All Good Things Must Come To An End

Online Ed: Arsenal lose at home to Swansea

All Good Things Must Come To An End

So the unbeaten run in the Premier League since the defeat at the Lane on 7th February is over. Although credit is due to the team for the sequence of nine wins and a draw, they would not have expected to lose at home to Swansea.

The result also puts the club at risk of dropping down to fourth place should they lose at Old Trafford on Sunday, although beating Sunderland and West Brom in the two following home fixtures would avoid that. After last night’s largely lackadaisical display though, little can be taken for granted.

Arsenal seemed to have lost their mojo for the first hour of this game. Certainly Swansea’s line-up, with former Spurs midfielder Sigurdsson as their nominal front man, indicated their own approach to the match. It was the park the bus stuff which Arsenal fans will have become accustomed to over the years. Let’s face it, the majority of teams that visit the Grove start matches this way, and the onus is on Arsene Wenger’s team to break them down. The first half highlights were so thin that the kids half-time penalty shoot out finished about four minutes before the players came out for the second half, rather than the customary 30 seconds.

It was a Grade C game, so the majority of the seats were priced around £35, but fans would have been left feeling short changed. The hope was that the first goal would come and a football match might break out. But Arsenal passed the ball around a great deal whilst Swansea stopped them passing it anywhere effective. It wasn’t entertaining, but Gary Monk’s team achieved what they set out to do. Result football at its worst, and from a team for whom the points are relatively meaningless. There was an end of season feeling about this game, although the home side finally seemed to move up a gear after an hour.

More substantial chances followed, although only two I would call gilt edged, both in the same move when Alexis fired at Fabianski, who parried the rebound to Theo Walcott who did the same as the Chilean and shot at the former Arsenal keeper. That was the chance. The Gunners certainly showed a great deal more desire in the final 30 minutes, and created a number of other reasonable chances that either missed the target or were straight at the keeper. But at the death, some pretty rank defensive work from Bellerin, Monreal and Ospina allowed goal-line technology to become one of the few genuine talking points from the game. And there is no argument with the electronics. For once, we were able to view a controversial incident on the giant videoscreens in the stadium, as it was shown that the ball had indeed crossed the line.

Given their approach, the most Swansea deserved from the match was a point, but looking at their position in the table, the club’s resources and Gary Monk’s relative lack of experience as a manager, one has to give them credit for their season. Most, I suspect, would have had them down as likely participants in a relegation battle at the start of the campaign, given their roster and Monk’s lack of time in the job. Could Arsene Wenger have achieved as much on the resources that Swansea have had to work with? I think it fair to say the club have overachieved this season.

As for Arsenal, one thing to come out of last night is that the team cannot win more points than they did last season, and only match it if they win their remaining three fixtures. Whether that represents progress is one for debate, although 79 points would guarantee a minimum third place. Last season, Arsenal drew 7 and lost 7. This time around, the same, although from 35 fixtures so far.

There are going to be games like this. Sh*t happens. When it does, then at least the quality of the defensive work should be enough to ensure a point. Last night, at the key moment, it simply wasn’t. The team have time to get back on track, but we’ll have to see which Arsenal turn up at Old Trafford on Sunday. If you gave me a draw there now I’d bite your hand off, and maybe they should play that game not to lose it as their starting point. It seemed to work for the visitors yesterday…

A final note. My old mate Chris Hudson was unlucky in the cup final ballot. So in the unlikely event that someone has a spare and fancies sitting next to a living legend, just get in touch with me and I will put you onto him. He hasn’t asked me to do this, but the man bleeds Arsenal and cares deeply about the club, so I have.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Arseneknewbest

    May 15, 2015, 16:41 #71106

    Jamie - methinks the upper class, liver-ailing, spliff-tastic, nouveau riche Chelsea fan (i.e. you mate in case you are confused) doth protest too much...give your typing fingers a rest for a few months and use the time profitably to practice being a better human being.

  2. Made Up Stat

    May 15, 2015, 8:03 #71076

    Jamerson's posts are as trustworthy and honest as a politicians pre-election promise. He's a WUM, spinning a fantasy world on this site that he probably laughs over with his fellow Chelsea supporting knuckle scrapers in a dank pub near his council flat. A succesful muti-millionaire businessman who lords it over his 'slaves'(but can still spend half a day tapping into Gooner Online)? Photographic memory? Friends who make so much money that it 'dwarfs' Wenger's salary? A geezer who openly spliffs up at half time and smacks those he dislikes around him with total impunity because the stewards are scared? Sorry, but this bloke's persona has got more holes than a bomb-damaged colander.

  3. Roy

    May 15, 2015, 6:22 #71074

    Whats this I'm hearing this morning - Arsenal are due a 3 million payout for Vermaelen from Barca if they win the CL, even though he's never played a minute for them ? Well that's one way to sweep Stans next consultancy fee under the carpet !

  4. mark from aylesbury

    May 14, 2015, 21:17 #71072

    Arseneknewbest - I've mentioned to Jamerson before that there does seem to be a Jeremy Clarkson Chelsea Supporter inside of him. As far as I can make out. He doesn't like cockney's, does not like the locals from nearby postcodes (all strong Arsenal supporting area's), Has a major problem with a large section of Arsenal supporters in general. He also see's himself as being very high end. The man needs to go to SW3 and hangout with the Chelsea set. It would I'm sure make him a lot happier. Something seems to have upset him maybe the slaves revolted and burnt down his factory?

  5. Arseneknewbest

    May 14, 2015, 20:53 #71071

    Jamie - yuck - you're not a particularly pleasant person by the sound of it. Your mates would not approve if they knew how much you sounded like that infamous chavski fan Jeremy Clarkson.

  6. Arseneknewbest

    May 14, 2015, 19:43 #71068

    Just like we used to love to sing it in the 80s, if we all shout, "oooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOH - you're **** aaaaaaaaaaagh!", the next time our upper class twerp Jamie opens his fundament and posts on here, he might just disappear up it. It used to work against Bobby Parks and Erik Thorsvedt.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 14, 2015, 19:10 #71067

    jw, and it'll not be long until the AKB's follow suit if they haven't already.

  8. jeff wright

    May 14, 2015, 18:54 #71066

    You and the other AKB's are the ones getting mugged off . And that is a FACT.

  9. goonercolesyboy

    May 14, 2015, 17:08 #71064

    Once again mugged off jeff but you just can't see how your continuous mistakes show you as a complete arse nal. Your time away from this site made it slightly more bearable but there always the muguiresbridge to keep you lot happy.

  10. jeff wright

    May 14, 2015, 14:40 #71062

    MG. the depressing thing is that Wenger has already been getting in the excuses for the start of next season's failures. If he could only sign the top players we obviously need as fast !

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 14, 2015, 14:30 #71060

    jw, and it certainly shut them up, but not TOF, as usual he found some way to try and excuse his incompetence. But what surprised me and i'm sure a lot of others was that we didn't hear, it mustn't have been working right, it wasn't set correctly, the batteries in his watch were running out, and if they'd have been fully charged it'd shown it wasn't over the line.

  12. jjetplane

    May 14, 2015, 12:50 #71057

    Lovely HO HUM. Old Lady sings and Old Man groans .... Love the AKB distortion about 'most people on here' which means about three and a chicken. Delightful Mr Sanders ...

  13. Ron

    May 14, 2015, 12:45 #71056

    Brian - thats one view of Walcotts use. The other is to accept that he 1. Cant cross a football 2. Cannot beat a full back to get behind a defence 3. Has never worked out when to pass inside or go outside.4. Never knows when to cover and fill in for an advance positioned full back 5. Never knows when to shoot once he has cut inside and when to feed a better placed forward 6. Has never worked out when to use his pace and when not too. Its my view that the best use for him is to place his name on the transfer list and make 19 tel calls to the other PL Clubs asking for an offer to be made by 4.00 pm on Monday and then agree to sell him to the highest bidder, even if the bid doesn't exceed a fiver.

