All Rather Predictable

Online Ed: No score draw v Champions Elect

All Rather Predictable

Rather foolishly, giving my occasional propensity to gamble on football, I neglected to back the two scorelines I suspected were the most likely outcome of yesterday’s London derby. I had the game down as a 0-0 or a 1-0 away victory. If nothing else, it demonstrates a belief here that when Jose Mourinho’s number one priority is a clean sheet for his side, more often than not, it will be achieved.

Yesterday, for Chelsea, the mission to accomplish was simply to ensure Arsenal did not win. If they won themselves, even better, and in fairness they did, on occasion, attempt to win the match, even if they started the game without a recognised forward on the pitch, Hazard and Oscar alternating in the role for the first 45 minutes.

The home side huffed and puffed, threatened occasionally, but clear chances were rarer than credible Arsenal title challenges after Easter in the last decade. Olivier Giroud, having played very well in the recent run since the home defeat to Monaco, was completely dominated by Chelsea’s centre backs. Good as Giroud is, he is not “top top quality” to quote his manager. Great squad man, but Arsenal do need to consider upgrading if they are to seriously compete next season. Against the best centre backs, he is generally found wanting.

Chelsea enjoyed the best chance to win the game when Ramires had just the keeper to beat in the first half. Arsenal came closest to scoring after the interval when Cazorla had clear sight of goal from the angle and near the death when Welbeck failed to control the ball when about three yards out. There were arguments for a Chelsea penalty a couple of times, but Michael Oliver – who refereed at Old Trafford in the FA Cup quarter final – declined them. Arsenal were probably a little fortunate there. The Cahill handball was worth an appeal, but if that had been given against Wenger’s team, I wouldn’t have been happy.

I was intrigued by the decision of Mourinho to withdraw Cesc Fabregas near the end. He had been frequently booed during the game in panto style. But the decision actually worked out quite well, as an initial crescendo of boos was overtaken by the majority of the stadium applauding the former Arsenal captain. It should always be remembered that Arsenal had first choice on him once it was decided he was leaving Barcelona. Arsene Wenger didn’t want him. His daughter and her mother lived in London while he was in Catalonia, so it was always likely he was going to return to the capital. He has always been respectful towards Arsenal, at least publicly, and I was heartened to see this reaction.

As for the individual that felt the need to shout out ‘Fabregas, you’re a c***’ during the minute’s silence for the Bradford fire disaster victims, there are enough CCTV cameras to identify this individual and the club should ban him from the stadium for life. Then again, this particular piece of lowlife scum is probably a form of pondlife so low it would have been able to slither under a turnstile rather than need a membership card to access the stadium. And we accuse Chelsea fans of having no class. It’s one thing to abuse Fabregas, quite another to take the opportunity in that particular context.

Back to the football, and the inability of Arsene Wenger to beat a Jose Mourinho side has grown into a rather large monkey on the Frenchman’s back. On the basis of yesterday, it appears to be one that is not going to go anywhere soon. The bottom line is that Wenger is a lesser manager than Mourinho, who knows what it takes to get results, to install a winner¹s mentality in his players and get them to do whatever it takes to win games. He also manages to set aside principle when needed.

I was told recently that Wenger was so appalled at the manner in which his team won the 2005 FA Cup Final that he determined in the future to ensure that his team did not play in such a fashion again, hence the tactics since the stadium move in which entertainment, rather than winning at all costs, has been to the fore. I take you back to St Andrews in late February 2008. The clock ticking down, Arsenal 2-1 up and Gael Clichy getting the ball deep in the left back position. The choice to try and pass the ball to a team-mate and retain possession in the modern Arsenal way or stick the ball as deep into the stand as it could go. He played it the Wenger way and the rest is history.

Thank goodness, almost ten years after the 2005 final, there finally seems to have been an acknowledgement that sometimes, what you achieve at the game’s end is more important than how you play it. People remember the great football if it is accompanied by trophies. The Invincibles played the odd stinker, but no-one crucifies them for it. Another Birmingham game to remember (or not!) – 0-0 at home the weekend after the title was won at the Lane? Talk about after the Lord Mayor’s show.

One hopes Arsene Wenger can take a leaf out of Mourinho’s book and Arsenal win the title in 2016. Doing the serious business at the start of the summer (as Chelsea did with Costa and Fabregas) would be a start. Beginning games with the intention of not losing them before you throw everything at winning them would also be a good tactical approach. Then, the result of these kind of late April fixtures might make a genuine difference to the destination of the title.

Last season, Arsenal finished fourth with 79 points and won the FA Cup. This season, they can make 82 points and will finish second if they do. If they retain the FA Cup, that will undoubtedly signify progress. Whether or not such progress continues next season will depend on the summer transfer activity.

Just a quick note to mention that we are recording the April Gooner podcast tomorrow, hosted by Piebury Corner.
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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 30, 2015, 13:24 #70539

    Exeter, it's all they have left now.

  2. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 29, 2015, 22:28 #70517

    Brilliant comeback, goonercolesyboy

  3. Pete The First

    Apr 29, 2015, 22:25 #70515

    Spot on @Westlower. George Graham's sides in the last few seasons were painful to watch. Functional and devoid of creativity.....but quite good at winning trophies.....just like Maureen's Chelsea.

  4. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 29, 2015, 20:18 #70506

    Absolute bollox Exeter

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 29, 2015, 13:44 #70478

    Tony Evans, when we haven't seen it by now your quite right we never will, and that's what a lot of his fans can't accept or don't want to, instead hanging on and hanging on in the hope one day they will.

  6. jjetplane

    Apr 29, 2015, 11:39 #70473

    Hull are on an impressive mini run and beating Palace away and Liverpool tells me they will be gunning (sic) big time for Arsene's theatre of sublime ballet & dramatics. Ospina and the BFG better be alert. It is bank holiday and most of them would rather be out shopping before hitting a club or two. May well be a great little game. Anyway, on to the Shrimpers .... and Millwall 'you go again'

  7. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 29, 2015, 10:32 #70467

    goonercolesboy, there is a big difference between having a few players in your team who are able to do a bit of tippy tappy and having tippy tappy as your actual system of play. You've badly misfired there, suggest a tactical retreat to AKB central command for further instructions.

  8. Westlower

    Apr 29, 2015, 8:52 #70460

    @Hiccup, No worries about Hull parking the bus on Monday as our innovative coach has devised a foolproof strategy. Instead of warming the bench, the subs will be deployed in digging a tunnel from Wengers technical area to Hulls penalty spot. Midway through the second half, Santi our shortest arse, will go to the touchline for a swig of water then disappear down the tunnel. On a given signal he'll pop up out of the tunnel between Hull's statuesque centre backs just as Ozil plays a killer pass aimed at the penalty spot. Up pops Santi, scores a goal & Bob's your uncle, up goes the chant '1-0 to the tunnelers'. Expect a massive protest from Mr Bruce about bad sportsmanship but Wenger will explain it as 'the Arsenal way of defeating a parked bus'. If Santi gets his timing wrong and gets flagged offside all that hard work will be in vain. Back to the drawing board - again, damn them pesky parked buses. Maybe parachuting in behind enemy lines will work as it's a tried & trusted ploy. Come back Mr Chapman as we need you to advise the team on your famous 'W' formation. Back to the future!

  9. Tony Evans

    Apr 29, 2015, 8:39 #70459

    Oops that should read ever not never!

  10. Tony Evans

    Apr 29, 2015, 8:28 #70458

    The difference between Barca tippy tappy and Arsenal tippy tappy is massive. Barca have much better players, a top notch keeper, great defenders and above all else desire and tireless work-rate. We may never match their technical ability but there is no reason why we can't have a quality keeper, defend better and match their work-rate. The penny is dropping with Wenger(albeit incredibly slowly) that for tippy tappy to work it needs added ingredients but I remain firmly sceptical that we will never see the finished article again under Wenger.

  11. Ron

    Apr 29, 2015, 7:52 #70457

    Goonercolesy - it is really tough on this pay scale (whatever that means!)however if you genuinely think those players you mention equate to Wengerist tip tap toe, that s matter for a learned footie aesthete like you to ponder and not a matter that ill dwell on. Its far kinder to leave you in blissful ignorance. You seem happy enough in that state.

  12. jjetplane

    Apr 29, 2015, 0:36 #70456

    Just caught up and I agree MG What a Woberful World Oh Teahhhh.....

