The Ghost of Dan Lewis?

Online Ed: Arsenal make heavy weather of FA Cup Semi-Final

The Ghost of Dan Lewis?

Alexis celebrates the winner

What is it about Arsenal going to Wembley as clear favourites? What seems to follow are off key performances in which, ultimately, the required result is salvaged, but do they ever make hard work of it. The pitch is big, one hopes the surface of decent quality, conditions surely suited to the Gunners’ game. Perhaps it would be better to face Liverpool in the final, as despite struggling to beat Wigan, Hull and now Reading, they would be clear favourites against Tim Sherwood’s team.

Steve Clarke got plenty out of his men, given their league position. Obviously they were going to perform to the limit of their abilities given what was at stake. Effectively, this was their cup final, hence the 30,000 odd free t-shirts draped over their seats which proved very visually effective. It was their day in the sun, but it nearly became another cup upset. Ultimately, they were undone by a couple of moments where quality was lacking. The two – on – one break near the end of normal time was fluffed horrendously when a goal looked almost certain. And Arsenal’s extra time winner will haunt keeper Federici for the rest of his days. Pete Mountford texted me in the aftermath to state “an old, old reference but the ghost of Dan Lewis maybe”, referring to the 1927 FA Cup Final howler that cost Arsenal their first final against Cardiff. Hardly karma, but I can see where he’s coming from.

Arsene Wenger brought in Szczesny, Debuchy, Gibbs and Welbeck for Ospina, Bellerin, Monreal and Giroud. Not the kind of excessive tinkering that some feared if he was not to take the threat of a Championship side credibly. Overall, Arsenal, in terms of attacks, shaded the final, but one would expect that. However, Reading, when they did go forward, often seemed more purposeful and the Gunners’ defensive organizational qualities were often a reminder of not such pleasant recent past times. A side with better attacking players would have made them pay for this, but naturally it would have been a different type of game. If Chelsea decide to play for a draw next weekend, they could make Arsenal suffer on the counter attack, although in real terms, the only thing at stake in that fixture is pride and the home team’s desire to finish above fourth place to avoid a Champions League play-off match in August.

Reading were very disciplined and worked with real determination to win this cup tie. They were also often cynical, a legacy, one assumes of Steve Clarke’s time under Mourinho. It wasn’t pretty, but it was effective. Arsenal rarely used width, and when they did, the balls into the middle rarely created danger. There were too many misplaced passes, and I am struggling to recall a player who had a really decent match. Ozil will be lambasted in some quarters for his contribution, although in the way Bergkamp did, when he got involved it proved decisive, his chip to Alexis for the opener just before the interval a thing of beauty. For many fans, his body language indicates a man who does not care, and although he does cover a lot of ground, at times (defensively), this is at a pace that is designed to have minimal effect. However, he does bring balance to the team and is the one man able to carve up defences such as Reading’s with one ball. If he is played as the link man between midfield and forward, then there is room for him in the team, and we have to try and forget about the price tag, and not take offence at the impression his gait conveys.

Danny Welbeck did not have a great afternoon, and it was obvious that the team improved when Giroud entered the fray. Alexis tried valiantly, and often ran into trouble, but in fairness, he scored both goals, which probably made him the team’s standout man, unless one is going to give it to Giroud for his 50 minutes. His hold up play was a breath of fresh air. Theo was given 20 minutes at the end, but made little impact. Defensively, Coquelin had a mixed performance. One trusts he will be back to his best next weekend.

Reading’s equalizer was a defensive horrowshow on several levels and will need a long hard look at during the week. Mathieu Debuchy made his return to first team action, and it was hardly surprising he looked a little short at times.

It became a more open affair as the clock ticked down, and both sides had chances to spare us extra time. When the 90 minutes were up, Gooners would have felt more confident that tiring legs would favour their side. Alexis’ shot for the winner was speculative to say the least, but if you don’t buy a ticket, you won’t win the lottery. He got fortunate with the keeper’s mistake, avoiding the wrath of colleagues who were queuing up for a pass in the area.

Ultimately, the cup is simply about getting through, so credit to Arsenal for making the final for the second year running. That they made such hard work of it will become an irrelevance in time. I think everyone would agree they will have to perform better on May 30th if they are going to retain the trophy. As for Reading, if they can play with this type of discipline and effort next season, they should be returning to the top flight in 2016. Fair play to them, although the decisive moments will be a question of ‘what if?’ for a while to come. Cruel to wait 88 years and then lose like that, but football can be cruel at times.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Bard

    Apr 23, 2015, 8:46 #70229

    Chris I am having trouble getting my head round your difficulties with my post. Exeter has laid it out and I wouldnt have thought there was much to argue about. The thinking behind it is that not having the money to compete is true in the long term but as Athletico, Porto, and BD have shown with astute recruitment, tactics and a determined mentality lesser teams can prevail sometimes. To just dismiss Arsenal's lack of success with the argument they dont have enough money is a total cop out. I accept my plea that my argument was strengthened was a tad exaggerated. I also dont think the money argument is quite so straightforward as we will see when City try to revamp their squad. Players on salaries north of £150,000 a week will be in no hurry to pack their bags. The modern footballer's love of money trumps their love of playing as Sagna's situation illustrates so clearly.

  2. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 22, 2015, 21:09 #70223

    Chris, I have played no part in any 'threshold theory' and no, no one has made the argument that money makes no difference in football. You're making more spurious claims - bad form for a self-proclaimed empiricist.

  3. jjetplane

    Apr 22, 2015, 20:25 #70222

    Nearly as boring as watching Wenger lay bricks ..... '& waiter! I clearly asked for another soup and now you have brought eggs ....' JAMER ... you are losing direction. I suggest you contact your masters and await further instructions.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2015, 20:19 #70221

    Great piece from respected football/chief sports writer and journalist Steven Howard in the Sun on Klopp( not picked up by Guardian readers (and others) and probably of no interest anyway, but at least we know who he is, and he knows what he's talking about) and it also sheds a new light on this so called vendetta and bias that the big bad press has against Arsenal and OGL. The club (Arsenal) is made for him (Klopp) and vice versa the problem is the timing with wenger just coming to the end of the first year of a new three year contract (not a problem if the yanks had balls not Howard's words, mine) the other problem is a cartel of Arsenal fans some who sit spell bound in the Emirates press box who cannot contemplate life without Le Prof guiding them by the hand. There you have it then we can expect mass suicide in some quarters if and when OGL goes.

  5. Chris

    Apr 22, 2015, 19:57 #70219

    Exeter - It's not so long ago that you and the others made up the 'threshold theory' of football finances to argue just that. I believe the argument was that if teams had 'sufficient' resources they could compete with all others on an equal playing field. It was comprehensively blown out of the water so although it would be a first, I'll accept you may all have mended your ways but to answer your question directly - yes, based on that, i do seriously believe that some people would make that argument - because they have.

  6. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 22, 2015, 19:40 #70218

    Now Chris, do you seriously, seriously think Bard or anyone else would make the claim that team who have more money have no advantage over teams who have less? It's called using humorous exaggeration to make a point - integral to satire. The point about Porto going further was the serious point. Mitigating evidence... rather undermined by the fact that BM went through, AFC didn't.

  7. Chris

    Apr 22, 2015, 19:33 #70217

    Exter - i find it surprising that someone who seems superficially fairly intelligent such as yourself has difficulty seeing past a couple of typos in my first sentence but there you go. If you want to force me to go into it, to quote bard "I would have thought that these facts stengthen my case" - either Bard is speaking of his case, made in the post I referred to, being strengthened, which would have to be by some subsequent event, or he is wriggling out of what he said in that post by moving the goalposts by referring to Porto going further than Arsenal. As I said in my last post, recent events, esp last week, only serve to provide mitigating evidence in favour of Arsenal.

