Myth Busting - A Reality Check

Arsenal have spent a lot of money in the last 18 months but have they progressed?

Myth Busting - A Reality Check

This time last year Arsenal were joint top of the PL. Chelsea were in transition and Man U were in a complete mess. It augured well for a tilt at the title, the first for many years, but we needed to add one or two to the squad, notably a forward to share Giroud’s load. Extraordinarily the club did nothing but take Kallstrom on loan, even though he had a broken back ! It was a breathtaking statement of the club’s lack of ambition. Despite the lack of investment we clung on to claim our usual 4th spot. The summer saw us invest heavily. Our net spend of £70m was second only to United’s supermarket trolley dash. Nevertheless it was the biggest net spend in Arsenal’s history. This was surely the statement of intent that we had been waiting for.

Here we are a year on and things aren’t looking good, we are currently 13 points behind the league leaders Chelsea and to all intents and purposes out of the title race. On current form we have our work cut out to claim the 4th spot. We can hardly claim to have been playing great football in the run up to the New Year, far from it, some of it has been shocking, our defensive play has been at schoolboy level, without the brilliant Sanchez we might have been languishing in the lower half of the table.

As we enter the January transfer window it is self evident that Arsenal will have to spend even more money to maintain the status quo. Another centre back is a near certainty but we might also be in the market for a defensive midfielder. It is perfectly reasonable to suggest that by the end of the season Arsenal/Wenger will have spent the thick end of £200m in transfers plus wages over the last season and a half to very little effect. There is an argument that suggests we have gone backwards. We are still chronically mentally weak and our defensive frailties are seemingly insoluble.

The apologists point to our chronic injury problems but the reality is that bar Debuchy none of the injured were tearing up trees when they were fit. Arteta has been a liability all season, Ozil, Ramsey and to a lesser extent Jack have been peripheral figures. The Kos situation is the elephant in the room as it was well documented that he was carrying his injury in the World Cup. His absence might reasonably be classified under the ‘shooting yourself in the foot’ column. Furthermore our injury problems go back years and point to a systemic issue in the club, they are not a new problem. Worryingly Theo, Jack and Ramsey are beginning to resemble the next generation Diabys.

They also promote the fallacious argument that no other manager could do better. Are we really to believe that no other top manager with £100+m to spend over a season and a half couldn’t produce better performances than we have seen over the last two seasons?

What seems barely credible is the level of apathy and lack of accountability around the club. Despite the odd protest there is, by and large, an uncritical acceptance of this state of affairs. Wenger seems to have a remarkable grip over both a section of the fans and the media that blinds them to seeing the reality of the situation. The fact that club are now in a dogfight for 4th place after the extraordinary levels of investment is testament to the fact that he is failing, of that there can be absolutely no question. What the club do about it is another question altogether.

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  1. jeff wright

    Jan 04, 2015, 20:34 #64419

    TH14 aka lee KFC, Denis , people who live in glass houses and all that ... you couldn't make it up.

  2. Rob

    Jan 04, 2015, 15:33 #64415

    Good post. And not too long. Straight to the point. Like we used to be on the pitch 10 years ago.

  3. Th14afc

    Jan 04, 2015, 14:51 #64412

    Jeff wrong- pathetic that in ur head me and lee are the same person,what ru on?also I'm not a wob or akb,I know u hav trouble getting your head around the concept that not all fans are 1 or the other quote your own muppet self,you couldn't make it....u bitter spud

  4. jjetplane

    Jan 04, 2015, 14:16 #64408

    Be more concerned with what JAMIE might do to himself lol Watch out for 'man' with 'smart suit and tie' (demob) carrying bag of tinnies and cds accompanied by a giant in a sailor suit. Someone must be able to get a picture. Might catch the second half if it looks like a fun conclusion .... anyone ever see the film of BFG dancing on a stage in Vietnam. That's where the money is for Stan FC also know as the Islington Gunners Sportsteam. You could not make any of this up.

