He who doth protest too much

Thoughts on the reaction to the anti-Arsène banners

He who doth protest too much

Raised after the West Brom game last weekend

The recent banner and held aloft sheets of paper suggesting Wenger call it a day have caused much debate in the media and between fans. The arguments for and against have been well aired but what is really interesting is the club's response, which from a professional PR point of view has been an own goal of epic proportions.

Wenger's response veered between throwing his toys out of the pram and his usual David Brent impersonation, indignation plus incoherence, since when has total commitment got anything to do with it. He is clearly rattled. No one doubts his commitment to the cause it's his judgment that's the problem.

Peter Hill-Wood was resurrected to give the matter gravitas but was nothing more than a embarrassing Victor Meldrew rant. What it revealed inadvertently was a club more in sync with a third world dictatorship than a modern sporting institution. The more pertinent question is why it has taken this long for protests to emerge.

There is a massive disconnect between many of the fans and the club and it is patently clear that the club can't see it. Here is an alternative narrative that could have been disseminated by the manager in response to the banner at West Brom:

"I understand the frustration the fans feel, we have had a hard a few years and the fans have had to endure us selling our best players to our rivals. They have been incredibly loyal and patient. You need to give me time to adjust to our new situation. I know we needed defensive reinforcements in the summer but it didn't work out. We can't buy players for £50m but we were close but sometimes transfers can't happen for a number of reasons. But I assure you the club tries hard to solve the problem. I get as frustrated as the fans I can assure you. I love Arsenal but if I cant deliver by the end of the season I will reconsider my position."

I am no PR man but the above looks more befitting of a club that trades on its class than the current rubbish being spouted.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 04, 2014, 14:31 #62593

    Alex, Ron, too true it doesn't matter who we have or acquire, it won't make any difference until we acquire a proper manager, and if it's a wenger clone or luvvie we're really in the duckle.

  2. Ron

    Dec 04, 2014, 14:05 #62591

    Alex - youre right of course. Alas, Wenger will make sure his torch is passed on to a like mind, thus enter his apprentice for a few years, Mr Henry. Stick on next Coach. I'm now resigned to it. Wenger will stay at the Club once he hangs his gloves up and he ll want a puppet downstairs. Wenger couldn't cope with such as those you mention and their demands as he knows they dismantle what he leaves in the blink of an eye, leaving him looking silly. He wont have that, his arrogance needs a new bloke to come in and laud and fete him saying that alls well in th rose garden that hes inherited. Any man with a record that far surpasses his wont get as much as an interview there. Who better than Henry, who himself can seamlessly carry Wengers sulking and stroppy torch. Cant comment on the tactical one, but there's little precedent to emulate is there, as you say.

  3. Alex

    Dec 04, 2014, 13:22 #62588

    Ron - Even with a proper defensive midfielder this team would still collapse. Wenger just doesn't have the tactical ability. As for Alonso Ron even if Wenger had signed him he would have gone anyway like Fabregas, RVP did. I really want Wenger replaced by the exact opposite of a manager he is no more philosphers just plain good tacticians who know how to win like Mourinho, Simeone, Guardiola.

  4. Ron

    Dec 04, 2014, 13:00 #62586

    Agree with all that Baddie re defensive middle man.Arteta has most attributes but not the power. He s naturally a creator anyway as he was in his best Everton days, create from deep was his forte. We signed him 5 years too late,, but we did have Cesc didnt we. Song had the ability to play DM as you say, but he got caught up in Wengers gung ho, go for it mentality and over rated his part in it. Had he have had the self control to sit back he might have made it. He was quite good, not as good at 'disguised fouling' in non dangerous areas as Mikel at Chelsea who is a master at it.Song needed a strong Coach and Assistant Coach. Hes had neither.Hes now doing OK under a bloke that wont let him flounce about like a big idle tart. A team needs a 'sly fouler'. Wenger used to see this. He had Petit and Vieira after all! They keep defences feeling good about themselves. Wenger could in fact get away without new defensive re inforcements if he had the DM that you speak of. He of course declined to sign Alonso at his best, refusing to stump up 16 Million, only going to 12.5 Million!! Great player who could still be doing the job now.

