The Crazy Gang

Boxing Day Film on BT Sport reviewed

The Crazy Gang

Well yesterday evening, due to being on a media list that sees a multitude of PR emails drop into my inbox, I was invited along for a screening of a new BT Sport film, The Crazy Gang on Wimbledon’s team in the late 1980s. Declaration of interest: the screening took place in the BT Tower, with food and drink post-screening at the top of the tower in what used to be the revolving restaurant. I thought they had stopped revolving it these days, but lo and behold, once we were up there it started moving. The view of London at night was well worth the trip.

Anyway, the film-come-documentary. First a couple of interesting Arsenal connections. Nigel Winterburn moved from Wimbledon to Arsenal in the summer of 1987, at the start of the season which saw the Dons go on to win the FA Cup. There is footage of Winterburn in the Plough Lane dressing rooms with a mid-80s mullet which bring back memories, as he retained it for his early months at Highbury. Additionally, the abilities of Don Howe as a coach are highlighted as the players talk in awe of his contribution when he was drafted in to assist Bobby Gould after he replaced Dave Bassett around the same time as Winterburn moved. The documentary gives some idea of what made the latter the player he was, in terms of attitude and determination.

However, it’s worth watching for a lot more than the Arsenal connections, because it is a fascinating insight into how the club over-achieved with a mixture of route one football, physical aggression and well, ‘team bonding’. The interviews are very revealing, possibly moreso than the participants realized at the time, largely due to the editing. It’s a tale with both humour and some frankly very dark elements. If anything, it put me in mind of what reputedly happens in army training. It’s pretty much a case of sink or swim, and if you don’t adapt, you won’t last. The story of the no-holds barred utter hatred between John Fashanu and Lawrie Sanchez is detailed, two characters who could never get on, yet played in the same cup winning team. The interview with John Scales was like something out of the BBC radio programme In the Psychiatrist’s Chair. Several of the players were in attendance at BT Tower, including Fashanu, Scales, Terry Phelan and Dave Beasant, as well as Gould, Bassett and Sam Hamman. Significantly, Sanchez wasn’t. It seemed like a friendly reunion, although one suspects it might have been frostier if everyone had showed.

Some of the stories and revelations will shock you, and as (from memory) one of the participants said, Fashanu is worth a documentary of his own. Life at Plough Lane was never comfortable for visiting teams, with such tactics as not having any heating in the dressing room, or toilet paper, with only one useable toilet that might not always flush. But it wasn’t comfortable for the Wimbledon players either, with the constant practical jokes an accepted part of the routine. It’s a million miles from the pampered lives of Premier League footballers today. Whether that is for better or worse is one for debate, but there is no question the film is well worth watching if, by Boxing Day, you want to catch something a bit different from Toy Story 3.

’The Crazy Gang’ airs on BT Sport 1 on 26th December at 9pm

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  1. Tom Martin

    Dec 07, 2014, 15:54 #62832

    The Dons haters don't know what they're talking about. I have a lot of time for Wimbledon, making it to the top-flight and being as stable in the league as they were for most of the 90s was nothing short of miraculous. Yes, they were dirty but then so was everyone else although their style did evolve as the years went on. Wimbledon never had the relative resources/luxuries that Stoke have- decent stadium and infastructure, monopoly on local support, etc. so comparing them to Stoke is unfair. And they gave us Nigel Winterburn, a club legend if ever there was one, so I think they deserve a little more gratitude from us Gooners.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 15:12 #62827

    Badarse, if I need advice from your good self I'll be sure to ask, but I wouldn't hold your breath ( I suppose your an expert on that too) I was just referring to one post and there's no need to read it again or think about it, it was very clear the first time, as was my reply to it.

  3. Patrick

    Dec 07, 2014, 11:08 #62799

    Now are you sure you're not Russell brand? The attempt at using language to try and intimidate is uncanny.

  4. Arlu

    Dec 07, 2014, 10:13 #62791

    Plough Lane may have been essentially a non-league ground, but it was certainly no worse than 90% of grounds at the time. I remember watching from the away end there several times and the view was fine. I rather liked Wimbledon and their attitude. Those who called them just a bunch of thugs miss the point; even then, money bought success and they never had any any, so they made the absolute best of very minimal resources. Good on them...if we had the same team spirit Wimbledon had, no-one would have touched us.

  5. Badarse

    Dec 07, 2014, 9:54 #62788

    Good morning maguiresbridge. Now here is some advice for you, and perhaps Bard should also try to absorb this snippet. Please read the posts carefully, think of what is being posted, think a bit more, go and have a cuppa, come back and read it once more, have a scratch, think about it's meaning a little more deeply-beyond skin's depth, then if still in doubt go and ask someone else to translate. Your last posts-both of you-show you are blinkered, and carry an oppositional and dangerous mind set. Just a suggestion, or then again you can both carry on banging those dustbin lids.

