The Outlook is Bleak for Arsene Wenger

Stocktake after the Setback at Stoke

The Outlook is Bleak for Arsene Wenger

Arsenal’s defensive capitulation at the Britannia Stadium was hardly unexpected but this latest setback leaves Arsene Wenger in a hole which he is going to have serious difficulty digging his way out of.

Wenger’s feat in securing Arsenal’s long term financial future by keeping the club permanently in the top four while operating on a significantly smaller budget than any of his rivals was remarkable, let’s not forget that.

But this year expectations have changed. Arsenal are no longer handicapped by an inability to compete in the transfer market and the moment which Wenger has been building towards since the day he first began selling players to help finance a new stadium and training ground has finally arrived.

With an FA Cup in the trophy cabinet and a transfer budget big enough to take the team from being perennial Champions League qualifiers to mounting a genuine title challenge this should have been the season which Wenger had been dreaming of during all those years of financial abstinence.

Instead it has turned into the stuff of nightmares and in many ways Wenger has no-one to blame but himself because Arsenal’s shortcomings are nothing if not predictable and, most frustratingly of all for fans, could so easily have been addressed during a summer which promised so much.

Were Wenger to have succeeded with a strategy that looked completely counterintuitive, putting together a squad stacked with attack minded players but containing only two established centre backs, he would have looked like a genius but these decisions have backfired badly and the backlash is understandably brutal.

Going into the summer the average fan probably had a list of prospective signings which consisted of a first choice defensive midfielder, a first choice right back, a fourth choice centre back, a second choice goalkeeper and a striker capable of providing serious competition for Olivier Giroud.

As always the manager had slightly different ideas and spent the bulk of his budget on Alexis Sanchez. In many ways it was a typical Wenger gambit, finding the one skilful attacker who could somehow improve the options of a squad already overloaded with players at their best in exactly that role.

Sanchez has arguably made a more immediate impact than any signing in Arsenal history but while the signing (for the same price as Erik Lamela…) was a stroke of genius which demonstrated the things that Wenger still does brilliantly it has also served to starkly underline his shortcomings.

Despite long term injuries to the likes of Mezut Ozil, Olivier Giroud, Theo Walcott and Serge Gnabry the squad still contains an abundance of experienced, not to mention well paid, attacking players who have barely got a look in while there is an unprecedented paucity of defensive options.

Thomas Vermaelen has yet to make his Barcelona debut so the decision to sell him was sound while few Arsenal fans could have any qualms about the business conducted in shipping out Bacary Sagna (who Wenger was powerless to prevent leaving) and Carl Jenkinson to bring in both Matthieu Debuchy and Calum Chambers.

But failing to replace Vermalaen was a decision for which some will never forgive Wenger because it was so obviously idiotic. Going into a season with three established centre backs in the squad would have been a gamble, trying to survive with just two was akin to managerial suicide.

That Chambers and Monreal have both put in relatively solid performances in the position is no excuse. They are the second choice full backs, that is the primary function which both players perform in the squad and they should never have been required to slot into the heart of the defence with such alarming regularity.

Adding insult to injury is the fact that, while Arsenal are frequently unable to find a single fit defender to sit on the substitutes bench, the likes of Joel Campbell, Lukas Podolski and Tomas Rosicky have been more or less surplus to requirements, last gasp Anderlecht winners aside.

In the manager’s defence, while many of these problems were predictable it is not fair to suggest that they were inevitable. Mertesacker and Koscielny somehow managed to stay fit for almost an entire season last time around and with another stroke of luck like that Wenger might just have got away with it.

This season fortune has deserted the longest serving manager in the Premier League. Koscielny, Debuchy, Chambers, Gibbs and Monreal have between them missed multiple games due to either injury or suspension and as a result the lopsided composition of the current squad has been horribly exposed.

Where does that leave Wenger? This season was supposed to be about progress, about building on a fourth place finish and an FA Cup win but it has begun so disastrously that it looks increasingly impossible for the club to even match last year’s achievements, let alone improve on them.

The only way for Wenger to silence his detractors would be by either mounting a serious title challenge or reaching the final four of the Champions League. The former ambition already looks completely out of reach while the latter is far fetched given Arsenal’s recent record against the top teams in Europe.

