Joint statement from Arsenal fans' organisations

& The Gooner

Joint statement from Arsenal fans' organisations

Working together for the matchgoing fans

Joint statement from The Gooner, REDaction, AST and BSM

Today, three leading Arsenal fans’ organisations and the club’s main fanzine wrote to Arsenal CEO Ivan Gazidis, asking for a meeting to discuss how we can get a better deal for match-going fans.

The Gooner, together with REDaction, the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust and the Black Scarf Movement, also shared the results of our recent joint survey of over 2,000 Arsenal fans. This covered issues including atmosphere, kick-off times, ticket prices, and access to live football for younger fans.

The survey ran before the announcement of the new Premier League TV deal, but the main conclusions were very clear:
• Over 97% of fans want to see some of the additional money from the new TV deal used to reduce ticket prices.
• 96% support existing campaigns for standard pricing for away fans – in contrast to the current situation which sees Arsenal fans charged ‘Category A’ prices at most away grounds.
• 95% of fans think that when a game is moved for TV coverage, some of the money earned by clubs should be used to compensate fans for inconvenience via lower ticket prices.
• In addition, over 85% of fans think that some TV money should be ringfenced to provide cheaper tickets for younger (16 to 21 year old) fans; and the same number support the idea of Arsenal issuing ‘home credits’ to ensure that seats are used for all games.

It is obvious who benefits from ever bigger TV deals – club owners, players and their agents, TV viewers and TV companies. It is also very clear that match-going fans get the rough end of this deal – as games are moved to inconvenient kick-off times, and ticket prices remain high despite the amount of TV money flowing into the game.

Our aim in writing to Ivan Gazidis today is to open constructive dialogue on ensuring match-going fans share in the benefits of bumper TV deals – or at least are not completely disregarded along the way. The three Arsenal fans’ organisations involved and The Gooner are in complete agreement on this – and will work with each other and with groups from other clubs to keep the views of match-going fans on the agenda.

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  1. Amos

    Feb 24, 2015, 9:56 #67276

    !st Division attendances 1990 prior to SKY buying the game 7,883,039 PL attendance 2014 13,944,100. Case for lower ticket prices probably a little stronger than the case for lower travel costs to get to the games but not likely to be any more successful.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 22, 2015, 15:35 #67169

    Hiccup, indeed the cheek of him, the dam cheek of the man pumping money in to the sport that the clubs are going to see a huge chunk off and do nothing with, especially not not spend on the fans. As someone has already said maybe it was yourself, anybody's fault but the clubs and management.

  3. jjetplane

    Feb 22, 2015, 14:11 #67162

    RON 2 AKB Disunited 0. Late patches of envy and frustration fail to dampen RON's march on the Poster PL. Bloody Harry Kane ..... lol!

  4. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2015, 14:10 #67161

    Ron you do not need to attack like a rabid dog whenever you feel threatened...down boy! I have a feeling people chuckle when they see our exchanges, and they have long since recognised your bumptious and insulting style of response. It truly isn't necessary chum. Come, sit and contemplate navels, you know you like me picking the fluff out of your belly button. Now don't play hard to get. Roll over and I'll tickle you behind the ears. Sours drew.

  5. A Cornish Gooner

    Feb 22, 2015, 14:10 #67160

    Baddie. 'at the Johanna' Is that a euphemism?

  6. Ron

    Feb 22, 2015, 13:57 #67159

    Your jealousy and discomfort about anyone posting with some actual knowledge of a subject matter is well known on here Badarse and there you go displaying it again for all to see. Grow up for heavens sake you silly old idiot. You may then one day even find some body on here agrees with your'logic'too.

  7. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2015, 13:38 #67157

    Ron has spoken, all bow in homage to the greater knowledge. Ron you really should seek help chum. You cannot use aggression, force and blustering to 'win' a point. Think of it this way, your acolytes will constantly fawn over you, whilst those others, standing nearer myself in terms of logic will reject. Nothing changes. Why not take the medication as prescribed? Just to respond on 'facts' though, you old Gradgrind you, (Dickens), a number of exposes have found agencies dealing from the bottom of the deck. Secreting prime seats from their allocations and palming them sideways to resell for a premium rate under a different name-but the same umbrella. I know of an ex-Rugby International who touted, and due to his high profile, turnover, professionalism and influence, became a bona fide agent. The lines in the real world are very blurred Ron, not so in your 'crash, bang, wallop', landscape, where all is black or white, or as we say when at the Johanna, 'Ebony and Ivory'-which would at least be an improvement on the way you see things. Were you a traffic warden in younger days?

