
Arsene Wenger is due some slack


Some Gooners – I’ve no idea how many, and I wouldn’t Eden Hazard (geddit?) a guess – support our team like a rope supports a hanged man. We all know which particular man they’d like to see given the worst type of suspended sentence (geddit?). Love Arsenal, Loathe Arsene, perhaps. Any setback is an excuse to criticise, directly or indirectly, the man who can no longer do anything right. If the referee didn’t see fit to castigate Marko Arnautovic for the unnecessary and cynical push that helped Mathieu Debuchy on his journey to the advertising hoardings, why should we? The resultant dislocated shoulder is the fault of Arsenal’s medical team, or even the serial award-winning ground-staff, who, to use horse-racing parlance, produced a surface that was more Good-to-Firm than Good-to-Soft. And we also know under whose tutelage they perform their Dark Arts. It’s Arsene’s, innit!

For those whose glass is perennially half-empty at best, we scored one more goal at Middle Eastlands last season than our injury-ravaged side could muster this time. Not rising to my baiting, our Esteemed Ed was quick to point out that on Sunday we conceded six goal less, though he meant six fewer. Sarcasm aside, this (so far) mini-run of clean-sheet victories poses more questions than it answers. Welbeck, Debuchy, Arteta and Wilshere were all absent, Walcott and Ozil took no part, and Gibbs didn’t start. How many other teams, including those artificially financially enhanced by egotistical benefactors, could produce THAT performance and result under such circumstances? Will France’s first-choice right-back regain his club place in three months’ time (since starring in Hector’s House, Bellerin has given opponents and team-mates alike a run for their money), or will Mathieu D be merely first-choice cover for both the RB and CB positions if Arsene doesn’t splash the cash this month? How can Francis Coquelin be dropped for Mathieu F short-term, Arteta once fit, or that un-named, all-singing, all-dancing, £30m-rated holding midfielder that you are desperate we sign? Will Szczesny be our FA Cup goalie at Brighton? And what’s our strongest starting XI if – and, yes, I know it’s a very big IF – everyone is fit?

Only after Arsene has retired and published his memoires will we know which club and national jobs he eschewed to stick with Arsenal. His loyalty to us remains unwavering; it’s the least we can do to reciprocate.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 21, 2015, 21:14 #65462

    Alsace, am strictly a one blog man myself to be honest but after been told to check it out i did, like I said hilarious.

  2. Alsace

    Jan 21, 2015, 20:33 #65457

    I never stray from the online goner I'm afraid. I need to be where Jamie is.

  3. UTU

    Jan 21, 2015, 20:29 #65456

    Good Result but One FA Cup in 10 years, compared to 11 trophies in 10 year in West London. Wenger Out !

  4. Ron

    Jan 21, 2015, 16:07 #65443

    RJ - Love it mate. Made me smile, esp the Bendtner bit! Its true though. Football has bared its wart filled arse and its b o l l o x to the TV and internet technology and is creaming off daily at the expense of the punters still daft or stupid enough to believe that its sporting 'reality'. Football ranks alongside f----ng wrestling in terms of it being a serious 'sport' now in my book. The bubble will burst though mate. May it be soon!

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 21, 2015, 16:05 #65442

    Alsace, you'll find Ken Dodds daughter isn't in retirement she's one of the top dogs or head bins on another blog (that's not even worth mentioning)that can find absolutely nothing wrong with their messiah in anything he says or does, apparently they take the day off on a Saturday to cut his lawn. If your really at a low ebb with nothing else to do head over there for five minutes it'll make a new man/woman of you you'll not stop laughing for twenty four hours, I followed that advice myself the wife thought I was a new man.

  6. Charlie George Orwell

    Jan 21, 2015, 14:47 #65436

    Alsace: Seconded. JAMIE must stay - he's guaranteed to bring a smile.

  7. Alsace

    Jan 21, 2015, 14:26 #65432

    Sorry. Somebody has made the suggestion that Jamie has to go. I genuinely protest. What fun would we have without him? We would have to pull Mandy Dodd, Flamini like, out of retirement. In any event, I was thinking of asking him to be the next Arsenal Manager. He is the most sentient and coherent of the AKB's (translation, he makes more sense than OGL) and presumably when confronted with genuine problems of the job, would ask someone who knew more about any given issue than he did. That would put us streets ahead of where we are now. Jamie could do the press conferences and call the press morons and traitors, Bouldy and Keown could coach the defence, with Dennis and Wrighty showing our attackers how to induce a material error by opposing defenders. Patrick Vieira and Roy Keane to coach the midfield. Nirvana. Imagine the chaos at AKB central command in Cheltenham if such a thing were to come to pass.

  8. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 21, 2015, 13:40 #65431

    Jamie - Do not disagree with your view on Chelsea but sadly they are very effective. The key for Arsenal is intensity. Chelsea play intense for the majority of the time and everyone knows their jobs. If Arsenal played like we did at City every week we would be going to Chelsea and at least getting a draw, beat ManU away no doubt and also Liverpool away. Where we differ is the way to achieve this and I think you know my view on that

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 21, 2015, 13:09 #65430

    Ron, and just as idiotic is the fact there's those who believe him. Another example of one good win and they think they've arrived and are the real Mc,Coy, don't be surprised the next time you hear wally spouting off is when he's apologising to the fans on behalf of these great players and telling us they'll learn from this.

