Cup final tickets - What price loyalty?

Should longer term fans get priority?

Cup final tickets - What price loyalty?

Wembley: Will you be there?

Am I alone in wondering why the Club continues to have arbitrary methods of allocating scarce FA Cup semi-final and final tickets? I want to relay my own experiences and provide suggestions that may be helpful to the Club or not as the case may be. I have held two season tickets for I believe 15 or 16 years, I have an old season ticket booklet from 2001 which seems like an antique now in it’s gaudy yellow jacket. I first went to the FA Cup final of Arsenal versus Newcastle United in 1998 at the old Wembley followed by other memorable finals at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff and latterly the final against Hull City last year. Over this period I have attended several away fixtures and accumulated valuable away credits.

In recent years due to pressure of work I have been unable to attend away fixtures, the last being Wolverhampton Wanderers at their Molineux ground, where I was physically assaulted in a car park by a hostile group of Wolves fans, for having the temerity to wear my colours outside of the ground. I have enjoyed watching Arsenal away during the FA Cup and Champions League and found the support of the away fans always better than the home support in terms of volume and passion. How galling then, the fact that I missed my opportunity to register my interest for semi-final tickets this year and found out later that the allocation was oversubscribed in any case.

I had forgotten simply to do what all keen fans must have done within seconds of receiving their e-mail – reply! I was absolutely gutted. In fairness to Arsenal Football Club I later received an invitation to buy one ticket on a first come first served basis which I decided not to take up as I have had enough of attending such blue ribbon events alone, as this was my experience at last year’s final. It seems to me that the current method of allocating tickets is not about the loyalty of die hard Gooners who have attended games over decades in good times and bad. Money talks and is now the Arsenal mark of loyalty. It is quantity apparently that counts. But how is that quantity calculated?

I recall the North Bank Debenture issue in around 2004 I think, enabled fans to pay around £10K and secure the best seats in the planned Ashburton Grove Stadium. There was also a suggestion that they would receive first allocations of cup final tickets. Club level or Platinum members have even greater benefits for their £5K tickets. Exclusive dining prior to the game instead of a pie and a pint, access to away tickets and entry to the semi-final and final ticket draws. Yet I have calculated that over the years I have personally invested well over £35K into Arsenal Football Club by my continued support, but this cumulative spend counts for very little in the new Arsenal way of doing things.

So as a Gold member and holding two season tickets, I also have no right to take my partner to dine prior to the game. Apparently also I have no right to expect loyalty in return from Arsenal Football Club and receive one final ticket per season ticket owned over those who are “Johnny Come Lately” fans who probably don’t know who Patrick Vieira is, let alone being able to say like me that I shook his hand outside the Arsenal Board Room at Highbury after he had first arrived at Arsenal. Over the years I have travelled home and away to support this club. The highlight being the Champions League Final in Paris, for which I am very grateful.

So the question I would pose to Ivan Gazidis is, why is there no recognition of the fans who attend every home game season in, season out? How about we also add categories of Gold members who have held their season tickets for at least five, ten or greater than 15 years consecutively? Why is the loyalty to the club based upon the immediate magnitude of spend up front rather than cumulative over the years? My views are not based upon a feeling of being hard done by, but a genuine attempt to discuss why long standing season ticket fans should be given more in return for their loyalty than at present. However, I wager this blog will be seen as a cry of sour grapes rather a real attempt to solve a very difficult problem encountered with such a large fan base.

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  1. radfordkennedy

    Apr 17, 2015, 9:56 #70046

    Made up 73793....Yes mate my Grand-Daughter reckons Di Maria looks like Dobbie the house elf!!..i did try not to laugh....before i left the house this morning heading down to pompey i checked out some odds with paddy power..Arsenal to come from behind and win 8/1,couldnt resist that,1-0 down 2-1 up and all that..enjoy the game all up the gunners!!

  2. Wallieson

    Apr 17, 2015, 8:52 #70045

    Had a BBQ to celebrate me being crowned ‘Number 1 Supreme Kickboxing Philosopher of the Universe...Ever’. Things were going really good, when who should turn up gatecrashing but Vladimir bloody Putin. ‘Oi, you bald headed Commy git!’ I said with all the dignity I could summon up under such difficult circumstances. ‘Who said you could come?’ So I took out me custom made Mont Blanc ball point pen and plunged it into his neck, releasing a capsule of pure Polonium. ‘How do you like it now!’ I announced combining the flourish of Errol Flynn and a delicious pastiche on Jeremy Bentham’s utilitarianism. I then dispatched several of Putin’s Spetznaz security guards in a murderous flurry of a martial art I invented, called ‘Barnsbury Bashedo’. All this kind of took the edge of the party, but then we all put on our Wenger masks and plugged in the Karaoke. Sweet. Corner flags were my idea.

  3. Westlower

    Apr 17, 2015, 8:23 #70044

    Unless Arsenal score an early goal v Reading it's not too hard to visualise Reading playing classic anti-football tactics. Steve Clarke was assistant to Maureen in his first spell at the Bridge & is well practiced in the dark arts. I expect the CFC v Manure to end goaless, as Maureen will be content to shut the game down. On the final whistle at the Bridge the whole country will be switching to BBC to see extra time being played at Wembley. A £10 double on both games ending 0-0 will make a profit of £1,690. Should things go awry at Wembley choose your abuse carefully as a pensioner was forced to pay £20,000 in damages for comments made against Blackpool owner Owen Oyston & his son on Facebook. Just saying! Can only imagine the comments that would have followed Wembley defeats against Swindon & Luton if the internet had been available way back when.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 16, 2015, 23:04 #70043

    jj, yes all this Klopp talk will certainly not be doing OGL's ego much good, and it will be ruffling feathers around AKB central command also with even the haemoids starting to give a bit of jip, cue the wenger spin machine to go into overdrive maybe even turbo (with the usual suspects leading the charge that he's still the best man for the job bla bla) with he's interested in this one, and trying to sign that one, he's going all out for him, all the truly big names the real top top class players the real big hitters who really would make a difference, just to placate the fans and let them think this is it, he means real business this time, to stand by him, and when of course the Gullible do, and start singing they're one arsene wenger, and then Klopp is snapped up by someone else and the pressure off TOF reverts to type and in comes a couple of second raters on the cheap from the French lique and maybe a couple of surplus to requirement bench warmers from somewhere else for an inflated fee, and we're told by OGL (while keeping a straight face) their top top qualitee. You couldn't make it up

  5. RJD

    Apr 16, 2015, 22:40 #70042

    Off topic I know but has Ticket Exchange ever had any tickets available for the Chelsea game? There were only a few for the Liverpool match, yet there were many available for the Man U and City games earlier in the season, as there was last season when we were top of the PL. Is this a new supply and demand dilemma; or is it something sinister. I tried selling my ticket for the Everton game before Christmas and had no takers. I find it very odd.

