Twitter as the New Hooliganism

Reflections on Arsenal fans’ social media war

Twitter as the New Hooliganism

Following the YouTube video of Arsene getting booed and Joel Campbell being advised to get out before it’s not too late and various punch –ups in and outside grounds, it feels like the Gunners support is the least Concordia it has been in a long time. There have been times before when the club has felt at a cross-roads, the six months when Gorgeous George got nabbed pilfering the till and coneman Stewart Houston and then Pat Rice took temporary charge stick out for me. We seemed to get a new manager every other month but from memory, I don’t remember fans fighting and bickering like now. People talk about last May’s FA Cup papering over the cracks but that’s crack covering in a different league from getting to the European Cup Winners Cup final in 1995 when we finished 12th on 51 points in the league. Is this first real crossroads for the club that most fans have experienced?

Things with fans off the pitch were a bit more harmonious then. Maybe The George Graham feisty style of ‘us against the world’ still resonated with fans and acted as a glue to make sure we stuck together, epitomised by the song “We’ll Win Because We’re Arsenal”. A stubborn togetherness. If Arsenal fans had a punch-up, it was against other mobs, not against our own. Maybe Arsene’s identity for the club is too genteel for the current mood, it has required too much patience in an increasingly inpatient world.

The team was in real decline before Bruce Rioch took over but Arsenal fans seemed to have reasoned debate with each other about the state of the team. We tried to persuade each other of our argument instead of just call the other a c*** if they didn’t agree with us. Maybe that’s the problem. The team are not and haven’t been in serious decline for 10 years. It might feel stale, always finishing 4th, last 16 of the Champions League but it hasn’t been in serous decline. Nobody appreciated finishing 12th, or playing in front of 18,000 and a mural. Everyone knew it was rubbish. The thing now is that only half the people think it’s currently rubbish. There’s a real split and it feels nasty. People who celebrated the FA Cup together In May are seriously at odds with each other in December.

Anyway, back to the Youtube video. It was only up for a few minutes but sparked a whole raft of talk and disagreement in the papers, on the radio, on the web. Twitter went mental. Never mind Kim Kardashian’s arse breaking the web, ‘get out before it’s too late Joel’ nearly broke it. Everyone had something to say about it in 140 characters or less. And that’s perhaps the problem. 140 characters probably isn’t enough to put an opinion across. More than 140 characters and people’s concentration is gone. Have a fairly complex opinion and it’s not valid because I can’t compute all that information in an instant or it muddies my own opinion. Everyone must have an opinion and it must be firmly in one camp. It must be instant and extreme. Wenger In, you’re a tw*t / Wenger Out – you’re a w*nker! Disagree with my opinion and you’re a f***ing stupid c***. It’s toe to toe action on a keyboard.

Club politics was always around and always will be whether it’s North Bank bonds or the vetted AGM questions. It used to be that people would take their anger at the result / club politics out on opposing fans in the parks and pubs and transport hubs surrounding the ground. Now that anger is taken out on the keyboard and downloaded by iPhone. It’s a lot safer for angry teenagers who won’t get duffed up as a foot soldier and the angry elders who won’t get nicked as easily with banning orders. It creates a lot of conflict and resentment and feuding and bashing over the head in 140 character rage. It’s like Twitter is the new hooliganism.

Finally, was that fella telling Joel Campbell to get out of Stoke before it’s too late? That’s good advice that can be tweeted.

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  1. Badarse

    Dec 17, 2014, 19:14 #63594

    john f, when we play pass the parcel at AKB Central Command, we pass with the most sublime and delicate touches. The passes have to be at least an attempt at Bergkamp standard-unattainable I know. Newcomer's are confused by the rules of the game. As stalwarts in support of Arsene Wenger's style we are allowed to do a number of things. It is quite acceptable to pass sideways, perhaps three passes, before it being passed back to where the move began. On occasions it is passed across the circle tangent-fashion, before it goes straight back to it's origin. We are also prone to play 'one, two's', then 'three, fours'. When we get to 'four' the game immediately stops, we all stand up and clap for four minutes, whilst repeating the mantra, 'I would be happy to come second for the next twenty years', before continuing with a 'dropped parcel'. You are correct that nothing is inside the parcel, we realise winning isn't what it is all about. Mind you the WOB 'Musical Chairs' game is a fiasco, believe me.

  2. john f

    Dec 17, 2014, 15:17 #63582

    I hope they do not play pass the parcel at the AKB Christmas do as they will be playing for ages with no present at the end.

  3. Bard

    Dec 17, 2014, 13:42 #63577

    Baddie you have really started something now. Jeff JJ great posts, loved them. Wonderful distraction from Wengerball.

  4. Badarse

    Dec 17, 2014, 13:18 #63576

    Loved the posts jeff and jj, really funny. As for you maguiresbidge, I have a soft spot for you, you know that. Come up and see me sometime, I shall be very firm with you. Seriously, good stuff gentlemen. Part two to follow.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 17, 2014, 13:14 #63575

    jw,jj, watch out they're behind you, good stuff and so early in the day.

