A Tale Of Two Arsenals

Online Ed: Newcastle thumped

A Tale Of Two Arsenals

Party time

So the topsy turvy season continues, a horrowshow followed by two 4-1 wins that makes one wonder what all the fuss was about. Yesterday’s win will not have changed anyone’s mind about the situation at the club. It is the nature of inconsistency that there are good days and bad days, but what a contrast to the display at the Britannia.

Arsenal were switched on, and determined, and harried their opponents in the way they did not seem to fancy last weekend. The consequence was that for much of the game, Newcastle’s opportunities to attack were limited. Szczesny pulled off a couple of excellent saves from the visitors best chance in the first half, with the game at 1-0, justifying his immediate recall after Martinez conceded three against Stoke. Generally though, Mathieu Debuchy was rarely tested, just as well given this was his first ever game as a centre back. Hector Bellerin came in at right back, and has had a pair of impressive games since he was hauled off at half time in the Potteries.

Giroud, Alexis, Welbeck and Cazorla all returned, and the consequence was some well worked goals with excellent finishing. Significantly, Giroud’s pair involved players getting wide and getting the ball into the middle with decent deliveries. Width is such a weapon, and at times, it feels like the Gunners are funneled into the centre a little too easily. Oxlade-Chamberlain replaced Ramsey as the box-to-box midfielder and had a good performance in a position that the manager thinks he will suit long-term. His season continues to improve as he gets regular game time.

Referee Lee Mason certainly could not be accused of being a homer for much of the game, but Arsenal’s dominance was such that they didn’t need any favours from him, which was just as well. One did wonder at times whether this was the same Newcastle that beat Chelsea last week. Perhaps Jose Mourinho has a point after all. Then again, the Jekyl and Hyde question applied equally to Arsenal. Football, eh? Although the Gunners’ achievements at the end of the season looks predictable, from one week to the next, you won’t know what you are going to get.

What was their motivation for being so switched on? Maybe, knowing they were off on the Xmas knees up after the game, they didn’t want the night to start out on a low note. Maybe they should hit the town after every game!

Newcastle’s consolation goal reminded us that things at the back still aren’t quite what they should be, scorer Perez allowed the freedom of the penalty area to get to the ball unchallenged. Still, if you are going to give away goals through rank bad defending, yesterday was the day to do it.

When Giroud was replaced by Podolski, the formation switched to 4-4-2 with Podolski left midfield. The team saw the game out in a disciplined fashion and Cazorla converted from the spot to increase the lead. Francis Coquelin was a late sub, and his recall from the loan spell at Charlton will at least provide some kind of cover in midfield and at full back. I suspect he will see a few games over the coming weeks.

Arsene Wenger described his team as “healthy, dynamic and ambitious” afterwards. It was a pleasant change to hear some new adjectives about his team. If only he were as ambitious in the transfer market when it came to buying defenders last summer…

A chant of ‘There’s Only One Arsène Wenger’ went up around the stadium towards the conclusion of the game. No one would doubt that. The issue is, there is only one outcome to Arsenal’s seasons these days, where the league and Champions League are concerned. Fourth spot is still very much on the cards. Progress to the latter stages in Europe highly dependent on some luck in the draw. There will be more games like this, and more like the defeat at Stoke. Which Arsenal will turn up at Liverpool next weekend? The Gunners’ last three matches have all featured five goals.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 17, 2014, 12:14 #63567

    Spoken by someone with plenty of experience.

  2. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 16, 2014, 22:42 #63540

    Ron, JJ, maguiresbridge and EG get your hands off each other's cocks

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 20:31 #63537

    Kevin Costner for the new manager.

  4. Badarse

    Dec 16, 2014, 16:50 #63520

    Good support for Ron E/G and jj and maguiresbridge, as expected. You see Ron? Build it and they will come.

  5. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 16, 2014, 16:01 #63516

    Ron, Badarse believes he sees a bigger picture than most, but has some very obvious blind spots to his own musings. He uses a term like 'pro-Ron followers' then says 'I do not want to rubbish or put down others with alternative views'. He talks disparagingly of people 'nodding in agreement' on here, then after virtually Westlower post we get a 'I stand with you, 24601!', 'You speak for me, 24601!'

  6. jjetplane

    Dec 16, 2014, 13:17 #63504

    Ha ha said the clown ....

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:56 #63502

    Owned yet again.

  8. Ron

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:20 #63497

    Badarse - its time you stopped hiding behind your feigned stance of being offended at any opinion that doesn't sit with your scheme of things. Its a broad church on here and these fellas who find your message equally as tiresome as i do, dont 'follow me' at all, they have their own views and more often than not are far more precise with them than i. (you've played that old cracked record before, buy a new one for heavens sake)You only need a decent riff and you ll have an anthem, albeit a boring repetitive one. If everything is so offensive to you, why not walk as you suggest you might if the temperatures too hot for you? The sad thing is that youre as equally offensive at times (bitchy even) as anybody else is on here yet constantly deny it. You seem to have some sort of self security problem. Your last post is nothing short of a hectoring one in itself, yet not a clear opinion in the entire rant, pretty much par for your course.

  9. jjetplane

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:04 #63492

    Flawed or Flared us Wibbley wobblies want him out for xmas. Nice one CG ORWELL. Klopp's record speaks for itself. WESTIE Maureen cannot be as old Lord Arsene of Holloway surely. One thing having a grey crown but another still being competitive. Don't believe Wenger ever was and it woz the invincible myth what done us. Anyone else used to have flared jeans with butterflies sewn on. Well trippy squire. Anyone remember Malcolm Hall across from Hope And Anchor - velvet jackets with butterflies on the back with half suede trousers and orange and black cuban heels. Would not want to be on the run from the Zulu Army wearing that lot. Flashback!

  10. jjetplane

    Dec 16, 2014, 11:44 #63489

    Spoken like a true WOB JulesD Not mad about AKB police tactics either. The sooner we have an evolutionary sweep at Arsenal the better. Martinez And Alisher.

  11. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 16, 2014, 10:22 #63486

    Ah – the parallel to Wenger and Klopp. Klopp, who in his 6 year managerial career at Dortmund has won the Bundesliga twice, the DFL Supercup twice, German PoKAL Cup winner, taken his team to a Champions League final, been German Football Manager of the Year twice, runner-up as World Manager of the Year and who’s had a poor start to this season. Yes, the similarity is uncanny. Long live Arsene FC.

  12. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 16, 2014, 10:07 #63485

    I see the AKBs are feeling very emboldened at the moment, and are getting more honest in what they really think. They are the real fans, anyone who disagrees is not. Westlower's deliberately provocative, designed to trigger an argument, 'short and succinct' post that apparently 'surely no one can disagree with' is, once again, an attempt to conflate Arsenal with Arsene. It is the manager we have withdrawn support from, not the club. It is the manager you support through 'thick and thin', not the club. It is manifestly evident by now that he's never leading AFC back to the top. It will be hard enough for any manager in this modern football environment but this one, with his methodologies that mean it's built in that we will always fall short, has no chance. But you continue to support him as he is your number one priority, to criticise or hold him accountable for anything is taboo, and you're outraged whenever someone else does it. And as Ron says, the talk of 'calling for Arsene's head', 'bloody revolution' and so on is just an attempt to guilt trip people into silence. Some of us would simply like to see someone else have a go at the job, as we know what we're getting from the current bloke and we'd like the hope that comes from not knowing what you're going to get. It's really not so melodramatic.

  13. Westlower

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:58 #63484

    Significant photo montage of the coaches representing the 3 remaining English clubs in ECL. All sporting white hair that goes with maturity & responsibility. Add in another whitey in Ancelotti, who many wish to replace Wenger. Which top club would ever risk handing over the reigns to a perceived dynamic young coach? I believe AOB killed off that possibility. Poor old Daniel never gets it right. @Badarse, I'm not that short & I definitely don't suck sinks?

  14. Ron

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:40 #63482

    Most sensible people didnt like the Stoke rail abuse as you say but sadly, football draws the types that love a chance like that. You've stood in a football crowd im sure and been embarrassed by what you hear surely. To call it anglo saxon vernacular is being kind to it! Youre sort of missing the point though. Even 'evolution' doesn't occur organically. Theres always a catalyst for it and in this instance we speak of its fans seeing what the club refuse to see and demanding it. Sitting silent, as is your prerogative of course, just leaves the present regime unruffled and even more arrogant and aloof. Dont forget as well that the incident at Stoke has barely made Wenger raise an eyebrow. It was all blown up to such a daft proportion by social and conventional media. Paralells with that toff MP Mitchell and the Police affair. A great big fuss over nothing which 20 years ago wouldnt have got a mention. Go scrub that doorstep now, theres a good girl and be sure my tea is ready on time tonight with a 'tinnie' opened and ready!!ha.

  15. Westlower

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:34 #63478

    @CGO, Do you believe the supporters at Borussia Dortmund are right or wrong to continue backing Klopp through thick & thin? 9 defeats and one point off the bottom and they continue to back their man. Surely it's preferable to the outpouring of hate that Wenger has to endure? Finally a Christmas joke to lighten the mood. A jockey is lying in bed alongside his woman after a very brief love making session. What are you complaining about said the jockey, at the track they cheer me for coming first!

