Will we ever love you, Mesut?

Gooners are a masochistic bunch sometimes

Will we ever love you, Mesut?

Mesut Özil, our £42m breakthrough signing. Mesut Özil, World Cup holder. Mesut Özil, pass master, king of the assist and all-round midfielder maestro. Mesut Özil, fans’ favourite? Hmmm.

From the mixed reaction he gets from the supporters, you would never guess that Arsenal’s number eleven is one of the best in the game – a player with a legitimate claim to the oft misused ‘world class’ tag. He was absolutely superb against Liverpool on Saturday. Flowing across the midfield four, making acres of space for teammates, dragging Mamadou Sakho and the ailing Kolo Toure about like a sadistic 12-year-old torturing virtual ragdolls on The Sims – he did it all. His nonchalant feint in the third minute nearly gave Cazorla the opener. In the thirty-seventh minute his perfect cross-field ball found Ramsey, who in turn set Bellerin away – 1-0. Three minutes later, he won a foul from Sakho outside the area. Dusting himself down, he curled a sublime free kick past the despairing dive of Mignolet and in. Gorgeous.

When he was substituted in the second half, the majority of the crowd were rightly on their feet to applaud. Still, I couldn’t help but notice that the standing ovation wasn’t quite complete; there were plenty sitting nearby to me who seemed – somehow – underwhelmed. What struck me even more was some of the enduring grumbles I overheard during the game. As Özil stepped up to take his free kick, a couple of blokes next to me groaned theatrically. They were silenced pretty quickly but others remained audibly unenthused; as I shuffled off to get a horribly expensive lager at half time, I was amazed to hear another fan express disbelief at the second goal – Özil had been ‘the worst player on the pitch’ up to that point, apparently.

It seems to me that, no matter how well Özil plays, the complaints persist. So what’s the problem? Is he too languid, too casual? This seems an odd gripe for Arsenal fans considering how we all go weak at the knees at the very mention of Robert Pirès’ blasé footballing cool. Likewise, I’m not sure Özil actually is that casual; on Saturday’s Match of the Day, as Alan Shearer highlighted the various facets of our defensive work, there was considerable focus on Özil’s commitment to pressing, tracking back and tackling when we were without the ball.

Is it that he hasn’t delivered enough goals and assists? Well, no. He certainly had a dip in productivity toward the end of last season, but that coincided with a return from injury. Apart from that, his first season in the Premier League – notoriously difficult for overseas imports – yielded up a healthy seven goals and 14 assists in all competitions. His second campaign has so far seen a return of five goals and six assists, despite three months out with knee ligament damage.

Right, fine, but has he lived up to his price tag? This question, especially coming from our fanbase, is ludicrous. We all spent years imploring Arsène to spend more money on top quality, yet some of us are willing to indulge the idea that – when it comes to Özil – we’ve now spent too much. His game is good, his statistics are good and his arrival, by no coincidence, has heralded some long-awaited silverware for the club. There are no two ways about it – he’s given more than a decent return.

Accordingly, it seems to me that the problem isn’t with Özil himself. Part of the problem is to do with the negative media narrative concerning him, surely. Ever since Real Madrid president Florentino Perez made his potentially slanderous comments about Özil’s personal life – a distasteful parting shot after his move to Arsenal, no doubt intended to vindicate Perez in sanctioning the deeply unpopular transfer – the British tabloid press have had the means and motivation to make a story of Mesut. Since then, every off game and every dip in form has been met with suggestive headlines and accusations of laziness; likewise, all criticism has been hugely inflated – Neil Ashton’s assertion last year that Özil was ‘nicking a living’ springs to mind as a particularly farcical example of this.

If some of us have gone along with the negative narrative, that’s unfortunate. However, it’s suggestive of another part of the problem. In light of repeated disappointments over the last few years – our Champions League exits, the constant almosts of the Premier League et cetera – it seems that we, as a fanbase, have become a bit masochistic. All of us have an odd fascination with torturing ourselves over the things that go horribly wrong at the club, and it’s very easy to lose sight of the things that go right.