  6. Unchives

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:21 #62769

    After watching the highlights, if you can say that, the defending was not just bad, it is completely unacceptable at any level, even with the injuries. If Steve Bould is responsible, he should go too.As Shearer said...Shambolic!

  7. JAMIE

    Dec 06, 2014, 23:46 #62768

    You may bump into my brother as he goes in the clockend sometimes and likes using rival fans and home dissenters as his teddy.I tend to steer clear of the proles these days and sit near center upper.

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 23:37 #62767

    Bard, they haven't jumped yet because apparently they've come to the conclusion there's going to be a change of direction in the transfer market next year ( where have we heard that before)but for now when our inured players return we should improve (just improve mind not get better well that's ok then)and fourth has become a very real target (wow we're aiming high aren't we) as it's about our limit (as if we didn't already know that) You couldn't make it up.

  9. Danny Carter

    Dec 06, 2014, 23:21 #62766

    Lee afc and Jamie know best? Jeff you are right, you couldn't make it up ! Jamie, I sit in the clock end, would love to meet you and your brother one game.

  10. Unchives

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:49 #62765

    @ Lee afc, I do give Wenger credit for signing him, he is a phenomenal player, its keeping him that I worry about. When Wenger says we only sigh super quality....guess what.....he ****ing is!

  11. Roy

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:45 #62764

    Dont expect any risks to be taken on Tuesday now on the off chance that Dortmund might slip up - a draw or defeat it will be because with Chambers unavailable for next week, if it were to go further pear - shaped injury wise in Turkey we won't beat Newcastle either. How the f**king hell has it come to this ? I despair.

  12. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:41 #62763

    MG, there are a lot of pluses for oppo managers to look at exploiting when facing Wenger . One of them is on corners,we are not much cop at defending them and even worse at taking them. From our last 112 corners we have scored just one goal. This really is not good enough what is the point of winning corners if we don't take advantage of them.

  13. Lee afc

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:30 #62762

    Unchives...has it ever entered your brain that whether or not we hold onto Sanchez...he was signed by Mr Wenger, so credit where credit is due before the player leaves in your opinion.

  14. Badarse

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:23 #62761

    Bard, I'm sorry, I thought I was giving a pertinent insight into a paradoxical view, and there are those in abundance on here. With that in mind I thought an odd sensitive one or two may have recognised a resonance, clearly not with yourself, which speaks volumes. In the grand scheme of things who really cares what anyone thinks, that seems to be the message, and I can go along with that sentiment, a little Neanderthal, but we all have around 2% of their DNA, so I guess we are on the same wavelength.

  15. west facing cannon

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:19 #62760

    Where do you start. What a total and utter shambles. Wenger`s interview afterwards was unbelievable. He was basically saying that he expected to lose the 1st half but that was ok because he knew we`d win the 2nd half.Well, we lost 3-2 so how did he become a Professor of Economics I wonder. The man just comes across as a total cretin. We are a club run by people selfishly obsessed by their own wealth who will do or say ANYTHING to maintain the deception that feeds their egos. The law of averages will one day make them fall on their own swords because ultimately that is always the end result for arrogant dictators. Meanwhile though we will have to suffer these fools some more. What the club really needs now is for enough of the fans to make life HELL for Wenger, Kroenke & co. If we want change then NOW is the time. Unfortunately, the attending fanbase is now different from years gone by. Arsenal fans fighting amongst themselves. For me that is the Wenger legacy. Fond memories we have of the days when the ` Arsenal Family ` defended our good name to the hilt and the only hostility we felt was reserved for any outsiders from our rivals. That sense of camaraderie and belonging really was a special feeling. All the time Wenger stays in charge it kills it for me and many others. Enough is enough. Only when Wenger goes do we begin to get OUR club back.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:19 #62759

    So the old fraud was annoyed and angry, what about us long suffering fans you old shyster, how much longer are we going to have to put up with you and keep feeling the same? do us all a favour and piss off back to where ever you came from.

  17. Bard

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:15 #62758

    Baddie and Jamie, Im a lover of all things Arsenal except b******* and boy those two posts take the biscuit. Jamie opinions are valid but thats not an opinion, its a garbled mess. I don't know what you're on about its the team that doesn't turn up not the fans. Baddie who gives a flying f*** what your mate thinks. if he posts an opinion lets hear it. As many have posted its a results business and to go 3 down by half time against Stoke is another hopeless capitulation to go with all the others. Wengers had some shocking transfer windows but the summer of 2014 and his failure to secure proper defensive reinforcements looks like a mega mistake. I suspect there is panic in the boardroom and expensive reinforcements will arrive in the Jan window. He makes the club too much money to let him walk without throwing the kitchen sink at it Ozil style. A penny for the thoughts of dear old Sanchez, he thought he was signing for a top club, he didnt realise they are a bunch of goons not proper goners.

