Indefensible: Chambers’ ghost header a sharp dose of reality

Not Calum’s finest moment, but don’t blame the youngster

Indefensible: Chambers’ ghost header a sharp dose of reality

For all the criticism slung his way this season, Arsene Wenger is still capable of pulling off Jedi mind tricks – even on the seething detractors calling for his head.

Consider the regular calls in recent weeks from Arsenal fans/writers/tweeters for Bellerin to replace Chambers and Chambers to be played at centre-back – “because at least that would mean we’d have players playing in their natural positions.”

Master Yoda alert: the notion that Calum Chambers is a competent top-tier centre-back is exclusively based on Wenger’s own decision to simply rebrand the Saints second-stringer as a central defender and play him in that position for less than five professional games. In other words: based on nothing.

Today saw steely reality crunching home. It is not possible to play rookie defenders and expect anything less than fatal inexperience to raise its head.

Or in this case, duck it.

Chambers’ woefully undercooked near-post non-header for today’s opening goal was potentially the very first time he had attempted that type of clearance from that position in a professional game. Like ice did Bambi, it simply caught him unawares - his hands tucked tellingly inside his schoolboy sleeves.

Let us be clear: Chambers should bear no blame whatsoever for today’s phantom howler. Just as when an untried Szczesny and Koscienly, having played only a handful of games together, conspired to gift the 2011 Carling Cup to Birmingham in the dying seconds, it is the manager alone – and his unfathomable defensive negligence – at fault. What other top-echelon manager would expose his team to such risk?

It goes without saying that the chorus of questions over Wenger's structural inadequacies grows louder each season. But even by his standards, this year's inquest has begun early - and the clamour is becoming a howl.

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  1. Badarse

    Dec 10, 2014, 15:32 #63076

    David you are preaching a soft road to fundamentalism my friend. Science has taught us the universe is ever-expanding and one day shall grow dark. Only the Dark Lord will roam this piece of rock howling at his feet, as he won't see the moon. Fancy that, you'd finally win, all Dark Moanies would exist, and live on all parts of the moon too, both would be the dark sides. Oh and the fighting part? People will fight over anything and everything. Brian Clough once said, during the period of pitched battles at football grounds, when the conservative right called for arenas to be closed, 'If you close football grounds they'll be fighting in Marks and Spencer's.' That man had a wonderful grasp on reality.

  2. David

    Dec 10, 2014, 14:02 #63071

    Sorry Badarse - Not reductionism. Truth. People don't fight over woolly, hazy and nuanced arguments but over black and white stuff: AMG v AKB. Perhaps when your arguments are reduced to their essence, then you are an AKB. Even if you don't like the phrase.

  3. Alex

    Dec 10, 2014, 7:35 #63043

    You know I wonder if Wenger actually thinks he can win the league in 3 years or he is just lieing to us. Surely he is not stupid. I mean he earns 8m a year for doing nothing. Wonder what he will say when he doesn't win it in 3 years? All the fault of the evil money spending clubs I bet never his fault. I hate Wenger

  4. Alex

    Dec 10, 2014, 7:07 #63042

    So has the old fraud said when we are going to win the CL. After all he has made 50000 substitutions and he is the best manager ever and we cant question him. We need to bow down to hi and worship himlike the little Akbs do.

  5. Smithy

    Dec 10, 2014, 3:09 #63041

    Because we cocked up against anderlecht we will probably get barcalona, real or bayern. We are no where near challenging those teams so unless we get Porto or a Monaco reluctantly I would say we are going out next round - like we usually do.

  6. Unchives

    Dec 10, 2014, 0:31 #63040

    Credit to the boys tonight, a great performance, I thoroughly enjoyed the game which makes a change. As for Podolski & Ramseys goal, fantastic.Why Podolski doesn't get in the team only Wenger knows.Hopefully, full squad in February and some decent signings.....we wish.

  7. jjetplane

    Dec 10, 2014, 0:08 #63039

    Perhaps if he dyed his hair like Freddie used to and went back up to Stoke and said 'do you ****ing want some ticket collector?'. Look if you can win in hell you can win the CL. The PL is falling apart (SKY to join Tesco in big **** stakes) so if Sam can get the Hammers playing RM next season (would probably beat them) how cab OGL possibly fail. You tell me! 'we love you Arsene/because you got grey hair/we love you Arsene/Cause you gave Maureen the stare .... JAMIE lee WESTIE get posting ..... Eggs fried or boiled and how long will it take lee to write to Jeff?

