Hanging On By A Thread

Online Ed – Arsenal take the spoils at Newcastle… just

Hanging On By A Thread

Of course, it’s points that matter more than how they are achieved at the season’s end, so credit to the Gunners for winning a fixture that, on paper, should not have been so difficult to negotiate. Arsenal have won at Newcastle on their previous two visits, each time by a goal, and before that, there were the two draws - 0-0 and the 4-4, both matches that will live long in the memory for the wrong reasons. Given the Magpies’ travails this season, it was hoped this might be an easier 90 minutes than it proved.

There was an echo of the 4-4 game yesterday, with Arsenal crushingly dominant before the interval, and then totally conceding that superiority in the second half. It all looked like plain sailing with a comfortable 2-0 lead, and not much by way of resistance from the home team. Whether it was the visitors playing particularly well or John Carver’s team simply allowing them to is a point for debate, but the margin between the sides could have been greater than Olivier Giroud’s pair of well-taken goals. The delivery of Santi Cazorla for both was top drawer, whilst for the first, the advantage of playing Danny Welbeck as one of the wide attackers was apparent. Would Theo have won that header? The absent Ozil?

On that note, it was reported that the German playmaker was ill, hence him not travelling with the squad. With Arsenal, one never knows. I recall Manuel Almunia having a sprained wrist for months on end rather than Arsene Wenger admit he’d been dropped. However, with Ozil, if he was simply being rested, he would have presumably been on the bench as a back up option, and his performance in Monaco was hailed as a good one by those who watch him more objectively than a large number of Gooners. Interestingly, Arsenal’s first half play did not demonstrate they were any weaker without him, Cazorla, Ramsey and Giroud linking well, and it is conjecture whether he would have made a blind bit of difference to what happened in the second 45 minutes.

Arsenal would surely have expected their opponents to rally at the beginning of the second half, and the last thing they wanted to do was give them, and specifically the St James’s Park crowd, any encouragement. However, for the goal the Magpies scored, they were caught cold, a thicket of players ball-watching, and Sissoko allowed a criminal amount of time and space in the penalty area to pick his spot. It signaled the beginning of a very uncomfortable 40 minute rearguard action, as the Gunners failed to ever really get a foothold back in the game.

They did weather it, with the withdrawal of Alexis and Cazorla for Rosicky and Flamini a sensible acknowledgement of what the team required. Ospina, in goal, played well, pulling off a number of good saves. Matters were helped on a couple of occasions by questionable finishing from Newcastle, but fortune ensured the team’s winning habit in domestic football since the Spurs defeat continued.

Giroud’s goals were largely due to him outmuscling his marker Williamson. It was encouraging to see, and the more of this he brings to his game, the greater the chance he will become more prolific against stronger defenders. He’s no Diego Costa, but if he is to develop into the player Arsenal need in the physical intensity of the Premier League in every game, then he will have to win more of his battles against the likes of Vincent Kompany, John Terry, Martin Skrtl and Ryan Shawcross.

Whether Per Mertesacker was demoted due to the nature of his comments after the Monaco game only Arsene Wenger will know, but I suspect it has more to do with the new rotation policy to give Koscielny a break. Let’s see who starts against Liverpool, although I have a sneaking suspicion that we will see the same pairing as at Newcastle, with Mertesacker coming back for the Burnley game to spare Koscielny ahead of the FA Cup semi-final.

So in summary, great first half, second half hanging on like a boxer on the ropes, but no-one is going to complain about the three points. Occasionally, you get games like this. What matters is winning them. Arsenal are clicking into gear and on current form, should wrap up the customary top four spot by season’s end. However, defeats in the games against Liverpool, Chelsea and Manchester United might give us a different outcome. Certainly, the game on Saturday week, due to Liverpool’s resurgence with the return of Daniel Sturridge, is now a lot more important than it looked a few weeks ago.

Until then, enjoy the international break…

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here. Use the promo code ‘Gooner’ to get 10% off the publisher’s price of £8.99.

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  1. Steve The Gooner

    Mar 25, 2015, 20:50 #69274

    Kev, I have just been looking at 'The Gooner' issues for sale on e-bay and if you check out the bundle collection for sale I wonder if it could have been you setting them out for the photo.Have a look and it will make you chuckle!!!!!!!!!