The fact that Mesut Özil plays for the club is something that’s gone right. Perhaps it’s time that we forget all the narrative nonsense, put aside our obsession with failings for a moment and appreciate Özil for what he is – an exceptional, world-class footballer, and a massive asset to the Arsenal.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 10, 2015, 12:38 #69773

    jw, I didn't notice that snub to the great one myself, it will not have went down well with him at all, but at least he'd have found out what it's like when he does it to other managers after been beaten, and i'm surprised the big bad press didn't pick up on it, but not surprised it wasn't brought up on here by some, no doubt if he'd have gave him a high five or a big hug we'd have been hearing how much the players love and respect OGL.

  2. Westlower

    Apr 10, 2015, 8:37 #69767

    For those of you looking for a Grand National bet on Saturday with an Arsenal connection, consider these: SPRING HEELED 20/1 - Bellerin; ROCKY GROUND 9/1 - Rocastle; NIGHT IN MILAN 25/1 - Inter Milan 1 Arsenal 5 (Ljungberg, Henry 2, Edu, Pires) & of course Gooner A.P McCoy riding SHUTTHEFRONTDOOR 7/1. A.P McCoy is a committed AKB, singing Wengers praises in an interview yesterday. Good judge of character is A.P. Today is 'Ladies' day at Aintree today, where the lovely, usually inebriated, female Scousers strut their stuff. I personally wont be betting on the Grand National as I'm keeping my powder dry for Newmarket next Wed/Thur. The best winner of the weekend will of course be Arsenal at Burnley. Onwards & Upwards. Well done Gooner Leah Williamson for keeping her nerve and scoring the belated penalty to secure qualification for the England U-20 ladies team. R.I.P Richie Benaud. I saw him play in the 1960's when he captained one of the best ever Aussie teams. Great man who also loved his horse racing.

  3. Westlower

    Apr 09, 2015, 20:22 #69763

    @Torbay Gooner, Point taken that 'feeble' is a bit harsh of a description for TH's first season. He arrived low on confidence from Juve after being stuck out on the wing in Italy & scoring only 3 goals from 16 Serie A appearances. His early form was erratic and a quote from that time read "I still haven't adjusted to the Premiership and a different style of football, it takes time." Which was the original point about Ozil. TH is proof that if you stick with a player that has undoubted ability the strength & confidence lacking in the early days will eventually come through. In horse racing parlance he would have been described as being a bit on the weak side, unfurnished but will get better in time. He scored 17 goals from 31 PL games in 1999/2000, 17 goals from 33 PL games in 2000/01, 24 goals from 33 PL games in 2001/02, 24 goals from 37 games in 2002/03. Not bad for a £11m buy. Now that Robert Pires, he really was flaky in his first season & didn't look like he enjoyed playing his football in England but a year later he was transformed into a top, top, top player.

  4. Will Magee

    Apr 09, 2015, 19:37 #69762

    goonercolesyboy has beaten me to it, but I refer everyone to today's comments by Pirès on Özil. Uncanny...

  5. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 09, 2015, 18:38 #69757

    Bobby Pires states Ozil is one of the best players he has ever seen. High praise from a legend. Onwards and upwards.

  6. Torbay gooner

    Apr 09, 2015, 17:57 #69756

    Sorry Will, apart from a very good performance against Liverpool and tbh who in the team had a bad one, not sure what else Ozil has done to justify the lavish praise. Yes he has shown improvement in his work rate recently, but I would need to see a lot more before I jump on the bandwagon. By the way he is million miles away from a Robert Pires, who admittedly played in a much stronger team. Westlower, 'TH14 pretty feeble in his early Arsenal career' err 26 goals in his first season as a 22 year old indicated otherwise!!

