Wenger has become an embarrassment

A view that has grown in popularity in recent times

Wenger has become an embarrassment

(Ed’s note – Piece submitted shortly before last Wednesday’s Champions League match.) Regardless of what happens against Borussia Dortmund, I am penning this article now, from what I hope most people would agree to be a very balanced perspective. I can see things from the AKB’s fairy-tale perspective (and morbid fear of what could happen if Wenger leaves, especially after what we’ve seen with Man Utd recently) and from the AMG/WOB perspective, which dreads what will happen when Wenger leaves but still hangs about on the board and stubbornly continue to attempt to pull the strings. What is sanely clear, is that we have gone from being a club on the ascendancy, with piles of promise, to a club that is wallowing in stagnation and perhaps even on a downward spiral.

Some months back, the newspapers had a caption: “Wally without a Brolly” with a soaked and confused-looking Wenger after one of the now all too familiar maulings by our supposed competitors. I was incensed when I read that article in the newspapers, no doubt written by a bunch of half-baked journalists with no footballing experience (one of Wenger’s popular defensive statements) who are more interested in the glamorous side of football than anything else. I posted an article on onlinegooner in staunch defence of OGL, which I felt very needful (and I still do), for all the good he has done at Arsenal, particularly in his first 10 years in-charge.

I am not a big fan of Mourinho, but he is a manager who is probably as stubborn as Wenger, and if he does not have his own way, he sulks and moves on to another club BUT most importantly, his methods work, and he continues to win. Wenger had several chances to move on to manage other clubs, on the back of his first successful years at Arsenal, but he chose to stay, because he cannot fathom the changes to his style and the rigors that will be required to be successful at those clubs, and most importantly, he knows there isn’t another club out there that would allow him to go eight years without a trophy. I am also not sure there are any sets of fans out there, who would still worship him as some of our fans do, after eight years of zero trophies (prior to the latest FA Cup win).

I have upmost respect for Wenger and what he did in his first nine years at Arsenal and it is with great sadness that I read some of the things now being said about him, and it will only get worse. He is almost like a third-world dictator, who will hang on there regardless of public opinion or the obvious decline. Even when we had a brilliant team under Wenger, in those early years, we still failed to push on to win back to back Premiership titles (because we were told by Wenger that the Champions League meant more) and failed to win the Champions League when we had our chances. But most importantly, we could have had a massive haul of League Cup trophies, but he p***ed it all away with project youth and giving young players a chance! Only for them to all walk away anyway, or spend months on the injury list. Almost every decent team in the Premier League has an ex-Arsenal player as part of their core team! So, where did project youth get us? We became a feeder team!

Even if we win v Dortmund, does anyone think we will win the Champions League?

I dread to watch the post-match interviews these days and cringe even more, ahead of pre-match interviews, as you can almost expect the same choice words from Wenger. He has become so self-important and delusional, that the embarrassment for our club, with each mauling we receive from the same teams season in, season out, has become nothing short of bizarre! When every team in the land was stuffing it to Man Utd last season, we were the only top side to go and lose there. Followed by what has now become a very regular drubbing by Man City, Chelsea and even Liverpool are now chipping in, and don’t forget the usual Wenger favourites like Swansea, who now wish they can play us every Saturday: we dominate, pile forward, and they get the clinching goals. Almost now a Wenger legacy.

I will end this article by saying to those Wenger-worshippers out there; we were all in your shoes some years back, and YES, we all still have a massive amount of respect for Wenger for what he did in his first few years at Arsenal, BUT it is no longer working. All the teams have woken up to him; he has become the most predictable commodity in modern day football and the teams he sends out there have become the most predictable teams in top tier football, so, TIME TO MOVE ON PLEASE. It’s a no brainer.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 03, 2014, 13:23 #62547

    Ozzie, positive movement at the expense of the hole going down as a blot from the fence, sounds very messey indeed.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 03, 2014, 12:45 #62544

    Badarse, I hear what your saying but you know something mate it's hard not to when he runs the show, when it was his philosophies, coaching, and instructions they were following and always do, yes your right there was a lot of naivety on the pitch that night and from players who should have known better, who should have been putting their foot on the ball, taking it to the by line, to the corner flag and that would have won us the game, (now that WAS a time for tippy tappy) why were they not? But what really would have helped that night and made a difference is if the manager had have been on the side lines barking orders and giving instructions to the players to slow it down and take it to the by line/corner flag (but that's not his philosophy) instead of jumping to his feet hands on hips shaking his head when the damage was done. If we found ourselves in the same position/scenario again today would it be any different? would we have learned anything? would wenger? you'd like to think we/he have but I think we all know the answer.

  3. Ron

    Dec 03, 2014, 12:42 #62543

    Jamie - way back in my Clubbing days, late 70s/early 80s we used to have competitions as to who could pull the ugliest bird. Very cruel attitude thinking back but fun nontheless. Even funnier when getting flatly turned down, which was more often the case!! Good days whincingly recalled albeit drink fused. Some great gals too has to be said.

  4. radfordkennedy

    Dec 03, 2014, 12:37 #62542

    Westie...i too fancy 2-1 and ive taken 7's,ive also had a slice of 13's on a 3-1 as well,and best of all Paddys are doing a money back special of a free bet if southampton win,a deal too good to turn down mate......JAMIE...let me tell you mate the particular watering hole that me and my mates frequented 'The Ship Anson' was full of them,and God bless everyone of them .If you cant place the Anson mate it was the pub with hundreds of Tally Bands pinned to the walls

  5. north upper corner

    Dec 03, 2014, 12:15 #62540

    In Wenger We Trust you're either deluded, a fantasist or a wind up merchant

  6. JAMIE

    Dec 03, 2014, 12:15 #62539

    Bard.A wuggerhumptamuff is the queen of ugly women who takes center stage on any sailors gronks board.These were popular back in the 1980's on board HMS ships.A guy called 'Ginge' down our mess deck had the ugliest women so she got center stage on the gronks board,with other fairer women's pictures around her,mainly of girls we met on our travels.Seems a bit sad now but these things kept us amused back then.

  7. Ron

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:44 #62535

    JJ - Interesting point that ie the 'different league' notion. In many ways the PL is now, 3 leagues in 1. Theres the so called and still for the time being at least top 4, but which is close now to a break away top 2. The others in it inc Arsenal are fighting 'relegation' from it. Liverpool are close to relegation. Theres the next crop then. We ll call it the 'mundane core league' comprising Tottenham/Everton downwards. At the foot is the 'sad 4' league who battle for promotion to the mundane core league. Reality is that the emerging top 2 have to have a very, very bad day to lose now. All the guff about it being the so called best league in the World is exactly that ... guff in my view. Its competitive only because of the mediocrity of the middle core. Arsenals tenuous hold in the soon to be ended top 4 status for at least the last 7 years now has the mediocrity of the middle segment to wholly thank for it.We just have enough on the better days to avoid the waves crashing over and drowning us. Wenger is indeed King Canute hitherto isnt he.

  8. In Wenger We Trust

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:34 #62529

    I see this website continue to let people write pure garbage. Now that you said your pathetic little piece head over somewhere else and support some other club, as this club don't welcome any plastic fans. Arsene knows best.

  9. Ron

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:27 #62528

    Im fully with Baddie on Cesc. Im pleased for the lad that its going well for him at Chelsea and at this stage in career i reckon Jose is good for him. Good player. I dont reckon he was ever coming back to us and had he have done so, it would have been a major error on his part. His Barca dream didnt qite pan out and he needs to worko towards the autmun of his career sccoping up honours and plaudits to merit his contributions to his team. A return to AFC would have seen him struggle in my view and end up over played and injured. He carried a crop of weak players last time out and im sure he wouldn't have wanted to carry even weaker ones now. Cesc made the right choice for his career and no doubt earns far more than he would have done at Arsenal too.

