Gooner Towers or Fawlty Towers?

Time for some perspective

Gooner Towers or Fawlty Towers?

Mention Fawlty Towers’ ‘The Germans’ episode and, pound to a penny, you’ll be met with: “Don’t Mention the War!” etc., which we Brits find endlessly funny. For me, though, it’s the final line that steals the show, uttered by one of Basil’s Teutonic hotel guests, who asks, rhetorically: “How ever did they win?” On Saturday evening, Arsene may well have asked same at THOF, doubtless as angry and frustrated as Herr Fawlty when having a bad day.

Be that as it may, Arsenal’s 15-month unbeaten-at-home Premier League run has ended. There! I’ve said it. Please don’t shoot the messenger. This inconvenient factoid is as unpopular with Arsene’s detractors as the thickening Antarctic ice is with “global warmers”. Some perspective wouldn’t go amiss; and we don’t have far to look. If you think that we’ve got problems, spare a compassionate thought for the Neanderthals that infest Sh*te Hart Lane; they’ve already seen their not-so-Super Spurs lose four times this season.

Our previous home league loss, to Aston Villa in August 2013, was down to several appalling referring decisions against now fit-again Laurent Koscielny. Saturday’s reverse was down, at least in part, to appalling luck. Want to disagree? Well, let’s turn things around for a minute and tell me where the following argument breaks down.

Imagine what Arsene’s critics would’ve said have the reverse happened: Yes, we won 2-1, but Moan United hammered us, dominating possession and chances throughout. Our first goal was fortuitously deflected into the inside-netting, having been diverted from its supposed intended target, namely the corner flag in front of the Mancs. Our second, in the 85th minute (!), was from our first and only meaningful shot on target in the game as our opponents through caution to the wind (ain’t that the truth?).

Yes, we should’ve been more clinical, and yes, the players went gung-ho far too early, as has been noted elsewhere, including by Arsene in his post-match interview. But there are many positives from Saturday’s performance, to which we should not be blind just because we feel so frustrated at yet another loss to Fergie’s old team. Here’s one: our starting-five attacking players on Saturday were aged 21 (The Ox), 22 (just, Wilshere), 23 (just, Ramsey), 23 (just, Welbeck) and 25 (just, Sanchez). If – and I suppose you’ll say it’s a big IF – they all stay fit, they’ll only get better, individually and collectively.

Yes, things could be worse: by the time you read this, (I hope) the whores of Manchester Citeh have been eliminated from the group stages of the Champions League for the third time in four years.

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  1. Robert Exley

    Nov 28, 2014, 20:11 #62225

    It's not as if this is the first time we've outplayed the opposition and lost in the last 10 years, is it?

  2. Gunner6288

    Nov 27, 2014, 3:31 #62115

    Yeah, I wouldn't try positivity on here - Gooner regulars are allergic to it :P

  3. Enough is enough

    Nov 26, 2014, 21:40 #62093

    Klopp out! What do all you KKBs have to say about that performance?

  4. Bard

    Nov 26, 2014, 19:34 #62087

    Ron, its called ambiguity. I flip between head and heart. When Im watching all reason is suspended. Its only when I get home that the head engages. Im not confident that anything will change purely because Stan doesnt have much of a track record of selling assets and the Arsenal brand is a very profitable one. I hope youre right though. Have to work tonight so not going. might give me a breather from all the grief of watching another potential hammering.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 26, 2014, 18:14 #62076

    Gooner67, any straw is been grasped at the moment to try and divert attention from the bloody obvious. You couldn't make it up.

  6. Gooner67

    Nov 26, 2014, 16:14 #62068

    Who cares about the other teams mentioned in the article? Wenger's been clueless the last nine years playing the same type of football against all teams. The top sides in the PL found out how to defend against the one million passes laborious football years ago and we'd get hammered. Poor excuses we do not need at this stage.

  7. RedPig

    Nov 26, 2014, 15:17 #62063

    The same episode of Fawlty Towers mentioned here is where Basil got a whack on the head. I politely suggest the same happened to Ian Tanner before he wrote and submitted this article.

  8. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 26, 2014, 15:02 #62062

    Possession stats count for nothing. They are only a toy for the TV pundits to add to their list of things to talk about. They are even more meaningless in the modern game which is now set up to counter attack your opponents. Time of possession; completed passes, distance covered per game blah blah blah. What is this, football or the NFL?

