A Letter to Ivan Gazidis

After a Frenchman, how about going Teutonic?

A Letter to Ivan Gazidis

Dear Mr Gazidis

Re: Jurgen Klopp

This is your moment to decide whether or not you wish to leave an indelible mark on Arsenal history by making a brave and positive decision that would undoubtedly be best for the future of Arsenal FC on the playing side or if you wish to play safe, change nothing and probably remain in Arsenal history as the least successful Chief Executive of the modern era.

Mr Klopp ticks all the right boxes when looking for what qualities are needed in the next Arsenal Manager so far as the playing side is concerned, which, of course, is the primary reason for the existence of the club.

These include the following:-

1. A proven winner.
2. A proven winner in his own domestic league when competing against a far richer club.
3. Proven ability to compete against the European Super Powers in European competition.
4. Ability to develop youth e.g. Reus and Goetze.
5. Ability to successfully operate the transfer market including in smaller leagues e.g. Lewandowski and Kawaga.
6. Good English.
7. A magnetic personality.
8. The right age at 47.
9. A style of football compatible with recent Arsenal traditions.

These moments do not come along too often. You can play safe with Mr.Wenger and we will continue to have a choice of two groundhog seasons i.e. 1. challenging for the league and falling away or 2. not challenging for the league and then playing well when there is no real pressure never really seriously threatening to win the league and of course always falling far short in Europe.

Or you can be brave and change the dynamics of the club with the appointment of Klopp.

How you would deal with Mr.Wenger is obviously a difficult matter. Presumably, dealing with these difficult issues is one reason why you are paid the very high salary that you enjoy.

This is an occasion on which you can show to the fans that you are truly worth your earnings.

Wenger is the past; Klopp is the future. It is the time to make a brave decision.

Yours sincerely

Roland Taylor

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  1. Platitude Problem

    May 05, 2015, 1:20 #70664

    Forth is not a trophy. Although we're second and in the Final of the FA Cup, which is a trophy

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 05, 2015, 0:53 #70663

    jj, isn't that always the case, it was the hair cut that done it.

  3. jjetplane

    May 05, 2015, 0:03 #70662

    Champions elect. Starting early.

  4. Unchives

    May 04, 2015, 23:23 #70661

    Great win for us all, second place is beckoning, these boys deserve it!

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 04, 2015, 22:16 #70660

    STAN, OGL as director of football? no doubt he'd be all for that(on £3 or £4,million a year of course)even though he'd never ever have or work under one himself.

  6. jjetplane

    May 04, 2015, 21:32 #70659

    Runners Up Trophy 2015 ....

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 04, 2015, 18:22 #70658

    jw, yes indeed mate after another routine bullying and steamrolling of relegation fodder tonight the juices will be flowing again and they'll be on crowing and no guesses who they'll be, about how good we played and how good we are and the progress we're making or supposed to have made, and how it's set us up nicely for a tilt at the title next season or even win it (how many times have we heard that over the years) and wally will be on talking a good game saying the same, and telling anyone who'll listen (and there'll quite a few) that we're the best team in Europe as the chavs prepare to parade the prem trophy.

  8. jjetplane

    May 04, 2015, 15:44 #70657

    Good article about JT today in the Gooniad and he and Adams are what the modern English defender are all about. We will never win a PL without such a player in the ranks. Those two do/did make defending easy. No wonder Wenger said it. Still living off Adam's trophies and the the safety that he never had to think about the defence. I do believe Arsene may have suggested room temp water and steamed chicken to the lads which made adams smile no doubt. Am loving the idea of a trophy overhaul/revision and the sideways passing cup along with the injury shield sounds like a double to get the Emirates buzzing. Can just see Jack, Abou and the boys in their customised shopping carts doing a lap of honour. Stan would like it if you threw in a pizza race ..... yesindeedee

  9. jeff wright

    May 04, 2015, 15:31 #70656

    With never a real title tilt seen MG. Now with the op 4 trophy looking secure the excitement is about finishing second although the AKB's have gone a bit quiet on that front with the City revival and Aquero hitting form . Fear not though because a win tonight over Brucies ,you get nothing in this game for a pair, Tigers will have them all frothing at the mouth again over it . You couldn't make it up.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 04, 2015, 15:02 #70655

    jw, not excited about the top 4 run in? me neither nor I expect many fans with real ambition, but I know those who will be, they'll be crowded round the TV biting their nails as if it were penalties in a final with hard on's all round and not a Viagra needed.

  11. Hiccup

    May 04, 2015, 14:00 #70654

    Diving cheating Chelsea at it again. Funny how the invincibles needed a pires dive v Portsmouth to preserve the unbeaten run. I recall thinking thank god the referee fell for it at the time. I don't recall any of these moralistic better than thou fans on here being up in arms about pires back then. Actually, the only dive everyone seems to talk about is the Rooney one that ended the run. And this is just another of the many blinkered reasons why the AKB cannot be taken serious.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 04, 2015, 13:52 #70653

    Man United Killer, not with this old past it manager we have.

