Arsenal Circular Number 101

After the Semi-Final victory

Arsenal Circular Number 101

Ed’s Note – Graham Perry sends out his views on matters Arsenal to an email list and is keen to reach a wider audience. What follows is the text (very slightly adapted for the website) from his email sent out yesterday…

We made it – just.
Semi-Finals are like that when the two teams are in different divisions.
We weren’t at our best – Debuchy was unable to forge forward as Bellerin has done in recent matches
Szczesny finally persuaded me he is not the man and Ramsey on the right does not quite fit.

But we are in the Final – we are playing well – free of disrupting injuries we are showing rhythm and movement and most of all – confidence.
The Spurs defeat rocked us and confidence was dented.
As Wenger has often said – Confidence comes slowly and goes quickly.
It took time to regroup and get back to the form we showed against City.

The recent form has some fans giving Wenger the credit and others refusing to give him the credit or to do so begrudgingly – almost resentfully.
Has he changed tactics? It seems the football is still the same.
Having a settled central partnership works and Gabriel looks good –it helps when you are always on the winning side as he has been.
And then there is Coquelin – keeps it simple – watches, reads, strikes and gives.
Nothing fancy – no ego issues about going forward – disciplined – he knows what he is good at – he also knows what he is not good at and that makes him such a great addition to the team.
Attacking football is good to watch – defensive football is just as good to watch.

One player we all want to see more of is Rosicky – he has been such a great performer for the Club.
I hope he gets one more year.

Two final points;-
First, I have written an article for the current issue of The Gooner. A little longer than my usual Circular and written when Wenger Out was getting publicity.
Maybe I should ask Piers Morgan to respond.

Possible topics I will address in my next offering…
Have we had a good run against weaker teams?
Do we yet have a top keeper – Is Cech a possibility?
Will Welbeck discover composure and good decision making or will he always under-perform?
Why has Monreal displaced Gibbs as first choice left back?

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  1. jeff wright

    Apr 24, 2015, 14:02 #70277

    Well er,Juggernaught KFC ,that is the same explanation that I POSTED ! You still though obviously have not graped that wins such as against Monaco away and if we win on Sunday are just pyhyric ones.You should try reading my original post when I said regarding Sunday's game that if we win it will be another pyrrhic victory in the CONTEXT OF THIS SEASON. Simple to understand but you can't understand it. By the way there are other meanings used for pyrrhic victory including the one I employed in my last post, a hollow victory .

  2. Juggernaut

    Apr 24, 2015, 13:06 #70273

    Jeff Wrong - a Pyrrhic victory is basically one which costs the victor more than he gained by winning. I couldn't be bothered and didn't need to consult a dictionary, and iif you did, you apparently still didn't get it. And no, there won't be any more replies... let's face it, it's boring. Enjoy the game on Sunday, if indeed you actually ever enjoy anything at all. You can still whinge and cry whatever the outcome.

  3. jeff wright

    Apr 24, 2015, 10:37 #70263

    Juggernaut your advice and terminology all looks rather KFC familiar ( yawn) . It's amusing how so many obvious hardcore AKB's like yourself claim not to support him ! You couldn't make it up. I suggest Jugears that YOU explain what a pyrrhic victory is to us instead of just claiming that I don't understand the meaning of it. Actually I used the Oxford and Cambridge dictionary to explain it to you although I already know that a pyrrhic victory is just an hollow one. So come on then Jugears let's see what you claim it is. I'm not expecting any reply though.

  4. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 23, 2015, 20:17 #70256

    mag - I believe Jamerson looks like Tyrion in Game of Thrones. Which is handy cos there's plenty of that merchandise around.

