Should new TV deal be used to reduce ticket prices?

Finding a solution to the loss of atmosphere at televised matches

Should new TV deal be used to reduce ticket prices?

Time to address the empty seats at TV matches?

To cut to the quick, the reason for this exclusive is a short online survey to see whether supporters are interested in a small proportion of the money from the next Premier League TV deal being used to reduce admission prices for supporters. That survey can be completed here.

Now, some background for those interested in what’s behind this…

The Arsenal Supporters’ Trust recently met with Offcom and used the chance to explain how the matchday fan was the one interest group to suffer from the impact of televising a game and to push for some of the appearance cash the clubs get (£750k per match each) to go to cutting prices for televised games to help with atmosphere and attendance by core fans and young fans. Offcom can't force such a measure but can be a big influencer when the new TV deal goes through in the next few weeks. Going through the Premier League rather than individual clubs is the best chance of succeeding with this initiative as individual clubs won't act or agree in isolation.

To see if there is a consensus of fan opinion about this, a short online survey has been launched for fans to indicate how they would feel about the proposals.

Here is an explanation of The Trust’s initial involvement with the authorities, which led to the meeting with Offcom,from their January newsletter…

AST gives evidence to the Government expert group on Football Ownership

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport's Expert Working Group on Football Supporter Ownership and Engagement has issued a call for evidence on the barriers to increasing supporter ownership and engagement in clubs. More detail about the terms of reference for the review can be read here.

The AST submission to the inquiry can be read in full here.

However, the main thing is that if you want your voice heard in this debate, a good start would be to complete the online survey linked to here.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 07, 2015, 20:49 #66423

    the other one, apparently the big disciplinary hearing has taken place (probably a wine tasting evening at wengers house last night)and it's been in the form off that some on here will whole heartily agree with, a heart to heart, OGL has put his arm round poor hard done by jack, ah diddum's, and told him he has to start taking responsibility for his life style, how many times is that now? (heaven forbid HE would have to) and no surprise as he doesn't for anything else unless it's a win of course. Jack has said sorry (in between laughing at Chesney and giroud pulling faces at the window) ah that's all right then sorted. OGL's worried his players might get a reputation they don't deserve, too late they already have, some think they're world class.

  2. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 07, 2015, 16:19 #66400

    MG, I'm known as 'the other one' now as he doesn't dare address me directly. It seems you are only allowed to surmise if your name is Badarse/Brian. It's clear that insofar as there is any evidence, it's weighted towards your supposition rather than his, namely that Wilshire 'will be told' but no, apparently - without substantiation or explanation - this is simply 'hot air'.

  3. Ron

    Feb 07, 2015, 14:50 #66387

    You still reckon some 2nd tier guy like Schneiderlin will perfect that middle Westie lad? Non existent midfield there. Ramsey and the Coq couldnt cope. Gave the spuds the freedom of the borough. Chronically poor performance. Kane making a mess of them was predictable. It was a proper test and once more Arsenal were feeble.

  4. jjetplane

    Feb 07, 2015, 14:13 #66383

    Yes but MG it's all about the colours. It's all so post modern and there is only one person on here who understands it. On a blue and white note that Harry Kane bloke - Millwall ain't he? No one likes them/no one likes him. Thanks again HICCuP for making me laugh with your effortless comedy.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 07, 2015, 13:16 #66381

    Excter, you'd have thought so, but no, not to Badarse but no surprise there, so his messiah isn't responsible for discipline with the players or instilling discipline either or at the club that must be somebody else's fault too, is there anything he can be held responsible for apart for a win? Like I said if Xbox Jack and the others knew they really would be in the shyte if they stepped out of line and OGL was doing his job properly that players dreaded standing out side his office there'd be less indiscretions and breaches of discipline from little turds like Wilshire. Anyway great goal from Ozil a couple more please.

  6. Ron

    Feb 07, 2015, 11:41 #66377

    It whiffs of a draw Westie. The spuds will be up for it though. Kane could do some damage if AW has nt done his homework. No Sanchez is a miss. Arsenal need to beat them there. Its been 8 yrs since they won well there. Long overdue. In fairness to the spuds, they've had much the better of the overall play in many of the NLD games since then, home and away in large parts whatever the results have been. Arse should be turning them over if Wengers faith in his squad is justifiable.