  5. Dartford gooner

    Jan 04, 2015, 13:33 #64406

    Not going today,first time in years. Knee op can,t walk but could still do a better job than the BFG and KOS. I think everybody should be able to write what they like within reason but how much longer do we have to put up the Jamie's threats of violence. Can any of the Wenger fans please tell us what he has done in the last 10 years that justifies him keeping his job. Can they also tell us when they think he will win the title or cl. If he can't win one or the other how much longer do they think he should stay. Good luck today lads

  6. Torbay gooner

    Jan 04, 2015, 12:52 #64405

    Decent analysis Bard, the Kallstrom fiasco alone should have convinced any Wenger supporters that he really was living on another planet. Once Walcott had been ruled out for the season, the purchase of another striker was vital in an attempt to relieve the burden on Giroud. The performances in the league this season, with one or two exceptions have been lacking any kind of intensity and tempo and some of the defending has been staggering in it's ineptitude. However, unless this board goes, the awful staleness blowing through this club will persist.

  7. jeff wright

    Jan 04, 2015, 11:02 #64403

    TH14/leeKFC ,Pold didn't do anything to annoy Wenger,it's just business he sold him while there was still some money to be made out of him ... simple so why are you struggling to work it out then >?That's what Wenger does best ,that's why he keeps his job . Short term benefits from keeping Pold, such as him scoring goals in games like the Southampton one, are not as important as recouping money spent on him. Wenger keeps Stan happy and that along with mugs like you with your slavish dog like support for him helps to keep him in it.

  8. Unchives

    Jan 04, 2015, 10:30 #64400

    @ JAMIE, you couldn't make YOU up. You have slated people for various reasons in your supposed Arsenal travels, your protective henchman of a brother wants to batter everyone that questions your god. The Club are making a fortune off our backs as its a SERIOUS Business, then you tell us that we are taking it too seriously.....haven't you been caught yet, staring that fire at the Lane to get your ground built.

  9. JAMIE

    Jan 03, 2015, 23:51 #64397

    Arsenknewbest.To answer your question,I shall be doing the same as I always do sitting their laughing my head off.Life is too short to take too serious and when people start rearing up at each other I just crease up it's pure comedy.I love the wobs because they take everything so serious and think they're so important,in reality they need to pour themselves a large scotch,roll a sliff and have some fun.

  10. JAMIE

    Jan 03, 2015, 23:30 #64396

    I really don't understand some of our fans.One minute they are telling our best players to leave as they are too good for Arsenal.Let me tell you weirdo's this.NOBODY'S TOO GOOD FOR ARSENAL.Now they're telling the manager to leave as they think he's not good enough.Where's the consistency in that.'WAKE UP YOU CHANGELINGS AND SMELL THE COFFEE.

  11. Th14afc

    Jan 03, 2015, 23:08 #64394

    Shame about Poldi going now unless they bring someone in to replace him...I was hoping that we'd sell him in the summer as he plays quite well when coming on as a sub (not always) but who wud u rather hav coming on to try and score out if sanogood or Poldi? It's a no brainer & Poldi has the best shot on him out of all our players....wonder what he did to annoy wenger so much

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 22:02 #64393

    jj, yes what was in that bottle? nice boy couldn't have been blaming it for the cockups while sitting there frantically slugging away at it after them, my god he couldn't get enough of it, what did he think it was going to do make sure they didn't happen again, or maybe it was straight Vodka and he had been sharing it with his defenders it would explain a lot, after all they new if they were found out they'd never be dropped, maybe OGL and his side kick are tipping away on the bench also now that WOULD explain a lot with TOF rocking back and forth then jumping up flapping his arms, and bouldy just sitting there looking comatose.

  13. BOB

    Jan 03, 2015, 21:17 #64392


  14. JAMIE

    Jan 03, 2015, 20:53 #64391

    On to more serious matters,Is it true what I heard that we have lots of young dancing nubile girl cheerleaders for the halftime entertainment tomorrow.If so I shan't bring my sixties cd's.Please let it be true.

  15. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 03, 2015, 20:47 #64390

    Jamie - what are you gonna be doing while your big hard brother is throwing all those grey (but correct) characters around tomorrow? Finishing off your last tube of evostik I wouldn't wonder. Why can't you see this for what it is? You can't put lipstick on a pig - Arsene is finished...Thanks for the article Bard.

  16. Unchives

    Jan 03, 2015, 20:28 #64389

    Sonogoals out, this is the player that Arsene Wenger was relying on before Welbeck was signed by accident, if this is a manager that knows what he is doing then nothing will deliver the message to the AKBs! Getting rid of Podolski, he is off hiss blocks!