  13. jeff wright

    May 04, 2015, 13:12 #70652

    After tonight we have one game in hand Jamerson tonight's game is our 'weekend' one that was moved for TV reasons. That tricky looking away at United second last game makes our run-in look tougher than City's and games in hand are not always points with a bird in bed being better than two on a promise is. So in my view City are slight favs for 2nd spot,not that I really care about it.I was just using this to point out that the claimed 'progress' we have made is just another illusion.The league table says otherwise.

  14. Th14afc

    May 04, 2015, 11:47 #70651

    I'm not congratulating that Portuguese fool,he doesn't deserve any respect as he doesn't show any to anyone else & he's never managed a team that don't have endless funds...I hate chavski as much as the spuds....on a desperate note 2-1 to the gunners tonight I reckon

  15. jeff wright

    May 04, 2015, 11:47 #70650

    Jamerson, there was clearly a push on Hazard inside the goal area the use of an hand to push another player when he is running past an opponent is a foul .So the ref was correct to award a penalty .We would have expected one ourselves for that .It's never a good idea for defenders to use their hands to push players in the penalty area because opponents, including our ones, will take advantage of it.Football is a pro-sport as I have pointed out to you before. Regarding the FAC myself and others have said all season that it was Wenger's best chance (again ) of a trophy and of more interest than an unlikely win in the Champions League was.The league title was gone with the wind way back when we lost at Chelsea,if it was actually ever on that is. I can't get excited about top 4 minor place battles if we finish second or third is of little consequence really . I think that City are favourites for 2nd place and this again shows that the claims of progress by us under Arsene are an illusion because after we beat them at Poundlands and with their poor results against others as well afterwards we should have been well clear of them and nearer to Chelsea than being 16 points behind them.If we indeed have progressed , which we clearly on any criteria used have not done. Personally my view right from the start was that the league was a no-brainer due to Wenger's ill-preparedness at the start of the season for him to be able to mount a realistic challenge for it. I always expected at some stage though that a run of the usual good results against the cannon-fodder of the Prem would transpire and they did. It ended inevitably though when Wenger met Mourinho but hey nothing new there wot! City have now taken second spot and their superior G/D compensates for our game in hand against them so there destiny is in their own hands now regarding the second spot that they say they want to 'win'.We have to win tonight in my view to make sure of avoiding that 4th place again and the qualifier tie that it 'wins' By the way a draw in those qualifiers does not mean you win it . Wenger says we don't need any new signings in the summer adding that Henry was wrong to claim that he (Wenger) needs to sign a top striker also saying that we have Poldolski (rated the worst ever loan in Seria A by the Italian media and Sanago to return. He also claims that Giroud can emulate Henry who at one time was no better than him. You couldn't make it up. He does admit though that Chelsea,City and United will make some big signings. Anyway , we , despite the claims of being on the cusp of greatness , are already 7-1 for next seasons title .So dear Jamerson despite your optimism that it is ours next season I will not be rushing to have a bet on us to win it. This is called called pragmatism and not as you claim negativity. Now if Klopp were to take over and Stan gave him some dosh to sign a top striker a class CB and GK I would be more inclined to have a punt on us winning the Prem .Albeit it will be harder next season anyway todo than it was this term. Wenger really did miss a trick letting wily Jose get that good start and by losing 4 points to him as well.

  16. Unchives

    May 04, 2015, 11:13 #70649

    @ Jamerson,your right, if we cant support the team when we are doing well,then when can we.No favours from the spuds yesterday, that is something we can always rely on. See you all in the May sunshine....and yes Jeff it does shine sometimes.

  17. Bard

    May 04, 2015, 9:04 #70648

    Hiccup now youre talking. Read any of Chris's posts over the season. He has this nailed. Its all so nuanced. Results are just part of the bigger picture. As a brand Arsenal are right up there with the biggest clubs. Its just winning games and trophies that a bit of a problem. I have just finished putting up a photo of the Boss's wise words. 'defending is easy'. Quote of the season.

  18. mark from aylesbury

    May 04, 2015, 8:44 #70647

    Jamerson - I don't understand your argument that there is no such thing as imploding or losing form. Sport is all about form and building up strings of good results. Arsenal are obviously in good form though I wonder if this is starting to waiver. ManU are obviously losing form having lost 3 on the spin. Arsenal's patchy form at the start of the season cost us dear look at our results through to early December.

  19. Hiccup

    May 04, 2015, 7:40 #70646

    Some good suggestions guys, but some not so practical and would be difficult to implement. In my eyes Wenger has always beaten mourinho. But until the game rids itself of this antiquated system whereby the team that scores the most goals wins, there's nothing we can do about it. We need to go down the path of Saturday night celebrity TV. Each game needs a panel of 4 judges that mark the performance of each team at full time. This would stop fans leaving ten minutes early, as an 8-2 defeat could easily be overturned with Len Goodwin sticking up a few 7's. The arsenal fans could then chant back to the United fans hysterically "you're not singing anymore." It's the way forward. Then literally, it would be possible to win the CL without actually winning a game.

