Play at Arsenal’s Stadium - Football Aid 2015

File Under: Charity plug

Play at Arsenal’s Stadium - Football Aid 2015

It could be you

How would you like to 'Live The Dream' by running out at The Emirates and taking part in a truly memorable 90 minute match on the hallowed turf?

Well now's your chance as Arsenal FC have once again joined forces with Football Aid - - (the original and best when it comes to these events!) to provide fans with the opportunity to create their very own piece of club history by playing at The Emirates in 2015 while at the same time raising valuable funds for charity.

Football Aid offers Gunners fans the unique opportunity to experience a matchday in the same way the likes of Aaron Ramsey, Mesut Özil, Laurent Koscielny, and co do every other week. As a player you'll get the chance to pull on your very own exclusive personalised Arsenal replica shirt in the official changing rooms, experience the thrill of walking down the tunnel to the sound of a cheering crowd and step out onto the hallowed turf proudly sporting your full kit and represent your team in a never to be forgotten 90 minutes of football!

To add to that, the matches at The Emirates have also been supported by a host of fantastic Arsenal legends in recent years, with the likes of Chris Whyte, Liam Brady, Steve Bould, Brian Hornsby, Terry Neill (and many more) all lending their extra special support by playing alongside or managing the fans on their big day.

Securing your position couldn’t be easier, just visit and choose the Arsenal game and then you’ll have two Fixed Price options: Option 1: Buy Now - Book your place with a one off payment, or Option 2: Sponsored to Play - Pay a non-refundable £100 deposit for your place, then pay the remaining balance anytime before Fri 30th Jan 2015.

Arsenal fan Joe Laing took part in 2014 and told Football Aid about his experience after the event:

“Thank you for putting on an excellent event at the Emirates yesterday, it was a great occasion that will live long in the memory. The team on the ground were fantastic and help make the day what it was, they great with my daughter too (14 months old mascot) so I wanted thank them especially for that. Thanks again for a great day and I look forward to the next one!”

So if you're keen to secure a place on your Field of Dreams this season, why not visit and sign up today! Alternatively if you’d like any additional information, you can call Football Aid on tel: 0131 220 5999, e-mail: [email protected], post on their Facebook page or send a tweet to @ FootballAid.

Since forming in 2001 Football Aid have allowed over 15,300 football fans the chance to Live the Dream in 578 matches all over the UK, while raising over £2.1M for charity. The unique concept was the brainchild of businessman and Football Aid Chairman Craig Paterson and funds raised from this year's event will benefit the work of a charitable project nominated by Arsenal FC, as well as projects nominated by Football Aid’s parent charity Field of Dreams.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 10, 2014, 15:49 #61038

    Only short term, Gooner 72, spot on lads I've been saying the same for seasons now, these marches are all well and good the same with the odd banner out side the ground they do no good. It's inside the ground that will bring results in the full glare of the media, Sky and the other TV companies, the journos, the sponsors, and the old farts, and of course the old goat wenger himself when that starts that will have their arses twitching with embarrassment and bring on the haemorrhoids and they'll not like lifting their papers and reading about it, and if sustained for long enough will bring about change, it's the only way.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 10, 2014, 14:02 #61028

    jw, dead right this is the easiest manager for someone coming in to a top flight club to follow (that's if we can still regard ourselves as one) probably in the history of the premiership to follow he will have nothing to prove.

  3. Tony Evans

    Nov 10, 2014, 8:48 #60966

    It pains me to say it but Arsenal losing doesn't hurt anymore, and to be honest it hasn't for a while now. Wenger's utter contempt and disdain for the defensive side of the game was there for all to see yesterday and I am sick of it. An average to bad left back playing at centre half, a washed up Flamini masquerading as a defensive midfielder, an inexperienced Chambers thrown in at the deep end, and all because of our clown of a manager's make do and mend attitude to defending. Mind you we weren't much better going forward with our tippy-tappy, lots of possession but no penetration approach that Wenger loves.