  7. Bard

    Apr 09, 2015, 17:25 #69754

    Jeff W, you need to be clearer and less ambiguous !!! Is he a top player or top top top player. Absolutely agree about him on the big stage. He has the talent but does he have the heart and desire ? Not sure.

  8. jeff wright

    Apr 09, 2015, 15:04 #69752

    Too true MG,old chicken lee only pops up clucking after a win.What a mug he is.You would think that he would be embarrassed doing this but obviously where there is no sense... Regarding Ozil my view is that so far he has done nothing to justify his price tag and comparisons with greats such as DB10 are ludicrous.It's even debatable if he is better than Fabre I did note though that the little playboy gave Arsene the cold shoulder when he was subbed on Saturday brushing past his out-stretched hand in a bit of huf . Perhaps he had a rep reprimand off le boss over another of his off-field antics at the night club in Berlin midweek? Whatever , the fact remains though that he does go missing in big games away - or even in little ones like at the lane of pain . Or don't these count when claims about his contributions to the common cause are put up >? I am also still waiting to see that defining moment in Europe from him when he takes a game by the scruff of the neck and helps to win it for us with a resounding MOTM show before concluding, as has been claimed, that he has taken us to 'another level' .2nd in the Prem at present hardly qualifies for his claims to have done so.Going out of Europe to Monaco and a remote 2nd spot in the Prem at present hardly justifies these absurd claims for him.You couldn't make it up.

  9. Ron

    Apr 09, 2015, 14:18 #69748

    Good points Westie but can you seriously see Ozil hanging about in N7 for long enough to emulate RP or DB? I cant. He looks like some body that's just passing through to me, despite his improvement. Its the way of things these days of course isnt it.

  10. jjetplane

    Apr 09, 2015, 12:01 #69744

    Nice one WEsTIE and patience is a virtue indeed though for those swimming in a money ocean like OGL there is no patience required as he has never stopped making money out of Arsenal come rain or shine. Think perhaps some of the squad are clicking at the moment and a win against the Chavs would be telling but my opinion on the boss does not change as when things are going well he looks 'happy grandad' but somewhat attached from things on the field. There are perhaps a handful of players semi-bossing things at the moment though not to the degree of earl Wenger years. They really should be kicking on as we are talking a decade with no show bar a scrappy FA win against a very inferior squad. Perhaps Arsenal could have been in Chelsea's position now with a coach with more energy and active belief. Talking Wenger can but he is possibly too old for THE WALK.

  11. Bard

    Apr 09, 2015, 12:01 #69743

    Westie; thats a good post mate. They did take a while and I really hope Ozil can rise to that level. My view is that he is not used to being the main man. At RM he was just one of several superstars. He needs to stop the pouting and get on with it. The other issue is whether Wenger can successfully build the midfield around him. If he does I reckon its curtains for Jack.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 09, 2015, 11:56 #69742

    Gooner 89, if the AKB's messiah does you can be sure they do to.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 09, 2015, 9:55 #69740

    And up springs lee kfc right on queue we definitely must have won.

  14. Westlower

    Apr 09, 2015, 9:28 #69739

    @NBanknutter & Gooner89 Don't be too hasty in judging Ozil, as Pires, Henry & DB10 took some time to come to terms with the hustle & bustle of English football. In 2000/01 Pires was initially moderate & only scored 4 goals from 33 PL games but a year later he improved dramatically & was voted Player of the Year. TH was also pretty feeble early on in his Arsenal career but again improved year on year to become an all time great. DB10 also suffered early on in 95/96 but improved to score 11 times from 33 PL games. He then became our top scorer when we won the league in 97/98 with 16 goals from 28 games. Patience is a virtue. @JJ, My point about comparing Alexis with Ozil is that one is a great team player & the other is a great individual player. Given their relatively young ages both will continue to improve their games and become the legends that are RP, TH & DB10. All 5 players mentioned have also had outstanding International careers, with 3 of them World Cup Winners.