  6. jjetplane

    Dec 17, 2014, 12:57 #63573

    The revellers at AKB were all swaying in some form of trance as great banners were unfurled of their dear departed leader - L Ron Hubbard. John Travolta and Tom Cruise were giving out 'panto scripts' written by an Elder of the Fraternity. Finally the altar was revealed and the body of Lee K/Afc was laid on it's top. High priest WESTIE then produced a Racing Post annual numbering many .... er numbers. The tome was brought down with great force but lucky Lee was still with us as the tome missed it's sacrificial target. Small prayers were offered to Lord Wenga who lives in the Universe of Endless Side passing though no images could be seen as it was felt inappropriate. One of the Altered boys named JAMIE had painted a picture of Lord Wenga on the ceiling complete with angels and trumpets and little fluffy clouds (the midfield). Some of the younger members (two) broke off from praying to openly sob and prostrate before the heaven above. At this point John (the Fever) began dancing (I'm only dancing ...) and with this the tears turned to joy and one elder was seen, eyes closed and with a smiling face, heading towards the boiling kettle. Meanwhile the outside of the building was being stripped of anything sale-able by a couple of dark monks from the far north.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 17, 2014, 12:25 #63568

    Badarse, at least you hadn't me running around after the pantomime horse/cow with a shovel.

  8. jeff wright

    Dec 17, 2014, 12:01 #63566

    The revellers at the AKB HQ Christmas bash were all in a merry mood, wearing silly paper hats and waving their arms about like Arsene abusing an hapless 4th official, as they tried desperately to dance to Bob Geldorf's Band Aid's 100th version of 'Do They Know It's Christmas'. Jamie ,with snot running from his red nose ,he had a cold , staggered over to Badarse who was shouting unintelligible nonsense at the DJ . Great party in it , croaked Jamie. Yes ,replied Badarse, I love this song because it helped to save the world . At that moment and before Jamie could give one of his erudite replies, Westie appeared wearing an Arsene Wenger Puffa Jacket and a Santa Claus hat , the odds are 6/4 on and all the bells are ringing that it won't snow on Christmas day on the roof of the Weather Centre , he informed them .Oh, that's a shame ,said Jamie ,I like snow my garden Gnomes look velly Christmasy when they have , hic, snow on them. The strains of Geldorf's dirge died away to be replaced by Slade's old annual Xmas rerun ,Oh fab ,squealed Jamie, let's all have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !....... I'll second that emotion.

  9. Ron

    Dec 17, 2014, 11:50 #63564

    Westie - 'id happily take a draw there right now'. Mate, youve just summed up what Arsenals support and probably Wenger now encapsulate. What do you think a Club like City or Chelsea would think of a week end clash with Liverpool? Ill tell you. Both would be thinking lets go get the points and take apart a morale sapped, disjointed team of misfits with no punch or power. Its 'being happy to take a draw that's draining the life out of Arsenal and has been for years. Take a look at AFC s record at Anfield over the last 10 years. Its very good and v far better teams than Rodgers has created there, yet here it is, we should be happy with a draw? Its pathetic and i know there are many who think as you do by the way.

  10. Ron

    Dec 17, 2014, 11:35 #63562

    Do you truly think AW is getting 'dogs abuse'? A few lines on here plus a few voices in the ground or the rail station dont really even register with a chap in his position of privilege. He also knows its part of the repertoire a manager needs. GG didn't get it as the fans perception of him was that he was AFC through and through and though a known tight wad at contract renewal time, he wasn't indistinguishable from the Board, had been a great player for the Club and hadn't gone years with no genuine title challenge. Add to that, his football had only been poor/average for 2-3 Seasons. GG had never usurped the control of the Club. With control comes a higher responsibility and far greater accountability. Wenger is the anointed lightening rod at Arsenal so the stick (such as it is) will head in his direction and at 8 Mill per year, so it should. Its obvious that no other manager there will ever satisfy you Westie, but its academic anyway as its Mr Henry whose next up by the looks of it. A nice cheap option for the Club when the time comes no doubt. You queried the other day whether the German fans should turn on Mr Klopp? Why should they do that? Hes been there 5 mins, not 19 years!

  11. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 17, 2014, 10:17 #63558

    "I am a gentleman of a certain age who chooses to call himself Badarse online. People say my writing lacks clarity, concision and a point, but I say, why use one word when five will do? 'Less is more' is the old adage. I am proof that more is less."

  12. Badarse

    Dec 17, 2014, 10:06 #63557

    PART ONE: At WOB HQ they stood singing their Xmas carols. It wasn't a pretty site. Singing with downturned mouths presented a frightful sight to the Dark Lord, leading his choir. Sadly the sucking in of breath in order to produce a miserable sound had a detrimental effect on some, giving them a serious case of flatulence. The resulting nose-crinkling added to the odd mouth contortions, and the strangulated noise emitted made one quite uncomfortable. Just as MARCUS was preparing for his solo of 'Silent Night', a white rabbit fell through the hole in the ceiling, down through the floor. The 'WOB-mob', as they were affectionately referred to, rushed as one man, and morphed into one huge WOB, it overbalanced and tumbled into the hole. It fell, but bounced on the rubbery bowl of custard stationed at the foot of the hole. It stood, straightened it's tie and legs, and looked around. Suddenly there was a blue flash-what other colour? Left standing, though in lop-sided fashion, were four smaller entities. Bites-her, Knees-her, Eb and Flo. They stood in a circle-though E/G might say a square, occasionally a rhombus-and began pointing randomly at each other. 'Fourth!' they repeatedly cried. They were aware each was a fourth-though E/G might insist it had to be called a quarter-and as 'fourth' was anathema to them it served only to excite. Frothing at the mouth, and having a need to relieve themselves against a nearby lamppost-during which operation they stopped shouting and peered avidly at each other's nether regions-they all managed to catch themselves in their zips. Then ensued five minutes of weird Morris Dancing moves. As Flo, learning her tricks at the Dark Lord's gatherings from none other than Helen, liked pain, she became entranced by Bitesher. They set off together and disappeared with another blue flash. The remaining two wandered off drunkenly, they hadn't straightened their legs adequately, and immediately a big bubble surrounded them and they floated away. It popped and they fell to earth, though it was cobblestones and hurt a bit more than earth. They writhed around together blaming each other and in a moment of lost passion became one. Eb 'n' kneesher, became Ebenezer the moment he said, 'What the Dickens?', because it was. TO BE CONTINUED.