  6. jjetplane

    Apr 16, 2015, 20:13 #70041

    Laughing Jack!

  7. lee afc

    Apr 16, 2015, 20:10 #70040

    Arseneknewbest......point taken but it's a bold statement claiming that klopp would be a better manager than Wenger at Arsenal. Simply put, on his current form then we would be the "mid table mediocrity" that Jeff craves for.

  8. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 16, 2015, 19:43 #70039

    Lee - yeah but look at Klopp's recent record, i.e. Bundesliga champions in 2011 and 2012. It knocks that of Wenger's into a cocked hat. Agreed? (and that in a proper league). Just read his wiki page which describes him as a Christian who often refers to gaining personal strength through religious sh*te (I'm paraphrasing a bit there...) In spite of that, he must be worth a go, surely mate?

  9. Hiccup

    Apr 16, 2015, 19:38 #70038

    I agree with our own Coco the clown that Klopp is just a circus act. Bring Klopp to arsenal and he'll turn is in to a laughing stock. We'll become a circus that everyone will laugh at. He'll sell our skipper every year. Our top players will be sold. All discipline will be lost as a smoking culture will take hold of the club. Klopp will probably buy dross that are too crap to play and have to wait years to offload. Now that's what I call a bloody circus. After ten years of fantastic success, we can't risk becoming a laughing stock. Let's stick with Captain Manwaring and 'don't panic'. Laughing gas is the new craze for the modern day don't know what to waste their money on footballer. Jack's available for the weekend, and you can get odds of 5/1 that he'll be smuggling a canister in to the changing room.

  10. jjetplane

    Apr 16, 2015, 19:24 #70037

    Something is certainly happening and Klopp is everywhere in the news and Wengers grey feathers are fully ruffled. This could be some Achilles heel moment at the WOK with people bored with the lack of passion furthered cemented by talks of keeping Theo in luxury with no doubt a pay rise. If such as Klopp were there Theo would be shipped somewhere sharpish. Thinks he likes a player who does his talking on the pitch. Read between the lines and see Wenger's paranoia and insecurities. He will have nowhere to hide soon and I bet Stan is asking one of the ranch hands 'Who is this Klopp guy?'. You just watch that Pony Express move ... High Noon Arsene .... Just remember old JAMErsON cannot be bothered with the semi or a possible cup final seat - truth is he is bored liked the rest of us.

  11. lee afc

    Apr 16, 2015, 19:20 #70036

    Yeah arseneknewbest..... I suppose if the current form of 37, yep, 37 points behind the leaders Bayern..... lost 13 games already in the bundesliga turns you on. Then you are easily pleased.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 16, 2015, 19:09 #70035

    jj, i'd imagine they'll stay well clear unless they need a bit of building work done to their new stand or the chef needs an assistant to gain a Michelin star, so the spin machine is biging up OGL, they'll be pushing for manager of the year next, but I suppose like manager of the month they can't keep giving it to the same person/persons (even if he's never beaten him) all the time and have to give it to somebody.

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 16, 2015, 19:08 #70034

    Exeter - no, eventually they'd all become KKBs (by which time I'd probably be called Kloppknewbest)! Lee KFC - just try to imagine a modern football manager who knows how to manage the operational bit of a wealthy and historically succcesful team - a bit like OGL did, oooh, about 10-16 years ago. Are you getting it - if so, come over to the light side brother - all that flat-earthing philosophy must be making you unwell.

  14. Lee afc

    Apr 16, 2015, 18:48 #70033

    Arseneknewbest...... And quite how did you reach that conclusion of your last statement...... Please explain.

  15. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 16, 2015, 18:27 #70032

    If Klopp took over at AFC next season, would all the AKBS suddenly become actual Arsenal fans?

  16. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 16, 2015, 18:15 #70031

    Jamie - Like a dog that will go back and eat its own sick, why do you and your AKB acolytes always return to the insinuation that we're not as loyal as you? It's really tiresome mate. Klopp would be a better manager at the Arsenal than OGL - it's as simple as that. And there are others out there that could also do a better job than the current regime. Under Klopp, I reckon we'd have a new-found winning mentality; a team unafraid to work hard and be organised in order to compete with whoever was in front of them; and the players would be led by someone who was willing to show some passion. It ain't gonna happen I fear, but why don't you at least try to imagine better times?

  17. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 16, 2015, 17:26 #70030

    I reckon everyone should turn up at the BBQ wearing Jamerson masks - holding a prawn sandwich in one hand, tweaking a nose with the other. Prizes could be handed out for who paid the most for their season ticket, who spent the most in the Armoury. One of Jamerson's 'sketches' could then be acted out. This would inevitably be met with awkward silence and a lull in proceedings - but matters could be rectified by a joining of hands around the dying embers in a prayer session to the 'Great Man'.

  18. jjetplane

    Apr 16, 2015, 16:21 #70028

    Wenger referring to Klopp turning up in England as akin to 'a circus.' Seems Arsene has something against younger managers who have won things he can only dream of. Always thought it was the club who decided who the manager should be. Something otherwise and corrupt going on at the WOk. Bit of a Circus if you ask me ...

  19. jjetplane

    Apr 16, 2015, 15:06 #70026

    WESTIE you could tell him you have been PR for the also-run Arsene. That will give him a chuckle. What I have learned again is Coquelin has saved Arsene from a Pellegrini type melt down and teams planets ahead of Arsene such as PSG and BM uncannily defended in the manner of Arsene v Monaco. Maybe PSG have got a well paid spot for OGL when he decides to give the beach ball up. WeSTIE you are not keeping up with the papers as those Guardinista pundits have Wenger above Maureen in the manager charts due to still being in the FA Cup and almost surpassing one of the FABLED 'records' of the oddly proclaimed Invincibles who were not very good at knock out type football. Oh well, here comes Jack and Theo ....

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 16, 2015, 14:52 #70025

    jw, Ah the old we've turned a corner quote (for the forever optimistic AKB's it works like a soother, a comfort blanket), haven't heard it for a while, surprised at that expect it to be resurrected again now.

  21. Westlower

    Apr 16, 2015, 14:12 #70024

    @JJ, I live in hope that one day I'll be introduced to the Glaswegian thug at the races/stables, because my opening line will be: Pleased to meet you and what did you do for a living? That should put him on the back foot!