  7. Badarse

    Feb 07, 2015, 11:31 #66376

    Got a draw written all over it today, but who knows how it may pan out. Three points would be a wonderful boost, and is quite likely. Come on you red men.

  8. Westlower

    Feb 07, 2015, 11:17 #66375

    Is it too much to expect Jack's mates to make sure their famous friend stays out of trouble when in public places? I'll take a draw at the Lane as we've only won once there in the last six visits. A win will be a great boost for the rest of the season.

  9. Ron

    Feb 07, 2015, 11:13 #66374

    All true Baddie , though my biggest bane at the moment is trying to master 'My Sweet Lord' on my guitar. Pesky George. Have to play it on my own. It helps to be able to swear at it mate!

  10. Badarse

    Feb 07, 2015, 10:57 #66373

    Ron, a worthy response, not so the other one-just hot air, and wild swinging in the dark, still some like that. The modern world is so seductive in it's wiles. Easy to be seduced, and we are no longer talking 'stocking tops'. The ads on telly are so astonishingly good, like the kids' ads at Xmas. Primary colours, smooth talking, big productions, funny little creatures endorsing. A tsunami of syrup washing over the little ones, and the parents are still little ones themselves. The ads should be outlawed, then I'm only Badarse with my own idiosyncrasies. I think when a good young footballer suddenly finds himself a millionaire, with a contract disappearing into the future, therefore making him fireproof financially, he naturally thinks he has arrived. The media tells him so. It becomes a personal discipline thing, and of course role models help, but where are they now? Foreign England managers here for five minutes and are outside the youth/young culture, if not the psyche of the nation. Every day a scandal, Parliament, Monarchy, religion, education, financial world. Wars, social collapse, money driven enterprises, multi-nationals shaping the landscapes and altering characteristics of peoples. Aggression, social skills lost and most clamouring for more, rather than appreciating and enjoying what they have. There are no heroes anymore for the kids, just blanket coverage of 'celebrities' on 'Big Brother'. Oh dear, am just going to join DWT on the ledge, 'Shift over mon ami.'

  11. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 07, 2015, 10:22 #66372

    MG, your post is substantiated by our eyes, which tell us that Wilshire has not been 'put right' as he keeps doing it, and the self-evident lack of leadership of the pitch, where I thought everybody agreed we're lacking a Frank McLintock type. Whether Frank's way would work in the context of modern football is another issue, nevertheless leadership is evidently lacking. On the other hand, there is absolutely nothing to substantiate the claim that 'If he was smoking, he will be told, at some stage things will come to a head between him and the manager'.

  12. Ron

    Feb 07, 2015, 10:15 #66371

    Hi Baddie - yr probably right mate. I take yr point. I do always give the youngsters the benefit though. ive a Son and a Daughter of my own. late 20s all. It is media sway too. I do think though that he s one that s got a more than full wallet, assumes he s up to the hype and is the finished product, yet as Scholes said a few months back, he was actually better and more use when he was 17. If he was my Son i d want him cribbing advice from all and sundry in the game and making sure those who could influence him did so. Hes doesnt seem to be the 'sharpest knife' does he. Hes 24 ish now. Gateway to making it or wasting it in footie terms. For me, hes on a Southwards slope. I dont believe that he ll survive long at Arsenal to be truthful mate.

  13. Badarse

    Feb 07, 2015, 9:51 #66370

    maguiresbridge, you have nothing to substantiate your entire post, reducing it just to a rant at AW. Ron, you are just being 'heightist', and a little elitist. He is English it's true, and there is a definite 'untermensch' mentality in our culture, and has been for a long time. Yet I blame the older ones, like myself and you, for not championing the correct behaviour. It's why on another post I suggested you cut the young some slack-guess you are too long in the tooth to change, but you should try. Do a 'Frank Spencer' and say daily, 'Every Day, in every way, I'm getting better and better.' JW? Guys we are falling into the trap that Ron often warns us of, then falls in himself. The media sensationalist trap. If he was smoking, he will be told, at some stage things will come to a head between him and the manager. Life is not a 'Punch and Judy show'. Hiccup, I have it on good authority that the only reason Sir Chesney didn't have a leg to stand on in the cubicle was because he was sitting down.