  13. Gunner Rob

    Dec 17, 2014, 10:04 #63556

    @westlower - the reason that George Graham didnt suffer abuse like Wenger is getting now is because he never went more than TWO years without a trophy at Arsenal. big difference between him and Wenger. Graham was a winner, Wenger is a specialist in failure. Yet the modern masses tolerate him because like a lot of things in modern society today there is a fear to try anything new.

  14. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 17, 2014, 9:47 #63555

    @Westlower, you'll keep waiting because by definition, there is no one that would satisfy you to replace Wenger.

  15. Bard

    Dec 17, 2014, 9:47 #63554

    Westie, I can take that mate. We will have to wait and see. Trouble with your analysis is its all about what ifs. Liverpool did have chances but they didnt take them. its irrelevant what could have been, as a racing enthusiast you of all people should know that in sport no one really cares about what could have been. The clarity of the end result is what makes it compelling. Managers, Simone, Martinez, Keoman Garcia, perhaps Ancellotti, Klopp, Hows that for starters. Any of them would do a better job with the funds Wenger has had at his disposal

  16. Unchives

    Dec 17, 2014, 9:46 #63553

    @ Westlower, get real, are you saying that we need to wait until a manager that is available, needs his team to be above Arsenal before we consider him? If we thought like that we would only be considering Muiriho, The Penguin & Van Gaal.He would be coming to a bigger club with better players and resources, where did Wenger come from and how good were his teams?

  17. Westlower

    Dec 17, 2014, 8:46 #63550

    @Bard, You're judgement remains flawed but oddly there's something quite reassuring about that. It's a constant in a turbulent World. Liverpool could and should have scored 4 goals at OT. I suspect they'll be wound up to the max to put on a good display at Anfield. A wounded animal is a dangerous animal. I'd happily take a draw right now! Although it bores you to tears I'm still waiting for a satisfactory name to replace Wenger? Someone suggested Martinez, really? Have you seen the way his team have defended this season? Scored less goals than us, conceded more & won less games. How is that an improvement on what we've got? Koeman star is on the wane, but like all managers he's suffering from loss of key players due to injury.

  18. Westlower

    Dec 17, 2014, 8:22 #63549

    How social media has changed our reactions or should that be overreactions to the most trivial of everyday events. I read in one of today's papers, it would start a real furore if I specified which one, as only an AKB would read such rubbish. Martin Keown want's it known that he was the original #14 at Arsenal before TH. We still have MK's replica #14 shirt, last worn at Cardiff on Cup Final day v Liverpool, & hopefully will get you to sign it one day. Martin's sister can verify the fact as she approached us to ask if we were fans of her brother. Not too many were back then. Someone (forgot who) made the observation that GG, during his dark days, didn't suffer the same dogs abuse that AW does. In the last few weeks of his reign GG sat opposite me on a tube train and any thoughts of abusing him didn't enter my mind. The football his team were serving up at that time was the worst I'd ever witnessed but I felt genuinely sorry for the guy. I felt more inclined to give him a big hug rather than attempt to belittle him. Social media wasn't active back then and we all formed our own opinions instead of having our minds poisoned by smart arse pundits & radio show hosts. Somethings haven't improved for the better.

  19. Bard

    Dec 17, 2014, 8:01 #63548

    John F brilliant post and enjoyed yours Baddie. The keyboard warriors in top form as we approach the Xmas break. Sat is a massive game. If we get beaten by Liverpool who are next to useless at the moment the pressure will intensify on the Boss, the current discord among the fans wont go away until there is a significant change of direction and that aint going to happen. I suspect a big signing in the Jan window to try to appease the doubters will be the favourite tactic. The team need to pick up form soon otherwise the season ticket price rise will add yet more fuel to the fire. Jamie your posts seem much more coherent of late, the medication is clearly working or are you beginning the inevitable drift to the dark side. You will receive a warm welcome here, Helen cant wait.

  20. JAMIE

    Dec 17, 2014, 7:37 #63547

    jeff wright and his seven dwarfs stop boring us with your anti Arsenal twaddle which is just the same guff rehashed time and time again.As most of the Wenger out fraternity want us to be beaten on Sunday,I don't want to see any bleating if we do.

  21. Tom O' B

    Dec 17, 2014, 3:55 #63546

    The last time it was this bad, actually worse imho, was - in Nov '83 and the West Brom game at home. Lost 1-0 after losing midweek, at home, to (then Div 3) Walsall in the League Cup and getting spanked 3-0 @ Leicester the previous saturday. Pretty unpleasant, fighting on the North Bank and outside and fans calling for the BOARD to be sacked. All round anger and despondency at our malaise. The difference? Terry Neill got sacked. Now, it's a frigging joke. The 'tactical' goon decides his own fate 'under' an inert board AND gets to choose his own CEO. ??? First choice CEO was Celtic's Peter Lawwell but he of he knew the score; no lapdog/muppet chores for him. Time to say goodbye, Arsene, time. You won't give a sh*t about Arsenal when you're gone. George Graham? Anfield '89?? He has never mentioned once in 18 years. Once he gone we carry on.

