The Spaniard

Bellerin the Gladiator?

The Spaniard

I abhor name-dropping. That said, I once met, serendipitously, the screenwriter John Logan whilst on holiday; our two small parties spent several days’ quality time together. Discussing Gladiator, which he co-wrote, I asked did he write the timeless words uttered by Russell Crowe: “At my signal, unleash Hell”?

“Nooooo”, he lamented, “Russell came up with that himself on-set! It’s one of those lines that you wish you’d thought of”. It’s too late now, of course, but I wish I’d asked John (Mr Logan to you) whether he’d penned: “Are you not entertained?... Are you not entertained? … Is this not why you were here?” Those words, too, were spoken by Russell Crowe’s character, Maximus Decimus Meridius, who, as you may remember, was also known as “The Spaniard”.

Saturday lunchtime, Arsene told another Spaniard, Hector Bellerin, whom he’d first unleashed on Hull (geddit?) at THOF last October, and as featured in Hector’s House: “On Anthony Taylor’s first whistle, unleash Hell”. Hector and ten other gladiators (including two further Spaniards), duly darted into the foe (unlike a constipated baker – geddit?), swarming all over the Scouse Scallies before they knew what had hit them. The only thing missing, predictably, was Arsene, forever dignified, giving it large – the very antithesis of Pardewesque - at Anthony Taylor’s final whistle, itself greeted with rapturous applause: “Are you not entertained?... Are you not entertained? … Is this not why you were here?”

For most of us, it’s precisely why we were there. But, reading after the game Issue 248 of The Gooner (yes, I know I’m two laps behind), it was clear from the Editorial that some supporters would have had mixed emotions as Liverpool’s supposed parsimony on their travels was blown away in eight breathless, first-half minutes, each goal arguably even better than the one before. Lest we forget, Liverpool were chasing a record-breaking seventh consecutive Premier League clean sheet away from home.

Take a look at Adrian Clarke’s “The Breakdown” on the Arsenal website after the 2-0 victory over Everton in March. The Average Position diagram (4 minutes 18 seconds in!) shows our Number 39 on the half-way line, miles ahead of the rest of the back four (which included Kieran Gibbs, who is never backward in going forward), and also advanced of Coquelin and even Cazorla. Our BFG remarked recently that Bellerin gives us another dimension. As I’ve said before, Debuchy won’t regain his place.

Adrian Clarke (again) filled in the last of the season’s seemingly interminable international breaks with The Breakdown: Squad strength special. There are battles aplenty all over the pitch; it’s not just at right-back that two or more high-quality options now exist, or will do once the squad is Ian Dury-free.

Given that this is Christianity’s most holy time of year, I’ll end by adapting some words purportedly spoken by Christians’ saviour God, who had been betrayed: “Arsene, forgive them, for they know not what they do”.

Keep the faith.

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  1. Jason B

    Apr 12, 2015, 15:22 #69814

    The author of this tripe should stick to watching UK Gold.

  2. Ozzie

    Apr 12, 2015, 10:00 #69796


  3. jjetplane

    Apr 11, 2015, 21:46 #69795

    What pressure? I find it all a bit boring but we beat the top side Dorking Wanderers today and I was there in the sunshine and the goal was a peach. Now what's happening in the CL this week? Lol!

  4. Westlower

    Apr 11, 2015, 20:20 #69794

    Good result & reassuring to see this side are capable of a '1-0 to the Arsenal' performance. A final points tally of 78 looks feasible with 4 home & 2 away games left. Ospina & the CB's need to improve their distribution as they constantly gave the ball away. Keep it simple chaps. Lehmann initiated so many moves, usually from throws instead of hoofing the ball up field. Time to bring Debuchy back into the team for the final thrust. @The bookie, I wish.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 11, 2015, 18:55 #69793

    Dana also won the Eurovision with all kinds of everything or words to that effect (and we certainly get plenty of that with OGL and his fans) i wonder can he sing? I think he'd look well in a long dress with a beard and we could all unite behind him.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 11, 2015, 18:16 #69792

    My we're on form today LOL, and i'm not referring to OGL and his little technicians.

  7. Alsace

    Apr 11, 2015, 14:52 #69791

    Very worried that with the return of no hopers Arteta, Diaby and dare I say it, Jack, let's give the ball away in vital positions, Wilshire, that OGL will be tempted to meddle with a winning team. Let's hope not.

  8. jjetplane

    Apr 11, 2015, 13:51 #69790

    What on earth are you babbling on about now! Have a bit a faith JAMERsOn. Failing that - get yerself a posh bottle of french horse piss and settle down for a bit of nonsensical streaming. Walcott for a cameo hatrick - always back winners .....