  20. Man United Killer

    May 04, 2015, 5:46 #70645

    And Oh..Cesc won the league with *ose *ourinho.Would that have happened if rejoined Arsenal? You tell me...

  21. Man United Killer

    May 04, 2015, 5:35 #70644

    So why can't Wenger beat Mourinho.That's what I REALLY WANT TO KNOW.

  22. goonercolesyboy

    May 04, 2015, 0:58 #70643

    jj you are the troll's twin...

  23. Unchives

    May 03, 2015, 22:38 #70642

    I think most of you boys need to chill.You need a cold beer Jeff, im buying.

  24. jeff wright

    May 03, 2015, 22:22 #70641

    Hiccup,points should also be awarded for the team with the most injuries this according to Arsene is costing us titles every season and it's just not fair . A points deduction after video analysis should also be made against any side that fails to make at least 50 passes before attempting to shoot at goal. Nasty comments made by managers,such as 10 years without winning a title is boring , should be punished by the manager's team being relegated. Something needs doing to stop all of this nonsense why we even have City now staging a revival and with QPR at home next up Swansea with nothing to play for away and Southampton at Poundlands last game could see Pel's mercenaries finishing on a winning run of 6 games. Is this title winning form and if so then why the **** have they not won it !

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 03, 2015, 22:19 #70640

    Hiccup, great stuff mate, and an extra point for holding on to the ball for longer than the other team, and making more passes, and even another one for the amount of sideway passes, but your too late, after today the AKB's are already in committee drawing up those very proposals ready to submit the FA, PL, FIFA, in the morning.

  26. Hiccup

    May 03, 2015, 20:24 #70639

    Guys, being serious now, but the football points system needs to be revamped. In this day and age it should be based on the judging systems used in gymnastics and ice skating. Teams getting beat but showing good artistic content for ball possession should be given a point. The difficulty level of breaking down teams who park the bus needs to be considered, so if you win ten corners in the game you get a point for showing ambition. And teams that attack gung ho leaving the defence exposed should be rewarded. Christ, if points for number of attacking players sent forward were given, you'd see keepers being sent up for every corner. It's what the game needs to negate these boring teams that are set up to tactically win matches. The Premier League need to get involved. The FIA changed the structure of qualifying and the points system for F1 to try and hamper boring, boring Michael Schunacher, so why can't football? By my reckoning, under such a system, arsenal would have had the league wrapped up in March. I shall be petitioning the PL with my proposals.

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 03, 2015, 20:03 #70638

    jj, it's certainly not squeaky bum time where we're still in and fighting for the title, and never likely to be with TOF in charge.

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 03, 2015, 19:50 #70637

    Hiccup, nice one, yes indeed even though pacquiao was beat in AKB eyes he's the real winner and should have been awarded the belt.

  29. jjetplane

    May 03, 2015, 19:24 #70636

    Maureen Mayweather & Pac Diaby. it's all about moneys and sore shoulders.

  30. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 03, 2015, 17:59 #70635

    May I be the first to wish you all a Happy St Totteringham's Day.........."it's happened again it's happened again"

  31. jjetplane

    May 03, 2015, 17:50 #70634

    MG Sunday night appears to be sqeaky little troll night. Up the ****ing Cherries! & well cone Chelski! I guess that's trolling in some half minds ......

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 03, 2015, 17:36 #70633

    You really know when your post/posts hit home when others start using your name, and seem to be an expert on saliva and would be as an AKB or SWO brigade.

  33. Carlos

    May 03, 2015, 16:11 #70632

    This should have been addressed to Silent Stan. Ivan can,t sack the manager.

  34. Daniel Hill-Wood

    May 03, 2015, 16:01 #70631

    You appoint a serial winner you get a team that wins titles.We reward a Specialist in Failure with another contract.Who would have believed in 2004 we would never win another title.Take a bow Wenger.All our loony fringe the AKB's have to cling on to is that Chelsea are boring.Oh for a boring title winning Arsenal team

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 03, 2015, 15:54 #70630

    So Cesc has got his Prem league medal well done, (just like some of the others who had to go elsewhere to win it) he said he has waited a long time for this, he'd have been waiting a hell of a lot longer if he'd have stayed with the specialist in failure.

