on till Jan. He is playing 2 dms, I use the phrase loosely,to cover for poor old Monreal. Sanchez is doing an RVP circa 2010 and that is the sum of our game. A draw will do or hope Sanchez pulls rabbits put of the hat. It's pragmatic but depressing for a club of our means but if you make such a b....... of the transfer window what can you do. I think it's a mistake not to use Poldi against the lower sides, he's a lethal finisher.

  108. Denis

    Nov 02, 2014, 19:57 #60477

    Jeff Wright - You seem very critical of Wenger. What exactly has he done wrong in your eyes? Ok he isn't doing a great job but he isn't doing a bad job either. Look at United who spent 200m and Liverpool 100m and still look mediocre. City aren't all that good this year either. We are still better of than United Liverpool and not much far behind City. Wenger also won the FA cup last year. All I'm saying Wenger is doing alright. I'm interested in finding out why you are so critical of him. So why Jeff?

  109. Mike

    Nov 02, 2014, 19:38 #60476

    @Oscar - now where did I hear that before or did you make it up?

  110. jeff wright

    Nov 02, 2014, 19:27 #60475

    Caesar watch your back ! You never mentioned the penalty claim !! I wonder why> Now it was mainly about the pen that I was referring to. My comments about the goals being offside was just to stir up a reaction ,and it worked... Although Pells comments about our two goals should have been disallowed mirrored Arry's ones about Chelsea 's penalty never being one ,shoulder to shoulder in his view,odd that I never knew that your shoulders were below your armpits...! let's face it were are all biased in our views on incidents ,Pell saw our 2 goals and the pen not given by Clatterbug like this... Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini was furious with referee Mark Clattenburg, believing he got three key decisions wrong in their Barclays Premier League match with Arsenal at the Emirates. Follow Saturday's Premier League live action here The champions came away from north London with a 2-2 draw, but the Chilean believes that neither Jack Wilshere nor Alexis Sanchez's strikes should have been allowed, while he also thinks Wilshere should have been penalised after he felt the England international handled in the box. "I think it was a great game, two very good teams which try to play, both teams are very creative," Pellegrini told BT Sport. "Today both goals by Arsenal were very clear fouls, the first one, two or three continuous fouls and the second one Welbeck on Vincent." By the way Caesar I don't have an agenda,you are the one with one and we all know what it is to prove that Arsene knows best . Bending the truth to try and do so will not help your cause .

  111. JAMIE

    Nov 02, 2014, 19:26 #60474

    Ha ha ha without Sanchez we'd be midtable,the Wobs are really getting desperate now I remember them using that one in just about every season we've had yet our opponents would all be top of the league even if they lost their best players.It's the job of the manager to get top quality like Sanchez to the club and Wenger should be praised for that,Ha ha ha ha ha dopey DW clutching at straws again,even dopier jeff wright trying to change history spud style by trying to chalk out perfect goals claiming they were offside.As the Burnley manager remarked after the game the clever people like the managers and discerning fans can see what Arsenal are doing and the brilliant way they interact on the pitch.The fool fan or wob will forever be in the dark.

  112. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 02, 2014, 18:52 #60473

    There you are now Kev, once in a decade so your spoiled and sound jaded, so wise up, you couldn't make it up.

  113. DW Thomas

    Nov 02, 2014, 18:40 #60472

    The AKB muppet comedy troupe in full flow again. GBP where are you man?! Argue for this or that all you want, on both sides. We have beaten no one good yet, City found a way to win, as well as Chelsea and are still miles above us. To defend Wenger as he is the reason for any success, fine,but then he must be the reason for our failure as well! The club made history and had the chance to push on from perhaps the best ever squad in England. We sold captain after captain to be greedy, and Wenger was ok with it or at the very least did not prevent it. What does that say? Silence is deafening. For me not signing Fabregas back was a huge mistake and he has the desire with Chelsea to prove all wrong and win the league. Sure, money rules, but we never fill the gaps in the team and the same mistakes/lack of action hurt us again and again and again!! It wouldn't have broken the bank to buy a top DM and CB cover, but then Wenger would get less credit. His stubborn arrogance is what irks me most. He truly believes he is the club now and has for a long time. His glories past have faded into the twilight and he has nothing left up his sleeve. Like a failed magician, everyone now knows his tricks and he can only impress the little kids who know too little to question his ruses. Sanchez has saved our season thus far. Without him we would be mid table and stumbling. I love guy. A worker with skill, grit, determination, METTLE! Too bad his teammates are too daft to follow suit. Shame as the skill is there as always, just too little heart and desire. Take his header goal yesterday. He out jumped 2 defenders to score a much needed goal and save the game. Even our CBs rarely score like that these days. We need more winners like him, better coaching to bring it out of others. Too many players regress under The Great Illisionist. Still, even I have hope that the know it all will change his ways and buy in January. But with Giroud and others coming back, all we be well again in the mysterious one's eyes. And again he will celebrate 4th.