Even if Arsenal hit top form during December and finish the season on a high very few supporters are going to be placated with even a third place finish. This campaign promised so much but it already looks as if Wenger has not managed to assemble a squad capable of living up to the lofty expectations.

It’s undeniably been a massive disappointment but the idea that the manager should leave now is too ridiculous to even merit serious discussion. If the season is now about the race for a top four finish (and let’s face it, it is) who better to mastermind that than the man who has managed it 15 years in a row?

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 09, 2014, 19:24 #63033

    Ron, indeed, the old frauds choir boy being manoeuvred into position doesn't bear thinking about, and his appointment would pacify the fans (well not all) and quell the unrest in an instant (very clever by the old fraud indeed) they'd all be to busy on their knees paying homage to think (or remember) anything else, but not everyone, the wool wouldn't/won't be pulled over all fans eyes because as some have realised and indeed known for years already, nothing would/will change, and those fans will soon come to realise that again.

  2. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Dec 09, 2014, 17:28 #63029

    I have just looked at the headline in the Telegraph Today and burst out laughing, "Judge me at the end of the season". You haven't got until the end of the season, mate. You have right up until Stan and his son tell Ivan that we clearly aren't going to get out Champions League Cash Bonus next year nor a lions share of the TV money, and that we need an immediate replacement. Apparently the away fans were quite vocal at the railway station on Saturday. That protest should get louder and louder and the players should join us. Sorry AKB's but all empires end, there are no exceptions.

  3. Ron

    Dec 09, 2014, 13:50 #63024

    The Season is already a write off and has been since Sept. On this basis and given that the 4th place holy grail is still likely and is the best this Season can offer, sacking the Coach now is lunacy. A good many of us arent that bothered about CL qualification anyway and as i see it tho sack now can only be justified if there is an attainable objective to get some thing more from the Season. Its highly unlikely we can with this squad.Moreover, the prospect of Bould in charge fills me with dread, evcen as an interim Coach. He might do sort of ok ie reach the 4th place spot and knowing this Board that will be enough to deem him perma Coach material and a nice cut price one too. If that occurred the 'be careful what you wish for brigade'would be wagging fingers, tut tutting and 'i told you so ing' it like grannies on speed. The Club needs to line up the new Coach and then AW can go but is HAS to be before we get Terry Henry with his feet under the table and on course to become the next Coach which im pretty sure Wenger is angling for. If that happens this Board will wear it, Wenger stays till 2017 in tandem with his protege as the next so called dream ticket. This would be a big, big error.The trouble is that there are just so many who go to the Emirates who are ready to cream themselves for England if Henry is enabled to just ease his way into position. To do it, both Wenger and i suspect the Club would see it as a way of pacifying the unrest.

  4. King Jeremy

    Dec 09, 2014, 13:26 #63021

    @Redmember - I'd been on the fence for a few seasons, but this summer gone had to be the year. We HAD to supplement our defence - the need was so obvious. Flamini and Arteta couldn't possibly be our only holding midfield resouces. Giroud HAD to be challenged. To overlook all of those obvious deficiencies is/was criminal and we are now reaping what has been sown. It all smacks of a stale manager unwilling to change his stubborn ways. Again, for those reasons, the manager must go.

  5. Red Member

    Dec 09, 2014, 12:08 #63014

    @King Jeremy - so why did it take you until the transfer window this summer to work this out?

  6. King Jeremy

    Dec 09, 2014, 11:50 #63011

    The writer's premise of allowing the manager to continue until the end of the season seems to be with the caveat that he won't make the same mistake (i.e. shockingly thin squad) in the next transfer window. My issue as a member of the WOBs (as of the end of the summer transfer window) is that he has been here before, and has not learned those lessons, so what on earth makes people think the summer 2015 transfer window will be any different? Since DD's departure there has been nobody in the club who can (or will) put their arm around his shoulder and say "look, Arsene, this isn't working is it? How can we resolve this?". No, the extent of scrutiny of the manager seems to be 4th place? check, positive cash-at-bank? check - mission accomplished. If he was going to change his methods surely he would have done so by now. Instead the man ploughs ahead, oblivious to the widening cracks in the walls around him. If the CLUB is to move forward then, sadly, the manager has to go.

