Arsenal throw away undeserved win

Online Ed: Pre-Christmas generosity at Anfield

Arsenal throw away undeserved win

So let’s take some positives from the visit to Liverpool yesterday… Luis Suarez has left the club and Daniel Sturridge didn’t play. Because if these two were in Brendan Rodger’s team, the result would have been similar to Arsenal’s previous visit to Anfield in February. As it was, the home side failed to convert their superiority and multitude of chances.

Quite simply, this was a game in which Arsene Wenger was tactically exposed. Let the players work it out for themselves is the ethos. Quite why they didn’t manage to re-adjust after five minutes when it was obvious they were being torn a new one in midfield is one for debate. However, when it became clear they couldn’t work it out for themselves, where was the instruction from the sidelines? Madness.

The Gunners got away with it until the ball was given away in typical fashion by a dangerous attempt at a clever pass by Giroud, turning a counter-attack back into a scramble to defend. It was exploited and Arsenal went a goal down, the least they deserved. However, fortune smiled upon them and they managed to respond with an equalizer in first half injury time. A very un-Arsenal goal with plenty of head tennis and a deflection, but it mattered not. Parity was restored.

The improvement was marginal after the interval, but improvement there was. And in a rare quality attack, Giroud and Cazorla combined very well to create an excellent goal. Critical was that the move involved some width and a cutback from the goal-line. Always dangerous and something I have urged the team to do more often. When Borini was red carded, the hope was that the Gunners could see it out. But it was never a given. Wenger’s team rarely manage to kill narrow games, a weakness that has been evident for many seasons (including notable matches at Anfield in 2008 and 2009).

And so it came down to a set piece and our old friend zonal marking. The image of the players at the moment the corner was taken said it all. I think there were maybe two or three Liverpool players on the six yard line, accompanied by all the Arsenal outfield players marking their space. The problem was there were a number of red shirts hanging around on the edge of the area. Even worse, when the ball came into the space between the defence and Skrtel, the only player tall enough to actually deal with the cross ducked out of it, as he did at Stoke for Jonathan Walters’ goal. That’s the team’s captain on the day, their leader on the field. The guy supposed to rouse the troops for the challenge ahead. Arsene Wenger’s self-created problem is that – due to his negligence in the transfer market last summer – he cannot drop Per Mertesacker for form reasons. The manager has made a rod for his own back and more than once the team have paid for it via conceded goals and dropped points. Still, Arsène knows, always remember.

Debuchy remained at centre back in spite of Chambers’ return to the side, possibly as a consequence of the latter’s performance at Stoke. It was a role reversal from the opening matches of the season, and perhaps a sign that the manager really isn’t sure what the hell to do when it comes to defence.

Thank goodness Arsenal did not get Real Madrid in the Champions League draw, because the hard work they made against, frankly, the poorest Liverpool side I can recall seeing for a long, long time, does not augur well for when they next face a side of real quality. The players were being over-run (as the possession stats indicate) and had no answer. Sadly, the same goes for the manager, and the fact his team were not beaten heavily should not disguise that.

Sky’s pundits summed it up better than I can. Gary Neville: ‘‘Arsenal are like mannequins, Liverpool are playing around them”. Alan Smith: “Arsenal are directionless and leaderless”.

The manager was tactically out-thought and his team outfought. That there were no changes at the start of second half was shocking. Equally as worrying, it looks as if Alexis Sanchez may be finally running out of steam. He won the free-kick that led to the equalizer, but aside from that, was largely peripheral. He is used to a break at this stage of the season, and looks knackered already. No wonder, after carrying the team for the last four months.

Liverpool played most of the game without a striker and created a lot of chances. Better teams will punish Arsenal before the season’s out. However, looking at the table, they will probably glean enough points to finish fourth. And if they manage to eliminate Monaco in the Champions League and make the last eight, it will be claimed as a season of progress. If you want to read a more thorough tactical analysis of why Arsenal looked so bad yesterday, there is a good one here. It should also be remembered that, in terms of physical level, most of Liverpool’s players had played two matches since Arsenal’s last game. That might explain the slight drop off after the interval, although the home side should really have been out of sight by half time.

To finish, a year’s Gooner subscription would make an excellent gift for an Arsenal fan you know. You can buy one here.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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  1. Ron

    Dec 25, 2014, 10:28 #63960

    A ggod report Kev as ever. Its results like that At Liverpool and Wenger and his teams being forgiven for them by fans too frightened to see him and the team for what they are that are the oxygen of this stale, spent and mundane Coach and team. Wengers luck is boundless and always has been. A chronic and inept show indeed but then what did any body expect?

  2. Badarse

    Dec 23, 2014, 18:43 #63898

    Ken, I'm behind you!

  3. Ken

    Dec 23, 2014, 17:38 #63896

    Badarse- The jibes against the French far more often are regarding their perceived arrogance (not too dissimilar to the US stereotype) rather than any possible hygiene issues so I would describe you as selective rather than picky. You keep searching for your Empire of Good Intentions though, maybe Santa knows where it is. I know I provoked your snappiness, I thought I made it clear in my post. Ditto accepting my own unreasonableness and the reason behind it. Anyway I'll let you go now, I can see you're busy seeking attention on another thread.

  4. vinnie

    Dec 23, 2014, 17:06 #63893

    In the past I would have been totally gutted to see us give away the lead in injury time even if we did not deserve to win. On Sunday I just shrugged my shoulders as It seemed so inevitable It's not that I am not a real fan seen I have experienced real lows before all the way back to mid 70s it's not that we have a crap team but this frustration feels different to anything before and I am really fed up with it

  5. Badarse

    Dec 23, 2014, 16:58 #63892

    There is a definite slant towards the nation, i.e. central government, foreign affairs, duplicity, smokescreen tactics to hoodwink the naïve, plus many other aspects involving multinational blanket mentality and business practises-which are quite clearly prevalent at AFC-rather than it's peoples. I have family there and they understand my stance, whilst not necessarily agreeing with it. Their prerogative. If I dismiss USA mentality it is just that, the belief that 'might is right', 'god's own country' etc, are infectious due to a common language and saturation coverage in films, TV and work practises. Jibes that the French don't wash or are weaker than us good old yuks, is different. Perhaps I am being picky but it's how I see things. The USA culture that has seeped into our society is anathema to me. If you question the foreign affairs policy of those across the pond as being less than bullying, certainly self-centred, then a few words from me won't change your mind. Amusing that you 'attacked' as either silly or waffle things I say, inferred I was linked with the muppets, and used a disparaging term for the Grove, then concluded that I was complacently allowing others, (like yourself?), to do the 'dirty work', seemed quite snappy and irritable. My subsequent posts were a reaction. Having said all that I am always ready to kiss and make up. The original offending sentence was 'Ken, you often say some sensible things, other times they are just silly.' Look what came out of that! If you are unable to absorb that simple statement after you had said something silly to another poster then you should re-evaluate that snappy/irritable tag, with your own responses. Am happy to draw a line under this exchange, because as originally stated, you do say some sensible things.

  6. Ken

    Dec 23, 2014, 15:25 #63886

    Badarse- Could you please explain how the mere mention of 'Britain and her allies' could in any way be described as 'jingoistic trumpeting'? Your comment (a ridiculous exaggeration of the type I know you despise when used to attack Wenger) says far more about you than it does about me considering the only point I was making was that you clearly feel it's fine to smear 300m people across the pond with the bully boy tag but anyone on here making disparaging remarks (even jokingly) about French national characteristics are soon slaughtered as xenophobes. It's double standards of the highest order on your part, and can be added to those I highlighted earlier in the thread. You've been quite snappy with me during our exchanges and that's fine, as it happens when someone pushes you. But surely you understand that the same applies as a football fan when you see your manager making the same mistakes again and again over several years. You get snappy, irritable and unreasonable. You do understand that, don't you Badarse? Although reading your (in reality) non-position of 'ooh the thought of life after Arsene is a bit scary so when we eventually have to take steps let's take the tiniest of baby steps all the way, close our eyes and hope for the best' did make me feel thankful that I see things a different way. Maybe that much we agree on.

