Hammers Hammered

Online Ed: Comfortable three points v Fat Sam’s fading force

Hammers Hammered

Looking back over the last four months, Arsenal’s season seems to be characterized by good runs of four or five decent results coming to an end with blips. Since the Monaco debacle, the team have won four out of four, including the FA Cup game at Old Trafford. There is optimism, with Manchester City’s slump in form, that second place is achievable.

Such a finish would undoubtedly indicate progress, but with a hint of frustration that the ground lost at the start of the season could have been avoided with a better summer transfer window. It certainly appears that Arsenal win more matches with a genuine defensive midfielder (such as Coquelin) rather than those who do not fulfill the role as naturally (Arteta and Flamini). Yesterday, against West Ham, Coquelin was partnered by Aaron Ramsey, as Santi Cazorla was rested. It will give the manager a decision to make on Tuesday night in France, as Ramsey was Arsenal’s standout player.

The player is still working to regain the pace he had in the first half of last season, but, as was pointed out on TV last night, he is the kind of runner that Ozil needs to make the number 11 more effective in Arsenal’s line-up. I kept a close eye on Ozil during yesterday’s match, to see what exactly he does when he is perceived to be lacking influence. He drifts around in space, sometimes waiting to receive the ball, but not too often working hard to make sure an easy pass is on. He is certainly an intelligent footballer, and can read what is ahead during a move in terms of his options and other players’ movements, but it would appear he preserves his physical energy. There were times when he could have dropped deeper to influence more, or made a five yard sprint to provide an option, but chose to wait for the play to develop. Whether this is right or wrong is one for debate, but most fans would prefer an Arsenal player of his ability to be hungrier to influence, which is why Alexis is so popular, with desire in spades. The latter’s problem is that he tries too hard to do it all himself sometimes, to the detriment of the team.

When Ozil did get involved yesterday, often, possibilities opened up. His part in the first goal was overshadowed by the combination between Ramsey and Giroud, but it was Ozil’s pass that set the wheels in motion. He shot with his right foot straight at the keeper later, with Walcott missing his third decent chance of the half from the rebound. Theo’s first, arguably a penalty, should have been a shot before the defender got near enough to challenge, but the number 14’s hesitation was criminal.

Regardless, the opposition seemed fairly unambitious about going forward except for some forays which exposed Calum Chambers at right back. When Arsenal scored just before the interval, I was thankful because I believed we might see a football match break out in the second half. But it wasn’t to be. West Ham were very poor and looked content to avoid a bad defeat. They have slipped away very badly since the turn of the year, and if Sam Allardyce’s contract does expire this summer, as I believe is the case, it will be intriguing to see whether they stick with him for the final season at Upton Park. Perhaps the likelihood he would keep them in the Premier League for that vital first campaign in the Olympic Stadium might see him retained. West Ham can’t really afford to take chances with that on the horizon. The fans though, would undoubtedly welcome change.

So the second half saw more of the same, although at least with a couple of meaningful Hammers’ chances. But the pattern was largely as before, with Arsenal controlling the match to the degree that there were less nerves than normal about a one goal lead. Eventually, an excellent combination between Giroud and Ramsey saw a second goal, and shortly after a move involving Giroud and the three subs saw Flamini make it a very comfortable afternoon. A word for Giroud. He has banished any demons that the Monaco match might have left with good performances and goals since. There is a huge debate about whether he is good enough to turn Arsenal into genuine title contenders. My view is this. In Arsenal’s current formation, in which he is the pivotal striker, he will not score enough goals to do that. I think the answer is either to play 4-4-2 so he can share the scoring burden with another, or buy better and use him as back up. Unfortunately, his lack of pace is a weakness, and Arsenal will be a nearly team unless the forward issue is resolved. That is not to criticize Giroud as a footballer – he never hides. But he was bought for £12 million, and it’s a case of you get what you pay for.

To finish on Ozil, he had a decent chance on his left foot to score in the second half at 1-0, but amazingly chose to cross to Walcott across the box, with a ball that, maybe Giroud could have made something of, but Theo could not. The German’s shot shy approach got a lot of moans from the crowd, which I could only agree with. He loves an assist, but this was a great chance to score, with bodies in the box for a rebound if he failed to beat the keeper. Overall, the conclusion would be, great talent, but needs to be more assertive.

Looking at Tuesday evening at Monaco, all the Gunners need to do is repeat yesterday’s scoreline and look forward to the quarter final draw on Friday. Simple, eh?

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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  1. jjetplane

    Mar 18, 2015, 19:52 #68838

    Do not think RON is on here simply to brush your posts away BADDIE. You have a veritable trinity there. Dog, trouser leg, open space. You bite every time but I am sure your master would love your spirit. Yap Yap ....

  2. Badarse

    Mar 18, 2015, 17:56 #68829

    Nothing adverse in my posts there Ron, can you or jj say the same? Thought not. Stop being pompous please. Post, be polite, don't be bitchy if someone disagrees, keep any homophobia, sexism, and xenophobia out of them, and others can learn from you. Don't destroy the platform you have because of a vainglorious attempt to better me, it isn't a conflict. In the eyes of those with a similar mentality you have and always will best me, to others you never will.

  3. Ron

    Mar 18, 2015, 15:03 #68814

    Good grace, dignity, courtesy and manners? Little of those laudable characteristics are evident in yr posts Baddie as many oft tell you. Turn the page fella and try showing yr true side and not yr cyber side. It might get you somewhere cos yr fooling very few at the present. Im sure you would love to be that paragon that you aspire to be, but it s not going to happen. Yr too long in the old tooth.

  4. Badarse

    Mar 18, 2015, 14:36 #68810

    Tony Evans I don't think we are disagreeing, though am always comfortable with that, though not so characters like jj and Ron who have to join in with little barbs if they sense a person pulling in a different direction. It's OK I just interpret it as fear. So if not disagreeing, because as already stated and insisted upon good manners are very important to me too, I think you are placing different emphasis on something, whilst Ron has again taken a flight of fancy to pursue his agenda, and jj is just hanging onto his coat tails like a little clinker.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 18, 2015, 12:22 #68791

    Tony Evans, yes after all the hand shaking at OT and every other time a team rolls over for him and he wins, but what do you expect from an old past it manager who can't take a beating and who thinks every team should lie back and let themselves be tickled by his little dwarfs.

  6. Tony Evans

    Mar 18, 2015, 12:19 #68790

    Ron - great post from you as always. The lack of humility and the total failure to be magnanimous in defeat that follows Wenger round like a bad smell must rub off on the players, and only serves to reinforce their arrogant belief of how superior they all are. You only have to read about Walnut comparing the current crop of players to the Invincibles to realise that something is badly wrong at the club right now. I am not saying self belief is not a good thing but it has to come from actions and not mere words and on that score we are all still waiting. Badarse - I think I understand your point but don't agree with it - passion and emotion are always good to see but they have to be tempered by good manners no matter what for me.

  7. Ron

    Mar 18, 2015, 12:02 #68785

    JJ - He slipped more into his well worn Rasputin the Mad Monk guise than that of the almighty.

  8. jjetplane

    Mar 18, 2015, 11:32 #68780

    Great post that RON and did BADDIE just wander (again) into his I am Jesus Arsene Bonaparte soft room enigma. AKBs are stunningly like their shallow master. There was one on 5 live last night called Dave and he had the script straight from AKB central down to a tea as he talked in reverent tones even employing the 'careful what you wish for' bull**** after decades of failure in Europe. The pundits peed on his sorry head. I actually thought Arsenal played the only way they can play. Handbrake on and fear of the opposition rampant. Note the pastiness and lack of colour in Giroud, Ozil and Wenger. Telling the story of pretenders to virtual thrones. Tsunami! ....

  9. Ron

    Mar 18, 2015, 10:34 #68770

    Tony - you've hit on one of the fundamental problems at Arsenal in my view. Its a total lack of humility. For years Wenger and his teams have shown a lack of it towards other so called lesser Clubs and its been reflected in how other coaches view him.Usually a mix of dislike, grudging respect, flavoured with disdain.Its a trait that's been allowed to creep in and deepen since the 2003/04 period and it was then that the ungracious attitude crept in. I recall well being at Bolton when they deservedly pulled back from 2 nought down to 2-2 in 2003 and frankly Wengers and the players demeanour and comments towards them that day was embarrassing. Its a feature that became worse as the 'foreignisation' of the Club gathered apace.AFC pre Wenger always had humility and recognised that nothing was given to the team on a plate. Losing to Monaco should be a jolt to the Club to revise its approach and attitude as Monaco have been treated badly. Their Coach has it exactly right about Arsenal and Wenger. We all saw that 1st leg. Will the Club look at itself though? In my view, not under Wenger it wont. Failure in an individual or to a Club should prompt an inward look at one self or itself to honestly ask itself if things could be done better and improved. To such as Wenger its unlikely. Petitt has said to the press that Wenger never admits hes wrong. Its true. Look at how he couldn't admit last night on the TV that Monaco deserved to go through as the better side. It was a disgrace. Thankfully Mertersacker was a welcome counterbalance to his bosses surly sneer. Im sure its an Alsace thing. I used to work in France for a couple of yrs and its a bit of a regional trait, though the French have often undone themselves culturally, militarily and in sport by the very traits that Wenger displays. The humility in French society is existent only in its lower orders, mainly in NW and Northern regions. AFC should take the positives from last night and accept that its a Club on a road to nowhere in particular and without change that's where it will stay. They're calling it 'glorious failure'. No it wasn't. It was too little too late and simply failure in its purest sense. AFC should look at other Clubs and learn. The NW giants didnt gain Euro credibility by arrogance, they did it by respecting opponents, whoever they were. Chelsea even, when they won it left their surly arrogance in the dressing room as they fought and scrapped their way to CL glory under Di Matteo. The great sides under Clough at Forest and at Villa when they took euro honours did it by dint of respecting the tournament and the opponent. The modern Arsenal under this man will remain aloof and hamstrung by its own false impressions of itself. Radical change is needed at that Club and last night ought to be the catalyst for it. I wont be holding my breath though.