  2. Website Admin

    Mar 24, 2015, 19:29 #69200

    A reminder to stick to football on here. I've removed a couple of comments this evening which were straying into territory we don't want to go. Mag - The comment you referred to had not been moderated because I was on a train home at the time.

  3. mark from aylesbury

    Mar 23, 2015, 13:27 #69135

    Jamerson - Fine you admit then you are not a modern football fan. Leave the modern supporting of Arsenal then to us modernists. Cheers Pal

  4. mark from aylesbury

    Mar 23, 2015, 12:40 #69131

    Jamerson - your lack of PC fine. But you cant have it both ways you claim to be a modern football supporter (see your last whinge about other fans in previous discussion). But you are not modern at all just a cockney hating, gay baiting dinosaur. Be happy in your own skin.

  5. Ron

    Mar 23, 2015, 11:19 #69126

    Jamie - i suppose that explains why Burnley, QPR and Leics have all found it so easy in the PL then, romping through all of them above them with ease and abandon.

  6. Badarse

    Mar 23, 2015, 10:51 #69123

    Morning julesd, liked the posts-and the Simon and Garf ones. Yesterday for Charlie's match I went to the changing rooms to find the loo. Was standing there when a young lady came and stood beside me-only kidding! She did wander past though, which was disconcerting as usually I stand for five minutes marvelling at my good fortune at how mother nature has blessed me, but had to limit my admiration to an unacceptably short three minutes , ha ha. There was a ladies game taking place and after I heard a couple of our boys laughing and chatting, a little negatively, so I explained that it was a step in the right direction, reminding them that Arsenal Ladies are Champs and that we have a personal friend in Marseilles who plays and is an excellent footballer-and an extremely attractive young woman. Feminism is possibly the only 'ism' I am attuned to-Power to the Women!

  7. theopants superstar

    Mar 23, 2015, 10:46 #69122

    Tony Pepe: You obviously didn't read the posts prior to mine or missed the point entirely - and I suspect it's the latter. Spurs and Southampton were labelled 'Championship quality teams' when they are obviously much better than that. Spurs not winning the league for 54 years - although funny and ammunition to poke their fans with - doesn't even enter into this debate.

  8. David

    Mar 23, 2015, 10:26 #69119

    @Unchives - dare I say it, but your castle built on sand is likely to be washed away by the blue tide of SW6 Nazis

  9. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 23, 2015, 9:57 #69115

    A good win against Newcastle. Now for the the Bin Dippers; let's sort them out properly this time.

  10. chris dee

    Mar 23, 2015, 9:08 #69113

    Amazing what a difference a competent keeper like Ospina can make. Chesney had been playing and acting like a promising 19 year old for the last 4 years,he needs to get his head down and grow up if he is to play for any decent club never mind Arsenal.Arsene really has fudged up the goalkeeping position at the club. I'm convinced a world class goalkeeper would have saved us a lot of heartache over the last 10 years.Almunia and Chesney really? By the way ,just love those battling away wins where cold hearted pragmatism rightly takes over from playing at all times 'the Arsenal way'.Many of us can remember successful times when cold hearted pragmatism was' the Arsenal way'.Get the balance right,plus a great keeper, and you get a great team a la Vieira,Henry,Bergkamp,Campbell,Cole etc.

  11. julesd

    Mar 23, 2015, 8:29 #69107

    Further to my earlier point 6. Employ female officials because they are capable of doing two things at the same time unlike some of Mike Riley's merry band of hapless men.

  12. Wear Your Colours

    Mar 23, 2015, 7:40 #69105

    Veritable game of two halves. We could have had four in fifteen minutes if Ramsey and Welbeck had been a little more clinical. We did seem to tire in the second half and we were thankful that Ospina made a couple of good saves. Six wins on the bounce;let's hope we can win the last ten fixtures too. COYG!

  13. julesd

    Mar 23, 2015, 7:39 #69104

    Simple solutions to prevent refs from sending off the wrong player. 1. Microchip or bar-code each player & issue the officials with mobile scanners to correctly identify every individual. 2. Put different numbers on the back of the players shirts. 3. Put the players name on the back of his shirt. 4. Let each player wear a different coloured shirt. 5. Let the 4th official view a video playback to identify the real culprit. 6. Employ more intelligent officials. 7. Sack Mike Riley. 8. Sack the Arsenal board & manager, as most things are usually their fault.