  5. Juggernaut

    Apr 23, 2015, 16:45 #70251

    JW, I am not a Wengerite and you clearly don't grasp what a Pyrrhic victory is (or maybe there's a new rule that we'll get relegated or fined if we win?) Move on, you don't want us to win on Sunday in any case, you'll whine and moan if we do, and you'll whine and moan if we don't.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 23, 2015, 13:21 #70242

    Exeter, how will we recognise you? what does he look like where can you buy them? do you think he looks like a leprechaun? because I've a couple of those masks left over from st paddy's day.

  7. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 23, 2015, 13:01 #70240

    That's exactly my point from before, that Ozil isn't a striker so the Suarez deal had nothing to do with his purchase, separate entities Bard. We didn't want to buy Cesc back as Ozil was in situ.

  8. Bard

    Apr 23, 2015, 11:58 #70237

    Colseyboys. I thought it was self evident. We pursued strikers all summer particularly Suarez. We insulted Liverpool with our offer. We had a whole raft of small technical midfielders so we didnt really need another. We did very little but the defeat to Villa caused a whole lot of grief for the management. Next minute we buy Ozil. Never been a mentioned in the press and its arguable we needed him at all. Was it likely to have been a carefully constructed secret transfer, if it was then Wenger wasnt involved because he doesnt do business like that. It is well known he dithers for months. You may not agree with that but its mine and many others opinion, now lets here your arguement

  9. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 23, 2015, 11:24 #70236

    Bard, there was no argument put forward that said Ozil was a panic buy. Speculation, as how do you know that Wenger wasn't trying to get them both? jeff , Wenger should have used the man city away as a blueprint earlier.

  10. jeff wright

    Apr 23, 2015, 10:15 #70234

    Juggernaught, Monaco away this season was a Pyrrhic Victory. To go with so many others that Wenger has achieved in Europe and in the domestic game. A Pyrrhic Victory is a victory that is not worth winning because the winner has lost so much in winning it. Think the 3-1 defeat at home to Monaco .If Wenger beats Mourinho on Sunday it will be another one because the league title is gone with the wind and minor finishing places will still be dependent on remaining results . Try concentrating a bit more Juggernaught ,getting your big head out from up Wenger's arse might also help.

  11. Bard

    Apr 23, 2015, 9:57 #70233

    Some great stuff on here. Good to see JW in full flow. 'The Ozil wasnt a panic buy' line was hilarious. no explanation to substantiate that argument just blind faith. The fundamental misconception on here is that those who ask awkward questions are anti Arsenal. The truth is the opposite, they care more thats why I and others get so pissed off. I dont expect this to make a blind bit of difference as its like arguing with a Catholic about the non existence of heaven and hell .

  12. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 23, 2015, 9:31 #70231

    Wanting to take my buffoonery on to the next level, I'll be wearing a Jamerson mask on cup final day... giving it large about how much I spent on my season ticket, how much I spent on my AFC branded barbecue set. Hoping for the 'double' of a cup final win to go along with the Tory/UKIP coalition. Telling tales of how me and my bruv used to beat up people who didn't think like us. Disparaging working class supporters like the 1980s 'pull the ladder up behind me' aspirational Tory boy I am.

  13. julesd

    Apr 23, 2015, 9:13 #70230

    Come on lads be fair to Maureen as not every drama queen knows how to park a bus. I certainly can't.

  14. Juggernaut

    Apr 23, 2015, 8:37 #70228

    JW - do you know what a Pyrrhic victory actually is? It would appear not.,

  15. Th14afc

    Apr 22, 2015, 23:49 #70227

    I so hope we stick one over Mourinho....the most loathsome manager ever,even old red nose was more if a respectable person that this Portuguese fraud that's only ever won anything with teams with money...can't see arsenal winning though,I reckon it'll be a draw & hopefully wenger will stick the nut on Maureen,he'd deserve a knighthood for that

  16. Thought for the day

    Apr 22, 2015, 23:31 #70226

    How did Monaco manage to put 3 past us?

  17. Lee afc

    Apr 22, 2015, 22:03 #70225

    Jeff Right say something good about Arsenal. Na. It's about as good as his predictions. Germany...... Pellegrini...... Giroud......Badarse....... Liar....etc.......