  7. Red Member

    Dec 09, 2014, 11:34 #63009

    @Big Andy - I agree with this. forget the past 18 years. Wenger has not shown anything to suggest that the team is capable of a top 4 finish this season which would be criminal considering we signed one of the best players in the world in Sanchez over the summer. Any other PL manager could get this squad of players to finish in the top 4

  8. jjetplane

    Dec 09, 2014, 11:24 #63007

    Well said RK! he is just that - a manager and presently the worst in the PL. When players go there is a hurrah and then it's back to football. Most of what people think he has done for the club is firmly in the myth zone. He has made shedloads of money for HIMSELF and had made the club a spineless walkover for anyone who fancies it. BARD that was your funniest yet!

  9. radfordkennedy

    Dec 09, 2014, 10:02 #63005

    I cant understand why so many posters think getting rid of the manager now is so difficult and ill timed,we are not planning a military coup,nobody has suggested we put a 9mm browning on the table and tell him 'you either get in the car with us or take a walk in the garden with this,the choice is yours'.hes just a football manager whose past it,and our club is suffering.Hes obviously driven by money give him the january war chest and tell him to F##k off.

  10. Bard

    Dec 09, 2014, 9:27 #63003

    morning shipmates. The debate seems to have moved from will he go to when. Im in agreement with those who say going now would be a bad move. The time to move in at the end of the season. We arent in with a hope of winning anything so it doesnt really matter. Ron on the issue of entertaining opposing views I am in the no camp. There is only one view, the right one and that is all those who agree with me. In my house my word is law even when it turns out Ive been a twat. Its been that way for 18 years and in that time I have had many successes although I have tendency to repeat my mistakes over and over again. The wife says lock the back door but I never do hence the number of daylight robberies we have had. I keep telling her judge me when I die, which given how pissed off she feels that could be sooner than I think. Incidentally my own children took to shouting abuse at me as we boarded the train from Blackpool, I know I bought the wrong tickets and we should have been in Brighton but Im 65 what can you expect. I said to them I will ignore it and focus on the next day trip which is Newcastle or is it Newham, I cant remember.

  11. Wombledin

    Dec 09, 2014, 7:24 #63000

    You can tell the author is a fan who likes consistency, predictability and repetition year after year - every paragraph in the article has almost the same word count!

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 22:12 #62992

    Even if that perceptive list would have been fulfilled would it have made any difference, you seem to be forgetting we haven't a manager capable of coaching them, organising them properly tactically, motivating them, he'd have probably played them all on the wing or tried to turn them into something their not or never will be, and end up ruining them.

  13. Jason B

    Dec 08, 2014, 21:53 #62990

    @Norsgeneral.Steve Bould is part of the problem as much as Wenger is.

  14. 1971 Gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 21:26 #62989

    "Judge me in May" presumably means six more months of the crap we've been watching all season with the coveted 4th place trophy secured once again. It also presumably means AW thinks he's on the right track which is quite shocking. I see the future, and it's name is a new four-year deal for Diaby. Rinse and repeat.

  15. Basil

    Dec 08, 2014, 20:59 #62987

    Watching United's defence tonight makes it even more frustrating, with the right signings this summer we would comfortably be top 3, now we're in a scrap for 4th yet again because of Wenger's awful decision making. He needs to go in May, for our sake and his, the abuse next year will get very nasty if he sticks around.

  16. Mosie

    Dec 08, 2014, 20:06 #62979

    His legacy is in jeopardy.The scale of change required is so huge - the imbalance in the squad; the requirement to overhaul the coaching staff, the lack of any kind of plan B on the pitch -that I don't think that Arsene is capable of achieving it. He has been in the job for so long now, I don't think he listens to anybody and I honestly don't think he sees the problems. He earns £8m a year, for this sum of money, regardless of what he has done before, he should deliver top class, competitive football, and that isn't happening.

  17. Nick T

    Dec 08, 2014, 19:56 #62978

    'the idea that the manager should leave now is too ridiculous to even merit serious discussion' - are you kidding me, why?!? Given that the personnel remain the same how much worse could we do with perhaps Bouldy taking the reins until the end of the season which also allows us a sensible amount of time to line up AWs successor?