  4. Peter Wain

    Nov 10, 2014, 8:27 #60965

    why did we not have double cover on the winger Montero he had Chambers on toast. Tactically clueless again Wenger

  5. Bard

    Nov 10, 2014, 7:05 #60964

    Man U, Soton, Dortmund 3 of the next 4 games. Could be interesting. Sadly I don't think Wenger is going anywhere. Grind it out till Xmas if possible and then buy reinforcements. Completely agree with those who argue we don't need him as director of football, he is too much of a control freak to allow that anyway. So much for his talk about rectifying the problems. Love your posts Pete, humour mixed with stupidity is always a refreshing mix

  6. DW Thomas

    Nov 10, 2014, 1:23 #60963

    "Brought about his own demise with is arrogance and greed." JW you hit the nail on the head. He is seriously lost in a fog of arrogance and a know it all attitude. If he had done what Pep did at Barca with Arsenal then I could understand his ego maybe a little better. But his idea of success is so meaningless, 4th? It's a complete farce bases on profits and greed. He is totally complicit in it as he gets all the plaudits. Look at many of our own fans worshipping him! And that's not exaggerating! We have stomached his bs for years now. He had his sly grin pre game but he looked in tears post. Very sad. He brought so much to this club, although he did have incredible players. Problem is he is tactically clueless and his team of lightweight pampers wimps can't bail him out. Ramsey was terrible, ineffective. Chambers I just felt bad for. H looked tired and slow and should have been subbed for his own confidence. Our defense is makeshift and tries, but Gibbs foul was just plain bad decision making. The team and manager make so many bad decisions its hard to remember them all. Sanchez the one bright light has no help and must be wondering what better club he can move to if things don't improve and soon! What's most astonishing is more fans aren't up in arms, pissed, and fired up to demand better and not allow this man to around anymore. I respect no one who not somewhat humble in their success. He's so deluded he's even arrogant in defeat and later. He's said it a millions times. He'll always play his way,without any regard for other teams. We put Sanogo on, Bambi on ice, to save the game? What other team in the universe has a player like that ready to try to save the game? And Walcott? Many were on here claiming he would save us? He looked worse than Sanogo! I am so angry I am becoming disinterested as it all never changes. And that with his ego us the most pathetic thing!


    Nov 09, 2014, 23:59 #60962

    WOW,WOW. Well I told you so!!!! Wenger is TACTICALLY CLUELESS!!! He is a joke and he hates getting questioned as was blatantly seen this week when Paul Merson had the audacity to questions the "GREAT ONES" tactics. He came back with a typical arrogant contemptuous wenger response. He said that "he wont listen to anyone who has managed zero games" loool That is the same nonsense he came out with when, scholes made a remark about not being surprised by our collapse last season. The man is actually now a laughing stock. He can not motivate the players and the players themselves our not good enough for arsenal quite a few actually. He always brings up the fact he has been at arsenal for 18 years so that proves he knows more than hes critics loool. You have only been at the club for 18 years because we have a weak pathetic board and a owner who is just happy to make money and consolidate. If we had an owner who actually had ambition and wanted to win stuff. Wenger would have been long gone loool. He would have been out on hes ear from 2009. The man is deluded and hes time is up. Hes excuses our getting more and more childish and pathetic. Without Sanchez we would be mid table 100%. The man is carrying a team full of average players. All of this is wenger fault why did he not buy a cd??? He knew vermaleun was going but he refuses to buy a replacement???? You cant make this stuff up!!!! Metersacker has been shockingly poor since he came back, pure awful. Ramsey has been well the old Ramsey, dreadful. Carzola has been totally pitiful. Well the whole team has been this season. If ozil was on that pitch he would get all the blame lool. To think some folks said drop ozil???? for who??? Flamini is well a joke hes not arsenal quality for me. Hes mid table level for me. What will it take to get rid of wenger folks??? You akbs what will it take??? The man is washed up and he has taken us as far as we can go. I know you akbs will spout the usual who can we get, to replace this has been. Well I can give you a list folks. This man has to go. Also he needs to take Kronke with him and Gazadis. We need a whole new approach as a club. Just wish Usmanov could somehow take over this club. Also to think some deluded akbs a couple years ago did not want Usmanov on the board or to take over is actually sicking!!!! The mans wants to win and would put the money in needed. He is clearly ruthless as you don't become a multi billionaire in Russia if you don't have that ruthlessness in you. Do you think he would tolerate wengers stubbornness and downright nonsense???? nah mate.

  8. Unchives

    Nov 09, 2014, 23:41 #60961

    @Pete - Perhaps you've started on the cold turkey already? What exactly would we wish for that we are not getting now? Out of the League Cup, Premiership, no chance of winning the Champions League, hoping to draw 6 donkey teams at home in the FA Cup to have any chance of winning the thing, what can we possibly wish for that's worse, maybe go a whole season unbeaten and still be relegated on 38 points. GET BACK TO YOUR COLD TURKEY, XMAS IS ALREADY OVER!