  22. Alex

    Dec 17, 2014, 3:38 #63545

    I hate Wenger. Why can't he just leave? Hopefully Liverpool give another anfield annihalation. Another 5-0 please. I want to see him humiliated. Come on Liverpool. Lets see if the clowns AKBs sing their pathetic little song. Can't wait to see Wenger humiliated. I'm going to enjoy it. Hopefully more of the stoke abuse repeats. Just go away Wenger you fraud.

  23. Edmund

    Dec 17, 2014, 1:56 #63544

    I would like to hear Henry's opinions as a pundit on Sky. Perhaps he would help the media be less Anti-Gunners.

  24. DW Thomas

    Dec 17, 2014, 0:47 #63543

    Twitter is just another way to truncate meaningful communication. Just like texting. Another sign of our dumbed down society where no one reads anymore and social media is used to make one seem important. We have so little attention span anymore. Whatever side you're on, Wenger Lackey or Wenger Out Man, we all want our club to win, with style would be nice, but trophies are the bar. And we have fallen short for 10 years in the 2 competitions that matter. It's no stretch to say Wenger should have done better given his complete control of our club. Argue all you want. It's like trying to say water's not wet. That there is another way to see things. Not in sport there isn't. Winning is the measure. Not profits or just trying. The players and managers job is literally to win. But they don't. They dangle the carrot at times, but always come up short.

  25. jjetplane

    Dec 16, 2014, 23:50 #63542

    Let's be honest WESTiE We have not had a football manager as such since Rioch left. Do not imagine some aging accountant leaving Holloway will harm the football side that much. He should have walked a decade ago and the WOB ball tells me we would have chalked up two more doubles, two CLs and a massive bag of salt and vinegar? I wish Santa you could give the keys to Alisher and give Kloppie a run out. Adventure and drama is what brings the folks together.

  26. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 16, 2014, 23:23 #63541

    'Morally incensed'? You're really piling on the hypocrisy today, Badarse.

  27. JAMIE

    Dec 16, 2014, 21:30 #63539

    great post Badarse and John F you made me chuckle too.

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 20:53 #63538

    Where's Wally, good to hear from you again, and good point, if it wasn't for the lads at Stoke we'd have been stuffed by Newcastle.

  29. John F

    Dec 16, 2014, 20:28 #63536

    If there was sections for AKBS and AMGS how could you stop infiltration by either side to prevent trouble.In the old days you were asked what team you support and asked questions about the team. I suppose the stewards could ask what tactics do you think Wenger will deploy today. If the answer is" well the whole team will bomb forward leaving us exposed to counter attack,players will be played out of position and no consideration will be given to how the opposition will set up" then he is an AMG.If the answer is "tactics are they not those little sweets you get in square shaped plastic tubes" then he is AKB.

  30. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 20:16 #63535

    Thank God for social media. The WOB's can have their say and have been able to put the manager under pressure. This is obviously supposed to be the job of the board of directors but as we know, at Arsenal that part of the club is dysfunctional. Amazing that when Wenger is under pressure he actually gets off his backside and does some work. It's the anti's that are responsible for the recent results, not those happy to be spoon fed nonsense by the manager.

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 20:13 #63534

    Avenell Road, you may be onto something there and it will/would come as no surprise, and also an attempt to keep the dissenters quiet and happy (well it won't work)it will be interesting to see now he's retired and joined Sky sports what he has to say if/when he's put on the spot, no doubt another wenger luvvie who won't say anything against his messiah in case it will jeopardise his chances of becoming wengers clone.

  32. Unchives

    Dec 16, 2014, 20:13 #63533

    @ Ron, great piece, I think Baddie needs some Kraken Rum to loosen him up a bit, the ghost of Arsene Christmas past is getting to him. Mind you, I could do with some Rum, myself, do I have to share it with him?.....and listen to!

  33. Ron

    Dec 16, 2014, 19:49 #63532

    You sound like Neville Chamberlain Westie. He at least waved a white paper with his weak and limp wristed message whereas you just wave the white hankie of surrender. Youve no idea whos suitable or available for that job. You've even less idea of AFC s contingency plan which will certainly exist in the off chance (anorexically slim admittedly) that Wenger does some thing genuine and certain for once and falls on his sword. You had no idea where Wenger appeared from in 1996 either so why could it not happen again? The lack of any cogent argument to justify things not changing at the Club from those who still have faith in whats there is just smothered in smugness. Where does the smugness come from? Not one trophy in 10 years surely, especially as even that was a trophy you (especially you in fact, while the rest of us so called WOBs were saying the opposite) were all suggesting Wenger aborted this time last year? Hiccup - youve mentioned the 'moral high ground' they think they inhabit there. Go easy fella, i can feel Badarse donning his mitre and robe as we speak prepping another sermon.

