A call to the WOB’s

Unite for change!

A call to the WOB’s

I am a regular reader of this site and a contributor of replies to articles. It is pretty obvious that we have seen a steady splitting of the fan-base. Occasionally this goes too far and it is both sad and strange that some Arsenal supporters dislike each other more than other team’s supporters.

I’m going to take one term that sums up the split and that is a WOB. I am going to clearly and defiantly label myself a WOB. In fact I invite others who feel the same way to do so as well.

Sadly I see no further reason to reach out and defend statements such as “knee jerk reactions”, “glory hunting”, “be careful what you wish for”, “how could you be so lacking in respect”. The list goes on and so does the same haunting collapse each February.

My view has been one and the same now for five years and has simply become more and more defiant. I suspect that many have shared this view now for around the same time.

Some things to ponder:

Nothing will ever happen, the board will not change:
I believe this argument and stance will begin to falter. It suits the board to say no to change and you cannot make us change. But let’s look at this. Surely the club need to appear as a European power base? Deals are done and influence is sought in the corridors of power. Marketing will be based on who you are and what you have achieved. Astonishing though it has taken so long, the view from the man in the street that 16 seasons in Europe means nothing if you cannot compete, has finally reached the media. Wenger’s status in France has already eroded through loss of TV contracts. The UK press are not far behind. How much longer can Arsenal be seen to not compete? Whatever the level of profit it erodes our position and profile and that ultimately affects our standing and strength.

Media love-in:
If we are not at the end we are at the beginning of the end. Up to two seasons ago anyone trying to attack Arsene’s record on a radio phone-in was generally talked down to by cocky ex-pro’s and commentators. Now the ex-pro’s are having to dig out reasons to defend him. A subtle but changing landscape. The defenders are now on the back foot. Every major defeat is now seeing heavy criticism of his tactical awareness and preparation. Henry Winter in the Telegraph effectively called for his head.

Wenger’s position among managers:
Managers want his job – We now have had a manager publicly sending out requests for his role. Our old nemesis Mourinho delicately savages Wenger by saying “I cannot understand why they are not competing for the Premiership”. Beautiful in its vindictiveness. Yes, it’s not the players, it’s Wenger.

At least the pressure is now building and I would call on all of us of the same view to keep this pressure mounting. Every game for Wenger should now be a cup final. At least this way whilst he remains in charge we can hope that he is pushed to his limits to produce results.

To sum up the notion that Wenger is here for life, this is simply not working. Keep the pressure up let people know you want change and break the consensus that we are happy to just sit here and take it.

He has to go at some point, we can influence when that is.

Ed’s note – It is important that people realise The Gooner and www.onlinegooner.com are platforms for views across the spectrum of opinion when it comes to all matters Arsenal. We print and post what is submitted to us. For those in the comments, and those that do not comment, who do not agree with the sentiments in this article, we would welcome you submitting a piece stating your own views. However, if no-one that believes the club is better under Arsène going forward offers up an article, we can’t publicise that side of the argument. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected].

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  1. Badarse

    Mar 07, 2015, 12:08 #68189

    Yes Lankan Gooner, and those relishing the journey are more in the right I think-if there is a right and wrong; great to achieve but wonderful to be in the game. We are all on a journey to the grave-kicking the bucket and a permanent plot in a cemetery is the destination. I personally don't yet want the destination-though the posts here can push you in that direction, mind you there isn't any room on DWT's ledge anymore. What thinks you?

  2. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 06, 2015, 22:24 #68175

    Spudmasher, not sure how long you have been on here but if not long then you will know why the constant negative ranting on here doesn't need a counter opinion or a lack of ability to converse to oppose it by saying what a load of old tosh. Arsenal has numerous ups and downs, so that's what you get when you support the best club in the world. Constant negativity is rather boring.

  3. Badarse

    Mar 06, 2015, 15:21 #68138

    Hello Mark, thanks for the response. I always bounce backwards and forwards, but the new increased dosage promises to curb that propensity. Oh, and I go back to previous articles too. Well I now am not sure of this 1-2 thing, I do know years ago it was 1-2-O'Leary, with Des O'Connor grinning at the screen. Whether we change managers like jj does his socks doesn't mean that much to me. If success is measured in a certain way then failure will be too. Could be a musical chairs thing after a while. With the essence of football being diluted constantly whatever comes to pass will not be of the Bergkamp calibre in my opinion. I see a time coming when people just howl at the moon, oh yes, the Dark Moanies Summer solstice approaches.