  18. Badarse

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:03 #62757

    Evening Unchives, we can but guess. We can never really know the finer circumstances of any individual, or his adaptability to the environment, plus a multitude of other considerations. Personally I think he is here for the medium to long term, but that can change on a whim. I think he is outstandingly good, such an appetite for the game, such desire to win the ball and to own it. I do, like others, think we need strengthening in those obvious key positions, and have no insight into whether we shall do anything in January or not, but do think the summer will see a change of direction in the transfer stakes. I think we have a strong squad in a number of areas, though that seems to go against the grain of popular views, and as those injured men return our form should improve. Like it or not the fight for fourth place has crystallised as a very real target, and one I believe we are equal to, how I wish the target was a higher one, but realistically fourth is our limit. Strategic purchases in both January and the Summer could enhance the likelihood of making a real fist of it, but who really knows? It's so much easier to say we shall fail, technically nineteen teams fail each season, so we shall see. I'm not a crystal ball merchant, I can only observe and anticipate, then it's just gut feelings.

  19. Hiccup

    Dec 06, 2014, 22:01 #62756

    Totally agree bard. We have beaten stoke once in ten years at their gaff. Our 4th place challenge will not be decided by today's result. Let's put today's result down as another blip and pick up again after the next game.

  20. DW Thomas

    Dec 06, 2014, 21:58 #62755

    Agree Unchives. Sanchez is our golden goose, a fantastic player who if given better teammates could achieve greatness. Even today when things wouldn't come off and the ogre was wrestling him, he still worked harder than most of the team put together. Like Arshavin, I fear he will wither and leave having won nothing with us.

  21. Unchives

    Dec 06, 2014, 21:37 #62754

    @ Badarse, ive not often seen a player like Sanchez, with fantastic skill and his fighting quality & Spirit, the man is outstanding in all departments, Ian Wright, Vieira & Petit were similar. We cant hold onto this guy with this manager.His like is very rare and we are so lucky to have him, but can we keep him.

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 21:28 #62753

    jw, spot on, whenever another manager is under pressure and needs a result to get them back on track and in favour again what better team to play than wengers Arsenal when ever any of them are in trouble they scour the fixture list to see when they come up against OGL, i bet for the last fortnight Hughes was looking to the heavens and whispering thank you God.

  23. Badarse

    Dec 06, 2014, 21:14 #62752

    'If the cap fits!' I am not casting aspersions, gentlemen. A reflection, no more. A very good friend, a very good Arsenal man, texted me after the third goal went in, I'd texted wondering if the players were up for the fight, a moment before. His text said that it was enough for him, and he conceded the loss. I understood, I was in pain too, but in the light of my earlier post to Ron, i.e. 'we deal with the same things differently', I was there for the second half. My rationale was either a lot more pain, or perhaps something better, quite obvious really, and I don't walk away. Ironic then that my chum couldn't do what I was mentally charging the players to do-dig in and fight, (rather than give up and surrender). As I said, just a reflection. Good old Arsenal.

  24. Wenger Terminator

    Dec 06, 2014, 21:04 #62751

    What makes you think Arsene Wenger is a Failure?.....I HAVE EXTENSIVE FILES SINCE 2005....Why do you think Arsene Wenger makes the same mistakes again & again?.....I ONLY OPERATE ON LOGIC! YOUR QUESTION DOES NOT COMPUTE! What do you think the long term outcome will be? THE END IS INEVITABLE.....NO CHANGE LEADS TO TERMINATION. Will success ever follow? I WAS SENT FROM THE PAST TO ATTEMPT TO CHANGE THE FUTURE OF ARSENAL, BUT THE TIME IS NOT SET. What message do you send Arsene Wenger? COME WITH ME IF YOU WANT ARSENAL TO LIVE!...DA.DA..DA..DA..DA!

  25. JAMIE

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:51 #62750

    So obvious that an Arsenal player was going to get sent off for nothing.Those Stoke neanderthals could have had five off if Chambers dismissal was anything to go by.Still you AAA will be happy and worse still we'll have to listen to bores like jeff wright,magiurebridge and Hiccup moaning for the next few days.

  26. Unchives

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:50 #62749

    I actually feel sorry for Arsene, when the camera zooms in to his face....he is a very tired, tortured Arsenal man....why don't the board rescue the guy before its too late.