  10. RJ

    Jan 21, 2015, 12:58 #65426

    @Ron - now on that we can agree! It would be better if they just were allowed to shut up and talk with their feet. The world would be a better place if there were not endless press conferences, column inches to fill, blogs to get read. And of course Sky require a player and coach at pre and post-match press conference, Arsenal want to drive traffic to their site, so have to feed a witless bunch of trite interviews to get the punters in. My teenage daughter is obsessed with Instagram amongst other things and is endlessly showing me pictures of Sanchez and his Golden Retrieves. I am sure he is a lovely lad, loves his mother - but all I care about is he is our best player. Tomorrow we will get an interview with Bielik. Westlower can probably give us the odds on him saying along the lines of "...great club, ..great city, ...great team, ....dream come true, great coach, I just want to learn and grow". Far more fun if it was honest "Why did I join Arsenal? I play for f***ing Legia Warsaw and live in Poland. I am a young man, and want to follow my role model Nicolas Bendtner and go to a load of nightclubs and get p***ed and laid on my fat Arsenal contract. Football? Don't care, I doubt I will get near the first team until Coquelin joins Man City. English girls - yes please". I bet Tim Berners-Lee never had this in mind when he "invented" the internet. But Murdoch probably did when he "invented" the Premier League. And now here are you dissecting it. I appear to have fallen into the trap I was trying to avoid! Oh for simpler times. Maybe I should start a column for the Gooner on new signing interviews?

  11. Ron

    Jan 21, 2015, 12:45 #65424

    RJ - Respect mate. Ill give him the benefit of the doubt then. Youre right of course about the tabloids. Thing is with Wally, they know his mouth runs off with him and know hes always talking about 'how good we are' so hes a fertile target for some daft question and comment like this isnt he? He needs to just shut up. Needs gagging. He could have sidestepped the question he was asked i suggest by just saying comparisons are dangerous and inappropriate or words to that effect. If Wally could play as well as he quotes he d be a World beater. Hes very lucky to be at a Club who pay him so much for so little in return. If he didnt talk as much it might go under the radar as to how average he is as a player.

  12. RJ

    Jan 21, 2015, 12:28 #65421

    @Ron - I really shouldn't rise to it - but I have a few minutes so: Do you whink that Theo spouted off unbidden "this team is better than the invincibles". He is whatever anyone says a bright lad. This was an Arsenal Player interview, I expect in honour of his 9 years at the Club (just celebrated today or yesterday?). I had a few minutes so I have listened to it (I don't normally bother it is after all club propaganda and witless stuff) He was asked specifically about the current attacking players, and then to help you out I suggest you go and listen from 4:27 into the clip he is asked "Is this the stronging attacking group of players since you joined the club". If I paraphrase he says something like "it is difficult to compare 2006 (names players)it was some attacking force but I think this just beats it - but we need to prove it first - we need to achieve more than the FA Cup, then we can say that". He answers a question he is asked, he is not disrespectful to the greats and acknowledges that this team has to prove it. On the face of it, current attacking force on goals scored is similar to 2005-2006 season. I seem to remember we didn't win anything that season, and may not this. Similar number of goals and points per game so far compared to that season - the defence is worse though statisitcally. What does it prove? Nothing really other than the Mirror will twist words to sell papers.

  13. AMG

    Jan 21, 2015, 11:42 #65414

    Utter pisch

  14. Mofaya

    Jan 21, 2015, 11:31 #65413

    Finally Arsenal have a SMART & EFFECTIVE PLAN B for difficult away games to Chelsea, Spurs, Liverpool, Stoke, MAN City, Man U and Champions League home and away. The fact that it took Wenger 10 years to compose it (if he did)shows that Wenger has been CUT LOTS OF SLACK FOR TEN YEARS. He earns 8 Million pounds a year to deliver profits to the shareholders and nothing for the fans WHO FUND IT ALL. THAT IS NOT FAIR. What took him so long to do what other teams do when they respect the opposition? A simple variation in tacticts produces a maginificent away performance I last saw at the San Siro in the Champions League!I hopeits Wengers tactics that produced that performance because he cannot be fired! If its Wneger's tactics the ARSENAL CAN WIN THE LEAGUE because the players showed they can deliver under the right management. We also need a Plan C for teams that come to the Emirates and play like Arsenal did at Man City. WE HAVE WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS, WENGER MUST NOT BLOW!!!!!!!COYG!!!!!!!

  15. Ron

    Jan 21, 2015, 10:03 #65409

    RJ - Still a daft comment whichever slant is put upon it and this lot aren't and wont be as good as them even at the very end of their careers. Raising it as a topic shows up Bambi s idiocy. Reality is that his passport alone has kept him Arsenal. He ought to be playing for Palace or the Toon. Thats his true standard.

  16. John F

    Jan 21, 2015, 9:35 #65408

    On u tube there is a model dressed in a spuds shirt out side Stamford Bridge asking chavs for a kiss.Not many took up the offer.I think it was the model that intimidated them not the shirt.If it had been a Waynetta look a like the queue would have gone back all the way back to Putney.

  17. Andrew

    Jan 21, 2015, 9:20 #65407

    Its funny that Walcott a player with no footballing ability other than pace thinks of himself so highly. As is Aaron Ramsey another very average player who is not really special in anything.

  18. Tony Evans

    Jan 21, 2015, 9:15 #65406

    Ron - Wally's idiotic comments are a prime example of where many of the problems are with this current squad. Too many of them think they are God's gift to football and I reckon much of that over confidence stems from the manager. A bit more humility and letting their football do the talking is required. It reminds me of the days when Supermac used to shout his mouth off and we were more often than not left with egg on our faces. Someone needs to tell Wally and co to shut it!

  19. RJ

    Jan 21, 2015, 9:05 #65405

    @Chris Dee - indeed that was a stupid dream. Or you read the Mirror. Northlondisred does a nice deconstruction of that particular Mirror article - in summary, the headline is not what Theo said - he said the current stike force ie he believes better than those legends at the end of their career, but they have not yet proved it. Thanks to Arseblog for the link, and Northlondonisred for taking the time to look behind the newspaper-selling lies.

  20. Avenell Road

    Jan 21, 2015, 9:02 #65404

    Misread the title of this piece for a moment. Thought it said 'Arsene Wenger is due some sack'

  21. chris dee

    Jan 21, 2015, 8:52 #65403

    Had a dream last night. Theo said our current forwards are better that the Henry,Bergkamp era and Aaron Ramsey said we can still the Premiership. What!They did say that!Clucking Bell,stupid or what!