    Mar 06, 2015, 11:29 #68118

    I'm split on this matter as I have immense respect for the man that brought our club into the 21st century but also am frequently frustrated with our apparent approach of being "The Nearly Men" of European Football. For me that isn't enough. I would rather see us fail through trying than fail because we're scared or, even worse, it doesn't suit the business model. One point I would make though, and this is direct to some of those that posted below. What is the point of nonsense like "Yawn, Yawn, Yawn" or "Another inept piece of nothing from a WOB"? It doesn't add anything and you can only be left thinking that people who post such things don't have any substance to back up their opinion or are not literate enough to express it in text. If you have a different view then I would welcome the opportunity to read it. What nobody wants to see is pointless nonsense like the above quotes. It's worse than being told "Because I said so". Give us an argument or don't waste your time and ours!

  5. mark from aylesbury

    Mar 06, 2015, 9:53 #68102

    Badarse - sorry slow reply so you may not even see this as we move on. Not sure if I am picking up the correct points from your reply but.... New man in charge - I work of a 2 season rule. It used to be 3 seasons but sadly no other power base side seems to do this so Arsenal need to fit in with the new way of thinking for the moment as our way has give stability but at an ever increasing price. 2 seasons for a manager may be one season if a:) Player revolt, b:) He pisses off the board. I reckon Bruce Rioch did both hence his one season at the helm. The 2 season rule will be extended if at the end of that season Arsenal are in a genuine title fight lets say 6 / 8 points.of title winners. A cup has been won, or top 4 only if we have balanced out the points won against top 4 opposition. In general I would like to see some measurable incremental improvement from season 1 to season 2. Support of manager - I could see a polar axis reversal where I am saying keep him and you are saying he must go! My main issue is that the current stability (I call it malaise) must end as soon as possible for the long term good of the club.

  6. UTU

    Mar 05, 2015, 21:13 #68086

    Bang On Fella. Those that still go to matches handing over your hard earned cash must make your feeling known. The Arsenal needs change of ownshipment and manager. One FA in a decade is not a sucess. Monoco sacked Wenger after 2 years without winning a trophy. Wenger Out !

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 05, 2015, 19:31 #68078

    jw, hear you there, and you can just hear the screams of three more years from his disciples. Yes you couldn't make it up.

  8. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 05, 2015, 19:28 #68077

    Must be standing up wind jj

  9. jjetplane

    Mar 05, 2015, 17:27 #68072

    I was speaking as someone else JAMERsON get with the prog man!

  10. jeff wright

    Mar 05, 2015, 16:03 #68067

    If only MG! Truth is though that Arsene will see a win over United as being proof that he is on the right track and his critics are fools who have never worked a day in their lives! The FAC is only a side-show thought to other more important matters .Wenger probably sat in his study this morning sipping coffee and munching croissants,while idly perusing the results from last night' Prem games and working out some dodgy figure that fits in with what he sees as being a probable points total to win his 4th place trophy . He did this last season with his claims that 10 points would win the Champions League group for us in fact it went down to G/D with Dortmund first us second and Roma third all on on 12 points .So much for Arsene's maths then! You couldn't make it up.

  11. magiresbridge gooner

    Mar 05, 2015, 15:35 #68063

    jw, maybe that's why he's hanging on smelling the place out for so long, when he beats them he's going to resign and go out on a high, come on arsene.

  12. jjetplane

    Mar 05, 2015, 14:05 #68056

    Pissing in the wind as usual. Why will no one engage with me? ........ Ha ha!

