Red Letter Days Author Interview

Jon Spurling chats to The Gooner

Red Letter Days Author Interview

Cover of Jon’s latest book

To help promote his new book on Red Letter Days, about 14 dramatic events that shook Arsenal Football Club, The Gooner chatted with author Jon Spurling about putting the book together.

The Gooner: Why did you decide to write this particular book?
I'd had everything ready for the book for a couple of years, and – after Rebels For the Cause and Highbury - I'd always wanted to complete my Arsenal trilogy. I wanted to focus on key Arsenal history turning points, covering some areas I'd not really written about before in my books like the '30s and the '70s, and Wenger post 2004. It's not a narrative of Arsenal's greatest games. It's about those "non negotiable" moments - awful phrase I know - where Arsenal's history looked one way but went another. I'd got a stack of unused transcripts of interviews which I'd either partly used, or not used at all - ranging from George Male through George Armstrong to Patrick Vieira... it was time to make full use of them. So much has been written about Arsenal's big moments that I wanted to take a fresh view on Henry Norris, the 1930 FA Cup Final, Anfield '89. I like digging around to see what fresh takes there are on things, and it was great to do that with pre '40s Arsenal, the '71 FA Cup Semi Final v Stoke and the 2004 Invincibles. I hope I've unearthed plenty of players' views which put a fresh perspective on things, and that there are episodes and stories that Arsenal fans won't previously have been aware of.

Is there anyone you would like to have interviewed to tell the story but couldn't?
There's two actually - Henry Norris and Charlie Buchan. I'm not sure that Norris - whom I regard as the most important figure in our history - would have said too much to me, but I'd like to have half an hour with him to try! Charlie Buchan I regard as our most important signing. It all began with him I think, in terms of Arsenal becoming a box office attraction in the mid 1920s. Buchan was very vocal, and I found in the archives plenty of comments both by and about Buchan, which gives us a far more three dimensional approach on football back then. I reckon I could have talked to Charlie for hours about most things!

I count myself dead lucky really. I've been interviewing Arsenal players for around 25 years. I spoke with Ted Drake and George Male back in the early '90s - so I've now been able to fully use interviews with them which I only dipped into with Highbury: N5. Luckily, John Harding, Mike Langley and Brian Woolnough leant me taped interviews with Joe Hulme and Tom Parker, which were gathering dust, doing nothing. Hulme in particular was a goldmine of information for Mike Langley when they spoke way back when. He verifies what a superb man manager Herbert Chapman was, and Parker is great because he was Arsenal's first ever skipper to lift a trophy. So I hope that the book helps us see the 20s and 30s in a more rounded way.

As for after that, I pretty much spoke to everyone I needed / wanted to. Patrick Vieira, Edu and Gilberto were great to talk to. Arsenal players from the 60s to the 90s, will fall over backwards to talk to you, except, oddly, George's back four, who repelled my attempts to interview them, like they used to repel opposition attacks. I don't know why...

Of those you spoke to, did you find there was any difference between the British and the foreign players in terms of what Arsenal meant to them?
No - not at all. I think they had different ways of showing their passion though. I'd speak to McLintock, and he'd be up, screaming and shouting as if he were still Arsenal skipper, in his own living room. Guys like Perry Groves, Charlie Nicholas, Willie Young and Geordie Armstrong - they absolutely loved the club and could talk for hours about Arsenal. George Male and Ted Drake spoke in almost reverential tones about the club, the crowd and the marble halls. But then you speak with Patrick Vieira, and although he didn't rant and rave like McLintock, there was a really steely passion about him. The same with Gilberto, who looks back on his time at Arsenal with genuine passion. So just because - say - Vieira and Gilberto didn't necessarily grow up dreaming of playing for Arsenal, they grew to love the club and look back with pride on what they achieved here, and regret not winning the Champions League at Arsenal.

The book is essentially a history of the club, hung off 14 major turning points. Did writing it give you a fresh insight into the events, in terms of learning something you had not really spotted before?
Yes, definitely. I mean, obviously a saddo like me who spends too long watching and thinking about the club knows quite a lot, but the interview which Brian Woolnough did with Joe Hulme donkey's years ago gives us a far fuller picture of what happened in the '20s and '30s. Like the level to which Arsenal players "froze" in the '27 Cup Final, and how they learnt from that for the 1930 FA Cup Final, and that Charlie Buchan was as influential as Chapman was tactically. It opens up the whole debate over who was more responsible for the use of the WM formation - Buchan or Chapman. Perhaps both or maybe, as newer research suggests, neither. George Male said a great deal more about Chapman's man management skills than has ever been said before and him and Ted Drake shed more light on the stresses and pressures of maintaining the incredible level of success in the late 30s. Half a century on, I also realised after talking to the players that the seeds for what happened at Anfield in May '89 were really sown when Arsenal drew up there in the League Cup a few months earlier. It was the night, as Alan Smith and Perry Groves suggest, that George Graham realised he had a system which they could use to get the better of Dalglish's side. And one thing I'd suspected, but which was confirmed by players, was that despite the unbeaten 2003 - 2004 campaign, there's still a sense of disappointment at losing to Chelsea in Europe - because that was so symbolic - and how Arsenal never really imposed themselves in Europe during that era, despite their domestic league achievements.

