Only protest will achieve change

Negative impact on the Arsenal ‘brand’ needs to be top of fans’ agenda

Only protest will achieve change

Wenger: Ultimate champagne socialist?

I read Ian Henry’s blog offering on Tuesday with very mixed emotions. On the one hand, it was great to see that more and more Gooners are coming round finally to seeing that we need change in the leadership of our great Club. But on the other hand, it was depressing to read the conclusions and most of the comments.

All of the things that Ian talked about (Kroenke telling Gazidis to sack Wenger; Martin Keown being appointed as a defensive coach; Wenger losing the dressing room) are just not going to happen. I’m not trying to undermine Ian as we can all see that these things need to happen – it’s simply the case that the decision makers at our Club don’t believe that there is a problem, such is their arrogance and remoteness from the real world. It is a painful reality but Arsene Wenger is the problem at our Club – a problem made worse by the awful “leadership” of Stanley Enos Kroenke.

Martin Keown should have been appointed a long time ago, but then so should Patrick Vieira, Dennis Bergkamp, Nigel Winterburn and several others. What is glaringly obvious is that Wenger doesn’t want such strong men at the Club – if he did, they would already be there. Like all dictators, he doesn’t want anyone else’s opinion or input. Likewise Kroenke is never, ever going to sack Wenger. Why? Because Wenger returns a healthy profit each year and that is all that Kroenke cares about. Anyone doubting this needs only to look at the handling of his various US franchises.

Ian’s point about losing the dressing room would be a very valid one in any other walk of life, but this is football. Why would Rosicky / Wilshere / Diaby / Giroud etc. dislike Wenger? He has awarded them hugely lucrative contracts, he seemingly puts them under very little pressure, he protects them from any criticism and he allows them to operate in a massive comfort zone. No other decent manager would do this. This is the reality of modern football in general and modern Arsenal in particular – they simply don’t give a toss what we think when the stadium is full each week and they live a life of privilege that we cannot imagine.

Two stories come to mind here. One is the sad saga of Ched Evans. Convicted by a jury of raping a young woman; sentenced to five years imprisonment; on his release he shows zero remorse and won’t apologise; 150,000 people sign a petition urging Sheffield United NOT to re-employ him; Sheffield United go against all of that and bring him back into their club. Why? Because Evans is good at football and can bring success to Sheff Utd. Moral issues? Setting an example? Not on their agenda! Evans can make them money and that is all that matters.

The second story is an old work-mate of mine, a good solid Northern lad called Gerard. I used to tease him all the time because he was a socialist. When he got promoted, he opened his letter in front of me and realised that the pay-rise would move him into the high tax bracket. He smiled and said “Looks like I need to re-evaluate my socialist principals doesn’t it?” He was joking but his point has stuck with me ever since. Money talks.

And that is the bottom line. Money is pouring into Arsenal and all the recipients are living in a bubble. Why would Steve Bould tell Wenger where to go, thereby jeopardising his multi million pound salary? Why would our pampered players turn on Wenger and risk their fantastic, cosy lifestyle? Why would Kroenke sack the man that makes him millions every year? Why would Gazidis break ranks when he trousers £2million a year? And why would Wenger (the ultimate champagne socialist) walk away from total control and £8million a year?

By their actions, they have all shown us that they are quite content with proceedings at Arsenal. Fourth place + Champions League + 60,000 tickets sold each week + no dissent from the supporters = KERRCHING!!!! The only thing that will bring about the change that the majority of us now want is protest. Vocal and visual protest. Protest that is bad for the “Brand”. Bad for the “Image”. Protest that may affect the bottom line. Protest that will break this awful status quo. If there’s one thing that modern corporate types hate, it’s direct criticism.

But will we ever do it? Deep down we know we need to because unless we do, all of our moaning and arguing is pointless. We’ve done that for years and things have only got worse. So I ask again – will we ever protest? Not against some abstract point such as “Wanting our Arsenal back” but protest against Arsene Wenger and Stan Kroenke?

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  1. abbs

    Nov 18, 2014, 0:16 #61508

    Best way 2 protest is stop going games. I actually hate the emirates, its corporate culture and the type of people that go these days. Since the badge changed and the Americans bought the club, Arsenal, as alot of other clubs and maybe the whole of football have lost personality and soul. Still an Arsenal fan, but dont go games or buy shirts anymore. Still miss the old lot at Highbury.