  14. jeff wright

    May 14, 2015, 12:33 #71054

    Wenger can't rotate his main man Sanchez that is one of his big problems. He needs him to play in every game even against ordinary opponents.He has admitted this himself but this appears to have gone under the radar of most supporters. The result is as you say Brian that staleness sets in and when he can't pull a rabbit out of his hat so to speak the team flounders like beached sperm whales on the banks of the Thames Estuary as we saw the other night against Swansea . Even top players need to be at the top of their game when we play the better sides or well organized defensive ones. The GK situation is another Achilles heel that leaves us vulnerable and has cost us dear over the years. The fact that Wenger has to play Sanchez even against the dross of the Prem though shows that his much vaunted squad is not as good as it is claimed to be . Henry is right,we need a top class striker ,a top CB and GK to have any hope of winning top trophies. Even then we would still be stuck with Inspector Clueless and his fixed pre-match substitutions and lack of tactical nous during games to be able to change things. He never won anything in Europe when he was in his prime with top players at his disposal because of these tactical limitations that he has so I can't see anything changing now in regard to that . We might win the FAC again this season but that long ago ceased to be a top prize and is no more now days for the big clubs than a consolation one. Any team can win it and they have done. Judging by our performance against Swansea though Villa will not be any push-overs . If anyone can cock-it-up against them then that man is Wenger. Heis sure to do some completely inexplicable thing to shoot himself in the foot. Because that is what he does in big games time after time. He got away with it last season in the final and will more than likely have to do so again if he is to win the cup again.

  15. Brian oakley

    May 14, 2015, 12:03 #71053

    Wenger does not set his team with regard to the other team. To overcome a team that parks the bus you need width and speed. The first choice team is to slow and needs Walcott on the wing . He also does not rotate yet he squad so that other players lack match fitness .d

  16. jeff wright

    May 14, 2015, 10:57 #71051

    You are the mug Colesoreboy, I should have said unbeaten season and not the 49 run we all make mistakes. Jamies original claims however to which I meant to refer were regarding the unbeaten season and that the draws came at the end when they did not matter. In fact the crucial one as I pointed out against Portsmouth was early on in the run that included 11 more draws that made 12 in total . Jamie is right though that the other draw in the 49 total that extended into the following 'calendar year ' run of course made it 13 unlucky for some. Let's stickto the important things though I'm still waiting to see how it is that you can win the Champions League without winning a game . Only in loony AKB land could that happen.

  17. Bard

    May 14, 2015, 9:58 #71050

    Last night confirmed the fact that only the cash rich clubs can compete successfully in the CL, the exceptions of course are Juve, Porto, BD and Athletico. Back to the drawing board.

  18. chris dee

    May 14, 2015, 9:22 #71049

    Watching the quality of the attacking and defending of the two semis of the Champions League sadly confirmed how far away we are from winning this trophy.Unfortunately in terms of Europe we are the equivalent of a Stoke or WBA in the Premiership, just happy to be in the competition but no chance of winning it.It's not the money because we are one of the top ten richest clubs in the world.The only difference is that the other nine teams have won the Champions League/European cup.

  19. goonercolesyboy

    May 14, 2015, 9:17 #71048

    Mugged off again jeff

  20. Tony Evans

    May 14, 2015, 9:04 #71047

    Ron - re Forest's unbeaten run, I have muddled up the words ended and broke. I should never have doubted you mate!

  21. Ho Hum

    May 14, 2015, 8:35 #71046

    Oh no, ANOTHER club spending far less than Arsenal has reached the Champions League final, and this one just built a new stadium to boot! How much worse can AKB Central Command's week get??

  22. Ron

    May 14, 2015, 0:13 #71043

    Spurs are and always have been a far bigger and wealthier Club than Forest Jamie. ForestS League title and EC wins will maybe never be done again by such a Club. Thats a facet of football that makes it a pretty poor lot these days and one of the many factors why ive turned face to it in the main now. Cloughie was maybe the best British Coach ever in my view, though im a bit biased as i met him on about a dozen occasions (Peter Taylor a few times too) and met his Son Nigel when he was just a nipper. Cloughie was a good guy and far from being as boorish as he liked to pretend to the newspapers and TV. On Keepers, he paid £300,000 for Shilton and they said he was nuts. Nobosy paid much for keepers then. BC told the press that Shilts would earn Forest 12 pts each season. He was right. Ever since all of the bog Clubs have took his advce and got in top keepers. You cant win a title without one. This idiot Wenger likes making a mug of himself by trying to buck the trend. Mind you, with his defences this last 7/8 years im of the view many top Keepers would baulk at wanting to play with our keystone cops defence and for him as a Coach. Thank you for acknowledging my Liverpool point re the Forest 42 game run. I thought i was right on that one but didnt want to labour the point.

  23. jeff wright

    May 13, 2015, 23:58 #71042

    Dear Jamie, I have never mentioned Forest's unbeaten run so what are you ranting about now ? It was 12 draws actually Jamie /Pete , or whatever, and not 13 in our 49 unbeaten. So once again you show a lack of knowledge regarding AFC .Stick to the wind-ups is my advice ,you are on safer ground there. Albeit only lee KFC is supporting you on your 'you can win the Champions League by drawing every game nonsense', ,he thinks that you are being serious though... Cluck! cluck ! cluck!

  24. jeff wright

    May 13, 2015, 23:46 #71041

    MG, the funny thing was that the irate BFG and the ice cream man , obviously had no idea that goal line technology was in operation , when raging at the ref claiming that the ball had not crossed the line ! He had to show them his watch to shut them up from making themselves look even more dumb .Ffs what is going on at the club these days. You couldn't make it up.

  25. jeff wright

    May 13, 2015, 23:35 #71040

    lee KFC, your latest effort at explaining the rules of engagement in the Champions League are on a par with your explanation of what constitutes this seasons top 4 in the Prem , nonsense. your 'then win the penalty shoot-out' kind of kicks your views into touch bonzo. There are winners and losers in cup finals - you don't win them by drawing at normal time. You should try eating fish instead of chicken fish - is said to be better for the brain..... Jamerson we were stuffed 3-1 by Monaco at home so stop making yourself look even sillier than you are . Leave the we are the best in Europe to Wally , he gets well paid for making a mug of himself. Rambo the welsh wizard is not far behind him, he claimed before the Chelsea game that we could still do the league and FAC double ! lee KFC believed him.

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 13, 2015, 23:22 #71039

    jw, 74931, and you mentioned it in your next post too, the referee pointing to his hawk eye watch (notice he hasn't been blamed I wonder why? is this a first?)after our latest cock up from our new flappy, and no doubt this is what pissed TOF off so much and indeed his followers too, him and them had nobody to blame.

  27. Lee afc

    May 13, 2015, 22:29 #71038

    Hey "always" I thought we have been through all of this but in typical jeffs world, you've got to prove yourself Wright. Explain your observation that you cannot win the ECL by drawing all your games. Draw all of the league games, draw the knockout stages with a better goal difference, draw the final and then win the penalty shootout.......simple in my world but not the world that you live in.

  28. jeff wright

    May 13, 2015, 20:00 #71037

    My view dear Jamie is that draws are not wins and you can't win the European Cup by just drawing games as you ludicrously claimed. The most important draw in our unbeaten 49 run was against Arry's Portsmouth early doors and not a no event one at the fag-end of affairs. As I recall there were some doubts expressed about Bobbies tumble in the box to secure it.But as I have said before it's glass-houses and all that with glass coaches turning into pumpkins at midnight if things go awry ,so sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. At least the ref's now have a watch on their limp wrists to tell them if the ball crossed the line or not . Left to their own devices they often cocked this up . Clough was not averse to defending when required and always had good defenders and a top GK in side unlike our clown of a manager. It does help you know.

  29. Jumpers for goalposts

    May 13, 2015, 19:43 #71036

    And Cloughie's Forest won the European Cup twice in a row. Wenger hasn't achieved even 1 win in nearly 20 attempts. Thought you'd have mentioned that tiny fact Jamie / Pete / Jameson

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 13, 2015, 18:51 #71035

    jw, good post, told like it is, Ah the old Carry on's we had great fun with those a while back, we'll have to revive them, TOF is still supplying plenty of material, and there's new characters who will fit in seamlessly.

  31. Exeter Gunner

    May 13, 2015, 18:42 #71034

    All that knowledge wasted on a playground mindset.

  32. Hiccup

    May 13, 2015, 18:26 #71033

    Ron/Tony, it was Rochdale that ended the Forest league unbeaten run. I thought everyone knew that? Lack of knowledge guys. By the way, Forest's unbeaten run was done over the calendar year, which as we all know, using AKB physics, trumps an unbeaten season.

  33. goonercolesyboy

    May 13, 2015, 18:14 #71032

    Exeter, if you really think that the two games in question were similar then you are deluded. Stats lie sometimes and in that case they lie. Watch the games mate and you will see a completely different game, not remotely the same.

  34. Jumpers for goalposts

    May 13, 2015, 17:43 #71031

    Run rings round other fans?? I don't think so Jamie / Pete / Jameson --- you can't even remember your own name.

  35. Exeter Gunner

    May 13, 2015, 17:27 #71030

    Jamerson, you're in a cyber-room with them now and the opposite is demonstrably the case. It isn't even up for debate. You're shown up again and again and again, but you're too blinded by bluster to see it.

