Belittled by Little and Large

Online Ed - Another visit to the Britannia, another defeat

Belittled by Little and Large

So the season of lurching from one mini-crisis to another continues, along with Arsenal’s inconsistency. Three clean sheets in a row, a definite and marked improvement in defensive discipline, and then this. All because of the absence of Laurent Koscielny? We’ll never know, but it would be sad to think that an injury to one player equals a defensive collapse of the proportions witnessed in the first half at Stoke. The lack of options at the club meant a start for Hector Bellerin, who was unfortunately out of his depth. It would be churlish to blame Emiliano Martinez for any of the Stoke goals, and in fairness, I doubt Wojciech Szczesny would have done any better. It was the organisation, determination and focus in front of the keeper that were lacking.

It wasn’t just the backline at fault. For the most part, Stoke were stronger and showed greater desire in the physical battle all over the pitch, winning headers and 50-50s, even when seemingly outnumbered. It was all a little too familiar, with Arsenal having won just the once in the nine occasions on which an Arsène Wenger-led team has travelled to Stoke.

There was a sense of this being the Little and Large show, with Peter Crouch and Bojan Krkic highly prominent in Stoke’s superiority. There were three former Barcelona players on the pitch, but it was the home side’s representative that had the best game. Stoke can still play to their physically strengths when required, but under Mark Hughes, there is more football, and at times, they actually looked as good on the ball as Arsenal. Certainly, Gunners fans would have been purring at the quality of the Potters’ second goal if a player in a yellow shirt had scored it.

There is no point in dissecting the three conceded goals. In summary, Arsenal either failed to win their challenges, did not even make them or were simply not in position to even attempt them. Insert your own joke about Arsenal, Count Dracula and the dislike of crosses. It was a salient reminder of too many defensive horrorshows since the team moved stadium, decided they could get by without much in the way of experience and lost their mojo. There was a glimmer of optimism that the manager had addressed the concerns at the back, leading to the three recent shutouts. It was another in a long line of false dawns where Arsenal are concerned. We’ve been enduring them for several seasons now.

The visitors did create going forward. Giroud should have scored in the first half to make it 1-1, whilst Alexis hit the post when he had done all the hard work in the second. With a goal that Stoke thought made it 4-0 rightly chalked off, Arsenal rallied after Podolski came on for Giroud. Flamini won a penalty and two quick goals got them back in the game. However, the sending off of Chambers made the completion of the comeback that much more difficult, and by the end of the game, only the most blinkered Gooner would argue that a Stoke win was not the right result.

Still, that does not excuse Charlie Adam’s assault on Alexis’ face on the blind side of the referee, somehow missed by the linesman, which shows an element of the Stoke that got their reputation under Tony Pulis still survives. That was not shown on Match of the Day as it didn’t suit the agenda. But they did point out the statistic that the Arsenal defence won a solitary tackle in the 90 minutes, which tells its own story. Yet, the manager claimed that ‘The spirit of the team is fantastic’ in his post-match BBC interview, although for most of it, he tellingly avoided eye contact with his questioner, as he knew the real truth of the matter. His players did not show up, and apparently, he rarely left the bench to rally them. There is very little in the way of backbone at the club these days. This is Arsenal FC, Jim… but not as we knew it.

On that note, it was a good day for Arsenal’s Invincibles of 2003-04, in that Chelsea – looking fairly imperious so far this season – were beaten at Newcastle, Jose Mourinho’s particular bogey ground. But as far as the title this season is concerned, the very slight chink of light given the Gunners before kick off was not taken advantage of. I don’t think anyone truly believed there would still be a title challenge this season, but the performance at the Britannia was as good a final nail in the coffin as anyone would require. Arsenal have won six out of 15 league matches this season.

They can still finish fourth, achieving the objective the board sets the manager, so all’s hunky dory there. The problem for fans is that their ambitions are related to the winning of trophies, not the balance books. So this will continue until enough of them have the courage to speak out and start informing Arsenal’s board that their objectives are not good enough, and that they need to recruit a manager who can deliver the silverware a club of Arsenal stature and financial firepower should be capable of achieving.

The players did not look very interested in winning a football match yesterday. A very sad state of affairs. Arsenal will rely on Liverpool, Spurs and Everton having worse seasons, and Southampton running out of steam so they can get the treasured fourth spot. Frankly, that doesn’t excite me as much as it might a Tottenham fan, but then again, should our expectations be any higher than those of Spurs supporters? Maybe we are living in Paradise after all, but I am just not seeing it. For me, football is about winning things, or at the very least occasionally exceeding expectations, some idea of genuine progress. The FA Cup last May was a joy, however fortuitous, but it looks like a long wait until another such day. And when all is said and done, it was the first trophy in nine seasons.

Arsene Wenger states that Arsenal will win the title by 2017, conveniently, when his current deal expires - a ridiculous claim in the light of the season so far. Until then, there will be more days like this. Assuming he agrees to go in 2017, at least there is something, in the distant future to look forward to, assuming when he moves upstairs he does not have any influence in the selection or operating methods of the next manager. Until then, the purgatory continues.

The winners of the competition to win copies of ‘Little Bit Silverware’ books we ran on Friday are as follows - Johan Slotte, Stanwell; Ellis King, St Austell; Joseph Dunphy, Easkey, Ireland; Matt Cotton, London E14 & Kabir Olatinwo, Ontario, Canada. The publishers will send the prizes out to you.

Also, a quick reminder for my co-author Alex Fynn, who will be doing a book signing session for our most recent publication, Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories at Waterstones bookshop in the Spires shopping centre in Barnet, from 12 noon today (Sunday 7th December). Go along to meet the great man and get your books signed and personalized.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

The new issue of The Gooner with free 2015 Art of Arsenal calendar can be bought online here. It will also be on sale outside the stadium for the coming home matches v Newcastle and QPR.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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    Dec 09, 2014, 18:17 #63030

    Can I just ask WHO are the people at matches prepared to throw punches at other fans in defence of Arsene?

  2. Matthew Bazell

    Dec 08, 2014, 18:51 #62969

    Injuries or not - that was the defending of a pub team. Only one man to blame.

  3. AugustusCaesar

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:06 #62952

    It's with a very heavy heart and a serving of humble pie that I have to concede that I do not believe Arsene Wenger can take the club any further. That said, I simply cannot find it in me to support any vocal and visible 'Wenger Out' campaign. While we are all currently frustrated at the stagnation of the club and an inability to address recurring problems, I still believe Arsene Wenger does not deserve to be hounded by the fans (I know it’s a fan's individual prerogative to do this, they've paid their money and earned their right to be disgruntled you could say) but I can't do it personally. He has done far too much for the club and should be allowed a dignified exit. How this might by manifested I'm not entirely sure but I think the chances of finishing outside the top 4 are greater than in previous seasons. I have an innate will to always support the club and cheer the team on when they're playing and I absolutely despair when I read comments on here imploring Arsenal to lose games because it would be for the greater good. I understand the logic behind that reasoning but to me it will never be a natural thing to do and I doubt whether it's true fans and more entitled arseholes that do this.

  4. jjetplane

    Dec 08, 2014, 15:43 #62941

    No bicycle clips here Plastic man! Two bob.

  5. Badarse

    Dec 08, 2014, 15:24 #62939

    jj no bitterness clouds my vision, nor seeps into my soul-can you say the same? My passion isn't an issue, or is it? Seems an odd route you take my friend, with bicycle clips or trouser leg tucked into sock, makes no difference to me, just keep pedalling fella. @ maguiresbridge don't disrespect fruit please. I don't mind if you are a lemon or not, five a day and all that sounds like a raspberry to me. JAMIE, 'Wart goes on in your heart, wart goes on in your mind?' Chill buddy, in the same way that it is easier to trick a clever man than it is a fool, you cannot convince those with a view that is an alternative to your own. Despite the way my insides were tangled with the three goals conceded, there was elation at the two retrieved goals scored. Beats picking fluff from someone else's belly button-I can vouch for that, I've picked enough. Bard, you too are one funny man. 'Tis the Turkey season dudes, 'Forward Arsenal', all aboard!

  6. JAMIE

    Dec 08, 2014, 14:26 #62930

    jjetplane.Better an Arsenal fan who has never watched them in his entire life yet only speaks well of them.Than a bitter old bore dweeb who goes to every game chuntering and annoying everybody around him with his negativity.Especially those who cheer when the opposition scores.I bet a lot of the wobs grandfathers were spy's for Germany during the war.

  7. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:55 #62927

    Jamie: Wots harder, a gorrila with a nukkel duster or a grizli bare with a flik nife?

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:49 #62926

    Just because i'm from N,Ireland doesn't mean i'm an Orangeman.