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 20:26 #64388

    TJ, and it will take us years to become settled when we get our new man after he guts the place, and longer, the longer this old clown we now have as a manager is allowed to continue, that's if it's not Henry who'll be schooled in the ways of wenger who replaces him, who would probably keep all the old frauds lackeys and yes men in place to become his, and we'll not even have moved let alone be back to square one.

  18. Unchives

    Jan 03, 2015, 20:18 #64386

    @ Bard, I cant argue against a word of what you have said, spot on my son. Where we go from here is what we are prepared to do for change.

  19. gooner1

    Jan 03, 2015, 20:18 #64385

    The only way to change things don,t go i gave up my season last season after having a season ticket for 23years do not miss it one bit the club has been going downhill since leaving highbury,it say,s it all when he let,s Podolski go and keeps sicknote sanogo.

  20. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 20:15 #64384

    Jamie. Why do you continue to portray yourself as some sort of obnoxious, bragging, tough-man half-wit. Why not try and write something sensible, without telling us how much you and your big tough 'minder' brother can drink. It makes you sound as if you were the 'runt' of the family.

  21. Peter Wain

    Jan 03, 2015, 19:48 #64383

    Whilst the owner supports Wenger all protests are a waste of time. The board of Arsenal are irrelevant. They are neither young nor have any interest in football and are there as tokens of the owners contempt for the club and this country. As a club we now have zero ambition with more intent on spending less than we have in the bank with no interest in challenging for any title. Wenger is the perfect man for this position as he will never spend real money for top quality players in sufficient numbers to allow a challenge for a title. Hence the lopside nature of our squad and the appaling defeats now being suffered to mid table sides. Who we play a centre half tomorrow is a typical conundrum. As we have only two true centre halfs it would seem likely that Kos and Mertsacker have to play. But as one is not fit and the other needs a rest from the pressure I assume that at least one (probably Kos ) will be dropped. Although Chambers looks totally shot he will have to play. Again the midfield if you rest Cazorla who do you play instead? Up front I assume Sanchez will be rested and Walcott will start. But who is our centre foward Campbell? or Wellbeck who needs at least five chances to convert one. Despite Wengers lies I do not expect us to sign any players in this window and therein lies the rumb. A tissue thin squad trying to secure 4th place and hoping against hope that the other teams up their stumble. Until the owner departs and the whole board replaced Wenger will continue to produce mediocrity and make lots of money for share holders. Enough is enough sack them all now.

  22. JAMIE

    Jan 03, 2015, 19:47 #64382

    Just saw it was a Bard article,what are you doing man,have you lost your mind?

  23. JAMIE

    Jan 03, 2015, 19:10 #64381

    Another boring wob article.I'm starting to get bored with these grey characters and can see a few of them flying through the air tomorrow as my brother takes no crap from anyone.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 19:10 #64380

    Haven't heard to many shouts for playing a weakened squad tomorrow (sorry that's right we can't) or even that we don't bother to much and throw it so we can concentrate on bigger and better things, maybe it's a bit early yet.

  25. jjetplane

    Jan 03, 2015, 18:50 #64379

    Only just saw the highlights and yes it really is Ealing Comedies meets Dad's Army meets Pink Panther meets Keystone Cops. The WOB walk on bit was funny too with Bouldie and Wengy looking like a couple of Alf Garnetts. Wozzie having a slug of dodgy hair spray after the second reminded me of Suarez holding his gnashers in a duh what moment. Great to have these seasonal moments and there are sure to be many more. Keep it uppy Alf Wenger ....

  26. Jason

    Jan 03, 2015, 18:46 #64378

    Wenger coming out this week saying he would have stayed on as Manager even if we hadn't won the FA Cup last season is a disgrace and sums up the arrogance of the man. In the event of that his ass should have been booted so hard he'd have landed in France!!!!!!!!!

  27. jeff wright

    Jan 03, 2015, 18:27 #64376

    Ha! Yes Jamie def comes over as being an ID fan Hiccup .My wife and daughter went to the Boss's concert ( that's Bruce Springsteen not Wenger Jamie) unlike for Arsene's football games though it was a full house and no one left early.

  28. Hiccup

    Jan 03, 2015, 18:13 #64374

    Great stuff Jeff. See, if you put your mind to it, there's plenty of good stuff going on. One of the best positives since moving to the Emirates, is that Jamie got to see JLS in concert there.