  14. DW Thomas

    Mar 22, 2015, 22:30 #69103

    Agree Aguero is a pipe dream, but still the type of player we need to push on to the next level. If Barca, Real, and Bayern are the best, what we strive to, then we need to match players with them, striker perhaps our most important as the first Monaco leg and other games have shown! Jack really can come good, but his play and attitude need amending. He releases the ball way too late too often and never seems to escape those bad tackles. However, he is silky on the dribble, isn't afraid, doesn't hide, and could still be that great MF he was pegged for. Problem, I fear, it will never happen under a manager like ours who doesn't seem to coach bad habits out rather he reinforces them. Same with Ramsey who is no better than Jack, just had what seems now a lucky purple patch last year. Add to that no real older veteran who could mentor him in disclipline and you see now the reasons for his regression. Where is the Bergkamp, or Viera that Cesc had? Even a Gilberto. Our role models are Ozil, Cazorla, Rosicky, Diaby. The latter two injury nightmares, Ozil the enigma, with only Santi a decent enough one. Even Coquelin for me makes it on the team sheet ahead of most now, but is no leader yet. Wenger's dismantling of a once great team has left the club with a vacuum of top leaders and hence so few trophies. Many players have had late career renaissances, but not at our club. We get rid. Youth is valued over wisdom. Pity, as our young talent is good, just not wise in the game. They pay for it with injuries and stagnant development. Thanks for that too Arsene!

  15. maguiresbridge goner

    Mar 22, 2015, 21:36 #69102

    Exeter, good point, Arsenal under this old fraud of a manager and indeed TOF himself are the equivalent of getting Saturdays sporting results on a Friday, my God we should all be millionaires.

  16. jjetplane

    Mar 22, 2015, 21:25 #69101

    EG you got there and MG it would be like listening to Wenger and taking on board. The sense of importance is bewildering.

  17. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 22, 2015, 20:52 #69100

    In Jamerson we see the paradox of this website's greatest advocate of violence on the terraces also being its greatest advocate of effete, 'morally superior' football. Still, must be nice to tell yourself that 'really', AFC win the league and CL every year...

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 20:47 #69099

    Badarse, and what makes you think i'd want to read it? I doubt there's many on here who do anymore.

  19. Tony pepe

    Mar 22, 2015, 20:44 #69098

    @theopants superstar.....that is the same spurs that only last year we whooped them in the fa cup, in which we went on to win and beat them home and away...and the clock is ticking nicely to nearly 54 years... Yes fifty four years since the sours won the league. Not to mention the league win at the "lane" .Etc. etc ...etc....etc. Boring boring Arsenal. Wenger out........ I know where I stand on the Arsenal debate. COYG.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 20:32 #69097

    There you are then proof indeed (not that any was/is needed of course) that all other teams are supposed to, and are expected to roll over for TOF and his little technicians and allow them to play tippy tappy and let them selves be tickled. You couldn't make it up.

  21. Badarse

    Mar 22, 2015, 20:12 #69096

    Mag you couldn't have read my post overleaf because you are still locked in with the 'old' adjective, and still hammering your religious background. jj you have read the post so no excuses for constantly posting negative gibberish. Custard pies at the ready...ha ha. When the rain comes, they run and hide their heads-they might as well be dead, when the rain comes. When the sun shines, they slip into the shade, and drink their lemonade, when the sun shines.

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 19:42 #69095

    jj, the AKB's don't need tablets, or pills, like you say a few words or a sentence(or spin) from they're messiah is enough to get them high.

  23. jjetplane

    Mar 22, 2015, 19:42 #69094

    Giroud is perfect for Wenger. It is a classic show of corporate ambition. If Giroud knocks in 20 goals a season he will be allowed to put his hand in prayer mode and smile to the heavens whenever he misses (lots) like his boss has missed the domestic and European opportunities that he too just smiles and secretly says '**** Arsenal, this is my club and Oliver knows exactly what is expected.' That means keep the blinkers on in big games because you are not up to it, then make a killing with the middlers who have nothing going. If that is called exciting football then Barca are doing it all wrong when they fight all over the pitch for every ball. JAMERSON we know you better and we know when you are trolling because deep down you probably are a WOB. You are with friends here mate. Unlucky Hull!