  36. jeff wright

    May 13, 2015, 16:15 #71029

    It's a results game and at the end of the game it is the result that counts. If some want to be entertained then they should go and watch a show in the West End .Come to think though the carry ons at the Emirates often have a panto-esque look about them .The sight of Ospina and the big dud German desperately claiming that the ball had not crossed the line for the late Swansea goal with the ref pointing to his hawk-eye watch flashing RED was rather amusing . Where were our CB's anyway when the cross was ponderously delivered like an overweight late parcel from the Royal-Mail for the Swans striker to head in > ? A decent GK would have reacted quicker though and pushed the ball around the post instead of scooping it out from a yard inside of his goal like an ice-cream van man does with a dollop of chocolate and vanilla to fill a cone with . As it happens Ospina looks rather like an Ice-cream van man and in my view would be better employed doing that work than he is keeping goal for Arsenal . Wenger himself however is one big embarrassment and is becoming ever more the most despised man in football with his whining about how other teams play and bad loser attitude . He really is a pathetic past it individual who is hanging on in there for the money and yet again exposed as being le emperor with no clothes. All bluster and illusion non-existent title challengers mission impossible Euro-ties away lost at home in the first leg ,then it was second spot in the league will be an improvement, also proving beyond him as well. At least the booing and abuse aimed at him by some of our supporters as stopped for now but I suspect that this will not remain so if results continue to be as poor as the last two home ones have been. Even Burnley beat Hull away so not much comfort to be gleaned from our own result. That was celebrated though by some as though we had just beaten Barcelona in a European cup tie ! You couldn't make it up. The game at the weekend v United away suddenly looks a lot tougher now than it did during the euphoric 'title winning form ' run against modest opposition and the artificial feel-good fact has vanished faster than Lib Dem seats at the general election. I don't want to piss on your parade Colesoreboy but it looks more of a case of being down and out rather than up and away with the failure again to beat Chelsea ,the poor result v Swansea twice this term and with City who we beat away by playing 'boring defensive 'hit 'em on the break football are now in pole position for second spot that looked a certainty for us,well according to some it did... any news yet old chap on when Diaby will be back >?

  37. Ron

    May 13, 2015, 15:55 #71028

    EG - The Bard has said it. Dead on indeed. In the florid world of Arsene FC though, there's defensive negative play and there's Arsenes defensive negative play.2 totally different things. Im sure theres many an AKB who can explain the difference ......there must be? Perhaps it depends on who wins the match?

  38. Bard

    May 13, 2015, 15:25 #71026

    EG. ouch !! That was a really killer post mate. Keep them coming.

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 13, 2015, 14:13 #71023

    DJ, now if it had been arsene is magic you'd had tattooed on it, you'd be going places you'd have been welcomed into AKB central command with open arms probably even given the chair no need for a vote just a look, and become a bench mark for the rest of them, with the same tattoo required on their todgers for membership (pun intented) you can just imagine them all lining up in the tattoo parlour then later back at central command showing each other.

  40. Tony Evans

    May 13, 2015, 14:09 #71022

    Ron - always glad to oblige because it's not often I get the chance! Normally I am in awe of your footballing knowledge, and how much you can remember from days gone by. I was there for most of it but names and matches all seem to have morphed together for me, bar the obviously memorable games and faces - both the good and the bad ones.

  41. Ron

    May 13, 2015, 13:48 #71020

    Cheers Tony - I'm corrected mate!

  42. Tony Evans

    May 13, 2015, 13:44 #71019

    Ron - unusual for you, but Jamie is right it was Arsenal that broke Forest's 42 match unbeaten record.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 13, 2015, 13:27 #71017

    Did you see the disappointment on Bayern fans (as well as the players) faces last night some even in tears after winning? no honourable victory for them, can you imagine our lot in that position? they'd have been high fiveing and bouncing, and TOF would have had his best Cheshire cat grin on as if he'd won something, and the AKB's wengerites? they'd have been partying into the night and all week whooping and telling us what a great manager wenger was after going out.

  44. Ron

    May 13, 2015, 13:22 #71016

    Cant be sure Jamie, but i think you ll find it was Liverpool who ended Forests 40 odd game run back in 78/9 ish! I stand to be corrected though. Teams have always needed cynicism to succeed too. Agree that cheating and diving is a major feature these days though. Its ruined football as the TV and its EEs all openly condone it as players 'entitlement'

  45. Made Up Stat

    May 13, 2015, 13:15 #71015

    Jamerson: so Arsene FC don't win league titles because the eventual winners (and the 2 teams who regularly finish below them) cheat? I hope UEFA have been informed.

  46. Exeter Gunner

    May 13, 2015, 12:42 #71012

    Ron, it's not really about 'entertainment' with these people, it's about whatever Wenger does. If he transitioned to grinding out wins the same voices would be saying what a great results manager he is and that's all that matters. I didn't see them complaining about the way Arsenal played at Eastlands. As the following from Arsenal Truth website illustrates, Wenger himself is the biggest hypocrite in this regard: Man City 0 Arsenal 2 Away side 35% possession - 3 shots on target Wenger - "We played with great unity, great solidarity, great togetherness and great compactness." Arsenal 0 Swansea 1 Away team 32% possession - 3 shots on target Wenger - "They refused to play completely and just defended."

  47. Ron

    May 13, 2015, 11:59 #71008

    All of this Mourinho bashing and people screaming like stuffed pigs saying his teams don't 'entertain'(yes, im lokking at you Westie as one eg of this) is a load of silly disingenuos b-----ks and based on nothing more than personal animosity and petty jealousy as well as being totally untrue. Do you really sit there at a footie match gleefully rubbing your hands and purring 'oooh im being so entertained' watching Arsenals crop of largely 2nd and 3rd rate performers? Who are you trying to kid? Its fooling nobody apart from maybe yourselves. If 'entertainment' is your bag, go and buy a computer game or go and see a tin pot west end musical. Leave football to those who see it as a physical sport for men and a challenge to players and their teams durability and desire to win. Brian Clough was the same as Mourinho in that he put clean sheets and winning first, played a counter attacking game and filled his teams with tough durable players. Nobody ever decried the great man for what he achieved. AFC need a Coach in Mourinhos image and with his mind set, whether some of us like it or not. Its Wenger and his flimsy, flakey, half baked philosophies, morals and ethics you ought be questioning, not whether your'entertainment' is the issue because its pretty clear to most of us whats f-----g the Arsenal over.The other night was yet another eg of it.

  48. Tony Evans

    May 13, 2015, 11:17 #71006

    Jamerson - Fair enough and I will read your posts in the spirit you intend i.e. not to be taken too seriously.

  49. Bard

    May 13, 2015, 10:52 #71005

    Westie thats self evident. Maureen is a defensive counter attacking coach but much as I hate Chelsea some of the football they played early in the season was terrific. I would prefer that Arsenal were able to dig out results when necessary, Monday would be a good example. I think the quote thing is pointless really, you can find quotes for everything, what about the definition of madness being doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Does that indicate that Wenger's is barking?

  50. DJ

    May 13, 2015, 10:51 #71004

    Just to mention I have AC tattooed on my full member. When I get an erection it say Arsenal football club are magic! Sorry I'll get my coat............

  51. Ron

    May 13, 2015, 10:13 #71003

    I reckon Jamie might be Finsbury s alter ego! Both are vital cogs on this madhouse site though. ha

  52. jjetplane

    May 13, 2015, 10:07 #71002

    Don't knock it mate. Some deep **** on that arm though the fact Messi was dispossessed and lost the ball in the space of a minute last night leads me to believe 'anyone can be the best player in the world' & there are some serious Tatts at the WOK so let's have a most meaningful Tattoo league with attached histories of how players went from kicking soft drink cans on a dusty street to giving it big in clubs in Essex. Tattoos really are the Arsenal way and time one of his slaves took JAMERSoN to a parlour and got a 'no Wobs in the UK' tatt for a start. I have no tatts or rings because like JAMERSON I am really interesting though the lusting after total freedom in the godhouse is pushing it into bonkersville ....

  53. Westlower

    May 13, 2015, 9:50 #71001

    If every team adopted the anti-football approach to 'dig out' a result, the game would die a slow & painful death caused by mind numbing boredom. As an entertainment that first half was abysmal. Good piece of advice given by a Newmarket trainer aimed at horse owners in today's paper that could also apply to football fans: If disappointment bothers you, you shouldn't be in the game. @JJ If I only attended one game a season at the Emirates it would be an 100% improvement on your flaky support.

