Five of Arsène Wenger’s arguments taken apart

There’s a distinct whiff of rebellion in the air…

Five of Arsène Wenger’s arguments taken apart

There's nothing much to say about Wenger that hasn't been said already. By both camps - AKB's and WOB's. If you want to call them such. Of course, the moot point is, perhaps Wenger is the first manager in the history of Arsenal to have polarized the fanbase like this, but we'll leave that debate for another day. Meanwhile, Wenger got shown a banner, and then questioned about it, and the reaction was not exactly unexpected. His veneer slipped, and it became quite obvious that he couldn't believe it. Why, here was his Colney Creche (to borrow from Myles Palmer) having ummm demolished, shall we say, a Dortmund team (with nothing to play for with qualification near assured, but I digress) and absolutely ripped apart the mighty, "financially doped" oil money owned West Brom, so how dare he get shown these kind of banners? Where's the gratitude these days, eh Arsene?

Now, my old man often says that a person's reaction to travesty, or criticism, tells a lot about the person. Shall we put this to test using Arsene?

1) I've managed for 30 years.
That's his standard retort to journos, at least the few times they do ask uncomfortable questions. Arrogance takes over when he's cornered and it shows every time. Usually, the press are only too happy to give him an easy ride but the few times they have asked questions, from Jacqui Oatley to the disaster after Blackburn (or was it Bradford?), his response is "I've managed for 30+ years, made thousands of substitutions ...". Sure, none of us may have worked half a day in football Arsene, but for someone who's been managing for 30+ years earning £8M+bonus/year and still unable to beat Swansea is pretty telling, eh? I didn't work a day in football, by Wenger's definition, yet it was obvious to me that Almunia is no goalkeeper for this level. But the genius that's Arsene tried to sell Almunia for four years before giving up. So why can't Arsene find a proper goalkeeper since the time Lehmann retired? 30 years, eh?

2) Stay with me for seven days and you'll see how hard we work.
Sure. Not saying you don't. But, since I, and plenty of others, will never have that glorious opportunity, we can only judge you from your theatre - on the pitch. And what we see, season after season, is the same groundhog day. You get outdone by our competitors, you get outfoxed by the smaller teams. Your defence has not yet learned how to defend set pieces so they constantly give goals away. Your goalkeeper and defender (Chezer and Gibbs) don't know the basics of communication, clash heads and the goalkeeper ends up being injured. And that's just one instance. Your team constantly get the basics wrong - such as nine of them rushing up the pitch leaving Mertesacker behind. Not even Per's mum would say he's got any kind of pace. So then why? What DO YOU DO in training sessions? Have you ever watched your own team's tapes? Or that of your opponents? Doesn't seem that way to me at all. Oh but wait, what do I know. I haven't worked half a day in football, after all.

3) Show me one other team that's made so many CL last 16.
Aah yes. The second most popular retort from ol' Arsene to criticism. The first being point 1 discussed above. So let's see now. In all those years of CL appearances, Arsene, what's been our takeaway? One final. Which you lost. And a semi. Which you lost too. It's actually damning that despite trying for 17 years, a manager with 30 years of experience hasn't been able to win the darned thing. Or even be a beaten finalist a few times, while Johnny Come Lately's managed to win it. I mean, Di Matteo? And he got sacked for it. You continue to rule supreme. Despite having given up 17 goals away from home to the three other top four teams just last season. Or the 8-2 before that. Or losing to two non Premier League opponents - in one darn season. How about Mourinho? He's won the damn thing twice. And he's been managing for a lot less number of years.

So Arsene, you crowing about CL qualification is more a reflection of your hapless inability to win the thing rather than any kind of glory, other than monetary. And for the last few seasons, we know how the last 16 qualification ends - usually with a thrashing at the hands of a Barca or Bayern or the likes.

4) I've done well in transfers.
Sure you have. But most of it is in the distant past, with a couple good ones thrown in here and there. You got a great deal from a creaky Overmars so you thought you can continue to do it. You tried it with Diaby (yes folks, he was an injury nightmare before Dan Smith - ask his Auxerre manager Santini), you even tried it with Bischoff. Then you still went right ahead and tried it with Sanago, not caring a damn that he almost retired due to injuries. You even had the temerity to put him on 25k/week. How many games has he been fit for so far? You didn't learn - you signed an injured keeper in Ospina and we ended up with a kid keeping for us. A kid. With zero experience. In no other club, would you be allowed to get away with this kind of repeated misdemeanours. I won't even start on the whole youth experiment vanity project that blew up in your face and produced such gems as Denilson and Song. And to top it all off, you actually had the audacity to pull off a Kallstrom. Again, I cannot think of a single other club where the Kallstrom shenanigans would have been allowed. You made money commentating in Brazil when you should have been busting a gut trying to sign a DM. You make money from BeIN network when you should be tearing your hair out analyzing why your team constantly gets injuries year after year. And soft tissue injuries at that. club… misdemeanours. You get the picture, right?