  2. Rocky RIP

    Nov 16, 2014, 18:11 #61444

    I've just seen a picture from Wembley yesterday. A waiter is delivering a tray of food and drinks to a spectator, blocking the view of the game. It says so much about the level of 'fan' at football these days and the priorities of stadium management. Who on earth thinks about food during a big game when your stomach is churning? (Fair enough, I doubt there were too many nerves yesterday, but I hope you take my point.) Sadly, with these types of people in attendance, there's no hope of any kind of reaction or protest against Kroenke and his ilk or the people rinsing the fans of their money, unless the hot dogs run out or someone near them stands or sings, and there'll be uproar.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 14, 2014, 15:49 #61357

    Ron, just got back in from the reconnaissance mission to AKB central command, it was a long night I was nearly rumbled a couple of times luckily I found this old discarded AKB hat outside and used it as a disguise, and it's exactly what you expected Ron their on the wane in a big way, and now know the writings on the wall for their messiah, lots of crying and weeping at OGL's statue, like arsene what have you done to us, and why? we've had such faith in you and this is the way you repay us? we cant believe the dark moonies were right all along. I was approached and asked what line did I want to join for the mini bus journey to his house as they had badly shrunk too apart from some of the die hards, one was for cutting his lawn, and the other had every body holding toilet paper, needless to say I declined both especially the second the thought was enough. I was very interested in a door at the corner of the room so I tried to get closer and as I did you could see the lights flashing and dimming and hear fizzing and the screams from in there were frightening, I asked this AKB what was going on in there he said all the top AKB commanders are in there they're all real BADARSES they think their super fans and they'd gamble and bet on anything, then another scream the guy says they captured one of the dark moonie wob commanders a couple of days ago and are torturing him for info of protests against our messiah one of them gave odds of 2/1 they'd break him but they haven't yet he's still holding out a real tough mother, all they've got is the odd name like Ron, jeff, Tony, hiccup, when he said that they gave him a glass of water, and something about a mad irish man, he then looked at me and asked are you new here? and where i'm from and that's a funny accent is it Irish? he went and knocked on the door not taking his eyes off me and this big dude a real BADARSE answered, that was when I scarpered and didn't look back.

  4. Go on the Merse

    Nov 14, 2014, 11:44 #61342

    A white hankie protest sounds like an absolutely fantastic idea. After all, hurling abuse effing and blinding is rarely effective and is an unsavoury spectacle - especially when there's kids at the stadium. Am pretty sure that stewards would confiscate banners and evict people hurling abuse. There is no way they could not stop 60,000 people bring a hanky in their pocket to the game on the other hand!

  5. I need a hoilday

    Nov 14, 2014, 10:29 #61339

    Westlower read back what you've written and then think about it. No-one is suggesting we've never had poor results or performances before, far from it and yes Wrexham in the cup was unbelievable but we can at least file it under the 'romance' of the fa cup I suppose. What we can't file under such fantasy is the 3 'drubbings' we got last season not to mention the obvious lack of interest from many of the team. Wengers "me against the world" attitude has (as predicted) got worse as his stubborness is now 100% the man - not the proffesor that joined us a thousand ago (or so it seems. We've always been good, bad or somewhere in the middle but I can't remeber too many teams that had such a disinterest in wearing the shirt? Mark has nailed the reality of the situation brilliantly and it's sad reading, I don't know how we take things forward as the 'cult' that is in place are all happy to be in it except of course a large (dare I say) majority of the fans but what do we do except contribute to their wages? Arsene is not learning from his mistakes and he has seemingly forgotten how to win, was their anyone at the game or watching at home that wasn't screaming for Chambers to come into the middle (for Monreal) and Bellerin put on at right back to keep up with the winger? Nah lets leave it as it is Chambers is surely only going to get quicker as the game goes on? It's nuts. We are currently taking 3 steps sideways and one back repeat...

  6. RedPig

    Nov 14, 2014, 8:50 #61338

    Great article Mark (as is your one in the latest Gooner mag). Your point about the people at Arsenal living in a bubble is so true. They effectively asked us all to put our ambitions on hold in the first few years after moving to the Emirates because financial prudence is key. We were asked to keep paying full prices but to remain patient and by sacrificing our dreams of seeing a title challenging side that could also challenge in europe. Wenger has been lauded for keeping us in the top 4 while selling our best players to rival clubs ... but what sacrifices has he or any of the others personally made? If Wenger and co had for instance taken a reduction in salary for a few years then the whole thing could have felt like more of a team effort. I’m sure it would have been easier for us to tolerate what we’ve experience if we’d seen the people at the club were also willing to make sacrifices. But the opposite happened. Wenger and Chairmain and Directors have all been raking it in and have made personal fortunes at our expense. We have had to witness an endless stream of humiliating performances and results and seen ex-captains playing for domestic rivals … and this is still continuing 8 years after the move. The people at Arsenal are a despicable bunch of self-serving hypocrites. Every one of them.

  7. Westlower

    Nov 14, 2014, 8:11 #61336

    @Hiccup, The odds on Wenger being the next manager to leave his post are as low as 28/1 on the betting exchanges, VC & PP go 40/1. I'm holding a vouchers at 66/1 (but it ain't going to happen), CFC to win PL at 8/11 & Borussia Dortmund to top Group D of ECL at 5/4. As Meatloaf always reckons 2 out of 3 ain't bad!