  18. jeff wright

    Apr 22, 2015, 22:01 #70224

    Alright Colesy having to admit that Wenger messed up another league campaign must have been hard for you to spit out. Anyway I will play your silly game .Wenger has been shrewd selling past it players for big bucks to City. I complimented him about that last week actually. Another pos is that he has finally sorted out the zip on his coat. All he needs to do now is find a way to beat Mourinho ,Now that would be a positive ,albeit if only another pyrrhic victory in the context of this season.

  19. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 22, 2015, 20:12 #70220

    jeff, seeing as your the one infatuated with Arsene Wenger as that is all you write about , you mug, here's a test for you? Why don't you write something positive about him and I'll write a negative. And just to start things off I will begin. He should have bought another defender this season earlier than Gabriel. Your turn.........

  20. jjetplane

    Apr 22, 2015, 16:24 #70207

    So Dybala the wonderkid is staying in Italy though AKB central said he was as good as signed. Do you remember when Wenger passed on Bale, Messi, Ronaldo and apparently Fabregas? Me neither. Some people will believe anything but when the price hits 45m plus and maybe playing with a greying Fabregas. Oh to be a top top club.

  21. jeff wright

    Apr 22, 2015, 14:45 #70205

    Give it a rest Porky your claims of me having an obsession with Wenger mirror Coldsoreboy's . Do you know him > ? It's the AKB's who are obsessed with Wenger . Yes MG, awkward questions about Wenger are avoided by AKB's and instead they resort to all sorts of ruses to try and discredited anyone who asks them.

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2015, 14:45 #70204

    David, good post, that fact/facts are irrelevant to some also.

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2015, 14:35 #70203

    jw, as you know those sort of questions are irrelevant to some and will never be asked. But they most certainly will by others.

  24. jjetplane

    Apr 22, 2015, 13:20 #70198

    JW batters the one line AKB brigade again. Their defense is like their Lord's. Keep writing JW - you have 99% support on here which includes WESTIE who knows how to defend. Good old WESTIE. Good old JW. Not sure who Porky is posting under but the day job looks a better bet. Why is it AKBs have no sense of humour? Mister Perry!

  25. jeff wright

    Apr 22, 2015, 13:00 #70196

    The 8 win run against average Prem also rans are just typical Wenger illusionism David. We have seen these no-pressure on to win anything other than a top 4 spot runs before when the fixtures fall kindly. Someone will come up with a calendar year champions claim next ! The cold facts are that Wenger is miles behind Mourinho well at present 10 points and a few trophies in living memory and also with other top managers in Europe,as we saw again last night .The Peps of this world don't celebrate heroic defeats and Pyrrhic victories like our man does.

  26. David

    Apr 22, 2015, 12:25 #70194

    @Jeff Wright - excellent set of questions. The blind masses won't see sense though. The last 8 prem games (someone described as league winning form) have just provided a nice gloss for AW. It's only league winning form if winning the league is a possibility. Arsenal blew that opportunity before Christmas. If the main reason for the upturn in results is the presence of Coq au vin, then this is hardly a Wenger masterstroke - he only resorted to Coquelin because of injuries. AW still gives the impression that he's behind the game. It's like watching Roger Federer compete in the grand slams- you can see that he used to be good, but the magic has gone.

  27. jeff wright

    Apr 22, 2015, 12:01 #70193

    goonercolesyboy, if Wenger had had the bottle and inspiration to sign Suarez then there would have been no late post-defeat at home to Villa Ozil signing. That was a panic buy even Jamerson can work that out.Same the BFG after the OT massacre and Danny Boy after the Leicester game away that Stan was at and he heard those chants directed at a twitchy Arsene to buy a striker .Albeit more industrial language was employed by our irate supporters. Why Welbeckwas signed though even in a panic is a question that Graham could ask rather than wil he ever become a prolific goal-score r when we already know the answer to that. Your accusing me of trolling is a typical AKB retort to anyone asking awkward questions. You much prefer Graham's ones. You couldn't make it up.

