Alexis Saves The Day

Online Ed: Late show v Southampton

Alexis Saves The Day

It’s a results game. And after the sequence of Anderlecht at home, Swansea away and Manchester United at home, Arsenal have won three on the bounce, all without conceding a goal. Laurent Koscielny has played in the last two matches, with 1-0 scorelines. And what the hell, the Gunners have won a game against a team in the upper half of the table for the first time this season.

For a long time it looked like we might witness a 0-0. Southampton were organized and disciplined, and in fairness, so were Arsenal. Defensively, it was impressive to witness such a transformation. Why can’t the team always be this focused? Perhaps it helped that Ronald Koeman’s team seemed more intent on not losing than winning, meaning the number of chances they created were few. However, Emiliano Martinez in the Arsenal goal looked impressive and commanding, confident of dominating his area. I hope, if his promising displays continue, Wojciech Szczesny will not walk back into the side.

The home side continued knocking on the door with only sporadic impact. Two Welbeck chances before the interval was the total of credible attempts to score, although the Saints keeper Fraser Forster was in excellent form, and continued to thwart better opportunities in the second half.

Olivier Giroud’s entrance from the bench shortly after the hour perked things up a bit. Until that point, Arsenal’s attacking had been largely predictable and the Frenchman’s entry gave some variation. Crosses came in and troubled the opposition, a header from Giroud forcing a fantastic save. However, Welbeck had been on the pitch all match, almost scoring from a header in the first half. Why weren’t more crosses attempted? Why invariably the tika-taka round the edge of the box that eventually comes to nothing?

Still, in the end, pressure told. How much of a factor Southampton having to play with ten men was in the goal we will never know. A decent number of people had made an early exit before Alexis’ goal. Those with more patience, or without an urgent train to catch, were rewarded.

As a game it was pretty forgettable, but the three points were very welcome and will have eased the pressure that was building on the manager, at least until the next pair of poor results. It does look like the team are playing with greater focus and awareness of the defensive side of their game. Why this couldn’t have been the case since the start of the season is a mystery. However, better late than never. From that basis, what needs to be developed is a little more imagination going forward. Until the opposition went down to ten men, frankly, Arsenal were quite easy to defend against. Is this a recovery in progress or the upside of an inconsistent Arsenal team? The matches against Stoke and Galatasaray will tell us which.

Finally, a quick plug for my co-author Alex Fynn, who will be doing a book signing session for our most recent publication, Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories at Waterstones bookshop in the Spires shopping centre in Barnet, from 12 noon this Sunday (7th December). Go along to meet the great man and get your books signed and personalized.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

The new issue of The Gooner with free 2015 Art of Arsenal calendar can be bought online here. It will also be on sale outside the stadium for the coming home matches v Newcastle and QPR, and away at Stoke.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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  1. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Dec 06, 2014, 17:09 #62722

    The Truth will out.

  2. Mike Collins

    Dec 06, 2014, 15:52 #62706

    I know it isn't the right place for this... but we're 3-0 down at half-time to Stoke. See my post above and come on you Gunners.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 13:01 #62699

    Ron, a couple of great posts, or a wrighty waiting around a corner in the tunnel with fist closed then bang, but as you say no bottle today.

  4. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2014, 11:02 #62698

    Yes Ron it does seem as though some sides see us as being an easy touch .I though , you will not be surprised to learn , put this down to our manager and his comments about other teams playing anti-football and what have you. Sir Red Nose had a similar set of players to Wenger in the last few seasons of his career ,but he never stood for any kicking his side off the park. Not that he was averse at one time to doing so to others of course when he had a more shall we say physical set of stooges. Actually I thought we were rather brutal the other night our selves against Saints with some nasty tackles that left a couple of their key players limping and having to go off. Committed by the unlikely duo of Ramsey and Santi ,hardly Peter Storey like these diminutive pair ,but as they say,they got the job done.

  5. Ron

    Dec 06, 2014, 8:23 #62693

    Jeff - it was Dan Smith at Sunderland who nailed Diaby. Shawcross did Ramsey. Far be it for me to defend Shawcross, but even he cant be blamed for everything. Oohh just to get on a pitch with Shawcross and pay him back with interest and then take 'red' without questioning it! Mouth watering idea, yet we ve never once it seems had a player in wengerland whos ever even considered it, or more like maybe has never been allowed to consider it.Peter Storey would have made it his career mission to do it and in fact, as was his way, would have waited for him to arrive and told him pre match he was going to do it.

  6. Ron

    Dec 06, 2014, 8:11 #62691

    Hi Bard - that's a great post you've put on there. Football is absolutely that. Its a team sport which is so unique that the teams least talented player, in terms of skill and technique can actually be its most important player due to his sheer force of personality, graft ethic and maybe captaincy with perhaps positional ability etc. On the other hand a teams equally most vital player can be one with such sublime skills that he doesn't need to be a regular starter. As you say, the mix of aggression, laid back and extrovert personalities are needed in a team, the alchemy as you say. I think Wengers natural snobbery doesn't allow him to cope or cater for a mix such types. His control freak persona wouldnt trust it as by definition, it means there would be players with opinions and as such players who could influence others against him. Look at the squads hes assembled now for years. Full of unquestioning, straight laced, uncontroversial, quiet and compliant lads. You've hit the nail on the head where you suggest that he looks for 'pure' football and pure personalities in his teams. It really is cloud cuckoo land, almost a scientific experiemnt stuff. Its not at all surprising that other teams know how to get at them and ruffle them. They know there wont be any pay back, they know a game wont ever convert to a 'war'. they know that such players can be bullied. The problem that the Clubs got is that the whole squad and the entire Club has bought into it for so long, This is his 'philosophy' thing that so annoys me. Its put the Club into a wengerland straitjacket and there's nobody there to shake it free or even stand up and question it, such is the grip on the place that Wengers tentacles have. Hes been very clever to ensure that hes staffed the Club with these types. So many of these quiet unquestioning players are actually at a Club with the trappings of a Club where they really shouldnt be at. Their abilities are more suited to middle tier Clubs, yet here they are, in wengerland and their grateful for the rewards that they otherwise wouldn't be getting hence they don't question it, preferring just to acquiesce.The better ones have to privately aspire to better things and eventually find it by using wengerland as their shop window from which to wriggle free. Its almost like an institution akin to the 1960s prog, 'The Prisoner', except at Arsenal there's no Patrick McGoohans 'No 7'. The glue still holding it together is that the fans and i mean ALL of us some years ago were duped into buying it. How many of us can say we ve never condemned Bolton and Blackburn et al as filthy brutes? How many of us can say we ve never shouted 'unfair' from the roof tops? How many of us can say we didnt have faith in project youth for a while? How many of us can say we disnt choose to detest Fergie and Jose Mourinho just because Wenger detested them? The fact is that ALL of us are partly to blame for allowing the Club to become what it is. Similarly,all of us now are now responsible for changing it and humanizing the Club again.How do we do it? Stop going. Stop buying the merchandise. Stop paying into a membership scheme that traps us. Demand change, support the guy with the banner, get more banners. Wenger and this Board need ousting, the whole job lot of the cretinous parasites. Once there was a football Club over there, there still might be. COYG.