5) I've given much to Arsenal and deserve to manage Arsenal for as long as I wish (and variants of that propagated by himself and his fanclub).
True. But you've also become a very rich man while at it. You earn more than most managers who have won more trophies than you in the last 9 years. You imply that you have turned down the likes of Real, but you know pretty damn well that you wouldn't last one season at Real and not more than two at any other top club considering the avalanche of embarrassments that you heap on the club you manage, including your touchline antics, your lack of grace and, of course, the results such as 8-2. You would never ever get the kind of power you enjoy at Arsenal at any other club. Stupid, sir, is not an accusation even your most ardent critics can make at you. You're very cunning and you know very well which side your bread's buttered on, so let's please drop the victimhood and martyr cards, shall we?

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  1. No Chapman No Arsenal

    Dec 22, 2014, 0:17 #63757

    Arsenal Football Club is a lunatic asylum....thankfully this lunatic has escaped.

  2. Badarse

    Dec 21, 2014, 22:33 #63756

    maguiresbridge, you may be right. For my part I am always deeply suspicious of 'leaders', 'and power men'. However I am also wary of the 'mob'. Generally the good and observant criticisms get drowned out by the baying lynch mob mentality. Football at any level, at any time, and when the individual is any age, can be frustrating as hell. Whether it be a team we play in, played in, my grandson's, they can drive you to distraction. It is the nature of the game, swings and roundabouts, the yin and the yang. We have just played a very good game, we travel for the next and play a stinker. It happens. Debuchy scored his first, Sir Chesney played brilliantly, your 'carthorse' is proving you so wrong in each successive game, and we snaffled a point, momentum still with us. Realistically we are chasing down the three teams immediately above us. Nothing else is a part of the current reality. Beyond griping for griping's sake nothing can be won by moaning. I am just girding my loins right now, but your's looks as though it's all hanging down loose. Come on, straight bat man, let's see this one out. Have yourself a smashing Xmas maguiresbridge, and you too Hiccup. You are good guys. News of our Xmas Panto soon, dudes.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 21, 2014, 21:43 #63755

    Baddie, some good points, but there's only one person should be walking the plank, and should have long before now.

  4. Unchives

    Dec 21, 2014, 21:19 #63752

    Same old, same old! nothing changes...get rid of this dinosaur now!

  5. anti-wenger

    Dec 21, 2014, 21:13 #63751

    If I were a l'pool fan,I'd be so upset with Rodgers. Arsenal were there for the taking, but Liverpool,typical of them this season,still failed to capitalise. It was an undeserved point for Arsenal, so the fans should be satisfied with that,Wenger is. A point at Anfield is never a bad result, if only we're sure we'll get wins from other upcoming games. But with the way we're playing,I really don't think we'll win up to 5 away games this season. Which means we must have to win all our remaining home games, which we can't either.

  6. Hiccup

    Dec 21, 2014, 20:34 #63750

    Evening Baddie. Wenger told us we wouldn't get thrashed again by Liverpool. And the result shows he has been true to his word. He has delivered. Yes, we haven't been thumped 5-1 again, and Chelsea didn't put 6 past us again. Things are certainly on the up in that respect. At least all this football nonsense is done with now for christmas, and we can get on with the stuff that really matters, the Xmas pantos. Have a good un Baddie.

  7. Badarse

    Dec 21, 2014, 20:10 #63747

    Mike Collins, and had Bergkamp, Henry and Pires been around it might have been five more to us. Times change, players do too. Both Ox and Alexis were very poor from the outset. Two remarkable players. Both forceful, able to run the flanks or go through the middle. Close control and frightening to defenders. Both were absent today. There were other problem areas of course, overall the whole team underperformed, as much to Liverpool's frenetic approach as our own woeful performance. We have come away with a point, sadly that zonal marking, or non marking was at fault again. Am just so 'head-shaking in disbelief' at the moanies. We don't get thumped 5-1, we nearly steal three points in a below par performance and people are ready to abandon ship. Let me help, just over here is a long piece of wood, or call it a plank if you like...start walking.

  8. Mike Collins

    Dec 21, 2014, 18:59 #63743

    Same old words from the same old names, including me, and the same old situation we all get so aerated about. I have just watched a clueless performance at Anfield (including Liverpool's) and will just say that if SAS had still been around we'd have come away with at least another five-goal, if not seven or eight, hiding. Ya, ya, yatter, natter, on it all goes.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 21, 2014, 18:16 #63741

    I have an old gold plated watch that belonged to my late mother, i tried to get it going and have it fixed it was past that, irreparable, done, it will never tick again, it's useless, worthless and always will be, why do I keep it and won't let it go? simply sentimental value.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 21, 2014, 15:57 #63738

    WENGER MUST GO (MARCUS) and when we all do die and end up where ever, all we'll need is TOF already there managing the team.