  16. Badarse

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:18 #63477

    What's wrong with flares CGO? Well this weather the wind blows up them something chronic, though my tie-dyed ones are a little worn and thin, so it may be that which puts me off. @Happy Xmas julesd, and the best of new year's to you and all the family, give uncle Arsene a big kiss for me at the shareholder's Xmas 'Do'. Actually julesd highlighted the problem with modern communications-it takes on a life of it's own in discussion, fine nuances are missed and people stray off piste and digression begets digression. In short time the point being discussed has disappeared off the radar-then all is lost. The best example is westlower's pointed assessment of AKB/WOB mentalities. Short and succinct. Surely no one could disagree? Yes, Ron immediately did. Ron the observation and denoting of a situation was quite easy to grasp and was pretty accurate, I am sure. The point you made were reasons for those differences, plus a few digs-why do you need to dig at those you don't agree with? They did not form a cogent response to the original statement, this is where things go awry. It isn't valid to justify the reasons, that wasn't being mooted. On another thread the response certainly could be a/the reasons why the difference, or slight amendments to the overall statement, no more. You attacked, as you always do, hence my criticisms laid at your door interminably, those of bullying; hectoring wins applause from the already committed, not from the opposition's quarters. Using the 'lingo', dropping in facts, and the history aspect is a smoke and mirrors trick, which assuages the minds of pro-Ron followers, smoke and mirrors so vilified by those same punters who accuse AFC of using them, (invariably right in criticising-but unable to see a correlation in how these posts fall into a similar category). I support Arsenal through thick and thin, always have, always will. I will never be bullied or brow-beaten into cowing and changing that aspect-it isn't possible for me to change my emotional links. I do not want a revolution at my club. I do not want to rubbish or put down others with alternative views or their personal engagements with a football team, that is their inalienable right, and I would defend it on their behalf. However in discussion I would always feel the need to remind others of balance, a balanced view, a balanced reaction. I urge you to reread westlower's simple post, and absorb the point. Then respond if you can build on the discussion, rather than going to war and endeavouring to close down the debate. I get criticised for vacating the site for two reasons which are, Arsenal being beaten-which is a nonsense, I've never hidden in my life, except in hide and seek games. I sometimes step aside to let the storm of vitriol subside, because I can read people and they look for scapegoats to blame, I become an unwarranted target. That is that reason dealt with. The second is personal insults. Who can like those, even if offered by cowards and clowns? I just walk away, get my mind straight and return-perhaps one day I shan't. OK, put away the hymn books, sermon over-well that's how it will be perceived by some sadly, in fact it can be used positively. To do so stay on track, guys.

  17. julesd

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:15 #63476

    Ron I find the confrontation and abuse of Arsene Wenger at Stoke railway station totally unacceptable. What does this abusive brand of revolution achieve? Did the manager resign next day on the strength of this unpleasant vitriol? Evolution will happen when Wenger resigns/retires and the board will appoint a new coach to replace him. Anyone who believes Wenger will depart before the end of this season harbours some flawed judgement. My oh my, it was invigorating to break away from my kitchen duties for 5 minutes. Happy Christmas Ron!

  18. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:03 #63475

    I had a vision on the bus to work this morning: Arsenal were bottom of the second division and Wenger had taken to riding around the pitch during games in a clown’s car – the doors and wheels of which blew off whenever we conceded goals. And in the stands some people would sit with their eyes firmly closed, fingers jammed in their ears going ‘La, la, la, I support Arsenal through thick and thin!’ I’m definitely buying this new porridge again.

  19. Ron

    Dec 16, 2014, 8:44 #63473

    Hi jules. Evolution occurs at every Club. The words 'bloody revolution'in footie context is just hyperbole. Its a word used by those who are resistant to, frightened of or just plain old too emotionally attached to Wenger and the status quo at the Club to see that change there is vital. A change of Coach isnt 'revolution'. Its just change. Football isnt important enough to ramp up the terminology to try and bolster anybods position, whichever side of the fence you sit. Im sure the description of 'bloody revolution' to describe a change of boss and maybe an ownership change at a Club could only ever happen at genteel old Arsenal! Its a bit pathetic, but such a definitions is the still the glue holding the present tired old regime together.

  20. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 16, 2014, 8:14 #63471

    What's wrong with flares? They're coming back into fashion - I read it in my horoscope! (with apologies to Neil in The Young Ones)

  21. Bard

    Dec 16, 2014, 8:09 #63470

    Ahoy shipmates, I have news. As you know I was detained by Turkeys finest for waving Auntie Elses misspelt banner in Istanbul.Anyway long story short. Ivan kindly invited me to the training ground by way of a sort of reconciliation. In truth I think the club realised it was bad PR to get an asbo on a 90 year old woman with dyslexia, thats Auntie Elsie, not me before I get any withering posts about it.This is after all a club with values. Anyway I found my way to the treatment centre hoping to catch a glimpse of most of the first team hard at rehab. What a shock, the centre was decked out as Santas Grotto and there they all were poncing around in the pyjamas, Ozil ,Rambo, Kos, Jack ,Wally et al. playing FIFA 14 on their playstations. The only one missing was dear old Abou who had dislocated his wrist pressing the buttons on his machine and was in intensive care for his own protection.It was quite emotional as Wally was nearly fit to play and cried as he said his goodbyes. He reassured everyone that he would be a back very soon. So there you have it shipmates, I have discovered the reason why we have so many injuries. Why would you want to go out in the wet and the cold when you could be snuggled up in Santas Grotto playing reality football. Is this why we have no backbone as a side? Over to the AKBs to explain this extraordinary state of affairs. This is only my opinion of course.

  22. julesd

    Dec 16, 2014, 7:23 #63469

    Everyone has an opinion. Then, when they hear everyone else's opinion, they have their own opinions about those opinions. Then more opinions are expressed, this time about those additional opinions. Before we know it, there is an endless discussion and all hope of progress has vanished. Just look at what needs to happen and the best way to make it happen. In my opinion evolution at Arsenal Football Club is preferable to an unnecessary bloody revolution. Abuse and violence is abhorrent to fair minded supporters, in my opinion.

  23. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 23:15 #63468

    So what point are you trying to make Unchives? It's a different time, with different rules for different people. We no longer wear flairs but they happened, it's just not relevant to anything to do with football. Yeah Cornish, with a demolition team.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2014, 23:14 #63467

    Ron, good post a fine example of how something should be nailed, the pretenders young and old put in their box yet again.

  25. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 15, 2014, 22:39 #63466

    Badarse. What were you, a non AKB, doing at AKB HQ. You'll be telling us next that you frequent Ramsgate Conservative Club.

  26. Unchives

    Dec 15, 2014, 22:26 #63465

    When players left Arsenal, they very rarely used to succeed anywhere else...even that's gone now. Henry,Vieira,Cole, Fabregas,Anelka, RVP,Nasri,Clichy, Overmars, Petit, this list is but a sample. Even Keown left because we wouldn't pay him an extra £50 quid under Graham for Christ sake, then spent £1 million to get him back....Arsenal values eh?

  27. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 22:15 #63463

    Yes the young lad nailed it there-he does often. Well done 24601, and well done to you for picking up on it lee afc. Good old Arsenal.

  28. Ron

    Dec 15, 2014, 22:14 #63462

    ....and there are those who love the Club enough to feel that it deserves more and thus urge it to raise its bar to the levels that they know are attainable and deserved and those who accept mediocre levels as the norm thinking that the norm will do and is the best than can be expected. Be it sport, business or whatever it may be Westie, no venture that was happy with the latter position ever won or achieved anything. A Club or a man needs to be his own biggest critic and needs others to do it as well. It doesnt mean they dont love him or the Club or whatever entity it is, it mans they do give the love and think he or the Club deserve better. You seem to really Chelsea. I thinkm its jealousy really but theyre a great example of a Club who for many decades right back to the 60s could smell the top, smell winning had the odd Cup win and ran the teams at the top close. They decided that being perennial bridesmaids wasn't enough, they wanted better and went out and got it. Yr approach in that post there youve put up i so defeatist its quite sad. You really dont seem see what Arsenal are or what theyve stood for so long i suspect. If you did you wouldn't want to pee it down the toilet as the post suggests.

  29. Unchives

    Dec 15, 2014, 21:58 #63461

    @ Westlower, everyone on here loves Arsenal, AKBs or WOB, otherwise why would we be spending valuable time debating here. These are not lean times, we've got the best footballing side in the league, ITS JUST THAT THIS MANAGER CANT FINISH THE JOB OFF, we are fighting for the club to fulfil what we think this team can achieve.....but not with this manager. Muirinho finishes the job off.Wenger takes so long to get the side going that our top players lose patience and take off.....don't you get it.

  30. lee afc

    Dec 15, 2014, 20:43 #63460

    WESTIE quote 66856. Undeniably the quote of the year. Well said Mr Westlower.

  31. jjetplane

    Dec 15, 2014, 20:34 #63459

    The CL is nailed on. I will not hear anything less! Stop being a humbug Westie.

  32. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2014, 19:58 #63458

    The AKB/WOB argument is misleading. There are those who support Arsenal through thick and thin and others who have temporarily detached themselves from the team pending better times. The latter, probably feeling guilty about deserting the team they profess to love, seek solace in criticising all aspects of AFC.

  33. jjetplane

    Dec 15, 2014, 19:45 #63457

    Charlie George, Holloway School, Islington Boy's Club, Market Road Recreation. Funny enough was thinking Animal Farm/Ranch with Stan and Arsene and his Homage to Barcelona Project. Etonian lefties - old Eric would turn in his sleep if he saw the clown mayor of now. GAZ bang on the head Arsene cannot hide anywhere with Monaco. No option.

  34. Ron

    Dec 15, 2014, 19:38 #63456

    I wonder if Eric fully understood how prescient he actually was guys? Loved his books. I do the odd course at his place up in Canonbury Sq. Lovely building still, but in need of tender loving care inside.

  35. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 15, 2014, 19:10 #63455

    Apparently the wages for paper rounds in the N5 area are now more than that in SW6. Although the newsagents are keeping the details to themselves. Anyway, Victory Gin all round!

  36. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 19:00 #63454

    Arseneknewbest, you are just trying to be cheeky, or should that be 'ungood'? OK, so four are in the gang so far, any more? I feel outnumbered-at AKB HQ we never have more than three at a time in the office. What are you drinking lads, the Virtual Ale is on me-but don't touch that bottle of rioja, I always keep one handy in case radfordkennedy drops in unexpectedly.

  37. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 15, 2014, 18:55 #63453

    Let me add my name to the Eric Blair fan club. A true genius, and the originality and greatness of his writing is evidently something we can all agree on. Only today did we see David Miles using some of his famous doublespeak after the CL draw. Georgie Orwell's red and white army....

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2014, 18:51 #63452

    Gaz, i don't get this luck thing myself, we wouldn't have to rely on luck if more effort was made to win the group. Although it's not easy (but it could have been a hell of a lot worse) there can be no excuses now that we were up against Barca, Real, Bayern, etc, from TOF and his disciples.

  39. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 18:46 #63451

    Arseneknewbest, you may well be right my friend, however some things will always resonate with me-Billy Joel, a favourite of mine always signed off his concerts with, 'Don't take any **** from anyone.' I try to follow that creed. I don't want to gate crash gentlemen but George Orwell was a literary hero of mine too. I remember discussing Animal Farm and was told that the person just thought it was a story about animals. Now this should be in every church in the land and people might then realise that thinking like this meant no one was saved.