  28. jeff wright

    Apr 22, 2015, 11:38 #70192

    Very funny Porky I'm terrified ! But your buffoonery is fooling no one you are obviously a raving hard on AKB . As I said before it's difficult to come up with any new slants on your hero when he keeps on making the same mistakes every season. But a chance come the Sabbath or Sabbath for some, including the great one , for old Clueless to provide some amusement for the customers at Stan's coliseum . Will Arsene be up to the job or will it be another humiliation at the hands of his nemesis Jose is something that we will have to wait to find out. No idea what the odds are on a Wenger win but taking account of his lamentable record against the Portugeezer I wouldn't want to back him at too short ones.With him keep coming up short against Mourinho and all. Wenger's record against Mourinho reads :No Wins. Wenge'sr record against top 4 opponents is also rather shocking just 7 wins in the last 44 played. D.10 L.27. Some really bad embarrassing hammering's in among those games to boot. But hey onwards and upwards wot... Oik oik oik!

  29. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 22, 2015, 11:22 #70190

    Ozil wasn't a panic buy, but as a troll you wouldn't understand that jeff. To say we bought him because the Suarez deal went south is unfounded, seeing as they are two different types of player. Remember two more years of misery for you at least. Keep trolling.

  30. jeff wright

    Apr 22, 2015, 10:09 #70189

    Spot on George the most depressing thing I read this morning was that old Clueless is giving his fav Arteta another year on 70k a week . You couldn't make it up. This money would be put to better use by signing a top striker and using it toward paying his wages.

  31. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 22, 2015, 9:07 #70188

    Keep going Leeafc, he is just a troll.

  32. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 22, 2015, 8:42 #70187

    Some other burning questions; Who knows where the time goes? If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me? Are you gonna go my way? How am I gonna live without you? Wouldn't it be nice?

  33. Ozzie

    Apr 22, 2015, 6:51 #70185

    M Owen may have been slick with his feet but cant say much for his brain. His obsession with Arsenal reeks bitterness. Maybe he ought go look for a real job and work it out of his system before it poisons his gut. Did someone mention WORK? @Porky Wob, here is a candidate for your slug farm job vacancy :-)

  34. jeff wright

    Apr 21, 2015, 22:52 #70184

    I get bored with your stupid comments chicken brain same old everything is great under Arsene every season ,yawn...

  35. Lee afc

    Apr 21, 2015, 22:40 #70183

    Jeff........ Do you ever get bored with hearing your old ,tired repetitive questions. boring, boring Jeff. Yyyyaaaaaaawn. Grow some stupid. Record....stuck.....record.....stuck.

  36. Jason B

    Apr 21, 2015, 21:38 #70182

    Is she really going out with him? What will the weather be like on cup final day? Are you lonesome tonight? For the answers to these questions tune in next time to Graham in space!!

  37. jeff wright

    Apr 21, 2015, 20:51 #70180

    At first I thought this article was a spoof but nope it is meant to be taken seriously ! If you are going to ask questions then why not try asking some relevant ones Graham. Such as why have we not at least competed over the course of a season under Wenger for a league title since 2004 > ? At present our wage bill is Chelsea type but the gap in the Prem with them is worse than last season. If the FA Cup was not worth bothering with three years ago and for six before that then why is it now so important>? Is Wenger really worth 8million a year wages if he can only compete for the FAC >? Why does Wenger despite huge amounts of money spent fail so miserably in Europe season after season >? Is it really so unlikely that someone such as Kkopp could get us out of the grave of sterility that Wenger has dug us into>? Then again though why should you ask such questions when you are engaged in pondering over :"Have we had a good run against weaker teams? Do we yet have a top keeper – Is Cech a possibility? Will Welbeck discover composure and good decision making or will he always under-perform? Why has Monreal displaced Gibbs as first choice left back?"......... Tough questions these to find the answers for! You couldn't make it up.