  7. Mike Collins

    Dec 05, 2014, 20:42 #62686

    This thread almost spun out now - but Stoke await in less than 24 hours. Promises of PL glory in three years or less hang on this sort of game; I'd like to see something like Man City's destruction of Saints and Sunderland, or Chelsea's mullering of dear old Spurs, to back this up. I'd also like to see Ramsey back on track (as some have noted here in the past few days) or I reckon it's curtains for the Welshman. Prove us wrong, Aaron. Oh, if you want a bit of old-style Gooner passion (it it's allowed these days) - I hate Stoke and everything about them for obvious historical reasons. C'mon Arsenal!

  8. jeff wright

    Dec 05, 2014, 20:04 #62685

    Wener's comments on Diaby being given another contact , if he is fit at the end of this term, Wenger sounded very peeved and defensive when asked about this , sums Wenger up perfectly in his management or non-management. How on earth , or anywhere else , can it possibly be proven that Diaby will stay fit if he passes the club medical check? These checks have failed in the past on Diaby ,it was claimed before the start of this season, and during ones before, that he was fit only for him to later,or shortly after even, break down with a succession of different problems to various parts of his very injury prone anatomy. Diaby should have been dispensed with years ago ,he is a waste of space and money that could have been used to better advantage elsewhere . Wenger though knows best ( yawn) and some wonder why so many of us have had enough of him and his bizarre management. It's also a fact that the Shawcross inflicted injury had nothing to do with the later muscular problems that Abu suffered from and that seem to be rather prevalent in Wenger's squad, with various theories being offered up as to why this is. Mertesacker recently put it down to the training regime ,something that others have also suggested .There is the way that Wenger asks players to perform that involves a lot of twisting and turning that can cause problems in joints and muscles that is also claimed to be a part of the malaise that makes the medical treatment room at AFC resemble an hospital ward Not that these points of course prevent Wenger and his AKB from using injuries for excuses every season to try and explain away poor results .Wenger was at it again recently citing injuries and would you Adam and Eve it ,the World Cup impacting on pre-season training ! You really could not make it up.

  9. Bard

    Dec 05, 2014, 17:58 #62680

    Ron its an interesting debate to my mind. Good teams are a complex mix of the skilful, the not so skilful, the angry and the sanguine. Its the art of alchemy as much as it is about tactics. Brian Clough comes to mind as the arch alchemist and Fergie in his later years. its where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Wenger seems not to be much of an alchemist, the flaw is that he believes he is 'entitled' to play the way he wants and that any team that has the audacity to challenge is it is somehow spoiling the show, hence his endless rant about injustices. He also seems to believe the opposite and that a team packed with the same type of players will bring success. The Barca model as a blueprint was flawed as a concept because it didnt factor in that Messi and Iniesta could play in any system. Iniesta could provide the passes and 50 goal a season Messi could provide the firepower. I don't think you can become a alchemist, you either have or you don't.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 05, 2014, 17:30 #62677

    Tony Evans, and no doubt those dancing, whooping, and celebrating the most at our first piece of silverware under Usmanov would be all the holier than thou types.

  11. Ron

    Dec 05, 2014, 16:57 #62675

    Same as you Bard. We could finish 17th but if i thought we scrapped battled and fought to the man, id live with it OK. We ve been mid table when i started as a kid, lived through the days when Tottenham and Chelsea used beat us for fun and i could live with it again. Theres no pride in this team. Its partly the way the games gone. Foreign mercenaries just in it for the money in the main.Arsenal has little to no link with London or London players anymore. Im not xenophobic by any means, but the Clubs crying out for a Charlie George or two and a smattering of Kenny Sansomes / Jon Sammels's here and there. Much of Utd s dominance was borne of 4/5 mancs scrapping for each other.

  12. Bard

    Dec 05, 2014, 16:43 #62674

    As usual there are some really good posts on here. We get stuck discussing old arguments or variations of. I don't think the split fan base has anything to do with the club not winning trophies, lack of tactical nous or that we don't splash the cash. My view is that a sizeable number of us are fed up with the fact that we roll over as soon as we play anyone decent. We regularly get thrashed by the top club and we cave in as soon as the going gets tough Bradford, Birmingham come to mind. If Wenger was capable of putting out sides that fought to the death I could forgive all the other stuff. I am please we've had a good little run but until I see them properly go to war against Chelsea, City. Man U away. Liverpool away, Im afraid its the same old same old. Those with short memories remember the days when we were better than Untd, what did Fergie did was put out sides that tried to kick us to death. I don't condone it but at least he he didnt roll over. Its the pride thats gone, you have to fight for the right to play and we don't. if Wenger could show he has been able install it into a team I would back him.

  13. Tony Evans

    Dec 05, 2014, 16:02 #62671

    Ron - I used to feel proud that Arsenal were above all that foreign cash malarky, but now I think so what. Would it be that terrible for us go down the Chelsea and City route? I've never liked the Chavs, but I can't help feeling pleased for the blue half of Manchester that they finally have toppled Man U from their perch.

  14. Ron

    Dec 05, 2014, 15:38 #62670

    Tony - absolutely mate. I differ with you here though mate (it had to happen didn't it). I certainly wouldn't trust Wengers choice of players under an owner as you mention. To be honest, neither would the owner in my view. A new Coach would be the first thing in situ if AU did take over.

  15. Unchives

    Dec 05, 2014, 15:30 #62669

    Just listened to Wenger's Press Conference, pre Stoke. Asked if Diaby will be offered a new contract, since he has entered the last season of his current deal....HE SAID YES, IF FIT...the boy was born injured! YOU COULDN'T MAKE IT UP!

  16. Tony Evans

    Dec 05, 2014, 15:22 #62668

    The 'Abramovitch' effect for want of a better way of describing it makes for an interesting debate. I do not understand all these holier than thou types proclaiming they are glad that Arsenal are such a shining example to those awful clubs funded by billionaires. What as fans do we get out of it? I just don't get it. I would be dancing on the roof tops if Usmanov took over and started splashing the cash. The old adage if you can't beat 'em, join 'em has never been more apt. Whether I would trust Wenger to spend it wisely is another matter!

  17. AMG

    Dec 05, 2014, 14:51 #62666

    Well said Mark! Haven't you got a bridge to guard JAMIE? All of the clubs you mentioned are big corporate entities these days, same as Arsenal, all rip off their fans - The difference with those other clubs is they actually deliver some degree of success for their fans to share in and enjoy (though I do love the annual 4th place trophy parade as much as the next man). We need fans on the board, look at the German model which generates such fan engagement and some decent teams too - Bayern don't cost a fortune to watch and they seem to be able to take us apart pretty easily each year.