  5. Badarse

    Dec 04, 2014, 12:26 #62578

    A defensive midfield position is such a convoluted one, in my eyes. We want a man who has astute positional-awareness,I think Arteta has this. We want him to be fast-at least fast enough-to get into the covering space-and Arteta doesn't have this. He does have the next requirement though, to start moves from that central position and the passing skill, generally a short, sometimes sideways one, to begin the counter attacks. Strong, so not just physically powerful, but with the ability to use it wisely, without picking up yellow cards regularly. He has to have a mouth to marshal those around him too. Height is a great advantage, but height alone isn't enough, it has to be linked with heading ability. The conundrum comes with finding most of these attributes in a player, but him ruining it with his view of himself. This I believe became Alex Song's downfall. He was a skilful and gifted footballer, and always wanted to play the ball, holding it, and showing his artistry. It showed on the pitch with magnificent goal assist passes, but equally with indisciplined roaming, leaving gaps where no gaps should be. As I said a real toughie. If you could produce them the marketing would take care of itself and it would become a good business proposition. Whoops, is Stan listening?

  6. Der Best Goalenkeeper - EVER (well, Charlie George Orwell really)

    Dec 04, 2014, 12:19 #62577

    Not had ein proper goalenkeeper since Seaman?!! Gott in Himmel!! I vill break your kopf!!!

  7. Ron

    Dec 04, 2014, 11:50 #62576

    Hi Baddie - Yes, i wish we had a few more with Dannys attitude. Top class. His attitude is up there with that of Sanchez. He seems very pleased just to be doing the job he does. Good lad. I think the team needs two middle men. one a box to box type and the other a defensive holding type. So far, that keeper looks far more assured than the NLD selfie pic man. Early days and im sure AW will bring the selfie man back (who ive never rated since first seeing him)but just maybe we ve stumbled on to a Goal keeper as Unchives has said.I hope so as we ve not had a proper Keeper since Seaman.

  8. Badarse

    Dec 04, 2014, 11:24 #62575

    Danny isn't a prolific goal scorer as Ron reminds us, but I don't think he arrived at the Grove with that being a remote possibility. What he is though is a pacy, honest young pro, who doesn't hide. He has the ability to play through the middle and down the flank. His work rate is exemplary, and I think the modern English game demands that of every player from FB, through the midfield into all attacking positions, and I cite this as the 'failure' of Pod and Mesut. If their contribution was upped they would slot in comfortably, without it they are perpetually men-in-waiting. Yet Danny will score goals, as proven, but will not be able to carry the 'singularity' burden which we know Alexis does happily. Also liked Flaminal's discipline.

  9. Ron

    Dec 04, 2014, 11:14 #62574

    Yes, good win. The game was another reminder though of Wellbecks shortcomings. Hes a good lad, but wont ever be prolific. We re lucky right now that Sanchez is having an Aguero like purple patch. Others need to score. The midfield is neutered as far as goals are concerned and its not good enough from them. Ramsey is very poor right now, despite his fortunate cut back that led to the goal. Decent team performance though as Baddie says on the whole, but a zillion miles behind City and Chelsea, as indeed they all are. They're good for 4th and thats all the Club wants.

  10. Red Member

    Dec 04, 2014, 11:06 #62573

    if we sell Ozil and buy a world class striker to replace (finally) RVP then we can be title contenders again. And as I am in an optimistic mood then that will be with or without Wenger.

  11. Badarse

    Dec 04, 2014, 11:03 #62572

    Only suggestion I have is that he had to take off a wide man to keep Danny on when Olivier joined the fray. Seemed sensible to me. Ox not happy, but that is expected, who wants a player to be happy to leave the pitch, unless injured. Thought their keeper looked indomitable, but eventually he was beaten. No stand out players for me last night, a complete team performance. Nice to be able to say that. Young Emmy looks the part, three games, three wins, three clean sheets. Seems like a record to me.

  12. Unchives

    Dec 04, 2014, 10:55 #62571

    Good solid performance, the Southampton keeper had a great game, however, I think we have a great goalkeeper in Martinez on our hands, if you mind the pun. Why on earth he took the OX off, only Wenger Knows. This team, with the right additions & manager can go a long way. As for Sanchez, he is irresistible at the moment.

  13. david

    Dec 04, 2014, 6:19 #62570

    The saving grace for AW this season has been Sanchez. Take him out and arsenal would be hovering above the relegation zone. The numbing and inevitable reality is that Sanchez will leave, either this summer or the next. Anyone good enough to make a difference - Cole, Cesc, RVP etc- soon realises that Arsenal are going nowhere under AW. sanchez will do the same.