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 29, 2015, 0:08 #70455

    Some great posts on here today and tonight, Hiccup, Ron, jw, to name but a few, the poor old AKB's (as some one has said)scraping the barrel in defence of their messiah only the barrel has being scraped long long ago but still they try, (you have to laugh) but if their not careful their going to pop up in Ozzies front garden.

  14. Juggernaut

    Apr 29, 2015, 0:06 #70454

    Surely the best tippy-tappy, open the window and shut the door players we ever had on our books were Andy Cole and David Hillier?

  15. jjetplane

    Apr 29, 2015, 0:01 #70453

    JAMERSON the game has moved on from supporting spineless sports outlets and most of the people come on here for a laugh and a Maureen love-in. It's just the way it is. Ask GG - he used to play for Chelsea and I bet he likes JM too. Have you got your ticket yet and have you selected your Batman for the day? Heady stuff! Villa are officially a truly wounded animal. Danger!

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 23:51 #70452

    Hiccup, no you can be sure we'll go back to front left to right up again for a little more we keep tippy tappying round and round until we all get dizzy with the bore, then back again to the no 4, and then we're off again with some more left to right wenger shyte, then we're off again with some more crab like play and back again to the no 4. Hull will get so dizzy with the bore they'll roll over unable to take no more and in will trot the cart horse clot to swing his hoof and try a shot and if he miskicks and doesn't score it's back again to the no 4.

  17. jjetplane

    Apr 28, 2015, 23:42 #70451

    Newsflash! Cusping Gunners look forward to next season. Theo says it is all down to .......

  18. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 28, 2015, 23:19 #70450

    Come on Ron, so they don't play tippy tappy football? You obviously don't watch them enough. Do you watch La Liga or is sky above your pay scale? One twos, back heels, step overs, quick feet....or do you have a different interpretation of tippy tappy?

  19. Hiccup

    Apr 28, 2015, 22:50 #70449

    Hope Hull got a lot of stick from the Scouse fans tonight. They got their goal and then parked the bus for the rest of the game. Boring boring Hull. I reckon Hull fans would rather be relegated playing expansive football than grinding out a 1-0 win. Now if they park the bus on Monday, do we go over the top, through the middle or down the flanks?

  20. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2015, 22:20 #70448

    lee KFC,small things amuse small minds and they don't come any smaller than your one... West Brom play in black and white stripes on your TV was a classic from you . No one can beat that .It does show how much you really know about football though. I knew you would be on to make some comments , other than about Wenger's failure to beat Mourinho again, natch , you prefer to avoid that of course .

  21. Lee afc

    Apr 28, 2015, 22:11 #70447

    Maureen was the manager of the 2004 champions league quarter final. Oooooooooopppppsssss Jeff. Idiot. Ha ha ha... Just another in the long list of f a cups in the the history of Jeff right.

  22. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 22:08 #70446

    I see more of GGs 1989 to 91 teams with Chelsea. Leeds had some great footballers but no, ive never seen any team play with such cynicism as Leeds did, yet it was awesome to see. Had the pleasure seeing them brought to earth at OT by Chelsea in 1970 though. One of the most awe inspiring games ive ever seen. Goonercolsey - you talk a load of b****cks. You really do.

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 21:56 #70445

    I wonder where goose loose is? maybe he's lost.

  24. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2015, 21:48 #70444

    MG, Wenger did better when it was like watching Brazil time.His Barcelona Lite has come up well short and he even had to ditch it and play hoof-ball with two big lads up front against both Wigan in the semi and Hull in the final to end the 10 pot-less years . I predicted after the cup win that Wenger would still persist with the tippy-tappy and so it has proven.Then again with Wenger being so predictable you don't get any brownie points for working out what he will do. Mourinho loves playing against him because he knows what to expect.

  25. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 28, 2015, 21:45 #70443

    Yes Ron they are all part of the tippy tappy footballers as well as other skills they possess. Suggest you watch them more often.

  26. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2015, 21:38 #70442

    @Ron, Do you see similarities between Don Revie's Leeds & Maureens Chelsea? No Champions League football for Liverpool next season. Good win for Hull, so Villa need to start winning or they'll be another FA Cup finalist that gets relegated.

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 21:33 #70441

    jw, exactly, the fact it's not the tippy tappy but having the players capable of playing it and a manager capable of coaching it properly (of which we have neither) that has went over the heads of some as usual, but what's new.

  28. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2015, 21:19 #70440

    MG, as the caption above says ,all very predictable,that !

  29. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 21:19 #70439

    Ha. Hiccup - you make me smile every day mate. Youre smack on with those two last posts. Now we ve got Ronaldo Ya ya and Bale et al deemed as 'tippy tappy'!! (see GOONERCOLESY) Un fooking believable! Please tell me that this one big wengerist wind up?

  30. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2015, 21:08 #70438

    The only side that can play tika taka properly is Barcelona .Wenger admits to trying to copy them but he has failed to do so .That is hardly surprising though when you look at the different class of player that the Catalan side has to our ones.Players such as Fabregas and Sanchez were not considered good enough for them and they are very good players. Sanchez was replaced by Suarez and it's difficult to make a case for that not having been a good move by Barcelona. Barcelona don't give their coaches unlimited power like Wenger has and that also helps to ensure that players are picked on form and ability rather than for other reasons .

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 21:04 #70437

    jw, all we need now is hen len, oh I see he's arrived.

  32. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 28, 2015, 20:40 #70436

    I have never read so much rubbish about tippy tappy football. All successful teams in the current era have plenty of those footballers in their squads and starting elevens. Silva, Aguero, Nasri, Navas, Yaya. Oscar, Fagregas, Hazard, Willian. Modric, Ronaldo, Bale, Kroos. Messi, Neymar, Suarez, Xavi, Iniesta. Oziil, Cazorla, Ramsey, Alexis. So enough tippy tappy players there eh muguiresbridge? Even Bournemouth have that type of player in abundance and it hasn't done them any harm. Get your anti Wenger out of your system and then maybe you could write something sensible.

  33. Hiccup

    Apr 28, 2015, 20:32 #70435

    Ron, Jamie's even making more coherent sense than Westie theses days which says it all. Even the invincibles must have been a bit of a disappointment as even their priority changed to thou shalt not lose. How bloody negative! That's when I realised the game was dead. Thankfully gung ho returned and we saw some great results return. Better to lose 8-2 or 5 down at half time without any idea of what had hit us than a boring tactical 0-0 stalemate. I think the 2001 cup final defeat to Liverpool sits at the top of wengers achievements. A game we should have won, but didn't, but at least it gave is something to moan about the injustice of being robbed. Winning isn't everything. Just ask the Scouse fans who to this day regret winning in the manner they did. You won't get any Scouse fan taking the piss out of us for that day because of the shame of it all.

  34. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2015, 20:28 #70434

    Oh chicken brain has finally reappeared with the usual CLUCK CLUCK drivel ! Is that all you have to say hardly very original yawn ... that's what hero worshipping Arsene does to some though . All a bit sad really.

  35. lee afc

    Apr 28, 2015, 20:21 #70433

    Know it all JEFF RIGHT has effed up yet again. give it up Jeff, you should take a look in the mirror, you and your absurd, daydreaming comments towards the Arsenal make you look more and more the actual spud that you really, really are.

  36. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 19:57 #70432

    hICCUP - By Westies own logic, he wdt have removed Billy Wright, resented the 1971 double boys glory, detested Storey Adams Steve Williams et al and any other player who we have ever employed to put their foot in, hated Don Howe for having the temerity to preach strong defence, hated GG and everything he represented (who in fairness he does actually admit to doing so) in his posts, hated the 1993 FAC and LC double,hated the 1994 ECWC glory night, detested the way we won at Anfield in 1989, resents the 2005 FAC win. Yet,he basically glories in all of the above says his posts?? I reckon Wenger has bigamously married him at some point since 1996 and theyre both trying to conceal it, because the revisionist festering resentment of what AFC have stood for over the last century or so doesnt and cannot figure with his blind devotion to failure that exudes from his every post. Yet he calls for 'perspective'! I can only deduce that Westie is on a p--s taking mission.