  34. Badarse

    Dec 16, 2014, 19:45 #63531

    JAMIE Arsene is taking the lead role in the Online Gooner Virtual Nativity Play. I rowed out after him yesterday morning when I saw him in the Channel taking a slow walk to France. Five fishes offered themselves up to him, even the Channel started to part, but he just shook his head and quietly said, 'Non, mes petites!' I asked him if he would play god and he said Ron would be better suited, but I insisted. He was concerned that it would upset the natives and I gleefully told him it would. MARCUS will have to double his knees up under his chin as the baby SUSEJ, and jeff will make a lovely Mary-loves blue-we just have to keep Bard away from him in his drag outfit. Exeter Gunner can be a king who brings a gift-I am still casting him, so if you have a suggestion for which gift let me know, I do know he gets quite morally incensed if that helps. jj who is only two bob is definitely worth five shillings, so he can have a crown also. I see him as the king who brings Frankincense as his attitude to Arsenal is quite similar to that of Frank McLintock. I think Unchives or CGO are competing for the third king's role-they are playing 'rock, paper, scissors' at the moment but seem to have introduced a new item called 'fork', at least it sounded like 'fork'. Nicklas Bendtner as agreed to make a guest appearance as a donkey, so we shall have a whip round for his fee, though I have plenty of virtual pounds. DWT will close act one as the Archangel Gabriel, while AMG will do his 'Singing Nun' act. Please laugh when he tells his 'Wimple of the Bailey' joke. I have tried to help with his act, but you know how headstrong he is. I wanted him to use, 'What is acoustic?'-'A Scottish cattle prod.' He wanted to know where the cows were. A very difficult job casting these people-what we need is a full casting for a new 'Muppet' film, that might be easier. Of course the star will be Alexis. Text me later, or ring me at AKB HQ, I will be making my cocoa around twenty hundred hours, over, Roger, JAMIE, and out. Still trying to master this 'walkie-talkie' that maguiresbridge sold us, because he couldn't find out how to get it out of the box.

  35. Hiccup

    Dec 16, 2014, 19:34 #63530

    Bard, the AKB's would have a numerical advantage though, as the away fans would join in singing "arsene wenger, we want you to stay".

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 19:33 #63529

    Hiccup, yes indeed that's another good thing that's come out of it, upsetting his little disciples, as some have already said other managers have put up with worse for a hell of a lot longer and for a hell of a lot less than £8,000,000 a year. And the most laughable bit of all this? having said/sang nothing for months and months (I wonder why that was?)we suddenly hear one arsene wenger a feeling sorry and pity for him song if ever there was one.

  37. Bard

    Dec 16, 2014, 19:22 #63528

    Westie mate you need to speed up. This debate has been done to death. Wenger isnt going at Xmas anyway so its irrelevant. Its like saying who would you play at right back if the whole squad went down injured at same time.

  38. JAMIE

    Dec 16, 2014, 19:03 #63527

    Bard.Why don't you all wait for a certain minute to arrive and then boo altogether like they do at other grounds yet with applause.You could all boo at say the 65th minute (Wengers age) and hope you're not still doing it when he turns 90.Or you could show some kindness to the man and invite him to the wobs Xmas panto,maybe offer him an acting part.I'm not talking of a lead character such as jeff wright,Hiccup or jjetplane would expect,but maybe a non speking role,just something that can build bridges between you.

  39. Unchives

    Dec 16, 2014, 19:03 #63526

    @ Westlower - Answer, Anybody, this manager has no tactical savvy whatsoever, he has been found out! we've got good players and a quality team, Martinez for two seasons, if it doesn't work then Pep.You have your doubts..we Know you do.BUT WE ALREADY KNOW!

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 18:36 #63525

    One thing you can be sure off TOF will be kept well away from fans on their/his next train journey (that's if they take the train again at all) wengers henchmen will make sure poor arsene will not be caught out like that again. The dictator probably has them in talks already with rail staff to keep the plebs out of sight next time, maybe even demanding a separate platform.

  41. Bard

    Dec 16, 2014, 18:25 #63524

    Exeter,jj ,Hiccup, brilliantly funny guys. However I would like to take this issue a little further. Could we not cheer or boo in alternating 5 minute segments throughout the match. That way we could reach the perfect compromise between criticism and support. Of course decibels levels would have to be checked and so would the size of banners but this would be mere child play for a club of our size. I cannot believe the fuss the Stoke incident has created, get a grip.

  42. Westlower

    Dec 16, 2014, 18:18 #63523

    Just supposing Wenger retired on Christmas Eve, giving his dissenters the mother of all presents. Who of the required quality is available to take over in January- May? Answers on the back of a postage stamp please. I doubt if Klopp would walk away from BD while they remain in trouble. Guardiola wouldn't leave BM mid season. Simeone is better off remaining in Spain. Ancelotti would be a fool to leave RM. No English manager is up to the task, so who does that leave in the short term? The earliest a managerial change can happen is in the summer. No point waving banners, white hankies or pink knickers, until there is a genuine alternative in the pipeline. The protesting is just causing division among fans, which is proving unhelpful.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 17:50 #63522

    Exeter Gunner 66891, post of the day, Tony Evans 66903, quip of the day.

  44. Hiccup

    Dec 16, 2014, 16:56 #63521

    Hear hear mg! You'd honestly of thought wenger had been man handled and pinned up against a wall and held upside down listening to all this commotion. A handful of boos with a f@ck off thrown in, and the AKB's want life sentences handed down. Do you honestly think wenger gives a toss anyway with 99.9999% behind him? Don't you think inside he's absolutely p!ssing himself anyway, knowing these boo boys will continue to plough time, effort and money following this circus? The only people getting upset about all this are his disciples, which has made the whole incident totally worthwhile and great to see them spitting feathers and getting on the moral high ground. If only they showed the same commitment and desire for the team to do well instead of shrugging their shoulders and suggesting there are more important things to worry about. Well, I'd suggest a guy on £8m a year getting booed for 5 seconds certainly falls in that category of more important things to get upset about. So when the wob's start upsetting you AKB's with wenger out stuff, just remember there are more important things to worry about, instead of frothing at the mouth and banging on the keyboard with your preaching, listen to your own advice.