  15. jjetplane

    Apr 08, 2015, 23:18 #69735

    AAH but WESTIE sees DB10 as a Rioch signing so not like a Wengerboy though whether Ozil is is also a matter of contention. The mysteries contained at the top of the game. Enough to make you .... stifle a yawn or just laugh out loud. Ozil (who I quite admire) just likes to shuffle off and do a little bit of shopping. And why not. Up the Gunners! (Old ones are the best).

  16. Gooner 89

    Apr 08, 2015, 22:42 #69734

    Westlower I am not convinced by Ozil but want him to succeed but you cant seriously compare him with "Sir Dennis Bergkamp" Dennis is quite simply one of the greatest Gooners of all time. Some would say he is greatest Gooner of all time. Ozil is not in the same league as Sir Dennis to suggest that he is is just wrong

  17. Lee afc

    Apr 08, 2015, 21:57 #69733

    Maguire. So much to say,so little to offer.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 08, 2015, 21:14 #69732

    I know this has been brought up before but the article suggests it can again, is there any player in the team at the present time we've really taken to? (no doubt younger gooners have) but a player/players we'd be sad or shed a tear over if they were flogged or pissed off?

  19. Lee afc

    Apr 08, 2015, 20:49 #69731

    Mesut Ozil..=...genius.

  20. North Bank Nutter

    Apr 08, 2015, 20:15 #69730

    Wow, is this the same player we are talking about????!!! Ozil has been fustratingly inconsistent since he signed for us. He doesn't score anywhere near the goals he should given his ability. As Bobby Pires has been brought up, this is one major difference between the two. Put both players 10 yards from goal on their weaker foot, who will pass and who will shoot?? Ozil also brings on the criticism himself, he mopes round the field with such a negative looking demeanour are you surprised gooner's haven't taken to him?

  21. jjetplane

    Apr 08, 2015, 18:00 #69729

    Here WESTIE thought Ozil and Sanchez could not be in the same team. You should try watching them sometime in the skin! Lol!

  22. Ron

    Apr 08, 2015, 17:14 #69727

    Westie - good one. Soon be time for the Grand National (lottery) bet. Ill look for my usual 7 or 8/1 horse with good things being said about it like "unlucky last yr"and "carrying lighter load this time" or " jonjo is predicting a good outing" and then hope for the best and lose! ha.

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 08, 2015, 16:54 #69726

    theopants, it is funny that, i'm surprised we haven't heard the, you must have been watching a different match than me line, i guess after a couple of wins and decent performances with good goals thrown in the referees can't be blamed (for the time being anyway)so something or some body else has to be held responsible.

  24. Bard

    Apr 08, 2015, 16:51 #69725

    Will whats a convenient media narrative ? Why would there be a anti Arsenal media narrative. And if there was do you think that Ozil or any of the other Arsenal players seriously give a flying f*** about what Adrian Durham and the like think. If I was being paid £150000 a week I wouldnt bother either.

  25. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 08, 2015, 16:34 #69724

    Finsbury Joe....why don't you fcuk off down the Lane....oops forgot you already did.

  26. Finsbury Joe

    Apr 08, 2015, 16:29 #69722

    Was a very good player under great coaches at Real, the same could be said for Germany, but at Arsenal, he is clearly over priced, very poorly coached and surrounded by inadequate team mates. His current limitations compared to other, much cheaper MFs are not really his fault. He will be off soon enough, as he clearly has the ability to win things, so why stagnate at Arsenal? no wonder he has problems motivating himself

  27. Westlower

    Apr 08, 2015, 16:14 #69721

    @Ron, It's a funny ole world, my only horse bet of the day has just won at Nottingham, Yourartisonfire, part owned by that Dirty Northern B**tard, Paul Scholes.

  28. Will Magee

    Apr 08, 2015, 15:52 #69720

    Bard, it has nothing to do with a conspiracy against Arsenal, or a victim mentality. It has to do with convenient media narratives - like it or not, they affect our thinking.