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 19:48 #70431

    Exeter, your onto something there, that would keep OGL and all his fans happy, there'd be no more booing and boring chants, and strops and heading off down the tunnel in a huff from OGL after being out fought and out thought both on the pitch and tactically, if all the teams played tippy tappy with no tackling and they just stood off in the final third and let OGL's little technicians walk the ball into the net, and then maybe a round of applause from the opposition players and their manager as the little dwarfs and OGL and his fans celebrate would go down really well among the wengerites, think of all the trophies that we could have and could win.

  38. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 19:39 #70430

    I dont hero worship anybosy Westie. I leave all that rubbish to you. You do enough of it for all of us on here. What i do try and do though is respect the opponent and acknowledge whats good about them. I lost my red shades when i was about 25 as you should have done by now at yr age. Yr in a minority of 1 not rating JM. You dont have to like a professional to respect them. Do you really think all of those who acknowledge Mourinho are all daft and misguided? If you do, yr more delusional than even i thought. open yr eyes to other teams and you might enjoy the game more and garner some understanding of it. Yr 'supporting any Manager come what May'is wearing thin and its a front to cover fear of change. You would have made a true trojan in Neville Chamberlains team in 1938, while you damned Churchill for seeking a bolder stronger front. Thank heavens you dont run GBs flagship businesses with yr blind devotion to the man at the top. We d all be doomed if you did. Yr hero is old and now out of his depth and one 0-0 is just the tip of the iceberg as you well know.

  39. Hiccup

    Apr 28, 2015, 18:40 #70429

    I'm with Westie on this one. I used to be a Sugar Ray Leonard fan. Duran beat him in a toe to toe slugfest. In the return fight, Leonard changed his tactics and outboxed Duran to win. However, I was totally disappointed as I would rather have watched him go toe to toe again and get beat rather than park the bus and pick Duran off. Pretty much how Fergie and mourinho have realised arsenals strengths over the years and made sure they didn't get suckered in as they would get beat. But their success over arsenal isn't down to any tactical acumen. Apparently it all boils down to Fergie owning the refs and mourinho employing bullies and parking the bus. I'm sure Westie didn't celebrate the 2005 Cup win with our park the bus and hold on to the ropes while we got slugged to death. He'd have been far happier us getting beat but going toe to toe, and then could have blamed Fergie for being a thug as the reason we lost.

  40. Alsace

    Apr 28, 2015, 18:21 #70428

    Positives first. The team showed more backbone than we have seen in quite some time. There was no whingeing about Chelsea's serious foul play. We put Oscar in hospital and hit back with professional fouls. Negatives. The treatment of Fabregas. The AKB's were jeering him and the AMG's standing up and applauding him when he left the field. The ignorance of some Arsenal fans disgusts me. This is a player that carried the team for four years. Wenger didn't wish to re-sign him because of a hissy fit. Fabregas knows what we all do, which is that Mourinho is a proper manager who knows the value of defensive midfielders, and Wenger is a moron who thinks he can win a game by taking off the clubs only fit (accidental) defensive midfielder for the last 15 minutes. We know who will have the Champions trophy. That is just the sort of fact that the AKB's hate. Wenger is a specialist in failure. The AKB's are in love with failure for AFC. Deeply in love with it. Passionately and hopelessly in lust with a Spurs like disregard for all that Herbert Chapman taught us. "It's the defence, stupid". Fortunately for us the team know what Wenger cannot learn.

  41. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2015, 18:17 #70427

    @Ron, We drew 0-0 with Chelsea and you're stuffing the meaning of life down our throats. Some perspective needed. Yes, I'll always support the Arsenal manager over Chelsea's & no apologies for that. I understand why you hero worship Maureen but 8 different coaches have won silverware in the Abramovich era. Given the Russians massive investment it's the easiest job in football, albeit they won sod all last year. Their youth team has won the FA Youth Cup in successive years but there's little chance of Maureen playing any of them. Whatever your view of Wenger he does nurture young talent as good as anybody.

  42. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 17:39 #70426

    dream on Westie - Chelsea are winning and winning fills stadiums. Chelsea will have a new one before you know it and need to fill it. Abramovitch is a Russian. Winning counts to him. Hes a winner and wins dirty.You and yr 'entertainment'! A winning powerful team that bulldozes, throttles and forces submission of its opponent and is the 2nd highest scoring team in the land 'entertains'. Yr mouth foaming bias and prejudice is laughable to be honest. Football is a sport, not a kids circus. 'on the front foot'? Who are you trying to kid? Yourself? That AFC team out on Sunday didnt think it could win, wasn't prepared to go for a win and its coach lacked the nous and balls to try and win. Open yr eyes ffs. Wengers notion of sophisticated football is a misnomer, a total fallacy. There's been no great football played by Arsenal since 2004.You must be easily 'entertained'thats all i can say. I think in truth you like to be perceived as having some higher sporting, philosophical and moral aspiration than most of us. Head in the clouds it is in reality , just like your whinging French hero whos spin you've bought, hook line and sinker. You're trapped by your perverse love for Wenger. You know you need a Divorce but cant find the cajones to tell him its over, so you dress it up as yr love of 'entertainment' as the reason to stay in the sham marriage.Get over yself man.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 17:22 #70425

    Tippy tappy here tippy tappy there the Emirates is the only place it can be found left right up and down going nowhere but round and round, TOF loves it and his fans adore it even though it gets us nowhere, the AKB's scream with delight when we show no will and fight, and their eyes light up you can really hear them purr when we pass all the way back to the number four, TOF nods with approval and also shows his delight but shouts lets have some more left to right, the dwarfs oblige and it's of we go and it starts again tip tap toe up and down left to right thirty passes not a shot on sight, oh fook what a bore back again to the number four, you can hear his fans purr and scream with delight when we're playing wenger shyte.

  44. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2015, 17:06 #70424

    WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate, well done for spotting the deliberate mistake! That is even worse though the old 'tinker man' turning Arsene over .All irrelevant though to dear Jamerson's points .Then again most of his ones are usually irrelevant. So no big surprise there .

  45. tuco

    Apr 28, 2015, 17:02 #70423

    I agree with Thomas, we have to clear out a lot of talented but not determined players and then upgrde the spine of the team. We are close to where we need to be. Up the gooners!

  46. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2015, 16:59 #70422

    An Arsenal front line to undo the 'impregnable' CFC 10 man defence. Limpar, George, McDonald, Bergkamp, Overmars, backed up by Petit, Storey & Vieira. On the basis that Supermac would have kept JT & Cahill fully occupied while the magicians & speedsters weaved their magic.

  47. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 28, 2015, 16:00 #70421

    Jeff: Ranieri was their manager at the time of the 2004 CL QF.

  48. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 28, 2015, 15:58 #70420

    So though Wenger never beats Mourinho, Wengerball is the only way to beat Mourinho's Chelsea. There must be a logic there somewhere. Yes, let's hope Roman give Jose a nudge and tells him to give up the space Arsene's way needs to work, eh?

  49. jjetplane

    Apr 28, 2015, 15:56 #70419

    It's official - WESTIE really hates the real Arsenal.

  50. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2015, 15:47 #70418

    @Bard, I liked your book selection. Now you know why Highbury was known as the Library in the darker days. Reading the programme only lasted for the duration of the warm up, where watching Merse dodging the hard bits was the highlight.

  51. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2015, 15:40 #70417

    CTG , the selective stats stats that Jamerson posted also omit the fact that we lost a Champs League q/f to Chelsea at Highbury ,a League Final in Cardiff and a FAC semi at Wembley ! All with boring boring Mourinho in charge. You couldn't make it up.

  52. Tony Evans

    Apr 28, 2015, 15:37 #70416

    Westie - When I was a regular match day attendee all I cared about was Arsenal winning and never mind how but then I was not paying a fortune for the privilege. As you say the sky high prices charged now demand that you see something special but ultimately they also demand that your team is successful, which in essence means winning titles or at least coming very close. A very difficult balance to achieve I grant you but Wenger, for me, cares far too much about entertainment and not enough about winning if it means sacrificing his principles or dropping favourite players.

