Looks Familiar

Online Ed: Defensive shambles at St Mary’s

Looks Familiar

Few covered themselves in glory for the two goals that Arsenal conceded at Southampton yesterday. January 1st. Start at you mean to go on? No, but start as they will probably go on, as long as defence is not prioritized as a starting point in building a team. Wojciech Szczesny was undoubtedly the worst culprit for the opening goal, doing one of his hare-brained runs out of goal. Laurent Koscielny has in the past proved a little physically weak for the Premier League, a trait that returned in the build-up to the goal as he was easily shrugged aside by Mane. One shouldn’t be too churlish about Per Mertesacker not getting back to hook the ball off the line with the keeper stranded, but a faster defender would have made a better fist of it.

The second goal was only marginally less embarrassing. Debuchy should have hacked the ball across the goal clear, but opted to attempt to play the possession card by knocking it back to the keeper. Szczesny presumably felt it counted as a back pass, so lamely kicked it straight to the grateful Tadic.

Arsenal shot themselves in the foot big time. They had got away with an early Pelle header that went just past the post with the keeper nowhere near it, and should have gone up when Cazorla was wonderfully teed up, but shot straight down the middle of the goal.

But this was a performance well below the level displayed at West Ham. A central midfield combination of Chambers and Coquelin showed how thin resources are in defensive midfield at the club, a damning indictment on Arsenal’s strategic planning, and the chickens came home to roost as the visitors struggled to get any real foothold on the game.

That Theo Walcott came on and probably didn’t have a touch for an eternity, even at 2-0 down when Arsenal were presumably focused on getting back into the game, sums up how poor a performance this was. But that is Arsenal in 2014-15. Inconsistent. No real pattern of play other than – when the going is good – some extended periods of possession in the less dangerous areas of the park. Aside from that it’s freedom of expression and hope for Alexis to provide a moment of magic. The Chilean must wonder what exactly he has let himself in for.

The remainder of the season will presumably feature a pattern alongside the one seen so far this campaign. Some good days, some bad days. Arsenal are inconsistent because they have no solidity – even when everyone is fit. The club of old built from the back. Wenger’s successes were due to the inherited back five, the habits they instilled in their successors, the good fortune in acquiring Sol Campbell (a no-brainer the manager can’t really take too much credit for) and (give him credit where it’s due) the purchase of Jens Lehmann. However, Martin Keown left the club in 2004, Campbell two years later. Lehmann was frozen out in 2007, and Arsenal have not looked defensively assured since, aside from a period of a few months starting in the spring of 2013 when they concentrated on not losing matches rather than winning them.

The question now is whether or not there will be enough good days to ensure the sacred top four place. The purchase of a couple of quality defensive players to balance the squad in the next week would go some way to balancing a lop-sided group of players (and it should be noted that the first choice back four and keeper were on duty at St Mary’s), but Arsenal would not be in their current predicament if the required personnel were purchased last summer when they should have been. The club have spent a lot of money is the last three transfer windows, but, in terms of Premier League position, they appear to be moving backwards. If that isn’t an indicator that it’s time for a change, I am uncertain what is.

I watched the Spurs v Chelsea match after Arsenal’s defeat, and the home team’s performance was enlightening for two reasons. There seemed a real desire and belief in the players that they could go toe to toe with Chelsea. They played with genuine drive and attempted to move the ball forward quickly and with purpose. Spurs have had many false dawns whilst Wenger has been at Arsenal. However, Mario Pocchetino has taken time to look at all of his options and instigate his methods. If I were to bet on who would finish higher based on yesterday’s displays, there is no question Tottenham would be ahead of Arsenal. And in the race for fourth, this assumes Southampton will collapse. Is it possible we are seeing the experience of Arsene Wenger being overtaken by two managers still on the upward curve in their managerial careers? The job of the board, or if you prefer the owner, is to make the best call for the club and address decline before too much damage is done.

Psychologically, this season has not been a good one so far for the team. Bad days seem to becoming more frequent, and ultimately, hopes of progress take another dent with every performance of this nature. Obviously the manager is going nowhere fast, so what Arsenal, as a football team, now need to do is get back to basics, as they did in the run-in to the 2012-13 season, and concentrate on not losing matches before trying to win them. Historically, great Arsenal sides have been built on a solid defence, and tactics which do not sacrifice that side of their game. Arsene Wenger would do well to pay homage to the club’s history in that respect. Yet, as Lee Dixon stated in Amy Lawrence’s recent book on ‘The Invincibles’, Wenger wouldn’t know where to start when it comes to defensive coaching. Still, Steve Bould is on the staff, and allowed to go to work would surely improve things.

One hard truth to swallow is that Wojciech Szczesny must now be replaced as the first choice keeper, and that the time has come to move on Gerry Payton and get a better goalkeeping coach. The Pole’s moments of madness would surely have been coached out of him by a better trainer. David Ospina is fit and will start the FA Cup game on Sunday against Hull. Unless he makes calamitous errors on a par with Szczesny’s ever-growing catalogue, he should remain there for the subsequent Premier League fixtures.

Going forward, the right type of purchase could help address the issues in midfield, as crying out for the return of Mikel Arteta shows how desperate things have got there.

The inconsistency will continue unless the required changes are made. Arsenal have the money to buy players (don’t believe the £20 million figure, they have a lot more than that), and a coach on the staff who can sort the defence out – and the defensive shape of the whole team - if allowed the time to work on it. It just needs an acceptance that things as they stand are simply not working and that adaptation is needed. Otherwise, the club will officially be going backwards by the end of May.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

The new issue of The Gooner with free 2015 Art of Arsenal calendar can be bought online here. It will also be on sale outside the stadium for Sunday’s match v Hull, and the away match at Manchester City.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 04, 2015, 14:23 #64409

    Bard, tidy wee session to get you going, so your an All Known Beers man now hope they have a big bar at central command.

  2. N4

    Jan 04, 2015, 11:09 #64404

    Hi Berry very well put mate! I agree with all you've said and I think that way too! What also gets me are the lack of communications with fans apart from the other side of the Arsenal fans...! If money and profits are what they are interested in why not come and just say that! I'm sure that way most of most would know where we stand but it's a typical dictatorship of managing into making us believe there's light at the end of the tunnel when we're not even in a bloody tunnel! What disappoints me was the fact that Wenger agrees with the yanks in running our club like that which makes me think what motivates him as it is surely not the wins and trophies that we could get our hands on...! So my conclusions are, money and power! No one deals good when under pressure and we can clearly see that in his interviews but the guy gets 8 million pound a year...! I'd had enough of watching play and hardly get excited and the worst thing is that sometimes I wish we lose all games so just to prove a point by itself...even though my other side of me wants us to win!

  3. Hi Berry

    Jan 04, 2015, 10:43 #64401

    MBG & N4 - yes, I think the spin is the thing that gets to me most of all. It's a bit of the Harold MacMillan 'You've never had it so good' scenario which is designed to make us all feel as if we are all just a little ungrateful. On the face of it this is one of the most successful periods in the history of AFC but the frustrating thing is knowing in the back of our minds that with a little tweaking we could be serious challengers for the biggest prizes instead of perpetual also-rans. Not so long ago we were consistently good but now we are consistently inconsistent. I don't have a personal agenda against Wenger and can quite easily be lulled into thinking we on the right track after a good win before the reality of the awful defensive performance against So'ton bites back in. On our day you could argue we have the beating of anyone in the world, but invariably when the crunch comes we're not up to it. We seem to always manage to do just enough to keep the majority of customers satisfied without reaching the heady heights we are all yearning for and that applies to the management as well as the players. It all comes down to consistency which in turn is allied to a never-say-die fighting spirit which sadly goes AWOL when the chips are down.

  4. JAMIE

    Jan 04, 2015, 10:05 #64399

    Look lads,I've met enough wobs to know that most of you are all wind and bluster and have your wives or girlfriends thumb prints firmly planted on your bonces.I for one will be having a great day out today,football,lots of real ale and scotch,lots of winding folk up,plus a few ladies(luckily the wife doesn't read OG)and maybe a few violent characters humbled and made to sit on their arses.See you later Gooners.