Having produced a few varied titles about Arsenal, do you think you have another book in you about the club?
It will be a good few years before I write another Arsenal book. It's been eight years since I wrote Highbury, and at the moment, my plans are to write a general football book, or two. I enjoyed writing my World Cup book a few years ago, and ghost writing Dennis Tueart's autobiography. They seem to have been well received, anyway! It's great to write about other football topics, as well as Arsenal. But I'm not thinking too much about any of that at the moment. I've got quite a lot of book signings coming up at various Waterstones in Hertfordshire (Henry Norris was right - that's where a huge proportion of our support now is!!) and Essex and writing to a deadline is exhausting, so I'm not embarking on any new projects for a while. Hopefully I'll update Red Letter Days when it goes to paperback, but in the future, it's interesting to think what new angles can actually be taken on Arsenal. I think that Arsenal - even more so than United - is the most "covered" club when it comes to books. It's probably down to its image as an upwardly mobile, southern-based club. I guess that when Wenger finally departs, there will be a glut of books on his time at Arsenal - but it will be distinctly lopsided, in terms of success, unless we add to the FA Cup won this year. This year has been astonishing for the number of Arsenal books out. I make it seven new books since May. It's partly down to the FA Cup effect. I suppose there are always new stories waiting to be unearthed, but less and less as time passes.


‘Red Letter Days – 14 Dramatic Events That Shook Arsenal Football Club’ can be bought from the publishers for the special price of £13.27 including postage and packing using the special discount offer detailed on this page. It is also available through all the normal outlets, online and in bookstores.

And if you want to buy a signed copy at one of Jon’s book shops signings, here is a list of dates and venues at which Jon will be armed with his pen (all Waterstones stores)…
Saturday November 15th Hitchin 11am-1pm
Saturday November 15th Hemel Hempstead 2pm-4pm
Saturday November 22nd St Albans 11am-1pm
Saturday November 29th Enfield 11am-1pm
Saturday December 6th Chelmsford 11am-1pm
Saturday December 6th Brentwood 2pm-4pm

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  1. Ozzie

    Nov 06, 2014, 0:34 #60762

    Very funny Badarse. Go back to your cave!

  2. jjetplane

    Nov 05, 2014, 20:42 #60742

    I will tell you why ARSENE KNOWS he is going to put in Giroud at the back and put Per up the front with Sanchez. Now that's total ****ing football me olde muckers! What do you lot really know anyway. Back in the day when I was stuck in the Foreign legion for my own good, met a bloke called Jamie and you know wot - he was Chelsea through and through. One time we were robbing this bank in Algiers .....


    Nov 05, 2014, 17:18 #60720

    No, no maguiresbridge, they weren't pigeons, they were ninja turtle doves, you didn't eat them did you? They were sent to combat your chicken unrest, next you'll be telling me you ate the karate lamb chop I sent to thank you for the BBQ, instead of using it on that stroppy next door neighbour you have, just because jeff wright's wooden, extending leg broke his greenhouse window. But what of your neighbour's grass? 'Yes they'll all come to see me, 'neath the shade of that old oak tree, as they lay me, 'neath the green, green, grass of home!' Down Shep!

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 05, 2014, 16:57 #60717

    BADARSE, coming from someone with such high morals as you it must be true, and i wonder why that could be, maybe it was the pigeons you sent me.


    Nov 05, 2014, 15:51 #60705

    maguiresbridge, you have much poison inside you chum.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 05, 2014, 15:35 #60701

    John Gage, with respect to yourself do you think this has been of a manager deserves the title Mr? I certainly don't, anything but that, he's forfeited that a long time ago.


    Nov 05, 2014, 13:43 #60690

    Ha ha that's the ticket Ron, I'll bring my triangle, but I've still never managed to get a worthwhile melody out of my Dairylea-goes all squishy!.

  8. Ron

    Nov 05, 2014, 13:34 #60689

    Baddie - I'll bring my guitar mate!