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:38 #62748

    jj, he's dead but hasn't the wit to stiffen.

  28. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:37 #62747

    Old Sparkie was under real pressure after his Stoke side had lost their last 3 games but when any manager on a bad run needs a good win who better than Inspector Clueless to provide it. Having given LVG a big boost he has now done likewise for Hughes who will be laughing with relief .It was obvious that Wenger was far happier once we were 3 nil down and he could forget about defending, he has never been much good at it anyway, and revert to Kevin Keegan gung-ho throwing on forwards to try and score 3 or 4 goals. Fortunately the linesman convinced the ref to change his mind about allowing the 4th Stoke goal that again exposed our defensive abilities as being Sunday Pub league type and our GK as being likewise . A shambolic display all in all that got what it deserved,nothing. Things will get worse though, because Wenger has no idea of how to make them better.He really should have gone after the FAC win .This season his beloved 4th place trophy is in danger so we can expect to see weaker sides played in the cup as in past seasons when Wenger faced this situation. Sanchez looks bemused and angry obviously he expected better than chasing 4th place in the Prem and must now regret allowing Wenger's silver tongued claims about his team to have persuaded him to join us. How long before Sanchez's anger turns to apathy>? Looks like another Arshavin scenario he started off looking world class then became disillusioned and his coach turned into a pumpkin at midnight.

  29. JAMIE

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:26 #62746

    We have our own version of the crazy gang called the wobs.They too are in love with hoof ball and like the old Dons fans they never turn up for games.

  30. jjetplane

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:26 #62745

    Just saw a picture of silly old billy Arsene (there there 8m where where) holding his nose in the dug out like he was under water - least he had his 'coat' fully inflated. He reckons 'we were a bit soft' and 'we missed our start' and even joked about the Stoke fans in a (pathologically) fond manner. This is assuredly a manager at the end of his (football) tether.

  31. Roy

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:24 #62744

    OGL said in the post match interview that the lack of experience available in defence today against a highly motivated Stoke was just too great to overcome. Now, who's fault might that be then ? This is going to be a long hard winter. AKB Central Command as its become known would be well advised to batten down the hatches. Look no further than the front cover of the current edition of the Gooner for the only logical verdict.

  32. Stuart

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:14 #62743

    I saw my first ever game at Plough Lane and my first ever Arsenal game there too. Wimbledon wil always have a place in my heart.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:07 #62742

    Bard, good one your on form tonight, what would we do without the AKB's, and it's all thanks to their beloved messiah and they still can't see it.

  34. Badarse

    Dec 06, 2014, 20:01 #62741

    Oh woe, woe, and thrice woe! Calmer now, calmer, think that's what it is when you get what you deserve. Instant calmer's gunner get you, gunner knock you right in the head, ha ha. I was a marshal maguiresbridge, now I'm a Field Marshal.

  35. KC

    Dec 06, 2014, 19:53 #62740

    I find this idea we had improved defensively strange, we played BD, Soton at home and WBA away, the BD and WBA games had signs of us looking fragile although for a short time. Wenger teams are defensively shi* full stop. We concede in most games, he does not take this side f the game seriously, Pers and Chambers at centre back, a rookie GK and a rookie RB away at Stoke, Fuc**** genius! I would love Diego Simeone as manger he would give us that devil back a manger that would build a team that would not be fragile and soft. @Kilkenny cat totally agree mate about killing interest how can we take this man seriously? We can not compete against the best that's obvious and its never going to change. How about one good performance this season!

  36. Don't Piss On Me & Say It's Raining!

    Dec 06, 2014, 19:44 #62739

    KC. Absolutely spot on!!!!

  37. DW Thomas

    Dec 06, 2014, 19:41 #62738

    Ramsey scored. Cazorla scored. But Sanchez had an off day. Fine lines, he hits the post after a brilliant run. Giroud missed a sitter header. We could have won. But the team work ethic needed to be much better vs a team that battles/cheats. Charlie Adam is a goblin. His rugby tackle on Sanchez a red. Still, Wenger is clueless. At least he subbed early, yet Pod didn't do much and Joel had no time to get into the game. Our defending, AGAIN!, was shambolic. Where is Kos? Why was TV not replaced. Idiocy from those running the club have made this season our worst in years. And the team aint half bad. No real leaders though. Ramsey, save the goal, was useless. What has happened to this club is just sad and depressing. No way this team gets fixed this year and we'll be lucky if we get top 6.