  5. Bard

    Jan 03, 2015, 23:21 #64395

    12 pints and half a dozen shorts !!! You're a lightweight Jamie, I have that everyday before breakfast. It gets me in the mood for some savage posting. I've cut down recently to 11 pints and 4 shorts and am now a full paid up member of the AKBs. Im looking forward to tomorrow. Hull are a really good side I would say easily top 4 potential. If we beat them it will start the ball rolling and probably propel us to a first CL success. Or of course we might not turn up and get a spanking but as long as the ref gives us a fair crack of the whip I expect a lively evening.

  6. reboot

    Jan 03, 2015, 20:20 #64387

    Jamie the matelot! Master Bates or Roger the cabin boy more like. Aye Aye Capn Pugwash, all aboard the MV Wenger for a voyage to nowhere.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 18:43 #64377

    Hi Berry, good shout it's certainly another example of everything that's wrong at our club (and there's many) thanks to this old fraud we have as a manager, but it will go right over his worshipers heads as usual. And it wouldn't surprise many if that was what TOF was eyeing. God have Mercy on us.

  8. N4

    Jan 03, 2015, 18:22 #64375

    Hi Berry! I am glad that you mentioned it as I thought that I was the only one thinking like that!?! It's a theory that cannot be discarded as I thought about it too and surely he can't go that far....or can he???!!! If it's yes then we're truly and properly f4cked...!!! Which will then confirm that he's loss the plot, he can do what he wants and self effing arrogant for self achievement...! Please I hope he doesn't want to emulate the red nose...!!!

  9. JAMIE

    Jan 03, 2015, 17:14 #64367

    I'm really looking forward to the game tomorrow,I always love 3rd round day.Especially after we lost our last game and the disgruntles will all be in a foul mood and that will give me the perfect opportunity to wind a few people up.My brothers coming with me tomorrow so should be a great day, I got him the best seat in the house two across from mine for only £38.50' and some people still moan about ticket prices.We've booked a bed and breakfast and are going out on the town to the West End after the game,being an ex matelot and bootneck 12 pints and half a dozen shorts is the norm so If any of you civvy woosies want to join us you'd be welcome yet I warn you a couple of guys tagged along with us after the spuds cup game last year and they were honking up before we'd hardly got started.

  10. Hi Berry

    Jan 03, 2015, 16:35 #64366

    The Podolski saga encapsulates everything that is wrong at the higher levels of this club - it's all spin, spin, spin. Wenger stated categorically that Podolski was not going to be sold, inferring he was staying at Arsenal, but lo and behold he's off to Milan on loan (and looking deliriously happy about it as well). Strictly speaking Wenger has not told a lie but his economy with the truth is exactly what gets the back up of so many of us. Bigging up Coqeulin and re-iterating that we will not buy players just for the sake of it (unless top, top quality is available) is, I fear, another attempt to lay the groundwork ahead of a disappointing transfer window. I've posted this before and can only repeat that I wouldn't be at all surprised if Wenger has cast an envious eye on Ferguson's 27 year reign at Old Trafford and decided to go one better, if only to finally be able to stick it to Ferguson when we turn up for our ritual humiliation in 2023. There's certainly no incentive at the moment for the board to upset the apple-cart.

  11. Alsace

    Jan 03, 2015, 14:47 #64358

    D W Thomas. You make me laff my sox off with yure A thru Zee guide to our lingual arrogance. I expect that the same chippiness is shown by the Portuguese to Brazilians murdering their language and by the Spanish to the Arhenteens. You must forgive us. If you swim in the swamp of the Old Etonians and Carthusians who hondootedly infest this site, you must expect some criticism when you stray from the strict canons of English usage. It's only natural, however unfair.

  12. jeff wright

    Jan 03, 2015, 14:46 #64357

    KC, Wenger's moulded this current side in his own image,unlike in his early days with us he doesn't have any leaders on the pitch who can change things when they are going wrong .He relies instead on on Sanchez pulling rabbits out of a hat in every game .He can't do this of course all the time as we saw against Southampton and Stoke recently. Wenger has always been an imitator of others and the tika taka football that he tries to coach our team to play he copied from Barcelona it is however something that he never really understood .Plus he doesn't have the players to play it properly with and he ,like Rodgers at Liverpool , are anyway in the wrong league to try and do so. Wenger's reluctance to sign the sort of players that would allow us to compete better in the Prem is in my view down to his obsession with the possession and passing game he buys players who he thinks are best suited to this tippy- tappy football . These are in the main small midget sized midfield types. All rather different from the old Vieira days when it was like watching Brazil ,a case now of in the footsteps of giants walk pygmies. Anyway ,the good news is that Arsene says, with a new transfer window opening and one in which he has already decimated our squad by letting Poldolski go to Italy,he jumped off the plane waving an Inter Scarf ,footballers ,don't you just love 'em , that Diaby is now fully fit and ready to rumble ! You couldn't make it up.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 13:59 #64353

    KC, good post and as jw says a good summing up of TOF he has no respect for the fans (or the club) whatsoever and that includes those who support and follow him. A late post here last night (since removed) claimed TOF said he'd never quit, if so then HE deserves no respect either and needs hounded out at every opportunity, if he has come out with this at least maybe it shows he knows he's not doing his job properly and has failed miserably but just to fooking egocentric and arrogant to admit it.

  14. KC

    Jan 03, 2015, 13:29 #64350

    Jeff it's what I depise about him the pathetic games he likes to play trying to be smart, our squad has three so called ball winners Arteta, Flamini and Coq, how can a man that once had Pat,Petit, Gilberto and Edu really believe we have any real hope and ambition with the present three.its strange, hard to have any understanding and appears almost deluded add a very slow Pers to the mix and it becomes self destructive as results prove.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 13:28 #64349

    Lets all be Friends, to be honest I don't think to many on here worry to much about their spelling as long as they get their point across, and they do that very well indeed.

  16. Cyril

    Jan 03, 2015, 13:23 #64348

    @lets be friends - can you teach me how to play the keyboard upside down like Hendrix... Ezxcelwent post.

  17. David

    Jan 03, 2015, 13:11 #64347

    Badarse - Jack Kelsey. Discuss.

  18. Charlie George Orwell

    Jan 03, 2015, 12:46 #64346

    Jamie - please keep your posts coming. btw - have you got a dog called Bullseye? Please say yes.

  19. Rippy

    Jan 03, 2015, 12:23 #64345

    Wenger talking about the coq having a future at the club .... Seriously !!!? His a make weight at best. I hope this isn't the ready made excuse to not buy a defensive midfielder ! Which would be the first job a new manager would do. I cringe when he also mentions diaby because it's ridiculous. 2015 is already looking like 2008-2014.

  20. jeff wright

    Jan 03, 2015, 11:24 #64344

    A very good summing up KC of Wenger at this point in his rather too long tenure at AFC. It's amazing though that some still believe in him despite the obvious fact that he is well past his time and indulging in the sort of arrogant chicanery that he did with Poldolski is as you say par for the course,he does it because he can.He has also used Diaby's alleged return for years to avoid signing the strong holding midfield player that every man and his pooch knows that we have required. Again his own personal interests and arrogance are involved in this French farce. Millions wasted and our results on the field suffering - but no one is holding him to account for it - so the Arsene magic roundabout just goes around and around on and (yawn) on... You couldn't make it up.

  21. KC

    Jan 03, 2015, 9:53 #64343

    So from Pod not leaving, Inter make joke offer the man lands in Italy to sign for them. Wenger just loves playing the smart arse, I hate his total disregard for the fan base, we are an irrelevance to him, he ha a total lack of respect for us. He even tried to dismiss the fan at Southampton by using a term like a young boy or something similar. When he was good he used to play with the press over signing a new contract forgetting the people that suffer were the fans worrying if he would stay. A strange man getting stranger as the years go by. He makes the club richer and the team poorer his lost total sight of why he entered football, sold his soul to rich businessmen and become their very rich accountant.

