
Online Ed: Arsenal in Easy Street at Hull


St Totteringham’s Day T-shirt available from goonershirts

The first note I made while watching this game was the Hull elbow that was launched in the direction of Francis Coquelin when a Hull forward went for a ball with the Arsenal midfielder and David Ospina. Alan Parry declared that the keeper had taken Le Coq out, so to speak, but actually it was an indication that the home team were going to try every trick they could get away with in an attempt to stop their opposition.

I was uncertain at the outset whether a draw would suit the home side or whether they really needed to go for the win, given the difficulty of two of their remaining three fixtures and their proximity to the drop zone. The first 15 minutes suggested they were not going to take too many chances to ensure victory. 78% possession for the Gunners said it all. Hull’s twin tactics were to try and beat the Arsenal offside trap with long balls over the top or nick something from a set piece.

There was, on what transpired to be St Totteringham’s Day, a rather delicious combination for Arsenal’s opening goal involving three former Spurs men. Ozil nicked the ball from Tom Huddlestone in midfield, then when he passed to Alexis, the Chilean was taken out by Jake Livermore. It was a yellow card offence, but that would have meant dismissing him, so referee Lee Mason allowed the Tigers to retain their full complement. It mattered not, as Alexis’ free kick took a deflection off the third former Spud in the Hull ranks, Michael Dawson, and entered the net.

The second came soon after, the consequence of a fantastic ball from Cazorla and wonderful control by Aaron Ramsey, who is justifying his selection on the right side of attack with his industry and positioning. Interestingly, he is less of a risk out there, as although he prefers life in the deeper central role, he has a tendency to lose possession there. Unwittingly, he may have found a position where he is of most benefit to the team.

The game was marked by a lot of Hull fouling as a deliberate tactic, but it did them little good. At 2-0 up, Arsenal could continue with their possession game and wait for the chance to pick off their opposition. After both Ozil and Alexis has spurned excellent chances to make it three, just before the interval, Alexis increased the lead after Hull were once again caught dwelling on the ball in midfield. It was a first half characterized by holes being ripped in the home defence.

There was predictably some encouragement after the interval as the Gunners mentally switched off a little, a trait which they need to work on. Still, at 3-0, they could afford to concede one, as Hull lacked quality when opportunities arose fluffing passes and failing to connect properly with headers. And for the goal conceded, there was no doubt the Koscielny was fouled in the build-up, removing him from the defence as Steve Bruce’s side took advantage. Lee Mason hardly covered himself in glory last night, with a later Jack Wilshere goalbound shot blatantly stopped by an outstretched arm and a subsequent shove on him on the edge of the area completely ignored.

Arsenal need to win two of their remaining four matches to guarantee Champions League football without the need for a play-off next season, which could make the difference between signing big names early in the window or waiting until the end of August. In contrast to last season, this one has been an upward curve. They may end up with the same number of points as last season, but there is something more substantial to build on after the summer than in 2014. Performances like the one at Hull give optimism for the future, if the squad can be strengthened appropriately, specifically down the spine.

What occurred in the last half of 2014 is now history, but it is history the club should learn from. Injuries are going to happen, so make sure you have the personnel to cope with them. Then, May performances as good as last night’s will mean a hell of a lot more.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Know Man

    May 10, 2015, 18:47 #70885

    @Gooner Ron, sorry mate, I've been busy, ranting on Twitter. This convo, to be continued. High praise from you indeed, however, it seems to be highly blinkered. Let me get this straight, you rate Ozil higher than Bergkamp? Wow. Ozil is nowhere near reaching the heights of Dennis. Although, I'm sure theres a lot of fans ( sorry sheep ) that would argue otherwise.

  2. Bard

    May 06, 2015, 22:03 #70794

    Sorry Rocky mate I dont think you will find that I have ever called dissenters 'clueless miserablists' or referred to alternative views as not proper gooners. I understand the need to fight for the moral high ground in matters Arsenal but you need to get used to the notion of ambiguity.

  3. Esso

    May 06, 2015, 20:25 #70784

    Still terrific standards of muppetry on here. Well played!

  4. Captain Frank

    May 06, 2015, 20:20 #70783

    P.S. It's good to see Amos back commenting on the other article. His relentless positivity and refusal to buckle under pressure provides a welcome balance.... in my opinion anyway.