  53. jjetplane

    Apr 28, 2015, 15:32 #70415

    When you are at the top everyone hates you. Even now I can snigger happily at Rooney & LVG as they get blitzed by a resurgent Everton. As Utd are an also ran (like Arsenal) it is hard to get up a head of steam about any of them and they are all money first now so the football is secondary. Enjoyed the Hull highlights more than the WOK kickabout and IF Chelski had needed to win they would have. Still cannot get my head around how fans can support a manager who spends most of the game as though he were on a toilet. Give him WESTIE's Telegraph and he would be well away. Embarrassing really and funny to wonder what GG really thinks of him as he sits in the sterile Wok that has become a new park to go to for the middle classes on Sunday afternoon. WESTIE football is dead where you are concerned. For you it is just a game of numbers and looking up second hand history and I believe Bradford found a way through Chelsea. Only had to look at Terry at the Wok full time to know why they are champions elect. There is no such player at Arsene FC. Good Old Cherries!

  54. Tony Evans

    Apr 28, 2015, 15:16 #70414

    Half of the attraction for me when I first started supporting Arsenal in the Bertie Mee era was that not many other fans liked us. The buzz when we won that first double was even greater knowing with utter certainty that the rest of the football world was seething! The boring, boring label stuck, even though GGs side was far from being boring, and it never bothered me at all because you knew the basis of it was jealously, pure and simple. Winning titles and being feted by the media / rival fans was a novel experience for us older Gooners during the early Wenger years, but now with winning titles unlikely under Wenger's tippy tappy style of play and his lack of ruthlessness I would gladly be reviled again if it meant a title or two or the CL.

  55. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2015, 15:09 #70413

    What's the alternative to trying to pass your way through a packed defence? Over the top? No option as there's no space to run into. Wide down the wings? Difficult if the full backs stay home and the wide midfielders drop back to help out. Dribble your way through? Would need an inspired run to overcome the shirt tugging & ankle tapping as a player seeks a way through. A packed defence aided by midfield serial fouler's is almost impregnable. Some coaches demand to see every opposition positive move cancelled out, cue Gary Neville & Jamie Carragher. Give me a coach who wants his team to remain on the front foot even during the bad times. I'll take bravery over cowardice every day of the week. When 0-0 becomes the norm spectators will drop away, Sky will scream that negative football is unacceptable & the wheel spins around again. Maureen is one of life's takers & should be encouraged to give something back to the game. Hopefully Abramovich will give him a nudge in the right direction as he has done previously. For a club that came within a week of going out of business they are now taking us back to the dark ages. The moment games cease to entertain, at £60 to £96 a ticket, it's dead!

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 14:16 #70412

    Tip tap toe it has to go, tip tap toe it's far to slow, tip tap toe it has no bite going from side to side it's wenger shyte. Tip tap toe it has to go, tip tap toe it has no flow, tip tap toe it has no gain, all it does is make us plain, tip tap toe it has to go all it causes is embarrassing pain. Tip tap toe it has to go all it has ever brought is humiliation and shame, tip tap toe it has to go it has never worked and never will tip tap toe that we know, tip tap toe it has to go and the sooner it does the better for all along with the old fraud who installed it all.

  57. CT Gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 14:06 #70411

    Ahh Jamerson, statistics say it all huh?? How has Wenger done since losing GG defense?? Since the start of the 2005 season, we're 4W, 5D, 15L. Not all in the league, as your stats are, but shows we've been losing to them far more than your post suggests.

  58. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2015, 13:50 #70410

    Just for the record. Arsenal's results against Chelsea in the George Graham era from 86-87 to 94-95 is Played 16, W 8 (7 at Home, 1 away); D 3 (all away); L 5 (4 away, 1 home). We achieved the double over them in 93/94. There were no fixtures in 88/89 as Chelsea were relegated to Division 2 in 87/88. Arsenal's only defeat in the 90/91 season was at the Bridge, 1-2 with Alan Smith scoring our goal.

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 13:35 #70409

    jw, we all remember the boring boring chants and thrived on them, but what a lot of fans seem to have forgot is the main reason they were aimed at us in the first place (history repeating itself maybe? just the other way round) they were all just fooking jealous.

  60. chris dee

    Apr 28, 2015, 13:16 #70408

    Saigon, Your are RIGHT,I remember the press and opposing fans,especially 'the entertainers' from White Hart lane moaning about Sir Francis McLintock's double team.Perhaps a bit more of that D N A would bring us a few more points and the title next year.

  61. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 13:16 #70407

    Big stats - the tabloid and broad sheet media have always creamed off to Tottenham and SKY tele is the LFC supporters Club (along with the Manure SC too of course - that's why so many of their ex players, however average they were get 'jobs' spouting off pundit bull****e with them)) in all but name, so why bother making the point that you do?

  62. Big stats the media ignore

    Apr 28, 2015, 13:08 #70406

    It's 25 years to the day since Liverpool FC won the title. It's approaching 20 seasons since Spurs finished above Arsenal. But no, let's consistently and repeatedly remind everyone how long Arsenal went without a trophy and how many games Wenger has failed to beat Jose M.

  63. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 12:43 #70405

    Saigon - so does any sensible fan. These who condemn Mourinho would be cranking one off if they woke up one day and found him to be our new Coach, then coming on here claiming they had always admired him! The late 60s grit and grind approach under Mee Howe and Frank Mac was the necessary antidote to Leeds dominance wasnt it and it worked. Westie must now admit that he hated seeing us overcome Leeds back then as it wasnt ' wengeristically entertaining' even though it was fantastic and he knows it) Wengers antiodote to Chelsea is lightweight, tip tap toe and it wont ever work. Perhaps he still got the emulation of Barca in his sights? Who knows? Who cares really anymore. For me and many, i find Wengers teams boring to be brutally honest.Tip tap toe with rank bad, p--s poor passing and non shooting never did much for me. The naivety of them and him, even more so.The fans who continually applaud it, are even more depressingly boring.

  64. BubalooDan

    Apr 28, 2015, 12:31 #70404

    'Ban that naughty man for life, how dare he do that'

  65. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 12:28 #70403

    Stupid indeed Jeff, but also may i add, this barmy notion of 'entertaining football' is a complete and utter, but well spun falsity. The boring boring Arsenal was a respectful chant by other fans, usually after their teams had huffed and puffed for 90 mins and then lost. The criticism of GG is all revisionist b o l l o c k s too. His team went awry in his years when he did i.e. 93-95. GG had some fabulous players in his team that would dazzle many if not most of the tip tap toe candidates that Wengers brought in this last decade. There wasnt a bottling, shrinking violet in sight either.

  66. Saigon Gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 12:26 #70402

    Chris Dee: 'Boring Boring Arsenal' goes back way beyond the GG era -it's in our DNA! Chapman's W formation kicked it off in the thirties; Bertie Mee certainly bought it back from 1968 onwards when our old coach Dave Sexton was crafting the Osgood/Cooke/Hudson 'tip tap' Chelsea of the late '60s. And in both eras - and with GG - we won trophies not friends. I would much prefer it that way round.

  67. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2015, 12:17 #70401

    A lot of the supporters Ron at home games are that strange breed known as 'Wengererites' or AKB's if you like. These creatures are also a Wenger creation ,some like dear Jamerson even wear Wenger masks to try and look like him! I used to love the boring ,boring Arsenal chants from the Chelsea supporters in the old days under GG when we were regularly beating them. This laissez faire attitude to winning trophies in place of watching supposed superior 'entertaining football really is mind numbingly stupid. Football is a results game the purpose of which is to try and compete for trophies entertaining audiences or customers as the suits see them at Stan's coliseum is what has now replaced this original football ethic. It doesent take much to get the Wenger mob bubbling over with optimism a run of wins in the Prem against ordinary opponents always works the oracle. Leicester have won their 4 games on the bounce against similar Prem sides that we have beaten in our run of wins that ended when we met a top one. let's see if the Foxes can make it 5 wins in a row against Chelsea. I suspect though that like Wenger's run of wins Pearson's will also come to an end. It's always overall results through out a season that count,no matter how you achieve them.

  68. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 28, 2015, 12:17 #70400

    As the then Stoke manager Alan Durban famously (and truly) quoted after we'd beat them in 1980; "if you want entertainment, go and watch a bunch of clowns".