  24. Bard

    Mar 22, 2015, 19:01 #69093

    Jamerson; I get that about some of the euro leagues but you miss the main point a crushing lack of quality. How many chances did we miss yesterday, we also lost control of the game. The top euro sides dont do that. They shut the game down. This is not a downer on yesterday but its about how you define you define your ambition. The problem as I see it is that we are brainwashed by Sky and others to believe that poor/mediocre is fantastic. I sometimes wonder whether the AKBS have very little football experience. For them great football started when Wenger won the double. If you had watched Pele, Maradona, Van Basten or Kempes we wouldnt be having a discussion about whether Giroud is a top striker. Its a micro climate where average is venerated

  25. theopants superstar

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:52 #69092

    Jameson: would that be the same spurs that took 4 points off us and the same Southampton that beat us 2-0 and were comfortably holding us at home until reduced to 10 men, after which we sneaked a winner? If so, what does that say about us? After reading most of your nonsensical posts I've come to the conclusion that you are either a wind up merchant or just plain stupid/ignorant

  26. jjetplane

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:52 #69091

    Unless he fails to rise up from his seat the next time your favourite nag puts one away in a mid table battle. Please Hull - I am desperate now. Jamerson of the chavvy end of Barnsbury is always predictable but let's hope the Saints piss on your rusty dreams. None squeal as loud as a man who gets all his football from Wikapedia1 lol! What a plastic! ps anyone notice how he is finding it hard to get off his seat now? Won't be long before he's wrapped in a blanket in the upper tiers of the Wok with someone like WESTIE relaying the match to him dressed in a red and white altar boy outfit. Trad-it-ion.

  27. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:44 #69090

    I don't think my prediction is depressing. It is a grounded, sensible, pragmatic prediction based on precedence, of the sort a good betting man makes. In actual fact I feel highly positive and optimistic that it will come to fruition and I'll continue my 100% accuracy rate of the last few years. The one negative thought is - if only I'd thought of betting on it before!

  28. Westlower

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:41 #69089

    @Exeter Not too many odds available for 2015/16 except AFC are 9/1 to win PL. This season betting without Chelsea (top 2); Man City 1/2, AFC 11/4, Man U 7/1. Without CFC & Man City (top 3); AFC 1/3, Man U 11/4, L'pool 18/1. Top 4: Man City 1/25, AFC 1/10, Man U 4/11, L'pool 5/2. Next manager to leave post: LVG, Maureen & Rodgers 33/1. Wenger 40/1 (safest job in football), he'll leave on his own terms regardless how loud the WOB'S squeal!

  29. Bard

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:34 #69088

    Exeter; it's possible that we might get 3rd so that will strengthen the argument that we have made progress and therefore are moving forward and it will be more of the same. Very funny post though mate but depressing. Ron that would appear to be the case but maybe that gives us a chance to get him more cheaply. Other than him I dont see us spending £50m on a striker. I mean it would kill Sanogo who is tearing up trees at Palace ..er. Jamerson precisely it was awful but this is the league we are in. We should trounce Liverpool next Saturday if today was anything to go by. But would you bet on it ?

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:27 #69087

    Exeter, and you'll not be far wrong, Sad.

  31. Ron

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:19 #69086

    Hi Bard - i think all that Giroud lacks is a true quality striker to play with and to play off. I reckon he could be as good as Alan Smith was if the burden of the main striker was taken from him. He s learned how to hold up the ball and would be best served as a foil to a class striker but would get 10 - 15 v the weaker teams and allow a main striker to take breaks, not that they ever need one when they're firing on all cylinders. Most are kept in teams until they get injured arent they. I think there are big issues with Falcao s fitness mate.... mind you that makes him plum for a Wenger swoop i guess.

  32. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:19 #69085

    mag, I'm saying they'll be saying it again in a year's time. I will add a bit more detail to my prediction: We will go out last 16.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:09 #69084

    Exeter, too late, some AKB's have already said that.

  34. Wolffgang

    Mar 22, 2015, 16:00 #69083

    You are right about the hypothetical defeats to the top 3 teams.Surely Wenger aint going to lose 6-0 and 5-1.But it is probable ,but along shot. Its time Wenger improves his record against Chelsea and MU. Beating the rd at OT in the FA cup is a significant start. Hopefully the gunners can carry over the form in the epl. I believe the defence with Gabriel has improved to a small degree and I am more confident when playing these teams.

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 15:59 #69082

    Of course the BUG was been taught a lesson, you must not make OGL look an idiot, even though he does enough of it himself.