  9. Westlower

    Apr 11, 2015, 9:04 #69789

    Correction - make that ROCKY CREEK, not Rocky Ground as posted earlier. You can tell I don't know much about NH racing? Roll on Newmarket. Oh Rocky Rocky, Rocky Rocky Rocastle.......

  10. Westlower

    Apr 11, 2015, 8:49 #69788

    Arsenal are due for a win at Turf Moor having not won there since Sep 1970. Since then Burnley have won one and three games drawn. Fingers crossed we're sitting on 66 points come later this evening. Head on the block time and I'm tipping ROCKY GROUND to win the Grand National at 4.15 & LENSON SANCHEZ to win Heat 1 of the Scottish Greyhound Derby at Shawfield. LENSON WALCOTT makes his debut at Wimbledon this evening. Both dogs owned by Arsenal fanatic Len Ponder. Always back winners!

  11. jjetplane

    Apr 10, 2015, 18:20 #69787

    ... of course all that will leave room for Jack's Left Foot .... Wahay!

  12. jjetplane

    Apr 10, 2015, 17:29 #69786

    In Bellerin's own words: 'People think I'm a cockney sometimes ...' I like this kid a lot and dare I say it but he could be another ACole in the making. Saying that can well imagine Barca and BM are already having a look with AW already 'privately' stipulating 40m as a nice price in a year or so. Players moving around with greater frequency will happen more and more and Wenger will be just another player in the merry-go-round of money-making. If Ozil and say Bellerin move elsewhere in the next two years no one will bat an eyelid and the likes of dear old Stan will be in such deep joy he will never want to leave. Here is the future. Top 4 for fifty years - a record ......

  13. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Apr 10, 2015, 17:24 #69785

    I'm sort of mildly concerned that people seem to think that we are going to win the F.A. Cup. I can only assume that such persons are the same ones who think Arsenal was formed in 1997 and that the earth revolves around the light emanating from Arsene Wenger's principle orifice of communication. The list of under-doggies who have beaten us up in the cup and thrown away the key is fairly long, Cardiff, Sunderland, Walsall, Millwall, Wigan, Wrexham, Peter Gurney, Peter Davey, Old Uncle Tom Cobley and allll. Reading await us at the New Neasden Lavatory, and if we do manage to get past them, Liverpule or the Veela. We will do very well to win the cup this year, and those thousand year reichers who regard it as a foregone conclusion, have a very good chance of disappointment. Still, there's always the fourth place trophy. Arsene keeps that on the mantelpiece, next to the one he won on "Pointless".

  14. Westlower

    Apr 10, 2015, 17:19 #69784

    Arsenal have only lost once (Southampton away) from the 14 games that Debuchy has played in. 10 in PL, 3 in ECL + Community Shield. Once match fit Debuchy will get the nod over Bellerin. With injured players returning we are well covered in the defence with 6 (in capitals) having played at CB this season. DEBUCHY/Bellerin, GABRIEL/BFG, KOSCIELNY/CHAMBERS, MONREAL/Gibbs.

  15. jeff wright

    Apr 10, 2015, 16:47 #69783

    Very true MG, this is what many find so annoying with the AKB's shallowness in their support for Wenger. Just like little lambs they follow the leader going ba ba ba ...

  16. Peter Hughes

    Apr 10, 2015, 16:23 #69782

    Bellerin is a promising youngster. Deubuchy will be preferred at present when fit.Even Gus Cesar had a good start to his career. Long way to go for Bellerin but a good start. pretentious piece.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 10, 2015, 16:02 #69781

    jw, the FA Cup is his true level alright and he should stick to it, and if by some miracle we'd have over come the mighty Monaco it would no doubt be put on the back burner again by himself, with even calls from the wengerites that it should be aborted and/to concentrate on his Holy Grail.

  18. Bard

    Apr 10, 2015, 15:56 #69780

    Ian I thought Gladiator was a documentary about the history of Stoke football club and that Maximus Kickarse was a 30s legend, so youve really got me on that one.

  19. jeff wright

    Apr 10, 2015, 14:18 #69779

    Ron, it's all about technique now with Wenger and at times this season when that has been in short supply the old problems have resurfaced. It must be mighty frustrating for Wenger that despite all of the technical players that he has signed that he is still coming up short in Europe.He counts finishing in an also ran spot every season in the Prem as being a success and the old formerly not worth the fuss FAC has been wheeled out again now to add a bit of spice to the dull domestic campaign. It's difficult to argue though against the view that this is actually more entertaining than Wenger's futile efforts to win the European Cup are. The FAC is actually Wenger's true level rather than the European ones.