  22. Let's All be Friends

    Jan 03, 2015, 9:27 #64342

    The other thing we all certainly want is for people who post comments to check their spelling!! :)

  23. Let's All be Friends

    Jan 03, 2015, 9:16 #64341

    We all want one thing... we want Arsenal to succeed. That's often lost in the passion of the discussions/arguments/disagreements on what we don't agree on. I find it very sad that we resort to almoat hatred for eaxh other.juat. os we don't agree on the route we should take toearfs the same ultimate goal... For Arsenal to succeed. Even if we believe that the other group of fans' proposed route to success will certainly ensure that we don't achieve that aim, we still need to remember our common ground ... the desire for The Arsenal to succeed and indeed to reach the heights of success we know they are ao capable of.

  24. Hiccup

    Jan 03, 2015, 9:14 #64340

    Great start to the transfer window by wenger. Looks like we've managed to offload more deadwood off the payroll. Wenger playing hardball with Inter too, mocking their initial offer for Pod. No dithering this time round in the transfer market. Straight in to action from day one. Eggs and reversing cars all over wob avenue once again!

  25. Unchives

    Jan 03, 2015, 9:08 #64339

    @JAMIE, without fans like you, we wont mind being mid-table.

  26. Gaz

    Jan 03, 2015, 7:28 #64338

    You into 'self facination' then Jamie?...

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 0:38 #64337

    Jumpers for Goalposts, sad times indeed.

  28. JAMIE

    Jan 02, 2015, 23:29 #64336

    There's a man who sits about eight seats down from me who I recognise from the Highbury days.A strange character,more than likely sexually suspect who's mood changes from being angry and vocal one minute to depressive and rather morose the next.Even back when we were invincible and winning doubles the man never smiled just scoffed and cursed.I once asked him why he bothered attending and he hurled insults at me.I jesture to him now and again and he just stares at me in a cold way.Someone told me once he was a tough guy and not to be messed with.He looks a bit rotund to me and more bark than bite,so I shall continue to wind the man up.I really wonder why these people attend,I suppose it's just ritual yet I've always been fascinated by weird folk.

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 22:50 #64335

    Bard, ha ha, nice one, and we'll really be on the cusp then.

  30. DW Thomas

    Jan 02, 2015, 22:12 #64334

    I forget you Brits own the patent on the English language. I will use "draw" from now on! As for anyone still defending Wenger, what possible case can be made? I look forward to Bard's article and Jamie's sequel: How to be an AKB in 3 Short Steps!

  31. Bard

    Jan 02, 2015, 21:58 #64333

    Jamie; i am truly stunned, I hadnt reckoned on you being a philospher/social scientist. Your comments on those Wobs ( I have crossed over see previous post) is audacious and so true. As a former Wob I would add to that little list sexual ambiguity. There is a bloke 3 streets down from me who is a gooner and true Wob. Well Jamie he wears shorts on sunny days can you believe it? What a girls blouse, I said to him do you wet the bed as well and he said yes. Jamie you're wasted on this site a philosophical blog is a must. Incidentally I am writing a piece for Kev called 'Wenger should never retire". It basically outlines why and how we can keep him as our manager into his 90's and beyond. Can I be an AKB now ?

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 21:22 #64332

    Cyril, spot on, they pressed at every opportunity and what did we do? on the instructions of the clueless one no doubt tippy tappy going nowhere, then lose it or give it away, then they push an press, one decent ten minute spell we had before half time what were we doing? instead of pushing and pressing for an equaliser before half time it was tippy tappy going nowhere usually ending up back with one of our so called defenders to start again, and when we did get near their goal trying for the perfect pass and goal, with more often than not one of wengers Dwarfs not being able to get the pass over or past one of their players, and they were away again, showing us how it should be done, with TOF sitting rubbing his hands clueless and oblivious to it all, while Koeman must have been loving it.

  33. JAMIE

    Jan 02, 2015, 21:01 #64331

    Without fans like me we'd be mid-table.

  34. HillierSelleyMcGoldrick

    Jan 02, 2015, 20:37 #64330

    'The Chilean must wonder what exactly he has let himself in for'. He has let himself in for 150k per week, living in the best city in the world, playing in a team where he is the star. Poor bastard. He`s not going anywhere.

  35. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 02, 2015, 20:28 #64329

    Discontent changes the world, discontent created the dismissal of Billy Wright an unfortunate event for the 4,500 contented souls who watched us lose to Leeds to a record low crowd in 1966. Perhaps the offspring of the eternally contented were still happy during our greatest humiliation 8-2 defeat at Old Trafford. I can sit back contently as life is not too bad. But then be content with the French dictator? Rather finish 2nd for the next twenty years, rather finish 4th than win a trophy. Ye Gods! Get rid of the specialist in failure.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 20:18 #64328

    declan burke, good post, it should also be enough to make fan's minds up, but the problem is their not fans of Arsenal but fans of arsene.

  37. Hiccup

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:59 #64327

    Great post Bard! As someone has already posted on here today that's our hardest away fixture of the season out of the way and from here on in its all plain sailing. City, United and spurs away are all gimmes. I'd even go as far as saying a 2-0 loss at Southampton exceeds that great point we picked up at bottom place Leicester. I was bought the DVD of that game for Christmas and have pre ordered yesterday's spectacle. Wenger is spot on, if we cut out the mistakes and goals, we come away with a point. And he is so right, that Southampton are beatable. For that to happen, we need to not concede (check?) and we also need to score (check?). Anyway, the transfer window is open and I expect early decisive signings to add the finishing pieces to our jigsaw as the assault on 3rd,4th, 5th really hots up. Riveting stuff!

  38. jjetplane

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:53 #64326

    JAMIE the Dalai Lama of Wengaworld.

  39. Unchives

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:51 #64325

    Less then 1% of the population are the wealthiest & control all world functions , both directly and indirectly, and we accept it. 90% of people on this site have smelt the coffee and know Wenger hasn't got it and perhaps without George Graham's Defensive legacy may never have had it, but we don't all accept it although there is a smaller crowd to convince. The fact is how we feel personally.Some accept a comfort zone, some want more.I watch & play sport to win, no other reason, however I accept not everyone here is a winner,like Wenger,he isn't a natural winner, so he has to try and get others to do it for him,unfortunately, the people in his employ are the same personality as him, as is the AKBs, a desire to win is not enough!

  40. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:46 #64324

    Spurs, Southampton???? We are Arsenal FFS, so the sooner we can see the back of Wenger and his insipid reign the better, COYG

  41. Mancini's Syrup

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:34 #64323

    Jamie you really are the bastard child of Clouseau! Talk bollocks and avoid any questions that address the ****e we are in!

  42. Gaz

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:29 #64322

    Hi MG. Yep, that excuse was forgotten about pretty quickly. Case of forget that and let's move onto the next one...

  43. old man

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:21 #64321

    BARD. Love it!!!

  44. jjetplane

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:15 #64320

    What books you reading there JAMIE while you have a puff?

  45. Bard

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:13 #64319

    Hiccup, Im with you on the positivity theme. I thought 2-0 wasn't a bad result it could have been 5 or even 8, in which case 2-0 is almost a win if you get my drift .We have the makings of a good side, we only need about 7/8 new players, a new GK coach, a new defensive coach and boom we will be just off the shoulder of the top sides. Ive also revised my view of our failure to win anything. Time is a relative concept, in terms of the history of mankind Arsenal's failure to compete in 10 years is but the blink of an eye.We really need to worry if we still haven't won anything in a 100 years time. I am happy with the clubs longer term ambition which as I understand it is to develop a side able to compete in 2040. To this end they are signing up all the unborn children of pregnant women in the northern hemisphere in the hope of avoiding paying exorbitant transfer fees and discovering a reservoir of untapped talent. Its a risky strategy because of course half of them will be girls. Apparently the board don't see a downside as they reckon they couldn't play any worse than the current mob. Lots to look forward to in 2015, Bard the reformed WOB.

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:06 #64318

    Gaz, shusssss you weren't supposed to remember that.

