You're The Man-cini For Me!

Roberto for Arsenal?

You're The Man-cini For Me!

I have been reliably informed by sources close to me, that very recently, Roberto Mancini once again reiterated his desire to become the next Gunners Boss.

For those of you whose memory can stretch back as far as November last year (mine can't), you may recall the Italian informing a reporter that;" I would have loved to have managed Arsenal, a club with a special charm. But there is still time.”

Whilst fans of the North London side everywhere would be in agreement that Arsenal is indeed a club with a "special charm," the very idea that this could be the man to replace Wenger is, well, headache inducing.

When I first heard the remarks of the former Manchester City manager, I admit that I did scoff snootily at the idea that someone who, apparently, takes such delight at drilling organization into the mindset of every player under his management could possibly be a fit for Arsenal. The headache only intensifies when you think of how mismatched the two are, idealistically, realistically, chemically; basically in every "ically" way imaginable.

Under Wenger we have become accustomed to the "gung-ho" approach. This tactic requires football to flow from all channels, (easy on the eye viewing), while at the same time abandoning all defensive duties (bottom clenching viewing). Personally speaking, this approach bored me about seven years ago and is well past its sell by date. Arsenal have become football's version of ground-hog day, the only difference being that Bill Murray learnt from his mistakes.

I want something different, so magnificently different and I believe Mancini is so different from what we're accustomed to that he would be perfect for us. I would not only welcome him with open arms but happily lick clean his toilet seat for the next year if it meant he would become Arsenal's next manager. (Er… we print what is submitted and you read that correctly – Ed)

"I like 1-0 wins... I prefer we are boring for two or three matches and we win 1-0. If you watch teams that won titles, they conceded very few goals.”

Statements like this from Mancini are like music to my ears. There can be no better statement that so perfectly illustrates his management style or his will to win. To all the footballing purists out there; and I include Wenger amongst them, he is basically sticking two fingers up at them as his will to win outweighs his need for fantasy football. Nobody remembers runners-up.

I want him and everything he brings with him; I want his organisation, I want to watch a game in which I see more than one tactic, I want 1-0 wins, I want defenders to defend, I want direct football, and I want, I want, I want a defensive midfielder. Mancini wants the Arsenal job - I say give it to him and he will bring trophies to the Emirates.

Favorably, the current Inter Milan manager has shown himself to be an expert in the transfer market, and this was no more true than during his time at Manchester City. Yaya Toure, Sergio Aguero, David Silva and Aleksandar Kolarov were just a few of Mancini's signings, and of course, how could we forget Samir Nasri. All of these players were, and continue, to be major stars of the Premiership. This is why we needn't worry about losing Wenger's wheeling and dealing capabilities. Mancini has proven himself in this field.

Then there is the question over whether the ex-City manager could deliver silverware in the red and white of Arsenal. So, ok, we're FA Cup winners, but I am talking about the Premiership. It's been a scandal that we have gone as many years as we have without winning a single title and I, for one, would question whether Wenger even remembers how to go about winning league championships. During the Italian’s first spell at Inter Milan he won three consecutive titles and broke a number of records. He continued this rich vein of success after moving to Manchester City which proves he has what it takes to be successful domestically.

So as I glance hopefully at the latest Sky Sports News Update watching hours of nonsense not concerning Arsenal, I find myself in a realisation that this may only be a pipe dream. I'll probably require the use of a zimmerframe before Wenger decides he's had enough and even then he'll have it written in stone that any successor must only adhere to the Arsene Wenger book of tactics or, as he might call it, "Gung-Ho: The Only Way I Know". But I am always an optimist and wait with bated breath for my wish to be granted.

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  1. jjetplane

    Feb 11, 2015, 13:35 #66686

    Why does WESTIE remind me of Cameron .... lol!

  2. Ron

    Feb 11, 2015, 11:38 #66673

    EG - refer our earlier posts. Blind faith and fear informs the typical AKB post and certainly informs the suggestion of 'flawed judgement'. There's none so blind as they that refuse to see.

  3. Borat

    Feb 11, 2015, 11:14 #66672

    Roberto Mankini all the way

  4. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 11, 2015, 10:13 #66664

    The AKBs have been busy proving our points I see. A complete lack of a coherent response. 'flawed judgment' but no explanation of how or why. Diagnosing a problem and proposing something be done about it = 'not being able to handle defeat'.

  5. Bard

    Feb 11, 2015, 9:29 #66661

    Colsey is that it, a treatise on the need for preservation of the status quo. Westie mate very funny, enjoyed that. Far from broken more determined than ever to give my full support to the next protest. My aunt is knitting a banner as we speak, Bard for Manager. Unexpectedly i have an interview this morning with Ivan and Stan. My wife says no jokes about hair pieces, Will keep you posted.

  6. Westlower

    Feb 11, 2015, 9:09 #66660

    The detached, broken, ex Gooners become more bitter with the passing of time. Put aside your anxieties & flawed judgement my friends. Get out of the negative rut you've steered yourselves into. Overcome your lack of faith as together we are stronger. Come back and join the main support as we forgive your weakness in not being able to handle defeats. For your penance repeat 100 times, Arsene Knows Best. It will restore your belief. You know it makes sense, Rodney!