  8. Danny

    Nov 14, 2014, 1:51 #61334

    really disappointing that no ex-player has backed Merson about calling Wenger clueless If only Adams or Henry tells it as it is--- Wenger is fraud

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 14, 2014, 1:08 #61333

    Mark, excellent article, the old fraud has surrounded himself with yes men, there was hope when bouldy got the job but we should have known better, he would never have anyone he thinks is superior to him about the place anywhere or any one who has the balls to stand up to him and tell him he's wrong and this is the way it should be done and that includes players too, probably more so. I hear what your saying/asking why should they? but protest is a very powerful tool and it's the only tool supporters have and I've said it before it's the only way to effect change (whether some like it or not)protest inside the ground make it very very uncomfortable for OGL and let him know what we think of him in front of the media and tv companies(that would really dent his massive ego hopefully beyond repair ) and all the old farts because as you allude to there's nothing they dislike more, if it got to the stage where they'd be to embarrassed to attend a match and fed up reading about it and seeing/listening to it on TV and getting grief from sponsors we'd soon get change.

  10. dbq

    Nov 13, 2014, 23:21 #61330

    Protest is well and good but if you really want change, you need to talk with your wallets as that is the only language Kroenke and Co understand. Stop renewing your season tickets, buying merchandise and putting more $ in their pockets. When the cash registers stop ringing is when they will take notice. Until then the status quo of depressingly familiar mediocre underachievement will prevail.

  11. Pete

    Nov 13, 2014, 23:08 #61329

    At my local once a year we have a dwarf throwing competition,which I am currently the reigning champion and winner of the last three tournaments.If anybody starts protesting near me in the ground I will get some practice in early for next years event.You have been warned.

  12. jeff wright

    Nov 13, 2014, 22:46 #61328

    Yes Hiccup that was another classic, although when it was like watching Brazil time with Bobby , Thierry and co strutting their thing there was some truth in it .Ron is right though about the suicidal away supporters singing there is only one Arsene Wenger when we were getting trashed by 8 goals at OT,ironically though considering the 4-0 goal lead lost at Newcattle and the 6-0 at the bridge of sighs on Wenger's big day and other more recent embarrassing Wenger faux-pas's involving defending there is some truth in that as well. They do say though that unintentional humour is the funniest!

  13. Hiccup

    Nov 13, 2014, 21:53 #61327

    Jeff, my favourite is the 'you've come to see the arsenal' which is just so, so out of date now. Was hilarious when it was sang at Leicester who we couldn't beat, but was still a great point as I recall? Probably sang it at Swansea too, but I was too busy counting the raindrops outside which is more entertaining than watching arsenal these days.

  14. Hiccup

    Nov 13, 2014, 21:42 #61326

    Ron, when the BSM plan their protest marches about ticket prices, your Godfrey's and Tristan's must get so embarrassed to be associated with such riff raff trying to devalue the product. I also notice Westie's odds of wenger leaving have come in from 66/1 from a previous post to 50/1 now. What's the odds that the odds will fall further again after next weekend?

  15. jeff wright

    Nov 13, 2014, 21:36 #61325

    Ron, there used to be a sort of humour about the songs and chants such as the Old M'c Donald one when Supermac was with the barcodes, that the North Bank indulged in ,when it was still a terrace that is and before they demolished it and while working on building the new all seater stand put up cardboard cut-out figures to try and make up for the lack of atmosphere. It didnt work but who would have thought we would one day end up in a new stadium with thousands of them in it every match day! That Wonder of You song was embarrassing, especially considering the players that it was played for . As was also 'the who are you' chants made by some newbie morons at lower sides who were getting beaten . The worst incident though for me was the screaming abuse directed at hapless Eboue one afternoon that forced Wenger to pull him off - he is the one who should have been getting the bird for pursuing his silly youth project that exposed young ,in some cases young obviously not up to the job players such as Eboue and Denilson ,etc, to having to try and make Wenger's illusions become reality . It never happened though.You would have thought that a supposedly clever man like Arsene would have learned his lesson when he failed with the same plan at Monaco and got the bullet for doing so. He never learns though,does he?

  16. Bard

    Nov 13, 2014, 21:14 #61324

    Westie: is there any connection between mob rule, wob rule and akb rule? I get so confused these days. Odds on this, percentages on that its getting very complicated on here of late and I am not sure how relevant it all is. I have one rule, put out a side capable of defending and attacking, with a fight to the death attitude and I'll take the win or the loss without moaning. If you can't do that for £8m quid a year then you need to move on.