  47. JAMIE

    Jan 02, 2015, 19:02 #64317

    The discontented ones are in general unhappy and frustrated people who keenly run to trouble wherever they see it.If it wasn't at the football then they would have to release their lusts in another form of entertainment which temporarily catches their attention.These people are in general perplexed navel gazing characters who only look to the present and who are only really interested in what their over indulged curiosity and inflated self worth tells them they are entitled to have.They need to stand back look into the true reality of it all and be thankful for what they have.

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 18:56 #64316

    TC, notice to peyton and the keeper coaching was brought up on here up to four seasons ago, and has been discussed continuously.

  49. old man

    Jan 02, 2015, 18:52 #64315

    DW Thomas. Its not a 'tie' mate its a ****ing draw!! Poxy Yanks!!!!!!!


    Jan 02, 2015, 18:06 #64314

    Cut through the details,nothing will change until Wenger goes.

  51. jeff wright

    Jan 02, 2015, 17:57 #64313

    DWT, Chesnay used to brash and confident but as time goes by he has become less so with a morose attitude now having replaced his former confidence and with too many big costly mistakes on his rap-sheet. He was not even a part of the only successful silverware moment last term at Wembley,other than sitting on the bench watching Flappy lapping up the applause . Part of the problem with his lack of confidence is that he has no confidence in his defence this doesn't help and who can forget his and Kos' s Keystone Kops farce in the LC final v lowly Brum .That incident stars in many a Xmas all time Football comedy bloopers DVD . It's a damning indictment though of Wenger's coaching and management that after all of this time that those two clowns are still making these comical cock-ups. Someone like Sir Ferguson would have have had them out the door long ago. There are certain parallels between the last setting sunset days of Clough and Wenger .Old managers past their best who stayed on too long for their own good .At least the old bellicose jock at United had the sense to get out before the brown stuff hit the fan and to leave the mess for someone else to clear up .Ironically helped in this by being able to depart on a high by struggling Arsene a man he despises selling him RVP. You couldn't make it up.

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 17:25 #64312

    The old has been is under the illusion we would have won the game if it wasn't for the cocks up's, as if we don't have them or never had them before, you couldn't make it up. Put us out of our misery and go now old man.

  53. DW Thomas

    Jan 02, 2015, 17:19 #64311

    JW, like the debate beginning on Szcz. I think it was way more his fault, but get that Kos and Per added to his problems. His clearance, or attempt, after Debucheys back pass is what he's used to doing. Very poor with his feet. He is gangly and not very athletic, awkward in his movement for me, especially with his feet. I coached a kid one year who later was turned into a very good keeper. He went from wingback to goalie as he was super athletic, had cat like reflexes, and was all around good with his hands. Almunia was the same for me. How is it with our resources so many of our players are sub standard OR are good but perform inconsistently below standards? Had we at least won 2-3 of our ties, we'd be ok. Such are e fine lines of sport. Those fine lines are often crossed by having grit, mettle, so called "spirit"! All the things we lack at the club as a whole. This clubs history and future is about having more. Not more money, bigger stadiums, better more expensive players. I actually find myself wanting to watch other teams more that have less "flashy" players because they seem more honest and to try harder. Overall, I don't think it's about our players. It's first the lackluster owner and board and then OGL. A team mirrors its coach. Think of the best coaches in history in all sports. Their teams follow their lead. The best teams have had great leaders on the field. We have neither, but boy our stadium is top notch! Just take our captains. Arteta and Per. Nice guys, but in no way captain material. But, remember we sold our captains 3 times in 4 years!!! That alone is ridiculous and ruins continuity within the team. Combine that with at least 50 other terrible decisions, bad tactics, dumb choices, idiotic excuses, and poor planning and you have our current situation. And I don't think I am overstating it. And Wenger keeps wondering why our luck doesn't turn? You make your own luck! Ever heard that before Monsieur Knowz Eet All?

  54. KC

    Jan 02, 2015, 16:42 #64310

    So we require players but surprise surprise it looks like players will leave quicker than we bring in. How can we be run so badly surely we know who we want have a list etc you know basic stuff or do we wait until the last day again. @jamie I will presume your genuine and pose this question the results are not great but after watching Arsenal during Wengers reign surely you must have massive concerns for the level of performance over all, and the worry that more we now spend the further we drift from competing with the best teams.

  55. Hiccup

    Jan 02, 2015, 16:18 #64309

    Look guys, my New Years resolution is to be more upbeat and positive. Yes, the season was all over done and dusted for us by October, agreed. But come on, you've read it on here, when Kos returns to form, we'll be challenging, yes challenging for 3rd! Or 4th or 5th. Who cares where? Just pluck a number and get up for it and be excited about it? Just tell your brain all is going great. Drink does help to accomplish this, as Jamie can verify.


    Jan 02, 2015, 15:59 #64308

    From Bob Wilson through the one and only Jimmy Rimmer, then Lukic, Seaman and Mad Jens our best teams have featured a top quality keeper. Roger Chesney is an improvement on Almunia, but not at the level we need. If you keep making the same mistakes season in, season out you are not intelligent and have nobody to blame but yourself. I'd give Ospina a run in the side, if they've managed to see his other leg back on.

  57. Mark

    Jan 02, 2015, 15:57 #64307

    @TC - Great points and one of my major gripes with things for the last few years. How come Sagna and Clichy can both cross the ball all of a sudden? Perhaps because they practice and work with people who help them. We on the other hand seem happy for crosses to consistently get cleared by the first man, that's if they make it into the area at all as many get blocked by the fullback. We have so many corners in games and rarely threaten, you may as well give a goal kick. Not one of our players can put a decent cross in. I lose count in games of the number of times we turn the ball over on one of our own throw-ins, like you say these are basic fundamentals and it's appalling.

  58. The man who invested and then got worse

    Jan 02, 2015, 15:55 #64306

    a return of 33 points after 20 games is crap no other way to look at it. even if we are good enough to get 37 points from the next 18 matches we end up with 70 points and I don't see it being enough this time for Wenger to retain his favourite trophy. Man U for sure are going to finish over 70 points. I think Spurs, Southampton can also get more and don't forget it is BY NO MEANS CERTAIN that we could possibly pick up 37 points in next 18 matches given that I am certain we will lose at least 4 more of those matches. we are going to have to go on such a run and I really don't think that's possible this time.

  59. jeff wright

    Jan 02, 2015, 15:48 #64305

    Dear Jamie/Peter whatever, there is no comparison between the weak hilarious Keystone Kops type defending that we see season after dreary season from Arsene's sides and the defeat that Mourinho's one suffered last night at the lane of pain in a game where the spuds scored some good goals on the night . As for your views on Stoke being anti-football this is just more AKB delusional nonsense put up to try and explain away the annual cowering defeats that we endure against them at their gaff. They pushed out against us in the game we lost against them recently . On another note the attempts to put all of the blame for yesterday's defeat at Southampton by some at Chesnay's door are not supported by the facts . Southampton nearly scored from a header that hit the post early doors and that had nothing to do with him but was the result of poor defending. If Kos had defended better on Saints first goal then Chesnay would not have had another mad rush of blood to that spot where his brain should be and rushed out in a panic to try and help out the chief blundering Keystone Kop .Also if we had a CB a bit faster than the BFG he would have got back anyway to cover our goal ,so it's all relative to us having a crappy defence cobbled together by Wenger. Us playing without a proper centre forward yesterday is also due to Wenger's weak rule,Sango anyone >? he should have got shot of Giroud after the tarts in his hotel rooms on pre-match day nights malarkey .Instead he kept our arrogant French puffed out chest poorman's King Eric all Oliver needs is a shirt with an upturned collar to complete. King Oliver left Wenger like a man in a canoe stranded up a creek without a paddle over Xmas after getting himself a red card for his stupid unnecessary antics.Again this is all down to Wenger's management. .Deja Vu Poldolski ,he couldn't play him yesterday because of the fear of him getting injured and this impacting on his sale and that would annoy Stan . Not annoying Silent Stan was more important to Wenger than putting out a more balanced side was .So we had poor little Sanchez huffing and puffing away up front instead but failing to blow the house down. It will be interesting to see how Sanchez is getting on come Easter in this side. There is only a limited amount that can be done in a January window to try and put things right and there are big multiply problems , as Keown pointed out last night on MOTD, in our defence . A lack of physicality in our midfield is also an issue,along with the fact that we don't have a decent GK ,Chesnay is a good shot stopper but not that bright in other areas. The Colombian looks like a Championship GK at best .No doubt we will require some heroics from him on Sunday .Hull were unlucky only to leave with a 2-2 draw on their last visit and we were supposedly in good form at that time ! We can exoect more bus parking and trying to catch us out on the break from Brucies side ,let's face it though,it's not that hard to do really,is it>?