  11. billdodgin

    Dec 21, 2014, 11:40 #63737

    Thanks Somak. You deconstruct well the false defences around Wenger's position.His true skill has been however redefining lack of achievement as success.For me it is AFC having become this horrible commercial entity that fears any change will endanger its bottom line that bolsters the manager's false status.He has no doubt had a good hand in creating this too.Clever.The soul of a striving ambitious club has been lost. A decadence reigns. Any puff of wind to do with change creates fear. Cling to Daddy Wenger.Stagnate .

  12. Badarse

    Dec 20, 2014, 22:11 #63736

    Ah Unchives, were you 'miffed' because of your calamitous call the other day? To write such a sad post? Believe me a psychiatrist could write a chapter on that one post. You know there is an understanding that if you leave some the floor then what they say gives their opponent a victory. Tonight was a, 'shoot myself in the foot' time. I am sure many who agree with your basic wish read our posts and wish that I represented their attitude and not yourself. You put the whole 'movement' in the shadows. Thank you for that. Ironically you suggest I am just the same as the manager and just the same as the players. Thank you for that too, because I always try to represent my club in the best way-you should try it sometime. As for leaders and led, the 'Judas' goat leads innocents into a trap, so being a leader is just a position occupied by some at any given time, not a quality. Boris Johnson is a leader, George W Bush was a leader, for that matter Osama Bin Laden was too. Do you see yourself as one? Too many questions, too many imponderables, night night. Baa!

  13. Unchives

    Dec 20, 2014, 20:11 #63735

    @ Badarse, you encapsulate the total sum reason of failure. In what industry could you target that negative attitude and expect to secure any kind of support or following. The players we have, reflect the managers personality, that's why we win ****-all. Your personality is exactly the same, you are a follower not a leader. Move to Wales, they make full use of their sheep....don't forget the lipstick....take Jamie with you.....maybe he is with you and you don't know it yet!

  14. Badarse

    Dec 20, 2014, 20:01 #63734

    No one, be it an AKB, a WOB, the BBC, or the RAC, can predict the future-so no one can say AFC will win anything more, ever. Remember Huddersfield Town won the Title three years in succession, 1924,5,6, and have won nowt since. A new kid on the block-Arsenal FC, were runners up to them in 1926, look how our two destinies have been shaped since; are you pleasantly relieved about the historical path we took? We were on the cusp then-though a few knuckle-draggers couldn't see it. I imagine your debates with AKBs(?) are conducted through soundproof glass windows-must be hilarious. Here's a saying to take to bed with you and your Peppa Pig hot water bottle, 'The most certain thing in life is that you shall die-the most uncertain thing in life is when.' Red and white dreams, lad.

  15. Unchives

    Dec 20, 2014, 19:53 #63733

    @ WENGER MUST GO ASAP (MARCUS), If you ask the AKBs,for what footballing reasons would you keep Wenger on? They cant answer. He is tactically Clueless....he is still here because he is too close to the board, employed in a role that is no longer defined. The Board promised that this kind of control would never be allowed to happen again after the George Graham here we are again.Graham got £300k, Wenger gets £21.8 million...thats a big big brown envelope!

  16. Unchives

    Dec 20, 2014, 19:03 #63731

    I'm looking forward to this game, a direct Top Four challenger no less. Why, even after horrendous miss-management by Inspector Clueless, do I think we can still win.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 20, 2014, 18:59 #63730

    WENGER MUST GO (MARCUS) absolutely spot on there, sentimental/sentimentality, (as far as fans are concerned) is the only thing (nothing else) that's keeping this old has been at this club.

  18. JAMIE

    Dec 20, 2014, 17:09 #63727

    Same old foolish wobs erecting straw men and talking utter pig swill.


    Dec 20, 2014, 16:23 #63726

    When you have a debate with akbs, they can never tell you that Wenger will ever win the pl again or the cl for the first time as they know it won't happen under Wenger. They know it!!! It's just all sentimental nonsense!!! The only thing I know that's true is we all die and Wenger won't be the manager of arsenal forever!!!

  20. Gaz

    Dec 20, 2014, 15:38 #63725

    Hi Badarse. Second attempt at this post as the first one disappeared and I've no idea where it went! Anyway to summarise... I'm looking forward to tomorrow, Sanchez is brilliant, and a merry Xmas to you and your kin!!! Cheers...