  10. Badarse

    Mar 18, 2015, 9:26 #68757

    Great respect for you Tony Evans, but I read the situation differently, and react accordingly. Odd as I have had the pedant label hung around my neck on here by Freudian pretenders, (I am the Paddington Bear of Onlinegooner with so many labels attached by different and superficial appraisers). I am a stickler for good grace, dignity, and kcourtesy, however more than this I am a man of passion and emotion, so when it hurts, it hurts. Sometimes it's better to walk away, though others have a perfect right to feel offended, as you clearly do. My advice is try not to get too hung up on it-now those are not the words of a pedant, are they?

  11. Tony Evans

    Mar 18, 2015, 8:45 #68753

    Disappointed but not surprised by Wenger's ungracious reaction to the overall result. Monaco won fair and square over the two legs and a bit of humility wouldn't go amiss which hopefully would filter down to the players. A lesson Wenger has never learned is that you should always be magnanimous in defeat and he does Arsenal no credit whatsoever by refusing to shake hands or congratulate an opponent no matter how much it hurts or how unfair you think the result is.

  12. Badarse

    Mar 18, 2015, 8:38 #68752

    Funny, though for traditional(?) reasons, but more to do with the 'we are at war with the other side right now, peace offerings come later' , I was irritated by the shirt swapping. However I thought Mesut was just fine. He still gets knocked off the ball too easily for me but has found a strength in winning it back-small steps. The ground he covered was impressive, and his passing was excellent, a key player last night. The funny part is others saw the game and the player differently. Slipping into cliches with the mentality of 'The king is dead, long live the king!', we have the momentum and we advance to Newcastle. That battle is over, the next looms. Good old Arsenal.

  13. Tony Evans

    Mar 18, 2015, 8:15 #68751

    So near and yet so far yet again. Great display last night but let down again by our naivety and impatience in the first leg. We have to show greater maturity over two legs and learn from past mistakes if we are ever going to progress as a team. Really disappointed but I suppose we weren't going to win the thing anyway so onwards and upwards with the FA Cup to look forward to.

  14. Westlower

    Mar 18, 2015, 8:10 #68750

    @Hiccup & Ron, My bets on the tie were made on the day of the first leg. If you check my posts on that day you'll see I backed Monaco at 5/2 to qualify in my belief they would get a draw at the Emirates. I further assumed their price would drop significantly for the home tie & that I'd be able to also back Arsenal to qualify. In the event I was able to back Arsenal at 6/1 at the final whistle of the first tie & the bookies paid my guaranteed profit (57% of outlay) straight away. The remainder of the bet (43%) was paid out last night. I made no further bets last night although I was tempted by one bookie offering 12/1 Giroud to score & Arsenal to qualify. Arsene got his sums wrong by saying we were 98% sure to be eliminated. The bookies put our chances of elimination between 80 & 85.7%. After Giroud scored our in play price dropped to 7/2 to qualify. The post match reaction: Arsenal to win 2016 ECL, 25/1; AW to lift the trophy before his contract ends in 2017, 14/1, never winning it, 1/9; To go out at last 16 stage in 2016, 9/4; AW leaving AFC this year, 3/1 & 8/11 he stays.

  15. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 18, 2015, 7:57 #68749

    Howard, what game were you watching. Ozil was the best player on the pitch by a mile.

  16. Ozzie

    Mar 18, 2015, 6:23 #68748

    Now for Newcastle....

  17. Mathew

    Mar 18, 2015, 4:43 #68747

    Surely yes, that last goal in the dying mins of the first leg was the difference. I have a feeling that we took them too lightly in the first leg and in return looked more organized. We knew how to break their wall, which was commendable, but couldnt make it count by the end of the day. I felt Arsenal players were too close to each other, crowded in the box towards the end, probably a bit of space and running into the box for a final third might have done it. Monaco are thru by luck with Berba as striker, we had more firepower and talent. Kondogbia and Carrasco can be poached if Wenger is interested in some French talent.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 18, 2015, 0:08 #68746

    jw, they must have sent somebody on ahead.

  19. Peter Hughes

    Mar 18, 2015, 0:02 #68745

    It was the players fault as they did not adapt to falling behind in the first leg when they should have been winning by going gung ho instead of being patient. Could not fault anyone tonight for effort. Unfortunately Alexis tried hard but was poor though he would have scored but for Giroud's boot. Always small margins but poor decisions in 1st leg cost us.Still think Wenger was wrong to bring off Giroud in 1st leg when he was still player most likely to score.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 23:40 #68744

    jw, so I see, very poor indeed as we have so many professionals on here, maybe we'll hear more and better when they all arrive back from Stansted in the morning after meeting their messiah's plane to welcome him home.

  21. Gaz

    Mar 17, 2015, 23:39 #68743


  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 23:28 #68742

    jj, neither did I, wasn't it only supposed to be rooney and his hoof ball manc cheats and chav cheats who did that.

  23. jeff wright

    Mar 17, 2015, 23:23 #68741

    MG,an unlucky deflection at the Emirates for Monaco is the most popular excuse .You couldn't make it up.5 years on the trot going out for Arsene in the first KO round suggests something else is at work though,him! Anyway with the seeding system now changed we won't get an easy group stage next term and could end up with one like City had this season. That is supposing that we actually qualify for the Chumps League because that is no certainty.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:56 #68740

    I wonder who's to blame for us going out or whose fault was it? any reports on the referee yet? the ball boys? was the heating turned off in the away dressing room? what was the weather like in Monaco?

  25. Peter Hughes

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:45 #68739

    We put pressure on Monaco whilst staying solid at the back. What cost us was the flukey deflection in 1st leg after Monaco had offered so little. This lead to the naive defending when a bit more patience would have lead to a draw. Withdrawing Giroud was an error. He had missed a couple of sitters but reckon he would have scored. Sometimes when things go wrong even if you are the better team you have to settle for a draw or odd goal defeat.Will we ever learn the lesson as we have now gone out to an inferior team.

  26. HowardL

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:41 #68738

    The real damage was done by the 3rd Monaco goal in the 1st leg. Arsenal were unlucky but I thought Ozil was appalling, looked disinterested and for swapping shirts at half time in a game of this importance he deserves to be put immediately on the transfer list, like the previous clown Santos.

  27. Martyn

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:37 #68737

    So frustrating after a great performance tonight. The only player who did not perform was Alexis. Great players make an impact; sadly his jury is out after tonight. Despite this, we all know our home leg was the decider. Monaco are a poor side and that makes this defeat all the more hard to take.

  28. jeff wright

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:26 #68736

    unlucky, shut up if you can't post anything sensible.We were referring to the game ending 1-3 tonight you oaf. Anyway, I blame the result on us wearing that hideous blue kit. I can't recall us ever doing anything of note in blue kits. Arsenal teams should never be blue but apparently these blue kits sell well to pygmies in Borneo and Eskimos in Alaska so sod anything else. Another day another dollar though for Stan and for our little technicians it's now back on to the Wenger magic roundabout at the weekend to try and make sure that Stan gets his Champions League cash again next term. (YAWN)

  29. jjetplane

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:26 #68735

    HICCUP Westie got all his numbers in before the kick-off. The man has no faith in his own God. Terrible show really. I never had Sanchez for a diving whinger. Good to see lots of beards coming on in the second half to make it a real man's game. Wally looks so funny when he tries to be macho and Giroud and his smiles. I am afraid it was Monaco who looked the heroes in that 'last quarter.' Watch out - here come the Scousers and the Mankies. Will Coquelin last the onslaught having to deal with his colleagues going walkabout in the spring sunshine.

  30. Tony pepe

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:26 #68734

    Goonercolesyboy......mate, it's going to be a sad old few days for online gooner and all of the anti wengerites. Let them have their fun. we'll support the Arsenal, let them talk the talk. See ya at Wembley.

  31. Ron

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:25 #68733

    Hiccup - followed by a bet on Atl Madrid 'in play' (or whatever they call it) to cover his losses and then of course to come out in an overall profit. Have you ever known a hoss backer admit to making a complete tit of themselves and getting cleaned out big time?

  32. Clockender

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:24 #68732

    Nice to see goonercolesboy on here nice and sharp to moan about other people being on here nice and sharp. One day he may even comment on the game. Speaking on which, a gallant failure - again. Just like last year. And the year before. And the year before that. Oh and the year before that. Etc. Etc.

  33. Realist

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:15 #68731


  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:15 #68730

    If Only.

  35. gn23

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:10 #68729

    Good performance tonight, but too little, too late. I think most of us knew that third goal at home would prove to be decisive.

  36. Hiccup

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:08 #68728

    I await Westie's betting profile of the last 90 minutes with money being wagered every 5 minutes on an arsenal win followed by a defeat followed by a draw followed by defeat followed by a cover bet of the game being abandoned followed by a win, and is still probably trying to place a bet on an arsenal win.

  37. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:07 #68727

    Nice to see the anti Arsenal posters on here nice and sharp...

  38. unlucky

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:06 #68726

    So according to exlied and Jeff. We should still be playing as it is 3-3. No one lost no one won. Well done fellas.

  39. Ron

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:05 #68725

    A good belated effort. Scholes and Manu and Merter summed it up though. Arrogant in the 1st pathetic leg. the right team went through. AFC need a new Coach. End of story. Its that simple really lads. The truth is though that Arsenal FC are happy with that. Just a few of the players there wont be though.

  40. au revoir wenger

    Mar 17, 2015, 22:00 #68724

    Ozil was appalling tonight always taking the wrong option and giving the ball away and yet there are plenty of clowns on this site who think he is the real deal. unbelieveable

  41. Gooner 89

    Mar 17, 2015, 21:57 #68723

    One record after another. I will assume your "Another glorious day for our Arsene" is meant as a joke. If you mean it do us all a favour and "do one". A great performance after a shocking 1st leg performance. Ozil was woeful and after swapping shirts at half time we should cut our losses. Wenger out

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 21:56 #68722

    Bard, your right a manager and a team who can only play when there's nothing to lose and no pressure is no good to anyone.

  43. jjetplane

    Mar 17, 2015, 21:51 #68721

    Great Ramsay goal and looks like some form coming back there but players like Welbeck and Giroud could just as easily be at Monaco or any other middling team in Europe. Arsene Fc are way too soft and they should have done a lot more in that first hour when Monaco were pretty awful. Worst than West Ham. Will be interesting to see how much the spin can be extended over a 2-0 win against a very ordinary side in a completely boring competition which really should suit Arsene for all his profession to the higher arts. Another pathetic exit now owned by a group of overpaid and dispassionate players. The manager suffice to say has been put out by a club who sacked a long time ago. How much as Wenger moved on or as he just took the roundabout and ended up in year zero. Again. oh well - the Pl circus should be fun for the duration. Again - nice to see Ramsay playing and I hope he does well in football.