  8. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 22, 2015, 19:14 #70216

    Chris, can't actually make sense of your first sentence {though surprised to read 'The nuance stuff is neither here nor there'), but regardless, you continue to be incorrect in your claim that a claim was made that BM's second leg result strengthened the case. Attempting to distract from that with the convenient 'ad hominem' and 'boring' claim doesn't change that. Think that's enough Bard litcrit from me, but I guess it's as unsurprising as you standing foursquare behind Badarse and Westlower, eh?

  9. Chris

    Apr 22, 2015, 18:55 #70215

    Exeter - The nuance stuff is neither here nor there - I forced to have an opinion on it, I actually quite like as it suggests that on some level, I have got to Bard no matter how much you or he squeal in protest. It's blatantly obvious that Bard's original post was using satire and one-off results to attempt to make a wider point about the redundancy of financial doping. The fact that now, having egg on his face after last night, attempts to deny that was his point is as unsurpirsing as you now attempting to support him in that and as you using your 'not for the first time' ad hominem boring tactics. And for the record - Arsenal have not gone out to lower ranked opposition in the CL for certainly the last several seasons so in that respect, it was a blip, yes.

  10. Andreas

    Apr 22, 2015, 18:49 #70214

    I like the 1927 reference considering that was the last time Reading reached the FA cup semi final who lost to Cardiff.

  11. jjetplane

    Apr 22, 2015, 18:41 #70213

    And Porto exploited the fist leg chance with a weakened BM in an admirable fashion and imagine if Arsene had the same chance would not have done so well. Would have let a weak BM win and lost the second leg in double figures. JAMERSOn are you still going to the final with all those poor, singing people with happy faces all around you. What a day for dinosaurs and bad masks. Do you want to lend my Klopp mask and then you can say you were fully at the races.

  12. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 22, 2015, 18:37 #70212

    Chris, yes I went back and read the post in question. It seems to me Bard was using satire to make the point it's not all about financial doping, as he reiterated above. As I say, BM's second leg result neither strengths nor weakens this point - and nor is strengthening it a claim he's making, so far as I can see. Rather, it is the fact that Porto and Atletico went further than AFC that strengthens it. So what are you arguing against? Looks like you were provoked into trying to point score 'cos he made a 'nuance' jibe, but not for the first time, you're claiming someone's said something they actually haven't. And could you clarify whether you're trying to suggest that AFCs' result against Monaco was a blip, atypical in high pressure matches for Wenger teams of the last decade?

  13. Chris

    Apr 22, 2015, 18:25 #70211

    Exter - Have you read the post in question? Now, to a normal, rational mind, the fact that a team like Porto can occasionally fluke a result against Bayern, but normal service is soon resumed, might actaully not say very much, let alone strengthen Bards argument as he claims. In fact, all I would say has been demonstrated was that occasionally, you will get a first leg against Monaco type result even if you are Bayern...

  14. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 22, 2015, 17:57 #70210

    Quite right, Jamerson. WOB arguments like 'The squad is too weak to sustain a title challenge' and 'Wenger hasn't got the tactics for Europe' are proved wrong season after season, aren't they? The AKBs on the other hand, who every season tell us next season is the one Wenger will lead us back to the top, keep being proved right, don't they? And again you remind us of your acute judgment on all matters with your unerringly accurate description of a political party from the 1970s. No wonder they didn't survive.

  15. jjetplane

    Apr 22, 2015, 17:26 #70209

    I meant a fly in the soup. Second thoughts - make it a mackerel! Plenty more out there....

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 22, 2015, 16:48 #70208

    Now I'm confused. Bard has answered Chris. The fact is that Porto and Atletico have progressed further than Arsenal, who have far more financial power. Therefore finances aren't the whole story. Or is Chris arguing that every time a financially stronger club beats a financially weaker one, this somehow obviates this fact? Of course BM being 5-0 up doesn't strengthen the argument, but nor does it weaken it. And less AKBs now than when we were doing poorly - eh?

  17. Chris

    Apr 22, 2015, 16:08 #70206

    jjetplane - I think you'll find that there is less of an AKB presence than normal after such runs, but let's not let reality get in the way hey?

  18. jjetplane

    Apr 22, 2015, 14:10 #70202

    'Waiter - there is an AKB in my soup..' 'Sorry Mr Bard - the mini heatwave of 8 wins against inferior opposition appears to bring them out ...'

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2015, 14:03 #70201

    Tony Evans, yes indeed like we used to, with confidence, not over confident but confident of a victory especially with the players we had with nothing left to chance, and also if we went a couple up with those players knowing what to do and how to do it in such circumstances. And not like now where the fans have no confidence at all and are on tender hooks throughout nail biting not knowing what's going to happen or what way it's going to go waiting for the cock up right to the final whistle, and I suppose who can blame them when the manager is and looks more nervous than them.

  20. Chris

    Apr 22, 2015, 13:42 #70200

    Bard - I'm confused now mate. Re-read your post 73792 and then tell me how Bayern being 5-0 up at halftime strengthens the satirical argument you were making in that post. There must be some very nuancey nuances in there because as you know, I'm partial to a nuance or two myself and i can't figure it out... i would put it down as a classic case of speaking too soon myself but you live and learn!

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2015, 13:29 #70199

    jj, indeed I never seen such a nervous manager in my life, it was written all over his face, and the hand ringing stopping long enough to wave the players into a circle (where some ignored him) where he looked to say nothing, god knows what kind of a pep talk he gave if any, keep doing the same and a goal will come? obviously they're keeper was listening in.

  22. jjetplane

    Apr 22, 2015, 13:04 #70197

    Amid the sound of bells tinkling about the necks of goats can be heard the plain chanting of the Monks of St Emirate - 'Oh Blessed Arsene/.....' That piece would never get written about the likes of Fergie or Clough. It is purely in the reals of fabulism. All it needs is the really bad folk music to accompany it. All together children of the right side 'Kum ba ya My Lord/...' RON I know a few on here cannot bear talk of another team but that Villa performance by both team and manager has to be up with the best of the season. That is when top end football pays out a bit. For most kids it's a case of kicking a ball first before you support a team. Ideally the nearest one to you. I see Jamerson is already donning masks ....

  23. Bard

    Apr 22, 2015, 12:54 #70195

    Chris; certainly not mate. I have never said that finances dont count for anything what Im implying is that its a convenient excuse for our failures. Whatever Athletico do tonight and Porto did get walloped last night they have both progressed further than us. I would have thought that these facts strengthen my argument rather than weaken it.

  24. Chris

    Apr 22, 2015, 11:34 #70191

    Bard - I was hoping you'd post after trumpeting Porto's half-time victory last week as evidence that budget counts for nothing... Just need Real to give AM a hiding tonight and presumably you'll be feeling a bit sheepish for speaking up too soon....?

  25. Charlie George Orwell

    Apr 22, 2015, 7:49 #70186

    'Arsene, forgive them. They know not what they do.' Ian Tanner. Pass the sick bucket.

  26. Bard

    Apr 21, 2015, 21:15 #70181

    Chris thanks for the the link. Very funny post mate. Dont worry Baddy will be back when he finds his router. Im with Exeter I thought it was tongue in cheek or maybe it was nose up a***. The give away was the absence of the stories of the loaves and fishes plus water into wine. If you cant do either of those youre nowhere. Watching BM destroy Porto but the real story is the colour and the noise of the fans the result doesnt matter does it? Oh I love the nuance.

  27. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 21, 2015, 18:10 #70178

    Ron - The veneration of individuals is always unhealthy for both them and those doing it, but you could begin to understand it in Wenger's case if he had kept AFC competing at the very top during the last decade, in the face of the stadium build and emergence of the oil fuelled monsters. But he hasn't. He's consistently achieved the bare minimum given the resources he had. No real underachieving, no genuine overachieving either. And that's not changed with more resources. One of his legacies is to get some people believing that somehow his philosophy transcends the competitive element that is the fundamental tenet of sport. That's why we now have those arrogant fans who think that even when we lose, really we've won.