  40. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 15, 2014, 18:36 #63450

    jjetplane - Orwell is an utter hero of mine. Intellectual, prescient and a man who though born into privilege, felt compelled to write and act against inequality and tyranny. And all done with great modesty. In my opinion 1984 should be permanently in the secondary school syllabus. Haven't been to Jura - but would love to one day. Charlie George was pretty neat, too.

  41. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 18:33 #63449

    You sleigh me Hiccup. Taxi!

  42. Hiccup

    Dec 15, 2014, 18:18 #63448

    There's enough AKB's on here today to fill a taxi? On the wages debate, it's only fair to exclude Diaby's salary as an ongoing seasonal adjustment. Do that, and it brings both clubs in line with each other.

  43. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 15, 2014, 18:15 #63447

    Badarse - methinks the great poster doth protest too much. To paraphrase the much-missed Gil Scott Heron, "I remember what I said about you and Ron.....meant it". Try to keep your powder dry for all the trials and tribulations that will be coming our way over Christmas. Fourth place by the time we meet Hull will be mission achieved for OGL and his mates.

  44. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 18:01 #63446

    I remember all the kids being sharp operators, I was a little more refined coming from posher Ealing in West London, compared to the street urchins of Bermondsey, but I picked things up quite quickly, had to run to keep up with those young 'fly' boys though. We would go and knock for waste paper and old rags and take them to the rag and bone yard for coppers. I remember them renewing the old roads nearby, pulling up 'tarry logs' and relaying asphalt. We scrapped for those heavy logs to take home to Mum as spoils of war. They burned brilliantly, spitting out bubbling bits of red hot tar, with noxious fumes. Oh boy, the good old days, as if! Paper round? What living int' middle o' road? Nay lads, none could read round our way, let alone have money for a newspaper. We all relied on 'jungle telegraph', back then.

  45. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2014, 17:36 #63445

    paper rounds? you all got off lightly my first job was (and i'm sure doesn't come as a surprise) scraping/cleaning out cattle basically shovelling shyte and feeding them (three times a day)and other farm work for a very nice farmer, at least i had a bike to get me there but never had a light on it how i made it home some nights i'll never know.

  46. jjetplane

    Dec 15, 2014, 17:20 #63443

    That would be the time RON and at that time we had two paper boys, me on the oil and the young one on a milk round. Remember the second eldest about to have goalie trials at Millwall and broke his arm. Also remember him saving his pennies so he could see Don Rogers destroy us. Some mad years there with a bit of Sgt Peppers inbetween the egg fights! Nice one MG and your daughter has got a sharp eye. Boy's band The Midfielders.

  47. Gaz

    Dec 15, 2014, 17:19 #63442

    Bt confused as to why I keep hearing 'we were due a bit of luck' this morning. Simple fact is if you keep coming second in a group of four where you were the top seeds you're gonna be facing one of the better sides! Best way to avoid this of course is to win the group then you won't have to rely on lady luck! Had a feeling we'd draw them-what with it being Wengers old Club and all that. Far from it being easy though the reality is theres a hell of a lot of pressure on Wenger now. Because if don't go through to the next round I'm really not sure he'll have any wriggle room left!...

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2014, 17:06 #63441

    My teenage Daughter walked past and saw the accompanying photo and asked is that one Direction? no i said but she wasn't far away.

  49. Ron

    Dec 15, 2014, 16:39 #63440

    JJ - Hi mate. Paper round stuff came in when Baddie mentioned earnings etc. Its just me indulging the old memories of paper rounds that it provoked. Ignore me mate. Many do!! ha. Johnnie 7 eh!. Dredging up the memories there mate you flipping old sod. Ive not heard that name since the mid to late 60s ish? Would that be about right?

  50. jjetplane

    Dec 15, 2014, 16:32 #63439

    CG ORWELL That Johnny 7 carried a grenade launcher and I did own one bought at BB Evans up the road from the WOK. Dig the moniker mate and was/am a big Orwell fan and even went to stay on Jura where he wrote '84. The Crick biography was a great read too. Wish I still had my man from U.N.C>L.E stuff but there you go. Where did the paper round thing start Baddie/Ron? My first job was doing an Oil Round with a big **** off barrow around upper Holloway - about the time of Frank's finest moments. Looks like that old sneak Wenger is gonna finally win it all! Hear that JAMIE you Total Recall man. It's The Holly and the Ivy for me.

  51. TJ

    Dec 15, 2014, 16:05 #63438

    An attempt has been made to hush discussion over what is probably a well-sourced claim regarding Arsenal's wage bill. Once it is revealed to be higher the AKBs will just avoid discussion of it again. Chelsea have sold a number of star players and have moved toward making profit, hence it makes sense that they should have kept the wage bill at the same level. Even then, they are certainly similar levels and yet no word on who of the Arsenal squad would make the Chelsea first XI- says it all.

  52. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 15:50 #63436

    Well Ron times do change don't they? Not always for the better-certainly not for your old mate. Apt time to say, let's hope it's a good one.

  53. Ron

    Dec 15, 2014, 15:33 #63435

    Well Baddie, i can recall when 'Terry' my old mate who was 14 and i was 12 had a far easier paper round than me and earned a shilling a week more, yet could do his round on his bike! I couldn't. 2 great felt bags jammed solid with papers, one over each shoulder and i had to walk it. In fact he used to skim by me on his bike with about 4 papers left to deliver (im sure he only ever had about 12 in total to start with!!), jeering as he did it while i was hunched over like a pack horse, dragged down by the weight. This taught me all i needed to know about getting paid a fair whack for a fair effort. Poor old Terry, last i heard he was doing a few years for all sorts of car ringing and theft.I was obviously Arsenal and he was Chelsea!!

  54. Unchives

    Dec 15, 2014, 15:27 #63434

    Not a bad draw, cant complain.About time we got a bit of Luck. Hopefully everyone will be fit by February....plus a signing or two?

  55. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 15:07 #63433

    Cornish, know them off by heart, Max cornered the market on that one. I appreciate the gentle nudging, it's very nice, so thank you. There are times to pick up a weapon, and times to lay them down. Now I must get back to the Xmas begging letters I have to write-weapons been put down.

  56. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 15, 2014, 15:02 #63432

    Badarse. Desiderata, first two lines. Please.

  57. Bard

    Dec 15, 2014, 14:55 #63431

    I don't know about drawing Monaco. At the current rate we won't have enough players to give them a game. The midfield attritional rate is unreal. The thought that it all rests on Flamini is quite incredible. Still Jan is a difficult time to buy so says the boss and I agree. We need to keep our powder dry for a tilt at the title next year or the year after that.

  58. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 14:44 #63430

    I get a bigger wage than Bill, but he only earns frumpence, so no joy there. Oh I hate four one, four one. Remember 018 4141-JAMIE is on the Helpline, free pills, but you have to bring your own noose. @Arseneknewbest That was a loose term of yours, like many others. I'd have thought by now you'd have twigged what I was on about. I would suggest it's your concepts and perceptions that are narrow. Nobody has a monopoly on being right, however much you might like to lay claim to it. Anyway who the hell cares, is more the question? Now if you feel your feathers a little ruffled that was a post to me when I asked an open question as a genuine attempt to follow a different strand and garner opinions. As a post to you it may have been more apt as you had mentioned me and I could be said to be responding, so an important difference there, don't you think? Anyway I would not post something like that except as a reaction, never a direct action. Anyway I rest my case, and as it's quite a heavy one be careful it isn't on your foot. Ron baby, am not opening old wounds, that was something I just needed to do. @DWT the post you made was in the spirit of the thing, thank you. Roll on the Online Gooner Virtual Xmas Panto.

  59. Ron

    Dec 15, 2014, 14:42 #63429

    Chris Dee - exactly that mate. The players and staff there really do seem to live a totally different World to everybody else. There's optimism and there's delusion. The Club seems to have an incredible notion of its own standing in euro football. Its maybe the best draw relative to what they could have got, but they ignore that Monaco are likely to be ecstatic it too. Unbelievable really.

  60. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 15, 2014, 14:38 #63428

    maguiresbridge gooner: Yeah – always with the victim being the new bloke in the landing party. Can you imagine the conversation between the agent and the actor, 'I've got you a part on Star Trek!' 'Great! Who do I play?' 'Er... unnamed security personel guy beamed down with the stars at the start'. 'Damn'. jjetplane: Johnny 7 – One Man Army! That toy was sooo brilliant! I still remember (honestly) saying to my mum in the Chapel Street market branch of Woolworths ‘That’s what I want for Christmas!’ (at about Easter time).

  61. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2014, 14:28 #63427

    As to be expected Arsenal's odds in the ECL have dropped after drawing Monaco. Stage of elimination: Last 16, 5/2; 1/4 final, 10/11; semi-final, 6/1; Beaten finalist 18/1; Winner 22/1. AFC are seventh in the betting to be outright winner. The odds on the home leg v Monaco; AFC 4/7, draw 3/1, Monaco 5/1. English team to progress furthest: Chelsea 4/6; AFC 17/10; Man C 19/10.

  62. Chris

    Dec 15, 2014, 13:57 #63426

    Mea culpa - actually the diverging wage bill bit was bollocks but the general point remains - let's see the up to date figures first! There is no recorded instance of Chelsea's wage bill being lower than Arsenal's in recent years. Weren't there rumours that Fabregas was on £180k per week...? Can't imagine that Costa came cheap....

  63. Red Member

    Dec 15, 2014, 13:50 #63425

    there seems to be an assumption in AKB circles that the Monaco match is won already!they actually have the best defence in the CL, and considering we havent a really clinical goalscorer at this level I see us struggling against them.

  64. Chris

    Dec 15, 2014, 13:46 #63424

    Bigger Wage Bill - The opinion stated in the Torygraph is far from 'more than likely' to be true. If you look at the Swiss ramble article, you'll see that up to the year ending in 2013, Chelsea's and Arsenal's bills were still diverging. Are the figures for last season (year ending 2014) even out for Chelseas? Let's at least see them before projecting to this one... Ron - let's hope so! Could do with a bit of perspective added to the current tosh doing the rounds on here!Does anyone know Amos and can give him a wake up call?

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2014, 13:21 #63423

    Charlie George Orwell, one of them makes an appearance on the old Star Trek episodes now and again, Kirk and the crew beam down to a planet and it just appears floating about all over the place talking away, usually in a different language sometimes reverting to English and back again, while Kirk, Spock, and Dr McCoy walk round it in amazement wondering how it does it, and how it works, it always ends up with spock claiming it's illogical it's life Jim but not as we know it.