  7. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 23, 2014, 14:51 #63883

    reading Arseblog today it was interesting about our injured this season and how many games they have missed, many at the same time as well. Our strongest eleven plus subs would be more than a match for most of the premiership? I know we should have bought another two defenders and a defensive Schneiderlin type too before I get shot down. Is there agreement there or are we still miles apart, even if AW stays?

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 23, 2014, 14:20 #63882

    AMG, and don't forget that young Stevie Gerrad who many think his legs have gone and is past it maybe even his manager, and can't run around as much as he used to, well he gave TOF and his tippy tappy young guns the run around and made them look like idiots alright.

  9. Badarse

    Dec 23, 2014, 14:00 #63880

    My words weren't in a condescending fashion CGO, sorry if they came across that way. My teammate was quite right wing in a very old fashioned sense, but a good man all the same, and I liked him a lot. I had cause to be grateful to him in 1984 as it happened, and bought a gift as a small, 'thank you'. It was a copy of 'The Lion and the Unicorn', (and other essays). I inscribed in it, 'We travel the same street but on opposite sides of the road, both heading for the same destination'. He right, me left. There are many similarities of this in my life. Have a good Xmas CGO. E/G I would expect that understanding from you. There is a slight but important difference in that should something befall AW we would make the best of things, as we both no doubt would individually, and personally. It is a little different in trying to cope and sustain oneself because of a default, quite another to determine to bring about a dramatic change. A merry Xmas to you too Gunner.

  10. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 23, 2014, 13:35 #63878

    Not quite sure how the pasta metaphors work, Badarse, but I did invite you to go into more detail, and you have provided that. I deduce that though you see the flaws in the Wenger methodology that mitigate against competing at the top, nevertheless you'd like him to continue until whenever he sees fit to stop. I'd add I do find the talk of 'disaster' and 'revolution' melodramatic. Were Wenger to be struck by a debilitating illness tomorrow that meant he could no longer continue his role, AFC would continue in a very recognisable form. Perhaps there ewould be a dip in fortunes this season, but then things aren't exactly looking auspicious as they stand. There's not much there to dip from. I actually think we'd see an immediate improvement, but it's all hypothetical. I already understand the wider context in which Wenger and AFC operate, and on the wider societal stuff I suspect I'd be more in agreement with you than Ken.

  11. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 23, 2014, 13:23 #63877

    Baddie – I really don’t want to get into an argument. But I have not been addressed so since standing in front of the Head. I found the situation amusing then as I do now. Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone – wherever your loyalties lie. May you also have a peaceful, healthy and prosperous New Year.

  12. Badarse

    Dec 23, 2014, 13:18 #63876

    @Goonercolesyboy, that was a sweet thing to say, earlier supportive posts have not gone unnoticed either. And a happy Xmas to you young Gun. Forward Arsenal.

  13. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 23, 2014, 13:12 #63875


  14. goonercolesyboy

    Dec 23, 2014, 13:10 #63874

    Badarse, you sir speak the most common of sense on this blog site of apoplectic fools. Happy Christmas to all and an onward and upward rise for our team, please Santa.

  15. Badarse

    Dec 23, 2014, 13:03 #63873

    You know Charlie George Orwell, the establishment had the populace thinking in much the same way towards Orwell. That feeling persisted in some for eons, and remember taking to task a teammate for his vilification of him as traitorous. I expect better from you.

  16. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 23, 2014, 12:55 #63872

    I, too, hope a body's in place to replace Wenger. Because the one that's there now is stinking out the place.

  17. Badarse

    Dec 23, 2014, 12:29 #63869

    There you go again E/G, taking a post of a bowlful of spaghetti, and flattening it into a sheet of lasagne to suit the dish you prefer. Ken first mentioned 'dirty work', I concurred because I see the whining, wailing, moaning, sniping, sometimes rude and opinionated approach as ignoble. I do not want a revolution at my club, as I would fear for the outcome, though I might welcome a measured approach. My views are thus, I believe change will occur soon-soon for me may not be soon enough for you, but then you have to deal with that, not me. I hope a body is in place when AW steps aside, I see that as fundamental, anything other than that could spell disaster. Only then, if the man is strong enough could we hope to see a change of club direction. The man would need to alter the prospectus of the club by small degrees, perhaps a ripple effect would push the board into a slightly nuanced alteration of operating. Our club is a business, business men own and run it, and as unpalatable as that may be to us fans, you cannot criticise a businessman for trying to make profit from a business, as distasteful as it seems it is the way of the world. Those who might try to compare say Arsenal with Everton have missed the point, it is a form of naivety, they are not comparable. We are comfortably in the top ten 'brands' of football in the world, Everton were a big name historically in England, but internationally are virtually unknown. If it isn't marketable then it isn't worthwhile, money rules! We are also housed in the greatest, money-spinning capital of the world, especially for entertainment, and football, particularly AFC are entertainment. Liverpool by contrast is a tiny backwater in the eyes of the 'mobile' world. Arsenal will always benefit from being in London, Everton will always suffer for being in Liverpool in this respect. I have never intimated that I want things to stay the same, in fact have always insisted that things evolve organically, imperceptibly, so therefore are changing constantly, or moving towards a finite conclusion. Now if you can see logic in that I am pleased for you, however if you regard Ken's 'cold logic' as a template I doubt it. One thing is certain, the dinosaur mentality which pervades this 'anti-AW' approach will have to be amended. All the time the money-grubbing UEFA mobsters pull the strings, and the pirates of football TV orchestrate matters money shall rule. Sad analysis but true I fear. As for Ken and his sideswipes, his jingoistic trumpeting and his misunderstanding of my position or views I think it is a wasted exercise to try to explain anymore. So only criticising UK, (not Britain Ken) and her alloies means my life's campaigns against South Africa, Idi Amin, the Pinochet regime, are pie-in-the-sky? North Korea is a rogue state but supported by China, a willingly accepted trade partner. Russia/Ukraine we crave a resolution for trade and money. A society that promotes and nurtures a dangerous man like the B-liar, a clown like Cameron and a buffoon like Boris Johnson sort of get what they deserve, don't you think? It cannot be separated AFC is a part of that global crazy, spinning, Catherine wheel of finances and commerce. Still, cold logic is what you ask for, more likely a 10cc hit is more apt, 'a cold lasagne, suspended in deep freeze'. Good old Arsenal.

  18. Alsace

    Dec 23, 2014, 12:19 #63868

    Westlower, what a funny view you have of employment contracts. What you do is get him in on a disciplinary, sack him on capability grounds and then if he is daft enough to sue for the balance of his contract, you defend on the basis of long term failure. By the time it comes to Court, he will have got another job on the merry go round and will have mitigated his loss. At these sorts of figures, the legal costs really don't matter. So don't worry about the mechanics of sacking him. I will do it with pleasure.

  19. Bard

    Dec 23, 2014, 12:11 #63867

    Westie good to see your in full Pythonesque Black Knight mode. I seem to remember a similar post last season. I would have thought that it was a given that with injured players back we might play better but then again that wouldn't be a difficult task. I agree though that sacking Wenger in jan is a nonsense. He needs to go in the summer when a suitable replacement can been found. I have said before I don't think that will happen either, because who is going to do the sacking. He runs the club and makes the money. My bet is on another spin at the end of the season, a couple of big buys, and a freezing of the season ticket prices for a year and away we go for another groundhog season. There is rebellion in the ranks and that is the 'unknown'. As on here many are frightened of post Wenger life so that will be factored in.

  20. AMG

    Dec 23, 2014, 11:03 #63864

    Westlower, beyond the need for a new CB and DM, we need a manager who can motivate a team and organise a defence/piss up at a brewery. We'd be better off giving Wenger his undeserved pay out and bring in Keown or someone on a temporary basis. Our results would improve a lot faster by organising and motivating than allowing Wenger to buy another couple of light-weight, injury-prone players and play them in the wrong position.

  21. jjetplane

    Dec 23, 2014, 10:46 #63862

    BARD Cesc scores against Stoke as does the ancient Terry and if he were at Arsene fc he would be either injured or bored with Giroud and Jack getting in his way. Only other London team he would be happy at would be West Ham playing with his old mate Alex. You could not make it up. Latest on Ozil is he is focused (on shopping) and Aaron will be back, when he has finished his shopping. This will allow Alexis to go hit the January sales for a week or two. For that you do need mental strength.