  8. Badarse

    Dec 09, 2014, 22:16 #63038

    David, why only two sides? A bit of reductionism there I think my friend, akb, wob? You know in politics in this country we have largely been taught to believe the political landscape is two dimensional, whilst in other countries, like the Netherlands they have many parties. Stops the mental tug of war. Bertrand wasn't wrong chum, he was neither discussing love-which is just a combination of emotions, which doesn't need proving or disproving, it's self-evident as are other emotions, or their cocktails which are also plentiful; or for that matter that hole in maguiresbridge's wellie, which is a little like Schopenhauers cat, is it there under his sole even if you don't look at it? I think it's in two places so must be Kilkenny's cat. Anyway the last time maguiresbridge tried to catch a glimpse he fell on his arse.

  9. david

    Dec 09, 2014, 20:43 #63036

    Berty was mistaken - it is impossible to prove something metaphysical in a lab. By berty's teapot theory, you cannot prove that you love your children, as love is a metaphysical idea - a feeling. It can't be put in a lab and it cannot be proved. As for a wound, not sure what you mean. However, I'm sure you'll agree that the shameful scenes at the end of the Stoke game with arsenal fans fighting over AW is evidence that the AKBs are just as culpable for the bad feeling at Arsenal as the WOBs. After all it takes two to have a punch up, and the AKBs were hardly turning the other cheek. So, no one has described you as a bit of a know it all?

  10. Hiccup

    Dec 09, 2014, 20:42 #63035

    Keys in ignition, gearstick in reverse, screeching tyres and face smothered in egg. This time, this could be THE corner...

  11. Th14afc

    Dec 09, 2014, 20:38 #63034

    Welcome back Rambo....6-0 and top of the group anyone?haha just kiddin think that's abit far fetched

  12. Bard

    Dec 09, 2014, 19:18 #63032

    Evening shipmates. After a hard day at the coal face, Im desperate to get home in time for a bit of mayhem in Turkey. That old warrior Wenger has taken the reserves out to battle. It will be a tough baptism for some but will see them initiated into the Arsenal way. Bomb forward and f... the consequences. Wengers tactical nuances carefully disguised beneath the total mayhem. Baddie glad you have temporarily found your mojo. Jamie needs keeping a careful eye on. What with his bedwetting and blokes with braces,the mans imagination knows no bounds.Someone said he was on a train to Stoke to find the guys who abused his boss and give them a twatting. I am worried about Westie, he may have chucked it in. I fear our intrepid fixer will be left calculating the odds of his beloved Julesd giving him a bollocking for not doing the washing up. These are tough times indeed for us gooners. All we have to look forward to is a possible 4th place and an increase in our season tickets.

  13. Badarse

    Dec 09, 2014, 18:19 #63031

    Wound is still showing David. Bertrand Russell really nailed it with that old china teapot, didn't he? Bet you wish he hadn't happened along either.

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 09, 2014, 16:33 #63028

    Another gem from the old fraud, it's my 180th game in the CL that means something, yes your never going to win it.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 09, 2014, 14:00 #63026

    So the old fraud says he will fight on,(yeah that would be right) no doubt in defiance of the fans who want him out, while all of them fight among themselves.

  16. David

    Dec 09, 2014, 13:52 #63025

    Quite right Badarse - you are not an AKB. After all, who could possibly know better than your good self on any matter in the cosmos?

  17. Badarse

    Dec 09, 2014, 13:41 #63023

    Still rising jj? Well I never. To be up there with the gilt-edged bonds in the Stork exchange brings it's own 'wow factor', BET you can't tell it from a butler though.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 09, 2014, 13:33 #63022

    Unchives, good one you'd think they'd be great full of all the help they can get, Exeter Gunner, another one even still being used today, without him we'd do a leeds and Portsmouth. There's more chance of that with him.