  66. chris dee

    Dec 15, 2014, 13:19 #63422

    Fantastic bit of P R by David Miles and Aaron Ramsey after they heard the draw. Ramsey said it's 'great draw' and Miles said,and I paraphrase,'after having drawn top teams in the previous years we are happy with this draw'.That ,as they say is ,the Monaco's manager team talk done for him What a couple of brain dead dipsticks!

  67. Bigger wage bill than Chelsea

    Dec 15, 2014, 13:06 #63421

    Chris- Yes I read all of Swiss Ramble's fine Arsenal posts, in which he generally estimates that Wenger has considerably more money to spend than most AKBs would have us believe. And as you stated, he's not disagreeing with The Telegraph in any way as they're referring to different seasons. But what is clear is that what you described as being complete/untrue rubbish, fiction, made up and having no substance....... is more than likely the complete opposite. You should really look before you leap mate.

  68. Ron

    Dec 15, 2014, 12:55 #63420

    Good grief fellas. I have this awful feeling that this wage bill discussion might yet invite that trusted old fave, the 'net spend' issue back into the fray? Horror of all horrors. I can see Amos stirring from his hibernation as we speak. Both subjects reduce the will to live!

  69. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2014, 12:49 #63419

    Ozzie, I hope it's not on water there's enough think he does that already.

  70. TJ

    Dec 15, 2014, 12:44 #63418

    Having read the Swiss Ramble article already I think you have made a mistake. His article used figures for LAST YEAR- Arsenal's wage bill is said to be higher than Chelsea this year by some reliable sources: The Telegraph, The International Business Times and many others. This is because the club have made 5 major signings in Debuchy, Chambers, Ospina, Sanchez and Welbeck. You might argue that they have made it up but that wouldn't be in their interest long term as it would undermine their long term reputation. Sources aren't cited by newspapers or journalists in general as it damages the relationship they have with the information provider. It is not a 100% verified fact but I daresay that you will argue until you're blue in the face while the figures haven't been released yet. Out of interest, As Chelsea's wage bill is almost certainly still at £176m, supposing Arsenal were still at £166m in wages and we deduct the wages of Chelsea's star player, Hazard (£10m), who do you think of the Arsenal squad would make the Chelsea first XI? Anyone other than Sanchez- a player Wenger just bought rather than developed?

  71. Chris

    Dec 15, 2014, 12:42 #63417

    Bigger Wage Bill - checked out the Torygraph. I prefer to deal with facts, i.e. published figures, and this article was projecting whilst making all sorts of assumptions about both Arsenal's and Chelsea's wage bills so not much more than guess that Chelsea's bill might not be smaller than Arsenal's. The Swiss ramble article shows that for last year, Arsenal's wage bill was still smaller than Chelsea's for the previous year (the latest figures available for them).

  72. Chris

    Dec 15, 2014, 12:28 #63416

    Bigger Wage Bill.. Have you checked out the Swiss Ramble article? There's your perspective - I won't be so obnoxious as to add 'if you're really interested in it' but I suspect you're not...

  73. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 15, 2014, 12:24 #63415

    Nice one, Jamie. I’m having a rubbish day at work so far and that made me laugh. Cheers.

  74. Bigger wage bill than Chelsea

    Dec 15, 2014, 12:15 #63414

    Chris- Google it, Daily Telegraph 19th Sept. There's your fairly reliable and fairly respected one place. And that's your perspective, if you're really interested in it.

  75. JAMIE

    Dec 15, 2014, 12:13 #63413

    My early season prediction of Arsenal winning the champions league and Wenger getting manager of the year plus the the wobs Xmas panto being the biggest laugh of the year is looking pretty much on the cards. Whadya think Badarse.

  76. Chris

    Dec 15, 2014, 12:06 #63412

    AMG - Well known? Point me to one place that indicates that Chelsea's wage bill is less than Arsenal's. I, meanwhile, will point you to the recent Swiss Ramble that demonstrated that what you have said is 'well known' is complete rubbish. Your post has no substance or thought - just regurgitated inaccurate 'common knowledge'. My point is that we're as good as anyone bar the top two - and given the level of investment that the top three have made that's actually fairly reasonable. At last some luck in the CL draw so our place as a top ten European force will be cemented this year. That's the perspective I'm talking about.

  77. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 15, 2014, 11:45 #63411

    Drawing Monaco is interesting, n'est-ce pas? We probably have an even chance of prolonging the agony for another round. Hate to sound pessimistic but we ain't gonna win the CL are we - even with a helping hand against a team that scored only 4 goals to qualify top of their group. Laughable that AFC secretary David Miles said on the Beeb that, "the fans have high expectations". Jeez - the spin machine never stops does it?

  78. AMG

    Dec 15, 2014, 11:42 #63410

    Chris, it's well known Arsenal pay more in wages than Chelsea (not including loans). And I think TJ was being kind saying that Alexis would get in their first team... in front of Hazard or Oscar? What exactly is this perspective you speak of, your post lacks any real substance? Is your point that all of the other teams bar Chelsea and City are rubbish, therefore it's OK that we are? I think you're the one that needs to get some perspective - In the top 10 richest clubs in the world, 8 years without a trophy. In the CL 17 consecutive seasons, only made it through the quarters twice. Most expensive team to watch in world football... Wenger should pray more often!

  79. Chris

    Dec 15, 2014, 11:30 #63409

    TJ - "By the way, we are spending more than Chelsea on wages so why is it that only Alexis would make their first XI?" Where did you get this fiction? The willingness of our 'fans' to come out with untrue rubbish like this to belittle our club beggars belief. As Jeff would say, you couldn't make it up - but you obviously did!!And as for the top three being head and shoulders above anyone else - you obviously haven't seen much of Utd recently. A very moderate team who were very fortunate to come away with anything from Arsenal and Southampton - if they finish third, it will only be because of the 'Liverpool effect' - ie the benefits of having no European football, plus possibly having de gea in fantastic form. The huge number of folk on here who have NO perspective is quite remarkable.

  80. Ron

    Dec 15, 2014, 11:29 #63408

    Hi Baddie lad. No worries at all mate. We re both as bad. Its all 'hand bags' and nothing to dwell on. Carry on as normal. Yr a great poster, even though we fall out occasionally!! Monaco then? Must have a evens chance of progression with that draw? Westie will oblige soon re the odds im sure. Peace my friend!

  81. radfordkennedy

    Dec 15, 2014, 10:05 #63407

    Got to say how much I enjoyed seeing that condescending arrogant expert on everything ar#ehole,being firmly put in his place and being made to look the two bob dic#head that he is....well that's enough about 'question time' the football was good though,if welbeck and giroud are going to be our front two for a while,someone better have a word with young Danny and tell him to stop following Giroud around the pitch,but we'll done all the same.

  82. Badarse

    Dec 15, 2014, 10:02 #63406

    Good morning Ron, my little sausage roll. Loved your last post fella. Sorry I got bitchy yesterday, it's what love does to me. I look forward to the evening when we can listen to, 'The Spice Girls Greatest Hits' together, whilst you prostrate yourself on the couch, and I will plait strawberry laces in your naval hair, and push sucked Randoms into your belly button once more. Now that is challenging! Sorry.

  83. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 15, 2014, 9:41 #63405

    Whether it's the content, tone or overall message, Ron beats Badarse into a cocked hat every time for me. You can't improve on the truth, and Ron doesn't deliver it in a patronising and over-bearing way. Except for the Villa game, that's the first time there's been a remotely comfortable feel to a win this season...it might have been different if the ref had awarded a pen for that Welbeck handball.

  84. Bigger wage bill than Chelsea

    Dec 15, 2014, 9:18 #63404

    So 'One Arsene Wenger' doesn't get sung this entire calendar year until the week after he gets a bit of stick at Stoke. Guilt-ridden and cringeworthy, so typical of match-going Arsenal fans in 2014.

  85. King Jeremy

    Dec 15, 2014, 9:15 #63403

    A fine, enjoyable win and something for the AKBs to crow about and a chance to serenade their beloved idol. But, lok who's next up on the fixture list. Oh Joy! Well, at least it will be a timely test of our mettle. Onwards & upwards or back to earth with a bump. Forgive me, but i'm expecting the latter. Liverpool's worst start for years, but good old Arsenal will no doubt give their season a kick-start.

  86. chris dee

    Dec 15, 2014, 9:07 #63402

    How much better is the weekend after an Arsenal win. But alas next week it's back to what the team has done consistently over the last eight years.We will be facing a team and manager that is under pressure,what better team to face than Arsenal?Arsenal a team that will cave in,become a defensive shambles,attack when defence is required and a manager who will explain that the defeat was down to a 'blip' or an 'accident'. But why am I explaining it to fellow Arsenal fans?We've all read the book,seen the film and bought the tee shirt,in fact we've collected a whole drawer full of tee shirts over the last few years, and we'ere gonna buy another one on next Sunday against Liverpool.

  87. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 15, 2014, 9:03 #63401

    Morning Baddie – with your latest offerings, I now get a full mental picture of you: You’re not actually a person at all, but a floating, glowing luminescent ball of pure intellect that we puny humans can only marvel at.

  88. Tony Evans

    Dec 15, 2014, 8:40 #63400

    Gaz - my thoughts exactly.

  89. AMG

    Dec 15, 2014, 8:25 #63399

    Baddie and Ron, both of you have left this site for different reasons before. Ron to rediscover his zen like state of calm (I'm guessing) and Mr Badarse disappears whenever the team get a good spanking or people get overly personal towards him (fair enough). Either way the site was site was poorer without you both, but it certainly did not die. What's killing the conversation at AFC is the complete state of stasis we've been in for years. Time to light some fires and ring the changes! P.S. I do love reading your lover's tiffs.

  90. Ozzie

    Dec 15, 2014, 4:22 #63398

    The badarse dictionary in one syllable - I

  91. Ozzie

    Dec 15, 2014, 4:09 #63397

    Poor ole Newcastle, I was cheering for em one week but not the next. Think I preferred them beating Chelsea more than Arsenal's win. By the way, MY young grandson reckons it's time Wenger walked.