  22. Westlower

    Jan 21, 2015, 8:33 #65402

    @Roy, Pissing on the floor of a nightclub when off his head. Leads by example we're told by those that love him.

  23. Ron

    Jan 21, 2015, 8:08 #65401

    OOH dear. Wally, our very own quoting, tweeting Bambi hits new levels of idiotic comments even by his ludicrous standards. Him and this lot are better than the 2006 set! Bambi - yr not even in Reyes bracket Son! Some body please gag him and preferably sell him.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 21, 2015, 0:08 #65400

    Ron, yes you've definitely nailed it there 12 to 15 having just found arsene, although I have to say I was beginning to think the recruiting branch at AKB central command had found some way to make Sperm talk.

  25. Roy

    Jan 21, 2015, 0:04 #65399

    RockyRIP, you forgot 'disabled parking space offender'. Anyone think of any more ?

  26. Gooner Daniel

    Jan 20, 2015, 23:37 #65398

    Look at the league table you idiot. So what we win one game. 16 games to go so far behind Chelsea is embarrassing. Get a team that can compete over 38 games !!

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 20, 2015, 23:26 #65397

    mark from aylesbury, yes wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of all those/these big bad managers, lock them all up and throw away the key, and maybe another half dozen who have got the better of OGL over the years and have made him look a fool, then there'd be nobody left to read him like a book, out wit him, out think him, bully his teams, and embarrass us, just leave those that allow they're teams to roll over and allow OGL and his team to tickle their balls and then move on to their bellies and play tippy tappy football until their hearts are content and score five every game, that would be very handy indeed, (no doubt they'd be great managers)think of all the doubles and trebles we could do and all those trophies every season instead of one every ten and how great it would make OGL look.

  28. Unchives

    Jan 20, 2015, 22:55 #65396

    @ JAMIE, further down the survey, no matter what height the candidates, AKBs had no bollocks, WOB were at least 6". Question is which size matters most, only Arsene can judge, in fact that is all he can judge!

  29. JAMIE

    Jan 20, 2015, 22:44 #65395

    That was typical Chelsea's Mourinho on show this evening.Rotational fouling,no ability to pass in the middle of the park,one shot on target all night from a penalty.Pointless tiddely widdely club who are held together by one mans deep pockets.

  30. Rocky RIP

    Jan 20, 2015, 22:00 #65394

    @ John F - offers like that are so tempting, aren't they? An invite I overheard amongst their lot in my early days of attending football was one which involved joining the national front. Little has really changed about them. No class. They could win the champions league every season and I still wouldn't be tempted to join their band of classless lottery winners. JT - Captain, leader, racist, Wayne Bridge's wife's lover, bouncer basher, son of a drug dealer, son of a supermarket shoplifter, phoney champions league winning captain and photo opportunist, etc. Vile club.

  31. Mark from aylesbury

    Jan 20, 2015, 21:57 #65393

    Ron - reckon you've nailed it. 12 years old and unstable

  32. Lee afc

    Jan 20, 2015, 21:43 #65392

    Happy birthday westlower. Keep up the good work.

  33. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 21:19 #65391

    Mark from Aylesbury - i think this 'Lewis' is about 12 to be honest mate. Either that or hes unstable.Hes a typical modern day footie fan. Eyes shut to the opponents and dislikes the other Coach s unless theyre glamorous and foreign. Westie lad - with you lot backing him he may well be still at the helm then!

  34. JohnF 4 ft 9

    Jan 20, 2015, 21:18 #65390

    If I take up that chelsea fans offer will I have to get a tattoo on my forehead and lose my front teeth.

  35. Westlower

    Jan 20, 2015, 21:13 #65389

    Thanks everyone for wishing me a happy birthday. My ambition now is to outlive AW. He wont still be manager in 2047 when I reach my 100th b-day will he?

  36. Bard

    Jan 20, 2015, 20:43 #65388

    Westie missed your birthday post. Happy birthday and remember supporting the boss is bad for your health ask Arteta, Jacl et al.

  37. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 20, 2015, 20:33 #65387

    Lewis - Pulis, Mourinho, Hughes, Allardyce are a cancer to football and they should be banned from football. They are a bunch of thugs who send out their teams to injure other teams. They should be in jail these sick and twisted people. - Pulis has done wonders recently and is playing more expansive football. Alardyce has taken West Ham to their highest positions in years - I don't see any issues over their disciplinary record. Mourinho uses systematic fouling but I don't see poor discipline they just look after themselves. Hughes is probably the weakest manager of the lot and should not even be on our radar. You have to remember that during Wenger's successful period we were topping the poor disciplinary table. In fact I believe during one year Petit and Viera only played together twice due to injuries and suspensions. What is this about going to prison? --- The rantings of a mad man. Just one more thing - why do you keep on telling people to stay away. It may well be you who needs to keep away

  38. Westlower

    Jan 20, 2015, 20:31 #65386

    @Seven Kings Gooner, Hard to disagree with your logic of replacing like for like when the team is on a good run. Let's hope we're at the beginning of one now.

  39. Bard

    Jan 20, 2015, 20:06 #65384

    Westie on the contrary Im obsessed with the injuries. Every year its the same, massive injury list. The difference is you see the problem as bad luck and I see there is a systemic problem that doesnt get addressed. My team would be the same as Sundays with Debuchy at right back. Sundays performance may well have finished several careers if not cast a cloud over them. Much depends on what Wenger does with the opportunity. Past form however would suggest not much, but we live in hope.

  40. Hiccup

    Jan 20, 2015, 20:03 #65383

    Amazing what a good win can do. Kevin finally has an AKB article to post. The surveys are back up and running. The injury statistics have returned. Just need some odds to chew over. Happy birthday Westie. I'm not going to get ahead of myself. When the bookies make us favourites for third place, that's when I'll sit up and start taking notice. Until then, my feet remain firmly on the ground.