  13. jeff wright

    Mar 05, 2015, 13:36 #68051

    Well as you can see from my post on here yesterday Jamerson I predicted a narrow win for us. 2-1 is a narrow win so my prediction proved to be correct. It was hardly rocket science seeing that QPR had conceded 45 goals prior to the game last night and we struggle to score more than 2 goals in games away from the coliseum .I was interested to see if we could prevent Austin from scoring but alas of course we couldn't. Other than that not much else really to say about a routine win to help Arsene in his annual battle for a minor top 4 finish. As for the other games the main contenders or pretenders for a top 4 place all won so nothing to get cheerful about there. Interesting though that Liverpool continue their good form and United won again .LVG's bores play by numbers but grind out results .Does Arsene have the tactical nous to work out how to beat them > ? He failed at home to do it and is now on 15 games v United with just the one win when Ramsey scored the winner in what was for United anend of term non-event game. I won't be holding my breath on Wenger coming up with some master plan and expect to see the same sort of approach that we saw at the spuds and Chelsea .We can't sit back like we did at City because United will not throw players forward gung-ho likeb City did and we are not greatat defending set pieces ,we can canexpect Rooney and co to win a few free-kicks in dangerous areas to try and exploit this weakness. I guess on the law of averages though that Wenger must beat them sometime and Swansea did so recently but were lucky to do it.Perhaps that is the key for Wenger,he needs Lady Luck to help him out ,the referee is unlikely to do so!

  14. Badarse

    Mar 05, 2015, 12:35 #68046

    Hang on, I'm WOBbling! Firstly thank you for the article Mark, most of what you say is quite reasonable, and well presented. I have never detected the fact that you drink from the poisoned chalice, so good on you there too. Let me just get this correct though, judging by the article and responses of like-minded posters, they suggest that, despite all the criticisms listed nothing will change. Is that about right? Then due to the power base of the club a new man may well be a puppet and nothing will change. Or a new man may not overcome the Board so nothing will change. Then again it may change but we may go backwards. However that is recognised as more interesting and carries a 'passion' label. Sorry, all that sounds a bit vacuous. I have stopped WOBbling for a moment and my head has cleared. So I am far from happy with all aspects of AFC but am a pragmatist and am awaiting the natural evolution of change-as it seems are you lot. When it arrives, and in whichever form it takes, it will have my unmitigated endorsement-will it have your support too? If we falter and drop below the current standard of achievement it will still receive my support-will it have your support too? None of these circumstances will invoke passion in this person, however each victory, or stunning goal along the way will-will they you? My head is spinning from WOBbling so much, but am I a WOB, as I am certainly not an AKB.

  15. jjetplane

    Mar 05, 2015, 11:49 #68042

    Arsene were lucky midtable boring last night and QPR were unlucky. Wenger has taken the club back into the last century while his pay has gone offshore/out of orbit. JAMERSON and his 99 mates. Bit like Wenger's Salvation army. Shake that tambourine! ha ha the wide-eyed ones are on the march .....

  16. Gaz

    Mar 05, 2015, 11:32 #68041

    No pills Jamerson, just a dose of reality...

  17. jeff wright

    Mar 05, 2015, 11:17 #68039

    Jamerson you rubbish the past history of AFC in your obsessive Arsene knows best dirges . You will claiming to have invented AKB next !

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 05, 2015, 10:42 #68032

    Alsace Lorraine, he'll be a forgotten footnote a week after he's gone. Mark from Aylesbury they're been used a hell of a lot longer than that mate, that tells us all we need to know.

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 05, 2015, 10:20 #68029

    Sam, it starts at 3pm from AKB central command, they've bee queuing from 10am to drive the bus.

  20. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 05, 2015, 8:36 #68023

    Wengerballs - AKB, AMG, WOB have been used on this site for months. A good guess would work it out.

  21. Gaz

    Mar 05, 2015, 8:08 #68022

    So the 'supporter' who reckons he created the word 'WOB' is actually a big 'TIT' and a bit of an 'ARS'...

  22. Wengerballs

    Mar 05, 2015, 6:20 #68020

    Wah wah another whiney-ass crybaby article. What pressure? The Board love him as long as he's getting in the top four and fans still sing his name. How many banners do you see at the stadium calling for him to go? How many articles have we seen like this in the last 7 years but Arsenal fans still just flock along, pack the stadium and cheer? The writer doesn't even say what WOB stands for.

  23. Dark Hei

    Mar 05, 2015, 5:32 #68019

    I do not see the rush in moving Wenger. He is in the first year of a 3 year tenure. It is highly unlikely he will be extending his contract. The club will be scouting for his replacement next year trophy or no trophy. So why the rush? I don't think he is at the top of the game anymore. But unless CA, Pep Guadiola is suddenly available, I think we should do things with a plan. Plenty of managers want his job and all potential suitors for the Arsenal job know when Wenger's contract is ending and when the interviews will start rolling in. I am sure Ivan has made some discreet calls on some potentials on their availability and to remind them to trim their contractual obligations for a smooth transition. I think this will be a cleaner hand over. Not some random call for a sacking when the board might have their target already in sights.