  14. smithy

    Dec 03, 2014, 21:45 #62569

    What would we do without Sanchez? Thank god we've got a least one world class player.!

  15. exiled&dangerous

    Dec 03, 2014, 19:20 #62568

    Well said, Paul. I was upset about the circumstances of the George Graham departure, at the time - but we were floundering and going nowhere fast by then, if we are going to be honest. I don't want to see Arsenal become another sugardaddy arms dealer/Big Petro club and buy boatloads of £50M signings on two hundred and fifty grand a week, sacking three managers before Christmas and having a complete first team out on loan at other clubs, before imploding and being the next Leeds, Portsmouth, Rangers, and can I also throw in Wolverhampton Wanderers for us kids of the '70s? But I'd like to see us compete on the field in every game, with the players we have available for our resources. And at the moment, that needs somebody more hungry, flexible, determined and maybe humble than Wenger, who doesn't seem to be able to organise and motivate our millionaire starlets anymore. Thanks for the memories, Arsene, but you've metaphorically signed your Glen Helder. That's kind of like Happy Days' Jumping the Shark, except that everybody remembers the shark.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 03, 2014, 18:39 #62567

    We all might have different views on here we all take the piss out of each other, tease, laugh, at each other (some more than others)some of us might have to much to say on occasions but I think it's fair to say regardless of our different views (the big majority of us any way) wouldn't want to see each other lying on the side of a ditch, and if any of us did come across each other or any Arsenal fan in that predicament we'd certainly have and show sympathy for them, well apart from one half wit (and that's been kind)anyway.

  17. Yanto

    Dec 03, 2014, 18:28 #62566

    "In Wenger We Trust" Those people who brought that banner are a disgrace. No what IS a disgrace is that they were criticised by all the sheeple AKB's and Wenger crack lickers for daring to voice their opinions. I wasn't at the game but know a number of them - And they are long standing loyal Gooners - Yes "Loyal", they are loyal to the club they have supported all their lives with their hard earned money, time and energy. Remember it IS Arsenal FC not arsene fc. With spurs fans have more class than those clowns. I don't condone violence towards those people, if but anyone sort them out and left them on the side of a ditch, I wouldn't show any sympathy to them. You say you 'don't condone violence' and yet in the next breath announce that should they come to harm and 'left them on the side of a ditch' it wouldn't bother you. You need to make up your mind you are either for violence or not - because that paragraph is wholly contradictory. You then claim 'Wenger is still the man like or not' - exactly, we do not like it - But because he has become the despot of his own little empire surrounding himself with yes sheeple - just like the AKB's - It is going to take a great deal of effort to remove him. I think you'll find that the majority of the Gooners who want him gone - Wish him no harm and simply wish he would leave with some iota of dignity - He had the opportunity to do that after the FA Cup win - a game we were very forunate to win - had Gibbs not headed the ball off the line - I somehow do not think we could have come back from 3 - Nil down. As for wenger being the best man for the job in your eyes - He is tactically inept - this has been shown as fact time after time - when we are either struggling to break down a another team and/or when we are trailing and he looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights, rather than make the necessary changes in the team or on the pitch with positioning and formation all he does is start waving his arms around like a physically dyslexic windmill - blaming the 4th official. he blames everyone and anyone bar himself. He has become a embarrassment to himself, but more importantly to the club and the fans. He is in illusion if he believes that we can challenge for the Prem Title with the present squad of players. Hi arrogance and ignorance know no bounds anymore - Letting Fabregas go to the chavs - literally handed them the title on a plate. Okay, so we have/had plenty of mid-field (attack minded) [layers. He should have sold Cazorla or even Ramsey - who has returned to type btw - and bought Cesc. Bt no he is so in illusion that anyone dare contradict or question what he is doing or not doingfor £8 Million pounds a year and he gets well bent out of shape. Jacqui Oatley nailed him good and proper and his re-action was utterly classless. The sooner he goes the better, sadly we are going to have to endure this utter madness for at least another season - and knowing Wenger and the board - probably another 2 and half years. Just GO WENGER! Now!

  18. Th14afc

    Dec 03, 2014, 17:35 #62565

    My prediction for tonight....2-0 to the arse...unless we don't have a left back in which case u hav to worry...if Gibbs or monreal r fit we'll win!come on you gunners!!see jeff wrong this is called supporting your team

  19. Shu

    Dec 03, 2014, 16:57 #62564

    Well said Bard spot on !!!! I too hope that he starts to realise that the 4th place crap and selling our best players is not good enough , time to move on as it will all end in anger !!!