  7. Joe S.

    Feb 11, 2015, 8:58 #66659

    I doubt if this will ever eventuate. Mancini's success whether at Inter or City has always come at a price, meaning lots of transfer action at a rate which would horrify the lean one in Denver. More importantly for the Arsenal fans is that Mancini is not highly regarded in Italy. Even when Inter were cashed up and he won title after title the smart money in Italy was that Inter would never win the Champions League under his management, another captain clueless in other words. This proved to be true because they won this trophy as soon as he left and Mourinho arrived. Anyhow its a long shot which I'm sure will never materialize because there are better options out there.

  8. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 11, 2015, 8:41 #66658

    Bard,. Everywhere he goes, everyhwhere he goes, oh it's jeff wright he's talking ****e, everywhere he goes. Everywhere he goes, everywhere he goes, oh it's jeff wright he's talking ****e, everywhere he goes. Ad nauseum.

  9. Bard

    Feb 11, 2015, 7:14 #66657

    Jameson; whats a no show? Are we back to that ridiculous argument about who they real fans are. I didnt see you in Mongolia in the 80s for that youth team match. I think that makes me more of a fan than you. I go most weeks although its a struggle. I really enjoyed last nights grind against the bottom team. We looked as though we have a real chance of winning the CL. Colseybollox the reason they played well is because we are so bad we make them look good. Instead of posting insults why don't you post something coherent as a counter point to jeffs arguments would be a first for a AKB.

  10. Smithy

    Feb 11, 2015, 6:30 #66656

    Good three points but sounds like we only just did enough.hopefully they will up the work rate against a very good Middlesbrough team. Relentless pressure and we will win, slow football will be up their street.

  11. JollyJumper

    Feb 11, 2015, 2:27 #66655

    @ maguiresbridge gooner Post No. 70158 - Very honored by your proposal to be AFC manager. I certainly qualify like Bard (Post No. 70088, Hi Bard, hilarious!), although I did not work in football 30 years. However, I am capable to see when the dross is brought to our Club, when the players are not properly drilled or are played out of their best position and not giving their maximum when wearing the Arsenal shirt. Also, I am able to spot the things for which we received, as juniors, a slap behind the ears from seniors, such as not covering our two posts against the corner kicks, not pressing on the ball/player, have a headphones on when in the presence of other persons, chewing the gum while playing football, smoking (in any place), bragging and moaning instead showing on the pitch who we were and for what we were fighting for, etc, etc. So, as you can see, I have a keen eye for football, but as I am not 'Le professeur-philosophe-économiste', our knowledgeable owner, our young and courageous Board and our snake oil salesman CEO will certainly not vote for me. It is a pity because I'm ready to make them some money every year by reducing my salary compared to Wenger's GBP 8mil. The results, you are asking? Well, the players know what to do ... like it is today. In Wenger we rust! COYG!!

  12. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 10, 2015, 23:52 #66654

    Glad to see jeff's disciples are still keeping this site alive with their continuous grudge bearing nonsense, Maguiresbridge, Exeter, Bard, Ron and Mark from Aylesbury. Your membership of jeff's club is confirmed. Three points against a team that doesn't play as though they are bottom of the table. Onwards and upwards.

  13. vote jeff

    Feb 10, 2015, 21:58 #66653

    you've been busy Jeff. hanging around middle schools at leaving off time I see.

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 10, 2015, 21:11 #66652

    Ron, there hasn't been one for a while but without a doubt (wenger could run over some of them in his car and they'd call him back to reverse over them)is quip of the day, week. And they'd still love him and worship him even after he stopped just long enough to empty his ash tray over them.

  15. mark from aylesbury

    Feb 10, 2015, 20:57 #66651

    After the Waco siege ended in 1993. The escapee's after 3 years in the wilderness found a new leader called Arsene. They get a little confused as they no longer have to give up their wife's to the great one instead they just have to pray to the great leader and chant over and over 4th is a sign of greatness.

  16. Ron

    Feb 10, 2015, 19:57 #66650

    EG - they do get a sort of imaginary moralistic, almost 'religious' buzz from their 'loyalty' as well i believe. I actaully think though that while they dress up theeir loyalty in this way, in reality is displaying a type of dependency on him. Some of those backing the regime and Wenger know are close to being institutionalized by the whole set up. AS MG says they know the games up really but a combination of their inability to shake off the shackles of dependency and fear of doing it, even if they could keeps them sticking like limpets to Wenger as if the freaking bloke is a ships hull. Some of them are like battered Wives hanging on to a spouse who abuses them and certainly their like impoverished people kept down by a tyrant. Im sure that Wenger could run over some of them in his car and they d call him back to reverse over them. You only have to read the posts of nearly all the AKBs on here mentioning no names as they sing from the same hymn sheet almost verbatim (or should i say they stand shoulder to shoulder!)Its not just his disciples, its the whole Club, the Board, the job lot and certainly most of the fans who still cough up to go.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 10, 2015, 18:37 #66649

    Exeter, good post, I've also no doubt the vast majority of ABK's actually think and believe what the majority of us on here and elsewhere do (they even admit it and agree with us in private and among their own) but a lot of it is down to the fact they've been supporting him and sticking up for and defending him for so long now they don't want to lose face by coming out and admitting we're right and their wrong in public.

  18. Carlos

    Feb 10, 2015, 18:17 #66648

    Are you an Inter fan?