    Nov 05, 2014, 13:32 #60688

    No Ron, start with a conga, a few harri Krishna moves, little bit of bum shaking, then glide into the okey cokey, after which all sashay towards the dug out. Of course westie will be there with me-someone has to give him a piggy back.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 05, 2014, 12:45 #60675

    There you have it the only defence left for the drowning rat from Arsene Knows is an insult (good to see this one deleted)you can imagine how many weren't let through it's all they have left now. It will be interesting to see if an apology is or has been called for from one or two with moral standards among us, although i'll not hold my breath, now maybe if it was the other way round.

  11. Ron

    Nov 05, 2014, 12:37 #60673

    Ha. Baddie. Mate, youve hit on some thing there. A pitch invasion followed by a hokey while all facing AW though, not in a circle? I know where you ll be though while we re dancing the tune, you old devil, standing right there on the centre line beckoning Westie down from his seat up in the gods.


    Nov 05, 2014, 12:27 #60670

    Unchives what's going on here, Ron obsessed with my politics, which he has me joining different parties whenever the mood takes him, and you concerned about my lungs, or grey matter. I would love to see all you guys standing in a large circle, facing in and shouting 'Wenger Out', then you could all do the okey cokey, and turn about, because after all, that's what it's all about. Be careful not to put both legs in at once though, only I can do that.

  13. Ron

    Nov 05, 2014, 12:22 #60668

    Badarse. I would say that yr the reductionist here. Others views that you dislike are apparently nothing beyond 'rants', 'screams' 'tantrums' and 'whines', while yours (presumably) are the views of carefully considered wisdom? Read yr post back and perhaps re evaluate yr last post. As supporters we only have the vantage point to shout for change, its up to others with influence to deem the shouts valid or not. Sit on two stools if you want too, its yr prerogative after all, but you ought to refrain from chiding those who have chosen to sit on just one. Its hypocrisy to do otherwise from your newly adopted position, hence my loose allusion to liberals who've done just what you're doing now for over a century. Im not referring to 'your politics' at all.

  14. Unchives

    Nov 05, 2014, 12:07 #60663

    @ Jamie - It is true, the goal was offside big time, why did a bank of four let the ball be crossed into the box to one player? Why are we playing an average fullback at centre-back (Manager), why are we allowing a cross into the box and not expect a player of 6ft 5" to win his challenge,indeed he has done this on many occasions. Keep on smoking with Bardarse and when the cloud has cleared....smell the coffee!

  15. jjetplane

    Nov 05, 2014, 11:57 #60660

    JAMIE stop whining mate. Few more minutes and they would have got another deservedly. That Maureen bloke has really got your goat. Perhaps you should just except he is better at what he does and move on. Your posturing is looking paper thin. I imagine secretly that you feel like many of the so-called moanies on here but just cannot make that jump. Football fans are not fickle in the main. It really is fundamentally about emotions and enjoyment and not spreadsheets and 'why did no one not tell me about the defence before.' Now OGL is talking of fatique. Could not make it up but I bet Sanchez is getting an earful from his agent. Something along the lines of 'play out this season with this lot and let's get you somewhere where they win things.' I love this site!


    Nov 05, 2014, 11:43 #60659

    Ron why the reductionism? It's not quite on full throttle yet but am sure it wouldn't take much for you to press the button. What gives you the say so that a person who refuses to pick up a noose and attend a lynching is somehow pussy-footing? It's a common ploy of many to seize a weak position and elevate it to a phantom position of prominence. I remember talking of backpacking through central Asia to an individual. I was explaining the hardships, in particular the poor shower system I encountered, and dressed it up as an amusing anecdote. The individual smugly shook their head in a superior fashion saying they couldn't do that, couldn't live that way, has to have a power shower etc. All the while the fact that they were displaying their own inadequacies and shortcomings didn't register with them, though it seemed to with the rest of the group. Am still not calling for the head of AW, just to put you straight on that one, the change is inevitable enough. I am chilled to the marrow with the outrageous doctrines which pass for success in our club, but it is as it is. So once more, apart from moaning what is the strategy for change? Am a little perplexed by the seeming obsession you have with my politics, note I never offer my view of yours? It's too silly.

  17. Unchives

    Nov 05, 2014, 11:35 #60651

    @ Bardarse - I don't know what planet you are on or indeed what you are smoking...please give me some. With regard to a rumble, like the 300, you would be weeded out as the weak link and wouldn't get as far as the battlefield, like some of Arsenes lovies. The result isn't a coincidence or one that has not been seen on multiple occasions, we got away with it in the Cup Final. The Managers mentality is shot. First we feel sorry for ourselves, now we are just sorry for the effect of dementia, there is not much of the old Arsene left. Get over it and help to get new beginnings going.