  29. Ron

    Apr 08, 2015, 14:54 #69719

    Hi Cyril - I think Bellerin is one of the finds of the season to be honest. We might struggle to hold onto him i suspect. Liked him the first time i saw him. He stands up and is counted away from home too doesn't he. Goonercolesboy - if AFC get top offers for Wilshere and Wally, they ll sit up, take notice and consider them and so they should. Every player his price at EVERY club, especially players whose return over a long period has been minimal such as those two. We have to bear in mind too that Ozils form has co incided with some form from the team in general as you rightly say, but hes not really been the architect of that form. This is the draw back with Ozil right now i thnk. Hes a bit 'fairweather'. Great player on his day v the right opponent played usually at home. Its not yet good enough but its good to see that he is displaying those qualities we all saw back in a German shirt in 2010.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 08, 2015, 14:40 #69718

    jj, maybe Pardew could get more out of him he could give him the push he needs. Ron, just to see the wally cry.

  31. Roy

    Apr 08, 2015, 14:29 #69717

    Didn't it take DB10 around 18 months to work out how to look after himself in the PL fight club before his class then took over and did the rest ? And that was after taking a kicking from Serie A's hatchet men. You are always going to come in for some stick with such a price tag, but class will always out. Anyone with half a brain can see how good Ozil is if deployed properly. What short memories some idiots have.

  32. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 08, 2015, 14:27 #69716

    Makes me laugh, let's sell five players and get two in return nonsense. We now have a squad, two players for each position and as well as we do injury we need them. I get we need to strengthen again but there is nothing wrong with making players earn their position and feel the hunger to play and play well. I hope the days of selling our better players is well behind us, let's see what Liverpool and the spuds do with their so called marquis players next season. No CL means looking for another club. Ozil is a magnificent player who needs the right players around him as others have duly noted to see him at his best. Recently he has found his form, coinciding with our excellent run of results. Onwards and upwards.

  33. Bard

    Apr 08, 2015, 14:25 #69715

    An interesting post Will but a little to simplistic for me. I love his style, his balance, the smoothness of his passing but world class players make the difference in big games. Apart from Liverpool I havent seen too much of that. He goes missing too often in games to be called world class. If he takes Chelsea apart on the 26th I will rethink that comment. At the moment he is overpriced at £42m. The rest of the post is of the 'woe is me' kind, media conspiracies, everyones against us, poor old Arsenal. Its b*******. It's the kind of thinking that is ****ded in the club as an excuse for failure. Who cares what Neil Ashton thinks. Sorry to be so vociferous but I hate all this victim mentality. In top class sport you get what you deserve.

  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 08, 2015, 14:15 #69714

    A player is just like the team a couple of wins (especially after a beating or embarrassment)and everything's rosy again, the same with a player he plays crap for two or three games wouldn't walk out of your way, and misses a couple of sitters then suddenly he has a couple of good games and scores a few and he's the bee's knees again world class best in his position and we'd want nobody else, until the next time. And that's the problem with a lot maybe even the majority of our players (including the manager) there's always a next time.

  35. Ron

    Apr 08, 2015, 14:08 #69713

    True enough Westie. I hear your point, but with Ozil i do think that if the lad had a small element of scholes type play inbuilt into his game, he would be that totally convincing player who would take games by the neck and dictate them as we ve needed for many many years. Its maybe not in his make up though is it so will never appear. Its my view that to maximise your return from an Ozil in the English game, a team needs a hard ballwinning Peter Reid type scuffler in there as the 'insurance man'. A team needs to be able to frighten another team by the presence of such players. For me, Arsene has always missed the beat on this and as such as sold some of his array of creative players down the years short. Fabregas cried out for some body to 'look after' him. The best he was ever offered was Flamini, who has never been much of a footballer, more headless chicken. Song was another who at his best was still too flaky, slow and ill disciplined to do it. Such as Ozil have to have others who give him the platform to play, he cant carve out his own platform v the best sides. Away games have highlighted this inherent flaw in our teams for years. At home its not so acute as the other team are always on the back foot apart from the best European teams who have the confidence to take advantage of our not having such a team structure. The type of player im taking about has to be able to play and contribute though as well and there aren't many Roy Keane/Manu Petitt types about.