  22. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 16, 2015, 13:34 #70023

    Jamerson, as it has clearly escaped you - Wallieson sounds like you. That is a satire of you. And it is you that is clearly frightened of anyone who is unlike yourself. Further, it remains unclear how you square your self-impression of a nouveau riche, cosmopolitan aesthete with the proclamations regarding tweaking noses, sending people through the air and so on. You are suffering from identity confusion, young/old man.

  23. jjetplane

    Apr 16, 2015, 13:22 #70022

    PORTO are just the sort of bullies the beautiful game can do without BARD. If they win it in the year Arsene the Bricklayer was put out by a club who had the temerity (foresight) to sack him I will get myself one of those Theo masks they have just started producing .... in Liverpool? Nice post that WESTIE - you are truly a one man team. Jack is Back and Marlboro are loving it! Aristocrat hailing from the posher part of Barnsbury (off the Cally RD squire) walks into the Armoury with his brother. Security begin to snigger on cue .....

  24. Made-Up-Stat

    Apr 16, 2015, 12:49 #70021

    If I had a face like di Maria - I'd wear a mask.

  25. Bard

    Apr 16, 2015, 10:53 #70020

    Fellow Gooners i write this with my tail between my legs. Watching this weeks CL games I had something of an epiphany. I have long railed against the use of the financial doping as an excuse for failure but this week it screamed out at me. how in God's name are Real Madrid and Bayern supported to compete against the financial strength of Porto and Athletico. Porto are the epitome of what the Messiah has been on about. They are bankrolled by a Mr Lopez who runs the sweet shop at the corner of the ground to the tune of 200 euros a month. Moreoever does he pass the 'fit and proper' test in the light of the fact that he has 2 outstanding parking fines from a trip to blighty circa 1990 ? These characters are precisely why the Messiah hasnt been able to progress in the CL. I take back every post I have written saying that financial doping is b*******. Chris is right, its so bloody nuanced and I just couldnt see it. Come next week I will be routing for the underdogs. Excuse me I have to go and lie down.

  26. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 16, 2015, 10:22 #70019

    Jamerson, following your revelation that Wenger masks are the second biggest selling piece of merchandise of any kind in the entire country, my question is - how do we get it to number one? I reckon everyone who enters the Emirates should be forced to wear a Wenger mask. And the players. And Wenger himself.

  27. jeff wright

    Apr 16, 2015, 9:45 #70018

    Too true MG, of one thing you can be sure of there would be no admission of failure by the great leader involved in it all. More like it all being depicted as some sort of accident brought about by the slings and arrows of misfortune that had somehow thwarted Arsene's great plans . The myth of Arsene is too heavily set in the club's psyche and public persona for there to ever be a Klopp type admission of a need for change.Even though Ivan admitted that 'we are disappointed with this season ' he still went on to trot out the same old tired excuses about a young side and next season ,etc, Then there are those knocking on yet again about corners having been turned the Burnley result according to them proves that the team can dig out results blah blah blah... we heard that after the win at City though and look what happened at spuds and against Monaco at home . Anyway the current run o results in the Prem gives Arsene some breathing space for next season and another tilt at his holy grail the European Cup.

  28. Westlower

    Apr 16, 2015, 8:17 #70017

    Odds on Klopp's next club: Citeh 6/4, RM 5/1, AFC 9/1. @JJ, No, I never wrote to Fergy, but been in his company at the races (2002ish) & got into conversation with one of his youth development staff about promising kids & I ventured forth one David Bentley. The Mancs knew all about Bentley who had the talent but lacked the temperament. I did write to Wenger advising him that Vieira wasn't captain material. Gladly, he ignored my opinion. Wrote many times to Graham Bean when he was witchfinder general at the FA. Usually about injustices to Arsenal players, particularly PV who was regularly red carded & Petit getting sent off for swearing at a lino. Who else ever got sent off for that, certainly no one wearing a Manc shirt? My favourite though was writing to journalists who had a wonk eyed view of the Arsenal game they reported on. Off course, I've never had a blinkered view on anything regarding AFC, you either know or you don't!

  29. Wallieson

    Apr 16, 2015, 7:27 #70016

    Went into the Armoury after giving Jackie Chan a slap and Jason Statham a fat lip. Bought the new Arsene Wenger ‘Tikka Takka Biryani’ sandwich. Sometimes you have to wait 90 minutes for it to hit the spot. Or until you eat the next one. Anyway, £40 well spent. Geezer there offered me 10 semi final tickets cos I’m a face and hard. I said to him ‘What! Sit next to carnts who in no way are as good as me and who aren’t proper Arsenal supporters anyway? Get lost you mug!’ So I ripped off his arm and shoved it down his throat. I invented red and yellow cards.

  30. Timbolini

    Apr 16, 2015, 1:24 #70015

    Random allocation is probably the fairest system, new Gooner/old Gooner, we are all Gooners. If any priority is given then that should be given to the away supporters,they put the most effort in so should be rewarded for this. (I am an old Gooner BTW)

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 16, 2015, 0:16 #70014

    jw, and you can just imagine some of the excuses, lol they'd/they'll come in handy and make great reading for someone who had the lotto numbers but forgot to do it.

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 15, 2015, 23:56 #70013

    Ron, jw, some great posts and exchanges, good point about Le sulk 2 becoming OGL's next pet project. Would anyone of us be surprised if that's what he has mapped out for himself and his ego, without the slightest bit of interference from the powers that be just like project youth and trying to turn third rate dross into class (and we all know how that turned out and how long it went on for) God help us if he's allowed to do (or get away)with it again.

  33. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 22:51 #70012

    JJ - Thats funny! Yr right though. Theres a ? mark v Pep i reckon as you say. A good case is that any coach with that rump of players hes had at Barca would have done the business. Similarly BM. Given the choice i d sooner have Klopp or Simeone. Porto dismissing the AW sponsored 'financial doping'spin following Dortumunds and Atletico s egs? Its looking more an anorexic than a thin argument again isnt it.

  34. jeff wright

    Apr 15, 2015, 22:40 #70011

    It's possible that Wenger might walk if we finished 10th Ron,however Chris's argument is as usual flawed because my point was that Wenger would never admit,or the AKB's either that it was time for a change and would instead find some other excuse to explain why Wenger was leaving. I see that Barca gave PSG a lesson tonight in Paris will Arsene ever get the credit he deserves for teaching the Spanish how to play the game!

  35. jjetplane

    Apr 15, 2015, 22:31 #70010

    The way Pep is handling the CL presently it looks like a seamless transition if he were to take up Wenger's seat on the bench. Looks like another guy who has lost all memory of plan B. May not be over for him yet but if he does come to England he comes with it all to prove. If he is a soft touch now then that will be business as usual for Corporate Arsenal. Klopp will no doubt take over BM which will have made Pep some stop gap. But then there is Citeh and Pep ... .....