  18. Ron

    Dec 05, 2014, 14:17 #62664

    Jamie - not yr best effort mate. City arent a one mans plaything and yr take on the perceptions of others on those clubs and yr 'understanding' of them is boll--cks. Im being kind saying it too. Pop to East Manchester and ask the locals what it was like before City s revolution in 2007/08 and take a look see now.It amazing what they've done. Arsenal for all their rip off of the punters in the last decade and money grabbing fleecing culture have stuck a few ugly flats up in their area and are still bellyaching about upgrading a rubbish little tube station. Take heed what Mark has just told you too.

  19. mark from aylesbury

    Dec 05, 2014, 13:31 #62662

    I would say we are the smallest big club in the world. As a general point I don't care if Barcelona are run by gangsters (They are not) though the Spanish government has long seen the benefit of dual club giants to head off simmering regional tensions. Nor do I care if Man UTD are phoney (They are not) they have had a massive history just as ourselves. What I hate is the the present Arsenal Management Structure who undermine our ambitions by trying to alter the fanbase viewpoint so that we desire financial security above all else. Of course this is their financial security, not ours. If all they offer is "look how financially secure we are"" then we may as well support a supermarket like Lidl because at least we can invest in their successful challenge to topple Tesco's whoop whoop and make a few bob on the shares along the way. Personally I like the odd bit of glory and the club can make a £1 profit and feel good about itself. This worked perfectly well in the past and as we are a private entity and therefore have no need to produce escalating profits for shareholders should be the way forward.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 05, 2014, 13:29 #62661

    Alex, I'd say the first requirement for OGL above all else and the first box that has to be ticked when signing a player is that he doesn't question, answer back, and does what he's told regardless, if a player has those attributes he's well on his way, and any that does slip through they don't last long (it would explain a lot)and Exactly the same goes for the coaching staff and back room staff and why we have had the same tired old faces and set up for years and years now.

  21. Unchives

    Dec 05, 2014, 13:14 #62660

    @ Jamie, FIFA, the world body are corrupt,we know, yet England still enter their competitions. UEFA are not too far behind,& we enter their competitions, shall we just disband then, as the purer then pure. Less then 1% of the population have 75% of the wealth and control.Its their road or the high road.There £60 million unaccounted for in Arsenal Finances as "Other", they don't have to declare or be transparent on. Get real Jamie, we are being screwed.

  22. jeff wright

    Dec 05, 2014, 13:09 #62659

    GR, I have already resigned myself to Wenger staying to see out his contract,if he gets 4th again this season in the Prem. My comments on the Euro games are only concerned with that tournament,I don't try and link them to Prem ones unless someone else is doing so as with the 3 wins and 3 clean sheets claims that are now being put forth for our latest results. It's actually one defeat and 2 wins in the last 3 Prem games,which to me is more reflective of our current situation with our next 2 away games at Stoke and Liverpool. As I said before I will wait and see how we do defensively in those tete a tete's before awarding Arsene my manager of the month award and not for beating West Brom and Saints . We were favs to win those games and both those sides had lost their early season form before we played them. I expected us to win those games and to get at least a draw at home v United,I was disappointed though to see us lose to them . So I will keep a watching brief on the two next away games and see what transpires. My comments will be based solely on the performances and results,what happens in Europe is irrelevant to this.

  23. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 05, 2014, 13:02 #62658

    I think a key difference is how much each side 'likes' the manager. The 'Badarse' figure sees what the 'Ron' figure sees, but think it's worth it have the guy he likes and respects so much carry on. Whereas the 'Ron' is more pragmatic: sees issues never resolved, sees the manager has evidently hit a glass ceiling, so thinks it's time someone else had a go.

  24. JAMIE

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:57 #62657

    Unchives.Chelsea and City are just one mans playthings who are generally despised worldwide and their achievements are looked on with no real admiration.Manure are a phoney entity who gained huge support from an aircraft tragedy.While Barcelona and Real Madrid are both leeches on their local economies run by gangsters.Why do you want us to be like those clubs.

  25. Ron

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:56 #62656

    Alex - no mate. Idiots is a bit strong. It tells us that the players know their own limitations and know theyre privileged just to be at a Club like Afc playing to the level they do. They wont make waves. Theyre at the pinnacle of their careers. The top players we have created in the past just leave us, as they know the culture of the Club isnt conducive to doing better. We are a breeding ground for other bigger Clubs really, just as many other Clubs are. Its harder for us Arsenal fans to accept than them though due to our traditions, esp when we know that to a great degree its been a matter of the Clubs own choice to be that way.In sport, maybe like no other profession mate, players know who the top ones are and they know when theyre not in the same bracket. A lot of these players we ve got today wdt have been looked at as good enough in Terry Neills day even. Its a sign of the times. Players of ordinary ability populate Clubs like Arsenal and get hyped up to be better than they are. Years ago they d have been at The Toon and Sheffield Wed type Clubs.

  26. gn23

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:55 #62655

    Arsene...'we will give diaby a new contract if he proves his fitness..'..what about the last 8 years, proof enough??!!

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:50 #62654

    Ron, I've never seen anything like it especially for a keeper as bad as the waiter and flappy were theirs was every which way but loose (a bit like they're displays)he must spend hours on his hair and like I said it's never out of place before or after he must even get the spray and the gel out at half time, what kind of a Nancy boy is he? aren't keepers meant to fling themselves around all over the place going down at forwards feet. JL never worried about his or Big dave he just stuck it in a pony tail, a bit silly I suppose as he got older but he never worried about it getting tattered (and if it's ok for Gerry francis), or mad lens where would you even start with his.I wonder what mr selfie would do and how he'd react if players starting running their fingers through it at every opportunity, a bit like they used to always turn down cantona's up turned collar, he's probably run of the pitch and fix it.

  28. peter hughes

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:50 #62653

    We had been slowly turning up the pressure 15 mins before they were reduced to 10 men.The pressing game they played took its toll & they tired.Wenger made two great sub's at the right time.Surely credit where credit is due as he gets flack when he does not make a change.Ox was clearly carrying an injury & had started to fade,that was why he came off.Podolski had a point to prove & certainly helped put pressure on Southampton. If he played like that all the time he would be a regular.That he has not in the past means he is used as a late impact sub when chasing a late win.He is more dangerous when the opposition tire & is probably our most powerful accurate shooter.We are also seeing that Giroud is a better player then he is given credit for.He gives us a different option up front which ultimately gave us victory.Ramsey is out form but never hides.Soon as a player looses form instead of supporting them we get on their back.He will regain form despite this.Of course he put the winner on a plate.we thoroughly deserved the win.Our position does not reflect at the moment but I genuinely believe we are only playing catch up with city & chelski.They have had a head start in the financial stakes & now that we are finally catching up I understand the frustration fans are displaying.We did expect to challenge this season so the disappointment is obvious.I am in the camp that believes he deserves a couple more years after over seeing the stadium change & subsequent financial restraints & then leaves even if win the league.