  9. Rocky RIP

    Nov 26, 2014, 14:52 #62060

    @ Ron - cheers for the comment mate. It's good to show respect to fellow posters, especially when we disagree on specific points. It's easy to recognise a bona fide Gooner who speaks from the heart. In a funny kind of way I'm trying to make the same point as I agree with what you say. We have a frustrating way of dominating proceedings, as all too often the score in the top corner often tells its own very different story.

  10. Ron

    Nov 26, 2014, 14:39 #62059

    Hi Rocky - i think 'Jokes' post shows his lack of knowledge of yr views historically too. On 'dominate', im not sure i agree though either. The stats show what they show. What they dont show are the extent of pointless passes, territory held where there's no opponent prsesnt but most importantly, they dont show to what extent an opponent cedes possession.Teams learned to forget possession v Arsenal years ago once Fergie had sussed it.Its goals that count and Arsenal do govern possession in games as you say, but they rarely 'dominate' in reality. They just have more of the ball when often the other team is happy for them to have it. Theres a big difference. They used to say that the boxer Chris Eubank didnt box, didnt fight and thus didnt really participate and ran round the ring. They said the other fighter boxed and competed and did all of the fighting and 'deserved' to win through more punches attempted. The thing was that the other 'deserving' fighter was often flat on his arse spitting blood out with his gumshield. His all action fighting having done little for him. Thats Arsenal.

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 26, 2014, 14:37 #62058

    BADARSE, that's a Cracker, you can use your own name you know, you can come back now three days are up. I know your waiting to see what happens tonight.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 26, 2014, 14:19 #62057

    r/k, excellent post his arrogance knows no bounds.

  13. Rocky RIP

    Nov 26, 2014, 14:17 #62055

    @ Jokes- 'most' games. Yes we do dominate most. Not all no. We don't always win them though, that's the problem and it's a big difference. Study the possession stats. We dominate possession most games, but it tends to count for nothing. Study shots on target. We dominate in most games. Study corners, etc. We dominate in 80% of matches I'd say. ie. most. Study the stats. Most does not equal all. The other ones you list we got spanked fair and square. We've done poorly against the big teams, no question. We dominated on Saturday - can you genuinely not see that? Dominated doesn't count for anything when you lose though, I'm intelligent enough to recognise that, but thanks all the same. I recognise every last problem in our team, our manager, our board, our fans, our club and most importantly for me our owner. I'm not an AKB. Can you kindly stop resorting to abuse from behind a keyboard. It suggests a keyboard warrior and a coward at play.

  14. Matthew Bazell

    Nov 26, 2014, 13:51 #62051

    Some perspective: We have not come close to winning the title in over ten years. We do nothing in Europe. We've won one cup in 9 years and counting - which we scraped against weak opponents. Our home defeats are not bad but that is ruined when we get smashed away from home. Our record against the top teams is ****. The same man who makes these mistakes is still unsackable!

  15. Gaz

    Nov 26, 2014, 13:48 #62050

    Just to make this very simple for everyone who won't understand what I'm (and lots of others) are going through let me say this. I still support Arsenal football Club but I no longer support the manager or the board...

  16. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Nov 26, 2014, 13:48 #62049

    Sorry Ian but that is the worst article on here for ages. I'm all for balance and reasoned debate but your argument boils down to ---- 1. We're better off than Spurs 2. We dominate matches 3. Our young players MIGHT stay fit and they MIGHT all improve. 10 years of massive under-achievement, spin and lies cannot be explained away so easily Ian.

  17. jjetplane

    Nov 26, 2014, 13:29 #62046

    MG & BARD hilarious stuff guys! Stormtroopers and whores are just the changes we are looking for. For all JAMIE's cyber machismo it is funny that he worships at the feet of such a non-competitive half man/half emu. Antarctica - nice one RON. Why does Ian's piece sound like a WESTiE draft that came as a paper plane from the top of AKB central. Tales from the bunker. Do I see an international incident re the French and the Uzbeks simmering away. Methinks Ali would flatten him.

  18. Tony Evans

    Nov 26, 2014, 13:25 #62045

    Gaz - a heavy heart for me too. You, me and many others are all in the same boat. Thanks Arsene!

  19. Gaz

    Nov 26, 2014, 13:08 #62043

    Tony/Ken: Like both of you I say this with a heavy heart and real desperation but neither can I be bothered with tonight. Win lose or draw will make absolutely no difference to the outcome of this season so why bother about the result. Saturday really was the final nail for me...

  20. Charlie George Orwell

    Nov 26, 2014, 12:53 #62039

    I was wondering if I could also write a piece defending Wenger. But I couldn't make it up.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 26, 2014, 12:53 #62038

    Ron, jw, didn't you hear the old fraud tried to sign them.