  38. Bard

    Dec 06, 2014, 19:31 #62737

    Shipmates we need to guard against overreaction. We rarely play well against teams whose name starts with the letter S in December. I thought we were desperately unlikely for the first 3 goals. The other factor is that Stoke are a top club and I think its disrespectful to think we can go up there and beat them easily. Also injuries are taking their toll. Once Diaby gets back to full fitness we should be ok. I certainly don't think we will get relegated. I hear through the grapevine that the AKBs are holding an emergency meeting tonight at Beachy Head, where the motion for discussion is shall we jump or join the WOBs?

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 19:24 #62736

    anti-wenger, hear what you saying, but you can't preserve something that has already been destroyed.

  40. kilkenny cat

    Dec 06, 2014, 19:06 #62735

    Wenger has succeeded where no girlfriend,no job,no family member or friend has. I have lost all interest till this eejit has gone. Even that mini revival was a smoke screen for this useless shambles that is Arsenal fc. An away fa cup draw on mondáy and thats it. Season over in early jan. Unfortunatly it wont be the end of ogl. I said after manure beat us i wont go again till he is gone,now im starting to not even watch on tv.

  41. maguieesbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 19:03 #62734

    I wonder how the AKB's are getting on at their new command centre a tent in the middle of a field somewhere isn't it? maybe it's Craggy Island and they've rented it of Father Ted, would love to hear what their discussing (most likely just starring at each other they've had good practice) i wonder is it a two, three, four, or five man tent, I'd say it's very cold at the minute lets hope it doesn't snow.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 18:41 #62733

    Hiccup, don't forget leeds.

  43. anti-wenger

    Dec 06, 2014, 18:36 #62732

    Why I want Wenger to leave now is because I'll love his legacy to be preserved. It'll be very sad and a big shame if he gets disgraced out of the club, after all that he has done for AFC. With each passing game, more and more AKBs are converting to WOBs. A while ago, an 'Arsene Out' banner was unthinkable but it's gradually sipping in. I suspect that soon,it might even become common. What a shame that will be, all because of Arsene's stubbornness.

  44. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 18:31 #62731

    jj, just like a ghost in the night, you could be right but Maureen won't sulk and huff and leave everything just as it is and change nothing, and just Carry on Regardless like the old past it fraud we have.

  45. jjetplane

    Dec 06, 2014, 18:13 #62730

    The shrinking German and Danny Boy swop I discussed many posts ago but now it would seem a good fit. Mert wants to play on the wing and Danny likes to graft and can jump so what are you waiting for Professor! If you are going to be Barcelona as envisaged by Salvadore Dali then you have to go to the illogical conclusions. Failing this he could get Thierry in and he walk around the Emirates wearing an Arsenal scarf and smiling away while Keown and Parlour talk about a new Arsenal who are not afraid of the laughter as long as it makes money for the lost Marx brother (Stan riding a horse through Macy's). Anyway - dig that uncanny Wimbledon **** HICCUP and remember that cup Final fondly watching it in a Dublin bar with half the pub roaring on the wombles. I was very, very drunk and had still not made it to the hotel. Hearing funny reports of Arsenal divers but probably just more WOB fuelled nastiness. don't they know when to give it a rest. Who could deny the strength and mental spirit in the second half. Galatasaray ummmmm What do reckon Kloppie? Be good to hear JAMIE and Lee and perhaps even a sermon or two ...

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 18:04 #62729

    Our mini run didn't last long what was it three? (is there a trophy for that) so much for the revival, come on then who's to blame this time??

  47. gn23

    Dec 06, 2014, 17:55 #62728

    So much for the so called improvement in defence..bad team selection, etc etc. Interesting what the akb's make of today...

  48. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2014, 17:54 #62727

    jj, Maureen is getting to be as big a whinger as Arsene is . We have Pardew's crew next up at home,so we will have to see how that transpires . Perhaps Arsene could play Mertesaker up front and Danny Boy ( just 3 goals in 15 games) at CB . At least Danny Boy has a bit of pace ... I thought that Martinez,who once let in 5 goals against Reading, was exposed again for the average Joe that he is a decent GK would have saved 2 of the Stoke goals and the one that beat him at his near post that was wrongly ruled out for off-side. The replays say other wise . The penalty also was debatable ,or a soft one as they say. So the away at Anfield as I suggested on here yesterday is going to be a big pressure game,just as well then that we have a manager who can handle that ! You couldn't make it up.

  49. Peter Wain

    Dec 06, 2014, 17:51 #62726

    yet another bad result following on from a very lacklustre display on Wednesday. This is going to be a long long season with little hope of any trophy even fourth place seems miles beyong us. Oh for a decnt owner board and manager.

  50. Hiccup

    Dec 06, 2014, 17:23 #62725

    jj, I think the team deserves credit. It's the stupid rules that have been deliberately created to hamper Arsenal. Stoke won the first half, we won the second half. In my book, that makes the game a draw. A point each. We never lost today.