  36. Bard

    May 03, 2015, 14:17 #70629

    Unchives; Colsey Jamerson. to my mind there is a misunderstanding at the heart of the debate. If we come second and win an FAC you can reasonably argue that we have done better than last season especially if you airbrush Monaco and few other performances out of the picture but are we any nearer to competing for the major prizes and the answer to that is no, in fact in terms of PL points we could end up considerably worse off and that includes the fact that we spent more this season on transfers than anyone else bar Untd there in lies the dilemma. The reduction of the debate to whether you really support the club or love/hate Wenger is rubbish, its how you define progress. I cant speak for Jeff and others but if I thought for one minute the club were deadly serious about wanting to compete I would be posting in a very different vein. But I have heard the same old b******* about 'moving forward' every season for the last 10 years. We are always 2 or 3 players short, many of our leading players always miss large chunks of the season through injury and whenever we have something on the game we crumble.

  37. jjetplane

    May 03, 2015, 12:50 #70628

    AKB season ends with the usual whimper ..... Is that bus been cleaned yet?

  38. goonercolesyboy

    May 03, 2015, 12:10 #70627

    And you jeff do what you do best, troll.

  39. jjetplane

    May 03, 2015, 12:07 #70626

    Arsene is saying Jack needs a two year rest if he is to get back to his best. Perhaps he should have kept that quiet til Citeh handed over a bag of used currencey somewqhere along the M1. Are we to deduce that Jack will be the new Diaby with a well paid convalescence while the other clubs go about trying to win things. Arsene also says he could have won the PL if it had not been for the injuries (see AKB archives) and does not even bother to mention that little tussle with Sherwood and his band of dangeruos men. According to the AKBs that game has already been played but in the end 'mental strenght & spirit' and the culture of the Selfie has given this top top club another cup that will no longer even be the FA Cup. In a decade it will be the ASDA Cup and Jack will be playing very deep by then .... It really is all about Keat's negative capability.

  40. jeff wright

    May 03, 2015, 11:54 #70625

    Unchives,you are just posting the same old mantra that we hear every season,we were the best team at the start of last season and spent more time at the top than anyone else . It's about doing it over the whole season though and not just run ofgamesat some point. FA Cups are won by sides that get relegated afterwards ,Portsmouth and Wigan are two recent ones so you can't take account of cup form a comp played over 5 games . Chelsea have been the best side all season, you are the one who needs to get real not me. We might get second but the gap between us and Chelsea is greater than it was last season. City and Liverpool imploded and we have taken advantage of that ,United despite losing their last three games have still closed the gap on us from last season and we have to play them again at OT . We have just 3 points more than last season with 33 played and the scum took 4 points off us as well .Hardly anything to shout about. We also flopped again in the first KO round of the holy grail to er,Monaco,but hey that means in la la Arsene land that we were the best team in Europe ! You couldn't make it up.

  41. jjetplane

    May 03, 2015, 11:46 #70624

    And there speaks AKB royalty and we the WoBS are speechless. 2nd and an FA Cup - done and dusted! & next season if we prepare well in the summer .... & JAMERSON gets elected as Ukip for Barnsbury & ALSACe perfectly sublime old bean and the idea of that Orifice is beyond the pale of all. Hull must be quaking as we post our negativity with occasional rays of sunshine from you know where .... Manager updates; Pardew, LVG (pants) Wenger (same as the last decade) .... Keep writing JW you make a lot more elaborate sense than the Beano & Dandy men circa late 50s - you could not make it up.

  42. goonercolesyboy

    May 03, 2015, 11:46 #70623

    A sensible post for a change even if I disagree with the tactically clueless part, Unchives, but that's our opinions differing. A change in tactics every so often wouldn't have gone amiss but he is not clueless, just stubborn in some of his thoughts on the game. Last year's cup exploits serve that as a reminder as a positive, Man City away this season put against our drubbings last season away from home. He will still be a hard act to follow no matter what any on here think otherwise.

  43. Unchives

    May 03, 2015, 11:06 #70622

    I have to say that having taken a break from this site for work commitments, im stunned at still reading negativity for the sake of it! My stance is that I think Wenger is tactically clueless,you don't have to be a football expert to see that, however we could have started as we did last season and still finished second, third or fourth by a few points. I believe we will finish second and win the FA Cup, what a fantastic season, get real Jeff, you have dug yourself a deep & very tight hole and you cant move anywhere. We have been the best team since Christmas, beating Citeh, Man Utd, Liverpool, who have spent far more and would swap positions with us in a heart beat!.....you definitely couldn't make it up.

  44. Alsace

    May 03, 2015, 11:04 #70621

    The correct acronym for someone who wants to take Arsene Wenger to the Imperial War Museum, stick him in one of the 15inch calibre naval guns outside it, add a large bag of cordite and light the blue touch paper is an AMG. AMG's came to the conclusion that Weneger was fit to be "fired" long ago and as a matter of ORIGINAL thought. It is only the AKB's or SWO brigade (That's a new acronym - see if you can work it out - it's not complimentary), who read and understand only what they read in the Dandy.

  45. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 03, 2015, 0:04 #70620

    So there you have it then TOF is still the right man for the job (it's been a while since we heard that one) and only because he has unfinished business, maybe he's spelt his name wrong and he's been hitting himself with his rhythm stick for too long.