  18. Big Andy

    Dec 08, 2014, 19:38 #62976

    The question that the Board should be asking themselves is: "Do we stick with this guy until the end of the season and risk not even qualifying for the CL? Or do we let him go now and bring somebody in who can make sure we finish at least fourth?" Six wins from 15 games is mid-table form: if this continues then it's bye bye Champions' League.

  19. Lower East

    Dec 08, 2014, 19:32 #62974

    The Outlook looks bleak for wenger????? ITS NOT AS GOOD AS THAT!!! Lose at Liverpool and West ham he is gone Good riddance.. The new stadium should male memories not nightmares **** off wenger bored of your gutless brainless teams and tactics

  20. Badarse

    Dec 08, 2014, 19:06 #62972

    Ron, arise my anointed one, and go fourth. Two remarkable posts fella, well said. @ Gaz, a very sweet post buddy, and appreciated for the sentiments expressed, it's how they do it in Yorkshire that's why, isn't it? Good old Arsenal.

  21. Lower East

    Dec 08, 2014, 19:03 #62971

    well constructed article. but what really needs to be underlined . id that we started the season with 6 defenders. yes I know it has been mentioned . But 3 of the front 4 went to the world cup.. one in Per looks v tired Kos struggling with an injury that dates back to last season and Debuchy unlucky to be injured , but given that back drop with only Monreal and Chambers as cover . really is a sackable offence. There is absolutely no defence for wenger ( excuse the pun ) he takes us all for falls ,, and if he thinks he can duck from the stoke fans by not getting out of his seat. A very timid act on his part..Wait till he gets up on Saturday . I for one who sits close to the dugout will slaughter him. and everyone else nearby should join in For those that are too young to remember the bad days of Bertie mee and Terry Neill unlucky .. it was very painful then and it will be even more painfull now

  22. jjetplane

    Dec 08, 2014, 18:53 #62970

    It is all past the point and things should have been wound up by OGL himself but because he has gone for another 24m without any real football strategy I am well past any sort of sympathy. In fact I have never had any sympathy for him and certainly no empathy with the bloke though at a time when we were having good times on the field with a great diversity of players (Dixon, Parlour to Kanu and Freddie ...) he just did not register but the old post match talk was the same as it is now except that he looks way out of it presently but maybe that it just a love of money and 24m is a lot to love. Still cannot fathom how they put together the Space Wok (love that) but never thought how imperative it was to get in a fresh face for the new duration. Lazy and bereft of imagination is the way it looks presently. I look at other things in the PL to attract my attention and the fantasy is that the usual top 4 somehow concoct their own downfall just as Wenger irresponsibly is doing now for yes my and your club. I was there long before he knew where Holloway was (Lawrence of Arabia at the ABC - great 'fortnight' in the darkness) and will maybe even go to the WOK after is has long gone. Ps Jack is out for three months and did Arsenal really sign Ozil and is Sanchez off to BM to join Pep as Robben goes to LVG? They wil;l not recuperate from selling either of these players and I am sure Stan Jnr will be on the batphone about that little money matter. Back to my homework. Prejudice and Discrimination. Could not make it up. And Baddie - you're alright geezer.


    Dec 08, 2014, 18:31 #62967

    Is there anyone left who thinks AW might advance the club on the playing side. Is there anyone about who is not bored with the same issues and deficiencies and doesn t want change. We have moved from stale to rank mouldy. Sadly AWs continued existence there is down to the lack of ambitions of the board to max the cash and not be spend enough for a winning team.

  24. Roy

    Dec 08, 2014, 18:02 #62964

    Where it leaves him mate, is up the creek without the proverbial paddle. Failure to act in the Summer means he cannot afford to do nothing in January when, as we all know, it's much more difficult. He either gets in some sort of cover at CB, or finds a way to better protect the existing ones, whoever is playing there. Either way, his options will be limited and he has no one to blame but himself. It would even be nice to know that for 8m a year he was being held accountable, but the response at the AGM was nothing short of pathetic. Wenger is on the very edge of ruining his legacy - some would say he already has - and to be honest it's all very sad to see stuff like the abuse he got on Saturday. What happened to the classy club we used to be ?