  20. Hiccup

    Dec 03, 2014, 16:42 #62563

    Good post bard. Wenger's press officer should advise him to be more sincere to the fans. If anything, he could start saying stuff like that and it would buy him more time as fans would be more reluctant to oust a nice guy rather than the smug "I have made a thousand substitutions" contemptuous guy. I remember keegan coming out on to the streets to explain to the Geordies why he'd sold cole. Hopeless for England agreed. Deemed a quitter, but rather have that than spin and bollox for failure and all this hypnotising the AKB's that he's the best thing going.

  21. OneBardGooner

    Dec 03, 2014, 16:28 #62562

    I fully understand yours and other Gooners frustrations - in wanting - Needing - Arsene Wenger to leave. Perhaps one of the reasons Gooners have to slow to reach this point of public demonstration is that they 'Love' the manager - but also know that he is past his prime. The thing is he has become so entrenched within the club and is wholly protected from any hint of douobt or criticism by a board and owner who are not there for footballing reasons, but for the Money, Money, Money. I think it is going to take an even greater shift in the ranks of Gooners before anything happens (ie: Wenger leaves) the board will not sack him - He is the golden Goose and keeps the profits rolling in. Arsene Wenger was someone who changed the face and workings of football - he WAS...he has had his moment in the sun and like all good things must come to an end. I just wish he would leave in a dignified and honourable way, rather than clinging on for dear life - or should that be for the dear £8million a year!? If YOU want Wenger to leave then YOU MUST make your voice heard, your opinions known. There are and always will be the sheeple (AKB's) who are unable to see and think for themselves, it is they who make it difficult for other's to rally against the order. I just want Arsene to go without further embarrassment to himself and THE Arsenal.

  22. Unchives

    Dec 03, 2014, 16:17 #62561

    @ In Wenger We Trust, if you think Spurs have class, you must be deranged, the metal works holding up spurs new stadium has just been burnt down. The owners were Spurs fans...the arsonist were....what do you think? Very classy! As for the new manager for Arsenal, he will come in and finish the job Wenger cant complete.....like Mourinho @ Chelsea.Best of luck with your new stadium.

  23. au revoir wenger

    Dec 03, 2014, 15:24 #62560

    so Wenger believes he can deliver the EPL title before his current deal runs out. He used to say judge me in may ,now its judge me in 3 years.Well i made a judgement on him years ago and the verdict was useless tosser

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 03, 2014, 15:21 #62559

    Clockender1, good post, and a win tonight and everything will be rosy in the garden.

  25. Clockender1

    Dec 03, 2014, 14:54 #62556

    the fact is, that Banner has been to away games over the last two seasons, but it has been picked up by the media now due to our poor performances - 5 wins out of 13 PL games, just 4 wins at home out of 11 in all competitions. wenger and the club are in defence mode - ticket sales are down, fans left their seats in droves at 2-0 down at the United game, the majority of fans are now not happy. look at tonights line up - a teenage keeper, an injured RB at CB, and injured LB, one fit DM and a striker with one goal in 19 appearances. and this after 120million to spend in the summer and 17 years in charge... wenger is done, and he is getting worse each season not better.

  26. DanC

    Dec 03, 2014, 14:53 #62555

    In reality this is the situation. Anyone with a brain can tell you that. The fact that banner was unveiled after the WBA game was nothing short of embarrassing. "I understand the frustration the fans feel, we have had a hard a few years and the fans have had to endure us selling our best players to our rivals. They have been incredibly loyal and patient. You need to give me time to adjust to our new situation. I know we needed defensive reinforcements in the summer but it didn't work out. We can't buy players for £50m but we were close but sometimes transfers can't happen for a number of reasons. But I assure you the club tries hard to solve the problem. I get as frustrated as the fans I can assure you. I love Arsenal but if I cant deliver by the end of the season I will reconsider my position."

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 03, 2014, 14:41 #62554

    jj, good one never thought of that, it will be very handy for the wengerites when Alisher takes over and sacks their messiah or he walks, and it'll not cost them much either (so there'll be no need for a whip round) they'll not have to change anything, headed paper, fan clubs, badges, signs, even the name on their central command can stay the same, and we can all become AKB's.