  46. Richard Drury

    May 02, 2015, 22:23 #70619

    Wenger still has unfinished business and is still the right man for the job.

  47. Lee afc

    May 02, 2015, 21:37 #70618

    I'll let you make the predictions and the piffle that you spout Jeff because you're doing a mighty fine job of hanging yourself. Always right, never wrong, opinionated, full of ****e. Are you sure your name isn't Maureen.

  48. Alsace

    May 02, 2015, 20:00 #70617

    All very interesting. Three observations. (1) Mourinho is simply telling the truth. Arsene is selling Pravda*. (2)We may be stuck on Stan Kroenke's wheel of ennui but at least we are not owned by Mike Ashley - Yippee. (3) Ye feast of Sainte Totteringhame may fall tomorrow or on Monday. [*For Jamerson - Pravda was the official newsprint organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Some Soviets, M Gorbachev** included, listened to the BBC if they wanted to hear the truth instead of what was written in Pravda. Arsene Wenger mentions in Pravda this week that tractor production us up again right next to the bit where he says, "that cow JM has been slagging me dahn"]{**For Jamerson. M Gorbachev was the last General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was a big country in the East.}***The East........

  49. jeff wright

    May 02, 2015, 19:57 #70616

    leeKFC you are so predictable .My facts are right it's you who believes in non-existent title challenges and that Arsene can overturn goal deficits in Champions League games after he messes it up in the first leg. Mighty Hull up next in the battle for second spot with City. What's your prediction for the score Monday night> chicken ? Or will you as usual just cower lurking until you know it>?

  50. Lee afc

    May 02, 2015, 19:46 #70615

    Yet another one ehhhh Jeff without me reminding you. Get your facts right stupid before the submit button...ha ha ha. I get the impression that your lack of knowledge is even getting to you........ By the way, you put nothing into the club so you will get nothing in return.

  51. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2015, 18:30 #70614

    JJ, coquelin hasn't been indoctrinated yet and hasn't allowed himself to be (wise lad look what happened to the others who did) and not allowing himself to be (and that wont go down well) instead like you say preferring to stay his own man and that certainly won't be allowed under TOF.

  52. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    May 02, 2015, 18:27 #70613

    I fear we will miss out on all the top younger managers who will become available in the next couple of years. Arsenal can't leave Wenger alone. I think he'll still be our manager at 70 sadly.

  53. Bard

    May 02, 2015, 18:05 #70612

    Ive just read in the Singapore Advertiser that we have sold more mugs there than any other team in the PL. Really looking forward to getting the cutting and putting it in a frame. Does it count as a trophy, I cant decide ? I think we should be proud as Ivan says. How many mugs do we have on this site ?

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2015, 17:27 #70611

    If only it was a bit Chelsea over at Arsenal, they have players and a manager who are winners with a winning mentality.

  55. jeff wright

    May 02, 2015, 15:29 #70610

    The only one droning on constantly about Chelsea is you Jamerson. I was commenting on what Arsene said about Sanchez not being fit for purpose at the start of next season. Wenger is always making excuses in advance for failures for our players instead of setting targets for them to achieve .Other than the fabled top 4 trophy of course.This is the big problem with Monsieur Wenger he has been too long in the comfort zone.

  56. jjetplane

    May 02, 2015, 14:35 #70609

    It's a bit Chelsea at the moment as they would appear to be by far the best team in the land. It's also a bit Bournemouth 'cause since 2009 they have blitzed the leagues and are now championes. But really it is a bit Braca in the wider world. Suarez and Messi may be the endgame in football brilliance. They kinda slow it down a bit so you don't miss anything. JAMERSON the talksport listener. Bet you sing along to the ads too .... I know this an Arsenal forum and Arsene loves 'a bit' but Arsene FC are a bit pants. Period. As Coquelin is not really an Arsene player can we easily imagine him going to somewhere where he is his own man. I think we can and I bet Stan's son is already on it. At this very moment it is a bit Newcastle .....

  57. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2015, 13:57 #70608

    SKG, Winners are grinners alright, and with the amount of grinning OGL has done(especially after steamrolling relegation fodder)you'd think he was a winner.

  58. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2015, 13:27 #70607

    jw, yes it's that time of the season again and it's no different from the last ten, the spin is being believed, next year it's going to be different. Even as with you say TOF laying the foundation for the inevitable, it's a damm pity he wasn't as quick to recognise burnout in himself.

  59. jeff wright

    May 02, 2015, 13:19 #70606

    Should be Ozil from Real into oblivion of course with Sanchez from Barca.Just to save leeKFC from pointing it out.Cluck cluck cluck... I'll wager that Suarez is well pleased that he got out of the Anfield rat-trap.

  60. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2015, 13:09 #70605

    AMG, Klopportunity knocks and we're stuck with Hughie Green.