  44. Bard

    Mar 17, 2015, 21:49 #68720

    Magnificent failure, sums up Wenger. All credit to them they gave heart and soul but its easy when there is nothing to lose. Looking forward to the 'what if ' posts. and there will be plenty. Reality check , half the team arent good enough.

  45. Smithy

    Mar 17, 2015, 21:49 #68719

    Ok performance. Shame we went out to a piss poor French team.disapointed in ozils passing, he is a quality player and should be doing better.

  46. maguiresbridge gooners

    Mar 17, 2015, 21:44 #68718

    Just typical of TOF and his dwarfs glorious failure.

  47. Ron

    Mar 17, 2015, 19:30 #68717

    Early goal needed guys! Get that and it could be a match. SKG - i didnt know Sherwood was a Gunners fan. I wonder if he used to tell em at the spuds!!

  48. jjetplane

    Mar 17, 2015, 19:26 #68716

    Arsene's little faint hearts of a team and his equally faint hearted followers with their fragile egos. Oh ****ing dear! Personally - I have more respect for Monaco from a purely football perspective. I am also on holiday there soon with one of my old proper gooner friends. Oh the delights ..... And the azure blue ironies.

  49. Badarse

    Mar 17, 2015, 18:49 #68715

    So my little fainthearts, not up for the fight? Talk Arsenal down as much as your fragile egos requires. It is a personal failure of sorts to distance yourself from someone/something that has a slim chance of success, it's a way of shielding from more pain, some though might say hiding. We have that slim chance but we fight. I am not aligned with radfordkennedy on some aspects of AW, but I would stand with him against anything, and he knows that. So my little poppets,(little rubber beads which looked insignificant alone but able to pop together with a male and female connection-whereby they looked equally insignificant, but just bigger), take heed of his attitude, you could do worse than copying it.Good old Arsenal...extra time?

  50. jjetplane

    Mar 17, 2015, 18:20 #68714

    We won't have to wait much longer RON as to be Sir Walcott's next move will be into Parliament and then the youngest Lord ever and finally sports minister with a dozen degrees, directorships and all this before the little Blairite has reached 40! He is just stepping stones at the moment and learning spin from the Joker himself .... Ps who will stop Rodgers, Klopp, Koeman, Peppy and all those other wanabees ..... Liverpool for the double? - wESTIE! Love this spin how Arsenal 'have nothing to lose' apart from being dumped on their soft arses by no nonsense Monaco.

  51. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 18:17 #68713

    Realist, 72382, and that has been proven a hell of a lot of times over the last ten years. Ron, and we'll still be waiting when he's 36 just like we have done with all the other second raters OGL has bought and coached over the last ten years (telling us they were top top qualitee) hoping they'd come good and still we wait.

  52. Seven Kings Gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 18:04 #68712

    Evening Ron : Think you will find most centre forwards owned Ian Ure in those days - remember a headline in one of the daily's "Poor Ure again" as another error had cost us the game. However we did stick with him for quite a few years until Frank showed how centre back should be played - then we went and signed Blockley, an English Ian Ure, and got rid of Frank, never learn do we. Do agree that Villa v Arsenal would be a proper cup final between two traditional teams - plus Sherwood is a Gooner!

  53. Realist

    Mar 17, 2015, 16:45 #68711

    Westlower- Given Wenger's failure to win a European trophy in 30 years of management, I believe that a knock-out round victory over Monaco should be considered a triumph. Of sorts.

  54. Ron

    Mar 17, 2015, 15:50 #68710

    Seems hard to think that the Wally is now 26 and still we wait .................. and wait still more for his product. Recall the game v Villa in August 06 when his cross was latched onto by Gilberto to scrape a 1-1 draw v Villa in the 1st Emirates game.

  55. Westlower

    Mar 17, 2015, 15:26 #68709

    @Reality, How will you view the outcome? a) A defeat. b) a moral defeat. c) an embarrassing defeat. d) an extremely lucky victory. Wenger never really wins in the eyes of his detractors does he? You don't happen to know Hiccup per chance do you?

  56. Realist

    Mar 17, 2015, 15:02 #68708

    Westlower- Really? Has Giroud's hair gel not arrived? Though it's good to know that William Hill still believe that a high scoring 2 goal victory is not an unlikely outcome of tonight's game, particularly as we know exactly what we need to do from the outset. I do realise however, that whether we qualify or not, the result will be seen by many as a) a victory, b) a moral victory or c) a glorious defeat. Wenger never really loses in his disciples eyes, does he?

  57. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 15:02 #68707

    Bard, all we need now is wally to pop up talking a good game and to give us the benefit of his experience and his take on the whole thing and we'll be as good as through.

  58. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 14:45 #68706

    Tony Evans, good post, I think we all do mate, but can we with wenger at the helm? (yes we all are Arsenal fans and want the best) for me I'll never be as passionate about my beloved Arsenal again while he remains in charge, two much has happened with him in the last ten years he'd have been sacked years at at any other club years ago, and agree with Ron no matter how well he does this season or what he wins want him out, and then maybe we can all get the passion we've lost because of him back.

  59. radfordkennedy

    Mar 17, 2015, 14:42 #68705

    Afternoon all,fancy us to win tonight 2-1 but alas for it all to end in heroic failure,I'm not convinced we will remain patient I hope I'm wrong mind...Westie.your not wrong mate we could do with an Anderlecht '70 moment unfortunately the captain I'd want giving the pre match gee up will probably be watching at home.

  60. Westlower

    Mar 17, 2015, 14:06 #68704

    @Realist, William Hill have readjusted their price on Arsenal qualifying to 5/1 from 4/1. If you shop around for the best prices on a correct score, a combination of 3-1 (18/1), 3-0 (22/1), 4-0 (66/1), 4-1 (50/1) gives a return of 13/2. 3-1 only takes the game into extra time and doesn't guarantee a winning bet.

  61. Badarse

    Mar 17, 2015, 13:08 #68702

    That eighth shot of Drake's hit the post!

  62. Bard

    Mar 17, 2015, 12:57 #68701

    Westie; mines out, cleaned, greased and ready to go. Dummies at the ready, pies in the oven. Ted Drake now there's a striker.

  63. Westlower

    Mar 17, 2015, 11:36 #68700

    @Badarse, Do they have prams & toys on planet Zog? Our Earthling WOB's will be busy getting theirs out of storage during the day in readiness for the big chuck out about 9.30 this evening. Are Zoglings into custard pies? @Ron, I bet there were some supporters calling Ted Drake a w**ker when he missed his 8th goal scoring opportunity? A few with that mindset used to sit near me.

  64. Ron

    Mar 17, 2015, 11:00 #68698

    SKG - Hi mate. My Dad always used to tell me how as a kid he saw Ted Drake score 7 goals v Villa in 8 attempts on goal )hope Giroud isnt reading this or he might cry!). My first ever game seeing the Gunners was at Villa Park too. A 2-1 loss in 1963. 2 Tony Hateley goals seen us off that day as he owned Ian Ure (no shocks there you might say!). It would be a good final if we can get past Reading to play Villa in a traditional Club final wouldn't it. Have to say, i quite like Sherwood. Hes very refreshing. PS an early goal tonight could make it interesting but not too bothered about the CL. Lets face it, the chances of going any further are remote to nil even if we did beat Monaco.

  65. exiled&dangerous

    Mar 17, 2015, 10:49 #68697

    Hiccup & Oz - I like Rugby League, too, can't get interested in the other code, and there's a couple of things I'd bring into our game: trainers allowed on the pitch during play (unless the injury is, say, within 25 yards of goal) so that perhaps there'd be less feigning injury to break up play. As for play-offs, I think the league champions should be the team finishing top after everyone's played home and away, but you could bring in the "eliminators" for the promotion play-offs in the Championship: 6th plays away at 5th, home side can go through with a draw. Then winner plays away at 4th, to decide who plays 3rd in the "final." Rewards the team finishing higher in the league. But, again, never gonna happen.

  66. Bard

    Mar 17, 2015, 10:47 #68696

    CGO; Am with on that one. Monaco are a serious step up from the PL dross and we dont have an Henry who might get hot on the night. It also doesnt require much imagination to see us getting caught on the break. Still stranger things have happened. If we are to stand a chance we have to score early. Wenger is talking a good game as always but if you play like plonkers in the first leg what can you expect. Baddie you need to change your medication mate, I've seen people locked away for less than that.

  67. Westlower

    Mar 17, 2015, 9:57 #68695

    Updated PL betting after L'pool's win at Swansea. Without CFC: Man City 4/9, AFC 100/30, Man U 9/1, L'pool 12/1. Without CFC & Man City: AFC 4/7, Man U 11/4, L'pool 11/2. To win PL: CFC 1/14, Man City 12/1, AFC 25/1, Man U 100/1, L'pool 150/1. To win FA Cup: AFC 4/5, L'pool 9/4, Villa 7/1.

  68. jjetplane

    Mar 17, 2015, 9:47 #68694

    c+ before nine and that's without reading it. WEsTIE reverts to true spirit of 'The Arsenal' with inter city tales - seem to remember GG whipping up the crowd and team to end Scouse domination. And there was me thinking Wenger had done that with Utd. He seems he managed to annoy them. Well it's only Monaco ....

  69. Charlie George Orwell

    Mar 17, 2015, 9:44 #68693

    Sorry Gents – but cannot see Arsenal keeping a clean sheet tonight, seeing as we have to chase the game and are dodgy at the back at the best of times in Europe. A night of heroics perhaps, but I think the door of qualification was slammed shut in our faces two weeks ago.

  70. Realist

    Mar 17, 2015, 9:02 #68692

    Westlower- Odds of 4/1 says the logical and common sense bookmaker William Hill believe qualification is perfectly achievable, as much as you are trying to build up Arsene's Greatest Hour.