  8. Ron

    Feb 22, 2015, 13:23 #67156

    A tout behaves nothing at all like a ticket agency. The models are totally different, the only similarity being the desire to make a profit. The tout has a different cash projection to an agency and the variables that he/she copes with in getting their supply of tickets and then selling them isnt anything remotely like a licensed ticket agency. Westie - yr missing the point. AFC act as a hybrid animal some where between a tout and an agency and cloak it in respectability as they rip off their own fans.

  9. Gare K

    Feb 22, 2015, 12:48 #67151

    @ Ron; great post as usual and yes my season ticket comment was said in jest so I’m glad that nobody took it seriously! I would have seriously worried it somebody did! Agreed with you on the boycott front. Small things like not buying a matchday programme with its sanitised content & official club merchandise. Basically doing what some Man Utd fans did when the Glazers took control of that club in 2005. But at Arsenal, such action is frowned upon amongst some of our fan base hence the apathy towards groups like the BSM & Red Action.

  10. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2015, 12:46 #67150

    Leaving aside morals, as we are apt to often on this site, what constitutes a tout as opposed to a valid authenticated agent? In general terms, not much. Both have a mark up well above face value, each supplies a demand, and both are prone to Machiavellian chicaneries in using their stock/allocation in dodgy ways by playing the market, a formula tried and trusted by every financial institution. Touts/scalpers are a big part of USA culture too 24601.

  11. Westlower

    Feb 22, 2015, 12:30 #67147

    @Ron 'Twas ever thus.' Haven't you ever bought Arsenal tickets from Ticketmaster in the past? Touts are part & parcel of English culture and will always make a living out of sporting events. You should see the vast numbers of them at the Cheltenham festival. Even today you can buy Arsenal tickets with Ticketmaster Pro for every game, albeit at greatly inflated prices.

  12. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2015, 12:23 #67145

    No jj, he's knocking out prime front row seats for the Policeman's Ball, for me.

  13. jjetplane

    Feb 22, 2015, 11:43 #67143

    I had my suspicions Guv he might be one a dem bleedin' spivs. Shall I bring him in now? He's down on the corner listening that gobby old boy on the box .....

  14. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2015, 11:35 #67141

    Hi Hiccup. Am pretty much with you up to the point you absolve Sky. Of course the clubs are guilty, of course the agents and players play their parts, but the essence of the problem is that an electrical charge as in Sky, find willing conductors as in TV subscribers. The Stones analogy doesn't quite fit as the TV company paying a fee to them is not the driving force. Sky money was for 'new' football. It drove up prices. Sky offer a bag of gold, clubs realise that they need the best, (most expensive players), to get a bigger slice of the cake. Natural and rampant capitalism dictates what follows, and always will. 'It is all just a merry go round, Zebedee.', said Brian.

  15. Ron

    Feb 22, 2015, 11:32 #67140

    Hiccup - the issue of who rips who off as they all snort from the same filthy trough is perhaps best displayed and explained about the relationship of Club and TV Co. by what Murdoch himself wanted at the very outset of the journey since made by Clubs and SKY. He wanted to be in a position of holding a sizable shareholding in Manchester Utd (lets surmise too that he got away with that he maybe even saw a potential major shareholding in that odious Club)as well as holding all of the broadcasting rights for football.He was stymied from doing so only by dint of the PL s own rules. Essentially, the Clubs and the TV Co's are sleeping in the same bed. When one farts, the other inhales gleefully.