  61. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 02, 2015, 12:13 #70604

    Cannot really fancy a manager who nearly gets his team relegated. AW has never come near to that position and has (all be it with players of his own choice)finished in the top four with some very average squad players. I don't care how a manager wins trophies, as my old PE teacher would say "winners are grinners" and Fergie in the past did a lot of grinning and was accused by many of lacking class as no doubt JM will be accused in the future of being charmless. You cannot drive on twenty odd players and your backroom staff without getting a bit frayed around the edges. Hunger and passion is what I like in a team and when that team never gives up it takes a lot of stopping - just watch Anfield 89 again or for the old timers like me, just remember how well we performed at WHL in 71. It's a manager that creates those qualities in a team that's why JM & AF have won so much between them.

  62. jeff wright

    May 02, 2015, 10:58 #70603

    As someone said on the radio the other Ron day Di Maria going to United from Real Madrid was a step down and Ozil from Barcelona to Arsenal along with Sanchez was for them a step into oblivion. Harsh but true. Wenger being past it is indeed Colesoreboy a point of view done to death but so is the talking up his long ago achievements by the likes of yourself and the yawn inducing 'let's give him another (yaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn)season' because he has finally seen the light. Even though, as has been pointed out , the little bit of improvement in the midfield with Coq was in spite of old Clueless rather than because he had finally worked out that Arteta and Flim-Flammy were a liability. He hasgiven Tatty a new 70k a week contract and howhow is Diaby getting on >? Ominously though for those who do think that a corner has been turned and next season it will all be gunners-go for glory in the Prem against cocky chavs and the two sure to be stronger Manc sides our great leader is already getting in the excuses for another flop in the Prem by himself .Sanchezthe main man in the current side , is according to Wenger already facing burn out after his heroics this term for us and after the Copa in SA during the summer break is unlikely to be ready to start the season with us and Ospina could also need a break when he returns from it. It really is time for a younger more energetic and ambitious manager to be brought in to replace 4th place finish is a trophy Arsene , but as we all know it ain't gonna happen .The club is awash with dosh and Arsene who is going nowhere( literally) has his 20th attempt ( yawn) with us to look forward too to try and win his holy grail in Europe .Why would he want to leave when everyone is happy as Larry with everything and he has £8m+ a year rolling in to his bank-account>? C 'est la vie !

  63. AMG

    May 02, 2015, 10:51 #70602

    If only Roland! I'm gutted that we'll miss this Klopportunity (sorry about that) for the sake of keeping Wenger for another couple of seasons, but I don't think the will exists at board level to see him go anywhere. I daresay they would happily see him go on into his 80's if his health were intact. We could have some funny internet memes about what's happened since we last won the title, much like Liverpool now.

  64. Ron

    May 02, 2015, 8:18 #70601

    Ebor Gooner - 'we have some truly World class players'? Have i missed some thing? Who are they? Theres barely a 'world class' player in that PL and you must forgive me, but i cant see any at AFC. You ll have to help me out here.

  65. goonercolesyboy

    May 02, 2015, 8:14 #70600

    Ebor another dull and dreary post that has been done to death over the last I don't know how long. Find something else to say.

  66. Platitude Problem

    May 02, 2015, 7:51 #70599

    Sorry where did Klopp finish in the Bundasliga this season. And where are Arsenal currently in the Premiership?

  67. Ozzie

    May 02, 2015, 5:32 #70598

    Hoho Ron, I couldn't tell which was his arse and which his mouth - they both make the same noise. Maguiresbridge, as for my front garden the c(h)oppers have already flown over but the idiots don't seem to know when it's harvest time :)

  68. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2015, 0:57 #70597

    Ebor Gooner, good post like you quite rightly said football has moved on and OGL hasn't (and he never will) and maybe neither has the medical team and it would come as no surprise to learn held back by him and his out dated philosophies methods and ways.

  69. Ebor Gooner

    May 02, 2015, 0:11 #70596

    I have supported Wenger for many years. I still believe he is one of the greatest managers we have ever had. The real question though is, is he the best option now? I have to say an emphatic "no"! As others have said, the footballing world has moved on, Wenger hasn't. We have some truly world class players, and Champions League qualification without ever looking like winning the EPL or CL, should be a given. Another Manager should achieve more with this group of players, especially when you consider recent successes seem to be despite OGL, not because of him. e.g. Coq - not rated by Wenger, loaned out (twice) and only recalled when those he deemed better in his position (Arteta and Flamini) were out injured. I think most of us would now have Francis as one of the first names on the team sheet! A couple of FA Cup titles (whilst welcome) don't paper over the cracks of truly challenging for the big titles (EPL and CL) and BIG defeats in BIG games don't make me think this is the Manager to lead us forward. I know this has been a long rant, but one final moan. What the hell is wrong with our medical team? Yes, players will get knocks, but we seem to suffer more than any other team with strains, pulls, soft muscle injuries AND they take much longer to heal than players in other sides seem to. Why isn't Wenger ranting and raving to improve the conditioning, rehabilition, and recovery of our players?