  10. jjetplane

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:10 #62526

    BADDIE you certainly have an agenda with lovely, imperious Cesc. He has never looked better and that is the consequence of having a coach who really does football. Anyone want to help with a Henry Out (HO) group before he undoubtedly signs up and as RON says it is all about corporate appeasement but do not get me started on parallel universe calamity domains or we will be here all day. Always been up for a shot of Dada so here goes 'oh when the saints/go marching in ...' Read the great poet Stirling Brown for an even more culturally incisive (get you missus) rendition. Do I want the saints to win. Does a bear/s **** in da ..... Don't think I am bothered either way which is a mark of my undying support for ****ing Arsenal. If you don't understand that then you have heard too many repetitive musings from a certain individual.

  11. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:28 #62517

    To be honest, Badarse, I was thinking of Wenger rather than you. The capitulations, the injuries, blaming the World Cup that didn't only include Arsenal players. He doesn't take responsibility, he's not honest in his appraisals. I think Fabregas's performances this season say more than any comment. He's been the best midfielder in the country, and according to Wenger, he passed him up.

  12. Badarse

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:15 #62515

    Come on E/G we've only just kissed and made up, we can't fall out of bed again so quickly, can we? I would not challenge your overall view, nor that of Ron's-they are valid no doubt, however my response was specifically to maguiresbridge regarding the 4-4 draw being down to AW. I offered a simple observation as Fabregas has acquired 'sweet darling' status over the months and has been used as a stick to beat AW with, I crave balance and felt like beating Fabregas over the head with his own brief moment of ineptitude that evening, that's all. When people have an agenda they are blind to all other inclusions or ramifications resulting from them, that means any alternative statement is dismissed-and it shouldn't be.

  13. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:05 #62514

    Capitulations like the 4-4 could be put down to individual errors if they were one offs, just like all the injuries could be put down to bad luck if it was one or even two seasons. But when these things happen again and again and again, there is clearly something endemic, something structural going on. You're just not being honest with yourself or others if you can't admit that.

  14. Badarse

    Dec 03, 2014, 9:55 #62513

    Good morning my little yule logs, yummy but inert, and too many are not so good for the waistlines, (looking around strike that, it's already too late for most-still people can always talk a good game)-sorry jeff I prefer a large slice of Stollen, am a goner not a Gooner when it comes to quality marzipan. Clear this up for me gents, as I don't read newspapers, but when asked about winning the title in his remaining contract time, wasn't AW asked '...could he?', rather than,'...would he?'

  15. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 03, 2014, 9:46 #62512

    No, Arsene! That was the Ghost of Arsenal Past, you saw. NOT the Ghost of Arsenal Yet To Come.

  16. Red Member

    Dec 03, 2014, 9:32 #62511

    oh dear he has come out with another classic - apparently we will win the league within 2 years!!HaHaHa. yes this article is correct - the man is just an embarrassment these days. sad to see this really.

  17. Unchives

    Dec 03, 2014, 9:16 #62510

    Well if the mornings paper talk is to be believed, Wenger has vowed to win the PL within two years.....coinciding with the end of his contract.....funny that!....that is the power of just one banner....the old man is getting desperate!

  18. Alex

    Dec 03, 2014, 8:45 #62509

    Yes Wenger is an embarrassment. He is not tactically good in the transfer market. His development of players is poor. Results wise is shocking. His team is quite boring. Is there anything he is actually good at? Whats the point of paying him 8m per year? It makes you wonder if he was actually ever good. I think all his good years was a fluke. I just want him sacked and Pep Guardiola brought in.

  19. Ron

    Dec 03, 2014, 8:43 #62508

    North Upper Corner - talking of 'lapping up'. I think there s a new spectre on the horizon on 'match day experience' days and thats WOB and AKB advocates hailing the prodigal Son, Mr Henry in unison before much longer as he re enters like a gallic gladiator as a Coach and then onwards to become the next Head honcho. They ll lap him up for sure. Ill never forget the great over reaction when he scored that goal on his first great return v mighty Leeds a few years back. The Board and Wenger are going for 'fan massage and never mind the lack of credibility' as a way to win over the disaffected.

  20. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 03, 2014, 8:35 #62507

    I have it on good authority that Henry refuses to reply to the Boss’s question of ‘Who’s got the best looking wife at home?’ with: ‘Why, you of course, Gaffer. Do you want me to get the cones out?’ Bouldie’s position is safe.

  21. Westlower

    Dec 03, 2014, 8:29 #62506

    @Maquiresbridge, A couple of years ago I sat on an adjacent table to Lady Cobham at Salisbury races. Toerag David Mellor certainly keeps himself in the company of classy women? Score prediction: AFC 2 Southampton 1. Ramsey to score at last, unlike Mellor who seems to score often.

  22. Ron

    Dec 03, 2014, 8:11 #62505

    Badarse - selective memory there of the infamous 4-4 surrender. Wenger did toss away the win. One way traffic until 10 mins before the end. Looked like racking up a cricket score, then he suddenly decided to take off Wally and RVP who had been terrifying Tottenham from the off. The subbings allowed Tottenham to be on the front foot. They had been visibly lifted as those two players went off. He brought on 'high 5 ing'Song pus one other. Song did what he did in every match he ever played and lazed about like an idle slob for its remaining mins and did ziltch to tie down the middle of the park so to see the match out which must have been the only reason he was sent on for, taking for granted the win was in the bag. Such lazy arrogant antics from him and many other players there has been tolerated by Wenger for years. The 4-4 was just one more example of Wengers folly and lack of understanding of tactics and the use of subs. Apart from you, it was a case of nearly everybody there that night blaming Wenger actually, including the Spurs fans who had done their ususal fire drill act and had left 15 mins before the end and who were madly trying to clamber back in as their goals flew in.

  23. jjetplane

    Dec 03, 2014, 8:09 #62504

    Possible if he is not there. Or Terry Henry. Song 'who the **** are Man Utd' As you were saying WESTIE about LVG .... Eggs fly in lower with no return pizza 'cause 'where's another one of our captains gone ...' oh the farce that is Arsene Wronga.

  24. Smithy

    Dec 03, 2014, 7:59 #62503

    Arsene reckons we are going to win the league in 2 years- surely he's had to much Stella Artois!

  25. north upper corner

    Dec 03, 2014, 7:51 #62502

    I haven't been able to take Wenger seriously since he said 4th place is a trophy back in 2012 (I think).Cannot recall any other manager ever saying that and the AKB's lap it up

  26. Ozzie

    Dec 03, 2014, 7:40 #62501

    Of course Mourinho's methods work - with an open chequebook why wouldn't they? Also, the amount of people who cling to and live in the past are legion - these are the clowns who impede open dialogue and positive movement - generally from self interest at the expense of the whole. This whole saga is going down as a huge blot on Arsenal and Wenger's history book - aided and abetted by the obstinate from both sides of the fence. One suspects some of them are mentally inept.

  27. Bard

    Dec 03, 2014, 6:54 #62500

    Morning shipmates: the latest missive from on high. You won't believe it but we are going to win the league in 2 years according to Wenger. Over to Westie for the odds. With Wenger in charge that might look like 1m-1. I might have some of that. Soton here we come. Jamie I didn't understand all that stuff at the end of your post, you shouldn't mix your medications mate.

  28. Fed up with Arsene-licking.

    Dec 03, 2014, 3:01 #62499

    A-men to that.