  114. AugustusCaesar

    Nov 02, 2014, 18:33 #60471

    Jeff Wright: "Where would we be without Sanchez?". Proper down the pub cliched crap. He's part of the team and currently scoring goals. Later on in the season there'll be a period where he's not scoring goals and maybe Ramsey will find his form again or maybe Walcott will be scoring or whoever. Do we say the same about Man City and Aguero or Chelsea and Costa? Sanchez is a striker, he scores goals, he's part of the team. Kevin: "Still, a win is a win" - you almost sound disappointed.

  115. jjetplane

    Nov 02, 2014, 18:29 #60470

    All's well ..... so it ends happily with 'comedy' from Baddie (own up who read it apart from Lee and Jamie) and numbers from the dutiful WESTIE.

  116. Hiccup

    Nov 02, 2014, 18:27 #60469

    Jeff, the new directive from Mike Riley to allow fouling worked for us against City. Welbeck's foul on Kompany for the 2nd went unpunished, which was strange, as this new directive was brought in solely for only teams playing against Arsenal?

  117. Westlower

    Nov 02, 2014, 18:23 #60468

    If we couldn't get a penalty for George Boyds leap in the air to handle at full stretch we're unlikely to ever get one. Latest odds update after weekend games. To win PL, CFC 1/3; Man C 7/2; AFC 20/1; Man U 40/1; Southampton 80/1; Liverpool 100/1. Arsenal to finish top 4, 4/9, top 3, 4/6; top 2, 4/1. To Qualify for Knockout stage of ECL, 1/19. To win ECL, 20/1. To beat Anderlecht 1/3.

  118. BADARSE

    Nov 02, 2014, 18:21 #60467

    Well JAMIE, it isn't a particularly good report, but a revealing one nonetheless. As half expected a few were found roaming around the local B&Q's as per last year. Two grinning beside a pallet of briquettes, were quietly led away clapping and chanting, 'We shall come over.', another was alone in the kitchen section, gazing with wide eyes and open-mouth up at the rafters. He was more troublesome in removing and started pointing at the shower unit's 'Special Offer' sign, repeatedly hollering, 'Not Dogs!' The security chap read the label around his neck and brought him to the BBQ. The pre-arranged meeting point was the garden arbour, and typically someone had to be sent to look for stragglers and found maguiresbridge and Kilkenny cat sitting cross-legged at the front door, with their toy yachts tucked safely under their arms. maguiresbridge with Captain Birdseye hat on back to front, was arguing with one of his chickens, whilst kilkenny cat constantly whistled and yelled, 'Fowl!' at the hatstand. The Dark Lord, in standard garb, won the themed fancy dress, as expected-and I do believe his fangs have grown! jeff wright once more shamed himself by arguing that eating fish means you are still a vegetarian, he struggled with the concept of eating, 'nothing with a face', which had him coming up with inanities like, 'jelly fish' and 'mussels'. When someone at the back, trying to be helpful shouted, 'winkles', jeff went to pieces. I'm not sure what he meant but was taken to have a lie down muttering, 'They are all frogs' spawn'. DWT, unable to throw himself under a bus on his way to the BBQ, made do with constantly throwing himself under the table. As he often failed to do this properly by bumping into the table leg, he became increasingly despondent, finally losing his temper and throwing his 'Jim Fixed it for Me' badge, in the fish pond. MARCUS was the one bright spot of the evening, he had a sore throat. Ron was a surprise late arrival, and entered the garden to jj's solo trumpet fanfare-which sounded a little like someone blowing raspberries. He acknowledged the crowd's reception with a triumphal hand wave, knocked AMG's ginger pop out of his hand, turned to bite him, and promptly fell over maguiresbridge's Toy Story 'Mr. Potato Head' He was left growling on the grass until Finsbury Joe went to give him a bone and help him up. Exeter was a model of good behaviour until he began 'frisbying' the cheese sarnies over the neighbours fence-surprisingly the prawn sandwiches had been scoffed very quickly. Asked why he did it a detailed explanation ensued which largely said, 'They are fine as cheese sandwiches, but I expect so much more with my fillings.' I suppose in a way the evening went quite well considering. Only one fire incident, Bard burnt the tails of his black 'mourning' suit, then dropped a bottle of wine, 'He kept screaming, 'A positive.', which made everyone suspicious that it was indeed blood, Alsace was sick in one of maguiresbridge's wellies, again!- but Hiccup took the biscuit, resplendent in his Nell Gwynne outfit, (don't ask me why), he had a seizure behind the rose bush after an orange popped out, and upon recovery began lobbing clods of earth at the garden gnomes, breaking two of DWT's favourite ones. The one riding a unicorn, and the little one with a big foot. So playmates, I guess it's onwards and upwards to the Virtual Xmas Panto.