  36. chris dee

    Apr 08, 2015, 14:00 #69712

    Ozil? Love him,he helped us win a trophy last year,which is what it's all about. I'm old enough to remember 'greats' such as Eastham and Baker but to me Stephen Morrow,Ian Selley and Andy Linighan were far better players because they lifted a tin pot.Good football? Great players? Only if they can complete the bottom line.Success.It's what big clubs are there for.

  37. Westlower

    Apr 08, 2015, 13:47 #69711

    @James, Ron, Ray Wilkins was asked the question, "Would Arsenal's season been any different if Matic played for them?" "Not at all" came the reply. Wilkins is impressed the way the whole team are working for each other. Maybe Ozil is not universally liked because he doesn't practice the 'black arts' & doesn't possess a sneaky Scholes type tackle though the back of a player. Skilful players are always the first to be criticised by English crowds raised on huff & puff football.

  38. cyril

    Apr 08, 2015, 13:37 #69709

    The performance on Saturday by Bellerin, Ozil and Sanchez was as complete as I have seen since bergkamp, pires and Henry back in the day. Let me assure you, I sit very close in middle of the ground and the link up play between ozil and sanchez is a delight to behold. I don't want to trump anyone but it is different seeing it in real life [3d [perspective], the runs in and behind and peeling off, the little flicks etc. Mr Ozil is a class act. On the box, you might pick him up after he has taken two players out of the game and made space. I clap him and support all the way inside the ground. Doubters, keep faith in him...

  39. paul andersen

    Apr 08, 2015, 13:19 #69707

    He is a World Class player we are lucky to have..the problem he is not spectacular like Sanchez/Suarez, does not take people on and is not full on all the time..i think that is what people expect for 40 million ! he is similar to Cesc keeps things ticking over then can kill you with a pass and great vision. I think the problem for us fans, is he does not show enough emotion towards the fans, he trudges off head down. But what a player !!!!!

  40. Mikey

    Apr 08, 2015, 13:15 #69706

    Who cares what the anti-Ozil brigade think, they will always find reasons to criticize. Just enjoy what he does on the pitch and hope that one day we have an Ozil playing for England.

  41. Will Magee

    Apr 08, 2015, 13:13 #69705

    Please say 'PC Brigade alert!!!' is a parody.

  42. theopants superstar

    Apr 08, 2015, 13:09 #69704

    It's funny how whenever there is criticism of Arsene or any of the players it's put down to 'media influence' rather than being an opinion based on what we are seeing with our own eyes!!

  43. Ron

    Apr 08, 2015, 13:08 #69703

    Good points James. Agree there. The Club still needs a top quality keeper, a top notch DM and also a top notch striker and left back. I rate Ozil higher than you do mate, but id happily sell him Wilshere Walcott Wellbeck and Schezny to get the said needed players. PS - I Have to admit though in Walcotts case, id sell him just for the pleasure of selling him!!

  44. Tony Evans

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:48 #69702

    I wish the England midfield had someone as 'bad' as Ozil!

  45. jjetplane

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:47 #69701

    Practically unique in his application in that he does casual on the ball like no other. His work rate is better than some give him credit for but still looking for him to put one away like Zamora did at the weekend. It's in his locker. He just needs that first one. Has that potential to stick them away in his own way. Like DB10 and Henry. He is a delight on some days but a million miles away from PL culture. It's Matisse verses Turner mate! Be interesting to see what Pardew will do with him .... Lol!

  46. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:46 #69700

    Ozil took a season to acclimatise to the 100mph blood and thunder error-ridden spectacle that is English football, where graft is celebrated over style. Now we are starting to see his true class. True that his demeanour didn't help to start with though.