  51. Bard

    Dec 06, 2014, 17:22 #62724

    We seem to have a defensive problem !!!!!! To give away 3 goals in the first half to Stoke is appalling. Still we have £30m banked from the CL qualifiers so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Rock on Arsenal PLC. Stan can buy a new toupee for Xmas. Galatasary here we come. One wonders whether we should have bought another defender in the summer…

  52. Hiccup

    Dec 06, 2014, 17:10 #62723

    Meanwhile, the team formerly known as Wimbledon have been knocked out of the Cup. How this thread has been hijacked by Arsenal talk, I do not know?

  53. jjetplane

    Dec 06, 2014, 17:09 #62721

    Sorry Jeff but it does make a difference. If Newcastle, Southampton (now maybe Stoke ha ha) make the top 4 with Zabaleta and Aguero winning the PL and Chelski crashing into the Europa then yes - it all matters in the useless yet hilarious state of top level football. No longer the people's game it's great fun from the outside. Arsenal fans clapping the players off when they should have been buried at 4-0 but for a dodgy ref doing Arsenal a favour WESTIE! Wait till Wenga gets on to the spirit and the defending being littls bit (sic) in the first half but 'look in the second we could have won 5-3 nad look at Chelsea so the league is anyones and I was speaking little bit to Thierry and he is ready to .....'

  54. Roy

    Dec 06, 2014, 17:00 #62720

    You watch, it'll be Chambers harsh second yellow that ruined our chances of completing the comeback, not an insipid first half performance underpinned by a dodgy looking team selection that gave us a mountain to climb. You couldn't make it up - but no doubt, he will. Taxi for Wenger.

  55. AMG

    Dec 06, 2014, 16:57 #62719

    Normal service resumes... As ever, Wenger out!

  56. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2014, 16:56 #62718

    reeboot, the Newcastle result was only good for City it makes no difference to us. We are competing with Liverpool for 4th spot and they gained a point on us this afternoon.

  57. Unchives

    Dec 06, 2014, 16:54 #62717

    The defending sums it all up......Goodbye Wenger!

  58. Hiccup

    Dec 06, 2014, 16:34 #62716

    Mark Hughes is the exception to the rule.

  59. reboot

    Dec 06, 2014, 16:28 #62715

    Stoke are outside the top 4 and they got Mark Hughes

  60. Hiccup

    Dec 06, 2014, 16:24 #62714

    If we finish outside the top 4. We won't be able attract decent players. Likewise, we won't be able to attract a decent manager and we will go the way of Portsmouth. Has no one been listening to the AKB's?

  61. reboot

    Dec 06, 2014, 16:15 #62713

    I`d rather we finish outside the top 4 if it speeds up Wengers retirement. So any way I look at the Newacstle result its a good one.

  62. Hiccup

    Dec 06, 2014, 16:09 #62712

    Newcastle, one of our rivals for fourth win, and this is seen as a great result? You couldn't make it up!

  63. reboot

    Dec 06, 2014, 16:05 #62711

    Sorry, Mr Wright, can't I enjoy Chelsea losing the chance of going unbeaten? You need to get laid you miserable old git.

  64. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 15:58 #62710

    A bit harsh Jeff.

  65. KC

    Dec 06, 2014, 15:57 #62709

    So away to Stoke! change the defence blood Bellerin, rest Kos and move Chambers to CB I cant think of a worse game to decide to do this. If you knew Kos could not do three games in a week surely rest him in the home game, play Bellerin in the home game. Its so pathetic , deluded and becoming shameful. Just another example of a team that does not understand the basics of defending what ever the outcome today. Nothing changes at all a soft underbelly always waiting to be exposed. There is no defence in the team or of Wenger, its simply time for change. Three goals in 45 mins against an average premiership team how bad does it have to get.

  66. jjetplane

    Dec 06, 2014, 15:57 #62708

    Old man in blanket disappears down tunnel while Pardew teaches Chelski a lesson. Just saw that Zabaleta goal and together with that Clichy one my pennies are on Citeh now and Pardew and Koeman nicking top four spots. Arsenal should finish 8th which with 'all the injuries and financial restrictions' will be a fair season. What's the grub like at the Emirates? I love football and football loves me. Arsenal to go forward in the second half. Ex spud on smash and grab. Hey up duck.

  67. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2014, 15:55 #62707

    reboot, don't be a prat all of your life,try having a day off. Did someone mention an improvement in our defending>? You couldn't make it up. Never mind 4 goals will see us win ,unless Stoke score another one or two... then we will need 5 or 6. Taxi for Wenger and let's end the ****ing misery !