  17. Ron

    Nov 13, 2014, 21:13 #61323

    Jeff/Hiccup - see where youre at. At risk of cutting our Emirates regulars too much slack, theyre still in 'new stadium' mindset. The stadium was 'built for us' mentality, glitzy, shiny, new, 'were a growing club', we re a cut above our primeeval visitors from those old, 'disgusting' careworn stadia, 'look how they marvel at our finery', we must be 'so much better then them'. Bolt onto this the prices charged for the new footballing mansion and the social demography has changed to suit. Its a latter day cathedral, a place of homage and mutual back slapping. I know, lets have a song? Yes, 'The wonder of you'. Oooh, yes, we love that, you recognize us! Youre pretty wonderful yself, but oh lets pity these plebs and knaves from afar. Who are they again , mancaster whounited did you say? that we deign to allow into our sitting room, where we dine, exchange small talk and gently clap good deeds. At worst we chide when our rightful rewards are denied us by upstarts and those who 'play nasty'. How dare they! Off with their heads.Ooh and how glad we are that we ve ridden our ramparts of those awful 'below stairs' crude types of yesteryear with their gutterel songs and rowdyness. However did we tolerate them for so long? Another, gin Rupert? Dont mind if i do Edward, but be a good chap and get one in for Sophie will you, shes a 'little lark at these footie days' isnt she! Such fun. Oh, theyre coming out again. Ill just make this call to my secretary. See you in a bit Rupes and lets remember to be away in good time!

  18. jjetplane

    Nov 13, 2014, 21:07 #61322

    RON thriving on the dissonance. It's a win win for the corp men while there Puppet keeps grinning.

  19. Hiccup

    Nov 13, 2014, 20:24 #61321

    Protest? You gotta be kidding? Our fans have learnt to accept capitulations and disappointment, and all this bickering is just upsetting their enjoyment of... all this disappointment? Been plenty of opportunities for vocal discontent. When the 8th goal at United hit the net would have been a good start, but no, 'only one arsene wenger' ringing out in the corner of the ground. Six down at Chelsea, and again our fans are having a party at the Bridge. joke. The closest thing we've had to a protest is the 'spend some money' chants, but even then fans still thought it was the board holding funds back. Never been an out and out go at wenger. If we get beat next week they'll probably applaud United off the pitch as our fans take acceptance of this turgid sh!t to a new level.

  20. jeff wright

    Nov 13, 2014, 20:23 #61320

    The description of the dumb masses in the Emirates is an accurate one ,it makes you wonder though what motivates these internet trolls that adopt ex-Arsenal players names,always big obvious ones so their can be no mistaking their uber allegiance and spend so much time abusing real Arsenal supporters who want to see a change at the club they have supported all their lives from the dross that is being served up these days. Even clubs that have been relegated have won won the domestic cups,one even against Wenger - you take what you can from cup wins -they are not worth getting too carried away about though,unless there is an agenda for doing so of course.

  21. Ron

    Nov 13, 2014, 20:19 #61319

    JJ - Yes, hes a politician if nothing else. Hes been well ahead of the game and where footballs been heading from day 1 hence his longevity. You make a very good point there. Clever and slippery and with a logic on points in issue that always sound immediately persuasive as if being wrong isn't possible ........until you consider his comments later! Its only when his surly annoyance and lack of tolerance of other opinions show through which shows straight away when his heckles rise so very easily and his body language betrays him that his spikey vulnerability betrays him. I think other coaches in the game had his card marked as a person from day 1, if not admittedly from a coaching angle, hence hes never been liked or well received. Too much the bourgeois operator for 'football' men. He should run for the French presidency and im surprised he never has given the back stabbing slime balls they've offered up and elected over there over the last 20 years. Hes a shoe in.

  22. jjetplane

    Nov 13, 2014, 19:53 #61318

    This is all football is now - a multi spectacle and it will run and run much to the passing delight of vaguely curious money people. Notice how all politicians and bankers now use football analogy to communicate their ****. Wenger really is part of the 1 per cent revolution.

  23. Ken

    Nov 13, 2014, 19:19 #61317

    Can't see there ever being a mass protest inside the ground, for the reasons that Tim Wood stated. On the very rare occasions that I go to games these days the crowd seems to be 95% nerds and geeks, a million miles away from our fanbase of the 70s and 80s, and I cringe every time the TV cameras pan across our support. These people are never going to risk getting a tut from the retired couple sitting in the row behind or even worse a ticking off from a steward. Arsene is safe, familiar and non-threatening, and that's just the way they like their football. The only protest that might have some effect and get publicity is a banner flown over the ground as at Old Trafford with Moyes, but it would probably be met with boos inside the ground just as we concede another soft equaliser.

  24. Matthew Bazell

    Nov 13, 2014, 18:41 #61315

    I fear that Arsene Kim Jong Mugabe will reign for many more years

  25. jjetplane

    Nov 13, 2014, 18:04 #61313

    Been at the bottom of the football barrel for a decade. ANYONE with a hour in football can do better than that. You got that spreadsheet from Maureen yet! Numbers are numbers after all. You are as excited as the rest of us (10 days that shook Holloway) with the process of corporate instability.