  45. Avenell Road

    Dec 16, 2014, 16:25 #63519

    Watch Wenger appoint Thierry Henry somewhere at the club now. Political move. Designed to hold on to power / his position.

  46. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 16, 2014, 16:22 #63518

    Whilst you, JAMIE, should simply be sectioned.

  47. jeff wright

    Dec 16, 2014, 16:08 #63517

    This abuse on twatter and at railway stations ,etc, of Wenger is just another smokescreen to divert attention away from the realities of Wenger's management. There is no doubt that clubs who float around in midtable mediocrity like turds in a cesspit, such as the spuds and Stoke, would love to make a quantum leap from their position to 4th place regularly. This would be a substantial improvement for them. No one can dispute this fact. However, for a club such as we are with greater resources and a bigger wage bill surely there has to come a time when just achieving this with regular metronomically like consistency becomes boring for many supporters .Wenger does well against the lesser lights in England and Europe but comes up short against the top ones such as Mourinho,he's never beaten him and he has a poor record against other top ones . It's this inability of Wenger's that is mainly down to these coaches being better tactically than him that leaves Wenger looking out dated but due to circumstances , that are financially motivated,safe in his little bubble that he exists in.

  48. jjetplane

    Dec 16, 2014, 15:33 #63514

    WESTIE it was in quotes old bean flagging up your vision for WOKworld which faithfully coincides with the present Tory Manifesto. Confused. You are.

  49. jjetplane

    Dec 16, 2014, 15:17 #63513

    JAMIE there should also be a section of the ground where competitive football is played.

  50. Westlower

    Dec 16, 2014, 15:07 #63512

    @Jamie You're on to something there, but keep them penned in until everyone else has left. That way there won't be fights immediately after the game as those with short fuses are unable to control their temper when we lose. @JJ your bitter contempt for hard working families speaks volumes about your good self!

  51. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 15:04 #63511

    find Souness in the sunday times talking about liverpools summer may explain AW thinking-it may not make him right but be were he stands.the fact he may be wrong does not make him a fraud and what odds what age the manager is? Some of the spiteful comments about AW- and Dennis Hillwood ,an elderly man ,for daring to support an old work friend is really shameful .have a proper argument on the issue and leave the name calling to the mancs and the spuds.

  52. JAMIE

    Dec 16, 2014, 15:01 #63510

    I've said before they should have a section inside the ground where all these individuals who are anti this and that can congregate and be allowed to sing all their rebel songs,boo the team,wave their banners,blow raspberries at the akb's and Wenger and do whatever takes their fancy.

  53. Bard

    Dec 16, 2014, 14:49 #63509

    As usual some cracking posts and a few very funny ones. As you know I don't believe in protest only complete and utter devotion, thats why I like dictatorships. Everything is decided and you don't have to think about anything, you just follow. Its like being a child and having your parents decide what you do and what to think. Twitter will be instrumental in bringing down society as we know it mark my words.

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 14:16 #63508

    Avenell Rd, good shout, and there's no doubt he has, whether the arrogant old fraud does some thing about it is another matter, and if he does as Unchives has already said we know who to thank.

  55. Avenell Road

    Dec 16, 2014, 14:05 #63507

    Tony Evans - Okay then, lets wave floss around. Even then Wenger would probably say we showed magnificent dental strength

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2014, 13:59 #63506

    We expected nothing else but cries of foul, disgrace, disgusted, etc from the wengerites and wenger luvvies, but what are disgruntled long suffering fans supposed to do when presented with an opportunity like that? Now i'm not saying I condone what happened, but certainly understand it, it was a perfect opportunity for fans to vet their anger and let TOF know what they think, if they did in the stadium they'd be out, wave a banner it's confiscated and their out probably even banned, so what did the dictator and the club expect? and it didn't stop him having his sly smirk and grin. What's the difference in thousands booing and shouting obscenities in the stadium where a lot more can hear it than fifty or one hundred on a rail station platform. Do fans want wenger out or not? being nice and respectful to him and sitting on their hands like his little sheep keeping their mouths shut isn't going to achieve it, there's no nice way of doing it you know, and there never has been, and it's not going to be nice when it does happen, or do we want to put up with him for another three or six years.

  57. Tony Evans

    Dec 16, 2014, 13:18 #63505

    Avenell Road - I think a white hanky protest is going to be too subtle, Wenger will just think there is a nasty cold going round!

