Wham Bam, Thank You Ma’am

Online Ed: Quick Giroud brace moves Arsenal one game from Wembley

Wham Bam, Thank You Ma’am

Build up to the first goal. Graphic by @Orbinho

In truth, I was expecting more from Middlesbrough, such is the growing reputation of Aitor Karanka’s side. As it was, it showed that the Premier League and the Championship are indeed a league apart. Boro’s gameplan seemed simple. Organise and negate, and if there was going to be a goal, it would be a counter attack. I got the feeling this was not a side particularly worried about the extra fixture a replay would provide.

Initially, this proved successful, as the Gunners, although dominating both possession and territory, struggled to create many chances. But quality told with the opening goal, which apparently involved all Arsenal’s eleven players touching the ball in the build up. Cazorla picked out an excellent pass to find Gibbs wide, and Giroud connected well with his centre to establish the lead. The Boro manager will have had nightmares about his defence switching off at the corner that led to the second, although both the cross and Giroud’s finish were of the highest order.

After that, it was pretty much plain sailing. As close to feet up and slippers on as we have seen this season, largely because the opposition’s forays forward rarely produced much. A Szczesny save before the interval, and the header onto the post in injury time of the second half. But it was comfortable. Arsenal rarely needed to get out of second gear. Boro have spent many seasons outside of the top flight. It’s been over five years since they last played at the E******s, unless there was a cup game I have forgotten about. It’s a different game in the sense of the footballing quality of the top sides. Due to the home crowd, teams coming to Arsenal can rarely intimidate them the same way they can on their own turf. It might have been a different game at the Riverside, who knows.

Only Koscielny remained from the back five against Leicester. It’s difficult to make any conclusions about new boy Gabriel on this display. A yellow card, a later subsequent crunching tackle that had to be made near the goal. I did note that he held off one challenge that probably needed to be made after he had received his yellow, perhaps nervous of dismissal in his first match. Fortunately, his colleagues resolved the situation. Very much a case of wait and watch.

In front of the defence, the midfield base was Cazorla and Flamini, and both performed well enough in terms of dealing with Boro’s challenge. Creatively, Cazorla had another excellent 90 minutes. Ozil was played as the attacking midfielder, although switched frequently with Alexis. For entertainment, it would have been the icing on the cake to see more goals, but progress is what mattered most and it never looked in doubt once Giroud had done his business before the half hour.

Overall it was a professional, authoritative display with some good football and little by way of stress. Sometimes, for the team, it is good to have matches like these and several of the players would have benefited from the run out. As for the Bionic Mosquito that is Alexis, it does appear as if he is not going to accept missing a single match, even if it is for his long term benefit. Maybe he is an old style footballer who can play 60 games a season, but isn’t the game supposed to be more physically demanding these days. You can’t knock the guy’s application. It was good though, to see Walcott rested after what happened to Aaron Ramsey on Tuesday. There is no point in risking injury prone players when there are other options, such as Welbeck, available.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 19, 2015, 10:52 #66980

    jj, cheers it must be this new Pinot Grigio the wife has found.

  2. jjetplane

    Feb 18, 2015, 21:21 #66972

    Bloody hell MG! Pure Dickens mate!

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 18, 2015, 19:51 #66965

    Yes when the drip drip is finished and they're all frenzied up and the time comes for the King to be crowned you can just imagine the hullabaloo there'll be? they'll be flying in for the crowning from all over the world, and beyond pluto, Saturn, mars (although we have some from there already)cameras at the ready, balconies will have to be built, we'll have TOF out telling us Thierry has shown great potential doing his badges he's going to make a great manager he's got great speereet and mental strength (while saying under his breath when he fooks up and can't do a good as job as me i'll come back and take over again)then the man walks out and the fans go wild and the hard on brigade go mental not even a 5-0 win against second rate opposition betters this, Viagra falls to an all time low with factories closing with a new place found to wear their Arsenal baseball hats, with little Henrys been born and named all over the world and then, then it happens the inevitable, The big Droop/Flop, the base ball hats slide off, the rush to the town halls and register offices to change the names of the little henry's, and everywhere you look shops and chemists springing up with neon signs advertising Viagra.

  4. jjetplane

    Feb 18, 2015, 18:12 #66962

    TH will last a season and then Becks Snr (must be an old mate of Stan's) will be installed as 'the new Brian Clough' (sic) with Brooklyn as captain. Eventually they may chase a trophy again but let's as some fun first! The beach party is coming to Holloway! Brooklyn may even be a half decent player but there is a lot more to football than just mere football. It's really what surrounds it (tactile nous) and Arsene (genius) FC are at the forefront. 'Bend it/bend it/just a little bit ....' as sung by Brooklyn, Santi, Olly, Wally and da BFG! ..... This is reality and now we really could do with Klopp and maybe he just needs a new project. What-everrrrr.......

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 18, 2015, 15:53 #66951

    Yes indeed the drip drip spin spin has started (and well called Ron) but you'd like to think the good thing or saving grace about the King Henry situation is when it all goes tits up (and it will)is he'll surely not get ten, eleven, twelve years to try and put it right from the AKB's like TOF who appointed him did, surely they'll not think of him as a messiah also and want him to stay at all costs? they surely surly can't be all that gullible again?

  6. Westlower

    Feb 18, 2015, 14:32 #66941

    If in the future Brooklyn Beckham makes the first team just think of the marketing opportunities. The interest will be so intense the TV companies will have to employ a fashion expert to comment on Mummy's & Daddy's outfits as they become regular attendees at the Emirates. Just imagine how the club shops will be transformed into fashion boutiques. Wooly hats will never be the same again. Replica & T-shirts will reach record level's. Stan will need to employ more accountants to count the millions of dollars that will surely flow into the clubs coffers. Stan has surely fallen on his feet in North London. Go, Stanley, go, show 'em how the Limeys how to run a business son! Mini skirted American cheer leaders with pom poms singing, "We love you Brooklyn we do, we love you Brooklyn we do." The future is bright, the future is Brooklyn!

  7. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 18, 2015, 14:03 #66939

    Badarse, you are one of the few shining lights on this anti Arsenal site...kudos to you and what you stand for.

  8. Badarse

    Feb 18, 2015, 13:44 #66937

    Afternoon Jamerson. You know I do find it very amusing, then human nature is, especially the conspiring herd-mentality flavour. Let me get this straight. Firstly it's we want a new man. Then metaphorically the 'flavours of the month' names, are tossed into the ring. The beat goes on relentlessly, in doing so a number of names lose their credibility-not so those posters who promoted them-they just change horses mid-race, and add their proclamations to the clamour. Secondly, an ex-Arsenal man appears on the scene and naturally his arrival is met with unabashed speculation. It gathers speed as if it is a 'done deal', then supposition takes the high road and he has failed before anything has occurred. He may well be the manager one day, but then AFC fans will support him or whoever else it may be in the hot seat. Ironically it seems a few notables posting here shan't be amongst those supporting him, he will get the same treatment as the current manager, and of course the designing architects of our stadium-none are safe, even this post will get it, ha ha. Odd that the cacophony of noise demanding a change at the helm, have completely dismissed the notion that the warning, 'be careful what you wish for'-or even, 'you may not like the new man', flew over their heads. My money is on van Persie coming back to take over, ha ha. Highly entertaining.

  9. Ron

    Feb 18, 2015, 12:10 #66930

    JJ - Theres sense in what you say there mate. As for Saints, i couldn't agree more. Had they have had a heavy scorer they would be title challenging. All the other ingredients are there. They're the bright note of the Season arent they. Lower down Albion could be a similarly refreshing story if Pulis sustains the roll theyre on? Like you, id sooner City win the title but as a football fan first, i do find that top 4 chase tedious now and have done for a long while.