  26. Unchives

    Nov 13, 2014, 17:56 #61312

    Kroenke bought his initial shares for approx £8.5 - £10.5K each,then paid £12K each to..... Sold us out "Lady Nina".Usmanov offered £14k each then, which was declined, which is slightly under what they are worth now, so silent Stan's profit has maximised, he has put nothing in and received no dividends. so with enough pressure, he will go!Do you think Wenger will last 2.5 years longer....he is already feeling the pressure after a quarter of this season gone. Further, when some on here try to compare similar capitulations in the past, remember we were not paying the prices we pay today, so their argument is irrelevant.We are paying for Class A+ eggs but receive class C quality.

  27. Westlower

    Nov 13, 2014, 17:40 #61311

    'JJ, You're really scraping the barrel if you'd have Merson as manager. Behave yourself! Unlike Rosler we're not in the relegation zone but methinks Merse would quickly have us in peril. We need more than a lazy brain attached to a previously lazy body.

  28. jjetplane

    Nov 13, 2014, 17:37 #61310

    Talking of numbers - got a handy breakdown on them Chelski profits posted today. You could not make it up. Wal Mart and Old Glory .... RON very funny posts!

  29. jjetplane

    Nov 13, 2014, 17:16 #61308

    WESTIE you are the one reeking of bitterness. Us happy people just want to move on and start taking scalps again. You are so entrenched in your pathological numbers world you would not know a good win if it slapped on the kisser! Diaby - not worth a discussion though I do hope you send him a card. I would take Merson over Wenger at the moment. Even you would do a better job!

  30. David

    Nov 13, 2014, 16:47 #61307

    Westlower is right in that anti Kronke banners is an impotent gesture. The only thing that would work (which nobody will ever do) is to boycott the games. The problem is, empty stadia don't occur through boycotts, but through waning interest. And a boycott is by definition the opposite of waning interest. These are numbing times at Arsenal, and the only way forward is without the current manager. What Westlower doesn't comment on is that Kronke isn't stupid either, and the thing that is financially better than reasonable success is great success. And this for Arsenal, may only be a matter of changing the manager. Kronke may be an unlikeable chap, but it would be foolish to believe that his thoughts - and those of other members of the board - aren't drifting toward names like Jurgen Klopp etc as a sooner-rather-than-later replacement. They are certainly less prepared to take that risk than 70% of the supporters, but eventually they will.

  31. Clockender1

    Nov 13, 2014, 16:38 #61306

    print out the "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH - WENGER OUT" cards from shewore dot com and display them at the game. and or meeting at the Armoury at 4.45pm.

  32. Westlower

    Nov 13, 2014, 16:33 #61305

    Lastest betting on next manager to leave his post: Ladbrokes go, Pellegrini 6/1; Pochettino 7/1; Rodgers 16/1; LVG & Wenger 50/1. Fill yer boots! Words of warning, the Arsenal board are unlikely to be swayed by mob rule & betting can be bad for your wealth.

  33. David

    Nov 13, 2014, 16:26 #61304

    If Arsenal finish outside the top four this season, it is likely AW will go himself. It must have had an impact on him that his side hasn't built on last year's FA Cup success. He would surely have expected a new confidence in the team now that the trophy drought has finished...But it hasn't happened. Which must be bitterly disappointing.

  34. Westlower

    Nov 13, 2014, 15:59 #61303

    @JJ, You missed out on the news that Diaby has torn a hamstring & is out for a further 3 months or more likely his career is over. That should put a smile on your twisted & bitter face. Good job we've got an overload of midfielders. In January we need to repeat the dose with defenders. Breaking news: Wigan sack Uwe Rosler - every bodies doing it, doing it, doing it, why not us? It's just not fair!!! Perhaps Wenger needs to kop a backhander doing a dodgy transfer deal to get the push, aka GG? Merson for manager anyone?

  35. jjetplane

    Nov 13, 2014, 15:36 #61299

    Ozil out for '2 months' and Hummels is off to OT and Arsenal are looking deep within French football for a roommate for Sanogo. Loving this ****!

  36. jeff wright

    Nov 13, 2014, 15:10 #61298

    Kroneke uses AFC for a form of collateral to borrow money against to use in his other nefarious financial dealings in the good old US-of-A . He owns sports clubs there that show profits but only meander along for donkeys years in mediocrity,yawn. Stan also owns shopping centres, and merchandise stores such as Dick's Sporting Goods stadium . All AKB's are entitled to a discount on Dicks Sportswear and can wear the T-shirts,etc, with the Dicks Sportswear logo on them with pride.Actually a group of AKB's are known anyway ,as in a flock of sheep , a herd of donkeys , as a gaggle of Dicks ,so wearing the Stan Kroeneke flagship sportswear with the logo DICKS on it is very appropriate. Stan himself prefers to wear cowboy outfits to ride around his ranch in everything is going well for him in America the natives don't get restless any-more the US Cavalry sorted that out long ago before Stan was even born,well just before, how he will sort out any unrest if the natives get restless at the Emirates is a matter for speculation but it's a fact that Silent Stan doesn't allow sentiment to stand in the way of him losing a few bucks. He's not at AFC to watch 'ball games' .He leaves that to the paying customers.