  58. jeff wright

    Dec 16, 2014, 13:16 #63503

    This whole Wenger worshipping malarkey has gone beyond being funny it's now pitiful with AKB's typically after a couple of decent results ,against modest opponents and what to them appears 'an easy tie' in the Chumps League, now getting all moralistic and dishing out more of their sanctimonious sermons to those who dare to question 18 years at the wheel and still chugging along to another 4th place finish to earn ,after beating another Europa Cup side, another go on the magic roundabout of the midweek TV football show ,that Wenger after umpteen donkeys years of attempts has never managed to win. He has earned a lot of money from doing so though. Perhaps a statue of him standing holding a bag with SWAG stencilled on it outside Arsenal Holdings offices should be erected. One thing I am certain of is that there will never be a statue of him holding up his Holy Grail, the European Cup. The motivation ,such as making signings to better his prospects of doing so is just not there any more. Wenger lives in a comfort zone where he is cosseted from the realities that other managers have to face by the slavish support of Jamie 'I only attend home games' and no one better bad mouth Arsene near him or wave a Wenger out banner ! Although not condoning the sort of abuse that Wenger got at Stoke railway station ,it's nonetheless easy to see why some supporters would explode with rage on seeing Wenger heading toward his First Class carriage and try to shake him out of his comfort zone . There's only one Arsene Wenger is the chant at the Emirates( when we are winning,that is,you couldn't make it up) ,but there is only one club where he would still be the manager after 18 years and with him obviously not taking the club forward .Instead of of trying to change this situation however results against ordinary sides are claimed to prove that everything is going well and even the Champions League draw is put up as being another example of Arsene's shrewed management with the Monaco tie being smugly claimed to be an 'easy tie' . This tie in the 'Champions League' has come at an opportune time for Wenger by helping to disract attention away from other areas .If it is an easy one only time will tell,but that's how the club and Arsene's faithful lap-dogs the AKB are portraying it. When eventually our challenge in Europe ends in another heroic defeat Arsene and the AKB can always fall back on the 4th place Prem trophy as being justification for another season of Wenger magic. It could be worse you know under another manager, we might finish 5th! Then the world as we know it would end with us looking back nostalgically on Arsene'e 4th place trophies and all the excitement of the group stages and of course those pyrrhic victories and heroic defeats that we have come to love in the KO rounds.(yawn)

  59. AMG

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:55 #63501

    Good article John. I don't have a twitter account, but if I did 10 characters would suffice - #WengerOut

  60. jjetplane

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:26 #63500

    WESTIE your vision of watching a match these days is akin to a sunday service. Mind you, I guess that is what is served up at the WOK while 'hard working families' take selfies in between going up and down the steps for more cokes and pizzas. Stan must be loving the colonization you servants of the quiet life instill in yourselves. All together now 'who the **** are Man Utd...' Close your ears little darlings. As for Twitter. Do read Marshall McCluhan on 'the medium is the message' .....

  61. Avenell Road

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:24 #63499

    Tony Evans - don't worry about 'wanting Arsenal to lose', its going to happen frequently enough anyway. Supporters do not stay away in protest. End of. It's not financially worth their while. White hanky protest or something similarly subtle is the only way forward. Even Herr Wenger and his henchman stewards can't go rooting into people's pockets for hankies on matchday.

  62. John F

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:22 #63498

    So right about twitter although I would of preferred those spurs fans who attacked me at Richmond station in the eighties to have said i'm going to twitter you later rather then give a nice bump on my head. There is a general intolerance to other peoples opinion which is fueled by the key board warriors.My Grandad who was a true blue Tory used to buy Labour supporting newspapers as he said he like to try and understand the other sides views.I did not agree with his politics but always respected him for that. I often wondered if George had not got his fingers caught in the till and had stayed on whether similar issues would have occurred.Because there was great success and team spirit in the past followed by poor signings and in his last season Wimbledon style tactics, the fans may well of spilt over him. Similar to Wenger now.

  63. Tony Evans

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:19 #63496

    For me the only true way to protest is to stop turning up week in, week out at the Emirates. Unfortunately that is never going to happen in large enough numbers to have any effect because Wenger has developed an uncanny knack of just doing enough each season to keep the vast majority of match day fans onside. With 'Wenger Out' banners banned (which is far too gestapo like for my liking) vocal protest is the only avenue left which is not helpful to the team, whom we still all support. So to sum up we are stuck with the status quo until results go further downhill, which, you would think, would act as a catalyst for change. Which leads nicely to the thorny issue of wanting Arsenal to lose to get that change (short term pain for long term gain) and there are many of us who feel enough pain already at some of the abject managerial decisions to make this a palatable option. I can't want my team to lose, but instead find myself in a sort of limbo situation (such is my exasperation with Wenger) where I don't really care if they win or lose, which is bad enough anyway. The only exception to this attitude for me is the CL. Although I don't think we have a cat in hells chance of winning it, you never know, and poor teams in the past (Liverpool spring to mind) have defied the odds and I would love to see us win it. I may not like what the CL has morphed in to (give me the old European Cup any day) I still want Arsenal to win it, especially now the Chavs have had their grubby hands on it!

  64. Noodles

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:15 #63495

    The Wenger decline started when D Dein was ousted due to his billy big bollocks son, as after a disasterious defeat on a Saturday there was no pressure or "what the F**K was that about" from anyone on the board on a Monday morning and that is still the case now... For all the Journalist and pundits that call Arsenal Fans thick for booing or chanting "spend some F**king Money' its the only time he knows what we really think. I have been lucking and have been invited into the directors box at the Emirates a couple of times and its so cut of from the fans you wouldn't believe it with an underground car park and its one lift and its not a surprise that the people up there are not the type that would walk up to Wenger (he pops up to see his family) and say WTF and why don't you sign a centre half you knob etc etc. So much as i crindged and the station footage it might have pissed him off that much that he goes out buyer a CB thats not cup tied in CL actually wins the CL and stick two fingers up and us and leaves .... I for one would take that scenario with glee!!!

  65. Avenell Road

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:13 #63494

    Exeter Gunner - possibly the best post I've read on Online Gooner. Spot on!