  60. Cyril

    Jan 02, 2015, 15:46 #64304

    Optimism gone again for now. Soton pressed us all over the pitch and won the ball back early. That is Dutch football class. Koeman was a top player and he seems to have it as a top manager. He could well go near to cruyff in this respect. I am gutted to say that this was football's version of 'no mas' we turned our back on the play time and time again and back to defence for a hopeful punt. And Sanchez still had a great game. The Romanian cback, gardos, who got booked was class. He would be a great addition along with schneiderlin.Only positive is that he will have to buy a player - surely?


    Jan 02, 2015, 15:24 #64303

    Good article. I have never rated szceney I think he is not as good as he thinks he is!!! He actually believes he's world class oh dear, dear. That is all down to Wenger, he should have bought an experienced goal keeper to challenge this clown. Cech would have been a great buy!! Or a keeper of that level . He would know that he would be dropped if he performed like that regularly. Lloris is a way better goalkeeper than sczeney and he plays for Tottenham smh. Also did any of you see that chap that accosted Wenger at Saint Mary's lool. Wenger said it was a Southampton fan Loool comical. The lad had on an arsenal jacket with the badge showing. Wenger is in denial. He actually thinks most arsenal fans want him to stay and he's doing a great job!!! Did he not say that only. 0.1% of fans want him gone!!! Delusional is not the word!!! The problem at this club is two fold. Wenger is one, but the main problem is Kronke. This man is a disgrace. Just look at every sports franchise he has purchased. They have all become mediocre stale teams. He has no ambition and he is not willing to invest. This self sustaining model does not work if you have a poor manager . Look you can win if you don't have a lot of money but it's more difficult. We have money though so we our not in the same category as Broussia Dortmond or Athletico Madrid, but I use them as examples that you can do well without a rich sugar daddy. Yes Broussia our struggling now, but they win the league twice in a row, but can't compete now as they can't match Bayern in the money game. We our a far more bigger financial powerhouse than those two clubs. Yet Wenger has only been to the semis twice in 18 years in the cl. He's time is up and so is Kronke!!!!!

  62. Hiccup

    Jan 02, 2015, 15:10 #64302

    Oh Kevin, come on now, it ain't all doom and gloom. I think you really need to take a break from writing about arsenal. Full credit to you for maintaining the site, but it doesn't sound much fun at the moment. There's still a couple of court jesters milling around on here with some upbeat comments. Why not let them take the reins for a week or two? I find their posts the most entertaining, and refreshing from the stating the bloody obvious analysis of the circus. Why, only today we've had an insightful lesson as to how 'anti football' Stoke beat arsenal because of their anti football tactics? And get this, Chelsea only beat us every year because they park the bus, but play hockey against other teams? Jesus, after that half dozen goals they banged in last year, I'm bloody glad they didn't go for it! Oh yes, and when teams like Southampton and Man Utd go toe to toe with us, yes, we have the same outcome. Now I'm not a betting guy, but mark my words, if I was, as we're only in to January and a long way to go in the season, I'll bet there will be plenty more sh!t spouted from these comedians. And it's f###ing side splitting sh!t to boot...

  63. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 14:46 #64301

    Few covered themselves in glory alright Kev (do they really ever?) especially our Liability keeper and defenders two of them for one of the goals, one standing along with flappy mk 2 and the other lying looking on in bewilderment like three spare p****s in a brothel, and the biggest liability of all TOF of a manager just sitting there rocking, head buried in his sleeping bag looking and acting like Mr Bean. But we know what they did cover themselves in along with their old past it manager and what it smells like and not for the first time either, and it won't be the last. Embarrassing alright throw in pathetic and clueless, will it be any better in 2015 ? of course it won't but a lot of us know that already and have done for seasons now but others hang on in hope year after year devoted to a lost cause. The biggest change required is this old has been of a manager we're stuck with, then the gutting of his lackeys and his useless yes men, then the bad smell will be gone and we'll start to smell proper again.

  64. Charlie George Orwell

    Jan 02, 2015, 14:30 #64300

    Saw the news today – shocking. Masses of people, desperate after enduring years of unimaginable suffering, were cynically conned by a shadowy organisation into parting with huge amounts of money in return for a promise of better times ahead. One distraught survivor said ‘It was terrible. We were told to get on board, stay quiet and keep our heads down. We were then just left in the dark’. These poor folk were then abandoned in the most callous of manners – drifting alone without anyone of competence being present. Arsenal Football Club said there will be no refunds.

  65. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 02, 2015, 14:11 #64299

    It seems with each bad performance it is now kicking off in the crowd(not just angry fisticuff's but actual protest) and more importantly this is being noticed in the media with the Telegraph, Mail and others running the story of the latest angry supporter. Crucially the agenda will start to move away from "How can they be so ungrateful, lack respect etc" to a more neutral agenda of supporter protest. These things are embryonic and at the moment are spontaneous but it will soon evolve into a more involved agenda, it does need some further momentum and at the risk of alienating supporters I reckon the Gooner could play its part. Watch out for more to come!

  66. Mike Collins

    Jan 02, 2015, 14:11 #64298

    Stuart 67676 has nailed it - a template match report to save Kev's typing fingers. Plus let's template this section of the site too - Form A would be for the anti-Wengerites "Our once-proud club is now a laughing stock etc."; Form B would cater for the diehard Arsene-worshippers, "Look at what the man did for us in the glorious past and he led some of the rarer species onto the Ark etc." Me? For the first season ever I don't give a stuff and that maybe should be Form C.

  67. DW Thomas

    Jan 02, 2015, 14:06 #64297

    What's the most eye opening for me is the capitulation. We had 35 minutes, Theo, and others to help fight back for at least a tie, but continued to make bad mistake after mistake. Chambers looks worse as the season progresses and others disinterested in winning. Chelsea kept fighting yesterday and Ramirez missed a chance that could have maybe changed the outcome of that the game. They didn't play that well, Kane is on fire lately. But both teams looked driven to win. We hardly ever play that way anymore. Same types of errors and results each year, one common thing, the manager. I like Chamberlin, he looks tough and pushes the game forward, not just sideways. Yet, in the complacent 4th is a trophy world, our players play comfortably knowing no real pressure is on them, no real energy need be exerted. They mirror their leader. Kos is a very good defender on his day, and Per s slow but mostly decent. It was mostly if not all Szcz yesterday for he errors. His sip IMMEDIATELY after the second goal was astounding! What a telling reaction! And worse, it could have been at least 5-0 by the end! To a team that lost half their starting squad? There are no more excuses. We need a banner at the games with that on it. Perform or its time to go. Some on here are talking about Ramsey and Ozil as our saviors? That's just taking the p..s. our players need 5-6 games just to be average after long layoffs. Wenger talks of luck. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Funny how ours is so often bad.

  68. JAMIE

    Jan 02, 2015, 14:03 #64296

    I watched the spuds chavs hockey match I think Mourinho used to call it when we had such high scoring games against them lily whites.What I saw was Chelsea going for it,something they never do against Arsenal,leaving just a couple of players back and getting punished for it.A great team will normally beat the lesser teams and have ups and downs against the better teams,like we have experienced in recent years.Take Stoke for instance.They have the best record against the top sides in the Premiership,their anti-football finds a way to defeat them.Yet against the smaller teams where they have to show their class and authority they have the worst record.If you understand the game you would easily recognise these things instead of making ridiculous assumptions after every defeat.