  28. John F

    Dec 03, 2014, 14:28 #62553

    Wenger just said Arsenal will win the title within the next 3 years.Does that mean he is thinking of leaving soon.

  29. Tony Evans

    Dec 03, 2014, 14:26 #62552

    I see old safe hands has come out fighting OGLs corner. Much of what he says is of course based on pre 2007 and it does beg the question as to how many current games these ex players actually see. Very few would be my guess and I think their support of Wenger is completely mis-guided and hampered by a nostalgic view of the past.

  30. Ron

    Dec 03, 2014, 14:09 #62551

    Fair comment Spaced and in the world of media management you're right. Years ago, he was more forthcoming with the press it has to be said. That reflected his confidence at the time though about the teams he had back then i suppose. Though youre right from his point of view, i would suggest though, that if the Club are in touch with how the fans feel and at least understand the views (that they must know of), Wenger should be brave enough after all these years of being feted by the media to take a risk of those comments you rightly mention being said. He could then dismiss them at that stage if he liked. That he doesn't is as much because hes been rattled as much as him suddenly having become a smart media operator which in my view he never has been really.His response smacks of arrogance, not design. Im sure hes thinks he immune from criticism or the need to account for himself to the fans. Its understandable as he has an Employer to whom he not even accountable. Its stunningly bad. They've created the monster, he lives it out!Deep down he lacks the balls to front up on matters like that banner, just as he lacks the balls to send a team out to fight properly for its pride as much as a result.Hes stymied the press as you say for now, but his bluffs been called by many fans now and not a minute too soon in my view. Hes had far to much softly softly on Arsene for many a long year.in the absence of his Employer pressing him, im glad that the press are and i never thought id say that about the gutter snipes who work as press hacks.

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 03, 2014, 14:09 #62550

    Yes Bard it rattled him alright and it was plain to be seen and indeed good to see and put him under proper pressure (and about time too it's long long overdue and long may it last) with all his luvvies being wheeled out to give him support, as Unchives said over the page the power of one banner and what it does (who says/said protest doesn't work) what would twenty, thirty, forty, fifty do? so hopefully we'll see plenty more regardless of results, hardly tonight though as his hench men will be under strict orders to confiscate and then exterminate both it, and the carrier, apparently they've even been issued with surgical gloves for every home game so they can ask fans to bend over such is OGL's determination that none slip through and are displayed, and the eleventh commandment is up held by everybody whether they like it or not.

  32. Spaced

    Dec 03, 2014, 13:42 #62548

    Wenger is too smart to make a statement like that. Whilst I actually agree with your version, from his perspective he would be silly to make that statement. He knows what would follow in the press - "Wenger admits weak squad" Wenger admits Arsenal failures" "Wenger leaving Arsenal at season end" etc etc. He just wouldn't make a statement which could be used against him. If he dismisses it the press have nothing to feed on. In his position it is the wisest course of action. It may be frustrating to many fans, including me, and I still hold him in fairly high regard!(although I admit it has been waning over recent years), but he does it to make any potential story fizzle out. And he does it pretty well to be fair to him. You can tell because so often you can hear the press getting frustrated with him too. He may have lost most of his mojo but he is no fool.

  33. Paul

    Dec 03, 2014, 13:18 #62546

    Totally agree Bard. @ALex - Are you really an AFC supporter? To say you wish AW had never come is downright ridiculous. His first 10 years were amazing & moved the club to another level. It's only the last few years, where sadly he's shown that no longer has the ability to keep us at the top. He should go now, but we should be eternally grateful for those early years. He WAS a great manager, but time/tactics etc have changed & we're spiralling downwards.

  34. Tony Evans

    Dec 03, 2014, 12:46 #62545

    Wenger's arrogant dismissal of the banner is par for the course for a man with an ego the size of a house. I zap the sound on the TV whenever his mug appears so I can't hear the insane drivel he spouts. I do read some of the comments he makes though, just to confirm he is still living in Cloud Cuckoo Land. The recent ones (post banner) are certainly up there with his best, but we are lumbered with him at least until results become a great deal worse. Trouble is they are unlikely to become bad enough, with a top 4 finish still likely this season, poor as we are. A 'specialist in failure' he may be, but clubs like Liverpool, Spuds and Everton would gladly have 'failed' like we have these last 8 years or so and therein lies the problem - he's lost the plot (especially defensively) but in such a poor league he gets away with it, and our frustrations continue year after year.