  9. Gooner 72

    Nov 09, 2014, 23:39 #60960

    Blah blah moan moan whinge whinge repeat every time we lose / play crap!!!! At £8 million a year OGL isn't going anywhere and sadly the people above him won't or don't gave the necessary between their legs to put this dinosaur out of his and moreover our misery. The whole club has gone rotten and we are being taken for a very expensive ride. Sadly nothing repeat nothing will change unless there is enough pressure from the crowd at the Emirates. Blimey we are closer to the relegation teams than the top, what the hell must Alexis Sanchez be thinking, what a shower of ****e!!!!!

  10. jeff wright

    Nov 09, 2014, 23:38 #60959

    MG, the worst scenario is the new man being a Sir Ferguson 'chosen one' type selected by Wenger himself to carry on his failed policies. We need a complete break from Wenger the specialist in failure and none of this director of football malarkey , it never works. The new man has an easier act to follow than Moyes had at United trying to emulate the old gruppenfuehrer's act .Wenger has only won one proper trophy the FAC in the last 9 years in domestic football - 4th place in the Prem is his usual trophy . So that is a bit easier target for a new man to better -no Euro Cups either by Wenger so a chance there for a new manager to make a name for himself. H e might have to qualify himself though for the European Cup if Wenger's results carry on at the current level in the league - 16 points dropped so far- 11 less than at this time last season this is not top 4 form. What was that about us being on the cusp of something ? You couldn't make it up.

  11. Only short term solution

    Nov 09, 2014, 23:36 #60958

    The only way to get him out, as I believe 80% of the blame is on WENGER not the board, the board are giving him money and freedom to act, is for the fans to be vocal and take over this season by making it very difficult for him to stay and ignore it. The only way believe me, if we really care that is what has to happen. Otherwise it's just a waste of time complaining

  12. Pete

    Nov 09, 2014, 23:28 #60957

    Be careful what you wish for.The grass is not always greener on the other side.Spuds have changed their manager yet again and they're now worse than ever,playing hoof ball and getting outclassed by Stoke of all teams.Better an old dog you can trust than a pooch who head butts you in the codlings and then runs away.

  13. Get Kroenke out before anything can improve

    Nov 09, 2014, 22:56 #60956

    The problems start at the very top. The man is bad news.

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2014, 22:45 #60955

    jw, what a fooking mess? that's an under statement mate, lets hope the new man wasn't/isn't a do gooder from Strasbourg but a butcher, because the whole fooking place needs gutting.

  15. Billthered

    Nov 09, 2014, 22:20 #60954

    Not wrote on here for a long time as I am beginning to lose interest.OGL knows everything we don't need central anything no midfielder no centre back as we have full backs who can play there so please do not blame Monreal for being a crap centre half.Did we not hear a few weeks ago that Bellerin was the quickest player at the club and Wenger sat there the whole game watching Chambers get outpaced.Well Mr Wenger let me tell you I have not managed at your level but I do know when someone is getting the run around and I would know when to put them out of their misery.Oh by the way where the hell is Diaby and when is the funeral as you must have committed suicide by now.

  16. Pete

    Nov 09, 2014, 22:18 #60953

    Only second league defeat and a lot of people going overboard.You can't win every game,we have to learn to take the rough with the smooth..It.s all part of being a fan unfortunately...Don't worry Arsene will sort it out he's too much of a genius not to.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2014, 22:09 #60952

    Hiccup, good one but I hear the AKB have already sacked that lawyer because he can't find any excuses, and had a whip round to employ Mr loophole with the hope of getting the result nul and void and getting a replay.

  18. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 09, 2014, 22:04 #60951

    A week in which Wenger's lack of in game management has been badly exposed. People wondering why he can't see what we all can see - it's not that, it's that he doesn't believe in it. He wants the players to work it out for themselves. So he's not going to do anything about Chambers being skinned again and again. He believes Chambers should sort it out himself. This particular tenet of his philosophy increasingly makes him look like an amateur. No longer fit for purpose.