  29. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 03, 2014, 0:23 #62498

    By the new year, wenger could have his much beloved 4th place......4th place in London

  30. foxinthebox2001

    Dec 02, 2014, 23:55 #62497

    The latest bull**** to fall from the mouth of Clueless. Only a few weeks ago when asked if we can catch Chelsea he replied no team can, now he has changed his mind. Clearly the original reply was just to deflect criticism, pity his talent for deflecting criticism is not matched by his tactical ability. He says we can win the title by 2017, around the time his contract expires, how convenient. But the best bit is when asked about transfer activity in January he replies that most of the injured players will return, and some players have shown they can play well in other positions, such as Monreal. Yes Monreal, he actually believes Monreal has done a sterling job as stand in centre half. Embarrassment does even begin to sum him up.

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 02, 2014, 23:42 #62496

    If anyone no matter who, ABK, WOB, even old arsene himself wants a couple of cheap bottles of Jameson or Jack Daniels Whisky for Christmas let me know.

  32. Badarse

    Dec 02, 2014, 23:17 #62494

    maguiresbridge, in that infamous 4-4 draw against the Sours, we had a minute on the clock at 4-3 and our captain, the boy wonder, the player many wanted back here, dear young 'Cesc, went charging forward beyond the halfway line, played an extravagant pass, lost possession and they swept upfield and equalised. Right at that moment do you know what I thought? That was Arsene Wenger's fault! You cannot just hang every whimsical thing on AW's head-that was Fabregas' irresponsible and immature side that let us down-I bet secretly it still haunts him. As said before, unlike some I really rated him as a player, but so pleased he never put on one of our shirts again.

  33. TJ

    Dec 02, 2014, 22:40 #62493

    As usual Jeff I am in complete agreement with your post. On the point of his stinginess particularly, it's incredible with the Ozil money that he just left (at least...) £42m sitting in the bank with several positions requiring proper attention. Credit to the owner and CEO for spending something but as you say it was a panic move that could have been used to far better effect.

  34. AFC14

    Dec 02, 2014, 22:33 #62492

    He he.. will ask the doctor Next time.

  35. jeff wright

    Dec 02, 2014, 22:33 #62491

    TJ, there are more holes in the stadium had to be paid for and was a millstone around Wenger's neck theory than there are in a block of Swiss cheese.For starters as Diamond Danny who was responsible for getting the funds together to build the new stadium pointed out the club actually MADE money from the stadium and it had no adverse effects at all on money being available for Wenger to buy players with. Fiszman actually went public on this once in his tax avoidance bolthole in Swissland to say that if Wenger wanted 30m to buy a player with he could have it. 30m back then being the rate for a super-super player . Wenger never came out and said that Diamond Danny was telling fairy tales ,so there is no reason to suppose that he was doing. Edelman the CEO after the move from Highbury also said that money was there ,70m in one statement, for Wenger to spend. The chain smoking pink G&T swilling Old Etonian Hill-Wood once observed that Arsene is very cautious in the transfer market and doesn't like to spend big money. The snake oil salesman has also made similar remarks regarding this .Wenger himself said of course that 'we don't ( himself ) buy stars here we (himself ) make them .So all in all taking account of everything the case for Wenger not having had any money available looks rather dubious on all known evidence. Things have changed somewhat now to some extent with Wenger signing Sanchez but the Ozil and Welbeck ones were obviously late desperation Stan and co ones after dodgy starts to the season sent out distress signals that Wenger's claims to not needing any signings was not being proven by the performances on field.

  36. TJ

    Dec 02, 2014, 22:05 #62489

    It's the other way round really here, brd. You're blaming our operating losses on the stadium but have not addressed the £20-30m that was spent each year on the wages of Almunia, Bendtner etc. who had no resale value or contribution to the team. Also, those on-loan players of Chelsea's aren't involved in the squad, they're on loan and probably have their wages covered by the clubs they're with. You also haven't addressed the fact that oil money really isn't a guarantee of status- City have made it out of the CL group stages only once and got spanked by Barca immediately, in fact none of the teams from the EPL have done very well in Europe. Wenger was great from 96-2009 for me but we are so lucky to have even kept top 4 as he continues to play recklessly open football, refuses to utilise all available funds, can't identify weakness in the squad and is not a strong enough motivator. Some fans need to realise that while it's ok for them to accept just 4th as the extent of their ambition, the players are not likely to feel the same in the long run.

  37. JAMIE

    Dec 02, 2014, 21:48 #62488

    If Wenger walked now you could bet your house the same people would be calling for the new mans head before the season finished.As for Mellerphant man ugly tory Chelsea chavpot who spends his days chasing wuggerhumftermuffs.

  38. jeff wright

    Dec 02, 2014, 21:43 #62487

    Have you thought about seeing a doctor to get something for that 'funny feeling' that you are suffering from?

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 02, 2014, 21:41 #62486

    Jumpers, whoa, whoa, whoa, a Statue?

  40. AFC14

    Dec 02, 2014, 21:37 #62485

    I`am for a change and has been for some time,but have a sneeking feeling we will do well in the Champions League this season.

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 02, 2014, 21:30 #62484

    Di Sancha wasn't a bad looking mare all the same, she could have sucked my toes no problem maybe even now, there again i'm not a disgraced MP and I doubt she'd have looked at mellor if he'd been a plumber (no diss to a plumber)or worse still, wore a spud shirt.

  42. mark from aylesbury

    Dec 02, 2014, 21:00 #62483

    Ron - Its just a bloody great trauma isn't it! Its the loss of hope that hurts the most I think

  43. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Dec 02, 2014, 21:00 #62482

    BRD - no-one is white washing history. We are all extremely grateful to Wenger for what he has done for our Club and for devoting the best years of his life to Arsenal. None of us have ever said he wasn't brilliant - our point is that that is all in the past and he is now allowing us to stagnate at best, and dragging us backwards at worst. He deserves his statue and his place in Arsenal's history but his departure is long, long overdue. He was an innovator but he can't change, everyone has caught up with him and many have overtaken him. It is time for a change.

  44. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 02, 2014, 20:13 #62481

    Unchives, ref the Spanish waiter i was at the NLD the night rat boy lobbed him, and we were cruising and blew it allowing them to come back to 4-4 thanks to the old frauds gung ho tactics. Every time that clip is shown it shows the view from the back of his goal and i still despair at seeing him with his big fat arse trying to reach it. It's often been said and will continue to be for years to come the way he stubbornly and arrogantly continued with him for season after season was a sack able offence on it's own, and indeed would have been at any other club.

  45. Ron

    Dec 02, 2014, 20:02 #62480

    drip drip drip drip .....theyre feeding it to the gullible slowly drip drip drip. Wenger has said Henry is coming back 'in some capacity' of which 'he doesn't yet know' (yes he does, the lying toad - asst coach leading to Head Coach)There going cut price as i thought. Thierry Henry, stated as 'the Arsenal man' by Mr Drip Drip. Yes right, he was all Arsenal when he bawled out kids for not passing to him when he was busy being one of the biggest Captaincy failures in Arsenals history and was Mr Arsenal when he sulked his way out to Barcelona. More French sulking to come then. Prepare for the worst. Henry, great scorer as he was lacks the managerial temperament to Manage a Christmas club, never mind a football Club. The whole Club is a an old pals, reunion. Slippers and smoking jackets all round. A veritable holiday home. What do you reckon Bouldie?

  46. Roy

    Dec 02, 2014, 19:58 #62479

    Ah, yes. David Mellor on 606. Wasn't he just f*****g awful ? Jobs for the boys, no doubt.

  47. brdgunner

    Dec 02, 2014, 19:57 #62478

    I think we are in danger of whitewashing history here. You only need to look at the publicly available accounts to see we wouldn't have made our repayments without player sales. And although our wage bill is higher than Chavs, they have 26 players on loan that are excluded from the figures. So I think it stands closer. I am happy to accept his failings, and I would have been happy for a change. But I wont change history to discredit one of the single greatest influencers on our club. For every Gervinho is a Santi, for every Senderos is a Kos. His tactics are dire, we all know that. However, he has given us so much and he will still put the team on a good run this season. But to call him an embarrassment or to claim he should have done better given the clubs situation and the oil money is ludicrous. Are we saying that had Arsene gone to Real Madrid in 2006, with the money to spend he wouldn't have won anything? Get a grip.