  71. Badarse

    Mar 17, 2015, 8:59 #68691

    Hello my friend Badarse let me contact you. I am from the planet Zog and wanted to find a football lovers forum, so here I am. I have familiarised the situation by reading old posts. Now I understand. It all happened in the past, I am too late. Six, five, four, three decades ago it was great, now it is poor. No? Then Eastham won games by himself, GG was best ever manager, but all has gone. 2005 'I knew then it was poor.', 'The Invincibles weren't that good', all made me realise I had arrived too late, it was too late even then. Managers are rubbish especially AFC's, Moyes, Martinez, Poyet, Klopp, van Gaal, Mourhino, Rodgers are all rubbish. Barcelona Tika Taka, Spanish national side are rubbish, Brazil, rubbish, WC champs Germany are rubbish, especially 3 from AFC. Whole PL is rubbish too. The stadiums, fans-tourists, food, atmosphere, TV, commentators, pundits, news reporters and journalists, medical teams, coaching, are all rubbish. I am so sad as I like to establish an understanding of cultures and interests, football was a great concept to me on this planet, and I am too late. It has passed for ever. One thing someone might explain though as I do understand wormholes, inter stellar travel and what you call physics, how is it that the further you descend the better football becomes? I am confused. Below the PL it is better and by the time you have slipped to ninth tier it is superb. To me this is a paradox, a conundrum, and seems not to make sense. You might use modern expressions which explain my dilemma. You might say it is a confusing Matrix type scenario, a through the looking glass view, or am I being misled by a Wizard of Oz approach. Please let me know. I remain your sad and disappointed friend from Zog and Just feel like saying, 'Beam me up Scotty!'

  72. Mathew

    Mar 17, 2015, 8:55 #68690

    Ozil is already on a booking, Rosicky and Ox are injured. Hopefully Santi and Theo will step up today. I wish Wenger Gabriel instead of Per, needs pacey defenders. COYG

  73. Seven Kings Gooner

    Mar 17, 2015, 8:46 #68689

    Ron : Know what you mean about Villa I have a sneaky feeling myself that their great (former great) cup traditions my see them through. Growing up I remember dad always on about Villa's 7 FA cup wins and our 7 titles. In the early sixties we both held the record for the most cup & league wins. People forget what a real top dog Arsenal were, we just could not hold on against the Mersey movement and later Fergie's obscene hoovering up of all the domestic honours.

  74. Westlower

    Mar 17, 2015, 8:35 #68688

    Logic dictates that it's mission impossible tonight. Monaco have yet to concede a goal at home in this seasons Champions League games. Have only conceded 1 goal in their last 12 home games. Statistically the home side has a massive advantage in the 2nd leg in ECL games. PSG failed to score against them in Monte Carlo. Monaco haven't lost a European home tie for 10 years. The one stat is Arsenal's favour is that they've never lost a game in France but that is worthless unless we score a minimum of 3 goals in 90 minutes. Given all the above the bookies are only offering 6/1 about AFC qualifying. William Hill are only offering a miserly 4/1. Common sense says we've got no chance but hey this is THE Arsenal we're talking about & all things are possible! The spirit it took to put 3 past Anderlecht is required this evening. Come on you rip roaring, goal scoring Gunners. England expects....

  75. Tony Evans

    Mar 17, 2015, 8:32 #68687

    Gaz - We have been in the same boat for a good while now, both 40 year plus supporters almost reaching the point of no return, but now seeing signs that Wenger has at last woken up to the fact that his idealistic vision of gung-ho, tippy tappy football with sub-standard keepers and defending is not going to cut the mustard. It still could go either way for me, but like you I do want to get back to being the committed supporter I once was and not the one Wenger has turned me in to that, all too often, doesn't really care one way or the other. Tonight's match has a great deal riding on it and I will analyse how I feel after the performance and the result. Fingers crossed!

  76. Ozzie

    Mar 17, 2015, 3:04 #68686

    ........The teams that finish at the top of the ladder in our comps are rewarded as "Minor premiers" and then have to go on and PROVE they are worthy of being called Champions by beating their nearest rivals. A few premiership points differential is no indicator of the difference in class between the top few teams.

  77. Ozzie

    Mar 17, 2015, 2:46 #68685

    Hiccup, glad you're enjoying your Rugby League. Nothing like a bit of biffo to let the steam out, uh? With your idea that footy should follow the Rugby League model of a final 4 sits well with me. Most of our comps here - including football, Rugby, Aussie Rules, etc all have a finals system with top finishing teams rewarded with home finals. There aren't many footy leagues worldwide that don't show the same boring 2/3 teams at the top year after year after year. Hardly 'competition' is it?

  78. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2015, 23:00 #68684

    Scousers and Mankies ready to pounce. Will Arsene declare football immunity on the grounds that it is all most unbecoming for such a perfect model of excellence to undergo the vulgarity of barbaric competition. Wait til Villa come calling. I forsee a certain shakiness afoot in France tomorrow.

  79. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 16, 2015, 22:53 #68683

    Hiccup, Jesus our pampered little Dwarfs would get the shyte beat out of them, we'd never see them for months, is our inadequate medical department not having enough trouble coping at the minute, we'd end up only being able to field nine players for a game

  80. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 16, 2015, 22:00 #68682

    Ron, 72344, don't even go there mate, it would be worse than that, as much as we all would like to see a good result if that were to happen the praise for him from the AKB's would know no bounds either, (it would all have been part of the master plan) there would be dancing in the streets, there'd be hard on's that would last a month, there'd be calls for an arsene day and ten more years even another bust, the AKB's would be bowing even lower to their messiah than they usually do, they'd be trying to touch him in the belief theye'd be cleansed he'd be a real miracle worker.

  81. Badarse

    Mar 16, 2015, 21:55 #68681

    I know a policeman who is an AKB, right now he is polishing his halo, halo, halo.

  82. David

    Mar 16, 2015, 20:51 #68680

    @Badarse - re: previous post: a good attempt at a laconic response. B+ for effort, C- for quality, A* for usual acidity of tongue, and PhD for condescension.

  83. Hiccup

    Mar 16, 2015, 20:48 #68679

    Football can learn so much from Rugby League. Just seen on sky news a 20 man brawl from the weekend. The guy that started it all threw several punches in someone's face, and get this, the authorities categorise such offences. This guy has been charged with a grade C offence. To put it in to context had this offence happened on a Saturday night he'd be looking at a two year stretch, but in rugby terms it equates to ten minutes in the sin bin. Some other guy that then came running in and jumped on top of the brawl throwing punches received a grade B offence. All rather complicated, but such s system would help officiate football with its current high profile problems. Spitting offences could be graded. Grade A for a full mouthful of green phlegm spat deliberately in the face, and grade D for the Jonny Evans spitting contemptuously in the direction of someone but not actually at them. The refs could start carrying sample bottles in their vanishing spray holsters and gather saliva evidence for the disciplinary board. Likewise with diving, this needs categorising. Falling to the ground clutching the face trying to get a player sent off should be the highest offence, followed closely by diving with no contact. Diving where there has been contact and "entitled to go down" should be the lowest. Surrounding and pushing the ref around the pitch could be categorised too. Not sure how Rugby League deals with away goals (away points), but I bet they deal with it better than the antiquated system football has.

  84. Ron

    Mar 16, 2015, 20:28 #68678

    No Bradford JJ but ive a feeling a not so new name but a traditional one nontheless is going on to the FAC. - Aston Villa. Just a gut feeling mate.

  85. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2015, 19:53 #68677

    MG nice one on the FA Cup but maybe there is still romance in that trophy and we get a Bradford v Villa final. Saying that, I have come off my OT tab and having seen UTD stuff the Spuds we must have had them on a strange old night. Looking also at the way Palace killed QPR quickly enough and probably should have at least drawn with Arsenal with us again struggling with the latter brings me to CL no hopers Monaco. They may well (unlike say a Bayern) wrap it up in the first 20 minutes and oh **** - Reading have scored ......

  86. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 16, 2015, 18:45 #68676

    exiled&dangerous, and you can just imagine the out cry if that were to happen to us, my god the blame and the conspiracies would be ten fold they'd be flying about all over the place from the wenger apologists, from the referees association to FIFA, UEFA, the FA, to Albert Einstein, the linesmen, Rob the chef, to the weather forecaster it would be everybody else's fault, we'd never hear the end of it.

  87. Ron

    Mar 16, 2015, 17:59 #68675

    Hi Gaz - ha! i know what you mean mate. The thing that the AKB always get abysmally wrong as they sit there smugly on their imagined moral high ground with their Wenger face masks on, polishing their haloes is that we ALL want us to win games whatever our views are on Wengers tenure. All honest WOBs would say too that the downer on Wenger isn't a pleasant exercise and its an aside from how we feel about the Club per se. They dont like to allow us to separate the two facets of supporting the Club though, as it suits their agenda i.e they love nothing more than to perceive themselves as 'better' fans. Like you Gaz, ive a weird feeling that we might prevail v Monaco. They're nothing special, though im still a tad high after the OT overdose! As to progressing further in the CL though mate, id like some of what you're smoking!! COYG.

  88. Gaz

    Mar 16, 2015, 17:46 #68674

    Hi Ron-Trust me pal I've absolutely slaughtered him for years so one post ain't gonna make up for that!!! Seriously though I am getting tired at having such a downer on him as that then extends to the Club in general and it saddens me that I haven't felt any real effection towards it for so long now. I guess I'm simply desperate to 'feel the lurve' again which is why I've invented a scenario that makes me feel good about us again if it works out!!! That said-and being quite serious-I'd be lying to you if I didn't say I am genuinely sensing signs of progress being made although it all goes 'pete tong' if we go out to a realy average Monaco side tomorrow. Here's the weird thing though. Qualify and I've a sneaky feeling we might just get through the next round too although this might be because my pills are wearing off now!!!...

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 16, 2015, 17:23 #68673

    Realist, six? more like Ten, and like I've already said in another post a favourite and well worn phrase (especially from OGL) but usually saved for the end of the season when third or fourth is been celebrated.

  90. Ron

    Mar 16, 2015, 17:23 #68672

    Hi Gaz - You're much too kind to him mate. I can see your points about backing him for so long as so did most of us, though in my own experience there have been many who've had him down as a lucky Coach for donkeys years. He could win the title for me and the FAC and id still want him gone. Like you too, i wouldn't concede on my view that he (and the Club, lets not forget) have only done the bare minimum over the last decade. If Wenger pulled off this miracle now it would have more to do with the players and rank outrageous good luck than it would have to do with his coaching. Its my view that his players in the period 98-04 ad libbed their way to the trophies we did win, more so than any influence he ever had. Ill sleep safe in the knowledge that today's crew don't have that capacity. AFC needs a life blood injection that goes well beyond Wenger having a fairy tale 'renaissance' in my view. It comes in the form of him leaving and hopefully one day soon Kroenke following him.