  19. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 10, 2015, 18:00 #66647

    Bard, I think some AKBS swallow the con, but for others it's not about whether AFC are near greatness or not. Because his professorial image and longevity, it makes them feel intelligent, loyal and steadfast to identify with and be supportive of Wenger. How Arsenal actually do is secondary to that. That's why they'll scratch around for and invent every excuse under the sun, so long as it deflects responsibility from him. They just want Wenger to stay on so they can keep feeling so clever and resolute.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 10, 2015, 17:34 #66646

    Just seen a photo on twitter of a Dreamland delivery van entering the Emirates, apparently they specialise in Duck Feather pillows and OGL has ordered a bag of Duck Feathers for the Dwarfs to tickle the mighty Leicester after they roll over tonight.

  21. jeff wright

    Feb 10, 2015, 16:39 #66645

    Hi MG, I have been busy today and another busy time for me ahead tomorrow ,c'est la vie!. I guess that colesybollox and his hand-muppet KFC are still brooding after their recent chastisements on here but fear not for another couple of results against dross oppo will soon see these pair of silly pussies back handing down more sermons to all and sundry .They really did get carried away with that 5-0 spanking of Villa it was all their dreams come true proving to them in their deluded minds that Arsene knows best. You couldn't make it up.

  22. Bard

    Feb 10, 2015, 16:21 #66644

    FPGooner; you're wasting your time mate. You won't get a coherent response to your obvious queries. Many of the ABKs on here have no ambition for the club, they are slaves to mediocrity. There is barely a ripple of discontent despite the massive summer spend and appalling pre Xmas defensive shambles. They have swallowed the con hook line and sinker. As long as the club can convince the faithful that we are gnats hair from greatness then all is well. The cruel truth is that Wenger could be manager of Real Madrid and they wouldn't win anything either. At the highest level the game is about mental strength, attention to detail and micro tactics, you cannot win anything if your philosophy is 'spread out and see you at half time'. It works against low level opposition but as his results against the top dogs suggest he can't get to that next level, he neither has the ruthlessness nor the nous. Nobody with any knowledge of football seriously believes that he could win the PL or the CL if he managed for another 18 years. Sadly we are having to watch the slow death of a decent man.

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 10, 2015, 16:15 #66643

    Panic over you had us worried there jw, we thought it been Tuesday the earth opened up and swallowed you, or some weird looking dudes with two heads kidnapped you and cloned you. But I guess it's just a normal day in wengerland after all.

  24. jjetplane

    Feb 10, 2015, 16:06 #66642

    Dug out area might the place the watch tonight as Pearson seems to be going the way of Brando in Apocalypse Now and Wenger is restless enough for another scrap only he needs to not get caught fiddling with his zipper when the first punch is thrown. All this for 4.5b! JAMERSON is not desperate, he is trying is hand at satire and like a few AKBs - it ain't working.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 10, 2015, 16:02 #66641

    Bard, Tuesday's getting on and i have to say i'm getting worried about jw nearly everybody has checked in now except him, maybe he woke up this morning in some parallel universe covered in coldsores where everybody is an AKB and can't get back.

  26. jeff wright

    Feb 10, 2015, 15:57 #66640

    I have always held the view since the move from Highbury to the coliseum that Wenger's sides have been in horse racing terms a stone better than they are away .the better sidrs don't beat us by such big margins as they do at thir own gaffs and as Westie's calender year stats show we beat the ordinary teams with a dull metronomical regularity. Shame about the rubbish away stats Westie if they anywhere near matched the home ones then we would be champs instead of chumps.They don't though so there is no point in trying to pretend that home results prove that old tired has been Arsene is still up for the job of mounting a realistic title challenge that with our huge wage bill is what he should be doing instead of scuffling about fighting for 4th place and another champions league qualifier tie . Leicester should be another 3 points toward this scenario all things being equal. Both managers tonight have big problems but obviously the Foxes one has more than our overpaid clown does .If Wenger can't win this game then he really should fall on his sword and let someone else take over

  27. FPGooner

    Feb 10, 2015, 15:40 #66639

    Jamerson, what is it about the harridan in charge at the Emirates that you find so appealing? Is it the fact that for the last 10 years, even Wigan and Portsmouth have won as much as us? Is it the fact that every time we go in to face a big side, there is a part of every one of us who fears getting a shameless tonking? Is it the fact that OGL is clueless tactically and his major battle during the 90 minutes is with the zip on his coat? Do you find it embarrassing that you have to dig deeper to defend the guy. Today it is mentioning the uninterrupted CL qualifications, What will be it be if we don't get the 4th place Cup this year? Go on, tell us. Is your grip on Arsene's apron strings getting looser? At what point will you ditch your worship for the Shameless one. Will it take another 2 years, 5 years, more? As for the assertion that the return of Jack the Lad will propel us up the table is more evidence of a fevered imagination. At some point, the Board at AFC may decide that it is not just about having a fantastic business model of just getting into the CL to deliver untold sums into their coffers. At the moment, there is no impetus for Kroenke, Gazidis etc to change. All is well, as far as they are concerned. The commercial deals and the highest matchday prices in the UK ensure that bonuses are aplenty for them. For many years, 'Financial ruin' was the bogeyman used to scare the fans into reduced aspirations. But an increasing number of fans will question the commitment of the Board to the fans and part of this will be the retention of a manager who is yesterday's man, living on yesterday's glories. The one victory in recent memory against one of the big boys was the win against Citeh. It was characterised by Wenger saying afterwards that the players had chosen the tactics. Can one of the Wenger Boys please tell me why Arsene is still the manager. Bard, I agree, a clearout in the summer is needed; particularly if Wenger is part of the clearout.