  10. jjetplane

    Feb 18, 2015, 12:00 #66929

    RON could be big mileage in the Beckham thing and he has had links with Arsene Fc since forever. His boy has been perfectly coached to hit the ball like his dad and in a sense it would be like having 'football royalty' in the dressing room and shirt sales may well be ballistic. Probably a Brooklyn (sic) statue one day .... See UEFA have already wiped their hands clean re the unsavoury incident with Chavski fans in Paris last night. Reckon PSG will put them out and then I pray for a PL meltdown and a City resurgence though the Saints would be the dream ticket. I would include Arsene FC in the race for the top but that is just inappropiate and vulgar talk ......

  11. Ron

    Feb 18, 2015, 11:49 #66928

    SKG - The smoothness will carry him so far wont it. Personally speaking i find him a nauseating man who speak jibberish and always have. His character as i perceive it showed in his rubbish Captaincy. He might be OK if things go well for a bit while the Club rides the inevitable Terry Henry wave, but a few bad reverses will see his morale rapidly fall down there around his boot laces and his bottom lip sulking for France. He ll have a range of excuses that ll make Wenger's repertoire look positively amateurish.

  12. Ron

    Feb 18, 2015, 11:38 #66927

    Hi Westie - looks like that JJs domain Westie doesnt it ha ha. The Clubs liking for conservative glamour might see any Beckham link as a touch too tacky mate, though i certainly wouldn't dismiss the notion you posit out of hand. Too early to gauge young Brooklyns credentials yet, though the Christian name might appeal to Stanley though, so who knows. I agree with JJ when he says Pires will be somewhere in there on the scene propping up le sulk. All part of the mouth watering 'chummy' french' new set up to come! Heaven help the Club.

  13. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 18, 2015, 11:32 #66926

    Yes but Ron, you have to admit, TH does look smooth in front of the media and that of course is all that matters.

  14. Westlower

    Feb 18, 2015, 11:09 #66924

    @Ron, Skybet will accommodate your prediction of Henry being the next Arsenal manager at 18/1, although there are nine names ahead of him in the list. You'll be telling us next that Brooklyn Beckham will be his captain? That'll be one for the PR merchants to promote.

  15. jjetplane

    Feb 18, 2015, 10:55 #66921

    Trophy chasing is vulgar and upsets the stability of a Fuseball Superstore masquerading as a football club. Next season will herald the end of chasing dreams altogether as the clubs work together to enrich themselves further. All results are/will be irrelevant. Now TH has slipped in watch the media stuff with him and the Beckhams get established with Pires in there somewhere. The majority of Wok goers are looking for non-contentious spectacle and the next stage is a 'bend it like Henry' experience. May even be a movie of Wenger in the pipeline and how he 'created a new football in a land that was crying out for it.' Ps TONY EVANS poor old Brian the Horse I do believe had yours truly in his sights. Totally off but then how old is he? .....

  16. Ron

    Feb 18, 2015, 10:48 #66920

    SKG - Hi mate. If the Club thought it was such a fantastic idea to shoehorn him in, they be proclaiming it from the rooftops now wouldnt they. As it is, theyre astute enough to detect that many will see it for the cheap gimic that it is hence the slowly does it routine. Youre right what you say, and they ll build it up to such a crescendo that the latter day support of the Club will be ready to party into the night and throw themselves as unworthy at the feet of King Sulk by the time hes unveiled. He wont be long into those Coaching badges before you see him appearing on the bench with Wenger im sure.Drip drip drip. The commercial aspects of his anointment from upon high will swell the AFC coffers. The edge that you speak of is for others now mate. Quite right. Coat tail hanging for Arsenal suits them.

  17. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 18, 2015, 10:27 #66916

    Ron : There will be many fans who will go for this in a big way, continuity the club will call it. The hard professional edge required to win the top prizes in football have been removed from Arsenal and you know what I don't think they will ever come back!

  18. Ron

    Feb 18, 2015, 10:13 #66914

    Morning lads - Yes, drip, drip, drip. Mr Henry limbers up. AFC say to themselves "lets ease the news out to the gullible punters gradually" Its quite pathetic really isn't it. The thought of him taking the reins is underwhelming for many of us but the jobs for the boys mentality (and of course the tricolour) reigns supreme at the Club and has done for donkeys years. Slippers and smoking jackets all round there!Quietly does it now eh Arsene. Its that 'Arsenal way' after all.

  19. Tony Evans

    Feb 18, 2015, 9:11 #66913

    Badarse - Absolutely no idea, too cryptic for me mate.

  20. Tony Evans

    Feb 18, 2015, 9:00 #66912

    Seven Kings - I read that headline too. The ball has started rolling and will, I am sure, end up at the managers door when Wenger decides to go. Good shout Ron.

  21. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 18, 2015, 8:50 #66911

    Morning Ron : See the first phase of "King Henry" has started at our club. TH has been given a job at the academy as he works for his badges. Good shout Ron and very well perceived.

  22. Tony Evans

    Feb 18, 2015, 8:19 #66910

    GoonerRon - Yes I agree it's the same at both ends of the table and also even in the Championship with regards to clubs sometimes fielding weakened teams for FA Cup matches - such is the power of Premiership money, and it is a great shame for the supporters. Changing the subject if ever a match showed the importance of a top quality keeper last night's PSG CL game was it. Never should have finished 1-1 but did largely because of the brilliance of Courtois. Over to you Arsene but I am not holding my breath.

  23. Joe S.

    Feb 18, 2015, 4:07 #66909

    Firstly, goonercolesboy represents everything ugly about following a professional sports club. Secondly, I disagree with the profits of doom regarding Arsenal's visit to Manure.They are there for the taking and although I know we are expecting a lot from Mr Clueless it is also true that Arsenal has the players who could cause them problems.I want to see a 4 -0 result in our favour which would be some kind of redemption from past humiliations. Egg on my face for sticking my neck out unecessarily however it is the FA Cup where every fan can indulge in wishful thinking. I'm confident the playing staff can get the job done although I'm not too sure if the manager has what it takes to get it right in a must win game.

  24. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2015, 23:52 #66908

    Funny stuff there MG but am still laughing at the poster who said in a post 'I am the Arsenal.' Who could that have been? ha ha ha ha! ......

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2015, 22:38 #66907

    HowardL, Ron, a couple of great posts from old hands with their heads screwed on, and who know what it's all about (unlike this old man we have as a manager) but with an attitude like his he never will, those results mentioned said it all and because of them, and his attitude, he should have been long gone, and to think some still worship him and think he's right is very sad indeed.

  26. Ron

    Feb 17, 2015, 20:58 #66906

    Hi Howard - youre absolutely right mate re tghe 4-0. It was total and utter and absolute 'fook the FAC' that was on that day. An arsenal team that simply didnt care. It cd have been 14 - 0 and i swear Wenger would still have been glad how it went in being knocked out. Utd couldnt help but score. It was a freezing cold day that was and the hire van rear window fell out on the M 60 on way back!! Whatever hes done and not done, Wengers career at Arsenal for me has ' surrendered at Old Trafford ' embroidered all over it.Him and his team have been a disgrace to our Clubs name there for nigh on 9 seasons. The man could and certainly should have been sacked after either of the 4-0 or 8-2 games. The fact he wasnt just shows that those who own and run the Club equally couldnt give a monkeys. Ive nothing against losing or even getting a hammering when the other team is so good to merit it. Surrenders and aborting games isnt in my reportoire though. Its an insult to the punters. These guys on the board here who stoutly defend him and claim that us who want him gone, i suspect none of them have seen these thrashings 'live' these last few years.

  27. Badarse

    Feb 17, 2015, 20:17 #66905

    Let's play, 'Through The Keyhole'. I see an old set of braces hanging on the door knob, oh and under the bed are a pair of Doc Martens, naturally we shall find a pair of short jeans in the wardrobe, ah yes, and in the back pocket is the A-Z, yes and opened to the yellowed page of the Holloway Road. I hear a seagull squawking outside. DVDs, mmm, a Sartre recording of 'Strangers in the Night', Slade, Mott the Hoople, and K.D.Lang are there too. The bookcase offers 'Italian Made Difficult', 'Angling for Angles-and Other Corners to Hide In', 'League Football-Non!'oh and a Sour programme from 2004. In the fridge we have a nibbled on pizza, with anchovies, yoiks! A fishing rod propped behind the front room door. A framed and signed photo of Les Dennis on the wall, plus a case of skewered beetles on the bookcase. In the bin is an empty Boddington's Bitter can, and a screwed up begging letter beginning, 'Dear Lottery winner...'. An old crumpled T-shirt and boxers on the bed-used as PJs, T-shirt has the 'Smiley' face, with ACID written underneath. Who am I?