  29. declan burke

    Jan 03, 2015, 18:00 #64373

    One of the best pieces of analysis I have read this season on the debacle Arsenal F.C. has become. Never in my near 40 year love affair with this club have I felt so frustrated.


    Jan 03, 2015, 17:31 #64372

    Look WE WILL NEVER WIN THE PL AGAIN OR CL UNDER WENGER!!!! I don't see it. The man is just plain losing it. He's legacy is in the bin for me now. The man is so arrogant it's unbelievable. Did you folks read what he said? He said that and I quote he would had stayed even if we had lost to Hull in the fa cup final looool. Is this man serious. Wow. I'm just shocked the more and more this has been talks. He should have been sacked after the humiliating loss to Birmingham city in the carling cup final. Yet he stayed. So if we had lost to hull in the fa cup final and than for him to sign a new contract???? That would have been untenable for me and the majority if reasonable arsenal fans. You don't reward failure with carrots. I don't even debate with the akb clowns anymore. It's all unreasonable nonsense. They can't give you any concrete evidence as to why he should stay and how he can win the pl again !! It's all what he did 10 years ago!! Frank Rajkard won 3 back to back la Ligas and a champions league and was still dismissed. Mourinho got to three cl semis in a row whilst winning the la liga and Kings cup and was still sacked , Mancini won city's first fa cup and pl and was still sacked after losing to Wigan lool. Anceloti won the double in 2009/2010 and finished second the season afterwards yet was sacked in the tunnel at Everton . In my view that was an unfair sacking. Yet if Wenger had done that he would be living off that for the next 20 years. I won the double in 2009/2010 and finished second the following season. So I deserve to stay here until I die!!! We have an awful, awful owner. This man has no ambition and is happy with status quo. Again go and look at the teams he owns in the states and see where they were before he became owner and were they our now. There's no point of getting rid of Wenger if this guy goes and appoints another penny pinching out of he's depth tactically clueless fish!!! Forget it!!! We have to get rid of Kronke!!! He is the main culprit for me. Usmanov would not tolerate Wenger!!! I have no doubt about that. As I have said you don't become a russisn billionaire if you are not ruthless. He already sent a message after the Man U collapse. He did that on purpose to tell the fans. He does not tolerate the same mistakes season after season. Yet Wenger replied in the usual pathetic fashion of a man who basically runs the club . He said we speak face to face . Why would Usmanov fly to London to speak to Wenger face to face ??? He purposely went to the media it was a chess move. Telling the fans this is not good I don't approve. The silent one was fast asleep in Colorado I think. This club has no ambition. They talk the talk but I don't see it. Especially with the dictator at the helm. Nothing will change. Unless the fans rise up and say enough is enough. Unfortunately our fan base is full of middle class banker types who don't usually like raising their voices. Chelsea is more working class than arsenal and they our in a way posher part of London than us. Says it all!!!

  31. tactics what are they ?

    Jan 03, 2015, 17:24 #64371

    No they have gone backwards. why ? because it took all the old french professor's limited energy to get Welbeck and Sanchez that by the time he thought abt the defence he had run out of time ! of course the 5 weeks in Brazil on the beach didnt help the planning. Koeman and Potretina are showing their abilities as coaches who understand tactics. wenger is a dinosaur these days. by the way when's Diaby back ? what happened to that other fellow the bloke with the bad back ? did we slip him out the side door?

  32. KC

    Jan 03, 2015, 17:21 #64370

    Harry there used to be pros and cons with Wenger but slowly the pros are falling away, an expensive squad with no defensive quality at all. Old players that are simply not good enough and the concern that Wenger does not know how to build a balanced squad that can compete against the rigours of the premiership. A team that can not win the premiership or the champions league because it can not defend properly. A great stadium a great bank balance but an incompetent team. With the money spent we should be much better. I was once Wengers biggest fan but the excuses have run out, the defending is the major point but overall the performances are second rate. I see no end to it under the present regime.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 17:19 #64369

    Yes where are all these positives and pro's? or what are they? they've been very very scarce lately (especially on here) why is that? it wouldn't be because they've become extinct (maybe there's a reward if one or the trace of one's found) and/or they're just a figment of others imagination.