  41. Rumpole

    Jan 20, 2015, 20:01 #65382

    Whatever happens, don't mix Viagra with Strepsils, apparently you get a stiff neck :-)

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 20, 2015, 19:38 #65381

    Westie, congrats on your 68th, and still no need for Viagra although it might come in handy in 32 years time, enjoy a few pints tonight.

  43. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 20, 2015, 18:58 #65380

    The players missing against City were in my opinion a bonus, there was a balance to the team that has happen (as these things often do) by accident not design. I always view players in their positions, for me, away from home it is one up front only, that is Giroud, if he is not fit then it is Welbeck. At home you can get away with Welbeck wide with Giroud. If Ramsey is out then Wilshire should play and if Chamberlain is missing Walcott replaces him. Likewise Chambers for me is not a utility man but a replacement for Kos when he is injured. Culum does not have the pace to play full back so it's Gibbs or Monreal & Bellerin replacing Debuchy when he is injured. Don Howe would use Kelly for Storey's replacement, Roberts for Simpson, Sammels for Graham, Nelson for Mcnab etc etc. AW in trying fit Ozil Ramsey Wilshere Corzolla & Sanchez together has caused tactical problems that I believe have set us back this season. For me Arteta, Flamini, Wilshere, Walcott, Ozil, Chambers & Welbeck should be "bench warmers" for the coming weeks and only play if a like for like player is injured. Old school I know - but a side needs to keeps it's shape and pattern, it cannot perform to it's best with too many changes but the trick is the correct pattern, our injury list may just have given us a better "blue print" for the rest of the season.

  44. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 20, 2015, 18:53 #65379

    Bard, yes there's always more fun to be had with an empty box.

  45. Old Man

    Jan 20, 2015, 18:43 #65378

    @Rocky RIP. I love you!!! You decide!!!

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 20, 2015, 18:41 #65377

    Expectations, good post, selfies are the new bouncing now, you'd think we'd actually won something, your right is this really the height of our ambition now? all this pants creaming over one win against a top four team, the brain washing and low expectations brigade have certainly done their job.

  47. Westlower

    Jan 20, 2015, 18:26 #65374

    @Bard You continually dismiss the effect injuries has on our performances. Surely you must agree that a team only reaches it's optimum when it's able to stabilise over a reasonable period what is considered to be the best starting XI. CFC & Man City have a good idea as to their best team. To date this season in 22 PL games we've used 28 different players due to unavailability of injured players. In 70/71, 42 league games involved only 15 players, 88/89, 17 players & 90/91, 19 players. I doubt if many of us on this site could agree on Arsenal's best XI from the present squad and I'll include Diaby in this exercise. I would be interested to see what you & other regular posters consider to be our best team, assuming every player is fit and at the top of their game. My team would be: Szczesny, Debuchy, Koscielny, Mertesacker, Gibbs, Diaby, Ramsey, Walcott, Ozil, Sanchez, Giroud. Subs: Ospina, Monreal, Coquelin, Wilshere, Ox, Rosicky, Cazorla. If we can get Schneiderlin in the summer it would be a massive boost to fill that DM role.

  48. Rocky RIP

    Jan 20, 2015, 18:18 #65373

    @Old Man - as Radford Kennedy pointed out on a previous post, it's a young Ronnie Kray. I love the subtle but important distinction between the identical twins. I'm sure the streets will be safer with Hector around. He loves his Mum.

  49. Old Man

    Jan 20, 2015, 18:03 #65372

    So, which one of the Kray twins does our Hector look like? You decide!!!

  50. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 20, 2015, 18:00 #65370

    Why does everyone appear to have gone cold on Klopp as the right replacement for OGL? Dortmund blew us away in the first game of the CL qualilfiers (the pressure was largely off for the return encounter). They've lost many of their best players to Bayern, sadly making Klopp no stranger to the rigours of being a selling club and therefore making him suitable for Arsenal Inc. They might be going through a tough patch this season but that's only to be expected. The guy gives the impression that he really cares, and that he'd stand up to little men like mourinho, hughes, pardew etc. I know it's all about as likely as hell freezing over but would love to see him and TA (as the new coach) trying on their sleeping bag costs for size. JAMIE - I think it was Groucho Marx who said that 90% of statistics are made up. But I reckon we could expect a result in the high nineties of readers who find your posts underwhelming and about as funny as Michael McIntyre.

  51. Bard

    Jan 20, 2015, 16:21 #65362

    DJ, dont worry about Jamie. He used to be an enforcer but he has now morphed into a comedian, much the better to my mind. Baddies demise is sad, I have taken to watching the religious channel instead of reading his posts. A few more wins and he will be back dont you worry. Now these injuries that Westie is always going on about. I blame posters like Lewis. Reading his posts is like opening a massive christmas present only to find theres nothing in it. Its such a disappointment that I immediately run the risk of injuring myself. I expect his missus feels the same but thats another story. He doesnt seem to understand that you need to be solid at the back at all costs so they cant get behind you and cause mayhem in your box, if you get my drift !!!!!

  52. John Terry Captain Legend!

    Jan 20, 2015, 16:12 #65361

    Well well well. Thank you first and foremost, and what was that? What a clinical and professional performance a clean sheet victory nonetheless. This is stuff of legends and AW has pulled another one out of his ass this will get him undoubtedly a 5-year extension lmao. I cant wait for him to start tooting his French horn about his tactics being spot on etc. The board has grounds to increase your gate prices too! This is amazing on so many fronts because it goes to show that Arsenal simply wont go away, they are exactly at that mediocre level where they will simply just compete for a top 4 each season but have no realistic chance of ever winning a trophy in 10 years. You luckily landed the FA Cup, well wait another 10 for the next AT. Bahahaha This must be soooooooo frustrating, but hey it's your own fans AKBs that are extending the pitiful status quo, and as our rivals I'm loving it. Before you know it, we will do to you what Man Utd did to Liverpool. The funny thing is, we have as many EPL titles as you do since its inception in '92. We got more league cups and of course we are relevant in the European competition while you just make up the numbers. Haha enjoy the AW's contract extension. I offer you all reprive. I offer you a blue jersey to support a club making history with a legend for a captain, the world's best manager, Europe's most successful club of the last 10 years back to back European trophies Champs Lge + Europa and like 8 semi final appearances. Our Bridge is always open and I got blue jerseys with all your names on it!