  119. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 02, 2014, 18:17 #60466

    jw, good post, yes you couldn't make it up, and the fixture congestion and LC haven't done Newcastle any harm even helped them, get ready for the usual, well worn excuse/excuses if things go tits up against Swansea and if things don't, the midweek European fixture won't be mentioned.

  120. AugustusCaesar

    Nov 02, 2014, 18:03 #60465

    I've just watched the goals against Man City. Offside? Not a hint. Ozil is running back from an offside position in the second one and is no way interfering with play. The offside rules have changed now Jeff - didn't you get the memo? As for the first goal...erm...not even the slightest hint of offside. Were you just hoping to get that comment through unchecked to fit your agenda? I'll answer for you; yes.

  121. jjetplane

    Nov 02, 2014, 17:47 #60464

    On related bigger picture I see Chelski fans (the proper ones) are in a fight with Maureen over ground noise verses ticket prices. More noise is produced by a more youthful crowd who do not have the requisite £50 plus a game if they are on low wages (which of course a lot of them are) to actually attend. Same problems at Emirates where the tourist takeover sees a crowd as interested in their phones and pizzas as the those game players on the pitch. Podolski's biggest moment came with his pic getting taken with Beckham - so like fan like player and any crazy stuff on the pitch like a true battle to win would be too crude an intervention leaving the fan having to forget their phone for a moment. Watched a game in the FA Vase with extra time as two counties (Kent and Sussex). A most memorable encounter although we (Town) lost. Back to watching my other mainstay next week against Selsey. Do not even bother with MOTD till it pops up on the player. Bolloxs - Villa ......

  122. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 02, 2014, 17:45 #60463

    Mathew, can't understand? this is wenger we're talking about, and have a feeling? your a bit behind the times, the opposition have worked this manager and his weaknesses and lack of tactics and strategy out years ago.

  123. Oscar

    Nov 02, 2014, 17:29 #60462

    C'mon lads. It's a results game after all. Isn't it??

  124. GoonerRon

    Nov 02, 2014, 17:20 #60461

    @ Jeff - we'll have to agree to disagree on the offside goals - such were the quality of Wilshere's dink and Sanchez's volley in that game I watched them back many times and there wasn't a sniff of offside about either.

  125. Hiccup

    Nov 02, 2014, 17:19 #60460

    Seeing Baddie reunited with the AKB's is as historic as Robbie going back to Take That. The comeback tour dates are already out when you will definitely catch the comedy shows. 4th Nov @ Anderlecht. 29th Nov @ West Bromwich. 9th Dec @Galatasary. 13th Dec @ Newcastle. Unfortunately, the big arena gigs @ Manchester on 22nd Nov and Liverpool on 21st Dec have been cancelled as npower have scheduled engineering repairs on these dates, which will disrupt power supplies for at least 24 hours.

  126. jeff wright

    Nov 02, 2014, 17:07 #60459

    GR, not according to replays and the law of the land ,but even allowing for you being right there is no case for the defence regarding City claims that they should have had a pen m' lud! Not that I am bothered about it,I was merely pointing out to the ebullient Westie that these sort of things can happen in your favour. The Hazard pen looked like a nailed on one to most folk ,but there is no doubt that you are more likely to get these calls in your favour at home then say away. One good thing is that with the old Gruppenfuhrer now departed to the literary world to join the likes of the proletariats hero ammers supporter and unfunny man Russell Brand in promoting their ghost written books that fings ain't what they used to be at OT now - so bully for that !