  28. Ron

    Apr 21, 2015, 17:21 #70177

    EG - ive always had the view that back in the days leading up to and after the ground shift, that Wenger did sacrifice his pragmatism and winning ethos to a point. He then though became a slave to 'project youth' as a result of its early promise as well as the so called beautiful game as he saw the rise and rise of Barcelona which co incided with the change from Highbury and Chelsea s emergence. It was from then that he re invented himself as a prophet, a guru if you like. It was fueled by the willingness of the press and our fans to laud him and hold him up as a great footballing Pharaoh. Hes like a miniature Mao. The persistent cap doffing to him and the stroking of his massive ego has led to what he is today, same as it does all individuals who are allowed to dominate the power base and mindset of a Club, Govt, Church or whatever. Its strange how the media, as well as those fans who back him all seem to tremble at the mere thought of bringing his methods into question even today. Its very unhealthy though its made Arsenals fans very arrogant. You read them on here how they dismiss other Clubs as not much more than mud on Arsenals boot. You hear them at away matches in the surly manner that the home side and its fans are similarly dismissed as irritants whose duty is to lie down and lose. Arsenal have never been a popular Club amongst others Clubs fans but in my view the enjoyment that others fans feel when they're turned over now has never been higher. Is that Wengers legacy? I think its part of it at least.

  29. Ron

    Apr 21, 2015, 17:00 #70176

    JJ - i read it earlier. Hes certainly an aesthete. Hes a martyr to his philosophy too. His abidance to it all these yrs is quaint too seeing as hes tried to fulfil it with players who would never have achieved it in 3 liftimes. Wenger is a parody of himself and has been for yrs. Its like EG says, theres a flavour in the article that laughs as Wenger and thats very sad in my view. It never never have come to this.Having said all this, its CL every yr and cash flow to cream over. For those who see that as 'success' its unarguable. For me personally, its just been a recipe for a loss of interest as each season passes. Am i and others like me right or is Wenger? I dont know and dont much care these days.

  30. jjetplane

    Apr 21, 2015, 16:26 #70175

    Funniest thing EG is that the writer is concerned about his standing in football writing. It's hilarious when you think of some of the incredible sports writing we have had from American writers. That this guy takes himself seriously is scarey. must have made Wenger smirk too how some peolpe have elevated him to err the Picasso of Football. Be great if they could print the full article on here - that would make for a nice interaction.

  31. jeff wright

    Apr 21, 2015, 16:19 #70173

    Ho Hum 8M a year plus the loot from his other extra-curricular activities such as TV work and his directorship of LA Promotions that he is the only shareholder of.The company posted a good profit last time .If Wenger spent more time on the day job we might be doing better in the Prem than what we are.I leave Europe out because he doesn't have the tactical nous to compete against his peers there but should certainly be doing better than getting shown the door in the first KO round every term .Especially against sides such as lowly Monaco . There really is some utter tosh put forth in the media about Wenger .As for the long ball game he had to resort to using against Wigan and Hull last season in the semi and FAC final after the tippy- tappy had failed . You couldn't make it up.

  32. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 21, 2015, 16:16 #70172

    Wondered if the Guardian article was satire at first. The notion of the self-sacrificing Arsene is ridiculous. He has made strategic power grabs over his tenure and obtained the freedom to remodel the club in his own image and make it a vehicle for his own ideas. The myth of Arsene is now deeply ****ded in the club. It will always be seen as 'his' stadium and the 'brand' of football ('beauty' over winning) is now how AFC are perceived worldwide. He's a club builder, jobs like Man C and Real Madrid would be completely wrong for his skillset and amplify his weaknesses - and he knows it. He's stayed to build his own legacy, quite the opposite of sacrificing himself.

  33. jjetplane

    Apr 21, 2015, 14:56 #70170

    MG JW RON BARD you should read that 'long football' piece in the Guardian. Someone commented wondering whether the author was from VIZ. The AKBs will lap it up and it only remains to find the Arsene shroud which can be displayed at the soon-to-be-built chapel of the beautiful game. Meanwhile Suarez is showing planet earth how football is now played. Who's the saint now?

  34. Ho Hum

    Apr 21, 2015, 14:55 #70169

    Pity the martyr on £8m a year.

  35. Chris

    Apr 21, 2015, 14:05 #70168

    Anyone read 'Arsene Wenger - the martyr of Islington' on Guardian website today? Nice quote from it: "Either way, judgments on Arsène say far more about the judges than they do about him – about our comfort with the idea that sport, or football, or life itself, can be worth our while even if it doesn’t end in victory. That to be beautiful, or to be decent, to improve ourselves or leave something for the future, might be as or more important than the trophy case." Now you know what Badarse has been up to these last weeks!

  36. Tony Evans

    Apr 21, 2015, 14:04 #70167

    Maguiresbridge Gooner - agree with you. Wouldn't it be nice to look forward to the final with every confidence that your team would do the business right from the word go and the manager would do everything in his power to make sure there was no complacency, with his best team fully motivated and determined not to let the opposition have a sniff of a chance. I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies and just be glad we are in the final but my nerves are not looking forward to May 30th if what so many of us fear will happen does!

  37. jjetplane

    Apr 21, 2015, 13:57 #70166

    This final will be decided by passion. Wondering whether the percieved arrogance of Wenger seen by some is really just fear of the unknown. it is one thing to spend your formative football years examining players on DVDs in a 'shed' but wholly another to play and then coach in the think of it. This cup will go to the team who have that extra bit in the locker. If the Arsenal crowd are going to bow to corporate instuction and turn their bit of wembley into a Jurassic Park practice run then I think Wenger will be biting whatever nails he has left. Trying to remember ever seeing a manager in such a state of fear as he was on saturday. Contrast that with Sherwood's hands in his pockets before they equalised and running to his supporters punching the air after. This one ain't over and if I get a chance I will watch it. Got yer tickets uet JAMErsON. I hope you are not sitting beside beside some Arsenal fans who sing throughout and never leave their seats - that would not be cricket. Good to see manager WESTIE supporting his players Wear Your Colours. But do remember to wear your masks .... Merry Month of May ....

  38. Tony Evans

    Apr 21, 2015, 13:31 #70164

    Jamerson - at last I see where you are coming from! So by your logic as we don't usually turn up for big games that must make us an above average team. Got it.

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 21, 2015, 13:25 #70163

    Tony Evans, and it will be no different in the final, after this win in his mind he's done nothing wrong and it will work again so no need for change.

  40. Ron

    Apr 21, 2015, 12:41 #70161

    goonercoles ... no. not at all. An underdog is a team widely expected by many to lose. My gut feeling for a Villa win doesn't make them an underdog. Logic dictates that we should win (if we apply ourselves). Im a big believer in the notion of a teams 'name being on the Cup' though. Always have been. I just think this year its Villa s. I hope im wrong. I cant think of a better top side for Villa to play. Id be less sure of a Villa win if they were playing Utd City or Chelsea. Even Liverpool in an actual Final. Arsenal are always likely of letting their own arrogance and disrespect for other teams undo them. Its happened so often in Cup and Lge games. Having a haughty arrogant Coach who for years has shown to me many times that he thinks casually turning up and playing with his 'handbrake' on will be enough to win games is some thing in my view that Sherwood wont over look and it ll leave Arsenal very vulnerable.

  41. Tony Evans

    Apr 21, 2015, 12:24 #70160

    Hi Ron - I am not keen on Sherwood but there is no denying he has got Villa back on the front foot, and as you say Arsenal must turn up expecting a tough match right from the off and not give Villa any incentive. Glad it's Villa though and not Liverpool - not because I think we couldn't beat the Scousers but if we did happen to lose the final all that Stevie G media love in would have driven me nuts.