  54. Bard

    May 13, 2015, 9:02 #71000

    Its been an odd reaction to the Swansea defeat. Some of the pro Wenger supporters on here seem to be more upset with the so called Wobs than they are about the result. Im not that bothered about the result one way or another as its a dead game anyway, we have qualified for the CL so there is nothing left to play for except the FAC. I did think it would have been better to have accepted the draw and moved on unbeaten but it doesnt matter much either way. The atmosphere at the ground reflected that. It was flat and lacked any passion and energy. Jamerson's a wind up guys, dont take him seriously. he morphs between different identities, first he was the hard man enforcer now its the wealthy businessman.

  55. Tony Evans

    May 13, 2015, 8:37 #70999

    After having tried and failed to engage Jamerson in a reasoned football debate I shall in future just treat his posts as the puerile nonsense they are. Much like FJ's wind-ups they should be laughed at and then totally ignored. Thankfully most on here have football brains and post comments that make for interesting reading and debate.

  56. Charlie George Orwell

    May 13, 2015, 8:06 #70998

    Is Jamerson a troll? Of course – but I for one hopes he continues posting as he always makes me smile. ‘Friends of mine are on salaries that dwarf Wenger’s’ That was a classic.

  57. goonercolesyboy

    May 13, 2015, 7:46 #70997

    It's one defeat after a run of nine wins and a draw. So what's the problem? Anyone would think we are in mid table with nothing to play for. Onwards and upwards.

  58. Joe S.

    May 13, 2015, 0:18 #70996

    I guess everyone takes defeat differently,some better than others. At least the players can go back and asses what went wrong and try to get it right the next game. Jamerson, however being a frustrated fan does not have these options.having deeply ****ded himself within the AKB ranks he cannot analyse a defeat critically but must take out his rage on those who dare to question the great man.Sometimes this may look pathetic as in above.I hope his loved ones find that pacifier, put it back in his mouth and allow him the time and space to deal with these teething pains.

  59. Jumpers for goalposts

    May 12, 2015, 23:58 #70995

    Jamie / Pete / Jameson or whatever you're calling yourself these days - you either 1) Take great pleasure in trolling / winding people up or 2) You're posting from somewhere deep inside Broadmoor.

  60. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 22:43 #70994

    TOF is like one of these gamblers you used to see and still sometimes do in old movies sitting around the card table hunched over counting cards (well trying to) sweating and writing every thing down, every card turned he'll write it down and refer to his notes trying to calculate what the next card/cards are, and truly believes that he can, and knows what their going to be, and when their not and don't come up and never do after all his calculations, can't for the life of him understand why, and still believes in his own mind his calculations were right and it should have worked out different.

  61. Bob

    May 12, 2015, 21:57 #70993

    Not saying Fabianski is a top, top keeper on the strength of one performance....but he was always the better of our two Poles, by a margin.

  62. Mark from aylesbury

    May 12, 2015, 21:49 #70991

    Colseyboy - in previous email I said I knew of him but couldn't remember his name. Not sure what your point is. Are you an expert on him? If so please feel free to provide me with an indepth analysis. Cheers

  63. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 21:41 #70990

    Hiccup, there are three of them now, and it doesn't take much to give him the excuse to come out of hiding, maybe he's only getting up.

  64. goonercolesyboy

    May 12, 2015, 21:22 #70989

    You never heard of Charles Hughes eh Mark from Aylesbury? And muguiresbridge Ramsey has been known as the Welsh Jesus for a long time...lack of knowledge again.

  65. Know Man

    May 12, 2015, 21:08 #70988

    Ozil is meant to be our play maker, he did nothing. However, let's blame Ramsey whose playing out of position. Excellent analysis. Jack Wilshere comes on and injects pace and is a threat. However lets build a team around Ozil who slows the game down and was bought to open up teams in situations like this. Same thing against Chelsea, Ozil goes missing. Wenger hasn't a clue. Deploying players out of position and not having the balls to drop an ineffective player.

  66. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 20:47 #70987

    Jude Jolicoeur, the Welsh Jesus, good one, and he obviously thinks he is too with his getting into costume by lack of a razor. Quip of the day.

  67. Ramsey drives me mad

    May 12, 2015, 20:27 #70986

    Dj,Jude spot on,Ramsey could be a great player if only someone coached him and told him he's not Dennis Bergkamp. He is certainly no right sided midfielder, his defending is non existent and as for ludicrous flicks that never come off, give me strength. I'm convinced his career strategy is to score a couple of wonder goals and get a move to Real, like his mate.Show us the money. Give me Jack's spirit and teamwork all day long.

  68. Gaz

    May 12, 2015, 20:19 #70985

    Considering Wenger is always going on about our 'mental strength' it's interesting to note that since TH14 mentioned we need someone better than Giroud our big posing Frenchman has been absolutely woeful!...

  69. Mark from Aylesbury

    May 12, 2015, 19:39 #70984

    Ron - top man great detail as usual . I'll google Charles Hughes when I have a moment.

  70. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 19:37 #70983

    Barnaby, you would think that, and it's certainly the best way to score a goal/goals but you see mate, even if they were capable of it, their not allowed to shoot they have to follow an old out of date managers instructions to the letter.

  71. Ron

    May 12, 2015, 19:31 #70982

    Hi Mark - Good point and one well made. Watford of course. The guru you refer too was Charles Hughes. Cambridge had a spell of long ball stuff too under John Beck. Another disciple of Mr long ball Hughes, now in a good job coaching at the FA school of excellence at Burton upon Trent so i believe unless hes moved on.

  72. Hiccup

    May 12, 2015, 19:27 #70981

    I think people are reading too much in to last night's post season friendly. It's the pre season friendlies in August that rock my boat. If things are going bad, we look to strengthen on deadline day. We then spend september's friendlies in transition ready for the start of the season which Wenger seems to think starts on 1st October. Mind you, by this time we are out of the title race, and so the post season friendlies start again. But then we have a couple of CL testimonials in the new year to add some spice to the merry go round.

  73. Juggernaut

    May 12, 2015, 19:26 #70980

    I was absolutely livid when that Swansea goal went in. Livid.

  74. Mark from aylesbury

    May 12, 2015, 19:23 #70979

    Just reviewed all the comments , Poor Jamerson in meltdown blaming other supporters with his misplaced frustration. If only we all worshipped Wenger surely we would win title upon title. The winning run was excellent but like all form it has to come to an end. My concern is that this simply predicts what willl happen next season when the pressure was on I,e Man City kick into life and we then collapse. Ron just a point do you remember Watford in the 80's they were also long ball. I think Graham Taylor followed a guru of this type of football but can't remember the mans name. Just to finish off I wonder if Jamerson came late to footballl as his back history of knowledge is sketchy. r

  75. Old Man

    May 12, 2015, 19:19 #70978

    Of course I meant to say AKBs rather than WOBs cited twice! I am obviously getting Old!

  76. Old Man

    May 12, 2015, 19:02 #70977

    What is the difference between the ambitions of Newcastle FC (ie Ashley) and Arsenal FC? (ie Kronke). There is no need to comment upon the lack of any discernible tactical nous from Mr. Wenger as others have discussed this over the years and what is the point? The WOBs will assert that Mr. Wenger has proved to be our greatest ever manager whereas the WOBs will point to 10 barren years littered with examples of his apparent naivety when faced with a tactical conundrum. It might be argued that previously players of genius – Bergkamp – Pires – Henry et al provided Mr. Wenger with solutions on the pitch and thus he had no need to trouble about such details as tactics/strategy! However, where are we now? Why did our current crop of geniuses continue to launch attack after attack down the middle of the pitch congested with bodies from the Valleys? Clearly Mr. Wenger was prepared to let this ‘tactic’ to continue after the first 20 sterile minutes of the game! Why is it that supporters who had ‘never managed a day in football’ concluded in their conversations and mutterings on the terraces (sorry – ‘auditorium’) that it was clear that we required both width and pace in order to breach the Taff’s midfield/defence? So why did Mr. Wenger (£8M p/a) or the geniuses (£90K + p/w) fail to identify an effective solution suggested fairly vociferously from the terraces (auditorium). Can it be that Mr. Kronke is satisfied with his ‘project’ providing his family sufficient returns as long as the ‘project’ achieves Champions League qualification each year? If so riddle me this. What is the difference, in principle, between Kronke’s Arsenal and Ashley’s Newcastle? I think we should be told!

  77. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 18:43 #70976

    chris dee, i'm sure they're quaking in their boots after that, maybe he intends to offer them funny fags, maybe they should have wheeled out OGL's mouth piece wally instead(maybe they're waiting until closer to the game) and they'll injure themselves as they crack up laughing.

  78. Hiccup

    May 12, 2015, 18:18 #70975

    There are more Lib Dem MP's in Westminster than there are AKB's on here today? I just hope the arseblog refuge centre isn't too overcrowded.