  37. Ron

    Nov 13, 2014, 14:55 #61296

    Bard - Peace my boy. Its just battle fatigue that plagues you. All great Generals succumb. Look at General Lee. Routed at Vicksburg for no apparent reason? Youve fought long and hard and we ve been proud to be behind you, though always stopped short (thank heavens) of f----g you from behind as many beleaguered troopers do to the bravest of Generals. Im thinking a spell on the flanks or even an office posting for you for a while? Will that help? The vanguard is well staffed by great leaders, all adept under fire and really Westies pop gun fired off randomly as the AKBs beat a hasty retreat isnt too troublesome right now. Our snipers handle him, though hes a canny operator and the only one theyve got with courage and battle nous. The end is near, the war is nearly over. The empire creaks.Though heed Tonys warning of a last desperate AKBs sweep to salvage some thing from the ashes and despair of defeat. Rest my Son!

  38. Tony Evans

    Nov 13, 2014, 14:41 #61294

    Ron - Its a bit desperate at the moment over at the Central AKB Bunker; and just in case things go tits up in the next few home games and supporters do actually start calling for Wenger's head they have stock-piled a powerful pro Wenger drug and are intending a Goldfinger type sweep over The Emirates to get things back to normal!

  39. Bard

    Nov 13, 2014, 14:37 #61293

    Very funny Ron but I am deeply upset and am in two minds whether to throw my toys out of the pram, Wenger style. I could threaten to leave the site but I don't think it can survive without me. Overall I think I have been writing with the handbrake on and have many injuries to my typing hand. I know I need to focus and attack better but my balance between attack and defence is all wrong. I leave myself exposed at the back and keep getting well and truly f***** from behind by the cruel Wobs. Jamie take me back to that intoxicating world of mediocrity and 4th place finishes.

  40. Ron

    Nov 13, 2014, 14:36 #61292

    Westie - Yes. We know. Julius Ceasar thought he was a clever untouchable f----r as well. Brutus soon put paid to that barmy notion he had. Football has felled Kroenke types before now. Do you reckon Kroenke has got a Mark Antony lurking in the shadows though somewhere to wreak horrid retribution v every fan who shouts Kroenke out? Im betting you and Badarse are potentially they such is your love for the Arsene Empire?

  41. Westlower

    Nov 13, 2014, 14:21 #61291

    Stan Kroenke was worth $4.1 billion in 2011 when his stake in Arsenal valued the club at £731,000,000. His wife is the daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton & inherited a $6 billion stake in her daddy's company. Walmart employ 2,000,000 people. Perspective people! You're sadly fooling yourselves if you think protests will dislodge Kroenke. It's on a par with ergie thinking he could defeat Coolmore & John Magnier over the ownership of Rock Of Gibraltar, just a Glaswegian thug pissing into the wind. He seriously embarrassed himself as John Magnier became the owner of Man U just to show him where the real power lay.

  42. Ron

    Nov 13, 2014, 14:17 #61290

    JJ - ive suspected for a while its not the real Bard or worse, the real one has been taken hostage and lies rotting deep in a dark cell some where in the depths of Central Command, unfed and thirsty, pumped full of downers and being remorselessly interrogated. Badarse is there, his benign persona finally betrayed and his real malice substituted thereof, applying the water and electric shock treatment to Bards feet as we speak. Bard was smooth talked and eventually duped by Badarse's advances and eventually trusted him. Its been coming and Bard was long susceptible i fear. Ive taken the liberty of sending MG out on a reconnaissance mission to CC and to report back in 24 hours. Jeff will ultimately be ordered to take Angry and Frustrated and SKG with him and to attack with force forthwith so to recover Bard should they not release him, hopefully still in a sound mental state. I love Bard and i wouldnt hestitate go myself to fetch him and lead the expedition, but ive got to take my lady friend to a play ive had arranged for months and it just happens to clash with the night im sending Jeff and the 2 left tenants. Ive every faith in them though and they only need to text for further instructions if needed!

  43. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Nov 13, 2014, 14:15 #61289

    The next three home matches are tricky to say the least. There is certainly an undercurrent of Wenger out. What could happen is that if we struggle in these games,as seems likely, there could be a spontaneous outpouring of grief towards the manager. What happens after that is anyone's guess but I don't think a man who handles pressure so badly would be able to tough it out. It may be the start of getting him out by the end of the season..

  44. Bard

    Nov 13, 2014, 14:07 #61287

    jjetplane; I don't know about understanding Im not a fan of hysteria and some of these posts are way over the top. Wengers reign is in its terminal stage but it will some while before we see any change and even longer before we see the benefits of that change so Im not getting too excited by all this talk of insurrection after all its just online chatter. I will be interested to see what happens at the ground at the next home game.