  24. Ozzie

    Mar 05, 2015, 5:07 #68018

    Coming to terms with the fact that Arsenal are an upper to mid-range club was difficult but this fact is dawning on us stubborn but ever optimistic fans. At least my expectations have decreased which I am comfortable with. Anyone for a touch of arsenic in Sir's wine? (Just kidding)

  25. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 05, 2015, 0:45 #68017

    Another win, onwards and upwards. Alsace...dream on.

  26. Alsace Lorraine

    Mar 05, 2015, 0:40 #68016

    It's not a matter of logic, it's a matter of faith. It's going to take a long time to win, but we are going to win. He is going to go and when he does it will be bitter and full of recrimination and it will be a sacking. I would not have it any other way. That man has wasted our time, our money, several players careers and nearly 20 years of the life of a great football club. He will get and keep no kudos for what he has genuinely achieved (Money for the club, dietary changes for the profession, the end of the booze culture, passing as an art form) because "he has stayed to long for any good that he may have done here". One day he will be a forgotten footnote, the Leslie Knighton of his generation.

  27. maguiresbeidge gooner

    Mar 04, 2015, 23:42 #68014

    Ron, surely you mean Amazin.

  28. jjetplane

    Mar 04, 2015, 22:57 #68013

    And there speaks an AKB troll. How does Stan pay you?

  29. Sam

    Mar 04, 2015, 22:36 #68012

    Arsenal beat bottom 3 team lets have an open top bus parade.Forget 7 days ago it didnt happen

  30. maguiresbridge

    Mar 04, 2015, 22:29 #68011

    exiled&dangerous, your certainly right there it's not a trophy, but unfortunately (thanks to spin and gullibility)to a lot of others it is.

  31. smithy

    Mar 04, 2015, 21:59 #68010

    A really good 3 points. This is the type of game we usually draw. Well done- even though we are way off our best at the moment.

  32. jeff wright

    Mar 04, 2015, 21:48 #68009

    All rather desperation stuff really and the other contenders for the 4th place trophy all won as well to put a dampener on things. A not unexpected result our 2-1 win considering that QPR are third from bottom and I stick with my view that we will have to up or game to win at OT baed on ur last three performances and Wenger only one win against United in the last 15 games played.Nothing lost though tonight and nothing gained.Earlier dropped points are proving hard to overcome every game is a cup-final.Brian,Jamerson and co co are going beresk with excitement now the usual 4th place trophy battle is well under way! You couldn't make it up.

  33. Tony pepe

    Mar 04, 2015, 21:42 #68008

    90 minutes in a football game Jeff. Boring boring Arsenal.

  34. jjetplane

    Mar 04, 2015, 21:14 #68007

    Now Giroud is haunting me. Scoring, attacking for fun. Sanchez has woken up. 4th spot on! more egg on my face- french omelette for all the WOBS. Right - where's BAdDIE, JAMer.... maybe even WEstIE cameo on horseback. Arsene knows ...... nothing!

  35. jeff wright

    Mar 04, 2015, 20:45 #68006

    United away in the cup up next is not looking promising on OUR first halF show. Falcao would have scored a hat-trick against us!

  36. Ron

    Mar 04, 2015, 20:35 #68005

    Hi JJ - some thing about Rogers that makes him hard to take too mate, but to be honest ive a feeling that he will get Liverpool in the groove again. I think his biggest barrier is about to be eliminated and put well behind him - Mr Gerrard. In my view his grip on that Club has held them back for yrs. It will be nice for a new Coach there not to have to question his every decision and query his every thought by thinking ' what will the resident icon stevie me' think of this idea'. I think their squad will be similarly liberated knowing that they can make a comment now without having to think how to bolt on the words ' ahh Stevie, hes world class and amazing'......watch em go next season once they get a striker i reckon pal.

  37. jjetplane

    Mar 04, 2015, 20:23 #68004

    QPR playing all the football and Arsene Fc playing all the Hoofball - the shape of things to come. What do reckon Ozil?