  16. Ron

    Feb 22, 2015, 11:13 #67139

    Westie - another good effort to protect your egg of AFC but again its fails abjectly. 'Twas ever thus'. You ought to do yr homework on the Club in whom, you see no fault before you defend the indefensible but yr attitude to what they do speaks volumes as to why Clubs see no ill in persistently ripping off their own fans when they see fans prepared to act like the proverbial doormat as you display. Arsenal don't use a ticket agency. Its their own. They like to pocket the extra revenue they charge for the 'privilege' of punters buying tickets over and above the face value of the ticket. Not for AFC to miss a trick like that. They moreover make a greater killing via their ticket exchange which facilitates selling on a ticket via the charge they make for its use due to it being a criminal offence for a punter to sell a ticket on even at face value. AFC ban fans from the Club and suspend/terminate memberships if they become aware of fans doing this. You're not match going fan and can perhaps afford to take what is a pathetic lassaiz faire attitude to being ripped off. Many cant and its a small mercy to them that you re not in any position of influence in supporters groups or Clubs charged with representing them as it would be game over for them all. AFC and you truly deserve each other. It would be a joy to see you at the annual SC meetings at Arsenal and see if you would stand up in front of those people and spout such a cowardly policy of 'thats how it is, live with it'. Of course you wouldn't though. The sofa is too comfortable to leave i suspect.

  17. Super Gooner

    Feb 22, 2015, 10:46 #67138

    Gazidis is a businessman who is Kroenke's puppet.He will pay lip service to fan groups and do nothing.The main man is in Denver who doesnt give two f**ks about fans.The only way to force change is to BOYCOTT matches

  18. Hiccup

    Feb 22, 2015, 10:36 #67137

    Morning baddie. It's too easy to beat Sky up over this. If greed perpetuates greed, then that's not Sky's fault the club follows that line. Now you have raised a valid point that the blame could lie with agents and players demanding more. If they want a bite of this money (and who wouldn't), then let's blame them. So we now have a valid point that fans have to pay more to subsidise expensive wages. If someone begrudges paying £80 a ticket, ask is an average footballer worth £70k/week? Or do fans sit in the ground blaming Murdoch that Diaby gets £3m year? What you are saying is that every man and his dog wants a piece of this dosh. Am I right in reading that the clubs dish all the sky money out and because there's none left have to raise ticket prices so the club gets something out of it? It don't wash with me. The last time the Rolling Stones toured, they were charging £500 a ticket. If a fan wants to pay that and moan about it, blame the organisers, blame Jagger or Richards for greed as they don't need it. If Sky decide to televise a few of the live shows and pay the Stones millions, the tickets would still cost £500. So do the Stones fans now vent their anger on Murdoch? Or maybe blame BBC radio for playing their records and making them popular around the world?

  19. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2015, 10:30 #67136

    There is an elephant in the room, and it's making a bloody mess of my front room carpet, I won't forget this! Mentioned to my wife yesterday that the westlower sequence occurred again, CFC away in Europe in midweek, only drew at home to lower league opponents...discuss!

  20. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2015, 10:09 #67135

    Morning 24601, loved the ode, made a change from the stick I often get on here. Tickets? You are exactly right. The only rider to this is the way 'spivs' sell seats. For Wimbledon Centre Court you are always in attendance of the Royal Box. It is either a seat directly opposite, just behind, to the side of, a little in front of, nearby, even 'You have a perfect view of the Box, better than the expensive seats directly in front, where the people have to turn to catch a glimpse', whatever clinches the least that's what uncle Ivan told me, (or Slasher, as he is known in the trade). He also says never give a sucker an even break-or was that great uncle Bogart?

  21. Westlower

    Feb 22, 2015, 9:54 #67134

    @Ron, We've all fallen foul of ticket agency's attempting to sell their dearest tickets first. It's happened to me countless times when attempting to buy tickets for London shows or concerts at Royal Albert Hall. It's the way of the world. If customers are interested in a ticket most agency's will attempt to sell them the 'best seats in the house.' Twas ever thus!

  22. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2015, 9:47 #67133

    Morning Hiccup, sorry I was in the land of nod when you posted-actually not, we were watching the box set of The Following-stupendous acting by all, especially Kevin Bacon. Have to just say this again because you still haven't grasped it quite correctly. No one is saying the club isn't complicit, or outrageously wrong if you like, Blue Meanies-everyone of those setting the policy within each club. The strident point is that Sky saw, then seized the opportunity, pumped in the money, marketed the product, (so that people like yourself-ordinary folk-would buy the candy-wrapped finished article), and have been sucking on it since. They pay their dues to the clubs, who greedily clutch it to them. Then agents step in and demand a slice of the cake for their 'stars' and themselves. Precedence is set, and it becomes a runaway train. This is the main reason for any reluctance of clubs to relax the purse strings, that and pure greed. It is a house of cards and all within the building know that one removed brick can bring the whole edifice down. They do not want to share this new wealth with the fans, (customers), as they know it will not last. The sooner it tumbles the better, but don't hold your breath. Simples!