  91. Gaz

    Mar 16, 2015, 17:05 #68671

    Tony Evans-Don't know about you fella but the outcome on Tuesday will lead to one of two very different responses from me. No middle ground any more which is why I'm not interested in any sort of 'glorious failure' again. Go out of the competition to a side we all wanted to meet and I won't accept that any progress has been made regardless of where we finish and what we win. Go through though, finish second/third, and win the Cup and I'll gladly admit real progress has been made and that might just see a softening of opinion as far as my backing for Wenger is concerned. I've been a supporter for over forty years now and I was a huge Wenger fan for a lot longer than I've ever wanted him out. I've never derived any pleasure from feeling so negative about him (even though its almost become a way of life to me) and if I am to ever change my opinion of him then I'm simply returning to a place I spent many happy years at! It's important to note here though that I'll never ever admit I was wrong about him. The route to success-if it were to happen again-should and could have been achieved far quicker and that another manager could have produced successful sides over the same period with the same money. He's made many mistakes, became arrogant in his approach, and in my opinion thought he was better than he actually was. I'll never accept that 'lack of money excuse' as he simply spent unwisely wasting huge ammounts producing young sides without the desire or ability to win the trophies he craved so badly. The fact he kept faith with Almunia tells its own story too. He's had far longer than any manager deserves in my opinion to get things right but if it is about to work out for him again I'm not going to miss the ride because I'm hell bent on defending an opinion I never derived any pleasure from in the first place! So with that in mind I'm right up for this game and hoping my next post on wednesday morning is one of praise for Wenger again...

  92. Ron

    Mar 16, 2015, 17:02 #68670

    MG - Pull off the impossible v Monaco mate and Westie and the other blinkered pilgrims will be headed towards the wailing wall at Highbury House crying for the FAC to be aborted, just like they did last year when they all hallucinated on PL title tabs.

  93. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:42 #68669

    exiled and dangerous, any number of options other than the current away goal rule look better but there doesn't appear to be any motivation to have it changed. My guess is that all of the managers and players always think that they will benefit from the away rule before games and this is the reason why it stays in place. I can't see Monaco conceding 3 goals at home myself tbh,and I don't buy into it was just one of those nights claims either when we lost --1 to a side that was when we drew them considered to be in racing terms a walk-over .In fact we have struggled right through the current Euro campaign against ordinary teams including the qualifying tie that we were fortunate to win. We had the easiest group of the Prem sides due to the barmy seeding system that has now been scrapped but still failed to win it and only again ,as was the case last season as well, only just managed to scrape through in 2nd spot. The FAC is Wenger's real level and not the Euro ones his rap sheet proves it.

  94. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:40 #68668

    Ron, more interest for me too, but if we're not careful the way they're off and running with all this optimism after a couple of routine wins the FA Cup could soon become irrelevant and of no importance again.

  95. Ron

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:38 #68667

    I always love the one about 'hes built the stadium' (Wenger). Not one Wenger fanatic ive ever known has failed to include it in the Wenger repertoire. It rivals ' he was entitled to go down' (Shearer speak)in its lunacy. Im sure that not one brickie, sparky, plasterer, roofer, plumber or glazier ever saw Wenger with a trowel or a screwdriver in his hand! Its a bit like the other pointless mantra thats oft trotted out on his behalf i.e. his supposed economics degree and linguistic abilities makes him erudite or clever. Degrees are ten a penny and the dole queues have been full of graduates for 25 - 30 yrs. As for the languages, a good many teenagers are multi lingual, esp European teenagers.Talk about the Emperors new clothes, Wengers cult followers give the idea a whole new meaning.

  96. Realist

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:33 #68666

    Westlower- I'm starting from the year Fiszman told Wenger he could spend £30m on a striker. Probably lying though, apparently all directors are lying when they tell Wenger money is available.

  97. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:21 #68665

    Playing around with his meds again. Naughty Carers ....

  98. Ron

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:20 #68664

    Westie - The Club have done well to build the ground etc, play CL for so many yrs. Nobody sensible denies all of that. You can dress it up though as much as you want and its remains the case that we haven't got close to the eventual Champs nor the runners up even for years. Persoanlly speaking i think Wengers achievement are greatly over rated in that PL. Even with the austerity that been needed as a result of the stadium project, the Clubs resources have dwarfed those of other Clubs and thus staying top 4 in my view for any half decent AFC Coach is barely miss-able.Even Liverpool genuinely competed for the title in one year, 2009/10 was it? Last year too, they gave it a genuine go. AFC haven't competed, they've done what they've chosen to do and no more. Good FAC record granted. I know youre into yr racing but youre not supposed to wear the blinkers yourself. AFC, 'well placed to kick on'? You might be right, but this Board nor Wenger will doing much kicking, they're more than happy where they are. Keep buying into the illusion if you want too, be my guest.

  99. exiled&dangerous

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:17 #68663

    Jeff Wright - anything that avoids the possibility of penalties would be a start. Scrap away goals altogether, the first scorer in extra time goes through if it's all square at the end. Then only penalties if there's no further score in the extra half hour. Can't see any of this affecting our game tomorrow night as I'd be very surprised if Monaco let in three, even if we do have a purple patch.....

  100. Badarse

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:16 #68662

    Meanwhile, back at the Badcave. 'Holy Mag, Chicken, Commissar Gordon Bennett has an emergency-to the Badmobile! Alfred, why is the lawn mower and gardening gear in the way of the exit?' 'Sorry master Bruce.' 'And stop all this Aussie nonsense of calling everyone Bruce! Got my Futility Badbelt, Vick's nasal spray, Mini lasso in case I need to lasso some minis, corn in case Chicken gets peckish on the job, flamethrower...sod it, no matches. Where's me cowl? Alfred we are off to Domino's, ( Domino-A Dark Lord like Bard, Dominant-Maureen and Fergie cretinous Lords of footie management...good old English words), jjoker is holding the delivery boys hostage and is sending them out with winkles on every pizza. "Kapow!" "Zowie!" "Blam!" 'Chicken, stop doing that,please. jjoker you have to behave, you are a big boy now, no weeing in the sandpit, no bogies on the wall, and no winkles on the pizzas. OK?' 'Oh Holloway Bowl and DMs-Boot Boys forever, Sartre for a while, quick scarper, yerz!' 'Grab him Chicken he is talking gibberish again.' "Wowie! Shlap! Boom!" 'Put him in the cupboard Chicken.' ' Hang on Badman, julesd is in here, whoops, false alarm, she's in the kitchen with the frangipani, it's Jeff sewing the holes of his string vest together.' 'To the Badcave Chicken!'

  101. DW Thomas

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:07 #68661

    All the talk of seasons past, points gained and lost bores me to tears, and I appreciate history greatly! What matters is the present season and we could only catch Chelsea should a complete self destruction by them occur. Second would be fine had we competed for first all season. Finishing barely fourth, which we may not do, is groundhog day for a 10th year!!! We were promised caviar but given a cheap knockoff! Beautiful stadium, plenty of profits, a well paid manager, and as many 4th place trophies as you like!! Had we a player like Coquelin all season, where might we be? Anything but second, an FA Cup win, and beating Monaco tomorrow and the season must be viewed as stagnation once again. The Kings of Spin though will keep the muppets drooling for more! Thank you sir, may I have another!

  102. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 16, 2015, 16:02 #68660

    TOF is busy telling and letting everyone know there's no pressure on us (no shyte Sherlock and why's that?)and that's just the way you and your little pixies like it.

  103. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2015, 15:58 #68659

    I'm surprised that we don't see any efforts being made to get this silly away goal rule changed exiled and dangerous. Because as you say it gives an advantage to the side that plays at home in the first leg when the aggregate score is close for the second one apart from the fact that it tends usually to make games more defensive like than offensive so it fails to work for the reason it was introduced for . Of course it could work in our favour if we do manage to level the aggregate tomorrow night and extra-time is played. Wenger though is going where no man has gone before in trying to overturn a 2-0 goal deficit in the away leg of a European Cup tie .Beam him up Scotty!

  104. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2015, 15:34 #68658

    WESTIE you are more than an average AKB operative. Your religion has got Julesd in that kitchen making cookies all day long. How wholesome and American is that? Still think we need a 'quarter back'? Kentuckey here you go!

  105. exiled&dangerous

    Mar 16, 2015, 15:29 #68657

    Jeff Wright - I'm with you on the away goals rule, it is surely outdated in the modern era. I'd rather it applied after 90 mins only in the second leg, much as I dislike the Chavs it has to be said that PSG played 120 minutes away and the Chavs only 90, that's a clear disadvantage. And I think the side that scores most in a single tie should have the advantage, whether that's home or away, so for example a 2 - 1 win beats a 1 - 0 win by the other side.

  106. Westlower

    Mar 16, 2015, 15:11 #68656

    @David, I believe some bookies also paid out early on Arsenal in 2002/03 before we were caught by Man U. Our 2-3 home defeat by Leeds killed off our title hopes. We finished that season on 78 points, a total that remains achievable this season, although 75/76 seems more likely. @Realist, I'll buy into the last 2 years but certainly not 6. @JJ How do you know I'm not Stan, you 9th tier limey!

  107. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2015, 15:10 #68655

    We had games in hand during the 98 run-in and beat United our only opponents for the title both home and away. We lost to Chelsea away this season and still have to play them at home.Just as well Wenger has such an outstanding record against Mourinho then. It's all good fun though this phantom title challenge as I said yesterday even United must be in with a shout of the title based on our supposed one with them being only a point behind us. If Liverpool win tonight they will be fancying their chances as well. you couldn't make it up. Looking at the chavs remaining fixtures it looks to me that they could win a minimum of 17 points from them leaving them on 81 points at the end of play. PSG were tough in Europe and won on the dreaded away goal rule at the bridge of sighs this rule often proves a killer and surely it's day has come and gone with it obviously not producing the type of games that it was intended to do. Southampton have the best defence in the Prem and as we know only too well are are hard to beat Chelsea will have easier games than those them and Stuttering City look unlikely to be able to repeat last seasons late late show heroics that also were helped by Chelsea beating Liverpool at Anfield. d Wenger is according to himself targeting 72 points for a top 4 finish and realistically 72 or 74 points is likely to be what we finish on .I don't think that 72 points will win 4th place this season myself but with our poor form against Liverpool ,Chelsea, United in the Prem ,just the one point won from them this season and fixture congestion kicking in something that Wenger of course becomes paranoid about , I can see why Wenger is touting the 72 points as being enough for 4th spot.