  21. mark from aylesbury

    Dec 20, 2014, 13:32 #63724

    Interesting these polls, a fair few Arsenal supporters I know don't want him sacked but then just look resigned to a fate of mediocre performance. No Arsenal supporter I know think we will win anything under him. One thing for sure is the fanbase is split and if the manager cannot unite the fanbase then he is part of the problem not the solution.

  22. Badarse

    Dec 20, 2014, 12:51 #63722

    Gaz I would like to reassure you, your head is definitely not going to blow up, neither are your feet. Tell tale signs are a fizzing blue touch paper, (what other colour?), or a loud ticking sound in your ears-oh susej you could begin fretting now with the sound of your alarm clock. I know this feeling is a peculiarity amongst WOBs but there are medications on the market to counteract this fear. I do know that blowing up things is a trait shared by a number of suffering AFC types from the Dark Side. Some have been seen blowing up each other's nostrils-that only gives you wind, please avoid this practise wherever possible, blowing up sink faucets is a preferable exercise, or when out and about and you feel a sudden urge just blow up your sleeve. I know the 'against' arguments make more sense to you, mono-syllabic explanations always do. 'Kick him out!' See? Just close your eyes, and recognise that there is no such thing as independent free will. Come home, come home, the warmth of the womb beckons. There is much to enjoy about AFC still. Put on your robes and join us, (socks with sandals optional). I'm looking forward to the game tomorrow, sorry you aren't though. When I played I would often say to the lads in the dressing room, 'Play this game as if it was your last-one day it will be.' It was then they usually threw their shoes at me.' I say to you, 'Enjoy this season as if it was your last-for some it will be.' Whoosh! Father Xmas on his sleigh? Nope, another shoe-size nine whistling past. Had a big piece of Parkin the other day and would have shared it with you had you been around, so have sent a virtual piece we made at the Online Gooner Virtual, 'Half-baked, is better than not baked at all', baking class last night, there is also a glass of virtual mulled wine accompanying it. Merry Xmas, Gaz, let's hope it's a good one.

  23. Gaz

    Dec 20, 2014, 12:27 #63721

    Hi Ron: In all honesty-and I promise I'm not making this up-every single Arsenal fan I know (family, friends, work-mates, close aquaintances) apart from two/threee want Wenger out! And these people come from every walk of Arsenal supporting life! Youngsters, oldies, ST holders, Silver members...the lot...

  24. Ron

    Dec 20, 2014, 10:52 #63719

    Gaz - yes 50/50 about right just based on supporters that i know. Just to add to that though, i know quite a few fans in Supporter Clubs outside of London and i d say that its more 60/40 in favour of AW leaving with them, than is the 50/50 case with people who ive known for years in the SE. Not a great difference. Westie is right though. Players determine a Coach's fate. Just a bit of useless info for you there mate.

  25. Gaz

    Dec 20, 2014, 10:36 #63718

    @Westlower: Problem with these newspaper 'online polls' is that you're never quite sure who's doing the voting! The one I tend to use because its been going on for so long now is a poll on Arsenal Mania. It suggests a near 50/50 split (just in favour of him staying) which I think we all realise is closer to the truth...

  26. Westlower

    Dec 20, 2014, 10:30 #63717

    @Tom I'll take Bob Wilson's judgement over Merse every day of the week. As long as Wenger keeps the dressing room onside nothing will change, whatever ex players may opine? The results of a survey conducted by the ultra reliable & honest Sun newspaper reveals today that 78% of Gooners are happy to let AW continue as manager. Shock, Horror, Disbelief, well tickle my Arse with a cockerel feather!

  27. Gaz

    Dec 20, 2014, 10:05 #63716

    @MG Gooner: I'm resigned to nothing changing-have been for a while now-but it doesn't stop a little bit of me wanting it to happen so that I can start enjoying supporting the Club again. I guess thats why as critical as I've been I'm always looking for a 'way back in' so to speak. Sadly I'm convinced that nothing will change until he goes. Thats fine but it effectively means another two years of missing out on something thats always taken up a large chunk of my life. I find that really difficult to accept. Guess thats why I'm almost forcing myself to see the positives-and there are some. Flip side to this is that I read lots of arguements 'for and against' and I cant deny the 'against' arguements simply make far more sense to me! Its so difficult to work it all out at times I feel my head is going to explode especially as I'm fully aware that as soon as things improve it only takes the one defeat to bring me crashing right back down again! I reckon a lot of fans are going through this same turmoil...