  23. Hiccup

    Feb 22, 2015, 9:05 #67132

    Interesting stuff Ron. As was cleared up yesterday, it's wrong to blame the club for this price structure though. Murdoch pumping money into the game means the club's hands are tied and have to charge these prices. To summarise, it's Sky's fault that the matchday fans are being shafted?

  24. Ron

    Feb 22, 2015, 0:14 #67131

    SKG - Mate, the AA could put you in a hearse mate if you were non too careful how you used it. Lets just say that even by the standards of the time it was a rather delicate auto! G nite lads.

  25. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 21, 2015, 23:13 #67130

    Great post Ron - "and that sums it all up Arsenal the cream of the con" Ron did you ever see the a Austin Allegro estate? - it looked like a hearse!

  26. Ron's twin

    Feb 21, 2015, 22:27 #67129

    Ron, so glad you don't go anymore, mummy told me you were a miserable old fool.

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 21, 2015, 22:21 #67128

    Ron, great post, a mate of mine who used to work in a cheese factory told another mate as he ate cheese spread sandwiches if you knew how that was made and what went into it you'd never eat it again, after been told just one or two little secrets of the way it was produced ingredients procedures etc, it didn't put him off and he still couldn't get enough of it and still lapped it up.

  28. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2015, 22:10 #67127

    Incredible stuff RON and yet am not suprised. And they call that football. Best post ever! Up the right and proper Arsenal - not this middle class rubbish!

  29. Ron

    Feb 21, 2015, 21:16 #67125

    Gare K - said in jest im sure my friend, but the truth is stranger than fiction at AFC. They sell many Club Level seats at near 10 thousand pounds pa already.A high proportion at in excess of 6000 pa and an equivalent proportion at now approaching 4000/5000 pa. There are nearly 10000 of those seats too each Season The seats that you hear spoken of at 64 a match are only a fractional amount. Many are sold at double and treble that sum for upper level seats which Arsenal dont talk about too much and rather oddly neither do the press when they re on their ticket price hobby horse. You can pay approaching £300 - £400 a match some times more for AFC match tickets via theyre much heralded but appallingly bad ticket exchange. The lowest scam Arsenal pull is via their web site to Red Members. They show a plan of available seats at the standar price for the partic game but the site re directs the punter to the very expensive seats ive mentioned. The site does that while telling the punter that certain lower level block seats are ' unavailable, until it approaches the match day cut off point when all of a sudden the cheaper tickets miraculously become available. Its been pulling this scam for 8 years. The idea is to max the sale of the higher priced tickets to those with the weakest type of memberships ie Red and who are thus less able to pay top whack. They do pay it though, as they lose patience waiting for the site to normalise and behave ion the way its supposed too. Strong complaints to AFC gets you nowehere. They accuse yopu of failing to use the site correctly or that on the day it was used they had 'technical problems'. Tell them its been the same for years and they they will put the phone down on you and never reply with anything but a bland 'we ll look into it' response to e mails to the box office. If i had the time i could post about what the Club do to discipline those who it perceives with little to no evidence of abusing the ticket purchasing systems they've got. The procedures are a disgrace and there are many long standing fans who've been summarily excluded from the Club even though Arsenal cant categorically show how their own rules are broken. It matters not. If they 'feel' it, they act in kangaroo court style. The knock on effect is that those people are essentially estopped from acquiring tickets and their friends and family stop attending the Club. It also matters not. AFC dont want the ordinary punter, they want the well heeled who ask no questions of their systems or their obscene prices. Dont take my word for this, join any Official supporters Club and their ticketing officers will tell you too. Some of you who have Reds and Silvers will have experienced this and thought yr just having a bad day. Youre not. Its deliberate. Dont let AFC fob you off with the ruse that they cant financially compete. They can but wont. The whole edifice is set up to max its revenue in ways that fleece its own fans. The supporter groups that Kev mentions here are well intentioned but they ll never achieve a thing. Boycotting the Club will. Theres no other way. The fear they peddle to you that you ll never get on the illusory ladder of the mythical season ticket waiting list again is just that, a ruse to create fear in the ordinary fan. Ask Arsenal about how they offer the well heeled and better off the season tickets and disregard the so called waiting list. They wont tell you they do that, but they do. You can take that as fact. Its a waiting list in name only. Buy a cheap Club level ST there (cheap id getting on for 4 grand!) for a season with no other types of membership then abort it and they badger you with offers of Gold Memberships for quite some years to get you back in the fold. Its the quickest way of getting a gold membership. Its a skinflint, extorting Club and doesn't deserve success. Their mediocrity is what they deserve and what they've settled for. The returns are the same as they d get if they were a genuinely successful Club. This is the 'Arsenal way' they cry. The good people who pay up and go there week after week are im afraid to say rather foolish and being fobbed off with a dodgy product, dressed up as quality. Its akin to the marketing used by British Leyland when they used to say that the Austin Allegro was the equivalent spec to the Ford Cortina. Those few of you who might have survived owning an AA will see the parallel.