  25. Ron

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:37 #62961

    Badarse - ha ha. I know about that post of 'Norsegeneral' mate - 6th down. Made me laugh. Just as i posted mine i looked up and there it was! Typical isnt it. Ive answered his post though to him mate. See mine 66325 if you like. I cant agree with the 'NOW' notion. Utterly daft in fact. Arsene can still go with much dignity in my view despite the latter part of his reign. A sacking doesn't assist that. It might have to happen though Baddie lad, i do accept that.Im happy to admit too that however the end comes, ill be sad. 19 years of our Gunner lives under Arsene W have given a lot of thrills and joys. Its like a Divorce. A long marriage always had it positives and warm times that to a sensible person are only ever disregarded to that persons detriment in my view (bloody hell mate, im sounding like you here. Id best shut up) Get this down for one of yr future sermons my friend ha!!) Only joking buddy.

  26. Gaz

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:33 #62959

    @BADARSE: I'd never group you in with the likes of JAMIE. Might not agree with your opinions on Arsenal but I've never thought you were anything other than an Arsenal fan! JAMIE on the other hand...I'm not so sure. Seems to revel in winding fans up on here and never gives a reason as to why Wenger should stay...

  27. Ron

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:24 #62958

    Hi Badarse lad - you're right that its not always possible to fully convert others to ones views, but its a mistake to assume that those with forthright, strident opposing views dont also have some time for views that support your own. On a board like this its so easy to assume that a bloke is always intransigent to others, as its the written word that often conceals what would otherwise be the spoken message. With yr good self and me, much of what you say and have said for a long time can often contain views that i can agree with, even if not necessarily your full message. Reality is that we re all looking for 'explanations' on here aren't we and probably none of us are 'right'. Real truth is often some where in between the extremes. Anyway mate, if we all paid lip service to each others view, we d never have any spats and what fun is there in that!!! Ive been through the whole gamut of opinions on AW. Total support, qualified support, doubted him, revised doubts and revised support right through to gritted teeth rejection of him and then finally to write his methods off. Many other peoples views, some times polar opposites have influenced me through that journey mate.COYG

  28. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:15 #62956

    Is Jamie, Daniel Levy in disguise?

  29. Wibblefish

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:14 #62955

    If the pressure is eased off Wenger and we reach the dizzy heights of 4th place, then what will happen? The idiots will be happy, the Yank will be happy, the rest of the clueless board will be happy and Wenger will see it as job done. He won't be put under any pressure from the board to leave and will continue into next season. Sadly we have to sacrifice this season and pray to god there is a change sometime in the new year. The board will never sack him, so our only hope is he does the decent thing and stand down. This won't happen if we get behind him now and right up to the end of the season. Nobody wants to see him being turned over at the train station, but I'm at a loss as to how we get the message across. At the moment it is like watching a car crash in slow motion. Ideally he needs to come out and say this season is his last. This way we can get behind the team and spend the next few months giving him the send off he deserves. It won't happen though and sadly I can see us tearing ourselves apart for another 2 years.

  30. Badarse

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:12 #62954

    jj, I never punch above my station, I always aim for a low punch-hit the diaphragm CHUM.

  31. jjetplane

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:10 #62953

    Much as you think of yourself in the same light as OGL you really are punching above your station. Welcome to the real world BADDIE ps vinyl for the warmth in the mid frequencies and the slappy bass at higher lows. As a once engineer, roadie and DJ and once a season Stoke supporter vinyl every time CHUM.

  32. Badarse

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:02 #62951

    E/G your last post really tickled me, really funny. @Ron good post as often is the case, but if you don't see any posters calling for AW's head NOW then you can borrow my red and white tinted glasses, the sixth post on this thread calls for his head right now. @ Gaz, if people like JAMIE and myself were ignored who could anyone vent their frustrations on, or blame for the poor hand life has dealt them? Plastic or vinyl jj? You are the Tupperware king after all.