  92. Ron

    Dec 15, 2014, 0:33 #63396

    Yes that's it Baddie, far too challenging for me. Your wit and omnipotence leaves me exhausted. Beats me how you fit posting in with the day job at the Vatican.

  93. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 23:52 #63394

    DWT, your spot on there, this club really has the potential to be giants, real big hitters and that has been the case for a few seasons now, unfortunately OGL can't see that. And that's what is pissing fans off, we all can see it loud and clear, maybe TOF can see it himself but is just to big of a coward to try, or doesn't bother because he knows he's not up to the job, and would rather bumble along just scraping fourth place season in season out, and that's why so many fans have turned against him. Apart from his disciples of course who are quite happy with him doing just that, and think he's working wonders.

  94. Unchives

    Dec 14, 2014, 23:07 #63393

    You would expect that after Liverpool's 3-0 thumping by the worst Man Utd side for 20 years, they would fear us coming to their place, can we possibly contrive ****ing up, if we don't, congratulate the manager, if we do, blame the players.Watch this space AKBs.....failures gona getcha!

  95. jeff wright

    Dec 14, 2014, 22:35 #63392

    lee KFC, You must of thought it was West Brom you were seeing trotting out Saturday night on your TV ! As father Christmas would say...ho ho ho... Now come on please I know it's the panto season ( where is Peter pan) but Arsene laps up the credit for the success like a cat does with a saucer of cream so he must take the blame also for the bad times. Simple really if he gets credited for the unbeaten season 20004 and the FAC win 2005 and he should do,then it follows that the 9 years without a pot and the awful beatings that we have endured in recent times must be credited to him as well. His best days are well past and while I don't endorse the sort of abuse that he got at Stoke station, he seems to have a problem with railway stations Lime St included, I can however well understand the anger of supporters who travel to away games to support the team only to have to endure embarrassing defeats .Anyway,chin,chin wot, here is to us having something to sing about at Anfield where the home side never walks alone,or so it is claimed...Good old Arsene.

  96. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 22:09 #63391

    I see OGL's mouth piece wally has wasted no time fitting back into his favourite position leading the line in front of the camera.

  97. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 21:27 #63390

    Ron, didn't you know it's only the dictator who is allowed to be a bully, by the way we didn't know you were a jockey, it must be hard getting up on those big horses.

  98. Hiccup

    Dec 14, 2014, 21:10 #63389

    No way will Liverpool let Rodgers go, and certainly not to a rival. If wenger is performing miracles finishing 4th, then Christ, that makes Rodgers finishing 2nd with the scousers out of this universe. He's only been there two years, and surely deserves to be given at least another 7 years to see if he can deliver a trophy. I ask Liverpool fans to judge Rodgers in May. Allow for handbrakes being left on, allow for the best players leaving and not being replaced, allow for there being no value in the January market, and then what the hell, just go with it again.

  99. anti-wenger

    Dec 14, 2014, 20:59 #63388

    Because we beat Galatasary and Newcastle, the AKBs are singing 'there's only one Arsene Wenger' yet again. I hope they'll sing that at Anfield next weekend. As poor as Liverpool is,it'll be very typical of an AW-led Arsenal to find a way to lose the game. Liverpool is there for taking, with confidence at the lowest ebb.it shld be an opportunity for us to revenge the 5-1 thrashing. But I know we have a manager who lacks mental strength, I won't be surprised if we go to Anfield and fail woefully yet again.

  100. Lee afc

    Dec 14, 2014, 20:46 #63387

    DW thomas..... It's the players that win matches but when we get beat, it's the managers fault..... you fall into that small, small minority that Mr Wenger was on about.

  101. Bard

    Dec 14, 2014, 20:29 #63386

    Some good posts today, I have enjoyed the late Baddie /Ron clash, a battle of the titans !!!! Meanwhile I have been pondering a difficult question, should Wenger stay or go ???? I mentioned earlier that the Daily Mail much beloved here has stated that Wenger has to win the Prem or the CL so that in effect means we are looking for another manager next season. This nugget has by passed Westie who does love his paper talk. What about Brendan Rogers? He spouts as much bull as our beloved and has that 'Brentian ' quality much loved by certain Arsenal fans. Looks like he will be collecting his P45 any time soon. Whats not to like about him, useless in the transfer market, tactically adrift and has had his teeth whitened. I see him as the perfect replacement for a useless regime.

  102. DW Thomas

    Dec 14, 2014, 20:21 #63385

    Lee. How about a song for Sanchez or Ox, the real reason we won that game! It's players that win games, good managing helps at times, but Wenger's tactics too often backfire or never existed! Magsbridge, I too couldn't believe my ears! OGL for once didn't sound like a complete excuse maker or egotistical snake oil peddler. The next 4 games will be big. West ham, Southampton, and Liverpool. By the way, Liverpool are a decent team. Sterling couldn't score today despite 3-4 great chances. And RVPs flick to Mata should have been ruled off side. Problem with Liverpool is just like Arsenal these past few years. Too many lightweight not good enough overrated players. Take Joe Allen, Henderson, and Coutinho. Plus De gea was out of this world good! And without Suarez they have no top finisher. What a difference he makes. Ken makes a great point. Gerrard falling over last season sealed their fate. Can't blame Rodgers for that one. But, this season he looks most likely to be on the outs after not evn half a season. And AKBs call us fickle? OGL has everything in place to be a tremendous power of a club. Yet we're fine with 4th! Meanwhile the real competitors stay at the top.

  103. A Tale Of Two Arsenals (The Year of a French Revolution?)

    Dec 14, 2014, 20:21 #63384

    2014 was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the summer of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.....

  104. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 20:03 #63383

    DWT, it was refreshing to hear something different coming from the mouth of OGL it wasn't like him at all, more evidence he was an imposter.

  105. Lee afc

    Dec 14, 2014, 19:56 #63382

    Well gaz.. What would you suggest chanting when we are 4-1 up against a team who last week ended Chelsea's unbeaten record. Credit where credit is due is hard for some fickle people on here.

  106. Gaz

    Dec 14, 2014, 19:36 #63381

    Really enjoyed that performance yesterday. Thought we pressed them well and played some superb football. I really like Debuchy and Bellerin continues to impress. Also like the fact we won a game with so many injuries throughout. After all if we hadn't won you can be damn sure some of our fans would be using the injuries as an excuse!!! Problem is though that there's nothing new here and we've been doing this at home to the likes of Newcastle for ten years now. The real tests are when we play the bigger sides both home and away and what happens when we get a hard draw in the Champions league (on the basis I actually expect us to beat either Monaco or Porto). Until we see a change in how these games pan out it's simply the same thing repeating itself. As for the chanting of 'one Arsene Wenger' well it was sadly inevitable...

  107. Badarse

    Dec 14, 2014, 19:34 #63380

    Guess I am too challenging for you Ron.


    Dec 14, 2014, 19:32 #63379

    I'm not some fickle fan. Win or lose I have been calling for Wenger to go since 2008-2009. Folks condemning those folks at the train station for me went light on the guy!!! We our human brings not robots. Is Wenger GOD??? Look we our grateful for what he has done in the PAST!! But it's time to move on. How long is that going to give him a past for? Next 20 years, 30 years??? Wenger is finished and most folk know it, beating Galatasaray and Newcastle who we normally beat at home means nothing to me. Do we have any chance of winning the pl or cl under Wenger simple question?? I don't see it. I would to see Giroud score a brace against a top team hmmmm. I won't bet on it anytime soon. Wenger was on tv saying he might go to church to pray we don't get a top team in the cl smh. Even he knows we can't and won't win the cl!!! The mans a joke and those fans singing he's name our an embarrassment. Fickle fans and probably a few tourists smh. When lose against a big team AGAIN. I don't think you will be singing one Wenger smh. The man is soooooo deluded its unbelievable. He thinks only 0.1% of fans want him gone looooool. We will probably draw Real Madrid or Bayern Munich or Barca. Do any of you think we can beat any of those teams over two legs ???? Hmmmmmm I don't or I'm I just being NEGATIVE OR REALISTIC??? Do any if you STILL think Wenger can win the pl this season???? Hmmmmbor ever again???? OR IM BEING NEGATIVE???

  109. Ken

    Dec 14, 2014, 19:27 #63378

    Must be comforting for AKBs to hear Liverpool fans calling for Rodgers' head just a few months after his team gave their fans the ride of their lives to the very last day of the season, finishing higher than we have in 9 years. Wenger's disciples should thank their luck stars that they only have to deal with the kind of ultra-patient WOBs that they find on here and not the knee-jerk types to be found on Merseyside. Badarse- 'I don't need patronising', remarkable lack of self-awareness there.

  110. DW Thomas

    Dec 14, 2014, 19:19 #63377

    Baddie, first off I enjoy your posts mostly, and each of us has a right to an opinion. AKBs vs WOBs? How about tired of Wenger vs give him more time? For me Jamie is just ridiculous, so can't really place him except in the Makes me laugh cause he's just so funny category. Westie to has,see interesting stuff, just find,the betting stuff a little boring. But I get he's into it. I think most fans just want wins and trophies, some are content with ho hum results. Many so called AKBs believe Wenger will always be the man to run, not just coach, Arsenal. Football has passed him by. Sure, his teams play great at times, but there is a great imbalance in the team,he never addresses. His players are too coddled. His recent terrible results show he never learns. An example. Passed on Fabregas. I believe that was again his ego. Fab would have been a hero, welcomed back. He has agreed to put profits ahead of winning, I sincerely believe that. Admit, I might be wrong, but too much evidence has convinced me over these years. As for Alexis being subbed, I missed that. Though it should have been earlier. Problem is, he is our heart and soul now. True class with grit. My fear is he'll be run into the ground and off in 2 years. Repeating the selling of our best players and buying ones we don't need or aren't up to it.

  111. jjetplane

    Dec 14, 2014, 19:15 #63376

    The Living Dead - that's us WOBs. Hes a WOb/and hes OK/sleeps all night/and he posts all day/and he dreams of Highbur(a)y....... what a rotten singer too ooh oo.

  112. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 19:06 #63374

    Ian Ure's Son, good post, yes indeed it might explain a lot the players have realised Xmas is coming and their golden goose is close to being cooked and realise they wouldn't/won't be rewarded as handsomely if the new one isn't as generous (that's if they don't end up on the plate themselves) so have took it upon themselves to try and impress.