  42. jeff wright

    Apr 21, 2015, 12:22 #70159

    Old Colesoreboy is still trying to pretend that Ozil was not a panic buy when all the evidence ( Suarez was OBVIOUSLYTHE PLAYER THAT WENGER WANTED - HE HAS EVEN SAID SO ! You couldn't make it up. Welbeck was another one to add to the likes of the BFG who was drafted in after the 8 goal thrashing at OT. All panic buys that have flopped but then again is that not always the case >?

  43. Westlower

    Apr 21, 2015, 12:12 #70157

    @Wear Your Colours, Good post & I wholeheartedly agree with every word. @Ron, Don't feel too bad tipping up Villa as you convinced me to have a saver bet at 12/1 a couple of weeks ago. Fingers crossed it's a losing bet. At least it'll be a more open & entertaining game than Reading & Chelsea.

  44. Know Man

    Apr 21, 2015, 12:08 #70156

    @bard, correct, Ozil was a panic buy. We were looking to buy Suarez all summer and then got Ozil with minutes to spare. He was bought to placate fans who we're baying for blood after we lost to Villa. Did we need another number 10, we have so many. Yes, a panic buy, he's not worth £40m. Why did Real even sell him? In fact, they've improved without him!

  45. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 21, 2015, 11:36 #70155

    Bard, Ozil a panic buy?!! Please explain. Ron, so if you forecast Villa to win then we must be the under dogs in your eyes, so our victory is an upset? Finally on the team selection debate. We brought in 4 full internationals, ffs , not kids, and won the game. Now if we had played our U21 team then judging by their recent results we might have struggled. Onwards and upwards.

  46. Ron

    Apr 21, 2015, 11:08 #70153

    Hi Tony - They ll need to work like beasts to beat Villa. They're a Club with momentum under Tim Sherwood and for the first time for years they ll fancy playing us, esp now they've tasted Wembley and won there. My trouble is that ive forecast Villa to win the FAC since round 5. I hope we turn up or there's a a sure case for an upset isn't there.

  47. Bard

    Apr 21, 2015, 9:54 #70151

    The Ozil debate is redundant. He plays period. To do anything else weakens Wenger position. Having invested £40+m there is no way he is going to sacrifice him however badly he plays. It was always my view that Ozil was a panic buy but that said I like him but for the umpteeth time you have build the midfield round him. You cannot have either Santi and Rambo alongside him. It wont work against the better sides. Neither Santi nor Ozil are powerful enough as showed against Reading. As we dont aspire to beat the top sides on a regular basis I wouldnt expect there to be any change.

  48. Wear Your Colours

    Apr 21, 2015, 9:51 #70150

    I missed the game live but watched a recording of the whole match on Sunday. Reading looked and played like a team with limited ability and ambition. Essentially, they played with little imagination, defending with ten-men and just hoofing the ball into the channels. They were physical and tried to leave their foot-in at every opportunity. Alexis, Cazorla and Ozil each took several late tackles. Atkinson's obliging laissez-faire approach to refereeing meant they got away with a lot and the BBC's love of the under-dog meant it was all totally acceptable in their eyes. Arsenal, simply got on with the game and from my perspective it looked a routine win for the Gunners. We were not as fluent as we could be but we never really looked in trouble. We played patient probing football in the opening hour and created a couple of good chances. I thought Ozil was outstanding, his vision and passing sublime. As the game opened-up in the latter stages and Giroud came on to link the attacks we created several chances late-on and Ramsey should have sealed the victory before extra-time. In extra-time we looked the only winners. Hence, I thought we played the game very well, absorbed their energy and aggression and executed the victory efficiently. It's good to be in another FA Cup final; hoping we make it our twelfth FA cup victory come the end of May. COYG!

  49. Tony Evans

    Apr 21, 2015, 8:42 #70146

    Ron - Too right and I can't believe I was naïve enough to expect anything different. I find myself in the usual position of being delighted and appalled in equal measure. Delighted by another FA Cup final and appalled by our manager and the way he so nearly blew it against Reading with his team selection and obvious under-estimating what we would be up against. You would think that after Hull, Wigan and Bradford Wenger would have learnt a lesson and got the team's mind set right from the start, but oh no not Wenger with his arrogance and disdain for supposedly inferior opponents. So on to the final and Arsenal should beat Villa but with Wenger in charge there is always that element of doubt isn't there, and I just hope we come out of the blocks fast, match Villa's work rate and don't give them a sniff of a chance. Oh and also play our strongest side! Is that a pig I see flying over out of my office window!

  50. Ron

    Apr 21, 2015, 7:39 #70145

    Not sure why that semi has been given any analysis. It was the usual AFC turning up half cocked, arrogantly thinking they would just win and that the opponent would just roll over and succumb to the power of 'Barca lite'. Its an attitude that been there for a dozen years and will remain there for even while Monsieur W presides, so why be surprised at the garbage that you saw.

  51. Made Up Stat

    Apr 21, 2015, 7:26 #70144

    Jeez, what a world! People donning a cartoon, cuddly dinosaur mask as the most preferable option in displaying their credibility. I don’t know if this has been remarked upon before, but really – one couldn’t make it up.

  52. Know Man

    Apr 20, 2015, 23:19 #70143

    @goonercolesyboy respect your views mate, but I'm not convinced. I'm not the only one. There's plenty of respected players out there including Petit & Gilberto who state Ozil needs to do more. Watch him closely, he plays the easy pass, never beats his man, and doesn't shoot. My view, play Santi in his position, he'd be perfect. How often have we seen a match and thought a Ozil was man of match, rarely. Will he be in EPL team of season? Answers, no.

  53. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 20, 2015, 20:25 #70142

    Know man that is so wrong. Ozil is quality, and is such a clever footballer. That ONE pass no one else could have played in our team. Took out 9 defenders. Onwards and upwards.

  54. Peter Wain

    Apr 20, 2015, 19:38 #70141

    Although we did not play well I am struggling to remeber any save the SZ made. True he should have saved the goal and he pushed out ont shot in the second half but for all the commentators talking up Reading I thought they were average at best. The referree help with his inability to work out what a booking was. It was noticeable when Giroud came on hve much better we kept the ball and overall I thought we merited the win. The trouble with Finsbury Joe is he cannot remember the last time the scum got to Wembley in the FA Cup. What is it like to win the league in black and white?

  55. Know Man

    Apr 20, 2015, 19:27 #70140

    We struggle cos Ozil just doesn't get involved, he's just on the peripheral of matches, if you want to see decent players in his position, look at how Santi, Silva, Hazard, Cesc, Mata as examples dominate possesion and games. We could deploy Santi in Ozil's position and then have Ramsey & Coquelin in behind with either Welbeck or Theo on the wing. That provides more balance and gets the best out of our players. Drop Ozil, you're all in awe of him, yes he played one good pass. Well done, take a bow!

  56. DJ

    Apr 20, 2015, 16:41 #70139

    Of course we are all delighted to get to another cup final but surely this blog is about opinions an all things Arsenal. For example Welbeck is not an out and out front man or a natural gaolscorer. He is best employed as a hardworking wideman in a front three then replaced by Theo in the last twenty minutes when players tire. If everyone was fit I would suggest Ox would be better suited than either of them?

  57. 1971 Gooner

    Apr 20, 2015, 16:04 #70138

    Gentlemen - we are in the FA Cup final. Shall we just enjoy the occasion and cheer the team in for a win?

  58. Ho Hum

    Apr 20, 2015, 15:37 #70137

    Westlower- Goodness me aren't you desperate to claw back some credibility after letting down punters on here yesterday with a very rare pre-event tip. Man City are clearly struggling with FFP and their only loaned-out player of serious value is Negredo so until UEFA are challenged and beaten in court or the Etihad Campus begins to bear fruit, City's owner's bottomless pockets will mean little on the pitch. You keep talking down Arsenal's financial capabilities and talking up Wenger's managerial capabilities if it makes you happy though mate, just don't expect anyone but Jamerson to be fooled.