  20. N17Goona

    Apr 10, 2015, 13:52 #69778

    I thought it was a rather nice piece and made me smile reading it. Arsenal is moving in the right direction and as someone who previously called for management changes I do believe I was premature in making this judgement. When our 'stars' start performing more consistently we will put in much more effective performances. Previously we have had only one or two lights shining but now there is four or five players regularly putting in big performances and it has made the difference

  21. Mike

    Apr 10, 2015, 13:28 #69777

    Ballerin has got more goals than Soldado

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 10, 2015, 13:22 #69776

    Lord Froth, no betting needed mate, of course they will, and so will old smugness himself where he'll expect them to roll over and let his little technicians tickle them and if they don' the'll skulk off down the tunnel in a huff.

  23. Ron

    Apr 10, 2015, 13:04 #69775

    Jeff - they'll come up against an element tomorrow that they traditionally don't like at all i.e. a team that fights and scraps. Wenger would have the FA abolish such facets in other teams if he could im sure.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 10, 2015, 13:00 #69774

    Hiccup, maybe it was Johnny Logan who won the Eurovision song contest for Ireland with what's another year, very very apt indeed for the AKB's.

  25. Gaz

    Apr 10, 2015, 12:36 #69772

    I really hope we finish second and win the FA cup this season as it'll give Wenger absolutely nowhere left to go. Either we strengthen properly this summer and win either the title or Champions league or we finish outside the top two and only win the FA cup and surely that'll be it as far as Wenger is concerned! After all there can be no excuses...although I guess we'll hear them... Personally I hope we win the Cup and finish second then make that all out assault for the major trophies...

  26. King Jeremy

    Apr 10, 2015, 11:59 #69771

    @Lord Froth - you know it! Now that 4th place looks secure (?) where will the drive and motivation come from to push hard for 2nd? Watch us stumble over the 4th place line on the penultimate round of games.

  27. jeff wright

    Apr 10, 2015, 11:42 #69770

    It's going to be a cold wet windy day tomorrow oop north in Burnley with temperatures set to plummet to a chilly 12c. Very different to Saturday afternoon's warm clime at the coliseum if this will have any adverse effects on our little technicians is something that will unfold after kick-off.Anyway it's probably not the stroll in the park that the bookies odds suggest,they offered even shorter ones for City when they made their short journey from Poundlands to Burnley's modest old fashioned stadium only to get beaten. I expect us to win though but suspect that United and Chelsea will also win their matches. QPR had a tough away game at Villa midweek while Mourinho's crew were sitting at home with their feet up relaxing. I had to smile at Wenger's warning to City that the days of him selling his best players to them are over. Wenger actually sold them players who were past their best or not very good anyway. See if you can spot a 'top player' among this lot. Kolo Toure,come on Arsene you are having a laugh ! Adebarndoor ,it's becoming hilarious now then there are the three French international flops Nasri Clichy and Sagna that make up the rest. 80m and wages running into millions saved for that lot was in my book good business. Wenger should be charghed with obtaining money by false pretences.The actual top players that he sold such as Cashley Cole and Fabregas were sold to other clubs that did impact on us were Cashley to Chelsea and Fabregas to Barcelona . Wenger avoids mentioning them though. Well he woud do,wouldn't he .If the Arab's, as has been claimed, really are offering 30m for injury jinxed Jack then Wenger should be snatching it out of their hands and spending the money and wages saved on buying a top top super super striker with it. The ground shaking news from Wenger yesterday though was that Diaby is fit to return ! You couldn't make it up.

  28. Westlower

    Apr 10, 2015, 10:28 #69769

    @Lord Froth, You appear to be suffering from PMT, Pre Match Tension. It's normal for anxiety to start kicking in the day before as the mind fills up with all the things that can go wrong. The bookies price up the game: Burnley 11/2, Draw 10/3, AFC 4/7. A correct score of 1-1 is 15/2. For anyone interested in tips for tomorrows Grand National, I inadvertently put them on the previous page, re the Ozil story.

  29. Lord Froth

    Apr 10, 2015, 10:08 #69768

    What's the betting that Arsenal just think that they have to turn up to beat Burnley at the weekend? Arsenal are playing very well but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if a 1-1 draw was on the cards. The key thing is to keep doing the simple things well, especially in midfield and defence and not start rushing up the pitch like schoolkids as they have been known to do on occasions. That is the good thing about our Coq is that unlike Alex Song he doesn't suddenly think he can do 50 yard passes like Steven G*rrard.

  30. Scotty, Worried

    Apr 10, 2015, 7:43 #69766

    I cannae give ye any more prawn sandwiches, Cap'n - the pretention levels are off the scale!