  36. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 22, 2015, 15:54 #69081

    6 points of clear of 5th with 8 games to go. Looks almost a done deal. Might as well make predictions for next season. I am going to repeat mine of the last several seasons: Wenger will not do the summer business it's generally agreed is required. There will be an injury crisis. There will be a slump. There will be a rally in which enough points are accrued for top 4. The AKBs will say we're 'well placed' for assaults on the PL & CL next season. So it will continue until Wenger is carried out of the Emirates, either in a straitjacket or a box. Westlower - what odds can I get on the above?

  37. Jim

    Mar 22, 2015, 15:50 #69080

    Manure win the 'Battle of Hoof Ball'Gerrard Off.

  38. Bard

    Mar 22, 2015, 15:49 #69079

    Just watched a barely championship level game billed as a massive battle, dream on. Ron DW, what about a cut price Falcao if such a thing were possible? He could play in Euro games and the big ones. He is undoubtedly class. Leave Giroud to play in the smaller games where he is at his best. I know what you mean about Jack DW but sadly mate he is an accident waiting to happen. He barely puts a run of games together and his injuries are always 4/5 months.

  39. jjetplane

    Mar 22, 2015, 15:30 #69078

    So now it's Chelsea, Man Utd, Man City, Arsenal, Liverpool or Southampton for fourth. Money is on the Saints. Fingers crossed ha ha! Would be good to see Arsenal in the Europa. They would not win it in a decade under the Creaky one. Moysey is right - the PL is pure pants .... ps Team Bournemouth! getting a bit big for their boots now lol!

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 15:04 #69077

    Gerry, I think we do, they run around cones sometimes with the ball sometimes without, with TOF blowing his whistle after 4 minutes 11.9 seconds no more no less, then have three sips of semi chilled water no spitting out you must swallow. Some fans have very bad memories the're completely erased when a win against a mediocre team comes right up and everything is alright and rosy in the garden again.

  41. mr.critic

    Mar 22, 2015, 14:25 #69076

    chambers is awful wherever he plays. not a clue about positioning, can't stop crosses, dives into tackles, is forever having to grab his opponent ( how many yellows so far?). come back jenks- all is forgiven.

  42. Ron

    Mar 22, 2015, 14:24 #69075

    DW - Hi mate. i only suggested Aguero tongue in cheek mate but we can but dream cant we. He always misses chances as they all do. Never lets it bother him just like Wrighty never did. Smashing attitude he has. Tough little guy. Works like a beaver like most South Americans. Shot like a bullet. Deserves better than Manch City. I love him i do. love to see him play, even when he tears Arsenal up! Come to us little fella!!! Mate Jack Wilsheres probably bad news. He ll never churn out 40 45 games per season. Hes cluless in the way he plays . Tear arsing into his daft tackles and running into traffic every time he gets the ball. He s fallen for the hype afforded to him 5/6 yrs back. You know my view on Walcott. Id cross bar him on my bike all the way up the M6 to make sure he signed on time if Liverpool really did want him as is suggested.

  43. jjetplane

    Mar 22, 2015, 14:20 #69074

    Great post DW and let's see the classic replies ......

  44. DW Thomas

    Mar 22, 2015, 14:10 #69073

    Getting Aguero is dreamland boys! Although he is what we need with our style of play. He has missed great chances lately if you watch him, but he is top class. Giroud works hard but is so cumbersome for a pro at this level. Welbeck too is not our answer. Sanchez badly needs a rest or he will burnout very soon. Ramsey looked ok yesterday, but many of our team, him big time, don't have a clue when to control a game by possession. For all his energy, Ramsey does little effectively for me. A healthy Jack is always better for me and he was great when Cesc was here to mentor. Sell Wally for sure. How do you demand what he wants and not have played for a year? Greedy goblin that one! We will barely finish top 4 again, maybe, and that's only if we finish strong. Again I'll say it. Despite a hot cold performance yesterday, Coquelin has been a big reason we are where we are. Maybe we should tell Theo we're giving Coq his wages and say bye bye! As for OGL, his head is still in the clouds about every performance. His desire for the perfect attacking game blinds him to the never ending reality that this team is just not complete enough to win the big trophies. He knows it deep down, as does our owner and board. They just don't really care as we do! Money trumps all, even glory. Sad it's still this way.