  18. Ron

    Nov 05, 2014, 11:26 #60650

    Yr post is a valiant effort to stonewall Badarse, though you're over valuing the need for the existence of yr posts to prompt football fans on here demanding change.Many to mu knowledge have demanded it for 7-8 years, well before yr time. Its deft that you acknowledge the need for change too. Is this the start of you sitting astride two fences while not knowing which side to dismount towards? That will allow you to chide others with alternative views to yours im sure while remaining static as to any form of meaningful opinion. The Lib Dems beckon and represent a welcome sanctuary for you mate! To quote you to me yesterday, its a position that 'wont wash'. Others 'whinings' (in yr view) are perhaps more than counterbalanced by your own offerings of stick in the mud uncommitted waffle (my view).

  19. Bard

    Nov 05, 2014, 11:16 #60646

    Im surprised by the level of grief and anger today. It was hardly unexpected given the state of the team more especially our defence. The issue of being top or second in the group is irrelevant as this team is so poor and one dimensional that surely no one in their right mind had ideas about a serious CL run. Capitulations are a routine thing at the club these days, so no change there. I was momentarily shocked but normal service was resumed in minutes. This is where we are and where we will continue to be for a good while yet. Incidentally have I missed something but whats happened to Kos. The club have been keeping stum about him perhaps fearing a backlash as he was injured before the season started and we didnt buy a replacement. Felt sorry of Monreal, he can barely play left back let alone partner the lumbering Per in the centre of defence.


    Nov 05, 2014, 11:03 #60642

    Well, so much for that defeat-oh it was a draw, just seemed like one. Thought I was down until I checked out this site and now am suicidal, I would love you lot beside me in a rumble. What a paradox, whiners complaining of whining and yet doing so themselves, odd! No one has mentioned the worst offside goal ever given, that too will remain a CL record, if the player had fallen over he would have bumped his head on the fourth official's knee, so what use is he? Penalty. Was it? Never saw any slo-mo or analysis, but it looked 50-50 to me in real time, of course they are given and you have to deal with it, just as you did the former offside goal, then of course the last minute equaliser-a well taken header. But of course people generally don't deal with it, do they? And this site is no exception. Whine, throw a tantrum, rant and scream, it serves you well. The problems with our club are clearly apparent, also with the individuals holding the reins or directing. It is not something you as unique individuals have stumbled upon. Things are not as we would like them to be, nor is life children, get used to it. You desire the existence of people like me to vent your spleens, it's always good to strike out, hit or hurt someone else, just to make you feel better. But don't blame me, blame it on the Boogie. So what do you want to do about our problem at AFC? It's a given that there needs to be a major one addressed, but the question I repeat, what are you going to do about it? In the meantime, whilst working out a strategy have a good moan-you might even get labelled with a nickname if you do that too often though. Excuse me, must go, 'Coming Mister Mainwaring!'

  21. Ozzie

    Nov 05, 2014, 11:00 #60641

    Meanwhile, Ron......................?

  22. Ron

    Nov 05, 2014, 10:23 #60640

    Tony - you can take the collapsing syndrome right back to the away game at Bolton in March/April time of 2003. 2-0 up and drew 2-2. It was the game really that set the rot firmly in and it effectively eliminated us from the title chase that day.The collapses have followed thereafter. That game was a day where we went 2-0 up and were playing with purpose and focus but then Bolton really just gave it a go and threw caution to the wind. Arsenal carried on doing their stupid flicks and back heels while sitting back trying to do their feckless Mohammed Ali style rope a dope defending, didn't meet the challenge or take Bolton seriously and were deservedly pegged back. It was the start of Allardyces period of putting Wenger in a managerial head lock. Wenger has tolerated his own tactical naivety, arrogance and indiscipline spreading into his teams for many years, these car crashes of the last 3 years aren't new. Even last night in a game where the visitors were on a roll they wanted to showboat. Wengers teams have totally deluded themselves for years that theyre far better players than they really are. You can look to the personalities of players to a certain extent for this and Wenger has always brought players in who mirror his own persona as i see it but really we only blame a manager for players being like this in my view. Wenger is too close to players to be a great manager and too weak to address their character flaws that so often have undermined his teams performances.The sad thing is too that down the years a large section of Arsenals support have become equally as deluded, falling for the myth that Arsenals football is the beautiful, barca lite version of how the game is played. Theyve fallen for Wengers whining that his teams should be given the right to play by refs, be exempt from being tackled and amazingly expect opponents to sit off them! The fact is that not one of Wengers teams have ever had any extended dominance in English or European football. The media fed the myth for so long too and even now are reluctant to admit that it always was and is still a mirage. Yet here we are Wengers still at it, still peddling myths, still fielding frail and feeble teams who disrespect opponents, as he does on his own admission.Its a joke that the man is still in a job and as people say on here, at more or less any top Club he wouldnt have lasted much past 2006. Reality is that hes not so much been the needed man for the post ground shift years, its more that case that the ground shift has been the shield or the lightening conductor that's kept him employed in the face of very moderate results for 10 years nigh on. Hes very lucky that hes had a non footballing and aged Boardroom above him in years where simultaneously the quality of the PL has declined markedly.