  19. Badarse

    Dec 09, 2014, 13:17 #63020

    You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Sorry Unchives, I don't see myself as an AKB, and with the best will in the world I cannot carry the load alone just to please another's whim. However I have news for you, you are not in the AFC plc Twiglet Zone, you are on an Hawaiian Island, probably Oahu or possibly Kauai-you are LOST!! There coming through the jungle is jeff, wait he sees himself coming the other way wearing a Charlie Chaplin moustache and dressed as Der Fuhrer, that tell-tale slick of combed over hair completes the ensemble-identical to the real jeff. Both stop and face each other, neither are surprised, they know you couldn't make it up. Each yawns, so much so that the tops of their heads fall off. Inside each is a grinning Hiccup. The grins widen and the faces split apart, from inside which a noisy jabbering MARCUS appears. He begins to rotate, ever faster, disappearing into a hole in the ground. Then the black smoke whooshes in, and riding atop is the Bard, biting at coconuts as he soars past the trees, and howling like a Banshee. Then a flashback, Arsene holds aloft the Invincible trophy, but the question remains, where's Hurley? By the way JAMIE is doing a blinding job on the WOB Samaritan Helpline, he has successfully talked a dozen into ending it all, got a few to 'twat' themselves, and to date forty seven have destroyed their STs by eating them.

  20. jjetplane

    Dec 09, 2014, 13:02 #63019

    Up to a squid and rising BADDIE. I know what you are doing here with the double agent kick! Are you still reporting back to the very underground WEstie? basement Tapes anyone?

  21. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 09, 2014, 12:55 #63018

    Enough of this 'giving reasons' lark now, it's panto season so let's just stick to 'oh no he shouldn't... oh yes he should'. (Panto running 5th year in a row from Aug - May)

  22. Tony Evans

    Dec 09, 2014, 12:50 #63017

    Ron - Yes Lineker is a Leicester man and probably has no Arsenal grudge but I was surprised by the strong words he used and there was not even a hint that any booing was justified. I have always hoped Wenger could leave with his dignity intact but I am getting beyond that now and have just about reached the point where anything goes, in my desperation to see him gone.

  23. Unchives

    Dec 09, 2014, 12:43 #63016

    AKBs…hello…Hello…hello (Echo)……sod it I’ve lost patience waiting for those AKBS… many can you get up Arsene arse at the same time anyway? WOB response to 66403……1) Great…****ing spend it! 2) Yes…****ing spend it! 3) Sign super quality in the positions that are short. 4) There is only one successful brand….Winning! 5) Arsenal values…overcharging fans for Failure, rewarding staff for failure…describing their most loyal fans as not in…but out if they don’t agree with reasons for failure…sorry I’ve run out of values! 6) Wenger adopts any player that is injured and pays them above the Arsenal minimum living wage of £80k a week, pay rise if they manage to play.7) As per No.6 8) All other top clubs avoid financial fair play rules by sponsoring themselves, or obtain large sponsorship deals by actually winning something on a regular basis. 9) Beholden to a rich owner that doesn’t want to invest or win…just make money! Thank-you for your interest fellow gooners…for I’m STAN…I control the horizontal…I control the vertical…..for you are in “The Arsenal PLC Twilight Zone”

  24. jeff wright

    Dec 09, 2014, 12:39 #63015

    Hi Ron ,yes there has been a dumbing down in the Prem since 2009 but let's not forget that the change of rules for qualification to the CL has helped Wenger to keep appearing in it , albeit never actually winning the thing. For his first 8 seasons it was just us and United who finished 1st or 2nd ,United usually first. For awhile now it's been a case of 4 or 5 clubs fighting it out for the top 4 places. So it is a tougher call now for Wenger to win the Prem or even finish second in it. The last time Wenger finished in the top 2 spots was back in 2004 - that being our last title win. Anyway,it will all change when Wenger wins the Prem in 2017 ! If not then as the parachutist observed when his parachute failed to open, so much for sky diving then.

  25. Unchives

    Dec 09, 2014, 12:00 #63013

    @ Exeter Gunner, very funny....I don't expect them to respond, however we know then, that we should ignore them, as they have nothing to offer, except stubborn ignorance...sounds like our leader.