  22. Westlower

    Dec 23, 2014, 10:06 #63861

    It'll be extremely difficult to attract top players in January if the managers future is in doubt. Players will always pick stability over turmoil. Jan-May is the important phase of the season and it's not a good time for discarding a manager. We'll all be clearer in May as to what happens next.

  23. chris dee

    Dec 23, 2014, 9:24 #63859

    Forget all this comparing with Terry Neil ,Bertie Mee,or George Graham and Arsene.People are writing about how bad things got 'in the old days' compared with the last ten years. But it's irrelevant,this is now,Chelsea and City are not going away,United will spend fortunes to keep up with them.If the club are happy with the last ten years and don't show ruthless ambition ,then not only will we not progress out of our '4th place is a trophy' mentality but we will start to fall back into the 6th or 7th position and the Europa Cup scenario. And Arsene's transfer policy has been a disaster.The last thing we needed was a ball playing midfielder (Ozil) and a scampering fast forward (Sanchez).75 million quid down the drain.We needed, and still need, a world class goalkeeper,another two international centre back and two midfielders for who the phrase 'defensive duties'is not a dirty word. If we did get those players I would be confident we could challenge for every trophy.All we would need then would be a boss like 1989 George Graham or 1998 Arsene.Sadly neither of them are involved in the game anymore.

  24. BNG

    Dec 23, 2014, 9:13 #63858

    Any players attitude will normally be a mirror image of their managers, so in our case letting in soft goals and not putting up a fight is only natural in a team that has a manager who has slowly evolved into a "specialist in failure" over a long period, if the manager is happy to settle for 4th but claims it is a trophy why the shock with his team developing a losing attitude?

  25. Westlower

    Dec 23, 2014, 8:56 #63857

    What's better for AFC? Get rid of Wenger in January with a £20m+ pay off or spend that money on a CB & DM. Then if needs be, replace Wenger when a suitable replacement is lined up. Who among footballs currently unemployed managers is able to take Arsenal forward? Far better to plan & change in the summer, than take the backward step of getting rid without a quality replacement ready to take over. Forget nonsense stories about Thierry Henry as the next boss. It'll be interesting to see who does make the short list for the job. I feel Arsenal's performances will improve when key players are available again. Form fluctuates when the team is denied of playing its best players through injuries. AFC are still 2/5 to finish top 4, compared to Liverpool 9/1, TH 6/1, West Ham 14/1, Everton 20/1. We're still in the Champions League & the FA Cup hasn't started yet. I'll be very surprised if Wenger has left by the end of the season. Simply will not happen.

  26. Spurrina

    Dec 23, 2014, 7:59 #63856

    February will ring the change - if you want it.

  27. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Dec 23, 2014, 6:44 #63855

    @julesd Bertie Mee, Terry Neil and Gorgeous George were all replaced after they went off the boil. Mee 5 years after we won the double and Graham 2 years after a cup double and four years after winning the title. Wenger went off the boil years ago. We are 12 points off the relegation zone and 15 off the top. From any rational football point of view he is far beyond his sell by date. If all you're interested in is mugging off the fans for money then he's perfect.

  28. julesd

    Dec 23, 2014, 5:41 #63854

    @keef petrovic, You have a distorted memory if you believe the present team are worse than the teams playing when Terry Neil & GG were sacked. Just a reminder that Arsenal were 16th, 5 points of relegation + knocked out of League Cup by 3rd Walsall at the time of Neill's sacking. GG's final totally boring defensive team finished 12th, losing 17 games. Chalk & cheese compared to today's team who out of their last 7 games have won 5, drawn 1 & lost 1. Hardly grounds for sacking the manager? R.I.P Joe Cocker - With a little help from my friends.

  29. Cyril

    Dec 23, 2014, 2:14 #63853

    I do not believe in class politique, of course unless I have to. I am not totalitarian, we lose by ten goals, no problem - have Gaulois , it is ok- no!

  30. Roy

    Dec 23, 2014, 2:09 #63852

    Maureen goes to Orcland and what does he do ? He starts Mikel alongside Matic for extra insurance allowing Cesc to get on with doing what he does best. But what do I know ?, I've never even worked half a day in football. What a f*****g patronising remark that was to every fair - minded fan that was, a lot of us whom, are reasonable and intelligent in our views. Terry and Cahill wouldn't look so comfortable most of the time if you stuck our bunch of lightweights in front of them, would they ? What the hell did OGL expect to happen after after not bolstering his defence AND refusing to get in anyone decent to protect that defence ? Really ? With our recent injury record too ? It truly beggars belief that our spineless board will tolerate 2 and a half more years of this groundhog day " I know, we'll let him spend some money, even if its not in the area it's most needed " nonsense. NONE OF US NEED TO HAVE EVEN WORKED HALF A DAY IN FOOTBALL TO SEE WHAT'S GOING ON HERE. ADDRESS THE DIFICIENCES, OR GET OUT.

  31. AMG

    Dec 23, 2014, 0:53 #63851

    Credit where it's due for Liverpool. They may have a leaky defence and their only striker worth a damn is on long-term sick, but my word didn't they make Arsene's little boys look terrible. I like Markovic, he reminds me of a young Bobby Pires and not just the hair. Lambasting our boys for their non-performance is to do Liverpool a disservice. Arguably a better performance than their 5-1 last season, especially in the context of their season so far - Arsene got very lucky, but what's new?! Just **** off Arsene, please, that's all I want for Christmas...

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 23, 2014, 0:32 #63850

    If only we could get Rob the chef to put something in or on TOF's turkey tomorrow or the next day that would give him such a dose of the skitter that it would keep him out and head bound for the whole of Xmas and we wouldn't see or hear from him again until the new year, imagine the lift it would give everybody especially the players and maybe we could see real progress at least until the Imodium started to work. After all he's been serving up enough s***e for years.

  33. keef petrovic

    Dec 23, 2014, 0:26 #63849

    Terry Neill and GG'S much less expensively assembled teams were playing better than this shower when they were sacked. Oh, I forgot - neither of them were allowed to run the **** show without even the slightest challenge from above...ain't progress wonderful.

  34. JackL

    Dec 22, 2014, 23:57 #63848

    All the relevant points, which are said virtually every week, are already mentioned above, so just a few vignettes. I hate AW's emphasis on defence at important times when considering subs. Whenever we are in the lead it's defenders that come on and how often does it work? Yesterday Monreal and Coquelin with the aim of holding the lead-and did it work? This ploy has failed time and time again, a few previous times come to mind, Fulham away (Djourou) and Man Utd at home(Cygan) and others. If Pod came on then there would be a greater chance of the ball being at the other end-makes it more difficult for the opposition to score! Can you not see that Mr AW? And can they please do corner practice in training. I am more frustrated than I have ever been (barely missed a game since 1963) and nothing has changed for 3-4 years. My Xmas present would be Dennis and Thierry (or Simeone etc etc etc). Al this crap about 'careful who/what you wish for' is so irrelevant, at £8m a year there will be no shortage of suitors. I have been an AW supporter but sorry, not now, please Mr Wenger you must leave, the end of the season will just about do, but no later.Please.

  35. Bard

    Dec 22, 2014, 23:51 #63847

    Anyone for Cesc 12 assists in 17 games !!! I know, we've got better players so we don't need him.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 23:41 #63846

    foxinthebok2001, quips of the day.

  37. Jason B.

    Dec 22, 2014, 23:34 #63845

    You would've thought that the F.A cup win would have been a catalyst for a better 1st half of the season.

  38. Exeter Gunner

    Dec 22, 2014, 23:30 #63844

    Badarse, you make a point of saying you agree with Kev Whitcher and R/K's points. They are calling for change. So you can see that change is required. Yet you say calling for change is 'dirty work'. So despite recognising the need for change, you want things to remain the same. Where is the logic, where is the 'sound and reasonable objection' there? I can't see it, perhaps you could go into more detail so we can truly understand? At the moment, it looks like you are using emotive language to try and evade Ken's cold logic.