  30. Badarse

    Feb 21, 2015, 20:58 #67124

    Just a brief update from AKB Central Command in order to reassure the 'Missing WOBs Bureau'. Bard is close to completing phase two of his indoctrination programme. None can deny he was returned to the streets after his inaugural re-thinking baptism a changed man. Even his code name was chameleon. Now he is progressing along party lines and citizen Bard will soon be back amongst you. Part of the practise is, if truth be told, a direct steal from Morecambe and Wise. Anyone sneezes in his vicinity and he automatically offers an, 'Arsene!' At breakfast he stands with other reformers and recites the mantra, 'Zee hand brake ees on!' and follows with, 'Zee speereet is good, and zee mental strength is special.' We still experience some difficulties as he continues to spread his chucky eggs over his face. We have filed down his two fangs, had his cloak dry-cleaned, and encouraged him to add a little rouge before he goes for a chaperoned walk in the,'Tranquility Gardens', in the Command's grounds. The Dark Lord is a shade lighter.

  31. Gare K

    Feb 21, 2015, 20:10 #67123

    Anyone who thinks Arsenal tickets whether for individual matches or season tickets are reasonably/fairly priced are either out of touch, deluded or......well......I won't get abusive but my goodness. Hey, let's have Arsenal season tickets starting at 2000 British pounds and still claim they are cheap whilst we finish 3rd or 4th every year and claim still “we can’t compete”. We’ll finish top four this year as we always do.

  32. Badarse

    Feb 21, 2015, 19:58 #67122

    Hello. Are you a Japanese tourist?-I love Arsenal, my name is pleased to meet you Iyama Sinorl.-Hello Iyama, so you are a fan?-Yes am a big fanny, too true it all my calling.-What do you think of Arsene?-He is special guide for all, is loved in my country, is very intelligent, don't I know. Like big silver haired uncle.-Well here in this country some are so negative towards him it affects them very much, and they say they want Arsenal to lose in order for him to be sacked.-That is dishonourable MR.Badbottom. It is not how we think in our country, this is likening to cowardice and only hara-kiri can cleanse the damaged spirit.-Did you take a photo inside the stadium?-Many sir, it is once in lifetime trip and I love Arsenal, what's up.-Some would call you a Johnny Come Lately.-Joe knee comlatly, who is he sir?-A tourist, a day tripper.-Ahh so. Beatles, no? I wanna to hold you hand and Hay Judy, la la la la..Giroud.-Do you feel part of this big family Arsenal, Iyama?-Yes MR.Badbottom. You talk with is me like Arsene, is funny, like an uncle from another land, so thank you. That is nice and steady as she goes sir. Am I part of the family sir?-Oh very much so young gun.-You call me Young Gun. I never had this honour before, it making me very humble. My ancestors place blessings on your head.-Well from an old gun, I wish you a good experience and a safe journey home.-I have two homelys, in my land of the rising sun is one, but here at Arsenal is my home two.-Sayonara Iyama, young gun.-Cheerios MR.Badbottom Old Gun.

  33. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2015, 18:52 #67121

    Bloody cheats! Worse than the Chavs. Maybe not 'cause the meltdown has moved into second gear for Maureen .... How's City getting on? lol! You were right all along JAMIESON - you da man!