  26. Badarse

    Dec 09, 2014, 11:57 #63012

    Unchives, I did like that novel idea but the best I can do with a roll reversal, is put English mustard on my hot dog, whilst holding it behind my back. Sod it! Squirted it down my Zimmer frame again. Really liked your submissions too E/G. Look out Hiccup (Hancock), Bard is only a hop, skip and a trip away from being crowned Comedy King too. Hang on have half a crown each, at least each of you are sixpence better off than jj's valuation of me, which is two bob.

  27. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 09, 2014, 11:45 #63010

    @Unchives, they give more reasons than that 10) If he were to leave, it would remind me that time is passing. 11) He's an intellectual 12) My wife met him once and said he's a very nice man.

  28. Unchives

    Dec 09, 2014, 11:28 #63008

    I want to carry out a short exercise. I’m clearly on the side of the WOB, however I’m doing a role reversal and pretending to defend AKBs stance as below, by listing the reasons why Arsene must stay. Can all the AKBs on here, then give the reasons why Arsene must go? 1) CL every season bringing in £30-£40 million. 2) Earned the right to spend the funds available. 3) Only signs super quality players 4) Plays the “Arsenal Brand of Football” which is renowned worldwide 5) Faithful to Arsenal Values – undefined 6) Protective of his players 7) Socio/Capitalist wage parity 8) Fulfils financial fair play criteria 9) Not beholden to a solitary rich owner. Come on then, all you AKBs....have you got the bottle to carry out your role reversal…doubt it……silence is golden!

  29. Ron

    Dec 09, 2014, 10:30 #63006

    Tony - I think Lineker still thinks he has to project the goodie two shoes, morally upstanding character hes honed for so many years by shouting his disgust. Hes right though but why that freaking Tw att er to do it? Hes supposed to be a BBC stalwart. The jug eared one supports Leicester by the way as does his Dad and Family. I dont think he has any affinity with N17 in fairness. Hes more Everton than them.

  30. Gaz

    Dec 09, 2014, 9:41 #63004

    @Patric/Tony Evans: Thats exactly how I feel nowadays. Its like the last few years has simply sucked the life out of me in regards to my enjoyment of supporting Arsenal. Hate feeling this way as the Club has effectively dominated my whole life for over 40 years...

  31. Tony Evans

    Dec 09, 2014, 8:19 #63002

    Patrick 66342 - Exactly my feelings and I simply can not understand how any genuine fan can have any faith left in Wenger. He is destroying my love of the club I grew up with, and in nearly 50 years of support I have never felt so detached from Arsenal. As a separate point why is Lineker being so precious about Wenger being jeered - is he worried that it might prompt him to resign, and his hated Arsenal may then get a new lease of life under a new manager? Also just read the judge me in May headline - excuse me while I go and jump off the fire escape!

  32. Ron

    Dec 09, 2014, 8:17 #63001

    Man U in 3rd spot tells us more about that PL than it does about Man U. Its declined rapidly in quality since 2009 though nobody admits it. Its the decline thats kept Arsenal in the CL. The hype, advertising and blanket sky TV coverage selling a pup has kept it going for years and viewers have bought and still buy into it for some reason. The cost of it plus the BT garbage channel each year, when dropped funds a decent UK holiday break instead.

  33. Unchives

    Dec 09, 2014, 7:20 #62999

    How sickening it is to see an absolute crap Man Utd side move into third spot,however what does that make us?I cant bear to look at the Table these days.

  34. Wombledin

    Dec 09, 2014, 0:20 #62998

    Can't understand what on earth you lot of moaners are on about. 3 clean sheets before last weekend's rugby game and we are comfortably placed to overtake Southampton and West Ham and ease into 4th spot again with some comfort come May. 4th place is as good as a trophy what. All Hail Wenger - 16 seasons of CL qualification in a row with more to come. And Mertesacker announced that the main thing is to fight to the end even if it seems hopeless - now that's the German spirit.

  35. MBGooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 23:08 #62997

    Wenger- let's see where we are in MAY!! That old chestnut again, give it a rest Mr WENGER you can't fool all of the people all of the time. The end is coming fellow goners now let's speed up the process. all together now " WENGER OUT, SACK THE BOARD, WENGER OUT, SACK THE BOARD!!.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 23:04 #62996

    Just heard a Hull player (didn't get his name) has tweeted nice easy draw to get us going, that says it all.