  59. Westlower

    Apr 20, 2015, 14:07 #70136

    @Ho Hum, When the bookies traders compile their betting list for next season it works along these lines. The current Champions are invariably next years favourites. Paddy Power have Chelsea at 11/8 which equates to 42.1% of the market. When all the odds are added together that determines the bookies profit. Their objective is to reach 110 -120% to ensure a profit of between 10 & 20%. Man City are 11/4 (26.7%), Man U 9/2 (18%), AFC 11/2 (15.4%), L'pool 11/1 (8.3%), TH 40/1 (2.4%), the rest are dismissed as no chance (2%) giving a total of 114.9% - theoretical bookies profit of 14.9% on turnover. The prices are mainly based on a clubs ability to strengthen existing squads. Chelsea have overspent by £890m in recent years and have players scattered throughout the world on loan. They got all their ducks in a row before FFP had an influence & are ahead of the game. Man City were a few years behind and have only been able to get half their ducks in a row but have an owner with bottomless pockets. Man U have the biggest income stream by far and will always rise back to the top. Arsenal are a moderate 4th in the financial stakes & their chances of success in the PL are priced accordingly.

  60. jjetplane

    Apr 20, 2015, 14:05 #70135

    OK after the weekend's events Arsenal's performance was as awful as Villa's was awesome. It really is the difference in coaches. Where Sherwood looked like he was loving every moment Wenger looked like he could not wait for it to be over. Second Villa goal was a thing of beauty so will be interesting to see how both teams perform between now and the final. If Wenger opts for a similar 'tactic' against Chelsea then it could be painful to watch. In some ways the team has improved but the mid field is never really sorted and though it managed to get past Reading with the customary threaded pass to edge the game, against a stronger opponent with exceptional outlets I doubt they will get the luxury to play so high with so much space. Actually thought Reading were I guess where they are. 18 without a bullet. As a tease look into the future and see Sherwood (gooner) on the Arsenal bench with his lad Harry (gooner) up front banging them in for fun. It's just another step from Sol becoming a fully fledged with little pain accrued. Maybe it is just what they are both thinking. Certainly would be good for Arsenal. if Wenger ever read this page he would be thinking 'we need to call this WESTIE guy - he could do the post match. I am so tired of it all...'

  61. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 20, 2015, 13:36 #70134

    Ho Hum, steady on mate we've(supposedly, even though the season's not over yet) progressed, that's once in 10/11 years under OGL so don't expect another too soon once in a decade is enough, it's going to take time you know.

  62. Ho Hum

    Apr 20, 2015, 13:05 #70133

    Westlower- Man City seem to have been regressing before our very eyes for a couple of months now, but maybe your eyes are so glued to in-play betting that you don't actually watch much football. Of course you lumped on the extra-time single, just a shame you didn't steer your readers toward that rather simpler bet before the event. I'm sure you also staked a hefty sum on Utd to score nil (as you told the nation they would), therefore ensuring your usual handsome return. You remind me a little of someone I used to know who swore he only ever bet 20p Lucky 15s.....until he had his flat repossessed.

  63. Blurds

    Apr 20, 2015, 13:02 #70132

    Can't believe all the fuss about the fact it was a championship side that gave us a difficult game. That's what the FA cups about! I was going through the results this year to highlight some shocks but there's so many I cba - I'll give you 2, city and chelsea. It's a semi final, it was always going to be difficult against anyone who's prepared to fight.

  64. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 20, 2015, 12:58 #70131

    Nick T, good post yes he gets lucky/away with it again and i'd bet he knows it too hence all the hand wringing, has anyone seen a more nervous looking manager? against a team that should have been a stroll in the park, you can imagine the hand wringing there would have been if we'd cocked it up.

  65. King Jeremy

    Apr 20, 2015, 11:48 #70130

    Rob1970 - good on you for thinking "we will win the final, no doubt". I remember similar opinions being voiced on this very site when we had the small matter of a certain Birmingham City to play in a final, not that long ago. Take nothing for granted - leave that to Mr Wenger.

  66. Westlower

    Apr 20, 2015, 11:23 #70129

    @Ho Hum, Why should we be a lower price than Chelsea & both Manchester clubs? They won't be regressing anytime soon & are sure to be active in the summers transfer market. Yes, I lost my money on a scoreless draw but I did highlight that the nation would be tuning in to watch the extra time when the game at the Bridge was finished & collected my winnings accordingly (no apologies if that p*sses you off). The point I was trying to make is that it was never going to be a goal fest against a team that would be set up to deny us any space to create goal opportunities, ditto this weekend. The best part of the weekend was Stevie G not making it to the Cup final, cue much wailing & whining from a distraught media, ha bl**dy ha!

  67. Ho Hum

    Apr 20, 2015, 10:48 #70128

    Westlower- Thanks mate. So despite all the money spent, having a season to bed in, Liverpool's regression and FFP beginning to bite at City and Chelsea, the nation's bookmakers don't believe we are any more likely to win the league next season than they did this season. How does that happen? Anyway, hope you (or anyone else on here) didn't lose too much money on the goalless double you were promoting last week, although I'm sure even if you did you made a handsome profit overall on the many covering bets that you will be belatedly telling us all about this week.

  68. Bard

    Apr 20, 2015, 10:43 #70127

    DJ a good call mate. i have posted several times that if you play Ozil then you have to build the midfield around him. If you play Ozil and Cazorla then you cant play Ramsey. However since when has balance been a Wenger priority. We are missing the Ox who adds width, pace and some defensive grit. My midfield would be Ox, Cazorla, Ozil and Coq

  69. Rob1970

    Apr 20, 2015, 10:31 #70126

    wow, the fa cup is what it is; there is no chelski, city or manu in the final (because they lost to other sides), but arsenal is there..... wenger was right to mix things up a bit. reading played hard and we won through.....this site is getting to be a total whine site....cheer up.....we will win the final, no doubt

  70. DJ

    Apr 20, 2015, 10:26 #70125

    The real problem that this game highlighted is Carzola is not a defensive midfielder and Ramsey is not a wide man. Our best performance of the season was Man City away when Ozil was injured and Santi played in the hole behind Giroud and was MOM. To give the team balance one of Carzola/Ozil needs to be benched for either Walcott or Welbeck. I sometimes get the feeling Arsene just picks what he thinks are the best players and to heel with the system!!

  71. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 20, 2015, 9:12 #70124

    As soon as we started with this slow slow slower slow pattern of play we all knew what was coming. Why does Arsene keep bringing out that old chestnut of opposition teams being aggressive. Teams get stuck in to us because they know it will f*ck up any team plan Arsene has implemented. Gabriel must play in the final as must Giroud and Ospina. Our great winning run is as a direct result of having two full backs in good form - so why drop them for such an important game? In the final I hope we get into a huddle and someone says "forget what Mr Wenger has just told you, I want 4 or 5 of you to take a yellow card for the team, we play our football when we have won the physical battle"

  72. King Jeremy

    Apr 20, 2015, 9:06 #70123

    The poor showing from the starting 11 should be a timely reminder of what we are a few ijuries away from: a thrid-rate back-up forward and increasingly suspect goalkeeper. Both must be addressed in the summer. Debuchy was clearly lacking match fitness and you suspect that bar the Mertesacker injury, Bellerin would have been on for him. Gibbs was woeful, although given his lack of games you can forgive him. It was very telling that when Coqelin went off, the gung-ho gunners returned, with 5 players caught ahead of the resulting Reading counter attack in extra time - unforgivable. All in all very lucky (again) to be in the final, but the veneer that is the current run of league form has been again shown to be very thin indeed. Still, into the final we go, let's just hope we have "learned" from Hull last year....just like we learned from the Wigan semi.......