  34. jeff wright

    Jan 03, 2015, 17:17 #64368

    leeKFC, here are a few tips to help you provide that positive article that we all await with bated ,or even 'baited' breath , from you sunshine . One great result of all the constant injuries at AFC is that the medical staff are kept busy 7 days a week and their expensive equipment is not standing idle,right? The boring too pricey for some football that many complain about has side advantages with many leaving home games early and this helps to avoid congestion on the underground . Also by forcing many supporters to stay away these are replaced by foreign tourists spending lots of dosh in the armoury so by helping out the nations economy - otherwise known as Stan Kroenke's bank account. Always going out early at the knockout stages of the Champions League also saves supporters money by them not having to go to away games abroad . One FAC final in nine years also saved money on those costly parades that delay Arsene jetting off to do TV work for French stations and to play beach volley ball . Good old Arsene. The comical football moments DVD's market is another big pos' with it being boosted by our defenders hilarious Keystone Kops antics and by those of Arsene and his arm waving ones at 4th officials. Not to mention his Basil Fawlty crouching down on the touchline with his anguished sacre bleu ! expression ones. A Bafta award for Arsene would be well deserved he is more amusing than Russel Brand. Selling players to rivals saves more money also because then they have to pay their wages and the cash received helps to pay Arsene's ! There are many more positives of course so let's see them leeKFC. Obviously City being the next away game in the league being one of them. You couldn't make it up.

  35. DW Thomas

    Jan 03, 2015, 16:31 #64365

    Mo said it we all laughed. Then it sunk in. "Specialist in failure." Had he lost the FA Cup, and he almost did, that would have certainly been true. I think, and many others, it still is. No CL win, no PL win since 2004, many many flops in other cups and league challenges. It's the lackeys that keep him in a job. The ones who are convinced he is the club, no one or nothing else. His lack of success all while behaving like he is the biggest, best manager in football is astounding. The Invincible season gave him free reign over the club now going on 10 years. The question should only be: Is he winning things? Or even coming close? Are we getting a top squad performing well season after season? Or does this club have a rotten core? Do we have an arrogant ego,driven dictator with too much control who makes profits a priority. Bard makes a good point. It's been repeated in some way every year. Buying Kallstrom, whom I liked when he played was the joke of the last 5 years. You're competing for the title, say we only buy top top quality, and buy HIM? Even had we bought Messi, an injured player can't play. Count up all the stupid things this club has done, all in the interest of profits and making Wenger look like he is some football icon/guru and you can't defend it anymore. You couldn't defend it 3 years ago when Cesc was sold. Any time any one defends him, it's all based in sentimentality, never th real world. Westie, Jamie, Baddie, Lee afc, all either have your heads in a pile of sand or love Wenger more than our club. How can you possibly not see serious changes need to happen to improve our club? And that starts with the manager. But, it is more than just him. A whole attitude change must occur. A winning mentality must arrive. A desire for glory over profits. Not unbridled. Just a true desire to take risks, have better tactics, training, etc. and an accountability by the manager like any other top club has. We have the menatality of a smaller club. That needs to change to be shoulder to shoulder with the best.

  36. TJ

    Jan 03, 2015, 16:22 #64364

    The reason we're head and shoulders below City and Chelsea is 1) They're settled with new managers now- it takes a while to adjust 2) They've both perfectly filled the gaps in their squads with the right buys and 3) They're led by good motivators and tacticians, unlike Wenger. We were lucky that they and others have been in transition but we always are, because we're always a few signings short, suffering a few too many injuries (it can't all be bad luck on that front), trying to bed in new players etc. But even that doesn't do it justice. Unless Wenger has a world class squad like we did 98-2006 then he simply will not compete. They have to do it all for him: he can't consistently motivate, he knows nothing about tactics, he refuses to consider the opposition, he refuses to buy the necessary players, he talks down to all who oppose and, worst of all, will NOT budge on his insistence of playing the most open football he can get away with. He's been lucky the last 5 years that the bigger teams have struggled whilst in transition, but we will continue to slide while Chelsea, City and United form a big three, and we will have to 'hope' Liverpool, Tottenham, Southampton or Everton don't consistently take the sole target of Wenger's unambitious regime- 4th place.