  37. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 22:57 #62995

    Happy Christmas Badarse.

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 22:50 #62994

    ArseneKnewBest, indeed, the lads dream must be turning into a nightmare (and he's not the first)and it's down to this excuse of a manager. Who is there to put their arm around him and give him the proper advice? and help get his head straight and put him right? God help him if it's wenger.

  39. Badarse

    Dec 08, 2014, 22:35 #62993

    Ah, the zest of tangerine hanging in the air, the chestnuts darkening on the coal scuttle shovel in the open fire. Watching the dancing flames until almost hypnotised of things to come. An early bowl of turkey giblets to slurp, chew and suck upon. Paper chains throwing strange shadows across a somewhat gloomy room, as the heat from the fire warms the surrounding air and that moves them with a rustling sound.The smell of fresh pine needles in my nostrils, sitting propped against the chair leg of Mum or Dad's chair; wouldn't budge even though the heat from the fire is scorching my leg, delightful pain, as a chill blast from under the door finds my unprotected back and reminds me to stay put a while longer. Mum giving me a piece of her prized marzipan, Dad chuckling at something silly on the Telly. Yet to befall me, the dread of placing head on cold, cold pillow, in a small darkened and chilly room. This moment isn't the finest of Xmas eve moments. Still, I will be that much closer to the morning-Christmas Morning, even the sound of the words seems magical. I wish I had them back just once more. Happy Christmas you grumpy lot, I hope the new year brings you peace.

  40. jeff wright

    Dec 08, 2014, 22:03 #62991

    Southampton are going into free-fall they had the chances to win tonight but couldn't take them. Whereas that useless Dutchman Van Pursestrings managed to score two from his two chances. No sign yet that Gaal is regretting selling us Danny Boy . So we need the scousers to get turned over by the red mancs at the weekend with them being the biggest threat to Arsene's 4th place trophy .Providing of course that is if Arsene can manage to beat Pardew's bar codes .As things stand I wouldn't want to back Arsene to do that at too short a odds.

  41. jjetplane

    Dec 08, 2014, 21:10 #62988

    MG loving the pethetic emberessment - all very olde worlde three musketeers (Arteta, BFG & little Jack) and the Lord of Failure up in his leaning tower. What is your weapon of choice anyway? satsuma or clementine? ps watch out for Arsene Rigsby in Rising Damp - Season 8 xmas special (Amazon 10p).

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 20:49 #62986

    Viera- Head Of Elite, I refer you to my post 66041 at 13.29pm on 5thDec 14 on the Alex saves the day thread.

  43. Badarse

    Dec 08, 2014, 20:43 #62985

    Well, I did think, then I realised that thinking doesn't happen hereabouts, so I promptly forgot the idea, at least that's how I remember it, I think!

  44. Hiccup

    Dec 08, 2014, 20:40 #62984

    Yes, poor Jamie's working overtime for the lost cause. Basically flapping his arms around like wenger used to on the touchline but with nothing to offer other than that pained look of being out of his depth. Meanwhile, the rest of the AKB's have adopted the new wenger stance of sitting down in the dugout without a murmur. Come on Jamie, keep up. Less is more.

  45. Bard

    Dec 08, 2014, 20:21 #62983

    Lower East, youre right mate. most of his booking are because he gets out of position and hasnt got the pace to rectify the damage. I do like his work ethic. In a few years he could be a good squad player. Meanwhile go easy on Jamie guys, Care in the Community was always a flawed project. Its cheap but leaves the streets teaming with nutters. Jamie needs love, care and understanding its what us wobs offer by the bucket load. I offered him one of my vests plus a pair of braces in the spirit of reconciliation but he thought he looked like Rab Nesbit and sent them back. Now where were we oh yes should he stay or go debate number 3045.

  46. Hiccup

    Dec 08, 2014, 20:21 #62982

    Ah Baddie. Excellent shout. Of all the shooting ourselves in the foot how could I forget that one? It was up there with Ruud Gullit's bullet header in the Euro final v Russia. Scrap that idea then. There must be someone in the squad that can head a ball?