  113. Ron

    Dec 14, 2014, 19:02 #63373

    If you reckon my reply to your question was a blustering put down badarse what do you reckon elevating yourself to such a height as to suggest that you and few others departing this site would kill it off? What did you want? Begging letters to stay as the lifegiver to us all? I could have said akb had a hugely dubious meaning of all knowing badarse and wob standing for weary of badarse if you really wanted definitions of the acronyms. Theres your put down seeing as you invited one for the sheer arrogance yr post deserved.

  114. Unchives

    Dec 14, 2014, 18:53 #63372

    @ Finsbury Joe, talk about blast from the past, what day have you chosen as "St Tottering s day"? With the police dealing with an arson case, how long will your ground be delayed by now. Lets hope your not a suspect, if we don\'t hear from you for a while, we will assume you are.Happy Xmas Joe!Careful, baba isn\'t bringing in Xmas pud!

  115. Ron

    Dec 14, 2014, 18:46 #63371

    There you go again Badarse, saddled up and mounting that high horse that only you know so well and more to the point are told by many, most days that youre astride it. I suppose theyre all wrong though and lacking understanding are they?. Giddy up fella! Mount him up, ride him out. Rollin rollin rollin, keep them dogies moving .............talk about pots and kettles, you must have a kitchen the size of your stables to store them all.

  116. jjetplane

    Dec 14, 2014, 18:42 #63370

    You beat me to it JOE and if the Saints continue to drop we will be surrounded on all sides in London. That's a cue for the Mail reading Akbs to get even more paranoid. I blame the refs and I support the fans leaving the WOK early in their droves. If they could turn up later too that would be good.

  117. Badarse

    Dec 14, 2014, 18:42 #63369

    A good response Cornish, sort of what I was hoping for. I put the question out there as a thought provoking exercise, not to get a blustering put down, I don't need patronising. I know the term/s are a little insulting and also very vague, but they are used a lot on this site in a nebulous and certainly disparaging fashion. It takes the form of, '...yes I expect the AKBs are/will be saying...'. I am not an acronym, as I have mentioned before, and am certainly not an AKB in it's strictest sense-people have feet of clay, so I try to resist lionising anyone. Anyway thank you.

  118. Unchives

    Dec 14, 2014, 18:39 #63368

    My problem with write ups like this is that its like an Ambulance ball in football terms....if no one is injured its okay, but if they are, all hell breaks lose. The next game will be a good judge as to where these players really want to be. As for the manager, he has no say in the matter...he leaves it to his players....easy job anyone?

  119. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 14, 2014, 18:30 #63367

    Pains me to say it, but the noisy neighbours showed wenger a thing or two about beating Swansea. Only two points behind now

  120. Torbay gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 18:12 #63366

    Fair report Kevin, my first trip to the ground for a while, which happily coincided with our best performance of the season so far. Agree with AMG and KC though, Newcastle were very poor and no I was n't singing his name! Impressed with young Bellerin and with our injury rate is bound to get a fair few more games to show his potential. If this team is capable of going on any sort of run, this is an ideal period to find out? Somehow I doubt it.

  121. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 17:58 #63365

    Badarse. As Ron has stated they are loose terms. We've been here before I think. It's not just a question of black and white, but also a huge grey area in the middle. As far as I'm concerned , there are WOBs and NOT/WOBS, just as there are AKBs and NOT/AKBs. A NOT/WOB is not necessarily an AKB, and likewise a NOT/AKB is not necessarily a WOB. The majority of posters on here seem to be more in the WOB camp, but I think ALL posters have admitted that at some stage Wenger has NOT known best in all he has done. So in answer to your question, I don't think any of you are strict AKB adherents. Thanks for the earlier comment by the way and well done to both you and Mrs Baddie for your running endeavours.

  122. Badarse

    Dec 14, 2014, 17:56 #63364

    Thank you for your narrow perception Ron. Full of suggestions aren't you? You choose not to respond positively to the post-because it's awkward perhaps, instead chastise the poster. As a perfect example I happen to dislike the Lying Mail, however to lambast a person who reads it suggests the narrow script you work to. Bullying, and bumptious. Who are you to admonish a person who questions a term, when the term itself is questionable? I suggest you come down off that high horse of yours, perhaps westlower is the only one qualified to decide on horses, and they certainly aren't the high ones you prefer.

  123. jeff wright

    Dec 14, 2014, 17:33 #63363

    Westie ,that result for Rodgers side hardly suggested that Sterling was a must have buy for us! De Gea looks world class and when GK 's are in his sort of form it helps their side to win games . We have not had that when we have needed a helping hand or leg in big matches. Chesnay made a decent double save against the bar codes but it made no difference to the result because they were never going to score 3 or 4 goals anyway. Carrick is in good form for United and his return has coincided with their 6 straight wins so it's not all luck.The off-side against Mata was a bit fortunate but sh*t happens! Especially as you say at OT .It's a bit fortress like again there now days after the departure of bug-eyed Moyes . United have some top dogs to come back for the second half of the season,so for me 3rd place at least looks on for them . We can secure 4th with a win at Liverpool but Mad Mario looked dangerous today and he won't be up against De Gea and let's face it our defence is no better than United's is. It should be an interesting game and one in which on the balance of things we could win,but as they say a week is a long time in football.I would like to be more positive but years of Arsene's magic and the unpredictability of knowing whether it's Dr Jekyll or Mr.Hide (sic) regarding our lot that shows up at Anfield leaves me feeling rather cautious. I don't see that any corners have been turned by us just a run of all too familiar results really. If you had to pick out two possible dodgy results from our last 5 Prem games then United at home and Stoke away would have been them. I don't speak here with hindsight either because I did predict those brace of games as being possible party poopers.

  124. Ron

    Dec 14, 2014, 17:28 #63362

    Loose terms Badarse. Like many. Just like W O B is. Id have thought by now that you had twigged that its the WOBS who display the willingness not to bow to the Club and Wenger, not the other way around. Those who challenge are in a massive minority, at or not at the games and i would suggest that its your concepts and perceptions that are the narrow ones, despite being the mainstream ones. Nobody has a monopoly on 'being right' however much you might like to lay claim to it as your comment there suggests. Whos an akb or a wob? Who the hell cares is more the question.

  125. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 17:18 #63361

    A tale of two Arsenals Kev? maybe it's a case of two managers, maybe TOF was kidnapped on Thursday morning on his way to London Colney and replaced with a lookalike who speaks french and obviously knows what he's doing, lets hope he's not discovered or found out anytime soon.

  126. Badarse

    Dec 14, 2014, 17:02 #63360

    This is open to all. Who are the AKBs on this site? There are three who post occasionally regarding support of the team, manager, performance, like GoonerRon, spaced, lee afc, and three who post more regularly, myself, westlower and of course JAMIE. Which ones are the AKBs amongst us? The first three wouldn't really qualify, would they? I think it is JAMIE, because he courts a reaction, and good for him, westlower and myself because often we challenge narrow concepts, both of us who openly state we refuse to bow to any person least of all our manager. If the six aforementioned were out of the picture, it would become a dead site.

  127. Ron

    Dec 14, 2014, 16:55 #63359

    Hi Westie - Not forgotten at all mate. Solid players both but not the types to inspire a team when its down, not the types who breathed hell fire and made another team wary of mixing it with us at all. Neither feared by their own players and neither likely to say boo to Wenger either.I loved Gilberto. Hes one of Wengers biggest errors. Could have kept him for a year to 18 months longer. Both quiet blokes who used good play to bolster the middle and back but i think both would (or in Campbells case should) admit theyre not leaders and inspirers. I d add as well that if Campbell had needed a fee Wenger wouldnt have even looked at him never mind buy him. Hes have spun it that buying him would have 'killed' Stepanovs and stuck with him for a few years. Wenger has never ever bought a character more powerful than he and/or one who might sway a dressing room away from his message. He never will either. His type like quiet acquiescence and subservience.

  128. maguiresbridge gooners

    Dec 14, 2014, 16:40 #63358

    Didn't see the game had more important things to do last night like attending our village lights switch on with the wife's cousins, so had to rely on MOTD, had a friend at the match but haven't heard from him since, the team played well and well done to them and it looked to be a very entertaining and enjoyable game and that makes a nice change, and that's all, because nothing else has (but no doubt for some it has and we're going to win the league now) at the end of the day the toon weren't exactly top class opponents, especially when they have a manager who's now in love with ours. Hopefully we come across other managers who feel the same way and are as generous.

  129. Westlower

    Dec 14, 2014, 15:56 #63357

    @Jeff, It could have been so different if Liverpool had taken their chances. Not often a team has more attempts on target at OT than the home team + Man U GK was man of the match. For the first time since Fergie's departure Man U are now getting the big decisions given in their favour. Just like old times!

  130. jeff wright

    Dec 14, 2014, 15:30 #63356

    It's actually 2 wins from the last 5 played in the league dear Jamie,with the two defeats being to United at home and Stoke away. What a big surprise! Rodgers is struggling but hey fear not for the patron saint of poor struggler's is on his way to help him!

  131. Westlower

    Dec 14, 2014, 14:50 #63355

    @DWT, He did sub Alexis in the 86th minute to enable the crowd to show their appreciation of his efforts after being rested from the midweek game. Ox is the only Arsenal player to have appeared in EVERY game this season. @Ron You've forgotten about Gilberto Silva & Sol Campbell.

  132. Ken

    Dec 14, 2014, 14:49 #63354

    JAMIE- How about the impossible feat of being above West Ham and Southampton after 16 games? Or maybe, taking a longer term view and bearing in mind the huge amount of cash that has been available to Wenger, the apparently impossible feat of being in contention for either the Premier League or Champions League during the final 6 weeks of the season at any point over the past 8 years. Just once, that would be nice.

  133. JAMIE

    Dec 14, 2014, 14:28 #63353

    The Wenger haters don't even bother with the back peddling anymore they are so in their warped little dream bubbles that even 5 wins in 6 is derided and pooped at.Maybe these dreamers should take a good hard look and ask themselves what impossible feats they're expecting Arsenal to perform.

  134. jeff wright

    Dec 14, 2014, 14:26 #63352

    Tbh, any result would not have been a great surprise with this current Wenger side , EVEN WHEN 3-0 UP THE CROWD ARE NERVOUS ! Wenger soon leaped up waving his arms frantically in agitation when Newcastle, who normally strugGle to score from set pieces, managed to beat our statue like defence from one, fortunately the bar codes, despite their recent good form, offered little threat up front . With Liverpool having imploded 4th place looks odds on now again for Arsene( yawn). Surely though there must be more to life than this > ?