  69. anti-wenger

    Jan 02, 2015, 13:38 #64295

    I disagree with those who keep saying our squad is not good enough, that's not correct. it's only Chelsea and Manc that have a better squad. Manu only has a better frontline and keeper,but their defence and midfield are rubbish,except Carrick. Other teams simply have coaches who know how to work with what they have and make the most out of their players. Imagine if we had a Coach who could get the most out of the talents of Ozil, Wilshere,Poldi,Kolsceny,Ramsey,Walcot,AOC,Carzola etc,Arsenal will be frightful to play against. These are all players we know posses far more talent than they're producing on the pitch. Even Giroud scores mostly from crosses, yet AW will not play to his strengths, he'll rather d team keep passing d ball sideways and backwards just to amass 80% useless possession. Arteta may not be d answer but he's a very intelligent user of d ball. If we had a good team structure,we can compensate for his lack of speed. A better coach will get these players to defend with more discipline and determination. Just try and notice d amount of effort Costa,Harzard,Osca and Willian put in defensively when chelsea doesn't have the ball, u'll understand why they're topping the league. Even when we had these same Fabregas,Song,RVP,Nasri etc, we were still clamouring for better players and we still couldn't win the League. Buy whoever we like, as long as it's the same coaching, we'll still never win the league.

  70. Paulo75

    Jan 02, 2015, 13:20 #64293

    Hard to think of anything original to say as another poor performance is there for all to see. Agree that Ospina deserves a run in the team now, Szczesny's mindless charges from his goal now becoming a regular trait. Surely we will buy a centre half early January to enable the likes of Mertesacker to be dropped for continual poor performances this season. Then again ............

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 13:14 #64292

    So Xmas is over another familiar new year no further on than we were in 07 because of TOF's philosophies his ego and his spawn. So Xmas is over and it's another new year will it be any different in 15 some think of course it will, they always do only to find out very soon it just ain't true and what fools they are too. So it's yet another new year and we're still stuck with an old lost cause, some still think he'll deliver like Santa clause but others know better that he's past it and done, and the chance of that changing is none none none,that there's more chance of him waking up in the morning the same colour as his sick note son.

  72. Roy

    Jan 02, 2015, 13:11 #64291

    Kev, you entitled your piece "Looks Familiar". I'm thinking that we would actually be better off with Dennis Norden in charge to oversee this calamitous cacophony of cock-ups. Alright on the night ? Don't you believe it.

  73. Soul Destroying

    Jan 02, 2015, 13:00 #64290

    with the greatest respect Southampton are a far more sophisticated team to play against than West Ham. seems to me any coach that really thinks about how to get through Arsenal, usually finds a way. more to the point of all the so called big clubs its Arsenal where you get the most embarrassing displays i.e. there is a huge gap between expectation and performance, between what Wenger says and what usually happens and this event is increasing over time. weve taken some right hammerings over the last couple of years plus weve lost at places we really shouldn't be losing at. I think this season we will fall short. well get 65 points and this time it wont be enough. weve lost 5 already and we will for sure lose another 4 at least so total 9 defeats and I predict 10/11 draws so 18 or 19 total wins, well short of last year. why ? because Wenger showed total neglect in releasing Sagna, Vermaelen and Jenkinson and bringing in only a boy in Chambers and Debuchy. this was total neglect no other way to look at it. Also to persevere with goalkeepers when the rest of the top 7-8 teams all have better keepers is stubbornness beyond belief. Id rather have Tim Howard in goal than any of our keepers. overall its a real shambles of a set up these days with a French emperor who will not listen to anyone and who should have walked away 2-3 years ago. Ronald Koeman is clearly a smart manager and could handle Arsenal now. most of my friends are now starting to prey for change its getting so painful. I wonder if we will actually get past Hull + Monaco now when we should be considering these as done with no problem. to add insult to injury we all pay a fortune to see this all unfold. soul destroying.

  74. anti-wenger

    Jan 02, 2015, 12:59 #64289

    @Andy1886 I totally agree with ur last sentence. It is not the playing personnel that is the problem. Nobody can say that this Spurs players are better than ours, except their keeper. But the performance they put up against Mou yesterday, we'll never be able to muster that in 1000 attempts with AW. It's not about individual players, it's how the team plays as a whole. Even if we magically buy Matic, he'll improve us marginally but we'll still be shipping goals bcos he alone cannot defend for the whole team. Wenger keeps arguing that we concede goals bcos we're an attacking team, big lie. Chelsea,ManC,Manu,Bayern,R.madrid,Barca all score more than us,and still to defend better. AW will not admit it,but he's tactically clueless and incapable of achieving balance between attack and defence.

  75. jeff wright

    Jan 02, 2015, 12:42 #64288

    Dear Jamie/Peter, whatever, your mantras are rather tiresome you were claiming that we would finish third last season and,oh..! It does show though what your heights of ambition were. You swallow any old codswallop that Arsene serves up for you... the other day he was claiming that Poldolski would not be going anywhere when in reality he knew that he was going to sell him. This is typical Wenger he will do anything to make a few more bucks for Stan to justify his 8m a year wages. Regarding your stats they are just more irrelevance. The fact is that we can't under Arsene win three league games in a row... third place is just a pipe dream ... but you having nothing else to claim to try and divert attention from this so like a drowning man clutching at straws you desperately grasp at it. The reality is that Arsene is struggling to even get into 4th place we are 12 points worse off than at this time last season ,despite signing Danny Boy and Sanchez .This is not top 4 form and there is no sign that anything is getting any better with one stuttering performance following on another. It's the same old every season Kos getting fit will make our defence better - the big ducking German willl still be slower than wet varnish drying in the rain though but hey Diaby will be like a new signing when he returns ! You couldn't make it up.

  76. Ken

    Jan 02, 2015, 12:23 #64287

    JAMIE- Surely you mean 7 wins, 2 draws and 4 defeats from 13 played? Good to see our first choice defence back though, as Wenger's disciples have been telling us everything would be rosy in the garden when that came to pass. Unfortunately, watching Mert and Kos at work in the rearguard action that led to Pelle's header hitting the post was truly chilling.

  77. JAMIE

    Jan 02, 2015, 11:48 #64285

    It's the usual from the wob knee-jerking display team after every defeat.seven wins,one draw and two defeats in our last ten games does not signify a crisis.Agree there was some awful defending yet the Premiership is full of it,just sit back and enjoy we'll still get third.

  78. jeff wright

    Jan 02, 2015, 11:39 #64284

    AMG , the spuds are not an irrelevance ,they provide the AKB with a diversion from the realities of our true position under Wenger ,by using his dominance over them for an excuse for keeping him in charge. Personally I don't see them as being a top 4 side and their result yesterday against the chavs was the same sort that they have produced in the past at various times only for them to flatter to deceive. However, the fact that they are now being touted for 4th spot by some will be used to try and make drama out of nothing as the 'excitement' of the usual battle for Arsene's fabled 4th place trophy is now back on . ( yawn) Badarse and lee KFC aka TH14,Jamie aka Peter, are already practising,like drunken Gregorian Monks, their ,There's Only One Arsene Wenger ! chants in anticipation of victory. I suppose though that we now have to allow for Southampton possibly putting Arsene's nose out of joint in his quest for 4th spot,the Dutchman's side look just as capable of beating the riff-raff of the league as Wenger does. But crucially they may do a little better against the top teams than our old clueless duffer does .Many neutrals - and even some others - will be wishing Ron well. C'est la vie!

  79. Brixham Gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 11:37 #64283

    Woji gifted two goals away and then sits there drinking his cocktail, no doubt a Bloody St.Marys. I don't think think he has much of the "Mental Strength" we hear so much about. The most important attribute a goalkeeper needs is decision making and he proves over and over again he is not at the top level. Meanwhile at the other end we have lightweight Sanchez leading the line with Campbell benched and Podolski not even in the squad. If you prefer that starting arrangement why do we have these players on the books. They must be there just to make up the numbers. Chambers as CDM anyone? Wanyama cost £12m. Had the best day of his life. Arsene you have taken us to the greatest heights of professional sport. Now you preside over our thunderous decent into abject mediocrity. I have given up on you. You are lost. Leicester, Hull, Swansea, Liverpool, Southampton. We are just a Sports Franchise now. Someone elses toy. And the laughing stock of the Premier League. With Wenger we will always be Bridesmaids.......