  47. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 20:19 #62981

    There you are now folks, we haven't done what we should have done (for the umpteenth time over the years even though it was again for the umpteenth time obvious)and are still being embarrassed at every turn because of it, even so we should just shut up and continue to support the pethetic old Emberassment who's responsible for it. You really couldn't make it up

  48. Tactics + Strategy + team spirit

    Dec 08, 2014, 20:17 #62980

    lets face it we have got the worse manager in the top 10 when it comes to this. he leaves his players stranded on the pitch to work it out for themselves. even when some of them are teenagers. its an absolute joke. we are imploding fast.

  49. Badarse

    Dec 08, 2014, 19:40 #62977

    Hiccup, Diaby scored a great headed goal at Old Trollope, true it was in the wrong goal, but deftly tucked away, nonetheless.

  50. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 19:35 #62975

    The old fraud has been labelled a coward for not coming of the bench (not that it would have made any difference) in case the big bad stoke fans insulted him and hurt his feelings, but wasn't he very brave a while back standing up and being arrogant to a woman interviewer.

  51. Lower East

    Dec 08, 2014, 19:14 #62973

    For me too short and too slow to be a top class defender mentally not tough enough not good enough for Arsenal Centre back?? no better than Senderos Djourou, stepanovs and Cygan, but fortunately when we had these we also had Campbell Keown Adams and Toure

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 18:34 #62968

    Well done Steven Howard, it's about time a top journalist came out and said what the rest of us are thinking and stop pussy footing around the old fraud and to be fair to the journo (who says it as he sees it) he might have said or suggested something similar in the past, but thanks anyway, now do us all a favour and have a word with your mates to start doing the same.

  53. Smithy

    Dec 08, 2014, 18:24 #62966

    It's a real shame that the Arsenal fanbase is tearing itself apart. It is all down to a really poor board of directors- arsene is totally unaccountable and they will not ask any difficult questions.until he is answerable for poor decision making- all the fan angst will ultimately be irrelevant.

  54. Reg

    Dec 08, 2014, 18:15 #62965

    Jamie, That's 7 bookings in 14 games for Chambers! He was odds on to go. Guess what no bookings in 22 appearances for Southampton last season! I'm sure you'll see it as the great ref conspiracy against us it's the laissez faire leadership from Clouseau for me. I really feel for the guy, this isn't the place to learn your trade.

  55. Hiccup

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:53 #62963

    Is there really any need for the Star Wars comparisons? You know this upsets the AKB's. Look, let's not panic just yet, there are many other possible permutations open. Why not try playing Diaby at CB, and keep him there if he proves he can head a ball? We find ourselves in this unforeseen sh!t, but it's done. The 3 year contract is done too, so let's just get behind the gaffer and look forward to more blind hand gambling with the squad. We could do with an update with the latest odds of wenger leaving. Must surely be Westie's turn to take over from Jamie?

  56. goonergocarpfishing

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:48 #62962

    spot on mate,chambers should never be put in this position going to play in such a hostile place against a team that knows how to ruffle our feathers.wenger has created this situation by building a team that just can not cope with this sort of presure or style of play.we do have a very good attacking team that can dominate and play very exciting football but A TEAM whithout any midfied genrals ,no idea how to defend as a team,no comanding center backs,full backs whos priority is to play as second wingers,no comanding spine to the team and no real leaders,all this is down to one ignorant man,im not one for over the top abuse but as for the stick wenger recieved boarding the train back from stoke who can blame them ? what else does wenger expect,this was our club long before he came and will be that way long after he has gone (sooner the better) i wathched our defensive rock flamini spend more time attacking down the right then defending the space infront of the back four and that says it all ,no shout frpm wenger to pull him back and do his job.ive only watched a couple of games this year as im losing interest like i never thought i would (supported the arsenal for over 38 years so not just the wenger years) my friends dont go to games anymore and like me just look for results ,watch highlights (not too many of them) on tv and read the gooner or listen sometimes on radio or soccer saturday is put friends are taking thier kids|grandkids to wach brentford,leyton orient,stevenage and even sarecens,my older kids are losing interest three over 20s and my 10 year old son prefers playing rugby and thats where id rather be .this i never thought would happen .obviosley id watch my son do whatever he was doing but if the football team he supports was a team (not club thats different) was woth watching im sur we would be off down the arsenal at weekends.untill he goes this will never change ,WENGER OUT NOW

  57. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:34 #62960

    We've been sub-par for years but it seems as though we've deteriorated even further now that the squad is populated to a much greater extent by rising (?) young English players. Let's face it, the English team is sh*te (overpaid underachievers - see a connection there?) so how does it benefit us to have more of them? One can only guess what is going through Chambers's mind after that - his confidence must be low. Absolute p*ss on Saturday. An idea for future articles Kevin - what about an article suggesting how best to protest against this ship of fools that is dragging OUR club into the slime?