  79. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 18:15 #70974

    OGL is at pains to tell us, ovall I feel the progress continues, and he's winning people over, (don't laugh) my God deluded or what.

  80. Hiccup

    May 12, 2015, 17:53 #70973

    Quite negative on here today? Let's just clear this 'have arsenal progressed' debate up. Our goal difference is 5 better than last year, so assuming we win our last 3 games, we will have improved, and by definition have progressed. Unfortunately, we will have to wait to see how it pans out, so the AKB Fourth Commandment of 'judge him in May' will have to be put on hold for a while. However, I think some people are missing the point about a title challenge. We are beyond progression with Wenger in charge, so the only chance we have, is if the top teams **** up big time. City have been a disgrace this season, and plummeted to our level of 'What the hell'. To rectify this they will sack their manager. United have been one big joke all season, to which arsenal fans have had a good laugh at all year. They have been appalling, with some utter sh!t putting the shirt on. Joke defence and big signings under performing. The funniest thing is how the best team in Europe and champions elect for next season take on this sh!t United team, in what is now billed as a 6 pointer? How's that work out? One manager sweating his bollocks off with 12 months to save his job, against a laid back '4th will do' has been. As I see it, on the title front, we have been unlucky. The two Manchester clubs have fallen down to our level, but we've suffered the misfortune of Chelsea performing well. A repeat of this season will be fine by me, with hopefully another improvement in goal difference to signify progress, and let's just hope Chelsea are derailed and the two Manc clubs remain poor. And that is why I shall be judging Wenger next May.

  81. Jude Jolicoeur

    May 12, 2015, 17:29 #70972

    DJ: How dare you call attention to Ramsey’s ineffectiveness! You obviously missed the memo, mate. Irrespective of his wastefulness with the ball, desperate attempts to score, and complete disregard for providing any protection for Bellerin against Montero, Welsh Jesus hardly gets a mention. After all, he runs his socks off – the minimum requirement at any level of football – and he never hides. Don’t forget those attributes. They’re his most redeemable qualities. And don’t even think about suggesting anyone with pace actually play out wide. Theo? He gets slated for, among other things, not providing enough cover for his fullback. It doesn’t seem to be an issue when it comes to Welsh Jesus’s roaming the pitch freely. What about injecting Tomas’s pace and ability to drive the team forward? How dare you suggest someone other than Welsh Jesus gets a run out! Heaven forbid. Does that answer your question about whether Ramsey as a wide man works?

  82. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 17:18 #70971

    CJ, good post, and it never has been in eleven seasons/years (arsene knows best remember) even after we're told by the wally's and ramseys etc, that we've learned from this and that, yet more bullshyte from their mouths. And it will never be addressed (along with a hell of a lot more) as long as this excuse for a manager remains at our club, and we all know it, (even though some still think he'll change and come good, and even they know it deep down) he won't, never, nothings ever going to be any different with him in charge. And yet some fans/AKB's have the gall to question and slag off other fans who want wenger out, gone? how much proof do these people need? apart from all the proof over the last eleven seasons here we are again in a very familiar place, groundhog day, what/how much more is needed?

  83. Really?

    May 12, 2015, 16:58 #70970

    Can the Finsbury JOKE roll up and die already? Just lost 3-0 to STOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  84. Daryn

    May 12, 2015, 16:53 #70969

    Mrypd7 How many goals have we conceded from the left to right kos gets under the ball and forgets to jump and either left back we play fail to compete in the air to lose one goal like it but I have loss count how many we have conceded over the last three years .the keepers ok good backup but we need a world class keeper and a defender who loves to defend and organise the whole team .keep clean sheets you don't lose games villa and the manc.s will attack the back posts all day long let's see how our great leader deals with it

  85. Nick

    May 12, 2015, 16:52 #70968

    Jamerson what an obnoxious, ignorant person you are , instead of debating you tell people to shut up or zip it , class act you are , who spoke about resorting to Maureen type tactics to beat Swansea ? Most on here have said Wenger got the team balance wrong last night against a team who parked the bus and not for the first time.,we've been on a good run , which has secured cl again , but yet again when the pressure is on to win a specific match we come.up short, its not all Wengers fault the players were off as well, but its Wengers job , to motivate, and where possible.recognize what's not working and bloody try to sort it , but he left it far too late and got it wrong with the changes he did make , or do you think the teams balance was ok last night ? Away from home Ramsey out wide ( providing he stays there) works ok but against a packed defence at home its counter productive, Rossicky and Theo in the right were to me and many others the choice for subs , both add pace and Rossicky always looks to up the tempo of our game always looks to go forward, football managers to a man say your only as good as your next game, resting on laurels is the surest way to suffer upsets like last night ,now I suppose I could sink to your level and simply offer you an insult as a parting shot , but I wont , ni I won't , the hell I wont , YOU ZIP IT , go back to whipping your indentured workers

  86. Ron

    May 12, 2015, 16:50 #70967

    Jamie - all coaches get knocked and GG did too. Most haven't had 19 yrs at it though on an a fat salary either. Not sure that many at the soulless dome were there when GG was though to be honest. AFC havent had anything approaching a convincing looking team for 8 years at least, yet ive not seen you have a go at them/ Wenger once. Loyal support is laudable. Blind obedience is laughable.

  87. jjetplane

    May 12, 2015, 16:16 #70966

    He was clearly unhappy with Wenger's remarks and so he should be as it all sounds pretty base from a man on 8m a year. What we can see is a lack of imagination and an out of touch arrogance that will open like a bad wound if things go in a predictable manner over the next calendar (sic) year. Right again RON on the Mancs and Spuds who have at other times played some great football as are Villa and Bournemouth and maybe Barca ... Monk knows how to change his game and note how JM would park his bus if the other mob were at the Bridge and eventually they will come out and be punished. Note how Hazard did that so many times this season with help from team mates all over the pitch. Sanchez is good for some of that but too mate with him are without instruction from the bench. Re FJ even if he was a spud he is more gooner in his insights than the deniers who come on here and say well .... nothing. One thing you have to hand to Arsene. He is consistent in his failure to deliver on 'the bigger stage.' Another decade of this and nature will make a showing on Arsene's brickwork ... Make that up.

  88. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 16:12 #70965

    Dropping down to fourth place? it'll not come as a shock to some, as they've been predicting it since the start of the season, (it's our natural position after all) but will make others look foolish and red faced.

  89. Finsbury Quo

    May 12, 2015, 16:08 #70964

    FJ is an AKB in disguise, mark my words. It's obvious

  90. chris dee

    May 12, 2015, 16:04 #70963

    Changing tactics is not cowardly it is brave.Cowardly is someone who is scared to change tactics because they don't want to be proved wrong.

  91. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 15:57 #70962

    A bright young energetic manager who knows tactics and how to defend and has got the better of our old excuse for one again, that's yet another one for the ring, but I suppose the fact he got the better of TOF means he hasn't a chance.

  92. Tony Evans

    May 12, 2015, 15:54 #70961

    Jamerson - I give up with you. None of us are saying we want to watch 'long hoof ball' as you put it. What we are saying is that sometimes it is sensible to change tactics if that is what is required to win a match. You are either being incredibly obtuse or would rather Arsenal lose games by always playing gung-ho football, rather than get the 3 points or draw by being more pragmatic, which may be the difference between winning the title or finishing 4th as usual.

  93. Ron

    May 12, 2015, 15:52 #70960

    Jamie - youre just like Westlower and preach the post 1996 gospel as proclaimed by the visionary prophet Wenger. Both trapped in yr own Wengeresque cocoons.You both must have detested every aspect of AFC s history pre Sep 1996. Im not sure you even know what 'long ball football' means. Ive only ever seen it played by one Club in my life - The Dons, bless their cotton socks. I saw you say once that Utd had played it throughout their history, Spurs too. Staggeringly bad posting betraying nil knowledge of the game. If ever there were 2 teams whove never subscribed to that type of football its those two Clubs. You carry on 'hating' if you want too, others of us will be a bit more circumspect, rational and realistic. You're sounding dafter and more desperate with every post. FJ s wind ups make far more sense than you do and he probably does genuinely'hate' AFC!

  94. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    May 12, 2015, 15:50 #70959

    Winning the title next season with Wenger running the show is pie in the sky.If it wasn't for Coquelin coming into the team and giving it some balance, we would have at least 15 points less. Wenger has never wanted a CDM and reverted to type last night when a point would have been ok. He takes off Le Coq and suprise,we let in a breakaway goal.Whilst this man is in charge Arsenal will never be more than a collection of talented players thrown onto the pitch and left to get on with it.The squad hasn't been balanced for 10 years.Keep playing players out of position won't work.Nor will running Sanchez and Santi into the ground, game after game.They clearly should have been the two to come off.They are spent.Total nonsense.