  28. Tom

    Dec 20, 2014, 6:56 #63715

    Westlower, it may be regurgitated, but as it completely true its had to come at it from a different angle mate. AW constantly regurgitates the 30 years or CL line in any event. IF all Gooners woke up and realised then there is little chance that a manager tainted and disliked by 80% of the fans would survive. The trouble is Westlower, unless you get up and say that the emperor's clothes are missing we will get the same old same old. Its down to the fans and former players to say time to retire Arsene, enough is enough. AW is a very wily old bird, he realises this, hence the luring in of old players especially Bob Wilson, if the old heros think the managers wonderful that will keep a few fans away from waking up.

  29. Patrick

    Dec 19, 2014, 22:25 #63714

    And there it is again. Line upousn line of drivel.... If you genuinely speak in such pros like this in real life, then fair play. If it's saved for the virtual soap box, I fear you are some kind of nuty recluse. Maybe partial to an interesting roll up cigarette. Tell me where you drink before a game as I want to hear this all first hand!

  30. Guy in Jersey

    Dec 19, 2014, 22:19 #63713

    So, Sanogo's going out on loan because 'his chances have been limited by the return to fitness of Olivier Giroud'. NO, his chances have been limited because he is crap. Will be amazed if he finds a Premier League manager who'll play him. (Is Sanogo the new Aliadiere, Almunia, Denilson or Bischoff? - all failed Wenger projects)

  31. Cyril

    Dec 19, 2014, 22:12 #63712

    Tues 25 April 2006- the day we reached the apogee under Wenger. I was there at villa real away. Who would of thought their wildest dreams this would be the peak. My mate and I sat in a bar singing and dancing thru the night outside the stadium and even Martin Samuel the journo joined in on his way out. It never got any better than that night for me as we were full of so much hope. And that's the point, we always hope so much under Wenger and are left an emotional wreck. Do the timeline gooners from that date. Put us back there Wenger. It's time for another Highbury squirrel. I feel almost tearful thinking back to that night....

  32. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Dec 19, 2014, 22:02 #63711

    I'd like to add the millions squandered on 15 and 16 year old kids with £100,000 signing on fees that were released some time later. It's happened countless times and nobody ever mentions it..One keeper I heard signed for £200,000 for his club and £100,000 to the players family and was let go after one season. Millions wasted. I still think Squilacci was the worst player I've ever seen play for the club and I remember Terry Mancini.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 19, 2014, 20:00 #63710

    Gaz, there's a lot of us that have thought the same as yourself mate, but it does no good, you'll be far better off doing what we've all done accepting nothings going to change until TOF goes and indeed until his finger prints are completely wiped, and then we can feel the same way about our club again.

  34. Unchives

    Dec 19, 2014, 19:07 #63709

    I've heard it all now from Inspector Clueless. Using the Liverpool support against us...unbelievable! We pay this **** to slate us off.

  35. Hiccup

    Dec 19, 2014, 18:44 #63708

    jj, I'll let you know if I've still got a job on Monday. I should be alright, we're only half way through our financial year so they're stuck with me til the summer.

  36. Badarse

    Dec 19, 2014, 18:35 #63707

    Badarse Radio: 'Talk-a-Lot-a-Sport'. Evening all, Harry Upp here. Now Arsenal fans are invited to ring in and talk about Arsene Wenger, and our first caller is? 'Nigel, but they call me 'Fast Gun-Takes No Prisoners', Harry.' Right, I'll call you Nigel, so what do you want to say? 'He's a busted flush, mate!' What do you mean? 'He's an old fraud, Harry!' Hang on you can't just say things like that. Why is he those things? 'He's cunning mate, believe me. Cunning and sly, oh and he's arrogant!' Hold on Nigel. You can't come on the radio and just insult someone like that, if you did this would just be Ga Ga. 'Excellent Ga Ga it is too, Harry! Love your prog, top class mate, top of the tree, I'm telling you!' Yes but my point is... 'Can't stand his leathery face either!' Now you can't just 'not like someone' because of his face. He can't help how he looks. 'He's smug mate. Can't stand that smug boat of his. The way he smirks too when we've won!' Perhaps he's just happy. You might not like my face when I smile if my team wins, or if I'm happy about something. 'Passed it, he is, and an old fraud!' Why, who has he defrauded? 'Everyone Harry. Defrauded more than my old mucker Benny, and he's a pro. I'm telling you Harry, I haven't got a good word to say about him!' Well I can see that, but why? You haven't said anything substantial. 'Substantial? Substantial? I'll give you something substantial, he is an old busted flush, arrogant, cunning...and sly, an old fraud, arrogant...' Hang on you've already said arrogant, and they're just insults, nothing you have said is substantial. 'Where are you coming from Harry?' Sorry, what do you mean, coming from, coming from where? 'Yeah, coming from. You a secret AKB, or something?' No I'm not anything, I'm just trying to get you to say something coherent. 'What is there to say about the leathery, smirking, smug, old busted flush of a fraud that's coherent, eh?' Well that's my point, nothing you are saying makes sense. They are just insults Nigel, constantly saying, 'old' as a put down too. And what's all this about, 'Fast Gun-Takes No Prisoners'? You haven't even got a gun, and there aren't any prisoners to take. You are a bit of a fraud Nigel. 'Well I bet you've got a smug face too Harry, and Badarse Radio uh? That's an old fraud radio, you're all old frauds!' Well actually Nigel, I'm only twenty eight, so I'm not old. 'But you're getting older by the minute Harry. I tell you mate, I'm not impressed with you, or your prog. I thought it was different class, top of the tree, but it's just rubbish, very bottom of the tree. Very poor fayre indeed, Harry. In fact I could say so much more...' Well you are just hurling insults at someone else now. 'you are an old fraud too, prog a load of rubbish, smug, sl...' I'm cutting you off Nigel, you had nothing to say and just insulted everyone, good night.