  68. Roy

    Dec 06, 2014, 15:50 #62705

    What a total f**k up. Totally unacceptable. And it's only half time - this could get ugly. Well, uglier, I mean.

  69. danny

    Dec 06, 2014, 15:40 #62704

    2-0 down already. we have no defenders Gibbs is crap!!

  70. Th14afc

    Dec 06, 2014, 15:38 #62703

    Well this is so frustrating....the feel good factor of Chelsea losing lasted all of 19 seconds...Peter crouch is useless aswell,only arsenal could cock things up so dramatically

  71. Roy

    Dec 06, 2014, 15:07 #62702

    What an awful goal to concede in any minute against anyone.

  72. reboot

    Dec 06, 2014, 14:41 #62701

    sweet sweet sweet. Thank you Newcastle!!!

  73. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2014, 13:21 #62700

    Hiccup, yes indeed mate if we wouldn't have let ourselves become tarred with the they don't like it up em brush years ago thanks to a whinging manager, and gave as good as we got we wouldn't have been, and still be, bent over at every opportunity.

  74. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 06, 2014, 9:57 #62697

    A lot of the Wimbledon myth was built up in their first two seasons in the top flight. They did actually have some capable players; Andy Thorn, Nigel Winterburn, Dave Beasant, Gary Elkins, Dean Holdsworth to name but some. After the cup win though they were just another team, with the usual lazy media stereotype. They did cause us some problems at home though but we nearly always beat them at that s**t hole of a ground Plough Lane, and later on Selhurst Park.

  75. Badarse

    Dec 06, 2014, 9:50 #62696

    Just over two weeks ago The Man With No Socks, slid into the saddle of his trusty steed 'Mo', and zoomed away from AKB HQ. A surrender? No, not even a tactical retreat. Rewind the clock one hour previous to this...The lads were carefully scattering photos of our Leader, as Pete stood glaring at the window pane. He delicately head-butted it, shattering the glass. A gurgling cry came from deep within, he'd squashed one of his favourite spiders. Tape was placed to hold the broken slithers, just allowing enough gaps for the wind to whistle through, which prompted his 'Sailor's Hornpipe'-difficult in clogs. GBP, in front of the dartboard placed the dart in the nose of the photo of our Leader-the tears streamed down his face such was the sacrilege. A number on their knees, heads bent in prayer paid homage to the Leader-westlower galloping around the office with a broom between his legs was quite distracting, but Badarse, arms outstretched in supplication held a handful of oats, which eventually he saw, reined in, and snuffled them up. JAMIE was admonished, for upon the 'Scroll of Direction', which read, "Thou Shalt Not!" he had scrawled 'or else' and attempted a drawing of a fist. Trouble was the fist looked a bit like a bunch of grapes, or even a Brussel Sprout, so the threat was nullified...'or else you can have a sprout', doesn't quite work as a threat to the marauding WOBs due shortly. Drawers were emptied, strategy maps taken down, Diaby's plasters, pills and bandages were wheeled out in a Tea Chest, and slowly the group left for pastures new. Field HQ was set up 5 miles away, in a field of course, which housed a small copse-handy as the twigs on surrounding bushes served as ready made nails for our Leader's pics. A small 'Arsene FC' flag was placed just inside the clearing as a kind of comfort blanket. The plan was working perfectly, Badarse threw a glance at GoonerRon, who immediately chucked it back. Lee afc had returned from a sortie with a stolen handbrake, which was placed reverentially on an uppermost branch, it fell off twice hitting him on the head, which he took as a sign that the handbrake was definitely off! InWengerWeTrust, practising his salute, had poked himself painfully in the eye a few times-he appreciated the scourging aspect. They were a happy band personified by Rocky RIP playing 'keepy-uppy' with a scotch egg. What our chums got up to, their dastardly plan, and what befell the WOBs will be told in chapter two.

  76. Hiccup

    Dec 06, 2014, 9:13 #62695

    Hi Ron. Yes I've heard about all those guys. Toshack could put it about too from what I've heard. I suppose it's all comparative. Wimbledon look like animals compared to the tarts that play the game today. Arsenal fans have whined about going to Bolton with the likes of Nolan and Davies kicking us. I think we have to look at ourselves too. Teams used to dread coming up against our Adams and Keown who would get stuck in. Is it a coincidence that wenger's most successful years coincided with our worst disciplinary record? Do you know what, when the media used to trot out that line that arsenal are top of the disciplinary table with one red card every ten minutes, I loved it. I felt proud that we had a team of men that dished it out, and still won trophies playing with ten men in every other game. And that's the problem today. Because we ain't good enough to win and have a team full of nice guys, we blame the other teams who still want to mix it.