  95. jeff wright

    May 12, 2015, 15:49 #70958

    Giroud acted like a big girls's blouse again last night with his antics and pained facial expressions after any sort of a tackle on him. All in all a typical performance by the team and manager when under pressure to win against opponents who put up a fight. City's re-emergence has dented the cock-a-hoop confidence of our players and Wenger with his comments about Chelsea's style of play along with the boring Chelsea cries of some moronic supporters leaves Wenger with no option but to try and imitate Barcelona style football to please the morons who think that he produces this. There was not an ola to be heard all night though. In fact it was all just one big yawn.

  96. jjetplane

    May 12, 2015, 15:42 #70957

    And what precisely is the common ground between Barca football and Wenger's effete tip tip tap tap smile tip tap smile ..... Bad day at the 'office' mr Brett? ...

  97. Tony Evans

    May 12, 2015, 15:40 #70956

    jjetplane - Can't agree with you that the closet Spud Finsbury Joe makes any meaningful sense. Today's effort with Arsenal apparently a laughing stock is pretty rich when you compare our achievements with theirs. His envy of Arsenal shines through with his every comment and he should be seen as entertainment value only rather than taken seriously.

  98. Ron

    May 12, 2015, 15:40 #70955

    JJ - I make Finsbury Joe one of our best posters on here, Spurs fan or not. Love his wind ups and so many just dont 'get' him. Look not very closely and you ll see him grinning manically like a mischievous kid as he types. The very real fact is that he so often speaks the truth and do the AKB not like that!

  99. jjetplane

    May 12, 2015, 14:19 #70954

    JAMERSON you are in meltdown and AKB Central has left you out to dry. FJ again making good posts that seem to have upset someone ... See WESTIE sneaked in a couple of numbers and still worried about CL prelims though do not see him going off to watch Arsene FC play somewhere east of Dover when he can only make the Wok once a season. Heard a smidgin of the game on the kitchen radio and twas the first half and 5 live team joking how they got the short straws having to go to the WOK. The original commentating team cried off I kid you not. There was a corner I believe at this point and a smattering of applause (ten people) and this all happening in some bowl with errrr 60 thou people in it. What on earth has happened to Arsenal FC? Make you right RON on the Swansea case who have with their manager illustrated just what overachieving is all about. Wenger is so 4th place trained now that he must have been having nose bleeds a while back when we had AKBs on here in abundance wondering where have all the WOBs gone. Still here while you lot have gone back to ARSEBLOG. JAMERSON hope you are not going to take this out on your SLAVES by giving them zero hour contracts .... Now I hear from AKBs or have that Ozil is ever improving and is a game changer so pray tell - did he play last night and what did he do? Anyway - Finsbury Joe makes more sense than some of those sanctimonious big time gooners 'who bleed Arsenal' ... If it's the current one they bleed they should be looking to get some blood tests. Maybe you have blue blood after all.

  100. Tony Evans

    May 12, 2015, 14:15 #70953

    Jamerson - I agree, Wenger is slowly getting it better (not right) and he seems to have finally accepted you can't win the League or CL by playing expansive football exclusively. Sometimes you have to 'win ugly' and that was exactly what Swansea did to us last night. His reaction to the defeat was fairly typical, and raises concerns that he still hasn't fully accepted winning matches by any means (sometimes) is an acceptable premise. It goes against his principles, well so what I say if it means Arsenal get the 3 points. Try to entertain yes but don't be afraid to adjust your tactics to suit when called for - failure to do this has been his Achilles heal for far too long. As I said before it looks like the penny is finally dropping, but if it doesn't the likes of Mourinho will always have the upper hand. This summer is a pivotal one for Arsenal and Wenger - get the transfers right (top class keeper and defensive midfielder a bare minimum) and we could be in business but the spectre of Wenger sitting on his hands, thinking we are good enough, is never very far away and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he leaves us short changed again. Let's hear what you really think, rather than your constant backing of Wenger come what may, and don't be afraid to criticise because it certainly doesn't make you any less of a fan. For me Wenger has done some amazing things, some good and some bad but I support Arsenal not Wenger and am able to see both sides - try it mate it is a much healthier position to adopt.

  101. 1971 Gooner

    May 12, 2015, 14:02 #70952

    The difference between Arsene and Mourinho is that the latter would, by hook or by crook, found a way of winning the game last night. Ultimately, failure at the opposite ends of the team cost the points. Fair play to Swansea though, and their fans - a long round trip on a Monday night.

  102. CT Gooner

    May 12, 2015, 13:52 #70951

    Listen to yourself Jamerson, "outplayed like QPR'?? We're the Arsenal FFS, we were once the Kings of London, now you just want to be better than QPR, West Ham and Spurs. No, past record is meaningless, beating the teams we should beat is what we should be aspiring to. I'm thoroughly sick of fans like you accepting mediocrity and childishly slagging others that don't share your stupid views.

  103. Ron

    May 12, 2015, 13:24 #70950

    R/K - my late Dad, would always say to me 'lad, you've no game without an opponent who its right to say well done to when they beat you, as there's always another day and another match'. Bless him. Retreating from being a regular attender at our games and taking the chance to see other teams from time to time in the last 5 yrs has for me been more fulfilling than ever all those yrs only paying lip service to his advice was. Its far better to be a footie fan than just a Clubs fan. I know that now. It never removes yr basic backing for one Club but its nice to recognise others too. The modern day anti opponent habit of fans is acidic though today isnt it. You only have to see Jamie s tired old diatribes against all and any Clubs whove ever played the game well or not to see it in action on here. To recognise an opponent today to some people is heresy.

  104. AMG

    May 12, 2015, 13:08 #70949

    Rocky the King - Flappy has the most catches in the PL this year and less drops than any keeper with nearly half the catches he's made. Looks like another player who was mismanaged by the great one.

  105. radfordkennedy

    May 12, 2015, 13:07 #70948

    Seven Kings, on gentlemen there just comes a time where you have to hold your hands up and say well done to the opposition,they did their homework and did a number on us,they flew in in the tackles early to let us know they wouldn't roll over and bided their in the knowledge that we possess neither the guile or nous to combat it,you just have to say well done to their management.

  106. Bard

    May 12, 2015, 13:00 #70947

    My god it was flat at the ground last night. Seats empty and no atmosphere to speak of till the last 20 mins. The apathy was deafening. i agree with Kev's report but in games like that you take a point and move on. They were well organised and defensively sound, we werent quite at it. We havent scored a goal against the two good sides we have played recently which is a worry for Saturday. Paradoxically it may be a blessing in disguise as most of us bar the boss think we need reinforcements. Perhaps last night will change his mind.

  107. Nick

    May 12, 2015, 12:59 #70946

    Why does Jamerson insist on slagging off any and all who criticize Wenger ? Is the man somehow above being questioned? Last night he waited too long to make changes and made the wrong choices when he did,he also got kit wrong in the summer by choosing to wait on buying a central defender, gambling once again on being injury free which given our record was ludicrous! Now he states that we have a strong squad ( when all are fit) and.only " world class" players will be brought in, sounds like a ready made excuse for inaction, the world class players are beyond our budget even with the new financial muscle, unless we are ready to bust out transfer record and completely bust our wage scale policy and possibly go into debt to do it , we need a better keeper than we have , another dm to provide cover and vital competition to Le Coq, and most importantly of all a REAL goal scorer, Giroud is what he is a fair target man and he puts in a shift, hell get you maybe twenty goals a season, but he does not have a strikers instincts we need someone to provide real competition to him someone who gambles when a shot is taken on a keeper spilling it, if we don't strengthen in those areas then we WILL fall short when it matters once again , and if that happens Jamerson i WILL however " boring" you find it be VERY critical of Wenger, in fact should we not finish third and lose the cup final to Villa then i think he should resign or at least move upstairs let Bould take over as interim manager untill such time we can appoint his replacement!

  108. Westlower

    May 12, 2015, 12:57 #70945

    One win and a draw maybe enough to secure 3rd spot & avoid those pesky ECL qualifiers. Latest odds: Top 2, Man C 4/11, AFC 2/1; Top 3, AFC 1/28, Man U 15/2. A defeat at OT will be of little consequence as long as we don't cock up the final two games.