  19. jeff wright

    Nov 09, 2014, 21:55 #60950

    Wenger's actual excuse for why we lost another lead, and the game as well , was actually more hilarious than any fictional excuses that can be thought up. The great leader replied, when asked why we had lost again when ahead : "Because they ( Swansea) never gave up.".. . . You couldn't make it up. So what were Swansea supposed to do then after we had scored against the run of play,roll over and accept that they were beaten>? I thought that Swansea were happy enough to settle for a draw in what it must be said was a very boring game - with us as usual engaged in tedious Wengeresque tippy-tappy ,yawn. When we scored this was like prodding a slumbering rattle -snake with a stick and Swansea suddenly sprang into life - and as they say the rest is history. The lack of any real physical presence in this current Wenger side is going to cost him dearly the players lack confidence and are relying on Sanchez to save them in every game. Wenger himself looks old and mentally shattered,he never recovered from that 6-0 beating off Mourinho last season to follow on the other bad ones over the past few seasons,but that one in a season when he had claimed ,along with his followers ,that he would win the Prem ,was a killer blow. Now his predictable tactics and weak midfield defence , have been well sussed out by every man and his dog . If ever a man brought about his own demise by his arrogance and greed , then that man is Arsene Wenger. It's too late now to change things ,he has filled up our squad with midget midfield players while neglecting the defence ,he has run up a massive wage bill,more than Chelsea's, in which millions are squandered on giving contracts players such as Diaby,Arteta,Flim Flam, he was as much use as chocolate teapot again today, and other injury prone players that a new manager will have to try and find someone to take. What a ****ing mess !

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2014, 21:38 #60949

    Ron, quite right a win would have made no difference whatsoever only there would have been a lot more on here crowing and telling us what a great result it was.

  21. Hiccup

    Nov 09, 2014, 21:16 #60948

    AKB HQ and their lawyers still studying all available video footage of the Gibbs foul for the Swansea equaliser. Surely a bad decision? Three minutes prior to this there was an innocuous shirt pull that went unpunished which would have altered the course of history. AKB press officer: "How did Dortmund do today? The Dortmund game! Klopp! Anyone got the score? I pray to God they got beat! Klopp! For Christ's sake, somebody give me something to go to print with before midnight!"

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2014, 21:12 #60947

    DW, he'll be defended by his muppet lackeys alright that's as predictable as the old fraud himself, I wonder who's fault it is this time.

  23. Pete

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:53 #60946

    Lots of knee jerking taking place with most of the top sides struggling, with only Chelsea having an abundance of good fortune.Aim now is to win the champions league and retain the FA Cup and make sure we finish at least top four.

  24. jjetplane

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:50 #60945

    Ha ha HICCUP but will wait for the spreadsheets that offer a suggestion that 4th may now be the goal for every team above the bottom three. Sunderland are a beast! Everton are arrogant and Spud-we-no-like are the new Fulham which makes naming your shop The Armoury a perfect strategy if the shirts are then to be cut in half and joined to another for the process of side profile selfies or can they be worn inside out with another team showing. The marketing strategies are endless. OGL put up a sore paw to that silly little woman the other week and today some young turk gives him a mouthful and he makes the kind of sound an old tom makes at the vet. Which brings to a good joke. 'I'm afraid I am going to have to put your cat down' 'Oh no - why?' 'Because my arms are tired.' It's all good fun and then we capitulate. Can someone please remind me how much! OGL is earning as I see Arsenal have declined the humanist option of paying their only staff (who appear to be working at full tilt) a 'living wage.' Life is Merde! I know Sir.....

  25. Seven Kings Gooner

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:42 #60944

    Ron : So agree with you about choosing the right man, problem is the board think AW is the only person in the whole of football that can possibly manage Arsenal. The team needs to be carefully broken up, by careful I mean not too quickly otherwise we will end up at the bottom end of the table. We need defensive pragmatic manager and new coaching staff, Ancelotti would be great but leave RM, I think not! We may have to settle for a repairman, someone like Benitez who would tighten up the team play and possibly bring in 3 - 4 players who will play in the manner required. I think Ron has already made the case for RB and it is quite clear this is going to take years to remove the curse of "tippy tappy" and put Arsenal back on the road to becoming a club that can challenge for the game's highest honours. As for today, as soon as we scored I knew we would lose, how daft a statement is that!

  26. TJ

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:41 #60943

    Felt complete indifference to the loss today. As I said, Wenger can't improve us beyond where we are. Even if we had won, does anyone believe in a title challenge? I mainly think now about how he can go. Sadly, it looks like the board love him because they know nothing about football but see that he keeps delivering a top four place for them each year. We have to drop out of the top four, perhaps consecutively, for the board to sack him. But then we might be in the wilderness for years and lose our best players. The only other alternative would be to get vocal in the stadium or start protests against him, but no one dares do that after the glory years under Wenger.

  27. Hiccup

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:33 #60941

    Ron, I guess no one is really surprised we lost. AKB Central are right now frantically redrafting their manifesto whereby to be on the cusp of winning games these days is progress.