  5. Captain Frank

    May 06, 2015, 19:48 #70780

    Bard - Thanks for your reply and reminding me to engage my brain before posting. I do sometimes forget. The point I was trying (and clearly failing to make) was that the joy of posting on a site like this is the exchange of differing opinions. That becomes difficult when many of those with positive views seem to have disappeared from the site. I can only guess at their reasons, but the fact that some people can't take any enjoyment from the recent run is perhaps a contributory factor. I agree that there has been and still is dissatisfaction for the wasted 10 years or certainly the last five when far more could have been done, but a possible best placed finish since 2005 and an FA Cup Final to look forward to are surely a cause for a smile rather than a fresh opportunity to rehash the same arguments we've heard and have been making for the last ten years? Or am I just too old fashioned? I find myself longing for a Badarse sermon and I never thought I'd say that.

  6. goonercolesyboy

    May 06, 2015, 17:48 #70774

    Still got nothing to say muguiresbridge

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 06, 2015, 16:40 #70768

    Rockey RIP, as Bard has already alluded to if that's what turns you on then fine, but to be honest with you as a polite poster i hadn't you in mind and wasn't referring to you.

  8. Rocky RIP

    May 06, 2015, 15:11 #70760

    Maguiresbridge - I've looked at stuff like Arsenal fan tv which replayed his interview with Sp*rs fans after they beat us at WHL and they were making all sorts of claims like 'this'll break you' and we'll definitely finish above you, etc. I've read back over articles in the media claiming Arsenal are in decline and there's a 'changing of the guard' in North London. Moaners on here agreed with it all at the time too. We are in decline. 'We'll struggle to make the top 4.' People like Merson in meltdown on SKY. So yes, when it's proved all the clowns wrong (many of them are own) yet again about finishing above that lot, then yes - I awake with a glorious, urgent and raging hard on.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 06, 2015, 13:42 #70754

    I see the hard on brigade were up (pun intended) earlier than usual this morning still celebrating no doubt.

  10. Rocky RIP

    May 06, 2015, 10:01 #70736

    Bard - you firstly tell me get a backbone and not be afraid to speak my mind, then follow it up by accusing me of ranting and throwing my toys out of the pram when I do. (Backed up by a dig by calling me the oracle.) You say to say what you like as long as it's not abusive, but resort to personal digs when you don't like what I say. All a bit hypocritical and confusing, so I'll leave it there.

  11. Ron

    May 06, 2015, 9:56 #70735

    They cant teach Willshere intelligence Westie and that the British/ Euro conundrum that youve just hit upon. British footballers arent (in the main) as intelligent as European ones.Its my view that Wilsheres expendable as is Wally but only if we concentrate their hyped up sell on values on the right Keeper striker and DM. Willy and Wallys respective 9 and 7 year underwhelming stays need ending. Yr a fan of Oxzil but the main type of team mate that a player such as he needs is a physical, 'driver'of the team to act as his 'insurance' policy. Such players need protecting to get the best from them. Ozil is exposed to risk in the Arse team that Willy wont ever cover as hes too daft as you say. The truth is nobody, not even Wenger is really sure where his main position should be as is the case with Wally. It tells us all we need to know about both of them. Big silly bids will see both out of the door this Summer im guessing.

  12. Bard

    May 06, 2015, 9:51 #70734

    The words toys and prams came to mind reading your post Rocky. The tired but familiar rant about what a proper should think and alternative views dismissed as 'clueless'. Capt Frank I would suggest you engage your brain before posting. no one knows any of us as its anonymous in case you'd missed that. You complain about negativity and then 'negatively' suggest the site might be going down the pan because. An alternative view is that it reflects the dissatisfaction among the fans. But you will have to refer to the oracle aka Rocky for the definitive view as he's a proper gooner.

  13. Westlower

    May 06, 2015, 9:27 #70733

    @Know Man, We all admire different traits in our footballers and Ozil really tickles my fancy. My MOM against Hull, always available, always bringing others into play. He's visibly strengthened since his 3 month injury layoff but he'll never run through brick walls. Contrast him to Jack Wilshere who loves to run through and ultimately into brick walls. Jack is the more exciting to watch but isn't as effective. Ozil is poetry in motion and will always pass his way around an obstacle. He hasn't provided the most assists in Europe over the past 5 years for no reason. I love watching him play and I regard him as Arsenal's best playmaker since George Eastham. For those to young to remember Eastham, he was the only Arsenal player to make the England World Cup winning squad of 1966. Jack Wilshere will do well to study the intelligent way Ozil is aware of when to pass and when to hold. Running through & into brick walls will inevitably lead to frustration & bad injuries.

  14. goonercolesyboy

    May 06, 2015, 8:15 #70730

    I think muguiresbridge has a soft spot for Wenger, after all that is all he posts about, plus the constant mentions of hard ons and Viagra....seems like his thoughts are elsewhere, as he has certainly got nothing to say about Arsenal football club.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 06, 2015, 0:34 #70728

    I think OGL has got it all arse about face (it wouldn't be the first time) he gets stronger AFTER a hair cut, (mind you playing relegation fodder helps)so lets hope before next season (that's if he's still here and hopefully he's not)he gets a Brazilian, sack and all.