  34. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 21, 2015, 18:22 #67120

    Hiccup. You are the one that needs to sober up. In 1992 bskyb began to pour money into the game, so as the years rolled by, the clubs became richer and therefore they chased bigger and more expensive players, higher wages etc etc. Match tickets were increased as in any business, because people paid the prices and wanted to go, demand exceeded supply. Of course I want the costs to go down, it costs me a fortune to watch home and away but that's my choice. Yes the clubs now need to reduce ticket prices, I agree. But Sky started this cycle.

  35. wut

    Feb 21, 2015, 17:37 #67119

    This doesn't make sense. Of course everyone wants lower prices. You needed a survey to figure that out? If it works, well just do this to everyone. Airlines, hotels...Why didn't we think of this before?

  36. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2015, 17:25 #67118

    ****ing referees! ha ha!

  37. Badarse

    Feb 21, 2015, 16:22 #67117

    Do you have a red nose Ratty? You are such a clown you must, have, surely? If not I'll have a word with Cathy-hang on I'll put it on my Xmas list.

  38. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2015, 16:16 #67116

    Illuminating stuff there RON and the picture you paint contains all the plasticity that is reflected through to the pitch. It really is bad politics and bad business, with not an ounce of sincerity to be had. Always worth reading and our game was postponed this afternoon with a waterlogged pitch (remember them). That is what happens at the other end of the scale where there is no money just a lot of faith trying to keep it going. The antics in Holloway by contrast are sickeningly funny. GAZ know what you mean about trying to get to the end of some poster's diatribes ......

  39. Ron

    Feb 21, 2015, 14:23 #67115

    Hi Jamie - you are on the right lines there mate, though yr pricing structure is maybe a shot to nothing i suspect. I used to attend the Supp Club meetings with AFC until 2009 and we often used to proclaim that the membership system was a yoke to fans, created too much rigidity and forged a type of class system, amongst supporters. They used to nod their heads in fake understanding and sympathy but quietly poo poo the theory, while saying that the category system gives the ticketing the flexibility it needs.Of course it doesnt, it just fills seats that wdt be occupied by those willing to break from their traps and not attend unattractive games. They hate the tranches of empty seats showing on the TV.The system they run there at AFC is a charade really but it ensures money up front for AFC however poor a season they have. Arsenal are desperate for the cash up front due to the debt situation in the 4-5 yrs post ground move. Its not an acute problem now, but there's no way they ll change it. Its akin to the inland revenue forcing us with businesses to pay our tax and then have to pay tax on top to cover 'anticipated' earnings for the next fiscal year, even though we may have an awful yr in prospect. Even the inland revenue allow claw back though. AFC offer no financial redress. Id urge every young AFC fan to join an official supporters Club in yr area and be active within it. They mostly all lack members and with more could create more noise and demonstrate as a body more forcefully. You ll also have the chance to take a look on the 'inside' and see how rapacious and uncaring a Club its become. To be truthful Arsenal have never been very considerate about its fans in all of my lifetime following them, but never before this stadium shift have they trapped fans into such obligation traps in my view. I can tell you now them with certainty though, that the black market/touts are thriving there these days. Its the rules of the Clubs own membership system that has been the challenging red rag to such groups to break down. They re not the largely innocuous touts of my youth that did a largely harmless job then in my opinion, these groups are hard edged clever mercenaries, though i have to say the ticketless, if they learn the black markets methods around AFC can actually save a lot of money over the course of a season by using them and not official channels.AFC know all this and managers spend lots of time trying to plug the holes in their atrocious membership season but they are on a loser for sure. Its ironic that being in the officla supporters Clubs actually allows fans to brush shoulders with the many groups of touts that i speak of who see them selves as the Robin Hoods of the fan base ie thieving from AFC and to an extent giving to the real fans whilst obviously profiting themselves. Im convinced that their web works from sources from within, many of whom are far from being AFC fans. Its a sad state of affairs but its the modern day Arse that im relieved to have left behind me. Where does it end? Dont know, but fans need to stop buying the memberships and the season tickets for sure to start the beginning of an end. This myth of 'waiting lists' that Arsenal peddle has been their glue to hold it together for too long, but the ordinary punter who just likes to see a game here and there will fall for it sadly and pay money to AFC that he needn't for the privilege. The Club has a band of rotteness running through it that i never thought that id see.