  58. Gaz

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:23 #62957

    @John Viner: Didn't Lineker laugh when Wenger slipped over at the airport recently? Sure he did...

  59. Patrick

    Dec 08, 2014, 16:49 #62948

    I'm beginning to worry that my devotion and feelings for the club has been lost to such an extent that they won't come back. I followed in the footsteps of my grandfather and father supporting the arsenal for the last eight decades, going to games, living talking and breathing football and the arsenal. I used to be hungry to go to games, to watch on television and read about the club. Now it makes me cringe. Going to games is a chore. Watching on television is not at all interesting any more. I'm gutted this has happened, but I don't have any energy or enjoyment from it now. My feelings are nothing to do with winning, or being the best team. My love, and my dads love, came from the experience of going to games and knowing we were following a team who cared, a group of players who did their best, and a club which was at the forefront of professional football. I really can't understand why others do not feel the same. How can anyone who has a genuine love for the football club be happy with this or not realise that this is at serious risk of losing those who have the club in their hearts? I have two sons, both under four. I do not have any desire to pass on the love of the club with the way things are. We are not cared about. We are being treated like idiots. I'm genuinely fearful the current situation (for the last years no less) will see so many lose any interest in the club.

  60. John Viner

    Dec 08, 2014, 16:35 #62946

    Watched the footage of Wenger getting booed on the platform after the shambles at Stoke. It's all very well Gary Lineker laying in to the Gooners who left Wenger in no doubt what they thought of the latest capitulation, but when did he last put his hand in his pocket to attend a game?

  61. Viera - Head of Elite Development Squad

    Dec 08, 2014, 16:31 #62945

    how can it be that Viera has a role like that for City ? its very clear its because the Emperor Louis IV likes to work alone. He wants his own way. he is himself not a team man. the employs yes men around him. everyone now knows that and steers clear. totally self centred, not prepared to listen to anyone elses view on tactics. the only manager in the EPL rarely seen ever talking to his assistants. a pne man show that the Board are frightened of. Yes a recipe for total disaster

  62. Merson the person

    Dec 08, 2014, 16:12 #62944

    Just randomly went on the Gooner forum elsewhere and found the following post from August 2008!!! And people say we are impatient fans! "I need to say this and go agianst the great majority but it's time for Wenger to go. I'm tired of his stuborn attitude towards transfers and the costant refusal to sort out contracts before the time,for not building on our strongest team. We are always playing catch up replacing players lost and have never truly replaced the defence and midfield of old. We need change I would love wenger just to get a proper keeper of which we have not had since Seaman. Why does he refuse to buy experience even if it's for a few seasons? We had the best out of Wenger time for change. Now we need to get a billionare takeover and a new manager. Even if Wenger had the money he would still be getting kids and unknowns. I'm tired of unknowns with potential give me names to get excited about. Not since Bergkamp have a felt that thrill from a signing and excitement that the paying fans deserve. Thank you Arsene for giving me the best years of Arsenal but it's time for a new beggining. You can only re-build teams a number of times before you start ruining the foundations and I fear that is whats happening to the club we love"

  63. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 15:57 #62943

    Ewen, quite right, although the players don't come out of this mess blameless, they shouldn't be held responsible for it, that accolade is reserved for the old past it manager we have who bumbles about without a clue how to coach, motivate, set them up properly tacitly, play them in they're proper positions, etc,etc and when as sure as night follows day when it all goes tits up during the match hasn't got a clue how to put it right from the bench, and is that useless doesn't even get of it to try (or hasn't the balls to, not that it would make any difference), and as it gets worse and we're embarrassed yet again skulks off down the tunnel at the end shaking his head as if it's somebody else's fault, and low and behold it always is (even for the wengerites) even the players for being naïve such is his attempt at deflecting blame even though they were following his instructions. No there's only one person to blame for this mess a past it old manager.