  39. Ken

    Dec 22, 2014, 22:19 #63843

    Badarse - I'd have thought that North Korea are providing the best example of bully boy language at the moment, but you're never going to bash anyone other than Britain or her allies, are you? It's nigh on impossible to intimidate or bully anyone on an anonymous messageboard other than the ultra-sensitive, and I'm sure Westlower doesn't need your support as he seems oblivious to everything thrown at him, but I don't remember you throwing a protective arm around jeff wright when he was surrounded a while ago. Heaven forbid your principles only spring into action when it suits. I'll ignore your silly point about you holding back the revolution, but I'm afraid we've tried nice with Wenger for years and all that happens is that he lies to us, laughs in our faces and continues to take £8m a year under false pretences. You may want 2 more years of the same rubbish but some of us feel differently.

  40. Don't Piss On Me & Say It's Raining!

    Dec 22, 2014, 22:04 #63842

    Well, feel well and truly sick again. Nothing to do with mince pies or wine but have seen our Cesc score and assist for Chelski at Stoke. If only arrogance and spitefulness hadn't got in the way he could have been helping Sanchez and Kos rescue us from mediocrity.

  41. DW Thomas

    Dec 22, 2014, 20:04 #63841

    WWIG totally agree! The game yesterday was so boring from an Arsenal standpoint. We got bossed around again for most of the game and tied with a man up. Sanchez had got the curse of Arshavin, so tired he looked all his corners were awful. Corners! My mates on my Sunday over 40 league team take way better ones than Arsenal. Sure, injuries are a big factor, but yesterday we had no tactics to stop their midfield over running us. Coutinho had a very good day and better finishing would have finished us. Our bench too is full of players that don't see enough time. Pod, Campbell, and others barely get a sniff yet others make mistake after mistake and still start or play a ton. We have badly needed a defensive midfielder since Cesc's time. The old man won't go for it. He knows best?? That's just laughable now!

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 19:59 #63840

    You can just imagine what TOF was thinking, or maybe saying (hands out stretched) to bouldy as Skrtel wheeled away in celebration, hey that's not allowed he shouldn't have done that, he wasn't supposed to run and then jump,he should have done what we're doing it's not fair.

  43. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 19:11 #63839

    After 30 years as a season ticket holder, Wengerball has turned me into a mere casual observer. Frankly much more and I'll probably stop watching altogether. I never would have imagined it. There used to be our club over there.

  44. Badarse

    Dec 22, 2014, 19:06 #63838

    Ken, I do get what you are saying, I also recognise the USA-style jargon you use to try to bully and intimidate any with a sound and reasonable objection to your position. I find that oppressive and challenging attitude a point to go to war on. I have railed against that approach all my life. I have always been more than equal to that pit-bull mentality, but I know it affects some folk, and I argue for them. Yeah, that's sanctimony, trying to defend a better way. You go take a run up against those bleeding hearts, but be very sure it isn't a wall you're butting, as you'll bounce off. If you seriously believe that little me, sitting in my rocking chair, holding aloft my ear-trumpet, and refusing to join your insurrection is somehow holding back a tidal wave of change then you must be bonkers, or it just isn't a very well organised protest. As stated innumerable times, I would defend your right to protest, despite not agreeing with your gripe, (I may even agree with much of that gripe, but not the way of dealing with it), what I will never sanction is criticism of myself for not thinking like you. That I celebrate.

  45. Depressing

    Dec 22, 2014, 19:05 #63837

    2-2 does not tell the real story. 1H we were a shambles and shd hv been 3/0 down. something very wrong with this lot this season. im bored watching them its bloody awful.

  46. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 18:46 #63836

    They say there is a shiver in the Arsenal boardroom that is looking for a spine to run up! Let's face it, you can't blame Wenger, he gets paid 8 mill to run the team without proper coaches or tactics. He can buy whoever he wants no matter if he has already got 5 off the same type of player. He can send the team out on the pitch without a captain and natural leader and has unilaterally banned physical contact with the opposing team's players and lastly he can say the first thing that comes into his head at press conferences. Be fair guys you and I would love a job like that - no it is the gutless board who are to blame and unless personal change and change quickly that shiver is going to have a long wait before it finds that elusive backbone.

  47. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 18:25 #63835

    Didn't hear any one arsene wenger's yesterday was there any? I guess they've felt sorry for him for long enough.

  48. danny

    Dec 22, 2014, 17:46 #63834

    Alot of people post about LFC , and Manure sides being the worst in years , well maybe they should also say that this is the worst Arsenal side in years and thats why we cant beat them. It sure isnt going to get any better

  49. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 17:33 #63833

    r/k, cheers mate, and the same to yourself.

  50. Martyn

    Dec 22, 2014, 17:17 #63832

    We can't defend corners and can't take them either! I feel sorry for Mertesacker; he's had to play every game this season because of cock-ups made in the summer by not strengthening the defensive options. Without him things could be a lot worse. If he's dropped or injured who takes his place? The answer, no one. The 'jam tomorrow' philosophy of AW turned sour a long time ago. He couldn't turn a team with RVP and Cesc into title winners so what chance with this lot who spend most of their time nursing injury after injury. Its all so frustrating and frankly predictable.

  51. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:58 #63831

    King Jeremy, good post, shocking is one of the many words alright, there's a photo in one of the papers today showing the equaliser with Chambers managing to get to the height of Skrtel's armpit and Mertesacker grounded and ducking out of the way, if he'd have even straightened up and stood tall without jumping he'd have been close to reaching it, that's all we need another coward.

  52. Smithy

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:54 #63830

    We will be in the same position next season as we were last season and the one before......nothing will change under this manager.

  53. Ken

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:47 #63829

    Badarse- I regard it as necessary work, it's those who realise that necessity but feel that calling for change themselves is far too much for their consciences and bleeding hearts to cope with that regard it as dirty. You know, fans like Arseblog, Alan Davies and the 10% of respondents to the Yougov/Sun poll last week who stated that they don't believe Wenger will ever win the Premier League again BUT STILL WANT HIM TO CONTINUE AS ARSENAL MANAGER. With depressing and logic-defying devotion such as this amongst our fanbase there is little hope of the team and club moving forward any time soon.

  54. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:47 #63828

    I see that JAMIE (gawd bless him) hasn't been on yet. Here's what I'm sure he'll be saying to himself, so I've taken the liberty of pre-empting him... What a pile of depressing sh*te that was. Even I've now had enough of him. No tactical sense, and unable to organise a defence and motivate his team. Wenger out! C'mon Jamie - join the enlightened many, we don't bite.

  55. Nutty's Right Peg

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:35 #63827

    Forgot to up QPR, a side without a point away from home this season.......YET !!!

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:30 #63826

    Paulo75, yes indeed, jet lag and the little mites being tired can't be blamed this time, but no doubt there'll be something.

  57. foxinthebox2001

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:23 #63825

    Once again I had to laugh at Wenger's facial expression when Giroud put us 2-1 ahead, he was like a destitute tramp who had just found a £20 note. Unexpected does not begin to describe it. All a bit too predictable now, can't be bothered to be disappointed any more. All together now "big ducking German.... we've got a big ducking German"

  58. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:20 #63824

    Yet again another under fire manager benefits from TOF's incompetence they must really love to see him coming, who'll be scouring the fixture list now? who's turn is it next? ah the spiv, he could do with a couple of handy points he must be thanking the heavens, then it's fat Sam not exactly in need of charity as he's above us but he must be licking his lips and rubbing his hands with glee all the same, maybe he'll feel sorry for TOF and roll over, yeah right.

  59. Badarse

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:12 #63823

    Bard, I'll remember that, 'likes all the attention', the next time people wonder where I am and suggest I've gone missing. It's just me avoiding the limelight and the attention it brings. One question, do you get the job of carving the turkey, bet it's impossible for you not to sink your fangs into the milky white breast? Stuffing! Stuffing! Remember Dark Lord the moanies's days are numbered, yesterday being the shortest day of the year means we are tilting back towards the sun, soon all will be scurrying to the dark side of the moon. Happy Xmas chum, to you and all your gang.