  53. DJ

    Jan 20, 2015, 16:02 #65360

    I know this has probably been posted hundreds of time but if you are a shareholder you would worship the ground Arsene walks on because he keeps making money. That is why he always get an easy ride at the AGM and a standing ovation. The majority of us supporters would just like him to show a bit more ambition and not be satisfied with securing fourth place which again seems top of the agenda again this season. On another note what has happened to Badarse? I just had my fifteen minutes of fame having a walk on part in one of his ‘sketches’ and he disappears! I know Jamie has grasped the mantle but I’m a little scared of him and his good looking brother!

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 20, 2015, 15:50 #65359

    Maybe if we'd have had an ambitious owner who wanted and demanded real success and doesn't settle for fourth best and didn't allow this old fraud as much say and power as he has his unwavering loyalty to us wouldn't have remained for half as long.

  55. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 15:46 #65358

    Lewis - i think you ll find that rival fans often have a more measured and rational understanding of Arsenal than do you Wenger acolytes to be honest Lewis. No mate. I dont hate anybody. I dont know them. Not keen on the Grove though as you say. Poor design. You've gone and hurt Jeffs feelings now look you!

  56. Lewis

    Jan 20, 2015, 15:42 #65357

    Diaby's agent - You are the one talking ****e here mate. Your example was 4 years ago. These are the facts Man United who have unlimited money haven't been able to sign. Defenders good enough aren't available. Maybe if you had some football knowledge you would know this. You dont see United fans abusing Van Gaal like you do to Wenger because they know it and are realistic. Not like you expecting the unrealistic.

  57. DJ

    Jan 20, 2015, 15:42 #65356

    Coquelin has been the find of the season, he may not be the finished article and might never be but he is a significant improvement on Flamini and Arteta as he is more disciplined in Flamini’s case and much more athletic than Arteta. We need to sign him up and invest in two more defensive players while there is some positivity about the club. That is the huge mistake we made last season in January not adding quality to the squad while we were top of the league. Sorry but Kalstrom doesn't count

  58. Lewis

    Jan 20, 2015, 15:19 #65355

    Westlower Agree Pulis, Mourinho, Hughes, Allardyce are a cancer to football and they should be banned from football. They are a bunch of thugs who send out their teams to injure other teams. They should be in jail these sick and twisted people. Ron its you who needs to leave along with Jeff Wright. This place would be much better without you two. All you two do is hate our manager, our players, our fans, our board even our stadium. Only spuds and rival fans are like this. So I'm sure both of you are one.

  59. Bard

    Jan 20, 2015, 15:18 #65354

    Lewis, youve got me there. I have never seen Oatmendi on this site although he could be one of those double personality types that pop up occasionally. Personally I think he is taking the piss if he wants 50m to come and post on here. Stan wants someone for less than a fiver, someone solid who puts the full stop in the right place, someone who has the discipline to stay solid when the s*** is hitting the fan. I agree though Lewis its hard to get super quality for less than a fiver. Most of the AKBs go missing when the going gets tough Im afraid.

  60. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 20, 2015, 15:12 #65353

    Ron, talking of train journeys, wasn't it a special train that took them home on Sunday night? if so no doubt nice and private, OGL not taking any chances after what happened at Stoke, maybe expecting something similar, doesn't/didn't exactly breed confidence.

  61. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 15:06 #65352

    Aguero Ya Ya Milner Zabaletta Hart Djeko Fernandinho and Co - 'technical midgets? Go away fella. Youre boring.

  62. Lewis

    Jan 20, 2015, 15:06 #65351

    Arsene has enquired for Reid and Pauilsta. Do you what their stupid clubs Villareal and West Ham want. West Ham want 8m for Reid with 4 months left on his contract. While Villareal want Arsene to pay Paulista's 25m release clause. How is Arsene supposed to get a decent defender when their clubs asked stupid money. Arsene will rightly say sod them and play Monreal who has done a good job at CB

  63. Lewis

    Jan 20, 2015, 14:56 #65350

    Ok Ron Lets see how the current Pl champions play. Technical midgets focused on tippy tappy and playing an attractive brand of football. Lets look at who finished second. Liverpool who also play the same. Wenger plays the same. Only difference is Pellegrini has better players. Give him Pellegrini's squad and he would win the league. Bard Do you know that Man Utd are also after a defender. They had a 35m bid rejected for Otamendi who you would call top quality. Valencia told them they had no reason to sell and only his 50m buyout clause would take him away. If United with their endless money can't get one how is Arsene supposed to. We can't spend 50m on defenders who are good enough for us.

  64. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 14:38 #65349

    Lewis - the effort to conflate AFC s game and that of Barcelona and BM just underlines your blind spot to be honest. Nothing much left to say on it really, its such a delusional notion. Keep addressing Wengers critics as being stuck in the mud if you like, but it convinces nobody. It just reinforces the view that such as you are so wedded to Wengers failed philosophy to unable to break free of it. Try taking a look at the truly successful sides in Spain, Germany and Italy and then assess whether you really do see likenesses to Wengers methods instead of just spouting off that you can. Physical football, strength and tactical rigour wins the big tournies every time and its has done for the last few years. Youre well behind the times or just know nothing about the game.Bit of both i suspect.