  29. Ron

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:45 #62652

    Baddie lad. Always respect we all deal with whatever in our own heads mate. We all get equally as fussy, thorny and impatient with each other at times too dont we. It leads to the odd spat like in a family. On here its a bit like a virtual dysfunctional family after all these years. Look at you and EG the other day, hammer and tongs yet you still loved each other at the end. All good stuff mate. We do miss each other when we stay away, hence the crafty jokes at you and your strops and disappearances buddy!!! Ha. Its all fun really but typing can often make stuff sound worse. I can recall the fuss over Viv the spend mate. I was about 7 i reckon! Im out with my own modern day version of Ms (not a Mrs R, just a Partner) Spend tomorrow, shes more into the Xmas thing than me, but it still costs.

  30. Anti-Wenger

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:35 #62651

    I don't understand what is there to enjoy in getting into the UCL when we know we're getting eliminated in the 1st KO round. From next season, we'll no longer be able to get past the group stages, as we're about to lose our automatic 'POT 1' slot that has saved us from being drawn with more than one decent opponent in the same group.

  31. GoonerRon

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:34 #62650

    @ Jeff - you may choose to ignore the Dortmund result (I'm sure you didn't ignore the reverse fixture when we were comprehensively beaten) but in the context of our more recent form it was a key result that marked the start of our tactical adjustment. You say Flamini is useless (a bit harsh) although I do agree his is found wanting against the top sides, but he has been effective in the last few games, highlighted by the low amount of shots our keeper has had to deal with recently. Yes, we only scored after they went down to 10 but the introduction of Giroud had already changed the dynamic of the game 25 minutes earlier and their keeper was already man of the match well before we scored. As I keep saying, all isn't perfect but I'm glad I can recognise when some things do go well. For all his faults (and there are plenty), Wenger is often accused of stubbornness, no tactical planning and an inability to change the game with substitutions - well, all of these things he has demonstrated in our recent performances. Still plenty of time to go but rather than continue to whinge about him getting the sack (which isn't going to happen), I'd prefer to focus on the positives.

  32. Unchives

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:31 #62649

    @ Hi Berry, If you look at the successful teams, Man City, Chelsea, Man Utd.....Barcelona, Real Madrid, they don't chase competition money, in fact if you calculate how much they have spent, it far outweighs any competition money coming in, the largest income is from sponsorship, which rises through success. If this was Wenger's response, there lies the problem, its just about money.

  33. Lord Froth

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:30 #62648

    Alex, I like you hope that Sanchez and Ozil go to other top teams as soon as possible, preferably January. I also think that the rest of the squad should too. Also, the ground and backroom staff and everyone working in the Armoury. Then I can get a game. (thumb-up)

  34. Alex

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:29 #62647

    You know I wonder how the players let Wenger get away with all this. If I was a player under Wenger I would be questioning him and demanding him to change his gungo ho approach to actually let the team have chance. I'm shocked how the player haven't lost confidence in him. Any other club if Wenger had done this the placers would have turned on him and he would have been sacked. The fact that this hasn't happened yet tells that the players are a bunch of idiots.

  35. Badarse

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:17 #62646

    Ha ha Ron, spend like there is no tomorrow fella, one day there won't be. Just a thought to chew over, what if I feel parity with you on the limitations of some of the players, for that matter, the club, the management, but just deal with them differently in my own head? Mmm. 'Spend! Spend! Spend!' Viv Nicholson, remember her? The big 'pools' winner. Go to it Ron!

  36. Alex

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:10 #62645

    Ron - Look at how much United had to spend to overhaul to just get back in top 4 and will have to spend to more to get themselves back to being a top club again. I'm pretty sure Kroenke and the board will not invest what would be required to get us to being a top club again. Rather see them get a yes man who won't demand much and will just be happy to be managing Arsenal and look at top 4 as their aims.

  37. Ron

    Dec 05, 2014, 12:01 #62644

    Ha baddie - you mad bugger! Best to Mrs B from me mate. I get yr point too. Im just more naffed off with all of the bland Walcott types we ve persisted with for so long than you are really i suppose. My reckoning is that we ve a squad full of players like him who are all like clones of one another. So tiresome and so unproductive too.Anyway, as you say its Xmas. I m out to blow some cash tomorrow as it happens. Its always nice doing it.

  38. Badarse

    Dec 05, 2014, 11:52 #62643

    Morning Ron, busy time of the year for me, what with checking out the children's lists of who has been 'naughty or nice', making sure the elves keep hammering away with their little wooden mallets-even when they are just banging them on the tables, lacing Rudolph's morning oats with Glenfiddich '50 year old special', just to keep his shiny red nose in line with Ferguson's, ho ho ho. I get what you are saying but it has nothing to do with matches attended, sentimentality, harshness of judgement, or even which colour socks I'm wearing, (one red, one yellow-have an identical pair upstairs in the drawer). I recognise for instance that you don't rate Walcott, me neither as you know, however I see no need to keep reminding others of this simplistic view. I still support the lad, as I would you if you took to the field wearing our colours. I think I recognise his limitations, yet I also see his strengths, what he sometimes brings to the side, I wish him well, and see nothing in disparaging him, nor the side after a good win. Excuse me, Missus Claus, er, Missus Badarse, has strayed beneath the mistletoe and those lips, wow, if you appreciate red wine, her's tastes like a fine casked rioja.

  39. KC

    Dec 05, 2014, 11:48 #62642

    I try and be honest and fair when making comments just based on what I watch. My biggest frustration is the penny pinching obsession of our manager that means players like Flamini and Arteta are utilised to play in key positions even though one is not a holding midfielder and the other is simply not good enough (Ron yes Flamini never was or is top quality very frustrating he could not make our 1st 11 in his prime but can at 30+). this weakness, this lack of protection to our back four which includes Pers who again is not good enough never gets recognised or rectified by our manager and in my opinion until it does we can never win the major trophies. It is for this reason alone I want change, its the realisation that Wenger can not, will not change, the requirement of a top drawer holding midfielder and CB were so obvious in the summer and only a deluded or super stubborn manager can not see it. This squad is not far away but its miles without the key defensive personnel.

  40. Hi Berry

    Dec 05, 2014, 11:14 #62641

    Culled from a recent internet article: 'Arsene's argument is "I bring in £30m every season because we reach the second round of the Champions League. It's serious money. How much money do you get for winning the FA Cup? £1.5m"'

  41. Ron

    Dec 05, 2014, 10:28 #62640

    Badarse - A win is a win as you say. In context of everything Arsenal right now, its just a pin prick in comparison to whats wrong there. Not sure why you feel the need to be precious and protective to players earning multi millions though.The comments about the players have been made many times by many fans win lose or draw and they are critical but only to the extent to say that nearly all of them are simply not good enough to stage a campaign for the top trophies. The comments about the players might seem harsh to you but to us who make them, they're brutally honest. The club is stacked full of players who are 2nd and some times 3rd tier players who wdt ever get a game at such as Chelsee Utd or City and more arguably at Clubs like Liverpool and Everton either. Its each to their own choices and opinions though. Im not sure how many matches you attend now or have attended in the last 10 years, but if its not too many, i would say to you that the TV doesn't give you a picture of a players abilities, live match or not. Its my view that such as Cazorla, Flamini, Ramsey, Ozil and Jack Wilshere wont ever together form the middle of a title winning team. To a top Coach going there in an ideal World i think he d keep Sanchez and Chamberlain, possibly Chambers. Right now Sanchez is in the 'shop window' as one poster said earlier, hence his gut busting performances. Even he, though very good right now, is far from Aguero class in my view.Arsenal are a reasonable team on a good day in a poorish league. To suggest otherwise is to sentimentally kid yourself. You know a good Arsenal side when you see one mate, this ones far from it.