  31. Finsbury Joe

    Apr 09, 2015, 22:47 #69765

    Bellerin, Merida, they come and they go

  32. Ron

    Apr 09, 2015, 21:55 #69764

    A few things concern me about this post. 1. The 'snobbery' which has reached into many an Arsenal fan's psyche since the move to the silent dome is evident. The smugness is in the description of the 'blowing' away of Liverpool. I can tell you now there was no smug feeling when i and all of our away crew left Anfield in Nov 14 on the end of a 5-1 rout. This bit of PL revenge worries me with the thought that the dreadful and tedious 'stevie me get me to wembley dream' charabanc might have to be encountered again in the FAC. Im reckoning the smart cash would be on Liverpool now to charge up the scouse batteries and dish out a bit of revenge at that one, while the smug set who frequent the dome turn up and think just turning up will be enough to repeat last Sundays score. 2. The Bellerin adoration (though admittedly hes seems some player)ignores that hes got the i'll be off back to Espana before they know it playing like this, imprinted on his forehead. 3. I dont need any 'forgiveness' from Arsene Wenger for looking at him and his efforts over the last 9 meaningless yrs and i know exactly what i see too. The same points from 31 games as in last seasons hopeless melt down of a season wont have me cracking open the bubbly, just because we ve beaten a p i s s poor Liverpool outfit. I also know exactly what i do when i call for Arsene to jack it in at the seasons end. I d suggest that you apply for Badarses job Ian as Chief Chaplain for the AKB seeing as the old lad has gone and flown away on his magic router again seemingly. The AKB is in need of spiritual guidance the fill the old preachers void.

  33. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 09, 2015, 19:00 #69761

    JJetplane - Jamerson was a Rear Admiral he has a discreet tattoo in a very private place

  34. Hiccup

    Apr 09, 2015, 18:56 #69760

    I'm sure it was John Logan that also penned an old footie chant "what the f*cking hell was that" which is quite apt for this piece.

  35. jjetplane

    Apr 09, 2015, 18:55 #69759

    Wrong again JAMERsON and safely predict if this boy carries on he will make Stan very happy when they ship him off to Barcelona before he comes back again to Chelsea. Groundhog years with Wenger. Nice one JW - the opening line is a AKB killer! Lol! JAMERsON what have you got against tattoos as I thought you were an ex sailor boy so imagine you have them on your face mate! I might be wrong. I have none personally but would appear to be the rage with some celebs and whatever. I just use force of personality mate! Lol!

  36. HowardL

    Apr 09, 2015, 18:44 #69758

    I've never watched the Gladiators but I do think that Hector Bellerin is FANTASTIC. Two sublime goals - so far - and not a bad defender too. Get his contract signed, Arsene...

  37. jeff wright

    Apr 09, 2015, 17:31 #69755

    This line in the article is a classic of egotistical pomposity: " Our two small parties spent several days’ quality time together. Discussing Gladiator," Wow! The girls must have been thrilled by it all. All I can say is...yawn.... you couldn't make it up.

  38. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 09, 2015, 16:14 #69753

    Debauchy will get his place back when Bellerin is sold to either Barcelona or Real Madrid. If only I were joking

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 09, 2015, 14:55 #69751

    AMG, is there a difference? Lord Froth, and some have no memoies at all (geddit).

  40. Roy

    Apr 09, 2015, 14:42 #69750

    You mean the same player who was "unleashed" against Dortmund when forced to make his full debut in a CL away game due to his managers inertia in the transfer market concerning defenders ? And no, I wasn't entertained that night. He shall have his vengeance.....but not under this manager.

  41. Lord Froth

    Apr 09, 2015, 14:37 #69749

    Some people have such short memories. 8 years of failure then one FA cup followed by squad defence transfer mismanagement in the summer leading to a crap first half of the season followed by a good few months when the pressure is off. Where have we seen this before. Don't get me wrong, I do hope that Arsenal have turned the corner finally now that we've dispensed with some of the deadwood and strengthened, eventually, in some areas but until we can avoid flopping against Man U and Chelsea in the next few weeks then I refuse to get excited.

  42. AMG

    Apr 09, 2015, 13:32 #69747

    What was the point of writing this? Name drop, then self-congratulatory piffle. You fall into the classic AKB trap, celebrating before anything has been won or even achieved. I bet your mummy told you second place was just as good as first, or was that Arsene? He didn't finish 2nd that season though did he...

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 09, 2015, 12:33 #69746

    Stats, figures, spend ratios, it takes time, etc, now breakdowns and diagrams, God help us alright, what's next to defend TOF with? graphs, or assists from assists.

  44. jjetplane

    Apr 09, 2015, 12:15 #69745

    WOW! Give that Dawg a big Biscuit. Thought this was gonna a piece on the little Spanish Cockney instead we are served an AKB indulgence dish. And people wonder why Arsenal have not been competing for a decade. Half a Sixpence .....

  45. Bewildered

    Apr 09, 2015, 10:27 #69741

    Other than letting us know that you're, err, mates with John Logan, what exactly was the point of this article??

  46. Hornsey Bill

    Apr 09, 2015, 8:32 #69738

    Well Ian if you kept each other "entertained" with stuff like this, that must have been a real fun holiday! Keep taking the tablets