  28. Angry & Frustrated

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:33 #60940

    If you only have two recognised CB's, don't be surprised when for two games on the bounce you are found out when one is injured. It is simply a shocking dereliction of duty to start a season with only two. Four is the minimum required, so Wenger's crazy decision to only have two is now paying dividends. Something all of us who haven't worked half a day in football predicted would cause major problems, and low and behold they now are! That's before we even talk about Wenger's non existent tactical nous and that it appears that the players simply don't have a clue what to do when. Whichever way you cut it, it's the manager who is responsible for our woes and until he has gone, nothing will change.

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:22 #60939

    anti wenger, it's a good letter but even if by some miracle he did read it it would be screwed up and threw in the bin no body tells this old fraud anything after all he knows best. Simply nothings going to change as long as he remains in charge end off you can't change an old past it dog new tricks, (a lot of fans have known that/this for a long long time) and if any still think he will their deluded. It doesn't matter who he brings in or what his/their credentials are it's his way, his ego won't allow anything else, and anyway it's way way to late for that it's to far gone now he doesn't deserve the chance, we can just pray someone has the balls to put him out of his and our misery or he actually does see sense.

  30. Hiccup

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:13 #60938

    Evening jj. Emotions running high on here again. No doubt the disciples will say they are knee jerk reactions, but the legs have been stuck out erect at 90 degrees for a good few years now. Luckily for me, I have taken on board the pragmatic approach of the AKB's. We were never going to win today. Firstly, we'd played a CL game this week so that automatically means it's impossible to win the next PL game as scientifically proven. Add the fact that we were playing a team in the top half of the league, then all the odds were stacked against us. In such a woeful league, 4th place was not going to be decided today. The positive for me is the point that Sunderland picked up today pushes them up the league one place. That now means nearly a third of the way through the season, our greatest victory is against the team sitting in 14th. Sounds far better than 15th which is relegation bound, whereas 14th is lower mid. If we strengthen in January and can start beating the mid table teams, 4th place should be ours.

  31. Roy

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:06 #60937

    Shock horror ! - Rookie manager makes 2 substitutions, both of which immediately effect the game in his teams favour. BUT - what was Gibbs doing through the centre of the park to give that free kick away in the first place ? Hmmmm, let's see, lack of a decent DM maybe ? Shades of Hazard running directly at the centre of our defence at the Bridge maybe, with loads of space in front of him to attack ? And the ease with which the player made the byline for the second goal was just embarrassing. Enough is enough, I think.

  32. DJ

    Nov 09, 2014, 20:02 #60936

    Bellerin on the bench as Chambers got booked, skinned and made mistake after mistake. I've not managed one day in football but???? Why doesn't one journalist ask him if it Is time to resign?

  33. DW Thomas

    Nov 09, 2014, 19:53 #60935

    Ron, usually agree,with you but this another nail in the coffin. Another straw in the camels back. Sure it's been happening for awhile,,but now it's getting silly isnt it. At least other teams try to buy as well as they can. We just sit o our hands like the manager. His arrogant pre match thoughts came back to haunt the egoist. There are now men with no managing experience that can see things he can't. He is way past it. And why not bring Jenko back? Why did he ever let him go? These and other decisions just get worse each season. And even our supposed good players look a shadow of theirselves. One common denominator, the manager. He must bear the responsibility. No more bs excuses. He should just not answer the media as he only looks an arrogant has been!

  34. jeff wright

    Nov 09, 2014, 19:49 #60934

    Hi Ron,spot on regarding TA and Keown ,those sort of appointments of old crowd favs , e.g Shearer at Newcattle , only happen at clubs that are being relegated !The letter to Dear Arsene looks like a clumsy attempt by an AKB to try and find a way of keeping Arsene on ,as though he would ever put up with any of that nonsense, there is more chance of Mourinho sending Wenger a Xmas card!

  35. Ron

    Nov 09, 2014, 19:40 #60933

    Evening guys. Its a result that doesn't change the debate or the arguments. Truthfully they would remain the same had we have won there wouldn't they? Its a marker the when mid table teams are turning us over. Be honest though, we re any of you surprised we lost? I suspect not many were. The calls for change remain and the results continue to support the call. All i can say is that once change occurs, don't think its going to reap immediate and convincing change.Its a massive job there to improve them. The defence, midfield and up front all need equal attention really. There are similarities to the situation that Moyes walked into at Utd. Quite possibly its a whole new team build needed at Arsenal. A new Coach might generate new vigour amongst some of the players there and we can only hope some prove worthy of remaining there. Its going to take a hard nosed man though to take Arsenal back to the top and there will be some pain on the way before the pleasure i suspect. Whoever they appoint has to be exactly the right man. Its a Club that cant make a mistake and cant afford an expensive error like Utd made. A new man and an accomplished back up team to the new man must be exactly the right ones. I see the 'letter', was it a letter or just poster 64275 expressing a view in tr guise of a letter to add force to it? Im not sure.Some good sentiments though but let down the notion of Adams and Keown as management material. Never in a reign of Sundays would that work for Arsenal. Its just sentimental wishful thinking. The job is too big and too important for a pundit and a failed small time Coach loaded with attitude problems to resolve in my opinion. Steve Bould? Hes a man with the tetchy failings of the existing regime etched deeply upon him. Hes as unlikely to handle the job as the two named previously.