  48. Hiccup

    Dec 02, 2014, 19:47 #62477

    Some great stuff on here today lads. Like the Pieterson cricket anology Rocky. We're only like Pieterson these days against crappy slow spin bowlers there for the taking. Bring on a decent fast bowler and it's all three stumps flying. I'd compare the sterile nature of the club to Geoffrey Boycott. Tip tapping about for an unbeaten ten runs in the first session of a Test while Gooch has already made a ton. Maiden over after maiden over while he's at the crease. Going nowhere fast and mind numbingly boring. Just praying that he will get out so we can get someone like Botham in that will just go for it! But be careful who you wish for, because it could be Bob Willis to follow...

  49. Bard

    Dec 02, 2014, 19:24 #62476

    Clockender1 that post is game set and match mate, congratulations. Good stuff Unchives. Best days read for a long while, clear concise, accurate and fair. I've posted before that I can't believe he gets away with all the waffle. What other manager of a top sports club is able to avoid any serious discussion of their work. Read Dave Brailsfords critique of his work for sky cycling to get a proper sense of how serious sports leaders go about their business. There's none of this rubbish about handbrakes and commitment. It's schoolboy stuff. I don't for one moment suggest he doesn't have a clue it's more reflective of his utter contempt for anyone who 'has never worked a day in football' and that includes all of us fans.

  50. Unchives

    Dec 02, 2014, 19:09 #62475

    @ Ron,very funny, I forgot, he didn't want to kill Denilson or Senderos, what about "I only sign super quality" I presume he meant both the above, Cygan & the Spanish waiter, Almunia,and all the other Sunday football dross!

  51. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 02, 2014, 18:58 #62474

    WeAreBuilding, jw, yes the oil money excuse again, (it's wasn't/not fair) were other clubs just supposed to stand still for us? and were we not once referred to, and called the Bank of England club? but that was alright, when we were top dogs along with man yoo and sharing the silverware between us with the best players, now it's not fair, now we know how those other clubs felt at the time.

  52. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Dec 02, 2014, 18:32 #62473

    BRDgunner. It has already been stated that funds for the stadium are totally separate from player sales so that argument cannot be used. Fabregas, van Persie and others left to win trophies - something they both decided that Wenger wasn't going to provide them with. Didn't those departures change your view on Wenger? And the "lack of funds" argument can only go so far as Wenger wasted tens of millions on massive contracts for several truly dreadful players. Also you say ---"he stayed with us 2005-12 when he could've left for an easier ride elsewhere". Sorry mate but that is just not true. He'd have been sacked long ago at any other top club. For me the defining moment of Wenger's decline will be the League Cup Final in 2011, against bottom of the table Birmingham. In typical Wenger fashion, his team (HIS team) bottled it, got everything wrong and missed out on yet another trophy. Nothing to do with "financial doping" or "lack of funds" ---- it boils down to Wenger's teams invariably come up short when the pressure is on. Everything you say talks about what Wenger DID, not what he's GOING TO DO. I've wanted him gone since 5 May 2009 and not one day since then has changed my mind. In fact, as every day passes he is bringing about his own downfall

  53. jeff wright

    Dec 02, 2014, 18:11 #62472

    Another old excuse that has been done to death and discredited is the Arsene could have gone somewhere easier , but he stayed with us to tough it out. Come on now please don't make me laugh . Where on Earth could Wenger have gone and got things easier for 7 and 8m a year ? Chelsea? Real Madrid ? Barcelona ? Bayern Munich ? No way Jose would Wenger have got the sort of autocratic powers that he demands to manage a club and been allowed years of failure with millions spent in the end to win only a minor domestic trophy. With this being dressed up as a success . The real reason he has been kept on is of course the money that he makes due to partaking in the Champions League every season,albeit without ever winning it and going out normally in the first KO round. At any other club he would have been shown the door after the 8 go humiliation at Old Trafford ,the fact that he was still in charge for the in many ways worse 6-0 thumping off his nemesis Mourinho at the bridge of sighs is absolutely mind boggling .This guy has been like a bullet proof monk living in a priory pontificating pompous perfidious piffle for donkeys years and getting away with it. At last some are publicly questioning him,and not before time either !

  54. Clockender1

    Dec 02, 2014, 18:04 #62471

    Yesm wenger is a huge embarrassment and a liar too - he said this week he gives "seven days commitment ", oh really ? so how come in the international break he commentated on two France friendlies four days apart and appeared on Be1N's weekend soccer show making a tit of himself playing keepy uppy. Brendan Rodgers, Pardew and Allydace on the other hand were pictured on their training grounds... and he told us he'd been in 'top level' football since 1983, again not true - Nancy were in Ligue 1, but a year later they had to go into a play off to avoid relegation, and then a year after that were relegated to Ligue 2 and wenger resigned...and is Japan really 'top level' i don't think so ! so that leaves wenger with two successful periods - Monaco, with an unlimited tax free chequebook, and The Arsenal, where he inherited the Famous Five, Keown, Parlour, Wright, Platt and Bergkamp - hardly evidence of a shrewd tactician is it ???? No one should forgot wehad 120 million to spend in the summer and we have the highest ticket prices in world football, and yet here we are again - 4th year running, an injury list in double figures (despite his promise in the summer to review medical and fitness...) with two CB"s and just one DM in Flamini to get us through a season but TEN attacking midfielders who play for the same two spots.

  55. Unchives

    Dec 02, 2014, 18:02 #62470

    @ brdgunner, The players were not sold to fund the stadium, indeed the club announced at the time that the payment for the stadium was ring-fenced from the funds to purchase or retain players. The cost or "Mortgage" for the stadium was £25 million annually,easily manageable. Further the Nike deal was for £150 million, with £50 million up front, notwithstanding that, the emirates paid further money of over £100 million. Man Utd have a fixed debt of £500 million and a rolling credit of £300 million. Dont listen to the spin. The Late Danny Fiszman was a multi-millionaire in his own right through selling Diamonds, Hence "The Diamond Club" at emirates.

  56. TJ

    Dec 02, 2014, 17:59 #62469

    brdgunner I wouldn't look at spending money as an automatic major advantage. It's important for sure, but you forgot to mention that we now outspend Chelsea in terms of wages, despite having only one player (Sanchez) good enough to make their first team. The reason we sold our best players was as much due to the wages of the deadwood which cost a lot more than the £19m 'mortgage' on the stadium. We've been lucky the last few years even to make the top 4, and look at how well big spenders City have done in Europe over the last few years, hardly a great club because of their money. Wenger has made this club decline but unfortunately he will continue to make this club decline, propped up by the sheep who continue to attend games and defend him no matter what.