  36. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 21:52 #70009

    Peps a very urbane man Jeff. I can imagine Wenger advancing his claims. Re yr debate with Mstr Chris (such as it is as youre clearly wrong seeing as hes told you that you are), i tend to agree that AW would hang up his gloves if we sunk to 10th. Its speculative though as you say. Touch and go if we just slipped to 5th maybe, but i think even then he d consider falling on his sword. The CL entry has been his mantra, his grail. If it wasnt there i cant see he d have a purpose. It would be by 'mutual consent' though and still with him upstairs i venture. Having said all this, i cant see him going until the new guy is ready to step in. Its academic really, as for AFC not to get 4th each season, esp now the cheque book is dusted off to a degree is nigh impossible in that PL despite the pro Liverpool/Spurs SKY and BBC bluster and hype of how its a 'chase for 4th'.

  37. jeff wright

    Apr 15, 2015, 19:19 #70008

    I said what I said Chris and it was nothing about us finishing 10th or anywhere else. If Wenger can shrug off constant first round KO's in Europe every season and 10 years of not putting in a title challenge then he is not going to walk off and break his contract over finishing outside the top 4.It makes no difference if we finish 5th or 10th regarding the Chumps league. Wenger says he never breaks a contract and it would need a Monaco scenario where he got fired before he left other than by his own accord.I have never heard Wenger ever admit to being at fault for anything he always blames this that or the other for his failures. He said recently that even had he lost to Hull in the cup final that he would have stayed and that on top of him having blown a great title winning chance as well ! You couldn't make it up.

  38. jjetplane

    Apr 15, 2015, 19:12 #70007

    Also seem to remember AKB (upper house) telling us what a flop LVG is. May well win the PL next season and has them playing with not a Fergie ghost in sight! Wrong about Klopp too as it appears he is a coach very much in demand. Name one top european club who have enquired after Wenger post 2005. There is no available list which is strange for a club who are only second to Barcelona in teaching the world how to play football. In so many ways Wenger is inferior to Ferguson. Just look at the trophy haul and watch Fergie's behaviour since he has vacated. Happy to leave it with LVG as Arsenal should leave it with someone who has the hunger and vision to move on and not just look for classic hum-drum consolidation.

  39. jjetplane

    Apr 15, 2015, 18:55 #70006

    MG AKB vice-president/security adviser JAMERSOn has already given up with the FA CUP. He reckons it's only for poor people who chant a lot ...

  40. Chris

    Apr 15, 2015, 18:36 #70005

    Jeff - know what you were referring to and you're wrong - if we finished tenth, Wenger would say we needed a change and walk. And I doubt many would disagree....

  41. jeff wright

    Apr 15, 2015, 18:34 #70004

    Chris I was referring to the comments about the club needing a change that Klopp made.Wenger and the AKB would never say that we needed a change even if we were relegated! You couldn't make it up.

  42. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 15, 2015, 18:32 #70003

    Chris - I bet you wouldn't. "He's allowed one bad season", "He's done brilliantly to guide us away from the relegation zone" is what you'd hear. From Wenger himself: "I am more determined than ever to stay on and come back strong next season".

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 15, 2015, 18:30 #70002

    Lads it would be great if we had somebody with the balls to relieve TOF of his position or make sure he walks at the end of the season and get Klopp in. Just think of the breath of fresh air it would breath through this club, inside and out, the excitement and real expectation it would cause etc, etc,, (something we haven't had for a long long long time, the spring it would suddenly put in the steps of fans again, (not to mention players) i don't care or give a fook what any AKB wengerite says even during they're mourning they would feel that fresh air and excitement also.

  44. Chris

    Apr 15, 2015, 18:17 #70001

    Jeff - re 73754 - I bet you would see Wenger and the AKBs say things along those lines if we finished tenth - I bet he'd resign if we finished tenth! Context is king, Jeff.

  45. John Scott

    Apr 15, 2015, 18:06 #70000

    I am in a similar situation, being that this year is my 20th as a season ticket holder, and my Dad who sits next to me has been going since the 1970s. We attended the FA Cup finals of 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005 (as well as League Cup) but were both 'not selected' to get Champions League final tickets in 2006. Last season we attended the FA Cup semi final but were again 'not selected' to attend the final. I do understand that the travelling away fans getting priority and rightly so, but once they have all been allocated tickets I don't see why the Gold members can't be put into categories, even if it was just a pre-Emirates season ticket holders and those who have only had them since the stadium expansion.

  46. jeff wright

    Apr 15, 2015, 17:47 #69999

    The Bould situation Ron ,with him being a good, yes sir three bags full of wool sir, man, in my view would make Henry who is rather highly strung and self opinionated,rather like Wenger himself, an unlikely assistant to Wenger happening. Unless Steve did a Pat Rice and resigned. This seems unlikely though with no apparent queue of clubs lining up to obtain his services. Giggs got in on the act at United due to the Moyes situation and is only a bit part actor really under LVG who brought his own crew in with him. Wenger of course doesn't have any assistants with being a genius and all not needing them. John Cross was on the radio earlier and ruled out any chance of Klopp replacing Wenger,he according to Cross is not an AFC type , saying that he understands that the club have Pep in mind to replace Wenger when he consents to depart . But apparently so do City and they have some of his old back-room staff from Barca at Poundlands . Cross's comments that we play like Barcelona though made me smile ,I'm not sure that Pep would agree with that view.

  47. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 17:31 #69998

    True Jeff - and you cant help but have an inkling that AW would like to surpass Fergies longevity in the job can you. There's a real possibility he might have that extension as you say.

  48. jeff wright

    Apr 15, 2015, 16:37 #69996

    Whatever happens Ron one thing is for sure the cross of Wenger will be an hard one for the new man to bear. Another nightmare scenario is that Wenger is given an extension to his current contract so that he can finish the job that he has started ! You couldn't make it up.

  49. Paul Adams

    Apr 15, 2015, 16:34 #69995

    As a Red Member I attend most games at Emirates, & due! I suppose to my loyalty, I received an E mail asking me to apply for Semi final ticket, It arrived this morning, price £35. Am also going to Chav match next weekend price is a whopping £90, similar seats behind goal area 101. How are the Wembley seats a third of the price of the Emirates?? Just saying😄

  50. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 16:06 #69994

    Hi Jeff - he can still go home. We ve an owner that's never there don't forget. Terry will be round for salade nicoise and truffles as often as he likes.