  45. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 13:44 #69072

    Hanging on by a thread, uncomfortable rear guard actions what's new? Yes three points from our flat track bullies against opponents on the same level as ourselves, and they're important alright especially at this time of the season to keep us in our favourite position and to have something to whoop, high five, and bounce about on the pitch at the end of the season, it would never do if OGL didn't have something to sell his followers and smirk about, and boy do they buy it.

  46. Bard

    Mar 22, 2015, 13:07 #69071

    Good three points. At this stage points trump quality of performance every time. I cant for the life of me see whats in this debate about Giroud. There is no doubt he is a good striker and a hard worker but a top striker you must be kidding. Ron Im with you on selling Theo and Jack mate as I have posted but there are some strange attachments out there.

  47. jjetplane

    Mar 22, 2015, 13:06 #69070

    Best post from FJOE Arsene FC scrape past Newcastle after meaningless game (groundhog) in Europa One as they did with Palace and QPR. Giroud has to be the most comical lead twat Arsenal have had for years. He is awful but if WESTIe (quick Jules give me a stat...) and the METRO (ha ha ) think he's good then perhaps we should all go to church this sunday and thank our lucky stars. Looks like that Wobbly little Amy Lawrence is wondering aloud whether Arsene FC will even make the cut once they some big games which all include second halves just like second legs. Still - WESTIE says it's done and dusted now and ARSEne said 'we could have scored five in the first half' so as you were my little tablet munching AKBs .... LOL!

  48. Gerry

    Mar 22, 2015, 13:00 #69069

    Had my doubts about Chambers when we threw Liverpool a bone at Anfield thanks to another all too familiar bottle job and they haven't looked back. He's paceless, can't see danger and worse for a full back won't stop crosses. What the hell these guys do at training I'll never know. Sorry I know we're third but I feel if we had shown more balls when needed this could of been a season to remember. The mismanagement continues. Does it bother anyone else that we gave the spuds 4 pts this season?6

  49. Finsbury Woe

    Mar 22, 2015, 12:50 #69068

    Yet another clumsy, fortuitous, insipid performance ...but enough about my team's close victory over bottom-of-the-table Leicester.

  50. Ron

    Mar 22, 2015, 12:40 #69065

    Hi Mark - Chambers showing all of the hall marks of a player that doesnt know what he is, what hes supposed to be or what he ever was. Right now, hes neither full back nor CB. Honestly cant see why Wenger bought him.I suspect too long under Wenger and this shambles of a coaching regime and he ll become Djourou. Hes probably a CB though im not totally sure. he badly needs showing how to play as one yet Wenger would play Mr Kos if he only had one leg im sure. CBs at Arsenal have to teach themselves and just 'cope', make do and mend. Bould was never much of a footballer really but we are entitled to think at least the basics of CB/FB/defensive play would be passed on to youngsters like Chambers.

  51. Mark

    Mar 22, 2015, 12:30 #69064

    Westie-Welbeck is not a finisher never will be just check his career record.Anyone expecting 15-20 goals from him dream on.Yesterday while Giroud tooks his chances Welbeck looked like a rabbitt in the headlights.When is Sanchez going to get his long overdue rest?Our worst player yesterday by a mile was Chambers.

  52. Alsace

    Mar 22, 2015, 11:50 #69061

    Giroud is an excellent taker of goals, Welbeck a very useful addition in that he gives us something we have lacked. This was however groudhog day again. Newcastle pressed un in the sceond half. Any team that really presses us has a chance of stopping us playing and beating us. Ospina is doing well and better than Szechney, much though I like him. We survived I suspect because of our keeper, and because OGL relised we needed another battler in midfield and put Rosicky on as well to make an attacking threat. We should always be able to fight our way out of a situation if necessary. We need, at all times, a dedicated DM and another creative midfielder who can scrap. We need to buy an orthodox DM in addition to Coquelin, who is both young, and dare I say it, liable to get injured. The summer should see these areas addressed, but it won't. We will be playing this russian roulette until OGL disappears.

  53. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 11:37 #69060

    TOF and his Cart horse were complaining about been tired having given a lot against Monaco (not enough obviously) they're even at it after a win what would they be like if they'd thrown it away.

  54. Ron

    Mar 22, 2015, 11:33 #69058

    Torbay - try our hand, get bold and offer Wally and Wilsh plus 40 miliion for Aguero mate. Him Giroud and Sanchez between therm wd do just fine!

  55. Finsbury Joe

    Mar 22, 2015, 11:31 #69057

    Yet another clumsy, fortuitous, insipid performance bought to the world by a clown. Still, keeps the AKBs happy, but then, most things do.