  42. Unchives

    Dec 05, 2014, 9:34 #62639

    @ Jamie, I used to go with a group of mates every week, indeed I moved a large group of us from Highbury to the Emirates, ive been going for 40 years, however we gave up our tickets 4 seasons ago, not because of the football, but Arsene passes chance after chance to win everything.Some mistakes are beyond redemption.I have played, coached & managed,so I think I understand the game well enough, some mistakes are unforgivable by him. We have our jokes on here but really its not funny.

  43. JAMIE

    Dec 05, 2014, 9:08 #62638

    Those banner holders look more like students to me Unchives.It's the new wob army who are the stepford's.Middle class oiks who if they don't get their way refuse to attend.

  44. Bard

    Dec 05, 2014, 8:36 #62637

    GoonerRon. i agree there has been a better balance in the last 2 games and we do look a little more solid. To that extent i am pleased. But questions need to be asked about why it has taken this long to sort out. It was blindingly obvious to all those who have never worked a day in football. The other point i would make is that although I am pleased we can beat the likes of West Brom and Soton, I want us to be giving the top teams a run for their money. thats what top teams do and if they can't they do something about it. It is less of a concern for me that we don't win anything but more we can't give the top teams a game and haven't done for years, thats the biggest indictment of Wenger.

  45. Tony Evans

    Dec 05, 2014, 8:34 #62636

    Bard - I hope you are right about Sanchez staying put; we just need a few more world class players to sort the defence out. Wenger short-changes our defensive line up, season after season, and acts as if a world class DM, GK and CB are a waste of money. You would have thought the penny would have dropped by now that it would be money well spent.

  46. DW Thomas

    Dec 05, 2014, 2:07 #62635

    Decent win, nothing to write home about. Ramsey again is terrible. A trier, sure, but take him out and let Jack play when he is fit. Jack does well with England, why not with Arsenal? Think we all know. Sanchez is awesome, a true top top player. Mostly because his work ethic, but he is pure class. Been a revelation and haven't had a player like him since Henry left. Still Wenger will f..k it up eventually. Always does. Either through lack of buying needed players or just tactical naïveté. Agree on Martinez, a quiet leader by example. Seems assured. Good to see Alsace and Joe Fitz back. This group on here has been great to banter with and even King Muppet Jamie is tolerable with other good posts. Lets keep the pressure on the club and manager. Change will have a chance. Otherwise it is more stagnancy than a bog. His most recent comments regarding winning the title in 2 years is more proof positive his star has faded.

  47. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 05, 2014, 0:00 #62634

    Danny, No.

  48. Danny

    Dec 04, 2014, 23:53 #62633

    we got lucky. Southampton did a good away job on us until toby whats his name got injured. Roland Koeman has done fantastic to a team he only assembled this year after selling 5-6 players Wenger has done **** all in the last 9 years. Can't the AKBs see this.

  49. Badarse

    Dec 04, 2014, 23:35 #62632

    Gentlemen, I understand the argument in favour of relinquishing Arsene's reign, however why is there the necessity to belittle and denigrate the team when they have secured a victory. A win I might add against a very fair side, a side who came to defend, to force a draw, and which would have dented an already fragile team-belief, had it been secured. That fragility isn't helped by media-fuelled negativity, and perhaps much could be laid at the door of all Arsenal knockers, whether claiming to be a fan, or an adversary, the result amounts to the same thing. Good evening radfordkennedy, I was at that Boxing Day Southampton game in 1970; I have mentioned it before, a while ago. Snow-covered pitch, we played in red shorts, they played in plain orange shirts and black shorts. Ron Davies was their aerial threat, but Frank McLintock snuffed him out in the entire game. I stood, stamping my feet on the North Bank, practising for when a Sour was prostrate before me on the terraces-(only kidding),taking slugs from my hip flask to keep me warm. Hour drive there, two and half hours in the stadium, hour home, fight through the crush and crowd, all for a 0-0 draw, but on the upside, a magical memory from which I am still getting mileage. Good old Arsenal.

  50. jeff wright

    Dec 04, 2014, 23:32 #62631

    GR, yes there is less gung-ho about the way we are going about our business due to the circumstances that Wenger's former approach resulted in our worst start to a season since Bilko was the late night offering on the BBC. I suggest though that we wait and see how we fare against better opposition than West Brum and Southampton at home. I never take notice of Euro results regarding Prem form. Southampton forced us to defend deeper by their tactics and it was only at the death when they were down to 10 men that we finally scored. The lack of pace with Monreal and Mertesacker was again evident and Ramsey has morphed back to his old self in midfield. Flim Flam is useless . We may well ,as usual, collect points off the lesser sides,and Saints are one of those despite their lofty position,they don't have the strength in depth to compete over a season with us and Liverpool for 4th spot. Let's see how we get on at Anfield because that is a crunch game and stands out just as the United one did when looking at the forthcoming fixtures . The current side is very ordinary only Sanchez stands out in it.We even have some eulogising over our new GK who is not actuakly doing anything out of the ordinary,but is showing up Chesnay for the poor keeper that in reality he is.

  51. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 04, 2014, 23:23 #62630

    There was talk of mad Lens coming back in some sort of a keeper coach role not sure if that would be a good thing or not but would much prefer him over Peyton, maybe because he wouldn't be a yes man and have an opinion put paid to that. I would love to see big Dave back I reckon he would make a great coach having been coached by bob Wilson himself, it's a bloody waste and a disgrace he's not, he has/would have so much to offer young keepers. I think there was some problem with his badges he just wanted to be a keeper coach and do his keeper badges and nothing else, but had to do his outfield badges first, but wasn't prepared to do that, ridiculous, typical FA. But it didn't stop other players coaching top clubs in the past, surely some position could have been found for him even in an advisory capacity like I've said he'd have so much to offer. But maybe he'd be a bigger name than OGL and to much of a fans favourite and be a hit and that would just never do.

  52. Ron

    Dec 04, 2014, 22:52 #62629

    KC - I'm not sure Flamini ever made the 'top level', he just had the right passport and got picked for Arsenal. Hes only ever been bench material at best, both in his first spell and this one. Hes a tryer at best, a headless chicken at worst. OK for games v teams who've nothing to play for at the seasons end or against really poor teams who offer little in the middle of the park. I dont like to be too unkind to young Ramsey as hes done fantastically well just to remain a pro footballer. He defied medical assumption didnt he. The truth is though, that hes not one for leading a top Clubs midfield either. Yes, he had that spell up to Xmas last year and then a little run towards the Seasons end but i suspect that was the zenith of his AFC career. Looks totally lost and devoid of any knowledge of the role hes supposed to play. Maybe hes a player who could thrive under a better Coach? Id like to think he could. Flamini is now what you get and what we ve always had.