  51. jeff wright

    Apr 15, 2015, 15:50 #69993

    I can see the temptation Ron to bring in Henry by Stan and co it would be a popular Giggs at United type appointment.As you point out though it looks to have disaster written all over it. I don't think that Giggs will be any great shakes in the management game either from what I saw of his efforts at it last season. These sort of appointments of ex-players rarely work out the spuds found that out with Glenda after years of some of their supporters campaigning to have their 'messiah' brought in .Sorting out the mess that Wenger leaves behind will be a big enough task for the new man before he can even think about challenging for trophies. Personally I don't think that Wenger will go upstairs, a'la Ferguson at United, Wenger is French and so are his family and I expect him to go home with them and of course with the millions that he made while in England.

  52. Bob

    Apr 15, 2015, 15:29 #69992

    I concur with the sentiments. It is only partly accurate to cite the paltry FA allocation as the reason why many more loyal season-ticket holders are missing out on cup final ticket these days. For the FA Cup Final especially, it has always been the case that a large proportion of tickets are reserved for what they loosely call the 'football family' (most of which ultimately helped maintain Stan Flashman and co in the manner to which they had become accustomed). That was always frustrating, but it is nothing new... No, what changed was Arsenal sought to sell as many season tickets as they could when they moved to Cashburton Grove. At Highbury, one of the key reasons for owning a season ticket, from way back in the terrace days, was that it guarenteed you a cup final ticket (other than perhaps for European finals). All of a sudden, we went from having 23,000 season-ticket holders to having 40,000. You do the maths - Arsenal couldn't be arsed to as the money was rolling in anyway. I no longer go now, and this is one of the main reasons. I decided I had no desire to be sweating on whether or not I will get a Cup Final ticket after 40 years of loyal support, and (despite following the club all over the country in my younger days) not being able to attend more than the occasional away match now. Sod that for a game of soldiers. I don't blame Ivan Gazidis and co for the commercial decision they took - but I am not going to kid myself it is primarily the result of the FA's allocation policy, which is pretty much as shallow as ever it was.

  53. Bard

    Apr 15, 2015, 15:18 #69991

    Klopp to Man City. He's young, successful, charismatic and Pelligrini is on the way out. I can see the Henry attraction but there is a bit more to this management lark than having been a great player. In fact it does seem as though great players find management a problem, Ancellotti, Dalglish and a very few others excepted. As others have posted the problems at Arsenal arent just down to the manager. When Wenger leaves they will want another clone who keeps the stadium full and the money rolling in regardless of trophies won.

  54. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 15:13 #69990

    I think AW will remain there 'upstairs' Jeff. It figures therefore that AW will want only 'his man' downstairs.The Board will grant it. Can AW take a backseat and more to the point, can he take a Coach with a heavier weight profile than he downstairs? I doubt it. Henry? Hes now a bit older, wiser and one hopes, more mature. The fact is though that he was a stroppy sulker as a Captain and alienated players from him. Management is about handling people. TH has an ego as big as a builders skip. He ought to stick to his daft gadgets talking b-o-l-l-o-c-k-s on that SKY charade. The trouble is that Wenger will see Henry as his 'project'just like he saw Denny and Song, Bentley and Djourou et al as his projects,probably with the same end result. For me Henry will end up in the list headed 'great player - failed Coach'. By that time AFC will have a massive recovery job to undertake.

  55. jeff wright

    Apr 15, 2015, 14:43 #69989

    Regarding a new manager and the possibility of Henry being him having seen Henry at work on Sky a lot recently, he was on with Alan Smith on Sunday messing about with a TV monitor moving players around and explaining what they should have done against what they did do it seems to me that he needs some experience at the management game . It's all very different at matches when managers have to make decisions from playing games in a TV studio with gadgets and Henry has no experience of management or of coaching players either. Arsene's ideas may not be how Henry himself sees things they were often at loggerheads when he was playing with us .Wenger just leaves things as they are regardless when games are played,using pre-match fixed time substitutions and the same tactics.He has never veered from the zonal marking on corners and set pieces that has proven costly to us over the years . It's all well and good when everything is going to plan to just leave things as they are but not so great when it's not. Wenger's inability to think on his feet during games, or when sitting on the bench, finds him out in Europe season after season. The worst case scenario for me is a new manager coming in and having the ghost of Arsene still lingering and having to carry on where he left off using his failed policies. Someone like Klopp who would bring a new style of management and ideas is required ,next season,but this is unlikely to happen. It looks likely that Wenger will see out his contract before departing .Taking account of his age and failed punditry on French TV it is unlikely though that we will see him joining Henry and co on Sky.

  56. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 14:26 #69988

    R/K - indeed i did mate. My biggest error in Fr was to adopt my position on the vexed issue of who really prevailed militarily at Waterloo. I never knew the Fr unambiguously prevailed there until the Fr told me they had. In fact, nobody but the Fr know this! Lovely Country R/K and some lovely people, esp in the Northernmost parts i found - best give the Parisians a wide berth where you can ha ha! Enjoy.

  57. radfordkennedy

    Apr 15, 2015, 14:07 #69987

    I know it sounds old fashioned but whatever happened to collecting coupons and queuing up it always seemed fair to me....personally I'll miss the game and possible final as I'm heading back over to Normandy on Friday for a few months,..Ron sometime ago you gave some brilliant advice on working in France,which I know you've done,which I've decided to try,you said never tell a french work colleague he's wrong otherwise you'll have to put up with a terrific show of petulance and no help for the rest of the day,well having experienced this myself I'm gonna give your advice a go cheers...up the Gunners!!

  58. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 15, 2015, 13:50 #69986

    Who could/would you replace him with? bla bla, there you have it yet again, that won't go down well. Ron, and will continue to do so, regardless.

  59. jeff wright

    Apr 15, 2015, 13:47 #69985

    Ho Hum Klops comments are ones that we will never hear form Arsene and his AKB . While we are gearing up to face mighty Reading in a FAC semi at Wembley our Euro conquerors Monaco were getting beaten last night in the first leg by Juve in the quarter finals of the European Cup. Spot the difference anyone>?

  60. Ho Hum

    Apr 15, 2015, 13:37 #69984

    Klopp- 'I believe that Borussia Dortmund actually needs a change. A major problem certainly is: As long as I'm here, we are always considering the successes of the past'. What a man. A tragedy he'll end up elsewhere.

  61. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 15, 2015, 13:27 #69983

    Bard, yes the mighty juve didn't impress much last night there again it wasn't wengers Arsenal they were up against, we could have been still there (for another round anyway)if it weren't for cluelessness again and pressure, it would be very interesting to see how important the FA Cup would be in some circles, i'm sure there wouldn't be as much talk and excitement about it as there is now, more like calls for it to be forgotten about and aborted in favour of OGL's Holy grail.