  9. Bard

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:57 #62917

    Jamie calm down mate, its only the end of the world. I do take exception to wartism in all its forms. My uncle is a dermatologist, he would be mortified to find out that wartism is alive and kicking. Wartism needs to be burned off at every available opportunity. i agree with those who feel the booing incident was disrespectful but as has been posted before it is the way of the world these days. Pond life is everywhere. I even got sworn at on the tube the other day for being a boring twat, I had no idea where it came from. I suspect he was an unemployed Spud. My wife was bemused and asked me how he knew. On to Turkey shipmates and more dramas.

  10. mark from aylesbury

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:42 #62911

    Cornish Corner - Now that's more like it, a bit of Christmas cheer for us all!

  11. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:30 #62908

    mark from aylesbury. Surely that should be 'you don't know wart you are doing'

  12. mark from aylesbury

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:24 #62907

    Jamie - Shut up about what exactly? the statue? My concerns over your rather old fashioned idea's of class based prejudice? I did though inspect my wart's today - The message back was Arsene "you don't know what you are doing"

  13. Red Member

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:14 #62904

    Jamie - come up with a reason why Wenger should stay and I will stop ridiculing you

  14. JAMIE

    Dec 08, 2014, 11:52 #62899

    mark from aylesbury,shut up you self-righteous wart.

  15. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 11:40 #62896

    Badarse. I'd describe it as gallows humour.

  16. mark from aylesbury

    Dec 08, 2014, 11:38 #62895

    With thanks to Martin Samuel: Tom Murphy’s statue of Bill Shankly outside The Kop at Anfield carries a simple inscription. ‘He made the people happy,’ Wengers statue will show an inscription "He made the people knock each others teeth out!"

  17. jeff wright

    Dec 08, 2014, 11:36 #62894

    Ron,according to Wenger he is leaving half the first team behind for the trip to Turkey! He says that there is not much to play for ( for once he no speak with forked tongue)and he claims that some players need a rest. Too much clubbing and partying no doubt. If anything I would have thought that winning points was far more important in the Prem at this stage of affairs to help Wenger provide Stan with more Euro cash next year,winning the European Cup is not important to Stan ,it's the big bucks from playing in it that counts and it is this that keeps Wenger( yawn) in his well paid 8m a year job. Wenger was afraid of of playing Stoke and this fear transferred itself to the players add his bizarre team selctions lack of any tactical plan and the recipe for another horror show was on. If the ref had allowed that 4th Stoke goal to stand another massacre could easily have occurred. As it was the disallowed goal seemed to act as some sort of a stimulant to our players and the lucky penalty award that we got knocked Stoke out of their stride ,all too little too late though and tbh a draw or a win for us would have been a travesty,but in football as in life strange things happen. Such as Wenger despite obviously at his age being well past his sell by date and only having won the FAC , 9 years after winning it before, plus the embarrassing beatings that he had been given by United,Liverpool,City,Chelsea , him getting a new contract and a pay rise as well for doing so. You couldn't make it up.

  18. Badarse

    Dec 08, 2014, 11:28 #62893

    Loved that last post of your's Bard, and JAMIE didn't even focus on the gurning spectacles they become when they deliberate and give their final pronouncement on anything, and everything under the sun, or their UKIP badges pinned to their braces. @Hiccup I preferred your gardening analogy to mine-you are a funny guy. Just a point, Play Chambers in the centre, Bellerin on the right. That was the stick AW was beaten with recently, his hand was forced, now he is beaten for that very strategy. The booing, insulting videos I know nowt about, but do not surprise me, it is the downside of modern life and one of the perplexing conundrums it brings. I campaign and demand the right for people to have a voice, then a group morph into a braying mob-it happens, and is disgraceful. Yet it is it's natural course I guess. Fighting each other isn't acceptable either, but can any of you envisage AW being your father or friend, and you witnessing some clowns behaving in that fashion? Wouldn't you feel ready to step in? I think it a disgrace. Yes I know, I'm being sanctimonious, blah, blah, blah. No I'm trying to uphold standards in the corner of my own little universe, I would admonish my small grandchildren if they behaved this way, people should engage their brains before their mouths, I think. True about jj, celebrating another side scoring against us??? People laughing when we go 3-0 down??? Old fashioned or not, I have a sense of stability, which is on automatic, and I sat as a glum and forlorn figure as we collapsed, with all the bottled anger bubbling inside at the capitulation-particularly BFG's non-contribution to the cause, but laugh? Celebrate each goal conceded? You must be a Sour, and if not, you are sour.

  19. JAMIE

    Dec 08, 2014, 11:25 #62892

    The abuse was pretty bad and disrespectful.I remember going to Stoke back in the eighties when the team was far worse and there would be 3,000 of us 500 in the Stoke end giving it to the Orcs,not all this sad cockney hard boys nonsense shouting obscenities at our own 65 year old manager trying to win brownie points with the media.

  20. mark from aylesbury

    Dec 08, 2014, 11:19 #62891

    Jamie, An interesting take on matters, so the way to deal with these individuals is to assault them. Does that not drag you down to lower than their level? Tattoo's, unless your about 104 you may notice that the world and their aunt have tatt's these days. Do you get out much? I would also be a tad careful denigrating people for working on building sites. I work in Financial Services so what?!? My plumber has a better lifestyle than I do. Sorry that Wenger faced such aggression but isn't this the way of the world. The dictator gets led off in chains, humiliated at a public trial, or if he is lucky put up in a Flat in Paris courtesy of the French President.

  21. Ron

    Dec 08, 2014, 10:40 #62890

    Lest we not forget that the performance at Stoke precedes the CL away in Turkey. Sounds like an excuse doesn't it, but its not, its just a reminder that the performances in games leading up to CL games for years have been as flat and insipid as the games that follow CL games. Its inexcusable but it reflects Wengers and the clubs bean counters preoccupation and strange notion that the CL deserves 'priority' over the PL games. For a cash flow perspective it does, but from a footballing one, it never should. You see these half hearted, wimpish performances EVERY time at CL game times. It is a total disgrace. On the abuse stuff towards AW, ive not heard it but i don't agree with it either. If it was abusively vitriolic and personal at a railway station its wrong. More importantly its seems to me to the best way to strengthen the Clubs resolve to resist change. Lets face it though, all Clubs fan bases have a sizeable crude and rude fraternity amongst them. Shouting stuff in public at the guy only shows the shouters up, not Wenger's tactical approach.

  22. jeff wright

    Dec 08, 2014, 10:22 #62889

    lee kfc,TH14,Denis,whatever, u is foolin no one wid ur handle changing routine .Grow up and act your age and tell your chum Jamie/Pete to do it as well he really is one tiresome bore . He never could see through Wenger's do people think that if I had 100 million that I would not spend it excuses for his transfer policies. Think about it.

  23. King Jeremy

    Dec 08, 2014, 10:18 #62888

    Well now, don't those upcoming fixtures look fun! 3 points (at most) from the next 3 games I wreckon.

  24. Bob

    Dec 08, 2014, 10:00 #62887

    To those who say that openly revolting against the manager is not "the Arsenal way": the lack of character, pitiful defending and acceptance of mediocrity which has prevailed for way too long now is not the Arsenal way either. I do not want to go into another season where fourth place is the limit of our ambition. Please go now, Arsene - you have hung on far too long and your legacy is thoroughly tainted.

  25. chris dee

    Dec 08, 2014, 9:44 #62886

    Not a lot to add to the comments made,but I am still in shock at the way Kieran Gibbs,supposedly a full back,criminally allowed Walters to cross the ball without so much as a token effort to block the ball.

  26. Tony Evans

    Dec 08, 2014, 8:52 #62885

    My best mate summed it up for me when he said there is no pleasure at all any more in being an Arsenal supporter. He's absolutely right - the Stoke performance was exactly as expected and I am so tired of seeing the club I grew up with out-battled and appallingly managed by a deluded, arrogant fraud that refuses to face up to his own inadequacies.

  27. Bard

    Dec 08, 2014, 8:43 #62884

    Jamie in your own special way you have hit the nail on the head. I always thought the the problems at Arsenal were footballing ones, but now I know theres too much stroking of pussies. How can you concentrate on your positional play if youre exhausted from stroking pussy. I find that wearing vest and braces restrictive if Im honest, I prefer being in the buff. Heres the conundrum Jamie, do you think that the real difference between AKBs and WOBs is who is stroking what. The AKBs want to stroke the boss, listen Im openminded, and the WOBs prefer to stroke the .... As for oranges, Im afraid my mind has gone into overdrive on the possibilities.

  28. JAMIE

    Dec 08, 2014, 8:21 #62883

    Lee afc.So true what you said in your last post.Very few true Gooners left,people like jeff, Hiccup and maguire are sad laughable characters who probably just sit at home all weekend stroking their cats and getting pelters from their other halves.I can just imagine them resting there in their vests and braces peeling oranges and making comments about everything.Some on here like jjetplane even cheer when the opposition score,how AAA is that.Then they base their opinions on what they see from the highlights or what Shearer says on MOTD.To them football is just about hammering your opponents every week and open top bus parades and being spoon fed by the media.