  57. Aaron

    Dec 02, 2014, 17:42 #62468

    @Brdgunner I do not wish to stick up for Ferguson, as I do believe much of his success was predicated on outspending his competition, combined with a golden age of youth coming through. However, credit where credit's due Fergie sold Cristiano Ronaldo and replaced him with Antonio Valencia and still won 2 titles and got to a Champions League final. He also lost Carlos Tevez

  58. Ron

    Dec 02, 2014, 17:38 #62467

    brdgunner - the cash rich clubs have had an affect upon AFC s ability win the ultimate prize, being the title of course it has however, its not the only factor as to why AW has been so far behind them. The reason have all been done to death but the main one being a failure to sign beter players than the ones hes persisted with at fair prices. Alonso Cahill and Schwartzer to name but 3 - total 26 Million quid. Instead. Almunia for 8 years, Denilson - to avoid killing him and Senderos - to give him every chance and to avoid killing him too.Add to this the tactical gung ho suicide missions in more games than i care to recall and you have a recipe that shows up the futility of yr use of cash limitations as the sole reason for AWs failures. Its nothing more than a big sentimental smokescreen, that we all fell for at one time a day but it ran out of credit at least 4 years back. Other Coaches wdt have tried? Wake up. For Wengers salary? Any and every Coach would have loved and taken the chance to do his job and many would nt have spurned buying the players that AW alone has refused to sanction for so long. Try changing yr cracked record. Its been seen on here, hashed and re hashed and then discredited more times than Westie has hedged his bets and Baddie has unfurled his sermon sheets.

  59. radfordkennedy

    Dec 02, 2014, 17:31 #62466

    Was anyone else pleased to see on 'that'banner a pewter coloured canon pointing the right way..touch of class that fellas well done....rocky/Ron brilliant. Analogy rocky and yes Ron I'm fully in the Aussie camp when it comes to Kp they've a brilliant name for him Fig Jam....must admit though I'm worried for young Cook at the moment

  60. brdgunner

    Dec 02, 2014, 17:05 #62465

    Jumpers: What you say is true, Roman didn't force anything from us. And I would like Arsene to mix it up. But we need perspective. Arsenal sold these players to fund the stadium, not because Arsene woke up one day in 2006 and said, I'm gonna sell my best players and but teenagers to replace them and continue to win the league. And the players he bought were hit and miss. But many managers make mistakes, they just have bigger budgets to do it with. UTD, the second biggest sports club in the world are as far behind the oil clubs as we are. And they haven't spent 10 years trying to balance books. For me Arsene has three periods at Arsenal 1997 - 2004 - Champion, best manager we could have wished for. 2005 - 2012 - Stayed with us when he could have left for an easier ride elsewhere. A instead of being a club fighting the big spenders, he could have gone and been at a club that was the big spenders. Bayern, Madrid, Milan et al - all wanted Arsene in that time 2013 - 2015 This has been mixed. The same old tactical failings are frustrating. But he has done so much for us in the previous years its important to respect him. It really frustrates me that we completely ignore just how difficult it was to compete in a league that had two, then three of Europes biggest spenders while simultaneously having to make money through transfers. Not only would other men struggle, they wouldn't have even tried.

  61. Ron

    Dec 02, 2014, 16:38 #62464

    Rocky - brilliant mate. i prefer the Aussies view on Pietersen but of course every rule of this site and any other site would be broken and me arrested if i repeated them.

  62. Rocky RIP

    Dec 02, 2014, 16:33 #62463

    If Wenger's Arsenal were a cricket player, it would be Kevin Pietersen. Only really plays one way - on the front foot; attacking; rarely cautious or able play the situation; when it comes off it looks great; all too often the master of his own downfall by shooting himself in the foot unnecessarily by taking pointless risks. Although despite a light-hearted analogy I suspect I'll get shot down with - KP's a winner! etc.

  63. jeff wright

    Dec 02, 2014, 16:28 #62462

    That sums up Mellor perfectly Ron, despite his public humiliations however he still has his big ugly head stuck up his own rear-end . WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate, yep, the Abromavich came along like a spider excuse is being wheeled out like a bin-ful of old rubbish to try and explain away Wenger's failures .The fact that the old gruppenfueher at United , with just a 20million higher wage bill, was able to take on Rom successfully,even driving him to fire Maureen, suggests that there are more than a few flaws in the Roman Empire theory being a valid excuse. It should also be pointed out that Wenger had a 60m higher wage bill than the spuds managers who ran him close to within a point or so in the Prem ,while he finished the proverbial country mile behind United ,with them having far less of an advantage in the wages paid stakes. Its how you use resources that counts,not just how great or smaller they are. No one can look at the crazy wage structure that Wenger has run and justify it as being a successful one .Again this nonsense is just more of Wenger's deluded management 'ideals'. These are the real reasons for Wenger's decline and not Abromavich.

  64. Ron

    Dec 02, 2014, 16:22 #62461

    Hi Mark - agree with that all that but im more inclined to call it disappointment in him and not embarrassed by him. Hammers fans know all about bottling as their teams invented it in the 60s under Moore, Peters, Redknapp and Co, esp away from Upton Park - (they thought away matches were akin to being sent to Siberian gulags in those days) but the barbs they throw towards us now arent out of place. Ive often said we ve become the new 1960s Hammers, rather than comparing us to the 1980s Totts as its slightly less gut churning and diarrhoea inducing to have to admit it.

  65. Bard

    Dec 02, 2014, 16:13 #62460

    I think this article misses the point completely. Arsenal is a Plc not a football club. Wenger is making the club money hand over fist, what's not to like about that from the boards point of view. When he stops making them money he will go. The debate about ambition has been exhausted, only the deluded think that what Arsenal are about is competing for titles. If that had been the case Wenger would have been sacked a long while ago. It's 10 years since we finished in the top 2. He may be an embarrassment from a football perspective and that debatable but as a generator of money he is first class, that's why he will stay.

  66. Mark from Aylesbury

    Dec 02, 2014, 16:05 #62458

    Do I find Wenger an embarrassment ? About 3 years ago a West Ham supporter informed me that Arsenal were a bunch of bottle merchants. I agreed as sadly evidence points very much that way. Why argue it? Under GG I would have just laughed at the guy, during the first 5 years of Wenger id say probably same reaction. Do I find it embarrassing that Arsenal continue to self destruct in an abysmal way against any up for it opposition . Yes I do. Do I blame Wengers lack of tactical acumen and failing powers of inspiration yes I do.... Sadly therefore I do feel embarrassed by him.

  67. Ron

    Dec 02, 2014, 15:39 #62457

    Jeff - the only thing that fat tory t--t was good for was sucking his tarts toes while he fiddled elsewhere on his anatomy and attending Jeffrey Archers 'sheperds pie' parties in Archers gaff up the Embankment some where along with all the other Masons desperate enough to want/need the pleasantries of his dubious company.

  68. Rocky RIP

    Dec 02, 2014, 15:36 #62456

    I think the phrase running to stand still sums up our club these days.

  69. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 02, 2014, 15:29 #62455

    Jeff, he's a politician. They all have selective memories. First in the queue when something goes right, and first to blame someone else when it goes wrong. Back to the article; Back in 2005/06 Mr W did have a sustainable plan that probably would have worked - maybe not domination but would have won more I'm sure - but how dare that nasty Mr Abramovich come along and upset OGL's plans. Management is, however, about adapting to changes and practices in the workplace - something I don't think OGL handles very well.

  70. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 02, 2014, 15:27 #62454

    Jumpers, it says it all, it's not right laughing but you can't help it.

  71. Ron

    Dec 02, 2014, 15:20 #62453

    Westie - the wording of what was a very innocuous banner at WBA tells you it wasn't founded on a whim. Its taken years for such sentiments to be publicly unfurled and no sane fan wants a sacking without an immediate considered replacement. Ive not seen one post that says 'sack AW today'. Have you? Does Ray Parlour offer an opinion on a new coach at the seasons end? Im guessing not. Hes like the rest of the media at the moment. Scared to death to say what he really thinks the Club needs. He admitted the other day that Wengers coaching is the same as what he did 12 years ago. That was at least an implied suggestion that the methods of coaching Club uses are outdated. Its all a bit nauseous the way the media are dancing around the fire over AW.

