Sol Campbell on Alexis, Suarez, Szczesny, Schneiderlin and Wenger abuse

Legendary defender chats to Gooner writer

Sol Campbell on Alexis, Suarez, Szczesny, Schneiderlin and Wenger abuse

Sol Campbell gave an interview to the Evening Standard recently, in which he blasted Academy head Andries Jonker for blanking him when it came to his coaching badges, and criticised television companies for preferring bland, 'magnolia' pundits. The Standard didn’t use everything that Sol spoke about, so here, exclusive to The Gooner, is the remainder of the chat…

Layth Yousif: With 16 goals in all competitions (before the Stoke game) what do you think of Alexis Sanchez?
Sol Campbell: He is one of the players that in my time would have added so much to any team I played in at Arsenal. He could have fitted into the Invincibles for sure. He could have played for the Invincibles - he would be welcomed with open arms during the Invincible era!
His work ethic is fantastic, along with his attitude, desire, skill, willingness to play. His willingness to run another ten years to help a mate is simply impeccable. It's a joy to see. It's great to see someone who comes in for big money hit the ground running straight away. It's fantastic. He's great. He's a top player.

How do you think Luis Suarez would fit in at Arsenal? Who would you sign?
I don't like what he's about in terms of the racial side of things but that's just me.
As a player however he's fantastic. On the football side of things he would be a great signing - even on loan.
He would be a fantastic addition if the club signed him - on the football side of things. He's a great striker - but I don't like what he's about.
But if you are talking about new signings in this transfer window I think Arsenal should be looking at strengthening further back. As a centre half I think Ron Vlaar [before he got injured] from Aston Villa would be a good addition.
I think Petr Cech would be a great signing for Arsenal. I think they should sign because he's a great pro who is looking for a fresh start - he would be ideal at Arsenal.
But I can't see how Valdez ended up at Manchester United. How did that happen? He's exactly the type of player Arsenal should be going for. He's a free agent! I can't fathom how it has happened that he ended up at United when he is precisely the type of player Arsenal should be going for.

What do you think about Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur going head-to-head in a potential battle to sign Southampton midfielder Morgan Schneiderlin?
I think he would add something for sure to Arsenal. I think Wenger is looking to build the squad up.
I think if it came down to the choice between Schneiderlin going to either club you'd like to think it would be Arsenal that would triumph in getting his signature. For sure.

What do you think about the Wojciech Szczęsny situation?
I have to say I don't believe Wojciech Szczęsny was smoking in the showers - no way, absolutely no way.

As someone who suffered horrible abuse - but from away fans rather than home sections what do you think of the abuse aimed at Arsenal Wenger by certain Arsenal supporters?
I think it's frustration from Arsenal fans. It's frustration stemming from the indifferent form the team has shown this season and previous seasons. That is what is frustrating to fans.
I think when Arsenal moved from Highbury the club's plans should have been articulated better by the club - in terms of explaining to fans that they were going to be more concerned with paying down the debt than looking to sign expensive players.
Fans saw the move as giving the club more financial clout in terms of buying the best players - and they are feeling a little bit let down because it hasn't really happened over the years.
I know we won the FA Cup last May but everything has seemed to peter out a lot over the last number of years.
They want progress in terms of the squad evolving to be able to conduct a really big push on the title again.

Sol Campbell was speaking on behalf of Visit for more information on the free-to-use Forza Football and Forza 90' apps which are revolutionising the way fans engage with the sport they love.

Layth Yousif (Twitter@laythy29) is the author of Arsene Wenger: 50 Defining Fixtures. Buy it here.

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  1. JAMIE

    Jan 14, 2015, 11:12 #64965

    Good to hear that Thierry Henry has called the wobs'joke fans.I could have told him that years ago.

  2. Mike

    Jan 14, 2015, 6:45 #64961

    Think Valdez went to United due to the fact that De Gea will be moving the other way very soon. Also believe that TV going to Barca was also packaged with the Sanchez coming to us.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 13, 2015, 22:55 #64957

    Thomas Trent Diaby, it's all we have left.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 13, 2015, 19:44 #64953

    Bard, this is one of the occasions where cigarette sponsorship would have come in handy all him and the rest will cost is forty king size.