  29. Mathew

    Dec 08, 2014, 7:19 #62882

    I was expecting a string of successful games, but Stoke has always been stubborn and territory we never captured in the past. I am too of the opinion that abusing Arsene at the Tube Station was a bit too much. Agreed that he doesn't accept his mistakes, but I think we should limit our voices to the Stadium. Game after game, he's been proving he was wrong at recruiting key players. It's sad to hear Diaby will get an extension to his contract and Jack will be out for weeks. I have a feeling that Arsenal won't be the same again soon.

  30. Bard

    Dec 08, 2014, 6:59 #62881

    AMG, I agree its sad to see but it gives a flavour of the level of discontent. These next few weeks will be interesting. Wenger does not tolerate opposing opinions, this is dressed up as strength but in actual fact its a sign of weakness. Im not sure he will find protests easy to deal with on a personal level. Watch the Jan transfer window to see Arsenal and Wenger in full panic mode. I heard someone on the radio say that Arsenbal fans are tired of the excuses, I will say amen to that observation.

  31. Ozzie

    Dec 08, 2014, 4:30 #62880

    Oh for a good honest side like West Ham with players the calibre of Jenkinson & Song & a manager (big Sam) who knows what to do with a reasonable team at his disposal...sigh

  32. Ozzie

    Dec 08, 2014, 3:37 #62879

    More embarrassment! Episode 160 begins on Tuesday folks...

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 1:58 #62878

    Hiccup, ha ha I hope staff put up the little yellow man first so mummies could stop their little Lee's splashing through it.

  34. Danny

    Dec 08, 2014, 1:02 #62877

    Not surprised at the Stoke score. The clown will never learn!. We all wanted Chambers to start in the middle if the Kos was injured and Bellerin at fullback, but not away at the Britannia against bruising Stoke. Give Bellerin a chance against weaker teams. Gibbs is the weakness link and he was piss poor. A bit sad at the video of the fans swearing to his face, but what can you do, when this dictator and the stupid board stops protests at the stadium. How can a man, who won us the double twice do such Total mismanagement on the squad. Where is challenge, motivation and desire to win at all cost as his nemesis Mourinho. Mourinho call him a Specialist of failure , Owner Usmanov said he needs to adapt with change, who is next to tell him, his time is up. Adams maybe? One would think Wenger’s time has come, but somehow, he manages to stop the dam breaking by winning the next few matches. I am convinced someone in the heavens is watching out for this slippery cat.

  35. Basil

    Dec 08, 2014, 0:11 #62876

    Hiccup - that is a truly frightening vision of our future under Kroenke. If this is how things are to become I want no part of it, I will maybe watch lower level football or give up completely, the idea of becoming another Spurs is just too much to take in. Usmanov in all the f**king way!.

  36. Th14afc

    Dec 08, 2014, 0:09 #62875

    Jeff wrong- what ru draggin me into here iv not said anything??I don't always agree with ur views but I take everything on here with a pinch of salt

  37. jeff wright

    Dec 07, 2014, 23:38 #62874

    lee kfc, TH14,Denis, and whatever... since when were you given the right to decide who Arsenal supporters can be ?You are a complete joke you thought that West Brom play in black and white striped shirts and that what Ivan says must be true,because that's what real Arsenal supporters believe ,right>?you obviously know nothing about football and are just an internet troll posting abuse at real football supporters. The most amusing of your claims is that you want Arsene out ! Now come on please... If my posts upset you so much then why do you read them and constantly whine and whinge about them. You couldn't make it up.

  38. AMG

    Dec 07, 2014, 23:25 #62873

    I'm all for voicing discontent, but verbally abusing someone at the train station is going too far. Banners, chants, stadium boos, protests, all ugly but necessary. Those who targeted a fellow human like that should be ashamed of themselves, it's just ASBO territory.

  39. Ron

    Dec 07, 2014, 23:04 #62872

    Hi lads. Ust to say that all of these posts having a dig at Stokes methods are way off target. Why do they do it each Season? They do it against any team that they meet who they know wont give it back, wont meet fire with fire. They are a muscular heavyweight team. All Hughes teams are. Put cowards in front of them and they ll bully them. Simple.We have a 6 feet 5 Centre half who closes his eyes in heading battles, who turns his back on Peter Crouch in a one to one. Yes Peter Crouch. They very one. 6 feet 6 and stick thin. A man of comparable size should breaking the freak in half in the first minute. Have Arsenal ever set the tone for a match in the last 9 years?Have thy f--k. 1964 my first game and ive never seen such a bunch of bottlers as this feeble lot, not just at Arsenal but anywhere. Well done Stoke. PS Arsenal fans were trading blows among themselves 4 years ago there. Its nothing new.

  40. El Bodgeo

    Dec 07, 2014, 22:50 #62871

    Just caught up with all the above, some great posts. I was at the game yesterday and have to say that our manager was an absolute disgrace. How can you send a team out onto the pitch at Stoke organised, motivated and drilled not to capitulate or cower, to stand up and be counted, when he then spends the entire shambolic afternoon hiding behind Bouldy on the bench? Hands firmly in pocket, completely intimidated by the sound of 24000 stoke fans singing 'he's scared to come out, he's scared to come out....' in game that he himself claimed was unfairly refereed, there was not even a floppy arm waved at the 4th official. He gave this game up before got on the coach leaving London. We can all moan about which players we should of, could have signed or those that we should sign, but this whole mess is not a squad problem. Its a management problem. It's simply piss poor management. Despite all of the strong differing views expressed all the gooners on this site, inside the stadium and up and down the country, whether you believe we have the best man for the job or not, we are all pro-Arsenal. Mee, Neill, Howe, Graham & Rioch they all had to go and we all carried supporting our club, winning trophies as we went. Time for Wenger to go now, it's he's time to leave. He's rubbish and we need to move on without him and with someone new.

  41. Lee afc

    Dec 07, 2014, 22:39 #62870

    Jeff always ****in saddens me that you, yes you, can ridicule the club that I support and you feel the need to beat up my club, at every given sentence. According to you, every single player is useless (66237)..when you use the quote "what I have seen of them this season" it means that you watch the Arsenal on motd or sky sports....please stop using the word "us" because you aint no gooner along with your sidekick Maguire.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 22:07 #62869

    Cornish, maybe, but that's all it would be.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 21:55 #62868

    SKG, Castrated that's a good one, probably a first, he's certainly an expert at that alright as there's no body with any balls to stand up to him and kick him out. We now know what happens at AKB central command as they queue up in front of their messiah with their kecks down.

  44. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 21:55 #62867

    Bard. I wouldn't be unhappy to see Wenger replaced, but I was saddened to see that video. I felt sorry for the bloke. It's all a bit sad now really. Unthinkable ten years ago, even five years ago. It could all be counter productive, with Wenger getting the sympathy vote.

  45. Gaz

    Dec 07, 2014, 21:41 #62866

    If anybody needs to grow a pair of balls it's you Jamie. It's just far too safe and easy to toe the company line...

  46. Bard

    Dec 07, 2014, 21:35 #62865

    Just seen a video of Wenger being booed onto the train by Arsenal fans after Stoke, gruesome. Has the tide turned?

  47. Unchives

    Dec 07, 2014, 21:22 #62864

    I'm Being censored folks!

  48. samam

    Dec 07, 2014, 21:18 #62863

    To the moronic idiots who abused Wenger,get a life, grow up,give him some RESPECT.

  49. Hiccup

    Dec 07, 2014, 21:18 #62862

    mg, I've just been down to my local Tescos Express and bumped in to a mate of mine. He asked me if I'd seen the latest Online Gooner thread. I said I hadn't. He pulled out his phone and scrolled down to the latest Jamie post. I looked at him and he looked at me, and we both burst out laughing. Security came over and had to clean up the puddle of p!ss my mate had left behind.

  50. Bard

    Dec 07, 2014, 21:00 #62861

    Jamie; you sound like John Wayne in the Alamo. If you have a way forward write a decent post for the status quo, all this moaning about the criticism of Wenger sounds like a demented WOB. Have you crossed the line ? Where are all the AKBs, presumably in the same state as our defence, absent without leave.

  51. JAMIE

    Dec 07, 2014, 20:32 #62860

    You wobs need to stop picking fluff out of each others belly buttons and constantly congratulating each other on your made up fantastical posts.Also grow a pair instead of just running with the crowd.

  52. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 20:26 #62859

    Arsenal are being castrated by our unopposed leader. It is not about the AKB's or WOB's it is about some of our fans who are prepared to support this destructive and degrading process that their hard earned money is funding. We are being destroyed from within by the board and its manager - anyone out there who cares about our culture and our club's wonderful heritage please stop attending matches until this malaise has been removed from our team. Personally I would like the Gooner to prepare a petition giving key changes that must be made before any of us ever set foot again in the "Superbowl" that once housed a football team. Lets face it we all know what those changes must be - but guys it is much later than you all think!