  28. Danny

    Feb 17, 2015, 19:04 #66904

    Guys, get ready for the Wenger out shouts. This is time Wenger will show his true colours. Prioritizing the CL, will get you a loss to Palace, Monaco and then United.

  29. HowardL

    Feb 17, 2015, 18:51 #66902

    To go is risking humiliation if Wenger prioritises the CL - I guess it will depend on how the first leg goes against Monaco. Or maybe The Silent One will insist that the 4th place trophy is the bigger prize? Ron - for me the 4-0 annihilation was even worse than the 8-2 and there was little enthusiasm from AW even to remain in the competition. I was so glad I decided to stay at home that day!

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2015, 18:21 #66900

    You could just imagine OGL sitting at home last night with his feet up enjoying a glass of Merlot with preston 1 up and shouting into Annie every things looking good love another easy run into the final of this competition that I take very seriously indeed, and because of that have never won my Holy Grail, and Annie appearing at the door in her French pinnie and high heels with dusting stick (bowing of course) oh that's great my lord, I like it when you have a happy smirk on your face, maybe we can try out my new tickle stick it wasn't very expensive and we've not had any hanky panky for ages. OGL says no no I will have a lot of research to do into tactics and set pieces and studying our next opponents when the draws made for anything like that, but my lord our big four poster is seven months old now and we've never even tried it out, Annie it might help if you were a brunette. Just then the mancs scored and arsene spilled his merlot no no waving his hands this is not fair. The final whistle goes and the realisation sets in, and arsene smashes his glass and starts remonstrating and screaming at Annie it's all your fault, Annie went mad my Persian my Persian, fook your Persian your conspiring against me too, Lea ran down the stairs mama mama what's the matter? your daddys blaming us again does this mean we can't go to the Emirates again for another couple of months because his followers will blame us to? no no dear we can still go but not be seen. Twelve o'clock and OGL still hasn't come to bed and Annie goes down to see if he's alright and shouts arsene my tickle stick is nice and warm where are you? and she bursts out crying like randy Olive did in Holiday on the buses as she sees arsene curled up in his sleeping bag repeating old Trafford old Trafford in his sleep.

  31. Badarse

    Feb 17, 2015, 18:20 #66899

    Evening all. As with my commandeering of Ron's mistyping Sours-it is being bandied about within my circles now, but will know it has taken root when a stranger uses it unprompted in a conversation with me-I have a new one, especially for Jamerson, I think. I texted my wife that Olly had scored, then had to re-text as he scored again. Her response was also a mistype, she just texted, 'Wobderful!' I like it, ha ha.

  32. Ron

    Feb 17, 2015, 17:25 #66898

    GR - Hi mate. Yes. its a very good point that you make. There are some of those Clubs who do disregard it at times. Its often when they're in a mess though when their PL status is under threat, whereas the bigger fish have all, almost without exception, in certain periods, aborted it per se, just to avoid extra games. I suppose its more the reason for abandoning it for me rather than the fact that some do and yr right to query my first point on it mate. Yes, Sums up Villa Park. Its a very tidy traditional ground as you say isn't it. Better now i think for away fans since being moved from behind the goal to around the corner and down the side in the main stand there. The 8-2 certainly ruined your family joy that week end didnt it Ouch! It was a freaky day wasnt it. I reckon had you and me run on and took a pot shot at our goal, the ball would have sailed in. It was a team that gave up though at 1-0. Terrible. The 6-1 back in 2000/2001 time was a day when we looked at the team sheet and the red warning lights started flashing mate! Stepanovs and Co.Its like Tony says though, when it happens, by the time its 4 or 5 nil, it does become perversely funny. Last year, 5 of us grabbed a taxi from the City centre to OT. We had got settled in a pub and we re running late. We jokingly asked the driver if he could leave his engine running and wait outside for a bit, so he could run us back to the pub if 2011 was being repeated!! It didnt happen of course, but the performance v Moyes Utd was worse in some ways.

  33. Peter Wain

    Feb 17, 2015, 16:57 #66897

    Finsbury Joe I seem to remember we won the league their by winning and we also knocked them out of the cup.

  34. GoonerRon

    Feb 17, 2015, 16:55 #66896

    @ Ron / Tony - I went to Old Trafford for the 8-2 the day after my first child was born - I suspect the result was God repaying me for abandoning my family :-) I also really like Villa Park - one of the old school looking grounds but not quite as ramshackle as a Goodison or Anfield. Ron - one observation about the FA Cup needing a fresh winner rather than the big clubs who don't care about it - isn't it the middle / lower tier clubs who typically have half empty grounds for FA Cup ties with often weaker teams being played? I'm not sure these clubs or their fans regard it (or disregard it) any more than the bigger clubs.

  35. Tony Evans

    Feb 17, 2015, 16:01 #66895

    Finsbury Joe - You will have to remind us when WAS the last time the Spuds won anything meaningful, and that doesn't include the Mickey Mouse Cup.

  36. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 17, 2015, 15:55 #66894

    I bet that draw has shut a few AKBs up. No matter how bad Utd are, Arsenal will never win there under Wenger, the manager is beaten before he turns up, and the players respond accordingly. The same with all other big teams, with the exception of a one off when Citys best players were missing. Could be the start of another long trophyless cycle, especially if Wenger stays as long as Stan wants him to. Still, at least other London teams are firmly picking up the gauntlet on the trophy front

  37. Ron

    Feb 17, 2015, 15:22 #66893

    JJ - Good point re the Villa Park tie. I had a sneaky feeling either of W B Albion or Aston Villa might get the Cup this year. WBA under Pulis are looking good. Villa will get some impetus now under Sherwood who i think will make a very good Coach.I like him. Good character. i liked him as a player though.The roof will be raised at Villa Park, whoever wins. I think Albion will nick it. Theyve got an 'our name's on the Cup' feel about them. Its one of my favourite grounds is Aston Villa. They're passionate about the football all over the Central region. WBA is a cracking atmosphere as is Wolves, Forest, Derby. Leics. The FAC desperately needs a new face on it and speaking as an 'adopted South Midlander', the region needs a bit of football glory. The procession of FAC wins by these so called 'top' Clubs who in truth couldnt care a hoot about it, relatively speaking, harms is as much as the bloody awful CL charade ever has done in my view.

  38. Badarse

    Feb 17, 2015, 15:12 #66892

    Afternoon 24601. Yes, I could go with that selection. This side has shown promise of late, and the Coq is an automatic replacement. I think Monreal has come on a bundle after a run in the side, so that ticks that box. I am pretty confident about the tie-at least this way van Gaal's men won't get the high profile a final appearance brings.

  39. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2015, 14:52 #66891

    Team to get a result at OT: Szczesny, Chambers, Gabriel, Koscielny, Monreal, Coquelin, Cazorla, Ozil, Alexis, Giroud, Welbeck. Subs: Ospina, Gibbs, Mertesacker, Flamini, Rosicky, Walcott. Assuming Ramsey, Ox & Wilshere not available.

  40. Tony Evans

    Feb 17, 2015, 14:52 #66890

    Hi Ron - never been that far north for a game. Been to most of the midlands grounds (Villa Park being by far the best) and have been generally lucky with the results. I envy any fan that has been to Old Trafford or Anfield and watched Arsenal win. Must have been fairly grim watching games like the 8-2, but then again sometimes when it's that bad it actually becomes a bit of a laugh doesn't it. After years of watching Arsenal crumple or just not turn up at the big away games it is hard to alter the mind-set that this one is going to be any different isn't it, despite the miraculously disciplined, high tempo display at The Etihad a few weeks ago. I suppose it just boils down to the fact that we don't trust Wenger not to f**k it up yet again. I think the first 5 minutes will tell us all we need to know as to whether we will roll over as easily as usual or actually make a decent fist of it this time. Agree with your comment on Wenger's breath-taking capacity for lies and bull**** - when did he ever prioritise anything over his largely pathetic attempts to win the CL?