  22. Ron

    Nov 26, 2014, 12:46 #62037

    Bard - the fans would count if they stopped going to the damn games.The bowl with great tranches of empty seats wouldn't help the 'business model' at all. The sponsors would s--t themselves. The TV companies would hate it. The Board couldn't cope with it. Wenger would see his bluff has been called. The trouble is the place is full of unquestioning, zombiefied masochists every 'match day experience' day who just keep 'hoping' and they wont therefore behave like the 'customers' they are now and stop buying the sub standard product that the 'project' offers them. The whole edifice relies on misplaced loyalty, hope and sentiment afforded to it by long term fans and new ones who've known no different. Its such a gossamer thin thread that holds Wenger's grip on things and they don't realise it. Such is the dynamic between Wenger and the Board there that its only fans turning away that can give a visible signal that its gone far enough. The odd demo, street march and banner wont do it. It works at some Clubs like it did at Liverpool, but such as there the long standing old loyalties we have, had never bedded in and the Manager was clearly on a different page to the Board, so it worked for them. At Arsenal, sterner measures are needed. Fans need to stop feeling so f-----g guilty about wanting change and start to switch off from the Club to force it. Fan power can still work. Its the way its used that counts. The resignation in your posts mate, with all due respect make you sound a reversed role Westie. Its far from a given that Wenger is there for the duration. Its each to their own but you've said previously you go to games and 'hope' for change? How can you be so resigned to no change and yet still hope for change? Its a total contradiction in terms. Dont hope. Make it happen. Dont go. At this rate ypou ll be suspected of making noises that you want change yet deep down want Wenger and the status quo there to remain intact.

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 26, 2014, 12:39 #62036

    Can you imagine the growl that will come out of the old has beens mouth tonight and the frown he will have on his mug not to mention the smoke coming out of every one of his orifices if someone has the temerity or the balls to ask him is he going to resign? (lets hope it's a woman journo/interviewer) it would be worth the money just for it to be asked.

  24. Tony Evans

    Nov 26, 2014, 12:33 #62035

    Ken - right with you there. I couldn't care less about tonight's match. Although I would obviously love to see Arsenal win the CL it isn't going to happen under Wenger and if defeat tonight increases the chances of hastening the old frauds departure then that's fine by me.

  25. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Nov 26, 2014, 12:30 #62034

    re the original article; whilst it's nice to see an article like this, for the sake of balanced opinion, I just have to laugh. We were defeated on Saturday due to bad luck, and we could be in Tottenham's shoes. Well, that explains everything then. Oh, and those Citeh "whores", as they're so delightfully described, have two championship medals in three years.

  26. Tony Evans

    Nov 26, 2014, 12:07 #62033

    I see Arsenal have been snubbed in FIFAs world's best defenders short list. Have they no sense of humour!

  27. Bard

    Nov 26, 2014, 11:58 #62032

    Unchives you're thinking like a fan and not like Stan, fans don't count at the Arsenal anymore. Of course it is obvious that we need change but not from a business point of view. From that standpoint it is all good. The rest is so much hot air unfortunately. Im sure there will be a 'little local difficulty" but sadly I don't believe there will be any change either this season or next.

  28. Ken

    Nov 26, 2014, 11:52 #62031

    For the long term good of the club we need to maintain the momentum and lose tonight, preferably heavily. A victory will only increase the chances of our agony continuing until 2017, whilst defeat may just edge us nearer to blessed relief at the end of this season. I know what I'm hoping for.

  29. jeff wright

    Nov 26, 2014, 11:39 #62030

    Wenger was rattled by Usmanov's comments,no question about that, he is still sulking over that supporter telling him that he had signed a geriatric French centre-back. Our arrogant bullet-proof Monsieur just does not like being criticized. He has his 3 year contract now , the FAC win saved him ,anyone who did not go nuts over that is a fool, so he is holding all the aces at the moment with Stan unlikely to want to have to sack him and pay him 16m. Anyway, the 4th place trophy is still on and it's most likely that Stan never expected anything more than that to begin with . Crisis? What crisis >? It's only Dortmund tonight and these German sides are getting blown away by Prem ones, it should be easy peasy for Arsene !

  30. Unchives

    Nov 26, 2014, 11:15 #62029

    @ Red Member - This season will me judged im May,I don't wish failure on either Wenger or the team in order to get my way. All everyone wants here is a gradual improvement, leading to success, that's the normal desire in all aspects of life. Gazidis QA and the AGM has constantly grown more uncomfortable for the board, year on year. We could potentially not finish in the top 4 in May, tumble out of the FA Cup in January and as for the CL.....forget it. Gazidis will have nothing else to say if things have not improved.....are you seriously telling me nothing will be done?....I've been to these meetings....the discontent will reach a crescendo.