  38. Hiccup

    Mar 04, 2015, 19:59 #68003

    See your point about the prestige thing Ron. It's become more of a bragging right than anything. Just like when the Jocks used to go to World Cups while England stayed at home, but it always ended in farce for them. I'm hoping United dont make the top 4 again this year, just for the fact that it'll piss their fans off that a club that's won so much recently wont even be participating. Liverpool qualifying would be a good thing for the tournament as Rogers proceeds to put under strength teams out against decent teams just to concentrate on qualifying for it again and then get knocked out. It seems that everyone's entangled in this euphoria of a top 4 finish thst it just becomes the norm. Pretty much the basic function for all the top teams and the only talking point for their fans. Oh what joy!

  39. jjetplane

    Mar 04, 2015, 19:55 #68002

    71611 Lovely RON and as I am following a 9th tier dreaming of Ryman football it would be a laugh to see the likes of young knight Walcott dragging Arsenal away from a fitting 15th in the league. Like you say - it would inject a bit passion and then we will see how hard Santi works ..... Spuds have just scored and yes I see .... Liverpool and Klopp on the horizon of everything. Football - ****ing love it!

  40. Ron

    Mar 04, 2015, 19:33 #67999

    Hi Hiccup lad - great retort to my post re hard times. My point blown to smithereens in one sharp hit mate ha! I suppose all im thinking mate is that there are many who want Wenger s time to end but the lack of the 'prestige'of CL yr on yr is some thing they ll miss. It does the ego good for many a footie fan. No idea why. Like you, we d be giving up next to nothing in my view. Arsenal are unique really in that out of all the so called top Clubs we re the only ones having been in it for so long yet 2006 aside, its offered nothing of note. Many fans, even some WOBs i suspect are sort of institutionalized into thinking that CL entry is a given and will actually miss our drab role in it. Good analogy too Hiccup - yr Sven thing.

  41. jjetplane

    Mar 04, 2015, 18:48 #67995

    Two disturbing points which should be in banner form. 1 He smiles pathologically when he remembers the Monaco 'game' because for him Giroud kneeling on the 'hallowed Emirate turf/sand' after missing another sitter but that's OK - the points are in the bag and Monaco 'well I do not remember it.' 2 He referred to Man City as Man Utd - again pathological slippage/old age become the norm for soft but telling dictatorships. This brand of The Remains of the Day has been ongoing for a decade. That is Banana Republic historicism and now they are doing it with football. There really is no pressure for him to think about anything anymore. The Zip is All.

  42. exiled&dangerous

    Mar 04, 2015, 18:28 #67993

    Regardless of the "Wenger God!" or Wenger Go!" divide, you can't disagree with the banner in the photo. 4th place is NOT a trophy. Make multiple copies, they can't confiscate them all.

  43. Hiccup

    Mar 04, 2015, 18:21 #67992

    Ron, re the point about rocky times ahead, I'd compare the situation to Sven as England manager. He basically qualified for every tournament, got us to the quarters, and then couldn't handle it tactically against a decent team, and we got sent packing home. Was he deemed succesful? Pretty much the bare minimum that as a nation we would have expected. But the fans got fed up of it, but more importantly, so did the FA. We went through a similar phase of jam tomorrow, as we were told the group of young players we had would grow and mould in to world beaters in the next World Cup. Now where have we heard that before? But there was only so much bull that can be spun, and he got his cards. Now when McClaren took over and we failed to qualify the very next time, I don't recall anyone wishing we had Sven back. Likewise with Capello and Hodgson. At the end of the day, what wenger is achieving is pretty much the bare minimum. If a new manager took us down to 6th, would we seriously be praying for the good old days of finishing 4th and praying for wenger back? Would we bollocks. Like you say, let's go for it with a new manager. Theres risk taking and there's risk taking. But from a fans perspective, just what the hell are we throwing on the line? Sod all.

  44. Hiccup

    Mar 04, 2015, 18:03 #67991

    Good write up Mark, but unfortunately I don't think there is anything us wobs can do. There are two things that will drive wenger out which have been mentioned. Firstly, a half empty stadium. By that, I mean half empty as in bums not on seats and not paid for. Then we will see change. But the ground will always be sold out. Fans seem more than happy to pay and hold on to their seats, not even being bothered about attending. This aside, there are also fans that will attend without any expectations as they like to go. Just look at Newcastle as an example of this, who sell out every week. Secondly, dropping out the top 4 doesn't look too much of a concern now with the money splashing around in the PL. Only the threat of relegation would see wenger booted out. If we drop to fifth, wenger will spin the line that we need to invest to get back. The board will look at the figures wenger proposes, and deem the capital risk too high for the return. Wenger stays on as the new line will be that we can't now compete with the teams that have displaced us because of net spend, wages, the changing landscape of the PL with wealthier teams, etc. And believe me, the AKB's will lap this crap up. And not only that, they'll invent excuses that the club havent dreamt of. Obviously, I'm talking about jamie, who admits to inventing things, and he has a bundle of excuses dreamt up in his repertoire. So go with the ride. Come on here and get the entertainment from the AKB's as they splutter around embarrassing themselves with mindless drivel. The AKB makes it all worthwhile.