  36. jeff wright

    Nov 09, 2014, 19:25 #60931

    The ref done us a favour not awarding Swansea a nailed on pen early in the first half ,we later take a 1-0 lead only for Gibbs professional foul ( blimey it was like watching Chelsea!) to lead to the free-kick ending up in Chesnay's net .After that you just knew after losing yet another lead,Wenger will be setting a new record shortly for doing it, that the usual collapse was going to occur. No big surprise either that it came from a cross after the hapless Chambers got skinned yet again and that it was a big lad out jumping our defence that headed it into our goal. e. Inspector Clueless just sat watching Chambers getting turned inside out all through the match and did nothing about it .Chambers is another young prospect in danger of being ruined by Wenger over using him out of desperation. In the meantime the more experienced Jenkins is out on loan saving Stan a few bucks at WHU. While the money for the centre back that we needed to replace Tommy V is in the club's accounts, along with the other multi-millions that help to increase Stan's investment in AFC , that he uses to borrow money against to help out with his other club's in the states . Wenger was it again on Friday playing the drama queen when asked if our title challenge was already a dead duck in the water , claiming that he would 'commit suicide' if he thought that! No need for such desperate measures Arsene,your resignation will suffice. Not that there is any hope of that happening because at Stan Kroenke AFC everyone backs up one another - and Wenger's book of excuses always provides one when needed. So next up United at the Colosseum ,Wenger was under pressure before today's tete-tete ,it's just got worse and as I said the other day a glance at the forthcoming fixtures in the Prem doesn't make it appear that things will get any better with every game a cup final . Is Wenger regretting not retiring at the end of last season? If not then the only reason can be the money that he is getting for staying, nothing else for him personally justifies his decision.

  37. DW Thomas

    Nov 09, 2014, 19:11 #60929

    Good letter, but a little too nice. Swansea had more heart and grit than our pampered p..sies. Sigurdsson's free kick was better than any I've seen in awhile. Brilliant. We hardly ever score those. Such focus prior. We have no focus, no actics, no anything anymore. Sanchez can't win games every time by himself. Chambers was owned today, should have been subbed at half. Not totally his fault. Looked tired. Their sub, a former French International scores immediately. Who,do we have? Sanogo! And a just back Walcott. No tide turning from them two. Terrible terrible result. Ramsey and Monreal didn't even barely jump on the second goal. We have multi million dollar players that don't do s..t! Ridiculous again and again. But the Chief Snakeoilist will again be defended by his muppet lackeys. There is no excuse for the lack of defensive cover or not playing certain players. Where is Joel,Campbell? Where is the effort needed to win? These soggy battles are never won by us are they!? Tis club is charging princely sums,to eat s..t sandwiches!!! This is and has been a joke. Walcott so so rusty. This club is no longer a top club, at all. We are no better than Everton. 12 points off Chelsea. Oh,,but we didn't need Fabregas. What moronic decisions this club makes!! All based on profit! LIVID!

  38. Unchives

    Nov 09, 2014, 19:05 #60928

    We are "THE ARSENAL" time is nigh.....enough is enough....WENGER MUST GO NOW!

  39. jjetplane

    Nov 09, 2014, 19:00 #60927

    Nice one MG and the cuckoo has come a long way since he offered Maureen out! Could not make that up! Looking though at what I call the wESTLOWER perspective I see OGL has finally joined the dog fighting as we are now nearer to the bottom than the top. Never thought I would see Southampton as smug bastards but then OGL I am sure will put up a good defence of 6th place. The mental spirit is there. I guess the weather must be affecting quite a few routers as we post. I await HICCUP's dadaist interpretations on all things French ....

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:48 #60926

    jj, like a cuckoo out of his clock, only the cuckoo makes more noise, and knows more about fooball.