  65. Bard

    Jan 20, 2015, 14:36 #65348

    i am seriously worried about the number of injuries this site is picking up, Ron has fatigue, Hiccup has broken ribs, JJ chopped off part of his finger and I have been Diabied for a while now. We may need to import some of those Orcs who troll this site to see us through. Apparently there are no decent Wenger defenders available anywhere. I find that hard to believe and am working day and night to bring in super quality. We have too many on here who cant string a sentence together let alone an argument. We need to get rid of the dead wood. Sorry Jamie notwithstanding your Westie impersonation you have to go.

  66. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 20, 2015, 14:25 #65347

    Obviously your loyalty to him remains unwavering even after the last nine years and all that went with them. Maybe if a bit more loyalty was shown to Arsenal from people with such loyalty to the manager we wouldn't have had as many humiliations and Embarrassments.

  67. Lewis

    Jan 20, 2015, 14:20 #65345

    Yeah Ron Wenger's football is completely wrong and boring. Do you think the same of Bayern and Barca? He plays the same way and this style is widely regarded as beautiful football and something that revolutionized the game. Even the England National Team and the FA are trying to play it and developing more technical lightweights as you call them to play it. There is a reason Andy Caroll won't ever be selected again. Football and England has moved on from Graham's days and you need to move on to. This is modern football not archaic as you would like.

  68. JAMIE

    Jan 20, 2015, 14:18 #65344

    Here's an interesting stat our survey found that 4% of those who want Wenger out are dwarfs (under 4ft 10") as to 0% Akb's.

  69. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 14:17 #65343

    Mark - Dunno about Bouldie now. Hes Wenger tinged maybe now? Perhaps he needs to go off and manage another Club say in the Championship or lower level PL to show his mettle. Mourinho would cream himself to take thew AFC jo i reckon mate if ever Wenger was sacked, just to say he was the the better option, such is his ego. The trouble is that Board couldnt cope with him and he d want to clean that squad out and impose a whole new ethic on the Club. Im not sure they want it. 4th does them, gins and cigars all round in the Diamond Club, cash till ringing in their ears.Queues of mugs at the shop buying cheap jack merchandise at inflated prices for the tat on offer. Arsenal is a gentleman's Club, they just need a few strippers in every May to collectively cream off to the 4th place Cup and its the Spearmint Rhino N7 model in toto.

  70. Charlie George Orwell

    Jan 20, 2015, 14:10 #65341

    Happy Birthday Westie. Am feeling a little bushed myself - what are the odds you think on my employer sending me for a few days R&R to Dubai?

  71. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 14:04 #65340

    Westie - JM isnt my 'hero' mate though id have him at Arsenal in a flash. Hes top bracket and players will run through walls for him, every match. Wengers players dont and i suspect wont which is why hes 2nd grade in the 'managerial league table' and JM is Premier grade, what with his record as well. Hes obnoxious at times.The best Coach's at Clubs who expect to win trophies always are.They have to be. Its not an ignorance of tiredness as i played football for long enough, its the frequency that they cite it. It can have an effect times. of course it can esp given that its scientifically now proven that most footballers are 'injured' to a certain degree for approx the last 7 months of any given season. Its now become a lame excuse though in its oft repeated mantra. Ive spoken to professionals who agree that its bollocks quite often too. Even Hansen on TV has said it too, so its not just my view.Agree we have to aim better than such as the Albion. My point is that such Clubs have a differing view on what's good to see based on their situation and player calibre. Youre hooked into Wengers myth that Arsenal play wonderful football. When did it happen as i must have missed it? Tippy tappy, tip tap toe tinged with oft misplaced passes, inability to shoot true and hard and fear of physical confrontation and regular thrashings by the best teams isnt my cup of tea. Whats more, its a recipe for failure which is exactly what Wenger and Arsenal have done for a decade. The approach you take to the Clubs who battled it out last night is demeaning to them. There's no one way to play football. If there was it would be a dull game indeed. Theres too many of the fans at the soulless bowl whove fallen for the Wenger created 'Arsenal are sophisticated aristocrats'illusion and in my view its bull sh i t e and will keep the Club in its present state of inertia.Happy b'day mate. Raise a glass of red or two!

  72. Danny

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:57 #65339

    The results show that wenger is clueless in tactics i believe the players wanted it more then wenger. Just look at the results in last 10 years The only thing i do not like is that a defeat has spared the loose

  73. Barnaby

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:56 #65338

    I am very handsome aswell

  74. Mark

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:55 #65337

    Ron You're right we would be better of with a ruthless bastard and tactically aware manager like Koeman or even Mourinho if he is available. Need that to shake the club up. Looking at the other managers in the league none of them seem good enough. What about Bould? Knows the club and I suspect he would do a better job than Wenger.

  75. Tony Evans

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:53 #65335

    Wenger's post match comment about not doing anything different as regards tactics shows just how arrogant and delusional he is. The media gives him such an easy ride and how he gets away with such breath-taking lies is completely beyond me.

  76. JAMIE

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:46 #65333

    In total our surveys found that 69% were in favour of Wenger staying for at least another 3 seasons,21% wanted him to leave immediately and 10% were undecided.We only asked male supporters in this survey as we find women tend to just mirror what their husbands or boyfriends think.Also my brother and I who conducted the survey's are very handsome individuals with wives of our own and we didn't want the ladies to get excited thinking we were chatting them up.More results to follow.

  77. Barnaby

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:45 #65332

    I've said it many times, we have a very good squad if players, and a world class one in Sanchez. This group of players should always be challenging for the title. And with another cb and a big, strong fast midfielder, we should be winning the title. But not with Wenger any more I'm afraid.

  78. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:40 #65331

    Mark - Martinez seems a nice bloke but it might be his achilles heel mate. Maybe hes too nice to be at a top Club? I cant see them attracting Guardiola and i kind of suspect that he likes to work only with the very top players in the game. It keeps his 'cred' intact then. This is why i reckon Ancelotti is a good bloke. Hes been round the track a few times and can work with lesser players. Real to Arsenal though? Not likely is it unless he gets sacked.