  53. Ron

    Dec 04, 2014, 22:40 #62628

    MG - Ha. Mate, ive long thought the Szcezny hair is a plastic moulding stuck on his head too!It good for selfies though.

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 04, 2014, 22:26 #62627

    Joe Fitz, good to hear from you again there's certainly a hell of a lot better keeper coaches out there than Peyton he's not exactly at the top of the tree with the clubs he played for and honours won and didn't do much for Ireland (but when has that ever worried wenger) I haven't checked so not sure how long he's been with us now but obviously a wenger favourite, no doubt another yes man just like the rest of the coaching staff or he wouldn't be still there,(didn't he do a stint in Japan?) maybe he speaks the lingo and that's what swung it for him. I may be wrong but hadn't he some kind of hip or knee problems even a replacement some years back? if so not the best medical condition for a keeper coach. Our last three or four keepers all seemed to have potential (even the waiter at one stage)don't even mention flappy is it any coincidence they all turned out to be useless, not a hair out of place szczesny isn't far behind, lets hope Martinez doesn't end up the same.

  55. KC

    Dec 04, 2014, 22:02 #62626

    A win, a clean sheet but boy we look average at present. Not really sure we have played a really impressive game this season. Last night the weakness was Ramsey and Flamini, Ramseys distribution is often appalling although appreciate his hand in the goal. Flamini is well just finished at the top level. The poor defensive start had the writing on the wall when Wenger after being smashed at certain away games last season bleated on in pre season about the need to score more goals, he was in denial to the real weakness. Still I live in deluded hope that things will improve as the season continues and would still like to see Walcott, Ozil, Sanchez on the pitch at the same time.

  56. GoonerRon

    Dec 04, 2014, 21:48 #62625

    @ Jeff - surely you can see the distinction between our performance against Man U and our last three performances? The defensive balance in the team was off the scale of **** after Man U went ahead but has been far more controlled and disciplined in these last three games. I'm not saying all is perfect but I can certainly acknowledge a clear change in our approach. Surely there is always an element of relying on your keeper making saves or the opposition not taking their chances to achieve a clean sheet? We have conceded a total of 6 shots on target in those 3 games which suggests a solidity in our play.

  57. Unchives

    Dec 04, 2014, 21:48 #62624

    @ Jamie, you need to go on "Untold Arsenal" no criticism is allowed, or you will be censored. You are a "Stepford Fan" if you like, a Wenger Subordinate. Now run along, your master is calling, a banner needs taking down, Arsenal have just beaten a top four team!

  58. Hiccup

    Dec 04, 2014, 21:17 #62623

    Yes, bounds of passion on show from the crowd last night. Anyway, it's not about the passion. This is a results business and three points is all that mattered. Just gutted for Felipe. Skimping with his budget left him short last night. Where have we seen that before?

  59. JAMIE

    Dec 04, 2014, 20:49 #62622

    A lot of people on here would rather watch junk tv than Arsenal and would prefer we lost and our best players departed elsewhere.So why should we care what you passionless muppets think anyway.

  60. Hiccup

    Dec 04, 2014, 20:02 #62621

    Gave it the first half but to keep awake watched The Apprentice. The only downside to a good night was the firing of Team Sumit's Felipe, the Arsenal lawyer. Alan Sugar's had it in for him from day one. Just like the FA and the refs have had it in for Arsenal. Anyway, looks like we really have turned a corner this time. I ask for patience and to judge wenger in May 2017. We came through the 5 year plan, so a 3 year plan with a league title will be worth waiting for.

  61. Bard

    Dec 04, 2014, 20:01 #62620

    Tony Evans, Good post mate. Cant quite get my head around the idea that Sanchez will be off, where to? I dont see too many vacancies up front at the other top clubs. What is a bit of a shaker is what it means to have a world class player doing his stuff. He makes me realise how limited some of the others are.His attitude alone is head and shoulders above the others. The bloke is beast. Lets hope some of it rubs off on Wenger the others. Nothing game but pleased with the result. Am in agreement about the keeper, is Chezney better ?

  62. jeff wright

    Dec 04, 2014, 19:52 #62619

    I thought we made hard work of beating a side that City had toyed with at St Mary's only three days before when beating the Saintly ones 3-0 . It is a results game though but when it's just chasing a 4th place finish to put a bit more dosh in Silent Stan's bulging pockets then tbh I find it a bit tiresome ( yawn). Our next two aways are Stoke and a resurgent Liverpool ,we lost at both gaffs last season , so hopefully for the 4th place trophy hopes things will be better this time. Again I thought our clean sheet last night owed much to the poor finishing again of our opponents , as with the Germans and West Brum . We didn't get away with it against United though and that tells the story, the AKB's are already tryin to airbrush that defeat away by going on about 3 wins and clean sheets However, in reality it's just deja vu past seasons with busted flush Arsene,performing his well known illusion of appearing to manage a top team.In reality we are just a Europa Cup side and we have to beat another one in a play off every summer to win the big bucks TV cash for making up the numbers in the Champions League ( yawn .... snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... None of this of course prevents Lee KFC ,who when he watches West Brom thinks that they play in black and white stripes and also when Ivan said we are not signing Welbeck we should believe him instead of Sky Sports. Cuz dat is wot him a super duper uber fan do like. U couldnt make it up .I can't wait for the FAC to start ,at least it is a competition that we have a chance of winning, providing of course that we don't get any tricky ties away ,such as ,Chelsea,City,United. This is not being negative,but REALISTIC. Realism being something that the AKB's are not familiar with living in their parallel world where good runs of results always start after the last bad one and are claimed as a sign that after donkeys years of Kevin Keegan style gung-ho that Arsene has at last wised up and sussed the game out. We shall see because it's where we are in May that counts and that time is a long way away. My view is that Wenger will soon slip back into his old ways and that anyway he doesn't have the players to play stonewall with the big boys , they will put away the chances that the lesser sides spurn,as did Rooney and co when they had 3 had scored 2 from them.

  63. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Dec 04, 2014, 19:40 #62618

    maguiresbridge gooner - I agree, Gerry Peyton should be sacked and then maybe try to get Schmeichel or Seaman in as goalkeeping coach. I see potential in all 3 of our keepers but they need a top level coach to help them develop.