  69. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 11:36 #70399

    Its all relative Westie. For 26 yrs Utd were the Chelsea equivalents, though they tried to play a cavalier attacking game and didnt win the title or even barely get close. A series of lesser Coach's was the main reason whey the trophy haul didn't match the money spent. Mourinho is arguably the best Coach around and he wins. The Real Madrid galactico Coaches didnt win a CL despite all that cash spent. Its the Coach that makes the difference and if youre honest, you like me would have Jose Mourinho at Arsenal in a blink. You know what sure he'd snap the job up if offered it! All the detesting of him and Chelsea is so false and pointless. its just a front to cover the envy. Theyre not a boring team, he just has a different method of playing. His players run through walls for him. Do Wengers? I think not. AFC is an easy going glorified social Club, staffed by players, chosen in Wengers own image and who toe the line and doff their cap to him. Thats half the trouble there.

  70. chris dee

    Apr 28, 2015, 11:29 #70398

    What a load of s**t from the media about Arsenal fans chanting 'boring boring Chelsea' It was just a clever reminder that in George Graham's day Chelsea fans used to sing 'boring boring Arsenal'.But for Obnoxious Mourinho to respond in such an infantile way to the chanting shows it obviously hit a raw nerve. Regarding the penalty claims,Fabrigas was an embarrassment,Oscar/Bellerin a joke, Ospina/Oscar incident, any where else on the pitch Oscar would have been booked for raising his foot head high.

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2015, 11:14 #70397

    Ozzie, diaby would certainly be a bonus to Bournemouth alright, their medical department that is, he would give their medics more experience than any stint in A&E would ever do.

  72. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 9:57 #70396

    Agree totaly Jamie. Arsene is brilliant at knowing when to get shot. He made an error with Henry i reckon. Shd have got shot 18 months earlier and made us 36 Million as seemed to be on the table then. Kept him and his dodgy back far too long, but eben then he thought Henrey was the talisman for project youth and he wasnt up to it. Rubbish Captain of them too, pouting and whinging his way through games, slagging off the kids. Totally right on Ash Cole. Brilliant FB who we should have paid well to stay. Im pretty sure that with most/all of his sales, Arsene has had a good snigger at the mugs who ve paid so much to buy so very little and so he should have done.

  73. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2015, 8:52 #70394

    @Ron & JJ, You both question whether I actually watched Arsenal in the GG era? In the early years of GG's reign it was simple for me as a ST holder to attend Highbury as I only worked 20 minutes away from Finsbury Park. Life became more difficult when I had to work on Merseyside from 92/93 onwards but I never missed a game at Highbury. This entailed driving back to Cambs to pick up the other half before returning home for 3 hours kip before rising at 4.0 am to return work by 8.0 am. I got to know the A10, A14, M6, M56, M54 like the back of my hand. I had a lot of time on the road to reflect on the events at Highbury the evening before. Sadly in the final three years of GG's reign the team deteriorated badly, finishing 10th, 4th & 12th. Although we won 2 Cups in 92/93 we only managed to score 40 goals, conceding 38 in 42 games in the league, hence my reference to bring a good book with you should we return to that negative way of playing. The bonus working up North was being able to watch Arsenal away games at Anfield, Goodison, OT, Villa, Forest, Coventry. Back to GG, the best Arsenal team I've ever seen was Georges 90/91 team, who only lost one league game in winning the league that year. One of the key ingredients of that team was Alan Smith & I believe the demise of that team started when we signed Wrighty. In one swoop it nullified Smudges goal threat, he went from being the Golden Boot winner (22 goals) to only scoring 10 goals from his next 114 appearances. Seemingly overnight we had transformed from being league contenders to a Cup winning team. It was a harsh lesson that I've never forgotten that a brilliant, exciting maverick is not much use to the overall team effort. I'm a great believer that to get the most out of the team get rid of the big time Charlie. I believe Bruce Rioch accused Wrighty of being just that & the pair fell out because of it. Arsenal became a league challenging team again on the emergence of Anelka - AFC became a complete team again. I wrote to Smudge when he retired to tell him he was one of the best CF's Arsenal ever had. It was poetic justice that he scored the winning goal in the ECWC in Wrighty's absence. I agree that Chelsea are the outstanding team this year but Maureen sells them short as they are surely so much better than they've shown in 2015? For a club that's overspent their income by £890,000,000 over recent years & with the talented squad they have, they are surely entitled to win the league.

  74. Wear Your Colours

    Apr 28, 2015, 8:50 #70393

    It was a desperately disappointing result. Lots of energy and optimism at the start; Ramsey and Alexis were full of running down the flanks with Ozil getting-up to support both of them; however, we were unable to break them down and the game became more and more frustrating. Chelsea were like a Boa-constrictor they got a grip on the game and slowly squeezed the life out of it. The only positive was we didn't lose.

  75. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 8:44 #70392

    Gooner Ron - why keep kidding yself like that? Merter was barely attacked ffs. A full Chelsea attack would have eaten him alive and spat him out like most top attacks do. They were also the away team. He got lucky Costa wasnt around, thats all. The envy of the dollar power youve shown there matches the pathological jealousy that Westlower tediously pumps out every day. You and others keep claiming the games changed and the modern game rules the roost dont you. Chelsea are the modern game both tactically and business wise. Do you detest Madrid and Munich and other such teams whos wallet has won their trophies for 50 odd years? Of course you dont. Its football you dont really like these days but you too frightened to admit it. Chelsea are just yr chosen battering target. Give it up like a good many of us have if you dont like it. Like ive mentioned, you lot need to stop dreaming. Its as boring as ever Chelsea might be.Yr envy isnt becoming you to be frank.

  76. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 8:31 #70391

    John Terry like him or loathe him in the Guardian sums it and says it all. Nothing needs adding to that. The usual crew on here who cant see past Wenger and your delusional view that we play unique 'beautiful football' need to remove yr heads from the clouds that you float lazily through and take heed. More importantly so does Wenger!

  77. Ron

    Apr 28, 2015, 8:14 #70390

    Fabregas nor RVP were legends. They win f--k all and if all those players sold were so great when together, why didnt the team win a real trophy? Reason - No good enough. Say what we like about Wenger. All of his sales have been good. Its the replacements and the coaching that have been p--s poor. Giving CF a miss was also the right decision in my view. Hes done OK for Chelsea, but hes no more 'World class' than RVP was. Very limited at the true top level in fact at Barca and Barca knew it. Thats why thay got shot of him and hes scratting about in that humdrum over rated Prem Lge and not still at the top.

  78. Bard

    Apr 28, 2015, 7:48 #70389

    Some of the frustrated stuff on here has little to do with the Chelsea game because despite the scoreline we played pretty well. Not well enough but a lot better than many of the games Ive seen. Its the frustration of another season where we shoot ourselves in the foot in the summer window. This year we didnt buy a CB and it cost us dearly. The year before we had 1 striker and that cost us. Its like we seem intent on fighting with one arm tied behind our backs. Does anyone think honestly think it will be any different in the summer ?

  79. Made Up Stat

    Apr 28, 2015, 7:41 #70388

    In regards in observing a moments silence (sadly, something quite beyond self-styled, wannabe pwoper nawty 'fans'), I wonder if anyone has thought of what occurs as an alternative in Spain where funereal type music is played as a mark of respect, followed by applause?

  80. Ozzie

    Apr 28, 2015, 7:37 #70387

    Bournemouth will have 100 mill to spend could we give them a helping hand by selling them Sanogo, Podolski, Walcott, Gibbs, Campbell, Wellbeck and throw in Diaby as a bonus? Wilshere to City and there will be plenty of money in the kitty to have another crack at Saurez. Honestly, Arsenal are not going to take the next step without the likes of him. Well said GoonerRon 74163 totally agree.

  81. Joe S.

    Apr 27, 2015, 23:55 #70386

    Mourinho is right to say that not winning anything worthwhile in ten years is Boring.Regardless of the way Chelsea play.I dream of the time when their Russian will lose all his money and the Smellyies will have to cope on their own. However at this stage they will always be two steps ahead of Arsenal having not only sown up some of the most promising young talent around and also willing and able to spend freely whenever required.They are a smartly run club. For this reason despite a decent result I fear that our rivals will aim to stride on while Wenger and Co continue to consolidate. When will Arsenal's big push to not only compete with the big three in England and the serious contenders in Europe, by snapping up the best talent ever be realized? Dream on white boy.Regarding Fabergrrasse, the fan yelling the obscenities was a moron, however I've long been over the delusion that he is a club legend whose heart will always remain a Gunner.Thus to be revered by all true fans..If truth be told RVP in his limited appearances contributed more to our club. In his final two seasons at Arsenal Fabergrasse sulked around waiting for better things and often giving half arsed efforts. After not making it at Barcellona he jumped to play for Mourinho which should close the story as far as Arsenal are concerned..