  28. Bard

    Feb 10, 2015, 15:12 #66638

    MG I have been dreading Tuesday which is why I wanted Wednesday. Where is Colseybollix, he said he would be here along with the AKB crew. Tonight it a proper banana skin. We have everything to lose and nothing to gain from tonight. As Ron said they haven't chucked in the towel and will fancy getting turning us over because we're so fragile and weak mentally. Lets hope Alexis is right on it. Summer clear out, Rambo, Jack, Rosicky, Poldi buy some proper players.

  29. Ron

    Feb 10, 2015, 15:07 #66636

    Hi Westie lad. Yes, Silver one mate, though its always for others use these days. Same for me mate, the travel. Ive not been in London since 1983. I do feel for, but respect these fans who still put the miles in to follow the team these days. I got to the point not only of disenchantment with it, but also asked myself whether 90 mins of football was worth sacrificing a full day for? It was a resounding no. There are so many who travel much further than you and me though to follow the Club. They deserve much better but of course its the 'commuter' fans choice isnt it ultimtately.

  30. jjetplane

    Feb 10, 2015, 15:00 #66635

    Once a tourist ....

  31. Westlower

    Feb 10, 2015, 14:46 #66634

    @Ron, I'm a Silver member these days, same as yourself I believe. JJ hasn't been in North London since Harold Wilson was prime minister. Done my shift as a season ticket holder over more years than I care to remember. Every home game was a 150 mile round trip for me so it's easier to go Newmarket races these days. It least I have a sporting chance of going home with more money than I went out with. Bought my annual Flat Form book today, so it's heads down and update my race files before the big kick off at Doncaster in late March.

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 10, 2015, 14:07 #66632

    Jolly Jumper, Bard, or someone else's.

  33. jjetplane

    Feb 10, 2015, 13:53 #66631

    Wenger himself: 'I am not well informed.' Well strike me down and as for little Jack (smoking stunts yer growth Kiddo) Lord Wenga says 'I don't know when he will be back.' Cue quick sale to West Ham resulting in Jenks giving him a good slap. Will we see Ramsay and Cocquelin used in transfer to bring the monkey boy to the Wok in the summer. The future is a funny shade of red. RON I doubt he goes that much ....

  34. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 10, 2015, 13:15 #66629

    It's unlikely but if Leicester don't just sit back and hope for a draw like lesser teams usually do at the E******, instead take the game to them and battle, harry and press as this Arsenal team hate, then they've got a chance. So come on, Chris, what do you vow to do if Leicester win?

  35. maguiresbridge goone

    Feb 10, 2015, 13:13 #66628

    It's Tuesday is everyone alright? is everyone still Alive and no one has woke up dead? I thought we all might wake up today to a scorched earth, maybe some of us have got horns growing from the back of our head. jw are you alright nothing strange happen This Tuesday you haven't woke up with a third leg? I don't supposed TOF has resigned? maybe the big news is he's not Mr Moon at all but really David Icke in disguise it would explain all the s***e he talks and why he has so many followers.

  36. Chris

    Feb 10, 2015, 13:07 #66627

    Ron - I know we're well capable of drawing with a team like Leicester but those occasions are usually predictable. We've been playing pretty well of late and I think we'll see a reaction to the disappointment of last weekend. We'd have to be in quite a bad place to cock it up at home against Leics. No reason to think we've totally lost form because of the last result.... Exeter Gunner - They won't!

  37. Westie's Bookie

    Feb 10, 2015, 13:06 #66626

    Don't even think about a Leicester player scoring a headed goal tonight. Ain't gonna happen. No chance. Nil. Never...... Listen - please don't put any money on it. I've got a wife and kids you know.For Christ's sake, hasn't anyone at the club got the nads to say zonal marking is just stupid?!?

  38. Ron

    Feb 10, 2015, 12:57 #66625

    JJ - Ive a feeling Westie is a free pint, free prog 'Club level' man. About 6 games a season now and the rest all go on the ticket exchange for some ludicrous selling price. I bet he runs a book on the odds of a sale each time!

  39. jjetplane

    Feb 10, 2015, 12:49 #66624

    WESTIE you naughty old man! I can honestly say with pride I have never been to the Wok but am always watching football in the flesh (I imagine a lot than you) but commenting on here for that excuse of a club to me is purely a giggle and a chance to express my belief that the Club you adhere to from mostly your lap top is no longer Arsenal as such but just another middling outfit who although are off the Holloway Rd they have not a ****ing cultural clue of the area or it's fighting spirit! Who is the plastic supporter now? Whatever goes on mate you are still a card from the old school. Only just! ha ha! Now as for your mate Brian - see if you can find out what he wants? ....

  40. Ron

    Feb 10, 2015, 12:43 #66623

    Chris - Hi mate. Leics have actually played much better than results have garnered for them mate, hence my prediction.Heads haven't dropped it seems, the Manager beats up the opposition players and his own players are still fighting hard. They ll get points some time and we re just the type of opponent who just might surrender a few to them. Its a rubbish league. Take Chelsea out and the rest are all well capable of beating each other. The days are long since gone when Arsenal v any team was a 'given'. The players and Wenger are likely still sulking into their cornflakes about the NLD.