  109. Gaz

    May 12, 2015, 12:56 #70944

    I'm not going to let one game deter me from my newly found positive outlook and thankfully Wenger and the players can redeem themselves pretty quicky with a win on Sunday. But lets make no bones about it last night was one almighty smelly dump of poo poo!!! It was an appaling performance with absolutely no drive or committment whatsoever. I normally criticise fans for arriving late and leaving early but on this occasion who could blame them! If Wenger wants to show us that fourth place isn't the holy grail as some suspect he's going a real funny way of proving it!!! As for Theo I'd like to think last night proved-once again-that he'll never EVER have what it takes to become a top class centre forward. Anyway roll on Sunday where they better not let us down...

  110. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 12, 2015, 12:44 #70943

    That's what happens when we come up against a good/decent team that know how to defend and do against a team thinking their so good they just have to turn up with their hair covered in gel to play their tippy tappy all over the place going nowhere and went nowhere, which once again came to nothing and becoming more boring. And did you hear TOF's post match? he must have used the words look four or five times, what a sore loser.

  111. Tony Evans

    May 12, 2015, 12:43 #70942

    Jamerson - I really do not get where you are coming from at all. I have just read Kevin's match summary (accurate as usual) and most of the responses to date have constructive criticism from fans that obviously care massively about the club. Your refusal to see absolutely nothing wrong with anything Wenger does borders on the delusional I am afraid. I assume then that you must think Ramsey playing wide right was OK; Wilshire for Coquelin was a good move and lastly Walcott for Giroud was a masterstroke. The game was crying out for someone like Rosicky to up the tempo and Walcott out wide rather than up front as the striker he will never be, as many others have said. Someone like you, blindly denouncing anyone who dares to question Wenger, makes no sense to me at all as a fan that cares about what is going on. As a separate point I had to laugh when I read Wenger's comment yesterday about not being able to win matches playing the same style of football all of the time, and that you need to mix it up a bit depending on the opposition. How many years have most of us been desperate to see a more pragmatic approach sometimes and why has it taken Wenger so long to realise this? Also I am seriously worried about the cup final and how many ways Wenger probably has up his sleeve to scupper our chances! Let's hope we are good enough anyway whatever Wenger does!

  112. Barnaby

    May 12, 2015, 12:42 #70941

    Has anyone else thought wilshere should definitely be a defensive midfielder cuz he has absolutely no intention to shoot, that's disgusting for a professional footballer, every footy player should love to shoot!!! Its the best way to score goals!

  113. chris dee

    May 12, 2015, 12:20 #70940

    We are often told it is small details that influence important matches so congratulations Jack for stating in an after match interview on SKY that he is confident we can beat United on Sunday.Van Gaal can stop working out his pre match team talk Jack has kindly obliged.

  114. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 12, 2015, 12:08 #70939

    Swansea should be hauled before an FA board of enquiry and asked to explain how they dare have the temerity to go to Arsenal and not stand around admiring the pretty patterns. Actually looks to me like Swansea are well run, have a young intelligent manager and don't forget also beat MU home and away. So the defeat last night is our equivalent of WBA winning at OT the other day.

  115. JER

    May 12, 2015, 12:05 #70938

    The tone of the match was set right from kick-off. It was 90 seconds before Swansea touched the ball, a throw in, but in that time we barely got beyond the halfway line. The occasional long pass is allowed, it might just have brought Giroud into the game playing to his strength. As ever when things aren't going well there are no leaders on the pitch and even less off it.

  116. Ron

    May 12, 2015, 11:47 #70937

    ....and blinkered boring boring deluded Jamie too .....

  117. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 12, 2015, 11:41 #70936

    Spot on as usual Ron, I thought Monk did a very good job on us and his team wanted at least a point for their goalkeeper. Arsene spoke before the game about playing like Barca, problem is you need Barca players to play like Barca! Anyway we always finish fourth because Arsene knows he will not be under any pressure to sign quality players early in the transfer window because he has the excuse that no top player will join us until we have got past the qualifying tie.

  118. Rocky the King

    May 12, 2015, 11:29 #70935

    I have argued and placed on record in several blogs over many years that Wenger is devoid of a tactical strategy. From his refusal to tear a strip off players at half time (They can reflect on their performance and do what is right in the second half- quote) Well Arsene if the players were so experienced and adept at tactical analysis of their games, we wouldn't need to pay you 8 million a year FFS! Next Arsene Wenger WILL NEVER lead Arsenal to win the Champions league. He couldn't do it when we had the likes of Thierry Henry and Dennis Bergkamp at the club and the players we have now are in the same class. Finally, I have to be slightly derogatory and state that Arsene Wenger is absolutely CLUELESS. Who else would put Ramsey in a wide position and let hime run, left, centre and where ever he wanted. Bellerin was isolated and did very well. the goal came from another attack down our right flank because defensively Wenger had not thought that one through despite the evidence of the first half. Theo Walcott is not a central striker and anyone who thinks that his diminutive form will over power a 6ft 3in centre back and enable an aerial presence to our attack is deluded. Theo should have been instructed to paly a wide right attacking position to support Bellerin in defence and to allow Giroud to attack Flapianski. Remember we got rid of Flapianski because he couldn't handle crosses? Well Clueless Wenger should have set up the team to create loads of corners and pelt the keeper with crosses all day. Play to their weaknesses anyone? We lost width and pace with that team last night, and now look to have thrown away the advantage over Man City. But Wenger has previous form in this regard. I recall a decade back a situation where Arsenal were in second place and the only additional title contenders, "It's a two horse race now" said Wenger... and guess what? We finished fourth. Never mind, there's only two more seasons of Wenger to stomach then we can have our club back, OH, I FORGOT KROENKE! Arsenal are so SCREWED...

  119. HowardL

    May 12, 2015, 11:22 #70934

    Thanks Alsace - I thought I was the only person who condemned Wenger's decision to substitute Coquelin and Giroud. Obviously the Monaco disaster taught him nothing. Attack, attack, attack - hah!

  120. Nick

    May 12, 2015, 11:21 #70933

    Watched the game on tv last night after twenty minutes i turned to my son and said wed either lose this to a smash n grab or draw 0-0, my point is if i could see the way the game was heading why couldn't our highly paid manager? Ramsey out wide at home is pointless, his tendency to slow moves down is irritating and self defeating against a packed defense , he also believes himself better than he is with his flicks and so forth often losing possession by indulging himself rather than play the simple pass, the pas , pass pass style against a packed defence only works if a player of vision can pick out another player who makes intelligent runs, otherwise you need to up the tempo ( Rossicky?) or get some width to , and run at defenders , or both , changes should have been made at half time , by bringing on Tomas,and Theo , taking off Giroud merely limited our options, poor management in my view, also against a team intent on parking the bus , Gibbs speed and attacking instincts would serve better than Monreal, who apart from their goal had a solid game but was not really overworked in defence , surely Gabriels pace would be more effective vs a counter attacking team than Pers total lack of it ? We must now avoid defeat on Sunday but i really don't feel good about our chances , can see us finishing bloody 4th yet again despite having been almost racing certainties to finish second before last night , if Wenger doesn't buy in the summer as he has intimated by his " only world class buys" statement, then that would be total bloody negligence!!

  121. dirkus

    May 12, 2015, 11:20 #70932

    I fear for us in the cup final. Last year against a ridiculously poor Hull side we were 2 down and could so easily have been 3. All headers against the BFG who my niece's 4yr old son could out jump. Villa will be safe, with loads of confidence, a passionate manager and, in Benteke, a strong, powerful, fast striker who's on top form. There seems to be an air of smugness about the team, which is amazing when you look at their record. After 10yrs Wenger still doesn't know that Walnut isn't even a great winger let a lone a striker. AARGH it is so bloody annoying. they do just enough year after year after year after ....

  122. Brixham Gooner

    May 12, 2015, 11:03 #70931

    Much of the same old last night. Does it really matter? It does to the fans Arsene. The attendance spoke volumes about the relevance of the game and the attitude was there for all to see. So many misplaced passes, lack of concentration, just lack of focus. The recent run has done little to convince me anything has or will change. This performance, let alone the result, confirms my unwavering belief that under Wenger this Arsenal side will always be bridesmaids. What in game management did we see yesterday? "Theo son, you haven't kicked a ball for weeks so go and play up front. That'll make you look crap and weaken your contract negotiation." "Jack, we need width so cut inside every chance you get. It'll be like trying to knock skittles down with a Ping Pong ball through the middle." We recently heard of TH14 raising doubts over Olivier Girouds quality and ability to lead a title challenge. Its all about the "T.T.Q." people. Top, Top, Quality. I can even hear the accent in my head. Does Wenger think we need a Top, Top, Quality Manager or am I the only one?