  108. Realist

    Mar 16, 2015, 14:51 #68654

    Westlower- We've been 'well placed to kick on from here' for at least 6 years.

  109. David

    Mar 16, 2015, 14:19 #68653

    @Westie - seem to remember bookies paying out on Manure in 1998 with 12 games to go. This Chelsea side is catchable; whether this Arsenal side can do the catching remains to be seen.

  110. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2015, 14:17 #68652

    WESTIE you are some spin merchant! What does Stan pay you? Your language is so dull you may as well be talking about refrigeration .... wait a minute!

  111. Westlower

    Mar 16, 2015, 14:00 #68651

    @Ron, Of all the points dropped by PL Champions over the past 10 years, 71% were dropped to opponents who finished outside of the top 4. It just shows that the champions don't always win the games they should. Admittedly over recent seasons Arsenal have stayed in contention by beating the lesser lights, but what's wrong with that? Last season they were top for longer than other club. AFC this season created a new record by reaching their 28th FA Cup semi-final. Wenger has taken us to 11 of those, the Glaswegian thug is next best with 9. Should we win this years FA Cup we'll have won it more times than any other club. Wenger will also have won it more times than any other manager. Throw in building a new stadium, financially keeping the club afloat & playing in the ECL every season for 18 years is an impressive record for a specialist in failure. It may not satisfy your definition of competing but we are well placed to kick on from here. A relatively injury free season would show us in a better light than has been possible over recent seasons.

  112. Bard

    Mar 16, 2015, 13:43 #68650

    Ron; dead right mate. The idea that we are in with a chance of the title is total b*******. The idea that we can overturn a probable 10 point deficit is laughable. The trip to Utd looks trickier judged on yesterdays display and the Liverpool game will be a cracker. Rolling over the Hammers means nothing in this context.

  113. jjetplane

    Mar 16, 2015, 13:08 #68649

    Still leaves Southampton who have the best run in and ran Chelsea off the park yesterday. I see Chelsea, City, Southampton and then Liverpool, Utd or Arsenal in 4th. Aston Villa for the Cup as they are a bit late for a top four! we are talking of a team with a pivotal player from the French second division. Giroud has done very well but will eventually be better off at a more modest club - perhaps the new Hammers .....

  114. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 16, 2015, 12:36 #68648

    Oh dear, was it something I said. I rest my case, answered in the only way an AKB knows how, and not once but twice.

  115. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2015, 12:10 #68647

    I agree with your points Ron on this competing that Westie claims that we do.As I have pointed out before we have never since before 2004 been in a mathematical position on the last day of the season to win the Prem. With our huge wage bill 4th place can hardly be called having competed in the league title race. I must say as well that I did not detect any signs of grieving about their going out of the FAC on the part of the United players yesterday in their easy stroll over the spuds. They looked like players with a huge weight taken off their shoulders. United also look better with Carrick in the side andit's a fact that they don't lose many games when he plays. I didn't see any of the alleged 'hoof ball' that Jamerson keeps going on about either from United. A bit dodgy this anyway on his part with Wenger himself admitting recently that he does it himself when things are going pear-shaped with the tippy-tappy.The FAC semi v Wigan and the final against Hull being two big cases of that scenario. I certainly don't rule United out of a top 4 finish with them now only having the top 4 place left to play for. I doubt though that the United supporters see this as being anything other than the bottom line and not a trophy as Wenger and the AKB do.

  116. Barnaby

    Mar 16, 2015, 11:27 #68646

    I wouldn't get aguero, he's to injury prone

  117. Ron

    Mar 16, 2015, 11:27 #68645

    Morning Westie - AFC take part, they don't 'compete' in the sense of striving to win the top honours by defeating those that do have that as their objective.To compete is to try to establish superiority over the other contenders. Do AFC genuinely do that in your view? Not in my book they don't im afraid.

  118. Westlower

    Mar 16, 2015, 10:57 #68644

    @David, The bookies are holding off on a full revised betting market on 2nd, 3rd & 4th places until after the L'pool game this evening. As far as the bookies are concerned CFC are already Champions. Any points dropped by L'pool in the next 3 weeks will be harmful to their top 4 prospects. After tonight their next two PL games will go a long way to deciding their fate, at home to Manu before they visit the Emirates. They also have an away game at CFC on May 9th. Should Arsenal qualify against Monaco the fixture list becomes very congested in April with an FA Cup semi-final, ECL quarter final home & away ties, vital PL games against L'pool & CFC. Who say's were not competing?

  119. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2015, 10:48 #68643

    Velly true Mike but what about paying over the odds for ineffectual players? Wenger's not the only one of course who has signed a few . Tbh it's all really down to a bit of luck and other factors outside the manager's control really regarding how players turn out,cheap ones or dear a case of some you win some you lose. Goaies are a different case to outfield players they are usually consistent for whoever they play play for and for me this has been a big weak spot for Wenger because there is no excuse for the clowns that he signs when there are , or were, obviously much better ones with proven records around. No manager with ambitions to win titles has a dodgy keeper in goal.

  120. Bard

    Mar 16, 2015, 10:47 #68642

    Some really good posts. There is always a buzz to the week if we win albeit against rubbish. Tomorrow is the acid test. We dont have anything to lose so there is no pressure. If we are to have any chance Giroud needs to step up a gear and show he more than a flat track bully. I agree with Ozil lovers, I love his grace and smoothness on the ball. What I would say though is that you have to build the midfield round him because he is a passenger defensively. My own view is that at the top level you cant play him and Santi it makes the midfield too lightweight. Anyway footballing miracles happen all the time and Monaco arent Bayern or RM, so lets give it a go. Jamie Helen has asked whether she can come with you. She said she would bend over backwards to accommodate you but I said that wouldnt be necessary as an AKB it would be over in the blink of an eye. Enjoy the trip.

  121. Ron

    Mar 16, 2015, 10:39 #68641

    A good win v Hammers though they are now the Hammers that we are used too. Their season's bubble burst a awhile ago now and it seems clear that Big Sam is a 'dead man walking'. I still reckon the Monaco game is going to be a close one, though we ll need an early goal to rock them and de stabilize them. The outcome of the game might set the tone for the run in. Overall, its a damp squib season really. The media continue to try and drum up enthusiasm for it but we all know Chelsea will just lumber on to the title however they stutter now. All this talk of AFC as a late runner for the title is just tosh. The fabled top 4 will be Chelsea, AFC, Utd and City. The seasons done really except for the FAC which carries far more interest for me.

  122. David

    Mar 16, 2015, 10:38 #68640

    Interesting odds Westie. Before beating Manc C, Arsenal were 40/1. After Manc C game, Arsenal were 30/1. After Spurs defeat odds went back to 40/1. You may despise Mourinho merely because he's not one of us, but his team is not producing as it did 10 years ago. Which is why Arsenal find themselves in with an outside chance of winning the title.

  123. Mike

    Mar 16, 2015, 10:33 #68639

    Giroud and Cazorla are proving to a snip when considering what was paid for them. Once again, it proves that one does not always have to pay over the odds to have an effective player.

  124. chris dee

    Mar 16, 2015, 9:21 #68638

    Even after a few good results it's good to see no one is stupid enough to talk about a 'treble'. A top four finish and a F A Cup win would be a good season. But sometimes the football is so good you can't help wondering why we are not nearer Obnoxious Mourinho's team,because ultimately we all want a great season,Premiership or Champions League.I still harbour hopes that either of those will be won before Arsene steps down as this is his final contract.

  125. Tony Evans

    Mar 16, 2015, 8:36 #68637

    Gaz agree with you - tomorrow's game is pivotal to me and I have everything crossed. Just damn frustrating we have put ourselves in such a difficult position as per usual.

  126. Mathew

    Mar 16, 2015, 8:14 #68636

    DWT... I feel Theo has lost a yard of pace since his return, his match fitness and experience will surely bring the best out of him. But I don't think its the right time to take a risk with him, as Monaco will park their bus and City,United, Spurs, Liverpool are all separated by a small margin. Ozil's laziness and incapability is also due to his playing position and he isnt among those who will win the ball back.

  127. Realist

    Mar 16, 2015, 7:49 #68635

    Finsbury Joe- Spot on once again. The fans are the second biggest problem at the club, but they refuse/are unable to see what is crystal clear to an outsider. As you say, tragic, but it aint changing any time soon.

  128. DW Thomas

    Mar 16, 2015, 3:51 #68633

    To compare Ozil to Alexis is just plain dumb. Alexis has been our revelation and despite his energy is suffering in form but will come good again. Ozil, whom I like, is still lazy and weak compared to many other great cerebral players. I love his vision, but he is weak in defense and by this last game seems to have no right foot. At this level you must have both feet. Even RVP could finish with his right if need be. Ozil can find that pass against weaker defenses, but when has he owned a game vs bigger fish? Sanchez has been our best player by far, though he could use some others with the same energy. Ramsey has it, but is not the thinker others are. And Coquelin, a terrific accident. He has been the main reason we are winning the past several games. He still has room for improvement, but he has heart and focus, better than most players on the field. Wenger can take no credit as he had to play him, but at least the old man stuck with him! Even he knows that the Coq is holding the team together. As for Wally, what an abysmal game. Slow thinking ruins his pace. And as for Giroud, despite the goals, as he should score within such an attacking team like ours, we need a better faster striker than can singlehandedly win games. He still doesn't do it vs the better teams consistently enough. Get by Monaco and many will hope. But we've been here many times before haven't we, and we all know how it ends.

  129. Kockey Gooner in New York

    Mar 16, 2015, 3:31 #68632

    To Finsbury Joe: just admit you are a spurs fan - note the small 's' anyway if you did I admit it I'd respect you. (Stick by your team and all that). But you don't admit anything just come on here to sprout your frustration after every spurs game - nice result today at Manure ! PS: whats it like living in Finsbury (Park I assume) hows the black eyes!