  41. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 10, 2015, 12:39 #66622

    Chris - what will you do if Leicester win?

  42. Any

    Feb 10, 2015, 12:38 #66620

    Great article. Makes me chuckle how some Arsenal fans are so scared of change. How can they defend Wenger and think we should give him more time! He's not a fine wine or a good cheese! Mancini would breathe life into, what is turning into, a team that I losing all fighting spirit. People mention Koeman and Henry but what have they won? It's time for the powers that be to try and give the fans something to sing about. Whether Mancini would do this or not, it's time to change and Mancini is as good a change as anyone. Well said Rachael.

  43. Chris

    Feb 10, 2015, 11:46 #66618

    Ron - No. They. Won't. Not even a chance. I vow never to correct any financial stats or take issue with any unwarranted or unfair attack on Wenger ever again if Leicester get a draw tonight. It ain't happening.

  44. Ron

    Feb 10, 2015, 11:20 #66616

    Sam - agree with you. Carlo does seem like a lovely guy and hes a top man too. As you say, its aint happening though. Get ready for flipping Henry! Suspect Leics will pinch a draw tonight too.

  45. Mathew

    Feb 10, 2015, 10:15 #66614 way, Wenger is better atleast in man-management skills than RM. No dressing room fall outs and never gave a chance of exposing his players to the media. I think Arsenal philosophy is to handover to a fresh blood, unseen & unheard by most.

  46. Sam

    Feb 10, 2015, 10:13 #66613

    Wouldn't want Mancini, no. Simeone. Carlo will be fired if the prima donnas don't win la Liga or the CL (they won't with their key injuries). I'd love him although think Simeone is probably the right type to instill organisation, confidence and belief. We lack all 3. He isn't just a hard man either. Griezmann is becoming their key man. But Carlo is just such a good coach and so pleasant a man. We won't get anyone. Then Wenger will choose his successor.

  47. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 10, 2015, 9:29 #66611

    Jamerson - the name sounds a bit like putting together Jamie and Arsene. Was that the idea?

  48. Westlower

    Feb 10, 2015, 9:27 #66610

    @JJ, There's a rumour going round that you haven't seen an Arsenal home game since we left Woolwich?

  49. Bard

    Feb 10, 2015, 8:53 #66608

    Jolly jumper. How perceptive mate. Of course the missing factor, the wife, how could we have missed that. If he watches as much football as he says he does I suspect a bit of tension here and there. I get shedloads for watching more than 3 matches a week. Anyway we will back on course for the PL after we trounce Leicester tonight and all will be well at central command. Baddie, Colseybollix KFC and Westie will be out in force. Jameson will probably having another identity crisis followed by another posting name.

  50. Tony

    Feb 10, 2015, 6:39 #66607

    Our board have no knowledge of football.So they will make the disastrous decision of appointing Bould.The Wenger years wont end when he has gone.Klopp is the man

  51. JollyJumper

    Feb 10, 2015, 1:14 #66606

    Dear All, do not get excited too early that we'll get rid of Wenger in the nearest future. The problem is not the owner, the Board or anything similar. The biggest problem is Wenger's WIFE! She is overseeing the family budget and at GBP 8mil per year with no responsibility for the results, she is whispering to his ear every night on the pillow: "Keep it up just one more month. Where else can we get so much money for doing so little, mon cher!?" In Wenger we rust.

  52. penelope fonteyn

    Feb 10, 2015, 0:24 #66605

    Well as a none really football follower, when man united fell off the scene it seemed to leave a door open for mainly arsenal. Not sure what happened after that!! Though it does seem to always come up where is arsenal defensive team.

  53. northbank123

    Feb 09, 2015, 22:44 #66603

    He is just a terrible tactician. Much like Pellegrini, having 3 or 4 £25m players to bring off the bench to replace the superstars on the pitch might be enough to prosper in the regressing PL, but both have been found out in the CL where that doesn't cut the mustard. Also whilst Tevez and Balotelli aren't the easiest to manage Mancini hardly cut the figure of a good man-manager.

  54. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 09, 2015, 22:37 #66602

    Hope Stan does not see this. With his vast knowledge of football, he will certainly remember something of the name and bring in Terry Mancini when wenger departs in 2026

  55. jjetplane

    Feb 09, 2015, 22:10 #66601

    MG you may have tell a WOB to sling his hook before he is arrested so OGL can finish his crossword in peace. JAMERSON repetition is the first sign of ........ Oh dear, there's goes another one.

  56. Le Prof

    Feb 09, 2015, 21:44 #66600

    Defence gung-ho, forwards to sit back with the central midgets doing the oke cokey! I'll sit back and go gung-ho when I spot that damned 4th official! The bastard has had it in for us for years!

  57. le grande coque

    Feb 09, 2015, 21:22 #66599

    Jamerson I prefer my players to sort it out for themselves. It saves me having to bother

  58. Bard

    Feb 09, 2015, 21:21 #66598

    MG, I think it has possibilities but I insist you don't have anything to do with anything except sit there, chew gum, put out the cones and look intense. Above all whatever you do don't ask me what to do during a game because I don't have a f***** clue, its either handbrake on or off. The beauty of it is that no one will realise I don't know what Im doing.