  41. kilkenny cat

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:48 #60925

    When will fans realise its not being disloyal wanting Wenger out. It is Arsenal fc not arsene fc. Our priority is whats best for the club,and clearly ogl is dragging us down. Its time to get nasty im afraid,not violent just let them know its not good enough for Arsenal fc.

  42. anti-wenger

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:40 #60924

    This is what one fan wrote to Wenger, says it all for me. "Dear Arsene, I find myself writing this letter not out of anger but out of frustration. As a fan (not customer, fan) of the Arsenal I find it hard to get angry with the team’s performances these days because to be frank, nothing surprises me anymore. I have seen it all before. Arsenal are, to some extent, masters of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. So why am I writing this? As I have touched upon above, it is a letter borne out of frustration. Frustration that the club, run by you Mr Wenger is in a never ending cycle of mediocrity when things can be so much better given the resources at our disposal. If you love Arsenal as much as you say you do, please do the best for the club and accept you have taken it as far as you can, resign and allow another manager to take the club forward. You can enjoy your legacy of revolutionising English Football and enjoy the fact you had a hugely successful first 10 years at Arsenal. No doubt you will read this and think “what does he know? he hasn’t worked 2 minutes in football or won the FA cup” and you are quite right, I haven’t. That doesn’t make my opinion any less valid, nor does it prevent me from having one. I am a pragmatist, to me, to flourish is to adapt, to be questioned, to be challenged and in top level sport, to win. Since you have managed the club your style and philosophy hasn’t changed, hasn’t evolved but English Football has. Failure to adapt is costing us dear. Failure to address obvious weaknesses within the squad, the failure to bring in adequate or superior replacements for those players departing. Failure to address the lack of discipline in the team, not from a fouling perspective but from a tactical one, 3-2 up at home and we have 5 players in an advanced position against a team who by your own admission are excellent on the counter attack. It isn’t just this week’s capitulation against Anderlecht that prompts this letter it is a culmination of events throughout your tenure. The team do not learn lessons; the defence still make elementary mistakes. Blaming the players is the easy option but was the back four the same as last night when we conceded 4 against Newcastle at St James Park, 8 against Manchester United, 6 against Manchester City, 4 against Tottenham at home in 2008. No they weren’t, was the manager the same. Yes. That isn’t bad luck; it’s a trend, one you haven’t addressed over the years. There is no doubt you are stubborn, can that work to one’s advantage? Absolutely but it can also be detrimental if left unchecked, unfortunately it seems the latter is true. So you won’t resign, what is next? How do we change things? How can we ensure mistakes are not repeated? May I suggest the following? * If Steve Bould isn’t coaching the defence, let him, if he is then perhaps it’s time to delegate that away from him or bring in some ex- players who know a thing or two about defending, Messer’s Keown & Adams would be a good starting point. * Address the team’s obvious defensive weaknesses, accept the Wenger way may not be what’s best for Arsenal FC, not Arsene FC and purchase accordingly. There is a good reason the saying “you get what you pay for” exists and in most cases, rings true. There are some excellent defenders in the Premiership who would love to represent such a prestigious club like the Arsenal. Winston Reid was a good example. * Bring in a tactician who can be a pragmatist as an assistant manager, someone who can offer a different opinion, challenge you and can set up a team according to the opponent. That’s not to say attacking football to which we are known for is compromised, it’s a pragmatic approach to ensure a good solid defensive foundation is built enabling the attacking players to express themselves. * Bring in an external party to evaluate the training methods & playing surfaces in order to better understand why so many of the players suffer muscular injuries. Shad Forsythe is an excellent addition; let’s focus on prevention rather than cure / rehabilitation. * Play players in their natural position, this sounds simple and it is, a number 10 (Ozil) is played as a number 10, not as a winger players who aren’t performing are taken out of the limelight to regain form (Ramsey) and players who are in form are played regularly not because they are a favourite of the manager. (Sanogo over Joel Campbell / Lukas Podolski) Now that may not be the case, but looking from the outside in, that’s the impression we get. * Make substitutions based on the needs of the game. If a player isn’t performing, be a manager, break your loyalty to that player and take him off at half time rather than the 70th minute. Be pragmatic, again, using Anderlecht as an example, if we are 3-2 up, don’t bring on attacking players, get on the touch line, organise 2 banks of 4 and if you absolutely have to have an attacking player on, use Walcott to hit them on the break and / or run into the channels to hold the ball up and keep possession. * Have a plan and listen to counsel – Identify the teams weaknesses, identify replacements and start doing the ground work as much as you can (within the rules of course) before the transfer window opens. Pay the asking price, using the Arsenal brand to sell to the player, get the deal done, the player settled well in time for pre- season as Manchester City & Chelsea have done in the past to their benefit. As a manager it is your job to identify the players you and your coaching staff think we need, not to negotiate fee’s or argue on what you think a player is worth. That is for the Chief Executive and Finance Director to worry about. I have decided not to mention the issues at board level, I wanted this letter to focus on what can be changed on the field and training pitches. This is not a personal attack; it is to raise concerns, to point out flaws, offer constructive solutions. It may not always seem obvious but the fans criticise because they care. We like you Arsene, love Arsenal FC. Let’s either see a change of manager or a change in approach. Being challenged and admitting mistakes isn’t a weakness it’s a sign you are prepared to change, prepared to evolve and hopefully be as successful as you were in the first 10 years as manager of this great club".