  35. Red Member

    Dec 03, 2014, 12:30 #62541

    @in Wengerwetrust if you can come up with 1 reason why Wenger is the best option to lead us forward then I will be less negative towards him on here. I doubt you are able to though

  36. Wenger Out.

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:59 #62538

    It amazes me how there are still fans out there that still back Wenger. like a lot of people have said above. - 4th place is what he sees. people say Klopp could take over, if he did good. But there are lots out there a lot better then Wenger. enough is enough.

  37. Ron

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:58 #62537

    Hi Bard - Yr alternative statement would have been fine. The basic problem though is the premise of yr argument. Its badly flawed, not through yr error, more of yr expectation. Its as Baddie says, we live a bulls hi t e rules society now. Honesty has no value. Youre expecting AFC and Wenger to be honest. Both are far from it and have been for years. Theyve embraced the bullshi e society like David Mellor embraces a tarts toes and profit from it. The fans get taken for a ride that Mellor probably couldn't manage to get up enough to get.

  38. In Wenger We Trust

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:45 #62536

    Those people who brought that banner are a disgrace. With spurs fans have more class than those clowns. I don't condone violence towards those people, if but anyone sort them out and left them on the side of a ditch, I wouldn't show any sympathy to them. Wenger still the best manager for this club. The so-called best manager that will replace Wenger, Jurgen Klopp lost again and at last place. Shows that he's not even good enough to be Steve Bould's assistant. Klopp is a good manager but massively overrated. Wenger is still the man like or not, you misguided WOB. Arsene knows best.

  39. jjetplane

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:40 #62534

    UNCHIVEs excellent post as always and you got it there. They cover all the corners with meta-spin but never is it futile to keep chipping away at the useless, groaning monster. Thought that was lovely Amy in the picture for a moment. Time to photoshop Alisher in. AKB splinter faction. Oh what fun. That will do for now. Henry Out (HO) & AKB (Alisher Knows Best). Time to start sewing sportsfans.

  40. Badarse

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:38 #62533

    E/G you misunderstand. I am all for local pressure groups and demos/protests to accompany them, I thought that was clearly evident?? My point is just existing within a bubble is exactly that. Campaigning against a local road-widening scheme is valid and often vital, protecting the environment can never be ignored, local or worldwide, getting my full support, whatever that amounts to. However most of those same people vote in a deceitful money-oriented government/leader(s), who arrange for a HS2 system to tear up and destroy. The reason it is so easily steamrollered into play is the parochial mentality, which I abhor. This is my point.

  41. Le Fraud

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:38 #62532

    Wenger's reaction to the banner was wonderful. It just proved what a classless, precious and overpaid busted flush he truly is. He really hates criticism and is a dictator living in an ivory tower, still dining off the Invincibles (that was TEN years ago!). No top club would have kept him on beyond 2008. It's also nonsense to claim he built the stadium - he did not. The fans' money, and constructions firms did. Wenger is just a football manager, and a mediocre one at that. His response was exactly what I expected from an arrogant, classless money-grabbing fraud who knows he stopped being an elite manager as far back as 2008. Wenger is a millstone around our necks and the sooner the fans keep up the protests, the more chance he will spit out his dummy and leave.

  42. foxinthebox2001

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:37 #62530

    I wonder what he would have won had he inherited the back 4 he has left himself with recently.

  43. Alex

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:14 #62527

    foxinthebox2001 - I wonder how this clown managed to win anything in the first place. Looks like it was a complete fluke.

  44. foxinthebox2001

    Dec 03, 2014, 11:05 #62525

    With the signing of a half decent centre half (not a make shift fullback, and a good quality holding midfielder (not an ageing free transfer) we would most likely still been in the hunt for the title. Wenger declined to sgn neither and began September with 6 (six) defenders, that was his managerial call. Add those badly needed (for numerous) players and we have the nucleus of a title contending outfit. But only if we had a tactically aware coach, which we do not. Apart from every other mistake he has made over the past error strewn 7 seasons just look at the recent Swansea game, you have Wenger pefectly encapsulated. Chambers is getting mugged through out the game from minute 1, right up to their 2nd half winner. Does Wenger replace him with Belerin? No. Does he get him help from other right sided players? No. He just stands and quietly watches as the inevitable happens. Face up to it, the man is a clown, 2 years to win a title? he wouldn't manage it in 20 years.