  62. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 15, 2015, 13:15 #69982

    The board / Stan would go for Klopp if Wenger told them to. So will he see here is a chance to recruit a top calibre manager who is 20 years younger than him, has been far more successful than him in recent years, and act on his oft proclaimed love for Arsenal and step aside at season's end? I think we know the answer.

  63. jjetplane

    Apr 15, 2015, 12:43 #69981

    My first thought BARD on seeing last night's results when I got in. Amazed with such a generally crap competition the plastic messiah has only managed one hopeless final in how many attempts. He obviously has some talents we are not party to unless we don hoods and go out at night and make the odd 'sacrifice.' Interesting point RON on Coquelin who does a decent job but watching his thoughtful play in the middle has not really happened since Paddy slipped away for his coaching badges. He would be a better bet than Henry. JamERSON you need to change that shopping bag full of plastic hippy cds - I suggest a whole new bag for you beginning with a great punk band called ****ed Up and for your synth pop moments a bit of Lust for Youth. We should have got Klopp in when the messiah laid the last brick (pun me up!) in Holloway. What a colourful, joyous and loud place the WoK could have been. Add in at least one CL, 2 PLs and a smattering of cups and shields and the biggest song would have been 'you should have gone into accounting...' WESTIE we could have a complete article of your exchanges with your mate Henry. It will be like the gladiators all over again. Did you ever write to Fergy? Just asking .....

  64. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 12:40 #69980

    Hi Klopp4 - i know mate. I like him too. Wd be a very passionate refreshing appt at AFC. He would be an exiting appointment, and hell, the Club needs some of that to knock the cob webs and staid feel off the place. They just wont go for a cage rattler though. No way. BARD - Youre right. 2nd tier rules!

  65. Klopp4Arsenal

    Apr 15, 2015, 11:55 #69979

    You say these things of Klopp, but in reality he has worked diligently, loyally and harmoniously (this season excepted to a degree) with the board at BVB, always honouring his contracts and not speaking out against those at the club, despite being forced to sell his leading lights, summer after summer. Where he shows his combative side is on match days at pitch-side. I'm not deluded enough to think this board will actually go for him, but one can dream.

  66. Bard

    Apr 15, 2015, 11:50 #69978

    Ron dont disagree but we dont buy really top draw players because we arent a big or ambitious enough club. Before anyone quotes the Ozil buy he was surplus to requirements at RM. We also wont pay big enough fees so for me they are our kind of buys.

  67. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 11:44 #69977

    That Board will never go for Klopp. Hes too brash. Will want changes wholesale, will want his own back room crew and will speak up. All ingredients that AFC dont want, cdt cope with and wont have. Forget Klopp. Prep for Terry. Nice and comfortable!

  68. Klopp4Arsenal

    Apr 15, 2015, 11:39 #69976

    Jurgen to leave BVB - Get him in at the end of the season, give him the summer to get this squad firing come August.

  69. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 11:30 #69975

    Bard - Cech? Better than what we ve got but hes half the keeper he was 5 years back sand in truth, hes never reached his pre skull cap levels in my view. Understandable though of course. Schneiderlin? Is he really that great? A team changer? Not at all sure about him. Hes best off at Saints and could be another Lovren if he steps up i fear. Not even sure hes much better than Cocqelin to be honest. Need a better DM than both of them. Cocquelin is great back up at best. Hes just stands out at the moment as hes found a berth in a team that's just tactically rank negligent in the defensive aspects of midfield play.

  70. Ron

    Apr 15, 2015, 11:15 #69974

    Disagree with you on H Winter Westie. Hes spent years as a Wenger apologist. Never been anti Wenger at all in my view. Winter can be pompous but hes pretty objective and the article hes just written is pretty sound, though not nice music for AKB ears im sure.Its time the media spoke the truth. Theyve covered for Wenger for years, but only because hes always good for a quote and likely to put his foot in his own mouth, so he makes for good typeface.They ll miss Wenger though they're will still be plenty of him when hes Terry Hs mouthpiece in 18 months time. Do people ask for AW to be sacked now? I dont think so. Most simply ask that he steps aside at the seasons end and have asked for that for the last 3 years.

  71. Ho Hum

    Apr 15, 2015, 10:57 #69973

    Westlower- Ah yes, the nasty anti-Arsenal media. Did you know that most of them were born hating us? I'm sure you used it to your advantage though and lumped on at generous odds for the title the next season and cleaned up. I do love your anecdotes. Who knows, maybe Winter believed at the time (after finishing a combined total of 28 points behind Utd over the previous 2 seasons) that we needed an imposing centre-back to replace Adams, eh? Backing the incumbent Arsenal manager if you believe he's the right man for the job is fine, but backing the incumbent Arsenal manager because you feel guilty calling for the dismissal of a man who did great things a decade or longer ago is plain silly and not beneficial to the club you support. I will give you benefit of the doubt re your 'Fergie (his God)' comment, it may possibly be an attempt at humour but then again self-awareness is not generally the strongest suit of the AKB.

  72. Bard

    Apr 15, 2015, 10:39 #69972

    Anyone else feel that familiar sense of another opportunity missed last night watching the CL quarter finals. But for another mad Arsenal 10 minutes at home to Monaco and we might well be a game away from the semi's. Juve didnt look top draw by any means last night. Looks like Sterling might be sold, Liverpool to buy Wally for £25m ( he is surplus to requirements these days and isnt going to hang around being a super sub), we buy Petr Cech for £10m and Schederlin for £25m. Job done.

  73. Westlower

    Apr 15, 2015, 8:59 #69970

    @Ho Hum, Henry Winter has always been reticent in talking up Arsenal much preferring to glorify Man U. In 2001 (probably) he wrote an article slaughtering the weakness of the Arsenal squad & unbalance in the team, to which I sent a vigorous rebuttal. I received a reply from him in which he mentioned his own & Fergies (his God) admiration for PV. He went on to say Adams & Vieira were the best bits of a side lacking leaders. Fairly typical media stance of the Arsenal through the years. If only they had the foresight to see that the Invincibles were waiting around the corner. Backing the incumbent Arsenal manager is not akin to placing them on a pedestal. What's the gain in slaughtering him on a daily basis as some posters love to do? I can see no real reason to sack the man at this time as he's put together as good a squad that I can remember. Crucially, the players believe in him, some even think they can run faster than Usain Bolt? Should a top class manager become available I'm sure conversations will take place at board room level, with Wenger, as when to step aside, because it's highly unlikely he'll ever be sacked.