  73. chris dee

    Apr 20, 2015, 8:52 #70122

    Wigan,Hull,Reading three unconvincing but just about successful performances.But Arsene won't get away with a indifferent performance against a rejuvinated and confident Villa so hopefully we take our A- game to Wembley in the final otherwise the 2-1 sixth round win at Old Trafford will have been for nothing. And clucking bell how long is Arsene gonna entrust Chesney with the goalkeepers jersey?Has the penny still not dropped that first Almunia and then Chesney are not good enough for a club that wants to be successful?

  74. Westlower

    Apr 20, 2015, 8:51 #70121

    It made sense to give Debuchy game time ahead of the Chelsea game next weekend. It could shatter Bellerin's confidence if he plays & gets ripped apart by Hazard. Expect a similar game as Steve Clarke & Maureen are peas from the same pod. @Ho Hum, Arsenal are 7/1 to win the PL in 2015/16.

  75. Tony Evans

    Apr 20, 2015, 8:29 #70120

    Heavy weather indeed Kevin - but I don't suppose many of us were surprised by that. I thought Wenger's team selection was badly wrong with the useless Pole and the rusty Gibbs / Debuchy coming in to the side. Also why drop Giroud to the bench and although I am not a massive fan of Walcott we were crying out for some width and I could not believe it took Wenger so long to bring him on. Great that we won but as usual for me it was in spite of Wenger and not because of him! He seemed surprised by the intensity and physicality of Reading's play when any manager worth his salt would have known for sure that was how they were going to play, and complacency was nearly our downfall yet again. Let's hope in the final we start all guns blazing and get the game won early.

  76. Alsace

    Apr 20, 2015, 8:15 #70119

    If you don't think that Wenger will play the fool with his team selection for the final think again. He is nothing if not stubbourn. We had a collective bad day at the office but positive points are that we never really lost our cool despite a hopeless referee who would have considered a murder perpetrated by Reading as "part and parcel of the game". Hopefully we will turn up and do a major professional job upon the Villa. Don't hold your breath. BTW, the New Neasden Toilet is an appalling stadium and the transport arrangements continue to be laughable. Hopefully the Hillsborough enquiry will ultimately yield prison sentences and damages so enormous that no one staging such an event can continue to treat football supporters like cattle.

  77. Joe S.

    Apr 20, 2015, 0:16 #70118

    Great to be in the final, but seeing the likes of Gibbs, Wiltshire, Debussy and even Ramsey once again reunited in the colours makes me despair that Arsenal will soon be once again taking a backward step.

  78. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 23:42 #70117

    ArseneKnewBest, you would think that mate, any other managers would and do but you can be reassured OGL's not on both counts, and won't (and you can bet on it) he's not going to change now after ten years of same old same old learning nothing.

  79. Ho Hum

    Apr 19, 2015, 22:16 #70116

    Anyone know the odds on us mounting a title challenge next season? I do hope we don't need to spend another £90m to finally make it happen, as apparently splashing the cash greatly dilutes any subsequent achievement.

  80. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 19, 2015, 19:50 #70115

    It would be reassuring to think that OGL is urgently investigating why the team has underperformed in recent games at Wembley (possibly the pitch and its dimensions, the pre-match routine, or the standard of vol-au-vents in the changing room), and is coming up with a failsafe plan to ensure that it isn't repeated in 6 week's time. What's the betting on that happening Westie? Can Martinez be Ospina's sub for the final if his stint finishes at Rotherham in good time?

  81. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 19:42 #70114

    SKG, as we've seen many times before anything that makes sense to everyone else you can be sure it wont to OGL.

  82. jeff wright

    Apr 19, 2015, 19:04 #70113

    Yes MG it was a good call by Ron tipping Villa to make the final and thankfully the Stevie G malarkey can now be avoided ! In fact it would be difficult to dispute that Sherwood's side looked the best of the four that played in the semi's . Again this just shows that cup form is not applicable to league form . Anyway it's likely that the Villains will provide a tougher test than Hull did last season, even though they led 2-0 at one time. The BFG was exposed again against lowly Championship oppo as not being fit for purpose and surely even old Clueless will not risk starting the slow coach against Villa .You wouldn't put money on him not doing it though ! In the meantime Wenger's got other things to worry about with Chelsea next up. City have closed in on us and along with United will want to avoid that pesky 4th place finish.

  83. maguiresbridge gooners

    Apr 19, 2015, 18:39 #70112

    jj, maybe they have strippers performing throughout at Wembley club level it would explain the coming and going. No need to look one out the John Wayne movie the train robbers is just starting on TCM.

  84. Bard

    Apr 19, 2015, 18:30 #70111

    Fantastic result what a final. I think he should get Sanogo back and give him a game maybe play Gnarby although he hasnt played for many months. But whatever he does he has to play Paulista. Totally agree SKG.

  85. Saigon Gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 18:28 #70110

    A bit hard on Theo: 'little impact'. He and Alexis were the only two Arsenal players to try to go past Reading defenders - rather than pass their way through - and that was a clear cut penalty in the last minute.

  86. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 17:52 #70108

    Bard, although I wouldn't wager to much, the smart money will be on TOF breaking his embarrassing duck against Maureen and finally beating him, remember there'll be no pressure and nothing to play for.

  87. John F

    Apr 19, 2015, 17:50 #70107

    I think after taking the players advice on tactics for the City game Wenger turned to the LibDem party broadcast for advice this time.Do not go left or right just stick to the middle.The Burnley game should have given some clues that Ramsey should not play out wide especially with Debuchy looking half fit.The game was crying out for an earlier introduction of wally.

  88. Westlower

    Apr 19, 2015, 17:43 #70106

    Best odds available for the FA Cup final: Arsenal 1/3, Villa 13/5. It's only even money for Arsenal to finish top 2 in PL & win the FA Cup.

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 16:55 #70104

    Well predicted Ron, can you imagine us holding out like that.

  90. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 16:41 #70102

    Big Phil, you can be sure there are still those who think it can be done and have thought so for some time.

  91. Bard

    Apr 19, 2015, 16:27 #70101

    I agree Colseyboys what is the point of the squad. He hasnt used the squad all season but decides to change 3 of the back 5 in a semi final. All three were very poor and good old Chez gave away the goal. To me it showed that despite having a good squad on paper, he doesnt think much of them in reality. Thank goodness Sanchez bailed him and them out.

  92. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 16:07 #70100

    He brought Chesney in again alright and it certainly wasn't to bring balance to the team ( he hasn't brought a keeper in that can do that for nigh on ten years now) just to remind us what a liability he was/is obviously he still concentrates more on his hair than his game. Wally was given 20 to make a name for himself (isn't he always) and it wasn't too hard to predict the out come of that but he probably made up for it in the post match interviews he always makes an impact there. Massive improvement needed for the final but all we have to do is learn to play with pressure as well as we do without.

  93. jeff wright

    Apr 19, 2015, 14:58 #70098

    Well at least we fortunately did not require a dicey penalty shoot-out to win the semi unlike last season as we did against another Chumpionship side Wigan. What Suarez /Messi and co would do against that silly high-line formation that Inspector Clueless used is anyone's guess .Yesterday was like watching the game against Monaco at home except that Reading missed their chances.So did our lot though as they did against Monaco . Hitting the post doesn't count and we were a bit fortunate with the off-side calls against Reading and a penalty shout for them as well. All in all not very conving at all. The Steveie G farewell bandwagon is already rolling now for the final with his missus on parade in a bikini in the current bun on a sunny beach .If Liverpool win today it will all build up to a crescendo .Will our our manager and players be able to stand the pressure of it all is the question. On yesterday's evidence it would seem unlikely that they will do so. Wenger really is a busted flush now that Chelsea have won their game in hand the 10 point gap between us and them shows that the so called title challenge was just another Wenger illusion. At least his FAC one is real but again this exposes his very limited capabilities now days. Winning the thing again is essential to him but if anyone can make hard work of doing it he can.