  60. jeff wright

    Dec 22, 2014, 16:09 #63822

    The score was 2-2, yes you are right, that according to Arsene was because we played with the hand-break on in the first half and if you believe that then you really will believe anything.. the score was 2-2 though in the end and guess what ? It is still 2-2 ! But had our defenders been able to defend a corner properly then it would have been 2-1 in our favour. Just as well the ref though did not apply the letter of the law to Flim Flam as he did with Boreino, because I doubt that we would have got anything from the kick-about playing with 10 men, we were struggling with 11 , no doubt the in-play betting would have changed as well.... So much then for the theory that the old prejudice in favour of the home side is alive and well at Anfield. In the 'who is best at the Barca Lite malarkey' between Wenger and Rodgers ... well it is obviously Rodgers and as it has been pointed out had he had Suarez,or even Sturidge, yesterday , then another hiding for Inspector Clueless ( another brilliant late substitution again by him yesterday !) would have been dished up . I can see one coming though because there are gaps in our weak garden gnome midget like midfield that you can drive a tank through . Danny Boy is struggling to disprove LVG wrong about the claims that he doesn't score enough goals , let's face it there is only going to be one winner in that argument. Danny is looking evermore like the late late desperation buy by a panic stricken Stan that he always in reality was, rather than the shrewd bargain that was predictably claimed by the AKB/s. Does anyone really think that Ferguson had an Henry type player under his command in Danny Boy and did not realize it? You couldn't make it up. More worryingly however is that Sanchez is looking knackered and demoralised and is already morphing into another Arshavin . Wo ist Ozil ? Answer , he's having a nice Xmas and getting set for his move to PSG and he doesn't want to have to run around wearing gloves and a snood on wintery days and nights chasing Wenger's 4th place trophy . By the look of things neither does anyone else either,this must be a concern for Wenger . One chink of light in the gloom is that it's only 'arry up next at the coliseum, where the faithful AKB's can sing their silly embarrassing ditty about Wenger in what should be a routine home win , then Fat Sam and his 'appy 'ammers away and that looks anything but a routine win this season. Never mind though another papering over the cracks,and it's a bigger job then ever now , will arrive when Brucie turns up with his toohtless Tigers in yet ( yawn) another instalment of the continuing soap like series of FAC ties . Another great opportunity though this for the AKB to sing their There's Only One Arsene Wenger ditty in that droll mind numbing dumb and dumber way of theirs . Tbh though the poor sods don't really have much else to sing about other than gloating over beating ordinary sides at home,but desperate times and all that wot!

  61. Nutty's Right Peg

    Dec 22, 2014, 15:51 #63821

    Wow,where to start with this latest pantomime ?? Apparantly it seems the players might still have been having bad memories of last season, are we talking about supposed professional footballers,or a 15 year old schoolboy coming to terms with seeing his ex-girlfriend with a mate at a party ? Now,like everyone else I haven't worked even half a day in football,however I do know that when defending a set-piece it's not a great idea to allow a strapping defender a good few yards run up on you,followed by the "leader" of the side ducking as the ball comes over,coupled with your full back watching it sail over his head & simply not bothering to even attempt to cover the near-post. Utterly pathetic...does Stevie Bould really have no say in defensive duties whatsoever ? Just as worrying,am I the only one who thinks Sanchez might be a cut-above but,along with Welbeck,hasn't actually done it in one of the "bigger" games ?

  62. Badarse

    Dec 22, 2014, 15:14 #63820

    Ken, yes I do say many silly things but most are intended to be silly and to entertain, generally I try to express myself coherently when it's a serious discussion, but of course I am not infallible and probably say some silly things I take as truths. I didn't feel the need to insult you to further my point, nor espouse inaccuracies or put downs. Clearly you do, it's what I mean by saying silly things sometimes. I think much is said in the 'heat of battle' due to frustration. I keep a check on mine usually. I also have never insisted on change, and should I ever then certainly wouldn't want those who do, to do it for me. I've never asked for anyone to do me a favour, and there are some I would avoid like the plague should I change my mind. It was interesting to note that you at least do regard it as dirty work, I do too. Love that Kinks track westlower.

  63. BNG

    Dec 22, 2014, 15:09 #63819

    Only 2 and a half seasons to go on his £8 million pound contract

  64. jjetplane

    Dec 22, 2014, 15:01 #63818

    Lovely words RK and always respect your posts. When you say time to walk Wenger - it really is. I am on the extreme as I have wanted him out before he signed up for us! Only two things to happen now. People stop going to the Wok and we lose a shedload of games and that will see him off. **** the sentiment - this is one great yawn and Smudge could be talking for the last decade. I hoped they (the scousers) had won has they deserved it and I support Arsenal (born within walking distance) not shaggy Arsene FC. Enough of this excuse for a football club. Time for total change before it gets comatose which would be some feat in this turgid world of 'top level' football. Watching my local team 9th tier and we were 3 down to a team at the bottom of the league. Floodlights refused to turn up and match was abandoned leaving opposition demoralised. Moral of the story is my team is acting/playing like Arsene FC. That you could not make up. Happy holidays sportsfanz ....

  65. DJ

    Dec 22, 2014, 14:45 #63817

    Ken: Best post for a while. I knew when those fans started abusing our manager at the station it would have a negative effect on the snowballing ‘Wenger out’ campaign. We were beating a average Newcastle at home and I would say it was the loudest ‘One Arsene Wenger’ chant I had heard for at least a couple of seasons at the Emirates. As the Liverpool performance showed we are going to be stuck in ‘Groundhog Day’ until a new man takes charge.

  66. Alsace

    Dec 22, 2014, 14:37 #63816

    Watched the game yesterday. If Liverpool employed anyone who could hit the side of a barn door we could have been given a worse drubbing than last year. We simply do not know what to do when other teams expend energy in closing down. There is an answer but it appears that it is only apparent to others than OGL. For those of you tortured souls who, like me dream of Arsene Wenger being taken in chains to St Helena and left there (he would sell ice cream in the south atlantic winter and hot chocolate and ear warmers in the summer heat) I can only offer these words of comfort. His inherent weaknesses are going to undo him this time. We are not going to finish 4th and he will be dismissed. My worry is that our players, who ARE working hard and who ARE trying, will be as ruthlessly demoralised as others that Wenger's mad hatters tea party of a regime has destroyed before. Those who chant his name at home matches sicken me. One of the worst things about him is the civil war he has created amongst the fans.

  67. DW Thomas

    Dec 22, 2014, 14:34 #63815

    I don't want to add to the already huge pile of comments about Wenger's inability to build a winning team. But what else can one say?! His biggest impediment is his own super inflated ego! He simply doesn't or won't see the obvious. Never finishing the squad. Never taking responsibility for 10 years of failure. Never risking spending in the transfer market to complete the team. This man's failures are his own making. We have not had a team in place at the beginning of the season to cope with the rigors of he PL. And he has to know it. Yet his arrogance spins everything. Our team yesterday was awful. We got lucky to get a tie. Debuchey s goal is the typeweusually concede. Just answer this. How was nobody covering Skirtel on a corner? At the end of the game in his injury time? Why was Chambers on the wing? Why was Sanchez again, knackered and in the red zone, left on till late? Why was our possession so low for a team that supposedly plays the Arsenal Way? He had no solutions, no answers to simple problems. Motivation is gone because he works in a climate of complete control with no consequences for failure in what matters. Profit is king at our club. Even the players no seem to accept mediocrity. They have developed egos like their leader. Weak, lacking in tactics, no grit, no mettle, content with status quo season to season. Remember what Wenger said about taking 2nd place for 20 years. What other manager would say that with the potential at a club like ours? He won the title undefeated and made a comment like that and many others that defy belief. The time had come for change, for sure.

  68. Bard

    Dec 22, 2014, 14:12 #63814

    Good summary as usual Kev. Honestly I don't know where we all go with this. Every match is a reminder that we're stuck in groundhog day. How many summaries have you written saying exactly the same thing. Once again against one of the supposed top teams ( at least they used to be) we don't turn up. but the reality is they don't have to because there is nothing much to fight for. Good post Ken but Baddie is not the symptom nor the cause he just likes all the attention. Happy Christmas to one and all

  69. Unchives

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:58 #63813

    @ Ken...Absolutely spot on...well done!