  70. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 01, 2015, 20:53 #70594

    Roy, indeed, and as the tired old who do we get to replace him with has been blown out of the water so many times (but no doubt it'll be resurrected)it'll be back (very conveniently) to but who's available.

  71. Hiccup

    May 01, 2015, 19:00 #70592

    jj, no laughing matter mate. The thought of life without Wenger is causing distress to the AKB's. Can you imagine the onslaught if a new manager took us from an over achieving 4th place to an under achieving 5th place. I think even I will be suicidal if we finished a crappy 5th instead of a crappy 4th.

  72. Man United Killer

    May 01, 2015, 17:58 #70591

    After that close shave with relegation, I have my doubts about Klopp.But indeed its time for Wenger to go as his own evolution has not kept pace with the dynamics of the game. I was just watching our 2-1 victory over Barcelona at the Emirates..Never mind that we seemed like the away team but pitching the likes of Djourou against Messi,Xavi,David Villa and Iniesta? Wenger must be on something- a proper joke of trophy hunting team.

  73. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 01, 2015, 17:38 #70590

    jj, don't forget Pardew.

  74. Torbay gooner

    May 01, 2015, 17:35 #70589

    Good article, sadly it won't happen for the reasons some have already given. Personally I would take Klopp in a heartbeat. I have always been impressed with the honesty and humour he has displayed in the interviews that I have seen him give. I would not fancy arguing with him either, as he looks as though he can take care of himself!

  75. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 01, 2015, 17:28 #70588

    Ron, hear what your saying and yes it goes without saying Maureen has no class, and he does and can get under wengers skin (like him or loath him for it) but it was another chance to do that and have a dig at wenger and obviously Maureen took it, and like I said OGL bit albeit after been pushed by a journo. But as much as some of us want OGL gone it's just a pity he couldn't shut him up where it matters on the pitch.

  76. Ron

    May 01, 2015, 17:21 #70587

    FJ - like Terry Henry you mean, perish the thought.

  77. Roy

    May 01, 2015, 17:14 #70586

    We all know what's going to happen, don't we ? When OGL's time is eventually up, such an opportunity won't be available. Anyhow, Klopp announced some time ago that he was leaving, so how do we know he hasn't already got something lined up ? The principles laid out in your post would be a no brainier under normal circumstances at any other club, but unfortunately they do not apply to us, well not at least until Wenger decides he's had enough. The main reason for this is stated in Highbury Boy's post. Better the devil you know until your hand is forced in other words. Until that time arrives, nothing even remotely radical is going to happen at our club and sadly we will just have to accept it.

  78. Ron

    May 01, 2015, 17:11 #70585

    JJ - Ive no issue with Chelsea. Im a Mourinho fan. All im saying is that hes a bit of a d--k at times. Chelsea have some thing worth admiring though as you say.

  79. Finsbury Joe

    May 01, 2015, 16:53 #70584

    By the time wenger leaves all such top managers will be signed up, and Arsenal will be left with o Neil, Martinez, Moyes, O Leary........or someone else cheap and available

  80. jjetplane

    May 01, 2015, 16:37 #70583

    Always make us laugh HICCUP!

  81. Hiccup

    May 01, 2015, 16:31 #70582

    Just another article designed to upset the fragile AKB's. Arseblog must be doing a roaring trade with the exodus of the handful of AKB's from here that need comforting and consoling on a daily basis that all is well in the balance sheet. Klopp or any other manager is too big a risk to take. The club need to look to extending wengers contract even further, or I fear the AKB's will be proved right, and we will go the same way as Portsmouth.

  82. jjetplane

    May 01, 2015, 15:55 #70581

    Just watched that little demolition job Barca executed at the weekend and are they about to go one better than during Pep's reign. Some of the goals (Messi's top and tail) were out of this world. The manager Enrique looks one cool cat and has a pedigree of the highest order. Just mentioned this because apparently Arsenal are the best team in Europe. Fine stuff mentioning Klopp though others out there who will be big noises perhaps when the time comes will be Koeman, Sherwood and good old Martinez who has got the toffees finding their feet again. Sorry RON but I am really impressed by the whole Chelsea thing at the moment with JT just like Adams and JM sounding like someone who is more down to earth than the restless accountant who uncannily does look like an Ostrich. Gotta admit GG was big big geezer though but football (looking at Barca) has moved way beyond whatever it is that rocks Wenger boat.