  64. Ken

    Dec 04, 2014, 19:12 #62617

    Gutted about the goal and the win but let's face it everyone knows deep down that Wenger will always get away with it as there are nowhere near enough clubs with even a quarter of our resources to ensure that a poor run of results is continued (performances are a different matter). Liverpool and Tottenham have so many problems that top 4 is nailed on by default again this season which means he'll definitely be here next year and then surely no-one believes that he would break the habit of a lifetime and walk away from his final season in club management. In any case, the last 3 games would have brought the many, many flip-floppers amongst our support back onside, I reckon a poll this morning would have at least 70% backing him again. Kev brilliant front cover of the new Gooner, you speak for those of us who ask not for guaranteed trophies, but merely hope, honesty and ambition instead of arrogant rhetoric and stagnation. Keep up the good work mate, and I join you in praying for our salvation.

  65. radfordkennedy

    Dec 04, 2014, 18:52 #62616

    regarding some of the comments on here about Sanchez,lets be honest here,he came to Arsenal with his eyes wide open and under no illusions about helping us to glory,he came here to put himself in the shop window,he couldnt get regular football at barca so AW offered him a way out.AW got a world class player for not outragous money safe in the knowledge that he will get double what he paid in a season or two.Sanchez gets to parade his talents and tout himself to the best clubs in the euro zone,everyones a winner.So lets enjoy his amazing talent while we can before he goes to win trophies with a truly ambitious club,im in no way denegrating AW for this it was a great bit of business,but i dont think anyone should run away with the idea that Sanchez will make the mural that wraps round the stadium.....incidently last night wasnt the first time ive seen a southampton keeper have the game of his career..boxing day 1970 anyone remember that game

  66. CT Gooner

    Dec 04, 2014, 18:45 #62615

    Could we please stop the "in-out" comments! I want Wenger out, no matter what happens this game or next, he's done IMO. We won, we played good defense, but we still lacked the clinical finish (part of which goes down to Foster fantastic performance). Let's not start pretending what a great result it is though... And Lee AFC, if you're not happy hearing the Southampton excuses, can you please make sure you call out our own manager the next time he bleats like a sheep. I don't disagree with your comment, just want to ensure you're not a hypocrite.

  67. Lee afc

    Dec 04, 2014, 18:00 #62614

    M.S.G....I's Wright.

  68. JAMIE

    Dec 04, 2014, 17:47 #62613

    So called fans wishing our best players away again.Alex you're a sad gimp of a man.

  69. maguiresbridge super gooner

    Dec 04, 2014, 17:04 #62611

    lee kfc, that aint my surname.

  70. Unchives

    Dec 04, 2014, 16:54 #62610

    @ lee afc, remember Man utd winning the league some while ago, and their second top scorer was own goals (12),you could consider that as immense luck or penetrative, direct football in the penalty box. I don't care how Arsenal win as long as they win, however our non penetrative, tika taka football, nearly failed again....its too hit & miss......for 8 years!

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 04, 2014, 16:50 #62609

    A lot of praise for young Martinez about, and quite rightly so, but remember who his coaches are, Gerry Peyton mustn't have got his claws in to him yet.

  72. lee afc

    Dec 04, 2014, 16:43 #62608

    good to see the negatives are bleating like an old sheep on ''they finished with ten men, we scored in the 89th minute, it's only Southampton etc etc etc..'' I bet you all woke up with a lump in your throat this the way Maguire, change your surname cos you aint no gooner.

  73. Unchives

    Dec 04, 2014, 16:34 #62607

    @ divingrooney, the lack of subs available is totally the managers fault...end of. We all want Arsenal to win, however we were top of the league for 3 months last season, and still new we were going to get unstuck because the manager didn't strengthen, so don't be surprised that we don't get excited after three games....common sense really.

  74. divingrooney

    Dec 04, 2014, 16:12 #62606

    I can just feel the dripping disappoint in this page, and the comments. The morons just cant bear Arsenal winning. Forget that Arsene had to use early substitute due to injury in every game of this season. Or that we had some one limping around for the last 10 minutes because we had no subs left. But when it happens to poor old Southampton, everyone gets teary eyed. Long may it continue. Amen

  75. AMG

    Dec 04, 2014, 15:59 #62605

    A word for Martinez - I've been very impressed with him! If he hadn't made that superb save vs Dortmund, who knows what would have happened in that game, long may his good form continue.

  76. GoonerRon

    Dec 04, 2014, 15:56 #62604

    Vital 3 points and another disciplined performance. It's a bit tiresome to keeping hearing about Sanchez is bailing us out, blah, blah, blah. Total shocker, we spent the thick end of £35m on a proven, world class attacking player and he's scoring lots of goals for us.

  77. Tony Evans

    Dec 04, 2014, 15:52 #62603

    Alexis saves the season more like, if finishing 4th is the limit of our ambitions - which it undoubtedly is, no matter what guff Wenger spouts about winning titles in 3 years. I read a headline today asking the question 'are Arsenal fans being greedy' wanting Wenger out - well to answer that, for me, wanting Wenger out is as much about seeing a balanced squad, consistent defending and having more of a game plan, as it is about actually winning the title / CL. That is not being greedy in my book. Any fan fed up with Wenger is not necessarily a 'glory hunter' (some may be yes) and I am sure the vast majority just want to feel some sort of empathy again with our manager and an understanding of just what the hell he is doing.

  78. Highbury Boy

    Dec 04, 2014, 15:47 #62602

    Accurate post as always Kev. You didn't mention the booing or the chants of "You don't know what you're doing" at the 65th minute substitution of Giroud for the Ox. This wasn't as some fans on other sites have said because the fans didn't want Giroud. On the contrary his song had been sung with gusto from half time onwards. It was because Ramsey had been having an awful game and Santi (despite a nice song) continued to leave his shooting boots at home. The Ox was making dangerous runs at their defence. I think we all knew though that it made sense to take the Ox off and revert to the team that started in the last match but it was nice to express our frustrations at Wenger,not just for that substitution but generally "You don't know what you're doing' rather than damage the team's chances of taking the 3 points. I think btw that Southampton with their defence and gk in such good form would have held on for the draw if they hadn't gone down to 10 men. Do you think Chelsea or even Arsenal in the Henry era would have taken long corners or free kicks in the last 5 minutes when just going 1 nil up? I recall seeing Henry dribbling 50 yards to take the ball into the corner. So unprofessional nowadays.

  79. Mike

    Dec 04, 2014, 15:43 #62601

    Their goalkeeper had a blinder - our goalkeeper looks far better than anything we've had between the posts for the last two years - Giroud changes the game and play. I think it will be better for him to start and Welbeck to come on if that doesn't work - I don't see the hard work in Welbeck that everyone else seems to admire. Alexis was only a bit part player with Barcelona - here he is the main man grabbing the headlines - he won't move -Top spot in champions league up for grabs because I see Klopps men losing away to Anderlecht next week. Key players returning with the likes of Debucey. Must be the pitch because S'Hampton lost three to injury last night - their season is about to unravel.

  80. Alex

    Dec 04, 2014, 15:16 #62600

    Finsbury Boy - After what Wenger has done to poor Ozil who was the best number 10 in the world I don't wish to see it happen to Sanchez. Hopefully both Ozil and Sanchez leave to proper top clubs. Its sad how they both got conned by the old fraud.