  53. up4grabs

    Dec 07, 2014, 20:05 #62858

    Wenger wants the 20yrs... the board keep making money... we have to DRIVE WENGER OUT. Until he goes there is no point watching arsenal.

  54. jjetplane

    Dec 07, 2014, 19:54 #62857

    Excellent stuff MG and a story worth a 100 of the others we have read from AKB (Leaning tower of Holloway). Funny that self-professed hard bloke JAMIe loves all that lovey-dovey wenga-wenga. Hope Stan is reading your posts. Turkey before xmas anyone!

  55. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 19:52 #62856

    Hiccup, 66235 great post you can actually see it now, Sad.

  56. danny

    Dec 07, 2014, 19:32 #62855

    The voices already have by telling him he will win the league within the next three years . Not.

  57. jeff wright

    Dec 07, 2014, 19:31 #62854

    Here is my view of our manager and some players judged on what I have seen of them this season. Wenger , he is a Frenchman and acts like one . He was fired from his last French league club and recently from his job on French TV after viewers complained that his comments on les bleus games were complete nonsense. The French can't stand the guy so we have to put up with him instead. Obviously making comments in French does not improve them for Arsene. Chesnay , no sign of any improvement and he was not that great last season either. Martinez , he is not a top club GK . A ball watcher is not what you need in goal. Mertersacker, another wooden dummy . Kos good at making last ditch saving tackles to cover for his mistakes or the BFG's , but with all of the brains that god gave a duck's arse. Monreal ,slow slow and too easily beaten by any player with the pace to knock the ball past him and race after it. Gibbs, another who has not improved and he needed to do. Oxo Chambo. A show pony he can look good running with the ball but all too often it all ends tits up. He also gets booked too often for doing silly things often giving away free-kicks in dangerous areas. Flim Flam , awful. Arteta, this grim faced hombre is well past it and he talks too much. Ramsey, a lightweight who had his 15 minutes of fame last season early doors and has since disappeared off the radar. Santi, needed that penalty yesterday to end his woeful lack of goals due to a deterioration in his former abilities . West Ham have better midfield players than him and so have Stoke. Welbeck is still running around as he did at United like an headless chicken,the pace and power is there and decent technique,but 98 % of the time he makes the wrong choices when in scoring positions,this accounts for his low scoring ratio in Prem games. Sanago, the question is, why >? Sanchez star of the show but even he messed it up yesterday ,the malaise of Wenger is affecting him, give him another 6 months of Wenger magic and he will end up like Arshavin did. Jack, still some work to do for him and the injuries are a big problem. Deja vu Wally. As for Diaby,well Wenger is supposed to be a football manager not a social worker , but Abu is the remains of his beloved 'youth project' and Wenger seems rather oddly to be unable to let go of him. You couldn't make it up.

  58. Arsene Wenger's Psychiatrist

    Dec 07, 2014, 19:05 #62853

    He's lost the plot completely. Always refuses medication and believes himself to be the true Messiah. The voices in his head get louder by the day; but he believes that nothing can be allowed to stop the arrival of the new dawn. One day, doing the same thing every game WILL result in change. We lost 8-2 to Man Utd but only 3-2 to Stoke. A true sign of progress and the Messiah's mental strength. Strike up the band (and give the voices in his head something else to focus on)

  59. Hiccup

    Dec 07, 2014, 18:52 #62852

    Bard, agree with what you say. Nowt will change. Newcastle get 50,000 for every home game. Never won owt, and have a fan base that has no expectations. Doing one over Chelsea or United every now and then keeps them happy. But the fans main criteria is to beat Sunderland. Do that, and the season is fine. On that basis, Arsenal will continue to fill the stadium. Even if we start to finish 7th or 8th. Fans will still go. Expectations will fall even further. Then beating United or Chelsea once in a blue moon will be enough to keep fans happy. And of course just finishing above spurs will become the main objective, which has been good enough for many for several years now. Stan will be looking at the Geordie model, and will realise with a crap manager and a crap team, this filling the stadium criteria can be sustained. And it's along these lines that even dropping out of the top 4 will not be the end of the world. The £30m loss in revenue will be met by reducing the managers salary and wages. A new manager will probably come in on half wenger's salary or even less if unproven. Sales of our top players will further meet the shortfall. The youth policy will probably be resurrected and slash the wage bill from £150m to £100m. After all, there will still be 60,000 turning up every week no matter what crap is put out. As long as we aren't relegated, this will continue to be a money spinner. If fans can accept we've gone from challenging for titles to challenging for 4th, I'm sure they can also accept going from challenging for 4th to challenging for 8th. The Liverpool fans have, and so will arsenal fans. And Stan knows this.

  60. Let's give Steve Walford a run out for the last 10 minutes

    Dec 07, 2014, 18:45 #62851

    So those of us that want Wenger out are 'sunshine Gooners' are we Jamie? And yet after just one FA Cup in 9 seasons we're all still here. Not a lot of sunshine there is there? Maybe it's actually that, unlike you, we care about what happens to Arsenal FC irrespective of who the manager is whereas you only have blind loyalty to Arsene FC. If we were bottom of the league you'd be telling us that it's all the fault of the referees, or the other 19 nasty teams playing hoof ball and doing ugly things like defending, tactics and set pieces. The glorious day is coming and I suspect you know it too which is why your grip on reality is becoming increasingly tenuous.

  61. KC

    Dec 07, 2014, 18:38 #62850

    Bard, yes pretty much the same, it's a key part of my life and sadly can affect my weekend mood, football is about highs and lows that's what makes it so great. Before Wenger we saw a lot of crap and even under GG it was often dire the two cup finals against SW were shocking in regard quality. Wenger turned up and gave me something special a winning team that played football the right way. He rid the club of a lot of dross and Paddy arrived what a start, what a player. I guess something that great could not last and while the stadium was being built I could find an excuse for his weaknesses but now i can not find excuses anymore. Sadly he will not admit he is wrong and his transfer dealings just simply blow my mind. I guess it's a case of total power, he has become a person I detest a man that can not handle criticism and a man who believes he is never wrong. It's quite sad really.

  62. jeff wright

    Dec 07, 2014, 18:33 #62849

    It may have escaped your limited attention span dear Jamie/Pete but if you take Sanchez out of our side they are also just a team of ordinary Joes. Welbeck is a United reject , only a 'good buy' because he is better than Sanago the rest are just well,ordinary and rather injury prone as well. That includes Ozil as for Mertesaker I knew he had retired from International football but never heard it announced that he had retired from playing other football as well.

  63. Hiccup

    Dec 07, 2014, 18:24 #62848

    Jamie: Thanks for the comedy, but it's time to pull your head out from Wenger's arse.

  64. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 07, 2014, 18:24 #62847

    That's right, Jamie, get rid of all the 'surplus to requirements' and just leave right thinking fans like yourself. Then you could finally rename the club Arsene FC and the stadium the 'Emirates Wengerbowl'. You could start your own league where opposition teams could be banned from using unfair practices like tackling or using tactics. Better still, create a new league of one, where the Arsene FC fans could thrill and swoon as the players passed it pretty triangles around the cones. Champions every season. Any dissenting voice could be instantly electrocuted in their seat.

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 18:05 #62846

    jj, maybe they meant wheelie bin lids, they don't make as much noise, but are easier dragged around, and great for planting trees, yes some are waking up at last but still just can't let go. I was in my local Asda just after kick off and left the wife to it but had heard on the radio off the quickest goal of the day in the prem against the slowest and most useless defence, I met a guy I know and he asked have you heard? I said of course I have he just screwed up his eyes and walked on. I ran into him again in the off licence section at half time he asked again have you heard the half time score no I said, he pulled out his phone and let me read it for myself I looked at him and he looked at me and we both burst out laughing, thanks wenger you useless old has been your killing this club and it's fans.

  66. Bard

    Dec 07, 2014, 18:03 #62845

    KC; the problem is we fans are trapped. Its been a massive part of my life and my history, like others on here. My history is defined by games won and lost, memories of players, magical goals. Its impossible to turn that tap off without renouncing my own connections to what makes life worth living. Sounds exaggerated I know, but who here doesn't go to the computer or TV wherever we are to check the result if we haven't been to the game. You can't just pretend it doesn't matter anymore. Even those who have stopped going are as passionate as those who go. I think there will inevitably be change and I did believe that Wenger would be forced out but I have changed my position largely as a result of opinions written here. We are not so bad that we will be beaten every week so whenever we put a couple of results together as recently the pressure eases thats why I don't think we will see change during the season. A week is a long time in football.

  67. JAMIE

    Dec 07, 2014, 18:01 #62844

    Song and Jenkinson only look good because they're playing with a load of ordinary Joe's at Wham,lots of running about and hoofing it up to Carrol,you can see that every week on Hackney Marshes.Get them back in the Arsenal team and the wobs would be on their backs immediately.Not really that bothered by what a lot of you sunshine Gooners think as if all of you stopped going we'd still sell the place out anyway so you really are all surplus to requirement.