  16. GoonerRon

    May 05, 2015, 23:37 #70727

    @ Know Man - I said Ozil was fabulous last night. He definitely wasn't fabulous earlier in the season and was then injured for 3 months so that explains why he was never going to PFA PoTY. You say he's always outshone by Alexis and Cazorla but since Ozil came back from injury I'd say he's been every bit as influential as those guys. And I'm not a sheep - my assessment of Ozil is based on what I see with my own eyes - and being at the game last night it was impossible for me to not be impressed with how high calibre his performance was.

  17. John F

    May 05, 2015, 23:22 #70726

    I enjoyed the game yesterday especially as I live up here,my life would have been made miserable had we lost.Interesting comment about Mason some of the hull fans think he was biased towards us.Generally the Hull fans were very complimentary about Arsenal class apart and being taught a football lesson were some of the comments on radio Humberside.They have their own little civil war going on about the tigers name change.Despite Ramsey playing well I am still not convinced about playing him out wide and when we play a better organised defence I think the team looks unbalanced.Itv4 Thurs1030 Football Mavericks covering the seventies worth a look covers the hard men of the day Harris,story ,Leeds and the flair players Marsh,Hudson Currie and our Charlie.Great comment by Clough about Leeds on it.

  18. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 22:30 #70725

    Captain Frank - very true. Google 'Are Tottenham on the edge of glory?' from the BBC website on Jan 17th 2015. A small reminder of what that club become when they get a sniff of 'glory'. (Glory translates as a top 4 finish let's remember.) They get completely ahead of themselves and blow their victories out of all proportion, before they've even achieved them. They perpetuate the myth that they are in the ascendancy and we dear Gooners are in demise. A cycle of decline didn't AVB call it? So yes, I enjoy it when we shove it back up 'em year after year.

  19. Know Man

    May 05, 2015, 22:28 #70724

    @Gooner Ron, that was funny. Lol. Nice one. You should be on stage mate. Yes Ozil is outstanding, he lit up the game. How often does he win man if the match, Santi & Alexis always outshine him. Henry wasn't even overtly impressed with him. However if you're one if the sheep and wish to follow everyone else, then that's fair enough. I judge on performances. Was Ozil in the EPL team of the year? Was he even close? No, his peers don't even rate him. Yes he's a good player, however much more is needed, esoecially given he's playing in his preferred position in the hole. And don't worry, I think I can read thus code!

  20. Captain Frank

    May 05, 2015, 21:55 #70723

    Well said Rocky. I enjoy reading the articles on this site, especially Kevin's, but I've semi-retired from reading the comments now because of the negativity. People will no doubt accuse me of being an AKB now without actually knowing me. Those who follow my occasional posts will remember I've actually been of the view that Wenger is well past his prime and should have left last summer. However, I am able to take joy in the current run and find it quite sad that others can't do the same. The worrying thing I've noticed over the last couple of weeks is that there are fewer and fewer posters on here now. It seems some have been driven away. The Gooner has always said it's a platform for all Arsenal fans so if that is no proving to be the case you have to wonder how long they will keep going. We'll all be worse off if they jack it in.

  21. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 21:48 #70722

    Bard - backbone? What are you talking about? I've always said exactly what I believe on here, as people who have had spats with me will freely attest. Thanks for the guidance though. I can't abide the relentless negativity of some of the regular posters on here who will always find a 'yeah but..' in every performance. People fall over themselves when it's a poor result, but get out the wet blanket positive one. Arseblog v most of the clueless miserabilists on here - Arseblog all day long, ta. We played some fantastic football last night. And we've finished above that lot again. Any proper Gooner will take heart from that. End of.

  22. Ron

    May 05, 2015, 21:46 #70721

    No good Wenger airing his smug grin after beating a poor Hull Team with on foot in the Championship, he should be grimmacing at seeing Juve and Real play out a proper game of football and he d learn then why him nor any of the other crap over blown 'top 4' will win another CL for another century.

  23. GoonerRon

    May 05, 2015, 21:27 #70720

    @ Rocky - your post 74564 is absolutely bang on the money. Yes, it was only Hull, no it wasn't a pressure game, but for Christs sake that doesn't mean we can't enjoy a win where we play some really good stuff. As for Chris Dee's disdain for St Totteringhams day - man you really are a joyless sod aren't you. I don't think anyone here is saying finishing above that lot is our priority but if it's a by-product of our season it's only right to rub their faces in it. Lastly, @ Know Man (or should I say say "NOOOOOO Man" based in your assessment of Ozil's performance) - were you at the game? He was fabulous and created a lot more than 'a flick'. I can only imagine the verification code doesn't work just to stop you posting such drivel.