  33. Ron

    Dec 08, 2014, 17:00 #62950

    H Jamie - i know what you means about Arsene and his convictions mate. Its like Mrs Thatcher though and many others, their single mindedness can often be their biggest weakness. In fact its often used to conceal a weakness they know they've got mate. Its almost a false pride thing thats hold s them back. Not saying AW is anything like MT as she gave me the impression she was an odious person, whereas i think AW is a bit of a softie underneath his surface arrogance.An Arsene with a strong respected assistant Coach (or two) was the change i shouted for all the time quite a few years back.I think he would have benefited and so would the squad, but i just think that horse has bolted now.I quite like Van Gaal. Not sure he s top man tactically though mate. Not yet anyway.

  34. Mark from aylesbury

    Dec 08, 2014, 16:54 #62949

    Wengers winter of discontent. Callaghan recognised the winds of change but will Wenger. Read the features from the Mail and Standard . Are they asking for a resignation? Surely not,,,,, just it does seem very very close to exactly that

  35. Red Member

    Dec 08, 2014, 16:42 #62947

    HaHa Jamie thinks Wenger has still got it. I expect you probably still believe in Father Christmas as well!

  36. jeff wright

    Dec 08, 2014, 15:37 #62940

    I agree with Ron on the conclusions that the writer of this article arrives at are wrong.Poor calls by Wenger and a now stronger Prem are the real reasons for Wenger's demise and not a lack of money. The club's been awash with filthy lucre for donkeys years .Wenger has misused the money available to him .A number of factors were involved in this misuse,the crazy 'socialist wage policy' with top players expected to gratefully accept less wonga than they could get elsewhere and young unproven ones being paid amounts that they would not have received at United or any other clubs. The better players soon became disillusioned with the lack of top players being signed while resources were paid into trying to get Denilson,Diaby,Bendy,pinky and perky the two Swizzer CB's and a host of other non-starters up to speed. Tippy Tappy football being adopted by Wenger ,with us being called Barca Lite , was another factor and a project that failed. This was down to Wenger and not lack of money,he chose to go down that route to nowhere.The claims for Wenger struggling against all odds to pay off the stadium debt are a myth . The stadium debt was never a problem ,the gaff as Diamond Danny pointed out,and he knew more about it than we do, pays for its self and makes money . No, the reason for Wenger's decline is himself - he brought it about with his well known stubbornness and parsimonious policies in the transfer market regarding buying and paying top wages to attract top talent,while chucking millions away on the likes of Diaby and other players due to his own arrogance in attempting to prove himself right all of the time. Almunia being kept by Wenger for years, despite it being obvious that he was a liability , sums up Wenger's tenure at the Emirates perfectly. You couldn't make it up.

  37. JAMIE

    Dec 08, 2014, 15:11 #62938

    Agree with your assessment of Adams 100% Ron.It's oh so very easy to just recommend somebody through legendary status,or because they are looked upon as being passionate.If Wenger had gone I would have liked Van Gaal as he seems like a straight talker who wouldn't take any sh-i-t from our fickle fans and Arsenal was always his first choice.Bergkamp,Bould,Keown although legends would be too busy satisfying the half-goons demands.I've always admired Wenger because he's never been afraid to stick with his convictions and give a finger up to those who always think they're ways are right and still believe there's life in the old dog.

  38. Unchives

    Dec 08, 2014, 15:03 #62937

    Good article, however Wenger must go now so the new manager can bed in his own players and ideas, without having to waste another season. The pressure wont be on the new manager straight away, while he attempts to rectify the mess this imbecile of a manager has left us in.Who knows, we may retain the FA Cup.Everywhere I look, read, watch, its "Wenger Out"....Enough is Enough!

  39. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 08, 2014, 15:00 #62936

    JAMIE, earlier you were insulting the working class with the term 'proles'. Now you are abusing 'middle class Ruperts'. How do you feel about the upper class?

  40. Tony Evans

    Dec 08, 2014, 14:46 #62934

    I wonder what Diaby has to do to prove his fitness and earn a new contract? Walk three paces? Or maybe something not quite as strenuous as that? Who knows what our glorious leader is thinking nowdays!