  68. KC

    Dec 07, 2014, 17:45 #62843

    So here we are with the team going backwards while the manager makes the owner richer. Competing for a fourth place that enters in to a competition we can not win but increases the owners wealth. As a fan I find it very difficult not to want us to win every game even though I know each win keeps us on this dire treadmill of mediocrity what a choice! Is it that difficult with all our funds available to build a team that can walk onto a football pitch and be difficult to play against, for a top four team we make it so easy for teams to score against us. Utter frustration! By the way this is not the first time we had had civil war I was on the north bank when half wanted Terry Neil out and a large section were still supporting him, I am dumbfounded how anyone can keep watching this defensive joke that never goes away and still defend our manager.

  69. GoonerGoal!

    Dec 07, 2014, 17:34 #62842

    ENOUGH!.. ENOUGH!.. ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH! It’s time for ACTION! It's time for REVOLUTION! Required live on TV on Saturday are many more “ENOUGH!” banners, and non-stop chanting of “ENOUGH!” throughout the match. Stewards might find it relatively easy to confiscate 1 or 2 banners, but removing 11 21 32 41 or even 52 or 61 would be a much more complex and time consuming task. Especially if fans demanded that stewards quote precisely the exact Stadium terms and conditions which allow them to take possession of personal items during a match, before handing them over. Confiscating them all could take up to 80% of match time if there were enough on show, and even then they could not stop the “ENOUGH!” chant from filling the air for the whole 90 minutes of TV coverage! So get your “ENOUGH!” banners ready. Exercise your vocal chords ready for the “ENOUGH” chant. WENGER OUT! KRONKE AND GAZIDIS OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  70. A sad decline on a club that had Heart

    Dec 07, 2014, 17:05 #62841

    Ian Ure's son - spot on. I have consistantly said Wenger took too much credit for the 1996-2004 period. Graham's previous 10 year reign had installed a winning mentality through the club and a tough bunch of players. Absolute life death struggles at some grounds, that Arsenal always came away with credit. 2005-2014 really is Wengers Arsenal and 2010-2014 wenger's emirates arsenal and the core DNA is totally different. its Weak from top to bottom, its got no Heart and Soul. Even West Ham looks a better bet today and Song is playing excellent stuff by the way.

  71. Torbay gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 16:52 #62840

    Got a ticket(silver member) for the Newcastle game back in October and for the first time ever, not actually looking forward to watch us play. Of course I would like us to actually win the bloody game, but am aware each defeat we suffer heaps more pressure on Wenger's shoulders and might convince yet more supporters that he really is a busted flush. I do know though, that this will be my last visit to the ground while this manager remains in charge, as clearly my heart is no longer in it. Sad times indeed! He needs to leave this club and take the entire board with him.

  72. TJ

    Dec 07, 2014, 16:40 #62839

    @Murphy more like 3000 at best, mate... They were offering Red Members season tickets when I had that membership. I also don't think it's right to say it's only the ground sales they care about- it's really bad press and publicity if there are protests outside the ground, a largely-supported petition and more protests at the away games at least could really make a difference, it's not good for the brand as well they know.

  73. munchbaghat

    Dec 07, 2014, 16:32 #62838

    The BFG essentially psychologically retired on winning thw world cup and is now just sorting out his pension........

  74. Hiccup

    Dec 07, 2014, 16:13 #62837

    Not sure what to make of wenger's arse being stuck to the dugout seat?The only animation he ever shows is to flap his arms around like a penguin at the referee or to argue with the 4th official. There's never any tactical help to the players. Seeing as we were getting stuffed 3-0 and the officials were on our side chalking off a legitimate 4th goal, what reason was there to get off his arse?

  75. Trevor murphy

    Dec 07, 2014, 16:04 #62836

    Guys , this club and it's board are not concerned about the supporters as long as they have 30000 people waiting for season tickets.they are only concerned about you spending your money on them. Instead of protests ,try and persuade fans from buying food and drink in the ground and not buying anything in the armoury or online.this might send out a message

  76. jjetplane

    Dec 07, 2014, 16:03 #62835

    Would not go near them L Ron Hubbard types HICCUP but where has WESTIE gone? He was back last week with stats galore having listened to some of those records with backwards messages which contain words like spirit, mental strength but no 'a liddle biet soft.' Cannot get over a manager hiding from opposing fans. Got to be a first and why is the Emirates little bit like Madame Tussauds. Dead and French and full of smiley punters. JAMIe I would expect you to admire their Stoke hardness to say nothing of the fact that they played Arsenal off the park. Got a feeling that head lock was a bit of a lark as Arsenal are now a general laughing stock in the wider world of football. Oh well - Come on Leicester. How many points are the Hammers in front now? Make that up! Sam and Hughsie hey! Would you credit it? Yes, fully.

  77. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 16:03 #62834

    KC, deluded is one of the words alright, but this old fraud take responsibility or the blame for anything? you must be joking, or given any by his Disciples that's when the lady that washes the dishes in the canteen at London colney comes into play.

  78. Bard

    Dec 07, 2014, 16:00 #62833

    I share all the indignation and blood spilt on here but nothing is going to change in the short run. However much grief we give him on line off line in the stadium he wont walk before the ned of the season and frankly it would be a disaster for him and us if he did. However badly we do between now and the transfer window the beloved 4th spot is still up for grabs. As Jeff says its a straight fight between us and Liverpool. We have fairly decent strikers which Liverpool don't. My guess is that we will see quite a bit of action in the window. How hard is it to add a bit of defensive quality to our current crop. Anyone who can head a ball and tackle is an improvement. If we manage 4th it will all be as we were for next season. Much as I agree with everything written on here, I just can't see change coming anytime soon. I could imagine Stan thinking about cashing in when Wenger leaves but until then why would you sack your moneymaking machine. Wegners reputation would be in tatters if he walked out half way through the season, so thats not going to happen. KC the tactical stuff is important to us but in the grand scheme of things what do we know cos we have never worked a day in football.

  79. Hiccup

    Dec 07, 2014, 15:47 #62831

    "AKB's: Thanks for the excuses, but it's time to wake up." JJ, the AKB's have held the club back for far too long. Any coalition would end in disarray as a win over QPR on Boxing Day would see them revert back to their pro wenger policies.

  80. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 15:30 #62830

    lower east, a good idea and there are plenty of fans good at organising and doing just that, but not at the team, they might not be blameless in all of this, but it should be aimed at the one who is wholly responsible for it all, this old useless past it manager we have, it would let him know exactly what we think that's if he doesn't already.

  81. JAMIE

    Dec 07, 2014, 15:20 #62829

    That and the fact that the referee allowed Stoke players to do exactly what they wanted to Arsenal players even throttling Sanchez.While Arsenal players were pulled up and booked for nothing fouls,no wonder Stoke enjoy their annual Cup Final against us at 'middle earth' where everything's so stacked in their favour.

  82. jjetplane

    Dec 07, 2014, 15:13 #62828

    Must say I jumped for joy when that third went in and wished the 4th had been rightly given and they had scored two more which should have seen the end of 'that grey hair'! once and for all. Notice some are talking (as though it's news) about 'it's not just the manager it's the whole set-up' well strike me down squire if them moanie old WOBS have not been saying that for aeons but they were just bleating and banging dust bin lids (when was the last time you ever saw a dust bin lid?) but now the AKBs want part of a coalition pact. I am so glad I stopped going in 2004 (what ****ing timing) having been at Highbury from the 60s. Talking of gardening just heard it's coming from Bournemouth today. Now see here - Bournemouth (like West Ham ha ha) are flying mate and Mourinho is looking liddle bit (sic) like the number one serial failure who now seems to be enjoying the angst of being a loser on 8m a year. Would not pay to watch that **** if it was still at 60s prices. This post is just a liddle measure of the destruction that has been brought on Arsenal. Once the Sanchez piece of the jig saw goes missing then we can start counting the empty seats. My compassion to those great gooner people who have finally said 'enough is enough.'

  83. Roy

    Dec 07, 2014, 15:04 #62826

    If you are spineless at the top, why would you expect any kind of decent leadership on any other level ? The amount of long standing fans on this message board alone who are no longer prepared to part with their money, and I am one, says it all, and it's increasing all the time. Of course if every seat is still bought and paid for, the board will choose to do nothing even though they know all is not well as they are scared of what may happen post Wenger. This makes them stupid as well as spineless. Those of you who still go - and remember, you're paying the highest ticket prices anywhere - you know what to do.