  41. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2015, 14:41 #66889

    Tony Wong could even be Woss in disguise MG, his attempts at humour are on a par with Johnny boys , whatever he is def a Wong 'un anyway ....

  42. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2015, 14:37 #66888

    Sorry my little creamed covered moonies from the bright side but the Rooney incident because of the GK's action (dangerous play) was a pen all day long. It matters not as the big tie coming up is the Midlands one whereas the OT 'contest' between two over fed and failing football states may only be good for the odd chortle. Baggy Trousers! .... really enjoying the media trying to big up a trophy that is as interesting as - you guessed it - the CL. Excellent posts there JW you old wordsmith!

  43. Badarse

    Feb 17, 2015, 14:32 #66887

    It was the late 18thC, the time of the Dandy, half past four had been the time of the Beano. He stood resplendent in his red longcoat, white pearl buttons and golden thread adorned it. The white sleeves and red lace cuffs gave it all the originality it needed. His red tri-cornered hat, tilted at a rakish angle, had slipped a bit and covered one eye. It sported a small white chicken plume-it was blood stained, yet his black thigh boots carried no sours. He faced his nemesis, one jeffoire a droit. He had come to rescue goonercolesyboy from his evil clutches, and sticky fingers, who stood in a similar outfit, but he favoured a blue and yellow coordination with '89 on the back of the coat. With a twinkle in his eye, a flea in his ear, and a peanut up his nose, Badarse the Scarlet Pimple snorted. It went down the wrong hole, he spluttered, sneezed and his eyes watered. jeffoire took this to be a show of emotion and began to wilt himself. All at once the tears flowed, and in great sobs of penitence he threw himself to the floor, then he threw himself against the wall, then dragging himself up by his own few remaining wispy grey hairs he punched himself in the belly. goonercolesyboy stepped in to stop the brutality, carefully kneeing him in the conkers as he did so. 'Ees not zee speereet, what happened to zee Arsenal way?' To stop him grovelling on the floor the 'boy' trod on his fingers. 'Ow! Zee hand break, non?' The Pimple rolled his eyes and got two sixes, 'You have egg on your face yet again, young jeffoire!' 'Un oeuf?' he queried. 'Never enough.' grinned the 'boy', as he scattered jeffoire's set of Match Attax cards on the floor. 'So many of Maureen.', he chuckled. The Pimple brushed jeffoire's greying string vest, where he still wore his legion d'honneur, Blue Peter, Duke of Edinburgh Award, and 'My mate Marmite' badges. The 'boy' brushed jeffoire's tears from his cheek and expertly poked him in the eye as he did so. 'Au revoir mon ami.', the pair echoed in unison, which is quite a good union. They twirled their moustaches, wiggled their ears, and knocked their knees; turning on their heels they skipped away in a Morcambe and Wise exit routine, singing, 'They seek him here, they seek him there...', before tripping and falling off the quayside with an almighty splash.

  44. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2015, 14:18 #66886

    Nice stuff MG Beckham snr could be brought in as Ambassador of the Fuseball Universe while his boy puts in crosses to perhaps another Giroud of sorts while TH smiles at his adoring moonies. If they can just wipe the away fixtures under the red and white carpet all be as rosy as those disciples in the crowd managing a smile when Giroud was allowed some training ground pracice against a team with their minds on bigger cash piles. Funny no one is mentioning the Baggies who will hopefully lift the poor old trophy and give it a deserving home.

  45. Ron

    Feb 17, 2015, 14:15 #66885

    Hi Tony - They could win there couldn't they, if only on the 'law of averages' saying that they ll have to win there some time! Not sure if its close to a CL tie though, in which case write it off.The last 9 yrs tells us Wenger loses big games when in close proximity to his beloved CL in the PL and Cups and his barmy quote recently saying that the FAC has cost him CL games tells a story of his mindset.Talk about revisionist, he should be locked up the lying sod. The silly old dreamer must still think this team can win the CL, so he ll abort the FAC without blinking if he thinks he should. Hes done it before despite his good record in the FAC. It must be the most fragmented and dysfunctional Utd side we ve seen since the 70s relegation team, yet i cant help but think that if they get Di Maria/Young and Valencia motoring out wide for RVP/Rooney that they'll tear Arsenals chronic defence a new back side. Not sure if you ever go up there, but its the one stadium that you can more or less tell if theyve got a chance or not as they walk out. Ive been there for the 8-2, the 4-0 FAC hammering, the 6-1 years back, and the CL tie when Almunia alone stopped it being a 5/6-0 hammering and kept it at 1-0 (miraculously). Even last yr under Moyes, it wasnt hard to detect them sh---ing themselves as they emerged and then lined up to kick off. It happens as naturally as night following day. AFC has a great big mental block when it comes to Utd and OT. That for me is always down to the Coach. The AKB blame Fergy, the pitch, divers,injuries, cheats, refs etc etc. Anything, the weather even! All of them do occur there. The genuine top teams take no notice and ride over it, knowing that they have to play at their max and they often get results.

  46. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2015, 14:00 #66884

    The Liverpool loving media want their hero Stevie G to leave on a high by lifting the FA Cup. The TV companies will be bricking it if their cash cow Man U have another trophy less year. It's set up nicely for Arsenal to spoil the Northern celebrations. @Barnaby, Ox has a groin injury but is expected back shortly.

  47. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2015, 13:41 #66883

    jw, some good wones in your post, maybe he was Jonathan Woss's brother. Another conspiracy Against us? surely not? these organisations really don't want us to retain it and have another easy pass into the final where no doubt the grounds men union along with the referees federation, backed up by the linesmen association will have made sure it will be Liverpool in the final.

  48. Tony Evans

    Feb 17, 2015, 13:32 #66882

    Ron - I haven't had the 'that's it we're out now' moment yet; though when the number 8 came out of the hat, swiftly followed by the number 2, my immediate reaction was more towards the negative side of the fence - which is the sensible place to be for any supporter - always expect the worse but hope for better. As you say United are no great shakes at the moment and are there for the taking, but these are the games where a manager earns his money and we all know that Wenger will have nothing apart from a hanky up his sleeve as far as tactics are concerned which will make for a very level playing field this time around.

  49. BiggoonerDave

    Feb 17, 2015, 13:25 #66881

    Why the negativity regarding the 1/4 final draw? Having watched some of their live games on TV I can honestly say Man U are sh*te,and team with anything about them will turn them over,they lack width and play with a congested midfield?How many times are they going to get the rub of the green with ref's is a different matter entirely,and that's what the result could be dependant on especially if Rooney is constantly allowed to ref the game!!!! I see this as Wengers opportunity to put a few ghosts to bed,this is his best chance to finally get it right at the theatre of muppets,2 holding midfielders and plenty of width with plenty of decent crosses in to Giroud. If Wenger gets it wrong again then I feel he has a mental block and we may never get a result up there under him again,but I am quietly optimistic on this occasion as we are due a win up there.

  50. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2015, 12:52 #66880

    Great news! The 'cup' will be paraded from an open top tram! Manchester being the new London and all that ... lol! Flamini did alright didn't he? You lot are never happy!

  51. Barnaby

    Feb 17, 2015, 12:33 #66879

    Where the **** is chamberlain! Tof has managed to injure him somehow like usual with all our players

  52. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2015, 12:31 #66878

    Most supporters as I recall it GR have always thought that Wenger would get 4th place,it's the first one that they did not see him winning,and...oh...! As for the FAC again most took Arsene and Hillwoodentop at their word when they said it was not worth winning now days with 4th place being worth more money. Of course the old Etonian merchant-banker has now left the building with his 30 pieces of silver given to him by that sort we don't want at AFC .You couldn't make it up. Wenger's comments the other day that his obsession with winning the FAC had cost him dear in Europe were just more spin and bull-shine from the master of illusion. These days he has a cash register where his brain should be and all too often his team selections are governed by financial reasons rather than football ones. I will believe it when I see it if he comes up with a plan to beat LVG at Old Trafford .Wenger's sides are a reflection of himself heroes at home and cowards away. All the confidence and flash play vanishes at hostile away venues with the home side up for a fight and we then see those shambolic displays that we witnessed at spuds recently .They are no great shakes but we made them look like world beaters.