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 14:42 #62933

    As bleak as an Irish bog in winter and getting bleaker by the day, but even bleaker for the long suffering fans (not HIS fans of course everything's ticking along nicely and rosy in the garden for them, especially the trees they're as healthy as can be. The old fraud has dug himself out of many a hole (thanks to his fans) but they to are getting deeper and beginning to cave in to the point where even his followers are having trouble rescuing him every time no matter how they try, the time isn't far away where even they are just going to have to stand and watch as it buries him. And it certainly does merit discussion and indeed has been the topic for discussion for seasons, and more so now than ever for the blindly oblivious, and the sooner it happens the better, and when the hole does eventually cave in and it does happen there will be a lot of things he will never be forgiven for and no matter what he has achieved or achieves (title challenge? last four of CL? only last four? tee hee)isn't going to make any difference no matter how long he hangs around the place.

  42. jjetplane

    Dec 08, 2014, 14:33 #62932

    AKB spin again and you just know the conclusion will be 'how can ve question our father who art in Holloway' ...... If he could just grow his hair more and get a shield or something in a great big William Blake 'we are Stokey boys' (Stoke Newington - pay attention!) then maybe, just maybe ... we can halt the rise of erm Villa, West Ham, Swansea, Liverpool, Man Utd, Stoke (duhh) and oh well QPR. We now know Chelsea and Man Citeh are there for the taking, so what are you waiting for ..... Toon Army. Another place I used to live. You gotta laugh man. AKB - Posters in the Wind.

  43. Ron

    Dec 08, 2014, 14:31 #62931

    Norsegeneral - Tony Adams? Legendary Arsenal CB. It stops there mate. As much as i want change, i draw the line under a battery of ex Arsenal such as you suggest. Keown is OK where he is ie playing at care bear look alikes though in his new guise as the thinking mans pundit. Bould? Hasnt he had his chance? Hes spent lord knows how long towing Wenger's line. Its Adams though that pushes me over the edge and its where is say that id sooner Wenger remain indefinitely than bring him in as Coach. The guy has been an unmitigated failure as a Coach. His name crops up by sentimentalists everywhere who call for change. There's a reason he was shipped out to a frozen tundra some where near Russia, (at least that place was the last i heard of him being at) to inflict his brand of coaching on some innocent east European part timers and it wasnt because hes a much in demand PL standard Coach.

  44. Red Member

    Dec 08, 2014, 14:22 #62929

    gives us a reason why we should remain loyal to Wenger then Jamie - we are all waiting...

  45. Croker

    Dec 08, 2014, 14:02 #62928

    It's Deja vu all over again.

  46. ApolloGooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:46 #62925

    Very fair point Cornish Gooner haha!

  47. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:36 #62924

    ApolloGooner. Agree with your post. But I'd settle for Chelsea's 2012 'inadequacy' every season. Champions League winners and FA Cup winners, but not in the top four! Rubbish team.

  48. ApolloGooner

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:26 #62921

    Decent article James but I’ sorry we have to get away from this thinking that Wenger finishing in the top 4 after moving to a new stadium makes him out to be some sort of miracle worker. It’s not my idea of remarkable (as you put it) because rarely have we finished above (or beaten in head to head games) any of the team with significantly bigger budgets. And if we have finished above them it’s been mostly down to their own inadequacies (i.e. Man United last year and Chelsea’s 6th place finish in 2012). Let’s not forget that all of our top 4 finishes in the Emirates seasons have involved battling it out with the likes of Villa, Spurs, Everton, Newcastle and Liverpool. None of which have significantly bigger budgets than Arsenal.

  49. ATID

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:21 #62920

    We all (even the AKBs) now know how Arsene's career at Arsenal is going to end and it isn't going to be pretty. Like a Tsunami far out at sea there is still time to run for the hills but as each hour passes the disastrous climax comes ever closer. If he wasn't such a foolish and stubborn old man he would have resigned while ago and saved what's left of his reputation. He didn't so I guess that means he will hang on like grim death until the axe finally falls.

  50. Bob

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:17 #62919

    This wasn't a bad article up until its conclusion. "The idea that Wenger should leave now is..ridiculous...if this season is about a top four finish....who better to mastermind it"....."Wenger's immediate future should not be subject to any scrutiny".... Sorry, but enough is simply enough. We should not compound error with error for a single moment longer. That some Arsenal fans have been conditioned like Pavlov's dogs to see fourth place as the limit of our ambitions speaks volumes. I would much rather sacrifice the rest of this season to bed in a manager for the modern game who will give us a realistic chance of winning the title and/or Champions' League within the next 2/3 years. Why waste another moment on "someone who was".