  31. Cracker

    Nov 26, 2014, 11:10 #62028

    Leave Jamie, Arsene and us Wengerites alone. We AKB's know what we are talking about & Wenger knows all about defence. He built a great defence years ago, signing Seaman, Adams, Bould, Dixon, Winterburn. No luck there! He will do it again. Careful what you wish for or we might all leave and form a breakaway cult, (I mean club), Arsene Football Club, & we will take Kroenke & Gazidis with us. Then you will regret your lack of gratitude for our almighty leader, without whom we would still be playing at Highbury. I mean, who wants that? All together now...'One Arsene Wenger....' sing along, 'there's only one Arsene Wenger'. Now where did I put the keys to my spaceship... ;)

  32. Bard

    Nov 26, 2014, 10:58 #62027

    Red member, dead right mate. Its a fantasy to believe that Wengers time is up. He will only go if the business model is in doubt. At the moment they are bang on course for another successful season, CL qualification and 4th place. second question, who is going to sack him? There is no one at the club able to take that step. Ivan? Stan? Dont make me laugh. He will walk when he is good and ready but that wont be this season or next or the one after. If Groundhog Day has been good enough for the last 10 years why is it suddenly redundant. The only little glitch is maybe having to hold back on ticket price increases for a year. As an aside really sad to read Jack maybe on the sidelines for another long period. Worrying times, could be another Diaby.

  33. Child

    Nov 26, 2014, 10:55 #62026

    jack's lack of discipline gets him injured. no one at the club has been able to take him to one side and let him know how to really be a winner. they let him give free rein to his emotions on the pitch. what a waste of talent

  34. Red Member

    Nov 26, 2014, 10:18 #62025

    @Unchives you are talking about the same people who a few months ago offered him a 3 year contract. He has won the FA Cup this year, qualified for the CL and is only 2 points off 4th place. Not going to happen is it

  35. Ron

    Nov 26, 2014, 10:16 #62024

    Hi Jeff - Thats Wenger's arrogance when he says that AU should have gone to him and not the press. I doubt AU looked for the press. They no doubt found him and he answered. Lets face it, AU has said what most of us would say and have been saying for years. That's what s irked Wenger.He cant hack the truth. Who does Wenger think he is? The guy owns 30%. If i owned 30% id be telling it how it is too. Reality is that once AU gets his hands on things, rightly or wrongly, he ll get shot of the lot of them. The Board and Wenger. The longer this saga continues the more ive got to thinking that its exactly whats needed there. The cobwebs are throttling the Club and have been some years. They need clearing, including nearly every player in the place. AU is trying to curry the fans favour no doubt, but very word hes said is smack bang on correct in my view. Whatever his designs on the Club are im glad hes spoken up. Its the first words truth have emerged from that ailing Club for a decade.

  36. Unchives

    Nov 26, 2014, 10:07 #62023

    @ Red Member - They wont sack him, but respectfully ask him to stand aside, they wont want to pay him off either, their may be some kind of mutual failure release clause, or a new role as Arsenal Ambassador will be created, or perhaps offered a role on the board.

  37. radfordkennedy

    Nov 26, 2014, 10:03 #62022

    Morning all,The retort from Wenger regarding comments made by Usmanov that any comments should be made to his face and kept in camera are startling,if there was ever proof that his Franco/Germanic Aloofness is affecting his reasoning then this was it,he forgets that the board virtually ganged up on the Uzbekistani to deny him a seat on the board,so he made his feelings known by the only platform open to him namely as a concerned shareholder via the media.The club can't have it both ways deny him a seat and demand loyalty,wHo does Wenger bloody well think he is telling a man who signs off his wages what he can say and where.

  38. Mike

    Nov 26, 2014, 9:43 #62021

    one positive - Giroud now has as many premier league goals as Welbeck. Pity he is not available tonight

  39. Red Member

    Nov 26, 2014, 9:37 #62020

    Unchives - but he is not a dead man walking at Arsenal because nobody will sack him. He came out fighting yesterday and so therefore presumably this will continue for the next 3 years. wake me up in 2017.....zzzzzzZZZZZZ

  40. Unchives

    Nov 26, 2014, 9:26 #62019

    The Facts - In the Last month #Wenger Out tweeted over 80,000 times, reaching a peak last weekend. 27,904 after the Man Utd game.Thats just the Twitter analysis alone. Despite Wenger's Bullish attitude, he is a dead man walking, any consistent failure from here on, and his time is up....if 8 seasons of failure isn't consistent enough!