  130. Finsbury Joe

    Mar 16, 2015, 0:20 #68630

    The AKBs are now talking about Arsenal winning a treble. They are the true traitors to the club, wenger and Kronke feed off their delusion. Arsenal beat a team and manager who has downed tools......and that makes them think the treble is on. Guess they believe in fairys as well. The club, players, owner and most of the fans are so steeped in mediocrity they cannot see the woods for the trees. Tragic. Wenger is not just a specialist in failure, he is worse than that, he is a specialist in dull, bland, corporate mediocrity. And the fawning owner, media and AKBs keep him right where he wants to be

  131. jeff wright

    Mar 16, 2015, 0:01 #68629

    Good goals GR, big slow fast track bully Olly's the pick of 'em with the left on the bench away to United in the cup at his most bullish at home against lower case oppo!! QPR's one against Palace was the pick of the weekends goals ,shame about the result for them .There were some other good strikes as well Burnley's goal v City ,loved that one and good ones by other sides . All typical Prem weekend fodder for the WW TV audiences . All supporters of every club do tend to get a bit carried away with their own players goals that they score , which is understandable of course, as it is in our case with those big myopic blinkers on and light red tinted spectacles making life look rosy and the tunnel-vision and what not . However, what does the goals that we scored against the Hammers have to do with the points I was making about Arsene's magic roundabout >?

  132. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 15, 2015, 23:19 #68628

    Jamie, if I even thought there was any point to your question i might have answered it but as usual and as we're all only to aware yourself and your buddy coldsore don't have anything of any significance or importance to say or worth replying to.

  133. GoonerRon

    Mar 15, 2015, 22:23 #68627

    @ Jeff - did you enjoy the quality of our goals against West Ham?

  134. Gaz

    Mar 15, 2015, 21:55 #68626

    Good win with some real decent football on show. For me though it's all about Tuesday now. Been mulling this over all week and for many reasons the result will have a big effect on how I feel about Wenger and the Club. I hope we go through...

  135. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 15, 2015, 21:50 #68625

    Baddie, I think i hear what your saying, is Bards out look wrong or not what we all seek? it's certainly what I seek is it really unrealistic? it's the least we should expect and have every right to ask or call for with players that pass all our tests not just mine, it's certainly what I expect (although there will never be agreement on players) or at least give it our very best shot. No one expects Arsenal to win win win all the time (although there was a time when it was expected and we did and if we didn't weren't beat)so it's really not all that unrealistic, yes times have changed but with a better more clinically astute manager you never know and until that happens we'll never know and that's what i'm waiting on and committed to, in the mean time still supporting and wishing the best for Arsenal while we just keep getting dizzy on the roundabout and after ten years I'm surprised some are even fit to walk, (a lot having become sick and collapsed a long time ago) but if some are happy going round and round listening to the same old music season after season that's their prerogative but not mine.

  136. au revoir wenger

    Mar 15, 2015, 21:20 #68624

    trying to make a case for Ozil is ridiculous.43 mill spunked up the wall as far as i am concerned

  137. Westlower

    Mar 15, 2015, 20:20 #68622

    Updated betting after the weekend games but with L'pool still to play. To win PL Arsenal vary between 18/1 to 25/1. CFC's key players looking jaded (fatigued) as a consequence of Maureen lacking the bottle to rotate his team. I wouldn't swap Fabregas for Ozil. Betting Without CFC & Man City: AFC 1/2, Man U 5/2, L'pool 7/1, Southampton 50/1, Sours 66/1. AFC best price of 1/7 for Top 4.

  138. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 15, 2015, 20:06 #68621

    Oh come on Badarse, that's way too simplistic for Muguiresbridge. Don't hold your breath for a positive response though, he ain't got it in him.

  139. Badarse

    Mar 15, 2015, 19:59 #68620

    Mag I understand Bard's outlook that we as a team should be setting out our stall as contenders, with players giving their all, a primed and clinically astute manager, with the full backing of an ambitious board, having qdesignated the special missing components which will hopefully transform us from being on the fringe(cusp), into the 'real deal', and securing their services. And the beat just goes on and on. Not real life though, just imaginings. Realism is the new religion. Having said all that, whilst believing the thought pattern is myopic to my way of thinking it is at least a sensible if unrealistic desire. My problem is trying to grasp what you seek. You just want simplicity? A team that wins, and wins again and again, but if not with players and manager that pass the Mag test, then it doesn't count! You are forever holding yourself in check, mate. Always waiting, never committing. Time is of the essence, all we have is right now. Once more I find myself repeating that I loved the last game, look forward to the next, and am really excited by how things are going. Could it have been better, more satisfying, yup, but we are in the now, so why not enjoy what is on offer?

  140. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 15, 2015, 19:39 #68619

    jw, good post, i've no doubt it's all got a lot to do with(along with the lack of noise and atmosphere) fans been fed up with the same old same tired routine year after year after year, the same old roundabout going round and round knowing how it's all going to end, but like you say some just love it they pile onto the roundabout, you have Brian, Dougal, Zebedee, etc, etc, they're all there (especially when the time comes just like now after a result against a mediocre team ) even more so when TOF and the spin machine and players start cranking it up trying to make it sound exciting, and telling everyone who will listen how important it is, and of course all the AKB's and wengerites hang on every word and lap it up. But he always saves the best for last (and we can expect the same again when the players are bouncing on the pitch celebrating been third or fourth best again) and that really gets them going and sends them into such a frenzy they even start celebrating with the players, that this result and position sets us up nicely for a real tilt at the title next season, and the scramble for the roundabout starts again.

  141. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 15, 2015, 18:54 #68618

    Good solid win, could have been more, but a clean sheet can only help too. Danny, you are one negative man. Find another team. Ozil's style lends itself to looking casual, but he sees a pass in tight areas and is definitely needed to start on Tuesday in Monaco, when a tight defence needs to be breached. Score early and the right result is there for the taking, but knowing Arsenal we will win 2-0 and go,out on away goals...

  142. Hiccup

    Mar 15, 2015, 18:31 #68617

    The PL needs to evolve its format in line with Rugby League. Top 4 should lead to a play off system with a Grand Final at the end. That would then make it fair for those teams that persistently start every season unprepared and short of players. For example, Arsenal's title challenge was effectively dead in the water by October, but under the Rugby League criteria, would now be hot favourites as end of season form is key. It's not how you start the season, but how you finish it, and the rewards should reflect this.

  143. Badarse

    Mar 15, 2015, 18:27 #68616

    Three beautifully crafted goals, and three excellent points banked. Mesut is the new Jon Sammels, doesn't have the Alexis work rate, flits on the edge of things but is a viper-defenders ignore at their peril! He hasn't a right foot and the chance in the second half was a straight choice of knocking it forward with his left to open his angles to use his weak right foot, or playing a square ball with his accurate left to offer a chance to another. The frustration of a one-footed player is one we have to learn to live with. Said after Monday that Aaron looked eager to prove a point and was arguably my MotM yesterday. Results causing rifts in the five teams chasing down two CL places, or is that six chasing down three positions?

  144. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 15, 2015, 18:22 #68615

    Westie, your right mate it is a good week to be an gooner, (and that makes a nice change), and i'm enjoying it too (while it lasts) maybe not as much as yourself and others as I would prefer to be top dog at the end of it all instead of just third or fourth best. Thanks for the offer but i'm very happy with the side i'm on been an Arsenal fan.

  145. Westlower

    Mar 15, 2015, 18:00 #68614

    Martin Tyler is suffering badly from the worst disease known to man, he can't stop saying the words Manchester United. By my reckoning he must have said their name over 100 times during this afternoon's game. Sky's Man U love in continues unabashed. Our poor neighbours are now battling for 6th or 7th finishing spot in PL. Why are you bothering to build a new stadium Daniel?

  146. jjetplane

    Mar 15, 2015, 17:44 #68613

    Saints have a great run in now and I wish them top 4. They do it and that is one team who will sweep the accolades. As JW says working for consolidation in the top four is not exciting anyone at the WOK. Even WESTIE would not be seen there! Where have all the AKBs gone? Must be bored too ....

  147. Big Andy

    Mar 15, 2015, 17:42 #68612

    @RJ: What you say just tells you everything about the supporter base right now. The real fans have been priced out and replaced by middle-class "spectators" and tourists. The passionate, die-hard Gooners who would never walk away early have long gone.

  148. jeff wright

    Mar 15, 2015, 17:13 #68611

    Wenger's coaching and training regimes are old hat he will win enough points off the likes of the Hammers every season to get that 4th place trophy but still looks light years away from winning the Prem . The Champs League is just a pipe dream even if we somehow prevail against all odds in Monaco. The reason so many supporters leave games early or don't even bother attending them is because they are not stupid they know this. I suppose that You can fault them for paying for tickets that help to keep the Wenger magic-roundabout going on and yawn on though .Some like the situations where Wenger, down to his own ineptness , creates an artificial excitement by having to try and do missions impossibly such as beating Monaco away 3-0 or more after he lost the first leg 3-1 at home, nothing like creating a big problem then claiming the credit for solving it ! In the Prem it's deja vu us now allegedly chasing Chelsea who have a big points lead and a game in hand and Wenger's record against Mourinho in head to heads is simply appalling . I see the spuds are back to their usual antics up at OT after a couple of good results there when they were underdogs . Obviously a touch of the old Lasagnes at work again with them going into the game as favourites for many proving a bit too much for them to handle. Crap crap crap... After we beat Fat Sam's nothing to play for crew the treble is on for us was being claimed now we can expect claims that United can win the Prem ! You couldn't make it up.

  149. jjetplane

    Mar 15, 2015, 17:11 #68610

    Watch that knee-jerking WESTIE - Utd are 3-0 up 'with nothing to play for' so they could end 2nd with City 3rd and er Liverpool 4th ..... as Delia says 'Let's be .......' but glad to see you had a good week despite those bleeding horses .....