  66. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 16, 2014, 12:12 #63493

    There is a fallacy amongst the 'enchanted' that the manager and the club are one and the same. There is also a fallacy amongst the 'enchanted' that all types of criticism, even a belief in holding to account, are tantamount to abuse. All put in very simplistic, conflating terms in order to justify that their personal idolatry of a man has become their number one Arsenal supporting priority.

  67. Avenell Road

    Dec 16, 2014, 11:56 #63491

    Complete rubbish mate. You really think a hooligan's thirst for violence is going to be quenched by typing an angry response on a keyboard? They'd be beating their wives or someone else instead. As most of us know, the internet provides a safe little anonymous haven to vent anger. Whilst I didn't like the Wenger-at-Stoke video its important that he realizes the depth of dissatisfaction at his performance. Otherwise he lives in his own little bubble. The man is intensely arrogant in his position. So finally he sees someone putting pressure on his job that the board won't? Good.

  68. Lord Froth

    Dec 16, 2014, 11:52 #63490

    @Jamie...your sentence " stop terrifying the Arsenal community with your uncontrolled lusts" is the funniest thing I've read in ages. Excellent parody.

  69. Berni

    Dec 16, 2014, 11:37 #63488

    Try coming over to AWIMB. It's great! I get into work in the morning and sit down for a whole day of posting. Objectifying and casting a supercilious eye over all who have base football supporter views, sneering and intellectually ripping them a new one. They eventually come round to my way of thinking, once they have seen the error of their limited capacity to think.

  70. Westlower

    Dec 16, 2014, 11:24 #63487

    It'll be a sad day for Arsenal Football Club if the future was shaped by Bully Boys hell bent on causing disruption, whether the bullying is physical, verbal, or cowardly on social media. The quiet majority usually suffer in silence while the loud elements attempt to steam roller their views over Arsenal's loyal but passive support. Sitting next to a group of agitators at a match is not a pleasant experience for anyone, let alone parents with young kids. There is this fallacy among the disenchanted that supporters can divorce the manager from the club. This mentality is not exclusive to Wenger haters as I'm sure his replacement will also be subjected to the same abuse by the same people. In simple terms being a supporter of AFC is as stated on the tin, warts & all.

  71. Ron

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:54 #63483

    Fozzy - yes, still the worst thing in away game football that is mate. Ive not been back since we won 3-1 there in 08. The things that went on that day finished it for me there. Lets be honest though, they've always been the same from that part of London. My friends Son (a 13 year old who had the temerity to wear his Rosicky shirt!) was spudded from behind by a couple of approx 20 year old neanderthals there, shop fronts wrecked, the whole lot of it. Not to mention the phlegm flying across from the spuds inside the dump as the Stewards there laughed!

  72. Fozzy

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:39 #63481

    Excellent post, John. I have always viewed it as anti-social media but a lot safer than having to run the gauntlet when trying to escape away games at the hovel from the wrong end of Seven Sisters Road.

  73. JAMIE

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:37 #63480

    Arsenal have always had their fair share of angry fans.A guy I used to work with used to say Arsenal was the worst place to go in the 60's he said it was evil and he was a West Ham fan of all teams.Lack of success always brings out the worst of people,as somebody who doesn't attend away games yet attends all home games,I can only comment on what I see at the Emirates.Some people just need to get a life,the anti Wenger,anti Akb,and Anti Arsenal in general thing has got out of hand.People live too much on their emotions these days and have forgotten that what they are watching is a game which not only comes with skill and drama but also lots of luck and controversy.Get a life you wob losers and stop terrifying the Arsenal community with your uncontrolled lusts,if people these days are not man enough to take a defeat or disappointments then it's time walk away.This is the only site I comment on and I suggest these people who spend all their day messaging on online forums need to take some long walks and clear their heads from all the garbage.

  74. Bard

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:35 #63479

    While I get where you are coming from to equate Twitter with hooliganism is a stretch too far. Hooliganism as I remember it was pretty serious stuff. Twitter is just hot air nothing more. Social media means everyone can have a say, so what. While I dont condone the abuse Wenger got at Stoke, lets be honest which one of us wouldnt be happy to cop a bit of abuse for 8m a year, I know I would. If you want to talk abuse ask Neil Lennon about it when he was manager of Celtic.

  75. Ron

    Dec 16, 2014, 9:00 #63474

    Good post John. Twitter isnt called Twatter for nothing mate. its a haven for idiots with little better to do whos lives are brightened by seeing their name up on the dubious social media network. The abuse of AW at a railway station was poor stuff, though paying 44 quid and travelling to that awful stadium to see a surrender fest probably has to give them some latitude i suppose. At one time of day Arsenal were known as a skilled but feisty team who relished taking apart such teams as Stoke with so called hostile crowds (are there really any of them today?) and strongarm tactics. Its the feeble club culture we ve embraced for so long now that makes the Twatter fraternity head there to blow off some steam.

  76. Unchives

    Dec 16, 2014, 8:43 #63472

    There was a tide of change about a month ago. I respect the hardcore away fans, as they spend their time, money and passion supporting the club, while we watch on TV. What Wenger received was nothing compared to the vitriol dished out in the past. Wenger truly has to pull a golden egg out of the Hat to escape the fans wrath @ the end of the Season. If he does, I have no doubts that this pressure was responsible, after all, ENOUGH is ENOUGH....TIME TO DELIVER!