  79. Westlower

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:37 #65330

    @Ron, Your hero Maureen cited tiredness for the reason why they shipped 5 goals at the Lane. He immediately sent the team on holiday to recharge their batteries & judging by the Swansea game it worked! You have a blind spot with regards to mental & physical fatigue. I don't think emulating WBA parking the bus represents the way forward for AFC. Why shouldn't we believe we're superior to mid-table teams, because the table confirms we are? Goal-less games may appease the anti-Arsenal, anti-football crowd, but not for me thanks very much. On a lighter note, I'm celebrating being 68 years young today. What's the odds on surviving another 32 years?

  80. Mark

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:29 #65329

    Ron - Yeah pretty much. Wenger's replacement should be truly great like Guardiola. You're right though they will go for a company man figure like Martinez which isn't necessarily a bad thing as he has potential to be a top coach.

  81. foxinthebox2001

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:27 #65328

    Wenger's post match comment that we didn't do anything different as regards tactics, was a little suprising. It's like when I go the driving range to attempt to improve my distance/accuracy off the tee. Most drives get airborne, most go reasonably straight, now and then I get a slice, even a rare hook. But then one goes straight off the sweet spot, perfect swing and connection... and for the life of me I don't know what I did differently. I know what you mean Arsene.

  82. Tony Evans

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:27 #65327

    Cut Wenger some slack? You must be joking. His team, at last, do what all his critics have desperately wanted to see for God knows how long and actually put a proper defensive shift in and suddenly Wenger is some sort of tactical genius. Do me a favour! Also gives him the perfect excuse to do nothing in this transfer window. Not that he needs one as nothing was more than likely on the cards anyway.

  83. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:19 #65326

    Mark - cant recall saying Ancelotti was 'great' to be honest? When was that? AFC aren't going to get a truly 'great' coach to take over from AW anyway, so your point (if yr making one?) is academic really. The Club lacks the profile to attract such Coach's.

  84. Charlie George Orwell

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:14 #65325

    Man - I'd be SO loyal on £915 for each and every hour of the day. Imagine waking up each morning and thinking: 'Sweet, just made 7K'.

  85. Mark

    Jan 20, 2015, 13:02 #65324

    Highbury, Ron Ancelotti's won just 3 League titles in nearly 20 years of management. Great manager my arse.

  86. jjetplane

    Jan 20, 2015, 12:59 #65323

    You certainly run out of things to say there Mr Tanner/Westlower. lol

  87. jeff wright

    Jan 20, 2015, 12:24 #65322

    Silly me,fancy forgetting the tiredness ,we lacked sharpness,we played with the handbrake on excuses. You couldn't make it up. You are right Ron about the England get together excuses sounding lame,more likely a fear of the players going out on the sauce was the most likely reason for that tete a tete not being held. You are also right about Wenger's lack of a Euro Cup counting against his claims for greatness. I have gone for Chapman as the greatest manager with it being a close call between Mee ,GG and Wenger for the runner up spot. Wenger's much longer tenure has allowed him to win more trophies than the others .However, no Euro Trophy for a manager who makes one his number one priority is a gigantic failure by him and with the great one having had 18 years to have won one in! No way Jose can this embarrassing fact be easily papered over. Wenger has failed consistently at the highest level in Europe against his peers. Once again though the whispers of this will be his time are wafting in the wind,and there is plenty of wind coming out of the Emirates as usual.

  88. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 12:06 #65321

    Yes, but Jeff you've not mentioned 'tiredness'. Theres been so much of it in the last decade.Hell, Arsene even said last week that the England players couldn't manage that mammoth journey from London to Burton and back for the proposed get together what with having to play 48 hours after a train journey of epic proportions. Its understandable though. Who could manage the physical demands of that!.Im feeling really tired just thinking of it, in fact its making me ill. Damn it. Im likely to be out now for 3 months at least.

  89. David

    Jan 20, 2015, 11:52 #65320

    Ron - agreed. AW has done a very good job - the early years were special, but fell short of greatness. No CL. Needs another PL title or two as well. Otherwise, someone else will get the glory. Which is why he has held on so long - he's desperate for the CL trophy.

  90. jeff wright

    Jan 20, 2015, 11:40 #65319

    This article is just more sentimental old tosh about Arsene playing on club loyalty and ignoring the realities of his management over the past decade. Sunday's result just confirms my view that Wenger can cobble together any number of players from our squad and produce similar results .Some good ,some bad. This blows away the claims that it's all down to other clubs ,or some,having more money than Arsene ,Lewis was at it with this old one last week ,and the other old stand - by injuries. The foul play on our players one is another,players are always pushing opponents when engaged in trying to win the ball .That believe it or not includes our ones. The unusual amount and sort of injuries that our players suffer are in the main muscular ones that some players, such as Mertesacker ,have have suggested are due to the type of training that is done under Wenger. We also, due to Wenger's tika-taka tactics, have more than our fair-share of small lightweight players who are injury prone . Cause and effect are the reason of many of our problems . 12 points less than last season on the board in the league for Wenger says that his management is not working and beating City doesn't change that . they will still finish head of us anyway in the league and provide the main threat to Chelsea while we fight out the minor places with United,Liverpool ,Southampton . Jose must have been delighted that the gains City had made over Xmas had been wiped out on Sunday .Wenger is again helping another loathsome manager and club to win the Prem. Last time it was Sir Ferguson,who even got a guard of honour from Wenger as well, now it's Mourinho getting a helping hand.Three points from Arsene when Chelsea beat us 2-0 and 5 points off City to help out the chavs. That 5 points is exactly what Chelsea lead City by in the Prem. Now I'm not saying that Wenger set out to help Mourinho but that's how Wenger's inept management works out. He is just not competing with the mouthy one over the course of a season or in head to heads. When he does so come and tell us about it. You might as well have written an article with an headline of,It's Looking Good For Fourth Place Again So What Are Some Moaning About ? The answer to that is,we would like to be doing a bit better and seeing as Wenger can't obviously do this then let's try someone else. Any set of football supporters at top clubs anywhere would expect that to happen after all of the years of humiliations and failures since 2005 and with us doing worse in the league by a long way than last season. Now where is that lever that opens the trapdoor ............