  41. chris dee

    Nov 26, 2014, 9:24 #62018

    An article that could have been written by Arsene or Gazidis. Smug,self satisfied happy with just sailing along. Not why are we not challenging Chelsea,City,Barca,Real etc but just be happy we are better than Spurs. This posting should be reproduced and given to all Arsenal fans as evidence of why the club gets away with any pretence of ambition.Premiership?Forget it,at least we are better than Spurs.Champions League forget it,at least City might be eliminated. Possibly the most depressing posting ever made on this message.

  42. Bard

    Nov 26, 2014, 9:18 #62017

    Jamie; 'a wob stormtrooper', what an image. I see green fatigues, bulging biceps and a tattoo of Wenger's face on the forearm. We need to storm the Emirates and take over the club. Bring in the whores from Manchester or Leicester, who are contributing mightily judging by Citeh's performance last night and ransack the board. Chips is now toast, Ivan evicted and er…. the boss pensioned off. Oh what dreams. Looking forward to seeing Sanogo destroying Dortmund singlehandedly rather like Aguero. By the way saw Baddie in Maplins trying out new routers. He was involved in a very lengthy discourse with the salesman about the decline of civilisation at the Emirates.

  43. ljb

    Nov 26, 2014, 1:44 #62016

    Well Jamie Islamic owns 33 % of the club which is 33% more than you or Wenger so he can say what he likes. Tomorrow night the team v Dortmund will be Martinez ,Chambers,Mertesacker,Monreal,Arteta,Ramsey,Cazorla,the ox,Sanchez and Sanogo.What a pile of s***e.Sanchez will be gone next summer ,Ozil too.As if they came here to play in a team like that.From Ronaldo and Messi to Sanogo.Wenger has spent 120 mill over the past 2 summers .And this is the best he could come up with .Pathetic.

  44. John Viner

    Nov 26, 2014, 0:36 #62015

    Right, after Jamie's most recent posting, all those who demand change, and fast, assemble outside the Diamond Club entrance straight after the game tomorrow 'when' we f@&k' it up against Dortmund. "We want Wenger out, said we want Wenger out, and Kroenke!".

  45. JAMIE

    Nov 25, 2014, 23:14 #62013

    Wenger was simply stating the truth in his press conference by saying that he the players and the true Arsenal fans are what count and make this great club what it is.Jabba and his wob stormtroopers can make like Stevie Bould's hair and bugger off.

  46. Cawillemat

    Nov 25, 2014, 23:11 #62012

    'Global warming denier backs Wenger to stay as Arsenal manager'.

  47. jeff wright

    Nov 25, 2014, 22:45 #62011

    I watched the City game Ron,the Chelsea one was over after 26 seconds ! Aguero gave a master class in how to put 'em away in one on ones and while under pressure from defenders . Top players don't need as many chances as good ones do to score goals - and as you say - we have lacked a striker like that since Henry left. The fact that Wenger had to resort once to having to bring him back when well past his best should make Wenger hang his rather big head in shame. No chance of him doing that of course because the arrogant fool never accepts that he makes mistakes. His comments today regarding Usmanov's ones were another example of this. Apparently no one at Arsenal is allowed to criticise him they have instead to just nod their heads like sheep and go ba ba and to support his deluded management . Dear Jamie is exactly the sort that he loves and this article the type that he wants to see put forth. Illusion long ago replaced reality with the AKB and Wenger provides it in spades for them to lap up. Right then, two mighty Deutschland sides beaten by Prem ones so far, will it be make mine a treble tomorrow night - or just more hard-luck stories? Some of these posters on here and elsewhere should write Agony Aunt columns in newspapers . If you are struggling to understand Arsene's philosophy They will send you their pamphlet explaining it all . If this fails to work the Samaritans are available 24 hours a day. You couldn't make it up.

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 25, 2014, 22:17 #62010

    If the old fraud was as good as sorting out his teams tactics and defending as he is at defending himself from critism (quite rightly levelled) we'd be the best in the land.

  49. ATID

    Nov 25, 2014, 21:59 #62009

    As they say in the financial ads "past performance is no guarantee of future growth". So is it an Arsenal on the up or an Arsenal in decline? Ian, I salute your optimism but I wouldn't follow your investment tips.

  50. walkininawengerwilderness

    Nov 25, 2014, 21:53 #62008

    What the s__t you on about,man?Is it another lame defence of the status quo? Fact is there is nothing really to discuss seriously till wenger is gone.