  82. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 22:59 #70385

    We've all heard Henrys post match where he said four top top quality players are required (not the kind OGL keeps raving about but real top top quality)and as someone has already pointed out something some of us have been calling for on here for years. As he rhymed the positions off, top top striker (i'm sure the cart horse fans will not be happy with that) center back, keeper, i was waiting for him to say Manager, Oh for a slip of the tongue and what it would have brought.

  83. Retain the FA Cup a la 2003

    Apr 27, 2015, 21:21 #70384

    Better example is April 2007 when Chelsea drew 0-0 at Newcastle. Man U won the league . Took Chelsea three years to win it back

  84. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 27, 2015, 21:20 #70383

    Johnnyhawley your post was spot on mate. As for the game, we had to score first to bring them out. To say they played like we did at Man City at any point in the match is utter garbage. Looking forward to trips to Bournemouth and Watford next season. Who to join them? Onwards and upwards.

  85. jjetplane

    Apr 27, 2015, 21:02 #70382

    This Bournemouth thing is the best thing for years. These Cherries are worth a tear or two. Anyway - the reason I like GG so much is he was one of my favourite players along with Jon Sammuels in those far flung days. Only had to walk down the road to watch them then but those two were total class on the ball. Arsene is a shadow in comparison though his first stint was a great one but this yawning decade has put pay to a lot of the good work and anyway - the PL begins anew. The Cherries are coming! All eyes on the Channel next season and let the top 4 continue to bore us ****less with their corporate rubbish. Football lives! Ooh to be a proper Gooner but that's MAYBE something a couple of years down the line. The absurd thought that fans still think Wenger can deliver are in Watchtower land. Koeman is a bigger fish for one and I am talking football aristocracy. Cherries for the FA Cup next year!

  86. Bard

    Apr 27, 2015, 20:58 #70381

    John F; very funny mate but oh so cruel. I would add Proust's 'In search of lost time'. Trouble is it feels a bit like waiting for Arsenal to compete for anything. As I posted we are on the cusp. We just need 2 or 3 additions as in the seasons 2005 onwards.

  87. John F

    Apr 27, 2015, 20:22 #70380

    Following westies advice I would like to recommend my top 5 books to read when watching chelsea.Great Expectations,The story of Gooners pre season confidence whilst waiting for the transfer window to close.Catch 22(why catch when you can parry),Ospina's quest not to catch more then 22 shots per season.Les miserables,Gooners after the transfer window closes.MiddleMarch,the Arsenals brave champions league campaign.Finally the Wenger Highway code,full of useful tips on handbrake use with a contribution by Mourinho on how to park a bus.

  88. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 19:57 #70379

    Exeter, spot on, if Maureen was one of these managers who was always letting his team and himself be steamrollered by OGL and his tippy tappy tactics and saying nothing after it only shaking his hand and smiling him and his team would be the best thing since sliced bread and there wouldn't be a word said against them from the wengerites. The fact he doesn't, and speaks the truth is what pisses them off so much.

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 19:29 #70377

    John Barr, I bet he wouldn't have sat on his arse looking a nervous wreck, wringing his hands when ever they weren't covering his face, or rocking back and forward and bowed over trying to find a mouse under his seat.

  90. Retain the FA Cup a la 2003

    Apr 27, 2015, 19:20 #70376

    Kev, Mourino's teams have conceded less to win league titles since 2004. However, in February 2014 Chelsea conceded at West Brom late on to draw after a defensive error & finish 4 points behind the champs Man Citeh. It has happened to him too

  91. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 18:30 #70375

    Bard, very doubtful mate, he'll come trotting in and score one or maybe two against the mighty hull in our next game and he'll be world class again.

  92. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 27, 2015, 18:20 #70374

    It's always a jolt to realise just how anti pre-Wenger Arsenal Westlower can be. Won't hear a word against any aspect of Wenger's management, but slagging off GG is fine. I guess the unconditional support stops once they leave post. Presumably when Wenger finally goes Westlower will tell us what he really thinks of him - no tactics, useless on defence etc. He's holding it all back until that day!

  93. Ron

    Apr 27, 2015, 18:04 #70373

    Chelsea are one of the most effective teams ive ever seen in 50 yrs watching football. Arsenal arent good enough to take on and beat top teams. End of. PS Yr carping on about Mourinho suggests to me that hes slept with yr Daughter. Yr carping about GG suggests that you never attended many matches under GGs stewardship.. Give it up, its boring!

  94. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 18:03 #70372

    Ray, suspect you are a chav but true words all the same, and Maureen always manages to slap OGL down,(and it's not hard to do) with the Boring is ten years without a title jibe, another right up there with the specialist in failure one.

  95. jeff wright

    Apr 27, 2015, 17:58 #70371

    EG, you only have to cast your mind back to the away game at Poundlands when we won using the same tactics for 90 minutes that Maureen employed yesterday .At least he only used them in the second half . As I recall many were lauding Wenger for the win against City and suggesting that this 'plan B' should be employed for all away games ! You couldn't make it up.

  96. Thomas (Canada)

    Apr 27, 2015, 17:55 #70370

    I've been a Gooner for 25 years now. I've been a Wenger basher of late, I accept. I don't mind yesterday. I think Le boss got some tactics right. If we went all out for the win, Chelsea would have picked us off on the counter. Ramsay playing out on the right is a problem, it limits our width. Still, Coq did marvellously. I think we are where Chelsea was last season. Get Cech, Schneiderlein, and a CF. Get rid of walcott/wishire/diaby/rosicky(can't play a whole season)/Sczzesny(immature)/gibbs(hasn't developed), and don't bring back Sanogo/Podolski/Campbell. A good transfer window and we will be ready to compete. Up the Gooners!

  97. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 27, 2015, 17:50 #70369

    No one would care about Chelsea being boring or anti-football if Arsenal were ever able to get a result. If Wenger could ever work out how to beat Mourinho those same voices decrying it now would be hoping Chelsea carry on being as boring as possible.

  98. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 17:23 #70368

    Taking a leaf out of Mourinhos book and doing business at the start of the summer Kev? are you on the wacky backy or just having a laugh. Get ready for Big Ben again.

  99. Gare K

    Apr 27, 2015, 17:22 #70367

    @ Martin; that banner by Chelsea fans says 'RUINING FOOTBALL SINCE 2003'. Obviously it's a piss-take at everyone who have slagged them off since the Abramovic takeover. I work in televised football & it's regularly seen at Stamford Bridge.

  100. Hiccup

    Apr 27, 2015, 17:03 #70366

    Some of the paranoia the AKB's have with Chelsea because we can't beat them suggests a visit to a shrink is required. Look, you don't have this obsession with other teams like Munich or Barca that are miles ahead of us, so why can't you come to terms that Chelsea are better than us? It's not down to boring football or thuggery. With clear vision that Wenger aint up to this level, you'll be able to get a good nights sleep instead of fretting over mourinho. I remember when Chelsea were a tin pot 4th place outfit like we've become, and could never beat us. A Chelsea mate said to me how he couldn't fathom why they could never beat us. I told the dumb f*ck, half of it's because we were good and the other half was that they were ****. Not rocket science. I guess he was dumb enough to be an AKB.

  101. Westlower

    Apr 27, 2015, 16:49 #70364

    For those of you that like to look ahead, Bet365 are offering prices on the number of points Arsenal take off Chelsea next season. None - 7/2; One - 11/4; Two - 11/1; Three - 5/2; Four - 5/1; Six - 10/1. Arsenale just won the 4.15 at Southwell at 11/4. @JJ, I saw GG's teams play more times than you've had hot dinners, in fact it helped cure my insomnia.

  102. John Barr

    Apr 27, 2015, 15:55 #70363

    I would have taken a draw before kick off yesterday. In past seasons we have seen the team regularly fall apart in these situations. We didn't this time round. We haven't all season. It may not be the level of progress we would all like to see but it's a huge improvement on previous years. I think a only a couple of additions are needed to take the next step. Having said all this, i do wonder what Mourinho would have done with Arsenal team if he was the manager yesterday.

  103. jjetplane

    Apr 27, 2015, 15:34 #70362

    Great post Nick T and re the tweaking - looks like Jamerson's brother has done one on poor Ollie in that picture ....