  64. Bard

    Dec 08, 2014, 15:49 #62942

    Good little article Ewan. unfortunately you havent worked a day in football mate so your opinion is worthless. I heard that from the boss and dont you dare go all Jaqui Oakley on me otherwise I will really throw my toys out of the pram. Chambers gives a lot and has mental strength. How the f... do I know how to coach defenders. I throw the shirts into the middle of the changing room and last 4 to grab one get the defenders job. No more silly posts. Im off to play beach footy. See you Sat.

  65. jjetplane

    Dec 08, 2014, 14:58 #62935

    Nice little article that; illuminating the meta-nuance of Wenger's increasingly useless project. Can someone try to explain just what that project was apart from securing an impressive chateau on one of those (cubist) hill lines so beloved of Paul Cezzane (Bobby Pires) .... Embarrasing, pathetic - that's us WOBS.

  66. Peter Wain

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:33 #62923

    but surely Patric the point is the manager did not sign either a replacement centre half despite promising to do so and has yet to sign a defensive mid field player. We must have the right to criticise him for that. Wengers dealings in the transfer windows has been poor for years he dithers and then when he gets a bad result panics. So we end up with a brazil full back who was awful an Israeli loan who hardly played and worst a loan with a broken back.We need at least two 6 ft plus centre midfield players and two accomplished centre halves. but I would not hold your breath for them. That's why he should go because he will not admit their is a problem until it is too late.

  67. jeff wright

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:33 #62922

    Patric, an unusual name that ,or is it just a misspelling? Anyway,calm down you are getting a bit carried away with things, Monreal was hopeless at CB and Chambers is even worse ,9 yellow cards and one red so far for him tells the story.You will not be surprised though to learn that I blame Wenger for this mess and that I think you mean get behind Arsene ,your usual theme, and not the team. No one could know that Chambers would be so poor at CB so I can't see what your point is Patric . Hindsight is a wonderful thing and you are the king of it.

  68. Patric

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:54 #62916

    Some so called fans are unbelievable.. Wenger gets criticised for playing Monreal at Centre Back ahead of Chambers because as he said it would mean 50% of a baxk four being very inexperienced with the introduction of Bellerin Then when he plays the two of them and we get caught out he is still to blame when he says that he were undone?.. Any of these Wenger Out idiots who go on Arsenal Tv Online embaressing themselves and the club would have put that pairing there weeks ago when in all honesty Monreal didnt have the worst run at CB.. Yes...we should have signed a centre back...Yes we should have signed a centre midfielder...but its done now and the transfer window is closed...So for the moment shut up and support the club Its getting to the point where ''fans'' seem to be happier when we lose Embaressing and pethetic

  69. JAMIE

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:03 #62903

    At least five Orcs should have walked B4 Chambers dismissal.

  70. Anthony

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:02 #62900

    First Wenger gets lambasted for playing Chambers on teh RB and Monreal at CH, now he does what everyone have been clamoring for and puts Chambers at CH and see what happened- Disaster. Leave the manager alone to manage and stop this nonsense of trying to be better than Wenger. There is no better. period.

  71. Martyn

    Dec 08, 2014, 11:50 #62898

    Paying the penalty for woeful lack of preparation defensively pre-season. Chambers was not supposed to be a regular straight away but the inevitable injuries to a back line of just six has proved a massive gamble gone horribly wrong. Loaning out Jenkinson was incomprehensible given the circumstances and now we are stuck with this until the transfer window. Ironically, Man Utd have had similar, if not worse, defensive problems but manage the situation more effectively on the pitch. True, they have no champions league commitments but Arsene knew we had and did nothing about it. I'm sure Kos will play against Newcastle but what's the betting he will aggravate his injury in the process!

  72. chris dee

    Dec 08, 2014, 11:42 #62897

    Spot on. The problem is that Chambers who can become a good defender is having his confidence drained by being hung out to dry by Arsene.Due to the criminal lack of squad organisation before the season started.In what Alice in Wonderland fairy tale did Arsene think that Mertesaker and Koscielny coming back exhausted from the World Cup would perform at their peak and without injury until January.