  81. Nozzer

    Dec 04, 2014, 15:16 #62599

    Welcome result last night, Ramsey had a poor game but he still wants the ball despite his poor form and made the goal, hope this signals a resurgence on his form. I hope wenger sticks with Martinez, he catches crosses, dominates his area and his distribution is better than our current number 1. Big test on Saturday, another one nil would be welcome. Giroud must start as should Ox

  82. barnaby

    Dec 04, 2014, 15:14 #62598

    Martinez does look good between the sticks, we should have Martinez, then ospina and finally schesney, that should b the pecking order now

  83. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 04, 2014, 15:12 #62597

    You can be sure szczesny will return as soon as, have you not seen all those selfies of him and arsene in the dressing room? the ox and others are going to have to buy better phones or OGL bigger boxes of Ferrero Rocher to become one of his favourites, and if that fails just ask ramsey.

  84. Finsbury Boy

    Dec 04, 2014, 14:55 #62596

    Well done Alex. Fans have spent the years since Henry's departure begging Arsenal to sign a world class forward and now we finally have one in Sanchez you want him to go because he is to good for us. Spoken like a true fan mate. And Marcus please try to leave grown up comments and drop all these loools whatever they are, unless that is you really do speak like an over active 10 yr old.

  85. Martyn

    Dec 04, 2014, 14:50 #62595

    The Ox was not having a good game and was rightly substituted; if not him then Ramsey. Giroud made a massive impact coming on and we would have breached the Saints defence sooner if he had been brought on earlier. The balance of the team is not right however and maybe our defensive focus has impacted on our forward play. Still, we kept going and despite playing against ten men for the last few minutes the goal was coming. At last we profited from injuries, not the other way round!

  86. chris dee

    Dec 04, 2014, 14:45 #62594

    Arsene again mentioned that our opponents made it difficult because they did 'not let us play our game'. I'm tempted to say, ahh diddumms, but I would have thought a manager of a top club would have more than one way to get a result and not rely on the same game plan that he has used for the last 10 years that has lost us countless games against the top end teams.

  87. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 04, 2014, 14:13 #62592

    It's not all he's saving Kev, who needs a past it manager when we have Sanchez but the manager certainly needs him after saving his bacon again, just as crowd were about to let their feelings be known yet again after another same old. Well done Sanchez your certainly on top of wengers Xmas card list this year lets hope your still around next year if your not fed up bailing your old fraud of a manager out over and over again as well as your average teammates. It's three more points closer to our Holy grail even with the smell of fresh wallpaper wafting around the Emirates.

  88. Alex

    Dec 04, 2014, 13:43 #62590

    I hope Alexis joins a proper club like Bayern, Real Madrid, Chelsea by the end of the season. Its a shame watching a world class player like him in such a mediocre team with a terrible manager who will ruin him and destroy him by over playing him and poor coaching ability. Stan and Wenger will be happy with the 60m they get from him.

  89. Unchives

    Dec 04, 2014, 13:40 #62589

    Agree with the report, the most impressive was our Goalkeeper, he is looking like assured quality.Szczesny is choking on his Kabanos as we write.The Obviously the solidity and defensive displays will improve as all our injured players come back.Ten 1-0s will do me. Welbeck is quality, he will come good with Giroud. I think the balance in midfield is better and more solid without jack im afraid.

  90. gn23

    Dec 04, 2014, 13:21 #62587

    Alexis saves the day..again!! But credit where its due..three wins , three clean sheets..

  91. Charles

    Dec 04, 2014, 12:57 #62585

    Surely the injured Southampton player could have limped around on the wing for 10 minutes instead of coming off, not exactly Bert Trautmann was he?


    Dec 04, 2014, 12:47 #62584

    Well here we go again!!! The usual scramble for 4th place oh dear, dear. The great one has now come out and said he will win the pl in the next 3 years looool. Do you think mourinho or pelligrini could come out and say that ??? In the next 3 years lool. I swear he has been saying that for the last 5 years smh. I'm not a fickle fan so regardless of results I still want this guy gone!!! He's record in Europe for me is dismal. Only been to two semis in the cl in 18 years wow. That's a terrible record. We our going to lose in the next round anyway when we draw either Bayern Munich, Barcelona, and Real Madrid. The man is delusional. To win the cl you need a great tactical manager. I think Benetiz is a better tactical manger than Wenger that is a fact!! He got to two cl finals and won 1. I don't see Wenger going to a place like athletico Madrid and getting a draw or Bayern Munich. The man believes he can beat any team toe to toe Loool. I honestly believe that Wenger thinks he can go to Real Madrid and beat them playing toe to toe football!!!! Well we all know what would happen it would be a battering. We don't have the players to go toe to toe against any big team and the tactical intelligence. The man could not even beat manure under David moyes Loool. The players he has our mentally fragile. For me that stems from the manager. They look beat in the tunnel whenever we face a big team. For some beating Southampton after they had been reduced to men is satisfying. Well for me and many others it's not!!! Oh yeah I rang up arsenal stadium department and asked them what the policy was in bringing in banners that say Wenger must go. They told me it was not allowed looool

  93. Sancheznal

    Dec 04, 2014, 12:44 #62583

    The Ox the scapegoat while Ramsey has been dire all season.But no mention of him Kev.Last season Ramsey was on the verge of true world class now he is just plain average

  94. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 04, 2014, 12:44 #62582

    Nice one Kev. Perhaps another salient point would be the Southampton double substitution early doors. Although it must have hurt the Saints, they continued admirably and were very unlucky to be down to 10. Is Sanchez now officially Arsene's bestest mate?

  95. TJ

    Dec 04, 2014, 12:40 #62581

    The team has improved with the absence of Wilshere and the return of Koscielny, but without Southampton losing a man this was almost certainly a 0-0. As you say Kevin, the team actually had some defensive structure which shows what Wenger's critics have said to be true, that it is possible for him to employ he just doesn't wish to. I have a feeling that he will keep this trend going till we're looking comfortable again, and then we'll return to good old recklessly open attacking. I honestly think if it were up to Wenger every match would be like the 5-3 against AVB's Chelsea, just completely opened up attacking football. It is refreshing to see the team put in a competent defensive performance on a run of games, but it's sad because although we may make fourth, not even the AKBs are talking up our chances of winning anything this year. I know we're the 2017 champions of England but that isn't much consolation for now... While AKBs are happy with just 4th as it means Wenger's remaining in charge, I don't think players with real ambition will feel the same. It's frustrating because it is so hard to see Wenger taking us beyond the level of 4th place but anything less this year might be a slippery slope.

  96. Paulo75

    Dec 04, 2014, 12:33 #62580

    Long may the defensive discipline continue. Despite not having too much to deal with over the last 3 games, Martinez has looked competent and commanding and deserves to stay in there. Stoke away will be another acid test of the recent mini revival but another must win after all the needlessly dropped points of recent weeks.

  97. Fozzy

    Dec 04, 2014, 12:33 #62579

    Such a shame that it's always The Ox who is made the scapegoat and has to give way after 70 minutes.