  135. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 13:51 #63350

    So a part time AKB thinks full time Arsenal supporters won't have much to say for the next few days (he must be thinking of others)why would that be, what's suddenly changed surely it can't be the cracks been papered over again.

  136. DW Thomas

    Dec 14, 2014, 13:40 #63349

    One decent win and we are gonna win everything now? Jamie, Badarse, et al. This team is a now a yoyo, the manager worse. I do have to say his post match comments were his best in ages. But then again, even a broken clock is right twice a day. The best thing about yesterday was the Ox played and well. He didn't get much time when Ramsey, Jack, and Ozil are fit, but he plays better than all 3 because of his desire and heart. Still, the old man will play his favorites when healthy and back to the bench for a player who for me is only second on the team sheet after Alexis. Why did he not sub the Chilean who is in this red zone? Funny how the club and manager can disregard the fans with distaste, but when we give a little back it's wah wah wah time!

  137. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 13:27 #63348

    And you can be sure some will be wondering what all the fuss was about now we've come good (yet again).

  138. Ron

    Dec 14, 2014, 13:22 #63347

    Westie - the trouble with most fans is that theyre unable, refuse or were never brought up to appreciate an opponent, its Coach or another team. I can understand that the blinkers you wear vis Arsenal/other Clubs (and i dont just mean the 'bigger' other Clubs) are a safety net for you as its provides a ready made barrier to you looking honestly and objectively at yr own Club. If you did, i suspect you perhaps wouldn't cope with the discomfort it brings. As a footie fan and then AFC fan to follow, i wish we had John Terry plying his trade in our back line and Mourinho in the dug out for sure. Its been a long time since we had a few strong personalities in that Club. Perma feeble Club culture as Arsenal tolerate to stupid extremes doesn't 'do it' in football, be it at the Dog and Hedgehog, Grammer school Old boys teams ,under 12s level or Real Madrid. never has and never will. Wenger used to appreciate this, the trouble was he only ever inherited JT and Mourinho warrior types and has never once bought one, hence the Clubs present malaise that oddly he, the AKBs and the Club at large celebrate so much.Open your eyes buddy. The worst that can happen is that you might yet see.

  139. jjetplane

    Dec 14, 2014, 13:07 #63346

    ha ha WeSTIE you do not support Arsenal, you support Arsene fc and you seemed to quite like Everton back in the Kendall days as I did but as I say you are like cornered rats with all your jumped up little squeals - basically you are pure Daily Mail where JamIE is more EXPReSS leaving lee as well KFC. Do not like the Wok, Wenger, his fans but love the Arsenal. There is a difference and the more I see of your kind of bleating the more I am convinced. Zabaleta - player of the season. Or JT.

  140. JAMIE

    Dec 14, 2014, 12:27 #63345

    Arsenal showed yesterday why they are still by far the most entertaining and also the team with the most class in the way they conduct themselves on the pitch.Where would the disgraceful Chelsea be without all their diving,deep defending or playacting. Wobs are all getting a bit desperate now with their anti Wenger catch phrases which are all starting to sound rather dated and ridiculous.Get these glory fans where they belong sitting on their couches with their cups of warm milk and their wives thumbs firmly imprinted on the top of their heads.

  141. Badarse

    Dec 14, 2014, 12:26 #63344

    TJ, I liked your follow up post, it made sense and apologies for misinterpreting. Cornish, I liked both your posts, acerbic but good. jj? Well least said is soonest mended, I guess. Patrick, be careful of the leaning towards Russell Brand, it's a dangerous fixation you have.

  142. Westlower

    Dec 14, 2014, 12:24 #63343

    @JJ, You've just posted your own obituary - I used to be an Arsenal supporter but I now love Maureen & JT. At least you're honest!

  143. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 12:22 #63342

    Ron. Is that For the Christmas period? St Columb Major or Minor. Presume it’s Major. I’ve heard its full of Daily Mail reading basement quasi middle class non achievers and never beens.Its got no trees and the sky is very rarely blue! But hope you enjoy your stay. Bard. Just a reminder. Over the Christmas period no mention of bah-humbuggery please.

  144. GAB Gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 12:19 #63341

    I know everyone fell in love with ramsey last year, but for me he was a half season wonder (cue people giving me insults for saying this). It wasn't his fault because he got injure but the fact is that this year he has been very poor giving away passes, trying silly things and not playing anywhere near his best. I honestly feel that the ox is a better option both short term and long term for the role of box to box midfielder, which was proven once again yesterday. If we replaced flamini with a commanding and strong DM then we can play with this new DM and the ox in the middle, and have welbeck, alexis and either santi or theo for a very fast and skillful attack with giroud to head the attack and bring the other 3 (or 4 in you include the ox) into play. That is our best front 5 players out of our current squad. Obviously we need 2 new centre backs and I think we need another left back (sell monreal) to compete with gibbs so we need 4 players, do i think wenger will get them - sadly no, but if in jan we get either 1 of a DM and centre back then our front 4 + the ox should be good enough to score min 2 goals a game and that changes everything. I think ramsey's injury (though i would never wish him to be injured) is a blessing in disguise coz the ox can keep playing and improving without having to drop wellbeck, alexis, santi, theo (when fit) or giroud. and that excited me in a year when there isn't much to be excited about (unless we get a lucky draw on monday)

  145. jjetplane

    Dec 14, 2014, 12:18 #63340

    BADARSE 0 TJ 3 & a lovely post there RON about the leeches of Manifest Destiny and their cowardly bullying from behind a computer screen. Bang on the head about JT. He is just like Adams and when you look at Hazard and Oscar you see the same inflection of Pires and Overmars. Don't get all this immature loathing of other players and teams which is the normal AKW default. Be quite honest I am more excited about how Citeh will do this season than what turgid economics Arsene fc will perform. At a great game yesterday and we won (wayhay!) with an explosive flurry before half time and are revving up for the big one with our town neighbours. Funny that - akbs even after a win are still fundamentally negative and miserable. Read the famous four since yesterday and dig the paranoia.

  146. Let's give Steve Walford a run out for the last 10 minutes

    Dec 14, 2014, 12:14 #63339

    Ian Ure's son - Excellent stuff!

  147. Bard

    Dec 14, 2014, 12:07 #63338

    Westie; its the other way round. He plays them to death and then they get injured. You are right my pulling days went south when I moved to the dark side !

  148. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 11:58 #63336

    SKG. We could possibly be on the cusp maybe. Perhaps? Who knows?

  149. Hiccup

    Dec 14, 2014, 11:57 #63335

    Morning all. Bard, like the RR comparison, as backed up by the comments by the usual suspects. It makes you wonder if these same individuals go through life in general in a similar trance. Instead of taking the car back to the dealer and kicking off that with a little bit of cold weather the car don't start, they just wheel the push bike out to get to work and just hope the weaher warms up the following day and will start. Maybe they do go through life leaving everything to chance ala wenger style? As for expectations, these are dictated to them by wenger. As for we will be happy to finish 2nd for 20 years, this has currently been revamped to 4th for the next 20 years. It's amazing how we never hear proper successful teams mentioning how many times they have finished 4th? Maybe they need to reset the bar to ours?

  150. Westlower

    Dec 14, 2014, 11:54 #63334

    @Bard, You've answered your own question. The reason 3 Arsenal players top the most minutes played is because of the number of injured players in the squad. It really has been a case of playing those left standing - a catch 22 situation. You stated yesterday that you haven't pulled a hamstring in the past 20 years, maybe you've discovered the secret of durability? Sadly, rumour has it you haven't pulled anything else in that period? @Ron I bought 4 newspapers this morning, it doesn't make me a Daily Mail devotee, now if you want to condemn me as a Racing Post groupie you would be right!

  151. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 11:45 #63333

    That performance had to come after the dirge we have seen for most of the season - that effort yesterday has to be the benchmark in terms of commitment and motivation. It is AW's job to send them out every game "fired up" and MOTD got it right when they showed us from the kick off humping the ball into the Newcastle half and then showed the fight by our forwards and midfield to win the second ball - not a bit like Barca that phase of play! Many seem to think we have turn some kind of corner - for me we have not found the corner yet.

  152. Ian Ure's Son

    Dec 14, 2014, 11:12 #63332

    Yesterday's performance was probably the best of the season and reminiscent of the days when Arsenal competed for the title (the Ox was awesome). If you put to one side Newcastle's performance (although I thought they played well in the second half) there are two reasons for the improvement. First, some of the sub-standard mediocrity of previous weeks was no longer present ie Monreal, Chambers, Ramsey, Arteta. And second, I suspect the players have finally woken up to the fact that the position of the man who rewards and supports them handsomely is under threat. Self interest above and beyond their Xmas party was therefore at play. None of this changes the lack of ambition from the top down in terms of fourth place being all that's required. Indeed, it reinforces the view that only when that's under threat does anyone really respond. But it was a very good performance. If only we could stop Wenger and the players seeing the League table until the last day of the season and thus not knowing where they are relative to 4th place - we might then have more performances like yesterday.

  153. Ron

    Dec 14, 2014, 11:00 #63331

    CG - HA. Morning mate. By the way, im down yr neck of the woods for a while from next Wed. St Columb, nr Wadebridge some where. The other Daily Mail toadie i cant abide is Martin Samuel. He has a very rigorous logic when he writes and speaks, yet is a real Patrick Collins mark 2 but just packaged differently. Hes more populist so his Daily Mail stench is cleverly well disguised. Beneath it though hes just another condescending Daily Mail pric£, who finds himself comfortable soothing the brows and sating the desires of the basement quasi middle class non achievers and never beens that he serves. At least Collins wears his rotten Mail badge firmly welded to his smug face with his nose stuck up in the air in a way that Mussolini would have envied.

  154. Bard

    Dec 14, 2014, 10:48 #63330

    Come on guys what is this sanctimonious crap about abuse. Where were you in the 70s and 80s. Abuse wasn't the issue it was worse it was unadulterated violence before and after games. Westie I also read in the Daily Mail that the board are considering Wenger's position at the end of the season and if he doesn't win a trophy he is out !!! Pig flying comes to mind. Very funny story about your grandson Baddie, Im glad you showed him the error of his ways, goo duck to that approach when he's a teenager

  155. Mike

    Dec 14, 2014, 10:48 #63329

    Two 4-1 wins from two very different teams and formations on the pitch.