  104. Nick T

    Apr 27, 2015, 15:24 #70361

    Yep all too predictable and a chance missed to put a marker down for next season - at the end of the day Maureen got what he wanted against AW . . . .again!! In terms of Wenger its simple really he's not the best, he's certainly not the worst but with the squad we've got we should achieve more. Current Arsenal reminds me a lot of the chavs under Ranieri - good squad, knocking on the door but always falling short. There was a lot of sympathy for Claudio when they got rid of him but I doubt they regret the decision now!! Maureen didn't build that side, he just tweaked it, added that X factor and the rest is history. We need that aswell and I don't think AW is the man to deliver it for us anymore.

  105. jjetplane

    Apr 27, 2015, 15:16 #70360

    WEsTIE talking about Chelski not fielding a striker yesterday. Duh neither has Wenger since RVp told him to stick it! But as you say mate - it's a team in development though you also seem to think that the present Arsenal is good enough to win a major trophy and if we could get back Kallstrom, Sanogo and Diaby we are good to go. The way you talk about GG I don't imagine you saw that team as much as you say. Just another home county casual. Anyway, next season ......

  106. Dartford gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 15:08 #70359

    Can someone please tell me where you can get a 20 year old striker for 2 million pounds who can score 32 goals in a season. I know Afobe got the goals in the lower divs but he never got a chance with us.Sanogo got games billy 52 got games but Afobe was never given a game. Even if Wenger did not think he was up to it 2 million was way to low.I hope there is a big sell on fee because this could come back to bite us on the arse.

  107. jeff wright

    Apr 27, 2015, 15:06 #70358

    The ten point gap between us and Chelsea before the tete a tete yesterday was still there when it all ended and that's all that matters really. All of the, boring Chelsea and Mourinho came for a draw, rants are just more excuses to try and cover for another disappointing result and performance . Tbh I thought both sides tried to win the game in the first half but for different reasons both had to settle for a draw in what was a rather dreary dull second period. In Chelsea's case it was down to the slow Drogba replacing Oscar who was put out of action by Ospina with a challenge that he was fortunate not to have conceded a penalty for. The best chance of the game fell to Chelsea but Ramirez did a decent impression of Danny Welbeck in a one to one and fluffed it. We were the home -side needing the win to try and close that 10 point gap to try and make it look more reasonable . With Chelsea having won the home game 2-0 against us Mourinho did not need to win as a draw away is always a good point in such circumstances , as Wenger admitted afterwards ,with the points gap with 5 left to play being too great for us to close . Of course he was not saying that before the game ! Even though it was true and there was that 12 games with no win for Arsene against Jose as well, so there were other things to play for . However, the truth is that we were poor again when up against another top 4 side lacking any real cutting edge and our midget midfield struggled to get a grip on the game . Coq is like Feliani and Flim Flammy once they are on a yellow card they are a busted flush and about as much use as a chocolate tea-pot with their aggressive styles. Coq should have been pulled of earlier but cluless Wenger stuck to his usual fixed substtutions . The game again though showed that Giroud and Welbeck are not top stikers . Giroud 's goals have dried up and Welbeck has only only scored a handful. He misses more than he scores as he did at United. Ramsey and Ozil were as usual useless against a top team . The claims that Ozil has taken us to a different level are just absurd. Wenger's record against top 4 sides is now just 7 wins out of the last 45 played ,11 draws and 27 defeats. A shocking record that shows that the claims about Wenger's current sides being just fast track bullies who win enough points against the lesser Prem teams to always make the top 4 , mainly 4th over the past decade , are true. You can argue about styles of football ,money etc, but facts are facts and the statistics tell the story. Regarding money it's also a fact that Wenger has had more of it than lower sides to spend so his top 4 finishes are not that great really with no title challenge having been made for over 10 years. The FAC runs have improved, they could not have got any worse ! However, going by his comments when asked whether he would have preferred to be in with a Prem title chance instead of the FAC semi v Reading ,he said, that is not negotiable so we want to do well in the Cup . So it seems that again he is having to resort to using the at one time despised domestic Cup for a face saver as he did last season . The reality though is that our players and Wenger himself looked depressed at the end of yesterday's game the only ones smiling and doing celebs were Terry and co . Wenger's inability to beat Mourinho yet again leaves him looking like the Emperor with no clothes . Another FAC parade and manic celebs will look rather contrived after the disappointing league and Euro campaigns , that is of course presuming that we actually win the cup . We will certainly have to play better than we did against Reading to do so , of course we would have beaten them more easily at the Emirates. Away from there this side doesn't look as good and have struggled at Wembley against worse sides than Villa are .

  108. Tony Evans

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:59 #70357

    Jamerson - you have redeemed yourself on the lowlife debate, but please less of the WOB/AKB stuff.

  109. jjetplane

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:58 #70356

    Eight hours and two minutes of football since Arsenal last scored against Chelsea. How boring is that! & how many times have we heard on here from an AKB 'a win is a win.'

  110. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:56 #70355

    Of course wenger is a lesser manager that Maureen and we all know it (some more than others) and the embarrassing monkey on his back proves it and TOF knows it himself also, you just had to listen to him when questioned about it he couldn't keep eye contact saying, look it's not about me it's about the team and the club, and anybody that believes that will believe anything.

  111. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:56 #70354

    Memo to cesc :did you not used to play for barcalona?well that was not barca football yesterday~or all year for that matter.if chelsea want to be one of the big glamour clubs it is time they started to play like one.maybe someone will give you another £850 mil to do it for free unlike other clubs who have to pay their debts themeselves

  112. Bard

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:50 #70353

    I think we are on the cusp if you take everything into account. Im not sure what that cusp is but we are on it. We got stuck in for a change and it was always going to be difficult seeing as Chelsea didnt need to win. We lacked a bit of quality and are still unbalanced in midfield. If you play Santi and Ozil then Ramsey is not the man to fill in out wide. I also think its an interesting point you raise about Sanchez Westie. He has great qualities but he is a law unto himself and his movement is so unpredictable that it makes him difficult to play with. I hope we can put the Giroud debate to bed after yesterday. He is not a top top striker and never will be.

  113. CT Gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:46 #70352

    I understand folks comments that we didn't need Cesc, even though I'd have flogged off Santi and Mesut to make it happen, as he wasn't what we really needed. The problem for me is we didn't sign what we needed!! Now TH14 is piping up, saying what many WOBs have been for years, we need to strengthen the spine. Progress will come when that happens, can't see Wenger doing it though...

  114. DJ

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:35 #70351

    Westlower: Agree with you, Ramsey must play central as his energy and drive gives us greater options than stuck on the wing. I think Carzola should be an impact player from the bench rotating with Ozil. The team lacks balance without a genuine wide man Ox if fit or Welbeck/Walcott. On the Fabregas situation you could tell by his interview on MOTD that he was touched by his reception as he left the pitch and shows that he still has feeling for Arsenal, I for one was proud of our fans for that.

  115. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:25 #70350

    We huffed and puffed alright just not good enough and nowhere near it against the better sides with all these so called world class players as usual nowhere to be seen when they're up against real quality(but what's new)but at least we weren't stuffed again or embarrassed so we must be making progress and i'm sure that will be very comforting in certain circles. I would have much preferred a win though as now TOF will probably stay on until he eventually gets the better off and beats Maureen and he's as likely to have hair as long as his sleeping bag when that happens.

  116. Seven Kings Gooner

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:18 #70349

    Facts are, had we beat Chelsea home and away and all the other results had remained the same, we would be level on points with Chelsea going into the last few games of the season. It is of course a huge if, but why Mourinho always attaches great importance on not losing to your rivals in the league matches. Anyway before we can beat Chelsea we need to score against them first!