  24. Bard

    May 05, 2015, 21:12 #70719

    Rocky mate you need to get a backbone. There are no rules on here you post what you like as long as its not abusive. If the Hull game excited you fine. If not everyone agrees its called a difference of opinion. If you want uniformity try North Korea or Arseblog. My view is that Arsenal cost £100s million should beat Hull cost 2 bob. When they do the same against top opposition then I will get excited. If you dont like that view dont read it and scroll down until you get to Jamerson's words of wisdom.

  25. Hiccup

    May 05, 2015, 20:38 #70718

    Didn't watch last nights end of season kick about, but sounds like we still look like world beaters. Or is it Europe beaters? Watched two fit athletes battle it out on the snooker baize, and a 38 year old bald bloke won it. Got me thinking of how Wenger is credited with kicking booze and fags out of football. But I think you'll find the governing snooker board was first to this, and Wenger followed suit. Snooker is further proof of how you can lengthen your time at the top of the game if you look after yourself. But being a wob, I prefer the old days of ten pints of lager and 20 fags a session which created a sea of smoke above the table. These new pretenders wouldn't be able to live with Bill Werbenuik or Alex Higgins if they drank a tenth of what they drank during a match. Just like Sanchez. He'd be **** if he turned up after an all day bender. He'd never have hacked it in the eighties!

  26. Know Man

    May 05, 2015, 19:45 #70717

    @westlower, jeez, one flick from Ozil and you're wetting your pants, in 90 minutes he produced a flick. That's a great return of investment. Watch the flicks, skill, magic that Santi, Ramsey, Alexis perform, imagine their worth if you compare like for like. Ozil still needs to do more, he gets the ball plays an easy pass square or to the player in front of him. Hazard, Mata, Cesc all do more and were a fraction of his price. Yes Ozil has improved, but Jack Wilshere made more of an impact in 10 minutes than Ozil did in the entire match. And another thing, is it just me, but I can never get the verification code right!!! So frustrating.

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 05, 2015, 19:04 #70716

    chris dee, 74556 excellent post and so say all of us, well most of us anyway.

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 05, 2015, 18:29 #70715

    Norman Wisdom, good post, and not while we have TOF around either, but do the chavs think that it's as important to have a St Arsenhams day (for want of a better term) as wengerites and other Arsenal fans especially some on here do for a St spuds day? I doubt it, i'd say that's/we're the least of their worries, their more ambitious than that and obviously have bigger fish to fry.

  29. Highbury Boy

    May 05, 2015, 18:26 #70714

    John - You asked for views from diehard Arsenal fans so here goes re Coquelin. I think it's no coincidence that his introduction has been followed by success. Previously at Arsenal he had been mainly loaned out. Reports were not encouraging but coming back he has indeed performed the role we all wanted i.e. someone like Gilberto and one season of Song. Not super super quality but someone who would rarely go over the half way line,someone who would protect the back four, someone who would pick up an easy pass from Kos or Mertesecker and pass it on to one of the clever players in the team. Oh and someone to push and shove and take a yellow card if necessary. The introduction of Coquelin got the balance of the team right. You just can't have Ramsey or Wilshere playing there. They will try and dribble and lose the ball. You can't have Arteta or Flamini there. They're too slow. You need someone who is disciplined and does the basic stuff. Like Gilberto. Like Song was before he started to believe the hype about him. A tough no nonsense cb would be useful. A strong gk essential. We have lots of super super quality technical players. It's the Ray Parlours who we need. The strong workers to provide the balance.

  30. goonercolesyboy

    May 05, 2015, 18:16 #70713

    Chelsea have only been in existence since 2003 and if you can't understand why it's great to finish above sp**s then you are the sad and pathetic one. They after all gave us mind the gap and now what have they got...sweet fa once more.

  31. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 18:15 #70712

    @ Goonercolesyboy - cheers. There are a few playground bullies on here who rarely have a positive word to say, and when they do it comes with a caveat or a negative slant. Say anything positive and you are labelled an AKB. (I'm not, I'm in the fence sitting middle of the scale Nick Clegg role.) Where is Badarse? Has he been seen off? I've got visions of a certain troll sitting in his living room on a glorious sunny day, cursing the sun coming through his net curtains, pack of lambert and butler on the side of the arm chair, pot noodle by his feet, wearing a wife beater vest. Scanning the internet to find outbreaks of joy in order to pour scorn on them.