  51. Ron

    Nov 25, 2014, 21:46 #62007

    Call them the whores of Manchester as often as you want but iv e just watched a player in Aguero who is worth paying for to see him alone. I cant think of one Arsenal player whos been deserving of that status for donkeys years. It might be oil cash that signs these guys but 1 or 2 like him have been within Arsenals budget for a while now, yet nothing like such players ever get close to joining.

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 25, 2014, 21:38 #62006

    I wonder would we be able to beat the big teams if we became the whores of London.

  53. gazza

    Nov 25, 2014, 21:10 #62005

    was you at there Villa game because i was and it wasn't the refs fault we lost and we lost saturday because the idiot in charge can not coach a defence for his team to lose a goal like we did to the granny shagger was bad enough but to allow the team to make the same mistake 5 minutes latter was criminal we was lucky Di Maria missed

  54. Carlos

    Nov 25, 2014, 20:50 #62004

    Very upbeat, certainly glass half full. One question; what makes you think the players you've mentioned will necessarily get better as they get older?

  55. Bard

    Nov 25, 2014, 20:48 #62003

    Ian I don't see the point of this article but I understand why Kev and co posted it in the name of balance. The phrase clutching at straws comes to mind. As you know I am big fan of Jamie's posting, so who are these whores and how come they are all in Manchester and not in London, do you think they are responsible for our poor performances? If they are they need outing and sending to Leicester. Why Leicester you may ask? Ask Jamie.

  56. Ill discipline

    Nov 25, 2014, 20:47 #62002

    Jack has no discipline and so will never really be a top man a la Cesc. he has the ability but he moans all match and has a fight when things dont work out. i wouldnt build a team around that.

  57. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Nov 25, 2014, 20:27 #62000

    As you suggest we have some decent players but they are not playing for the geezer in the sleeping bag. With a few additions and fresh ideas from a new hungrier manager they could go far. If the old has been stays the best of them will leave because even mega wealthy young superstars want to look at their medals when they retire. Wenger's never going to give them that and they all know it.

  58. Gooner72

    Nov 25, 2014, 20:18 #61999

    Ian Ian Ian, dear oh dear, complete tosh of the highest level, does your devotion to OGL know no limits!!!!! If it was a one season dip I'd have some agreement with you but sadly it's been countless seasons of 'falling away', 'squad deficiencies', 'poor injury record (use that one every season)', blah blah blah, it's really says it all when you are quoting Spurs as perspective, are you for real? We are Arsenal and it's just not good enough and in large Mr W has to shoulder the responsibility, Arsenal NOT Arsene!!!

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 25, 2014, 20:12 #61998

    Why should we spare a compassionate thought for the Neanderthals that frequent shyte hart lane? or the whores of Manchester what have any of them got to do with anything? or the if's or buts of a loss against man yoo a couple of days ago or another one over a year ago (and it's no surprise even after all this time the ref comes into it)apart from trying to divert attention. We're talking about this Basil Fawlty we have as a manager and all the guests who love him, and who pay to stay in his hotel, no doubt you get special rates and free room service.

  60. Hiccup

    Nov 25, 2014, 19:54 #61997

    Sounds like Basil Fawlty wrote this. Yes, if we think we've got problems, it could be worse couldn't it? We could be in the same boat as spurs' sh!t season and stuck on a paltry 17 points. You AKB's need to update your book of excuses. You call for perspective, tell us to look at how bad spurs are doing, and would you believe it, we're level pegging with them? Go back and rewrite it properly, and maybe replace spurs with Hull or even Burnley. Then I'm sure we'll all feel better when it's put in to some perspective that adds up.

  61. Unchives

    Nov 25, 2014, 19:50 #61996

    Watch the Wenger pre match conference, its says it all about the man......Support or abort...Simple!

  62. jeff wright

    Nov 25, 2014, 19:46 #61995

    The facts are , that despite all the spin in this article that we have only won one game against United,including Moyes one, in the last 15 played. Saturday was a good opportunity to have changed that appalling run of results,but very predictably we din not take it , and tbh this was no big surprise. A lack of technique in their attempts on goal were responsible for the missed chances by Welbeck and Wilshere and poor defending led to the two United goals,it could have been 3 . So as I see it this article is just following a well worn path of excuses with possession,that United were content for us to have by the way,that was their game plan , being used to try and pretend that everything is going great and it was just one of those nights. Incidental in that unbeaten run of games at home in the Prem,how many did we win against the top sides ? I can only recall one,Liverpool ,and they played us off the park at Anfield . We all know that our fast track bullies are good at beating lower sides at home such as Burnley ,but even here there has been a few blips ,the draw against Hull ,a narrow fortunate win against Palace and we have rarely looked convincing . So in reality this record ,like the calendar year champions one that was touted awhile back to claim that we were better than our league position is one to take with a large pinch of salt.We are in midtable and in the worst run of league results since the Falklands War was fought.