  150. Danny

    Mar 15, 2015, 16:53 #68609

    3-0 scoreline was flatter to deceive. West ham had injuries and if it was Chelsea we would have lost took our chances well. We were better when Santi came on and OZIL was a passenger. Rubbish player. Walcott needs to do more

  151. GoonerSquaddie

    Mar 15, 2015, 16:23 #68608

    Ozil came with a massive price tag and with that comes great expectations. Expectations to perform and show commitment. His playing style has always looked lazy on the eye but he makes up for it with his intelligent passing and reading of the game. However, If you're not creating goals every week you will be expected to be seen putting in a shift, going on pitch length runs, tracking back to help your defence or putting in a few tackles. He's not doing that. But then you look up north and his former galactico team mate Di Maria is suffering from the same heavy price tag hangover. Probably more so that Ozil. He's got to be treated like the same, forget the transfer few paid for him, Giroud is putting in a shift. His lack of mobility and pace is made up with his sheer determination to get on the end of every ball and put himself about for the team. Wally Walcott surely needs to move on. His inability to consistently score in vital moments is too obvious, even with pace. Walcott and JW must be looking to move on. Both quality players but they won't win you a prem title, that's one area where we have enough cover.

  152. Westlower

    Mar 15, 2015, 15:58 #68607

    @Maguirebridge, Come on over before it's too late as you're missing all the fun. Life's too short to remain one dimensional. It's been a great week to be a Gooner. In the immortal words of Delia Smith, "Let's be having you, where are you?" Together we are strong!

  153. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 15, 2015, 14:54 #68605

    RJ, it's called wengeroutis.

  154. jjetplane

    Mar 15, 2015, 14:47 #68604

    Yes - the PL is quite boring and maybe football as a culture is on the wane. See they are going to introduce football into Chinese schools where Basketball is the default sport. No PC jokes about height of baskets .... (Slam dunk with Rice .. oh well) but even a saturday kick-off is like a Sunday one as it is now a slot within 'hard working families weekend activities wherein they bond' .... Within this framework Giroud has taken his chance and may well prosper better than say Wally in football terms. Come on you ****ing Saints! Cheats for the taking. ps on the other hand in the 9th tire watching our manager walk around the pitch halfway through second half to bollock some of the old boys who are giving a rookie a hard time makes it all worthwhile. I can only give Arsenal an hour or two a week though am still nestling in OT afterglow and Monaco - might even watch that.

  155. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 15, 2015, 14:43 #68603

    KC, OGL admit something like that? you must be joking mate.

  156. RJ

    Mar 15, 2015, 14:26 #68602

    Balanced report on a good result. Let's dare to dream the undreamable about Tuesday. Can I just comment on the crowd at the game. Never seen anything like it. 40 mins into first half, the aisles in the North Bank were full of people heading for tea, pie, p*** whatever. Second goal went in and the ground emptied like we were losing? I can kind of understand on a midweek night when there are trains to catch or work to go to, but it was strange for a Saturday afternoon kick off. I defend them right of anyone to leave when they want, but this season it does seem as if more and more people are leaving earlier and earlier. I met one guy on the walk to Angel who managed to miss two of the goals. I am perplexed. Anyone got any thoughts?

  157. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 15, 2015, 14:23 #68601

    Ed, shouldn't that be tickled? yes we're all tickled pink we've over come the mighty hammers who like you say would have been happy enough with a draw, for another three points in our never ending pursuit for the invisible trophy, wally is well wally, who still hasn't christened his new red boots so the celebration is on hold again. Well done the players you did what you had to do and we're back in our favourite position and getting closer, lets hope the other teams don't strengthen in the summer.

  158. alsace

    Mar 15, 2015, 13:40 #68598

    We are building. Absolutely. Best point well made. end of. This was an eminently forgettable game punctuated by some very pleasing goals. Cazorla has simply come on leaps and bounds this season to the point where he is as indispensable as the Ox or Alexis. Nice to see Flanimal get a goal in what will probably be his lasts eason for the club.

  159. jjetplane

    Mar 15, 2015, 13:37 #68597

    Interesting points about Sanchez and Ozil who really look as though they are operating on parallel pitches. Good that Ramsay is looking hungry again and really it seems the Coquelin factor has been the game changer for Arsene. Never sure about Wally but though Santi was great defensively against Utd. See where WESTIE is going but calling Sanchez the new Perry Groves .... well - might be a compliment. A GG haunting even. Up the WOBs/Chelsea are ****! .... When are you off JAMERSON? No nose tweaking please .... ps we won 2-0 with two goals that would have lit up the Wok. Funny how as watchable the 9th tier is. Football forever and Come on you Saints! a tedious treble theory is on!

  160. Sir Giles Fotheringham the Third

    Mar 15, 2015, 13:34 #68596

    Couldnt have picked better opposition than West Ham who have nothing to play for.Walcott showed once again why he will not be a regular starter anymore.Any half decent bid for him this summer bite their hand off,Lets hope this late burst of form at the end of the season doesnt blind Wenger from the signings we need in the summer GK CB DM and world class striker Giroud is good but not and never will be world class

  161. smithy

    Mar 15, 2015, 13:01 #68594

    Good win. Walcott wonders why he has not had many starts recently- I think he should focus on his finishing as in that aspect he was really poor. Get Henry or Wrighty to work on him 1-2-1, his decision making is usually too slow and as a result takes a poor option.

  162. Nick

    Mar 15, 2015, 12:47 #68593

    Everyone slags off Giroud as not being able to score enough goals, he got over twenty last season improving on the seventeen from his first, and in EIGHTEEN starts he has managed FOURTEEN so far this which is a better strike rate than ANY other forward in the premier league and that's not mentioning his assists, yes hes no Usain Bolt, but that's over fifty goals in two and a half seasons a very good return plus he is now scoring them away and in big games, he just gets better if he sees out his career with us he WILL be another centurion .

  163. KC

    Mar 15, 2015, 11:59 #68592

    Very good performance and agree re Ozil I pointed out to the guy next to me his contribution to the first goal its that first forward pass that creates the extra split second for the rest of the team. Theres no need to compare one good player against another, Sanchez does sometimes hold on to the ball to long but his work rate and finishing certainly makes up for it. It's just a massive shame and a slight against the manager that the improvement since Coquelins introduction proves what everyone was saying in August was correct, the need for an athletic ball winner to support the offensive players was so obvious and we have missed a fantastic opportunity to really compete with cfc for the title. Wenger should admit as much.

  164. Wear Your Colours

    Mar 15, 2015, 11:53 #68591

    Another good three points secured. Agree that Ozil and Ramsey looked good. I thought Koscielny was imperious. Looking forward to Tuesday night already. COYG!

  165. Westlower

    Mar 15, 2015, 11:46 #68590

    Give me Ozil's intelligence over Alexi's headless chicken style every day of the week. Ozil, Giroud & Ramsey should be the first names on the sheet, as they represent our most potent attacking threat. None of our goal scoring moves involved Alexi. Theo involves himself in attacking moves better than Alexi does, although his lack of sharpness prevented him from scoring a hat trick. Alexi is not a natural team player anymore than Ian Wright was but he lacks Wrighty's finishing prowess. It's reassuring that Arsenal have had 21 different goalscorers this season, a one man team we're not. The team looks better balanced when Ramsey is breaking from midfield with Coquelin staying home. Hard to see JW or Arteta getting back in if those two remain fit. A system has evolved where we are getting the best out of Giroud. I don't believe Ozil, Alexi, Theo & Cazorla are a good mix playing together. Chambers had a good game breaking forward yesterday but still has much to learn on his defending. Debuchy remains a big miss. I'm not sure if the team & Alexi can both have outstanding performances at the same time. It's the 'Wrighty' syndrome all over again.

  166. GoonerRon

    Mar 15, 2015, 11:27 #68589

    @ John F - I disagree about not playing Ozil against Monaco. Chances are they will sit deep and compact so the ability to thread a pass or put together a combination of passes in a tight space is likely to be key and Ozil is highly capable in these areas. Theo, on the other hand, isn't. He's got great pace and movement but is often rendered useless when up against deep lying well drilled defences. If he's fit, I also wouldn't be surprised to see Gabriel come in for BFG so we can push up high and have as much pace as possible on the cover.

  167. John F

    Mar 15, 2015, 11:15 #68588

    Good performance yesterday.It would be interesting what midfield Wenger picks for the goals or bust game with Monaco.I agree with Mathew about Ozil and for that reason I would not play him against a well drilled Monaco team.My midfield/ would be Coquelin,Ramsey,cazorla,Sanchez,Walcott,Giroud.I would also take a gamble with Gibbs as he is better going forward then Monreal.Bring Ozil/Rosicky on later if/when needed.

  168. The Happening

    Mar 15, 2015, 10:36 #68587

    Glad you included an interesting analysis of Ozil Kevin, i play football, watch football, sometimes coach football and can honestly say have never really seen a player of Ozil's mould for a long time, obviously talented but that talent is yet to fully develop/engage here in the EPL, his reading of the game and positional play is highly intelligent, but he lacks brutality, for want of a better phrase?? May take another season to see the best of him!!

  169. Mathew

    Mar 15, 2015, 10:27 #68586

    Couldnt ask for a better match before a CL game, player's brimming with confidence, manager spoilt with choices. Thank you for your article Kev, I feel Ozil has evolved as a much better player since he joined us. He is not just lazy but isn't adaptable to situations as well. I have a feeling he has developed his physical attributes as it wasnt an essential in Spain. His fluency is depended on games where he isnt closely marked and yesterday was one of those days. Big games and big teams often man-mark their players, and he flourishes only if he is allowed to roam free. His defensive skills are poor and if Walcott can be dropped, Ozil should be dropped too. He nudges around and looks careless all the while but one good assist proves all wrong. I too have a feeling that we should buy an upgrade of Giroud, Aguero fits the bill but City wont let him go.

  170. GoonerRon

    Mar 15, 2015, 10:12 #68585

    Another great result and our 19th win out of 24 in all competitions which is a great run by any standard. Acknowledging it's not over a full league season, covers many competitions and is only for comparison purposes, that run rate of results is equivalent to a 92 point league season. Now bring on Monaco...

  171. Gunner1

    Mar 15, 2015, 10:10 #68584

    Seems like everyone is trying to justify Ozil's price tag....Giroud cost 3.5 times less and is twice as effective as Ozil. Stop being biased and be prepared to recognise when Ozil makes mistakes. If any other Arsenal player is playing with Ozil's attiotude, then they would be dropped for the next game...The only thing that keeps Ozil in the team is his price tag.

  172. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 15, 2015, 10:06 #68583

    What's galling is that had the kamikaze tactics not been dumped earlier in the season, we really could have been in with a shout for the double, Chelsea are the best of a pretty poor bunch and will win the title just because of that.