  14. Hiccup

    Feb 07, 2015, 9:09 #66368

    Think Jack is getting a tough ride. Smoking isn't illegal, and he does it out of work time. I even think that photo of him was actually outside a charity function. If he gets himself a good lawyer, they should take the club to the cleaners if they fine him. Unfortunately for schezney, he doesn't have a leg to stand on as he was caught on work duty and in a non smoking area, which carries all health & safety implications. It's a tough one. Most companies have a designated smoking area. Maybe the club could erect a smoking hut alongside the dugouts to cater for the smokers in the club? It's something for HR to sort out anyway.

  15. Alsace

    Feb 07, 2015, 0:37 #66367

    The club make a huge profit and are set up to do so. They will never issue a dividend because they would have to give Usmanov money if they did so. Why not use some of the tv money to lower ticket prices, especially if we are turning out on Sunday evenings to watch? How many rolexes does Theo's pet rabbit and tortoise need?

  16. Ron

    Feb 06, 2015, 22:43 #66366

    MG - You mean Wilshere s a jumped up short arsed little chav, with a bloated idea of his own abilities who disregards all and sundry in a surly, sneering way, who d be likely working at Asda if he hadnt joined a 'sport' desperate for some thing englsh to tag on to and who knows his passport gives him what bit of mock credibility he has? Yes. True mate!

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 06, 2015, 22:00 #66365

    And another thing I've overlooked and forgot to mention is not only do we not have a manager we haven't got a Captain either (or any other players for that matter) to take players like Wilshire aside and put them right, and haven't had for a long time. A team mate or Captain who Wilshire and the rest would be afraid to cross and let down, one like who we've been reading about all day Frank Mc Clintock.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 06, 2015, 21:27 #66364

    What a let down, you could be right it looks like it's heading that way (and none of us would be overly surprised), I know it's been said before but Wilshire is one of these English players who thinks he's arrived (and there's a lot of them)when he hasn't but they're/he's to thick to see he hasn't, and he hasn't got a manager to tell him he hasn't, or any different, a manager who will discipline him properly and tell him straight or put him straight, instead just let him continue to think and even tell him (and everybody else that will listen)he's the man, and the bees knees. All this he's in trouble with and going to bear the wrath of wenger? my arse, do you think if he gave a fook or was worried about wenger he'd be doing these things (and the same goes for Chesney, giroud, etc, he knows exactly what's going to happen and will continue to, uncle arsene will bring him in for a chat and tell him the errors of his ways and they'll/he'll say the right things and learn from it and move on until the next time.

  19. Mikeymike2711

    Feb 06, 2015, 19:25 #66363

    Excellent post & survey is easy to fill in. Well done to all involved.

  20. Jason B

    Feb 06, 2015, 19:19 #66362

    @Jamerson.Your post regarding cup credits removed from season tickets.I understand where you're coming from (counting st holders in the attendance when they haven't used their ticket) but I don't see why other st holders who attend the vast majority of home games (I have only missed one since we moved to the emirates)should have that privilege taken awsy.Yes,it may make more tickets available but it doesn't mean to say that they will sell all the tickets for that particular game.The recent Hull cup tie is a good example where extra tickets were made available within a few days of going on sale to st holders through family and friends service (?) (due to Hull not selling their allocation) and still tickets were available right up to the Friday before. At the end of the day if that person doesn't want to go to the game when they have paid upfront for his or her ticket, that is up to them. They are the ones out of pocket!

  21. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 06, 2015, 18:40 #66361

    Bard : Football whether you like it or not is/was a working class game, the rule of thumb was that the entrance fee to a Div 1 (Prem league) game should be the price of a pint - when did you last pay £50 + for a pint of beer. It was my game, my dad's game, the working class lads I grew up with game. You confuse violence on the pitch with tough players laying down a marker, you needed courage to play football in the 50's & 60's and honesty, that is what missing today and has been for many years. It was our game and it has been lost to the "suits" The only hope I see is if Sky pulls out of football completely, then only those who truly love and understand the game would be left in it. "Arsenal charge market rates plus a bit" - behave yourself!