  127. jjetplane

    Nov 02, 2014, 17:01 #60458

    WESTIe you missed a few crumbs just behind the tea bags. What an awful day that was for you. What with all these gooners everywhere saying enough is enough it's hard to find time and space to just offer up a little prayer for Uncle Stan and Auntie Wendy. You must have been staring at OGL all match - just sending out the love. If only you knew Auntie how much these tourists/fans/supporters love you. I guess you just look at the numbers and that is where the love sits. If Baddie is not up for it JAMIE perhaps you could have a stab at writing about some virtual BBQ you were at where apparently everyone looked like a werewolf ... Come on Villa!

  128. AMG

    Nov 02, 2014, 16:53 #60457

    People who think it was an excellent performance yesterday clearly only saw the highlights. We looked comfortable, but it was bottom-of-the-league-without-a-win at home. The stats certainly support your argument GR, but until Sanchez jumped his height and then some to get between the 2 defenders, we never looked like beating their keeper. JAMIE, I thought you'd left, what a shame, I feel embarrassed for you if you're not actually subversively mocking 'AKB's. Great to see Wally return, I think that the Ox perhaps needs to be used a bit more sparingly so that he might lose the frenetic headless chicken approach he's adopted of late.

  129. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 02, 2014, 16:47 #60456

    It didn't take wally much time in slotting back into his favourite position, in front of the camera, talking a good game, it's been said many times if only he could play it as well as he talks it, saying all the right things a managers dream OGL must love him.

  130. GoonerRon

    Nov 02, 2014, 16:33 #60455

    @ Jeff - I'm not one to be pedantic (!) but both our goals against City were offside? The game this season at home? If that's the game you're talking about I think you are mistaken.

  131. Mac no 9

    Nov 02, 2014, 16:20 #60454

    I agree there are too many moaners out there. The players aren't machines. We can see many of the other "top" teams struggling and even Chelsea just squeezed past a poor QPR. That said, as previously mentioned it's being out of the title race in October that is so depressing. However the story of the season is the effect Jack has on our team. Playing with Jack we have played 917 minutes, Scored 6 conceeded 15 W1 D4 L6. Playing without Jack we have played 502 mins, Scored 20 conceeded 2 W9 D2 L0.

  132. jeff wright

    Nov 02, 2014, 16:16 #60453

    Westie, 3 points is all you get for winning a game. I did'nt see the Chelsea one,but saw the penalty incident on MOTD and it looked a penalty to me and to those on the panel .Shearer did say that he would have Sanchez instead of Hazard though,so bias against us can't be cited for his view that it was a pen. I didn't think that it was a second yellow card job that got Ivanovich sent off at United last weekend that cost Chelsea 2 points afterwards when Van Pursestrings scored a fortunate equalizer , just as well the oaf never scores against us ! Brillant thinking by Wenger to sell him to United ,helping Sir Ferguson to be able to retire with another title to his name,we all loved the guard of honour that Arsene put on for Van Pursestrings on his triumphal return after winning his first major medal with United as well . Refs calls can go for or against you, Both our goals were off-side against City and Pells schizo's should have had a penalty as well - but Clatterbug was in our corner that night . C'est la vie !

  133. Westlower

    Nov 02, 2014, 16:06 #60452

    Things must be looking on the up as Jeff is working overtime to swot down any glimmer of optimism. Jeff's withering posts are directly proportional to AFC winning. Keep taking the medicine Jeff, it may just be a bad dream! Who bought Alexis Sanchez? Who bought Calum Chambers?

  134. Hiccup

    Nov 02, 2014, 16:03 #60451

    Magical game number ten out of the way, and we sit in our magical 4th spot. And if by magic, the the AKB's reunite to spread the word. Now if beating the bottom club meant maintaining a title challenge, maybe everyone would be getting wet like the AKB's are. Maybe the wob's should fake an orgasm after such a great result? It's not quite up there with our greatest win of the season against 15th placed Aston Villa, but it ain't far off. Now a win against a team next week that sits in the top half of the table will certainly be worth having a virtual street party.