  72. Danny

    Dec 02, 2014, 15:18 #62452

    Wenger was good now a embarrassment as the article says He needs to go. he is a stale clueless old man plus a egotist. Notice his comments on Henry coming back. He says he will certainly come back but there is not position yet!. The smacks of a dictator who does not want any invincible back while he is at The club. why because Henry will question him?. Also did you see his face, when the reporter questioned him about the banner. Fantastic, the pressure is on. he did not like it Congratulations to the folks who did this. People are critising them, but when are we going to react and show our displeasure. we cannot do it the Emirates because the dictator woun't allow it. Also we need to put pressure on the board particularly the losers Kroenkes!!!

  73. jeffwright

    Dec 02, 2014, 15:16 #62451

    WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate, what mouthy Chelsea supporter Mellor omits to mention, when he big's himself up about his political career, is that it ended in failure and sordid disgrace for him . Then again he would do,wouldn't he ?

  74. Unchives

    Dec 02, 2014, 15:12 #62450

    @ Westlower,I listened to Ray Parlour, however he works for Arsenal, he has to be careful of what he says. Once we have an idea of where our season will end up, that is when a decision must be made. Do we give Wenger another £80 million to spend in January if we know CL qualification is all we can expect this season....would we all be happy with that? Or do we let another manager spend it and get rid of the deadwood?

  75. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 02, 2014, 15:11 #62449

    Has become an Embarrassment? he's BEEN one for a long time and it's getting worse, and yes there's not another top club or more importantly their fans if they'd have had any ambition at all who would have put up with that, and nine years of failure or worshiped him at all, and the old fraud was/is fully aware of that hence his so called loyalty to us. And he's still here showing us this loyalty (and nothing else)and is still as predictable as a fart after beans on toast as he's ever been in everything he does and says, and always will be. It's time to move on alright and has been for a long time, (and thankfully that time is getting closer and closer by the day ) and hopefully there'll be a lot more banners telling him just that in the near future regardless of a win/wins as all they do is paper over the cracks. Good Article Canada.

  76. Shu

    Dec 02, 2014, 14:49 #62448

    100% spot on but the crowd need to turn against him until that happens in numbers nothing will change . He needs to here it then maybe he will believe it.

  77. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Dec 02, 2014, 14:47 #62447

    BRDGunner - I fully accept that Abramovich changed the landscape but he didn't force Wenger to sell Patrick Vieira in July 2005 and never, ever replace him. Nor did he force Wenger into handing ridiculous contracts to ****e like Gervinho / Santos / Park / Chamakh / Bendtner / Song / Eboue / Diaby / Denilson etc. Nor did he force Wenger into having a succession of ****e goal-keepers. Nor did he force Wenger into ignoring the defence. Nor did he force Wenger into playing exactly the same way against whoever we happen to be playing. Nor did he force Wenger into being utterly disrespectful of the Domestic Cups. And you ask "What did you expect (Wenger) to do?" I expected him to build on the wonderful team he built from 2001 - 2005, not throw that blue-print away and try to be a Budget Barcelona with a team full of highly-paid, under-motivated, self-satisfied midgets. You also mention 2012 as some sort of cut-off point which indicates to me that even you, deep down, realise that Mr £8 million-a-year has had more than long enough. Whatever way you dress it up - - - it's time for Wenger and Kroenke to go!!

  78. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 02, 2014, 14:14 #62446

    Jeff, I agree with you. Our supposed "betters" live in a plastic bubble where the normal day to day existence seems to not be an issue. No different to some upper class twit roughing it for charideeeee in London one night, then going back home to the Surrey mansion. It is only when they talk down to their supposed lessers that they show how hopelessly out of touch they really are. You can probably remember as I do, that pompous oaf David Mellor taking over our beloved 606 and turning it into some kind of personal soapbox for himself. "I met the Leeds chairman the other day" for instance, yes we all do that don't we. I gave up on Radio Five not long after that

  79. Westlower

    Dec 02, 2014, 14:04 #62445

    @Red Member, You are only allowed a 25 man squad + young players. I agree we don't have a balanced squad being overloaded in mid field & in attack but if we overloaded in defenders the reverse argument would be true? A large slice of luck is needed with injuries. Maybe the opposition launch themselves into Arsenal technical players as they're seen as a soft target. Arsene will never play a team of thugs to play kick the player instead of playing football? It's tough to retain belief when seeing the team being kicked off the pitch but AW believes that football should prevail. We are at the mercy of the refs protection against the niggling fouler's of the PL. Did you see the Sky interview with Ray Parlour? He was asked to comment on the banner at WBA. Ray's view is that it's nonsensical to gid rid of Wenger at this juncture. Ray thought that he should only be replaced when there is a plan in place to do so. I believe that reacting to the fans whims just rips the heart out of the club & will put us on the back foot for the foreseeable future. We're the Arsenal, not Newcastle, West Ham or the Sours!

  80. jeff wright

    Dec 02, 2014, 13:59 #62443

    WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate, I stand corrected ,so there is hope yet then of another trophy ,albeit the same one as last year and 9 years previously to that.Surely though after all of this time and with the resources available Wenger should be doing better than just winning a domestic Cup that many see , including Wenger himself, as being worth less than the 4th place trophy . At least money wise that is. I see that old Hill-Woodentop has been wheeled out puffing and grunting about the the unfiair criticism that Wenger has been subjected to. As usual he brands the critics ,brainless idiots , personally I have had enough of these upper class toffs calling others of the 'lower class' idiots who don't know their place. We had the Labour lady barrister mocking the man who had some England flags lreft over from the World Cup a white van man,she thought he was in the English Defence Leagueb or UKIP apparently. Not that bright then is she ? Then we had Chelsea fan ex-Tory minister and barrister David Mellor abusing a taxi driver and previously it turns out a security guards also with him giving it the 'don't you know who I am ' and 'you should know your place' malarkey . You couldn't make it up.

  81. Ron

    Dec 02, 2014, 13:53 #62442

    Sadly Westie injuries are the long held and tired inbuilt excuse for Wenger, they've been put up in lights for a decade.Its boring and all Clubs have them. To talke those youve mentioned - Ozil - awful performances in the main since he joined. Walcott - injured for nigh on a year and in truth injured since 2006. Hes glass legged. Gnabry - hes been barely a bit part player for over a year. Ospina - affecting performances? Really? Wilshere - injured more or less permanently for 2 years. Koschielny - injured before the season even started. Arteta - lovely guy he is, but hardly such an impressive performer as to be badly missed or not able to replaced. Giroud - has he been missed? Arguable indeed. At least you never named Diaby! Arsenals performance have been broadly the same for 6 years notwithstanding injuries. That in itself shows that they rarely cause a blip. Go on mate .....go for your back stop security blanket.....Tiredness? How long before you roll that one out mate? I d love to be alongside and see some of these tired mites on a 45 mile yomp in full gear and even more so, to see their pretty little faces when doing the same the day after. In fact i'd love to see those girls feel some real tiredness. They d need shackling with chains to keep them off a football pitch for evermore afterwards and maybe even understand how embarrassing their type of 'tiredness' should make them feel. Young fit lads, honed by the best equipment money can by, conditioned to extents that normal people can only dream about and massaged and rested scientifically. Tiredness, my f----g arse.

  82. Red Member

    Dec 02, 2014, 13:41 #62439

    @westlower regarding the injuries it really is quite simple. we go into each season with too small a squad, and then with the players he has at his disposal Wenger usually plays them until they get injured and then rushes back the injured players and then would you believe it they get injured again too. this never ending injury situation has been going on for a number of years now. it is one of the reasons why Wenger is such an embarrassment. Six months of injuries is just bad luck. Six years of injuries is not bad luck I'm afraid. An example of over playing.