  123. Rocky RIP

    May 12, 2015, 10:39 #70930

    @ AMG - I agree. It seems that we (fans and players in the stadium) collectively coast through the game until there's about half an hour left, going through the motions, then decide we'd better step it up if it's still 0-0. I share Fozzy's frustration at our fans' unwillingness to sing. It's hard work. The whole ground gets complacent and it transmits to the players. People drifting around. We need more intensity on an off the pitch, right from the off. It's like people weren't 100% switched on for this one, which is a recipe for problems against a team that was and deserve credit for it.


    May 12, 2015, 10:35 #70929

    Poor, ponderous & predictable. Unbelievable tactics yet again - what is the point of firing in crosses when you have finished up with a batch of midgets to head 'em in? Very ungracious behaviour by Le Prof - yet again. Finally, I do wish Mr Jamerson, in particular, would simply analyse what he has just witnessed rather than submit yet another divisive post.

  125. AMG

    May 12, 2015, 10:30 #70928

    Those damn financially doped clubs like Swansea, it's just not a level playing field! Arsenal swanned about (pardon the pun) all game as if they thought they didn't need to put it in to win - 0 points from a potential 6 - Good work Arsene.

  126. Ron

    May 12, 2015, 10:16 #70927

    Swansea are a good side and well managed. I think yr comments in yr 6th paragraph are rudely disparaging towards them. They won because they did their homework, adopted their game and got their tactics right to suit a game v arrogant opponents who think turning up and gracing them as hosts is enough to win football matches. Wenger cdt hack Monks approach as he never can deal with such game plans. Thats why Arsenal are no more than a moderate team, with a past it Coach in a moderate league and are going nowhere fast. As for the game v Utd, they've no chance. AFC bit of glory there to last them for the next few years occurred in the FAC.

  127. Mathew

    May 12, 2015, 10:12 #70926

    Oh dear, oh dear... the pain endured in supporting Arsenal. I tend to keep my joys limited when we started winning, deep in my thoughts I always knew. I hope next one at OT will be a different story, as LVG and team has gelled enough. What are we, passmasters ? We don't have a plan against teams who have parked their bus, period. I am not sure calling for Arsene's head will be the answer, but certainly he has been out thought by few managers and he didn't see this coming !

  128. Colonel Blimp

    May 12, 2015, 10:03 #70925

    Bad show from the men last night. The first wave failed through a lack of firepower and the second wave reserves were sent in too late. Blasted enemy caught us with a flanking manoeuvere. As for that fellow, whatshisname, Flabby Hands or something, always suspected he was really working for the opposition. Damn fifth columnist.

  129. DJ

    May 12, 2015, 10:00 #70924

    Anyone else think Ramsey as a wide man doesn’t work at home to teams that come to defend. It is a decent enough tactic away when we need to be more defensively solid but at home we need more width and pace to break teams down. I also wish our manager wasn’t so churlish in defeat it is the only thing he matches Mourinho at!!!

  130. Fozzy

    May 12, 2015, 9:58 #70923

    Questions must be asked why Wenger did not learn from the same fixture two seasons ago when Swansea used the same tactics to win 2-0. We could see after five minutes last night that we needed some width to break this lot down, but neither the team selection nor tactics could do anything about this. Messrs Ramsey, Cazorla, Sanchez and Ozil provided no width whatsoever and out only wide outlet was Bellerin on the right and nothing on the left. The mandatory 70th minute sub by bringing on Walnutt should have been in place of one of the midfielders. Astonishing decision to take of Giroud and play Walnutt up front, who will never be a centre forward as long as he has a hole in his arse. There were so many people inside the ground last night who seemed happy that we have got the FPT secure so all we had to do was to go through the motions. The crowd was dreadful in numbers (the offical attendance of just 11 short of 60,000 was a complete lie) and attitude. My efforts to maintain level of chant from the back of North Bank Upper has bloody hard work. Here was out golden opportunity for some stirring renditions of "It's Happened Again", but very few joined in. Not happy.

  131. dirkus

    May 12, 2015, 9:57 #70922

    It's the same every time. 5 relatively easy cup finals to show some improvement but no lose first one! Even against Hull 3-0 up halftime and instead of putting them to the sword, increasing our goal difference to allow for the usual inept performance we lose the 2nd half! For Flappi to be man of the match says it all. Wenger has never worked out how to break teams down. Giroud is not, to quote Wenger, TOP TOP QUALITY. Can't do it against top teams or organised defences, but that pretty much sums us up for last 10yrs.

  132. José

    May 12, 2015, 9:57 #70921

    The Arse are so easy to play against, their tactics are so predictable and anyone can park the bus to keep them out , then when the team have run rings round themselves, take a chance to score and haul up the draw bridge – it’s in the George Graham handbook after all , hasn’t Arsenic read it? Some Champions form for next season eh! he is not ready to break the eggs and the eggs are not ready to go for life at the top level.’

  133. Rocky RIP

    May 12, 2015, 9:51 #70920

    Finsbury Joe - A Tottenham fan calls Arsenal (who have just completed 20 consecutive season above Tottenham) the laughing stock. Will you please listen to yourself. You are the gift that keeps on giving. PS. It's 1-1 at Newcastle.

  134. Jumpers for Goalposts

    May 12, 2015, 9:49 #70919

    And once again Wenger is whingeing about the other side "refusing to play". FFS - What does he want opposing teams to do? Just stand back, admire our intricate passing and applaud each goal with a hearty "well played old chap"?? With that kind of mentality, we are guaranteed also-ran status as long as Wenger stays in charge!

  135. chris dee

    May 12, 2015, 9:48 #70918

    Sorry can't agree that s**t like this happens and that there 'are going to be games like this'.If we want success games like this do not happen.Three points last night and the game at Old Trafford almost becomes irrelevant, but now it has become unnecessarily more vital.Last nights game was far more important than Saturday and should have been treated as such. Very very disappointed with Gary Monk and his players for not issuing a public apology to Arsene for not allowing our pure and untainted'football philosophy' beat Swansea.

  136. Wear Your Colours

    May 12, 2015, 9:31 #70917

    In the first half our passing was too slow and we tended to look for a direct pass too early. Both Ramsey and Alexis were guilty of wasting possession on several occasions. Things improved a lot in the second half as we moved the ball a lot faster in the final third. Unfortunately our finishing was poor. Monreal, Giroud, Cazorla, Ramsey, Alexis and Theo all had decent chances in front of goal. However, Fabianski was like a magnet, everything went straight at him. Alas, we paid the price for our profligacy when they got their late break. C’est la vie! We have handed the initiative to City in the chase for second spot but there is no point fretting over spilled milk; we just need to roll-up our sleeves and win the next one at Old Trafford. COYG!

  137. Rocky RIP

    May 12, 2015, 9:23 #70916

    @ CJ - my thoughts entirely. We never make it easy for ourselves do we? On the video technology - the doubters, detractors and Luddites claimed it would slow the game down and break up the play. Pffff. Unequivocal and CORRECT decision reached in seconds. No squabbling players surrounding the linesman for 2-3 minutes and endless debates for years to come.

  138. Finsbury Joe

    May 12, 2015, 9:18 #70915

    A pathetic performance, the mighty Wenger Gary Monk!!! just goes to show why Arsenal have become a laughing stock of world football, and all except the AKBs and the equally deluded manager recognise this. Arsenal do not deserve European football, a team only there for the money, not to try and win it. A viable business a joke football club. Just hope Stan pays his rightful taxes

  139. King Jeremy

    May 12, 2015, 9:15 #70914

    Well who would have thought it - 4th place secured and good old Arsenal revert to bad habits. It was clear after 15 minutes that their collective attitude stank - "it's only Swansea". But never mind I thought, our £8million a year manager will change things at half time. oh dear. Fabianski is quoted as being the keeper we should have kept, and while that may be true, he wasn't really challenged by a team instructed by a stubborn manager to keep bashing their heads against the metaphorical brick wall that was Swansea's defence. What would another manager have done differently? No idea, but I bet they would have at least tried something different. 2nd looks a distant dream now, and if we take a hiding at Old Trafford (a possibility if attitudes don't improve) 3rd could even become a far bigger challenge than the required 4/5 points suggests. Finally, wouldn't it be nice if our manager was gracious in defeat for once.

  140. Mike Collins

    May 12, 2015, 9:14 #70913

    Awe-inspiring stuff from young prodigy Theo (26) and the even younger and more prodigious Jack. Thanks for your efforts, lads... and the exit's over there.

  141. CJ

    May 12, 2015, 9:11 #70912

    When do Arsenal ever do it the easy way though! The result was inevitable and a nervous display at Old Trafford will most likely follow, followed by a fight to the wire for third. Would you see defending like that at Chelsea? Most definetely not, will we see it addressed next year? Of course not.