  45. Mark Halfpenny

    Nov 13, 2014, 13:51 #61286

    Pink German Beds - I have also been to The Nou Camp and seen a White Hankie Protest. It was in 1987 and it was against Terry Venables, at the fag end of his reign. It was quite a sight - silent but utterly brutal. Sadly I can't see enough of us ever doing something like that. I screamed abuse at Wenger as far back as 2010 (when we lost 2-3 to West Brom) and the reaction from those around me was bizarre. We were 0-3 down at the time and everybody else's reaction was either A) Get up and walk out silently or B) sit in silence. Which is why 4 years and several more collapses later we are still saddled with an arrogant, out of touch manager.

  46. jjetplane

    Nov 13, 2014, 13:44 #61284

    WESTIE you say others are deluded and you sound perverted. One minute it's GG & '91 were great times and now it's back to your pathetic Merson bash and a loss against the (mighty) Wrexham. Next time you go to the Emirates (if you do) best take some effective ear phones because hopefully it won't be your kind of music playing. BARD what's with all the understanding all of a sudden? Like RoN says - a bit of drama would be good for both Arsenal and maybe even football on a larger scale. Time for the topple and I reckon Stan would sell up and put it all back into burgers ....

  47. Pink German Beds

    Nov 13, 2014, 13:40 #61283

    Long time reader, first time poster. But all this protest talk reminded me of a stadium protest i witnessed once. I was at the nou camp a few years back (march 2008 i think). barca v getafe. it finished 0-0 which more or less ended any chance of barca winning the league. but before the final whistle the whole stadium brought out white flags, hankies, toilet roll etc and waved them in the air - basically waving the white flag. it was an amazing sight to see. certainly a visual protest no one could miss.

  48. jeff wright

    Nov 13, 2014, 13:25 #61282

    Westie I was at that Wrexham game and can recall our players wearing that hideous yellow bizarre laughing hyena spotty type away shirt . We were far the better side and woz robbed by the ref,who made some of the worst home town decisions in favour of the Taffs that I have ever seen. There is no comparison with that game and the weak collapses that we have seen from this current Wenger side for some time now. I agree with the writer of the article that things will not change if just left to Stan .I can only see protests against Wenger vocally at games working the oracle to force Stan to get Wenger to resign. Even then Wenger will have had to have finished outside the top 4,otherwise he will still be with this time next season.I can even see the audience at the coliseum , you included of course Westie, getting excited later on about the fight for 4th place, with warnings that disaster and the end of the world as we know it will arrive if we finish out of the top 4 so this must be averted at all costs ! Every game will be a cup final to save us from this horrible fate,Arsene knows best though right , so let's all get behind him . The script has already been written now all it needs is for the players not to fluff their lines . After we have secured the 4th place trophy , and duly celebrated this and gratefully gone down on our knees to thank Arsene for it , then we can look forward to the Emirates Cup! The European Qualifier tie and another season of Wenger magic!

  49. Tony Evans

    Nov 13, 2014, 12:52 #61281

    Agree Mark and nothing would make me happier than hearing some concerted Wenger out chanting as I am sure it would have some effect. Unfortunately I will not be there to join in as, like Tim Wood said, I am one of those supporters who has stopped attending as a form of protest. Westie - the important one for me is Wenger out; Kronke out too would be great, but one thing at a time! Also Westie, although I know you are trying for perspective, reminding ourselves of previous failures doesn't make the current mis-management any better.

  50. Ron

    Nov 13, 2014, 12:45 #61280

    Westie . Wrexham debacle was 1992. We won the title the year before and the rot, as we now know had immediately set in. Just a different type of rot to what we see now. Kroenke's leadership doesnt need to change. His and Wengers approaches are at one with each other. Would he react to such pressure? I dont know. You dont know. I suspect he s not much stomach for conflict so far from home. He ll sell eventually for the best price and the Club does need a football type supremo at its head. Would he sell sooner under fan pressure? Maybe. Heads of football businesses dont like bad exposure as it affects their wider business interests. We re not talking ordinary faceless business heads here. Kroenke has a profile as a result of football however much he ducks and hides from it.With respect your perspective on this is rather narrow minded itself, if not deluded.

  51. Paulo75

    Nov 13, 2014, 12:33 #61279

    Great article Mark, can't really argue with any of the points raised. It certainly seems that protest is the only real option available to the fans to try and force change. Without passing the buck I guess this would need to be instigated by fans with a voice. I'm aware of the Black Scarf movemnet but Kevin, as editor, is this something you would consider trying to get off the ground?

  52. Ron

    Nov 13, 2014, 12:33 #61278

    Good points and much of the post states the obvious. Tim Wood - Bang on mate. The aspect of the post than i cant agree with is the choice of those stalwarts suggested as being needed on the payroll? Two pence halfpenny pundits, youth development coaches, non flying, proved nothing yet ex players doesn't automatically mean they would excel as a Coach of Arsenal. Theyre all lapping at the TV funded trough but are doing and havent done anything to suggest theyre needed at Arsenal in my view. Its sentimental poppy cock to suggest they have or that they ll make a difference. Full respect to the post, but this latter point is just idly and often trotted out without any justification. In fact, if they were as great as you imply, they wouldn't be pundits and in low level, no pressure jobs as they are a present either, whether or not at Arsenal.