  53. Ron

    Feb 17, 2015, 12:00 #66877

    Man Utd are no great shakes and are clearly a beatable team. Can Arsenal do it at OT? Possibly.On the basis that its been so long since they even turned up there, maybe it can happen.Will they turn up and play as something thing like a team, instead of the frightened boys club team those of us who make the perilous trek to OT are so used to seeing year on year? Its a long shot. The one gteed consistency with Wenger's Arsenal team in the last 9 years is its mental brittleness. Take that to OT again and Utd will again prevail. Jamerson - accepting your prejudice and bias and moreover accepting that nearly all of us have axes to grind with Man Utd to some degree, your views on their football and style of football is ludicrous. Im sure that view of them is held by you only, in the entire World!

  54. GoonerRon

    Feb 17, 2015, 11:53 #66876

    @ Red Member - we've had 10 years of pundits, experts and whoever else saying at the start of every season that we won't make top 4. I remember not too long ago many saying on here that we will NEVER win a trophy under Wenger. Maybe things can happen when we don't necessarily expect them to.

  55. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2015, 10:52 #66875

    Chris,I doubt that Wong is his name it was obviously a cack-handed attempt at making a humorous comparison with my name Wright thus the Wong being a cacographicalism a deliberate misspelling of Wrong. Right and Wrong. It's been done to death of course already ,but small minds and all that wot! You already know this though Chris,so why are you even mentioning this nonsense? .The answer is of course for the same reasons that Tony Wong posted his misanthropic malignancy -it diverts attention away from the real issues. You couldn't make it up.

  56. Red Member

    Feb 17, 2015, 10:28 #66874

    Gooner Ron - I admire your optimism but I am afraid that for a lot of us there has been the realisation that under Wenger tomorrow will NEVER come

  57. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2015, 10:06 #66873

    Rooney is well practiced at diving for penalties, just ask the 49ers!

  58. Chris

    Feb 17, 2015, 9:57 #66872

    Jeff - Maybe that his name? After all, 'calling yourself' Jeff Wright wouldn't have been such a smart move if you had chosen it. I once knew someone (from Hong Kong) called Fox Wong - absolute godsend.....

  59. AMG

    Feb 17, 2015, 9:56 #66871

    Weakest United team in 20 years, will Wenger rise to the occasion and beat them, or at least put out the right team, well drilled and organised enough to beat them? Time will tell, either way I hope to see no Mesut Ozil in the starting line up and for the love of god no Giroud. Pace and power will be the order of the day - Alexis, Ox/Walcott, Welbeck. Not sure what Rosicky needs to do to break into the team, he's consistently one of the 2 best players on the pitch when played.

  60. Badarse

    Feb 17, 2015, 9:36 #66870

    Good morning my little sherbet lemons, sweet on the surface but bitter and acidic once you accept one of them-not so much cowardly, but always yellow. People have a tendency to conflate situations and in doing so confuse. Years ago an England manager, (Keegan), demonstrably showed this when Scholes punched the ball into the net to claim a hat trick against Poland, (?). Keegan stated that he didn't care how the ball went into the net. This was a hackneyed phrase used inappropriately. If people fall into two camps, those in agreement, those not-and they do-it displays the twain which shall never be agreed upon. Last night a buffoon of an England manager on live TV defended Shrek for diving to win a penalty. He waffled and went in circles with his inability to defend the indefensible. Is it any wonder that kids cannot grasp simple understandings, with icons flannelling and fluffing their guidance? He only needed to say there wasn't contact, but couldn't.

  61. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2015, 9:25 #66869

    When the no 8 ball came out you just knew that no 2 would follow it as night does day. Some claim that these draws are fixed along with the Euro ones .One ball in the freezer for a few hours and another warmed up in a microwave just before the draw makes it easy for the them to be picked out when the celebs are fiddling about with the balls before pulling them out. This produces the game that the TV companies want . With football now more crooked than a corkscrew this scenario is not as unlikely as what some may think. The FA also need a big cup final to give the old comp a much needed facelift .With all due respect Hull are not sides that the world want to see play in the FAC final. Us and Liverpool or them and United are what the public want and what the public wants the public gets. If it is Liverpool and United then will we see the scousers in naff white suits again ,probably not. This LVG United side are an ugly boring aberation with more divers in it than there are in the American Olympic aqua events just one defeat though in their last 18 played says that they are obviously hard to beat .TBH ,they look stronger and fitter than our little technicians are and the Dutchman's men have already beaten them easily this season at the coliseum,despite us having lots of possession and buzzing around at 100mph on the perfect fast pitch . It's a results game though and you do not get awarded any points for artistic interpretation. I can't see the deep defensive park the bus tactics that produced the shock win for us at Poundlands working at Old Trafford no more than they did at Sh*te Hart Lane . I think Wenger has a mountain to climb to get anything out of this season now. He has only himself to blame though , so please spare us the sob stories. Regarding some of the AKB's that post on here and who are becoming increasingly desperate and boring as time drags by what they in their dim witted minds do not appear to be able to grasp is that what I, or anyone else posts , are just our opinions,they don't make any difference to what the RESULTS of games will be. It's not our fault if Wenger and the players bottle it in the big away games . AKB stalwart Tony Wong though blundered in and provided a bit of light relief, although unintentionally so . However, you have to wonder what sort of a bell-end chooses to call himself Wong with all of the obvious twists that can be made out of it,the Eurovision Wong Contest,he's right you are Wong , that Catchphrase one liner , It's good but it's the WONG answer! You have got the Wong number ... and of course , two Wongs don't make a right. ......... As Wok Kung Fu Tat, the ancient Chinese philosopher, once said, >> You couldn't make it up.

  62. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2015, 9:22 #66868

    For anyone going to the ECL game against Monaco don't expect a goal fest. Monaco have one of the meanest defences in Europe. The good news is they don't score many goals either. In 12 home games French Ligue 1 they have scored 12 and conceded 7. Away they have scored 13 & let in 12 from 12 games. They only conceded 4 goals in 6 ECL Group stage games. They have only lost one (0-1) of their last 16 games, keeping a clean sheet 13 times in those 16 games, conceding only 3 goals, one of which came in extra time v league leaders Lyon. During that run they went out of the League Cup on penalties. A 0-0 correct scoreline at the Emirates is 9/1. AFC 8/15, Monaco 6/1, draw 3/1.

  63. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2015, 8:41 #66867

    The nation breathes a sigh of relief as their favourite team were allowed two dodgy goals by bending the rules to the 'nth degree. Their reward is a home tie against the cup holders. Early betting: Man U 5/4, AFC 9/4, Draw 11/5. To win FA Cup; L'pool 2/1, Man U 5/2, AFC 3/1.

  64. Smithy

    Feb 17, 2015, 7:23 #66866

    Hiccup- firstly I am not a shed man and am arsenal through and through since 1979 and secondly what century are you in? The Corinthian spirit has not been in football for over 90 years. Big tone,Martin,bould,grimmandi,viera all played tippy tippy just nicking the ball football. What a load of garbage- all had a winning mentality and let others know they are in the game and won't be intimidated. The north London derby showed us to be too soft and too nice. A bit of grit is what we need. As to the theatre of snores we will victims of another dive in the box.

  65. Ozzie

    Feb 17, 2015, 5:52 #66865

    Maguiresbridge, when people touch base with their resentment there is no limit to what will surface. Others wont go there for fear of what they may confront in the dark recesses of their unconscious, preferring instead to live on the surface and point the finger at those who, at least, have the gumption to say what they feel, albeit with spite. It pays not to take oneself or others too seriously. I wish I could take a few words back that I've used in both anger and frustration but 'The moving finger writes; and having writ, moves on......' Cheers.