  5. Hiccup

    Jan 13, 2015, 19:22 #64951

    Good 'n bard! And when the new signing is fit, he won't have a work permit so we'll send him out on loan. As for signing a CB in this window, it's not going to be easy. We can't possibly find anything better than we have, and who's going to sign just to sit on the bench. Let's not forget gents, it's not like going to the supermarket...

  6. Roy

    Jan 13, 2015, 18:18 #64949

    One of the best CB's of recent times without a doubt was Sol. It seems an absolute lifetime ago that relatively short period when him and Adams were together. If we had 2 players like that in the squad now, I don't think we'd be talking so much about a new DM !

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 13, 2015, 17:44 #64946

    I wonder how Sol will cut it as a Tory MP? no doubt wenger would be given (and take) credit for that too.

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 13, 2015, 17:27 #64943

    barnaby, maybe our saviour Diaby is close to yet another return

  9. Ron

    Jan 13, 2015, 17:05 #64939

    Good sound stuff from big Sol. Tony - Absolutely right mate. Bard too ha. Quite right!

  10. Bard

    Jan 13, 2015, 15:25 #64935

    Good little interview. A complex man is our Sol but I loved him as a player. Oh what we wouldn't give to have him in our defence now. All his comments make sense which is why none of them will happen. I hear we are seriously interested in a DM from Equatorial New Guinea, apparently we get a massive discount because he's been injured for the last 5 years.

  11. JAMIE

    Jan 13, 2015, 15:00 #64934

    You can tell by the way he talks he can't stand those scummy Totts. He single handedly kept those warts in the Premiership for a few seasons and by his own defensive ability stopped them taking beating after beating in the NLD. In my opinion he is by far the spuds greatest player ever and top 20 when it comes to Arsenal.Yet because he wanted to better himself the Stoke of the South fans are forever giving the man a hard time.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 13, 2015, 14:35 #64933

    Maybe Valdez like a lot of other players who would be and would've been precisely the type for Arsenal would have had an opinion/opinions and that would just never do for OGL, or he was just Ambitious, or maybe as some find it hard to believe it was the manager?

  13. Tony Evans

    Jan 13, 2015, 12:38 #64925

    Found myself in agreement with Sam Allardyce this morning, which doesn't happen very often. His comment on the need for a flexible approach to football management was bang on. He was talking about Martinez but what he said could just as easily apply to Rodgers and of course Wenger. Allardyce quite rightly says that if your system / style of play isn't working you have to adapt and find a new way forward. Martinez likes his team to play attractive football as does Rodgers and Wenger but attractive football alone will not get you to the top - just ask Mourinho at Chelsea. His team have the balance of flair and physicality that we had 1998 - 2006 and the same could be said of Man City's squad. Wenger at last is talking about adding some tough, no nonsense type of players in this transfer window and that would be great by me and many, many others I am sure. I am not holding my breath though as Wenger has let us down so many times before there is no point in thinking it is going to any different this time around.

  14. andy1886

    Jan 13, 2015, 12:27 #64923

    Interesting article and nice to see an ex-player who obviously thinks about the subject and gives an opinion that isn't just the usual bland platitudes. Moving away from the Wenger issue it's worth highlighting the board's responsibility in all of this. Yes they have been guilty at the very least of misleading the fans during the Ems era, consider numerous statements about funds for buying players which in hindsight were just so much hot air designed to cement season ticket sales.

  15. gooner56

    Jan 13, 2015, 12:14 #64921

    Sano-goals going does strengthen the squad because it means that he can't be picked if he isn't here

  16. barnaby

    Jan 13, 2015, 11:37 #64917

    I see we are actively weakening our squad when we should be stenghening, sanogo isn't a massive loss tho:)

  17. brdgunner

    Jan 13, 2015, 11:04 #64912

    In response to the "Arsenal moved from Highbury the club's plans should have been articulated better by the club" Don't forget the finical requirements to compete went from 90m wage bills to 150m wage bills in one summer. Although by now we have cought up and should do better, it is not entirely the clubs fault that its predictions for competitiveness fell short. No one could have predicted what an impact Roman would have on world football - essentially doubling player wages and blowing transfer fees out of all proportion. However, good to see a club legend speaking to a fan magazine. COME ON THE GUNNERS