  83. GoonerGoal

    Dec 02, 2014, 12:57 #62438

    Wenger an embarrassment? NON! That point has long since passed. Now, just as CanadaGooner described he has morphed into a football version of “a third-world dictator, who will hang on regardless of public opinion or obvious decline”. Nothing is wrong as far as he is concerned. In any case, none of you know anything about football anyway. So don’t worry, be happy! Hasn’t he delivered his “virtual trophy” every season for nine years, not to mention an FA Cup? Everything is beautiful, just hand over your £1000’s each season! Don’t you lot know he alone can lead us along the path to future success, so he’s worth every £ of his £8million per year. There is one slight problem, those damn zippy things… WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  84. Westlower

    Dec 02, 2014, 12:56 #62437

    @Red Member, Give us a clue as to how recent injuries to Giroud, Theo, Wilshere, Debuchy, Ozil, Szczesny, Ospina, Koscielny, Arteta & Gnabry could have been prevented? Injuries to key players have played a major part in our results. Ask Klopp how hard it is when a few key players are missing. CFC are having a charmed run with injuries and is partly why they are dominating the PL. Even with a largely full squad it was telling that fatigue had set in during the closing stages of the Sunderland game after their midweek exertions. The fatigue factor rendered Maureen helpless to get them over the line against a poor team.

  85. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 02, 2014, 12:34 #62436

    jeff wenger; The FA Cup was retained in 2003. OK not too much to get excited about, but that trophy was successfully defended.

  86. AMG

    Dec 02, 2014, 12:25 #62435

    Generally agree with you CanadaG, although a lot of the respect I had left for Wenger eroded when he signed that 3 year contract. Time to go indeed!

  87. Mike

    Dec 02, 2014, 11:56 #62434

    I think your title is a bit provocative because the content of the piece is by and large fair comment. Wenger has by and large been the architect of the current criticism. However whilst most people are bemoaning the shortfalls in the backline, the problem is not there. I believe we went into the season with enough defenders. You can not plan for injuries. The fact that three of the regular back four have been absent for most of the season is bad luck. TV is currently injured so he would not be helping anyway. This time last year people were crying for an additional striker to help Giroud - the back wasn't a problem. The constant over the two seasons has been the need for a strong defensive midfielder to protect the back four.

  88. Red Member

    Dec 02, 2014, 11:56 #62433

    @Horrabin have you ever considered why we go into the season with too few defenders or why Arsenal KEEP on getting injuries and why Chelsea for example do not? when you work that out you will see why so many want Wenger gone

  89. jeff wenger

    Dec 02, 2014, 11:50 #62432

    Whether or not Wenger is an embarrassment or not one thing is indisputable hat he is an has been. In football as we see with the Stevie G case at Liverpool decline from past prowess to lesser abilities is not a pretty sight. Personally speaking I find Wenger's rants at 4th officials and at times weird comments to be embarrassing. Pro-Football is a dog eat dog sport with no room for sentiment regarding those partaking in it .Sentiment can only apply to those who have retired and unfortunately in many cases the claims made on behalf of former players and managers tend to be more rose tinted glasses views of them than what the actual reality was. The reality with Wenger is that he would never have survived as long at any other club but due to circumstances and a shrewd, albeit at times fortunate, manipulation of the Champions League qualification rules , he has survived. The signs are though that many supporters have become bored with him and this repetitive cycle of what is no more than a money making exercise every season. Wenger can't even pretend to be trying to win the Prem this season,so at least that spares him the excuses for not signing any players in January to try and help him to do so. If you recall he made no attempt to strengthen our squad last January when at least mathematically we had a chance of winning the title,all he did was to sign a player with a broken back on the cheap. That really tells the story of what Wenger is up to. Tbh, I found that Kalstrom incident to be embarrassing as well. Oh well, there is still the FAC to come and we can all go nuts I suppose if Arsene wins it again. Although if he does it will BE a first for him because he has never defended any trophy during is 19 years at AFC. 4th place in the Prem and an FAC run is now where Wenger is at and the claims that he is on the cusp of doing better are straight from Dreamland in Margate - cue the sound of the Carousel music .... around and around we go on and on... yawn.

  90. Joolz The Gooner

    Dec 02, 2014, 11:50 #62431

    I think the first 4 or 5 posts below the article have been sent in by members of the board. "If Abramovich hadnt arrived we would of won more...." what a bunch of whining, clueless beings we have who sadly associate themselves with The Arsenal. No wonder we are a laughing stock with the rabid accolytes who do nothing but hang on to the manager's coattails. How they can support the manager even when the obvious has occured? He is now a dinosaur, a busted flush, yesteryears man. Finished.

  91. Ron

    Dec 02, 2014, 11:41 #62429

    True that is Badarse. I dont even see Kroenke as synonymous with that Board now. They exist and hes lumbered with them. He could use Company Law to get a few out of the door if he was really of a mind to, but they do afford him the luxury of being able to keep away from the events that unfold, to remain insulated and detached, out of the fray. Hes stuck his Son in there as a token gesture of ' yes, i am interested in football'. The divide between SK and the Board means the rest are there waiting for him to act and yet, he doenst see a need to, until his wallet becomes the worse for it. In my view for whats it worth, though im not sure when he will act decisively, but it will only be when he decides to sell his shares or when AW forces him to act by his actions ie staying and thus allowing the Club to slip further or by choosing to leave.Its a unique situation as you say for a football Club, made very difficult as the changes are wrought by a business that on its face isnt failing yet, far from it, even though its product is, but its a business that has reached a plateau and needs another injection of adrenalin to keep it there amidst those factors that you mention. Its stick or twist for them. There will be a circumstance that occurs though which will lead them into the right direction, even if they choose to do nothing yet. Its like much in life.We all find ourselves on the horns of a dilemma from time to time and just sitting back, reflecting and waiting for the right decision to occur to us often results in the needed decision suddenly becoming apparent and simple.Arsenals will crystallize soon enough. They wont knee jerk, or rather SK wont. They might have a real problem though accepting that the Club might need to take a few steps back to see a route forwards as i see it.

  92. Badarse

    Dec 02, 2014, 11:15 #62426

    Spoken from the heart Unchives-much respect. Well written post Ron, a very illuminating one too. The phrase, 'Catch 22', often springs to mind in this situation. I don't think the Board are able to shake off any inertia, they are entrenched, bogged down, after a fashion. Am not sure how this scenario will play out, it's intriguing. An inadequate Board, overseas 'owner' with dollar signs his icons, a man in an unassailable position of power, a deputy who has kept his powder dry for financial, or future power inclinations...or both. A man so wealthy he could buy the Kremlin and did, as a second largest shareholder in the shadows. An extremely successful business model which takes advantage of a corrupt and damaged European footballing reward system. Cunning and manipulative TV companies, incompetent pundits, talk radio shows, and red top rags pouring oil on troubled waters for a 'story'. Money powerhouses of CFC and MC, holding a monopoly on the honours board. Fans who have had a voice for the last decade or two, for the first time ever, and we know what everyone shouting at once brings-chaos and confusion, with the inevitable fractures and splits. Yet all the while the world keeps spinning, and the ball keeps rolling. This has the makings of a wonderful soap opera, of course Arsenal's soap would be Cusson's Imperial Leather. All we are left with, as the nun in the bath said, is a soulful of hope.

  93. Brdgunner

    Dec 02, 2014, 11:09 #62425

    jumpers for goal posts: Utds success is testament to them. However, had Fergie been asked to sell his most value players each year, not been at the biggest club in world sport, 2nd only to Madrid then I imagine he wouldn't have had that success. Not recognising the impact Roman had on football is unfortunate. Surely we can all agree that there is a period of time from 2005 - 2012 that Arsenal simply couldn't compete. Would you agree? Or should Arsenal have won the title while the chavs spent outrageous sums of cash at the exact same time we had none at all? Who would have been more successful than Arsene during the first 6 years at the stadium. I genuinely believe no one could have.