  77. Ron

    Dec 06, 2014, 8:38 #62694

    Wimbledon were choir boys mate. Ronnie Harris, Norman Hunter,Bobby Smith, Dave Mackay, Tommy Smith, Johnny Giles, Stuart Pearce,John Fitzpatrick, Peter Storey and Eddie Kelly would have had them on toast. You're dead right re 1988 FAC Final.

  78. Hiccup

    Dec 06, 2014, 8:23 #62692

    I understand the dislike to Wimbledon, but I'm sure we all wanted them to do the scousers in that cup final. The point is, all teams had their hatchet men back in the day. Wimbledon just happened to have 9 plus England international Dennis Wise. My memory is of a CB Eric Young, who was built like Sol Campbell Liverpool had McMahon in that game and it was publicised how he was eaten alive from minute one. I also recall the FA not wanting to let them in to the top flight, I think because they basically had a non league ground, which they were ten years earlier. Cloughie stuck up for them and had another spat with the FA over it. I'm just surprised that the now called MK Dons haven't dropped the Dons from their title and just call themselves Milton Keynes. It was always a p!ss poor token gesture.

  79. maguiresbridge super gooner

    Dec 05, 2014, 23:25 #62690

    Earlier today in one of his posts Alex asked a question. I wonder how the players let wenger away with all this? and why they weren't questioning his gung ho approach, and was shocked how they haven't lost confidence in him. A few opinions were put forward (and very valid they were indeed) but the biggest one of all was staring us in the face they are putting themselves in the same position as Diaby.

  80. Lee afc

    Dec 05, 2014, 21:36 #62688

    Maguire....far too much to say, far too little to offer. You aint no gooner.

  81. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 05, 2014, 21:18 #62687

    Smithy, it's always pantomime season where OGL's concerned, and it looks like, like a lot of others at this time of year his favourite/resident charity is going to benefit yet again to the tune of thousands and thousands, and all it will take is a couple of weeks of not breaking down in training, then maybe just maybe for another brief appearance or two in the first team (as sub of course) and the donation will be sanctioned by our resident pantomime clown, and then as soon as the charity signs the acceptance form the inevitable will happen. Ho, ho,ho,

  82. Roy

    Dec 05, 2014, 18:35 #62684

    Nothing more than a bunch of thugs. Gave me great satisfaction to be in attendance on the opening day of 88/99 when we smashed them 5 - 1 at Plough Lane. And what a sh**hole that was, too.

  83. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 05, 2014, 18:16 #62682

    I was going to say something similar to Ron regarding the cries and complaining OGL would have been doing had he been about and playing his tippy tappy back then, he'd have sulked for years, and indeed if what we're reading and hearing is anything to go by he might get his chance after tomorrow.

  84. Smithy

    Dec 05, 2014, 17:45 #62678

    It's Pantomime season and our silly billy of a boss is going to give idle jack Diaby another contract, this golden goose isn't going to lay any eggs.And before anyone says " oh no arsene won't " unfortunately he will!

  85. Smithy

    Dec 05, 2014, 16:42 #62673

    Football is played on the pitch but many games are won in the head before walking onto the pitch. Wimbledon were excellent at winding up and out psyching their opponents. Currently we are mentally weak, I wish we could get a bit of attitude the old George Graham sides used to have. We haven't got a nasty style player in the club at the moment. Shawcross and co will certainly be leaving their foot in over the top of the ball tomorrow!

  86. GoonerGandalf!

    Dec 05, 2014, 15:03 #62667

    Great stuff!!On another note,heres a response to Frimpong talking about his mancrush again:Dont think it was just about the money with pursestrings.Pursestrings decided to let his ego show by thinking he was bigger than the club.Yelling to wenger when he subbed of the ox for arshavin for starters against united, and then he thought he could decide who the new no.2 assistent should be after rice.When arsenal were in cologne days before his transfer to united,he made a change of heart and wanted to stay because arsenal bought poldi and cazorla who were recognized players in europe,but it was to late cause wenger already made up his mind on the guy and i couldnt blame him for that at all.DENCH!!!

  87. Ron

    Dec 05, 2014, 14:34 #62665

    HI Kev. We had a team then who used to beat them quite heavily times didnt we.We were up for the battle. We both know what today's girls would do facing them.Roll over and bottle it and then Wenger would moan for a year they didn't 'let us play'. Two words mate - Dennis Wise. Enough said? Oh to kick that short arsed mouthy little p---k up in the air.

  88. Big Andy

    Dec 05, 2014, 13:54 #62663

    Wimbledon were a bunch of dirty, cheating B*****ds. I hated watching them play us: the football was ugly, and you were always terrified that they might break one of our player's legs. I was delighted when they were relegated. They were a blemish on top-flight football in the Eighties.