  70. Ken

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:50 #63812

    Badarse- Thanks for your input, although if I may be permitted to say so you also often say some silly things, other times they are just sanctimonious waffle. If you're happy with other managers standing at the limit of their technical area encouraging, cajoling, shouting at their players and trying to make a difference tactically during a game while ours sits glued to his seat with his head in his hands then good for you. It's the guilt-ridden muppets who sang his name at the soulless bowl last week that put the players and manager back in their comfort zone leading to spineless performances like yesterday. You can see all the unaddressed problems can't you, but you'd rather let others do the dirty work of calling for change for you.

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:48 #63811

    TOF in his post match reckons we lost our flow (i'd like to know what flow) spoke by a true piss artist.

  72. Westlower

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:45 #63810

    Well, I lived my life and never start to worry about a thing, opened up and shout it out and never tried to sing, wondering if I done wrong, will this impression last too long? Won't you tell me, where have all the good times gone? Where have all the good times gone? Well, once we had an easy ride and I always felt the same, times was on my side and I had everything to gain, let it be like yesterday, seems like we had happy days. Won't you tell me, where have all the good times gone?


    Dec 22, 2014, 13:19 #63809

    I'm sorry but this guy has to go. I'm sick and tired if the same results and same mistakes happening every season!!! It's groundhog every year. I see a lot if the Wenger lovies always look to blame someone else and not Wenger. Look who picks the players??? Who buys the players??? Oh yeah one man. Who has unprecedented amount of power at a club the size of arsenal oh yeah WENGER. The players looked scared in the tunnel it was embarrassing. Every big game watch the players faces in the tunnel. They look petrified. I have never seen such boards play for arsenal. This manager can't motivate he's players to be pumped up and ready for war. He's a poor motivator and needs to go ASAP for me. We need Diego Simone!!! Do you think he would tolerate Metersacker a 6ft6 man cowering??? No way. . He would tell these lightweight what he expects from he's men on the pitch and if they don't like it they can go to another team where being a coward is approved off . I'm not saying go out there and be overly aggressive or violent no. I'm saying show some guts and steel. I'm sick and tired of writing the same stuff every year!!! Why would you look scared in a tunnel??? The man can't motivate he's players. He has to go. How anyone can defend this clown now is just ridiculous . The key is not getting top 4. He actually believes what he's going is right looool. He in he's deluded mind is right. As he says 18 years.

  74. Unchives

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:17 #63808

    @ Peter Wain, can you see the picture have you watched the video....the Liverpool player is totally unmarked,no player is jumping with him, defenders are almost fully turned and facing their own goal....Its defensive shambles and manageress. There are no excuses....professional players?....@ What...incompetence!

  75. Peter Wain

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:09 #63807

    Yes it was a poor performance but then with a poor squad what did you expect. The decision not to invest in the defence keeps on haunting Wenger and it is no use blaming the players. It has been obvious for the last four years that the midfield is too small and light weight and that a quality centre half was needed. So yet again we go into a transfer window being led to believe that we are splashing the cash only for the truth to occur on the 31 of January Get them all out now.

  76. The_Score_Was_2-2

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:06 #63806

    Before the game, if you gave me 2-2 I would have taken it. Rodgers can have his title of tactical genius if it leaves Liverpool 10th on the log. Call Arsene Wenger an idiot if it makes you feel like you're clever, but his team went to one of the stadiums that we were all dreading and we got 2-2. Let's just go home with that. If you fans wanna cry over a good result I say it's self inflicted pain.

  77. jeff wright

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:03 #63805

    TBFG being played on his wrong side has nothing to do with him ducking out of challenging for high crosses on set pieces,he did at Stoke and again yesterday for the Liverpool equalizer . I was not bothered about our undeserved lead because football is a results game and not an Ice Skating show where points are awarded for performance.Admittedly though if it were a boxing match then the ref would have stopped it at half time to save Wenger from more punishment. Speaking of Wenger it should be pointed out that he coaches the team buys the players and makes the calls on how to defend on corners .I his wisdom he has chosen to go with 'zonal marking' despite it being obvious to anyone who has not worked 30 years in football that it doesn't work,but hey the guy is a genius right. You couldn't make it up.

  78. Badarse

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:03 #63804

    Ken you often say some sensible things, other times they are just silly. Unchives it's good to know you liked Dave Allen. This isn't a very profound statement but humour has been a travelling companion every step of my life. Most times we as people have a disconnect with each other, we are just an organic species with all said and done. It's why the cheering of a goal together is the closest we get to 'god' in my opinion. Unified, bonded, and together. Beautiful music can do the same-it links those fans of a certain type. Humour triumphs over all. I could chuckle away with westlower at the Goons, Radfordkennedy over Hancock, now you with Dave Allen. Great to read the Online Gooner 'Hancock' in the shape of Hiccup. Literature scales the heights too, Orwell's followers in Arseneknewbest, CGO and jj tread a similar pathway connection. Wherever the emotions play a significant role we prosper.

  79. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 22, 2014, 13:00 #63803

    one thing not to worry too much about....the Time Of Possession, which seems to be some kind of Holy Grail held up by Sky and some others on here. Possession % means sweet FA. It's not how long you have the ball, it's what you do with it when you do have it.

  80. Tony Evans

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:58 #63802

    I listened to the game on the radio and was often left wondering if we had anyone on the pitch, such was Liverpool's domination. The thought of this torture going on for another 3 years is awful. I see Wenger is already getting the excuses in for not buying in January and at least trying to make up for his appalling negligence in his summer transfer dealings. I wouldn't trust him to do our weekly grocery shop anyway, never mind anything else.

  81. Cyril

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:53 #63801

    Wikipedia: the hand brake is intended for use in case of mechanical failure whn the regular foot brake is inoperable or compromised. I think he must be talking about injuries or playing at underhill where that could quite conceivably be a very clever tactical ploy!

  82. KC

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:50 #63800

    Kevin - Good report, its quite therapeutic to read your reports they are usually very balanced and honest especially at a time of such such divided views. The anti Wenger feeling is so bolstered by the performances this season. We just do not look very good, our passing is shocking, the defending just never changes. It leaves you feeling super flat, Wenger says the same words game after game, handbrake yesterday heard that before! Away from home we are so sterile, where is the desire, the want, the hunger. How can so many players play so poorly so often away from home? It all comes back to the manager I am afraid. As an extra point, how often will Giroud be allowed to drop deep collect the ball and then proceed to pass to the opposition in dangerous area's, once again he does it knowing there is no come back from players or manager, frustrating to say the least. This squad just shows signs of a club with no fear what so ever for the manager, its all a nice and softly spoken environment which is breeding lack lustre performances all season, perhaps with the exception of Newcastle I really struggle to think of a really good performance this season.

  83. Mike Collins

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:46 #63799

    What's happened to Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain? His woeful passing and runs up cul-de-sacs were frustrating in the extreme. Overhyped? Probably. More worrying was Sanchez's sudden transformation into Mesut Ozil - that German bloke who "injured" his knee but who will be back very soon if we are to believe AW's comments of a few months back. If Alexis has blown a gasket then so has the club (again) for this season. Happy Christmas, Gooners.

  84. Ken

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:45 #63798

    Westlower- Yes thanks I know what In Play betting is, although I would have thought that if the Arsenal of 2014 were really 'never dull' to watch there wouldn't be enough dead moments for you to study the changing odds as often as you apparently do. And TV are keen to screen our games because Arsenal are historically (yes, even pre-1996) and still are a big club with a large worldwide fanbase. I'm sure the most exciting moment of the game for you is seeing Wenger sitting in the dugout, doing absolutely nothing for his £8m whilst managers like Rodgers are on their feet earning their corn just a few yards away.

  85. Guy in Jersey

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:39 #63797

    I've been a big fan of Mertesacker, but if you're a centre back and you start bottling crosses, it's about time you retired. P.S. Westlower, I agree that Arsenal are a great revenue stream for anyone betting in-play.