  32. Wenger Is Jose's Bitch

    May 05, 2015, 18:06 #70711

    Do Chelsea fans celebrate finishing above Arsenal?No.They take us for granted.But we celebrate finishing above Spurs like its a trophy.Its pathetic and sad.

  33. John Gage

    May 05, 2015, 17:51 #70710

    I'm curious to know if the diehard Arsenal fans share my opinion. Coquelin is not a player I would describe as "world-class" but there is no doubt since his introduction Arsenal have seemed much stronger, essentially because he was what a lot of fans had been asking for, a genuine defensive midfielder. With regard to Kevin's point of strengthening Arsenal, I wonder whether the focus should be on players of that nature, young, competent, not necessarily "top, top, quality" but players who do not have terrible injury records and can potentially play 30 plus games. That, plus eliminating injury prone players such as Diaby, Wilshere, Gibbs, and Walcott strikes me like an approach that seems worth considering.

  34. goonercolesyboy

    May 05, 2015, 17:48 #70709

    Like your postings Rocky, good to see some sense written on here for a change. Always rely on the muguiresbridge to add his negativity as per usual, his house must be a miserable place full of what ifs and why nots, probably got his own set of tap shoes too, just to keep tippy tappy on his brain. Waiting for the ultimate troll jeff to appear....

  35. Lorraine du Totteridge A

    May 05, 2015, 17:16 #70708

    Soft? Did you see what Kos did to the bloke who fouled him? There is an end of the season difference this year and it isn't all down to the pressure being off. There has been improvement all around. If Wenger will only take his head out of his bottom and buy 3-4 key players and get rid of the wastes of time then we could be in for a lot more fun. The EPL at least is not unwinnable. We have had a stinker of a season (for much of it) and could have challenged. again.

  36. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 16:50 #70707

    I love Finsbury Joe's tactic of labelling any Arsenal fan enjoying a victory as an AKB. Plenty of pundits (who aren't fans of Arsenal) were extremely impressed by Arsenal last night, regardless of it being 'only Hull'. I guess they are AKBs too.

  37. Finsbury Joe

    May 05, 2015, 16:42 #70706

    As an act of kindness, should AKBs be informed that it was....erm....Hull, and not Real Madrid?

  38. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 16:31 #70705

    Bard - I'm very aware that perspective is always needed, and I'm well equipped with the stuff, but it's always seemed to me that Online Gooner has 3 rules amogst its posters. Compliment a rival by all means. Compliment a rival's manager and defend him against our own - all fine apparently. But whatever you do 1. Don't be too positive. 2. Don't get excited by a victory (it could ALWAYS be better.) 3. Don't celebrate anything that isn't the title or the CL. If you do, they'll cascade on you in numbers until you give up on the site like many before have.

  39. Bard

    May 05, 2015, 16:22 #70704

    Rocky it was only Hull, it wasnt Swansea or Monaco or Anderlecht. Of course most of us enjoyed it but it was nothing to get overexcited about. If we do it against Man U then it will mean something special, on current form we should give them a good spanking.

  40. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 16:13 #70703

    Chris Dee - no worries mate. (Imitation is the sincerest of flattery.)

  41. chris dee

    May 05, 2015, 16:06 #70702

    Rocky R IP . Apologies for posting under your name, I'm getting old and more than two posts confuse me!

  42. jjetplane

    May 05, 2015, 16:00 #70701

    NewsFlash! Aliko Dangote is moving in for the kill! From Kanu to Kano. It all makes sense ....

  43. 1971 Gooner

    May 05, 2015, 15:42 #70700

    Anyone else noticed that Hector Bellerin resembles a youthful Reg Kray?

  44. jjetplane

    May 05, 2015, 15:40 #70699

    Simple really. Wenger has been a decade too long at Arsenal. If he continues for another decade there will be no PL or CL wins. His teams are just too soft and too pleasing on the eye to worry any of the top sides. The current crop (his creation) has been a decade in coming but it still is not good enough to win a PL. Nice to see the Macam crowd have a little roar again. Main thing, Jack is back .... The bus is waiting.

  45. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 15:28 #70698

    Chris Dee - I think you are posting under my name. maguiresbridge ''Gooner'' - I notice you have 'Gooner' in your name. Anyone who is an original 80s Gooner, (before the name got hijacked by flaky, lukewarm, entitled and spineless Arsenal fans and the club which tried to ban it), would celebrate beating that lot at literally anything. Finishing above them is not the limit of any proper fans' ambitions, just one in a series of targets we'd like to see met at the start of each season. Along with CL qualification. Winning the title or the CL is obviously the main ambition for us fans. Is anyone doubting that? Question those running our clubs ambitions by all means, but don't label some fans as being happy with purely finishing above Sp*rs. By the way, 'Spuds' is a playground insult. It looks worse on us for using it.