  45. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:57 #62524

    "Griping about our own little corner and allowing the same symptoms to continue just around the corner means nothing much will alter." As you would expect, Badarse, I disagree. In terms of broader society, thinking and acting locally, then networking with other localities, is a way of addressing issues arising out of globalisation. Similarly in football, addressing our 'corner' - namely, Arsenal - and the out of touch, arrogant, dismissive manager and other figures, is the place to start.

  46. reality

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:56 #62523

    If he had made the right moves with defenders, goalkeeper in clsoe season i think wed all be alot happier and the team would have definitely been stronger. teh midfield is stressed as the goals leak in this year too easily. it deflates the rest of the team went they keep seeing the back door so easily opened up. it was a miscalculation to not strengthen at the back

  47. Badarse

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:46 #62522

    Well Bard, we go around again, I guess. As far as protests are concerned I am generally at the front of the queue when it is something I see as fitting, and there are so many choices! This one I didn't support, but would insist on anyone's right to do so. However I can understand the anger at having a voice silenced, that is a 'no-no' on most occasions. Sadly there are so many loopholes that the authorities can slither through nowadays, safety issues, security, offence likely taken for this, that's in bad taste, upsetting this group, and of course the puppet masters behind the curtain pulling their manipulative strings. I suppose it may have caused a reaction which could be considered a possible danger, however we exist in a society of 'jobsworths' nowadays and it's an opportunity for a head man, (probably dressed in a suit with an ear piece plugged into the near vicinity of what passes for a brain), play acting his CIA man routine, instructing and directing as if an attack on the president was imminent. To these people it probably was. For these banners to be effective they usually just need to be unfurled and displayed, and then the point is made even if they are torn down immediately after. So, desire achieved. The public relations of AW and the club, whether in PHW's words or as a disembodied cold statement do nothing for harmony, as you quite rightly alluded to. It saddens me, and your imagined alternative statement was so much more fan-friendly, but those days are gone my friend. Society is like a colander, plug up one hole by forcing a sensible approach, whilst meanwhile all the water is pouring out of the others. AFC are a business, we agree on that, a successful one too, those who demand only an A-Side song, and have allowed life to vanish up it's own B-Side, are responsible for the deep-seated problems of the environment we exist within. Griping about our own little corner and allowing the same symptoms to continue just around the corner means nothing much will alter. As Greg Lake said in ending my favourite Xmas Song, 'I Believe in Father Xmas', "We get the Xmas we deserve!"

  48. Alex

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:46 #62521

    Wenger is a disgrace of a man. If he had any decency he would have resigned 5 years ago. I despise him. He is the worst thing to happen to Arsenal. I wish he never joined us. Come on Southampton humiliate this old fool.

  49. TJ

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:45 #62520

    Completely agree Alsace, the AKBs just want Wenger to stay in charge and are preventing us from making a positive change for this club. They don't realise that while they bow to Wenger for achieving just 4th place that we could start to see another exodus of stars who are fed up with not winning trophies. Sadly we will only continue to see the same while this man is in charge, while Chelsea, United and City are all improving each year now.

  50. Unchives

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:43 #62519

    You obviously haven't been to the AST Q/A meetings with the CEO, Gazidis, he finish with similar words that you suggest Wenger should say, every season on Wenger's & Arsenals behalf. However the same thing keeps on happening. Go to the AST site and watch the Q/A Vids.He(Gazidis) also stated that they have full confidence in Arsene Wenger, however he also stated that the only people that can ultimately decide his fate is the Fans!......now we know what we have to do...its started already.

  51. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:35 #62518

    Bard - your last paragraph is a much better way of describing the situation but it would involve Wenger and the Board being honest, something they don't know how to be. All Wenger and the Board care about is keeping the Gravy Train on the rails. I fear that the next couple of years at Arsenal are going to be very unpleasant.

  52. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Dec 03, 2014, 10:19 #62516

    I'm afraid I think about this stuff a lot and probably too much. Even when Liverpool were dominant in the 70's and 80's, we still had a good defence and were capable of overturning the dominant clubs-occasionally. We were the best club in London (generally)by miles. Now we are Chelsea, Manchester United's and Manchester City's "bitches". We might soon become Everton's Southampton's and Swansea's too. The Board think that it is entertaining to watch a successful business model. It isn't. Getting rid of Wenger is the same as regaining our self respect. We need to do the thing that they don't want to happen - overt criticism. The board and the AKB's have and feel no self respect for Arsenal Football Club. They care only about cash and the preservation of the Manager.