  86. Unchives

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:38 #63796

    @ divingrooney, what planet are you on, have you ever played the game, or been in a changing room. The Manager (definition, management)is responsible for the organisation and control of the team, the fact that so many didn't perform, shows that the "Manager" hasn't managed...lost the dressing room, Dim or what?

  87. Barnaby

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:36 #63795

    Its annoying that the mentality for me has changed, where I used to be disappointed conceding a last minute goal against 10 men, but the mental frailty and lack of strength in the team has lowered my expectations, so now a draw away against city, Liverpool, man u, Chelsea is the very most we cam expect with Wenger in charge, I have np faith in getting 3 points away to these teams, also I live with a akb which is very annoying lololololol

  88. Unchives

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:27 #63794

    Excellently summed up Kevin.I cant understand why the AKBs, having read a piece like this, that they don't get it.This manager is well and truly shot.@Badarse, I can agree with you on Dave Allen, I saw him live.....Excellent, I think of him every time I wipe my thigh of dust!Shame I cant sweep this manager away.

  89. Westlower

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:24 #63793

    @Ken IN PLAY betting is about anticipating what can happen next & the odds change radically on a goal being scored. As for spending more time watching the odds v the game, it's fairly easy to combine the two. There are many 'dead' moments in a game when it's possible to switch to checking on the updated odds. It's not for everyone but that's how I earn my living. I never find Arsenal dull to watch - why do you think TV are so keen to screen our games?

  90. Alex

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:21 #63792

    Wenger is a clown. He has no clue about tactics and much of football management. He only gets 4th because he outspends his competition. This guy is a complete fraud. Liverpool actually have a proper coach who knows what he is doing. Rodgers would do a much better job than Wenger if he were the manager as would any proper manager. Wenger is the worst thing to happen to this club. I wish he never joined us. I hate him. I despise him. Can't wait for the day he goes. I can't enjoy anything about Arsenal with this idiot. I hope Liverpool or Totenham get 4th. I want to see this idiot humiliated. As for the AKb's celebrating the Monaco draw I would not be the least suprised if Wenger got done by them. Wenger Out.

  91. rippy

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:07 #63791

    The question that needs to be asked is why does the other team always look like they want it more than us? To me it looks like half the team just goes through the motions. they play like they really dont care. You can be unlucky with injuies. And we have been. But not fighting and being bullied all the time is something the manager has to deal with and quickly. Or its no champions league. end of.

  92. Ken

    Dec 22, 2014, 12:02 #63790

    Westlower- 5- Sounds like you spend far more time watching the odds change on betting websites than actually watching the football. 7- It is VERY dull watching Arsenal. Very predictable and very dull.

  93. Patrick

    Dec 22, 2014, 11:56 #63789

    On another note, I'm disgusted to see the upcoming fixture list. Arsenal do not have a Saturday home game until March. Modern football is pathetic. Is it just me being moany? I hate Sunday games, but this list is taking the Micky. My biggest worry for the season is qualifying for the uefa cup and having loads of Sunday games next season. At least on a Saturday you can mask the football on display behind a veil of booze (thanks to the Drayton). Sunday games expose the rubbish far too much with sobriety

  94. Nick T

    Dec 22, 2014, 11:55 #63788

    There is only one 'handbrake' in Arsenal FC and that is AW, but until those upstairs take a chance and let go the pointlessness of our current predicament will continue. Conceding late equalisers used to ruin entire days of my life...yesterday I didnt flinch!! I liken the current situation to being proud of my country but hating the leader...

  95. John Abrehart

    Dec 22, 2014, 11:35 #63787

    Spot on again Editor. How many recent ex-Arsenal and current loanees playing in the premiership would walk into our present team? Fabregas, RVP, Nasri, Sagna, Song, Jenkinson, Clichy (?) possibly Kolo Toure and Fabianski? Pretty soon there will be a whole team out there. Any comments Mr Wenger?

  96. Westlower

    Dec 22, 2014, 11:33 #63786

    Looking back through our previous results this season I offer the following observations: 1. AFC never lost a game when Debuchy played (6 PL, 3 ECL) 2. AFC have only lost away at CFC & BD when Koscielny played (6 PL & 4 ECL). The obvious conclusion being that until these two are playing regularly in the back 4 we remain defensively vulnerable. If we had bought the disappointing £20m Lovren would we have been any better off defending than Liverpool? Although I do believe we must buy another CB in January, especially if Kos continues to be sidelined. 3. Giroud is the best header of the ball when defending set pieces. It was no coincidence that he had left the field before the Liverpool equaliser. The fact that he had been sick overnight may have been a factor in him being substituted earlier. His poor first half display was reminiscent of someone who'd just left their sick bed. 4. Chambers struggles against speedy wingers/wing backs. Is now the time to convert him into a DM? 5. It really is amazing the number of injury time goals scored. Why, oh why do people leave early? The Exchanges In Play betting in injury time told the story of the match. With Arsenal leading 2-1, I was able to bet Liverpool to win at 390/1 & the draw at 13/1, having previously backed the draw at 5/1 & 10/1. When it went 2-2 I was able to bet Arsenal to win at 60/1. Punters minds must have been in turmoil. 6. To those who wish Martinez to be the next AFC beware that Everton have the 3rd worst defensive record in the PL, only Leicester & QPR have concede more goals. Everton have only taken 2 points from 7 games against last seasons top 8 teams. How is that an improvement on Wenger? 7. It's never dull watching Arsenal! 8. Maureen reports CFC have no major injury worries before tonight's game, compare that to our regular 6-12 players out throughout this season.

  97. San Elan

    Dec 22, 2014, 11:09 #63785

    "Have you spent half a day in football?" "If you haven't, don't talk to me about football management". "But if you have, you can tactically outwit me" - Guess Who?

  98. DJ

    Dec 22, 2014, 11:03 #63784

    What I fail to understand is playing Chambers a centre half at right back and Debuchey a right back at centre half. It’s sad to witness but Arsene is losing his marbles and there is no one at the club to find them for him. It is reminiscent of Brian Clough’s last season when he relegated Forest, he had also thought he had become bigger than the club he managed with equally tragic results. While we may still scrape fourth I think Wenger’s position will become untenable in May unless we buy big in January and have a tilt at the Champions League! (Sorry just a joke to lighten the mood!)

  99. HowardL

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:54 #63783

    I thought we were tactically worse than in last season's 5-1 annihilation. What was that 87% - 13% possession stat that came up on screen? But what do any of us know? I, for one, have never managed half a day in football...

  100. Torbay gooner

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:54 #63782

    Another abysmal lifeless performance, from a team lacking leadership, motivation, tactics and quality players in vital positions(Mertesacker, Flamini for a start). Accurate report as usual Kevin. As King Jeremy has intimated Andy Carroll will look to enjoy himself against our non-marking, non jumping defence. This team almost made me feel sorry for Liverpool, as it would have been larceny on a massive scale if we had held on to win.

  101. mark from aylesbury

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:54 #63781

    Fozzy - A the time I thought Eboue's tackle was so senseless I wondered if something dodgy was up. We seemed hit by inexplicable cock-ups that season

  102. Fozzy

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:30 #63780

    Tactically inept management on the pitch and also with regard to substitutions. The wrong subs brought on for the wrong players at the wrong time. It brought back painful memories of the home game against Liverpool in April 2011 which we needed to win to keep pace with ManUre. We were 1-0 up deep into injury time before Ebouseless ridiculously clattered into one of theirs in the box and gave away the penalty for the objectional Kuyt to score.