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 09, 2015, 21:13 #66597

    jj, thanks for the vote of confidence if I get the job I promise to make real men/players of them. Talking of real men/players there was a great photo in the Sun today (beside the match report from Saturday and a photo of the spuds celebrating the winner, and one of Ozil celebrating his with his thumb in his mouth mimicking a baby) (how appropriate) of Wilson, Kennedy (wearing the leeds scarf that was seen on the pitch) Armstrong, Graham, McNab in the spuds dressing room after sealing the title in 71 not fairies but real Arsenal men/players/legends. What would we give for those five today.

  60. jjetplane

    Feb 09, 2015, 20:26 #66596

    You're right JAMErsON - nothing funny there mate! JAMiE on the other hand/head was hilarious. JAMIE's brother - now we are talking a riot! Whoever you are - you are an entertainer first and foremost. Make no mistake. HICCUP now that's gambling! lol!

  61. Manchester gooner

    Feb 09, 2015, 20:21 #66594

    Jameson, interesting to hear your views on Wilshere being the man to push us on. The lad has a serious attitude problem which has already been mentioned on here; his health and fitness remain ongoing issues and that doesn't look like changing any time soon. Does anyone seriously think Jurgen Flopp is the answer? Have you seen where Dortmund are in the Bundesliga? Koeman is interesting but he surely needs another season to prove himself in the Premiership as he could be a one hit wonder. Pep? Dream on... I'm sick of endlessly building this squad. It goes on and on and on.

  62. jjetplane

    Feb 09, 2015, 20:11 #66593

    MG you have my vote though I think some of the players might enjoy the beatings in the fashion you describe. Would make a change from the tonkings on the pitch. 'What's that Ollie - another thirty lashes' ...

  63. Hiccup

    Feb 09, 2015, 20:02 #66592

    Latest odds for tomorrow, leicester 10/1; draw 5/1; arsenal 1/3. Think the bookies have got this wrong. Leicester ain't won in 3 PL games so are due a win. I won a fortune at the weekend. Placed a double for Ozil to score in the first half and Pearson to strangle a Palace player. To cover myself, I also bet on the referee Atkinson allowing Spurs to score twice and Peter Crouch to be called a sh!t player. I have placed my winnings on predicting Jamie's next moniker.

  64. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 09, 2015, 20:00 #66591

    Bard, i'd like to through my hat in the ring as your assistant, i know there will be many but I think I might have a shoo in as im bald and like chewing gum, although i'm not a yes man but I could become one for the right price. But I would insist on having a say on discipline if any of the Dwarfs stepped out of line I would insist on kicking their arses round the dressing room instead of putting my arms around them whispering sweet nothings in their ear. I would also like to be in charge of toughening them up especially the shaggers among them maybe getting big Helen in now and again to give them a real seeing to, and they could concentrate on their game instead of getting their hole all the time. Or after every defeat or embarrassment something along the lines of what happened in an episode of Father Ted where one of the Nuns had the priests out running around the field in the freezing cold in nothing but their Y fronts beating the shyte out of them with a big stick. There would be less defeats and humiliations after a couple of sessions of that and it would certainly toughen them up for the big bad bullies of the premiership. Apart from that it's your show, and you can take all the accolades and feel free to let everybody know it was your idea all along. With your expertise in making it up as you go along I think we would make a great team, can it be any bloody worse?

  65. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 09, 2015, 19:42 #66590

    Westlower - last 29 home games, then Alexis' last 8 home games, then Ozil's last 3 home and away - seems a random set of stats. What was the thinking in putting those 3 together?

  66. Bard

    Feb 09, 2015, 19:23 #66589

    Dear All I have been forced to clarify my previous post. Of course it was written in humour but some muppets actually believed I had applied, no names. I had emails from all sorts suggesting I was a deluded nutter others thought I had all the right credentials. Some wanted clarification of my coaching credentials and wondered whether coaching under 10s was quite enough to manage a club just off the shoulder of the top clubs. I fessed up and said that we had lost most of our games either through outrageous bad luck, poor refereeing or appalling injuries. This seemed to do the trick, many thought I sounded like a chip off the old block. Someone in the know whispered that Ivan is interested in my name being added to the short list. He wanted a short review of my tactical philosophy. I emailed him a sentence which was both concise, accurate and wholly in keeping with the current style, its total football at its most refined, spread out and bomb forward. I will be surprised if I dont get an interview.

  67. john f

    Feb 09, 2015, 19:13 #66588

    MG,they would be called BKBs or would they change to the BOB's

  68. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 09, 2015, 18:41 #66587

    Bard, you'd slip in there seamlessly and become an instant hit with the AKB's

  69. Hiccup

    Feb 09, 2015, 18:37 #66586

    Let's not be too hasty now. It is possible that we may still have turned a corner. Let's presume the Spurs game was the blip and the city game is the now corner turned norm. I do have my head buried in two foot of sand as I write this, so apolgies if there are any spelling mistakes. Anyway, has gung ho not now been ditched in exchange for parking the bus anti football? Or is it just turn up and hope for the best? Bard, a good cv, but just like we get told it's important to finish top 4 to attract the best players, I think we need to maintain our smoking and anything goes culture which will be a big pull for many a player.