  84. Let's give Steve Walford a run out for the last 10 minutes

    Dec 07, 2014, 14:53 #62825

    Even by the standards of the last 9 years yesterday was a new low. Not because of the lack of tactics or defensive ability, those are a given these days. No, because the manager of Arsenal Football Club sat cowering on the bench whilst his side were being over run. No coaxing greater effort from his players, no in game management or reorganisation, not even any flapping his arms about and fiddling with his zip. Even Steve Maclaren stood there with a brolly. For most of us that saw warriors like McLintock, Radford, Storey, Rice, Adams, Keown any many others wear the shirt as a badge of honour this pathetic excuse of a manager is a blight on what Arsenal used to represent. I was there yesterday and at half time I thought he'd lost a decent percentage of the crowd. Not all of them obviously, there'll always be those who"ll back him no matter what, but enough to make life very uncomfortable. Unfortunately the 2nd half was the worst of both worlds. Not good enough to rescue anything from the game but just about good enough to keep enough of his disciples onside and ready to punch those of us that dare speak out again this overpaid fraud. Now that the print version of the Gooner is finally off the fence can nothing be organised by way of protest at home games? Let' s let the board and Wenger know that ' Enough really is enough'.

  85. Mark from Aylesbury

    Dec 07, 2014, 14:53 #62824

    Kevin, Are you in a position or feel that you can be justified in creating an online petition that could also be Twitter and Facebook led. I do understand that you may wish to appear neutral and the gooner has to remain a broadchurch . Surely though enough is enough !

  86. Reg

    Dec 07, 2014, 14:52 #62823

    Unchives. Too true re Diaby and further highlights the lack of challenging of Clouseau from above. Carry on and piss a few million down the drain! You really couldn't make it up!

  87. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 14:42 #62822

    Jess Cooper, good post, and it's going to take years to get wengers grubby finger prints of everything.

  88. KC

    Dec 07, 2014, 14:23 #62821

    @Bard - I tend to agree with you, the only thing that may tempt wenger to go is if the home crowd turn against him in a big way. I agree again with the two or three players required, a replacement for Pers and Flamini/ Arteta. The problem though even with replacements Wengers game plan is often wrong. Yesterday called for a defensive display and to utilise our pace on the break, our offensive players are so made for this but because Wenger has no clue defensively we cant play this way hence it helps kill our speed. This team should be a fantastic counter attacking team instead its become a dull keep ball team with a pathetic soft underbelly.

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 14:22 #62820

    There'll be no new dawn at this club until this old excuse for a manager disappears over the horizon, any hint of one in the last nine years has lasted about as long as a fart in a gale, as for spirit the only spirit this old fraud knows anything about is the kind he drinks (and it's obviously too much) or the spirits of past genuine greats circling his bed every night telling him to go before he destroys the great club they helped build.

  90. Bard

    Dec 07, 2014, 14:06 #62819

    Some really god posts and a good summary Kev. I am with Baddie on this one although not sure about the gardening analogy. Wenger has to go but so does Stan. Wenger leaving won't alter much if the model stays the same. There will just be another patsy who's remit is the bring in the money. Despite the surmised apathy in the boardroom I suspect there will be frantic talk of what to do in the Jan transfer window than there will be about Wenger and his job. One large transfer of say Hummels will be enough to quieten down most of us. It worked with Ozil so why not someone else. Those that think Wenger will be dismissed are delusional. In truth if you factor out his tactical cluelessness we are only 3 short of having a very good squad. A CB, a DM and a fit left back and that will do it. Two out of three will be good enough.

  91. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 14:01 #62818

    Here we are again Kev discussing the same old same old call it what you like capsulation, embarrassment the lists a long one, all due to the failures,and uselessness of this long past it excuse for a manager. And we will continue to be no matter how long it takes(until this old madman puts us all out of our misery) even though some think we shouldn't be and have to much to say, well it's a dam good job fans are and have because where would we be if we were all like them sitting on their arses quite happy with their messiah and what he's doing or has done, turning/turned this club into a laughing stock, bunch of wimps, and second raters, just like himself with his bumbling. Can someone not show balls and stand up and be counted and tell this old has been his time is up before he destroys this great club of ours completely.

  92. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 13:58 #62817

    EG. Reminds me of a pub I used to drink in. It had a sign inside ''Free beer tomorrow'

  93. Andreas

    Dec 07, 2014, 13:52 #62816

    Wenger's interview on Radio 5 live was more telling when he stated the defence was "tender in their tackling". Quite what steve bould makes of it all, now that's an opinion I will love to hear. Worst start of a season since 82/83 says it all.

  94. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 07, 2014, 13:44 #62815

    In some ways yesterday was a good day because Chelsea lost, and I'd imagine the unbeaten league season is a record we'd all like to remain unique. As for Arsenal, we see that so often and for so long now that surely none of us were really shocked or upset by it. The differences between supporters seem to lie in where you base your appraisals. Do you base them in what you hope is 'about to' happen... things are about to change in the next transfer window... the injured players are about to return.. Arsene is about to sort out the defence, just give him time... Or do you base you appraisals on what actually happens? Of course, the beauty of the first method of appraisal is, tomorrow never comes. So you can keep talking about what's 'about to' happen, and therefore support the status quo, in perpetuity.

  95. Alsace Lorraine

    Dec 07, 2014, 13:42 #62814

    There is hope because Wenger's bankrupt performance as a manager is finally coming home to roost. In past seasons the outstanding efforts of a few individuals have rescued him. Not this time. I wonder if any other clubs' away fans are fighting amongst themselves? By this measure, and it's a formidable one, Arsene Wenger is surely the worst manager in the history of Arsenal Football Club. When he finally goes all representations of him should be torn down and replaced with ones of George Graham - a manager whose tenure was mostly associated with a disciplined defence and success - the same disciplined defence which enabled most of any success that Wenger has had.

  96. Unchives

    Dec 07, 2014, 13:26 #62813

    Good & accurate report, the assault on Sanchez was a straight red, no doubts at all. We've all been here before, the manager does not have a clue. There is no point going over the same things again here....TIME FOR ACTION GUYS & GIRLS.Giving Diaby another contract tops the insanity of the man.

  97. Lower East

    Dec 07, 2014, 13:14 #62812

    Does anyone have any emails or contact details for any of the Kroenke's? We need to take it to them , they are presiding over the embarrassment that is Wenger

  98. sam

    Dec 07, 2014, 13:08 #62811

    Isn’t arsenal a pathetic club? A useless over pampered manager , spineless board and weak gullible supporters. So far as the stadium is filled every home match at the emirates, nothing will change. Supporters need to stamp their displeasure by boycotting matches and as soon as the profits start dwindling those mandated to ACT will ACT-Period. Yesterday's match result was not surprising to me and I did not waste my time watching- we should brace ourselves for more of this results though. Supporting a club in one thing but supporting intransigent is another more so when we pay more than any premiership club for matches.

  99. jeff wright

    Dec 07, 2014, 13:04 #62810

    Wenger bottled it by cowering on the bench yesterday ,he was scared of the taunts from the Stoke supporters .He has banned banners calling for him to go at home games his fragile ego obviously not being up to coping with this. Wenger is a liar and a very weak man . He lies about his supposed 24 hour a day devotion to AFC .In reality he has other off-field activities ,such as TV work and commercial deals that are not connected to AFC and that ,as we know ,impact on his job at the club. He was certainly not on the job,at least at AFC, when he had that affair with the waitress/rappper in Paris that went on for over a year . With just 4th place being job done for Stan the chances are that if Wenger achieves that then he will stay on for the rest of his contract. He is not expected to win the European Cup and the FAC is or is not important,depending on results and the luck of the draw .You couldn't make it up.

  100. enough is enough

    Dec 07, 2014, 13:04 #62809

    I am sorry you didnt think it right to analize the 3 goals Kev.Because you will see see they all involved our Big ****ing Usless German.6ft 7in and he bottled it for the 3rd.And he is the captain.Groundhog season part 10

  101. TJ

    Dec 07, 2014, 12:58 #62808

    I just wanted to clarify that not all those who attend home matches are sheep- I know some are worried they won't get their season tickets back and hate Wenger, I just mean there are a majority of fans in the stadium who don't even debate on sites, who think they're being 'positive' by blindly obeying and not questioning the manager. Like that fight between the away fans: 'wake up and smell the coffee' was 'refuted' with 'you're too negative'... By the way, as a Red Member a while back they were desperate to offer me a season ticket... I think the waiting list has completely dwindled from what I've heard- it's frustrating as there are always enough people in attendance. We need to start petitions and protests outside the stadium if we really want change, otherwise do we really have a right to complain on here?

  102. Rippy

    Dec 07, 2014, 12:53 #62807

    We can't keep fighting each other! FFs ! We know what's happened this season. We went in too light defensively and got ****ed. Wenger always gambles. Badly usually. But that's no reason to fight each other. Just get used to the idea wenger has two and a half years left. I am convinced we are two defensive minded players away from a great Side. The threat of no champions league fourth place usually wakes the board from their slumber. I expect this January to see additions. Fingers crossed a midfielder who can tackle.