  94. Ron

    Dec 02, 2014, 10:44 #62423

    Arsene isnt and never will be an embarrassment in my view. People who behave like Pardew embarrass a Club. AW is a man who deeply thinks his methods are right. He does love the Club and he does value his players and he does love football. Hes a clever man. Unfortunately like all leaders, hes lost his edge, hes lost his sharpness, his renewability if you like. It happens to anybody from their mid to late 50s. I suspect AW knows his motivation has lessened some what but is still thinking its not a problem, still thinking 'one last fight is in me'like an aging heavyweight boxer. Hes maybe a very frustrated man inside. He sacrificed career chances with bigger Clubs, he even sacrificed footballing ambition to assist the transition from Highbury to Ash Grove so taking a more bean counting/hybrid Coach role and the years 2005 to say 2009/10 were always going to be dead years which his critics should accept. Can he pull together his mojo now, as football on the pitch again takes precedence?I think not. Hes had too long in the doldrums, too long away from cut and thrust 'coaching' and too much time watching the pennies and coaching the Clubs accountants. AFC has become self congratulatory on whats its done. Its resting on its laurels and the Board seem hidebound by whats gone before, the see AW as an irreplaceable asset, yet maybe deep doen know that the product needs a new veneer and a new direction. They have to think like an ailing retailier and the first changes are always at the top. New minds, new incentives, new thinking. All this means changes in the Boardroom culture too. Its hard for them and hard for Wenger as theyre both indefinable from each other. Left untouched and unchanged, it can only mean inertia. To be changed ALWAYS means a new man at the helm. The banner at WBA might be seen as cruel by some , but for me it spoke the truth. Thanks Arsene, but yr time has passed. To the Board, i say stop dithering, do the right thing by Wenger and the right thing for the Club. Shake off your own cobwebs and if you cant, sell up to some body that can. Its still a football Club of sorts, its on pitch events that matter to your core support and customers. Without them, there isnt any Club, there isnt any Board and right now your losing them. Do the right and only thing.

  95. Unchives

    Dec 02, 2014, 10:26 #62421

    @ Badarse, gone are the days when players & managers were allowed to have personalities,by drinking, womanising etc.,this was part of the climate then. The game has changed as you know, the standard of fitness required doesn't allow for excesses. Players have to be Players, Managers have to be Managers, Wenger stopped being a manager years ago,as he is too close to the players and the board. All of us here don't need to read the press to know what is going on........the only one that doesn't seem to know is Wenger himself. Like old worn out furniture, that you held onto far too long for sentimental reasons, now has to go ......we are not here for Arsene Wenger or his love affair with the club.....we are here for Arsenal FC and what we want from OUR Club. The banner was polite and to the point, we are offering him tough love.....times up!

  96. gn23

    Dec 02, 2014, 10:16 #62420

    Embarrassment..maybe a bit strong, but certainly it's time for a fresh start... That banner has certainly provoked a media debate these past few days..

  97. doctore

    Dec 02, 2014, 10:10 #62419

    I'm shocked at some comments,people saying its because we're short in certain areas we lost those games,am sorry whose responsibility was it to fill up those spaces in the squad,whose responsibility was it to replace Vermelen who didn't,even though we all knew that even with Vermalen in the team we were a man short in defence,and he knew all summer TV was leaving and he didn't bother to replace him,every season since Vieira left we've been short in at least one position in the team.Defending someone that careless on such huge salary makes absolutely no sense.

  98. Unchives

    Dec 02, 2014, 10:09 #62418

    Spot on Article, I will be saddened when he leaves, however I managed after GG, didn't want to believe the background to his departure, however the football was bad near his end and it was time for him to go....he couldn't find anyone to sign either, then panic bought.Sounds familiar?

  99. Nicosia Gooner

    Dec 02, 2014, 10:09 #62417

    The biggest embarrassment is that he wasted so much money on players we didn't need (like the Gervinho of Barcelona) while the defensive side of the team continues to rot.

  100. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Dec 02, 2014, 9:58 #62414

    The first few comments above demonstrate why Wenger has been allowed to remain as manager for so long. ----"If Abramovich hadn't arrived we'd have won more".---- What about the 5 League titles and 1 Champions League won by Fergie, since Abramovich arrived?? ----"It's not our manager's lack of tactical ability which has caused us to drop points".---- Really?? Not even when our manager freely admits he never worries about the opposing team's strengths or weaknesses?? Wenger controls virtually everything at Arsenal so he must bear responsibility for all of the end of season collapses and the frequent maulings by top rivals and the enormous contracts handed to so many useless players and the huge number of defeats from winning positions. Wenger has been a great manager but football has moved on and left him behind - it's time for him to go.

  101. Badarse

    Dec 02, 2014, 9:46 #62413

    Hello CanadaGooner, thanks for the piece. I think the criticisms you have attracted are unwarranted but typical of today. On an analytical note I believe you have fallen into the conflation/confusion trap. The examples drawn upon are not the same, similar but not the same. Mourhino has his abilities but works in a different slaughterhouse which augments his style and personality. AW's reason for staying has nothing to do with the fear factor of being judged critically elsewhere. He stays because AFC defines him, it is his raison d'etre, it is his club, as it is our's, and rightly or wrongly he wants/needs to be a part of it. His situation was happenstance and his character would not allow for surrender-it's why he continues relentlessly, I believe. At an AGM of my club, a letter was presented to our chairman. It was the manager's resignation. As the skipper of the side I was nominated, seconded, voted in, and accepted the role in minutes. I loved every minute of it, but it brought such turmoil to my life. It was just happenstance. If you have no foil, and it is generally agreed that AW is answerable to no one, errors, gaffs and misjudgements occur. My wife keeps me sane and stops any rants I may have-he needs that type of harnessing. It won't come of course and that is the dilemma, facing him, facing us all, but an embarrassment? Not at all, though some fans are. The media's approach is to sell copy, take no notice, they are piranhas, why they may even paint me as sanctimonious and pompous.

  102. chris dee

    Dec 02, 2014, 9:38 #62412

    Nah b******s!He may be many things but Arsene is definitely not an embarrassment,he's a credit to our club and football. Which doesn't mean fans not being angry and upset at him for lack of trophies in the last 10 years.

  103. Horrabin

    Dec 02, 2014, 9:23 #62411

    Perspective please. We have gone into the season with too few defenders and have been stricken with injuries again. It is these deficiencies, not our manager's lack of tactical ability, which have caused us to drop points. Get on his back for taking an unnecessary gamble with our squad but with 2 more players (1 x CB, 1xDM) we could have been in an entirely different position. This should both appease and frustrate you (as it does me) because with a little better squad management we could be a lot further up the table... but that's all it is. Try not to be so short-termist, sensationalistic and so black & white about the whole thing. We have the best manager we would be able to get for ourselves... banners telling that no team has ever won the EPL with 6 defenders would do more that ones telling him to leave.

  104. Brdgunner

    Dec 02, 2014, 9:05 #62409

    This is a very ungrateful piece. You can't beleieve that Arsene didn't go to another club because he didn't think he would win anything for eight years? Had abromovich not arrived and city after Arsenal would have won more. Had Arsene gone to Real Madrid or inter Milan in the last 10 years he would have won something. Also, surely we can't have expected Arsenal to be competitive between 2005 and 2012? We had to sell players to fund a stadium during a time that our competitors could buy players to stop them playing elsewhere. I don't deny Arsene has underperformed this season and in seasons past. But this article is a joke. Tell me what is the minimum you have expected from Arsene during the eight years without a trophy? What did you expect him to do?

  105. irabor williams.

    Dec 02, 2014, 9:02 #62408

    This writer is the most embarrassing character of the century Arsene Wenger is the creates gift to Arsenal. Bow ur head in shame