  91. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 11:29 #65318

    Ghost - agree totally on yr choice of Ancelotti. Cant agree on Wengers 'greatness'though. No back to back titles or CL = no greatness in my book mate.

  92. Ghost of Highbury

    Jan 20, 2015, 11:25 #65317

    Arsene's a great manager. He is, of course, completely insane - but I don't care about that. I'd rather we had Arsene than anybody else. If you forced me to change him I'd take Ancelotti because he's the only one guaranteed to bring experience and class. Such a guy was never going to last at Chelsea. Having said that I want to keep Wenger and hopefully he will get the team playing for results more often - instead of swanning around like ballerinas. I think I saw someone predict Champions League win and 3rd place this year. Worth a gamble at the current odds.

  93. chris dee

    Jan 20, 2015, 11:17 #65316

    Good win at City,but I don't think that performance would have beaten Chelsea at Stamford Bridge ,so let's proceed with caution.And we could do without the selfies until we have won a trophy.

  94. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 10:36 #65314

    Westie - id also add that if you think Italian football is still played out circa 1965 - 1975 'cattenaccio' style, then youve not actually seen much of it recently. 'Entertainment' is relative. No one team monopolizes its meaning and for sure, AFC never have.

  95. Ron

    Jan 20, 2015, 10:23 #65312

    Yes Westie the day that the TV shifts is dirty arse out of football the better. It may then find itself again and become a sport once more. 'Entertainment'? Do Arsenal entertain you? Go the theatre or the cinema if that s what you want. Most football fans see football as results driven. The 'dross' that you described last night was played out by two Clubs with almost the same success levels as Wengers Arsenal in the last 10 years (though i know that you rate 4th place cups as success). I thought Albion s defending put Wengers teams defending over the last 5 years to shame actually. Im sure their supporters found getting a vital point at a tough venue very 'entertaining' too. You do talk a load of rubbish at times fella. Yr post is as usual tinged with the Arsenal are a superior and 'above' war of attrition type games, that 'lesser' Clubs partake in. Its exactly that type of fan mentality that sustains Arsenal mediocrity.

  96. Chris

    Jan 20, 2015, 9:35 #65310

    Bard - I know it was a rhetorical question but I'll answer it anyway. Before Sunday, Wenger was doing every season what he's likely to still do this one - finishing on or above par relative to his means with a style of football that, although some may mis-guidedly disagree, has always been better to watch than most. How many on here still want Martinez or Klopp? That question is only half a rhetorical becuase the plight of those managers - and Brendan Rodgers - puts Wenger's continual achievements into context. Unless you are a complete anti-Wenger loon and hate the guy like that fellow at Arsenal Truth or a few on here (including increasingly it seems the esteemed editor) it can only be the fact that continual "more than satisfactory but not much more" performance is a bit dull or that the team's style is not to your taste (but I think those opinions might be revised quickly if we went backwards, as others have said) that drives this antipathy.

  97. ermmmm

    Jan 20, 2015, 9:24 #65309

    Unchives... Why the 9 years syndrome. Take it back 20 years, 20 days, 20 minutes. It just happens to be the focal point that all anti Wengerists can argue from.

  98. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 20, 2015, 9:12 #65307

    Ian - steady on there mate. We've hardly turned the corner have we? Yesterday's result was top and easily beats the relatively unimportant result against them in the charity shield. And yes, the team played to a plan and delivered, with Santi and Francis standing out. But even the most generous analyst would say that it hardly atones for the last ten years of slow and painful decline, as Arsene fiddled while Highbury burned and he and Kroenke trousered millions. This is only a chapter in the Storey (geddit?) of Arsenal's fluctuating fortunes - but if it leads to a lot mour ((inhno) - geddit again?), then we can talk.

  99. Westlower

    Jan 20, 2015, 8:40 #65306

    How will we react to a Pulis type coach to replace Wenger? I very much doubt 0-0 games will be tolerated for too long into the new coaches reign. Pulis has achieved clean sheets in his last 3 games, so incidently has Wenger. If last nights dire game at Goodison is an example of forward thinking, then heaven help us. The entertainment factor was negligible and it made Italian football seem exciting. TV companies will be reviewing the vast income they pour into football if that type of football is served up on a regular basis. Fed with similar dross the Premier Leagues Worldwide audience will disappear overnight. The days of 'Money for nothing and your chicks for free' will have gone. Dire Straits indeed!

  100. Bard

    Jan 20, 2015, 8:19 #65305

    Ian I am afraid I dont get the point of this post. You start with an interesting question which is are teams made or discovered by chance but it then gets tangled up with support for Wenger and the old loyalty debate. I sometimes wonder whether posters of articles bother to read the posts. You could argue that in the light of the result on Sunday, Wenger has wasted a shedload of cash on players who didnt feature and might not now get in the side. I dont subscribe to that view but it bears examination. Has Ozil ever put in a Santi type performance and will Danny or Gibbs or Jack or Arteta or Wally get back in the side. Again you could argue that far from reinforcing Wengers credentials the result leave him more open to question. What was he doing prior to Sunday.

  101. lance peters

    Jan 20, 2015, 8:01 #65303

    thank you Unchives. A real waste of a post taking one game into consideration and forgetting the misery of the last 9 years. wenger will use this game as a benchmark not to buy a defender or central midfielder in the jan window. another case of 1 step forward 2 steps back

  102. Unchives

    Jan 20, 2015, 7:54 #65301

    Simon Rose bases his review on the club over just 10 games, you base it on one game....and explain your puns.....wonderful. Most on here base their review over the last 9 seasons, I know which opinions I trust. As for loyalty, the climate has changed and the pressures catch-up with the manager faster....erm....except our Manager it would seem. Lastly, £21.8 million buys a lot of loyalty.....see you in MAY!