  135. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 02, 2014, 15:58 #60450

    Yes they offered very little if anything (their manager also saying as much) just what was expected another regulation win over relegation fodder for OGL's fast track bully boys (it's a pity they can't do it against the big boys) and three more points in the fight for the fourth place trophy. OGL looked like a cat that got the cream also especially in his post match and had a good handshake and pat on the back for his opposite number, i guess he likes teams rolling over for him and not putting up much of a fight and allowing his training ground tippy tappy. Yes where would we be without Alexis, the carthorse? And wally made an appearance and it's good to see with all this time on the enterprise he hasn't grown ears like mr spock (god knows what diaby looks like)I guess he'll be lonely now, for a while anyway. Yes a wins a win and that's all that counts and the cracks are papered over again and every things rosy and we'll have two more good chances to make sure that remains the case coming up, until.

  136. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 02, 2014, 15:56 #60449

    Once again, excellent work by WOB mole Jamie in undermining the AKB effort by making deliberately silly comments. But Jamie, you may be being a little too ridiculous, they may clock on...

  137. JAMIE

    Nov 02, 2014, 15:45 #60448

    Lots of silly posts as usual from the ridiculous moanies,chavs spuds whatever they like to call themselves.After a weekend of howling at the moon,(why are the wobs so predictable at Halloween every one I met was dressed as Wolf Man.It's back to lets give as little credit to the gunners as possible even though they look a couple of classes ahead of the rest including chelsea and city who both once again relied on officials to get their hoof ball games back to winning ways.As expected the anti Arsenal boys are trying their hardest to take away any praise from the team and heap it on one player in a feeble attempt to get him to move as they did with Van Persestrings(who now looks like Bambi on ice)In order to prove their agendas against Wenger who once again is making those fools look like mugs(I mean Sanchez or Vanpersestrings is a no brainer,yet in truth there were many players who turned in excellent performances and in fairness it could have been ten.After watching some of the other top teams huffing and puffing against limited opposition we can surely say we're back in the title hunt.BADARSE you'll have to fill us in how the DM's Halloween BBQ went.

  138. The Last Game

    Nov 02, 2014, 15:43 #60447

    Kevin You sound jaded. It's nonsense that Wenger sucks the energy out of players. Chambers was excellent, for instance, as was Gibbs. They both played with energy and commitment. The club is well placed in fourth, having lost once. They are not as good as Chlesea but few teams in Europe are. You've been spoilt by the Henry-Pires-Bergkamp years, the greatest in the club's long history. And not easily repeated. Think for a while how we used to play for much of the Seventies and during the late Graham years. I accept that we are over-elaborate in our build-up play and too slow. We need a Matic-style destroyer in midfield. But I like the look of the squad as it's shaping up and it's good to have so many young English players (plus Ramsey) in and around the team. I'd suggest you adopt more positive approach and wise-up. Arsenal are not a team that dominates the English league; we are lucky if we win the title once a decade. Anything more is a bonus.

  139. Westlower

    Nov 02, 2014, 15:41 #60446

    Mike Riley is turning the game into a farce with his directives to match officials. Three genuine appeals rejected against SKY's adopted team. Video playbacks will never happen as it'll deny the refs from influencing the game. Why try for the correct decision over the desired decision? Why does Martin Tyler repeatedly say Manchester United but Manchester City is just City? @Jeff, What's the better result AFC 3 Burnley 0 or CFC 2 (with dodgy penalty) QPR 1 ? @JJ, What's Penny's phone number & does she drop?

  140. DW Thomas

    Nov 02, 2014, 14:25 #60445

    Sanchez is a revelation. A one man show though. Santi was not that bad, just his finishing. Pod should have started against this poor side. Yet, early on I was worried they'd score first. Arteta and Flamini are our starting MF options? What a joke! Matic, Fab, et al. are unbeaten. We barely scrape by. It's all down to tactics and personnel. Poor tactics, if any, not the right personnel. Are some of you actually saying Theo and Giroud will be our saviors? Neither can win a big match can they? When's the last time Giroud scored in a big prem game? I will say I like the Ox. Tough, fast, and likes to go forward vs sideways all the time. He just needs better coaching. Westie, Baddie, (where's GBP?) your moaning will not prevent ours. Stick to your guns and don't give in! Given another 18 years your hero is sure to come good! His plans always work out...oh wait, that's never work out! 10 years since we won the league. Millions in Wenger's pocket. All for the most boring, pathetic 4th trophy.