  103. KC

    Dec 07, 2014, 12:44 #62806

    Can we please get away from this notion of it all went wrong with the new stadium. The stadium does not purchase a lopsided squad, the stadium does not decide to ignore the importance of defensive midfielders, Central defenders or the ability to build a squad that can compete against all the different types of football you come across in the premiership. Spain and Barcelona led Wenger down this deluded idea of keep ball sadly he forgets that when you don't keep ball you require a strong base to resort to. The blame for this shambles of the football pitch can be pointed at one man only right now and we know his name.

  104. Dartford gooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 12:12 #62805

    Crouch 6.7 marked by chambers 6.1. bojan 5.10 marked by BFG 6.7 well that makes a lot of sense from a manager of 30 years experience. Watch the highlights again ,that had to be Mertesacker worse game in an Arsenal shirt, he was awful but there is no way he can be left out because there is no one else to come in. Still got my season ticket , still go every game, can't help it I love the club. I have never felt this low about Arsenal in the 48 years I have been going to games. Even in the crap years it was still fun and the fans were united, we are now fighting each other. Why no protest against the board, even with Wenger gone who would have any faith in them getting the right man in. Sad times for our great club

  105. Martyn

    Dec 07, 2014, 11:58 #62804

    Anyone fancy playing in defence on Tuesday night?

  106. Roy

    Dec 07, 2014, 11:37 #62803

    I'm sure that even a half decent Sunday league manager would know how to set up and send a team out against Arsenal at the moment, let alone Hughes or Allardyce. Any normal board would push this manager before he jumps, but since that ain't gonna happen, get ready for many more days like yesterday. I'm also quite sure that we'll see some kind of addition to the squad in Jan or the golden ticket of 4th place is definitely under threat. But you know what ? I'm not sure I give a flying f*ck anymore. "Mental strength and resilience"?? Who are you trying to kid ? Just p*ss off and stop patronising us. Not getting anymore of my money until someone stands up and tells Wenger that he's past his best and times up. This is also the first year that I've had to send out a message to NOT buy me anything Arsenal related for Xmas as I'd rather they didn't get their money either. Unless its a Sanchez t shirt maybe !

  107. dan

    Dec 07, 2014, 11:28 #62802

    The same match report you have written a 100 times in the last 5 years.This was no different to the first halfs at Liverpool and Chelsea last season.In fact it was worse given the opposition The FA cup win just papered over the huge cracks.Did you see the bench yesterday?I blame the fans who renewed their ST's.

  108. Hiccup

    Dec 07, 2014, 11:24 #62801

    As seen on Gardeners World, if your plant has diseased dead leaves (wenger), remove them asap. If you don't, the disease may spread to the rest of the plant (arsenal plc). As we have a strong foundation with plenty of nutritional resources available from the roots, allow the new leaves to utilise the nutrients to better effect. As any novice gardener will tell you, to maintain your plants, apply some form of pest spray in the summer to keep those nasty bugs (Stoke) at bay. Don't leave this until January, as this will be too late and the leaves will be wilting beyond repairable damage. If you are dopey enough to neglect your shrubs, then my advice would be to put the gardener on gardening leave. A very expensive solution though.

  109. tippytappyhappyclappy

    Dec 07, 2014, 11:12 #62800

    Groundhog day, watching the Bojan run past Ramsey and Flamini was like watching Denilson and Fabregas in 2010. Common denominator = Le Genius. He is not motivated by success for the fans he wants soley to feed his ego and his reputation as the midas of football, and hasn't got the humility to understand all the inherited factors that made his successful decade possible. He has this reputation as an intelligent man - I would disagree, he is stubborn arrogant blinkered man. Arsene - this is not your club, stop treating it like your toy.

  110. roche

    Dec 07, 2014, 11:05 #62798

    Start a petition.Wenger must go. We have all had enough.

  111. Mike Collins

    Dec 07, 2014, 10:46 #62797

    "Same old, same old," say many here but I wish it was "the old" in some ways... imagine Bardsley doing what he did to Sanchez to Patrick Viera, for example. No, me neither. Plenty seem to think like me - Arsenal lost their soul when we (and it is everyone - fans 'n' all) moved to the space-age wok we call our home these days. No point dwelling on a past that slips further away with every passing day but there could be a superb future - but not with Wenger. Until he goes, many of us older ones will be stuck in the past and I, as an old git, want a bright future before full-time. C'mon Arsenal!

  112. Nick T

    Dec 07, 2014, 10:27 #62796

    There really shouldn't even be a debate about Wenger anymore, all you need to do is answer 2 simple questions - 'Should Arsenal, with their financial muscle, status and current crop, be seriously challenging for the major honors domestically and in Europe?' and 'Will AW ever win the Champions League or Premier League again?'. I just don't see any footballing argument for him to remain and I don't buy into this 'it'll be a disaster if he goes right now lets wait until next summer'...really?!?! With this same squad of players how much worse could almost anyone do right now (?!) plus do you really want AW spending that cash in January (if he does of course). Its an absolute no brainer for me, Ive lost all interest in the actual matches because its so predictable but what angers me is certain people's (mainly AKBs Im guessing..and of course the board) obsession with getting top 4....WHO F*CKING CARES ABOUT 4TH PLACE!?! And breathe....

  113. SilverGooner

    Dec 07, 2014, 10:21 #62795

    According to Wenger's post-match interview there were 'a lot of positives' to take from the game. Yes folks, our clueless manager has set yet another benchmark in talking complete bo**ocks! What an utter disgrace - despite the shambolic performance on the pitch, he can't even be bothered to get off his arse and offer any tactical direction to the players. For £8 million a year, that's the very least we should expect from him.

  114. Badarse

    Dec 07, 2014, 10:18 #62794

    As Chance the Gardener might say, 'You don't pull off the leaves from a diseased plant, (sack a manager), you need to tackle the problem at the roots. If the plant cannot be saved then drastic action is required, dig it up and replace.' (Board). It is clear, and has been for a long time that the motives of a 'business-model club', do not mirror that of a football team and it's supporters. Change the 'plant'? That comes with all the likely pitfalls through disconnected introductions. However, given that it is the way forward it presents it's own convoluted set of circumstances, because the Board will hang on indefinitely, and the owner is deaf, except to the sound of 'Kerching'. There is the conundrum. How do you change the mentality of non-footballing people, running a footie team as a business?

  115. AMG

    Dec 07, 2014, 10:15 #62793

    That animal Charlie Adam should receive retrospective punishment for his tackle on Alexis. You can't grab a player round the neck while he's running! If brushing someone's face with your hand it worthy of punishment, surely what he did is worse - Not that I'm making excuses for the team, they were comprehensively outplayed by Stoke, rather than kicked off the park.

  116. Captain Frank

    Dec 07, 2014, 10:15 #62792

    I was at the game yesterday and the saddest part of the whole day was seeing Arsenal fans trading punches with each other at the end. Has it really come to this? There are countless reasons why Wenger should leave, but this for me is the strongest one of them all. I picked up the new issue of The Gooner and was pleased to see they've nailed their colours to the mask with their front cover "Enough's Enough", but the back cover is quite simply brilliant.

  117. KC

    Dec 07, 2014, 10:07 #62790

    Kevin - Quite a moderate response to a shocking, shameful performance. Wenger bemoans our defending forgive me but is he not the manager? is it not his responsibility? Its the same weaknesses season after season, yet no change to personnel, no protection etc etc. Is this man deluded, stupid or just totally stubborn? Does he enjoy us losing sound ridiculous but how can anyone watch the same repeats time and again and not think I need to change something.

  118. AMG

    Dec 07, 2014, 10:03 #62789

    Interestingly Bojan cost a 10th of what we paid for Alexis, could you tell? What a gutless bunch of losers, headed first and foremost by Cazorla - How is he getting in the team each week? He's a luxury player for a Spanish side, who completely lacks any cutting edge or composure, and to think the AKB's could not contemplate offloading him to Atletico to free up some space for Cesc... Injuries are not an excuse, Wenger hits his talent barrier against sides like Stoke and has done ever since they came into the prem, injuries or no injuries, the abysmal record speaks for itself. A very average manager, leading a team of spineless players who can't speak out because it's in their contract - The good players have been doing the talking with their feet for years, Wenger has lost the dressing room! Don't be fooled by the sheep like Arteta who toe the line, because they know they'd never get a game at Arsenal under any other manager. Why were there no banners against Stoke? Time to step it up, this despotic regime has to end - Wenger out!

  119. John Abrehart

    Dec 07, 2014, 9:53 #62787

    Spot on Editor. I have been to the Stoke game for the last 6-7 years and I just hope that we will turn up one day. We were out fought, out-thought, out manoeuvred, out-muscled and out-supported. Yes, our famous away support were almost non-existent for long periods and who can blame them but the home fans booing Ramsey for being the recipient of a broken leg does nothing for their image. Our defensive frailties and lack of cover let us down badly. When it comes to theses type of games, WE NEVER LEARN! It does not end with Stoke City, the West Ham's and others will be licking their lips. Surely someone in the Arsenal coaching department if not Steve Bould himself knows what to expect at the potteries and prepares the team accordingly? An awful performance just when we could have put a bit of space between us and Spurz and the Poolies.