  70. jjetplane

    Feb 09, 2015, 18:32 #66585

    Did well there WESTIE anyone would think we managed another draw with the mighty Spuds. Re Wenga's undoubted overpayments over the last decade, time he gave a few sackfuls back.

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 09, 2015, 18:24 #66584

    chris dee, your not wrong there, it's a damm pity they weren't such sticklers for tradition when it comes to the goalkeeper, defence, and steel and guile on the pitch

  72. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 09, 2015, 18:16 #66583

    Mancini is an ambitious man, Arsenal have an owner whose ambition is limited to 4th place. Stan will go for someone,like Martin Oneil, David O Dreary, of if he is feeling generous, a failure like Martinez

  73. N4

    Feb 09, 2015, 17:29 #66582

    I toaaly agree with your article but the biggest problem is that Wenger will never let this job go easily! People say not to forget about what Wenger has done but it seems that people make that kind of assumption he did that for free...NO Wenger did nothing for free and has never done so. He gets paid well enough to do the job. However, when talking about managers over Wenger I would choose someone in their 40's or mid 40's, in that way the new young manager can stay longer if he's doing a good job!

  74. Smithy

    Feb 09, 2015, 17:29 #66581

    Simeonne would do me- a winner in a difficult league.

  75. DJ

    Feb 09, 2015, 17:10 #66579

    Westie: You should be employed by one of our political parties before the next election you are so good at manipulating figures. No mention of our woeful away form and matches against the big boys, Man City withstanding. I just want a manager who I can believe in again not one who makes the same mistakes time and again like playing Ozil and Carzola in the same team away from home.

  76. Westlower

    Feb 09, 2015, 17:01 #66578

    Last post should have read last 29 PL games played at the Emirates. PEP is 14/1 to be next Arsenal manager, same price as Koeman. Henry is 18/1. For those who think it'll be a lesser name, Jonker 16/1, Garde 25/1, Conte 50/1, Rangnick 66/1, Maureen 66/1, Primorac 80/1.

  77. Westlower

    Feb 09, 2015, 16:48 #66577

    Mancini is a 33/1 shot to be next Arsenal manager. Benitez 66/1, Capello 80/1. Klopp remains 9/1 fav, followed by Clement 10/1. The current manager has only lost one PL game from the last 29 played (W20, D8, L1) conceding only 18 goals in those games. Alexis has scored 8 goals from his last 8 starts at the Emirates. Ozil has scored in 3 consecutive games since his comeback. TOP 3 betting: Arsenal 23/20; Man U 6/5 (24/20); Southampton 5/1; TH 10/1; Liverpool 14/1.

  78. Red Member

    Feb 09, 2015, 16:05 #66575

    Rachael - I am sure that you are very nice but this article is a waste of time as I am sure you are aware that Wenger is in the first year of a new contract so it is pointless to speculate who will take over in 2017 - probably Wenger will get another contract.

  79. Tony Evans

    Feb 09, 2015, 15:58 #66574

    Ah but Bard do you favour playing your midfielders / strikers where they will be most effective, or will you just stick them out on the wing?

  80. Barnaby

    Feb 09, 2015, 15:57 #66573

    I just want change, even if we end up worse off because of it, it would show we had the bollocks to try something new,I would take anyone, apart from mourinho, because he is a one of the biggest c**ts the footballing world has ever seen

  81. john f

    Feb 09, 2015, 15:19 #66571

    I've changed my mind I want Bard.

  82. Mike

    Feb 09, 2015, 14:57 #66570

    Think RM is bust going into freefall with Man city. Won't be surprised if they get pulled into the top four scrap as well - they are currently having a bad run and don't look like improving. For me, the current German coach Joachim Low is the man to go for - He is not tied to any club - at this stage though Wenger is not going anywhere for the next 18 months and I do believe that he is moving in the right direction with his signings over the last three seasons

  83. Bard

    Feb 09, 2015, 14:55 #66569

    It may come as a surprise to some on here although probably not to those who have read and studied my posts but I want to put myself forward as the next Arsenal manager. I have coached unsuccessfully in the Kent under 10s league, this gives me all the psychological experience I need to deal with top players, in fact I would say Im probably over qualified in that regard, as most of them have mental age of about 8. My manifesto is simple; I will spent money like its going out of fashion on players who are not injured. I will guarantee to keep us in the top 4 divisions. I am anti smoking except in the shower after games. My philosophy is simple, I make it up as I go along and most important of all, I can spout total b******* at the drop of a hat ( No clever asides from the AKBs please !!!) especially when discussing games. If that doesn't float your boat as they say, I am willing to do the job for a measly £4m a year. Yours sincerely Bard

  84. Johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Feb 09, 2015, 14:43 #66568

    have to say I don't think arsenal are too far away now. If we can keep everyone and add what we all know we need then we will make an impact next year in the league. If we keep our heads for once you never know what could happen in the CL this year. AW will have to refine and keep the new style of play after Saturday it still needs work so lets hope they keep working at it.

  85. chris dee

    Feb 09, 2015, 14:41 #66567

    Forget any ' famous' manager for Arsenal. Look back 50 years,we have never appointed anyone with a 'name' it's just not the way the club work.We did once appoint a famous ex captain of England, Billy Wright, who was a complete disaster. So don't be surprised if we appoint someone who the fans will say 'who the frigging hell is he and what's he done?'.