  22. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 06, 2015, 17:43 #66358

    Red Pig : Great post, you have summed up everything wrong with the game today. It is a circus, filthy with money and no matter how poor you are at your job if you stay in that circus you will be made for life!

  23. Ron

    Feb 06, 2015, 17:26 #66357

    Bard - yes, to a point. I'm sure that you and Margaret Thatcher (is she yr heroine by any chance) knew that the market was very much in inanimate entity and created and fixed by stealth and distortion and didnt fix and look after itself. Its a treading board not some God given guide to which everybody wants to bow and scrape to like its some deity. Footballs market is set by TV and the Club owners and bent to suit like any other market. Players weren't hard done to after 1961. Jimmy Hill and George Eastham seen to that and good for them. Its common knowledge that footballers wages were soon many times that of the working man by 1963. All pitches were not all 'crap'. Most were quite acceptable for good football. Theyre only so good today because they're part artificial. It wasnt 'violent' on the pitch. There were hard and very hard players. How many footballers do you want to mention were prosecuted for common assault or worse offences on a pitch? How many Ramseys and Eduardos can you recall from back then to compare yr violent epoch with todays (by definition) non violent football.It was largely handbags off the pitch, there was more running away and shouting than than fighting interspersed with some violence , yes. Has it been totally eradicated today in yr perfect football scenes country wide? No skills in yesterdays players? Not worth an observation by me as its such a load of populist SKY driven bollox to even dignify the statement. £62.00 - £180.00 approx and higher for tickets is reasonable then to you for certain matches? Thats what AFC are charging for upper tier seats. Football Clubs throughout that PL are taking the p--s and only a blind fool cant see it.

  24. John F

    Feb 06, 2015, 17:21 #66356

    There was some appalling stuff that went on but not so bad at Arsenal .The petrol bomb thrown by Newcastle fans at the Hammers was one of the many low lights. I remember it had all calmed down by the time they decided to get rid of the terracing.Better policing and cctv put paid to a lot of the idiots.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 06, 2015, 17:20 #66354

    Baddie, and in Wilshire's case him and his people fighting over who's turn it is on the Shisha Pipe.

  26. jjetplane

    Feb 06, 2015, 17:03 #66353

    Also lots of rubbish spread through the media about the violent old days. Don't remember much of that. There was the odd ruck here and there but so ****ing what! In all it was just working class theatre but of course that has all disappeared and Arsenal plc is no different to the current Tory Party now. Television is even worst and i never watch football on the box and might just catch up on a few goals on the iplayer. Listen to the radio preferably but that just becomes ambient wallpaper in the background. I go to games nearly every week so my football fix is fine and most of it is non-league. It feels full circle and the way it was when I was a kid. You can talk to players, managers and those that run the clubs as is your wish. I may just catch the second half on saturday before a big fixture with Littlehampton. Two words sum up Arsenal at present - Jack Wilshere. Amazing post REDPIG.

  27. John F

    Feb 06, 2015, 16:50 #66352

    Red pig excellent post. According to Scudamore the premier league is wonderful and everyone is happy with this wonderful product that is every one but the fans.Never in the field of football conflict was so much paid by so many to so few.

  28. Bard

    Feb 06, 2015, 16:41 #66351

    Redpig, I agree with your analysis but not the sentiments. Arsenal are a plc and have been for a long time. They charge the market rate plus a bit extra, its the way of the world its not just Arsenal. I also dont subscribe to the notion of the good old days. The pitches were crap, it was violent on and off the field, the players were treated like **** and the skill levels were appalling by and large. As Jeff wrote a day or two ago, we tend to view the past through rose tinted glasses. Good post though mate thanks for that.

  29. Badarse

    Feb 06, 2015, 16:21 #66349

    RedPig a splendid observation. No moralising, no sermonising, no pomp, but it is as it is gentlefolk. If you dance with the devil, he, (she?), gets to play the tune you dance to. As some celebrate Magna Carta's 800th birthday we charge towards a situation where people are losing their liberty and civil rights more than ever, and by comparison the world's population grows poorer. We have conceded to the money men, and yet many crave Usmanov. The bus has driven over the precipice and people are arguing about who should take a turn behind the wheel.