  63. Rocky RIP

    Nov 25, 2014, 19:27 #61993

    @ Peter Key - you say 'We were well beaten'... er, no we weren't. That's what kills. We shot ourselves in the foot, again. Man U are an average side who played poorly, but WE STILL LOST. Man U had how many shots on goal? Probably less than the number of goals in their favour. This is what's at the heart of our failings. We dominate so many games, keep threatening to score and should put most opposition teams to bed, but contrive to blow it, largely through being so slack in our defending for one or two critical moments in matches. Most Man U fans I know admit they were outplayed yet can't believe how easy we made it for them.

  64. Ron

    Nov 25, 2014, 19:17 #61992

    Is this post the long awaited case for 'Wenger in'? Mate, i can only assume that you've been lost in the Antarctic for the last 9 years if you really do see positives based on that little lot you've posted.

  65. TJ

    Nov 25, 2014, 19:17 #61990

    Sorry mate but you missed the point entirely. Firstly, this was a weakened United side playing a dodgy formation- we played well for half an hour before they settled and we never looked threatening thereafter. 'IF we had won' you say it would have been ok, but we didn't, we lost... And how many times have we won against United? once in the last 13 or something? So you're failing to realise another point which is that we can't beat the big teams in general, it's a major failing of Wenger. The problem is that we're spending tonnes of money but are miles off winning the League, even the FA Cup was a fluke last season. The football is tactically dire, the team isn't motivated and the man in charge refuses to plug the gaps of the squad with correct purchases. If you're happy with just making 4th place then this situation is maybe bearable, but those who want more are desperate for change.

  66. Bob

    Nov 25, 2014, 19:06 #61988

    "Get some perspective"....well, it depends where you want to get it from. How about the highest ticket prices in europe; one fluky trophy in nine years; no prospect of winning the premiership or Champions' League; appalling results against the top teams for the past four years; little quality and no cover in defence; no defensive midfielder other than Flamini who is now squad cover at best.....and a manager who is accountable to no-one. Stop writing such dribble about bad luck and promising young players. It is doing us no favours, and no-one buys it anymore.

  67. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 25, 2014, 19:03 #61987

    You don't believe in global warming. You do believe in Arsene Wenger. Interesting.

  68. andy1886

    Nov 25, 2014, 19:00 #61986

    Sorry, but once you compare our season to the one they are having down The Lane you show where your ambitions really lie. We should be comparing ourselves with those at the top, not those floating around the bottom half of the table. And as they say in football you make your own luck, blaming bad fortune is the last reserve of the apologist. Worst United side in decades but it's still too much for Arsene to overcome one of the 'big' sides.

  69. Gaz

    Nov 25, 2014, 18:53 #61985

    And when they're all fit and nothing changes we can go right back to blaming the officials....or tiredness....or the opposition not 'letting us play'...

  70. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 25, 2014, 18:52 #61983

    Hey, they've come with something. All right it's only 'a 15 month unbeaten league home record has ended' and 'the future looks bright', but it's something when you haven't much to work with. But are you sure you want to look to Sp*rs for perspective, to point out how badly they're doing in comparison? They've the same league points as us.

  71. Herdsman

    Nov 25, 2014, 18:43 #61982

    Dear Arsene, You started boring me with your excuses, arrogance and patronising attitude years ago. I'm glad others are finally starting to see your time is up. Please stop wasting our time and money and leave. You lost your legendary status with me years ago, but if you can take Kroenke and Gazidis with you on the way out, arrange for Dein to come back along with Simeone or Klopp in to replace you..then you will very much go up in my esteem. Cheerio

  72. Aash

    Nov 25, 2014, 18:41 #61981

    To Brixham Gooner I actually probably agree with your sentiments, but given you are picking up on Ian's points, here are some thoughts on some of yours. (1) TV5 hasn't had any game time at Barca through injury, so actually shipping him on was not the problem. Having as much of the transfer window as we had after he left and not replacing him, with at least 2 CBs, was the issue. ((2)-(3) agree mostly, though would keep MA8 as backup. (4) agree totally (5) BFG & LK6 were a decent partnership last year, the problem was not having any, let alone adequate, quality backup. (6) Inadequate replacement / competition for Chez has been costing us for years (in fact inadequate keepers have an issue since Lehmann) (7) Welbeck in himself (for me) is not a problem, but Vela instead ? Not for me. (8) agree re Podolski, Rosicky and others taking up bench space and large wages - replace with players more likely to seriously challenge (at least in the managers opinion) for a starting position