  40. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2015, 13:54 #67114

    Good stuff there GAZ and a lot more on the ball than that Arsene casual who thinks 'I am the Arsenal.' haha double ha and JAMERsON your predictable mind set would put WOBS and the less well off together - get back to yer 'dish washing' lol! Give it up for the players and 5th spot!

  41. Badarse

    Feb 21, 2015, 13:34 #67113

    Good points UTU, then we live in a conservative and pretentious society, a government that just pays lip-service to the electorate, who are very easily manipulated, tricked, conned, and always prepared to have the wool pulled down over their eyes. Germany are an advanced nation, and whilst they are trying to both sort out the financial crisis in Greece, and are attempting to direct peaceful proceedings in Europe, our group of imbeciles posture and preen, and are conspicuous by their absence making vacuous promises, and who give huge considerations to bumbling incompetents like UKIP. We kind of get what we deserve, don't you think?

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 21, 2015, 13:30 #67112

    Gaz 70663, or won three or four more honours in the last ten years, and none of the embarrassments and humiliations either.

  43. Westlower

    Feb 21, 2015, 13:24 #67111

    Ode to Badarse to the tune of Rocky Mountain High: He was born in the summer of his 67th year, coming home to a place he'd never seen before, he left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again, you might say he found the key to every door. When he first came to Highbury his life was far away, on the road and hanging by a song, but the strings already broken, then he doesn't really care. He keeps changing fast but it don't last for long. Baddie on a Highbury high. He tried to turn inside himself to understand the serenity of watching his hero's play, though he'd be a poor man if he never saw football played the Arsenal way. Baddie on a Highbury high.

  44. UTU

    Feb 21, 2015, 12:38 #67110

    German fans pay reasonable prices for match tickets and can drink Beer while standing on the terraces. Germans take action and boycott games while English fans write letters. Go Figure !

  45. Badarse

    Feb 21, 2015, 12:08 #67109

    I am sorry too Gaz, as I have intimated before that I have an affection for you and your posts. If you post with such emphatic declarations it is only fitting that one of the objects of your dissatisfactions has an opportunity to say you are incorrect in your appraisal. It was an attempt to clarify what my feelings and position is regarding your statement. Saying an individual's POV is wrong isn't an insult-you should try to absorb some of the drivel that rains down on me from time to time, that would add a little perspective I think.

  46. Gaz

    Feb 21, 2015, 11:59 #67108

    That you think 'I'm once more in error' Baddie doesn't actually mean I am. Never got any further than that opening line. Sorry fella...

  47. Badarse

    Feb 21, 2015, 11:33 #67107

    No, once more you are in error Gaz. I personally celebrate fourth place because it is better than fifth-I would celebrate after a fashion, finishing fourteenth as it is better than fifteenth, if we scrapped to get there. To achieve fourth, and it is an achievement as in the entire history of the PL there have only been twenty four occasions a team have finished in that position, and only one achieves it annually. The mental process at work in finishing fourth is that it is the back marker, third would be better, second or first incrementally better with the crown for winning of course. As the top two money clubs have a greater chance of occupying the top two places generally logic is applied, so third or fourth is more likely-only the 'antis' celebrate fourth as a mark of disrespect, (you could say stupidity). As these four places carry a huge financial bonus, (an ugly one in my opinion, and many others feel this way, but those are the rules, 'Got a plan to change them rather than bleating?'), it is a necessity of sorts to stay in the race. Kroenke & son, Gazidis, Wenger, all have a shelf life, as do you and I. Personally I want AFC to be in a prime position for the future, even after I have gone. If we are, then there is always hope. So I suggest you rethink what is actually in the minds of those you regard as opponents or saboteurs, then again a few who congregate under your flag should do the same.