  117. Westlower

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:16 #70348

    Kevin, You're thinking was on the right lines, 9/1 for 0-0 & 19/2 for 0-1 was as predictable as football betting gets, add in the 5/2 for a draw and you'd be on your way to your next million. Both sides played not to lose. A loss for Arsenal would have given us a massive jolt backwards, a defeat for Chelsea may have set their jitters off. The most telling post match remark was JT stating they began to worry when the game opened up, his relief at the end was palpable. Maureen has anti-football flowing through his veins, he loves playing joyless football. He sh*t himself playing open football at the Lane & at home to Bradford (9 goals conceded for the super coach), preferring to counter attack off a strong defensive strategy. Football would quickly become boring (sorry to use that word but that's what it is) if every coach followed his lead. Years of watching GG employing similar tactics slowly numbs the mind. I suggest you take a good book with you to read if percentage football makes a return. He must have been delighted to be able to field a team with no recognised striker. He packs his side with hard working serial foulers in midfield, creating a brick wall in front of his hairy arsed defenders. Nigh on impregnable unless the opposition possess high quality wingers but sadly they seem to have been consigned to history, Overmars & Limpar being our last ones. The Ox may have made a big difference operating on the wing with Ramsey returned to the middle where is strengths of running late into the box can be better exploited. Playing Welbeck or Theo for Cazorla would have speeded up our forward movement. Giroud faced an impossible task upfront on his own. THenry pontificated that we need a better CF but I doubt if he would have done any better given the restriction on playing space. Coquelin didn't look out of place among the dark forces in midfield. Ramsey playing alongside him would give a better platform from which to spring the counter attack. I still have reservations about Alexis's decision making. With Giroud static & Alexis largely unreadable it makes life very difficult for Ozil to play a killer pass. Ramsey or Ox arriving late in the box maybe a more fruitful option in the future.

  118. Tony Evans

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:10 #70347

    Finsbury Joe - your lot just let every other team and his dig walk all over them! Jamerson - your tiresome obsession with the WOB/AKB nonsense is even more boring then Chelsea - when will the penny drop that whatever we think about Wenger we are all Arsenal fans (apart from FJ of course). Also your defence of the lowlife that shouted out during the minute's silence tells me all I want to know about the sort of person you are. Anyway on to the match - Kevin, as usual, you are bang on the money with your report and like you I had this one down as 0-0 or 0-1 and wish I had put some money on. Sadly it told us all we needed to know (if we didn't before) that we are some distance from a title winning side. We have seen huge improvements recently and thankfully a shift away from gung-ho but, as Henry says, we still haven't got a top quality spine to the team. Cech must be a priority purchase plus a 20 to 30 goals a season striker, and we still need a quality holding midfielder despite the emergence of Coqualin. Get all three and I might start to believe we could mount a credible challenge for the whole season (even with Wenger in charge) and not just for some of it. Another consideration is how long do we keep faith with the likes of Walcott, Gibbs and Wilshire - always injured and ridiculously inconsistent.

  119. GoonerRon

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:58 #70346

    A mature performance from us where our defensive balance and cynicism at times shows we have improved. A bit toothless in attack but not hugely surprising given Chelsea came to get a clean sheet. The love in for Chelsea's defending on Sky was a bit vomit inducing - did we not keep a clean sheet too? Mertesacker was faultless but didn't get a mention as everyone was too busy to tonguing John Terry's A hole. FYI - it's even more boring to wait 50 years for a title and it only coming then when a guy spunks a billion pounds to make it happen.

  120. Dominic

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:53 #70344

    perhaps a better assessment of moronos "talent" is his time at Real Madrid. The fans want to win the Champions league and to win with style. Despite having wonderful players including arguably the best player in the world Morono did neither. All he did was blame the officials, I wonder why that sounds familiar.

  121. Ray

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:39 #70343

    Three months after his greatest moment the Invincibles.Wenger was finished as a top class manager.Because Roman brought Mourinho in and they blew Arsenal out of the water.People forget we has a great team then but in his first season Mourinho won the title win a record points total.And Wenger has never recovered.Mourinho is correct there is nothing more boring than going 11 seasons without winning the title.Oh well as Spuds fans say there's always next season ha ha

  122. jjetplane

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:22 #70342

    Where have all the AKBs gone? Wenger type football to become even more boring than late GG .... Roasting chickens anyone? Fabregas had no intention of ever going back to a team that has seen others fly out the door to get a medal or two before they hang up boots. Wenger also knew that and it's a bit like the old myth of how Wenger gave the GG men left at Highbury a new lease. They did that themselves while he took notes which he then binned .... Anyway - remember watching Bournemouth in 2009 when I was following Exeter and thought 'what a bloody team spirit there.' Now look at them. Along with the Saints should be watching some of that when the chance comes. JAMERSON you sound kinda fed up mate - has the penny mythology dropped about Arsene Fc being a top top team who plat 'the right way.' If you really wanna see some of the 'right way' google up Suarez on his current form and remember all Wenger has up front is Giroud, Welbeck ....

  123. Peter Hughes

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:17 #70341

    Credit to Chelsea.We knew they would play for 0-0 & they are are probably the best / only team capable of doing that.Good that we kept our discipline & one or two players when Chelsea broke took one for the team.Ozil chased back & probed throughout.

  124. Andyboy

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:15 #70340

    Watched the game yesterday and thought what a good defender he still is and how organised JT still remains. Till I saw the clown dancing around at the end of the game like he'd won something. Then I remember what a Git he really is and had to make myself feel better by thinking back to his champions league tears, oh happy memories!!!

  125. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:11 #70339

    Game was a carbon copy of the fixture last season, right down to the miss at the very end. Well, we must be improving, they only beat us 2-0 on aggregate this time.

  126. Gus Sneezer

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:10 #70338

    Jamerson-Dont be a mug all your life.We had one shot on target in 120 mins in the 2005 cup final.Wenger admits he parked the bus with his 4-5-1 formation with DB10 as the striker.We only won because Lehmann had a blinder.Football is all about winners not losers who play with style.At the end of the day Mourinho is a better tactician than Wenger will ever be

  127. divingrooney

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:07 #70337

    Oh, they are back. What joy, Arsenal could not beat Chelsea. Chelsea won the title, and Carling Cup, and the CL, and the FA Cup. Moaninho is the greatest. Wait, what they lost to lost man PSG, and were beaten by a pub team who scored 4 goals at Stamford Bridge. Come on, in your dreams. Moaninho is the greatest tactician who never loses to inferior oppostion, and always gets the result he wants. Wait till the FA Cup final, Chelsea will win it. Oh... It was a draw, a draw 0-0. No one scored, no team won....

  128. Lee Bedford

    Apr 27, 2015, 13:03 #70336

    We need to buy Gonzalo Higuian !!! he can make the difference, I really like Giroud and Welbeck and they are very useful to the team BUT they are NOT WORLD CLASS 25-30 goals a season strikers, Gonzalo simply IS!

  129. Rocky RIP

    Apr 27, 2015, 12:51 #70335

    'Fabregas has always been respectful towards Arsenal' - I'm not sure feigning injury, refusing to play and effectively going on strike to force a move away from a club is showing them much respect. Hence the animosity, burnt bridges and refusal to accept first refusal on re-signing him. No?

  130. King Jeremy

    Apr 27, 2015, 12:48 #70334

    As you say Ed, all very predicatble. At least the pretence that we are somehow equal to Chelsea (more specifically that Wenger is somehow equal to Maureen) seems to have ebbed away. Indeed the summer will determine if any "progress" can be made. There were noises last week that Carvalho has signed a pre-contract. If that's true it's a good start, but you just know that with Sanogoals and Poldi returning from Loan that on planet Wenger we have enough up front to challenge.

  131. Martin

    Apr 27, 2015, 12:47 #70333

    Let us not forget that Mourinho was sacked once by Chelsea for his negative football and only a lack of other credible candidates ( most of the usual suspects having already managed Chelsea in the interim) and the failed attempt to woo Guardialo meant he was brought back as 2nd choice. He is what he is and good luck to him. Another point - what was that Chelsea banner when the teams came out all about? 'Running football since 2003?' - Acknowledgment that they have no history, ironically put by the side of the 'Proud of our history' banner - At first I thought it said 'ruining football' - How apt.....Finally, good to see the great man missed the irony of Arsenal fans singing boring Chelsea, he takes every bit of bait put in front of him and the media lap it up!

  132. chris dee

    Apr 27, 2015, 12:44 #70332

    Will people stop this 'we had first option on Fabrigas'crap. You only have first option on a player if he wants to sign for you.Fabrigas wanted to go to Chelsea and the deal was done in 20 minutes.Arsene has said that and so has Obnoxious Mourinho.And anyway it's not another bleedin' creative/ attacking midfielder we need.

  133. Finsbury Joe

    Apr 27, 2015, 12:27 #70331

    At least one North London team refuses to lie down and let Mourinho walk all over them, and that team deserve respect fot that