  37. Eric from Glengormley N.I.

    Dec 19, 2014, 18:13 #63706

    Never said a true word how long do we have to suffer. Wengers best years after inheriting THEE BACK 5 are long gone.

  38. jjetplane

    Dec 19, 2014, 18:09 #63705

    HICCUP you're genius bruv!

  39. Hiccup

    Dec 19, 2014, 17:40 #63704

    Thanks for the article Somak. I'm facing a disciplinary at work on Monday for tossing it off for the last few years and you've provided me with some good retorts. I've worked for 30 years is my favourite, and I think I'll use this one as my opening gambit. It seems to be a bullet proof excuse for wenger, and I can't wait to see my boss's startled face when I throw that one at him. I will also ask him who else in our company has got to work on time every day for the last 16 years. My work may not be up to scratch, but I'm always sat at my desk at 9am, drinking coffee and having a yap. For good measure, I will then use the AKB's favourite line, and threaten him with who could possibly replace me? By now, if things have run to form like wenger, I'm expecting my boss to be apologising to me for the upset this has all caused, and a pay rise thrown in, and told to carry on as I have been. Just wondered though, I know these excuses have been tried and tested with the gullible, but will they work with anyone who can think for themselves?

  40. Bard

    Dec 19, 2014, 17:39 #63703

    Am in agreement Somak but your arguments have been rehashed endlessly on here over the last 18 months. He won't be going any time soon. We just have to suck it up and wait. It will be 3 years max before we are able to move on but as Baddie said a while ago, we will still be stuck with Stan who will want another version of Arsene.

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 19, 2014, 16:35 #63702

    Excellent article Somak, only five? nearly every thing he waffles about could be taken apart. OGL doesn't like criticism alright and as you say it shows every time, he thinks he's above it, it shouldn't happen even after a humiliation, just because of something that happened nine years ago, he thinks he can do no wrong (just like his followers) you see he thinks he's doing us a favour being our manager and we'd die without him, so we should be singing his praises from the rooftops every time a second rate team rolls over for him and lets they're bellies be tickled, and every time we scrape fourth place, and when we don't him and/or his disciples always do (or try to anyway).There's no doubt that banner and the jeering on the platform were a real blow to his ego, and such is his arrogance and self importance probably thought/thinks it wasn't deserved.

  42. Tipping point

    Dec 19, 2014, 16:35 #63701

    Wenger's "experiments" drive me mad. Like spending £42m on Ozil, then prioritising Wilshere in the no 10 position. Once the latter is fit, he'll be back and either Ozil or Cazorla moved wide. Watching Chambers destroyed at RB vs Swansea and just sitting there, doing nothing. Hiding on the bench at Stoke when we were being routed. I think most of us have our tipping points when it comes to Wenger. There's nothing new to say (google shows same complaints dating back years) but it's good for us Arsenal fans to rant. About all we can do though as Wenger isn't listening.


    Dec 19, 2014, 16:20 #63700

    Bravo, bravo. Brilliant article. Every thing you said I have been saying for years. The one about him being touted by many big clubs like Real Madrid loooool. As you said he would not last 2 years there without winning nothing. As I have said and you said so faultlessly. Why would he risk going to Real Madrid where he would not have any power what so ever or job security??? He would not have any big say on all the transfers and he would not control nothing at a club like Real Madrid. So he would be sacked and he knows it. So why risk that when you have a job where you can win nothing for almost 10 years and still keep your job and get a pay rise lool. Also the point about him not liking tough questions or for he's authority to be questioned is very telling and accurate. Just go have a look at the Jaqui Outley interview. He's so called persona of a gentleman slipped like soap in water. It was downright embarrassing to witness. Aldo as you said he's reply to being questioned about the banner was classic dictator reply. "I don't want to talk about it I did not see it" Loool. You destroyed all he's silly remarks in A thoughtful and skilled rebuttal. I have said all those stuff for years about the great leader

  44. Bobby

    Dec 19, 2014, 16:09 #63699

    Tell me another manager who has won trophy every year despite having to make money on transfers year on year. You have to compare like to like and I will never be convinced until somebody gives me a guy who won trophies in the same circumstances. Transfer failing? Ask Liverpool and Spurs if they would swap their transfers with us. Savage said Liverpool has 24 buys with only 3 performing. This summer Wenger had Sanchez, Welbeck Debuchy and Chambers and they have all done well.