  45. Ron

    Mar 04, 2015, 17:31 #67990

    Yr point about rocky times after Wenger is very apt. Indeed there might be and its a point thats been taken and recognised by many others too hasnt it. I think that if you asked a great many who want this Wenger induced coma to end, they will say that some tough times represent a more exciting period than what's passed of as success now. Often tough times create passion and anticipation, nerviness at games and tight squeezes,the risk of tough times getting tougher, Team bonding and matches becoming fights and wars of attrition. Last ditch stuff and surprising results etc etc. Its perverse but these are aspects of a Clubs existence that Arsenal haven't seen for years. The AKBs say we haven't because of Wenger s wonderful 'success' story, the WOBs say we haven't as the Club is sterile, tired and rooted in groundhogs and going nowhere, neither up nor down.What a conundrum when one perceived 'improvement' is some struggle!This is the modern day Wengers Arsenal though. For whats its worth i do believe there will be a falling away before things get better. Its natural as there is a rump of that squad that have to be shifted and moved on by a new Coach. It stakes time to do that and rebuild. A good many of those players there know they're only at a Club like Arsenal because of Wengers tolerance of mediocrity and on long contracts. I see quite a few Bendtner situations to come i.e. well paid, not wanted, not playing and cdt care less but taking the lolly. It depends much on the choice of coach of course. A top Coach would want to cut the deadwood quickly. A puppet Coach, like say Henry or a mid level Coach would persist with the players there in the main as Wenger will be in his ear. Either way, its a recipe for a downward trajectory for a while and you know what, i say go for it. Fans will need to understand there is a price to pay for Wenger walking in the form of a loss of top 4 perhaps but they need to be mindful that the end result is likely better than the cold turkey existence we lead at the moment. The trouble is that many fans seeing the downwards trend will be screaming ' we should have kept Arsene'!bla bla. Success wont flood in through the front door upon Wenger going out the back. For me personally its a small price to pay to escape this dormancy we endure.

  46. King Jeremy

    Mar 04, 2015, 16:31 #67987

    Nice sentiments, but anyone that thinks he will walk away is deluded. Anyone that thinks Stan will pay out to sack him is even more deluded. And, finally, anyone that thinks anything will change in terms of the way the season pans out until he is gone, is even more deluded than Wenger himself. Hold tight fellow WOBs, grin and bear it for another 2 seasons after this. Then maybe, just maybe, things will change.

  47. mark from aylesbury

    Mar 04, 2015, 15:27 #67984

    I thought I'd more or less keep out of this debate after I kicked it off as do not want to be seen as too sensitive to criticism. One thing I will say is that if so far all I am being accused of is being yawn inducing (Yep probably!) It does show how the debate is changing. Maguire's - Kind words thank you. EG - Yes totally agree the landscape is changing and we can see arguments falling away. Big Andy - I hope we can get ourselves out of this mildly depressive stance hence the call to arms. What can we do? Well we can fill the airwaves with our views, we can bring in banners and continue debate. journo's are already picking up on the new vibe and if it is to be believed, maybe Josh isn't quite so in love with Wenger unlike dear old dad. Ambition is for the young I wouldn't be surprised if Josh wants a bit of the winning action. I think we may even go through some rocky times post Wenger. The difference is we will no longer be in this terminal ground hog day. Lets at least prepare the ground for contract extension not being an option and ending of contract becomes very much an option. Does anyone have a number for light plane advertising? I have suddenly seen an image of Au revoir Wenger flying all over the Hertfordshire London borders!

  48. jeff wright

    Mar 04, 2015, 15:11 #67983

    More questions there than answers johnny ,why did Stan (pssssssst there is no board ) give Arsene a new 8m a year contract if he has doubts about him>? My guess is that the fear of a Moyes scenario is the more likely explanation and Wenger's record in getting in the TV cash from the cash cow Champ League will see him being offered another one if he continues to do this.Failure though to win a 4th place trophy will see him out w with the magic spell broken.One thing is for sure Wenger never saw this tight battle for 4th place coming.