  23. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 05, 2014, 10:01 #60639

    Isn't it almost 6 years to the day a certain London club came to the E******s and came away with a draw that night too, after being 2 goals down in injury time. Some things just don't change do they, like taxes and AW's tactics. Good god it was like watching a car crash in slow motion. And is anyone really surprised?

  24. Red Member

    Nov 05, 2014, 9:27 #60638

    very scary what is in front of us this season now. we have had 4 very easy matches but they start to get a bit tougher now. I wouldn't be confident of winning many more matches this year. we have a clueless idiot in charge. Sanchez will probably drag a few results out of us but this season is going to resemble a train wreck.

  25. gn23

    Nov 05, 2014, 9:23 #60637

    @martyn. Good analysis. How cazorla gets in the team is beyond me, never rated him. We need three new defenders, per has looked awful since the world cup! But whilst this regime is in charge, nothing will change sadly.

  26. Tony Evans

    Nov 05, 2014, 8:25 #60636

    Another Wenger 'classic' to add to the list of debacles - 8-2, 6-0, 6-3, 5-1, 4-4 plus all the others that have thankfully slipped from my mind. So second place in the group is virtually secured and we will take our customary place in the last 16 - I wonder what will happen then!

  27. lanesra 1950

    Nov 05, 2014, 8:19 #60635

    monreal mertsacker clown show

  28. routers are down

    Nov 05, 2014, 8:12 #60634

    comm"#~~$%579)kkj cant lo& on@:@p[po- Not sure whe@'''### we will ^&*&** back

  29. Martyn

    Nov 05, 2014, 7:53 #60633

    Credit to the Belgians. They were unlucky not to beat us at their place and played the last half hour at the Emirates knowing our defence and hapless tactics were there for the taking. A lesser side with no desire would have capitulated. Sky pundits were spot on with their analysis; clueless, Ramsey more interested in a personal quest to score. Our midfield needs a serious look at itself. Cazorla, Ramsey are so poor at the moment. Arteta played well and maybe his loss explains some of the debacle that followed. Not looking forward to Swansea on Sunday.

  30. Ozzie

    Nov 05, 2014, 7:42 #60632

    I'm with you 100% there, Smithy. Thing is, some fans talk up some of these players while others are not so impressed. Are their performances due to Wenger or not and if so, we may never know their true worth unless a new manager arrived with a new direction. Surely some of the players would prefer a new man at the helm but are reluctant to speak? Over to the...excuses.

  31. Smithy

    Nov 05, 2014, 7:15 #60630

    Went to bed at 3 nil up. Woke up to find we have thrown away a 3 goal lead. Absolutely disgraceful, we weren't playing real or bayern but a Belgian team on a par with the championship , only under arsene. One thing obvious per must go at the end of the season- I can't see what he brings anymore- headers no, leadership no,pace no.

  32. Ozzie

    Nov 05, 2014, 4:09 #60629

    Never mind, it was only the chumpions league

  33. DW Thomas

    Nov 05, 2014, 1:01 #60628

    Embarrassing again. I just predicted more shambolic performances hoping I would be wrong. Not saying I'm some kind of psychic, you don't need to be to predict this sh..e!! Anyone defending this guy is only a blind lackey unable to see things as they clearly are. The AKB muppets will be out soon sticking up for the Clueless One! Arsene Knows? How can anyone using that name be taken seriously anymore. Tactical train wreck. No heart to defend a 3goal lead. Mertesacker beat to a head ball? WTF? There has to be change, soon, or this year could get seriously much worse. This is the first of more crap results to come. The back four needs complete hair dryer from somebody, anybody. Wenger's delusions are taking hold. Fans, players, the board. They all defend him. Why? The sh.t arguments on here for years now in his defense are officially flushed down the toilet. No more allowance of your bs! Baddie, Westie, GBP, muppet king (Jamie), what say you? I know, I know, same old bollocks!

  34. John Gage

    Nov 05, 2014, 0:48 #60627

    It's all very, very sad. I remember watching Larry Holmes defeat Muhammad Ali and what was painful was to see this great boxer robbed of his dignity by a younger, stronger opponent. I was really hoping that Mr Wenger would have stepped down after winning the FA Cup, it would have been a suitable moment but instead he chose to stay and now the Arsenal fans might forget his former triumphs and instead see him lose his dignity by a death of a thousand cuts...