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:37 #60923

    I wish, probably better than some of the excuse for footballers we have, but there's no sense sending them to OGL as he doesn't know his arse from his elbow.

  44. Unchives

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:33 #60922

    Time is up....time to go. Arsene.....Its over!

  45. MBgonner

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:31 #60921

    12 points behind Chelski before December!!! Wenger resign immediately and admit you have dragged this team down for at least 8 years. Sanchez will be gone in the summer, and who could blame him.

  46. jjetplane

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:30 #60920

    Two points and that is the tragedy of seeing a coach who can longer stand in the rain and talk to his team. He came out only to do back in like 'an old man in the cave.' The other point is seeing Sanchez getting booked post-capitulation because he is finally letting off the steam he is feeling playing for one of the big clubs where he is like a man in a dinghy while the cruise liner happily takes on water. Thought it was BFG's job to bale the ship out. .... BOOM ****ing BOOM! Swansea do an Arsenal on Arsenal - Words please JW!

  47. Mourinho offers Wenger coching course

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:27 #60919

    Beam me up Scotty talk about a naive manager and therefore a very naive team

  48. kilkenny cat

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:24 #60918

    Well done wenger you,ve done it again. Pathetic predictable clueless all the usual traits. Get this clown out of our club asap.

  49. Martyn

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:21 #60917

    Jamie Carragher comments at the end of the game were spot on. I hope a copy is posted to Wenger asap; not that he will take any notice because he is beyond being questioned.

  50. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:21 #60916

    Managing a team of online gooner posters would be the proper job for wenger, and is about his level and ability. Do us all a favour and go now old man.

  51. AMG

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:19 #60915

    The end is nigh. Do yourself and us a favour Arsene and resign. Wenger Out!

  52. Smithy

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:12 #60914

    What an unexpected result- another defensive collapse.i was trying to think when we were as bad- but I'm struggling. Why monreal at ct back and not chambers/ bellerin.? Good teams have a good spine- we have a crap defence and a crap centre mid.nothing will change until he goes.

  53. I Wish I Could Be Sid James Everyday

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:10 #60913

    Do any of the blokes in the photo know how to 1. jump vertically, and 2. head away crosses? If yes, please send name and contact phone no. to the club pronto.

  54. Unchives

    Nov 09, 2014, 18:05 #60912

    Please..Please GO NOW.....TIME IS UP!

  55. gn23

    Nov 09, 2014, 17:57 #60911

    Now where have we seen this before?!

  56. Unchives

    Nov 09, 2014, 17:54 #60910

    Manager OUT OUT OUT OUT!

  57. Richard the gooner

    Nov 08, 2014, 9:43 #60903

    Excellent stories, and sums up what is arsenal to me. Only following the gunners due to my dad being a fan and born and bred in North London. I grew up in North Kensington. Used to bunk off school on Friday morning's to go and watch the team train behind the clock end. Then wait for them to finish to get the autographs. Around 1980 to 1982. Remember the hostile reactions to terry Neil last days. Then Don howe taking over to George graham arsenal. First time I was really proud to be a gooner, and my dad was too. Money had corrupted the game. I've never been to the Emirates, too expensive. Miss Highbury, and I had a season ticket for two years. As you say it's in the blood. Dispirited by today football but haven't forgotten what has happened before, and I suppose that what keeps me going with the club, i will always be a gooner. My team, club and pride of what we have achieved, but also the people that follow the team. That is the bond and connection. We all have feelings and that is why we are taking about it. To all our gooner friends past and present,we are the reason for why the club exists. Love the stories and the personal touch behind them.

  58. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 07, 2014, 18:05 #60899

    There we go then, what about a team from the online gooner comments section, all we need is to sort out the best people for positions and of course a manager, any takers? or suggestions?