  49. Johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Mar 04, 2015, 14:51 #67982

    really? Who is this wonder manager that is going to come in today or if the media is correct if we lose at O.T. and loose in France? no one of any note will come until the summer. We need AW to get us to the CL places so we can attract the new manager and new players. I wonder was AW given one more shot at the CL this year by the board. If 4th is soo useless why do the other clubs want it?

  50. jeff wright

    Mar 04, 2015, 14:39 #67981

    Besiktas might have a different view of refs decisions not favouring us Jameson.Tbh we are fortunate to even be in the champions league this season. Your view that we are the REAL Barcelona and would show those pretenders how to play tika taka when we swept Monaco aside was hilarious but it just shows again how little you actually know about football.

  51. Reg

    Mar 04, 2015, 14:33 #67980

    Jamerson - Champions League record in the knock out stages since 2006. Played 25, Won 7, Drew 6, Lost 12. Obviously been a lot of cheating and dodgy refs decisions!

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 04, 2015, 14:25 #67979

    Exeter, and he's all they have (for what it's/he's worth)but not for much longer and they know it.

  53. magiresbridge gooner

    Mar 04, 2015, 13:13 #67974

    Now we're talking, great article Mark, unite, the sooner we get this old Fraud out the better, and to think the AKB's, maybe even some on here came up with the name WOB's although I bet they didn't intend it to be quite so popular and liked, LOL, great banner especially the last line, Proud to be a WOB.

  54. Red Member

    Mar 04, 2015, 12:39 #67973

    the biggest reason for me why Wenger should go is that the fanbase is divided.that is my main reason and so I am pleased to read that you want to see us unifed. however you havent really specified how we should keep the pressure up.Is it time for protests in and outside the ground? I dont know. what does everyone else think is the best way forward?

  55. Tony Evans

    Mar 04, 2015, 12:25 #67972

    As a confirmed WOB for many a year now I feel no smugness in thinking to myself how right I was back in about 2010 or 2011 when I finally gave up on Wenger for good; more a sense of sadness that Wenger is still in charge and still making the same old mistakes. It will be interesting to see whether the editors note illicits any meaningful response from the AKB side of the fence. Probably not is my guess unless you include abuse as a coherent argument.

  56. jeff wright

    Mar 04, 2015, 12:24 #67971

    The WOB's thing is just another AKB let's all get behind Arsene nonsense .There is a difference between supporters who actually DO delusional believe that Arsene knows best and those being labelled by a deluded clown the Wenger out brigade . Wenger is 65 and his best footballing days were a decade ago he's won nothing of note for over 10 years and and has during that period presided over the worst defeats in the history of AFC by any manager.In fact he has set new records for them. The case for him at his age and with his continuing failures to be replaced with a younger more energetic ambitious manager than himself sitting there in his sleeping bag ( yawn) fiddling with its zipper is overwhelming . The case for him staying is based on a fear of change . We might not be involved in the 4th place trophy race next season without Arsene... How will we survive without the excitement of this........No 4th place means we miss out on playing in the Champions League and to receive another humiliation in the first KO stages of the Champions League of it... No FA Cup wins .... Albeit there was a 9 year time-span between the last two . Wenger is actually a domestic cup manager he has won more FA Cups (5) than any other trophy. And increasingly needs this at one time not worth the effort tournament to help to float his boat now days. Wenger never wanted the FAC to be his main event this was not his intention but he has been 19 years at AFC and his lack of tactical nous found him out at top level in Europe season after season found him wanting when ithe medals are handed out.He only has two losers ones to show for his years of striving in Uefa Cup comps. This failure in Europe and his 5 FAC succes over 19 years has cast him in this King of the FAC CUP role for posterity, rather than the one that he himself desired, that of le Emperor of Europe. C'est la vie !

  57. KC

    Mar 04, 2015, 11:43 #67969

    @Mark - Great post. Many points I totally agree with. In saying that I don't want to be labelled under an acronym, I detest this latest grouping of fans although appreciate the hope of Wenger changing and delivering is not going to happen, just want the best for the team I support. Its not just the results its also the standard of football which I believe has not been impressive, dynamic or convincing. When you play good football but the results don't come you can still feel optimistic but over many recent seasons we have been just getting by. I honestly believe we have a strong squad minus one or two positions and I hate to say it but have to agree with Mourinho, with these players we should be producing a lot more and be so much closer to competing.