  51. N4

    Dec 08, 2014, 13:04 #62918

    Gaz and Will M couldn't more with you both!

  52. Tony Evans

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:51 #62915

    Gaz - couldn't agree more. Responding to a prat like Jamie is just not worth it and only encourages more of his ridiculous comments.

  53. Ron

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:49 #62914

    Putting the focus on minutiae is pointless now. This Season is the crystallisation of the last 6 Years of the Clubs (not just Wenger's) mismanagement. Im always happy to concede the first 3 years post ground shift were expected. Player shortcomings laid at Wengers door are the result of the wrong signings being made too often and for too long. Its nothing to do with cash flow or Chelsea or City etc either. We ve failed to sign the right players at the prices that the Club could afford and have been ballsing up transfer windows for the last 6 years.This close season is just one more to be added to the litany.Under the present Board and Coach Arsenal are no longer a top, challenging Club and will continue not to be.I dont see any posters ever suggesting Wenger is sacked NOW either, so your point is one that youre making in the face of your own imagined counter argument. The general direction and premise of the post seems to be one of you being still of the mid that AW and this Board can in future Seasons do what theyre not doing now? Ive no problems with your view, but i have a real problem recognising how you arrive at it. All of the indications are that the Clubs cant and more importantly WONT try and become truly competitive. The post is some what either a fence sitting post or is a post that disguises your real desires of wanting to keep the status quo by painting a sufficiently bleak picture of the Season we re in? Thats obvious. Its been a finished Season since Sept. Board and Wenger out by June for me. Mourinho or Ancellotti and Usminov in. Before you counter, i already know mate. It wont be happening, either by June or ever, but if you can hope, so can i. My hopes are just clear and unambiguous, yours are hidden.

  54. Bodies in the Box

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:45 #62913

    Spot on Red Member. Blind loyalty to one man, to the detriment of our club has brought about the mess we now see. A stale, arrogant dictator, ruling over a club whose own fans have resorted to fighting each other and whose team replay the same mistakes year in year out. Which other big club in world football would have put up with this outdated egotist for so long, let alone the one who demands of it's fans the highest ticket prices in world football? An utter joke from top to bottom. Just counting the days until his contract is over and my hope and passion can be reignited in support of Arsenal FC, rather than Arsene FC.

  55. Tunji

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:44 #62912

    It's the stubbornness of an old man that has caused fans so much pains!

  56. Will M

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:34 #62910

    The article makes some good points, except the conclusions. Wengers immediate future HAS to be under scrutiny as the problems we have are entirely his own fault. He has set himself up with all the power at the club (coaching, team selection, transfers) therefore the buck bypasses everyone else and stops at his door. Deep down do even those defending Wenger believe he will do anything to rectify the squad issues either in Jan or next summer - i.e. buy a CB and a DMC? Sacking him mid-season would be counter-productive, however the club needs to replace him in the summer.

  57. Norsgeneral

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:31 #62909

    I disagree, he should be replaced immediately. It is quite clear to anyone with any nous of football knowledge, that this team is broken. We have not performed at all in virtually every game this year, save City, Villa and Dortmund. And the way the team is being prepared defensively, is a disgrace. Put Steve Bould in charge till the summer, with Tony Adams or Martin Keown as his assistant, let them finally get some defensive coaching done and try to shore up what is left of this dismal season. The longer Wenger stays now, the worse it will get unfortunately. The genie is quite clearly out of the bottle.

  58. Spurrina

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:22 #62906

    Revolution will come in February.

  59. JAMIE

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:17 #62905

    I blame the lack of loyalty from a large section of our fan base.They are either middle class Ruperts with no idea of the clubs traditions and history,who expect trophies every season otherwise they won't attend.Or knuckle dragging neanderthals like those who were abusing Wenger at the station who are so bone and base they cannot form any opinions bar negative ones.However most of our supporters are still behind the team yet because they don't whore themselves to the media,very rarely get heard.

  60. Arsenal Financial Corporation

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:02 #62902

    Cant agree more

  61. Red Member

    Dec 08, 2014, 12:02 #62901

    people like yourself who have been supporting Wenger for far too long are the reason that the club is in the mess it is in today.