  141. jeff wright

    Nov 02, 2014, 13:39 #60444

    Yesterday was just another routine win against a side bottom of the league and who are by their own manager's admission out of their depth in the Prem. Non the less despite not having had any European midweek game to play and no League Cup one either, having been put out of it by Southampton at home in the first round, we still struggled for 70 minutes against the worst side in the Prem. Not having had to play in the LC was, according to some, to have done us a favour,you wouldn't have thought so watching that first half yesterday .Sanchez won us the game in the end with Santi being about as much use as a chocolate teapot with his finishing . Welbeck with just 2 league goals in the Prem, in a run of matches against mainly moderate sides, has confirmed that he is no 20 goals a season striker. United already knew that though. Without Sanchez this term where would we be? The win over lowly Burnley has however provided us with some amusement with it predictably bringing the AKB's back from hiding behind the sofa. One of them offers us a new criteria to judge who the best side is by using a nationality check on who scores the most goals with English players , and, surprise surprise, it is us ! Yes it's true we have had more English players scoring goals than Chelsea have !*$$$$ ... ding dong. Mad Mike, another raving AKB, actually thinks that we are on a par with a 'labouring' Chelsea, is this the same Chelsea who are unbeaten in the Prem - and who recently beat us 2-0 in a game that we failed to muster a shot on goal in against ? You couldn't make it up. Wenger looked relieved in his post match interview after beating a side that he was expected to thrash, with the deluded fool prattling on again about making ground up on Chelsea, if only, albeit we did not actually make up any ground on them at all, and he never wins a game against them or rarely against any other top side either. United at the Emirates in a 3 weeks time will tell us more and they are not the side of old - but last season still took 4 points off us. This game followed with Liverpool away,are the two stand-out games we play before Xmas. However Swansea ,West Brom and Fat Sam's 'ammers, all away before the end of December, also look tricky . It's these sort of games ,along with the ones to play away at City and United later in the season, that will be the real test for the current team and manager - and not Burnley at home . We all recall how excited some were last season when,like Southampton at the moment,we put a good run together against lower opposition sides only to fall apart against the better ones. So far deja vu that season losing 2-0 to Chelsea away and before that dropping 2 points against City at home after leading 2-1. Sanchez will have to carry on the good work until the end of the season - and it looks like being a long old one.

  142. jjetplane

    Nov 02, 2014, 13:19 #60443

    Excellent report and no suprise in the score. Great point as you said the new boys have not fallen (yet) into some Wengerian trance (old age). Sanchez is so much like Suarez and even better than many thought. Thought Chile were such a great side for a while in the WC and I bet Sanchez was still playing in a proper unit. To all the moaners who moan about the perceived moaners - you are the meta moaners, congrats. Kevin - your authoritative posts are just getting better and it really is stultifying the manner of the present Arsenal that emanates from nowhere but the elsewhere manager. WESTIE the penny still refusing to drop? What a picture that must be you reading the Gooner. Glad you come on here because your meta-moaning is class. Glad to see your echo is back! good old Arsenal indeed.

  143. Orangeburg Gooner

    Nov 02, 2014, 13:02 #60442

    Watching on the screen from the US, it seemed that the Ox had a better and more disciplined game than usual. I'd like to see a heat map of his movements but I noticed him keeping to the outside and making quite a few good crosses. I suspect that his problem recently has been that he has not had a fixed game plan. I'd love to know his pre-game instructions yesterday.

  144. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 02, 2014, 13:02 #60441

    A few points. Kevin is right that many are bored by the perennial challenge for a top 4 place. To know in October that the best one can hope for yet again is top 4 mean it's hard to be too happy about wins such as this - unless each victory is a validation of Wenger for you (though of course the same logic does not apply to defeats, which 'just happen'). On being on track to be 'in contention' as only losing 4 or 5 over the season at current rate. This doesn't take account of all the draws at current rate; the ignoring of these conveniently leaves out the fact this has been the second worst start to a season under Wenger. On Wenger playing both Arteta & Flamini: he said a couple of weeks back that the team needed to work harder defensively, so my guess is this is why he's playing them both. As he doesn't take account of the opposition, this is just how he'll play against everyone for a bit, unless he feels the 'efficiency' is back, then he'll go back to one of them. I'd guess he'll do that against Man U.