  80. Gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 11:25 #64282

    To be fair, Wojciech Szczesny has been excellent for us. If we are signing defenders/holding midfielders they need to be signed this week to save our sh1t season. No matter the cost. I am going insane,

  81. AMG

    Jan 02, 2015, 11:20 #64281

    Good report Kevin. I don't want to be too critical about our performance, I think that would be doing a disservice to Southampton who should have had 4 or 5. They were a much better team than us in all areas and have managed to go half a season ahead of us - Maybe Wenger will split the 4th place trophy with them at the end of the season. Southampton lost half their 1st team players, yet didn't lose 8-2 to Man United, they have a proper manager who can organise and motivate his group of players. I have no doubt that Arsenal will finish above Southampton, because we will pick up more results against the bottom half of the table, but I daresay the difference in points will not be commensurate with the difference in finances - Spurs are an irrelevance as ever. As always, Wenger out!

  82. Peter Wain

    Jan 02, 2015, 11:13 #64280

    the problems are their for all to see but will not be addressed now or in the summer. Wengers ability to learn from his mistakes do not exist. For years now the positional play of the full backs has been appalling and the lack of physically dominant midfield players a joke so why will this transfer window be any different from the previous 5 or 6. Sack him today the board tomorrow and deport Kroenke it is the only way forward.

  83. jeff wright

    Jan 02, 2015, 11:05 #64279

    We got away with it at home to QPR and away to WHU .Chesnay had a good game ,or rather came out and caught crosses that our CB's missed all afternoon at the Boleyn ,that is until right up to the death in injury time, when he made a complete mess of trying to do it and only a poor miss from a West Ham player, who headed over from a yard out, kept the score 2-1 in our favour to give us , taking into account other factors, a rather fortuitous win. Tbh, based on that showing and the one at home to QPR, I couldn't see us beating Southampton . So Kos needs a few games,along with about 6 or 7 other players ,according to andy 1886 , to get back to his best,well his best is not actually very good when he faces top teams and we will face a few of them over the next few weeks . At this time of the season so many players needing to get match fit is going to prove costly anyway,if true. Personally though as I said the other day I don't think that these injuries are the big issue because Wenger can cobble together any number of combinations of our current squad that is all much of a sameness and providing he has Sanchez in the mix then they will provide similar results. Kos is no better than some of the others who have played in his place while he has been out . The reality is that Kos ,fit or not fit, is just an ale house player and is another who needs moving out along with the oh so SLOW BFG .Kos just doesn't need to just get fit he also needs a brain-transplant! These Keystone Kops type defenders, such as Kos, have turned us into a laughing stock,we got away with not getting another 6-0 mauling yesterday because Southampton failed to take their chances that they Kos and co provided them with. Even Brucie will be fancying his chances against our garden gnome midfield players and dodgy brainless defenders . You couldn't make it up.

  84. Barnaby

    Jan 02, 2015, 10:57 #64278

    I agree with gaz, the club has managed to get the tourists to come to the club for a nice day out, they don't care where we really are in the league, mark my words tho, third will not get better when wengers contract is up, he will get a new contract after that as well! The only way to get him out is open revolt all the time. It really is down to the fans to get him out

  85. Petar Saulov

    Jan 02, 2015, 10:54 #64277

    Great review, as usual, Kevin. I can only add that I am not a fan the sir Chez bashing that has taken place in the last 24 hours. As is said in the article, better couching would have eliminated those 'episodes' out of his game by now. All of our defensive players are prone to catastrophic mistakes and that has been the case for a few years now. I refuse to believe that Chez, BFG, Kos, Gibbs, Nacho, Vermaelen, Clichy (who was voted best left back in his debut season), Sagna, Jenkinson are all bad players, however all of them have cost us points. My guess is that we have to look at what is the common factor in their performces for Arsenal - the manager!

  86. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jan 02, 2015, 10:14 #64276

    Bob; you obviously didn't see the Liverpool - Swansea game; Flappy gifted the Bin Dippers their second goal. Watch it on Youtube if you like, hilarious. Probably thought he was still playing for AFC.

  87. Mani thy

    Jan 02, 2015, 10:13 #64275

    Totally agree about peyton - he is not preparing our keepers properly. Bring back the dream team of willow and big fave. We need calm decision making. Cheney is no better than a no2 due to erratic coaching and poor decision making.we need two ct backs, a dm and a new goalkeeper although Martinez looked good when given a chance. Ospina- I have no idea. I see the sanitarium is getting busy- I hope Diaby is being made comfortable!

  88. Bob

    Jan 02, 2015, 10:11 #64274

    It looks like we kept the wrong pole in goal. Fabianski improved during his time at Arsenal, and has been one of the most reliable keepers in the premiership at Swansea. Szczęsny was very promising when he first broke into the team, but he has regressed and I don't think he would be anywhere near the first team of Tottenham, Chelsea, United or City. Forster at Southampton looks a cut above too. Our clown is on a par with Mignolet at Liverpool, at best.

  89. trev

    Jan 02, 2015, 10:05 #64273

    Arsenal beat West Ham - short, perfunctory article by the editor. Arsenal lose to Southampton - the editor's eyes light up and the prose is flourishing. We all know yesterday was bad but the good stuff merits more coverage.

  90. TJ

    Jan 02, 2015, 9:59 #64272

    I have to disagree over Jens the Layman. He was absolutely awful- poor decision making, not great at stopping shots. When he came back for that match against Blackpool he stupidly ran out and could have been sent off, but everyone said he 'played well'. Whenever I watch season reviews of those sides people always highlight how bad the GK situation was after Seaman. To be honest Szczesny is a good GK, just not great- but he like the rest of the squad are playing for an almost completely unambitious manager. As for the game, the result doesn't matter that much- Arsenal want only to make fourth place ad infinitum, we can take these kind of losses. I hope a team other than Spurs gets fourth so this charlatan might resign, but in all honesty we'll probably scrape through on the last day to ensure this unending pattern of mediocrity and AKB worship.

  91. declan burke

    Jan 02, 2015, 9:54 #64271

    Make no mistake about Arsenal Football club is now seen as the softest touch in the premier league. What an absolute calamity we have become, a laughing stock. An embarassing performance is almost expected now and delivered frequently, and it is just excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses,.......I genuinely fear for this club because it has become a club that no opposing team or fan fears anymore and that in itself should be enough to make Wenger's mind up.

  92. Rob

    Jan 02, 2015, 9:43 #64270

    Gaz, you are right on the money with that. 'The dumbing down of ambition' is exactly what the last decade has been about. With one exception, the key "ambition"of giving Wenger unlimited opportunities season after season. I can honestly see him carrying on beyond 2017 - well beyond it. I am starting to wonder if I will live long enough to see a change - and I'm much younger than Wenger.

  93. N4

    Jan 02, 2015, 9:39 #64269

    The board and the owner don't care about the decline as long the money side of things aren't! I would love to shake the hand of that away supporter...!!! I bet you once the home win start they will be singing there's only Arsène....! Also it doesn't matter who we get as new players nothing wil change until the manager and his buddies go that include the board and the yanks! When I looked at the Southampton players I do not recodnise any world class players but they played like one! They are really that good or we're really that sh1te! Oh wait, luckily we have Diaby who would be like a new signing...couldn't make this up...! LMAO!

  94. Jimmy Twizzle

    Jan 02, 2015, 9:36 #64268

    "In the race for fourth, this assumes Southampton will collapse." Are you sure?