  58. Johnny Lynch

    Mar 04, 2015, 11:37 #67968

    For every Henry Winter finally seeing sense , there's the likes of Martin Keown , eager to pay off his tax bill , eager to keep the BBC sweet , licking Wenger's arse at every opportunity afforded him .. For every true Gooner , there's the Tourist and the Tarquinsattending in their masses, the former don't know our History, the latter don't care (Daddys paying the season ticket) .. And then Wenger, the immovable object . When he derided us by his - Never worked a day in Football - He meant that . He's an educated old fool and he doesn't say anything lightly. What he said , in working class parlance - was that you and I , loyal , paid our dues supporters that stood in the pissing rain on the Clock End in 1975 watching a 0-0 draw against Birmingham , don't count. Our Opinion is of no consequence to him . Until the stadium is three quarters empty on match day , it never will.

  59. Avenell Road

    Mar 04, 2015, 11:32 #67967

    Best way is to keep waving that 'Thanks for the memories' banner after victories, like at West Brom. "I DO NOT COMMENT ON THAT"

  60. Big Andy

    Mar 04, 2015, 11:22 #67966

    I want Wenger out, but I know any protest will be futile. Stan and the board absolutely love Le Prof and as long as he finishes in the top four he will have their full support. We are not a football club any more; we are a business. At any other top European club Wenger would have been shown the door years ago. But the American is not interested in trophies, just money - and Wenger is very good at making him money. Real fans like us don't matter any more: there are plenty of tourists and casual "spectators" who will keep coming, no matter how mediocre we are. The club stopped caring about real fans years ago. That's why I stopped going.

  61. jeff wright

    Mar 04, 2015, 11:05 #67964

    Jamerson,don't flatter yourself,you couldn't wind up a clock.

  62. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 04, 2015, 10:51 #67962

    It's been interesting to see the shift from the AKBs over the years from arguing back with points of their own to just calling the other side's argument 'pointless and futile' in an attempt to silence it. It demonstrates who's won the argument. However, we may have the argument, but the AKBs still have Wenger...

  63. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 04, 2015, 10:51 #67961

    I saw us lose at Manchester City back in 2006-07, and knew then that AW's time was up. The team did its usual thing, pass pass pass pass pass etc maybe shoot, City got a penalty through some dire defending (Eboue) and won the game 1-0. You could cut and paste that game into doxens of others since. And nothing ever changes. It only will when the hallowed 4th place is not obtained. It sickens me to the core to see AFC beat the Spuds to 4th place; the joy of keeping the noisy neighbours in their place tempered with knowing that the torture continues for another season. I wasn't around in the late '50s or early '60s but AFC now seems to be like it was then; drifting along in a sea of apathy.

  64. brdgunner

    Mar 04, 2015, 10:33 #67959

    What would be considered expectable for Arsenal? As we have never won the CL or European Cup I assume you its not that. Given the manner in which Chelsea and City built their squads, surely the title isn't an expectation. A desire, but not expectation. We could have a better defensive squad, but at what point does that mean we don't have some of our attacking options? So what is the cut off point? At what point is Arsenal meeting expectation?

  65. Yawn

    Mar 04, 2015, 10:30 #67958

    Another inept piece of nothing from a WOB

  66. AMG

    Mar 04, 2015, 10:28 #67957

    Good stuff Mark. I nailed my colours to the mast with an article in 2011 following yet another dismal and incompetent display at Old Trafford. Since then I have been firmly of the opinion that this club cannot move forward with Wenger at the helm. Going to see Arsenal used to be the highlight of my weekend, a win would make for a happy weekend, a loss would cut deep - Now I couldn't care less what happens on the pitch, because I know it will lead nowhere - We win, we lose, it all ends up in the same place - 4th with no silverware. Pretty much everyone is with you now Mark, it's just down to Wenger to do the right thing and retire with whatever respect some can still afford him.

  67. Wear your colours

    Mar 04, 2015, 10:28 #67956

    Yawn, Yawn, Yawn.

  68. Cheshunt Gooner

    Mar 04, 2015, 10:23 #67955

    well said. I couldn't have put it better myself.