  30. Tony Evans

    Feb 06, 2015, 15:12 #66348

    Red Pig - As Ron says that's one of the best posts on here for a long while. Back in my Arsenal hey days I would never have swapped going to a match to watch it on the TV, but as you say the match day experience / crac / vibes (call it what you want) has all but gone and football fans are the poorer for it (in more ways than one) whilst the clubs and players are most definitely not.

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 06, 2015, 14:29 #66347

    Ron, I'm sure terracing would bring a lot of the old guard back and improve the atmosphere but you know what? the JCL's and tourists would want in on the action and would want to experience what it is and was like on the terracing it would all they'd be interested in, i'm of to stand on the terrace tomorrow I don't know where but it should be jolly good fun. And the first day they opened the first people you'd see through the turnstiles pictured on TV standing pitch side would be those in suits wearing an Arsenal scarf, or Japanese tourists taking selfies babbling away in their native tongue unable to speak a word of English.

  32. Ron

    Feb 06, 2015, 13:54 #66346

    Red Pig - Thats no rant my friend, that's the cast iron truth and thank you for sharing it. An Excellent post and the best ive seen for ages.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 06, 2015, 13:48 #66345

    Hiccup, and an Arsenal Credit card in partnership with mastercard is waiting to help you out, £1,500 Limit, make first purchase in the Armoury and it's raised to 2,000, cash advance available only 30% APR no credit check necessary, sign up today.

  34. RedPig

    Feb 06, 2015, 13:36 #66344

    Far too many games are televised now. Other than fans of the 2 clubs, who really wants to watch Arsenal v Stoke on a Sunday lunchtime? The game at the top level is so geared towards the armchair fan that it’s almost ridiculous to bother shelling out upwards of a thousand pounds for a season ticket at a club like ours. Especially when games are moved to another kick-off time at pretty short notice. Not only can you watch games in the comfort of your own home or at the local (saving yourself a lot of time and money) but the atmosphere at home or in the pub isn’t really that much worse anymore either. The soul of the game has been destroyed by TV and by greed that its overblown hold on the game has created. The Sky money could easily have been used to reduce admission prices across the board and be used as a source of good but that would need some integrity on the part of people running the game. We all know that that just doesn’t exist. As for the price of the tickets, what Arsenal and the like continue to charge when they are raking it in from TV is nothing short of a disgrace and they should all be ashamed. The fact that people are willing pay it is not a justifiable reason to charge it. That’s just to kind of silly excuse that prevents anything being done about the obscene amounts fans pay and that people in the game earn. It is morally wrong for a football club to exploit its supporters for profits. The club is supposed to exist for the benefit their fans ... we are not here for the benefit of the people at the club. The whole thing has become distorted by the mercenaries in the game. And make no mistake – even someone like Arsene Wenger has become one of those mercenaries. If he had any self-awareness or true love for the club instead of himself he would have gone a long time ago. But he stays because he gets £8m for old rope. This self-serving greed in the game is of course widespread and this is not unique to Arsenal. Although it seems only Arsenal like to let everyone know how they are doing things ‘the right way’’ or as they so pompously put it: ‘’The Arsenal way’’. Anyway a return to terracing is the obvious solution to so many of the games problems from a fans point of view but this will never happen because there is not enough money in it for the clubs and the marketing teams will not want to risk what they see as riff-raff getting back into grounds. Terracing should never have gone in the first place, it was at best a complete over-reaction to a tragic event. In truth though it was probably just a smokescreen used by the business minded types who knew they could charge a lot more for a seat than a place on the terrace and seized their opportunity. Pure greed dressed up as something noble. Dissenters hushed up by the word Hillsborough - as though that was an end to any debate. Funny how terracing still exists in the lower leagues or Rugby League stadiums if it’s so dangerous. Do the lives of those fans not count too? Sadly the game at the top level was hijacked long ago and it’s too late to take it back. Rant over.