  45. Ron

    Dec 19, 2014, 16:09 #63698

    Ha ha. Tony. I know mate. That leathery grinning smugness would take over a lounge even if your TV screen was half an inch wide. There is no escape from it. They call it 'presence'. Others use other adjectives though!

  46. Tony Evans

    Dec 19, 2014, 15:49 #63697

    Ron - TV has a great deal to answer for and I agree with your take on post match interviews. I zap the sound whenever Wenger appears anyway, but the sly smirk still gets me if I look back at the screen by mistake before he has finished!

  47. Ron

    Dec 19, 2014, 15:33 #63696

    The article has its truths and good points but in Wengers favour, i suppose he has his stock answers ready and does so to deal with the sheer lunacy of coaches having to do all these barmy press conferences. Its the same with the post match interview obligations. Its ll for the damned TV that owns the game. Coaches ll say the same things, twisted and turned around a bit to suit each match. Its boring though. You could say they're accountable through it, but im not sure about that. Its just TV overloading and creating drama and mischief half the time. Coaches just run out of answers. At one time nobody hardly heard from Coaches. Now there all bigger than the Clubs in the bloated PL and 'celebs' in their own right. Madness. Im not defending Wenger, im just putting his and other coaches position in context.

  48. Badarse

    Dec 19, 2014, 13:51 #63694

    If you believe the club you manage gets a raw deal, and say so, where is the martyrdom and sense of being a victim in that? If in any walk of life I felt the same regarding anything under the sun, why should the repetition of me proclaiming it, the size shoe I wear, or the length of my Grandma's beard play a part in challenging that principle? Cunning? Mmm, interesting. I don't know enough about you personally, but are you cunning too? If you have a job which amounts to a sinecure isn't It a little cunning to hang onto it and continue taking the money? I have known and known of, quite a few who have just kept their heads down in industry and been happy to draw their salary cheque. To use a scatter-gun effect and brand everyone that fits the bill as cunning is a little unfair, don't you think? If you remove the invectiveness from the article it loses it's punch, so by it's inclusion, isn't that cunning also?

  49. AMG

    Dec 19, 2014, 13:50 #63693

    Don't forget passing up on Cesc.

  50. Gaz

    Dec 19, 2014, 13:35 #63692

    As I suspected I sat there nodding my way through the whole article. Thing is-and this isn't the first time this has happened-I'm going through a phase of trying to make myself feel far more positive about Wenger and the Club because I absolutely hate having such a downer on something thats been and continues to be such a massive part of my life. Problem is its so damn difficult! On the one hand I'll read/think of something that paints Wenger in a real positive light then I'll read/think of something that makes me feel completely negative towards him again! Sadly I'm just not sure I'll ever support Wenger again because however much we improve I'll always believe something bad is just arround the corner! It's happened so many times before and its why I'm never going to get drawn in by him again. That said I'm going to really back us in the Champions League because a little part of me has thought from the day we signed the mighty Alexis Sanchez that we might actually do well this year. We'll see...

  51. dirkus

    Dec 19, 2014, 13:31 #63691

    Bob and 71Guns spot on! I remember the teams of mid 70s who on their day could beat anyone but it seemed even then that winning sides were not added to but broken up. So we have never dominated like Liverpool did in 70s and 80s and Man Utd did in 90s onwards. It's a mentality Arsene has taken to a totally different level!

  52. Chesham Gooner

    Dec 19, 2014, 13:21 #63690

    We all love Arsene for the glory days, but we continue to regress. If he can't fix this Summer's (repeated from every other Summer over the last 8/0 years) transfer failings e.g. 1/2 defenders and a proper Defensive Midfielder in January, then he's got to take a long look at himself come May when we probably end up potless again

  53. Tony Evans

    Dec 19, 2014, 13:05 #63689

    Bob 67084 sums it up perfectly.