  46. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 15:18 #70697

    I don't connect with our history? Having posted for many years and been supporting the club since the awful Billy Wright days and having a season ticket from 1975 until we built the new North Bank at Highbury, I connect more than you think.98% of clubs celebrate not winning anything?That's because they don't expect to win anything and finishing above a rival is reason to celebrate. Do Liverpool celebrate finishing above Everton,Real finishing above Athletico?I don't celebrate (although of course I'm pleased) because I want Arsenal's rival to be Real,Bayern,Barca,unfortunately Chelsea,United and City etc.I want us to be giants of Europe not North London because I don't believe the standing of the club is where it should be. But heh!We wouldn't be football fans if we all agreed.

  47. radfordkennedy

    May 05, 2015, 15:14 #70696

    Jamerson...the problem is mate that the squad as it stands,is able to hold its own,but that's all,if we're really gonna mean it next season were going to need at least three additions to the team,Gk,Mid,and Cf,those above and around us will certainly do so,if we don't all we will do is tread water again.Unfortunately that sort of ambition doesn't seem to fit the business plan of the current regime,an ethos of just enough will do,will sadly always stop us from having a real cracking at the title.

  48. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 05, 2015, 15:06 #70695

    Perhaps some of our contributors would prefer to have lost last night?

  49. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 05, 2015, 15:03 #70694

    Chris dee, good post, finishing above the spuds has been the height of our ambition for years now and i'm sure AKB's would rather have it than win a cup if it meant them finishing above us. The spuds are an irrelevance and should have been left behind years ago and if the club and fans and especially a past it manager would have had any Ambition at all they would have been.

  50. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 14:56 #70693

    To the 'yeah butt'ers saying 'but it was only Hull' - yes, it was only struggling Hull, but the understanding and combination play between our midfielders/Sanchez was a throw back to happier days and was very encouraging. It's been building since our win at Man City away. It seems some regulars on here are loath to enjoy or see the positives in literally anything unless it comes with ribbons on it in May.

  51. Bard

    May 05, 2015, 14:47 #70692

    I really enjoyed the first half and agree Ozil and co were a joy to watch. some perspective is necessary though. It was only Hull and Jack's delightful little cameo was enough to convince me he is an accident waiting to happen. Jamerson you say the squad is strong enough but for what ? surely not strong enough to make a challenge for the title or the CL.

  52. jjetplane

    May 05, 2015, 14:46 #70691

    Poor little WESTIE the man who thinks he's Ron Manager and he never goes to a football match. Imagine if all Arsenal supporters were like you. Loving the south coast thing and will be moving between the stadiums but 9th tier is still my game.When was the last time you did a season at Arsenal - do remind me ..... back on here after beating Hull - groanhog .... Did Giroud play last night? I thought he was just waiting for the metro ....

  53. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 14:34 #70690

    Chris Dee - just to clarify: you are saying only a trophy is worth celebrating. It begs the question, why do the 98% of clubs who rarely if ever win trophies bother with it all? I think you are staggeringly wide of the mark on what makes football fans the length and breadth of the country tick. Local rivalries exist and fire up the passions and enmity between clubs. You obviously don't connect with our history and traditions as a club if you don't think getting one over on Tottenham is worthy of enjoyment. Especially knowing how achingly they crave finishing above us and how wild they'd go if they did it.

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 05, 2015, 14:25 #70689

    There we are then another run of the mill win against relegation candidates and no doubt now we're going to win all around us next season. It's a pity the chavs have the league wrapped up or it would definitely be still on. It' so easy for 0GL and his little technicians when the pressures off, and there's nothing to play for and with the safety net of top 4 taut tightly underneath, and against a woeful Hull Fc who offered nothing and let the technicians dance around them and play tippy tappy to their hearts content, even in the six yard box where they even resorted to, you take it, no you take it, no you take it, here have it back, no you take it, and then of course lose it. Two more points and our main ambition every year is realised and if it's not that it's St Totteringham's day. Sad.

  55. Lord Froth

    May 05, 2015, 14:22 #70688

    @ Chris Dee. My, you seem to be a sensitive soul. You need to take your entertainment where you find it. Ask most supporters of teams that never win anything if it's all about the trophies. I've been to Enfield and heard them singing "We hate Barnet" and loving it when Barnet lose. Should they not do that because they've never won the Premier League?

  56. chris dee

    May 05, 2015, 14:12 #70687

    RockyRIP. The only thing worth celebrating is a trophy.Finishing above Spurs is not a trophy,and 'bragging rights' don't mean a thing.