  35. Ron

    Feb 06, 2015, 11:40 #66339

    Tear out those ridiculous seats in the North and Clock end at least and preferably down both sides of the lower sections, replace with modern structured terracing and sell the tickets for 25 quid a shot. No football match is worth more than that whoever are the visitors. The Club needs to be honest(big ask i know) and face it that there isnt a team in that PL who deserves 'category A billing)Lets the JCL s, tourists and the idiots who see nothing wrong with the ticket pricing there fight it out for the upper level seats, 50% of which are bloody awful seats anyway, not that they ll notice or ever admit. You never know , Arsenal might get a few of the fans back who've deserted in droves and whisper this ..... the atmosphere might improve. The design of that ground in my view has proved itself a big white elephant in all respects save for its match day revenue which is all AFC care about obviously.

  36. Hiccup

    Feb 06, 2015, 10:36 #66337

    Hi baddie. I don't think some people realise how much a packet of fags and a trendy baseball cap costs these days. Half our team's on 40 a day and it don't come cheap. The money's got to come from somewhere. I'm enjoying this transition back to the good old days. Let's hope the players start turning up for games half tanked up. It makes you wonder whether this is down to wenger changing his tactics and allowing them to do what they like, or if the players have took it upon themselves to do this? Anyway Baddie, here's to an argument free weekend on here. We need Westie to provide the odds for that. Not a good return I fear.

  37. Badarse

    Feb 06, 2015, 9:23 #66334

    Hiccup, that was worth something. Not sure you'd get 60K watching you, but bet your life I would be one of them. Bard's post the other day was also top notch. What an amazing site this is, the rest of the jokers don't even realise they are being amusing, that is hilarious in itself.

  38. Hiccup

    Feb 06, 2015, 8:51 #66333

    The club needs every penny it can get. Any extra funds should be paid as bonuses to the players, as we now have the complete squad in all departments, and need to keep them happy to prevent another mass exodus. We also need to keep the mass euphoria of this successful season rolling in to May. We are on the cusp of overhauling Southampton, and then we will set our sights on United who are having their best season since last year. Supporter discontent is the last thing we need right now, which could derail our push for glory. Empty seats is not helping, so I suggest take out bank loans or remortgage to pay these top top premium prices, and cheer the lads on to 3rd, 4th, 5th or whatever. And let's please cut out all this negativity.

  39. @lancasterb

    Feb 05, 2015, 22:44 #66328

    My logic is, there's a cut off before it's a piss take. 55 quid for qpr away being one. I won't spend more than 50 quid for a ticket, unless it's a big game! Vote with your feet, stop moaning and stay at home and let the tourists become the mugs. No one likes being priced out, but clubs don't care! Soon as your accept that the club doesn't care about fans, than the easier it becomes. Feedback welcome.

  40. oo too bee

    Feb 05, 2015, 22:26 #66327

    Simply put. If we were challenging for the EPL, every seat in the house would be spoken for. Fickle is the word and always has been.

  41. Red Member

    Feb 05, 2015, 16:49 #66317

    the next TV deal is likely to be HUGE so it will be even more obscene if ticket prices continue to increase. I personally like the category C pricing that the club has introduced but I refuse to buy category A tickets because 1) they are too expensive and 2) when are we going to start acting like a category A club? By that I mean genuinely trying to compete for the league title instead of 4th place. Season after season...

  42. Charlie George Orwell

    Feb 05, 2015, 14:13 #66309

    Nice one Kev. Survey only takes a couple of minutes. Vital to get young LOCAL blood to the games and what youngster can afford the obscene prices? Reckon I'm pretty much like most Gooners from decades past who lived in Islington/Central London and who now are scattered to the winds. When we call it a day in going and if Arsenal become unfashionable for tourists (slide out of 4th, etc) - who's going to turn up at all? Will we have to downsize? If so, there's a place in Avenell Road that looks really neat...

  43. AllanC

    Feb 05, 2015, 14:01 #66305

    I generally have sympathy with the notion of using TV money to reduce ticket prices, especially for younger supporters. However, I would have much more enthusiasm for ring fencing some of the TV money to provide facilities and coaching for youth and grass roots football. This should be done before any money which goes to the clubs is calculated.