  66. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2015, 2:19 #66864

    Well there you are now folks, a new low for the AKB's it's not f**k off down the lane any more from them and the wengerites,( they've moved on from that) but the sooner those who don't worship him and love and support him depart this earth the better not only for themselves (whatever that means) but for others on this site also. Is there any one on this site who would be happy to see those who don't support wenger and want him out Die?( apart from the obvious non entity) I certainly don't know any one that doesn't support him and wants him out (know matter how die hard they are) who wants those that do to pass away or Die. A new low indeed, but not surprising, Sad, if it were the other way round, one or maybe two, would have been on here asking for, no, demanding an apology but as their only part timers now at best we'll not be holding our breath. It's great to see those who have no time for OGL and want him out have more class and haven't stooped so low.

  67. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2015, 0:53 #66863

    jj, bend it like beckham a good movie, you can just imagine the scramble for shirts and tickets as the sheep and tourists and the lovers of the beckham brand are drip fed info that the young buck might make his debut, it'll be even more interesting if Old becks himself just happens to be sitting on the bench as assistant to TOF's clone as his boy runs out, the scrabble from the press and meeja will be unbelievable, and there will be lord wenger standing in the directors box like the Queen on the Balcony of Buckingham palace taking all the bows and adulation from his flock, as well as the circus on the bench, happy and content that he's finally fulfilled his long time goal of turning Arsenal FC into the biggest also ran's in the Premiership and biggest tourist attraction in London.

  68. Ozzie

    Feb 17, 2015, 0:00 #66862

    There goes the FA Cup for this year!

  69. Th14afc

    Feb 16, 2015, 23:47 #66861

    I just knew we'd get utd at old Trafford,very deflated. After the draw....last time we beat utd at old Trafford Adebayor actually looked not too bad,that's how long ago it was...the only game I didn't want & we f uking got it

  70. Danny

    Feb 16, 2015, 22:54 #66860

    United away in next round. No chance in hell . We her will usually blow this and with players like OZil playing. Goodbye and see ya next year

  71. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2015, 22:46 #66859

    Tony best that you stick to cooking the special fried lice and prawns and to give up your lame attempts at comedy you are not velly good at it . Just saying like.

  72. Tony Wong

    Feb 16, 2015, 22:11 #66858

    I agwee with yoo jeffweee. We and Mr wenger are a disgwace to the shirt. You have the task to bwing Arsene to the sword. We can only bwing shame on Arsenal. You is my leader. Please accept my apologies. You is man for job. I give you my ticket.

  73. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2015, 21:59 #66857

    colesybollox, you post more drivel than anyone on the net,even Jameson looks more intelligent and that is saying something. Anyway I suspect that the party is over for Arsene this season . He's had more luck than enough but luck is a transient thing and always comes to an end sooner or lateR for anyone.

  74. Unchives

    Feb 16, 2015, 21:50 #66856

    Unfortunately as bad as Manure are, we or Wenger doesn't do Man Utd away. A draw away isn't in the professors remit...so im afraid to say....we are out!

  75. Gerry

    Feb 16, 2015, 19:08 #66855

    Pity we never applied the same level of concentration and passing accuracy last week when it was required. The return of the flat track bullies!

  76. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 16, 2015, 19:02 #66854

    DWT, look on the bright side wally's usual missed sitter meant we hadn't to sit and watch him hogging the mike talking us through what a good goal it was and telling us they're the best team Arsenal have ever had.

  77. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 16, 2015, 18:57 #66853

    And once again jeff you have failed to say something positive. Your ditty is so appropriate for all your flannel and negative garbage you spout. Keep it up, you are a true waste of space and only when you depart this earth will you be happy....and so will many others on this site.

  78. Hiccup

    Feb 16, 2015, 18:47 #66852

    Looks like the site has been infiltrated by chelsea fans. Gabriel's cynical foul and nasty side being applauded on here? It's called blatant cheating. I was horrified by this and it's certainly not the arsenal way. He should be shipped off to chelsea where he can ply this style with Oscar and co, who are lambasted as despicable cheats on here for similar actions. Or was his yellow card one of those cases where the ref had an anti arsenal agenda?

  79. Danny

    Feb 16, 2015, 18:42 #66851

    Good win, but any decent team would have exploit arsenal ability to defend as a unit. OZIL is still the weakness. he cannot and will not defend. useless player plus wellbeck cannot score

  80. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 16, 2015, 18:01 #66850

    Decent post, GoonerRon, but the problem with dissociating yourself from the past 10 years is you end up believing 'there is more to come from us'. There isn't. This is it. The Wenger way only gives you a team that can perform for part or parts of a season. For great swathes of it we're rubbish, every season. Yet you only need a run or two of decent-ish results to accrue the points for 4th. This is what precedence tells us. This is what the ability to recognise patterns tells us. You may call that negative and prefer the hope that somehow it'll change, but it's a hope built on sand. In a year's time, and the year after that, you'll be saying 'there is more to come from us'. Again, you may prefer that outlook, which I can understand in a way, but it's not grounded in evidence or reality.

  81. Alsace

    Feb 16, 2015, 17:46 #66849

    Midelsborg really weren't very good, but they also weren't allowed to be. Our players worked really hard. Ozil was good again. Giroud lacks pace but what he lacks in pace he makes up for in finishing. Carzorla and Alexis excellent again. Flanimal did his job well. Rosicky showed what speed and penetration he brings to the team.I only swore at Wenger once. His substitutions were late again. It really would be lovely for our players to have a few games where they really went out and did a job on a top side. Only if they work it out themselves will that happen. We might have a bunch who could - just a bit, and that would be FUN.

  82. jjetplane

    Feb 16, 2015, 17:41 #66848

    The horse's name is Brian and that is that! WESTIE must be busy compiling stats as looks like GR has struck a coup there. Poor ole JAMERSOn staring at the carpet and all he can see is little WOBS. Driving him mad!

  83. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2015, 17:30 #66846

    Once again colesybollox you confuse Arsene with Arsenal FC, your silly little ditty is just more childish nonsense that betrays the fact that you really have nothing to say of any note. The thousands of unsold tickets and empty seats at matches ,it could get worse before the game is up for Wenger ,tells the real story and also shows that your unswerving loyalty to him is just plain stupidity based on a fear of change .

  84. GoonerRon

    Feb 16, 2015, 17:27 #66845

    @ Red Member - to be honest I'm really glad that I am able to disassociate the here and now or even the recent past from the last 10 years - as it allows me to enjoy isolated moments such as winning a game, short term developments such as winning 14 games out of 18, the emergence of players from youth team into first team etc. I'm glad I'm not bitter and twisted about the team that I love or the manager, owner, CEO - and I genuinely empathise for those of you who are. We are all made of different 'stuff' and clearly our tolerance levels for perceived failure are not the same. I actually think we're in good shape. Wenger has made many mistakes in the past - some undeniable, some exacerbated by supporters frustrations elsewhere at the club (ticket prices, customer service etc), some accentuated more than they might because of the sheer amount of time he's been at the club. But overall if I look at my short/medium term frustrations, he is addressing them - 1) start using available cash to buy top bracket players, 2) depth of the squad is being addressed in all areas, 3) some tactical adjustments to the balance of our play, 4) getting key players signed up earlier to contract extensions, 5) add some energy into DM position. I mean, yes, there are obvious ones in there like win more games, concede fewer goals etc but the structural components that have pissed me off are being addressed in my view. I should add, when he gets it wrong it annoys me and for me it will always be Arsenal FC not Arsene FC but the fact is he is here for another two seasons after this and I'd prefer to back him and the team rather than get bogged down in negativity. We've actually had a pretty big turnover of players in the last few years (I reckon 13-14 players have been in the first team squad for 2 years or less) so there is still more to come from us.