  56. Torbay gooner

    Mar 22, 2015, 11:29 #69056

    Good three points, abject 2nd half and fortunate that they did not have Cisse to call upon. My hands are up Westlower, Giroud has improved considerably in the last 18 months, but no he is not a great striker. Great strikers win you the big games against your rivals, a' la Henry against Utd, Chelsea or L'pool. Don't think Giroud has yet done that as he tends to be anonymous against such teams, although to be fair he is hardly alone in that. I should point out that I actually quite like him being in the squad and he is a more effective goal treat than Welbeck.

  57. Ron

    Mar 22, 2015, 11:13 #69055

    Hi Westie - yes its not been a bad season for me after the tonkings we sat through last time. Giroud s a good grafter mate. Hes not great but hes worked hard to get better. If Wellbeck could cross and cut in occasionally and shoot straight he d be a great winger. So fast and strong. I can see why Fergie didnt see him as a top pick and why Van Gaal got rid. He seems a nice lad and good pro but mate if AFC want to kick on hes not one to rest the attack on. He suffers from Wally mentality and thinks hes a central striker when deep down he must know he wont ever cut the mustard as one. We should cut our losses on Wally and use him as bait to get a good striker to assist Giroud if we cant pay top whack to get one.

  58. ozilla

    Mar 22, 2015, 11:08 #69054

    Definitely missed Ozil, dunno what game you were watching. I dont get why you and some gunners just cant get behind Ozil for once, especially when he is playing well. Maybe you want a mediocre Spud level player to support. Thankfully most people have some sense and not are not like you.

  59. Westlower

    Mar 22, 2015, 10:41 #69052

    @Ron, You've become our lucky charm at away games. Your presence is needed at OT in May for our last away game. A draw at Anfield this afternoon will suit us nicely.

  60. Westlower

    Mar 22, 2015, 10:17 #69050

    Crucial victory to cement our league position with 5 home & 3 away games left. Two key home games to L'pool & CFC will ultimately decide where we finish in PL. Time moves on and we're now the set-piece kings with 19 goals coming from dead ball situations. It's not that long ago we couldn't buy a set-piece goal. If only Welbeck could start scoring a goal or two, he missed an easier chance that Sissoko scored from. Same remark applies to Sanchez. What a dynamic trio of strikers should they all find their shooting boots. We're going to give someone a real tonking before the season ends. Gabriel looks the part and Ramsey covered more ground than any other Arsenal player at 7.5 miles, followed by Chambers 6.8 miles & Giroud 6.5 miles. Both Chambers & Ramsey being relatively fresh after Chambers not playing in Monaco & Ramsey only playing for 30 mins. Cutting comment in Metro, 'if you still think Giroud isn't a great striker then you're stupid.' Hands up all those who don't believe Giroud is a great striker? Doubtless if he played for someone else we'd be saying that he's just what we need?

  61. Smithy

    Mar 22, 2015, 10:14 #69049

    Very hard to judge how we played from watching motd . We didn't look very good but 3 points away after a champions league match is always a good shout!fingers crossed our boys come back uninjured from the international break we need all hands on deck for the run in.

  62. KC

    Mar 22, 2015, 10:02 #69048

    Good win Welbeck gives us more than Theo defensively but far less goal wise offensively, still believe Theo should be given more game time, do not want to lose him from the squad, Welbeck just does not score enough goals. We do have a bad habit of starting second halves very slowly and its gonna cost us one day but after all the travelling away games we have done very well. The Liverpool game is important league wise but will give us a good understanding of how good we are a good performance and win against them will prove we are finally going in the right direction.

  63. Unchives

    Mar 22, 2015, 9:48 #69046

    Dare I say it.....Premiership winning form!

  64. Retain the FA Cup a la 2003

    Mar 22, 2015, 9:31 #69045

    If Welbeck could finish like Sissoko did it would have been confortable. Liverpool could & would punish more than Newcastle did

  65. Paulo75

    Mar 22, 2015, 9:29 #69044

    Always good to get three points especially after a Champions League away game. Surely Mertesackers post match comments had nothing to do with his absence - we're all grown ups after all aren't we? Beginning to warm to Ospina, cant do any harm for the defence to have a less unpredictable goalkeeper playing behind them. Hopefully an "X" from the game at Anfield today.