  145. Alsace

    Nov 02, 2014, 12:45 #60440

    Kevin. Keep on telling the truth. Some of us like to read it.

  146. GoonerRon

    Nov 02, 2014, 12:41 #60439

    @ AMG - do you honestly believe 3-0 flattered us? 32 attempts, 13 on target, 18 corners vs 6 attempts, 2 on target, 1 corner and a keeper who was widely acclaimed for having a magnificent match. Seriously, I have no issue with critique where justified but to say it flattered us is surely nonsense.

  147. BADARSE

    Nov 02, 2014, 12:25 #60438

    Apart from westlower's post the rest have made me realise why I stopped posting for a while. I'd stood on the platform watching the express hurtle through the station and it was definitely a 'Daddy or chips' moment. There is a precise and nuanced difference between a critical analysis, and just plain griping. Griping and sniping, you belittle yourselves. Oh Dark Moanies, please return to the shadows.

  148. Finsbury Joe

    Nov 02, 2014, 12:03 #60437

    Can only echo this most grudging of praise for three points against the bottom club. Sadly if Sanchez really is that good, a truly ambitious club will pluck him in his prime next summer. A two hunded grand salary, a fifteen million profit, neither the manager, player or owner will object to a sale next June.

  149. AMG

    Nov 02, 2014, 11:58 #60436

    Peter - Is Wenger aware that we're top of the English goal scorer league? When's the parade? Where did we finish the year of the invincibles in the English goals scorer league?

  150. Peter pan

    Nov 02, 2014, 11:29 #60435

    Just a little statistic which you may have read. If you only take goals scored from English players,the Arsenal are top and Chelsea are bottom three.

  151. AMG

    Nov 02, 2014, 11:22 #60434

    Spot on Kevin, the score certainly flattered us in the end. Alexis is clearly the standout performer, like Ramsey was last season. It really is a pity that Wenger can't get the rest of the players to show that level of commitment. I don't know what's happened to the Cazorla that we all saw when he first came to Arsenal, possibly the same thing that happened to Arshavin and Ozil, all the desire has been coached out of them. Maybe Cazorla should be given some time on the bench to recompose himself. I just hope we can change manager before Alexis packs it in. Wenger Out!

  152. Westlower

    Nov 02, 2014, 11:13 #60433

    It was my first visit to the Emirates this season & I thought we did a thoroughly professional job on Burnley. At no time was the result in doubt but because we weren't 3-0 up at half time the vocal moaners came into their own early in the 2nd half. Some 'lively' lads near me decided they wanted Burnley to win, it's all Wengers fault, look at that w*nker just sitting there, £8m and he's clueless. Their preferred new Arsenal manager, Herr Klopp, is now in the relegation zone in the Bundesliga. Cue booing & lazy c**t chant when Arteta is substituted. F & C's were now being sung loudly enough for a steward to ask them to behave as there a lot of kids close by. They left before the end, missing the third goal. Two others left their seats after 30 mins into the first half and didn't return. Have expectations been wound up to such a level that even a 3-0 win is now treated with derision? I'm shocked by some peoples attitude. I can only assume they've never seen a mediocre Arsenal team. Given all our injury problems, with the consequence we haven't been able to field a settled side, we have been beaten only once in the PL after 10 games. Even if we don't improve, we're on target to only lose 4 games this season, which will put us in contention. On another day Cazorla & Podolski would have scored a couple each. Would 7-0 have pacified the moaners? Bought the new edition of the Gooner on leaving the ground. Reading it on the train journey home I felt suicidal by the time I alighted from the train. Every story bar one was wall to wall criticism of the club, manager, players, etc. I suggest you put the Samaritans phone number on the back cover of the Gooner. Lighten up you miserable souls there is much too be happy about. Do I want to return to the Emirates & sit among the Dark Moanies anytime soon? I'm still thinking about that one! Big relegation battle at Villa Park today with both teams just above the relegation zone. Where did it all go wrong Daniel? Maybe having all that money to spend last summer blew whatever brains you have left.