  103. Steve H

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:27 #63779

    Lets face it we could all see that equaliser coming - everytime they came forward it looked like they could score at anytime. What makes it worse is the number of our players in the box when skrtel had a clear run at the goal to head it in - you couldnt make it up really. I also see that the old fraud has mentioned our our friend the handbrake again plus mentioing the players were scared after the shoeing from last season. Pathetic - he should have got them motivated to have a go at a very mediocre Liverpool side - lucky to get the draw but a missed opportunity to have won the game. The circus goes on - be interesting to see how we can "defend" and avoid ducking clearance headers against Charlie Austin on boxing day and Andy Carroll at West Ham

  104. Deejaycee17

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:25 #63778

    The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results - Albert Einstein...on Arsene Wenger 2014/13/12/11.......etc

  105. Badarse

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:19 #63777

    Well defined problems Kevin, thank you. Your post was right up there too radfordkennedy, and found myself nodding in agreement as I read. Then the kicker-Dave Allen! One of the funniest men ever, and a unique style. Miss him. Wearing his cardinal's robes he would have blended into the defence when they equalised, rushing around sprinkling holy water. Happy Xmas to all your posse buddy, have a good one.

  106. mark from aylesbury

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:17 #63776

    You just wait for that Equaliser to come along and sure as hell it will. Anyone suggest man to man marking? Least it doesn't mean anything, it can't mean anything until Wenger goes at the end of the season or in 3 years time.

  107. Rob

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:15 #63775

    Two things stand out about Wenger. 1/ His inability to motivate. 2/ His disinterest in changing the tactics of a game even when it's clearly slipping away from us. Both of these shortcoming were on clear display at Anfield yesterday. I am no great fan of Rogers but at least he attempts to address both of those areas. But of course none of us have managed 1000 games so we must be wrong - mustn't we ?

  108. divingrooney

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:10 #63774

    Yeah, blame Wenger for everything. Every one except Carzola, 9 of 10 outfield players, pass the ball under no pressure to nearest Liverpool player then what can any manager do. What can Wenger shout from the sideline. "Pass it to the lads you see daily, no no not Gerrard, you idiot..."

  109. King Jeremy

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:07 #63773

    Shocking going forward, shambolic defending, complete rudderless mess for 90 minutes. The image of Mertesaker ducking makes me (a former center-half) feel sick. An Arsenal centre-back ducking a challenge - have we sunk that low? Yes seems to be the answer. Still, it's a point more than I belived we would get. As the Ed points out though, this league is so poor this year we will probably scrape 4th and the champers will be flowing in the director's lounge come May. No point calling for the manager's head (again) as he won't resign and he won't be sacked. So on we go. Should have enough to beat QPR (although we will make hard work of it) the West Ham. Hmmm, Andy Carrol vs a ducking Mertesaker. Can't wait.

  110. rippy

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:02 #63772

    We have players of quality coming back in january. This might be enough to get the old codger out of the hole his dug himself again. Although we seem to be so directionless and gutless. Its almost as if this team doesnt give a ****. I have never seen an arsenal team with so little bottle. And lets be honest over the last 5 years we have seen some pretty weak arsenal teams. lets hope wenger takes the cup seriously. we need fourth so that better players can contunue to come to the club. Who knows wenger might have a bang on the head and sign more fighters like sanchez.

  111. Basil Fawlty

    Dec 22, 2014, 10:01 #63771

    The Liverpool equaliser yesterday is a carbon copy of the goal we conceded to them in the 4-2 champions league defeat at Anfield. 6 years later and the defensive lack or organisation is still there. I spent thirty minutes yesterday expecting to concede. 30 years as a manager and he still can't organise a defence.

  112. chris dee

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:57 #63770

    Welcome lucky draw. Arsene to adjust tactically if being overrun? Nah b******s,we only play the 'Arsenal way' which has served us so well in these last 10 years when this Arsenal way' concept was being pushed by the club. How could any manager leave Flamini,a player who would not get into any top team in the world,exposed and running around like a blue arsed fly to cover the gaping holes in midfield?

  113. radfordkennedy

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:56 #63769

    What a shambles,i fully expected to see our team arrested on the touchline at half time on a charge of 'obtaining monies by deception',why take Giroud off for Campbell and leave an obviously exhausted Sanchez on.There are too many players playing who shouldnt be anywhere near the side,Flamini and Mert are meerly filling shirts the actual contribution they make is negligible.You're absolutely right Kevin had they had a couple of real decent strikers it would have been curtains again after just half an hour,in an interview afterwards AW said they were a bit nervous being mindful of what happened last season,i find this an absolutely shocking thing to have said,he should have had them gee'd up punching lockers and shouting in the tunnel ready to pay them back in spades seeking revenge,not cowering,they were there for the taking but he blew it again.Somehow by the grace of God we nearly won it but the usual party trick of everyone watching the ball and no sod attacking it came back to haunt us again.Smudge was right directionless and leaderless,a team totaly bereft of ideas and tactical know-how,Wenger you're a pathetic embarrasment to my club and the quicker you go the better......Anyway Ladies and Gentleman to Hibee Gooner to Cornish Gooner,to Maguires in the west to Baddie the Earl of Ramsgate in the east,to Westie on the Newmarket Gallops to JJ somewhere on the A road twixt Eastbourne and Bournemouth,to all those somewhere in between too numerous for me to type,have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and in the words of the late great Dave Allen..'may your God go with you'..Merry Christmas everyone!!

  114. gn23

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:52 #63768

    Sound piece Kevin. Same old, same old. I was waiting for Liverpool to equalize at the end. Hopefully Sanchez hasn't ran out of steam or top six may be out of reach

  115. Paulo75

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:49 #63767

    A goal up against ten men deep into injury time and no one covering the goalposts at a corner? Beggars belief ... or does it these days? Apparently the squad had 3 days off last week whilst Liverpool played on Wednesday night - didnt look that way to me.

  116. Deejaycee17

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:45 #63766

    Nothing changes at Groundhog FC until the manager leaves!! Wenger OUT!!!

  117. TJ

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:35 #63765

    I'm genuinely so bored of this regime now my reaction to everything in the game makes Avram Grant look over-enthusiastic. The thing is, I wouldn't mind 4th place being the extent of our ambition if that was all we were capable of, but I know that with the money spent and a quality manager we could dominate domestic football. The players' motivation is always changing, there is no proper defensive structure, he refuses to engage in tactics or consideration of the opposition, he refuses to buy players to strengthen major weak points (hence Flamini run ragged AGAIN) and not only that, he actually has contempt for anyone who 'dares' to challenge his failed methods. It is so pointless going from game to game discussing the same repeated failure, self-imposed by this awful manager. Only falling out of the top 4 could make a difference. I think this year really might be the year our luck finally runs out, but even then, why is it that we're accepting this objective? We spend more than Chelsea in wages (or certainly very close for those who want to rely on last year's accounts) and yet their squad is light years ahead of ours.

  118. Charlie George Orwell

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:30 #63764

    It's just the same old show on my radio.

  119. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:30 #63763

    Just having a man on the line would have saved the equaliser....basic, basic defending. Still, a point gleaned from the Bin Dippers after having played so bad in first half, can't really complain. Or can we? The opposition had scored 19 league goals up to yesterday and yet they looked half-threatening every time they attacked.

  120. Patrick

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:21 #63762

    I'm a Liverpool fan but I think your article is spot on. Top class

  121. Sam

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:17 #63761

    We were overrun in midfield yet the £8m man did nothing. Left Welbeck on, to do exactly what wasn't entirely obvious. I feel sorry for big Per. Played on the 'wrong' side at CB and with a different, non CB partner each week and having to worry about Chambers, who's been thrown in at the deep end and is sinking. After Swansea, any sensible manager wouldn't have thrown him in at RB ever again, or at least not against a side with any pace. Remember we can't plead injuries as an excuse for our terrible defence, as it's only Koscielny who's out. Take a bow, Mr "30 years in football".

  122. doctoreboue

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:16 #63760

    it's all been said before. we are just an average side, with a past-it manager, living on past glories. his winning sides contained inherited steel and organisation. since they all left it has become a rudderless boat. no one accepts responsibility on or off the pitch. only when we fail to achieve the minimum requirement- 4th place- will anything change. and that looks increasingly like this season. wenger's blinkered views show he is now enile and should be sent to th knackers yard post haste.

  123. Jason

    Dec 22, 2014, 9:08 #63759

    With regards this continued pathetic zonal marking......When I was five years old I used to play run and jump in the playground. Why not just jump. Well, we worked out that in run and jump we could jump much higher and further. I really don't need to have managed and made 1000's of substitutions to work that one out.