  57. Westlower

    May 05, 2015, 13:57 #70686

    Would the game have ended 1-1 if we had a more pragmatic approach to team selection & tactics. Replacing one of Ramsey, Cazorla or Ozil with a DM to play alongside Coq would have limited our options of running beyond Giroud. Giroud put in a good shift occupying 3 CB's for little personal reward. @JJ Have you lost your Cherry yet? At least you can look forward to a local derby next season, Southampton v Bournemouth - oh joy! Still better than 9th tier I suppose.

  58. CT Gooner

    May 05, 2015, 13:51 #70685

    Great that we won and played well, but remember it was Hull. Where were this group of players against Monaco??? Yeah that's right, fast asleep....things are on the up because we have Sanchez, but we'll only challenge next year if we stock up the positions we need. To me, that's a DM (I've been saying this since PV left) and a top notch striker. I like the idea of giving Chambers more time at centre half, so I'm not big on spending 20 mil on a defender. Let's remember, our competition will not stand still, and unfortunately we all have similar requirements! My biggest worry though is Chelsea signing Lionel...

  59. cyril

    May 05, 2015, 13:23 #70684

    the balance of power is shifting to my left boll*ck or my right boll*ck; unsure yet!

  60. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 12:31 #70683

    Chris Dee - what's to celebrate? Are you serious? I'm old enough to remember them having spells when they finished above us and won cups. THEY WERE UNBEARABLE. Enjoy and celebrate every day of being better than them, because any sniff of them having the measure of us again and you can bet your life they'll rub our noses in it big time. PS. I detest them, so yes, I'll celebrate finishing above them and make no apology for it.

  61. David

    May 05, 2015, 12:28 #70682

    @Jamerson - I doubt that you're a bigger Arsenal fan than me, but, with regard to the untarnished rep of the club, you seem to have forgotten that Peter Storey kept a brothel, and GG took a bung.

  62. jjetplane

    May 05, 2015, 11:48 #70681

    Nice to see JAMERSON LUSTING after Sanchez and relegation fodder Hull score the first two goals. Arsene FC got them at the right time after their great exertions against Palace and Liverpool. Arsene reckons Henry is wrong about Giroud but after last night Ollie is no more than a spectator with the odd flick while that smiling little fellas play keep ball till they got bored. Good old Bournemouth ...... WesTIE's back and if these results keep up he should be made guest editor and perhaps this site can glue itself to Arseblog and have a runners up love in ....

  63. chris dee

    May 05, 2015, 11:39 #70680

    goonercolesyboy-Get a life eh? Thanks pal.Yep I was annoyed about the 'boring boring' chants because I can remember the 'boring boring' chants at George Grahams team and can also remember Berties Mee's double team classed as 'unexciting and functional',but I couldn't give a damn as long as we won. Rocky R IP -As you state we have finished above them for twenty years ,what's to celebrate?It's nothing new.Our real rival's are Chelsea but we are in danger of becoming as irrelevant to them as Spurs are to us. Good first half performance by the way. If young Bellerin is properly coached in his defensive duties we will have one of the best full backs in the world.But I wonder where that leaves Carl Jenkinson the best English right back in the league.

  64. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 05, 2015, 11:09 #70679

    Chris Dee; maybe we'll stop celebrating St Totts Day when we stop hearing that "the balance of power in North London is changing." Heard it a lot from August to March, but strangely nothing since. Finsbury Joe, you got any thoughts on that? You usually have a lot to say on here.

  65. Rocky RIP

    May 05, 2015, 11:07 #70678

    Chris Dee - If the shoe were on the other foot and they had finished above us for TWENTY straight seasons, we'd never hear the end of it. They started it with St Paul's day. They have the biggest gloaters in their fan base. Smallest victories are blown out of all proportion and they become unbearable. Give them half an opportunity and out come the mind the gap t-shirts (in February!) So on that basis, I think we've actually let them off quite lightly, especially as the likes of Finsbury Joe keep reminding us that the shift in the balance of power in North London is just around the corner. 20 years later and they still claim it and the media lap it up. It'll be the same next year. Yet they go quiet when it doesn't materialise. Anyway, cracking performance yesterday. Some awesome stuff from The Arsenal.

  66. Chesham Gooner

    May 05, 2015, 10:57 #70677

    Ha at Chris Dee - I presume your another one who thinks football only began in 1992? I'd rather have our class than your £1bn sugar daddy bankrolling. I bet you weren't standing in the Shed End when you were in Division Two.