  156. A Cornish Gooner

    Dec 14, 2014, 10:42 #63328

    Westie. Most football fans are decent people who are shabbily treated. They pay far too much and receive too little in return. Their views are unheeded and their comfort is largely disregarded' I quite agree. Badarse. Apologies for the verbatim, but why the need for your 'quite a dissatisfied existence' comment. Too much Abbot Ale? Think you need to reread Desiderata. Ron. So I'll cancel your Daily Mail subscription then.

  157. dirkus

    Dec 14, 2014, 10:40 #63327

    I personally would like nothing better than seeing Wenger stuff it to the Odious one. I don't think got the credit with the Invincibles he deserved and you know the media were just waiting for us to lose, however his record since then against top class opposition is poor. We have too many average players on lucrative contracts and he is too stubborn to address our weak areas. I really wish he would and make us serious challenges in Premier and Champions Leagues but I can't see it happening. It was a good performance but at 3-1 I was getting a "oh no not again" feeling. Like the look of Bellerin, fingers crossed he develops into a great right back. COME ON THE ARSENAL.

  158. TJ

    Dec 14, 2014, 10:36 #63326

    Badarse, Terry said Mourinho gets the best out of ALL the Chelsea players. You can look at all the clubs he's managed at and they respect him so much that they always give everything. If Ramsey said that then great but has Mertesacker given everything this season? Has Cazorla? Was Wilshere doing a great job tracking back before he was injured? Did winning that one tackle at the Britannia constitute comparable commitment to the defensively sound Mourinho sides? Obviously not. As for what I said about the league, well sorry but 4th place looks like all we're good for and I suspect is all Wenger is aiming for in truth. As we're seeing in Europe, City and Chelsea are definitely improving and United will buy a great new team as we all know. Do you honestly believe Spurs and Liverpool are that great? Based on their performances in Europe this year I would venture that they're not. By the way, we are spending more than Chelsea on wages so why is it that only Alexis would make their first XI?

  159. Patrick

    Dec 14, 2014, 10:22 #63325

    I'm so pleased to hear you are correct and your grandson was wrong. He should know better than to dispute with you. I trust you fired some irrelevant metaphor and your normal Russell brand tripe

  160. Badarse

    Dec 14, 2014, 10:20 #63324

    TJ and Ron, I did recognise what went before in the post, but the kicker was the statement that all teams barring three are woeful. Why bother then? We are clearly not one of the three, and should we improve enough to scale those heady heights to become the third best isn't that the signal for perhaps both of you, or any others, to just remark that we are only the third best of a mini-league of three-that happens now as we are regarded as the fourth best of the top four, by a number who post on here. Sure TJ, I accept it was just an example, but Aaron Ramsey was saying the same thing the other day about AW. People say these things, and genuinely mean them. The tacit point you were making was, Terry respects Mourhino, therefore it's good as both win things, I would put the words in your mouth, Ramsey respects Wenger, therefore it's not good because they don't win as much.

  161. Ron

    Dec 14, 2014, 10:15 #63323

    Westie - you might be right about dark ages re the abuse phenomena, leaving aside that fact that it was just a few gobby morons who the media have honed in on and the scurrilous miserable little rag that you refer to and obviously subscribe too is always the first to adopt its false 'lets grab the moral high ground' position despite it being a rag that never had any morals of its own. As for Partick Collins, hes the perfect author of the diatribes he utters, designed to feed the daily thirst of his neo nazi, brain dead, imitation 'intellectual' readership. The guy always has been a parallel of the worst type of 19th century mid american west, evangelistic hypocrite, preaching his false sermons. Hes made for the Daily Mail and might i say, made for the vast majority of the types who read his dubious worthless little paper. Give him a swerve mate. I rather get the feeling that you can do better for yourself than him.

  162. Ron

    Dec 14, 2014, 10:00 #63322

    Badarse - not quite sure why yr having a dig at TJ? The PL is a poor quality league and many of the best observers of the game now allude to it save for those who have to carry the TV s mantle aloft. He uses Terry as an eg of a player who exemplifies Mourinhos type of management. Nothing more. Did you not see Tony Adams role as GGs lieutenant in the same light? TA was barely different to Terry as a bloke. Can you honestly say that youve never detected an air that certain players at different times have not always put it in for Wenger? If you havent you might be in denial a bit there i venture. TJ is likely to be right. Retaining the FAC is rarely done whoever a team draws and AFC arent taking away any title this yr and for sure they're not going to win the CL with that team.By all means enjoy a win like last evenings, but keep perspective, The Toon were hardly a formidable opponent and their performance was one of the type that we ve brushed aside many times before in the last flat 6 years. Yr post to him is a bit i told you so and tut tutting for no discernible reason, and has fallen into yr worst Greyfriars School style manner matey. I can even see Winker Watson behind you with his pea shooter primed towards you! A bit of reflection and absorption needed on yr part buddy is perhaps needed. Cant teach an old dog new tricks though eh.

  163. gn23

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:53 #63321

    Amg and wardy, spot on!!

  164. Bard

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:52 #63320

    Good report Kev. We are back to at the argument about expectations. the club are the 8th richest in world football, have a wage bill bigger than Chelsea and charge the highest prices in football. For some on here its like buying a Rolls Royce and being pleased it starts first time.We should be doing better. I share the view about young Bellerin, he will be a good player in a few years. The elephant in the the room is the injury situation which is bordering on farcical. Something is badly wrong and Wenger doesn't seem to know what to do. It cannot be luck. I heard on Sky that the first three places in the list of players who have played the most minutes in the prem this season are all Arsenal. There is little point buying top players if they spend 4-6 months of the season injured.

  165. Westlower

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:44 #63318

    Good article by Patrick Collins in the Sunday Mail under the heading: 'Rising tide of hate leading us back to the Dark Ages. Dangerous times when the mob can abuse a man like Wenger'. Definition of a football fan - He's a guy who spends the afternoon yelling that Wenger is incompetent and Giroud is useless. Then he leaves the stadium and he can't remember where he parked his car.

  166. TJ

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:44 #63317

    Badarse, maybe you should get out and get some fresh air. Terry's statement was a purely PROFESSIONAL admiration, it wasn't a moral issue and if your mind isn't nuanced enough to draw such a demarcation then it is your problem only (I think JT is a contemptible character by the way- but that doesn't make him less of a centre back). It could have been any Chelsea player- many have testified to how much they love playing under him and hence the consistency in their play. I take you are confident of Arsenal's chances of winning a major trophy this season, by the way?

  167. KC

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:39 #63316

    Kevin a nice report and a very good win, but I disagree it's two Arsenals. What we saw last night was Arsenal at home playing a team of lesser quality winning, playing well, which over the last few years we have tended to do. It's the away games against the best or against teams that go to war with us where we fall apart because we do not have the ball. We will find out if the same application, effort and game plan is in place next Sunday, for me that is a much better barometer in which to judge the team and more importantly Wenger.

  168. Paulo75

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:35 #63315

    Wardy - Spot on mate

  169. Badarse

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:34 #63314

    TJ, it's interesting that you cite the ethics of John Terry Thug to support a slap at AW, I wonder if he could name a second thing he respects in this world? Do you ever think it is odd that a world game cannot be played well by 99.9% of the world's population? That to achieve a standard as high as that displayed by Arsenal is only worthy of derision? I bet you have a similar view on most things, (or is it just football?). I believe you must have quite a dissatisfied existence. Here's a tip, take a look outside, look at the trees and the sky and appreciate them, or then again they are just bits of wood sticking up out of the ground, and blue has never been your favourite colour, has it?

  170. tamill

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:28 #63313

    Everybody bar top 3 are hopeless..Man U are in the top 3 have spent millions and got what? Are they great??.Many of the reviews comments on the web are they by real Gooners ?or just **** bottom feeders pretending to be REAL fans. Always slag off wenger who is going to replace him? Great win against a form team who have just beaten the invincible chelsea the media darlings of football

  171. TJ

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:19 #63312

    Great report as usual, Kev. Newcastle just came for a draw and didn't look motivated, but we still kept a well balanced and meaningful attacking purpose. As you say this lack of consistency is the frustrating thing- it was interesting hearing John Terry talking about how much he respects Mourinho- they are never giving less than 100% and yet these players aren't really playing for Wenger in the same way. Ultimately the result is hollow- we cannot beat a great team in the Champions League, we will not win the FA Cup if we have to face a big team and we will take 4th place probably due to the fact that everyone bar the top three are woeful in this league.

  172. AMG

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:19 #63311

    Two wins and the yo yo fans are singing his name again, I despair! I read that he now thinks 99.9% of fans want him - deluded doesn't cover it!

  173. Badarse

    Dec 14, 2014, 9:13 #63310

    Nice to read of a good game, thanks Kevin. A word for an unsung young player, who has attracted some criticism. My young grandson thought Bellerin was a poor player initially, and I insisted he was allowed time to be judged sensibly. We watched a couple of games and there were marginal improvements, still my grandson was impatient and ready to condemn, but perhaps no more after last night? I explained and stressed that to step from a level of junior football into the fastest league on earth was just a huge transition for a young player. It would take game-time. You could see that he had no time at all to deliberate on the ball in previous games. Last night you could see he has made the step up in 'speed thinking', and no doubt will make more mistakes, but he clearly is familiar now with the pace of a PL game. I would by this post welcome a new full back to the squad.

  174. Wardy

    Dec 14, 2014, 8:56 #63309

    No-one questions we have a good team and good players and no-one should ever boo or abuse Arsene Wenger because he has been a legend ... but beating Galatasary in a meaningless game and beating Newcastle easily yesterday cannot mask the glaringly obvious mistakes made in recent seasons which have been repeated time and again ,,, as things stand the complacency and greed at board level is the main issue ,,,, all they want is 4th place and a profit and that's what they get ! ..... I'm still bewildered though why Arsene refuses to buy the players we need to compete in the big matches that matter

  175. GoonerRon

    Dec 14, 2014, 8:37 #63308

    Really incisive and clinical in attack, with plenty of energy in our pressing game but with tactical awareness to not press all of the time. This is the basic formula we need to adopt if we're to keep on winning games. I liked the performance and liked the fact that the crowd acknowledged it. Liverpool play twice now before we play again at Anfield - need a similar performance there.