  35. Finsbury Joe

    Nov 05, 2014, 0:10 #60625

    Buy bye sanchez, he will not be staying at this shower of $hite

  36. Unchives

    Nov 04, 2014, 23:48 #60624

    @Arsene Knows....put a massive bet on Arsenal staying cant lose, then thank Arsene, for he truly is the one you should be grateful to. Remember you cant lose...its a sure thing, enjoy the money!

  37. Unchives

    Nov 04, 2014, 23:36 #60623

    Shame Jacqui Oatley couldn't ask the same questions of Arsene Wenger in tonight's interview regarding defensive failures and the defensive signings he should have made, he would have imploded!

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 23:34 #60622

    Roy, yes another shameful record for the deluded old fool I bet that's one stat that won't be spouted by the wengerites, and I guarantee there'll be no virtual trophy for it.

  39. gn23

    Nov 04, 2014, 23:25 #60621

    Arsene Knows, you are being sarcastic, right?!

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 23:24 #60620

    Gooner89, the AKB's are already there, the call went out and off they trotted it was an air raid siren, and it's on lock down, for how long this time is anybody's guess but i'd say Swansea will bring them back out, but there again we said the same about Anderlecht tonight.

  41. Roy

    Nov 04, 2014, 23:08 #60619

    First English side to squander a 3 goal lead in the CL ? Well there's an unwanted stat against our name. My body doesn't work as well as it did 20 years comes to us all ! Just put your feet up Arsene, and let someone else have a go.

  42. gn23

    Nov 04, 2014, 23:02 #60618

    Anyone heard arsene's post match interview yet?!

  43. AMG

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:55 #60617

    A penny for Alexis' thoughts?

  44. Unchives

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:53 #60616

    This is the delusional manager that claims defensive stability returning after keeping clean sheets against Sunderland & Burnley.....Welcome to reality. Monreal at centre back when he can just about play as a fullback. PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE....JUST GO!....WE CAN HANDLE NOT BEING IN THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE.....Its The Embarrassments we cant handle. WE ARE "THE ARSENAL" Lets start acting like it fellow gooners!

  45. Gooner89

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:52 #60615

    Urgent Message Would the few reaming AKB's report to ALB Central Command for an emergency board meeting followed by tea and biscuits and bowing to the statue of OGL Items on the agenda: 1. 3-0 up against one of the worst teams in the CL and drew. How can we draw positives from that? 2. Our glorious leaders inspired substitution taking off the excellent Ox and replacing him with Rosicky. Discuss 3. How we can defend OGL after the latest collapse, a theory from the AMG's 4. AOB, to be notified at beginning of meeting. All praise to OGL welcome 5. How to crawl back under our stones as we can't go on the Online Gooner until our next win when all will be well again Now seriously an earlier comment about how we can't compete due to financial big boys. Can any AKB please post how Anderlecht count in this category? Anybody still defending the deluded one are as bad as he is. There is no defense for tonight. He is finished and dragging down our great club. Wenger OUT

  46. Hiccup

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:51 #60614

    Fickle, the lot of you! You've soon put that great win over Burnley to the back of your minds. QPR at home coming up soon. Let's see what you're egg splattered faces have to say after that game!

  47. gn23

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:48 #60613

    @Kilkennykat, well said!

  48. kilkenny cat

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:44 #60612

    A totally disgraceful capitulation. If it was a one off you could say ok make sure it never happens again. But its not and it will happen again while this tactically clueless clown remains in charge. The players have to take responsibility too. The last 15 mins were shocking. But ultimately ogl is to blame for yet another embarrassment. Angry is an understatement. Come on akbs. Spout your usual nonsense and blame Terry Neill or Herbert Chapman or the weather or the ref. Anyone but that phoney we have in charge.

  49. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:43 #60611

    Headless chickens the lot of them, from the old past it rooster sitting on his perch, right out onto the pitch.

  50. gn23

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:34 #60610

    The thing is, I'm not surprised, this situation has happened time and again these past few years. We needed shoring up at 3-2, yet brought on possibly two of the weaker defensive minded players, podolski and rosicky. And the ox off?!

  51. Roy

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:32 #60609

    Hugely disappointing to lose a 3 goal lead at home against modest opposition and you can analyse it all you like, bit in reality nothing has really changed. Even if we'd clung on, it would still have been second in the group at best, and we all know what happens then, don't we ? Good job that Mitrovic wasn't on for the full game. Taxi for the man who, when interviewed afterwards said "we were very poor defensively from the first minute to the last" but who couldn't see it coming and refuses to do anything about it. No, you really could not make it up.