  38. Hiccup

    Apr 21, 2015, 20:31 #70179

    Congratulations Graham on mustering enough effort to pen an article over all tedious matters that are arsenal. I do prefer French Chloe's no nonsense attitude to answering the 6 million dollar questions posed. Hopefully when Simon Rose next posts a 3,000 word article with more questions than answers, French Chloe can come to our rescue again. In the meantime, I have some riveting queries myself. Have we had a good run against stronger teams? Does anyone really care whether Welbeck will discover composure and good decision making in front of goal? More importantly, will Welbeck score more PL goals than Chris Smalling this season? Is laughing gas cooler than smoking these days, and do our Jack the lads need to up their games in the coolness stakes? It's all rather fascinating.

  39. anonymous

    Apr 21, 2015, 16:21 #70174

    I'm Colombian. As a fan of Ospina, I would like Arsenal sign on Cech and sell Ospina (maybe to Liverpool or Milan). I would like to see him as a No 1 in the team he plays.

  40. jjetplane

    Apr 21, 2015, 15:23 #70171

    So you're good for 2nd and another FA Cup? What you were trying to do was make things look exciting. Very difficult when things are in cycle of repetition season in and season out. Why should some fans say after a decade of nothingness that all of a sudden AKB! he will never win anything of note again and this squad like all the ones since Adams and the like have left are in comfort zones. AKBs only encourage more of the same. ps You can get player masks on Amazon for 2.99 which I think is just .... Fab! Still got a RVP one amongst them. Collector's item .....

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 21, 2015, 13:49 #70165

    We are in the final playing well showing rhythm and confidence, because we're free of disrupting pressure.

  42. Charlie George Orwell

    Apr 21, 2015, 12:49 #70162

    Graham - agree with your thoughts on Coq, who despite his young age shows a great maturity and Rosicky whose footballing intelligence and enthusiasm is a delight to watch. Cech for Arsenal? For me, yes as a squad player. Someone dependable who can be relied on - but not as our number 1. Not sure at the moment either if Aspina is the answer, but deserves his ongoing selection. Not sure if Wenger knows how to switch tactics. Seriously. Keep writing.

  43. FrenchChloe

    Apr 21, 2015, 12:15 #70158

    Graham, dont spend too much time thinking about your topics, here are some answers (my opoinions, remember) Have we had a good run against weaker teams? Yes Do we yet have a top keeper – Is Cech a possibility? 2 questions here. Ospina is a good keeper, not a top keeper. Cech, I dont want a keeper who has been discarded by one of our rivals? Will Welbeck discover composure and good decision making or will he always under-perform? Welbeck will not discover these abilities, he is worth what we paid for him - i.e he is an adequate player but not a top one. Why has Monreal displaced Gibbs as first choice left back? Because Monreal is simply a better player.

  44. Bard

    Apr 21, 2015, 10:58 #70152

    Graham mate you need to up your game a bit. My 12 yo nephew could have written that. Talk about 'statement of the bleeding obvious', it makes Arseblog seem radical and that takes some doing. Try harder.

  45. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 21, 2015, 9:38 #70149

    Is it just me or is the writer incapable of putting together more than one paragraph at a time? Reads like a shopping list more than a finished article.

  46. Avenell Road

    Apr 21, 2015, 9:23 #70148

    We have to be prioritizing the goalkeeper position in the summer. Szcz not up to the task, Ospina more than okay but we are successful when we have a world class keeper. Why do we have to cut corners in this position i.e. Cech?

  47. Amos

    Apr 21, 2015, 8:55 #70147

    "Attacking football is good to watch – defensive football is just as good to watch." Defensive football is nothing like as good to watch as attacking football. Good sound defending though does allow you to attack with greater confidence.