  85. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 16, 2015, 17:23 #66844

    jeff, once again you have failed your simple task, to say something good and positive about Arsenal. You are such a sad, gutless, grudge bearing fool. Keep digging and remember to sing yourself to sleep with this tune locked inside that one brain cell you have. Everywhere he goes, everywhere he goes, his name's jeff wright and he talks ****e, everywhere he goes.

  86. Know Man

    Feb 16, 2015, 17:18 #66843

    We played a championship team, one league below us. At home, for a team of our ilk, this should be a home win. Glad to say, we did the business. Let's not get carried away, this wasn't a great performance. Everyone on Twitter is singing Ozil's praise, this was Boro! Yet he did not boss this game to the extent I expect from such an expensive signing. Am I expecting too much, damn right I am, I'm still not convinced by him. Goes missing, looks weak, but he's our best player, what do people think?

  87. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2015, 17:02 #66842

    Colesybollox,you are obviously peeved that I corrected my mistake about the dif between our wage bill and our rivals for 4th place , I was going to leave it actually but decided to do you a favour by saving yourself from more punishment after you ( yawn) pointed it out. I spottted the other mistakes actually as well but couldn't bee arsed correcting them. Now Colesyblueboy my advice to you is to stick to posting your pro-Arsene propaganda every chav loves him and why not>? And to leave the childish abuse out. If you are happy with the 4th place trophy policies of Wenger ,the FAC is just a bonus and one in the last ten years is hardly us being over-spoilt by it, then bully-bully for you . You are however obviously sailing on the same boat to no were that the weirdo Jameson is on - it's called The Loony Tunes. You couldn't make it up.

  88. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 16, 2015, 16:35 #66841

    Smithy, it could just be naivety,( but we could certainly do with a couple like that) and if it isn't just naivety unfortunately it will soon be coached out of him one way or the other. But one thing he certainly does have is the same looks as the ex spud monkey boy, lets hope he turns out just as good, (but we'll then see the same circumstances that occurred there) that's if it's not coached out of him first.

  89. DJ

    Feb 16, 2015, 16:30 #66840

    Nice comfortable victory with a safe passage into the next round and no injuries picked up. A tougher challenge awaits at Selhurst Park and it will be interesting to see the team selection. Coquelin will obviously come in for Flamini but will Carzola be strong enough to share the midfield burden? Also taking Sanchez and Giroud as shoe ins will the more industrious Welbeck be preferred to the greater goal threat in Walcott? I would start with Rosicky and Welbeck with Walcott and Carzola on the bench with the roles reversed for the Monaco game.

  90. jjetplane

    Feb 16, 2015, 16:23 #66839

    Velly interesting. Beckham's lad Brooklyn (sic) plays for Arsene's under 18s while wearing TH14's shirt. This will keep the Wok filled and the dough flowing in when I imagine he pulls on his first team shirt and TH himself is in the dug out. He 'bends it like Beckham' and it really will be a masterstroke and ummm most predictable and in keeping with the age of exhibitionism. Anyone want peanuts with their rioja? .....

  91. Red Member

    Feb 16, 2015, 16:18 #66838

    Gooner Ron - it is disappointing that there are still Arsenal supporters like yourself that are STILL failing to see the bigger picture. For a decade now we have been beating inferior teams at home with consistency that is to be applauded. However these such results can only get a team so far, a fact that you have failed to grasp or are you yet again happy for our now traditional 4th place finish? It is hardly something to boast about considering the resources at our disposal.

  92. DW Thomas

    Feb 16, 2015, 15:50 #66837

    I always appreciate a win, but how on earth did we not score more? Rosicky again came on and flourished yet did not get his assist as Walcott missed and easy chance again. That is why we usually lose vs better sides, missing those one or two glorious chances! Giroud, again is a two sided coin! He looked great on his goals but at other times he is Bambi on ice! And against better teams he is usually not scoring. Still, we played well. Ozil is crafty and even defended ok I thought. Santi, when given the reins, looks a playmaker and always want to go forward. His passing made the game. If we win the FA Cup again this year, it will feel good, but might make Wenger known for that trophy rather than others. The league and CL seem miles away from winning. Loved to be proved wrong, but it's now at least 6-7 years of "judge me in May" but the jury never returns a verdict! When Wenger is the defendant, judge, and jury, he will never be held accountable!

  93. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 16, 2015, 15:40 #66836

    Keep digging jeff although no hole is deep enough for you. You are anti Arsenal so no matter what happens come May, you will still be lonely and sad. If you have anything good to say, which you apparently don't, then let's hear it. And if it has anything factual, then better make sure you read your post a couple of times before sending it...

  94. Roy

    Feb 16, 2015, 14:41 #66835

    Bradford at home next would be nice, and smack them for 5 or 6. Would'nt prove anything in the long run of course, but just a question of some unfinished business.

  95. Smithy

    Feb 16, 2015, 14:19 #66834

    Gabriel looks like he has a nasty side - that will suit us down to the ground!we currently are a bit too nice !

  96. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2015, 14:19 #66833

    The score in the Brighton game (that I tipped us to win by the way) was 3-2 .Probably 3 or 4 nil at home if the game was played there. Leicester last week was 2-1 to us,a bit fortunate but hey a win is a win,away probably a draw .In fact that was the result away. Now if in your dim tunnel vision brain colesybollox you can't fathom out what my points are regarding Wenger's coaching and results that it produces then that is your problem .Stop trying to pretend though that you are the uber fan when in reality you are just a sulking lurker on here popping up to cast abuse at any Wenger knockers due to your obsession with him.Tell me all about it in May .

  97. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 16, 2015, 14:03 #66832

    jeff the trouble with you is your lack of factual knowledge...Brighton away was only recently but your contortion of facts is immeasurable. The hurt inside of you must be so painful, as you cannot bear us winning any game against anybody, always a put down. You are sad and lonely in your hate filled anti Wenger world. Everywhere he goes everywhere he goes his names jeff wright and he talks ****e everywhere he goes. Keep it up.

  98. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2015, 13:54 #66831

    That should be our wage bill is higher than the spuds and Liverpool's ones and not lower ,if only ! I thought it best to correct this to save colesybollox and KFC from pointing it out .Although by doing so this would only really further damage their desperate defence of all things Arsene, but this has never stopped them before! You couldn't make it up.

  99. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2015, 13:44 #66830

    MG, some can peddle all of the carefully culled stats that they want but the fact remains that we were out of the league title fight months ago. That's why the the previously despised FAC is now being trumpeted as a top trophy .Unless we lose our next tie in which case it will revert ack to being a waste of time with 4th place in the Prem being more important. It's that 4th place that Wenger will be judged on anyway irrespective of what happens in the cup. With us having a wage bill on par with Chelsea's and twice that of the Saints who were tipped by most pundits to be relegated at the start of the season and lower than the spuds,Liverpool's ones ,we should be doing much better that what we are doing in the league under Wenger's inept management. All of the Hollywood style football against lower oppo at the collesium does not change this fact. Facts are of course something that AKB's have an aversion to, with meaningless stats being put up instead to try and claim that everything is honky dory under Arsene . They are not fooling anyone with this nonsense though but themselves.Let's take Arsene at his word and judge him in May .Having though already read the book before I know how it ends.

  100. jjetplane

    Feb 16, 2015, 13:41 #66829

    ...awwww bless/lovely little smiling faces/politely clapping/modest celebrations by the players/bright new scarves waved by a couple of the new cads/Boro on instructions to exit asap as PL is only priority/perhaps the score was fixed before the game/not a rout/but more something to wash down the Sunday dinner/it really does not get better than this/for Giroud/or Cazola/especially for Welbeck/managed the three minute highlights which is quite good for me but has left me scarred with it's corporate, self-policing opiated soft cushion world. Still - there's always a bus ride for the lads at the end of it all and some big ****ing wage packets coming next season. Wake up Jack! There's a killing to be made. Just look at those supporters. They don't know (or care) what's hitting them .... Big week for us in the 9th tier this week. Have fun you lovely people .....