  153. DelBoy

    Nov 02, 2014, 10:49 #60432

    I have to agree with you about the Ox Kev He has gone backwards.This was his big chance this season with Walcott out for the first 3 months yet he failed to grab it.Now with Walcott fit where does that leave him? I always thought he was a better option than Walcott because he had a brain. Yesterday was an unbeliveable team selection TWO holding midfielders at HOME to Burnley!!! You could see the difference when Ramsey came on for the poor Arteta.Why does Mr £8m a year make such awful decisions we were playing Burnley not Real Madrid.I thought Welbeck was poor why does he keep drifting wide and deep this was the type of game he should have been looking to fill his boots get in the bloody box.With us only playing one up top he better start playing better soon as Giroud will be fit in a few weeks.Its amazing there are some who think beating Burnley means we can win the league dream on we have played only 2 of the top 12 teams in the premiership so far.The title race is over its the Chavs.Its the race for 4th again.Sanchez is magnificent reminds me of Bale at Spurs.We are a one man team

  154. Mike

    Nov 02, 2014, 10:29 #60431

    Think you give Welbeck too much credit.Actually can't wait until Giroud comes back. His hold up play will will be the perfect foil for Sanchez to play off. Anyway, anothe win in the bag - Chelsea look just as laboured and needed a penalty to beat second bottom and Liverpool lost.

  155. Paul Adams

    Nov 02, 2014, 10:21 #60430

    Kevin, you report as if you were not at the match! We were always going to win, & in the "old days" would have conceded in the 85th minute. Pod. Was impressive in cameo,but maybe he was exploiting a knackered defence! I even got a train immediately from Finsbury Park , an event rarer than a Soldado goal. Happy days COYG

  156. Trevor

    Nov 02, 2014, 10:14 #60429

    Its like watching Arsenal 2011/12 when we were RVP and 10 others.That season it was all about watching RVP(37 goals)this season its all about Sanchez.Lets all be honest we were playing one of the worst teams the premiership has ever seen and dead certs to go down yet we struggled for 70 mins.Playing Arteta and Flamini at home v Burnley sums Wenger up.Surely he could have left out sideways Arteta and played Podolski against such poor opposition.

  157. Routers are online

    Nov 02, 2014, 10:13 #60428

    watch out we're coming!

  158. Mathew

    Nov 02, 2014, 10:08 #60427

    It look liked an away game, as I was watching on the tele, stubborn defensive ploys until 70th min and then breaking thru. Can't understand why we have Arteta and Flamini play against Burnley when we play only one against Chelsea. It should've been another game to increase the confidence but ended with a frustrating win. I somehow have a feeling that oppositions are well aware about our weaknesses by now, as we don't show any tactical or strategy differences game after game. Ox will come good for sure, Theo will makeup for the lost games and Ozil will feed Giroud and Welbeck, let me dream ahead.

  159. GoonerRon

    Nov 02, 2014, 10:06 #60426

    If the major concerns from this game are that we didn't win 3-0 quickly enough and that our star attacking signing from the summer has hit the ground running scoring most of our goals, then I'm not too worried.

  160. Sammy Gooner

    Nov 02, 2014, 9:46 #60425

    Good summary Kevin and you're spot on about the MOTD highlights. Watching them last night I was surprised at how many goals we could have had. It hadn't felt an especially dominant performance in the ground and frustration was mounting before Alexis got the first. We do seem unable to start any game quickly thesedays. An early goal against sides such as Sunderland and Burnley would, in all likelihood, make the rest of the game so much easier as the oppositions confidence, which is already low, would take another hit. Still, a win is a win and another one on Tuesday should be enough for us to qualify for the last 16 (where we'll probably get knocked out) and we can then focus on some potentially tricky fixtures coming up. No-one should underestimate Swansea away and despite Monreal doing quite well yesterday I thought (yes - I know it was "only" Burnley), I agree that we need Kos back for the visit of United. Up the Arse!

  161. Dan Pearce

    Nov 02, 2014, 9:35 #60424

    I know the team is frustrating but it's a 38 game season. 9 points is nothing as long as the team believes that the league can be won.

  162. Ozzie

    Nov 02, 2014, 9:05 #60422

    I got out of bed to watch the second half and was quite impressed. There was more rhythm about their play and I felt a goal or two was coming. Alexis - what a player! Imagine him and Suarez teamed up together...sigh.