  83. Highbury Boy

    May 01, 2015, 15:53 #70580

    Roland,you misunderstand the role of Gazidis,the CEO. He is very successful. He has to report to the shareholders ,not the fans. The company makes an annual profit and despite paying off the debt on the stadium the cash balance has risen every year and the shares have risen dramatically in value since Stan and Usmanov bought in. Stan could sell at a vast profit whenever he likes. Even though no dividends are paid Stan and his associates take out consultancy fees etc. The manager is successful in meeting the objectives in getting in the CL every season thus keeping the brand bouyant around the world. What's not to like? Gazidis and Wenger both get big annual bonuses for meeting their targets. I think you are confusing what a section of the fans want plus what some other clubs like Chelsea and their owners and manager want. Their owner has put hundreds of millions into the club while ours has put nothing in. Abromovitch is desperate for success in terms of titles as is the manager he appoints while Stan has included Arsenal in his stable of profitable sports franchise investments. It's fine if trophies are won and fine if they're not.

  84. Gaz

    May 01, 2015, 15:28 #70579

    I remember having a conversation with a friend around 10-12 years ago about Wenger's lack of success in Europe. My point back then was that the trade off for domestic success-that we were obviously enjoying at the time-was that I doubted Wenger would ever manage us to Europe's premier trophy. One of the reasons for this was that if we couldn't win it with a side that included Henry, Pires, Vieira and Bergkamp in it we'd never win it. Another reason was that at the very top level tactics were more important than ever and I was never sure-even back then-whether Wenger had that tactical acumen to succeed at the very highest level. Of course we flirted with winning it in 2006-with a lesser side strangely-but even that final and the bad luck we ensued just added to my opinion that this trophy would always allude Wenger. Reason I mention this is that despite my previous negativity and wanting for Wenger to leave I can't deny that the improvement I've seen this season coupled with two other top signings in the summer might see us make a real bid for next seasons title. Never thought I'd be saying that but even I'm not blind to the form of certIn players and the fact our results against the bigger sides have improved. Has Wenger changed too? I'm not too sure and there's no denying he's had some luck as far as Arteta and Flamini getting injured at the same time goes. But I'm always looking for a way around my negative thinking and I've always felt that the better a manager gets the luckier he gets. So with that in mind if he is becoming lucky again I'm willing to concede that's partly because he's bought better players and improved on his own management. There is a problem here though. One of the main reasons for the move to the Emirates was to see is challenge properly Europe's biggest clubs in Europe's premier cup competition. And let's face it the finances are in place now so there really isn't any excuse. So where do I stand right now? I guess I'm willing to give him another chance as I can't just dismiss a real title challenge as its one of footballs major prizes. But if we fail to either win the CL or put in a real challenge beating some of the bigger sides on the way then there's absolutely no way Wenger should renew his contract in two years time. In that instance the batten should be passed on to a manager with the quality to win the competition the move to the Emirates and subsequent high ticket prices was supposed to be about...

  85. Ron

    May 01, 2015, 14:51 #70578

    MG - I think AW is right to call JM disrespectful really. The boring jibes weren't made by Wenger, they came from fans and JM was childish dressing his retort up as if all AC fans agree with him when all he wanted to do was swipe at Wenger. JM is a great Coach and maybe the best, but he lacks a lot of class sadly. I put it down to being short arsed. Many height challenged blokes try to compensate by having and using their over sized blabber mouths.

  86. Bard

    May 01, 2015, 14:45 #70577

    Roland no disrespect but its a fairly pointless post. Gazidis doesnt have any power, he's just a mouthpiece. There is no wish for change except among a section of the fans. Wenger is making money hand over fist for the club why change him. I have posted before, he aint going anywhere and will probably sign up for another 3 years when this contract runs out. Of course your post makes a lot of sense, like me you want to win something, thats not what Arsenal are about these days. Its a brand who's main job is to make money.

  87. CT Gooner

    May 01, 2015, 14:43 #70576

    Can't disagree with you, but you know we've got at least two more years of under performing against the big boys.

  88. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 01, 2015, 14:27 #70572

    I see the specialist in winning has got the better of TOF again with OGL biting back with he's shown no respect with his ten years without a title is boring jibe, it must have got to him that (I wonder why) another bruise on his ego.

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 01, 2015, 13:57 #70570

    Roland, good piece, I don't know if he would have or has the balls, or be brave enough to do it, but it's his moment alright, it certainly is the chance and the time and opportunity of a life time for Gazidis to make history and a real name for himself especially within the club and among fans, and become a legend and leave a legacy at the same time, and not ruin it like the present past it manager, who has hung around far to long and destroyed his.

  90. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    May 01, 2015, 12:35 #70568

    How about boldie with pv4 as no2? Or tell/let AW spend the money on 4 top line players and see what happens.and conclude the transfer window early without the unsettling go to the wire to save a few grand tosh the club sees as the noem now

  91. Flash Gunner

    May 01, 2015, 11:55 #70565

    We need an Irish Manager.

  92. Ron

    May 01, 2015, 11:22 #70563

    Hi Roland - i had to stop at 'brave' and 'positive' in context of Gazadis. Sorry mate. No disrespect to your comments.