  101. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 16, 2015, 13:22 #66828

    I think they were/are a bit like ourselves when it comes to game plans they're non existent (especially when OGL's in charge), and it showed as they allowed our little pixies to dance and skip around them and weave their magic especially in defence (they must have been watching to many DVD's of us in preparation for the game and got confused), and it was supposed to be a bigger test than Leicester. It was plain sailing and feet up slippers on alright as plain as we'll ever see, of course it was always going to be. Some of the commentators i'm not sure if it was MOTD or BT Sports came out with the biggest understatement of the week when they said Arsenal ease into the next round.

  102. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2015, 13:00 #66827

    Chris, we are always odds on to win games against lesser technical sides at home on the perfect fast pitch. We move the ball too quickly for them to cope with.Only when the pace of our game slows down do teams like Boro get a look in. That why we need more than two goals to feel safe with 20 minutes to go. Oliver took a couple his chances well, best to forget the other players efforts. Olly though needs to up his game because his record against top sides is nothing to write home about. The spuds,United and City coped better against us at home ,just 2 points from 9 against them and unfortunately,as I pointed out,these games in the end,with all of the top teams posting similar results against the also rans that we do, are what separates the champs from the chumps. Another FAC win could be on the cards for Arsene if he gets another easy draw in the next round. Wenger will claim that it cost him a Champions League win though ! You couldn't make it up.

  103. GoonerRon

    Feb 16, 2015, 12:56 #66826

    @ Jeff - we've played 2 matches since the Spuds game so I'm not sure why I still need to be harping on about it now? That run of 14 wins in 18 includes 5 away wins out of 9 and 9 straight wins at home. So exemplary home form supported by a reasonable return away from home highlights my point about our general consistency. The run I refer to isn't 'carefully culled' - it started after a run of three of the most frustrating games I've witnessed (3-3 Anderlecht, 1-2 Swansea and 1-2 Man U) after which we beat Dortmund and looked liked we may have finally learnt some lessons. Lastly FYI, excluding Wembley (remember, that joyous (for some) day when we held aloft the trophy) we've had 6 out 7 ties at home in FA Cup since the start of last season

  104. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 16, 2015, 12:54 #66825

    One game from Wembley, lets hope it's not Blackburn, or even Bradford for that matter.

  105. Chris

    Feb 16, 2015, 12:45 #66824

    GoonerRon - Willie and Jeff are right. Until and unless we are top of the league, or have a won a trophy - er... actually, make that "a top trophy - i.e. the PL or CL" -how dare you take pleasure in or even acknowledge a decent performance and generally good form? I'ts nothing short of a disgrace that you seem to want to ignore our lack of trophies - sorry, MAJOR TROPHIES - and Wenger's continued blatant incompetence in favour of enjoying watching us climb up the league and progress inexorably towards another FA Cup trophy. If you're so fond of one-off results, eff off down the lane and watch Spurs - they beat us the other week, remember?

  106. Gaz

    Feb 16, 2015, 12:33 #66823

    Thought we beat a dangerous opponent with absolute ease yesterday. Result was never in doubt with some fine individual performances notably from Ozil, Cazorla, Sanchez and Giroud. I'd say we're bang on favorites for this competition now and after the celebrations that followed last years cup win I wonder whether the Club and Wenger realise that as long as we win the FA or League Cup every season the supporters will be more than happy, the money will keep rolling in, and Wengers job is absolutely safe...

  107. AMG

    Feb 16, 2015, 12:32 #66822

    I think Giroud has found his level. He'd score a hatful in the Championship, the sooner he gives up this premier league pretence the better.

  108. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2015, 12:10 #66821

    These stats that you keep trotting out GR are based mainly on home wins ,I think we have had, apart from the Wembley games ,9 straight FAC ties at home during the current run of them since the beginning of last last season. Of course you quickly moved on from the spuds humiliation and tried to gloss over it but in reality the season regarding actually WINNING TROPHIES is based on these sort of games and NOT HOME WINS OVER THE LESSER SIDES .The away win at Poundlands was supposed to have shown that we had turned a corner and were now a threat to anyone but the spuds result and the struggle at home to bottom of the heap Leicester says other wise. A glance at the league table shows that we are still way behind Chelsea and City despite the away win at Poundlands .I never thought myself that Boro would cause us any problems at home and said so when the draw was made tbh I was not that impressed by our performance against them and only our best GK, Mr. Goalpost , helped us to keep a clean sheet with Chesnay well beaten, along with our defence , on the Boro late header that struck the upright . Of course a 2-1 score would have flattered Boro ,it should have been 8 or 9 goals in reality to us. But it wasn't and as someone else said you don't feel comfortable at 2-0 with this current side .This is down to Wenger's approach and as we saw at the spuds the mentality of the players and manager are still suspect .You cobbling together a carefully culled string of results doesn't change this fact.

  109. Mathew

    Feb 16, 2015, 11:53 #66820

    Thanks Kevin for the summary, indeed a great match to relax our nerves. Giroud looks so polished as a striker, hopefully he can score against big teams too. I wish we had scored more yesterday, especially Alexis and Ozil, both look hungry for goals. Cazorla to Atletico is doing the rounds these days, can anyone update ? He is 30 and in his prime form, we should keep for two more seasons.

  110. Ron

    Feb 16, 2015, 11:45 #66819

    The Cup can get interesting now. In today's sterile game, genuine interest doesn't flicker until Clubs are close to the Semis. Neither of these teams looked very bothered and their respective apathy existed for different reasons.Did people really pay to see that and think it was worthwhile. Its a tournament that despite the many PL 'casualties'its still likely to be a final played out by two of the remaining PL teams neither who have given much of a mind or very much effort to it. This year, more so perhaps than many other years one of the lesser lights who have given it a good go deserve to go on and win it. Perhaps Aston Villa or WBA if not a Club from the lower reaches.

  111. GoonerRon

    Feb 16, 2015, 11:40 #66818

    @ Willie - we've won twice on the trot since the NLD so a nice way to move on from it, no? And whilst it was gutting to lose to that lot it has been surrounded before and after by 7 straight wins, so thankfully hasn't punctured our good form - form which you seem reluctant to acknowledge.

  112. Finsbury Boy

    Feb 16, 2015, 11:12 #66817

    Never understand the clamour here from some to get Wilshire back. Results show we play much better without him in the team.Back in the squad yes on the bench yes but a starter definitely not..

  113. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 16, 2015, 9:31 #66815

    No disrespect to Boro, but wasn't this the side some of the naysayers on here were making out to be like Real Madrid or something. We won, comfortably. OK the club needs sorting out but can we at least be happy for the next few days?

  114. lance peters

    Feb 16, 2015, 9:17 #66814

    I am not sure if this is the game to judge but we looked well balanced with our set up. coq needs to come in for flamini next game though. And against the bigger teams maybe jack,ramsey,rosicky to play to help out defensively. or we cud use this same system and go all out attack and our defence not overlapping because we have the fire power up front

  115. 50somethingGooner

    Feb 16, 2015, 8:57 #66813

    Good summary Kevin , I actually rated Gabriel - looks like we now have 3 centre backs of sufficient quality with others who can stand in. Taking the yellow card for the team was probably the right decision at that point and it was good to see someone not scared to mix it.

  116. GoonerRon

    Feb 16, 2015, 8:54 #66812

    Really good performance where we controlled the game from start to finish. That's 7 wins in 8 and 14 wins in 18 games, plus I think 9 wins on the spin at home - generally good form and momentum as we enter the home straight.

  117. chris dee

    Feb 16, 2015, 8:49 #66811

    Managed to get a ticket on the North Bank a few rows from the back.First time I've sat there,it was a great view. In was an easy victory,but as I'm a nail biting, head in hands type of fan it didn't seem that way at the time.We have to be 4-0 up with ten minutes to go for me to relax. Boro were crap and looked as if they were on a sight seeing tour of the stadium,not that I'm complaining,but we can't come to any conclusions about our form after this match. Just one thing I'm curious about,walking on the Ken Friar bridge there are flags flying showing great Arsenal players who have achieved great things for our club and also one of Cesc Fabrigas?What the frig?