  67. Mathew

    May 05, 2015, 10:47 #70676

    Thanks Kev for the report, I liked the jab on Henry about the spine, if it was intended. I would echo some thoughts here about Kos being world class, Ozil stamping his qualities and Santi, the little wonder. I wish Rosicky had a run too yesterday, have a certain feeling that he will be released in summer along with Flamini. Koscielny as captain next year would be an upgrade to his confidence and a reward to his association with the club for 200 appearances. Although BFG's stature is an advantage but being immobile is a thumbs down and should replaced. Great game, Hull was poor and we made the most of it, COYG

  68. Wear Your Colours

    May 05, 2015, 10:36 #70675

    Good win. The football was very fluent; ignored all the rough stuff and just got on with it. Koscielny was in good form at the back and Cazorla, Ozil and Alexis linked play very well going forward. Need to keep the momentum going right through the month. COYG!

  69. Alsace

    May 05, 2015, 10:35 #70674

    An enjoyable game last night. The assault on Coquelin could have resulted in a serious head injury. Disgraceful, as is our reliance on having one inexperienced defensive midfielder young enough and fit enough to do the enforcer's job. Koscielny continued the theme of revenge and therefore deterrence through self help rather than reliance upon another supine referee. In the English premier league self enforcement of the rules of fair play through retaliation and deterrence is essential and a reality. The team have understood that, Wenger will not. The present 11 starting are a credible force. Wenger will forget that over the close season and will re start with what looks nicest on paper. Whilst I would love to think that we can kick on from this position, the Manager won't let it happen. Groundhog day. At least we can enjoy the team's performance towards the end of this season.

  70. goonercolesyboy

    May 05, 2015, 10:28 #70673

    Get a life Chris Dee. I suppose you were one of those that got upset when the boring boring chants were sung last week. As for the game, the first half was about as well as we have played and if the ref had gone to spec savers we would have won by five or six. Onwards and upwards.

  71. GoonerRon

    May 05, 2015, 10:26 #70672

    Fabulous fluency to our offensive game and a win that was thoroughly deserved - our 25th in 31 games in all comps. Our 4th unchanged line up in a row since 1996 says it all about the teams current consistency, and great to see Jack come on and stake his claim for a starting place. CL football assured again with 4 games to spare should make it a more serene end to the season than past years, although I hope the focus continues to secure 2nd spot and obviously to retain the FA Cup.

  72. chris dee

    May 05, 2015, 9:58 #70671

    Celebrating the fact Spurs haven't won the League since 1961 eh? That's rich coming from supporters of a club that has never won the biggest club competition the Champions League/European since it began in 1955 or never in the the last 18 years of qualification. People who live in industrial sized glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.

  73. Trev

    May 05, 2015, 9:56 #70670

    Yeah, because big names are really going to come in and sit on the bench...

  74. King Jeremy

    May 05, 2015, 9:49 #70669

    The test now will be, having the top-4 trophy all but secured, how motivated they are to push on for 2nd. There remains a tendancy in this group to slip into "job-done" mode far too easily. I notice that our glorious leader has already started the "no need to buy players" routine. You would like to think that it's a bluff to the media, but experience would suggest otherwise. Contrast that with Chelsea - just won the league at a canter and they will strengthen for sure. That's the difference between the club Gazidis (i.e. Stan) wants us to be and the club the fans wan. Westlower has it right on Ozil - looking better and better. Big test will be the games he has at Old Trafford and (presumably) Wembley.

  75. lance peters

    May 05, 2015, 9:27 #70668

    excellent football at times from arsenal. wud have been nice if the sanchez and ozil chances went in. perhaps a goalkeeper ,defence midfielder and a 20 + striker to compete for the league. Also need to get rid of some dead wood.

  76. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 05, 2015, 9:21 #70667

    I'd echo the comments about the hapless trio of ex-Spuds; the ponderous lunk Huddlestone; the invisible Livermore; the carthorse Dawson; not to mention that Sunday league forward of theirs N'Doye, all made it rather too easy for a mobile, fluid passing side to tear them to shreds. We are better than last season, OK not saying much, but a win is a win is a win.

  77. Westlower

    May 05, 2015, 9:20 #70666

    Kevin, I'm assuming you hurried to get this report out as there is no mention of Ramsey's delicous pass for the 3rd goal. No mention of Ozil's worldy flick & general good play - he really is looking a class act. No mention of Jack Wilshere's impressive surging runs. Missing the two ECL qualifying games will be a massive bonus & the bookies think it's a done deal. Top 2 betting with Ladbrokes: AFC 4/11, Man City 19/10, Man U 150/1. Top 3; AFC 1/300, Man City 1/100, Man U 12/1.

  78. Fozzy

    May 05, 2015, 9:18 #70665

    A pleasant read, Kev. Glad you mentioned Lee Mason's performance. An utter disgrace would be putting it mildly. What's the matter with the standard of reffing this season? Is Mike Riley coaching them himself? A quick mention about Koscielny who had another outstanding game.