  94. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 14:44 #70097

    It's called pressure Kev, when it's on and there's something to play for they don't steamroll or bully like they usually do, and it very nearly contributed to an upset again, thankfully they were one of these supposedly inferior teams (although it certainly didn't look like it) and OGL and his indoctrinated technicians got away with it again.

  95. Nick T

    Apr 19, 2015, 14:24 #70096

    Jamerson - so you agree with Chesney's selection yesterday due to the probability/possibility of the game going to penalties....are you serious??

  96. Ian Ure's Son

    Apr 19, 2015, 14:21 #70095

    Regarding our man Ozil, is he fully fit? Our seats were right next to the spot where the ten starting outfield players performed their stretching exercises before the game. Ozil did not complete any that required him to kneel on the ground, suggesting a possible knee problem. Or perhaps he didn't want to get his knees dirty or disturb his moisturiser? And unusually Wilshere participated in this warm up when normally the subs don't. Perhaps he was there as a standby replacement? A mystery that perhaps only Inspector Clueless can solve.

  97. jjetplane

    Apr 19, 2015, 14:16 #70094

    Thanks WEStiE for putting the record straight on just about everything. Think Kevin is missing a trick when he just reports on what he has seen without reference to Arsenal and the numbers game. Love the start where you say why should EVerYOnE presume Arsene Utd should win. Duh .... Because they are playing seriously inferior opposition in a stadium that may as well be the the WOK. was a bit knackered having been to footer Friday night (wayhay!) and working yesterday but managed to stay awake til the first goal but if ever there was a more turgid semi final and I cannot think of it. Arsenal looked a combination of bored and knackered. Mind you - being on a run that puts those silly little invincibles (Theo's words) into perspective You can understand why even Santi can doing nothing but knowingly smile as he ballons one for the fun of it. Can someone enlighten me on the swathes of empty prime seats at the half way line which was where all my interest gradually became focused as you watched people coming and going while apparently a football match was on. I remember watching Mackie week in and out at Exeter and he was such a little star. little bit more support yesterday and he would be moving to .... er West Ham? Should be a great final anyway with all dem yellow ribbons and Spanish cockneys and no JAMERSON? Citeh are 2 up so the Fantastic 4 go again. Such a great movie with John Wayne - think I might dig it out ... She wore a yellow ribbon. Oh for an Overmars. Martin Keown is like the Nick Clegg of punditry ... Lol!

  98. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 19, 2015, 14:04 #70093

    Amazing how many on here can pick the team after the match. What's the point of having a squad if they don't get playing time? Most teams nowadays play the second keeper I think you'll find. Nice touch by Reading with the shirt giveaway. Decent atmosphere but still need more fans rather than corporates. Onwards and upwards.

  99. Nick T

    Apr 19, 2015, 13:42 #70092

    Wenger yet again gets lucky, but showed total arrogance and misguided loyalty in his team selection yet again!! With 8 days before our next game he simply should have put his best 11 out to get the job done easily, Ive never understood this policy of playing your 2nd choice keeper in the cup (especially when you get to the business end) and what message does it send to Ospina? If Chesney starts in the final it will be a disgrace...he had his chance(s), hes blown it and injury aside should have played his last game for the club. Then theres Gibbs and Debuchy - I rate both players but what was the thinking playing them yesterday? If we were still in the title race and Champions league then its understandable but that's not the case. Yes we got through but for me yesterday opened up the cracks in Wenger's management style again and why I still firmly believe we will never win one of the big 2 while he's in charge. Also, this notion that we've progressed this season is complete rubbish, we've got nowhere near either of the major trophies again and the fact we may well finish 2nd is simply because the quality of the other 'top' teams is dismal - we're the golfing equivalent of the player who shoots 64 in the final round to sneak into the top 5).

  100. Bard

    Apr 19, 2015, 12:42 #70090

    Its possible that Bellerin and Monreal were slightly injured but more importantly its fascinating to see how quickly football moves on, Gibbs and Debuchy are now second choice. I imagine Ramsey is having a minor wobble as he cannot play wide out and he cannot get in ahead of Cazorla or Ozil so where is he going to play. Wally is now merely a bit part player and Jack is surplus to requirements but the big plus was Paulista who put in a decent shift when Per went off. He looks the business. Going to be a fascinating transfer window. Interesting odds Westie.

  101. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 19, 2015, 12:29 #70089

    Who wouldn't be surprised the BBC were kissing Reading's a##e....They hate us,from the midlife crisis that is Gary Lineker down to ex-Reading player and self appointed football expert Jason Roberts. Well, as the old AFC adage goes, "let them hate as long as they fear."

  102. Finsbury Boy

    Apr 19, 2015, 12:08 #70088

    Not Finsbury(Spud lover)Joe Agree with all the comments about team selection,Debuchy was struggling after an hour, Gibbs poor, Wojech awful. Ramsay on the right unbalances the team and without Bellerin we had no width. However despite all the above we won a semi final. Also which the BBC summarisers forgot to mention we hit the woodwork 3 times so did Reading really deserve to go through??

  103. Tony Keen.

    Apr 19, 2015, 11:59 #70087

    A quite excellent and fair comment on the match, well done reading.a quite valiant effort, good luck next season, and for arsenal, the need to get the ball forward quicker, too square at times.danny well eck needs the ball forward quicker to use his speed, they need a kick up the the rear.gunners fan.

  104. Westlower

    Apr 19, 2015, 11:53 #70086

    Why do we always assume Arsenal will blow the opposition away every time Arsenal appear in an FA Cup semi-final? Since 1980 we have played in 17 semi's including 4 replays & we've only scored more than 1 goal twice. It's often been said it's more difficult to win the semi than the final itself. As Kevin has stated it was Readings cup final. That said, if Ramsey & Giroud had scored relatively easy chances instead of hitting the post, a 4-1 scoreline would have suggested a stroll but that would have been misleading. The last time we missed two simple goal scoring chances was the home fixture v Monaco. As for the players, I find that Alexis delights & frustrates in equal measure, his decision making & passing needs to improve. A combination of Ozil & Alexis would make the perfect player. I was pleased to see Debuchy get game time as his presence will be important in the coming weeks. He'll be cherry ripe come May 30th. The injury to BFG prevented him being substituted as the increasing need was for goal scorers rather than a replacement full back. Giroud played well & will always be a better target man than Welbeck. Welbeck & Theo can give us width but I'd favour the Ox over both of them when fit. The team should be built around Ozil with Ramsey in the middle instead of Cazorla. My ideal front 3 being Alexis, Giroud & Ox, a midfield of Coquelin, Ramsey & Ozil, & a back four of Debuchy, Gabriel, Kos & Monreal. A new keeper is a must. @Bard, A 1-0 win for Chelsea varies between 7/1 & 8/1. Arsenal are favourites to win next weeks game at 6/4. An AFC top 2 finish is now 1/2, top 3 2/11, top 4 1/50.

  105. GoonerRon

    Apr 19, 2015, 11:47 #70085

    A largely underwhelming performance punctuated by some flashes of brilliance by Ozil and Alexis. To be fair, at this stage I'm really not too bothered so long as we got through and that is what we did. The love in for Reading on the BBC afterwards was slightly vomit-inducing though. Shearer saying we got really lucky was a bit of an exaggeration to these eyes.

  106. Mathew

    Apr 19, 2015, 11:11 #70083

    I think all knew what to expect from a championship outfit, they were gritty but lacked talent upfront. Taking a cue from Burnley game, I feel all teams are staying close and man marking Arsenal players. The game was really tight until they scored, got stretched towards the end. After watching Ospina, Szczesny is way below par and expected to be sold in the summer. Bellerin & Monreal was truly missed, Sanchez getting used to physicality of English football, Giroud's hold up play were the difference for me. Anyone noticed the beefed up Reading players, we looked tiny in front of them !