  120. gn23

    Dec 07, 2014, 9:50 #62786

    Same old, same old. Thought mertesacker was a disgrace yesterday, never really rated him. This regime is so tired, stale .reminds me of the end of the George Graham era, difference being we don't have a board with the balls to make a change!!

  121. bergkamp10

    Dec 07, 2014, 9:48 #62785

    The below quote really sums up everything in my book. At £8M + a year, not too many companies or business would tolerate such bad performance. I agree that to end this torment the fans need to speak out collectively as one voice. QUOTE:-Time for Arsenal fans to get active starting with the game against Newcastle at the Grove. The thought of two or three more years of this fool ruining the club is tiresome. At £8 million a year surely Wenger must be made more accountable.

  122. Peter Wain

    Dec 07, 2014, 9:46 #62784

    how much longer can we go on nduring this Last season we were gibbed by the top three teams now we are being crushed by Stoke. No lessons ever are learnt from these beatings no players bought. We only need one player in the January window spouts Wenger. Well heh wake up and smell the f=coffee we need four players at least and we need physical presence in defence and midfield. Wiil we get them -no licky if we get one loanee and lets pray he is not injured on arrival. Yank sell up now get rid of the geriatric board usless CEO and manager. Go now Kroenke go now.

  123. Smithy

    Dec 07, 2014, 9:22 #62783

    Good news Jose and his crew didn't manage it.bad news- same old story, no defensive midfielders.what does mert offer arsenal- leadership- no, organisation- no, tackles- no and headers in own box - no. Time to go we need to buy 2 centre backs and a defensive midfield! Arsene is not the answer!

  124. GoonerRon

    Dec 07, 2014, 9:21 #62782

    Three small steps forward and one big Stoke shaped one back. A few of the players looked leggy and with squad shortages at the back and injuries in midfield there's little option to rotate with lots of fixtures coming up. Me thinks a youth team defence and midfield will be travelling to Turkey. Just one small footnote (and not a reason for the defeat) - the ref was shocking. Bardsley went in recklessly on Alexis after 5 minutes and Stoke end up getting a free kick, this set the scene for the Stoke players and crowd. Plus Begovic was time wasting from the 2nd minute, if you were there you'd have seen their rehearsed goal kick routine that wasted 45 seconds every 5 minutes.

  125. Hi Berry

    Dec 07, 2014, 9:19 #62781

    Nice article Kevin. I'm glad you highlighted the fact that, despite one or two abberations - Charlie Adams in particular, the myth that Stoke play neanderthal football is as wide of the mark as the myth that Arsenal play beautiful football. I wish the same could be said for their fans, however, who who showed their cave-men tendancies by reprehensibly booing Ramsey whenever he was on the ball, presumably for having the temerity to have his leg shattered by Shawcross four years ago. Stoke showed they were up for the fight in much the same way that Adams, Bould, Keown, Winterburn, Dixon, Viera, Petit and Parlour would have been many years ago.

  126. Mark from aylesbury

    Dec 07, 2014, 9:13 #62780

    I notice the great mental strength doesn't extend to Arsene . Apparently according to reports he deliberately stayed on his bench rather than face ridicule from Stoke supporters. So there we go one mans ego more important than the team! It does show where he will crack though. Our frustrations publicly vented at Wenger are the way forward. Banners do work. Hope he faces a barage of ridicule at Emirates

  127. NorfGoon

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:59 #62779

    How anyone can accept £8m from the club that they allege to love after a performance like that beggars belief. If it was a one off it would be easier to swallow but these abject displays are becoming all too frequent and perhaps more worryingly, are accepted by a large percentage of the fanbase. There is no shame in losing if you put in a strong performance or if you are simply faced with a superior opponent. Can either be said about yesterday (all due respect to Stoke)?

  128. Jess Cooper wants Wenger out

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:56 #62778

    I've been following the Arsenal for 30 years now and had a season ticket for 15 but this is my last year of attending games. The club is no longer the one it used to be. Arsene Wenger as manager and Stan Kroeke as owner is like the death of a thousand cuts. The only ambition is profit for the owner and Wenger is only interested in taking his 8m a year. I am amazed at the tolerance of my fellow gooners, 10 years of this rubbish and still we don't rise up and throw this idiot out of the club. If the stadium had 10 to 20 thousand empty seats, if match days there were made so uncomfortable for Wenger and the board change would be inevitable, but we sit in silence, no protests and nothing changes. We pay the highest ticket prices in the world and so are intitled to expect ambition from the boardroom and managers office. This stubborn old fool would have been sacked years ago at every other top club in Europe. I'll always love the Arsenal but I hate how it's being run and managed now and so they are not getting another penny off me until things change. I've had enough. Wenger out.

  129. TJ

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:55 #62777

    Yesterday was the first time I felt completely bored and rather than watch the match live just did something else; even the second half was awful, and as the MOTD analysis showed we didn't battle at all. This club has been in decline under Wenger for five years but he is propped up by sheep who keep defending him and attending games, and his lucky earning of 4th place. Now we're scrapping for that and nothing else, even though Chelsea's wage bill is higher and transfer fee values probably aren't miles apart either. You have to ask yourself honestly (AKBs particularly) whether you really believe this is the best we can do, or whether it's only as far as Wenger can go. City, Chelsea and United work so hard to fill the gaps in the squad, we don't. When it comes to tactics and strategy the reason Wenger can't get a win against big teams is because he plays checkers and they play chess. This team can't even counterattack. I'm bored of watching this self-imposed failure and getting 4th place will prolong the mediocrity, while missing out could be a slippery slope or perhaps a better start if Wenger resigns. But keep it all in context, as Kev mentions we would all like to see trophies being won- just like the players themselves! I doubt, even with 4th place being earned, that they will want to endure this indefinitely, not if they're really ambitious. Jamie and all the other AKBs are dead silent on our chances of winning any silverware this year, but we know what those 'fans' are really concerned with, don't we...

  130. Sarf Lunden

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:55 #62776

    Didn't watch it. Won't watch it. Watching Arsenal is just another chore that,having stupidly renewed the season ticket, I feel I have to do. I now do it reluctantly because I know what I'll end up with. Nothing is new. The players look scared to try anything different. The opposition know exactly what their up against and how to beat us. The board can kid themselves as much as they like about fourth been a trophy. When you see blocks of empty seats all over the ground, as at the Southampton game, then you know the fans have lost interest. Why bother when its on the TV, its midweek etc soon becomes why bother going at all. Shame because Wenger achieved great things for Arsenal. I just don't see any change coming either in him or the board. So the only way to protest is to stop going.

  131. Wardy

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:54 #62775

    Like all Arsenal fans i'm so bored watching the same old shambles & listening to a once great manager talk utter drivel about 'great mental strength' & 'resilience' but we all know the score (and have done for at least the last 3 seasons now) ...... 4th place & profit margins are all this leadership cares about and some mugs will accept it ..... not me ...... back to being an Armchair Gooner, am not wasting my money on these lightweights ...... goodbye !!

  132. Gaz

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:54 #62774

    Just save us all a lot of time and effort Kev by copying and pasting across to here some of the thousands of posts made over a number of years when we've suffered exactly this type of performance...

  133. lower east

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:53 #62773

    Next home game is live on tv.. being shown everywhere. This is the game for the fans to protest.. all shd turn their backs on the team when theh come out and for the first 5 mins

  134. Ian Ure's Son

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:53 #62772

    Wenger thinks he is cleverer than everyone else. It's based on his success when he first arrived in terms of recruiting abroad, nurturing youth, a focus on technique, and cleaning up the players' fitness and lifestyles. What he doesn't realise (or chooses to ignore) is that his early success was built on a winning mentality that he inherited from the Graham era, a mentality that players that he brought in then adopted. But gradually those players have gone, and any that still have it - RVP, Nasri, Sagna, Fabregas, Vermalaen - choose to leave or are sold, and the youngsters that replace them then have no role models. Stoke away is the ultimate test of that winning mentality. Only when we really start dominating that fixture will we stand any chance of winning the league. And with Wenger still preferring youth, technique and fitness while rejecting proven players with experience, attitude and a do or die winning mentality, that will never happen. In short, Wenger doesn't like anyone - players, club executives, interviewers, rivals, supporters - who challenge his sense of superiority. It should therefore be no surprise that there is limited challenge on the pitch.

  135. west facing cannon

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:47 #62771

    Time for Arsenal fans to get active starting with the game against Newcastle at the Grove. The thought of two or three more years of this fool ruining the club is tiresome. At £8 million a year surely Wenger must be made more accountable.

  136. noodles

    Dec 07, 2014, 8:33 #62770

    What can we say that hasn't been said before ... How we can go into a seson with such a threadbare defence is just baffling, but then again so is our lack of tactics .... Sadly nothing will will change this groundhog season! Depressing stuff lads :0(