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:29 #60608

    Hiccup, good one it was only a blip. You couldn't make it up.

  53. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:21 #60606

    Not remotely surprised. Same old clueless, passionless capitulation. They ll still go through of course, they were never in it to win it. The cash will still flow. The shame doesn't matter, the embarrassment doesn't matter either. Arsenal F C - November 2014

  54. Peter pan

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:19 #60605

    Pathtic, childish, amateur, arrogant, stubborn. Yep, words that can probably describe Arsene Wenger at times but certainly tick all of Jeff Wrights attributes. Jeff, you hate wenger, you hate afc, you hate anybody who disagrees with your opinions. oh, I forgot...old and grey and lonely in my summary.

  55. Hiccup

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:19 #60604

    Just listen to yourselves? Anyone would think we'd been beaten! Current odds for Arsenal to qualify are blah blah blah...

  56. Steve H

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:18 #60603

    it was embarrassing to watch the capitulation - how can any team throw away a 3 goal advantage against such mediocre opposition - oh sorry i forgot newcastle away. Where were the leaders on the pitch, where were the tactics - this keeps on happening - please can someone order a taxi for mr wenger

  57. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:13 #60602

    gn23, you've beaten a lot of us to it mate, like a drowning/drowned rat on the touch line not knowing if he was coming or going or where to look.

  58. Inspector clueless

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:05 #60600

    only arsenal can capitulate in such a way, no other team. soft underbelly is an understatement. its time to get Keown and Dixon off the TV and in our management team

  59. Groundhog Day

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:04 #60599

    Same things been going on for years, but the board do nothing about it. I wasn't even surprised. Merson was spot on. Wenger out.

  60. Unchives

    Nov 04, 2014, 22:00 #60597

    OMG - No Acumen what so ever. The Defence.....WHAT DEFENCE....TAXI for WENGER! What would be the point of going through to the knock-out stages except for money?

  61. Th14afc

    Nov 04, 2014, 21:56 #60595

    Unbelievable....actually it's arsenal so not so surprising

  62. gn23

    Nov 04, 2014, 21:50 #60594

    "Tactically clueless" on Paul merson. And I don't agree with much he says!! Angry

  63. jeff wright

    Nov 04, 2014, 21:40 #60592

    You couldn't make it up.

  64. AMG

    Nov 04, 2014, 21:38 #60591

    Taxi for Wenger! A new low? Arguably worse than Newcastle away.

  65. DJ

    Nov 04, 2014, 16:49 #60578

    I hoped that when we won the FA Cup and Arsene saw the joy it gave some many people, even more so on Sunday’s victory parade he might have a epiphany and realise that winning trophies is actually fun. But no instead of a new red letter day we get the same old 4th place trophy and last sixteen of the Champions League.

  66. Hibeegunner

    Nov 04, 2014, 14:55 #60572

    Ron Post 63897 Agree with every word you wrote the sooner that pompous ass Wenger gets out of our club the better it will be. Glad to see you back on the blog.

  67. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 14:50 #60571

    Ron 63897, great post and the old fraud still has it, thinks it, and does it.

  68. jeff wright

    Nov 04, 2014, 14:38 #60569

    Ron, Wenger's a training ground coach ,he doesn't pay attention to what the opposition may do,but concentrates on coaching his players into playing how he wants them to play. He even pre-plans the time when he will send on his subs, he sticks rigidly to this irrespective of how the game is panning out. The preplanned tactics are manna from heaven to opposition coaches who plot their own tactics to exploit Wenger 's ones. Wenger had some success when he had a side with several world class players in it who benefited from having been coached by others ,these players,like Sanchez now, played it off the cuff and ignored the Wenger nonsense when they needed to do so. Henry was not a big fan of Wenger's silly shutting up shop routine when he would when ahead in a game still persist in making his late preplanned substitutions by taking off an offensive player and sending on a defender I recall Henry storming off down the tunnel at Highbury after one game when this malarkey ended up costing us 2 points in a match that we were cruising to a win in. .RVPursestrings was another who publicly showed displeasure at Wenger pulling off AOC in a preplanned late sub in a game v United, when the player was causing the United side problems . Ferguson was glad to see AOC subbed nodding in approval when a number of Arsenal supporters shouted abuse at Wenger over that nonsense . One pointing out to old arrogant Arsene,that he didn't know what he was doing ! Actually it is hard to argue against that .

  69. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 04, 2014, 14:23 #60568

    Sounds like a good book Jon, another one for my santa stocking it's always good to read about our history way way back and hear what real legends had/have to say. And it's refreshing to hear an author or anyone else regard someone other than wenger as the most important figure in out history, i'd imagine those who think he formed the club will think differently, and it hasn't got his mug shot on the cover.