  54. 71guns

    Dec 19, 2014, 12:41 #63688

    Whilst I admire what Arsene has achieved over the years (early years) times change, playing staff change and so do managers. Peter Gabriel is still a great frontman but he left genesis at the right time, nothing lasts forever. But because it's now a business rather than a football club he won't be 'outed' unless we start failing to qualify for the champions league. I want a change not just because we're not winning things anymore (you've got to take the rough with the smooth) but there's a slightly stale vibe about everything at the moment, and I blame Arsene for letting it all slip way, he's always been stubborn but now bitter (why can't journalists ask whatever they want - does he have a special permission not to answer?) and even the standard respones are now so blase they could be taken post any win/defeat (great spirit and desire etc... yawn)and the players often look like they are just going through the motions, it's not good enough. I accept for every stoke away there are 2 newcastle's at home but what can't continue to 'swallow' is not being able to compete with the top 4 (if there is still a top 4). The defeat against utd a couple of weeks ago hurt almost as much as above mentioned drubbing why? Because they were there for the taking and unlike all our hammering's last year we couldn't put them away - the fact we went on to lose the game says it all. The desire to win is just as important and that has been lacking too often for me. I'm not suggesting he goes now, I don't agree with mid season departures but at the end of the season I would absolutely want someone else to take over. Liverpool away on sunday - a game as winnable as utd at home...

  55. Johnny Lynch

    Dec 19, 2014, 12:24 #63686

    Great Article Mate. I despise the man

  56. BOB

    Dec 19, 2014, 11:59 #63684

    Over the past 50 years there have been much worse Arsenal sides than this current crop however i have never felt so miserable about our current situation.Fans divided,no direction and little prospect of any improvement.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. He must now go sooner rather than later, but he wont.

  57. andy1886

    Dec 19, 2014, 11:31 #63683

    Come on FM, not many that could replace Wenger? We only need one, and there are plenty of candidates. Your examples are priceless. Let's see, SAF gets a mention, the guy that won six titles in nine seasons between our last title and his retirement. The last one with such giants as Evans, Anderson, Nani, Cleverly, Rafael and Young. Yup, with a worse side than we had at the same time. On that basis a very occasional heavy defeat isn't going to bother anyone, that said he never conceded eight did he? Maureen? like Fergie he has a far superior record in both the PL and CL to Wenger. And to even slate Pep in an attempt to make Wenger look less of a failure during the time they have both been in management is laughable quite frankly. You could have at least picked a top manager that AW has been able to get the better of over the last ten years. Or at least you could have if such a person actually existed.

  58. Peter Wain

    Dec 19, 2014, 10:44 #63682

    While there is no doubt that Arsene has to take a lot of credit for the number of appearances in the CL he also needs to take on board the ridiculous performance in the transfer windows. Last year until Ozil we bought 2 free transfers. In the January window a loan with a broken back. The last transfer window just gone he still did not address the chronic lack of physicality in the mid field, stupidly allowed Fabregas to go to chelski when he could have sold Cazorla to help pay for the difference. Worse knowing our best defender had a chronic injury did not buy an experienced defender. AW will not admit these errors and so in the coming window I do not expect any great deals for us. A loan player maybe but that is it. This is why he should be sacked. AW says judge him at the end of the season but what if we do not finish fourth will he go - I do not think so and another season has been lost. Sack him now and the rest of the board and get someone in who is not afraid to spend money.

  59. Fat Mike

    Dec 19, 2014, 10:17 #63681

    This hatred is unhealthy.... Sure he has faults but I can;t think of many in world football that would replace him with ease. And you think Fergie never got thrashed? Never signed duds? Pep never threw money at **** players, Mou on Shevchenko or SWP and the hammering from Barca when he was at Real. Get a life

  60. Bildad Mbagara

    Dec 19, 2014, 10:13 #63680

    I could not have put it better. I have been a great admirer of Arsene's Arsenal sides up until the 2007/2008 season. They did not win that season but they were playing really exciting stuff. The subsequent arsenal sides have been pretty boring as well as not winning anything of note except of course the FA cup last season. His time is up!

  61. Stuart

    Dec 19, 2014, 10:05 #63679

    How dare you question the official line. Where's your loyalty to the regime? The Glorious Leader is never questioned, never doubted. Those defeats to lower league teams, the 17 goals conceded, the 8-2 and the useless signings never happened. They are all just propaganda by the disloyal peasants who are trying to discredit the Peerless Leader. Don't believe them. Real fans have Real Patience.

  62. Westlower

    Dec 19, 2014, 9:55 #63678

    Sorry to criticise Somak but this is just another of those 'let's keep kicking Wenger until he falls over pieces'. Same old regurgitated words but in a slightly different order. You can bet your bottom dollar that Wenger will still be here until the end of this season, at least.

  63. N4

    Dec 19, 2014, 9:48 #63677

    I think that article should be printed and send to AW and the board....! Our club is f***ed!!!