  48. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 21, 2015, 10:39 #67105

    Best of luck, the fans the nation over deserve a better deal with this money coming in

  49. Gaz

    Feb 21, 2015, 10:31 #67104

    I'd also add that the saddest thing for me is that the Club have now built up a large fan base that believe the success of the Club revolves around how much money we make rather than how many trophies we win. Its like the trophies side of it is great but no way near as important as maqking money. Thats why we 'celebrate' fourth place and 18 years in a competition we've never woni Me? I'd rather we'd been in it for half that time if it meant we'd won it just the once. I think what I'm trying to say is that whilst I wish this campaign all the very best I doubt the Clubs/Sky will want anything to do with it. Yeah they'll drip-feed the odd positive carrot to us all but ultimately their only concern is making money and lots of it...

  50. Gaz

    Feb 21, 2015, 9:48 #67103

    Someone made the excellent point on a previous thread that if Sky pulled out of football taking their cash with them every single Club would put up admission prices and blame it on the lack of money coming in. So with that in mind I'd love to hear one very good reason why they wont be going down in price in the very near future. Silly me, of course I get it. The players/Clubs must get the majority of it because they're 'performers'. Every last big headed, cheating, arrogant, soft arsed one of them! Hate to say it but football as I once enjoyed it has gone for a Sky laden burton and you'd all just better get used to it...

  51. The players popular front rep John f

    Feb 21, 2015, 9:08 #67102

    Reducing admission prices may stop my players from getting out of the poverty trap.This is a very serious problem I have had players crying because they have not managed to complete the buy every car featured on top gear set.WAG's face lifts,Todger extensions,moob removal charity for ex players donations,worries about paying the domestic staff a living wage,Tory party donations to make sure they pay lip service to tax avoidance schemes,Mansion tax worries, all need to be payed for.Look as a unit we can make sure clubs can get relegated with excessive debts, so all you mug punters out there be careful what you wish for.As Wolfie Smith would say POWER TO THE PLAYERS

  52. Robb1970

    Feb 21, 2015, 7:42 #67101

    Until there is a cap placed on player wages, any extra revenues will never go to the benefit of fans.

  53. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 20, 2015, 22:58 #67100

    Commendable and well done for coming together and it's certainly a good cause, it's just a pity all couldn't have come together to say and do something when we were being humiliated and embarrassed over the years on the pitch thanks to an old past it manager.

  54. Retain the FA Cup a la 2003

    Feb 20, 2015, 22:34 #67098

    Good luck. Going to need it methinks.

  55. Badarse

    Feb 20, 2015, 21:46 #67095

    Great idea Kevin. Here's hoping. I don't see much coming from this, but if the club felt they were shamed something positive may occur. However small, it would be a victory, though most on this website think coming fourth isn't good enough so a marginal achievement would be none at all to many posters. Forwards for the moral victory! You are mistaken Hiccup, so am not sure who needs to sober up.

  56. Mike Walsh

    Feb 20, 2015, 20:18 #67093

    I now hope the same groups can get together to voice the anger felt among Arsenal fans with the BBC decision to broadcast the FA Cup game against Manure on a Monday night. This is the same BBC that has championed the rights of "real fans" and commented on how they are taken for granted. Why the MIdlands derby cannot be played on the Monday and allowing Arsenal fans to attend at the weekend, and not have to take two days off work, is a disgrace. Have you noticed there has not been one comment from the BBC or their pundits about the situation this places fans in and stops thousands of fans from travelling and supporting the team.

  57. Hiccup

    Feb 20, 2015, 20:08 #67092

    Kevin, you might want to rewrite this article. I thought the same as you that clubs swilling around in TV revenue could pass savings on to the match day going fans, if they so wish. However, in the previous article, coldsore boy has cleared this myth up that TV dictates everything, and dictates that arsenal must screw it's fans as best it can, even if laden with cash. I think he'd come home smashed out of his face, p!ssed in the wardrobe, then wrote that bollox. Baddie took on the baton as coldsore boy sobered up and got the hell out of the hole he had dug. So unfortunately Kevin, it looks like you're wasting your time. The more TV revenue there is, the higher the clubs will charge. It must be in the contract when Sky signed the deal?

  58. ajs

    Feb 20, 2015, 19:57 #67091

    ...and 95% of all respondents don't know the first thing about running a successful business.

  59. HowardL

    Feb 20, 2015, 19:51 #67090

    Well done! Good constructive suggestion.

  60. brdgunner

    Feb 20, 2015, 19:35 #67087

    Good luck with this, I hope it makes a difference. However, players wages is the issue that needs dealing with. That's where the money goes. The greedy c**ts.