  74. Ho Hum

    Apr 15, 2015, 0:06 #69969

    Westlower- As you were reading The Telegraph today surely you must have noticed the far more interesting and rather more serious piece by Henry Winter regarding Wenger's recent large slice of good fortune, beginning with the words 'Arsene Wenger's disciples have restored their messiah to his pedestal'. And there was me thinking it was only the ungrateful WOBs on this site that used that kind of language.

  75. jjetplane

    Apr 15, 2015, 0:04 #69968

    Daft as a bloody brush that one ....

  76. John F

    Apr 14, 2015, 21:14 #69967

    They should of made Wembley bigger and just closed off the upper seats for the lesser games.I used to love going to Villa Park for the semi final dividing the Holt end made it a great atmosphere.Stamford Bridge against Orient was a strange choice in 1978 crap stadium at the time but at least we won.

  77. Shaun Haffenden

    Apr 14, 2015, 19:42 #69964

    I thought I had enough credits today as a silver member to get a ticket (40 credits required ) but found out that last years semi and community shield don't count as on a neutral ground, so missed out. Real issue is allocation, from what I hear reading season tickets holders could buy. 4 tickets each, so someone never Been to a game can get a invite.

  78. Ron

    Apr 14, 2015, 19:22 #69963

    Hi Berry - it did used to create a great atmosphere didnt it. The crowds did though. The acoustics and atmosphere at that awful hole now are just terrible. The Semis used to have a unique atmosphere too. Villa Park and Hillsboro on Semi days was some thing special wasnt it.

  79. Hi Berry

    Apr 14, 2015, 18:33 #69962

    And isn't it totally galling to see all those empty red seats on the halfway line when the second half is about to kick off as hundreds of whom I presume to be either FA officials or corporate guests simply have to finish their drinks and canapes and maybe conduct a bit of business before remembering they are there to watch some boring game or other. And am I the only one who misses the teams taking the long walk from the tunnel behind the goal which somehow used to build an atmosphere that something special was about to unfold?

  80. Westlower

    Apr 14, 2015, 18:28 #69961

    @Mick Maybe a fairer solution would be to allocate an even percentage, say 20% of tickets across all the generations under 20's, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51 & over, regardless whether a gold/silver or red member. Ballot the tickets off if there's an over demand in any age group or redistribute if any group under sells. There's a thought provoking story in the Daily Telegraph, predicting Arsenal will finish on 82 points & CFC 78 points. They reckon Arsenal now have the strongest squad in the country.

  81. Mick

    Apr 14, 2015, 16:53 #69960

    Isn't basing it on how long you've held a season ticket unfair to those who through no fault of their own happen to be younger.

  82. Rocky the King - Author

    Apr 14, 2015, 15:56 #69959

    OK Thank you all for contributing including Jimbo, red member, jjetplane,Goonerron,Maguire, and Westlower anyone else I have forgotten to mention. I hope that you have enjoyed this interactive blog. RTK This debate appears to have an underlying conclusion. We all agree the system is blatantly unfair and whilst there are exceptions to every rule, Arsenal Football Club appear to be keen to exploit the loyalty of fans. The average weekly wage of a premiership player player is no longer funded by ordinary fans, it is funded by BSkyB and here in lies the dilemma. The priority of the Broadcaster is turn us all into armchair bound plastic supporters. Soon the debate will be about the sixteen different angles of the 3D video replays and the miked up ref and the player cam. The natural game will be such that we will be witnessing a great big screen with no atmosphere apart from the occasional scream that makes our loyal friend "the Dog" bark and our little baby wet himself. Whilst we have corrupt masters like FIFA and the FA nothing will change. But remember they can never replace friendly banter and reminiscences about how things were in "our day" as the old fans give way to the new. There is something very special about having witnessed an evolution from Highbury to the Emirates, from Rocky Roecastle, to Smudger Smith, from Vieira to Fabregas and of course from David O'leary, Kenny Samson to Tony Adams and Thierry Henry and Dennis Bergkamp. Seeing live football and participation in it's support is what the real game is about. The adrenaline rush, the songs, the rivalry with our oppo fans, the family of the Supporters who travel from all corners of this land wearing their colours proudly. This is real loyalty, and I am glad to have been a part of it. how sad the Corporates only experience of hairs standing up on their necks will be in reaction to spilling Cristal Champagne over their raymond Blanc Canapes....

  83. Ron

    Apr 14, 2015, 15:14 #69958

    GR - Quite right. the Clubs should get half each and be done with it. I dont know how grade of membership can be brought to bear on entitlement. Does a ST holder now whos had his ticket for 9 yrs 'deserve' a Cup Final ticket more than a fan who had a season ticket for 30 years and lapsed it some yrs back? Ive no idea.

  84. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 14, 2015, 15:01 #69957

    RTK, I think something similar was brought up last season by a fan/fans like yourself and no doubt it will be paid as much heed by the club and TKOS this time as it was then, and maybe the same reason/cause could be put forward again. Instead of concentrating on loyal fans like yourself and others, the Armani brigade the money men, more commonly known as corporates have to be catered for (now there's importance for you) the ones that just go to semis and finals for their lunch and in some cases don't take their noses out of the trough all day. Then the scrapes start been divided up among the rest, with fans like your self, then there's the rush from the jcl's, then of course those who wouldn't have deemed the FA Cup all that important and would have turned they're nose up at it in the past in favour of bigger fish who now see it as the bees knees especially as it will make they're lord and master look good and keep him in a job for a while longer. After that I doubt there'd be much left for fans who've been going all they're lives and are now priced out off it, but does Gazidis or wenger give a fook. Good piece.

  85. GoonerRon

    Apr 14, 2015, 14:00 #69956

    I think the club are in an impossible position and have absolutely no chance of pleasing everyone. The fact is the allocation of tickets is piss poor and we have loads of supporters with varying tenure on season tickets, varying total spend on tickets over a season, varying total spend on tickets over the supporters lifetime and varying levels of away points. All of the aforementioned will justifiably be used by supporters as reasons why they should get a ticket and other shouldn't. The fact is loads of supporters divided by a piss poor allocation = disappointment for many.

  86. jjetplane

    Apr 14, 2015, 13:33 #69954

    WESTIE you don't need a carer mate! We're going for the Ryman next season - watch out! Do know a few OAPs who have loved my roast dinners but no-can-do roast hedgehog. You telling me you cannot see a minimum of 5 goals on Saturday? It's who is going to score the 5th that matters ......