  86. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Feb 09, 2015, 14:41 #66566

    As Frasier Crane might say, "Oh my dear God no". We don't want that bloke nor the bloke who used to be Chelsea manager who looked as though he wore a string vest at home and spilled spaghetti sauce down it all the time. We don't want Skeletor either. He can stay at Citeh. If we are going to have a new manager then it must be someone who will spend the first three weeks beasting the overpaidness out of the squad and the next three weeks of pre season drilling the defence. Yes my darlings, George Graham must coaxed out of his bath chair at Bexhill to be our manager for 6 weeks of the closed season only followed by either a Dutch person or a coalition of 97-2002 squadders. It was once suggested to me that Gilles Grimandi might be prepared to be head man. That would be acceptable since he has the countenance and temprement (who can forget his "tackle" on Edgar Davids)to instil discipline, understand what Arsenal means, yet permit creative coaches to instill the attacking arts as well. Goodness knows I want a change, but not THAT change.

  87. jjetplane

    Feb 09, 2015, 14:35 #66565

    RK that caught my eye too and what a rubbish move that would be.

  88. John F

    Feb 09, 2015, 14:28 #66563

    Rachel I thought you meant Terry at first(what ever happened to him) For the reasons Tony gave no thanksWhat about Deboar/Bergkamp

  89. Bard

    Feb 09, 2015, 13:59 #66562

    Hilarious post Jameson/Pete/Jessie et al. Im with you Tony on that choice. The way things are panning out they both might be realistic choices. Henry would be disaster.

  90. Tony Evans

    Feb 09, 2015, 13:49 #66560

    Guardiola or Benitez for me. Koeman may be worth a shout but he needs to prove that his early success with Southampton is not just a flash in the pan. Not convinced by Mancini, Rachael, although he seems a bit George Graham like with the way he is with his squad, which is no bad thing (Wenger is far too pally), but maybe he carries that attitude a bit too far. As Ron says though I reckon Henry is being groomed anyway which is a massive gamble and probably an indulgence by the board for Wenger's wishes.

  91. preston

    Feb 09, 2015, 13:25 #66558

    Good article well presented which I initially assumed was a joke. Like many I would welcome a new manager but Mancini leaves me cold as a successor. It is also much easier to blank and fall out with players if you can afford whoever you like as someone has sponsored your corner flags for a billion.

  92. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 09, 2015, 12:57 #66556

    Good Article Rachael, Under wenger we have become accustomed that just says it all, and is just one of the many reasons this old has been should be replaced immediately, and should have years ago, and if he had we'd be well on our way by now instead of still maybe having to go through it. And if another cheap French wenger clone is brought in by TOF himself we'll be no further on and it will be ground hog day over and over. Mancini? why not, and there are plenty out there even if some would try and have you believe there aren't. And no doubt we'll have the be careful what you wish for brigade on, if they're not already. I'm really not that worried or bothered (and I know quite a few who think the same) who it is as long as we're rid of this current excuse for one.

  93. JollyJumper

    Feb 09, 2015, 12:38 #66554

    No way. Mancini is a bluff. Not even close to G.Trapattoni, M.Lippi or G.Hiddink. Each of them would be a God's blessing. Unfortunately for Arsenal FC, they do not want to coach anymore. So younger generation is needed p.ex. my first pick C.Ancelotti, or P.Guardiola, J.Klopp, D.'El Cholo' Simeone, M.Bielsa, M.Laudrup. But the Club stinks from the top i.e. owner, board, CEO, Wenger... All has been said for 8-10 years on this and other sites, but nothing will change while the money is coming in. The sad reality for the fans who want their club to compete for the trophies and honors. In Wenger we rust! COYG!!

  94. radfordkennedy

    Feb 09, 2015, 12:07 #66552

    I notice that Usmanov is paying Capello's wages as the Russian Fa are skint,as nothing comes for free I wonder mmmm....

  95. Bard

    Feb 09, 2015, 11:01 #66549

    Totally left field Rachel but none the worse for it. Not on my list because he is so abrasive and seems to fall out with everyone but its a thought. I heartily agree with the sentiments. I am openminded about the style of football but what I really want is a side that goes out and fights to the death every game. Sad indictment of the club under Wenger that he can't seem to install any steel in his sides. No sports team on earth can have success without it. Would prefer Pep or Ancelloti.

  96. Ron

    Feb 09, 2015, 10:32 #66545

    Gung Ho football has never won a trophy in the history of football and for sure Wengers brand of it will never win a title or a CL. Keegans Toon was the last genuine effort at it in the mid 90s. Mancini is an underrated Coach and doesnt worry about his own popularity with players, unlike Wenger who favours far too many. Hes the type of Coach just beneath the top tier that AFC s Board would likely consider. I prefer Rafa Benitez myself but there are similarities with him and RM. Both are students of the game and good tacticians. Footballs development has passed Wenger by now, but prep yself for Monsieur Henry young lady. Hes being set up to fill Wengers chair. Heaven help us!

  97. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 09, 2015, 10:28 #66543

    That'll be the same Roberto Mancini (class player in his day BTW) who managed to fall out with a lot of his Man City first team. Hmmmmmmm.

  98. steven unwin

    Feb 09, 2015, 10:00 #66539

    theres only one man replace WENGER & that is PEPA.END OF STORY.