  95. chris dee

    Jan 02, 2015, 9:31 #64267

    This is Arsenal 2014-2015? No this is Arsenal Arsenal 2005-2015. It's difficult not to get apoplectic after Arsene has assured us that Almunia,Fabiaski,Mannone and Chesney are 'great keepers'.One good game against West Ham does not excuse seasons of mediocrity by Chesney(No selfie yesterday Chesney?),I can't name many Premiership keepers who are worse than him. It's difficult not to get apoplectic after 10 years of watching Arsenal defences lacking any organisation or defensive coaching,or midfield players who have been given no defensive responsibility. We saw Arsene interviewed on T V after the match,but they could have replayed scores of after match interviews over the last few years and they would all have had the same content.Bad goalkeeping,defensive shambles and defeat. But unfortunately even after defeat Arsene looks and sounds complacent.Where is the ruthless ambition,passion and demand for success that should be ingrained in the structure of 'big' clubs?And after being lucky enough to see a couple of games at the Emirates this season it seems many of our fans are also in 'complacent mode'. Also it is not just about signing players because we could sign Petr Cech,Vincent Kompany,Matic,Ramos,Pique and we would still struggle with the infantile, naive way we approach games especially against top sides. And just a word on the Champions League,we are all so pleased to draw Monaco,but Monaco feel the same about drawing Arsenal.

  96. Alsace

    Jan 02, 2015, 9:29 #64266

    Interesting that Spurs put 5 past Chelsea. They did look pumped. The truth is that the AKB's will meekly accept our being the third team in London behind Tottenham, if they can still have the warm comfortable atmosphere of belief in their leader. I do not believe that we will secure 4th place. The Gooner seems to have turned a corner, moving to a position where it is or may be happy to campaign for a change. A solid relentless well reasoned campaign centered around the fact that real Arsenal supporters want some self respect for the team and the club. It's all very well to lie in a gutter stoned out of your mind on champions league cash, but many of us don't want our club to be there. The Americans will ruthlessly cut the knot if the cashflow dries up.

  97. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 9:27 #64265

    The key line in your excellent summary is "The job of the board or owner" What we are witnessing is a board that is clueless about football and therefore does not grasp how bad things are really becoming. You cannot give Wenger any more money because he will waste on a "lightweight" midfield player or another average striker. The current damage will take a five years minimum, to rectify. We need an experienced pragmatic manager who believes in solid basic footballing principles, a class keeper, dominant centre back coupled with a proper collective defensive coaching. Those standard practises have to be established again at our club before we even think of moving forward into more expansive football. Over to you Sir Chips!

  98. Stuart

    Jan 02, 2015, 9:11 #64264

    Kevin, you must spend a lot of time and effort on these reports. Why don't you just do a template and fill in the blanks for each team and venue. We all know what will probably happen so it will save you loads of time. In fact, you could use any match report from the last eight or so years.

  99. gn23

    Jan 02, 2015, 8:58 #64263

    Well said gaz!!

  100. Gaz

    Jan 02, 2015, 8:47 #64262

    'Just you wait until our first choice back five are back playing together again!' we were told with real gusto from AKB types. Well yesterday they were back and boy oh boy did it make a big difference! Because in all honesty they conspired to put in one of the most pathetic defensive displays I've seen from a so called 'top' side in quite a while. The only 'good' thing was that I've long stopped caring to get angry about it now! Indeed the football side of the Club doesn't anger or annoy me anymore as it is what it is and that won't change until Wenger decides to leave (because lets be blunt he ain't going nowhere for a while yet). One thing though that I cant deny the Club have done brilliantly is to create a whole new fanbase willing to take any old crap thrown at them. The dumbing down of ambition is now complete and its a job well done by Wenger and the board. Listening to some of them on youtube is so utterly depressing its the only thing about the Club that regulary annoys me now. The transformation is complete sadly and I see no way out of it anymore which is why myself and many others simply can't be arsed anymore...

  101. John A

    Jan 02, 2015, 8:39 #64261

    Exactly Kevin. Bottom line is that squad is not good enough. The defence needs change in all five areas, defensive midfield cover is vital and we still need a better striker than Giroud. Ozil and Walcott will not provide any answers to our current woes. If Spuds thump us in February many AKB will finally change their views and see the decline in standards is slipping to a level below top 4.

  102. TC

    Jan 02, 2015, 8:34 #64260

    Good article Kevin and the first time I have seen notice drawn to the coaching by Payton on the goal keepers. Why interesting because I have a problem in general with the coaching - players with glaring faults or habits that never seem to be addressed - for example Theo has been at the club 10 years now yet has the same issues as when he joined (running into impossible positions that even God couldn't make a pass, lack of awareness, passing back when he needs to take people on, etc), Jack Wilshire - holding the ball too long, lunging tackles, Ramsey - over elaborate passing when under pressure, Flamini - lunging tackles, lack of discipline Scchezeny - poor decision making, poor kicking under the slightest pressure, Martinez - a very dangerous kicking method, Giroud slipping into midfield, giving the ball away, particularly bad when we are under pressure and he starts flicking passes too quickly, when Sagna was here his appalling crossing never resolved because he always wanted an extra touch(to give time for the opposition to get in the way!!), when Song was here giving away free kicks as the game nears the end in situations where there is no need to make a challenge - Gibbs and Flamini also very guilty of this. Other bad areas such as getting the ball into play from corners, throw-ons, free kicks - its all random with no strategy. Then of course defending free kicks and corners. It just seems to me there is no coaching its all make it up as we go along.

  103. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Jan 02, 2015, 8:29 #64259

    I suspect the real reason Bould is sitting next to Wenger is that,like Rice before him, he is happy to do as he's told and pick up his 1 million plus a year.Surely if he had anything about him he would insist on sorting the defence out or walk. Keown or Adams could easily be doing his job but Wenger couldn't tolerate their forceful characters. Like many I hoped Bould's involvment would bring more stability at the back but if anything this season it's worse than ever.Another missed opportunity.

  104. Wenger Out Now

    Jan 02, 2015, 8:01 #64258

    Merson has never been the sharpest tool in the box.But even though we are only two days into the new year he came out with the most stupid comment you will hear for the rest of the year.He said "I can see Chambers playing the DM position for the rest of the season if he plays well today he could save Arsenal £20m"Thanks Paul

  105. divingrooney

    Jan 02, 2015, 7:56 #64257

    If I were to bet on who would finish higher based on yesterday’s displays, there is no question Tottenham would be ahead of Arsenal. ----------------------------------------------------- Come on, have a bet. Betting is legal in UK, you can make good money there. But like Chelsea, who already won the title in October, you will find that truth reveals itself only in May...

  106. LetsGoForThird

    Jan 02, 2015, 7:54 #64256

    Yesterday, we saw the 3rd placed team only gain 1 point on us, after we played (what will turn out to be) one of the most difficult away trips of the season. We are still just 4 points away from 3rd. And we WILL get 3rd once Kos returns to his usual self (be mindful that he has indeed been out for some time and will need a few games to get back to his best). Walcott and Debuchy also need a few games to get back to their best. Ozil and Ramsey will fit back in to the team soon ... again they won't light the world on fire the first game back, but might take 3 or 4 games. And all will be well again. Mark my words. If you can make random predictions that we will not make 3rd based on current form, then I will damn well make predictions that we will do very well on the previous form of our best players when playing their best

  107. Dave

    Jan 02, 2015, 7:32 #64255

    Good report Kevin, I dont envy you in trying to find new ways to describe our repeated failings over the last few groundhog seasons. For me the malaise is all over the pitch and right through the squad. Considerig the strikers - one injured(ok fair enough), one foolishly suspended for no reason and one who has had enough of the shambles (and lack of opportunity) that he wants out. You could do this exercise all over the squad, that is what is so depressing. Happy new year to you and all fellow gooners - we hope for change but deep down we all know the misery is set to continue for another two and a half years

  108. andy1886

    Jan 02, 2015, 7:23 #64254

    Fair assessment Kevin, however I'm pretty confident that come May we will as usual have done just enough to scrape fourth yet again and AW will hail it as a job well done despite 'massive injuries' and 'terrible luck'. Nothing that he could possibly be responsible for of course. It's worth remembering Szcz's performance against the Hammers though before condemning him completely, he actually had a very good game that day, like everyone else Arsenal he's been inconsistent rather than terrible. Before we replace the keeper we've a few other areas to work on, and even then I'm not convinced that changing the playing personnel will necessarily do much good if we retain the same coaching (and management) staff anyway.