  87. Big Andy

    Apr 14, 2015, 13:12 #69952

    If you want loyalty then get a dog. I agree with most of the posts above. Between the club and the FA, real supporters have been treated with contempt. Big business and useless football bosses have driven away genuine fans. I'm glad that I'm old enough to have enjoyed the days when the game was still a sport and was accessible to the common man. The last time I saw Arsenal at Wembley was back in '98; sadly I'll never see them there again.

  88. jjetplane

    Apr 14, 2015, 13:06 #69951

    Excellent piece ROCKY and there are those who are the backbone of this club who are quietly been shown the door. I imagine that Twitter fan are one of many who are 'at it' and probably have more interest in shifting tickets for the increase in pop concerts and other stuff. What a terrible experience to see your team in a final or semi on your tod. You can bet your bottom dollar the corporate watchers (one eye on the screen and the other on the salmon/steak) will be in 'together' groups of ten or so. Really feel for you there and as i said before I was watching Arsenal from the mid 60s and stopped going in 2005 .... Have no real experience of the Emirates but know quite a few who manage to get an odd game but somehow the joy once felt seems to be dwindling to a parallel world to where the new game sits. Clever, expensive - but does it have a soul? Biggest games I go to now are the likes of Bournemouth or Exeter though my heart is now with non-league football which more than does it for me. I am afraid the narrative of 'the Arsenal Way' is 'blowing in the wind.' In fact, Arsenal are blowing the same way as the rest and are now simply a well-oiled cog in the ultra corporate wheel of big money sport. It all looks the way Stan would have it and if people are disgruntled and fighting over tickets and getting a seat 'by any means' then all well and good. Gone are the days when my brother in NYC could pop over for a weekender and watch Razor and Freddie piss on the Chavs. Still got to beat Reading though. I too see Villa in that final ....

  89. Westlower

    Apr 14, 2015, 12:46 #69950

    Speaking as an old fart, how about doing a radical change that age gets priority on the basis that the old un's won't be around for much longer. Guarantee tickets for OAP's, then have a descending sliding age scale. Special concessions for OAP's 'carers'. JJ, you can be my carer as you only see 9th tier football nowadays. The under 20's would miss out but they'd get their turn in the future. Ageism in reverse!

  90. AFC (A Faceless Corp)

    Apr 14, 2015, 12:36 #69948

    Loyalty is something found between loot and lucre.

  91. Rocky the King - Author

    Apr 14, 2015, 12:03 #69946

    Gavin and Red member, I have a good deal of sympathy with that view. However this does not reward loyalty in the same way, but it addresses the issue of fairness of allocation. the FA will never change the allocation whilst it "touts" tickets to all of it's members, many of whom have absolutely no connection with either of the clubs represented at the Final. Perhaps those FA members should be subject to rotation in the manner that you suggest and reduce the allocation to sponsors in turn. After all isn't the Home and away fans that make the atmosphere at these events? I hope that we get through and that we have to face Aston Villa in the FA Cup final rather than Liverpool, as I recall a very bad feeling about one Michael Owen at the Millennium Stadium who ended up beating us after scoring a hatrick I think late on in the game, when it was all wrapped up!!! I regard Liverpool as our bogey team in this competition at the moment.

  92. Jimbo

    Apr 14, 2015, 12:01 #69945

    Interesting debate and I agree completely. My father and uncle had had ST's since the 1950's. they are now well into their 70's and of course going to away games is not really possible anymore. Yet they both missed out on a cup final ticket last year, whereas some guy who has had a ST for 2yrs and buys away tickets simply for the credit (only to then sell on twitter) got one. That does not seem right. Club Level members who often leave their seats empty also got. It's not right. Also, for the semi final this year I am sitting on my own as i have credits, while the rest of my family sit together!

  93. Red Member

    Apr 14, 2015, 11:42 #69944

    the bigger issue here is the pathetic allocation of cup final tickets by the FA. Until that changes then it will be very difficult to get a ticket no matter how loyal you are. As a red member I just accept my lot and watch in the pub. @Gavin I have always thought that would be the best way to do things. Some Arsenal supporters make it to every final going whilst some of us never get to go

  94. Rocky the King - Author

    Apr 14, 2015, 11:25 #69943

    Ron, Stuart and Bill, Thanks for taking the time to reply to this post. I am saddened also by the numbers of what I describe as hardcore grassroot fans who have been forced out by the ticket prices and the uncaring regime at the club. Tickets are available on the Internet for sums in excess of £200. Why isn't this the same as ticket touting? Joining a supporter's club sounds like a splendid idea. Also what ever happened to the Redaction suggestion that Gold members could become Silver members during years of hardship rather than losing all possibility of a season ticket???

  95. Gavin

    Apr 14, 2015, 11:21 #69942

    Assuming we beat Reading and get to the final then a fair way to distribute tickets would be to prioritise those applicants who didn't get a ticket last year.

  96. Mace

    Apr 14, 2015, 11:11 #69941

    I completely concur with your thoughts on this issue. However the problem lies with the farcical F.A. ticket allocation system. Initial allocation of 31,500 to each club in my view is paltry.

  97. Bill davis

    Apr 14, 2015, 11:10 #69940

    I've been an arsenal fan for 57 years I use to go to away games way back but due to retirement don't go now I used to have a season ticket in the clock end then in the north bank and now the Emirates I got a final ticket last year On a second ballot and I think the same way as you.

  98. Stuart

    Apr 14, 2015, 10:58 #69939

    Try being a supporter who first went to Highbury in 1968 as a five year old, who stood on the North Bank through the ups and downs of the 70s, who was there week in week out watching the dross of the early 80s, who has been a season ticket holder since the great George Graham rebuilt the club, who's travelled the country and Europe supporting a team that has been both brilliant and crap (York away anyone) and who couldn't get a Cup final ticket last year because I don't do away games anymore.

  99. Ron

    Apr 14, 2015, 10:11 #69937

    Join a supporters Club if youre not already a member of one. Forget those rules AFC have then. The SC ticketing people whove been working out how to handle AFC s box office for years know the ruses to get tickets for most games. There are quite a few 'unofficial' groups now too. The rules are a joke and are there to be broken. Put it like this, ive had an offer of a SF ticket that ive just passed over to somebody else and ive only got a Silver and no credits to my name. The SCs are good and need members with Golds but mainly Silvers.

  100. Website Editor

    Apr 14, 2015, 10:02 #69936

    As I understand it, all Gold Members / Season Ticket Holders with less than 3 credits who registered an interest were able to purchase a semi-final ticket - including those put on standby. The main issue for them is that they could not apply with friends who had 3 credits or more and had already bought their tickets. So a lot of fans are sitting on their own rather than with friends. As for whether season ticket holders who have been going 10 years should get priority over those that have been going 1 year... well that is one that I am sure will be debated below...