  73. goonergocarpfishing

    Nov 25, 2014, 18:28 #61979

    to cut to the chase wenger needs to go and go now so it allows the incoming manager some time with the very attack lop sided team to sort out who needs to go and who stays,no more excuses about bad luck,injuries,bad decisions,age,cant buy wont buy,they(chelski citeh) have too much money etc etc its all crap the man has to go and soon before the good he has done is totaly overshadowed by the bad,lets face it if we were top ,beating all he would take the plaudits so as it is he has got us in this mess (sorry f.....g big mess) and does not deserve anymore chances.because we are short defensiveley he has no doubt rushed back koscielny who will probably aggrevate his injury ,its a joke at our clubs expence ,fair play to usmanov for saying what we are saying .also cant believe he did not register OG for champions league !!!!!! WENGER OUT (ps enjoying Jimmy Bullard on im a celeb ,ER INDOORS WATCHES IT.... COME ON)

  74. Ken

    Nov 25, 2014, 18:24 #61978

    Some of us have spent the last 9 years gathering perspective, eventually reaching a grown-up conclusion that managerial change is required. Others have spent that time living in Arsene's la la land, where everything will be better next year when fate finally stops conspiring against us. It would be funny if it wasn't so damaging to my club.

  75. Brixham Gooner

    Nov 25, 2014, 18:00 #61973

    It really doesn't matter how old any if the playing staff are. Age has nothing to do with it whatsoever. Quality is ageless. To compete for the top prizes you have to have a squad that motivates and encourages players to be better than the others also in contention for their position in the starting 11 or place on the bench. This is where that simple formula of 2 World Class players per position has not been followed. Yet again this Arsenal side has been exposed by a Gambler. When you fail to learn that what nearly happens all the time will very probably happen again soon, you are blind. You cannot move forward. I will list the failings since the FA Cup was lifted. 1. Allowing Vermaelen to leave. Could do with him now eh? 2. Making Arteta Club Captain in TV5s absence was a mistake. MA8 should have been moved on or benched as backup. Not made Captain and therefore eligible to start every game. 2. Allowing Sagna to leave is fine with Debuchy in but Jenko out? Poor decision. Forget the injuries, the suspensions would have caused us enough damage with Nacho at CB. 3. Flamini is not good enough by a huge margin at this level. 4. Fabregas should have been signed immediately as proven quality and a former Captain in waiting if TV5 had to go. Cazorla has given his best already, all the stats showed this, and he should have made way for FBregas. Yes. Sold. Along with Arteta. 5. Mertersackers place in the squad has not been properly examined. The signs were there last season. Past his best now and a liability. 6. The Goalkeeping position has been sorted with Shez now on £100k a week. Right! Proved again on Saturday the required concentration level is not there at this level. Should have been sold pre contract. 7. Danny Welbeck. Took the 4th striking berth and is now 1st choice in the absence of OG. So if OG was not injured we would have started the season with 2 strikers inferior to Welbeck? Where is Carlos Vela now anyone. He knows where the goal is so I'm told. 8. Rosicky and Podolski. Our wage bill is higher than Chelsea's and we have class solid players in their prime getting no game time and other youngsters playing 3 times a week. How long till Ox or Ramsey face another spell out? Anuyone care to carry on?

  76. Great Disciple of the Sultan of Strasbourg

    Nov 25, 2014, 17:50 #61972

    The cult of Wenger lives on! Long live our Deity! Arsene, king of the Alsace, leader of all red wine throwers! Let us all join forces and unite into one giant super accolyte so we can swot of away the enemy, the ones who dare question our lords great work. Another contract needs to be signed tomorrow!

  77. Red Member

    Nov 25, 2014, 17:45 #61971

    Stop making excuses. You only have to look at our record against the best teams to realise that Wenger hasn't got it anymore and hasn't had it for some time.

  78. peter key

    Nov 25, 2014, 17:40 #61969

    Dear Ian I think you totally miss the point. We are easy to play against and have been found out a few seasons ago. Yes we should have scored three or four times before they did on Saturday, but we didnt. We were well beaten by a poor side.I'm afraid that we are now heading for deeper and darker waters like Liverpool and Spurs. Drowning not waving.

  79. Argara

    Nov 25, 2014, 17:35 #61968

    Finally someone who is not playing the blame game.