  70. Red Member

    Nov 04, 2014, 13:57 #60567

    what a pity that Vieira is not currently doing at Arsenal what he is allowed to do at City.

  71. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 13:45 #60565

    Kilkenny - i think we have to not lose perspective with that team of 2002- 2004 in its euro context mate. Respect what you're saying but to be honest they never looked comfortable in the CL. Never looked as if they 'belonged' in it. It was a scratchy win here and there by and large and dodgy draws everywhere in reality. I know that in 06 we had a weaker team that went to the Final but it needs noting that the will to win and battling spirit in that 06 team often showed a side of it in Europe that the invincible s never did really show.Ill say it now at risk of being pilloried but that invincibles side didnt have players of enough influence in it to keep the arrogant players grounded ie no McLintock and Storey types. They were believing their own hype in my view by the time we lost to Utd and Chelsea that year, already going into games thinking teams would roll over.For me, that's an attitude tolerated by a Coach who is of that disposition and it was conveyed to his players. Arrogance and a puffed up notion of themselves stopped that team becoming truly great in my view. Ill never forget the collapse for 6 months after we lost the 50th game at OT. To be honest all that stuff in the tunnel was pathetic and played right into Utds hands. The behavious of Wenger and the players was a pitiful disgrace. It captured Wenger at the time and the players. A top Coach wouldnt have given them the satisfaction of seeing us get mardy arsed and deflated, he would have been planning for revenge the next time and challenging them to do another 50 games. Not Wenger. The sulker supreme allowed himself the liberty of the great sulk in and worse allowed the senior players to sulk in unison with him. It was well into 2005 before they shook it off due to him (did they ever truly shake it off?) and arguably he allowed it to end the teams life hence its early dismantling.You speak of old games and era s. No Arsenal team ever sulked and spat dummies out until Wenger. We had fights, brawls, kicking matches and many physical encounters down the decades that used to leave us shocked as fans at times but AW alone brought whining, whinging, cry babying and feeling for sorry for itself to the Club. We re still like it. Im sick of it and have been for years. Other teams fans recognise Arsenal as being a bunch of dummy chuckers, OK on a good day but not when a team gets at them.Never, even in the dreaded 60s did Arsenal have a surrender mentality like Wenger has allowed to happen. He was never a great Coach and never will be. He was a lucky Coach by and large but his biggest failure is his own pomposity and arrogance. Such types always get brought to earth and lets be clear here, Ferguson and Mourinho put him to the floor and kept their feet on his neck for donkeys years.He knows it too.

  72. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 13:22 #60562

    We are building ... the football gods certainly shone on Man Utd in 1999. Great thing to do a treble but the good fortune it needed was astonishing in coming all at once in such a short time.Credit to them though as their players rode the luck and capitalised on it. Dislike them as we do but if ever there's a Club in English football who were ever going to 'treble up', its them. The Club just has some thing intangible that makes it expect to win and usually does when the chips are down.I wish Arsenal had the ingredients to the recipe!

  73. kilkenny cat

    Nov 04, 2014, 13:18 #60561

    Always love the nostalgia and talking about the games and players of 10,20,30 or 40 years ago. Seems to me the players then had much more affection for the club and much more respect for the fans. I also think losing to manure and the chavs in 2004 had a knock on effect. That team should have won the treble and been right up there with the great Barca,Milan,B.Munich and Ajax sides. I deliberatly left out manure 99,because we matched them that year and should have retained the double and their horror show would never have happen. The major turning point for me was the signing of Bergkamp. The whole philosophy and nature of the club changed. No coincidence since he retired we never have mounted a serious tittle challenge.

  74. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 04, 2014, 12:25 #60558

    Villa Park in April 1999 was quite possibly the most major turning point in not just Arsenal's recent history, but of a certain club in the North West's too.

  75. Unchives

    Nov 04, 2014, 12:24 #60557

    Whilst Arsenal went the whole season unbeaten, we actually grossly underachieved. Again the manager decided to start the FA Cup semi-final against Manure with a weakened side (Saving them for the CL Qtr final against Chelsea). We dominated the first 15 minutes without scoring, then the Mancs score against the run of play....sounds familiar? The big guns had to come on from the bench to try to save the game in vane as we lost one nil, and took the disappointment into the CL game with Chelsea, which again we started well, but conceded poor goals...ring a bell with anyone?.......things haven't actually changed too much.

  76. Ron

    Nov 04, 2014, 10:56 #60552

    Great point re the Chelsea loss in the CL. Ive long been of the view that it was the night that finished Arsene Wenger as a top Coach and certainly ended the Club as a euro challenger with that team. This sounds like being a really good book.