  37. Hiccup

    Jan 03, 2015, 16:12 #64363

    Yes Bard, not a balanced article at all which let's it down. After all, for someone who is sick to death of wenger, of course we'd all expect you start praising him? Haven't you ever seen Newsnight? The Labour MP comes on, slags the Tories off, but for balance then lists all the positives of the Tories. Otherwise, there's no balanced discussion for Paxman to chair?Note how no positives were forthcoming either? Oh yes, and it's the fan base now that's destroying the club? You really couldn't make this sh!t up. Seeing as there's all these positives about wenger which no one has yet to pinpoint, let me get the ball rolling. We have not yet been thrashed by 5 or 6 goals this season. Wenger performing miracles! Highlighted with bright yellow highlighter pen! Now we can have balanced discussions...

  38. jjetplane

    Jan 03, 2015, 15:19 #64362

    Come on lee - no hiding now. I am waiting for BARD to put the AKB case and maybe one from HICCUp. That would be little bit brilliant. Mind you - would like to hear more about JAMIE's romance at the Emirates with some weird man. Wenger is little bit weird non? Great posts ALSACE and may I say that was a powerful one last post from Kev. Would make interesting reading for some of the powers that be. Ps Howabout also a piece from Finsbury Joe on the Spud resurgence. Just get the old sheepskin ....

  39. Website Editor

    Jan 03, 2015, 15:08 #64361

    @Lee afc - We post what is submitted to us. Please write us a pro-club article (500 words or more) if you want the site to have more balance. We are a platform for views across the spectrum, but if those who feel more positive do not submit them, there is not much we can do except run what we do receive. Over to you...

  40. Alsace

    Jan 03, 2015, 15:04 #64360

    It will only be boring when he's gone. Beat him in print and in song. Beat him again. Beat him some more. Shout about it. Write about it. Beat him a whole lot more. Criticise him publicly, and then beat him again for good measure 100,000 times. The harsher and more wounding the language the better. Then do it some more until we smash him out of the way and get our club back. We want Wenger on his yacht at Cannes sipping a post retirement champagne, or whatever Alsatians drink when they call it a day ten years too late having wasted hundreds of millions of pounds of our money and thousands of days of our time.

  41. handygrandad

    Jan 03, 2015, 14:48 #64359

    How much have west ham, and Southampton spent this season, and being led by managers whom arsenal would not give a second look at, who's kidding who.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 14:32 #64356

    They certainly haven't mate, regressed is the word and it's been like that for years now, and 2015 isn't going to be any different it's looking even worse this year at the hands of the old man who lives in a shoe, but he always managing to do just enough at the last minute, with that bit of luck, his second class purchases, and helping hand of course, scraping through every year to keep the ba ba's happy. We're also ran's now second tier and have been for quite a while thanks to TOF and his philosophies. Our club and crest in the accompanying photo (whatever some think of it it's ours for now anyway) has become a joke and it's all because of an old past it manager. Good Article.

  43. Lee afc

    Jan 03, 2015, 14:22 #64355

    File this one with the "beat the manager with a wooden stick yet again" it's getting boring Web editor.

  44. Harry the Gooner

    Jan 03, 2015, 14:15 #64354

    Not a balanced article, there is lots of pros and cons of wenger, all you have done is highlight the cons to match your opinion,just think it stands out your anti-wenger and that's about it. He deserves praise for many things, mention them highlight them and then you can have a balanced discussion. I am neither WOB or AKB, all I want whats best for my club, the first thing we need is every supporter behind the team. whether any of us like it or not AW is going nowhere fast. Yes I want transparency, accountability, less injuries, better communication and the list goes on. All i can see at the moment is our fan base destroying our club.

  45. KC

    Jan 03, 2015, 13:49 #64352

    Bard great post, a very good summing up of the whole frustrating Arsenal / Wenger situation. The defensive side of the game has been an issue for years really, soft centre etc. my take is that Simmone could do a much better job with funds available, make us a football team not a Harlem globe trotter team. The fan base is strange, I pay a fortune for my season ticket and can not fathom anyone that is happy with a highly paid expensive squad happy to defend Wenger when we are struggling to remain in the top four and the football is so average. Add our ability to not turn up at away games and surely another top class manager can produce more with this squad.

  46. gn23

    Jan 03, 2015, 13:30 #64351

    In a i believe!!