  47. Lord Peter Of Highbury

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:40 #69699

    We had lacked a genuinely 'world class' player in any position since Cesc, so the signing of someone of Ozil's quality was a wonderful thing. But during last season, the moron who sits behind me frequently claimed that 'Ozil was ****' because the guy wasn't winning games on his own in a team that was clearly deficient. Can I suggest that anyone in the anti-Ozil camp is both a footballing heretic and all-round village idiot (I have already advised moron man of this, but I don't think he understands).

  48. James

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:39 #69698

    The problem is that he has simply not justified his price tags. You can come out with all the statistics you want, but statistics don't paint a full picture. For example, of his 14 assists last season, how many were in the PL? I do know that three of them came on the first day against Stoke, all from dead ball situations - he wasn't cutting defences apart with raking, pinpoint passes; Bergkamp he aint. Is he lazy? Yes. His own players berated him twice last season on the pitch. He might run a lot, but what's he actually DOING! Running is not effective in and of itself, Ramsey tells you that. I don't think people like his attitude. Pretending he's sick then being spotted partying hardly does him any favours does it? Most clubs would reprimand a player for that, and you would hope Arsenal would but I doubt Wenger would allow it. Ozil's just an dislikeable character who comes across as pompous and arrogant because he's not living up to the arrogant perception he emits. If Ozil left tomorrow, I doubt it would make 1% difference to the way Arsenal play or what they do or do not challenge for. Any player could replace him and have the same effect, because Wenger's tactics are static and all his midfield players are educated to do the same thing on the pitch. For that reason, he's been a waste of money. If you flogged him for £40m and spent the lot on a world class goalkeeper and DM - that would make a much bigger difference in terms of points.

  49. AMG

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:38 #69697

    Generally agree with you Will, I think Mesut is a great player, much more so when played in his natural position. The lack of appreciation is definitely due to his style. People have always taken to Cazorla because of his quick feet and frantic style, he's exciting to watch, yet Ozil's output is vastly greater than Cazorla's. The key to making the most of a player like Ozil is to get the right players around him. Fast wingers and lung-busting box to box midfielders seem to get the most out of him as he thrives on movement - Tippy tappy no shooty is Ozil's game, so playing him with similar players will only cause the whole thing to grind to a halt. Third-man runs, feints, passing into space - That's the football we all want to see.

  50. JJB

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:30 #69695

    Excellent article! It’s one thing that we have to deal with the anti-arsenal media and especially the DM with their resident troll who shall not be named, but we don’t need our own fans piling in on Ozil. We are lucky to have him, and those who don’t “get” what he brings to the team should go and pick a more simple sport to indulge and let the rest of us enjoy having this wizard grace the Emirates. Has he lived up to his 42m fee? Probably not, but is that his fault? Did he specify that was what we had to pay….NO, he has been a slow burner but something that seems to be forgotten most of the time when discussing Ozil is his age! He is 25, not even at his peak yet and look at what he has personally achieved, we should be getting his best years and he is now being moulded into a far more robust and rugged player than the one we bought. He has needed to improve hie work off the ball and in the “big games” he needs to do more, but I firmly believe we are seeing him start to conduct the orchestra with more consistancy and I think we all noticed his eagerness to win the ball back against Liverpool and our excellent run and his return to the team is no coincidence! Those who were determined to point out that his presence was stifling Sanchez are ridiculous, we are now seeing the “automatisms” (to coin the BFG’s phrase) all over the pitch and he is central to them. If you want to look at what he does so superbly, what the pass before the assist on many of our recent goals and you will notice our no 11 is usually at the heart of it.

  51. Paulo75

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:22 #69694

    I will need more than a handful of good performances to feel the £42m tag is justified. Still feel he can let too many games pass him by but recent performances have been encouraging.