  53. Westlower

    Nov 13, 2014, 12:24 #61276

    I cannot think of a more futile gesture than Kroenke out. What world are you deluded people living in? Do you believe 60,00O banners proclaiming those words will have any effect on a multi-millionaire, hard-nosed business man. We are not talking Denis Hill-Wood anymore. The only way Kroenke will leave is on his own terms not the fans. The reality is if 60,0000 fans put up £1000 each, would he sell for £60,000,0000, no chance! All this talk of we want our Arsenal back is nostalgic clap trap. You cannot turn back time. Some of you have either never experienced bad times at AFC or you've airbrushed them out of your mind. How about the great title winning tam of 91, unable to defend a lead at Wrexham, losing 1-2. Is that worse than losing a lead at Swansea with key players missing, of course it is. Perspective, perspective! Just for the record the Arsenal team that day under the coaching of George Graham was: Seaman, Dixon, Winterburn, Hillier, O'Leary, Adams, Rocastle, Campbell, Smith, Merson, Carter. Groves came on for Campbell. Wonder what Merse has to say about that one?

  54. chris dee

    Nov 13, 2014, 12:22 #61275

    We are always being told a team reflects the character of the manager. So it's obviously time to go Arsene.

  55. lance peters

    Nov 13, 2014, 12:11 #61274

    good article. the only way forward is to protest. these guys wenger especially are too comfortable in their position whilst the players and fans suffer. an empty stadium against united will be the ultimate protest.

  56. Angry & Frustrated

    Nov 13, 2014, 12:11 #61273

    Concur completely, and have been advocating vocal opposition within the stadium for some time now. What I continue to fail to understand is those fans who now agree with the view that Wenger's time is up, but then state we are above protest as that would be classless or "Not The Arsenal Way" or what Wenger deserves. Wenger will never leave by himself, which is why those with that attitude continue in a roundabout way saying keep going Wenger. Vocal protest is the one and ONLY way to end this, because we all know that Wenger's ego would simply not be able to handle chants of "Wenger out". I agree it shouldn't come to this, but if the bloke won't do the decent thing and resign, exactly what other options do people propose to oust him?

  57. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Nov 13, 2014, 12:02 #61271

    The Cabbie - Good point mate but the article talks about "Vocal and Visual Protest". If this happens inside the ground it will be picked up immediately by TV cameras and hopefully it will shatter finally the media myth that every Arsenal fan idolises Wenger. The trouble with this going on until the ground is empty, is it would take us years and years to recover from such a low point. The time for change is now!

  58. Bard

    Nov 13, 2014, 11:59 #61270

    Good post Mark. I agree wholeheartedly there won't be a change because why should there be. Even if we don't make top 4. the spin would be we have had terrible injuries. As long as the stadium is full and the money rolls in there won't be change. I do think that Wenger might reconsider his position at the end of the season if the atmosphere in the ground gets toxic, but that depends on who else might be available. The trouble is that some of the disgruntled seen to think change is round the corner and as you coherently argue that aint going to happen.

  59. Tim Wood

    Nov 13, 2014, 11:56 #61269

    Great piece. My protest was to give up my season ticket three years ago. All diehard Gooners who started attending in the 60s, 70s and 80s have probably done the same. There won't be any protest because those who really care aren't in their seats any more. All that is left are the prawn sandwich brigade, who don't pay for tickets anyway, and the tourists, who pay whatever it takes to be able to say I saw the Arsenal play at the E******s. Why should they care who the manager is when they won't be back. Arsene Wenger and the board have ripped the heart out of the club I started support in in 1978. Enjoy the next two-and-half years, but you will never see a title challenge in that time, that you can be sure of. In Arsene we rust.

  60. east stand lower

    Nov 13, 2014, 11:47 #61268

    I agree in working against the brand. but that is pretty difficult to do when there are so many day trippers to the stadium. the first start is not to buy food or drink at the club concessions. but that has been franchised off so where do we start I have a season ticket and i am quite happy to go to each game and slaughter the team and wenger,

  61. Steve Sinclair

    Nov 13, 2014, 11:47 #61267

    In the world at large, the natural world, the fresh and young replace the old and stale. Wenger is stale. He should have naturally stood down, but is like an old dictator and will not see the truth. In reality he has become negligent. He knew the supporters were pushing him to sign a DM and a CB during the Window, but his stubborn character ignored the view of the supporters, pundits, press and players. Of course he must leave, we need the fresh and enthusiastic, a younger more vital man...its the reality of the natural world and the human world. He is past his best.

  62. The Cabbie

    Nov 13, 2014, 11:44 #61266

    Protest all you like ,fans are money only ,TV is King ,5.30 away for Man U supporters is disgusting but do the management care. If we are stupid enough to pay thousands for season tickets we deserve all we get. Only when the grounds are empty will they care and that will not happen