  107. Smithy

    Apr 19, 2015, 11:04 #70082

    Watched the game shaking my head! Both full backs were appalling , why we did not pick the same team after a weeks rest is a mystery. We played so lethargically you would have thought we had been away in the champions league and done 120 was a poor poor performance . All we needed was for Diaby to placed in the midfield on his crutches by arsene! As to wot check my post Chesney he should never get another game in an arsenal shirt as he reminds me of the man with a painted face who drives the collapsing car in billy smarts circus . Seriously Arsenes mismanagement could have cost us another semi yesterday. Whoever we get we going to have a tough game!

  108. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 19, 2015, 11:00 #70081

    Finsbury Jpe; congrats on waiting up all night to get the first post in. Now you can go back to bed and indulge in a mass debate over your idol Harry K (who's actually a Gooner BTW LOL) but don't let yer mum catch you.

  109. Nick

    Apr 19, 2015, 10:58 #70080

    The manager had a stinker, his team changes were simply ludicrous especially in regard to Debuchy, normally Wenger is reticent to play someone who has been out a long time but played the Frenchman knowing full well that it limited our sub choices and that potentially he would have to play 120 mins , what's the betting the lad is ruled out of contention for our next games with a strain of some sort, despite leading at half time it was obvious our overall game plan wasn't working effectively but again as usual Wenger did nothing to change that instead waiting untill after the horse had bolted to lock the stable door , we are through thankfully but yesterday we won DESPITE our managers efforts not BECAUSE of them , 4 out of 10 Mr Wenger .

  110. Paul

    Apr 19, 2015, 10:53 #70079

    What did we learn?.Wenger still tactically clueless.Do yourself a favour and watch Mourinho's post match interview yesterday when he said they spent all week training on how to stop Utd.Thats tactically coaching.The attitude yeaterday like the Wigan game stank where was the motivation where were the leaders.As others have said Szczesny must not be anywhere near the Cup final team.Gibbs is now miles behind Monreal.As for Welbeck why is anyone surprised?.Check his scoring record for Utd.It was a panic buy(Wenger only wanted a loan) when Giroud got injured.As for Reading you say if they play like that next season they will be back in the prem.What like Wigan?.They are a very poor team we made them look good

  111. Mike Collins

    Apr 19, 2015, 10:49 #70078

    I think 'Ozil is a Gooner' is taking issue with you, Kev, on something or other but judging by that lush vocabulary he/she probably writes for the London Review of Books. Shame on you, Mr Whitcher, and get your semiotics straightened out smartish.

  112. Torbay gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 10:44 #70077

    Big Phil Deejacee17 yes my thoughts exactly. Despite the manager's unnecessary tinkering, we just about prevailed. This to date was our biggest game of the season and surely you just play the same team that is on a run of 8 straight league wins, our next game being 8 days away! I don't think Ospina is the answer, but he looks far more secure than Szczseny, but we all know(barring injury)who he will play in the final. Moaning out of the way it's a fantastic opportunity now to retain a trophy and how often have we done that?

  113. Shu

    Apr 19, 2015, 10:37 #70076

    Big Phil , spot on with regards to Bellerin ans Monreal . It was obvious from early on that Ramsey was ineffective on the wing , prefering to cut in and play a square ball . Wenger made a number of wrong team selections as i feel he underestimated Reading . How could he not play Giroud with Welbeck or Theo on the right side. The lack of width was obvious. Ospina should also play in the final but you know that will not happen .

  114. Retain the FA Cup a la 2003

    Apr 19, 2015, 10:26 #70075

    In the final. David Seaman in 1991 a more recent example of Federici's mistake? Szczney MUST be dropped for the final.

  115. Ozil is a Gooner

    Apr 19, 2015, 10:20 #70074

    A typically caveated article. This immovable obsession with Ozil's body language only perpetuates the simply ridiculous concept that one can read anything into a players desire through an analysis of semiotics by a group of people with no understanding of such things beyond trying to gauge their girlfriends mood of a Friday night.

  116. Hornsey Bill

    Apr 19, 2015, 10:15 #70073

    Spot on Deejaycee - my thoughts entirely! The players talked about not being complacent before the game, but didn't allow for their Manager's lack of mental strength by making those 3 team picks! Debucy is a decent player but never going to be match fit. Monreal has left Gibbs (who simply can't defend) way behind and I never want to see Szczesny between the sticks every again! He gives me the jitters every time there is a shot or cross. Our defenders just don't play with any confidence when he's behind them. Why did Wenger take such unnecessary risks? Only he knows! All that said, we ground out the win. Now where's my yellow ribbon?

  117. Mike Collins

    Apr 19, 2015, 10:02 #70072

    Great to win the semi; not so great the manner in which it was achieved. Welbeck was hapless; Ramsey clueless; Debuchy breathless; and Walcott had the delivery of a Lib Dem election promise during his feeble cameo. Yes, Ozil set up the goals but looked as if he'd rather be boogying in Berlin and I was relieved when Big Per withdrew as his speed of thought and execution was up to his usual mark. MOM was surely the tireless Alexis, with plucky Olivier not far behind. Next job is to beat Chelsea to seal second place and another CL quarter-final spot. Easy!

  118. AMG

    Apr 19, 2015, 9:48 #70071

    I thought it was criminal picking Debuchy for a game that could go to 120 mins. It meant that he would potentially have to be subbed and deny Arsenal a key tactical change, like taking off the Centre-mid playing woefully on the right and replacing him with a right winger. Similarly playing Gibbs was a poor choice, although not as much of a gamble, it is clear he will never be a top class left back. Taking off Welbeck was idiotic, Ramsey should have made way. Ozil was my Arsenal MOTM, so I'm not quite sure why he's getting stick, his delivery from set pieces was superb all day, he was calm and composed on the ball, he got 2 assists.... what's not to like?!

  119. Bard

    Apr 19, 2015, 9:36 #70070

    A poor game from our point of view. It showed exactly how far behind the top sides we are despite the euphoria surrounding the unbeaten run. When there is an expectation we still struggle to deliver. All the old faults were there to see. Slack passing, tempo too slow, being bullied off the ball, no leaders. For large periods of the game Reading were more than a match for us. Still onwards and upwards with the Chavs next week. What are the odds on a 1-0 to Chelsea ?

  120. Deejaycee17

    Apr 19, 2015, 9:36 #70069

    Wenger's strange defensive changes almost came back to bite him us the bum! Szcz is not good enough to be a top flight keeper, too often he has only a few shots on target to deal with, and makes a mess of them! Gibbs again is not a defensive minded left back and gets caught up field on far too many occasions! As for bringing Debuchy back in such a big game after a lengthy lay off and then subjecting him to 120 mins of football, one has to wonder if Wenger really is losing the plot these days?! Still after trying his best to mess it up you have to give him and the team plaudits for making another final! Roll on May 30th, and let's hope it's a chance to exact revenge on the Scousers for mugging us off in that Cardiff final and a chance for us to ruin Stevie G Laa's final that would be sweet! :) COYG!!

  121. Big Phil

    Apr 19, 2015, 9:33 #70068

    Danny Welbeck is not a striker who scores goals.He's our Emile Heskey.He has carried his poor scoring record down from Manchester.Szczesny will thank god for Federici's mistake because his shocker will get overshadowed.Ospina has to start in the final as must Bellerin and Monreal.The biggest problem yesterday was the lack of width Rambo is not a wide man and is only effective when he moved in the middle.As with Wigan last year we rode our luck.By the way the title race is now over all are deluded fans who thought we could catch Chelsea

  122. Finsbury Joe

    Apr 19, 2015, 9:30 #70067

    Of you have kids or grand children, keep them away from AKBs, the stench of cigar smoke is over powering since their man slayed the mighty Reading. The Real Finsbury Joe