  52. PC brigade alert!!!

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:17 #69693

    Here he is again, with his lefty whining at all the real FANS who want to see a bit of blood and thunder in our players. £42 million for a lazy mercenary who'll be benchwarming Bacaray Sagna at Man $ity in two years time. An overrated primadonna who won't FIGHT for the ARSE. I'd have Cattermole or Colback every day of the week over this chump. #wengerout

  53. Ron

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:13 #69692

    Hes a great player, but like many of his type down all of my yrs following football hes not one that english crowds will ever rate. Unless he busts his lungs and flies like a loony into needless tackles like that idiot Wilshere does, crowds here wont take to him. The cerebral player never gets put up in lights here. Pirlo would be classed as an idle skiver for eg!

  54. Steve

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:07 #69691

    I rarely comment on web articles, but given how much I love Mesut I had to chip in. I could not agree more with the article, both on the quality of Mesut as a player and the reasoning for the lack of support behind him - essentially, an unjust media/PR hate campaign. But finally in the last few weeks, I've noticed a changing attitude from pundits, newspapers and fans alike - there's been MoM awards, Player of the Month, high game ratings in the papers and even praise on MoTD! The reasoning behind which, I'm unsure - his self promotion in his determination to return from injury? The bulking up in the gym to better deal with the 'English' game? The (as always) unquestionable statistics? An apparent belief he is 'finally' working harder (he's covered the most distance on the pitch several times this season)? Or merely the need to focus on other more newsworthy failures and scapegoats (Man City, Raheem Sterling etc)? His team has always appreciated him. The manager has always appreciated him. The observant fan has always appreciated him. And now hopefully, the media and casual fan will appreciate him too. Apparently he is a player who needs to feel wanted and there is (was?) a risk the negative attitude toward him could eventually push him away. So... long may this positive press continue!

  55. Wengerite

    Apr 08, 2015, 12:07 #69690

    Damn right. But then the masses are fools who get taken in by whatever media narrative is on at the moment. Take for instance, the recent run of form. The media is going all gung ho about Arsenal being the best in the league. Lose narrowly against Chelsea and it will be - Tactically inept Wenger! Or the Wilshere bashing. He's been generally above average, but people just want him to be Messi at 23. Or Cazorla - there has been no media articles about him, so no one's talking of how Cazorla is in the form of his life and possibly the most important attacking player in Arsenal at the moment. Same with Ozil - where the media have gone one step ahead and declared him a Bendtner. But no, people cant't stand to think independently for once, and so brainless gits like Owen continue to influence what people think.

  56. Chudleigh Warner

    Apr 08, 2015, 11:57 #69689


  57. Jimmy

    Apr 08, 2015, 11:46 #69688

    Ozil's arrival has made the statment that the club are no longer needing to sell player to fund the stadium. If you watch him play it is surblime football, his touch and vision are somthing to behold. His signing and play haved again moved the club to another level both on the pitch and in the clubs world status, (who thinks we would have got Sanchez this year without having got Ozil last year. I do not understand any one who doubts what he has meant for the club or what he does on the pitch.

  58. King Jeremy

    Apr 08, 2015, 11:41 #69687

    He reminds me a little of Gilberto - I could personally never see how all the praise lavished on him was warranted. But just how much did we miss him once he was gone! I think Ozil has given some of his best performances in an Arsenal shirt in recent games and long may it continue

  59. KiwiGooner

    Apr 08, 2015, 11:32 #69685

    The article is spot-on, Ozil is world class and a maestro

  60. Westlower

    Apr 08, 2015, 11:21 #69683

    The ultimate team player, responsible for more assists than any other player in Europe over the past 5 years. I love him as much as I loved his predecessors, DB10, Brady, Sammels & Eastham. Intelligent footballers all, who are made to look bad on occasions by the limitations of others. Ozil is THE class player of the present squad. IMO the best Arsenal signing since we moved to the Emirates. Ozil the brain, Alexis the Brawn. Sadly English supporters raised on pub team football won't appreciate his finesse & passing skills. If only Jack had Mesut's brain & appreciation of what's going on around him. Love him , love him!!